Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1879, p. 1

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)S haïe roctived A. 1#,'Cçato, Peu, &o.,. THE WH/ ra y 7 cash prie@. CHRONIOLE ?Y. STORE Ir Il U a M 0 a ri il il G bit ýoîir ana fisoot sud uà Cod supp of Jj 1% 1 N 5, - .2NI) H, i G G 1 N' At lits Priating satablislamout, BBOCX STBEET, 'WRMT. $1, 50, ýsr Aniva ats13TIOZ UBSTO. - Ail Advertisé. Oh, ýon 9 messursa La soupuiel, Md alibùrton,, î eh *one, W'th Printed 'wOrds, grett Éboughts 'and untiring fédu et the rate oi-8 cents, par If», Aret itry, ý,:WW àdvo" Peace,'Al_ 13"99«t&Ud,206ILto'per linee&Oh ýi' .41 nets$ inter ports of Meetingop Finmoisl ..OTS- VOL. xxiii. PROTIN 24 liots in the 2s, Railway comrani«, WRITBYe F TARI 'o Insurance Comp es, and matters of like CE ON ý[TjR TE SDA tér ton o-t'o par, lige. ALIBURRONI SP«Ialoontroéte Made with &dvertisors W RM 0 ce. JYïïho Ortrisé. ,Yearor.otà DUNDA&ST., WRITBY. IMÃŽT-M I, ý1oricaI ïnàn th% - *iti Lotarla Itailwayý,_, Ordarïto discontinue à4véra"Dients NOsweeter èWé Mr g1nu (Wz$T Or'POIT Offl«.) BEV, J. LUPLOW 16 datitter Sue. yo jASONABLE 178 BAL=c gmzn-r, BuoozL Betty 'adventuré .rosspo A. BANDEZ, lx, ý *fth gobai tapirwbfoj Inédilling vsjz&?»i Nov_ 14* 1974. And lipg youd 4ophor foi m2nég te Moto to1jMýG» on th, A PPLE T R E ES, jLý , , i', ý i > Bu61ný8s Directoff, Thio housé bu beau récently bulit ESQ. o ladie, io M persolia. f"ý LýOMFILeLD, A BOUT 76,000 bonou "Ody luge and roomy, and ftw up là fint.;ws D&W air#-Fro j3riet, limboniiiýes, ào the xaselle, nothing -ooùubêtt« Shéép p"ybi-pli-gbt te bourse weIL Boat Wines Liquors and cigare; sa bY itil nu, ai WOU sa fi= personnel kno téo ztàg" ,týittéh rol Enalgration Co., fr;sh Loger Boer, ëood stablIng a leage of those whose cures thereby have àw-e- 0 lui, It lm ayowed, OY .*ÃŽMCI blithe Bi., East, Toronto OXTARIO -BANK, Clonai! yard; attentive Ostlaro. HOM E NURS »OMO& almoot'=àsmiouo,,l «n Most IO&Y,.M %ermumot tq,>prond. etood before the dose B B À N 0-11, ER Y, hftltlY 'Da 0110erelr race mmend th. V, rti W 13 1 T B Y M two te folir yema 01 &go QZTINZ for thé 0 D love-her sa mylffe, loomed up glO0mjjyý &IN 1-4 RAND Te tg Whichit Io claim. THOMAS DOW, TRUNI RAILWAT ROTEL, 0 bout Variation, brsoingau cd te OUZO. ocarMAWS Ile"a"golwed to1eiler for My wile, thOir, , Pz@. r Thé co'y., Late Past9r Cal-ry Baptint Chureb, Alas 1 a sailor on the al stroma" throuittltbe (opposite 0. T. B. Station,) Whitby. -SETH C. WILSON, -WM.-O'NEILL PROPRIETOR. Lot No. 8, 2nd Cm. pickerin Sacramento, CaL Rad cast on ber là wlu Oye- linat thotoum tc0out' et No .ST OjýT S' 2n PAROWEIL & RVTLEDGE, g, on Kingston His said niy love for berwas boilail, ing - Sistyé orseping, ., j W0V el H 1 Ton' 'BARBISTERS, ATTORNEY$, SOLI. B Bond, ont OZoo, Whitby, VEGIM NE. And My affections 1 muqmwh. léavée fluttered, in the' -OFFERS very accommodation for guesto, includ. Tbe gaping Windows, w citera, Notariat Publie, and Convey. ing comfortable airy bedroonns, Meule et AU 0 H 1 N A H A L $HE BESTS WELL. Hed dog ber foototopo everywhere, « Pense, seemeil bl»k by «Cars. heurt. , à ï Antestei in his eaoy chair; o-bo Omee, firat door South of the Royal. L Boum POLA", me., cet. Il, me darkneu. Thi Ilotel, bitby, tie The Bar fulIL suylied with boat 81GN OF T13E BIG JUG (99018=1191» B- STEVENS- Hea setter round, thls the, or Chap, full an Iln. brandos ci Liquors, W es, randies, Cigare. fdghtened birag, Md th 'o DICT, And pointer ont upon th map 11111MNAItY JAMES BUTLBDGE, B.A. &c. Every noctouary Dear Sir -I have beau sick two yeus dioturbed owl, fell om LY REVIEW for travellers. direction given te 71 KING-ST, EAST TORONTO. Wjth the 'liver complaint and during Where once a p"te cruiser boer B, FAREWELL, L. L. B., Good Stabling, enclosed yard, and atten. thât time have taken a t Rim caeve ta a 10reign *01re. The liàht.Jeot an, price per annum Ccunty crown Attorney. 48 tlve cations. -48 FancY Breakfast and Tes Sets. mbdielnes; but nna ha cruel ikw&Yy ýADd ail' fait op )r a will givu an good. I'wâu »ftlma'ni and, h captairs far outdid, namolesq feer, Fucy Dinner and Dessert Sets. a ghts, sa i]oýý o yaks îiJ crimes of Robert Xia. 1 caheeps "JAMES KLPITU GORDON, OMMBRCiALROTEL and STABLES, Fancy Bed-room Sets. p tt * Since-takligthOVE03nulrest The grest dGur, as j& and 58 Jarvie-street, Toronto. relish MY lood. Ha oft woula whaie jack wm the Ont, touch, nioaked 'd [,CT'IONARY 'FàmrY Juge and Teapots. the VMOETIXE for what i Anaa&Y: "Mybuckdoayoulikothat? bingos -, and th, Ãœrm 3AR ISTER & ATTORNET-AT-LAW, SfIvOr Plated Enivese Forks and spooms. logriptions ta Chancery, conv;erancer, JOHN MoRAB, Si,,,, Plated Cmets and Butter Coclers Tours raaactiull te 1 Ellgltoy "Whalimakps you stag around go, gay Who bad voluc sied tc NOtary -Publicp &cs, Office-Over r. Ad. toucozoson Te Joux RELL-r') Silver Platea cake Baskets. wit MEo. The catamounts te somothing hey VI and ettikiq a light, reai LY, 11E VIEW, -limon'a store, Brook Street, Whitby, ont. The boat 81.00 a Dar Bouge in the City, Only R0djýrO'Xnives and Forks. mi. ness 01 the aboya, -ha would goal It with au osth, T of»(,ribitro ta Tur two blocks from the Sorthern Dep Tes o and Servers, lugh the dismantied will give a copy CHARLES C. KELLER, ta the Markét. Tha Bouse haî butin nowl ]?Iowe7rî..hades for Lil Maillard, Mats. And gay : l'Yeu arg, a Jazy sioth 1 Il p f _70 Fitted out, and very-thing rra . y Ï. starve you down, my sallor fines, arc ace ound in 2 Vols., a t-elans. (ly-M Glansware, all deoMp -oý. the faint TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN White Stone A Chance ware, overy kind. VEGETINE. &ntil for beef and poroupine 11, iOgtOred their faltering ton, B y Convoyancer, &o., Canning. IVRO.- WALKEyeri Hotel ind Bar Goodo. fire of blazing ta whom wu wili rock, C.1*1. GOOD FOR THE RILDREN And, fairly borne with hendish laugliter, deflantly in the ohimue, ta canvai thelr GLOVER HARBISON, TEMPERANCE HOUSE Importer. BosTox EME, 14 TYLER Si., WOuld gay - "Hancoforth, mind what gir. the infinerice of lipt j gros crier booko, L. T. BARCLAY, - cý affé ter 11, sus the publithers, DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. BOSTON, April, 1878. In short, the many riiks ha ran gRiety soon rglirued., TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR MARTIN & WARAM, ETZvzZis. REE dr Co. Dear Sir -We feel that the children in Might well a Bains a braver niau. They &-a* forward tg Good accommodation at ressonable terme. HOUSE, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER8. our : Thon ho wu recked ana castor ashore 10unges thât stood grim à St,, TOliONTO. si icer, &o., &o, BO&rdOrl $2.50 par week. 45 home Lave beau, grestly benelitea by While fisobly clinging te anoa; Have just received a new stm6ck: 01 trhé Vty,'rT"z Yeu have go kindly gi,,n Moujay Wall, and Oâver, Oyyicz-At the Court llouso,'Whitby. Cm lm. the blankets which Mrs, IE)OYAL HOTEL, ta time, especiaUv thOsO troublait Hyona a cloit among the rock& bad provided. A timg.oi W A LL PA P ER S withthoscrofuls. i MI 1 LS.» LYMAN ExaLisil, L L. Des, With respect, ne crept, sans shoeu, and minus oz. ding looking table, too, v '13ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLIMOR IN W M 1 T B Y 01 the latent designif and patterns. Mime; N. WORMELL, Matron. Am when lie fainwould goat te bead, 111VALEI ChancoryCouvoyancer,&c.,&o. Sim. JAS. PPINGLE, lm no lion leaver, ingtead. PROPRIETOR, 9RESCOING A SPECIALTY. , ceptacle of the GonteUto 01 000 Street, Oshawa. 1 VEGETINE. Thon Sue would gay, wlth troubled lace looking hampers. The largest and mont commodio Presco designa exùcuted on the shortest il wýth macbincry un hotel notice. "How, koodoo live in such a Élue ? "What a novel affair," pted for A. 3G. McMILLAN, ýn the tojvn - bas large sample recuis for REV. 0. T. WALKER SAYS. And straightway into tours would melt. Manie. d'A midnigbt pj Commercial travellers. Table well supplied MA RTIN & WARAM, PROVIDENCE, TnàNeET ST. And gay - How badger muet have 1 chanteil bouse, With SUT 'T j (Late Green-wooil & McMilian.) WiththCýestinseason. 13estbratLdoilquors Two docraisortis of Xing's Taistiery, Brook IL R. STEVENS, Esq. Olt l', ghoste expeew ta, agole ARRISTER, ATTOIýt7Y., SOLIC. and etfarèhýýEnclcoedyara and shedroom; Street, WhiLby. .41 d chuck lier chind derlded tý niaise otlers. Charges te suit the While ho, the brute, woui B itor, Notary Pub I leel bound ta express with my glea. And gay di d C cenour 01. "Aye-aye, my Issu 111 and grin SUMPtion of tbe goods thfi ECrALTY. Street, South 1 et éfiIc.ý times. turc the bigh value I place upon your vz. 0 Oh, maggie r ezol& Whitby, Ontario. N. B.-Llyory atwhed. 27 NOVELTY W ORKS GETINE- MY fmilY ha,- pend it for the last Excuse these a "Youre Dot Orthodox j two years. In nervous debility it is inval- tours, Itla over now - cet.,, [ill inay thorefore JOHN BALL DOW, OBSIN HOUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. WHI TB Y ONT. uable, and I recommend it. te SU Who May Thore's nanght like grief the hart eau cow' 1 "Don't the nana an invigorating, renovoting touje, _y, though. 2-, ÏRISTING will bu R i Jackass'd ber ta bc bit, and abc- light-bearted Maggle ; dot ARRISTER-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR ThePalace'llotel of Canada Itefitted, 0. T. WALRER, She gave Jackal, and jilted me. HE SUBSCRIBER havifig purchaged Formerly Putor of Bowden-square Church, - cause they doult get the mousser, and wltli B In Cliaticery, Convoyancer, ft, Refurnialied, and Unrivglled. New Passen T the Machinery and enWre stock of Boston. And now, aise, the littie minks ODIY Boa one III auk bin OiDeu-Deverill'a Block. Brook Street, ger Elevator, running night and da of Mill Foed cou. Whitby. on, ' -Claus Hot,,,l in canada witý.g The seasoned Lumber froui the mudge and Io bound ta hiin with Hymen'a lynx. you É409 if ho refuges.,, or Mali) ut loweit ces, viz:-$2, $2. radu* yarwood Manulacturng MONEY 'l'O LEND-Private Funds,- Muni Compaisy, is Dow VEGETINE. ri 50, and 88 ker day, pýepated tu furnish 1:soor lui sumo up ta $M o ut a JOW rate ci in- ?Ira ci Clubs and Others, deairiiig 9, Sashes Blinda# y ]AURbed Robert, t ut &Il limes. tercet, rcOMO, without board, $1 ta $2 rramee, Mouldings, Base, ; Arefiltraves, NOTRING EQUAL TO IT. The Haunteld House. "You S"M to. imagin, sly-52. or day. Flooring, Shecting, and everythi T. P. WRITE. Feb. 27th, 1878. MARX iltisil, quired by the trade, ut the lowe Ing re- SOUTH SALEX, MABS., Nov. 14,1676. Spirits are-of the mazeulini R01311VSON KENT, roprictor. t living Golden sunbeainq dance "Oh. Pli lesve ail th( -41 prices. MR. H. R. STEVENS. il through (LAW-z DuaGAÏ Wood turning Newels and B notera ta Yeu," said Magzie, with QUEBNIS HOTELp Order. Dear Sir,-I have been troubled with the trees, throwing flickering' Shadows ARItISTERS-AT-LAW, ATTORN- THE Serai la, Canker, and Liver Ion the emooth green sward. The west Of the cYe. --You are wom, Lumber for sale, best quality, Nothing did meCDaonmypgloaoindtuinor 1 them yon know.11 B (LATZ COUVEiRCIAL,) lowest. thi. eyears. I wind bresthod gently ifs coo ing breath, - ..Only one," ho whispero OlUce-,Proviiicial Assurance Buildings, . 1 COMMeDCed IL8111g the VEOFTINIE. and the happy birde twittered in, tholir tO Out a knot that defied hi FORAPH CO. -Ys, Solicitors, Couveyancers, &a. BItOCK-OTBPET, WI[ITBY, p S.- til o there is from long experience and by aný now getting along flret-rate, and etin leafv coverts. The fitful sauna of music Court Street, Toronto. rf,.,,o ling ta merit a share of publie j uring the VEGETINE. 1 Congider fingers. Hzaj3znTA.E.ILXXT. TAYLOR& McCANN, PROPRIETOR -q - - snob and the hum of gay young voiceB float. While the laëlieg were 1 S. patronage. nothing equal ta it for Complainte, ed ont of the open window of Boston The undersigned desirý ta inform their GEO. GILOHRIST, Cau heartily recommend it ta everybody. ing everything ait their o friends and the publie tha they have talion Proprietor. Yours tral Villa. JNO. (J. KELLEY, _known hotel, whieh thuy Rs. LIZýý- M. PACKARD, A aliglit, girlish form pated th, "'o 'no" comfortables mai the above well M the gentlemen explored th, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR have newly fitted up and renovated, and put VU, No. 16 Langrade St., South Salem, maso. sweeping etirtains, and flitted out into bouse, but soon returned, ý(l that the cormee A lis the broad verandah. Ab Chancery and Insolvency Conv iýto the boat of order for the accommoda- 1%6ë they had discovered nothi aneur, &a. Office--Deverill'a Block, Br Z hieh is the band. ejegraph Company oc - tron of queute. The Bar, w VEGETINE. lighted up lier fair face. ashpey l= ý@ are of the Most Strect,.Whitby,« Ont. sornest in the Count ' cil éupplied with against4he vîne-wresthect balustrades and cobwebs. acier, The Anglo. the finest brande olýlignweal and ci- BECOMMEND IT REARTILY. in peu -and toved with the They gathored around ti iy, with which cars- G- YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., gare. Ample enclosed shed' room and good sive attitude, dîScUSSOd the tempting via three hepaxate and stabliDg, box Étalls, &o. Detached roomg SOUTH BOSTON. drooping flowers of the tàngled ViUe. ranteu against ALY ARRISTER, &o., &.-Money ta Loua for commercial travellers, MR, STzvrNF3. With a far-off look in ber eyes, abc gay repartee, and lively chi f trame, and the 13 Isauer ci Marriage Licenses. J. P. TAYLOR, P11ILIP McCANN. weaved, in fanoy's loom, golden Midnight 1 The verv wc Dear Sir,-I havé taken gaverai bottles of dreams sa the baateqing bours» mipanitis OieyicE-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. late of Toronto. your VFGETINE and am convin.ced it "' a of the future. af c valuable remeây for DYsýeî81a, Kidn ýVith it a" obuddoring féar. trgm, and avai ablu Tan. 22, ý878. tf-5 Complaint and General a ility ci A face of manly mould, with earnest - - ---- __ - ---- ___ p r teyé éeased their flippant chat, a: OMMERCIAL ROTEL, S stem. 1 can heartüy recommend it ta black eyes, graced by beavy curling ci Y, sufferers frein the above complainte. whiskers and neatly trimmed m voue glances over thoir 1. P.ýI)WIGIIT , Liceq9ed Auctioneep Youro respectfully, tache, glanced out at the gracefal little out- EveU-the boider masculine AItRISTERS, Attorneyio-st-Law, and ÇÀIITWBIGHT, ONT. Mns. MUNBOE PARKER. figure and, with a loving look on bit more quiet, and legs boastfui B Soliciturs in Cliancory, Nu. 4 Toronto JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR. S ALES promptlyatten(led, a nd conduct- ljandsýme countenance, joined ber. 1 Tho moments fleur on,- iii street, Toronto. cd on Liberl Terme. l'How Dow, dear Maud," lie exclaim- Was Been, or board. Wes HECTOR CAMERON, Q.C. (IY-48) R. S. APPELBE, Good accommodation Address, C. DAWES, spite of their féar, grew dull TO N E> ti-12 26- Port Perry. Prepared by ed *,are you wearied with the gay It. J. GUNN, M. R. STEVENS, Boutons, maigs. chattering of the lively group within ?il ilY ClOsed. Saddon visions,' y detached planter, creaking o URGFON TO THE COVNTY GAOL, THE CENTRAL HOUSE, egefine ls Sold by ail I,,rUý.ý,giStS. "No, Guy , but 1 like to S'sa' swa ber., Or the melancholy el, -S Byron Street, Whitby. (Laie Lockhart Rouge.) Dominion Wood WoPks, 15-V and indulge in my own thoughts Some- bird dicturbed in its Blum times", r ta the Montroal 110astle-building, eh ? I h Start the liBtlesa forme, ani !Vho place ta Dr. W. J. BURNS. WHITBY. qpe YOI, Bleepy eyes in luminous Ica] Rosiclozioc-Cong C. GIFFORD give me a prominent position in your dually nature overcame ti JOINT ANI:. . regational Church Fres Proprietor. INSURANCE. airv dwnllinry-" lin iaaiA -1- byte corner of tyran and Mary streets Geo. (',7rmnnlý- EAK 1 1,111AM. Thig; linil-- - é-1,_ 1.- - - - . q t Dg Unpléas, wonIC1jlý Ïkétually met' au'. .'Niiplaiâ 40i;ied 'a' W 9 the btippiè'àtý:r nits: ý!TwrL, as of the quietly atf m Sn Ïi-,Ã"iï bfép boniiet to Dut. audbé' j1tý k'àtiO;o4ý st mïn stepped sagenl on Psoye- iýesture, tben utieùded the doorêt-AP. ,natant offers of »ttentjon--,tý tbe rwm, sud found her,,sittffi' a B the erst of july b3,the fire, hüjIàjqd-ý Ifioiýw- g own y arin her. doncluded 'and ho to France and Switzerlaüd 61%y sala sbe, 4-e'x i, butthe two Wore no . long- &Il read 'té" tait. n î il of intims0y. Ilngh and régarded hiq '-s just- brouicht for yon Union it; wuivi nom Se a sign of the moist secret about the wedding,, 1 ihould sup. differepce. Agnes, on bar pose filin was a ý »ent."ý uùjblabee "Thon will Ir, bâppineu.wbenahe folt go Agnes.inab6petens-tme,,.Ihsvejusj tbowayýnhelowl beau out. seen Hugh %gain. .Itwag ho Who 0 lessen-ber àý#nftjV sa a brought that. lAt ïoq so@ it.- ho, two; seiled , frOýà- Havre Silo opened the little paýrcel listleos. k - on ý the îîtb or âuiut, ly. It contained a ring, à mab's wed. the seventh diayout, when. u= tbe verytane sbe badkiyon alf way, ac H years before., ,on , . , rosa-the oftan, Agnesha ning was suddeuli misé-,; a never seen berýbuo;bau.d won Do tra«'ýof hira - on sinee-- . Whëtber ho -in alivq eamero, and ý it, Was raitdily Dot know: whether' ho died titat 20tli lat the ý rub and ý uâhappy of August at sea aile does net -know ; biýlý,:tbýown',Ilimolelf over. whether the èhain of QGLjtrýdictGry cir., tqrâ . ilytlie orne ouinstancea we have üarrated' wem leàk possible Rétual and, bued upon the, térs*..by. iee',*ben elle wu foreed te pothesix. that he tim'f:elf - APP4Àýý liad oomsnittý 4wicie before lier iwfthe iffesh, obo' dooi silo- knew, t0o'- tbat ho net know. George Dans, urgeil by lier 1eartenea by ber coldness; entreaties-and ber prayers, finally re. rain %ho rapnised bila when ýBoqû«d allJàop&,Of overcomiuR fier re, biave an explânatjou with Inétance to evep thiuk of Pim again a[. illy, now tbat he waa gone, ter ber double lind u)&tried. ùsity of bar first love ru. Agnei is - a ilopoleiiily-selderned, Cbàuàý forgot bis, tallits sud re. ed and molancholy wow, au. 21Y h8r OWn ;- afie aootlged isrtioeuneiis, and sorrowed MuEuesium ia not the coagulutt!tl î despairinit widow. - fostn of -the ses, bnt hydrate of ma natural, under the oircum. ne" ' g- sud ïllical with a tracie of irou, t Agnes 8hould net only It à ouppoxe& té be à -flecomposed car. mourn witb peculiar belle- bonate of magnesia. It is fouu.i in ber yonng licaband, whù veina of sorpenthié inaretce in silain-, 'OÙ from lier only ý i.few in swedÃŽn, and oravia ; but tbf, cow. thefr wedding day. f3be mercial, B;Upply cômc-i'ehic-flv irom Asla Y68r, two yezro, throir Ximoii soir, tbe to ' wn àf Roniiiii, the r thst time ber family oi meerochaum is taken frow a fisbnire ke an e&rt to persuade nearly six feet in width. ' Wb en fir4 > U wrong thus to continue exposed- to the sii'ie is eciuparatively et only herseli but them, soft, and if rubbed up with welter, gives -Put affliction.- Sbe wâs 09 à lather like Bosp. It was from this tenacion8 of impressions, fÙt, and the neighborhood of the Vein of four yeara shè bad re. to the ses, that méerachaum probably rdinary drese and begun deriv.ed its paetical Dame. , Before, use, Mingle freely in the 00. it la boiled in a mixture.of où, fat, and lotber's bouse. Sbe was wazo without wbieh propaîation, the ve thau in ber girjhoéd; . IlOst sud BmÏké of the burning tobacco toos was Wëll'-known and would net give tu the incersellautu tbat lipg interest in her youth mlour for-which it is au, bighly prized 1e had severai admfiers, and the - prodigielus toitôfIlie smoker George Dur-a returned would go unroWarded.. any one to come near . - . - ..a l. George bad, perbaps, Tiry IDLE AND TELi Ëusy.-Not the- wn fond of her ; he was, least of the troubles or a busy man is te, :lw ardently in lave with pérfeet lsimself,- as fie'ý8its in bis ulTice, ering, as Agnes dia, poor or goes about the - wýys of ' ho wojrId,__ý11ý jealousy of the young from the great bartd'4'tti of the Idle.-, il it was with Bome mon- Does au idle man like conversation 2 lie e and autward struggle secks it, net. fiera oome man equally a herself to yieid to-thé- yawniuý,, and vacant 7 ith Limseif, tiut coula love again, and from liowe active ana well-plehisbed George. However, his mind which cannot rro'pbrly spare hîui' o far successful thit she a moment, thongh he generally cou- Lo marrylnim- when elle trives toAake au hour. The iàle never fifth auciversary of ber think'of plundering the ialo :* t-iley are .1 This date, which was a set of luxurious, doge, and regard no ýIà allegiance frein her booty as worth. having; uniest; it be a 20tit of August, 186-. serious d&privation to ita former ownerà. a quietly in a ploasant An bour or two filoligil from. a half em. Geor ans was to ployed man, theY regard as a very poor a Agnes rose spoil. They know ho - eau niake it ni) a be train whistag at some other tîme'. It is thqý fally or raid elle would walk over>-occupieil mm Whomi, they like to Id to meet ber lover. prey upou. Five minutes from sueil à ?a and no one offéred te perion is a greater acquisition thau là Tite family, consiating whole day < from one wijo bai ouly a id mother of Agnes, her little to do-., Da four of lier marrieil 1, ail est on the plazza 'EXTRAORDINARY SAGACITY le À HoibE. -go sud Agnes te return -Mr. Jones, who intended i wife ont fora drive eue Aay, asked bis ry HoIt exclaimed, f6If milkman-, who hala a, very spirited ing'were alive, 1 aboula herse, for the loan of the same - Which and she pointei to a request wàà granté-d. Ù, the bouse at a dietance Jones was not agood driver, and had s, and Who Dow at her great difficulty in managing the- Lorsýe, ýd bis bat and bowed. whicli et lut became ungovernabie, the man creatAël tha and. tn th9% arouf 11-- -9 ]LA VI bue arr', anager, , instead of after rest- A- sharp GENCY ESTABLIÈRED I_ WOuld ruù f'r-o-m--ît-- hiamd"Ilire for fulibil lit the $111 c4eap as the cheftpest, and ai; good ai; th, J.A.O'GIADY, PROPRIET01?. m 3iý.treal. 0ýWhat là it all about ?" asked Guy N CANA. - th,, evenjiýu hm haunted hi as d Silver. A Y.. Ver'w c na locr lin 'an' lit now retuii Ly bp made with - Teuth extractoil wit Tzams, $1.50 pzu DAY. (ly-47) DA in 18W- Unlimited liability of ing force ; and lie É hout in, by producing &U the Stockholders, and larf;e--]Reserve inous, the Hûtel. loeul aiimsthosia. Dent. Halifax, gazi g in astoniehment'at the fÙll..Mo-in Cow. Funds. Moderato rates of premium. ed not te, yiold to drows ph attended'to. iiti's new block, over Atkiusoulis Drug Store, OST OFFICE SALOON, TonONT0. C. NOURSE, excited group befère him. and wait. ÏBAINKS Xiiig Street, Osliswa, 85 p Agent, Whitby. "%Vhy, just th!@," answered Robert Time dragged heavily alon Norman, constituting himself spokes. M. McCONNELL, PROPBIE, TOR. Whitby, April 9th, la76. la with bis hoad resting, wearily A Ulink iivtçà JOIIN ItOUINS0,N9s man for the party ; Ilwe were diaoussing "and, was dreamily meditatini týý' THE DEST ACCOMMODATION 13RITISE AMERICA ghoste and kindred subjects, whon that À alight noise aroused him AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING for Guesta. fly-47) madcap, Maggie,"-casting au admir- rever'e. Balo'ng bis eyeal hl fi Saloon, Brook St., whitby. ing glance ait ber saneyfaoe,-"rehears- NTO UEEN'S IIOTFL, - VICT Assurance CoMpcny, ed for ourbenefit the stofy of the Loche ýO bis dismRY, à phantom cro JOUN WOLPENDEN, m from the unopen door. 13 HARBOUR OIt'A haunted bouse, and concluded with the rith mingled swe and wond, jýGlWT lý'0R THE CELE13IIÀITED audacious proposai that the entire partythrill of fear and a sense of icy ýor B.9ths. - Seuttimh Grallite. At Marble Worke JAS. MACKEY, PROPRIE4TOR. INCORPORATED 1833. should *gpendthe nightthere, landen- sweptover him. The outline 011illathail %VoliezideztDundaf3St.,Whitby, gage in the exciting pastime of chasing Go d TaLle, Liquors, and Cigarf;. Fine A S S E T 8, &1,101,876 9,1. shipes were dim, and faded in stabling aii.1 overy necessary accommoda- P. A. BALL, - Guy laughed, and said, IlWell, i ingneos; they seomed to isw in Illitiliiiiitimili, %VILLI.eth Cool»EjR tien. ly-41 Manager. my opinion, she would have a 0. hover in the air. They wers à 40, Cotigtwtiiiii, BROUGHAM, 9 tons, and thoir fleshless jawa Dilqicallem, all-111. Insurances effutted lit lée lowest current watch and 120 game." au intense ni mid fur (SUC(ýeslî(ir to illoniali Mi(Iditligh,) J. 111NMAN, rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other IlTbat's my opinion, too," gala Rob. Il rd Ilic 1 na 1-formo shocing aild ail kinds of ýgûneral W .- property, against loua or damage by fire. ert ; "but some of the ladies are frighk,. liagl-to-bla-Illyi&lam.their empty le; work. 0 S H A W A lots, «Jal y Syphilis, ly-52 C. NOURSE, Sied at the ides, and disavow all dissiré', They took no notice of the 1 1 -- ___ - Surgeon, Agent, Whitby. to try the experiment." CHed t114t both O'DELL, Veterinary Whitby, April 9th, 1878. &&Sbame on them," said Maggie, for soi e s-eepers, but turned the thfi nre thl. lient .16 - Will bu at ArmRtron DOMINION-- BANK. 18 si, les faces towards Guy. Re fi hin tlit, Yeuch of - A T Il E R L Y, g's hotel, Wh itby, every owing the white féather. But il 0MIMliction M-ith Tuenday, from 1 te 4 o'clock, P. M. m baIýfù1 glances, and bis blood CAPITAL, $1,000,000 00 determined to go, if 1 go siens." with horror. They pointea thi Jent lx inore rap- Clork Divislon Court, Tlo, elork, April 25,1877. 18 - URE-BRED COTSWOLD SHEEP "Oh, dreadful-ehocking 1" chorused fingerg et him and gesticulated 1 ý4l, LIVERPOOL MARKETBRANCH, P AND BERKSHIRE pl a half-dozen lemale Volces, tliv morld from ÇmainisAloiloi. in IE Tt l'aild Agt-ut,-ýt.c., G S. na la incoused et hi& presonce. eht finill, Wheme t ko., Atlierly, (;t>iirbty Olilitrio.- New Stage Line "What do you oay, Maud ?" asked w1eli il] 1 lie City The usual bankiiig business transacted. TVM. M. MILLEB, Maggie, nôthingdanuted. *'You're not Pinally, one more bideou& 2nd. 1872. Bc ETWEEN WHITBY &OSHAWA.- than finy of thé l'est, glided mon 4tiolih ilire B I havc put on the route botwoeu Oph ut Ull points in Cauada, United States and brave girl.t' Collec"D"s made and Driifts isffued PRYable Eho Bank Far , tàwardo hfin, bis fleeble M claremont P.O., Ontario. afraid, I know, for yen were always a os boni auftiiry jiq il, awa and Wliitby a comfortable covered Great Britain. Brecder and Importer of Cotswold She te no ho approached. limkiiii forttLiiijh nyroy illontil Sta and solicittho patronage of ravelers la "No, indeed ; I am no beliover in P,91.ied with h r, Guy re: fiiiiit freu exillainin, a. others. Every attention will bu paid tu and pure - breil Berkshire. rigg. ci ghopte or haunted houses ; and yet I orro to R.Jo a. il...3 fb 9 SAVINGS BANx DEPARTME1ýT. Lought, and sold 0 mission. motienlegg, Not until ho felt i I;AX'1'1ýit & co the comfort and ience of passengers, n com think it a foolieh tax npon the nerves deadly grip around bis throat 1).m. Ladies, 10 44-lyý N. y. and te the sucuricýj0"a nedn prompt dolivery of il Interest nt the rate of Pour per cent. wili Pickering, Nov. 80,1878. IV-60 l, one ticket, 61 Parcels committe te my charge. Ther. ulwards frein date of doposit-repayable bouge al; night.'l 0 allOwed Ou UU sulns from One Dollar and to stay In that gloomy tumble-down rouge from bis lethatgY.ý shai h&f r5ce cach 12 xi i m.4 will bu two otages per day cach way, vj,. : , the grinning-horror with a despe Leavift ivithout iloticp. GRISTING & CHOPPINCI' I'Nerves 1 Phsow 1 1 havenIt any fort. of Osham-a each mornirg in time ta t bd' seize& the piotol befor c J. H. HORSzy, WIENT. -A L L make e ose connections with the Whitby lt- 6_ snob troublesome things abcut me, and Lindsay lianway, and et 8 o'clock each Agent. if you are 911 suéh cowards, why, Illi ýAnddls0àargéd* at bis grizzlyft ale allil lemale afternoon ; and leaving Whitby At 11 a. m Gristing, Chopping ana- ceneral Cüsfom - . 1 The obs ý r9ýoît, rang - à ýusic PU N Il and ut 6 ;l. m., ni eacb day. The sta Work ait go alone." . 1thirottghtùe% - N DESIRED, ,Il t 11 hotela in éach town, and orders. BLÂCKSMITH SHOP go wifl "If you are determined te go, matgle". M010, M.D.1, Sea ting nid RoV an& te thoir léeï, the, ladi« in abilicil acitr'> loft et any ci the hotols will bc attended te. SiVALL'S MILL, CEDA the mon in; wondering con! ,19 n housand. R DALE. why I will accomPany You," l'are and charges moderato. The underbigneil beg te inlorm the ppblic ert Norman, filon. whiLby, Oc 2 . 18.74. ly-44 J. R. ADAIR, Proprietor. that they have opened. RICMAII 3£OTRBRSML. lover, 14and qoe the Shoote do not jorit Marcli 27t)i 1878. lâMERAL BLACRSMITU 1 AND Codar Dale, Feb. 4th, 1879. Guy glanced bewildered abou T71NO ILOTel its, (Ãœ.7 yon sway"' The -phantýdàiâ had Red, butýoh 1 Estate ÏX- Here followeclan atili2itâd&scuo. !ýor lx HORSE-SHOEING Silop sion upon the propriety and safity èf bd, lay wiltéritij'in heý life's bloc WHITBY, ONTARIO, 1GEOltC-rE BRITTON, 'on Broçk street in the old paunîng !Mill «L t Huron, Detriot, azd the Western and^ ýb a li>AILWAY TICKETS te garnis, Port ý,thé' ochbice ; hût Ilaggie gerBi thig in He boa> shot lier-in àý hideons Importers, Dealers and Manufacturera of au PRACTICAL a, (âearÏy opposite the Pounary.) Southern States, for sale ait low ratesby- or determination, they -'ail finallv BEACEF. Rinds of wherc theY are prepared to exocute au agreed to the prépogeâ rders in their Ue with wMh GEO. 11. they ruey 2.) Ticket Mrs. Elston bfféred soWe'feeble ýâW ho sankInsensible4b theÏîoôr. bc favored with Pulictualîty and despaieh. The LEATHER -AND FINDIN,98, OARRM GE WAGGON tanëe to Ahe Pr P où, lilit earful îè 'Iizàtioii of the Cash PAld fer Rides, Barii. and Leather. T. Fntc t ore théià 1 f HETTE CO. "Let the"'yonn" folke rage Y' CONTIRACT Leather atretchell. _M .& -K y have thoir owù ý g wildèred,ý*'Uïüêâ'., 6f le âwe éti Doc. 27th, 1878. way. Thoý6'ir naught th hnlf et Lot 9-ý*"BELTING MADU TO ORDER ON GIEOIRGE -AYEIRS -there te harm them." Party. Thoy gatUerod, mute',at of the Town. nerved, aroünd îfie ýrostràt9 foi filf of lot'No. 7ý 1, get)d soil and SUORT NOTICE, MANUFACTURER of a new improved Se Mrs. Eaton made no fimthoý' Ob» the vieil! and ber unwitting % - Miy, 1872, LUMBER ! LUMBER-1 New Blaok8mi" h Sholi nue, but lever' thoughtful for the mut 1 niber on lot No. Root Soed and Corn Drill, comfcrt of ber guests, despatabed Bôme The red raye of the ziolÏiii ýe rqrluired, the Valtiable Fttrw for bible. ouble coula ake goud larme. D - 6ingle Turnip Dr/118, C J 0 11 N The vnçlersigned begs te inform Iiit, friends immediately-for the' N trembled in the iast, and flushE ýnge or a terni and the public that lie bas reroc-,ca bis 'lot bc persuaded to aïproach the bouse gray sky *!th rosy IlÈlit. . Ont d ACRES.---ýSJ-LOT 8, IN 6th CON CLATTON'S PATENTED ÇHUnNs, LUMBER MERCHANT, blackgmith shop te the premipeç latoly Cern- after dark with r qrî use re reshments, blank. in portais of the iU-fûted ho' EF(J.,, Oshawa, reniainder weil timbered (mostly beech aud W 100 PICKERING. 15 acres elearLjj_ W H 1 T B y pied by Messrs. Tômo &NEWPORT, eir, and mafejýa1 for light ana fire. ilfflng passed the' roturÙiü This Is a verydeairablopropui'ty h àagonsi Bugglest Slt;,elise constàntly on Has on l'and a large supply of ail kinds Of Tlit. Leslie mý ansion was not 1 far from Two. rough littero hâla beon"lïaàtil3 fai the ilw)(1 alone valnable folli au . WZST OF ÊtruëW, upon which, répose, the Il FINGIISH,-, d, Barn Lumbcr Boards ý,îd ail necessuy, T'iE POST'OFFICE Eatou Villa. Tho evening os; ,ry forn, étthe hàPlëas MaUdý %vill ýipar1y pay the ?tligh"o Morley, white Ill' PAIRING donc lalîatly amll vreil on the Building Lumi)er. - Pen na thi -a --ry "eing, SawziTimber, DUNDÂS' STREET, bright and cloudleso, and the tile ritnatiol, of the t la a suflleignt guar. Rhortestnotice. ama Sëantling, a large quantity on h=d. form-of.poor Guy. M started off at about ffinî 61ci ilal mater, à Large orders for Long Bill si 0% *'t" walliied, besidé ber Mlatte for the ]and- GUO. BRITTON uffi filled Wberebeis prepared te dà-ý411-work in hie langh and jest, to walk 1,6 ità -haun T-Irlas liberal tq rellablo parties. (1 ours senti, 01 th frein Mille at sbort notice. Une as usual, and tu, gna=lptea pgtisfact* -6#ieBsion in 'ber diark -è-' Queenla Ilotel, Dcors, Saulieu an? Blinde' !aWays. on ilon prreinctF.. dazed 13rOLk 5tj:ofjt o t-o hie oubtomcr»-, nirmefully murmiirwg $11 ýQ - àlog ego. wigtbi -AYB ý V Wbitiy. band, Es, 111lere, Guy,01 is My 4014 _0, g1wuted Mr.'Baton. as it is wwtbyý 18?Çl A - g»Y ý 'Waa- 'Walkinii ý dawn ihà' cmmm ne ey approached fidghtfvl bru- Th him and said, ,of ber arva corrob. want tu aseyour opinion, your boiàor.11 Tko family too haà -"Well, My boyswhat je jtý about cp if not Hugh Gien. -"We want to inquire &bout that 1 absoluW likeness. thiug uP therè."ý'NoW, . before I au. the only one who swer you, firet lot me kýôw'whât you* Il of these ideu ; ho think itý is ?" -"Wall, ' 'Vour hoç.onr, ipossible thàt Gien- we have talked it over, alid we . think à a alivo; bc Ilimsoif in a star jgplýmg à leak. ,' > captain and officers ler after the suicide. A SMAx JEvJANwao reading ;À Mid- Everything pointe(, aumtuer Niùhtle Dreaiii" t-ê'th, '%ailors flief that the unhap. AOftla ship in whiëh.lié.waa,,qràssin the Irowned. The mon. antie, and they listenedwith pleuure ýhed over and over ; till ho coule té a passage ' wbieh don. ýf the ai ppearance cribed Ila, mermaid sitÃœng ou, a dol- Bighted 06 VIessel. or a phin's back," *lien an, old, ý sait burst =Id have boa ont, 'Chat', I nonsense' f A' dephin',s es.- Ho was du 120 back is as a fis a iaior, 'and nô and' M,,.,id coshar th irreuistible decw' nid, rpido one QU effold and. ated with ýthe jact dled him." ýI 1 - r ý . 1 > ý -- Beau Hugh or bis MIXED METAPHORS.- "Mr. Prosi. b o be a chance re- dent," saigr< a élember of a-Yankee de- gnon wu dispirited bating Society, -'our conntrý a fate 2 touched lier, ber loome darkling léfors us, withWut a ýion Supplied the ,iL 0 star above the horizon on - ýwbich ý the b have spoken. patriotic nïiÉùer eàil bang ý scintilla- f broken-heart- tion of hopë, but with, ôjnýoû n'féaturés 0139690meuty of fût- coming, doom, 'éloomy and ray. las a counsellor la legs as the eyes'of a' Iree-toad peiclie-d marriage was given upop the to-fiinèst bough 'ýf 'a barren were put in the poplar, envelopedl in"an impetiotrable a year, imploring fog. if olive, te. comijiu. and - lamily ; but Siun 2arÏ like cireles in the water, &0 wheri à Stone is thrown. into it ; one mhim. Agâes suspense, and Produéee anothèr. Wben, anger was and hoÉelesà àÏie. in Cain'a breut, murder was not far ýmbîttereà, prenant Il füttire- 'Was fidi Aft.rfjoicuin ber own labours, be- eause.the GUèf#ëtii niind xequires, ex- ,.,yeàro, thon thrae-, croise ; sua ÏuihÏýûrks are th. rflec- roue save 'hersait tionB,ýofýjts, tbàï ts',ýiLs C'ap»ilities, roi Ity or the the lî - ' and V'irtÃŽi6'.B.« them ail on ýLever mayb ]et. And attimeo v the native vigQur doubied 'the evi. Of h ý ýinat êhe. can ' never fOrm azy ]Erow ý could it be 00 : nation bom fow ideas, asmany ho ràng.u *8 $tM'AuÃŽe when . _pou le w seil himsolfto the riïndo 2: Wlige he> 'the 2l' bai bëfÃ"re'thoý oot the -firEt mau;ý'wdniàn or child 0 *ëôt could ýIé who attenýptn walkipg rnatch in qw, ogy,,,oaiing-, The É 111kian G"Vezmlnplbt- bas', exp'eu- ed 11117 Helst, the Géhù*4â Soéiàliïi, liry, no 0 who hâs beau questions. and imitation of La' Lanterile. Ho hnfi, îns lié, lier. bat a« 0 Ob' r- bue and n aises Qystem are never eaLea in thoir fresli, neno', ahe ýmbouId etatoinCh".. Afterýbûing.taken [rom méatý'tiiýo -grup the shQ11. they aroplungea-into -boiling bis tinlé, toc, elle Výater,ý thon exposed in the sun until -om, lier Èiidband,' tllorôughly dried. In such condi!ion, according'to the they-;ret4in, eoir ý -delîcacyIapdý ý native nore than eight flavor for a long timei ce bis apparent ý. The oost CE thW4riýý7,Iq_ÉrItiàù inain, fast persuaded to aveu, in , Jime, of'pea-c-e* 8eý1 000,0U8 $ho -45 eb-r ont. è1l' the idniiro but-for Geo - 0. rýVenu Th8ý*nî»inKWïIý

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