Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1879, p. 1

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-Terme- P. DWIGHT, hockr, Brook-e., a> lb. MImote*l hé Pl&"ile ýOINT- AND.j tbé limabt- thet lhe bas STORE nlhep, vbser Coroaial, ai, shIorts, Ac.,LA. rala su>' pbrtl0ia.hevow. d. £VI STOlIX, Ontaro lo1ok, Whilby. MN SALES I cu> hmere hmks to lia. lm'er'libenal patrons g e mcm.la Ibm1th peut, and5$ - Illi ha on andeud cS 0 Dotat I I haW on tqalIs4 ýk vili be tounuSai it Wlitby. Arengemeuts as ), - 'tma e>' ho Swith ?rprpitcicathlema otoi. on te(Xas l)h tad Ste. L , leil BANK8 Atutionceen, 'ÏVlmby# ItoeklandciSbilaknotes W ~P jus d pll à:ttsnded, auI conduot.. C. DAWEB,8 Ro w Nf I LINIMENT!' i b>' deaîr gsncraiy. ta'ke the lead In 1 aite] are - aunsho 98 ANiD CATTL.-Fnem' - 'wer allon, vili cura mail 9emds caimaS b>' over hast. E PEOPLE SAJY, A1SIC TIfEM ? Irigned haveuseS llrovau's ut tom nome lime euS eam uumeud Il for public Use. Lm ine CacharS, omt. roohin S. C. BRtOWN, 13Pnojra loib>', Ont, mn Wood Worka, WHITBY. Corrnack, hUCHANT & IILIIR. >sàUpply of BuillSrs' Fanisli. du adcifTwLstedMoSgs t B3lInda. wholamola csdrelal, on b>' rUui4inge of aven y descemp-. ÃŽ# SluciLug, Sbebvng, Rte- ingý Tîurmu g. Bcnoil-wonk, 6lijý1878. 4 £-TORONTO cVapor Bath8, isal lu:RimaomaîLam, Colis, congestion, 'SIin ilseaasas euhIci- aaesm, hiver., anS fer ,r particiibamI>' pplie-. aao, rbeccllly Syuahlls# ly eomaedad lbe balla aot Bultaa lieéboush lb vîimhic lbe eci ai Slu ccmpiimctlou vllb meI peiant lomors rap- Sta-ate,]. bouut lime wved tram imeresot mcan. Thse ou eu les lau tb, Oit>' nmoaiisllcnsusae giv an, 7 le 8.80 am., 8Oie Il il pm. Ladies, 10 l3slba, oneaticketmol,1P Dr Bitbs, 50e eeob; id aIST, WEBT - Iva mals anS ftcle -DIAMONDi MD,' 8uprntiudant. M'aI Estate - OF aebrlplowum ilci smngNew$ Xst. tir tlin nýpolw.' roto88Dietoy 0-MTAI910 NANi, WHITEY BEANCEff TROU"S DOW. IMAStICWI;lIL UTLGEDGEO ')ARUSTEB, ATtORNBTS, SOL!. Ucitoni NoarePiLbUe, and Coney- $acrs Offce ftrut door sb1thO l.Royal ilotoi, *htby. *J»M B UTLZDGx, B. A. Oounty Orown Allerne'. de- JAUIMB lENITE GOJRDONP, BARR!STER hkATTORNET.-AT.LàWo r,'Publie &a. O" Y]1 ~Ilonsstoe, aekStriai, WhltbY, Ont. ATTORNET.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN L# T. DAIRCLAYP A TORNEY-AT-LAW SOLICITOR A lu Chacoir u nuovny ov &a-, o, o the -A l.Couar ous.,WItby. LywAN siNGLIgH, L L#e net 00a6 . reenvod k00 Slen. B~RI~R~ATTORNY, SOLIO. -Whitby, Outarlo. VOL. XXIIL - DÇZiDÂB4ST.,.WZITBY. This bouSe bas béenrmnty bnl i fia ,TBUNK RÀILWAT 1EOTL, (opposite G. T.IL Stàtion,) Witby. wu. ONXL PBO1BIBTOBI svr ccommodation for eiois, includ- hog 0omrtable, aizy bedr omb, Mi"lsAt aIl lâm The Dar f U suUed ith beut brandi aiLiquu,W euo aldesu,cigars.1 &0. Bvery Docosuy reoiin ivon te Good Stabling, ouclased yard, sud alee- COMMERO1AL HOTEL sud STÀBLES8, 54 and 5a Jervls-treet, Toronto. (st700xuben To JOx zuItKU,) Tho boat 02M00a DayÉous in thoe<fity, oui> two blocks fromn the Jortheru Depotandcloe t e b ire.The fousa has beaun nly Pit eMe-voryUm*eg ruot.lass. 1-? TEMPERANCE HO USE,. DUNDÂS.STEEET, WIMBY. Good accommodation At reffonable lerma. B3ourder. 82.80 por week. 45 Y HOTEL, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR, Thema lrgesl anS mailtommodlous botel iu lb. tovu ; bas large mampie rooms for conamerolsi revellar. Tabla veR uppliaS vith lahasbot l inesou.Bastbnands luor. sudtclaIrs. BEcloseS yard asdshednoam; elal att hstlla.,Charges te s UlQ the N.B.-LlvUaryalache7S. 27 JOUX BALL DOW, ]OSSN HOUSE.:TOBONTO, ONT. D 4RRIlSTEiI-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR 'TiosPalace Holl"tofsanda Rafitted, in l Cbaucemy, Covoyancon, &o. Refurnnîsho, anda! IiJ-vaieS. New avFisn- Olice-Divarifi's Blok, Brook Street, rBO a trruh-lss ihani l u d i -~.Tho Witiby. "an i o-ls oe nýn"wtgau MOllET TO LEND-Fa-lvite Fards - et. c s vz.-82, 02.50, sud 0 er day. lu ummup olew~ioo. et a 1evrate ôt lu. Memor.ci'Clubs adotherses5ai. tercup. (ly~-c2roma, vitimout hor, s o8 ROBIINSON &dENJ10'T, Pcb. 271b, 1878. Fa-opa-lora. (Lars Dueamt «I Itanussox.) T E UEN OTEL, BARRISTERS-AT-LAW, A T TOR N.T B ys, Sallcitars, Cauvoyancoes&oc. (LIT£E oitMmauL,) - Offico-,Pa-eviucl iAssurance Buldings, uuuaCK-mSTItE, vucrmny, Comurt Sta-aa,-Toreciîe. 4-- O. U O-mse, V. A. HemXarZ A. B. I<mms. TAYLOR dcMcCANN, PROPRIETORS. Thmeuderslguod dosire lelui am Ibela- .,h<. G. JCBLLEI', bltnds sud lime publiaclimaI Iba>'have taken the chove vail -kuavu hohel, vhlcm lima> ATTORNET - AT - LAW SOLICITORt hava navi>' dîteS up-sud nenovaled, aud put A in Chaucer>' euS Inco<vancyCauveî'.mbibt te besl ot ordar tan th. accommoda. aneer, da. Oile-Déverill'o locla# 1Brock.tien ai goeste. The Ber, vbich la the baud- Sîrari, WbLlby, Oui. - - somet lunliai Cunty, sal supplie] vibh - ~~ - th ibaflest brande o vicios, liquors, anS cl- G. YOUNG talITil L L. 1B., g"."»ii icaedbdraoasaga mlabllug, box stalla, ho. Delsobad aoems &ARSEi o., d.-Mcciey le Losci tor-commeada eliers. .-BIauerocf Marriaga Liceuses. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILII> MCCANN. Om'mc-Ovsm Dominion Bsuk, Whllby. lete ai Toronto. - ÇMMRCIAL HTL CAMRasuaua&0<API¶5J.IE, 'BAIMITERSAllorueys-at-Law, sud SlitrinChacicea->, Ne. i4 Toronto etsrece, Tea-onlo. - 1. J. oUNN, l. D, 1UltGBON TO THEE OUNTY GAOL, BJIyron Streetl, Whilby.. Dr. W. J. B8URNS. ilesL]ance-Cng-agatlamiai Cburcm Pneu bytecner of eaalli an sd Ma r ma-il UYCIOIf FIELD, Pi. 0. pT)HYSICTANSU-RGEON, &c., Duilus' J. Caeek. Wm. cDlIIN, ft.D., .t.,, G UY' OPIALONDON, ENG., c ID. ISGART, Piyiolan, Sturgeon, -Accoucimer, &o., &oc. Wliib>', Sept. itth, 1874. do W. ADAMSm OOdSOVER R. H. JAMESON'8 R .Grcea-y Store, DumndaEs-cl., WhiIhy. 0cilo ure ram 19 &.m. la 12cm,, irid tram 1.80 te 6, p. mn Reeldano-Cea-. of Byroci sud Gilbert stramîs - C, N. VARS. L. D. s. a-lTI nsred au il 1the T latBt pincilesof lime Art, ds cbesp as the cieesî, anSdpM geed u the hast. wh 1-illeS vilh GelS sud Silven. Taath axtracted vilimoul p in, b>' padactug local anasslhasis. DentalBoom-in 00v. au saavo blocke, aven Atkidsue'sDrg Store King Street, Oshava. 85 JOHN ROBINsOir' fAIRI DRESSING AND SEIAVINO .LSaloon, Brock St., Wllby. 30ON WOLFENDEN, GENTisFOR TUE OELEI3RATED ,-OIOnallaWOleudnDndaSt.,Wiatby. 1WILLIAI, COUPERl, BLAOKSMITE, - - BROUGHAM, (Socceceor ta Thiasmmaldaugm,) heorse shiehg andaS iikindc ai gaunai vark. uY42s H e . VI«'ELL, Clark Division Court, Tp. Clark, Comrnxatoionerlun1B. Rm,Lau] Agent, &oc,, ite., Atimtaly, CeunI>' Ontario. AtbacrlV 8'mt. Sid, 1872. 80 J~ ~ ~ ~~~~I Wn i# ,vsalii~al.St. Steaks ~iiicIU mmkea fotu-losi vrey ,amotli. Booek saut ruceaxîlains evtritlilm. AdtireAa IAXTEII & CO 41-ii ammimea,17 Wai-9t.. N. Y. NEW MUSIC HALL, blUBiO FURNIBHED WHEN DUSIRIID. SalLug Ospecis>', Ona Thousaud. WhItby, Oct. 2, 187-4. ly4 KIFG -BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Imparlars, D"Jouer a u ms tuns0ai &i . Kluds ai LEATHER' AND FINDINGS, cash peit 1r ldes, Raa-k, ana Leaaher. Lesîben sta-îcimad. .W BELTING MADE TO ORDE ON SHOR01T NOTICE. May', 1872. 2 Valuable'Farm o ae 1 0ACRE4S.-Sî LOT 8,110 Ghh CO PICI(IIING. 15acea hne].. Weraaimdrviltilmbonedbrncîlt eta m mepe.Thi, lm e ver>' deciaahe propnt> fur lina vooitalona lc ver>' vaboable sud %vil iài àcrypyfa malaePoc' Ol lima cluta. Ile ? lja u a uuffic le ir umatIo aon tlaa laciS- tIl ¶ Url ta1,TM 14 r allîblepirtias. CARTWRIGHT, ONT. JAMES DIMWAIIT - PIIOPRIETOR. Oaccoammodation 11.12 THE CENTRAL HOUBE, (Lité Loimbînt Heasa.h C. GIFFORD . Proprietor. This bouse fa lime boatinltlie Cant>'. Cali sud eo il. AYERS HOTEL, Si & 81 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Prie reduced t l500a Day. This Ilahel bas radocaditis paica le the Travelling Public. la Q1.60 par Sa>'. Il le baud y te N. T. Centr-al Depal (oui>' s fev deora South), aud ha.sacanlly beau ae- fittèS and e-lunied. Open uigimt sud day. Thme bause iostclaieainl evor>'re- spect, sud Canada people yl aya moue>' by geiug tcthe Aya-s MHal. WILSON SPEAGUE, Praprielor. Rýochecter, N. Y. Jniy 8, 1878, (llm.2t BRITISH AMBICAN HOTEL, R AY ',8 , - &I£ nousoxBOS. WHITBY, ONTARIJO. Nouse newly reuovated aud furniuhed throughont, aud put lu firct-eisus order for he recîption af guosts. An omanibus to and rm altrains. Pirsi-oians sample roomi. H 1AKESPEÂRE lHOTEL, Cor. King & York-sts., Toronto, Ont. J.A.O'GRADY, -PROPRIBTOR.* Tznxs, $1.50 CEE Dày. (ly.47) ]POST OFFICE SALJOON, ToBONTO. Mf. MCONNELL, ..PRIOPRIRTOR. 1Wr THE IIEST ACCOMMODATION ffl for Ouests. (ly-47) UNSHARBOUR 'A JAS., MAOKBY, - PROPRIRTOR. Geod Table, Liquors, aud- Cigare. Fine labling aul every necessar>' accommoda- w uJ. IMAN, OSHAWA, Veteprinary Surgeon, WII1 ho at Àxmtrong'e hotel, Whitby, every Tucesda>', from i ta 4 o'ciock, p. m. ApriL25, 1877. '18 .New Stage Line B ETWEEN WHITI3Y dc OSHAWA.- 1imave a? a ia -t btveau 0dm- MAie aSWtby a comftaIblo caveraS Stage, sud solicil lime patronage ai travelars sud others. Even>' attention iavii bs-pal] te lb, canftainend caveueuceof aipengere, mimd ta lima aucun tyanS prompt Solivey ai pancals canamit e omn>'charage. There vili be tva stages pea- day oichwvs>, vis. : Laavlng Osbaaenc mo man*g uimle mabe lose connectionm vilh i l.Witbý &d Lindsy til* and . At8 o'mlokaacim euSa 0Th etOp nateamdy asge viii cali AI airt balea oeim lan sd erdar. lait al an>' lo0ehbla $11 be alloudaâ la. Pars sud charges moderaio. March 511h 1878. (-14 GEORGeE BIRIT TO Ni CA RIAGE :WA GGON MANUFACTURER of anov Improved Root Seed and cm) Dr/fil Double & Bing/e Tam/lp Dr/ills, CLAYTON'S PATENTED -ChIlIENS, Wag5aus, Bouigslem iogima, constIuplyj ou cli'IRN ou, meatly sa andel aotîha .ih latale GEO. IIRITTON, - f Tva disoa oth ailim uoan'ùëéno il, Daock Street, . -- bty tuir1 4 7 - * A PPL E %. BOU T 78Ao, . .1 lqloeoqriýit T -meffilo,-blit noun t 11wnan HOM"E,-NURSERY, _ From two tyeem y food.afl aS, *Ich li Yaozofororzat1 bas oni orme. lhe bouait l. ors ýo2v~ Lot No. S, Sud Oonl.Fickàln_- on ilngoton àM4x.,Gue KV m x,K4tordMus. Rosa, oi O0fic, 1V4th# .. , '0 H 1 N A H1 ýA LL, omay htV"!4 4bsýma saos Or TE ý U (I G InTavuZ=l cal 00Mpnds ac efo lmiibo JUG ~for rovallng sSp~lyng heo,era: 71 KINe-8rï EA8T TORONTO. cte l'izn èlpùou Fuy Break 0t aS Tee Sois d "stin 1L . at i haasm baawe Fency Diaer and Dessert Sets. 1, "h ra ail its~ Penny Bei-ociù sots. lJB Panoy Jugend Tospots. MaELAB. IilverPlated Enlva, Forks sud Spoous. ,"- ' i 0 -ePaed Cruels sud IButter Coclers. * Xl MS jgo r Vs s ja M"~de Rodgass' Kuivossuad Parka. friand, i coiýsnlte î at. tth im1 e e wra s s d S r i , a s ui g u g f r o ei r a e l i t ' a n d u r - Fhower SRades for Lilv0, ho., &o., vuaposr tio,îperinduc.d vrwr Glmassr, &JI dsrip io ." sud frogularbab&i. IlavuS -> eeio White Stoee are, levery kind. eing snd curative, prprties.?m7od Hoètel and Bar Goodi. affect My>' Sbillttel suystem ýfronlite firat GLOVERi HARRISON, - dael, and undor iît-porsiàtonl. à aPal -- -. ~~~importer. Mr/ov« nlgi lia suZbt _____and______________________thena1 I ave net besitated te gIVo VEOITmES My moit un. qualifiait indorsomont sas beng a snue, sure - hA new gJIU * sd povexul agent lu prcn1uhlwîh "an THE ARKE C astoring 111e wul.dsytem ta pow Ille sud usojenry.dau1ngsfivaIp ny evaerne1 - ied a botter, Tourstl, W. ilduRK, 120 Monter.>' streai, Alleghany, Pa. The iollowlng latter from Bey. G. W. M.nlela, farmorl>'apster ai 'the Mthodisi SEND STAMP FOR GINOULAR EpiscopaI church, ynlydo Park, sud ai pre. 1 .1 .Isat s.tléaiedluLavali, mael coumlnceavor PARKER 1BRO'S on.vbo rads bis latter af lbé vendartl curative qualitieo fYrzurumse e lherongh WEST M ER IDE N CT. cleaser anS. purifier af the blood;- Ma. . HdePark, Mais., Feb. 15,1876, MR . R .zvzMm Dear Sir,-A4bout ton years &go my healtb MÂbfA TIN WABAM, fallad ibren h the doploilg affects ai dys. gpÉý narl ayea laerI vas atacked HtOU8E, 8ION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. _ rtyp od ae in ls worsl fora, itsultled Have juil rocàived a nov stock of i nlu=y back and took thi iorm of a'largo deep.sesaed absaisil, vhich vas flifeen apnoitsin gbern I hâa ivo sargucsl W A LL A PERS opertionsblime beit skil l nlbheState, but ai lime latestI douane sud patterau. recelveil ne permanent cure. 1 safféred PRECOIG ÀSPEIALY, great paiu at limas, sud vas canclall PRESCING SPEIALT. I eakeaid b>' a praluse disabarga. Ia=e Fresco desigus execnted an the shorteit&alo lst ommmi places oi boue e differeul notice. limas. MARTN ~ ARAM j Mstere-rau on limua about seveu yesrs. MA BIN WARM,. talMay,.1874, vimen as frind recommmuded Twoadoors uortholainxg's Tauuory, Brooki me to go to your office aud.lalk wilh you Street, Whltby. ly-4 i ofb.hevirtua of Vmozcaz. -~ -- -B>' wha oa n svsd beard I gained same E LT R K cofidence fil VVýIEToru. 0V I cammençped lakîug il sau aller, but fait 3VO. wo vrse ftrnm its affectes llI Ipersovered sud WHI TB Y ON T, seaufat il as beuafiltlng me li aimer re- WHI B Y NTspect. Yîi 1 diS alomca 1h. résults I desir. ad il hO all taken it , aithfully for litîle fluE SUBECRIDEit bavleg purcbased more than a year, wheu the difficull>' lu the t. he Machiner>' sud entire stock oi baek vas cnred, sud for aine menthe I havet seasoned Lomber from the Mudgeansd enjuved the test af bealth. .arvood Monntacluring Company, la nov I have In Ihai lime gaineS iveuiy-five )repared te furulsh Doern, Saihes, Blinds, pounda aof fesh, being heavier than ever beo- rames, Mouidings, lBase, Architraves, fere in mn>' Me, sud I vas nver mare able laaorlng, Sheetlng, sud evarythlug re- te pair'ae hn new. Durlng thee [uired by the traie, at the loeet living se ow vaaks I had a scretuleas uvelliug pneeff. as large s ýy floi galber oan utbarp art af 0 Wood turuing Navals sud Dalusters te my body. '!toek Vrerncz failbfaily sud rder. il removadil tlevai wilb the surface An a Lumber for sale, bast qualit>', loeat moutb. I think 1 shoui4 have beeu- curea rs. ai my main trouble soanîr il i a takon W. hope tfram long axporieuce and b>' larger doenaater bsviug beceme accustamn- nuare dallug ta mert a charetipubliecild toilneaffects.t atronagi. Lai yonr patrons ireublad vllim scrofule, GEO. GILCHIRIST, or Iridua>' Suasse uuder#aud hlim a ltkas Prepricter. lima le cure chroulo diceasos. aud, if tbey t wili psliently lake VzozrnMZ, it l , luy, m n' juigmanl, cure them. With greal -ebliga- /I[ONET TO LEND. tiens, 1 am, yourc ver>' IraI>'. U.G. W. MANSFIELD, Il Paeler af the Metbedisi E. Chnrch. 0 The nnderaigneil bacs anyameunt et Mou-- 'to Lenddpou Frm ýr Tewn Proprly, aî E GTt ausually Low Rates af Interest.V E TI-NE] Loans con bc repsid in sumo te cuit ber. Prepared by i Mers. Hl. R. STEVEN~S, Boston, Mais. f Several Improvea Parmosud Wild Lande b r Gale cheap. Vgtn-I odb l ýUe S Inveclmens rmadeie n Municfýipal Dben- eei. sSI yallugss qu pi pal a1 nu for tunes, Bank, saImeÏl r mikolusStc. For fuathar particuars appi>' te JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Assiguaa, Baabea-, &o. Aprili 11h. 1872. 15 DOMINION BANK. -CAPITAL, $1,000,000 00 LIVERPOOL MARKET BRANCH, The uânumi bankiug business traasaclad. Collections maSs an] Dretts issueS payable et al poinl Canada, United States sud Grealnt in SAVINGS B3ANK DEPARTMENT. Ilitaresi utthlie ramIaifPour par cent, viii bo save] ou ail some from One Dollar au] uewards tromu date cf dapoit--ropsyabie vithoal uelice. J. iH. HORSEY, 5. Agent. BLACKSMJTH S51101 Thme udea-igno] bag le interna lie public limaI lima>'have oened A GEIEIAL I3LACKSMITI ANPD EOILSR-SHOEING 8HOP au Bro-ock treol, lunlime ai] Fsnning Miil pr esc, (iearl>' oppamito tlie Foundr, v amer tm>maspreuaro] la axeculaii ardaers lInbla- linoa with whlcm liyMay> bc favureS vith purietrislit au] demaicia. T. PRECIIITTE & C0. Dec. 271bi, 1878. Cana-S Mus/c Instructio'n, MR. FREDeMUDGE, TEACHER OF THE- gC adg-ea Cso al; m e I ode on, lln, Ccppnlurksdtea mitm a ERSo plcton tdu cr-SMALL'8 MILL, CEDA fi DPAE . paoens metit, et #l, #1.20 and $15O, pjicApj, -9fTRÈRSuLL qm Sept. Sud, 1878. 871'CeSsa -Dale, Fob. 4th, 1579,a (tf.7 maj DAILWAYT TICETS te Sgarnia, Part L~ UM E! iMER jRHuron, De sutald heWestern and Dot 010. B. TUEs aa C,0 JON 8SON, )TicketAguIbll>' LUMBER MERÇHANT, TOWN CLERk'S OeFICE.' W 1H1I T B Y, s Na ou baud mIsa-go suÈ ofpiDM ainds 01e TTTIL FURTHER NOTICE -THE a Da-n Lumbai- Buaasulin uooeouy -N i Oié ofthea TovuCleni sud TresSa Buldlug Lum r Fnlg, àvuTiber t - aervlithé,!e- ort mmalcp I .)TffllVlea-kmWfly, DU 7iht. IN tURAN CE. ONTARIO PARMERS' Mutual Insurance Co'y. IIEAD OFFICE, -DROCE-Sa-., WEITDY. HrIS COMPANY iluers Fan Bull]- TL luge,. C ouata-y Cimrabac, Saimeai lies, sud thala Countet, aIraaesase LaW as limose anau>wll-eslablimbad Comanuy ln Canada. JULSI'LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. J. B.BICKELL, JOHN WILLIS, Preeldeul. Vice-Pa-eiidelt C. NOUIlSE, Sa-cBascrna. Whitby, April 9tb, 1878. -16 puioeNIX FIEE INSURANCE Co. Lombard St, sud Cbaring Cross, Landau. «ESTABLaSME» 1IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO., Agents tor Canada. Rt. W. TYRE, Manager, Meulraal. A GENCY ESTà.BLISHED IN CANA- DA in 1804. Unlimited liabilil>' ai ail the Stackholdan sd lia-gc Rosea-va Fands. Moderato ratas ai premaucu. - C. NOURSE, Agent, Wimiby. WhiIby, Apail thm, 1878. 1 Assurance Company. INCORPORATED 1833. AS SETS, 81,101,878694. F. A. BALL, Mantager. Insurancai affecteS uatthlm oet cureut raeas ou -Buildings, Marchandise, sud ethar prapant>', againsî basor dsfiaage b>' ma-a. C.NOURSE, - Agent, Wimiby. Whilby, April Oh, 1878. 1 PUIlE-BIRLilD COTSWOLD SHEEp PAND BERlItSIRII PIGS.F WM. M. MILLERN, Echo aink Fsrm, Ciaemaut P.O., Ontaioi. Breadar sud Importer oai CeluvoîS Shicai sud pure - braS Berbghir, Pige. - Stock iougiml mu] sel] on commission. Pickerinug, Nev. 80, 1878. l-O GRISTING &'OHOFPING. Co bli aftimaïehiai .bÃ"iblez 1ouauduae, Tb ytbhsepstlam=y bé drear onvat e lb. goa ;-, Th ugb lima huart =aute, Iisa Le tailh inspire lime sou,l Setmelng, t ' theV/M Dàce tb4suA* h. n Le I aarCi84& sud - - r --Jli -e mu 6 oeve li~In e]alî An laa0auhihdotasr Teh orheva-àsiancr, limte yard u liv bas eblken NIbe fuë tu- pego supplieS; Fa a ev lbeth,-vhaci vo "swal, Th a i T he fler. - a 1Ih a-aa im fro im on00d His iama ad bu san sudbigle v ay>, Ail ab*oed bis- verbe fer th godaio For h. e uw, Analje bos, And 40 mavs, B 0 lima~tcben fia-e alad bIs p allant wvii L b1 0 bis hemo u aya alite, Ihp" t ei ber husband's ban, For she maust bail, j AnS she mueI broul, AndSche must leil, 411 fan the go eailimhe hamo'p, Wmeu Autamu la bore vlth ils chilii The Fermer galbera hie ca-op at luaI iai iarus sa-a full, bis ifteaiduare banc, For lima Ooeoftail an] ho no'an bath a Whlle il blava, And il anave, The wiinter gaca, liaea-esteaia-omlime vork 01fhlm and. Bat lime illing vie te111lltaif'sc eosing dS la lime cldreu's guide, lima bumband'm est, Fnem Sp>' la day mime bas doue bar hast, Until Splath aleno gives ber a-ast, Foastar lima tect, Cerneslime a-est Wiim timabledt, in the farmsacbeavani'hubern. Ia Lifa and lu Dcîth, a Page oe Famil> Hislor>'. A leong, oîd-asiîae], mignilcoi recru, Érowingdim u d sbaawy lu ti twiligb ; s roam fit la eha imnla uineS wlth ahelvesa ball aI huadrade oid boc a, ; a neom tbat seemad meutl ta b ha uuted, as lima wida buste gla ed ont j pactral>' Ibrougla thiegrovin darknei. Fasretcing, alant, au telilar> so lange, limailime oue liviu Igr fit wlas almosî lest sud cvi loveS auplu spaca ; oodrarin>' l vasIuoas imatitIl as vauderful sn liviug etresture cotula endure tm sta limera. Four greml vinadows, aide b>' sidi aaoked out ou a tarasc, imehre a font ta pla ed, mn] ceaSwhite uympl itood as il luruaai l astone vbilo lIa lance] Thea laraaca vac solilan>', i: tho room tIlat operie] ou il; oui>'o mue ai the Windovs, leauiug against Ih 'rama, i4u] bcepiug ascsead>' val imnangb imhe glass, wag a man. T ligmt vas so dim aven Ihere thmt i figurne w"a but juat plairil> diocermaiba bal il coul] ho seen limai havas:net ol -ual, pW-laps, qaile yaung, but unSe Middle aga-scndar, pale, venu. HB proafile (a lpcAt lime vindav loobe] c] Mostl looSecate fo i a man ; an] hi bin] vac painful>'limtin. Thal vms a] bhat coul] ho soon-oven limaI an1 mav an]dIlien wvh h bl]rip hi rslch ta caîcb lime ligmi on ils face. Suddoni>' a seft, almoat ateîlthy, fao samo aloug Ite gravaI. A vomi a-aappaS ha a large cioak, witb lima bac nuevu aven bar bosS, came ou to tIl sa-race ; lime lihrany-vlwindev unl opeu aud sime seppa] an. -'Il lniiraly yen, Helcu, at lengtb i "Am I buta?2 I coul] ual com, eauner. - "INot very laIe-bul you came s eldom nov. I mupppooe I am ira patieint." 50e lot iralm lab off lion eia, and 3o]d quise passive vilile bl babai anr ion a Momenuand limon boul dayi 3n bisseS bon. She vas lu e verj lmple aeoing toilette; a litle vomirý but final>' sud lul>' proparlioned- oie 3uigman] banul aoaogh la bavE aitadl a mueh nicmor etye oaid-oas lima le Plain wvitie oelmeansd viima ad] ai aIea]>' ealm about han, aveu -bhile simetalboa-lover., ICloce Ithevindov, pleace," aeh aid, in ber campase]l musical voico1 I vamal te bavea along talb vllb you. bilip. Heo aimyed giadi>'. I bave soarce. yseen yau foa- a waolc," ho 'amasvered, sud I bave good nova bo-nigmt. IYeu seo me tbraee imce ever>' Say -la Ihat not euougm 2" "4If yoý eaUlimtai seeiug, Are limere 0he no more leseaus, Helen 2"1 *I am aIrai] ual. I dia not Mnair Duclaprcqas hast vinler, My iaun isO £40 aglove]. -"LiaI vinter . ao. uia l as ual iltogethan my auit., Havaflen Si] Yeu mise com- ag ?" ý Sevetn1 'lime., cerlaini>'. AnS, aihip, yaja kuov my neaman." "Lord iDamia->' vas bere, sud Fat are allenàoccupis]."1 ."Oîlmcnîpeopie ab wo)l as Lard Dain- ry vteohore, an] I di] ual viim cm elt ta 'ha discovere]. Yon vonld orlaiuîy hîve ruine] yaaa-sahf if I bad et beau canliaus for bath. Permape yen are nighl.- Bal, Hab- it la bard tar ses se lilîla ai yoen as Suie vmý silont ions moment, aime bail lit Soya ýa egreel crvi ermcuai luI itou] noan lime - viudov, sud lia, lnding ppasiIs 10 br, lea ned ageinsi la projealg iideý cf Ibe --rao.ss, aud apt- lis e'yes conascytan li er -Lace, "Liste VI"abecia l ibup aI im vilafaint coloufr flicobairu>g yorn nr celm -lurei. é,Dci't -ycg - hiek ti SE hi b m b- e f- i Pl se en na ou th, se do OI aaly !,' - Hebuail hi vani [f ta stap seensig aI ber ûe to tok ana cf aime aswered. "om' irmelfi, o b at im dciWéyen lest, I ha>'. nevan dgcue.. mg lu ber vola. Souùqed - a I o àta o~.nive aag4l un. S~ue 1a4ber ple you hiava over anS aven ýagai in rapeal slong, aahbiag icc, velcme]Lime ireFI yaur promise, I tolyen I nover viii gnieduali>' Savour limem - r reicase yon raifo , i ai. , Marry Wimom Baltvien sie turaed sa ansd open. oldi You yul-7g ,el aji lime gea] yonoaa froui aS lb. Séar, and met lier umacloe oming tyaun langain; bal, marrieS, or ditagle, ap ta feleimlbar, ebe veul forivard MY 1nicim or 'poar, living or dylng, yen cre smiiing la lake hic arm, vithout a cat minae V'-clanS ce ber fice. Th oldaISmn vas Ove: 81,111ra >11 w haS illi Sîýbreat- trarnbiiag anS: inirma,anSalb.>' vont 900 euaug.geslro. lIs wordes à1oanded'lika' slovi>' aIong lime galler>' 1111 liîay draw s surse. - 6r afl ber shoaciy norves, - neafr lime caircace, vien limoe r a sI- mo ýII,) siugce , ' '- - ' --, voicas basa-S tpéaaing loua;sud augril>'emu, "Pbii i iear eaoprîo up baby.AU aI once Ihe>' ceased, euS fer ý'7 Phuip Couva>', aipping -vitb rein, more,- , 1 Lan î ssps iiedviimud, to, iabevelied, it'b< t.uJfl ,i alng r ausi p 1the chairs -la great <S yenar onS 'àý4 nov Ana, 10ever, u :aàs. ýP40A. hoface wilh the tucela Lueè âaSIiDeMA asd nioso hi stood -a moment, labôur. ma 1 ,u 1 Il i ng ýîÏ 1, le epeek- hu Son! diyhs fgure 1 #Ãœ Avay, liaraugla lime vauminov, p'il lia rW&yed, and ha fail ihevây>forivard aI h ILca .uzf. -- Countis. , emr hashand, standing ba: loand tl c oamecoinJahnd, n S v e y p o a c e il l i sato t - T m b o d y a ud lo t b e r p a . - "iR b a s f a i - I 1 fal as'ç-ixua.y1ch'- - -hm1<I1h'mi .," ch. suiS, lu lier saft ateady wvo Jo i lis ayaai ,m~eador ~S a ule asidan hehind -barlime>' saiS, "H. ea o -aif reneval'421adof gea d e 0ao, fol- dëaS 1" - loving'the variug fortu nés of it bords;',The ceu.niage mlood aethlie Sean. Wimy blut lim chanc, -lbrough its cepntuiess aiidd 11e dola>' bar going e ho, b of existence, iaad - istlitl a sgaw.ed PimupOminae>boa faintod, or Sic], inu>TI mach. 1,l bd ecu ralpeS viiim blek b brsighit? The Barla]outes voe. clim for ii>' e fanerai; ilfia béen eck- wal upon l.leir vs>' vimen theisurgeon the cd villefoyvers _ for- msun' abridai:-'said thôa- fewv vôrdsta Mr. Glà.yaber. h î S S n a v > f ih 'Su c u m t e o t a b , - "Q ù i t o d ed S . D i s e a i s . - f i e - t e. awa i ii lé egstrslay to e ofou~caof eecb epoàéation &<raimu , Sr 'Pti.-dinit Ha l.,s~aa b 1n. 1 ..1- eaeg -c I'~enx VII 1O~ - thlé Ton eau , ine. Holalo mlsun'.i&. : zouav J "r7 h) 'skd ' e ngtjuiir ouï"c, te- .eîw thé séld~ bulte~kkiS ~Iu t t ieta o'cook aU Fotetù tellôiàJésted ;bt obiàed angàSè '-A baavy blakloud ios;up it in aanu. c' lOm tuh bolÉo lad pâud bfors the 5'~~5Wri- 'ovara eaun ;'a trongt fiore. w nS seîmed ýl6 bhuwi w~ 'i e'. 'P SM Ik ilita lu a s t" . fo ilo w '-l, s nd ï sha ris in g îo v n t h eia a be ra .gbt, , 'tlrted 6wliY bOm 'lier,' churcb, svsýpt tela I ors -froc thue .Sandj*ibl t W8b.4d eso'f ltme room, peuh, snd foré tiovuthes irchý'above ~ saggll~hd~th 'et~ lb. taijieslimé galeva>'. ,Il fell vi e ormai-uponi 'aud1obshirtes mè went.'rflhe ast etili by 111e' ;ro of thae carniae which, th" tjip iflôw, Wtfbtmp 'pieb llgbB siin. emômept à aus3, osihl g He.atpàv-' Izmpou ber gbhSen, bair, vhile ih olscLi wlt6-ber mluarriage Thi'e gteetle ~,coniidoridwbWit ' sbo sald iay Dnitte bareeé$ungd. And ouldiad'e hlm &. d dawuapai11e bnch- dbÃ"r»'but:iî Il 'watt'al te leighh-' ofhemireom, bride steppjeil O'ut,'èainu a eyr, tloimgh sud came t"h o-mb ahlformer piale-op! her lface vas d.adiypal., sud- is déii- fpolite ber deadi> pale, but 'ridy' to ce.llnesdrawu into unnaturel bard.1 listn,'-née as. Her uanle, à aifîble aqeruicu. le do Dotlknov," aime beRsa egain, aid man, fàilo4+ed ber tempbliig, sud Why'Ihave 4ol t dIbis befoni.- i s heJr pa9ced hale the taile the storcu iJ>h Ubiliat Is<o cm 'pure tV.bursl. ohdeila1 ýof raiti fol i Ua adelP wsrg ver>' foili thrýe yasî-s tige, bolh, uge. viviS 'flashes' ofI llgbning ubonil, o çpà'; but-wve are flot obitlinn Dow-.sud quick terriP seais lhuuÀer ri- Ï01boy andSgirl; thet ý,v o ab o î e'tlIed - aveu. l, 9: a o.-~Tha Part>' ahte go five ni oùr romanci,. ,My gethared ru~~healler, btim era verf suai', im.lhi s gviug wsya nd - a mle' aa h o: 11eclergyman en'- inow ber fucomoé die vilh ber ; vimanWai 'èloi ras loi in thle s'orm before lie ah. la doca m n nle tvlll bava te lo iv commeuced iimýservice. laps ezpenalvey-he vilii 1, fir.t 'cf 'Thé, luIl cý,me-aeAvy, deatimlike, aiof rddngbsifii sls enocu-_ ominous3v. The-darkuese soeemed la lu- brauces. ufcmi<m e., snob crosse, but tiîrough thma silence the Yi as 1 la, ià îvary da y in graatem- danger. clergyman'% vc1ce waa hsarti, low suit I ougimt la lbink cf the future." cioteay "etai irot, but riiung fullersnd Rh. "ave yennettlhoaagh ? cund I for clearer escis moment, tilt ha, came to you? Helen, 'ou bave"benu fitful to.lime varda, "IIf! an>' man! cou show jumI me se long, dan't, Son t change, nov, cause vhy thqMay me>nut lavîul>' bes For heayen'u msakis bo patiînia Uitile I1oied logether,' lat hlm now spela,or "It i.a-questio f patience J"île heroafter foý eve r laýd luis pase." "Ycaoui fy dial, To.daythuis 'ver>' Thon, et tbaiïntant, e peal af Ihun. day, I have Bad an engagement- affer- dor, leader blan before, ahook the .5 Mo." building, crash aller crash il came, d; She raiseiber bisad a litth wlim sund in the midct oaiti a vaice criai, e qnick inquiring mav =meul. She imadil"thora is cause. Before GoS I forbid lavait Iim once, inluier fashion ; par- Ibis marriage." 'But the limander sud iusps Sud sîill. She lhaiteen uaiedta lbthévoica cesseil, sud limaspeaker vas think Ihal, viîla bis foot au theiraI Invisible. Thee frigimlcued guesla look. [mg step of tha ladSer of succoes, ha vould ad aI each oti ansd thienjunta lime dim1 eerlsmnly reach tihe top. If limelbaS thal cerneroansd reoosses ef the cburcm, but firel slip nov, aime might tilh11bcotrai ta thora vas na ane ibut tbemselves, sud br, in. But it etruok ber tbat timere vas a lime oldsaezton cawerlug *nud trembling resinglar imeittion iu bis manner. bhiabsmonument. The. brida oaught 4Il in s good lbiug," ho vent oau, t he sitar-rail, balut nilier crieS out asîmact unhopad-for fortune; sud uer fululeS; file bridegroom, glanced yet il bas it-4 dark aide. 1Iablîadhave ronda hsglâtily, hidiug hic diema>'un- l ta bave yrifora'de."5r 4 show of priSe. The vicar, stop-1 2"Well?" she saiS, impsliently, as if piug hack, caltitd ulond aie, thukuowri IL tasI were s,.ight- liing. ta coma forvard, but noue anseed. IlAnd il cames from a quarter I A second anSdsaliird lime lieCaileS, don'î like." but lu vain. Timen lime> 'began te as>' IlCari ye afford la have préférencas? Ihat il muet have been lsncy-limatthe1 1 cannaI. limander lbail sauuddd like a vice-and INo, trul>'. But Ibis le from Mr. lâitaItlim marriage elueuld go ou. if Stuart, Lard Daiutry'e brother. Ho Sa il veut on. "Ilreqnire sud virils a private oecretar>', sud vii lake charge yen, boiih, as yoa leli saer abi me. It is in ilecîf s macla bolier lbiug lime dra4fîal de>' af julgmýeu, vhuen lime1 uat limari hia, and viii lead la aomelimiug secrets of all hearta shall hi dicclosed,1 th more. - tiat if cubher of you knov an>' inpedi'-9 iS, IlAnd yel you do ual like il ? Why ment why ye may not ha iavfliy join-c Of net Pimilip 2" cd legethea.-. ý J>' "I îé1iiuk you knav, Yeu viii sa>' il A alraug simdier seized lIme bride,t m-l foIism ; but except for the cake of and eiaak te lmaciei>'folie afIlber va-il ; ag inakiug cura af yomx, I wotald ual lake il. but ohé radreîled il, making no aigu of i ,nd WVitim yanr promise. and for your sakis, hecilaian. Thaon,lunlime pause after1 1g w iii. ' liai olema adjuratian, thore came an- 8 ai. IlAnSdlimai very promise vonîS de. otetar mycterions esoapae, sudible 8 ies prive yori of il. NaoPiailip, yen must liraugh al 1he clauircli ; su inarlicuustea ,y labo il-the irai chimie et prasperiby sound, ht a ieneilimer sigl uer groin>, Il va hicm bas came ta yob; bbal yaa mnuet but vas more fullai deapair Ibmn evar tleoil vithaul mne." v as eilimer. And sîil limere vas no anc e, Il Neyer. Why, bal for yen, aboula visible. Il migimi have been semae ,a- cura for il P 1 haroeaiU Ihe'neccasaries étrange elecot of the wind, which soni hi1 of lifo iear-and you."' avept ln atarmy guetls round thme bmilcl- e Ho came te lber aide euS laid luis irig, ratlig lime Windows sud whisîling le band aa'flly ou hier ?2air, vhicb alii lhraugblime crevicee ini lhe atoue-work. ait giearnied golden Ihrouffi flite hall dsrk- But, vimalever il miglat ho, il waa ual lac nette ; iutaima leanied back in bier chair, repeated. The marriage werit ou, sud iiij xuvirig lier hea] Irom mnder bis Helen, Cauntess af Daiulry, leurd t] fic tetacl. Jfromtlime sitar ta receive lime cougratu. r [Is l have sametiig ta tell you sica," lalioria ai lier friarids. e c ime saiS, Il sud yau viilo t iike te "But oh, my> deam," saiioue aid tI )iJ bear it..Thie murniug I liad a latter lady la ber« granddamaglier s e tic' loi which la of importance te bath ai drove home ta the Hall, 'lil le amii- tI l ie u." omeued vedding. 50e Iried liard fur il- Site paupedl a Muoment, ahaak off ail hlm, suddaime hic got lii; sud I he- las hesilaliari, and vent an quickly. liove iri mn>' imari limaI aime ia a womaul %I lLord Daintr>' viahcs me la marry vimo von] gel vimat seip anteS if elle îIy him. Hr. je rich, sud I am tireS aifiad te step aver thme body aif ber hest lis povrty ;ho is anxious to give me a frierd la reîh i. But il le a strauie ,ai ana. Ougimi I la refuse hlm 2" - "lGraridmamma, dar't su>' snch hor- fi "u àYouniave accepled imim? YourrriS liinga i She la excessivel>' baud- ,i word ta me is notblng, Helen ?" He same, snd claver, sud charming. I Il bc apabe brakeni>' sud barsii>. Sont vouder ha fell in lave witmlber." g "o6 Not yet. I muetai aiaer bis leller -'Chsrmirig 1" anS the aid vomnnari t-morraw." isugimed acorafüli>'. "Yecç- lime>' 55'P( V" SuSSenly hie feul, hall krieeliug, ha- poor Pbilip Couva>' fanS'limaI eut Fi ne fore bier, graping lier bandsaaain long ag-as el asa alers." h( passionalel>'. 0 'Philip Couva>'? Her rinelb's sec- t sa IlY ou cann ai do i1" lh e crie. Y en reary ? W hy, grardmatmma, y uari lo n. are m in , and 1 vi l ot giv a y en rp. vould nualeIcIm e bhocivilae lm .", D I couid nal livo sud Ilosa you-" *lYeu ? lhat'a a differentl liig. He's PO Id IlHui, pray hualu, dear Philip 1" bier cousin a 1ev limes removed, sud . al aime ansvered, soothiug hlm sif ho quite as good acscie lu . Havever, i's 121 ru awre au n trzctable o4ild. l"Youascetalmy affair-nar yarira. Ugi 1 vhal lim taI I bave came ta coult yen. I relu1 C bi ava doue nothiug, said 'noîiig, yeî, Thme bridai part>' reache limhe Hall I Id limaI yen nqed Camplain of." vwitie lime tarm vas atill itai itu eigimî. ai Fe , TYin camé e lacanaulime ?" ho ra- Timo>'est Soya b breakfast ; anSdlime SpeateS, hitterl>'. Do yrou came toaskaebdpreacion and sauce ai ave wviic had me vicether I vill give yen rip te, tIlbihean inepirad b>' tbe lempeat, . sudb>' tuman vima is ricb, anS eau mabe yon a he inerruptin of lima service, passaet Cauntcs 2"' graduail>' ava>. Speeches viere maSe ga 1 I l a ucon s t l y , yo a." s ud t t a l r n k , s u d l i m e b r i ba b a ] a un l I "leS vii ir uh u mru u nel iimiye." Fbr Pili- vs m Woi 2" al Pu bliSaS1 a , t .b ap ad a suor ai o 'no- mod utea,>' cf tes nl'eetgn -un wbt ov-pioreuS ou eahfand mranda, au] -Misa Fartieaa a é n tim es m en io med." eu II mimiiliutrodmace y au ai a ýmo nu i ." g ai IM yau please but i shlnk it vold ' moell ua." i -- t~h hini tetk ratableil -afÇoe limaIt t aw cii1ýoo anever oanàaIuaok £'o miu reàillubisolven ét~hban5ifi.l f, 4 havngJ-aineit, ibarwil An ASnov LimaI ime baS beau se iongi a sOUposful wcmu, eue oisai ofper- soau .ilone upabe- vil ofI-har. Te heu- uaido - &hoim a v s n e 1dvi it T h era muouîm, sud Ibey ail weol aae>' lu lim sme min&. ,$hol'is aa evii tecu- pir5'-heysel, "ud eem s ,seif aim neyer eonidhbëeniat for e mlunuteý AUl lima moue>' ici ngland vould not psyi ana la oface imer,, e s hi 10obstme-, -Oua cîbîr strsugi tblng vas mnavua chant lbar. She a a]snsulted-no opas kuawonwvimat suhjact--a certain olair-, Tvant, on decler ici superustumal mys- -taries, sud baS, mereaver, bain abserv. é4 Io change caler vhen lime subjecl vas nau>ad, sud la simdder învofia. tiril>' vin ishalief ia il va sserted' ici imar prnoece. Thal aime ielidid. halièeaic i migs nat drosmo] or in! pbilsmpy, vas 111e caaseqaanl Opinion cf ber frieadu-hul it vams alater an viich abe refuse] le peak.- -Il vwas lima Eîrl's pleabura as Weil ai boes thal theim ousa iu Bianeshire sbenîd ha .â imspihîble . ana. The>' 98p3Ma t Ol f ime yesr limera,' anS Ibe> vere neyer alane. Na maioteyaou-. promuisiag the seasan, 10e>'W lue! baya a Part>', anS aimost salvys 1h vas beîh large sund gmý1y. Tlaere van, porpobual marnîag aud evanîug amusements, a continuel obb sud -flov ai dinner gueite, sud averytbiug tla ma s S. uer invitatian vortL aooepling. Perhass Iis wvs lie aspect aoflime case vhicu presenlaS itsebf most vividby la lime miculina muinde ai the naigmbor- boçit. A ine hanse, s pleasîntblust, s heauliful bastesa, sud farilliasa Sitnen, Au] vines ual ta ho -equalied in ttus aoualry,-ver>' Mau coul] appreciale tmese a ven>' min acconding>' prized lime Caunlcess' 'fiinvitations. -1 Ouaeaiflimaeeinvitations vas limaepuh- oect af a liltie diacussion ona evouing. I usad beaun sautt ca apmMua-cbisou-, a yaung squira cf -lima neighbcrhoed, muS ha, gaiag le bis laItto-case la-fn] Immeîiaing oes, luiS juset pullaS il ao'l an] lossed tI'o bis inaSsud guiemt Eaptain cauwray. .41l iuclmdem yau," lie saiS, "ail nigmt. viàus aevenrlimone picyiug croquet yes- aerds>',anS book an epporlnnity oaItl.' ling the Couns 'Iexpocled yen. Dam- anaé I camaea>'ab se begged me la mniugyen vlO m lo'maa-aow, vimichI uroimiell. Sayen are hookea." "I dori't bimoiva lheie's asoel I knav there;" Couva>' ausvered, lvisig the mate reoinS bis flugers. "Mare same for yan, limon. Tbe-e'm the jollimat People in Englaud aivase tharo, and it's thc jllioel bouse ta, meal hem aI."1 C"Lady Dmiutr>' ca'& be ver>' young," h ~onwa>' aiS, irneveroutl>', sIter a lilîle 1 pamuse, anS Ibrauga a clouS cof smobe.1 Ralpb veut off mtoa enft oaiaugluer. B5 Java i i faeasy enoagm to iee Lat yeu have neyer saeo ber 1 Thmee bare ides f aislciug ofai e vman uie mal nal beiug van>' young 1" &&Weil, upon m>' van, I Son't ce ffa joka."i "W"by, mari, mimeis scarcelys v oman i it ail-simhe la a goddecss1 Do you caup- ?se liaiheosause viman boys in Laver t aourimet aIEtonobhe vas -turning lime 0 iedm ai ail Landau, IhereorWoele cau'l arn mu>' oav2 If yQu Sa, yau are cou- 1 âdorabl>' miclaben. B>' Javé, thora is2 et suotmer wvan lu Engnd ta coin- e ?are vilhhaber1" --111 ell yoa m>'opinion Ip-mo rav It "Oh I nov il beforeh9ýuS. ,Yeu- Mn'l imalp yaurself. - Buýal, jloou kaev ha]l abin] of hall ides limaI yau anS M e m u et ho relate S 2" î "li1aS yoa 2 Sa vo ire-iâaiul>." ib "Explain il olS idilov.. I cml>'wim 1Y coald mace ber eut i cousin oimino." '0 Couva>' kuacke] lime asimes off bis ci- ( >n, étrsîcbed imuelf omfentabi- hîc t] a bis chair, hley a vbiff cr- tva lazly a aSd thon ansverad, lun a pravabing>' ubliberuta manuor- helveen i10e pulls, c 'Her graat.graudnotaer lu] ,Myu>' 'sundmulbe- veno sistens." t "Ils Ibel immbag 2" '*Noa; trub."-- c ,"Youteem tao bepral>' vollup in ho reltin sip, a ler a il 2" k "Ts, I am. Do'h>'au kniov halI< ras braugim p b>' mn> maiden ut 2" a: "AnS able maSo you learu yor gn- t lagy 2" "Na exeal'. I remembar imaiâ par,- uar relation fan a paricuieýr reson." ai "W hal vas liaI P" T "CamaI you lt - s felcv umobe ii2 a "Net if pesce meAnasilÃœenîe ; IhaSll, oagm ftliaI baera yen came. Go ! aevidene>' rssac edfr uses moment-ou- Ihiý yacng scldila ~!face, bis 515 uat -:change, or failan as if l i mehberglenc but ratherfeead ho laak oven or b. yand hem. Sha coulinnad beur couver- uatien- sud ha iis[gaza. At !lst, whuu diuer Seemad ta bave listaS Ivice,111e criuer' ima,"Lady Daintny rosa, Té imomùen.tlime ladmos' baSl 'passe] aunt, sud lime Soor oshut,- Couva>' turneS aolimegentleaunazei hlm, sud lu a voiloaof I irmor cd-' aS, "àDid yeasaeit* 2" » se Z t2'ý'lie olimenmaturuai, sud Rapu leanod a"mais; the tabletle iisae.- "éTme igure thàl stcod bohmind limhe- Cenalesaetil s, vho mmickad - everything she-Siai" i- TMW sîrenger Sdrsv a litle inrîber ave>'; Ha evidanti>' lhoaugh .t hi@ noigh. hearU vuas&e; #an al mb, cccuiag - round, look the, emitplapice.' ".DiS omuseo it ?" III sîv ijau.hehsvýing as if yau vore- oulta oyaum seugs. -Wiat on ath liS il ail mean 2"< III don% kaow-ezoeept lii. As va - sal Savc bt table thora caine a-& lbiug-mud miod lbaind LaS>' Dain. ltry'c Chair. IL sied le camac vitm ber labto limerooa. 1Il clea limera lie vimube lime, nov icoe-sie andi aaw on ùi. aImer .:Whtaevcr s(ue aiS, il did asud il -1I'ed lber awa>' iana Ho ehaSSered, sud Murehienu osiub- doreS ton. Thora ouoblha- no damubt lhima cebelievad lh aila]sen chia- tbingî "Bnt wviat Win ilike 2 'UIki lime shaSea ca i an-if il eas a yîhiug. Aàsimidcv isving sut,- Mhan mil yen cauindalesan] tlI" III dareca>' il ecee;,a ahadcie." "Lokaethlie- puqe, vibers _.il mIca,]. 'l;e ligiî la full, hrgàa, _.iquelly diffus- ai. Nao,îhadav-ceud ha Ibere." " Yeu wl;onfl' nevar asb me la ail in he neacu. itbil aan Murciion -pduse 1\for auaual Ha trie] le persuade imuseli limaI Cou- va>' vispraotiaing a folci hioax- thal i lia ba b a oomcm iiei-eveéu limat-Ibis zmightal ha the lia-Isillusiion I o li mang mlegfvar. But 'noneofi hase timeorisvauld stand. CaimÃŽvay wASmai a caoo -in8ouciani tempar,ý ual in tmoe 1esmt-given - ta practical jokies; aud hoie hall lual svallava] e single gisea aif wine ; anS ho ha]l not lime fimiaomt ig~u of pimysica l lmais about bu, lWîîat le diS shov vas: alrang, namihakailc a'mpýomi ai humro, an] o1- pef.ct, o a d f 4 tli . Ï Yol il m2igmihava imemi somè fiantes- fie affect af lightI paS shiale; and if'au, it von] cealaiuly ual mpea 1r, lu Li lrawmang-maom. "'Came," lho cal], "ilot asgo an] jein tha ladios. If il vas a ýslaadou il vwll la>' limeme."- ,lilis no usa., AnS, le telilimhe lrulh, Ishail ha glaS la ýgekaout aiflime banco.- aaefaaomo excuse ,for ;mo-fle'c a "t4iSlalotyou go ave'lay.ima heides lual yen bave seau a ghost 2 I tongil yu biaSt more pmack."- "ILaok haro, Ilalph, itla sne use tlk- ragini limaI va>'. , I ce>' nahing about has8t 1 _.IIoui>'se>' lit -I bava meen- anS I deu't, bnav vby, ybuu ibuid net have seau too-baýhît I descnibed lu- you. IIiv wil gm4ueve- 50 flen itý wouc mimano di fence on me ex- - èepl - limai illeis'uncp uny-maelin - huit, horrible- ti e ainq tliera îoebing ovarylbiug che doas.', Ho Buddened. l"AnS 1i uppose ynou Sa't ulýertaiu an>' idýesof" lnying tlalaa>'hlime boist,' ns yen oeil il. -I Socibt vimether bhe Canlasaciol] Ihaub yaur' "TheCanles. 2 Do yen Imagluie 10a1bà an>' cauooana ofaiil ?"j "IHav oaa îItell ?2 AilI 1mv, oa "Ver>' vail, tmon," coma into thae - lravaag-roem euS ta-ytleua outnsoin- Hvsobîliciai., heing falrly.diviS. Id uaw- imetvaau-beliai anS nboiai; ira Conva>' vas obligeS le yi.ald bo-e woe about a Sazon ladies, yonnmg nS au], hanlime roc men- lima>' yenter-- 0. Lai>' Daat->' as sittting oan s île tlmiing tas-àdovagor lin bIlckvol- et, suda Siemonds. Tme>' vransacar- ous euirait-an, aid, vu.lnled, sud mrivelfad-,gorgeons lu black anuS surn et u'd fâhing higli thé11eoter lu tha mn>'; panfachien ai bpauty. lu à nieh juaiatclrais of pure witie. But ahind, bon, stading so ea sîm¶ be ii nit- ses golden 1uair soanaîd te touch bis asal, stead lime Sark sludov. Cou-. a>' laidilalpi b> ' look limai il vas Tme> separateai]mnndiely, au] cuve>' bfonS imself nar the lay hi ad tlbon n todiuir. 811 vas 1the ily prsou vIli iWpM b.4lia] lime i ikof aequa.ntû»ce, snishe

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