Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1879, p. 3

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Cellluu HiANDsQmiINg fu IoneQ PAINT iA~ BI.N Bughedo t, O-y+ouu brio«, dur. ligthse sab' cf lie BAN KRUPT STOCK! D É s SNBTs ZCAPS. F4tSHION4-BLE BTOC COMPOSED QP'ÂPPEZO~ÂBI '7 riz, D RY TQOOD E D W'ARD FROT 'nT Tr. OPD~IiQW' ALL. NYO (1OOD8 SOLD ON CI!EDJ Whltby, April 8SIlM189 yeverr con-. le. aesdairy aud gels s. w0y rints. la au he scid, "Tise Per- >or muade b>' Wello.r vs. have sed for bav founutinothing agis we have tssteg f the kcid mode lu Country. -Il fa tise ipurest andcleiapeit have e-rer füuxýd, sud it lq fabsalbstly per. 4irely upercede car. lIter, mi ai aloIb te soatto." >'ermers - if te do net rfil! ta tr ularaian, For fu 1 ai0 S. W, B.,tSmiths la sJdngglslm and 1>. -(Bm.li ýsalt grluding aI ltme nl ]eeS o! vital force, gest Masu to t. heiui foe, lIaI thlb . supplie t *1a111.5 ,le phapmpps The )t palvtamle vs> i inîroducel-, IL.te ge f Vitoria Hypo- is he greatcut brain', in lu 1h, vanS,-For Milbumis, Benloy ors, Toronto. )y T. Gt. Wlitfild. -AI the resideno mnr, Prospect Place, luit., by the 13ev, oues, Esq., M. D',, te _Edith Beatrice, -At hie résidence on I'hitb ~ on themra t., Zr. 1obermlug 8i5.. in tise 2nd cous. lupI., Franklin John, al- agwl ia monthi Monday, 7th fat., Wlter Irwin), only Dryden, aged two kail 10 day.. -01 inflammiation of ieence of bia father, sur1 lit. Whltby, on Arthu ftr iarln<ton. ýgod 1 yer 8nionths tb m.,Mr. Wit. Yoarm. Tii.dame.. ýorkmhire, Englanil;' ouutr about iorty g in Daring-onor *whiere lio acq irefi hntlutry anti sobri. trurs ago ho came-to wnslisiîsof Whltby,_ ,the pr:rty ibr: d(l1 gefol ai uenr t. ga ussl hlm many a goot] Christian, rliatIandhooi ItD. brin1 tram ineberrori, li fyoutb, nerveux Klas. 0i malihood,&.,, t thon will Pure you, * This great rbm.dy isionary Iu South U.a-ddIrmen asuvelos, T. lxsies, Station rk City RTISEMENTB& AATION. 1 WHITBY. MARKRTS. CUONIucLa Olrzcu, Aprl, 9tb, 1879. Flaur per brI.......... $4 0 $5 00 lai Wleal ...........0 95< #1 00 8prlng heal .......... 0 09 in ..........0 80 845 P a s . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . 0 .0 6 8 Peau blek.eeS . 0 7@O 008 Ct..............840 0d Ceiomu................ o8076 a00o8 liate.......07..0........ 88@40 AppIl...................o 650 o @ 1lotatoes, nev............ 4000i50i Egg ...... ............ 120 la 150 Butter ...............12o @15 Cheese ............ :...oac& <tIo Wood .......... ......8s80 00 00 -I....o................ 018la 20 fleti, hinti quarter ....$8 00> @$5 5M Beef, fore quarter .....54 00 @$4 50 Sbspmkns.........m~ 75 0 0 80 111e,............j~ 00 05 0 par, percvt ...........#ô000@1es50 Lanbs ................2 50 .88300 Calves......'*..........4 @ #5 OnIOns....... ....0. Io 90 1 00 Turips.............. 00o CarraIs ............. 15eC@10 Chiokens. prpair ...45 @ 50a Tarke>'., per lb .......& 10 ~Claver ........ ..... Timotby...-.*....r7o 0' P>ORT PBRRY MABRTB. Port Perry, April, ti, 1879. Wheal, muring .............$0 70 10 88 Wlîeu, fali ................0 80 0 96 Flour, .... ...... ......... 50 0 llarley .............. ......0 40 0 60 Pos................0-W 0O 0 Oatu....................0 88 0 411 Cor-n.,.................... 0 40 0 55 Clovor Secî...............8 060 8 60 Potatnes............ ...... 0 50 0 55 Apple, per bsîs..............0 60 0 70 Rides.....................à00 0 00 Pork ...................... 50(0 600 Buter............. ....0 15 0 16 EgO...................... 018 -000 &iY ...................... 800 1000 Deol...................... ô 0 600 Wood' .................... 200 a000 Cleou ..e.................. 0 10 0 12 WaaI............020 a022 Lard.. ::..*....»...........0 10 0 12 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Th~ HO9WN & PAIIFHSON Mo'fi Co. N OTICE IS REREBT GIVEN that a meeting ai th. Stoc-holdors ai lhe Brown &t Patterson Manufactnring Cosu. pany wîli4. he bellaI the Company'S office, Whiîby, on TIUIISPAY, - TIiJ.114111 AP)RIL, l'ntiepup s tubnitiugReports, sud tan e Ih rnaton aif-aIier busineosscon. tltel vitis lie eomapany. F'. N. W.,BROWic, N. W. BROWN, 1f-Secrlsi->. Fresident UN H[S[ER[9 A1JION SALE -OF- Valuable Household- Furniture 1 AND) EFFECTS. TRIS MG S Lî IE.COL. WALLACEt being about la ntu t s heunderalgued 1 oil b> Publie Auction,- vithout reservs, at his resi. docucer, corner ai Brook sud Kelth Strects, .1UUAWEITBYon SA YP ' APRIL 2Oîh,- INST. Tfhe vbole ai bis Housebol Furnituro aud eloisa. Couslstilg ai Purlaur, Diuig ltaOM, Bcd Roem sud Kitchen Fiamîiturs. A vt'ry fine toned anti extra filuheti 4 round corIiereil Piano, 7j Octaves, vhlch bai licou but a short time ln use, veil kspt, as goiadneuiiev, slso about 150 volumes ai Jiaîî, amnoagst vhich ara sama. rare aud tîîîit'o warks.-MHitarical, Blagraphical, Scicutifie sud Thoologioal. - te!- l'or a mare partieuîar description ses Calogues. Sita tocammouce st 10 'cluck. Terme calih.- Whitby, 7thApril, '709. (10-) Anctioneer. l'aricîls bavlug dlaIms againat Col. Wai. Laco Mviii Pesase present lhsm oanar belore theo day of sals, sud Ihos indebtea ta hlm ire' requestel tg pay aI an eerly day. MILITIA NOTICE. rVII3 OFICES ofthe211h Battalion ui tie Royal Hoto!, Whltky, an Thursday, 22ui May neit, for the purpoffe -aicarsider.' iog tuje prapriet7 ai ail tbm officer.ofi hat Itgirnesnlprav ding- tsemsslves with full 5îîrInseuts as ta drees sud undrs.ss uni. feImvew of Brgade Campis hein g es- tslilihei, for the annuel traning ar 1he Activs Force end for genera business. JAMES WALLCE, Comandlng 841h Batt.~ IleaS Quariars, 841h Bail., Whiiby, Ml April, 1879. . (10. lejf 1.GROSI8MA it merioau huyer. yll b. 4b Y, I tR&y's Rote], On1 TUESDAy.îotb las sud At McGAW's liotel, 1ortg81erry oit NE SDAV, tb. l 1.1 h>fo hewflî b. Prsp -10tepsy thé Kiios lure for uitabie boa srses. 49PRlTEÇTION 1" -HOME GROWN SEEDS. lT 18 AN ESTA13LISIMD tact tluit S. C. llrown' Hromie Grawn seedis are b.. <(Iling inore popular fraon year to yesr. 'iîo ]L'blic tbey vaut themt,lte merr.hanîm ~dii y , th ux sthy aesurs 10 graW FLOUR BEE.Dg AASPECIALTY I AUl sessnt by mail Ires of postage. L49 Use"Irovn'q Indien LIilment. ,For aie by dealers gsuerally. - ac . C IOWN;, s~~o nt. T R E k O N ON H OOTTN~,PRINTS, SHIRTINGS, i-IOLtANDS,. LIN.ENS,' LACE OURTAINS, COME ND EAMIN OURLUSTRESr 'ALPEA.CAS &os, &o., &o. h. MILINAItY MANTLE &e DREýSw- Clothing mÙiade to, order n l1te§t styles 'HAMILTrON &,HARRëWÊ'à' ýi NEW ÂDVERTI,ÃŽ~N8 WYQý ÃŽCRICKET CLUB. alaE at iO0 eu ygb tise lots s 0o U loversa o th' l-a attend. D 'AMENDING AOTS., In Ile aXe.qf JO$l F0Er', an hmslvent. TOTIC Ir HEREnET giventisaI by W uA vi Qu th e P o veri v asle nlu m e a i Auctîon. st fylmEatel, lu tic TOWN of WEITBSY, a -Wednedayl i Dayof A*1,A.D.'79, AUl thIs li~rt an interiat ai tise Ïbave, mnàSL0 cf1myseli ai snob Assignée.à& a idss, lu and ta thsaI valuabieprperly, b nt ail, sud sinular tisaI centetaiparcel tract oaieand u rFeluises, siluatseSu ainsin utise ~ovnsipof RamI W in luths Oounby ai Ont a, kuovu s# that part of lot nuomber bre. lu tisr Bn a Font c0cs sdon, Iin nntis ai s uSTruuk Bail. vs>'t trac à, crasata thue mu, excopting Farevl .1 tiste Grand Tmun ahlva> Com. pény ai Canada, bydeead d Souor about tisé tventy-.flfth daof Âug t, On. Tisons.a sud ElgisI Run aedand Fit Féur. AIma 1 811îtal prto!aIbe East bal o Lot Number four lutisea s concession, i ug nantis ai lis imnl. alar On is, 'lhichi la v è1 no.d anud1 vaterel, are goal itou.3 dwel ng bouse t sud lange81,9 ue barn, neani>' ns , aIma an oreisad. esmitla sCia>' loan a sa or w o:paticlas ppîytoe hon. d eigne Auignea, or ta- ROSE MACDONALD, MERRIT S BLAC STOCK, 78 King.SI. Easst, Taln. te,So ions for tisate. - - -- 3OEN iICE, Wilby, Ont., 8IsI MarcS, 1879., lfi2in ARC HIT ECTU-REI DRAWINO0 AND SPECIFICATION B O i- ' Proi CHU Cori amptly pneaflard wih viev ta Bconamy IRCH AND SO8HOOL ARCHITECTURE A OPECIALTY. mreapondence Respectfully Soliclted. I. B. BARBERý, Architect, &o., ýOmbeve, ont. BLAKS MITH 8H01'P. A GOOD STAND IN RLAGLAN, knowx an Johns Greenway's sh6p, for sale or tolet. App> to ~R AE n April 2aS, 1879. Mri 15-la. N OTICE IS HE1IEBY GIVEN THAT the partnerahip heretotore ebistln between un, the undersigned as generai Merchants in the Town of Whitly, ha. beer this day dhsooived by mutuel consent. Ali debtu owing tc, th. sid lrm of ILoves sud Powell, are ta b. psld ta Jamnes B. PoweU & Ca., at Wbitby, atoreoai.. And aIl aimïs against the.said firin are te bc presonted te ,h suid James B. Powell &t Co., by whosc the smre vii be setiied, am, of th. Cul Feb. ruary, A.D., 1879. WltnessJOHN M.LOWES, witnss') J. B. POWELL. J. 11AMEIR GREEBNWOOD. TN REFERENCE TO THE A]3OVE, al ster a partnership af Twonty twa years, the businesso wil b e ooutinned ou the oid stand, "Dominion Wsre Eouis," by the undersigned, visa solicits a continuation ai th. patronage accorded tothe11 ad drin. J. B. POWELL & CO. SMIlS. ALLUN Ob wiarc Sc] lu removed tram ber oid place 10 the 9DFELLOW8e HALL, re she will..keep an band couslantly e wcll-selected stock of EIOOL-BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c., AT LOWF48T PRICES 1 Aima a ful assortmeut of WOOLS, OTTOMÂNS, sud a varietywo FANOT WORKL Ail orders for M4AGAZINEIS sud Papern promptlysttendedý0o.Dlysud Weekly MIC up shortit age af her Uesm ï, sud hopea k Tstrict atetiton tabuan # ta got many uev Oum,' and te merit their custom. Account and Schaol paper, e speolsisup. piy, at Vary loy prico. D R ESSMAK.1N G. T Eattention oi L adies in inviiet] to this u"Eev departmént opened ab ber Dowv- prem 8e, Od ela's Bal, by -Mrs. Allin. ~ ometent Lady of large experience sud sa rot c aWsartit. hbas been apecialy enggeSforIbi duar'set. Ladies viii finS prmp; attention sudal the nevest 7~HRUriSI R fW mue or to .aranI bse ortsart aI Na. 20, lunlise OIs concessiofi ng; canîsuis 150 acres, 140> acres clos , ou thse remainder thorîre asàbot 1 sugar mape étrees, farmlng isàLs pbIhlu In, keting. GooSdveln g, agebarn and stablig vils roal a l dg. Tisoe.is su =iun' dance ai!vasudà alli t tise 50r., Nearlv aU p Sed. S orqisard. Situ- aIeS vit quarter ai mille ai the vill- oiB ham. Imma fate possession. 0 acres vauld solS séparata- I te, silrable purchaser. or tari anS Brougham. MarcS, 211h 1879. 14-Ilîn' HOU«CSE 'TO RENTý A-FIUST-CLASS COTTAGE, contain. sa, ituat ùletdo. i,In tise Cu con. ai PLçkicnsg, Kingabn BoaS, aboutln anudsa àilies frorn ofaiWhiiby, wltb baiu au acre af land, or six acres ta-uil tenanti No taxes, anS mun for a hors, or day. For further pirtiaulers, ap> on tise premisea, or ta D; rmîiston, WisIIby. - (41 Modern Materia Medioa Juoludes many vaiuable remdies for sflic ains, il ia malter ai cerailuty tisatinlu all dames viser. the animal vitalit>' lu tsiling, Phosiorone ta decidei>' supenlor, Il vil vork effecta uai sai notising eie vilI p"o. Suce, anS pasmeisea tisa great advantage ei ual canslng, vison 1hs use is relinqnisloo, the ellgitstmîreactisu an Sepreesion. SolS l'y a&l druggistî. Pnica ona Doi per BaIlle. LIVERYI LIVEh'Y Ia it a momeut's notice.Alorrsatue ta vils strict punotuslity. Terme loy. Livrr> Stables at Roasl 1gaicI - A. &J. C. PRINGLE. WhIstby MWeh lith, 387. 124fi Chicago d La/ce Huron Rallroad, CONDENSM DTR-TABLEI. Wesavsnii. I sslvard. Pais. I Ep. TTIONS. Exp. Paso. ".15pm7.4ilam L .PI Eiuran.A,1 .45prn i.0ar sL 4.27 .00 0 . T. Junction 8.30 10.22 47 950 j 0.27 8a4 10504.458'7.S 12.25pn Basftt in 12,iOpm 6.40 8.2511.£ -.U yC &. I.SsuOca IL 11.43 i.iOpm Grand Rapide bAsin d i0.eapm 1.10 . ...Lansing ... .285 2, .112 J .,Charlelle.... 1.80 0 . 845 .BaIIla Creek. 12J3pm 10E 9 .lOpr A Valpar isonLli cafm- J Accommodatio trains beave Pont Huron 1 10,00 .m., 8.0» p.m.- Ti.raughCoacesare runl'slwaen Port Rron à nuIRait Sagluawand B0yClty vltbîsut change. CHAS. B. PCK, HENRY FUNNEL, W. E. DAVIS, Reesiver. sept. Gen Tlt. Agi, J. E. QUICK, Ticket Ag.iul. Part Hluron. bvrdn as beard ai G R A Y'S th wonelefisats ai tise Sptucem sud thie Fines lu SY U "Baes ofLunigDisesse. Vhs irak ou tise Adirandanîs, lalely publlised, reisIes tise OF casgsofaconsumptiveyoong mac vi s a.enlirel>' cur- eS 5>' a bisue mantha' camp. R ED iug out arnang tise pines. luFrance tise physaciars rsgularl>r senStiseir cou- S R E suptive patients 1teh SPRU E pie wods, nS ondes thorna te drink e tes madIe frana GUM. th M Ssre i. i.. iti- M. fia coiniinaîlon af tise gumo wbiais exudes fo h e Spnuce tbrus.lIb tis prep. TIOADII MARIOanatian tise gum neyer sep- arates , sud ani is anti.spsa 1EI8TR .. mdl opectint taule sud RITEE.baimamic propetties are pre. served. For canghsa, Colas, Hosr- PRICE25 CENTS ees hw a fetos Marcis 241h, 1@79. - OFFICIAL ASSIGNEZ. l OFFICE OPPOSITE TEE ROYAL Holel, Broek.Sî., Whltby. 'Whitby, march LItS, Mo7. 14-17 ELECTRIC BELTS.. .4 uscura fer Nervous Deblltv rep aiure Dac&yWeaes us, at4n, Livur aud aiusydseýs, Gme.ral Es. bility, ste. Thse OUIltellablo Cure. Circulari m&Ued trie. Address j. a, U, ,483Cat Sta reet, Nev JAS. G. BATTEUStIN, Pressdcnm. G. F. DAVIS, Vice-Presideut. RODNRY DENNIS, Sscrelary. JOHN E. MORRIS, Assistant Sean'>'. GEORGE ELLIS, Actuar>. EDW3ARD V. PiSTONr SupI af Ageutias. J. P. DAvis, M. D- lidical Examtasu4 J. B. LlEs,lM.1)», Surgeon and Adjuater: C. F. RUSSELL, Agent, Frai'. Ont. Office, 38 Alilaede, Est, Toronto. C. TtOURSE, Agent, - .Wbitby, SEEDS AND PLANTS! Just arriveS a mreuh stock ai GARDEN ANO FLOWER SEEDB. Promi JAMES VICK, Rochisatar. THE BE8T 0EEDS IN THE WORLD 1 AND, WILL BE SOLD TUE CHEAPESTý IN ONTARIO. Hesimi> Pianîs Rar ni> abion. 'Please lea-ve yaur.onden vils, je:t W. W. WOOD), 14-lt *WIitl'y. - -, r1d q th~e old priees, mas tt -'OtôadtiIaéeI 'â 1aken place.' ,hsweek they are eompleting their stô0"'ofFanïÉe. ,t45JsNTDr WX ne$ c e ny l DryGooda, Grooýerxe'y ~ aad-omp~.4~ ...Thefr-entir.-Ste.e~,,]jbe fona u e; wns; îsuaaxe resd aIk I- î-Mxnery.. and Dreis-s. king. AljJ aoI *is vib fudizfai lc rend 'ta 4toi res 19-S» Extra- Indu em enta e Jsh-and- p o pt p yi s qjr . vm g~~~~~~~.s~~~~~ Ai.psiénv g5,o fJ' if j crequcs4ad to sctt1l.*Pn, - i'f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F 2d;' r i. ir - 0OF THIE- TRA VE L E R-S. i Htortforol, OL,,J ioyt1879. Ca o bau gudnhan, 17,M04,69, LoIns on bondi audmatýgege ' - t ou6Ãœ real àestate . . 2,256,198.18 latereai au lc>ns, ac=red but !lot due, : - . 19.8 Preinlumsdueladunreporbed ion LitePohl]cies,. - 50561 United States Govezoru6aii ' buis' - .- - 493,420.00 State sud municipal bonds, 259,078.50 RIrad.-stocksansd bonds, =2,&9&00 Bak and nsursuoe stocks,- bop5,0".00 Total Assets, . 4,595,445.al Remerve, four pen cent., Lifa 1 Departrnu, - - 829,515 Reqerve, tan re-luiurance, Ac- cident Depa4tme 21,268 Claâmas giadjustedan np due,' end-o oemiab>ll. --tics, . . . 144,500.00 ToaliLiabilities, $p1,338,337.93. sua us as regards Policy. - -Stsatlulicrs for the Year 1878. LIFE DEPARTEIT. NuÙnber ai i ife Polices vmit. an in 1878, - -- - 1,80 >Whole number Lite Policys wnitten*ta date .- 3029 Wisae nusuben i Life Pali. cies in force, '- . - 11,207 Annt Lufe Insurauce in forcé, r - * $1,307,556.00 Toasl Claimes paiS iu Lite- Departmeut, ,7,1 .8 ACCIDENT DEPARTUENT. Nuxnber ot Accident Folicles . vnitteu lu 1878 -. - 43,118 Cisis Prauiums xecelved for Gain lu Preminnas aven 1877, $56.887.009 Wisoîe number Accident Poli. cie. vnltteu, . 51,8 Nunbar Accident Claimas palS in188 . . 4,760 Amaonut Accident dlaims palS -i 1878, - - $284,343.23 Wisae number Accident Cis spaiS . -1. 33,040 Wisoie amnanut accident Claim: paiS, - -6,4,110 Total Lasses paiS, bath De- LIVERPOOL MARKET ! I v tri 'j MOODY d R. BRADFORD Sti11 in tho Market, psying cash for IEAT, PEAS, AND BARLEY 1 DELEIVEIIED AT PICKERIING IIARBIOIL. AGENTS, READ TRIS. Wewill Y Ageuts s Salary aof$100 par month anà ex enses, or aUra- a laLrge com- mission lu self aur new and wonderful ini. ventions.JWC ïmean «u,1af are BEy. Samnple ires. Address SEERMAN & Co., Sm-B> Maishail ch LADIES., ATTENTION. MAX JACOB, BOOKS, ALB1IJMS,. SCRAP-BOOKS, SCHOOL BOO-Ks WOES AL E k6' IETAIL DEALER IN 0 0 Ir t AiN AL~N'$BLOKu ROOK- TWHITBY. An Immense StockiS\i ý- and "selling at iinprecedeuîd1h 1 ow, prices. Ladies please cal; Boys and Girls please CR11, aitd get stylish fitting- boots and Pb69 ý stxitable" for -,11>esoaaon. -Rçpairs neatly, 82,972,511 .5919 oe SWhitby, April 4dîh, 1879. CANADA W.- J. H AYE )APERMANý"ENT "LOAJ AND SAVINGS COMPAI4Y, TORON~iO, INCORpoe~TED, .A..2D '5~ PAID'UP CAPITAL, TOTAL ASBTS, .$,2c,QOo,OOo. TO FARMERS AND LANDOWNERS. DO YOU WANr TO BORROW'lMÃ"âN YP -rr.~-~~ is...js, -i Dnndaa.Strss LoýI 1 Ola .01rIg, Those coni slei, ansd lu hgge che, ý-. 7 ,ý. in 1 '4w4k W bl$b, C B.LqON Miao>jZti, INgetTiot, éEZ TIT -l To buy more land for Yourselvcim or for your sons ? To build a bouse or a barn 2 To fonce, -lear, underdrain, or otherwise iniprove your landl To pay off aMortgage or other debta ? Or fora'nTother purpoe?-o-? If you do, tise reduced teruis o!fbise CÂN-ÂD -,ýPgRMNeiN; LOkN AND SAVING S COMPANY afford. supq1.êlic fr èetjgth Loan at thè Iowest ratés, "nd for~ lis easy sepayment. la generali>'admîtaSta b. tise best andSaurest, aSd obaupesîplan, avec yat devieSifon yrovil. iug fon the Payment ai liabilities. Il 0 lu edopedby doverixmnts. l'y munlolpallties, sudl'y tise Most prOspOrBanssd Progressive lanîlawnor,, isotis in EUrolîs sud nenica. 1'1E CarANA APRCUsioETresaLo.iNANDIN-GOrisCoucPuiy ljndtmoze!y a Prcuati4e ituàle in the Province af Ontario, on h bv ytm n fod h olwn aiiisà avn tages teboravere:.. s2tî::eyî:atfod alvn ulîissdavu lst.Youcanobtin ny uin ou equreut ny imeforanyter ye case, oot eacoeding 2yeai-r sau t a moaderato rate or intoeom. CiL-Tise tull maunl 15 the Loan 1la advanced, no iloduction l'elng made ion commîission, pa>'. meutta insvance, on if decairad, fon solicitar', tees anS atiser axpensas. Srd.-You eau receivae-sr moe% frana the Company, anS pasyltback,,tbraugb tise Aenolua-id the Coampanys lsnkars, eanaof charge. The Company' bas me. Ageuts - ez, llectln' mouey. AUl rem~itsuces vil-be aoltnovledgrd l'y tecelptm aligueS b>' the Prasideut uni Manager,- - 4ti.-Vau azropay the Latqu b>' >e i.yarly ir bal!->' , as l'est soltp yaar cclsvenl- enca, au" pa tisa.r t lsaui u e rly lnlalmtenmnhe.s Olis-Voucan psy SscIan>'Oum yau piessta aS-rance afthie regular insîaimenia. sud intersa att air par cent. per aua,, iil'be sloved for avar>' ebrrr mautis. Instalmauts neot paiS whndue, are sublect teoàchargeaofone sent linlise dollar per inamIbh il ahi. oth .-You eau psy off your liartgag, tu full, if you dsaire p9ilisout notIe, upofafair sud equit, able trm, sud as lise Company' lissa lIxeS iocatioflth1e place tan yayment f lu ai> 7îi.-RavÙ5 tapa>' off-yur M orgage l'y mma instalmauls, att lav rate oat litest, and in yaur avu lima, yeu avalS a11 iels of Iosing your provmtty, or ai ha-ring 10 bortov again, .tretwlbu tlmoeta atÃŽuwuchaetpufo neetan.taa> off tise lan. By taklng tise laugast tanna yoar annual payment for prlncipli su 8tl'-The neaesn lyopntes aiefxe iasd smevat is thusa uauaily chargeS. They.may Le iuciuded ute)totgage, and palS bal vils lhisnstalmento, visen there vilS e no solS. citoi-m or oIson foes rutained out of Ibe lbau. 9fb.-Yaa secare tisa strictest privas>' as ta >'our affairs, lu your ovun nigisbarhaaî, anSdaaenet suibisal luths mere>' or camnestia>'lndtvldual ; sud as tise Company' caunol ovu es! estate, it cani have no possIble intereut in oppreing yen il unprepared ta meet your en- lOISL-You are, eaing wvus ,svaalhy eorporation ai long standing,wviiel'has aiready umade 18,«Mor4age joas, mounliÉg ta about faurleesi milliana ai dollar,sud lu uo Instance isas Il talsu undue itiiventagceoa!noua i us cuetarneri. -lu last year abus il affectaS mars tisan 2,0000loas. ' Loans ma>' Se oblalueclior ny>'term uyto2e yçateteyayale.aceorin9gtaIseefalloin table:- NSTALMCNT REQUiRan TO REPAY A LOAN 0F 81000 N THE s.0î.LOwiNo ~esons,; C Tri. j Vis 4 Ti. I5 Tr. 7eYrs rs. I18 Vms. I9e rM 1j10 Yrs. J12 Vos. J115 Vrs H lniy..277.10 I li i .i o 1500T2so 16 11-6.0 7.4 010 7.0-0.0J 6 T11910 instahincuts, payable ut tho eof ai fcl Y car, îraY off entire dobt Principal and Interosti THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR GOOD MORTGAGRS 1 FOU FUIITIIEl INVOItItApîON APVLY TO C. NOURSE, Appritisar, opposite "ChranieIa~ Offico, Whltby Books, 8ta ticnery and FancyGoods- CHEAPER TIRAN EVER. Thse sndorsigned havng purohaaed the ttock.-in.trade of George B3on« gongis, snd wimi o 1 make a grat clearance, i ordor bo make rcon for an in. tirly nev stock, is nov offering Booke, Mtionery, sud Fancy Goode, at nnpre. a33 Qucen St. West Tortnto;ý (Tbree Doars tram Et. Patrlck'o Market) BG to1 informe the Ladies that hl'en, th. only GENUINE HAIE WOUKJIJR lntseCity. Hegarateesllkludsotfjo work ta boe doue 10 perfection, neat and prope, andi delivereil et the tlsnerequested. g Please sond Yonr order.s aud Ivil attend 10 them. Combingu dans np 10 order lu SWITCHES, CURLS, FRIZEJS, PUFFS ÂND * RONT PLAITS: I have securedl a miluhine that viljuake .vury hair stralgit, vils tse rmots aIl ans ,wey. Tise afly machine of the kind ln tlse Ples dau'l b. mzieladby canvessen r@- proientin My nm u I employ noue ei. ,MAX JACOB, 2~ us ton West P. S.-Country ordrprmly returned et k, myou xen à Odralt» a Xy . drssimaioer.o site Royal Hotel, attendeS te. --___TOWN CLE RK'S OFIE LTTIFURTEMR NOTICEâ TRE rBIE CANADIAN EXPRESS COU-- UnJotEee9 th ,TouCI.rk sud Trais. JL FaNY W iaHfor goods sud ptrmla nter =vil'a H L Loyin raes ukdabl is, rao te g" ,Leave ordors ts ciii eus'in lueav vith THOIAS HUSTON, 1E3 . YUL; Tovu OIerk, Wiiby. and everythlng pertalning to a Fir8t-01a88,9 Book týe COME IN TIME AND SECUBEA B&BRGAIN. Storei Newspapers and Magazines at Pnblisherse prices. Glb .d -1d liveret] aI 12J ots. per week. A fullifine of L&w Biaukms(nd Blank Booka, &o. À Large Stock, embracn everything i4 1he. busmeas, Wüllbe kept con- stantiy on hand, and with th. facililies pomuessed by the nndersigued for making advatego0~rc~eg~.5m wholo#s e bouses,' Le vii be ahi. t:fupxly tise bmhloat libaper c tes11fài tbe.samb'éelaas ofgoods have been before -o fecinl Whitby ~" Acatlis a oioited, D)ANIEL KENNEDYý Brekt.~Wiîy lâ'Bbrsn'OâSa CLOTHING CIEPRTHÂN EVER" JL-Tto&»v"«Npo te eb'ay NO RS , N Pîl'nr.,NUF TH ulégt frpeWst sitbmwi sudr gm ffna bl /1 (JL4IU'Wb=Utte laya], lu iuy ts erlty Gents' Sp ig Suitsiatest tyles, very eheap. kAlUrge stock o! fine nemltte 5 aMid toy the 0 lu fl colothos. HIandizosuet pattmmis, Gent.' fuisfhiugs, afan cmpetd nimncy ai ver l a or1u1 w'WAITRD TO PURCHASE GOOD atninaSsatisfaction guatranteed. Go viserë. yon vill get avwelti*Zg cneii-ocraýr garmelit ati 4fuil value for your mon.>'. Au inspection respettuiy iuvited. yper4. JOHN j~. Offioi Bigelov's Block, Por Perry. Portraits enlarged ta u y ire, fillsb ~rmes Clar uo ottoes, F C - lb.g 1teosl attention 40. tise fueltishai amn thsesapoild Agent 'of "the-'Canada Stained GI1,,,,Vorks ot Toronto. Cali sud - A.'7LY N - Wilkinsoula Bb1ocki-Brcsck-St GIIAY'8 JSPICCJEIV IIEDJClN,. TEE GnnÂT * - 'Eur, an ups. ,-- Weakness, Befo TakizDlow as. h5aAfter Todug sCiequnse c ef 1, .Iu0, a. lousa of! smog' Univenssi Lassilbne, Pain in the Rock, Dixû nemso ai sion, Prematur, oid tge, and sitarn otbçr iSiseses that lead ta Insanityor Cou. sumplin and a Preuistare Grave tzw-> pg Lartialars lu aur pamphlet, vs iais vo Ssdi: e eandfroobyrnoi1toeve noe. TiseSî e, MeediaineeIo solS l'y-a9I'drggirs ateinc package, or six packages for $5, or vin ýb se TUE GUA-Y MEDICINE CO. W! YVWJndsiore OuI., Canada. iSolS lu nWiIy l'y all dreurlsos, and l'y ail vislesie sud nelalrga t OV7whoee 'In Canada sud lise United StIga. 1y4 County of Ha//burtonf 1!1 or sy. ai it ai t 2- PT FIRE INSURANCE COMPÀNY, BEADj OFFICE, HAMILTON.- .AUTHOTIZED CA4PITAL, $3,000,009. Gavetumesît Deoait. 826,0W0. Businass confineS ta Ibis Province. 'D. B. CHISHOLM, E. T. CRAWFORLD,,- - Presideul. SacyTreas. D. DEILTER, Assistant Scretar>'. i EaUr.cAuz 114 1tTza-Al aPPlicalioUs fér Insurance receive tise clusest scrutin>', sud asily tlisse deemed Sesirableanan t ade. qanrtes are aceaptad; aur aina Seing to m hle ratatn a ech case praparlianata ta the nimk carrieS. SFAna IN ADJUSTME2iT.-EVcery claima pale upon tise Comlrany for lame an Samage is carefuli>' invealigalel, sud visile ths found ta bc bonesî are prampîl>' and ciseettuli> p aid, ail altemptu ait raul are sud e-uer vi lie staul> resist ed. E. W. ARNOLD, Ageut e - WiilyOnt, te Insunauce effectad aI lovesl rates in the best Englisis anS Causdian Conayanies. E. W. ARNOLD, General Insurance.Agent, Poli. 5, 1879. Whitby. CELLA11 TO BENT -A large asianr Csuitable for storing purpascs, onder Ibm ExprssOffice, tb lot. AppI>' 10 , EO. B. YULE, LIST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS )CUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TEE 2 T 1 i 21 îl70. il1 Broa m i 2 PortP 17123 Gtb.. .Ci R.i i DiJ2> ' LLii îride.~ 114> CC uior Ji1512 lWb, y. J, 18 I 179 . s I8, 1 ln 5- Q. or ËN or 47. lie Ln- mg Ly. ai- ,id itw D. yo ln * Id for and qja Dt .1 a' the LL- ý IF le upc 'eOR 4 re to 1 the t. Feb c the 2- L cc Whi Broz Port uxb: Cani Athe whil TIE TO- IA TRI and- r ~,té Pay Debtal or to mako dIs Cpse I Ingrédientsidniclvt buIos vihch- otitute Health, BlocS, M u c , u -N é kev a a n B r a l u S u b st a n c e,' I w ih tsiL ifot lfsU ladir ect»'dépen dent p - ià 'onsarnqof thae. id - fyfts union vith the bicodj and tils aect upan bthe muscles, re-clblisiug tise -auir sud Ioniu*g tise oliser, ibise capable ot effeot. l'Ug lise ioloilg resutas:,,,5 y I t.vin dislace or vecis- out tubetcaiaus à2 mtesthua crs-3Onasrptiau. - 1y incrsasing, Nervous aSd'Mutoulir Vgor, il yulcura Dyspepsda, feebîs or'i. latrmupted action oi tise Eart 'sud'Palpitaý. tian, Wealmes aiIntellect causiseS b>' lrief, vont>', overtax or inregular hItl rn - cii, Acute or Chronic Congestion of th e Luas-even lu tins ualarmiag stages. 1It cures Autisme, Loua af Voici, Neuraîgia- SI. Vitaun Dance, Epilepio Fils, Whoapcog Caugis Narvouaneu, sud ia a moist v-onder-- Mu adjuct ta ailier remiîles in Sustaining H ifedurini theo~ceueofýruîpthema forme bnoS -COMPOUND SVRUP Ol F HYPOpHOSPHITES, neà ,leansdve are ais lusaying, frona a long ex. ,o peieuce in medecine, ils -urInes are neot nt pasasased Sp any iheur c mbi a tion, as tha o~IsJ iACCE TBLEte palet. anS SUFFICIENTLY POTENT te lusure le- eldeil beneft,yýet isarmless, isavsaaver lon > ils ssernay ha c ontinueS. Tiss charater. istie lu possesmed by no oIson reed>'. IT ASSITS DIaRSTION sud assimila. lion. T VITALIZES TEE BLOOD, sppi>'. lugenchingediens as ma>' be required. .N .ESTOBR..TONE te tise neryes. IT GIVES POWER> ai enduranceansd ai cappeentratian to, the mi nS, IT PROMOTES VIGORluin he argans visicis SapnS fun ealtison lise iuvaluutar rnmcnlimr action, 'riz. : the Li-rer, Lussgs, Henri steois suad Ganitals. Auhnlesa afilicted vilhsmre dispasa iu- VOlVsngÙAOOLUTE aisANce LOS, il vili us - tain thissuem uniiil ruaches thi mgî al.il lotieS ta man Pr, a besseicient Creaor. NO F R80 N iIIl e dis lpp in theuIb effectoaiFELLOWS HYPEIOSPRITRS, visahorigidly iollav the directions. 8 FELLO WS'H YPOPHOSPHI TES IN CRPTION. t Tie experirneviicis prefectel Ibis i Prepasa tion acan$ ed mauy rionîhi, and.i vere instituled vîh a vlev ai cuing tisati insidiaus Siseame, TUBERCÛLAR CONSUMPTION. audilu ordr ta su pPI>'tise deficleilcias in aYOephtslread>' in use; for, al- lhüeihd aure vas correct as 10 the. au-y, thair preparations vane, aving th tiseir imperiecl arganizalion, foni auting in While tbe>' causeS the formation ai fat sud generiited isea, 15ey dSM not improve the blood. Tise tonioe efecl upan lise nerves and muscles vas cireunascribed anS avwing 1telissir Siluted sate, lnvolving iargedoses, tise> vers aima Usaexpenaîve. ihe desiderata songbtb>rM. Fellows, vera: A con-renient, palatalrle remetS>'; Unitlterable l'y tiutSe; Haruilea, tisougîs uned cautinuausiyyîl miglît be aiscan inued aI an>' time vitisousl au>' ill eifot; W liseS ironîd zuduco au appetite; Streîigtlîen digestion; Proniale assimilation; Croate healtis>y baSo; Stron gîhen tise neres and muscles; R nable te tissbjrotte lu cessfull>' cam- bat diseas,; And Esuicieqîîy econarnicai for ýll. A AUl Ibis lias been frdispuably'attained. 1 Tisa sucres aiftise vomkin complota;;and T Fellavsr Hypaphompies stands faremosl C arnongelt te remadaes for chronsc argaula diseases, posemslg prapetties ta vhich na other méritcines bas ever aspirel. - ABSTRACT RFECTS. ]P Pallüûvs'Hypopbaspbltes, on being ilu- traducedloito tis estrnacis, umitas vil tise M f oo, 'sud im m ediatel>' ente lle th e circula- m tion;- aud, belug pe fecti>' m iscible vi l et tise blaad, epeedi*>y pervades mvary part afiL tise yste m. Ils effecs are feIrs- declared B b>' a pulse sligitl>' lucreaied lu fulluaesse aud sîrenglis, a général exaltation ai tisebo arganil tions, and exhilaralion ai tise l intelec tuel povers. Ils p ouii le influence R in on tisa Iraiu sud nervaus substance, in-Br creasiug tise activit>' of lise absorbents, sud m reneving lise bloe, Ilium csing lh. hes,>'th musoulur formation o necessacy lu restr- G ing Ibm functions of tise previoasi>' esien- o eS organs.-- 1 1 Ba Besng thoen, a tabla 'for tise nervous aud circulator>' system, il foilove tIsaI, vien V Ibere ta a Sernand flon extrsandinar>' axer- tien, ilsnuais invalusblg, since il supplies- th asetrouub tbe circulation, Land sus. a At una perlaS of Ta isvatsful eare Ovar tis. fonctions oaithlb ala more requisite lban during lb. acquiaitlon oai k>ovledge b> tie yuth ;ploddig, praerving sld>'_,~ requiras astoreofai vgaraUs neVausfarceal orsa ciilS me>' sink under t&semetl. 1 t, t S e i e essity m ea y om p .l t s ue ad ul teostrain hM poem - uoud 1h, Sietates Ot 013 prudeice, ad theeai promisie oiexcel. auncamabblgse leb. Tonsachysreeamxnend FleV;loir'a HEypa. pliospiites; il 'suintua l ui>' s ore 1bhé W sinkiug patient, bu- it wvi nsile tb. toi.- ing student to préserva hle mental and narvaus Standard vithont detrimen. *7T Nor.-Beouspielous of pensns isaM commend any atiserarticle ai "il stmOr, gocl1' thangisbecring a simnilsr nomaindFOI oi those. vis ofler a cheuper priced article, a1 N o r z . -I t i n o n l y t i s a IT n ei ene m d s, ' ue e Z - " pouted eianduwefflPhyuteian, vho cu ef-ý 377 St- PaUIi St MontreilP. 0. v11 l'ave emmediate attentio. FOIR SALýE, AT TEEz GLEN MA&JOR MILBlS ài .Uofn neLunber, woveil eanLj IPlenk, mapie for &eus, lot qualty,j 15,000 ft. Squam Tmbui, IVERPOO4 LOffDDNDFRRY, GLASGOW, AFIYL AILHMineP8 winter 5Service via Hiilifax. 270 Milea Ocean NavigationBed Sisrtsida s.sage, Rconiomy, Cami- fort. Average-Passage froni Land ta Land, Right.'Days! :Evcry Saturdla>' from Halifaix, on arriva] i afhbetrain leàVing WiitltY uýl 8.10 aM. every Thuridsy. TRuOUoa 3]UTES FB301%vuxrssv. Cabin laresredlucea -to w,68,51 sud $91, acco.rdinig ta psitiou a1 statom. lavaie rate for ratura tickets. Intermedaiato., $46. Stearage aI lavest ratas. Sadiaian... Ar btb, caspisu, ...... 11- ist, Stéerage paàueDgerit arefaorwarded tu, LjU,- Souderry, ieltas.1, Glasgow, Qutýensawli, Biristol,, Cardiff, snd Luadndauatimpur rats. ai ta* Liversuaai, Parties wising ta eiýnd fer ilipir Irin,îdg can obtain tickets et loyw ratesi. Psengzerg tainsg Ibis rmute. Iie ibraugis Causdian territor>', aud tht-esfdea evade, ai Custom i2ousr anu.vaures. For tickets and furtber infol-unas.iou sppy te- -- Exp. and Tel. Office. Wlttty, Peli. 411,. 1879. -s4 ROYAL HOTÈL FOR SAL E Y - AUCTION 1 James Pringla. ta affar Car ctale asu0on on SATURDAY, l2-th APBIL, ant tisehboaitvao oVoclc lu tha afiarur-an SIhate onst.clas Sas ntrenaisirs kervu as WhTHEIb YL TL The Royal luib te leaSing hl ofaitise tavu, caulsingi same 40appsrlmants. ielucl- il, lage iing sd sampe rors, m-eli itel 'Iup bar,, encloosd- yard sud rowny Tearnas easy-ta Se masSe kusovu ut sala. L. FAIRBANKS, Auctineer. ~Whutby, Moi-eh 121h, '79. tf-N W TBY, PORT PERRIT S LINI>SA Y CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Taing effeet an Tuesdu>', Fab tis, 1, 1. Pantarry....15.i' &00" Arrive Lindsay-,.... 12.00 noon 9.m TRIN5lesOINUtOUOTEl. Lesve Ldsy 7.00 aI i, 4.W0 l.flu. 7.40 " --7.40 15.1 Arrive Wlillby.....15 7.21r Fon tima Sat atier stions,.ns ePosîsi Timae- Tale, ta bebaSl ou appiicatiou toasu>'ofitise ComarnsvAjents. CONNECTIONS-. WsImuivJsNioiz.-With Grand Trul EUnil- va>' far ait points aast sud veut. P013T Prosa.-WItI stage for Epsaom, Utica sd Uxl'nlde, - , Sxonàvz.-Ypr SWlulfialS anS Wlck, M.tueiàu.-Par Sunderlanid sud Cniut. bi&uxpoAm.-Far Oakwoad, Lite Brit1.Vs lentia and Port Roves,. Lnum&v-Wlth Vietani&atay ion MinSaur., - Haliburtan, Ibe Pree Grant Tarrstery, sud the RneliiLand Companys Prap.rly.vilifid,- iaudEalvay fanrOmemea, M1fll'roeter- boraugis WaodvUîe, Beavertan Onilla,' Wauhe- misne-conoaclng st Orillisylitiste Nartisarn itailva>' for Bannis, Caingvoad, Gravauburst Braeebnidge, sud tise Prom Grant Lans a t Muskala. Vismougis Tickets are fissuSly ail- Agents ai the W. P. P. & L. SP>'.ionJararnto, sud l'y G. T. R. Ticket Agents, Toronto,for lsatioua on W. F. P. & U B,' xotransfer aigs.- Bagg.ge cr..kld tsrugis. a A. GREAT OFFER.' r0o will sau you bnd jlishoee d u unà- abridgod WOI1CESTER'S DICITIgNABV and TEE FORTNIaBTLY IiEVIEW for oneyear. -itetail pn.çe Warcester'sD"cton ay, $12 00;- Subsonptionprneu per aninam -rortnightly.'# 15.00. Or, vs vilI give au uuabuidged, bo.and lu sheep, WORCRSTER'S DICTnIONARY fmr dve (5) Yearly subscriptious to THB FOBTNIGHTLY. EEVIEW, Ofor tour (D) yearly subsoiberi to Tur- otis Imoua wrLboss n Vole, AGEI W &UT*D la whom wé viii ya good commission ta canvas tbeir !alty. For patiulrm order books, ecfimfen copie,&caddremthe publiher, 3ELPORDS CLARKE &Co. Drawlng, Palntlng,, Crayon, givelasonslu Ise aove etber resdenes, Br Iec>Wity ariu lareeaube oans , oI M ies-M(1«.r5 -DOMINION FLOUR &FEED STORE. WhitbyV, MrcX" h18 N APPr*Cr, Wliitby, BIBLES, SLATES, &c., CAUTION.' UF MIL LINJOBY*i "'I: ? ý e STORE -TO LET. T an»Td prernmises lately oceupled byTW. 3. Se St &Ca., on Brook Street, Whiitby.- P s esson ro in frt Janua . - -. Annlv te D. ORMISTON, Soir., Whlîby. 1 7 1 1 - r. 1 clsFa RM wyaLots h c,1,LAe aOa B aiv ,sdLIs uRliss VILLAemnu0fthiriaRONwa, 1 1 1 ,,,l 1 - 1 A FOR SALE, ON REASONABLEI ApyTo .e-1M FI D gaua$er Canada Land St Emigration Coli, - - 50 FronilmSI., Buat, Tarante. or ta ALEX. NIVEN, Agent, C.L.StE.',Co'y., 1 1 1 -1 1 - 1 1 Il 1 1 1 t-f . 1 T( T Md p ATBONIZE HOME COMPANIES.- 1 -MAK-ING. -, FARM LOTS.,

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