Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1879, p. 4

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I '-I 6Çce r iS Ii0 , p yuo bua : n ua êt4.7-To edvise -atiouiir te .WkP.1O - r@e4dIéycp Ibve trisd on ypurse, btancae s mac albI ft ple tinreoexparioecod_ turig the. brila w oï tm Ile àupasng dotvfl lte thrcat, at p-iew v~ulerse on, t llipente cf-a whle igbi iddi*tarb u te: mue 'vilI. dsJ0alit aud W Îay wkn.nt Or/sif IrU un TheSir , 'iÈqeaVubvertud; 11 l'or 4,at l seew, Our oupi n a uetcirs el 0 Witlîcut the lesgt ctuci Z, And abythlin blami", soid Weyàilby uli(oa. And women'o aprom o re b? usn ff004 iInto braisa converted Akil d t iai aà wa cjuucïtâltra, Not oe sbit dlmeooncmred. And nov lte É&> Sudfestive lc-eg W* -lthe h.màcmin laseen ; The. Ioder seeks a o4oa9yso>l Upc» thevillegu gima The traite inpAntlîver pitiîr B@ tzsphed~hinuc Th ti1 enlfvi air*~ Ravaged by Elepharlsý NiM. Hugo ideRo pefelo writes from Eloby, Garise lluye u lttle Wtg th Dot oît f tii.Frenolh Oabôgçp eelony, tlial lias. ubeen ezplorld.f "théé'cknntry dtîirhg sevoral weelt< pnlg ep H. secned.iîeMuntle No y a, tise Palfpji, auni. l anibuni b thefi rut * f1lis. -In lhe, rystal Mountains ho fouli nwitlî tribous absolutel>' unknewn * I up le epreseut, or hi t tleaut bal Dot been seen b y wiites, with rare e:- tiiptiong-l O êmo e, ieMange, the mOote, a:iui lie Toko. Theme people -are ocatterod in te niidile of thc Fans or Paoilla andthte Osazeba, but eek lantgiieges differing front thosu of lhe two, atter. Tiieir idiome Lave mulis relselsance te that cf the Sisekiani T[ cuc p-tio, M. Koppenfuils tell us, ar-ioc-y , lîoileoivei ; tlîey regarîied lli i aavc y c-rlounmaleaind liat a cejtain 1f'car cf Iitint. Tltuy iried te rrîîde~r ui servico, and wvesmuets las. iliilpirtnuate inthetîir mendîliy thanhhie- ptlîî- lnogrop;os f ltai tiast. %Vlîon lie a 'liii Ibtriti te aevonîîîauy hisin oec itilîýriuX, loy agrocdi witi, a ccrtiin en. thluin î assuring Ihitu titat tic peoples Ili) w sîld utc-ut vitlitwerc Itet vicçetl. Theoyamre frigttfully poor aildc-uch w0ut or tit ,the Osszibas. Tiîey are liiblig il te gUire up fartiting 'on occonni M thî ravages ef lephants ael geril. fat 111011îcI areu vory initeronstid iladr- fig. Not a Aingle nigbt pouard. M de Xopi 1nfeiW tais, tat ho did net hear titoee animais raveglog round, he vil. lages, WIIliî ara fer lbe meut part. very la An-s cen s e eanimais are kion o Wb. ioar, thse visaivillage lu on fo t aotivoring tei frlgisisuthuan in tfisse ticaurnal expeditions, lu litieli thl explorer took part, henoetioetl thaliru oe cdmuof lhe village atidreges - d a îie Êiteb thaelepitantsudti lt li inti s ccahhbis ove namne wae pro- iirutti d lie wae lolil tiat the ele- piiita aeorii tîrotenoëtili e lindeti tvo- 1in~, anth lat if tltey dld net fi>' ait in w tltoy wolîl bu visiteti on lte Il,îîrrr w, And titiwhite mai would lIt tlem tu. If te CIOpbantoizes e tiliîtt t it il rtink, tri e pie an. itteilltil lcy moinaailîcalfulplaintive isowlit g, andthie lritiptl eralor od. îimaait. ina -amntalevoico, suîpii ,patiolto theo iormtona bruste. TrMeo is a aIn lutevn se vithlaI lian~f manufactures ail thcebutter ltaât ile famiy uses fretS lte creani cf là iijolies. 'YouuoB o i."" lidthe despendosit mni, vito i06saittiogon e barrul, addireing lte glocur, vhe wau spearing tie tep oi o bis it case with e koifu, "sgme peo. ý[ li il egoodlnck anti some people liau bail l»ck. Nèw Iremanier once Iwas watlki îg elong thesttreel viti Tom Jel. lies, aiiseho nt down thi. cher. W. iltod' l ee cnitaîf vaytlovn viien lieerfond ti oîocksl.beek wilh £50 lu il anal Ll.stelîped on a vemane tdrous anti ui get (acîanti vitit niy pruslent vite. Il was eivays se," adîletihoe,.wlith a -sigit, titlTom Jallioko vas lhe luok- iatit an'in tias worid, andi I neyer hati io luak.", A gocti Mau vie bas Oseaumuch af Ibis venld, ant iIs nov tiroti et it, maya, "Tus grand eentiels laeitappinosa lu Ibis lite are-, someîtiug r le-do, soe. tllaiug o lors, eutnd om tiu le hope for,'. If stît hie deni8d for lhe goci cf otiturî ve receire immeasumahiy nmore lieu ýye botcv ' vo bave au many fountaiesetofhuppineso u sehem. so lioartu eutd lires le wvice. lappluns e v -- mitiaitur. Thiecolouretl bretiter in a Virinia elturai juet bit lias nailion lte sdý tyslie eproyet aI bita close oethbIe visite lrelher's sermn, îLor3, brous de bruttht er viswoin ho lues listeuci se pitien'l>." 'Novr erh auhianoti cf copfeusing yonm îMnortiece, for tus ie scut nia» upen lie ctrla ligneont et men>' Ilingu, luso. isuatlitttaI volil. keovu lu ýmoel> npoti g-lu' cmianleeiith w vi oe uIceus ot'knov. About fittly er sixby yoars ago, oui Dr. -C-," once viiting i patient, vas pro. Scamlbipg couler cil, vion n ai od croue ticket hlm, "Fat'solr cil moade o', -dectti ?" "IAulti maideu's tonquu,"t va tleo repi>'.0"dt, I vis jist thbnkin' hhat, il vis ie eiai." t I labotter not te amk'tbe nan>' quas. tiens about lie future. A curions hue. baud-biset lu, a buebanti vie vas tee curiuus - aukoti hie vite, "éMy tear, titl htof a sIens-do yon think ti.>' iligulve tlue Wvie»I an gene ?"1 Sb@e coossud ealy, "Brlmutoe, Joi».,' lIt l& iard for.. pîofielnal prit. tb romain silent vhlen oa good.oIt traditiion cf lte craft 19u enrageti, Tie eber nigit, tieu aneW trams vos pradue. ct et e London thotea.thee alarv r00 esf 00Ut' colti eauJIl oÛen;r, b ut out, "lVby doc'h yau pall YOni nage pretios elolgist cf haut. s? Beaumeh maaosb>' faîing Leif a toin oh coal te a poor v idow le ffailvo Wu§ set sgueon Otarit'. lu close la tb. ynpath>' betveaa ~h cuai>'gltlis a llr ono fens thie ma bra sLo,. ch-fý .YMIàn p a oeti oeNe m in il -141h. To remove a porti" 6-the eovrlng. hmàdlateiy'aller ,de*'e, whpihmoce t uplddrAyman la !New Yo:k knows if1h. idéa iot put à cover on bfïuhorim the moment, heodùute lwo lu vînter, ho ,li l - ýhlm 1» a law dbaju l; emn u1ihý', i sd:to out: doop:. aýfl froY-uo,, unrestratO la~ ~ ~~n to tafrguas egI etions Î'Ith tg, ~ belisoe that watX air Ie nec 4"rly impuié, or tisai -pure cola air la, aooearly more healthy hban tisé;confined, air ocfàa orowded vobili.. TIt latter at nicet cou only cause Srien s es llInteriug a: convoymnce aftoi' waiîg. briskiy and lewerýidg a vondow will, b>' cxposing (o a draft, give a cold intb, or na ttaesof pericyor pn Yoi, wic ii ause vee]Ïs anti enth of effcr nôIfnt actuel dealli witbjn fu a. 151h. To 'lrëmember lis. Sabbath tay"' by womking barder andi lator on Saluds>' tien eny çtliet day lu'inte veek, with e viev e.oselpuiiç late nexI nioinignd eut aying ai home $e1 day te rosI, conscience belng qulétoti by lhe plea cf net feeling very veil. Titt i MoctuLS 1IN OUaR BOIE.-In ti11 body' cf a man weigising 154 poundu ltera ara about, 7j pouedu of mineraI malter, censîsting et phosphate cf lime, ri ponade 18 oucou; carbonate of lime, 1 pou'ud';-valt,-8 ounces 870 -graine; perexyd ti f ron, 150 grains; silice, 8 grains; tnaking oen îcuntis 5 ounces andi 49 groins, wit ninunte quaittities loi polasi, cherne, anti materai lter substancus. Tii. met cf lte ystem lu cemposeti cf exyàen, hydregen, nitro. gong anti caricu ; 111 pountis ocli xy. peu sud itytiogen being conibinet inlua foret'ef voter. - Tisongi lte qnantity cf orine cf lisese substances la vemy umali, it1e folint absolulely essetiel te bp4ithiliaIttis smail 'quautity uhoulti b. eupplied; lieue. the importance of a variet>' of foot, If ve furnisis nature vith aIllb.hemeterielrequireti, abc yl select sucasothle systeni needs, andi al- waý&sjcst lu tise propor quantitios. BOXuKc0< ONtT19E BAIL. ()u e ail. rond irin-no carde. A section cf lte ulleeinilg.aar cf the nlghl express viic left PiteobnrmhPrite>' eveuing vas' c- aupiei b> a lady vise iad informmdetla cotductor fitiat upc» lie arrivai cf lte train aetlIarcisburg sic expeetedtial inuet a beouliful yeung man. Hae vas &Il lte, venule ha er, siteexplainel vitit dov.eusat oyee, and lie von Id b.e cconi. poule b>' a miniatar. Thc train isovl. et inthie depot et 8.50 aîaanti bride. groom and i nister enîcredthelsbridai. car. Tite continator .liontei 'lAll aboard ;" thie train Ilmuetared on Ilironglithle nigltt; lie perler halai a lanteme b>' 1h. ligit cf visici ltse minis- ter mati a brief marriage service, and ien yonng couple, vie stooti belore hlm htolding ou l e eselsanti more or lues te eacli tcher, vire deciaruti onu. Net -long aflrvard lte1ewcatenor ky vas streaket vitis îîik anti gray' ; anon a mcmning noeupaper vas otied inluthe car, andi ors a great white a train-boy taredth le ravellers eut cf ounlenance, andti nrsureti, IlPeanuoanedt ozesag. os." Their vedding journu>'lissu ha. glun. Marle Queer Qucries. -How mati>'a cres go te -mokaeuoe Dees it hurî muaIt bcbg atruck b>' a bhoughh?2 Cen e plain cok haie e0 8prAîl> if Ivent>' grainsmike oea cruple. how man>' viil l take ta make oe denbt? - Do yen thîink liaIlise rcli et faute is filllng et tise pruce?2 Dit yen ever heai ltaI a total ah. alainer eunàor prove a trient ai aa pinets becsuse ise houe aisommor cf a *>nip 2" Iu it Imne tli apre rib la a ver>' pop. nai Iduel amog tise Mormons ? Dit yeoi me o acaricaturiet vie vas net clovri enengi Wo takc off is qv» boots ? iid yu eve ty to fiît ovu on lte Arc you avamo.that lisenMan vie camnitusSuicid, by rsbcolhug bumueif witis e phubol tisciarges hlm ove r/ahi c' iatur' / Nov Trusftes. "Weil, Mm. 8Syntax, you have a t'ery faim ichool humre." Mr. S. "Y.., -Sm, lhe schcoi'a vel eouugi, but aurricuslum la tefective." - Nov Trustee. îiWiat i1lise aurricu. ian defectire ? W. milut 800 lte araii tuaI at once about il, anti have il maiseti s few test isigior." Policemen soeupedesbriau ntlebin.lu te gulter, àaocarrage drives rapiti>' pat anti picking np tie injuiret nman, celle le lise driver' tii, oit on tisueeI Lcu'Il bave toeanuer fer hie i Ycn knockot hlm ten." Coneaas(viit bouset intîgnatlou)-"Wliat d'ye uo.ey? No I tiit',cap,. I amed t i b, but th. cît machine niuat fie." - . A SCOTTIasaSvcRSeusea.-Tise Cele. brèee Scellisit avortemnu, llorliviok Reit, l iesent c»a -vimit te Pis. opile. 1Hobas jusl arriretilu hlm countryit>aler-sguncoosuful tour lu Ans. liUs sud Seulh America, Jisdging b>' isis eppearance ho mugit pais fer e ,Hýpenlard, 'but aï.,swon sas hoespeaka 4hore s o in mlakug thie gotoit Doriecf bifs native placa-Geleshls. ,Mr. Raid vilhie préseun t liteéfot. aomlug auniruar>' festival cf tise pbul- adeipisaCaiedonlan Club. ;une!-" iYoui cleuh - Lid bttsr make a compromIse ; auk ho berht ,eh# vill' tâe." Couciam-" My goot voanu, ils Iedship ake vii y ou viii tae.,"Oit venia-" 'n ebligedtot ii icraship [tcourtesyj, IIIl jnsI taesa glass cf vartaie.", ixaessaSAN FIAàNoso.-Tis- gsAI Canadian game, v%ýieisto r. diceti on tho-,Peelle clseut lusI >'ear b>' some fqrmsr remdenhu cof tise Dominion, hés baceme quite e afavourite thora. Aireai>' fve clubs have- hie,»foîntutiil Calitefd, anti useverpl buors are tslked itltr ntlu ovis 1ise Va,-! A ju g ba de de Ila vo sa a Cow a oon- and s'fl ymru And ira promi8e,git ",yo'~Wi L~f4' ~STEWART.- 11900-14 p>yql;o hn O reat WATCHgS-CLOCKSjA.ýND JEWIËLY. ar'4Çhoxceteiofrd ôý7n - ùoig factoridl'ew~Nvmgien.~o~on t suh~~s ~ieeasled(orshp wrngoodo. AOthor lot 6f'9190,a1 or LAM?, OU'PLIBYNI0eL1E5OONS &Nb F0IS. où st intndy ,bO~UJ'Ol, ~~Is4 aa evi bilvor Waro anad Ni6he ivor. e aïa ton¶ &Wn te lW te eaitfnÉ7 71-8 O~'r~ 0---.9n- Practical 5180fl ZtLf,180 TE 'RýEA T, DOMINION 'SHO W. The Whiit Elephant in the ring loàded çwïth the N. P., (nobody pleased), but evory body is pleiised vith the prce of Groceries, Crmkery and Glaosware, at S. PBA»SER'SNew Cah tore. NýotwithstaËdig the new Tariff cf 30 per cent., we are selling-White Granite Tea Sets for. $2.O and $2.50 per set, ail linos of Crockery, China, and Classware, equall .lov, -ci vhioh ve have a- largo, stock to arivo in a few dnys. A new iýattegrn of, W. G. TeseBlets, týie Cyprue beautifully chased. Ladies eau ;Zeise tbmw ýZew Teas, a large stock cf, a,4 grades unusuplly oheap. Sugars at old -prices. SURl another consignment of thoso, fine Ourrants, 25 Ibo. for $1.00. Garden and :fleld smed on-hand. andba t rùie1ý -The Geperai IPublic are respectfully invited ; to lI and seoure good Bargains bofore the new Tariff compels an &avance iu price., WANTED.-Any,'quantity cf fresh Bol Butter, Pried Applos, Green Apples, Potatoos, &c. Yonrs Bespectfüuy, 1Peverdls Block, FRESH. Brock Street, GROCIERIESP, 4tiFRESH ýTEAS,«C Best Wines and Liquor, Brandies; Ale and Porter, at R. H. JAM.ESON's, DUNDAS STREET, WHRITBY. Liebig's Extract of' Beef. Crawford's- Amylaceous Food, or Irish Corn Flour'. Curry Powder, Prepared Carrela, Prepaïed Barley, Pea Flour, Bengal Chutney. Strassburg Meat, FRESII Polled OYSTERS. 1Whitby, Merci lotis, 1870. Potled Ham, Potted Tongue, Polted H.am and Chieken, Folted Gaine, Polled Ancbovy Paste, Polted Pale and Diable, Deviled IHam. R. H.. JAMES'ON.. SP1IING AND. SUMMEIR STOCK 0F BOOTS & SýHOES!1 CHEAPER TRIAN EVIEIR 1 (Notvîthatanding thse irease in the Taif, the goods aivng boon boughl bofore tise duties were raised.) Tua6 stock is lârger titan usal. atvantege heving ho.» te» 1oflte an. tieipated inemease, ujd embreces : Ladies', Misses, Gents' and Chi/drens - and Fine Work; Oarse1 Aý general assortinent, and cf lat.pst styles and besi finish. Special attention paid le ordered work, and repaire ex- ecuted vitis piompitude as usul, Whitby, Marchl lth, 1870. SPRIN'G -JOHN SAUNDERS, GOQDS areand select, stock of Sprg - Twed jus*te àhand, ai J~ 0 H. N FERGU SON Who, for priesanÀd ste Oï N~S 8E8E ntt- LATEST -STYL ES F 'AEI ,and ai the LOWEST LIVIG RATES SPRING -HATS--Lý bollom prices. An inïspeetiol 4mWflêrs kg.,.:,-- b~br.,24kh, ýS79. 'GOAL OIL. LaÙnpCbhimneyls, - r *r :- - - ~ - - BROK-~EZWHIT-BY., eby are peared le receive erders from aul Who U~~e"i ae them *iththelr patronage. '~I~Mle-ii~kig »I Iyo-i1fMôj.!ne'ea Çhildpr~' undreloling. -" Ïlds gâd Trinsmngslia atet styles.- WAýTBD by lot Apil, a competeat mm9s,41 sd drese-maker. THE MiSSES :âMcIN1ýyýRE,ý Psb. 24tih,387q. Brock.st., iWlsitisy. FORE SALIE; AT TUE WHITBY CHINA TEA ST 10R E PLASTER, Is now CompleteIni âvr~nne ery Speciaf '-ndcLcements, to those --000- U N D E R T~~a FÙIl Stock, of Caskets, CJoffins, and al Ithe ~Aise, -Zý[j7APOITE» HEARSE. \Viby, October 1bih, 1877. 42 &?AlTIONERY, FANCY GOODS,- ,Éavmg purchased the entire stock of J. G. McDongalL'sý shýPI'in.ya4dd yery hoie ndesï- whch ix ery cAeâp -0ùpnruai~ Orders solicitedfor Weddins.y ' PASTRY AND O-0-UEIý,B KEu I have -aiýse a quantity ýof SOHOOL B'OOIKSeatie's ana othejrOoy Books, Bei2ýn'Wool 81ippeFr-atten,-Fý ooa ý #;ZeIftemembe:r the. laCe-ýone doorInqr-th.'cf JoQh4tons P LA STE RfWiîhhy, Dec.17ti, 1878. WHO.1LE SALE AND RETAILi CASH PAID F0R, GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, AppleRead Aisike Clover',Seeda. 1Whitby, Febrm>'llth, 1870. OFFICE W. J. GIBSON, Whitby China Tee Store. 0F THE BRO'WNcà PA TTEIiSON. MiJg. Go,, TO THE PUBLIC. In protn g cur Tvent>seondutiAnnuel Caeloue f"AreultrIpe ment& te tise feras cfCanadafor tise ea%1877, f i vlh oets»ti oidlpry dgre.et pte a d ofiienefia»the. marhietifaveur eut patrenage cenfrerreclupc»nus, ani ts t.aantiinoreasing dpemand fhem yeer ho yeer of Our nol 1ialed Fim 0mloea8 W. m&bon continue as heretefere, sas manufacturee make a speeilty cf Agilculturel Mchney-the JoUauten Seif-raklng Beafii, lis. Triumph Con- blnet Raper anti Moyeu, 1h. Caýyuga Mover,, tiseYoutng Conn0a Mower, anti oui Dovw'Whltby Hastveter, clelmlng a large soe.of oui lime and attention. Fcr t l.istTvienhy4vc years e bave givon oui mcml careful anti undiriti- sa i cta tieu-te lietmenufaeotuje anti operatieuftshfeivarios machines iu use, matltgcu bs.be i -n 1- eetlgdfet, oifiiing sudcoerrecting errais, tien tsning vmmk poine, adaptl9 nd utPOricoiining ever>' port au oui lucreas- ed siprlenu heî suggmuod - We erpleycul> liseboutmeehnica uic-l!, nti uisasoi esaunderthie le pove imeoeznleliiea M veu> pat, sd tser.la e lffin uputtlng, te lhe menfai f roui M bueiaes--ma»ysocl a vin ,:beeninetsroi ss particuloi puipome, ama ot. adaptai! for ailier vcirk,rend *ta,-voîkanen are et»- "M eiltp te lte vante aA.iïquueenuaof Oui àmài1f cmé~btaling awieré- ongis knovledg. cf lise construction cf oui ana&chiuoa, anti ara tisas enebiet to oit. tain a biphr degrgeofcf kl anti proflelene>' tien viere general manufacluiing la ouFriet on.-- #. ara hherofor eonabiedtoteintroduco a more .purfoct systam lIe oail tise de' pailantq cfftmanufacture, edding m nyt ohe .perfection cf the voîhi, but ai- ma't teb rapitity cf ini execution-enti a cnaaquent reduction cf coul. This paunciplo la regartiet necessary in e vo!] regnistet estabisahment, anti vo enabledto t ur» ont oui machines vihsashigier tep.. cOf perfection, sud et prilouseoy as' absohulely 'le dof>' compostion. THIE JOHINSTON SELF"-RAKING R-EAPER la nov 00 veli kueva as a Single Beaper,taà a vrt cf oommundation wveut aln>csî seansuperfiuouà, but as tiser. are msuy ciÀlaning te manufacture hie machine vise have etheredt tetise oitoriginel, Johs" in ntcie, vithoul hçep' in, up holte' «i puvemonba ; liai justiceo crmives u dpelions require cf us te &tateai va ha7]ve motified tinlaalmosi e'ver'1 essentiel part, anti for strongais en u tarabllltbu, quaietu, in ever>' 1i anti condition of grain ; ligisînescf tr1 cli ss fanaagemaent-blie "JohuatoD,ne aan fmen4tuiot hus-stands pu'.aMinenly ahed of aIL othar reapers. Iluprco f of tia-posilion ve have oui>' t pint te tise me»>' PliaIPrizes evartet ns-at tise iaslrôvineial trial cf On- ha, ant me»>' cont>'trials whlci have hakeni*place aol over Canada, vithin lte "cul ev yecs. 1?>. - c~oRaJoe~T. WILLIAM CABINET FAOT.ORY AND,- - FURNITURE WAREROO.MS 1 THE OLD STAND, BROOK'STREE,WHTY G-o where you caxnQôt.fail to, be Pleas4 nming Selectionscf goodf-niue Splendid Parr, rawn on a ud Bedroom es Nov Desigais- veil voràhy of inspection, et astonishing loavpuesi Da ing.roant Extension Tables-a ver>' superior article.- GuI omnices, Picture Fraxning in ever>' style. Some fine Chromes' and Engravinga for sale. In. aii ils branches ; funerals fnl!>' supplied, A stock of elegant caokets. Coffins alvays on hond, trimmed b suit Csoos and a voll appoinled, Hearse constantl>' in reedines-'1 ,,ý A Whilby. Nevember 24th, 1075. ~- ~ WM.- TILL. CADPICTIJRES, $1,00-PERDOZ. The work by the New- Process iE; superior t-oaiýyLiig the kind yet introduced. It completely revolutioni'zè"s ith art of photography. Cail at onceand get pictures, tkn by the New Prôcess. WM. BURNS, Has just received, direct from the Manufacturera, -a good assortmentcf Ladies and Gentiamerjs Marsard, Empress, and American Aise, Pacific Baigs, Cheap for, Cash. Four more cases cf 50c, 55c, 75e and $1.00 IPrunella Boots. OU R TRIUMPH COMBIN 1ED- MACHINES, IQUTTERS. viii late lmprvressto, I inlliaItcasi e teairet in a Combiaiet Machine, anti canot feaielmeéaillie-.raeqaliemenue cf'puroiseers;ý Our limproved Ca.yugat Chief Jr,, and 'oui Yolin7gcanada Mowors Cayua J. bau a rim uh, andtheIb Young Cnd efr-oni't uI;bath streg, dur. àa machine, msinoechat > as>' nblz l inte maulslfor queiby cf eut tralilyighuuu f raf, dctabliyanti eaucf uanagameut. OUR ~W "HITBY HARVESTER."y Asé lb ý. - sié a bco bè o ttawi uedietite machier>'àanAnis'dcfOui faim.- os bue iirie I iun tisa use 0cflmcina i, grtsg demit as arutig chine villas .Wrongtlion Frame, - itte leol 'IOisi* 'h tlarçc bioed-fmod drive wvbeo,-and me0omù=truetbthe famoiab 4 itet'tat, euee~e4-ç-av.Un-~mmnlperfect Beaper, tak it 1 1llaprstia irasevutêiu ~hidoed 0 -Wbeve pplied fi eIttsraplatnieu'nA ise0"hOoui invention§ fer oui ovu exclueive mauafaotmie, sud wazar-t>of(i-na e e a fi1lb canai arei.'Tiohe 'ÏWMtét ] .xaUW voigise ,iZoi,10M peunde, but belg made principal!>'of theo bea &tys of ion ant,Éi el, uni!-'&oit in-a geniomu tost empacl ecutrFien, ià combinéoes ls uetiglsudiidu9abitiyqf tisa mflù .5 8, and at 'BON.~ Koi -- e l en eel a eu> e >9 obsiea elvo AND'CARRIAGES.- A Large Assortment 0of; C utters: andý Buggies' FOR. SALE'. CHEAP,' TOMS- DUNDAS STBEEI T, . 7~HTBY, ONTARIO. SADLEIÉY AND A1NE) 'WIL L I AM THOMPSON flegs to direct attention te bis large and suqperior stock' coznprielg every- thlng ip tho-Sddlory sud Barnens Lino, alec Leather Valises, apd Saratoga 'l runks 1 A LOT, Or, LjIE i elegrap Ofi»ce. Te place to LqB? A-cnu">? 19 JOINT -. AW-P Me gJobegs to snnou*hlo-U inhabil- ants 0 aitby and 'ulcinity, liai lie ýha A LARGE STOCK P, Choice o r (>mià-T ti- Oas, Peau, Shorts, &e., &c. Orders delivered li n ' part of ltse owA LEVI -STONE, ,Ontario Block, Whllby. :AUTIO' SLES 1 !rEtretui» mysinoere tia ste s IX >i public, for ltse ver>' -liberalipatronlage ,eetrowed u»me t-'he-past,-and te tetimale ltaI lii-b. -on -b-InA ready te condual n>'sdgs lt* t 1.= q l isteud vith. Tem itrai,- -Se'sela -. Mysoe bokviii be -found at -lbe Ontario Heatl wlitby. - rrangeinenlsaua Wo days cf-sae, &oC.rmy be-made- vils Mr, MaMan, thepropristerotth. Hoteu. Ordersby maC or telegrsphsttended te.' rAutioneer, NWhitby. N. B. -'Salme pelis and bilacntes fumnaishea free.-W I. SOAIgprean altend eai>'and caducl. 26- PortPma'. NN ANLINIMVENT! What we\take.thti heidinI FOR BOUSES AND TTLR.-Fram t to one hotlle il ma n r,.iviicure uosl liteLra ~etw~~ t l'by-cvîw ie t- '*HAT THE OPL ýSAY, ASK W. e ti e have ai Prown'a cheerfun>'re m e 1'for pubh-ue. s Rh'um ovi, "rhia" at J. KY. Brev ou, k- n, selpb, Asiburu, In Icdrsen, Uxba.idge, a.C RWN, PO Dominion Wood Works,- WHITBY._ Geo. Obrmack,- s, aud a-knCIo wtd odns b 1J]WEBR vitlesoho anti rotait, or hi> ythbe car Ioa,. Plsning, Mouidinga cf ever>' descnp- tien, Piooing, Siteetligj ,Sielvlng, Re- aawlng; Siteping, Turisig. Scroll-werk, etc ï etc.- - Witiby, Oct.I, lti,1878. -48 - li -CETOIRONTO Turkish d Vapor Bat ha, 'Theso baINs are nul l i heumaliaii, Neurnalco b, Cls cneto flanimatienu, flhlieustes, Foyers, anti fer Sani baI7 PUmpa, -- Tise vaper lbthare Particuleaiy1paisica bie te iL Skia tiutes espe 1fYS> p lms, It lau uveolvaiy cceea itiboI tise Tumblihand'-V*eor Datte aa hie besi preseraives of iths vthi thse roait ci maedicel expierts sud, 1» oeipunetion ivih riteilcel treatinent teIpationt 115 more rap- s1 u sccma uli>' h, l re ti rtth- t it enrd <rein raijdown te 'lie poomesi mani. These Tkîlbathisare ltaonit! g nté iy of Toronto. - cs QUotiaaisaadreommeittatioais are givu'» -fen1.beul metlaai ana sanilar>' autiterl- ies alcoulituias. ,-. - H-EOURS-Gentimaai, 7 W 88M a.an., 851 9 p.iu. S&turde-smtll pa. Ladies, 30 ain. telO .5.. IPBIC-E5-TrsihBelh., oueiete, il; 12 ti6ets i.O1. Vapor Battu, SOc oeti; 10 - 233 QUEEN-ST. WEST. filfni anti attentive rt»51 and5female attentants. --- - 3. 8. DIAMOND, M.D.' 89) 8suprltsudau., Valable ia ,tt Ja,22,1278 CAMË HIECTOR Cdur» Dr Resiaence- BYE Wtn. iIcJ tise ee Psysicm, Witby, Sept. W. 1.80 loO,6P. ani. and Glbert asu c j-N. As cltmap allia bout- Teetiaf Teett extracte local anaslhe: i's nov bIocI, RigSre01 -iAmR - DBI XEL Salooai,] -JOUX ai Jonahan WC - - WILI BLACKBMIÉ (Suacessar Hlorse hoeing womk. -A T -Clerk Diviai Oonsnlsjoner i &., Attely, Go Aherly Stpt. NE WM3 MUSIC FuRNru - sting Capi ,TI;LL Whitby.,ii : , b, ývexn or e4th, 187e. BROOK STREET, W=BY.P- l±ý- -- A ýCABINET ES- ,Ný.,E, W P'O ý IR T, S

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