Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1879, p. 4

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i hrough bis memeor nida h.$midi "Can f ut me u §heosang si trlut -ta love ooinplebd hbu vihi mlkg me lbq tsar.>.Me." tife's patI odo-d> s nier,>. and il1 1Md 'We aubei ro ilde eviftl>. ion sa8h old, soemsseve e a F s t dua vomis Modem fate? And 1,>Ia'der r oislop t e t ôf love ww. toiii ito 'ey'1e.rt for Allimu 1a Iw. et'oImau sdeabhIo te#et Lmrat Ho¶' eould' 1tb*owdo il taswIe had, beau asent t.e rwt mjcfile ;su d, Aboya &Il, boy coua 1 uia om him, at1lo>e eve7 isop 'bat <ipareaaéd the dis. fané~e b* tetight l.e bolveen ne for ail 04ce, .twt once.,ie dobtbld me,, H leh-1 l ,eamd tiret inonda ver.- tryfug te inlueanom me &gane& hlm, aud tha liant of imfi méd passion b. caneu p te aso m. Auger, intense angor wre lu bis blltzlng eoe,'and the ilrcest epproacb, -tw) lrîi lais baagty flipsocmlie fâmeadmie, lb.trot biiaelio aven frownod îapon me $pycu las.ebaoi Se ôter# like th. uit of liein P 1 thîauk yon,ha @ci')ilie froeiug loties, 11 bmwht do.,you cuenu, Alian :2" I a.isan ltiua thé eWodares ta &Peak Wordm vhf ob saîl laka yo svsy (rom' bis, otcu iiipbrave enougilite face '-diathi 'ltelf ; (rIi il a' 1 ang up ancd covered lie quiver- ing Il 0 vltb botb My. linds.V 1) te etIBamy ILAllan," I crieil, "IP arn y èuni aalwl..Oh, do keep backP thie vihkad vords V"# Ht auglit me lu bis arma, and banal I bleréa I1n"ol'aw mmanubreak *dew awn hchy before, and I ulve anut 'tomasinIt vas fightinile mes$ni>m bmuYW,is nbrave loyer goseaeken vit i eSormn sobo. Bat I knav tben hbey Wol'bdlcved m;ab e I1 ev theaon Who e holiwvas qaet, ho m*de me gcti upon uy kneasi, snd vltli my band P Ifited w~arde bemven, ivear t I i1 wouId bïe 'his for aoer, in mpite -of cli taI tiaji vbolewvend nifgl Base.. I vaa gladi nmluuglimte do IL; sud vben,-mter. wardoa,Iao sldd, vitîx litebaud claspi'ag M mine ýaud bath ýrined,*"An- I do b>.t1 bluen, BO > a> Divine Justiceado b>' me '0 ief1yrthi" theligli bis terrible earnest- e nutes scande me oliver as uttle, Iva an IlîAnkfýul le feel tte ,tmuse euiech t allie'r pI faseÏ, ut e.paRS al doubit- e in gfor ever. V.o ore rrsmne con-aýter, sudcaur re lita lisian bogaler. 1 kuew vell ie enîuugljwlat mine. vcn ieh. I lad foi ilotia ta'& e pstâ (oh cf oil, fragmiatt Aliees; Il vas lobesafearfti, if uoath Iln srogg-llIkely belL;j for, sither B I m et ttamthie 1ornant cf cu>..darling'm -u litefij 1ve sbonld go 'down together, ai No a& orhl>. paver coula separagsa N LION. lBut I vas îSraug lu the greel lùoeI bar,, hfîn,sud cu>. lieart nover Bn onge falterJed. ' l FoA m iontb sitor eur nuarriaga lie i camel ne-eregnlimily-hler apparent 00c- r aupsei vaa.liadelerknk lel-kuovu Imai; làSI knew,ôcliplI>. Ithet hic.da reatl "îapleynie.u.vsm tam en ongh- ro. aîîavud reom euySlug ae honorable cm tlitit-b il then lie began isc reluru laSer nîrîtil u(eteô, twa, troe., sutl eccuticu,. four U'c -« weiuid stnike wîbliout bing- 1 ritalved astlircit uas 1 woild ai- wityî rémaie up'util leocme, Ihink-. fig bilI miglistlium ihavei lions liolti u Pon u . -My botinasa vas tn pave Ilîun. Notiiavs Soc lirdita liadoua If' 1 ii~t but rusdli dueSgoal et leat. > A.M 1Id oai . isbean Sua raton» i ler tlo'w1d Share gnew ta liebahuggard loonk tipôn bisi.face whlch I Vas dreaà-d t fiîmIt ta sel ituce 1 knew, osaI>. l6ýea vli, »R wilat lut-tigla i libsre. Iati I Sied te bli pebeelt ; and vhen.'rer ha - camp, wag coretul ont le mae ke k. llibent allusion uto the la.îuiels,'oi (h. bour. ' Il wcaidnot do vîtil M. W. BamIdovu bv ose or 1n Ipeusfted lu' havingit . 'ler se hi. eyem 1111 many aud masy au lIane vîen he loked aI me ateedil>. itasi hlad m wa>* cf dOtng. bh a dnot baIitmme1111. thoaghlssud 1' prI- ended not t( otce' whle i ettefldeod 10hlme It in' nAvtal thiug' for a voman la s. ltae1ubAnd cof lier love going doscu eteadllv. bus '.nm-lv. ,asefrehop .. t..i.î vins elle poverlesu o i i4oee4 cap liow mimerAI wives, vl;wso linsbbâudo tc lire, <oould Silli elf thcugli Allen 'va. lon 'lieu wti nIe~du !,by .nberb theg bcct ývemthfugr weiit ~ aud no0vi tebut wc'aMd( toik lea L ut.Pril adamotig thom th*. ai broak Dmift ou, ont lno the lonesomc, boiind.ý ý laes vblhiem walbovis upIliellaits audleavos olgu'2 .t "No, ne," I cried, vltb uny bande lh. fonrt'li year alter car inarrap- 10 o gi eî cmis like an otemnity 10 Iravol saab a 'rond as I bcd beau trar. ellng-Allan came home at dusk ansd IM ome "t iate bring - iü1sow sudi itoidu-h 1fog exaltation vhiclî. 1 aaw upon bis fac, hlald me loeto tii è ra> u st p e!betoreapatig f.uydf vl bcdbeen eue cf al>. ddig pýro- seuls for hlm. " ,,Four years egoIhat vax au exat DO"aasiOf iY,,vife," ho raid. "18h. bas cbad4ed éainetheja."1 ý :, "ule1, I trust," 1 answered. "Sh. becoeMny vife fraely," la vaut ou; "lauovlng well that I vas vwhab lth enrd eal$, bri>. aenougli, a vlekéd cman." '"Alvays good 10 me," Iesad, tlircuél toars. lyfog aMY-baud lmusbiugly iu hie. "#Alva>.. cruel te yPUcMy love, since ho thouglit aior. cf bis 0*c eosen ini, thanc your peaceand pléanore. Bot Ib if. vho lOVed Meanalink haavnhi, nui! vho lias stood hmavely by me, bas eeuqauered et lest. 'For a pear Ilivo been à fre insutroe.and hcuest ; aud Ibis lacuMy Dew year'i preseit ta yen, bail anîl-trneat of tvbmeu," I vas sobtting in iso armo,, mc thauli. fulandlhapplIbtoaglit bohealisoîf mauetl ave faIl.u1 u>. myfpet, Our lit- île .blld,, wvlin hfastb ga t wards his .teap,, vould neyer btdiÏve hie fa- tber hail ver-beau other Iban lb, bet of moen, .îp, iujeed. I hard>. vould cuy. self, 1aam tbmnkfal, evary day cfdaMY IfS. thst 1 llstened 10 ma ny 0w. hert'à prupiâg,, -notsled cf lb. 1ecuuiel cf t= 9 ,Who meaut, I kuow, t hlîp me:_ but vbc voald have rmineil usbotli lit heir wSh eenmufalliled, lItuIORPRovsERD.-M,0 cf straw don't make tlb. boSbricks. 1', la uarmov bed that-haî no tumfng. Wbucoe 18 sent fiying out of the'wludow, it'i p9verly that coma nusnlu thble dor. The, pig blat plenea 10 live àmust liv. 10, pleame. On.ecman inay steal a hedge, vliereas another man dament as much as look ut a herse. Short r.enta cske' long frieuds ;and itl holds good equcîl>. îitIucrlandord -and!Our aiothes. Mois> makeasblie gentlean; the wsutcf il, the fellcv., Wlinvioe men rali out, Shen roguesm cocuse by vliat in Dot their Own. Pive yeams- n uhlbpenltentimry w the sentence received ou Salurday1 Parker and Taylor, 1h. Ville Mai The ancuncement comas (tom Bali more thal Madame Bonaparte died liat eity un lant Friday. Sha ai the wifs of Jeroino Bouaparte, brott of the firsi I>apoleon Bouaipitle, vho elie mnarriod an Baltimuore lun'1808, b ug sbaroely oiglilcen years. of âge lic time of lier cuarriage. Sbo lefitg estate valued aIt 1,500,00o. -Several Yonng cmen loft É IIol roently te join th. Mnnted Polic aving be eu selecbed an recmuits (or lji frce. Mr. Sothern (Lord Dundreary), wft fe Duke cfBeaufort, Sir John Be Bart., aud.-1Mr. Florsnce, mIntd sar îg (rom, Quebea early iu the. mmi 3n a six weokm' llshing expedlition1 Koiatshqnaiëver, a, Iaguldifcelýi Fg M=0 satain2W50 mile.rcinGao% Banin b>ess. The river lias been rau lbyM-r. Sîlîam for dre yeare froi lae Doapartment cf Marina sud 'FinI eresint aI ayearly rantaj cf .$4591. ce 'ti )s rt ai Pt 'I EMULII PURtODLVEOI W/lT H HYPOPHSPHES ortiU&SODA =le oabn aa pIrfa tI.,dabn faim tha Lljea. "Ou ha i9hthhest naimma. TtIi, lb . Siifo te cdicý, vii effîd btewasddsbiiln. ted ila. hrsce tcl i esio, nrihes tha od, addsflcsj, and uirengt11d f«r Con kmln mcd al"i et, fthe ofma «i- themalsand ailiodr.'. cf the iilood anti '!*ne t. Cbihiy, n. Cad yC'ha. bc,î ouid 10 q --. ,aloaplcddsci f'r Coughsiid o&omleby ail Druggcisaîi perbotula. L'or sale b>. T, .WlalWibý 1VERPUOL, UJ.LNDONffûE,Y OF BOYAL MAIZ STEAMsmJps. TOTAL ASSIETS-, TO FARMES -AN£' DO YOU WANT-J-O E To' buy more laid for yourusee orfg;, a baru f To fonce, cloua., underaramii To pasy off-a Mortgage or other debts2 if e c~1oreduceil termetcf the. &ND 8ÂVINGB O,"S OMPÂNI, affod'e Loani it'lb.lowest rates, and for ile sd -, T~E-SJNKîNG F ~EM h senarahi>. adinltled 10W the bemt end sursa~ sud eheapesit pics, evor yel dmylmedfar.pra.ti. fer .necamig 1the isg or isa ..mmes oS labliitr..T+i l'oz A» a mixai ' im-oyo ROI ositt Y«"ai ed t ObmaderZte rate Oftola fuot 9 Ltla .1 acntubL3 e manlisadvmsed. no doduaisblgaefram laop meste lu advaseeormif dalr.d, f« or itotersees snd etiaer em & BSmO-Yen eau -Pei%>a Vtàromo mon".lltàees ai la eowt by, r.. sasi »%" btl1Àes e , p »a or ttb,-Tosuemilaet psyId aky y l LUI. ?Yu-ouou ia e o o u on euinaibc S1 mvy ra-te , IImsusd wh ule ea m i>'biea tenrsa ulucn ath. Yenc a y ff o tsesr Mopia.. s1û]4 yeu afalsisroe f.uîhtrbo s subleat0timerey Co nre tna.ldvd aa ~ oiar~ oo at'ýeïitatoi lb eau have ne pcsslbet àalerosaieii OPà i s.. b mo andee inou la otfithIien.du r dvs S tci oe 11 e a our tlu 1 aymesfr a thvr an m m =Eba s. as los 15mfsteLioa àhoas niai> cthe indrenybrnup0U.rsp>.J1 we~ lug ob and ae ni, INS1A.MUNTREQURSO T RIP y A L aNLicO-ý oii TtOLii ~ P~em 1 nT I . Yr Thole ihintalnieuts, payable eam » th nde., m er,pey c9f ci[re dqbt Painejipa c4 lierto THE HIOMEIT PRICE 'PÀID FORgit OOD MORTOAGE1S i <'on PUTiEE NvoBmA&TIOIi API'LY Tt s0 by e wi F c. .v ilirvcem vA yl . oLluIax. le; 270 Mles Oceâq Favigation sýrBd 1 wrOr Shortemi $'Ca Passage, Economy, Corn. 'g~ ~ ~ ad tte fot vrgeiasgrom Land iîder - to LnBiltDoael ider- - )w it, Every 'Saturday frbni Halifax, tuer on a rriva! c! dthe train lavingWhitby ible TNOiU un YEOVWHWITnr. Iet Obln tares reduùced Ïlà he8~81 and 891, keep'L accordlug te position ci stat6rcou,, Loweir ___ ýrt fr returu tickets. Interaiatc, 140. &Sni ,lulý., p rl1 plan St epsptusogweu orwb hýdto Loii. fI ondsrry6itenlbo Queenstown, tou, Isava~o1 , bP"08 e' t oy~ces tUs '~rogh nndIa~Iarjofrand l;ae=Ior tg a GE. ULEzj. to ~ ~ Xp can -* tu. mTel.-oMcç, 8r0A moocet, pin. Liumber, wolenoe IiInch Boardu, = fr'alei, lt gl, - " M,000 laiit, q= Mi AIL1 wl&h 1 bue t> mit llIty;1 su.d 'dot, overtl Have now te d their Sprl.ny atnd Sum ' stock of Dry- t. ý odekeiiq cet good.in Sa eeihleftaere - tiorect7 t4 &movm jýRei b.o mucls advance p e, z: i7îe Olotk and Pint aitesnt. TtOokand Teed crtmiwf. ' ' T& resè-Gods 'a 9 o partment. in î,e of thfe Silice, T'elm 'o Coodje, lre' mànmfac- tiéred in Ca4aa,, tiutdi vr ir/tet wv,*l lie co8iVq»e>M ilî vàw ofINtJ atde iitini<lly Chat they w r oîmiate. enouyh <o me 14e twhole of- their' noin valuable etaC i sbefore gthe aferesa(d. FFcerne ilito ejecet, and deir Io, ire thcir cusboier. the. 1 benefit titeir pîrcimawSe. Couie8oju aqn jing yourfremds and neighbors 1 pou ! '111(1 flue 'romise that Izinil not regret doeug n0, Y ,os y !Uqscc*uy, LAING dl STE W..4 PRESH GOORI awd Liç/ztor, Brandies, Ale and, PoIrter, at, DUNDAS STRE ET, WIITBY. ilebig's Extract of Beef. 'Cr8 Amylaceous F6od: orl - irry Fowder, cepared Carrots, ýepared- Bix4q1, a Flour, ugal Chutney. UsSrgMeaq, RESfl litby, Mari iwford's Coru Flour. Potted Tongue, P 4,d'wi; nd Chieken, l'oUed G aie, 1Pojýted Anchovy Faste, rFotteu .evilec ' lIam. OYSTERS. t ljUIT J eh 101h, 1879.u I. tl.1 P~IN G,O 1~S A large and sel1ect stock of Spring Tweed. just to hand, at ý'ho, for<'es 4s yeCŽ~~ URPASSED t Ail garments made up in the IIJATEST ýSTYLES 0F FASHIION ndtthe LOWESTLIIGÂs SrrLNG HAT8-tOt-8tlS, and at ~~h Ot ,. 8' O., r ,; ~ ~ ,~tTT Fr~ T JSON ab U t h.tIMy tif j j LÈ< A LARGE STaCx EÃ"Rî i ÂDIM-lNDc;EWS, I LMIBE8AND tfflLÉvE,AiÈRTHél RE 0 ~-ETR~lTWHEITBY., umOY uvýrmPP9Ototet : pieuses, noit dr(outh) totIesa' Lo H xee', vrr t h e r e p r e d ,t o re c e l >'. o rd e rs f o m lI W h o *111 H a o ple a s e e v o r ilé g u est styles ana f iehion . Ladies' and 0' BAY - INEN. A PECIÀLTY.'~ ~~~~ + WAiL'>À.-Dreish> fitled froin measuremn don é litwout dhsge -'f-'a tit,,I.l Agnte wnte , -In , mi fent l ib e r a l i d n'e m e n n t s . t. t ~I.hndic rm iisnaeîs<l cc :0?t BEIWING »MHNES ci thre Deat Manufacturera,, IN(Waranted.) Customar. attendod' vitir pomptiîi4 d sagi«D RAj( Ordere Iby m ail'caefu a.stten ed te.liaeî n ge r WA2NTED by lai Apri, a Compeet mni n ra-ikr THE -MISSEs MCI1TYe, .Brock.mt.,:Whil WHITBY- CHINA TEASTORE, Umm, PLASTE, PLASTEF WHOLESALEAND lIE TAIL. Butter, Egs, poultry, Apples, Ried and 1, AlIsike Clover Seed. Whitby, Felirnar>. 111h, 1879. BRI? WN dlPA TTERSON'Mtj'g. W.J. GIBBON, Whiilby China Tes Stor wEIfrB~iY~, Ia-Pr0etng ÃŽur Twenty.soeeond Animal calalogueo~f AgrieulturalIimpie. ment& t0 th. farier. of Canada. for thb. yesr 1877, we do- mc with more than th, ordiniry dagme cf pride and ooufdeneeÃŽ, frozn- the marked favour and patronage eone&td up ' ne, andhe sleadY &md increaning demand froin year to year of cur.,pcel be PÉin ImplejPîînla. W. iial eonfnu aqhemofoe, c maufatur e r0zke a specialty of ~ J o h n l o n S e f - r a . k u g L a er , l , T r i u m p h C o c u - sub 1 à.àYong( ,naMoar, and -TO Fo.) I t wey 0cyem w.hav ivn o urvotafu, m U dv- tîlnlittolb.mifieurecul opmsionof he arinsmachines iii use, eitiu on thé bo t ôf tÃŽ em e dy fng dofeà t i, m odify fng a d eorre elfng ,errors, stresspphepingweau points, bdaplin and prôporitfoniug every part asor increas. ed'expeiencoe bas suge. W. em Iyo lh é~ neaia àlladcrMachie. p ana.under the. cuba haeM uper1meh I fiy-,,.eyery delcil bing eubjecled 10th. sever- 0.1 ritei.n-siâ iohmapineimleroghl leledefoe<Iavi g ur worka, ca10d up l e bwanto and requxeeot f ur, mnunfa re olaiingaàtor. ongh knowled e of tbe constrnoîlon cf our mu hines, and are tlium enable& toi ob- Egm of skiMd Wo1loýeMcy, thon vhere general, manufaeîuing, la earrfa'd on. n We.ar. thèretore enibled 10 ¶lbodnoe.-a zanre perfectmyatem imb aillthe de- pertinents cf manufaeture, adding not only tô Ibýo eetioni of the vork,.but ai- 'ab lo4hui"aidfIr tidzedulion-nia oonnequeiit reduelion cf eostý Tbf. prncipleisrgr- e e aryf el euaestablishmlent, and Go re. 5~ ?.-,PRÉON'SJF-AKN REAPER aiàui.wh. av ~4er4 0 e odoiudm Fhito nca thoot keep. ing nup taîhe liprovemens; bihaljue t le Onreadp useu- ? leo a"tt ht ve bave mcdifiad it in almoit 'àeêa ndfrarnl *noY# 1r. ofctùlanf(xm & grain ; ligltues. of 4re . o àgeme Ji."t islon an faetorid by us-stands prl-eaifnenlly chead-of a&U other reapers. i rpco Ibis poition-va bave ooîy 1 poin t h aa yFiki Pries avawàdedoU-a o lu.t Provincis alr f On- lc4oo»& ~ny.cosuy tria,hloiý 4a'ratak place' afitoVér Canada, vithin R 4RThIÙMPH O-OMpi N F M-ACHNES, w<ihla. mprveant, s~al halec~ l~adesirad lu a Conubined Macin,, sud 6amofal~~al~hQqbReboul0opmhasers. 9uýIpro7aug ke J,y ~dAmp Yound Ppgdû oMs Saynge, r. hem a roar cUl, sudl.Yuiouctrtua a bôth uhrong, dur. ble mm '49, t in e 6 ~dbycy n slb màkelfrpRt. tut duii ll<Ja4qf #Ï,%: anlyadeuie of! nstmuatL 0 NE W'«WHIT VE ~~ of~~ai4.0hinesl4 tvugdiadba jua jpfor a L ghbt, D ur able, irtC îsas ie j r A bive to tbeaJ i étIun of th@ da"y,&,bêIave s ueeed a U in aa à o i n e w iu I ' o g b T d ar a a i v l h a o s s « I . g " .l u - l t s ~ e * ,>, - »LM ý M new ' £-.&rafof 30 Ëer cen,., w. ai solling White eait 's S8al'-for '42.60 ansu 2fi ors Mt,, alunes. ]rckery, iChin], and. ewtal,ý.çulyow, of .vhid4a lb havé > alasi à'tock te ariva in le dy-e ;cBw Patern - . 9. TesSels, t] Cypmua beautifuil>.chaued. Ldies pall and see Iheru. New Teas, a large stock of ail gradeÉ Anüàuauy oheai sugeie ld ,ieg 81st h aàr coneigumeat > thoie.fiia Curraut 26 lis., tfor $ÃŽ.O. ian a ifeid, 'eede ýon hqùd àmd toarrive,.-M Geohoral Pnbliqare-respectfnUy in'sited t6"call nd accore good Bargai beor lte nvTarif compela an adysuce in pie. 7 -WATED.-Anr quaniity of freal I ol 'Buttèr, Drie 4pple>otatees, eko.s Yonrs ]Respectfull>,t My Stock of FC1 RA oPlt n vRy Une IsowCoplteiE.very LONeO. Yery Special Inducements t oth ose' STARTING iHOUSEKlEÊIING. U N D E R T AKAG Full Stoûck of CasketSý, Coffinsand Iail the necessaries iu this lUn. l Ahty WcoEL-APPINTED18AR7. Whiby Ocobr OthL177 FWLLAM TILL'SND FACTR 'A ROM FURNITRE WAEROYM Go where you cannot fail to« be pleased i in aking selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drai B oom and Bedroom S-ets, New Designs weil worthy of=seto, Qt astonishung Iow prieies.' Dini ing-room Extension Tables-a very superior article. G-i mics,1ietre m angi n eve. r sA Tle 1oe Ine ,Chromo In ail ils branches; funerals fully suppliod, A stock cf elegant c'askets. Coffins alwaysé on, hand, trimmod bo suit Ci.stomers, and a weil appointed Hrs.by constatlyir dinh, !hibby, November 241h, 1875. WM. TILL. CARDI PICTJJRES, $1.00 PER DOZO. The workby the New Process 18 suiperior to anything. of NeThe the~~~ kidytinrdod It COM]pletély re-Voîntionhzes -the ~n art 0f pat otographyj Cailicationce anci get hie1 THE.Ih Have recentl And the.m The paîrci auzi -l asmnrad fort drol.b IL.R uFiORnl O CAS FO WR~ T. P. WHITE., Whlvl,80th Sept., 1878. -41 MVONTREAL, TELEGRI PH Co. 0CEA'N',C0ABL ES. TisePublia are inform.d liai thiteonnec- lionsO et1h. Monbedsslograpii'oma Wihh the, Atialier Gables are, of:the 'meA direct'sud-relaible oarmoler. The Amgle AmnicanCable Co=ipsu. ultia vsiico n- secio t mda~bals'lraa airàte cnt posibe ubrruio fa t m5e'ad lb. iil erv0oof Campaala]eie> dresses m0d.v1fbmit cbafsfmi'an albe saie day. o ' o ilber LEýVI STONE.- Bemoyed t0 die t)ntalio Block,Brock-S.., the old pla'ce, tdogr t th. montrea -TelegrapLOrna.e. Thi, place to GÉT A G09D JOINT -AND - JYICY,, STEAK 1- Hsm~ to anicouidebt tinhnbît- ansO v yand'vieinity, Ifat e bas op.ned a FLOU-R & FEED ,TORE lu citjon wfth hà BtcM*hopSwhere I" wilm Q ahve on hâu4i A LARGE B TO E P Choice Flour, CrLktcliehlat. Oatmeal, 0o4ei Oats, Pgras,,L ~ta. c Qremdeliversdl i n nypr\ol thetown. À cmll iioicll.d. Dec. 11,88 ~ (fc AUO1T/ON 8A14 ff- Orders by rmlor tele ahatended to.- ,N.B. - Sale aohmnd lank notes free. - L. F. * t.is iHuàu, M..ail by the New Prooess. . ~. .~ PiCtures taken The BROOK S. TIREET, - WHTY Has ma rcevdiet froin the Mannfa4ctmrMa assortment ࣠Laie s> and &entlaxnen'Msa Emr tu ~d Americàn Also, Pa«iflë Bags, 'Cheap fer Cash. Foiùr iore of 50c' .55ê,-760 sDdA$Ii.O Pzqneila Boýot»s, OUTTERSBGi aore rap. id frocu the City Oocunisin.luB.an ha, lNG B, CaMant. AND;* A Large Asso- FOR. SA ýe8t JYrneg WM. TILL. 1 Tui FOIR SALFi -A-fli- ';- TO THE PUSUIC-0 1 W bj pe w' at th d' î- er to 1 1 f 1 ý'ý un£ Thè 1 1 .1 1 m 1 Il. il 1 Bleuhant iný+hA>'-t4ln-o-,..ln 1ýffFf .11 FAB. B.E ARE'" Ncîary Pnb!- - ATTI suce ro, h0 OArns-Au * LYMAN cee Street, O91 A. ( LatboGi fice-ByroL 8 * Whliby, Ontai Office-Deve * Wlilthy. MONEY TC inasms upto terest. (LÀATD Court Strit, Tc * JPO. A1.inuChance sucer, &c. 0&1 G. rOluNi -TU ' a.22,1878. CANER( HECITOR cANcanai, 0JURGEON TO k Byron SIre.ý Dr.- W Besidence-Col Mter, comuerof WflitbDy. BYRON dUY'S HOSPI Gthee.e>. 0. c ABD.- DR.]j Physiclan, Surgee WhullÃŽy, Sept. g8tb R OSOVEB sud GIeIatreta. C, N. VA Ssc eaptnhle che. hest. TeatiLl i.ua Teeth extracted vitl local ancathesa,1 au s uew block, ever Kaig Street, Osbsws 5 _________________rock__ Brock Street, 1 eb. Ulth, 1879. l'i Deverell's Block,, CASII PAID FOR GOOD Whitby, February lith, 187j). OFFICE OF riHE CABINET

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