Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1879, p. 2

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ly a ide loyal JIO[W-Jâl. pal roua Fergason. 8 . IlobontRon. fro,"-J. S, Bobegui B. Roin s., ci pefis.r-g, W, 1 bxlg -DI 8, Bponi- ' Repent- -L, D. Crevlsea,. 1lY-Éd. A.Wlas ru. Allao. -Twsi'fWhitb3 -Towasislýsof Piekes ixt on et 'os Oti entena, C. Draper. .,,,,,Few for sale' or, tesranI-W. Tis son. UCINBILES. ý3àIe of târnstockt iipIieuts;, te rpr ty cf Mr. Iismas Esus at 'ifs prenuglsilot 8,b is e 20ti c sf Wlsi tly, u Ttursuiay, bMaeis2( 1870--t. Fairbanlks, Auctibneer, - 8le i, cf issu tocit, spaatL tise preoerty of Mn. Robent beeker,a - itie prégaisas, lot 24, lin te lat con. c Plokarn at Secker's isOtel, s Wed leauke, Ansoamnes. oea f Tlsorongi-bret &nel0usdi caIleotuvolii sepl mnplene, ». t'l îo psotny f Mr. Jloa usil, aIhIg tiion o "ebe , l*1 u the 411scou. WiiI on fiud y, Piltrohiss269, 89. aeîrbants, Âationgees s îIi- ONL y-*I PE.RANNVM.- ,WJîiiby& Thursdiy, Maroli 13, 1879. Mn. Ju stice Osier. Mr1. l"sthtieoin eo c f tise lait tin"esof lieItiine# OsIer anti Mess,lias besîmu tippoilîiel te tise position lu lis Cetni ofComnson Picsev~acatedl'y Ms. Juetine Gvytsue'sosooion te tieseuS hrsîns court. Tise appoinînsent is au excîslbouicie, aussiià te-sraisiy spoke- Of pUIOt cfil sil, L ÏIn. Justice Osier silsussix very lii<t, Iviti tise professinas 4Se'tllsicioire hue publiés,andi iis it, est-te knttwldge aiflise îrastice cf tl' * emsrtu i ii suueke ilus a great ecquiel. Iitist u tise lieue. Éislcopal Electlon. u ttri-am ois50 tf tise laIe Bisisol -IH iIslsisw as a satisflasttbry tesmineatiou ti iestnîîggie bolvesu tise tivOX(lens list ue ôToroto Synosi. Afler a confer- <mess Iîetweeu tise leaders cf bell' parties titis îiw iioI's lectotits as agnecc tiso)n, atssi vas uuade l'y e arge ma- jsiî ity of lise Lay ansi Clenical dele' Mut. HAXeîI NCoRiJTssurrppeereti etb 11-diioiiss' udt on blonday evening anti tittiglistes a vqry aîsîreciativs audience wi0tilàhie betîis s ongo. Ho aîosang 55011e Ef'nglifuls ati Irih mebodies, in- ûIlusissg hTIse varing af the Green,,, e isstroi Bey" ansi Iho Village lilwtlslîth," in viie hie singing vas eqisslly effective. Mn. corbot aurpees. es uove's ous olsi favorite -Kennedy lunihie lianlicoisur iun isu i n a g aying tisaI lits essîssîît lu e xceliei us siaSeottieh vo- toslisit. b11e"tva heursenotertaitnsent"t %vit$ olnts'cftise greabeul tisCais vilîs whiii ss Vitiby l'y tsssielisas even been Nantis Ontario, A5st a Inootiuk c f tise Liberai Couses. vssive Association, iseli ai Canuingten - us montiay, lMr.-W. H. Gibbs a vas ns soiittnet astise candidteh for lIse Coluinions. Tisa esectian eoka candI- Juste for tise Local-Ilouse lias been l;otstponed. - Arcades Ambo. Tise Wlilly Gaziete ansitise Oshava Vistticsctoe'ans growu so sunslisalike iltiith ie patfew véoku bisaI people - havîtiseets unstaIcing eue for tise otItes. 'liu làoGae,1ttc muet gel ils "ssopy" oui- - isi Osicava, if il vante le retain a miireul cf ils oe'4gi phiLticai cisanacter, - lsliii'ceut as tîxat hais been. Cao il l'e tisaItishe Gazette lias been converteul lu. tu, Mr. Lark's uew Wisitisy papor, of whicls v eiri Bo nsocl on tise dofeat of Ur. Gibb's 2 wVell, îbsey wronli ake a britliinl, veli-maiesi pair of lieanlies!1 Meccting cf Calîle Exportera., tee VaNessxcLu t çsl veeýk>ainoupgt otiser dreacifell tingt, ha ocharges tisat thesHo(taesuca@cbeu- pid frewi lfty 10 o ne spistireti -par cent enorg lisai o outreet pices for prntuing fto he ls Lor.uly Couceil, b ly lise ouinivau et certain asembers ;"&IBO liat tise ChAiss. iceu-zracted twloe the amotint cf its oonlrauifor ps.istnug frotatheil.(ounty Agnlsultunal oti."A nflln'ie- ply tu tIss ochars w ould Iboafouzi ni Ir i. lise bars stàtemenl %but tisa Vtndsca- to osi adiappoinied tendenr ivwho dld nos gaI lise ontreet frein eltiser ,,bdylun Justice tise CoutnyCs'du* cil, tiseoffies of tise Agnteultîral Bo- ciaty, au- nti eovegiteveven, îvo bran $ho eaaîssessts smfalso-telse si tises, hal'ltaU~ly matis by tise otitescaf lthe Visicis!rtaainal oppenenla. 0f1lise B. tirty tisas. riemberi cf tise e0U<Dty 'Conoil, cnly tva epposti payaseai o re, tise bccouéI0of lie Ccserclàsfoi, extra prianllng, ordieeti tsde thsecintract, id tilaI nearly tise visoi body muet have' bossa la league vils tise esiltocf 'tise Y. CRHeOuIOLaî acoondlng te tise Vindicator. Te Tisa lled ubeet, nefenredti e, gïvea pentlculare, iol oniy of items for ocam- ~.ty Council pnlntiog, (tise only prntaing ondernrcrol)butal aseof varions a.. misceIlacous items ai printtng and ati- vertffeiag fer lise courts andt iagitraesi, ( whIchýo l'alose -tise Boardi ai Audit>, il-asson s- asales ai lantis for taxes, h». >snti ailtlise" tise prspiagexisorter cf tis Vecliestr isioaeby lamps toge. tiser.vutiste County Ceunehlil iai-o ýt, prlntiug, mîseneerentitig 1h. faste be-. il- fors tise ptblii I nortiestta nsaks a point a gaîset tise Cisiegocit.- Mr. William 4nulth of Eau&Wity final viso-preuidaul et lise Agrienturai %t Soiety, vas ebairmen cf tise meeting if viîci enuonetipaymossl oi tise Cussis- iczs acounu for tise at.uouut of tise Agriculturibl Society's printing. Tise tirsectoire vers Ms. Robent Devenul, secondsi vcs.presitieul Mosanrs. D. Lisk, SJohn Hlovden, Thomras Deverill, Daviti 1- Burna, Jolin Baitor, T. J. liolliday, . SDaviil Brown, Ali. Waddeil anti M. Gonidt, su veli knovn as 55e oci--tise iltttipeiabsegenstlemen linlIse conla- ty.Acadaconting ite e dilor ai tise enVisussc 1 alises.o gentlemen muaI have combineti tae saItishe Society and put rnoty in lise coffens cithie c CSeOtezoxi1 ItIl- OnIti bcean inanît te eeek te defendti ties roe apreposten. - ouaàscharge. The editar cf lte ié itua il NEtCLas Item SlYS 1àt1a e SesIntr-à est bn adlvaiclag tise objects of it oAg-t rieuiturai Socety, snd vse s il in no spil l' oating-snnisally sontnilsut- E a iaie lav oande tise 1rizea, visils frmu r prayerful Dunkîn friand, tisefi -only contributions have been grurnl'- iing se'l iault-fluding in Isiis leuet. lu vIsaI ve vill sali tise Party per- tien arisi.personal abuse tise sîliton aý oi tise Visdicsstot- is ssîuaiîy untruibinl, 9 ansi jop uetseilpoîsut as regarda bis r foolististliseets. Does tise siv man 0 actualîy isagtietisat TIls i Wîs'ex a dssicosictcat neslly canes lise valie ofa Italiea truv tubent Iis rauiug nonsensn le île il an inunry ? Wlsy, visona te psaying sIoislerer vas about lx tise meenect ef tise diriy Grils," t as isenov calisles, ant i vIsalis 0c Oehtewa master vas suusing tb Git ci conîventions, sud vetiug for GOnt candi.-Il dates, ansi alnsing Sur John*Â. IMac- ai sionalilsiastIse ensl'odiuueuat cf ail tisat -vas Vile, tlise CHRNIosE xt tad âabusin tise county cf Ontario, imcufully fgit. IL bsg te b attiesaof tIse Conservativa W Party. Iis vias befere tise ativeut cfb certaiîn Oshawa geulfitien mb otIseo panty. lu tisose tisys tlii onsvre luin- et cipies elinti Party, and bioneet men te aI upiiolti ties vwonîl flglting for-sud, a tissuS GQJ, lisons'are a few leit yet. Ln bion iti nostIshon purcise tiscis 'ayou lno Paniamont, andtitIe nase cf Sentis Il Ontario waa nol rendeset a l'y-word ai for eleclian corruption. Tiseosg of South Ontaneocuil tison holti - np theirIseas'andant al est l'. Binsofcien ssarne smandtieîo eisk a u hen iti 110111,Y la spoken cf lu ceunectioo vicîs uc eleciion expenditure. "Psay anti pionder ns inconuection viti tise CssciONICss, for- e(j soobhsi Thetaunt comes weti ires tiserhil gan tisa i lse beus tise mcnthpiuce cf Di tiOsese vîtOseCcnnrrtpracticeS have bCecl2e, steunnesi ly tIse courte as densorssiiz- bng aud liegrusiceful te tise wisole cousu-, Isy. pli 111e s ardi, ituuay blm saisi, tisaIotisers ie ehoitle s iser eansof tisewrisug. Di lIsodesi ceeu cf thie man-oitIse Vindicct- M tous. l3htisolin tise mou of a party Hi knoivtisaI illinees and tise edibsun cf ai tise Vissciccttos are no new acquaintars. en cuis ; tisaI on lise ccntnany tiseir reis- cf tiens havTe isesu atitor intiiisats firons a oIg ver y early psnicti cf life, an-dti tisahe IH selltos actael'ut te ilPut hisi foot in il," ho il-s elo iti eep. vt -s oes _uis _a r. 55 e r. I. n n s SEATING Rc I' .WINtSeccss-At tI-e Oshawas skating Caruivai tise prizes wcre awardod as foilows: For geutle- man akaâter, Mr. W. F. Billingo, Wisià- 'y ; for lady,,lot Miss L. Quilock ; 2nd Misa A. Bliack. Represontation of cisaracter for lady, Misem F. Marmlhalli for gentleman, W. Armour. Mayor Patty, of Toronto, wns pressut Send M)renented tlIe prizes. Dit HAANELM LECTURES' AT THE~ COL- i. IIO ,aedeservetlly attrsscting sutîcis interet suad attention. Hes lectures again ons Friday next. Those tisat do not lhenr thom wiil miessun opportunity seldei brouglit within thse reacli of a Wchitby ,ýudience. sid tisai 5 hasuapointii dti the is ~beauy cf ibis eburcis by ti&s-Bishc lise baus, andi ou tIsa SI cf -De ber lest vont tle seciurcisfor tlie pose cf tuotsng- service, but dorsi dre(Use4 iç admit 'rho plaintif eleimedti ias he vas tIse canons of tisa Angelican Cic enulîltu te tise sou and, fsoebIspio cisurcis, as- incumbeut thereof,' dafeudentes ente isiltaI lIse p l wau thse duliy-appiniet ni ene the d'une', eut ôlalsned tisaI the cl vardana-antilay deloigates i t 'hsSj vers ual congunteti lu the appoiaui as varequise-ad ly Churancis 1 Chancellor Prondiooc i islsseti application, vîi tcolts, Bouth Ontario. 'p of seosi hissa , by unob, kintiff il ot sursIs Vices- lise MR. JeUXDRDE VeATDavis iuuwxsTHE 1E- 50515 CANDIDATE FOR ?5nt LOCAL Tis efsons Consvenioi for tise pus- pose cf unsmineîing s Candisdaesfonrlthe Lcal Legislalon mol aI Hlopinis' Hall, WViiIly ou Friduy haut, There vas e uarge gabisening. Tise CisiS as teken l'y Ms. Ormiston, Presiteni of tIses- eccialien, Mr. A. G. Melihienacting au Searotalry. Tison. vers ,ý182dloegates present, the soeasi rnncpaiities l'e-- ing neprsosueti se foihevas :-Pisoe- ing, 06ti; tovwaship ofi Whitby, 82 ; Est Wiily 82 ; Oiseva, 20 ; leva cf Wbitby , .No nomi-patbons vers mati, is onvention agneeiug le sup- pont visoovors sisenit h ioroqui site number aifl'sllus. On lise finit ballet tise vals, a st vers Johnu Dryden, 158 ; T. P. Witie, 18 ; Jams Holtien, 4; Dr. gspOili anti G. b. Smiths, i esis. Thea nomination cf Mn. Dryden *as matit, nanimous. Mn. F. W. Glu, M. P.,- vas proeoo antia on sningise baIll vas receiveti vIls a round cf ciseers. Ms. Dryden, in nespoasa teoceils, iook tise plars, sud amidot ciseers avou'eti imuehi a supportes iU tise Mour- aI Admniniasabicn, puaiseait tiinegiula- flien as aatisfacîory in tise settiexueut oitis, municipal.- iea mcud lodebtesi. soie, tise Creeka Ast, tisa Ballet Act, in giving lise incarne franchiise snd tise franchsieo 10fermeru' sens, tiseir amant- ateuts ta tisemunicipaileur eand bise seisool Jaur, sud la piscing aItIhisosti of tIse Educalion Deparîmnenl a res;pea- cible Minuster. He believe t th ie geucral legisialion- of tise Gavernunent resonsuendeti iteeif te intelligence of tise cuntry. Stili, ultisougis lb vas a pereonel phoastre te hissi l appeas as a' 'supporter ai Mr. Movat, lie diti1 ucl titink t tey voulti oxpet iilutto bl'e mosrrile icupîsorter, on a 7- mens vobing t machine, if eleeteti, us ho f5sly expecteti o ise. Heoconsiemuseti thisefcreasing of tise iudensoiltc nssnmsijr, anti gara redit b tise overumeeit for Petting liai malter nig-lut,,nsil piîtting Ithe amouttl'auk ta us5 <itifigure. Mn. -Whsite, vie vasl recoivea vili hleers, premisedi huis ttearby support tu, te uninco cf tise Convention. île waruet iesn againet l'ning led auray by false criese; sîdriseat'hIan emut teO S Dvos-sscnfiieut, stor tb deejise théilî breuglis cf tiein ispouenie, butleto ull b Il logeusesunoitedly. Ht' pre(tpi ki 1shsort loue. cf pover lot- tise Gouerîs- seul neur rnling aI Ottusur. '1iseyI mild not kep tise promises tous te se peopîs, suldtise reulnt urculti ie dis. b ippoiutsent, and! bu a slàort mtime am ,raI reaction. i) Mr. Hoilden saisi tbat on no account li soIt l'el'es&-candidates ai;tise preseut a, mte. mis business engagements urcuti lt permit cf il, oonsoquc.nthyie disi lt seek tise nomination. He express. ic i bis atîscismeol to Mr. Mourat sud m [st Governsent, anti vould gis-e Mn. ts )rysien i ibesrty uppactinlutiiecou- t et. lin. Glen, uviaesferwarntbure- soute te losuil rails, expresered bIli'l reaseti uriti tishoursmination ht Isa 1usd inen matie. He vouisi îork fur Mr. f rytiu as isard as lie isasi urlueti for l Jn. Catenon, Mn. Etiganu sud hisself. nu en sîviel systematio co-opucration, ta ti strget tise importnusus cf lleosm. 'W es holinig Ouituii stise key-stons cf t ise Dominionle gave credit te cI Reiormeî'c likA Mn. Whiite anti Mr. of cIoden finnftle suanIy flenerous vay tw 1 rlu tic lsyiasiacloi, and proslictub ru 8grossI, if ot a greator cuccees tissu ni e hsall obtainetil Isîeeli ýs tise roecuIt ftise corubeel. - 'M Atter a 1ev vorule fruuDr. iiaysandti l r. S. K. Brao, ansi vitis tiree usisers Yi )rtise Quecn u aitMn..- Drydten, lIse inuvention closeti. ici Statement cf the New Canadissu Loats Il apîpeara tisaI, notwittsstasssiing tîst contention ouf tise Ministerial pmrtý whle in opposition, tise agetnts hecv ctliibecun etaise..They s-ceived oes quartes- par cent. on llsree milliion pouis sterling, cr aisout $87, 500, ans oespar cent.son tise unguarnteed par. lion cf tise an ais comumission. LisaIl, tise London agents recoiviud for ascist. iing Mr, Tiiicy tise suns cf .£e~,500,or about $112,500. Ou tise tis Duscomise wissn tise tend-rs were openesi, it was founsi tisat lsehe s of £1,621,000) was subscribed for iu ail at ands above the mninimum price. Il scas tIssu decidesi A tuert'ng 01 catil exportons vwas S. WV. B. Ssitis & Co., have reccive te t leep tise bocks open iimbu Mouslay,. ielsiat "lo ranto on Monduy, at vhiels a fulasserinseul cf ilutsplsreyaHo.th hwetebanowàtkn tise opinion vas expresasi thtiseisu. Meo1paticSio ciics, Huphlrey's 11u- nt 96,1 On tise lotiscf Decensier tise ual for-tise admnstaion cf ilcn fnail agents ailsreccesi a letter te oase under viici. tise cattle labouriff and:,cure aiftiiseaseefroc. tise Miniofer cf Finance, stating . Ve whiih -vers roeistly ulanisterinsî u M . .hshave teuise or te ifornn yen Liat vc Liç'irpool was caused l'y deficleul venu. j nsacae- susclhaepaei ett redit (;f lise Donsin. iaîioîs on siipioarti.'A rsosolistiott was io1878 anadaur respevent.ook-"(uaiseO itassett recsosiintltise Goveruusenl seleclion eau l'e hati Complote l insre inceaaafu prseî onc toisap )ointl bnspeetora ta examig& tise S.poblufon, 1boelr, Whl'y mt. lhisinstant, £678,344 8s. 111i, -for ne- st981 enggil lu tise eattie.carnytng ceiptu on account cf tise bais of .13,000,- traite. A resaletion .vas alec -passesi Hendrica Persian Essence, anti crn- 000, as per panticulars aunexesi. Tise ssji roving cf Itis action cf tise Governu proepectno tssued by Barnssg lros. & tmont lu prolïlitin'g Sise iptntiniah of posei cf tise ohoiceco anti meut fregraul Co. andti lyn Mbille, Cunnrie & 'Cc. is for UntitedibiaIôs actisie,> orientai fowes, a leeting pssfisrne. .8. 1,500,000 Canadia 4 per~ cent, bonds, ______W. B. Srnith & Co. guarantessi ly tise uiperiaii overu- Tts CÂureuL ;io vs1BsL.-re. Boo- ment cf tise Unitedi Kingîlons, l'lit CAwrà£ýLDivump, Book-hintiidg, ln u iÈiyle,obCeap- a b l't e redop h t f0 Csîsl)uisisi ataiOttawa ori lte malter J. S. Robertsons, Dàv'etiLl'a ]3lcik, 1913,ai on o luise1sacuOtisr of tise iii cf Diverse, before thes Sonate. Wiîby. .,18,apefouofhuinneei Il i expctet tisI tie cae vii l' - -, - ansi £1,500,000it Doriinion cf Canaia 4 It i expcta tha thecas wil bupsr cent"boude cf tise fors ansd tesser bisongit Ito rard alansarly day. Hou.- Large stockcf hi ssssvery eunexei, to ise re-pasicon tise let of Ms '. congall bieng 136-W a mier cY f «cieap, lînlees mcm 25 Cenits. S.: W. B. Nevember, 1908. Tise 4 per ent. lise lIuse f c Gmmons,*M'rs. Campiseli Snfitis & Co. gnarenteed bondse wiii isear istziresut wili have te omiplsy otiser Couneel. f~~ rons thiset cf Octoher, 1878, anditise TslRsm.Ecs-'9-Bé? AC.-4 per cent Dotauintbonss efrons tiss 1Dsa'rss cor Jossso MOLicOt, M. P P.- Tise race l'étwlenY'WalI=î - Rose, cf lot cf Novtembes, 1878, p)ayable hallh- Mrt. Jolise ,cLcid, , X. P P., for Wecslt. John, N.B., anti F'rsittflnniett, of yearly, ou hls tc April anti October, Iituln, <ied is. Issrésitience IDow- Jarov, fon .11) 910 li t 0811Place Ou and tise icI cf May ant ivsemnben ne.- Moday iaet over tise Thisnses: Chain- epedtitely. Paymouî vab reqtinsti as 1j1assvillu, on 8unudl!" - isip couo,from.Puttgy,,ta Mort. folicwa:, àper cent ou application ; tise lanko, anti reisil'et lu a victcxoXY r 110es. remaioing diffenence iselwten 75 per t)l'teiulAts Asusisis, - Asuongtit thse Emoeetý bcd, nDtiI lie àadn.eabsed a cent andthie pricis on allaîment ; suis- 4uttuitsnotnlae h~ fel-i b G iSE clnl eibouit fÇtyruluoow H ler- saquent instaîrnenîs cf 25 per cent efecis gft î is e, p njé91 bar ui tais-sui tllBn vis ha Rose avertook bis on tise l3ti of Jauuary, 181h cf Feul. man 1fr L abanas > slâp lAs- sund 4t'ew away, vinning tise sacscasiiy aud tise 131h ci Matois,,1879 ; thIefait- Inu . L T u app aluin(j good by about eilis or tee Iengtisl. tune te pay ansyioRslliucet te, affect1111 cie.- s- Tite:new Perfunse, I Mîbnciccs cf proviut!iYnsena. Tise bonis arc lu lu iii. - LentesBouquet; j'necoivèdi S. W. B. £100.ast ItitNova 80* Lsglslataro, ts ~ ~ ~ -- Provincial seceutas -esgivan- notice Bn..he --.s oied non - ha lit hWviilUtOdUu. a bill 5t90aboHies O- 0' E£IBu Bùarr.-The -Ts saeiRîeyKou tiseLegibave otiilU Daita "lob Burrntla* aunounceti. Dr. Hlng's New Discovery for Con- - ctfilli] of. -b'-sqwbOreti'aR'tte learneleti smpiion la eertainly tise greatoat meti- LlVtar-Muis. ~ &J. . rlnîeHeýwùl . iu< ù,4 onwhio iat idal reniedy ever piseeti - willsiu hie htave splendidlvry tun.s-los, ùg'd blIaol1îàis< c'f de i'bly p=rojïfeisîlun oe4isof 'snflering isnrnanity. Tison- -- onesconfotele eilc~s nsi - tude4~tsî o~-el.. ngagOea, 4Un, sutlf nc sn, nov odly. pro. nivos, cSrtli aouttIsIt$' ehfferts4is. 's'matiserna-. aim tliaisprde.-fan Ibis vondenini - ITSTSTaa-tansoe ureoven, vas a first ciu 'Iîsis tlime diacovenY, levisicis theY cOvc lissir lives. tweds ntila - sP9a M &à. 90 -devêed musA- e wviilb, -Notouily does it positieely'citre Con- twea ndlaet tyespinjit'"tote dvooeoy- om n aes qo ýurtiont Got, CupiAsîbiua, selftg vdny peniipe, bsocncrs in eh. prisw,. - Booncisitis, H ay foyer, hoarseuessud - ~ -of pe>ce, anti a isorgt êemle-s'Isî aI&Hafctionis of tise TissôssI, Client sis NitOÀIu5ELÊOTION.JIu tseshsleigmeo f, lise univerpat i rtieruit;cd a. 'ugyieId ti tonce hoeisvonidenful Co)urt helti et Niagarua onuTesa'àaY'i of man, esamn î s f ci'-nct- Ibs eover8 aseif l'y Magie. 'We _____________ j u, 5aL - the Mn, J. I3. Pzistmb W" ti"ired -eleciot h. Ho - e - Ils d otàas a' $vntër 9112 '19 Yn te boUy 'util Yen kuow ana o peakr, a o f ,-se geltin2g. Iherefere TEE MqxÙûiaý TpD LOiRsunot pup. - *biat yen s, thti yen ealiunourn ors are Utc lIusatîasthe msarkei~tioueT he sc#l cf tise Wqvlb rsay 0't-çrjx4Isj"q &;. -tricilallie o f up la batsme vrapnesl~-avis,- ,u irsAte ô tr 1,Cnsoof Ciaslvrîi' 't lJssgiqt li1-55lgetuetIecue ,u4 u - pe~;erg bbaon éoiin', - , '1viaei W51 - te hsst R1'0leg, a ~nuWS.ts>.- m-l Roberlisqs np ntrnsi. . elfi ssi1 c.F 'Vôn t,,. el'sBlsk Pôonirettht- a dew w4o<sygoniîpf ra th1? o1c - : i-P s-llq a iPes e .o -pn' t-' - , csi -w ltdo---- 1, sche OËicial (morUe- centaine tise foliowing appointmnerts ; le ILse Meneur Jacobs F. Priugle, of tihe y Town of Cornwall, lu tise Province of le Outîarju, Judgo of tise Conisty Court *of thse uti ed Conunies ai St<rmout, n Dunda.si, aud Giengairry ;Isis Honour i Coruelin% V. I'rics', ci the.City cf King- stcou, in thsé Province of Ontario, Judge of t1se Conssty Court of tise Cossnty of *Frontenac :hie Hlonour E<lImunti J. rsenlier, of ise City of St. Catiharine, lui tise Province: of Ontario, Jidge of s e Couinty Couirt of tise Connty of Li*n. 1; coin ; hie Honour Tisonsas B. MeMa- 0ifou, of tise Town of Sisucos., in tihe Pro. vinsse of Osntario, Judge of tise Ccuoty Court of tise County ot Norfolk; hie Honour Charle Robin8otn, cf tise Town cf Sarnia, in thse Province of Ontario, Jssdge cf the Connty Court of tise Con. ty of Lambii; his Honour Isitte F. Tutus, of tise Town cf Godericli, in tise Province of Ontario, Judge of ltse Cosu. Sty Court of thse County of Huron, ansd is ielonour Henry Macpiserg.on, of tise Towu cof Owven Souind, in tise Province cf Ontario, JudIge of tise Cotsnty Court of tie Couuty cf Gre:; ; toalue reepeet. ivciy, undir tie provision-. of -risc >-Maritime Juiedaiction Act, 1877," Sur- rogste Judges of thse Maritime Court of' Octario. James A, Ltenuieroon, of tise City of Iingslon, lu tise Province, cf Ontarlo, local Master in Clisacery ; . W. Masc- donsald, of lise Ci- sf St. Cathisnes, in tise Provinrý, oi Ontario, ](,cal Mase- ter su Clsssucery ;C. C i 'teje, of tihe Tlown of Simeose, in tise Preuvinse cf Onîsenia, local Master iu Cisancery, ansd IHcnry MoDerusot, 'tise i,,eal Master in Charnct'ry at Godericis, in tise Province of Ontario, and JarnoseMarscn, tise lo- cal Master in Cisancc-ry nt Owuens Sotiud lu tise Province of Ontario ;ta e isuies- îsctis'ciy Deputy iteglstrare of-tiesaisi Court. D. E.. Melntyro', cf tiseTcown of Cornswall, lu thse Province of Outstnio, Shoriff; William I"erguson, cf tise City1 cf Kiggton, iu tise ssid Province, Siserif; -JocepisA. Wood' uff,'C)f tle City oi St. Cathunise, iu tise sîtis Pro. vince, Sliseiff ; Edtxsunsl Dees, of tise Town cf Sinscoe, in tise sali Provinsce, Sîjeili ; James Flintoft, of lte Town of ,Sarnia, lu tise saiti Prô4ioce, Siseriff; Bobt. Gibbon, cf Gosierti, ln tise saisi Province, Shenif ; snd JoÉeph Mau. gisas, cf Owens Scun, in tise sAiti Pro- vinop, Slcriff-; la lie nespestivsiy ])epn. ly osassi ftlie saidýtioùt, 1lis lloouîsnth ise iteusntGoveruort iap issen pieite malkte sefoliowissgt appoisïtments, viz: JbhrOIu J5 JecOraCleen2, cf lt5eCity cf i Ottawa gentlemsan, ttorney-at-law, 10 ,be Clerk of thse Conuly Court, lu andi for tlise Cuuly of Carleton, lu tise roosi sud eteasl of, Jotes UrseEtquire, Dlavid Marsal lRoisertson, ùf hie'f Town of IJugefocli,Resqinsi, tubc ho us lices Maistrate, iun ad for tito suid towsc (witùVUt salary). TisE hutte COUor s'tQuxtsvY.-Theb Reioacourtcfsqsrvio eieLit lisére. vss notlisgin Pssnô ,s0ecudukt wliicls niqulretsanjrrmdvcreion frn tisen cou'. t, and t xprWeil drseopinion thtt in hcuer eare v 1 Ite8elve(d.-Thsitnus .r4ssjisent aiof s tariff yul l'e acceptable te up- tisat ss essc insuimose osu Amorican farsere' 'mus stince ties fa tise saute extent tisat i o ye. expct tres us. sas Mir. Ilolitay nsouses,in luauedunent: due. Ti'at his cusetinZ le ntîsnly supîoseti os tiseimpositicut cf COssl-esudusties for ave c speciel purpese of festering epeciai oea (intrs e t tie expucnsc' of otiser indus-.tieW epF cf lisecountry;liluesie opposei pant tise impsossitions cf Cuetar ns urîwtis leur te îrolsiîit tIse iccpetation of Pl ut futin OreaI hiritain and ti ies tir sants'e, aussiesing .1 Cisinese vailof r i-itrcreo r runiltise Dominion ; -rê go Opowesitus tise imsposition of Specisi cou utom dtles ins retalsation egainet auy 000 rieu coocutry on aceount cf tise fiscali o liy il May ciseese te atiopt ; ant i ~t o fisy onvinreel biset hiseecouss Pro, st Les suiie cléeq5linjssri oue le tise Gai hutril aund induqtisi luteresîs ci tItis Don autre, ansi espoeissiiy 1tiste farmlng3, lise sbeniulg, sisipbuiidinz, fieluing, Min- mot, aud lrarisportatiou industries r- -ing begetiser tise granduti bisaof Se muoaI prosporily anti progrese. But TI tse semo tinus tise meeting is ef tisa ér tin that if tise iDominion Govasu- D',i etsi'âni l Pulitimnt arso s tnwsse au Bih 1 'culer ulsan tits pssicy so injunios o e 50 l'beu sst erests cf ltse -country, tise dols Iuitsg, lnubering. sisipl'ssiiding, fis. ,mining, andti rtnsporlalien' ins- se sisonit ail get a feulsire aitise lion sud lprotectien extendst- ta A: j e o u s sto c o d r e ti a ta b i enelunent, lb ves %ýitidrlawn, ausidtsotse M surmi.' subetituteti. Lys lCcClVs:l.-T nos uieusute oflira- Booi tian viii ho accepstable ta us, tiat Ful eS net Oxîti ce u uels011Peciîuiary 1-1, 0 iclit Ivutise fisrinu s e ali bu exteoti. Ju \Ir. J.C. Sinith sp(ce t lLe uscueti.- Cap] fI. F. W. -Gieci. 'm. P.. hehngprissent fB, ~sjuse su eory tuheSU vnues cf liooIoppr ee tt t lIse- soives le Ilais lik inelead ofet i5III' peruonel cIsàtgeî egalusl yen, vIsion have notisg lede v ils tise foots. Since t ho pinting cf siy ltles a got noany LiSeri Conservative- electers have oxpressed lisemsives oppose t t visaiteeS kplace, anti n,, aves af a nov convention propanly calieti. Tà is lal vo vent, anti voui l'e only fair play,, anti ail parties yl have neo reason le l'e tisatifiati, avenucactuS ,tiesemrn Iceuit aay- a eotoi tisaimore, s Etitor, tisai mou t ct11 ellWllfer tIse peeple visa enginearedth Ie convention,- anti about the patissg anti-viltidreving' cf certain rescînticus, Sbu t th isaI le n my vey' cf Soing buneàù I tient veut tId make trouble, anIses put le il, aI11 I sk for la fair, play tea&IL. bossirniruy. A LIBERAL CNBV&rE Tise"New Englanti journal cf Edu- catio"Isuad lte Roman Cathoio Separato Sciscesof Ontéio. To the EdBeZUr offtce News Eeg1sset4Joecsnss cf Eesuction. 9 ac 'euuuss was osigen ta provscle tbe Mou.y. --By the amondeti'aot ma- niai psai Counsihs aise supovereti t e te a tisent - fer expendltnre ailes lhz aoitiaî b0oomdation reqaireti b y lAw iss b4zenprovideti. City Boarsaare givees power taeest oeeofi beir ovu, sohoohslaie a Amatel olsool for trainiag teachers -e paver corneipending le tIsaI aireatiy exerdelue by ottntyoeun- cils. Langer poweru ars confee on SepiaeoScoot 1oarsia for, geing luba capital oxpentiture. Iunrespect tels.h anseudments ta the Election i, il May 'e saisitisaItishe principal Idea la te nomov ail dopbi as te tise date ai wicisth ise 1o f Panliameul expires-, a case visicis occasionsti considenable discnaidu tiess eon -The Algeme eleclioti cen anly l'o heUlu in atmer, ou accouct cf lise langenoesof lise con- alitusncy eudthtie diffolcnly of lakiag bise vole lu visiter, Tise ebecîlon in Algott i etallltu0 le Seld u is te suu- tuerý; ansi tise hie of Parliarnent le te date' ironstise r ' turu cf tisa Aigema viit; but in case au cxtsaostiinary ses- sion cf Parliarnulsisonil' e cailedi, anti lteAlgoma vil itsonit uet bave iseon saliefied th ie rotur ofaermens- l'en, tise sumber af tise laat Panliameut le ta ble cornipoetot represout-tise con- stituency out*l tise nov mnbes bas aeenreburneti. 'l ise Jury Pili redusses tise numuber of tise grand jury iron twsnty4-ons te thirtben, anti sakos il dampaIent for seven grand junymon to find a bill inateati ai Ivelva. Tisero is also a change matinlutise pro- ceeu cf sebessting jurars, l'y wisicis lie meane e0 selectien le simpîliieti sud ciseaeued, sel'eig maeuniforrn ail ovesîbjeProvince l'y ltseadoption ci of tise jroperty qualificatlion ci fous bunsireti dollars. 'T'isis lu animprove- ment an tise olsi pieunl'y isicis d1ff-eseu couinles bail duflerent qualifications. Tise BIill sspectiog -Insurance' Coin panisprovides for the appoinîsoul et an Inîpeotor, %V11088 aalary ja te b. mae a diargo on the cosupanies doing business lunlise Province, and wviose fonction vii l'o ete vieil lise isesi offices of lthe varions companios anti prepano ia report of tise fentaiscial conditions, tiseir aiiiy te mccltisheir engagesments, anti tiein ssomplianco or non-complianc wits tise varions otatutes cntseiiing ln- susance compauies,,'rThe Act le calcus- latedti e give peiicy-holdes greatosoon. ficlence lu tis tancding and i ciceriîy cf tise vanicus fine ant if iiunsrncc coin. panies sloing tbusiness lutise Province. bicciuestisese, tisene was a ill cefsssing tise northseru catiweetern isosusiaries of Province, uni prcs'iding for to adînin. istrîlon cf jcsstice:n tis e uw3-cquireci districts. Tise Afghan Carupaign. BRlITlISHi REVERUSESiItEl'U1ITEDv - YAKOO55tIMANi. A Nov brli eralcl'8 Tsseillkcsi des- patci scys lthe Atghsan sunsscsssissre save isesu oflissialiy isotifie thalt aI a ustcl Khans sueceethtie Aineer. A letton irons Yakook Kisan, dateti - ebrnary iPts, l'as neachcd Muzars Slieifi, feuuounding tisaIturc linguisi catîsîlions, cf aisost e-levers huntiret men s'ose compietly sieféatesi anss purcîsesi by tise Eiji trilles, in lise Alcorta Val- s'y, %visere tse Lingikei ad estabiisietl nu administration oi their own. lise Dritish treeps aise custaineti a severe defeat et Lanue, Fort Largar, ut t-ho fot cf tise Kioscnk mounlineu, eixty ailes sottsof Gazul. 'riiefontvus taken l'y tise Idisji aflen a severe flglt, t the Eîsglisls Oovs-rnor bounsilwl-lis nopes and cuirriet in tritupi te Cui. A Caudauinr oorrespondent esays :- t se-o Ilousau i useraisers cf van'os upre. clos-y bandss are colîctesl tiirty miles fots isere, andsi sre looting tse' iicge Lu tise nasue cf tise Aussies ansi MaLsOIes-t uiesanistu. Tise neeelsutale insli. fs sonts incline tc as,ist tise tiw,ls but 'e arû uncisie te snd colususseis ecause :f tise ecarcity cf transpcorts. Sir Staffonti Nonsisectte, lu tise House )f Conssone, statesiltisaIbise Gcvern. C sefnt is now on tise eue cf constssnt- iltion witis Yskoois Khanu ; peniasehe ts iegotisstionn have elreadsy counsuencesi. . Al Jelelebus dieipatcis mnnotsuces tisaIr lejuts Cavagusiaiisas sent causîesiengcnt, io Ceisci uviti pruosaoëls tu treuil wti i sekeois ICianl. '-- meéeting flbey bSeS tilcuaseéd Le qtteili. on. - Who pays-tihe dai3i? N Ho isght tIse Club Ouglâh novrte ate npîte question, 1le lise.anytiig -injunsonaly affecting farmera ?ant iIf so, visl tise - remedy2 He a elieSaspon Ms. HDUiday, vise batilisehean orwhpn tise na i m teîng adjooraeci, ta reure tIse Sdebate. Mr. Hoilday diffeecivilS soe soi tise sipeakers aI thise lai meîing. Re believedi that thse consuri pais! lbe doty in every' case. Tise Amenicans vantati-aur l'anley, and came ovIeshorsa ta purciebu- h. Wietonley teck il acroatise linos tlîsy paithe daty ou il. Canadien fermons could afford, te gsii bariey aI 850 penrl'uueleljus$ as oaeily-w American fermera conît at $1. EverYtiinlutise States vas taxeul Iseavily, labour vas isigis, macisines ex- pensive, for viic reesons tho fermons tisere cou nt 1raisproduse as ceep. ly as vs coulti. Tise sole tisaI applieti ta tise larley appiieti aise l l'ormes. Tiser. vere freqoenîiy at Toronle ex- tensive salps ai harses. Tise Engiul anti 4scrican dealers ventthliere te make porcisases. If iIsoy dit net vaut theo bosses lbsy voniti not go le Toron. Tisere vas a ivalry in tise bitding, tisa recuit being usaItishe anisais vers sald. Herse vote sent cul cf tise country- te5 hoEnglasti, go le ta lise States. Mr. M. Drcw vas canvinseti frons visaI ho hai oen cf business on tise bino eotveon Vermout anti Canada tisaI tise poticer peith ie doly. Mr.RB. Moiiersiii eaitiieo vas igislyg ansueti et tise rensanku cf Dr. MeBnien,j vise iselti thaitishe Ascnicans pot a tex onus. If this vas enlise malter ougistc ta l'e laid belons tise Imperial Goven ment, Who vonititako il up. Ho vaa ai opinion tint tise consumer paid tise dnty. -Thse pecîtectbonisessaisi tisaI be- canesale raiseîti lsey anti sclit lta tise Amenicans we paidth ie dunty on it.1 Well, tise Ansenicane naisesilceai, anti, - accortiing btisiu tbseory, tisey paidth ie dnty on visai vs useti. (Hoar, hear.)i But ulidtheîsy ? There wss ne use denying bise fassctisatvisons tise impo- sition of a tiuty ou a conmesiity raiseti1 tise prissfci tIscnssctiity, lise con- sumer paiti te dnty. An regards put- t bing a duti' eu etuif censing hors, hlie. îuas net prepnret l go ln for tisaI. A t grssat uleai nf corn was insportec, anti if t a tluuy was put Osn,lise prisse would ble s inecea;eti. iloveven, lho vas quite t willing te basve flie malter ic tise isaud of tise mcooftie land*Ti.'ry prens- lsesl prote-ctitoste u, ant i be uantedti le v Es Ibis Iprueice Casrnicti ont. lit. J. . Lancie saisitise real ulusesti. on ts esusisien luse, if tise Asunricas iluty seas t-i L off Il ouithie princesin tise Sisutes slcup 15c, antdeus renîsinit prceiselytis sae iMn.Hoilisii y nsisr nuiss-ebelevut en Methengist, sow- a even theut- sffsst %curcusiil'e tiaItthis t Anseiess pres sunit'staposs o, It sîusd ours luouil go op 115e. e coule sscI consîsel tue Unitedt States Gavera. ti tuent to itcut tetstbut uvere re if te sil witi Our Lanusefolsiesi?: r Mr. J'l,t iiirydten sitsi i s-i took it s tisa flie usorsi',protection" tn4ant hseip) or aid.'Thiseissa thsen was,.Mluat tisece friere ve-rse aking bite Gave nient te nisi tiscui, or, int otiser vcrdse-ihssciqt them ints uskiug more mnsy. W(Al, ucw cu thise Goverusuent do this 2 Wcotlcl lise imîposition of a dnby uffeett fise prisse cf prosînctsocf uisicis v oicdaef- iurplsin? He tisougit net. If tisaI l'e I 'salss ti, len tise impiosition of a n îssty ors goçiofut vici vluse ud ust a te surpslus vossit effect ftic pries. Tisei ALivcns id t i sIgrov entigi iarley tc o ssspply tisemees. Tison file Amers- lu sers farinerr wsu'ossibave a rigit te ask je sies Govi-nîsmient te -put eatiuty en À the Ccrsestiiaîî bariey se tisat ha-voniti se IceurfilLesi *by protection. Tisel'an- P ley suiosusu on tise otier sicle w-as pro-N ret-s bt' 1.5c sluîy, andtitie AsasecicanM cussumosons basil1te pay exiietiy tisaI 1 sussies mtuostisuitlsey voulti if lisere d s'as n usesny. X'lile tisews etise caseb' the hurisuci of isseicnfu ini arey usas unI tu'f- te 's5ss allsi. luisie utse case of' cur N rsrr. Ws- clid i ussulrouv enlosszlàcern t-8uîsily cscsrelu'es' anti if oui Goveru- seint put a siuty on cern il vewul in- ce c5e5se tise prine, cuti benefil tisoseo few Oanaslian fannere urio vouditi -cern, e it ise expeisse cf Ilsrelierai consuîmes.tri She esse of tie Anserican (sînser gro'w- ef sg bsenloy %vas tise saine as tutIof tise 1 setuasilsn ftrune- grcwing cern. \Vculsi tir usi pnice tsf cern iu Cihicago bl'fe tithsili 1, ur iiscvernxnetist utiuty of 200 on ut Mn. Lile-It wouils if tise Amnen- l =ns ]lave lie otier cutiet lfor lisoir sur-i, )Ins crn tian Canada.1 Mn. Drydien, ceutnucd. Tise ucpa. E liu ocf catinty isy tise Auncican Gev-ce 'ussusunt ou Canalissu l'sey sîlidnet sms Ject tise pries le isud net tiikth lu if this uluty vrsisabolisieslCanasi]- Furtiser evidence cf tise culigisteneti liberaiity cf tise Protestants cf Ontario t6warda tissir Romuan Cathois fellow ciions l a te bofount inluthe scitool 'Biii now ou ils way tisrougis oun House cf Aessembly, lu vhicis furtiier imaprove- meute are being made te eous Separate Scliosi iaw, bnugieg ils provies io 'More comnpotaharmsouY Witli tise Pub.. lis Sohool Law, anti 5tenslenlng il smore, efficient anti more acceptable 10teIise supporters cf Sepanats Schoole. Titis fresh concession bas been matie te us l'y lIse unenirnus voice cf aosr Logis. lative Aoseml'ly cf Ontanria, 'lnd muet net l'e aerçdited b visaI vas li4àQgbt. lessly çious l'y tfise 'ofquà~ns of Que. bec:> *- lu conclusion I Leg ta suquine :-lot .Doýtise, berna1,thînk Il'. Protestant' mnaicrity cf Ontarlo voulu do voit ýqow ho fonce -is isoi ontusautbse Cihb. -lie ss4norfty 2 If o, vonîtitise Catholia rnsjonity of Quebso de rigisl te force its syste on outhse Protestant miuovity 9 2nd. lu France,, lu SavaneA,lu '7the Catholloc* antons c-f- Swltzerland, lu Beliuns, luWsrtensiurg,â ant tsi parte cPruss aisu wssnCaîbolica area majonlty, vould t tey doéesolily ta force tise Protestast sseiymethr a, saiahtlo wnc ta tisoulqusu. tionùa silil ' fentuiltntasestinU Lt idhn. gs udenLt a-e&sy tne tunag e oeeso. matig a persenal lattacit upea ouï roess aset,that the-sympathis f ihe, panly are net villa hlm in any way las ol pasin thisone bimuelf si oofbis ovn feelings, visicis neillier I non any Liberai Censervative I knov veutid entorse. Ho.iii, as yen kaov, tromblet vilSth hecacoeflses loqaeendi,, anti sayu t"asge t times tIsaI Se a dt more iserm thisn gocd, l'aI I bave lis iný y cas hanta. Agisay,- Bis, 'tisaI Ipe Do -goat roscwviy Mr.- Bikeil ant i Siefriands ahesti l'ehodispleoaied, - *onra ishen visy, il uat eatiofiot vithlise. rouait lissy siscuiti ani le ennui ýtisé action of ltheconvention. '*Truuhin'g tisai you viii "indIy gie titis i corner in yens rsisppes. I remain, - darSBis, Ours siacereiy ANOTHER - LIBEBAL CONSEBVATIVE. To th. e litor of thte Wliby Clcron- Tnis smnpey mess atif esezuneeay -Wa raiseti^in proportion. gowpuid, ton lisainfrenliy tietif tise dutf a el vas in cres8eti hie firm -vwon ti siply. 'put tise saine on thse prias cf maabslnoa le lse fermera. Whist tise manaifa.- tuner, vanteS wai inaroaseti pretectiosi. To gotitlhé would have loisae the tan. mrns cosuent. usfe esuld hnmbug lSem (tisaI vas tIse plain Enghiis of ui) l'y, gettinlga tex on lise articles viia they pnincipalby, puschiseed, il vomiSl'e ver>" injoniona balises. Mr. Fox IbongIsi tIse7 SeS battes Iry e 11111e proetion. If il tii net benefit tison il vouli: do ne Serm. Protection te egrionibtural Impieernulu vulti ual raie tise prie. le lise farmon. If ve Afier sme -ifustier discusaion ccale ver. matie f6rth ie qustion. Il vas nov six c'clock, anti about fifly SaS buft lisemeeting. Mn Hlide ii sen hgisi h vas isantly- fais le potthlie question tua e voté, seeing tist mers tIsas heU tise mebers haîS Mrn. Pz àltise meeting shousit cerne ta a tecialon on tise peint. It sati tisousaetilil fnliy. Il Iselng deoitied, le put Mn. Hem-. day's amendaient, a vote vas taken as foblove --ees, S ; neya, 18. Ms. T. Moiisensill's résaolution vas carrieti. i Tise proceatiuge thon lerminaltid. Dominion Parussment. Friday, tiseHause ast unlil nearly isalf-liast ton, Seing the longeat session np le tisai day. A debsbe ounlthe Insolvency Lav iook place on lise motion made l'ylise Mialisten cf Justice appcinting a cons- mittse te enquise imb tise apération cf tise saisi iav. Tise Minislen cf Justice explainu! tîsl tise Geverumeut dosiredthtie Cern- suitîce te present au easiy report, se tisa Ilegielebion couiSl's eintroduceti tise session. A numhos cf gentlemen ipoke ou l'tailides ciflthe Honie, anti lise motion vea carsied. Tise ccnsmitioe te conalalci Masre. ilcCarbhy, MeLellan, Cartwrighst, Dons- ville, Broken, Hoiben, Cimon, Coiby, Girouarsi, (Jacques Cartier), Robertson (Hsamilton), Wolsion, Laurier, Langiey, Sir Albert Smtiths, anthie moyen. Tise coneideration tof tise Act reiating ou tiss Norîls-West Mountecl Police vas se8imes inlucosomibîce-cithe Wisole, anud tise seraiuing clauses adoptýed, ai. ter uviissstbie B3illpase trsougsaill the firal stages. Tise ministes cf Finance laid on lise tale ail papens andi mialemonts relat. ing un loating tise last beau, sud isean- souncc'siant tse same tise tisI on Tues isuy nest lise Estimates urouil' e bsi isvdliiown, ansi on Fritisy tise fusan- ci.%i tatemont delivereti. Monsiay, Maris lots. Iu thselieuse ci Cessons to-day ausober cf pctitioet for lise repeai cf te Ineclvency Act vere presenteti. Biilse vere introducoti ly M~r. Metisol, ta fiý theae aofinuenesî sud preveut enury ; l'y tise Mistister oi Agriculture, te îrouside againet contagions diseausa ianimais;,l'y Ms. Robertson (Hamil- Lon), le amenthetise t soiaiing te bell- sg anti pool ssilig ; l'y tise Pcstrnis- Ws-Generai, te amondthtIe Peat-effice et cf 1875. M. McCuaig inîrotincet a Blil le ro-e cal tise Actebal'lisiig tise court oif Uanluiie jurieduotion lu Ontario. A motion fcr correspondeuce selatiug a masekerel seining lu tise nu, intro-- ted l'y Mn. Macdonald, (Kinge), )rongis on a dlebate linshiehir mAi. cnrt Smith an-iMn. Angiin teck pari. lotion cuissiesi. Sesersi otisermotions were adopieti. Aiter recees, on motion cf Mn. NMc- ,atiy, tise petition, praying tisaI en-t siry nsay l'o mati jte certain allegetif srnupl practices lu tise elettal dis- ricI cf tise Sents Ritiing of tise Couoty - Greoville uvas rea t atlie tableoattse cite. 11e thon tove ita a d- -es l'e prcetesi le lis ExcelIency t al lie case an eeqniry 10 l'e matis ides tise Act 89 Viv., cap. 10, buitetise legeti existence of cenrupl pniactices iu àe Elechoral District cf bise Sosuli RisI. ig cf Grenville, ant iat for tisat pus- i ose a Consmiscicues os Comsissioners ' eappointed unrtiohIe sains.Act. By usent cftise Gcvernmeut, au ameut- i-s let inoved bly Ms. Hoiton noforreti b le pebtien te Consmitbee ou Prileges hi si Eloclions, vilS instructions te enl- T ire as 10 uvietiser tisre arc jusi nos- l )ïl for tise presentatien cf sncb an d stress. Il vas also ondereti, on mo- ri on l'y Mr. Iluutingtcn, tistaI al re- rt DrIs, &c., neiating le theo suponannus- fi yn oi Mn. P. LeSueun, farmclly ai tise q osb.cfflce Deparîmeut, andtihie ap- ic linenit ci Mr. W. -'. Forsytble w dealers. - A Genthe Niât. In OcaSstyle cf climats, vilS ils and- ton chtames cf Iempsraiure--raa, vinS anti sunshIsbaeflen inierm4jglet in aa singletiay,-iî la ne vontier tIsai oar chiltren, frisists andi relatives are se lr' eqnnly taken frein us by neglact-et clta, h S elf deats reBWitinsg disectiy frein Ihio cause. À ble' oe cleo's -German Bmrap 5epî about -yons home les immediete use viii prsvent serions siatnesa, a large deoler's biWIandi pr. Sape delsb, ty tise -tse clISs'es or fUr tisses. For curing Qmuptioua emi. orrseges, Pneumonie, Severe Cougas, Croup, or any disses. cftse TSroei or Isunge, iiisaeeceso ls simpiy wqadesfu, as yens druggut wM illyou. Germn Syrup ia nov soit in every lova andi village ou Ibis coninent. Samnple bot., tiss for trial, 10c; saguaes ize, '76c. TIse Nov Dispensabion. Thse Emnlin cf Pailtable Castor 01 ils hglyserias, manufecînsed l'y Scott & Bovise, in eue ofrlthe grestest mesicail siunpiofethlie age. Il Isl; ,mate visaI vas tIse Mos eu-ttesteble modisinotise meat egseealcof tises ail. Cisiluiren takir e s eharfniy as lssy accept a epoonfiil cf crees, anti litenelhy eny for more. Toi any ane vise kuevu-autivho dtee net-tsai Castor Oitla is e moolst ffec»ion -catIs- as-tic n anuse of intestinal infiamatien, tse inesîlmabie nature af titis nov die- peesation ivilil be-eppreoto. Scott & Bowue a Paieteitie Cast-or OU itonit l' e lu eveny heaseisoît, Prie 25 cents. 11(4in.) Sveet andi Pleasaut as New Mil. Il is suicide te dlasegasth ie chil anS lisse tise cougs vilS viic ith Ie nexî fev sonbusesamany tIsousandes yul Ibe -alteokei. I- a ie ut as bat vison tse stisoS cornes, ta drovn -oneseif in the cean aif noabrume vils vitich lthe contry is floee. Tise bout Jircven lion fisetenrd, ssa s tîie beet remedy, la a cembiaeâtij CadtiLser Cil eut Hypepisospisitei' Lime anti Soda, as fanS iuSaoti'e Emulsica, and tison il la au agreeeble-le tIsetais as sveel rnibk ant is prescribed.univor ssaly bypIsysiClanu.l(4) Higli Fiocti Buttes. M.A. W. CisËzvzia, Ediler N. E. Farmser, oves a fine aairy anai fete a isigh prie tes fancy punIs. In.u< etitosial Nov. 2d1, hSeoaid,"Tse Per- lesteS Bulbes Colos matiel'y Wells, Richarndsan & Co., vs have usècS for sevonal years, anti have founti noliig equslling Il, altsougs vs'havé teste! about erytbing cfrlise kin i maie in f iis or th. Obt Contry. Illua tise e3treagsst,.clesseut, pusest and cisoapeut buttsr ccioring vo have,.ever touaS, anti fer &H vo can ses, ilsinabualntehy pae feot. Il ehanit oatirely Btipercse 0car- rats for ccolng battessease a il lthe - ,preperetione ci Annale. Fermera if tisesr butter is visite ta net fiail l r tis splendid ereareation. For fmil X articulas inqutre cf S. W. B. Smith SCe., druggists, Wisithy, -who have il for sale, a veh s a aUdrntggistm aad- Sus.-The New Engand Jo*srnezli .Education of tbe 2Srd Jeu., 1879, cei lains somins emants relative te Boss Celisolie Separate Scisin l Ontasi Canada, viis admit oiea eiigbt revi ion, andina 0one ortva oparticuaes, of uittlernoification. Tise Tosur-rt-isays s-Iniiunal. B man Catisolies lu Ontario, vwhose ce1 aciences are Vary tender, Ilhave nlghti secsablei, l'utve teny tisatishe Cati lis cf lis.Province' lu thein oospore capcicitp, biseus ny upeciel rigits vhs oves in Ontarioa tatley do net possei in tise repulio." Ia ripiy te Ibis I l'eg heeve le ue tisaI lise Roman Catsohlo Scheelu las' tise smaofon aIllise CaticsinleOnts la, visetisos ihelsconsciences aeotendg on net. Tisey are securet inuths nigiss establiss and maintain esisocis in wvii the prinssipie cf parental atlority lu:i force. Tlise ighis anet a ocallsd rigi l'ut a real and mou tscnet i git, gras et t iens ly liseir. Protestant feileo citizenu ai Ontario, anti guaranteeti1 tissus bytse Puirliatuent of Engiant i lise Britlish Nants Anseica Adc f Cai federatien. Roman Catisolice, s suci bave ne cerpenato exitence ie Ontani auny saoesIan tise members cf 1Q cliser denesinations ci its citizens, cei eqentiy visat be deniedti te sei bliat capacitby ylthe Journal is et privation in any sense. In Oniari eveny denamination is on s feeling( the mnost pesicl equality'befese th haur. UoliLneow I vas net avare the Catsoliseexisteti in ae "cerporate capsc ily " lu tisaUnitedi Stats. Il is net correct le sali tise Roaa Catlii Separale Schaaie privat selecole. Tboy are eaiabiissed l'y ss enpportcd, laugisl anti inspectetiacord iusg te isur; ant inluevesy vey conun eti iike tise Pulic Scisools, anti lii bises sesseve Geverumeat ressagnitiei ansi aid bu proportion 1telise vork tise. do ; tise eeiy différense l'eing tIse. oný alseady iudicateti. Theo Roman Cabisc lic Scisoole lu Ontario ana as suchsun as periectly a portion ai tise edustou ai macisinery ciflise country as are li Publie Scisools cf tise msjority. Noi ouiy lu Ontario, l'ut in genenal Ibrougs ouI evsry pas-tc f tise Brillish Empire, parents enjoy tise rigsb te etucala Ili uhltrenacacortiing te bise diclates cl thein censcience sud lise teaclsings a Iscir religion. Anti vo Ansciican Cabso. lice lucre in Canada cannot beip regret- tiug bise absenceof a smnilar privileg asr or co-seiigioniuts in yons greal Re.- pulie, unieS ve.a ahsu mach adimire in all respecte sav's lis en. Tis. Journal says s-Tse sigIt tas- tablisi SepanatoBSscheele vas ooncedei thoughtlceslp by lise conquerors ai Que. sec cuti cannai l'e aseneditetilta -thes lil'ensity of tise Ontario Goveruseul, wiissisIati h been blletoitasef, vesus have olly rsommedtoediafigons ils edu- oaouai sysiens vilS Separate Scisools," To thoes assertions I mey l'e permit- ssit te ssy tisai certain Ibinga are brougist togetso rseneuS seilnp a 111te uriici mueth be ept apant. Tise rreaty of Quebes. ouissequenily satifieti s Paris, seourete the Frencs Cea-a lian inisalitants ai Canada, aillishe rIstes anti privileges, social, civil sud stigione, lissa enjoyeti by lIses lu au hr as compatible vilS British lev. c1tiing vas tisen saiti as doue, esicet r or sencededtilIouglosuly, an otItes. vise, in seienence ta Roman Catisolie 3eparate Scisools in Ontario. As a natter cf feol our tiret Catholioseciseois s Ontario (Ihen Uppes Canada) yens. >peusti somvisere &beultishe year 1880, iuer tise RigiI Bey, anti Rigit lHou- rablo Bisisop MoDeneit, tiret Roman Dtboio Bisisop bu Upper Canada, anS sember ci tise Privy Couseil. Ho rougist oves a isur CatIsolis teacseru cm Scotianti. andnti Ifirn supponteti ses hsngcly aI it have nexpeose. But v as iu tise year 18ý2 tisaI 5epanale sisoole vere tiret legalIy osba blisisetiin utanin (Upper Canada.' Thesorvi- ins lunItem rfavor lhsve ironslunie te nme been exteusied, sud et tise tise cf sunfetieralion vere placeS unden tise cielS oi British protection, vils tise unsent sud lisrough tise lil'esaiy ci eA Protestant msjcrliy cf Ontario.- cu in uoiing se Isey Isave ual ait ail e8figitreci their ousn Edncational 8ys. se; on tise scubrasy. lhey have done ilst nabby, sud viseby, anti veil, in ssedbng luelise cosciontiaus demaunde fIbein Roman Cathehie feilewi-sitizens Sd allowin g tises tIse igisl lae ducate sein cisilsren ses tsey ibint proper. ut te tise Sîsete but te bise parent u*as Ssaisi ;-"1Train up a chSle intise vay esoulti go, anti visn,b.le isoîd ho ,l neltidepari ironil. r Ho0ecal h( veakumua, as 'lviii menS ý FRISE 0F CE vas dùssver Ameris.s t'Otheliu-y., Bible Hote, NEW Cousity hlavfof -' aid Ti Townsh uutmluer cneusesi 1TOTICE t ins the Ceunt, Tveetie f of Davidi Tweed! anti James '7 Ysomuan;I has Court ef Chas le tise abovo n "Qnieting TiI ovidelse vIse oveera there Whereforo, K setend'g t.o TUESDAY nov nexl enuai chais, vorifieti le OsgooeMH sud le serve a ltledge, et s Wisitby, asSo Tveeie, Jolu anti J&ee Tv suris chais -wu tise saiS WiIlis David, Tvoii caemmoaheante., mcntsened it Act. , - )'~ Susa: ,au ai1Haeolte proceetinge ci tise tib- ora, Conservelive convention ciSentis Im. Ontario beeau prsoseti? I baeve beau f a co'10 g ' vain for a report. TisaItisby have leas tept bacit iroinpublie viev t-I as net aitail surpniud, for many se2 mtters transpireS tisI Wouiti ssaroely bean citiclas. boun Icrsespoutont, "le- asCssavTsa"s about no igit as te visai aclnally tiltlaite plae al- ýca thie objections made te gernymende'. Bo iglIse meeting. Mn. Bickeo udnS is frieuto vone averruloti, sant iey baS sygoti seasen te l'e tiupleasti et tise vay la tisey ver. put Soya l'y brute foce. -I r- sa n b arent sas. hingu thora tisat r la meeting, and I enu tll yen Ihis, tisa II viiWinover bie ceaxeS iuto anab cern any in again. I happene t e l'e oeeof t&mee ht ah lisera, andi vIai Sa yen IbieS At 1 bsoard ? Tve persans in tise seat l'e- i_ fore me vers srgning as toetseier il ve ws nigisi te agseo te Use nomination, alanuesys, "Yee, I'11 agree ta an7 a-one but s Degan." Pretty isard vas il mot, Mr. C 7 L.scsu Thon again, Ms. T. C. Mssi o, a membes cf tise 101 Osange Grand Lodge, Ssii an Orange De neechution ont anti dry ta put taelise n nseetiug. Ho reei iltaeueveral, anti vas auiy preveateul brnging -tUp l'y salie strennous persuasion ai those visa ve wreas ittie sors pobitic tisan issf. ai Mn. Brown certsiniy vaa ne pasty te st this, sud ne blase saoulti :becesi upon ii. But tiseo ers some of thes men, vh ise ilsMn. Lanke, lise- champion ai ntheapostate riet, Ciniquy, when'hs titiste. I l'ave tiifféreti frons you au yeu n ku, l'ut vlile I haeve doue se, on puiblie grotnde, persil me ha say tisaI Syou alurays enjoyust my personal estees, n ssor iliMr.Lsrk'a abuse or insulta te-.- >m wrdsycL lesenmy gooti opinion, non ýy tisai I believe ci any ci your Cathelis 0i I amn, Ms. Edilai, bouru, truulliy, :A CATHOLIO CONSERVAT1.FE. le Osavay, MarcislOtis, '79. 1- [Analiser letton Sas ibean seceveti 31freus "A TEuE LsasasiL CcccSssuVAmns'E" 'fon lis esubjeol. He dose ual givo is mnse, (net neceacarily for publication, b lut as a gusrantee ci gooti faith) sut -consequeutly il sanuot-be inserteil] Collision on bisa Inlercolonial.- A DRIVER KILLEII, CONUCTO ATn L INJOIIEI, AND SEVERA-L- ntADY- A, A pessial- train ci EnugIiel'gooes fom t Halifax, Cenducor Joisn Carneron, col-. slided itil lie Quebes Express, Contins. tero Birmingisam anti Driver Samuel :McLeod,, about ions miles sentit-of Atisol, N. S., au Thursteay. Tise englues cf bots trains ansitise cas ere bedby vreoked. Driver Ms- Leo vas killesi, anti Ceuductor Cerner. y on ieaiily injuroti. Several otisera vese ti badly burt; A traie ires Amhstu, h wils four doctors, jnst loft boere fo tise ' seoeci lie accident. It la suppeset tist aI aeron shoniti uat have lep. Springisiîl vilbout furtir orSons.- Pickerng Township Couecil. Tise counoil sel' puramant te adjaissu. sent, Marsis 4th, 1879. Membera a&R ps-suent. Minutes oi icit meeting road I anti apissovet. b] Ms. luonkisoose inîroduced a By-lev ai te appoint tovnshsip officers, visici wuas l readti iree sovenal lises anti passeit. -i1 Tise Anuio6r preseubti tieir report bi an lthe Treasurer's account vilS Ibis C, sorporalion for 1878. anti-ou, motion cf Ms. Hoover the saino vas atiapted, anS tise Andutors, Tisas. Dunn ans! Levi tIl Meokey, orderedti e l'epaiS ltee us of 0 810 eacis. hi Tise foliourisg assscounus vers oadereti 5t le l'e peiti :-Hector Besten, fan nogis. In tration af ir'is, &c., 24.90e; Sarnuolit Spencer, for vork on Western leoline, hi( $1.90. -es Tise standing sosmiltee ou accounis Oi ansi petiticus recossendedti ta tise se accouaI ai Dr. Adabr, for medisal i. a£ tendance on indigents l'e Dot paiti, he Dot having receinsti au ondes irons sny embes cifbise councl te visil saiS per. tel sens, as Mn- Forrester movedti uaI Wm. Pros.l' lus l'e exespti irons doing stelute labos fer tise yean 1879. Carrieti. i55 Ou motion, tise clerk vas insrtedti ' visen nsaking road liie for div isien No. qu 88t, le charge Johnu Rulards vils Stat- On nteblabor fcorlise years 1870 anti1878. es Mr. Fonrester, secondit ly Ms. Bsn-. vi nanti, soves thaltte council atijounu 15 tli %yedeseday, liso 2ud day eof April next, et ton e'ciock a. ns. Carniet. a u Ti at a Mi to wits Lîvo mý- Il -- i 1 If tisa who hàvo nover tristi that un- rivslled preparetion for solda, cousia soasseneas, asthme, &ors throal, etc.,,t.eo- Ysssn' PEcTonau. PicAÀx, viiibut reseive tho testimony of the manuy tsoisanda vwhs stive mucceaaftsly usod t, they vii 1bs e i- ng -wisely. Ileuons af ts e st and isest tswn remedies lu the Dominion. Fer sale by aUl dealers, at 25 cents per bottie. Miliinr," Beutioy &.Pearson, Propriotors., For,saio l'y T. G. WisitdidWlutby. Bucleu'a Arnica Saive. Thse BxsrSAL:vî 'in,- 1h. veld for CmLi, Bruiss, Soes, . Ulceus, Sait tisenen, Toiler, Clseppod Ransid, 0h11. blaina, -1Corna ndl ailkinds of akin oruptions. Tihis Sàlv ivs. gerentssd' tgive perfet satisfaction in every ce rw monoy reftsnded Preie 25 conta per bo. For sBais ,y S. W B. Smith k Co., Whitby. Tàz l'est known remsdyr for all effea- à~ , f thlescest, lungsand Ibr6asi su rry's Syrup f Rd Sprco <JnGm. Itl as been lried l'y thousanda cf persons rfering from tise abàya diesaes, ena n Oeor saence it hes given !imiedi. te relef, In -cases -ef troubîsso'mo , skliog ceugis, where tise patient pesa.' ýs leeples nighta, oue or- two doses,.- >tise Syrup ha. ajinc an effeet tisaI esi ensues, and the ccugh speedly dia. ýpeara.-ýSes a4vortisemnen. 4in-10 PERtty Dàvrs' PAsse ILE taken lu- ernaly, it reliovea în8aently tise mcii suIe pain. Useti extsrueily, ,it -la thpe esl Liniment iu the world.- Ils effsci selmoat instantaneous, affording relief rom tise mccl intense pain. Il soothes ho irritated or infiameti part,'and Rives îloet anti. reot te tise sufferer. It la minentiy tise, peopile's friandi, andi 'ery anesahouid have il it hemn, or liens iisoy eau put tissir hanti on il in he dank if neeti ho. ST5LL. TUBY Cos-Dr. H. Eni. Rosa, dssandine, coualdera Yssa.ow OILUasatapie aarticle asha has lis is store, and as acre- soUl as tee, or auqar Jas. Bol'bin, B3oh- iglea P. 0., wrstecs--' Wk have used ILGYÂan' yr.aLOW On., and el dil a. 'ors every sturpose fes viiis r ecom- tendeti." Thore îa uotbing botter for rm, bsui4es, oàlla, etc.; ns botter lini. tut,, in tise voridi. ilburn, Bentiey & ersn, ronieors-Trouto. For sale l'y Ti Patos EDWADIin I )nGeV. rEET DËFEÀTED.-The 'Pince Edi- irt Island Goverument was dsf'atsd evote of ssiseWee W chevets 'U a man triealteborrow à doiiablof au, tll i hii -t's lent. We" Notice8 of Birth, Mariczgo, nd Deat ia ccergeZ 50 cets a c. Legistature cf Ontario. Ou tise motion for concurrence, lest sk, discussions aroso on several aue, aud sevenal citueudments vers yoVd, Iu connection uviti tise appro- itiou for legisialion, tise Spcaker's lry wssuet bis cwn suggestion, re. ced frons $1,500 ta $1,250, tise Op- sition issviug iseen tisfeated iu au tnspt lb eut il dcvii te $1,000. There me thirteen ivisions taken in ail, ary ail cf tiesu at tise ins:tance cf aOpposition, tise majorities lu tise rty votes rngingt<som 12 te 163. Tise s for tise evening wcre Mr. lictsuse d Dr. O'Stilivan; Mr. Broder anti rFinlayeou, anti Mr. Parden ansi rDeacon. lJy a veny decidetioz- slon cf opinion, tise Hone, viile acriog lu tise paynsent cf tise 81,- 3extra toe acis Suppnior Court Jutigo won lise Boucis, alliset its desire isroi tisat burden, insposeul on this ovines ly tise Santifielti Mactionali vernnsent, ais tise Goverunsent cf tise ninian. WVlth respect tao salaries in )Stsperian Courts,1lise Opposition tions favounet a reduction of teâs cent., as lu tise case cf tise * Civit £ho House l'ai a lng sesioIs on mday flnishissg up tise businesso. Mn. l'a atxsenclinents I ltheEsiluoalaon [wantiug to change lie 1ev ' >wit soet la Separale Scoole, were voteti PROROGATION. fierscorne sramabing laid onise deon Tussday, tise Assembiy was )ogueJ with-tisenouai fornsaiitiesx. iogst thcsa1 preseut ou tise lor cf H.lousse woe s Hie GraesArchbisl'op 4It, Bi1sbop JTàànot cf Aigoms, V. G ôney, 11ev. Fatsen onwva.v, 1ev. Ïfee MoCanut Bev. -Fatiser ]iergin; v Dr >Topp, VI. O.',PlrodfoTot4 ?£r. 3élap O*arnerosi, bMs. Jsustisio(h.0Ier,' 105'rBety.AY. 4i95uerDixoii, 14. C.. Dal-d ibis ciev ROYAL HC A James prinelo, SATUIID, at the ho=rof ' tsat lit-clasa i Silnatsd on Bi Whýitby. Tse Royal ù town, contalu il ing large étEnis fitted up bar, stables. Tearsoseasy- W'iiby, arcl. FARIM FOI? L OT NO. 9 or ering,150 e dwelling and 01 tandatwoena ah, If Dot aold 1b zentea Lt tgoad Fa4nurther pa Or to' WM. T Marcsh iSts, 1679 LIVÉh'Y' sic lis 0s et Col 1hi Au (Mi tel ri.- acc of an, lis Ni il lue vil of 1

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