Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1879, p. 1

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i Il S uela 00 TIBUMUNT. - Ail dverdmes 1îOfetk P ay u opal, . "ci masf a tp fli fai papong Symaxt. en t a ' with aavirtfser ,or othtrWlaa. OSTARIO BA Nu, WHITBY BB ANCÈ, TEOMAS ]DOW, F,&REWILL s' RUTLEDGB, B ARRISTIES ATTORNEYS, 501,1- itorg, Not;Ares Public, anS Convoi'. Office fini door seuil of ths Royal Hôtel, *hltby/ JÂMB 8 RUTLIDGE, B. A. Couni 1y Crcwum 4ioruy. 48 EVI STONE# duJino Block hWliby. N -SALES 'f ami' ineersr thsuhs te the .e vcy lliserai patronage ,no li, .he pasti anSts Il lie ubaud rsaidy te 'bora. satisfaconoagUiin C il lie tounSaItlthe l'il y.- Arram gems isu luseoilouer, whmlby. andi lank noies eer . LINIM ENT I Selers guiereily.,- ka thé -Iead In' 1 CT'PL SA,-Frîm HEM ? pesi havi issied Bn-' for -sanie tisasa amaS eau'- smid iL fer publie uoui. Vinoe Creisrd, Out. l, Uchris, Wood Works, HITBY. Cormack, ROUA/NT &ic IUILDHII. spl uDuiBulSire' ifitulas. s of Tavlued Meidingu, lsals isSrptailb, on hi ing@ ot very dcscrap- tiectiug, Bhclilng, Iuc- Turiusg. Btnoill-avok, 187..4 TORONTO £IFPorBathsd s, Ccli(10,Caugesisia la, 6kmIhs)ieu!, il lis. se ipecilui'Sîllli s, NIly co-cded lliai liaiS apon Batll anc tuheblait aith villil atlac reol et ii. Ilis cccapusalctilema vil flho 111it Hmre losrap. hi' tneito. teiC)iI lei n S frCt l(lsisaiaiuiare glvsnl Csi and titusîry anîLacni. ais to ~8.00 a.Bi3t )a1 lpsa Lmidimî, 1< li Baths, oua tilskit, Qlî eivolve asandS tmnals B. -DIXMOND, M.,' spentusdeui. - Real Estate BEACH. JAZZS KBITS! GORD>ON, B AMRRSTB &ATTORNEY.ÂT.LAW, oaSolicîto r lu Chsncery, Cocvayancer, CHARLES C. KELLER, A TTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .IChancery, Cenveyancer, &o,, Canig ton, Brook, 0.'W. unng L. T. BARCiLAY, ATTOBNY-AT -LAW, SOLICITOR lun obalscery euS Iueolvency, Ocvey. aucer, d&o., d&a. Opi,z-Ai the Court House, Whiihy. LYMIAN ENGLISN, L L. B.,, B ARRIBA1 AT LAW, BOLICITOl IN1 Chancir, Couvmi'aucsr, &o., dcc. lim. ce Street, OIava. A. G. 1eNILLAN, (Laie Genos cMMla. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLs-C-. Biter, Nota - iblic, Couve ysucer. cf. t fllc-Bi'ron 5 nemi, South cf Post. Office,, WlitbyV, Ontario.- JOUN hALL DOIV, ] BARRISTEU-ÂT-LAW, SOLICITOR iiClanoer,Conveyaucur, dcc, R Ctllce-Dmes-htli's Bloock, Broche Street, 9g Whîtbi'.0e MONEY TO LEND-Prlvatm Pods-a lu isurnisup te 100,M i ta 1evraie cf lu-. terct. (iy.62 n ROIJINSON & MLENT, (LATz M DoAus& Itoiscno.) r BAItISTrBRS-A'-LAW, A TTCRN -J Leys, Soloilen.o, Cenvi'aucîrs, dc. Offc-,Previncial Assurance Buildings, Conrt Street, 'Percuta. J.G.IRoBammSOis, m. e, HERBERT A. E. Ksssr. Ti JNO. (i. KELLEY, fri - ti A TTORNEY -AT -LAW, SOLICITOR ha in unchancmairuInFoolvenci' Couv in l sucer, dcc, Cfic-Duveril'i Block, Brocck.tic -qte-at, Wliitlsi, Ont. cea - .YOUNG SIITII, L L. B-,, ga L nli ISTEi, d&o., &.-Maney tajaen tes 'itiÃœen otMerriagi Licenses. J Orrsc-VOver Domainion l3aes, Wlhiy. Tan. 22,1878. (t.-5 -CAIWEION & APPELJJE, -c BARISTESAttos-noy-at-Law, sud HECTOR CuAittuN, QIC. IlY4ii R S.APPELDE. a. J. G [NN, M. D., S UIIGEION TO 'PlIE COUNTY GAOL, IJBynon StriaI, Wliitl7. Dr. W. J. BhURNS. Rlesidleuce-Coiggiuonl Citas-ch Pr@a laýtcu, corner oet Bi'rndnSMary streele - BYRIONfFIELD,-3h1. PRYSIQIAN, SUIIGEON, &cc., Dufhlu' ,Win. IOiEN .. ..., (UTS HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., k> Ii te CY~O . H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. C AIRID. DR. IBOGART, Plythlis, Surgeons, Accouches-,dc., dcc. Wliiî7, Sept. 801li, 1874. do W. ADAMS, ID -E N T 8I, T. 1:)00MB OVER B. 1H. JAMESON'S i.Grocery atre, Dundas-at., Whilay. t bo iuns mcm I9 a.m. te 12 ni., sud tram 1-80 ta 6, , p. Resaece-Cen. cfflyrnn sud Glbini stricts, Fi . VARS. L. D. S. T UTIinsentasi an ail tii r"aetprinciples of the art, as clcap as il.e heap.st, sud ai gooas atîe ')st-eet. T ieil itd hlGeld ansi Sisver. Tiuaui exinaeoi vitîoui pain, lii'producing local anssîleasla, Doutai Rani-in Cuv. sncs ney block, aven Atkinsan's Drug Stor, Kinag Street, Oshava. 8 l H AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING iiSaisaon, Drack St., Wfiby. - JotiilvGraniteNtDabe WÇ, WILLîA>N COOP5ER, BLACKSMITEI, - - BROUGHAuM, 4(îscogsser te 'Plas Miidaugh,) îlerueesseicg ansi ail kinals et geneérsi wsînk. - I's12 H a. E. LL Clark Divlsion Court, Tp. Clark, U.Jmuniiuino. lu ., Landi Agent, &cc,, &c., Allen'y, Couuly Ontsioh. Ather lv 5«1t. SuS, 1872. 8 ni <'caca iiatol In WVel-Sl. Steckse ilîl. nkîîîî o trune% evrey mnsti. Booklc snt fru.e iplisning 4W~-Y) isakcns, 17 WtVll-il., N. Y. 11l O lrifil S NE W M USIC HA L L, LZO~i'R~ WTI! .LO. MUSLOIC URNISIIlD WHEN DEBIIRD. Scatiug Capacity, One Tînassaud. Wliiluay, Ccl,22, 1871..iy.44 KI NG BROTHEES, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importeras, Dealers ansi Manufactur o SU h Klnde cf LEA-THER AND FINDINGS, Cal p&allerHidme, 1har-.asiLuatbur. Leather strîlohed. LU-" BEL'PING MADES TO ORDER- ON SHORT 2îOTICEF. Maby, 1872. 2 Valtîble Farrn for sale., I&CRIS.-SiLOTB, IN 011l CON, 100 PICKING,*LO15 scree cisareid. reznRiuclaveu hul tmeS <msleuhan as mILPIl). Thisain a ver' deairable prssporî> tfs- taheai'od aloneisl ver>' valuable ansi vilicar ~pay the srclage menu', vIlle muàte. for ils lanS-ldi. icetgua;. Tunsra lihunalta rahbUg artes Go( TI 'Pi uasen. ale ebest lu the County. Call ands ae il. AYERS HOTEL, se & 84 MILL-ST.,- ROCHESTERB, N. Y. Price.resin ois t e.ee s Bey. 'Pile Hal'ai iss ducati its price.te tîsui Travelling Publie te 81.10 pin dsi'. Il is hanS7 totei N. Y. Central Depot Àaniy e fia, cars Soita), sud lias niceuthi' bien s- Sitted and re-turuisiasi. Opîýnuighh andi day. 'Pie seuse las firt-ciais in caer' re- spect, sud Canada picple avil save moue' by geing ta the Aycrre ou. WILSON SPRAGUE, Propniciar. VO. XXIII. WfTBY ,POVISCI, DIJNDÂS-Soe., WHITBY. (WEST CF POST OalIb.) e9gB »ST8 WEIT JÃ"JYBÉ A.BA N19LSouth Polmnd, >1 o. .3, JBP .. NDLPBP BIB2zg'OB. A P P L E T R EË E 'SI, ën-ile tw Th~i is on.. buibeau reffltly baoUt 1a AD 0 U T 75,04>0,th ivrcmpait ad ur rg oom andduite&up i iui.ola.,tiMe -have iakmu agrest- manj dil frIhlaestau Li a"n a ATra-;d ii.but un.ous01 ibe dM u 019»id eyd;iatteuiivg o tlers. î. HOME , URSERY tt~Se. io "g the i,ruT I as O-F D BM " wAy:à=]'Promt iwo ta four year01eo y ad raissihrny gd, Can recommen ,em bracings-U , H O TrL, Lb, heuit it . A L ýe Rtôt Bm C (Oppsit G.Tý'.,.t&timjWWty. BTE 0.WILSON, A à I' Wu. O'NEILL --PISOPIITOB. !Lot NO. 0#, Sud Con. Pickering, on Ilupioà, MU-GiE M. >umMdor,. Rosad, Oit Ofice, Whtby. houri. - 1& ,lty htVozmlýtebu te The Ba u Uy lslied wih >buit SION 0F THEBIG JUG (EGIiftEEBI) ca mP d et W iizfoe üi brande ofLiquore, Wnes rdei, CIgiri. >for r yootin adplacefi ibers ih ~ozez eoear i,,en t- .71 KINO-BT. EAST TORONTO. 'oja GSO6 Bubling, eoloaed yard, nd atten- . «wtoi from the Meliiii.lfOtr tive Oitlere. -5 Fancy Brea)daot and Tea Soto. dsse.; lu tact, itl .a-,"MOUy .hlta Fay Dinuerand Dessert scts, h, "Tihe Great HeaiBeetorer." OMMER01AL HTLUâdSABE,-axoy 16zomEt.BÀFÉ 'À ' , sUE. c 54 and 56 Jrvi-îtreet, Toronto. Fano0y luge and Teapoto.ND XE .101N M«BA., P - lOer Pletefi Kuives Forki and Spooni Ma. H. R. SiaVuEsO: JOH MRÂ, .- POPBIE2'OR. Silver Plated Cruetglaid Butter Cooler In -1872 iour VioETIRE Wuirecarmme <sue cuesea-o JOMM .> Rver Plâted Cake Baskets. t me ana Maelin taeithe purnaons Tue beit 01.0o a Dv Bouie lu' ihe Ciiy, aîy Rodieri' Knfves aud Forks. frienït, I coflenedto try l. At the ti To a ndBeve.Wui auffering from genrldblt n two bîcekefrcm iii. oriheru Deio1e anaclose Plaer Lisaared. rs c,. m~5~btender blirean te the Markei. lThe Rouie hasbeu cewl y wrBds for Lily se , &., voua prostration; iuperinduced by aver Vitcd eut, aud eVMr.ulugp' a. le.<iTi( Glauiwarc, AllecIp)ions. ýbt twueflte Whitte Stane ware, every kia.eniugan d curatlve properties ieeme MiRa. WALKEY910 Hal and Bar Goode. affecot My dsbillteied îyitemn from ithe GLOVR HRBION, dose, sud under lts persistent nie 1Iral GLOVE HARRSON, recovered, gainmg more ibm usuelli TEMPEBAR NCE HOU&j ________ Importer. ana good feeling. Since thon I have DUNDS-SRERT WMBY.heitatefi to givo VEorruez My moat DUNÂS.TRETWHTB1 Iqualified i ndorsemen as e citsae, GOdacmo atitroaeonable AREeRrUme.adpwerful agentiln promoifaghealth week.energY. VEOETU<E le the only mediai OAL HOTEL, nie and ai long uaI live I neyer xpc fiud a btter. Youri irul W 9 1 T B Y ,W. H. LR 120 Monter.7 treet, Alleghany, rA.PRLNGLE, PROPRIETOR. VEGETINE. The largeit and mont oommodious hotel The following letter from11ev. -G. k the iown ; ai large sample room. for Mansfield, formerly ptrc h eh ýommerciAi iravefleri. Table well iu1plied SLND STAIOP FOR CIRCULAR Eeoa pcu ut, ye Prk sud aih ith tIhetincîeaon. Beiihrmandliquore nsenct iettled in Loweil, muât ceuvince el ,tt.tfaid ol x oeYar d and ihearioom; AR ERn D ouiWho reaalits letter of thie wonde îtetfes. hostled Chares to suit %l P RKeRcurative qualifia ofVm:i=E ans a aor X.<mes rytahd.27 W EST M E RID EUNT. cîcaneer and purifier of the blood: N. B-Llvry aiachd. 2 - Hde Park, Maie., Feb. 15, 187 OSI 1UÉ OOTONT. - Dear dir,-About ton yearî a g e li ROSNHUE-OOTMARTIN & WA2AM, failed tbreugh the depleting e acte of n The alae Rtaici Cnad Beittdpepuxaý nearly e year hiter I wui attas Teurabd Palace Ho vie ,Cn efitien. Oi, IN AND ORNAMENTAL FINER, .yey id fever in iii worai forai, it siii er Ehevater, runugnighlt an& day. The Rave juat recivyed e new 0stock cf ted t h frmofa l nl )riclasiHofeln Canada wfth grade- , of eep.eeatedabces., wc hwae if 'te *ues iz; 0~ 2.0, and 68per day.vvA "E o mnhe lu gathering. I blad two surg. dembori cf Clubs andi cihere, desiring W A L L P A Pr R S Ioperationi hi' the liesUIein tuhîe Siate, -coa, wiihcui board, el to 02 per day. of the lateît deigu ansd patterns. receivesi ne permanent cure. I suifs MARK N~. IRISHI,1 great pain ai urnes, aua- wus constar 0b. 270, 1878. Proprietoyr. lRSON SEILY weakeaî by a profuse diachorge. I Freace deaigus ixecuted ou the ahortestabc mei. imail picces of boue ai difer flHE~UEWS IOTEARTINce & WARM Matiera rau on thue ahbeut îcven ye, tlMai', 1874, wlieu a frieud recomurnn LiE COUMEI5CILL,) Two doora northi0c Riug'i Tannery, Brook me ta go te your office sud talc wiih1 BnZOCIt-STRUET, WUITBY, Street, Whitbz. 17.41 cf the virtUe ef VEOLTINE,. PROPIETRs. - _______-_______ BY whai I îaw andi beard I gaiued s, UYLOIi & McCANN, P RFTR.cousideuce in VEozvuoc. Teunidersigued desire te inform their NOVE LTY WQ R KS, wors:acon afor, but1 iabove well _uaewuiioel, hte oo eii was benefitigminale ,vc newlY fitted up sud reno- epeci.d p reaultONTI de O? ti accm tej. --cd, ilIdia otk t e finfuly er i su t qiet. Te Br, hfci l îl had. }IESUBORIER isvng urcisesi orilIsu adtearwhu e diffulty din neet iu île Contl l leuppliesi wàiliT the Mahi su ad outire stock cf baclo esc ci-ed, aud for ulue mouilis I hi oe fucat brande of winei, liquars, sud cf.' ecacaued Lumber from uhe Mudgo sud eujsayed ihe beau ef healili. X0 Amp1le ncsaed shed zoom sud geesi Yarweod Msnuuacturing Company, fi now t 1 have lu ihai timae gained twenty.i bin-g, ?.'exaisili, &c.Detachoci reoma prepsred te furnieli Deera, Sues Blinda, Èounds cif disi, beinf hoavier than ever r commercial travellers. Frames, Mouldzngsi, Base, ArcLtravea, fore in My life, sud waa neyer mere a P. TALORFleeriug, Sleeting, sud evryuhing, re. te Perferm labor ulisunew. Duringi lat. Torno. PHILIP McCliNN. quircd by tle tradea ' lewst ig Pas f weeke I lad a e uos wl prices ase large as my iset ga.ther au suether part 1%OMERCIL IITELWood turufng Newelesud Baluatera t -Ybm y s. I teek- VEGETINE fiihfully a IOMRCALHOEorder. ht remaved 1't level wfih the - surface la Lumber fer sale, boat quality, lewesî menti. I think I aiculsi have been cum OAIIWRIHT, NT.pricea. ofaiMy main trouble sacuer if I lad ta] CARTRIGT, NT.We hop e froma long experience sud iby larger doses, et 1cr having beceme accusa square dlealinglto mnit a cliare et publie cd te uts effecta. MES DEWART - PRopIIIETOR, patronage. Let your patron, meoubled witl ecrofi 00daCcrnmdatonGEO. GILCHRIST, or kidney diesso undergiausi thatiti tai cd ccmmoalen f.I4Proprietsr trne to cure chrssnic diseauea, sud if il will patieulli taIse VEGETINE, it Win, ilu HIE.CEN TRAL HO0 U SE, judgment, cure them. Witli great bhi@ <LieLo~st zu M ~ONET TO LEND. tifas, 1am, yeur vcry trnly, (LateLockhrt linse.)G. W. MANSFIELD, The ziteninot ha an amutci on. Paîtor Oethîe Methodiet iE. Chur eyi eczd upen Fermeor TwnPperty, et ET GIPI'ORD Prvi o.uiuuaUyilLow Rates of tere. V GE IN R AY'8, (LAiEEaois s Cansa.) WHITBY, ONTAoRIO. Hloua. uivI7 rnnvatesi sud furniahesi ilnongleuî, sud pot in grsl-oiass orden fan lo nîcepian et guests. Au omnibus toansd roa ain s. Firsi-alas imple neoms., S HAKESPEARE,;HOTEL, Co.Yn okss. ootOt J.A. O'GRADY, - PROPRIRTOR. Tzaus, 01.10 rzia DAY. (ly-47) P OST OFFICE SALOON, 'Ponocc'n L nas oabercPaiS iu sema te suit ber. SaveraI Imprevesi Fermesud Wid Lands fan saie cheap. Iuvestments meade ie Municipal Deben- lunes, Banke, sudoehler nie1ketali Stocke. For turther penticnlars appy to JAMES IHOLDEN, Officiai Assigcsee, BroIser, &oc. Apnil Oti, 1872. 15 M. MCONNRLL, . PROPilEYOB. ta' THE. E a5aACCOMMOPATraN m for Ouest,.(liy-47) HEN' OTEL. - VICTOI JAS. MAOKEY, -PROPAuIETOR. CeeS Table, Liquon, sund Cigare. Fine sialhig sel ever' noecasr' accommoda- lion. ly.1 W 3. RINMAN, OSHAWA, Veterinafy Surgeon, Wilie be t Armstraug'c lietel, Wliibi', cvi' 'Pueàsa, froni 1 te 4 a'clock, p. ma. April 25, 1877. 18 New Stage Lrne B) ETWEEN WHITBY d& CSHAWA.- LI heaput ou tie rouie hîlveen Osh- aa sud Witby a- comofentabîe cavîresi Stage, sud colicit tle patronage eftiraveluns sud ailiers. Rvr' attention aili b. paiS ta taie esmfert ansi coenîlnce cf passeugens auditate sueuri ansi prompt i ue parceis commtaSï te in y charge.Lemn vil hi lavo stages per tieyof avwai', vi.: Leavlug Osieumah Morng lu turne ta niake-lose connections aiI tîQ Witliyd Linsisay' Raiivsy, anS et B«o dockeoh afuiruoo ; sud leavingWltb'iie.m anadt S. ofercl ayi. 'Plistage vi ea ha itels lu esol tovu, and *orders lait aieni' oft hm hotais vil lie attendeS te. Pane sud change. modsnate. - J. R. ADAIR,.Prapnhcor. Menol 27tb 1876. (Id GEORGE BRITTON, 'CAIi'?IAE WAGGON MANUFACTURER et a uev imaproeis -Root Seed and Coin Di'I, DOuble & 6ingle Turnip Dri/ls, CLAXTONS PATENTED CHIJENS, .- (uImprovisi.) 'Wagons Bgiisleigîs, conandy o sboatSlnOU e atI OHtGIO, BRITTON, .i ý LOQS orisuiltàIeQeuaEti DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL, $1t,0,000 0 LIVERPOOL M RKET BRANCH, 'Pis usuel lanking busiuesransaoîed. Colieclione made and Dratti issueS payable at all Pltsin Canada, UnitiediStates ansi BAVINGB BANK E RT N. Iniereil t tiherate cf Faos- pin oint. vmill le ailovesi on ail suma froni One Dollar and opavardls fs-cm date of dipouit-epa'ale vithaut notice. J. Hl. HaRSE'Y, S. Agent. BLACKSMITH SHSOIP 'Ple uderslguesi leg te intorm ils, public tîsi îley bave oenesi A GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND - HORSE-SHOEING SHgOP ce Bsock atnectinlutic cil Pasmuiug Mils psoiss Y<ias o pposite île FeunSny, avîseey2e'ar pnpared toeuxeutai asrele ilichir lU ithvii hIlley may lu fevomîs i iiipunciualiîy sud despatch. 'P. FRECHETTE &c CC. Dec. 27th, M8. <Sm-S Music Instruction, i MR. FRED MUDGE, PIANO-FORTE, ORGAN ANDI -Me-lodeon, TBRUS ou application. Beefdeuce,ea orn. or Greean sud JohnauiWhty Meladeousto e neta 125aS0.0 p in m ont .1 Sept. Sud, 1878. --87.ly LUMBER I LUMWBER LUX',B]Be MBRCEIANT, WHI1 TBy 'Raseo &PdsiB ea suppli' cf au kluds ai ardu, sud 0a i"caea Pmnciug-, avu TMYe Proparesi by Il. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mais. Vegetin- Is Sotd by ailtI)ruggists. 10. 1 N.S U R A N C E. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Co'j HEAD OFFICE, BROCK-Br., WHITH! 91H1 COPAN maues ermBuili le Canada. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAIE J. B3. BICKELL, JOHN WILLlS, Preiieul. Vice-Presisicu C. NOUIISE, BzoEazan.iav Whitliy, Apri l Oi, 1878. - p HoNIX PIRE INSUPANCE CO. Lomnbard St. and Claianug Cross, Loualo, Eii'ABLISSED mW 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT &'CO. Agents tan Canada. R. W. TIRE, Manager, Menîris. A GENCYEST&BLISED INCANA Fondis. Macera. rataet ofpemmu. - C. NOURSE, Agent, Whftby Wliitby, Apn-mm Bih, 1878. V A ssurance Company INCORPORATED Z833, .ABSETS, 81,101,87694, F. A. BALL, Manager. Insursucis îifected autilia loaveat current rates ou Buildings, Merclieudise, anS othia preperti', against lecansieageb' dre. C. NOURBE, -Agent, Wbltb7, Whitby, April 911, 1878. 16 P URE-BRED COýTSWOlD SIRE 5 AND BEESHIRE PIGS.P WM. M.MILLER, Beo Bank Penn, Claremout P.O., Ontario. Breeder anS Importer et Cotsvoldghueup anS pur. - lired, Brkshire. Pig. -Stock bonglil nsud on iaucommission. Pickering, Nov. 80,187e. 1V-Co GRISTING & OIIOPPING. Gristing, ChoppiV and gninsi Customi 8MALL'S MILL, CEDAR DALE. ca a le, Feb. th1, 1879. (tIf. RAILWAY TICKETS ta Sarnia, Ps«-t DeItHroBliot, sud taie Western andi ltshlas, for-sule ai loy rates byý- GRO. B. YULE<-- 2-) Ticket Agenft, hhi. TOWN CLERK'S,,OFFICE. TTILFtiRTHEItNOTICETE V Ofâc oaf thu Town Clark ansi Trma. ODDIPELZeOWS' RAIL.1 &MU -_ - - vas relative_ -l- do he niounparontlien ustic on!a& ssu tefl fvnrio f r o n t g e s e ft e t s h i r d b o x i n t h e l o w . vi d e v , l a bu o u l a i t o n c e s e t a îoc n n a l a s b n a o i ita î i e t 5 i i c i s U 5 U i S u O r er rm îe utage ou îe rigat bandibreak thIensaSneso a. Weil, a ai tsai lead,rm the fist, toh- esu ut.a toavs one cïuIuinao Gitiy ai d e o f t h h u ' h ' v ie r e - s g e n - f e w d a y s a ft e n i c d e p a r tu r e , I r mc e iv e d nM o s t a m x i ty th a i n e h em saeb o l e -bc . va sl n y p h y a h a s b l a î l f î e i d c t o s o i - It t e a n o ho n h ir y y e a s o ge ; a le t r r m h m , a i R t t L d fa l e i fa t. M r. M alv n 's n e rv o u A cl , b t s m o i n a d gtt e i m n fti n ic a n s fai l e b i s i f a v e n i n 'e le g a t p e r s n . a e a m R e S a o o d I d n 't th in k , 1 7 lih v a i', r e a si le s t i s c o n e si r a te s a os ho s b e m a n hl i t e a o c a s p r e a i h n t e an ho i'ange ; aS rec cidre the-la, asefier bususi SuieS eforo ec-.qusionesld inicsteiliiieiigîan asfo uu mematgatetrm To love a de ar ur f om Ch st ran i n w . charihahenese u i " Ta, I d an'i dogo n gu ina a isgu o ! refliam e u. 'Tho eides t vlano, ceula not lava hein cîcdiug ta tle haroeli, shise eoitieSdepnuetoaCaee, di o P. give ranch ;,but if yau anly kIcneavhav vnuldea lfinas no saisfaction lu-liat mono Lieu six or soven-ymami oud. 'Plie ta iaappoîsiion cf henon ; ve, îav- peanesi thet le lad hecomue avaneof t vlawn I give uything, yofersu f cf enation vhici ltempte amen- doue, Mn. Rapion loft tlIa liasîne, snd oer oell ler uo oui of conneî-tîat hensudpiconsd netameilîl . tic Wil. nt ner, ta tpack ils gun sud -game.bag acrosi about Ivo louru aftcraarseIs î iii theLady Redvead, tIougis nematureli'oad:ol o ettl heWl edwadmnti.Sot conflueS in 1semaie 0 thande hI.c ch rea saine. censeqeenue O i inte hei conts I w osi insfe oi bet An Ineba tavelinotnolà Eg.marlme dsuld mnin.ole fo- Thse nexi mrnmng I breaktaîdaiI gence o on lr ushand'a unîmely desî le oai morlea nv nsstShieaui,55 o agud.pst "auheloan asifiîlg r stebannl ie- i' e wthle voman mr epc -ly iithe five Mils. Pal assi l: ISaaS cîemore wseaunoîliogd-1es o tle Lancashire calicitan hi' ap oint- las glven biru lta sfernale chulS, euS agreemnent for e lange aunusi pai'meuh hemr 5v. mile..' Be jabers," iS d-b.~i uir uke cf living, or sas smeass ment.Ai son a hi ai cuc!ue tIau lomlen su td eughr avn h madb eddb' Sin Charles 'éboula le oonld hava caught 1er mysaîf ilbu'Ua ieio4 Ah nu'Ilsnvm tise buiness vas ionce eîatered vilaW. ud . xeae. u, iau tain' arilten ontsud signe luplain the iM-1e." aoyed el$en of! hua.'pas 'tion ' - upuno wurcd~i , i' la sed pt eôie as oua «bawladihieeiuuarlveduce- avili sgreeseemeobperveisahir. CharblesktanS v"steuasne Mo. Wil- Groatie île -peu, lion fiai beanu sagleaeod. Re han bemu Malvern yeulerday eviliing, I preclare" IEntirchi' eol"lilam'î expcsian, in onden tisai zno lu Oh sons of min, - w U é*ao n ftems saiSMn.Bepon. "S I hul i MnMi -va une mnieuunderaaihnlgii mgît rise., Ans ein nlauoornte'ai-al r de n!dc fl.ms s ai M . e p t n .I l o I t h u g t r . . a v e n * 'P lT i s M n . M a l v n s t r e n g l i ' o b j e c h e s i t a O , t I e n l e v i s e , -r a t i sS , e s s i a l a - l i m ma yu ontd u t m, Iadwr.ChrlsMavenornoth port l u t fiudiag ilat tle vornan vouis) ec- Andi asvontise - n. c - iarusa lgtnic. peisignfenouthar te oh ata îleyenl. eour euoÙeaula tSi rurnai.île:, iicus?' emeaJ nsclumaao cd, - lfhob in Charles Malven efthîe Retivood estâtes, burdeneds e ol da htensleulnl'cu-rlsiesiuIl-ljooul OcîuLbee nutadatie on "Hle , on ni lest-. bol o! th vith a change, lu acordnS ilhîleh e pa iýnYa m turne eiratesio Àeheýyeoa proseuili'. Finst lcime inforni yeconditions of tle entaIls, o f s thons s ni as ouSbaal l une man S eiuogslan itnddL si tfmo ý Gaasv i il *I6- snan d iofth aai- m tIaI Malvenu, e tev monthîe ga, vas sdpnd ieanll'bîelI n-a hàrýe rt une-howlia at a ev ,a n n Ihg ieo tnls sdsi,<d a b e g g a r e d g a r e a e r , o r un a n i ' R B d o o ' i n a n t c i u g h i r . a d a a f i a - e v n d c e a s e u i , d S a s ~ ~ s n ~ l s ~ o h 4 a r c Bo, tu r~ega li aof 4.co sequie ai ta im elf. m ak t at in u n Y y uJi e ëfn tc heb.coutry, lheu sits , of,,gaule, - peakwilI prcisin. Haie je aav win "Sir Charles reurned tthîe Ba- by iuimi ase l. 'PIhe litlte boi'eflcademoulet âùd thli i yP good bodiiy 1mai11, lies s clnmiug avoodi manon-louse, aviene bis vite anS silPente a f several mintas foaovecl hea efcsirnthe' vas4n'- hbaabudin vile sud s fenil' ta visora hois 0mumd famiiy poosi etenvardi arnivosi,- Lady blokehonlui' îythe ,mratcîing a!fîthesdonc i;" - - - ac l The sccomplihed *sprtman ttîscled,an u nincunibemesi ostate o! Iladavoos baStbeau joinmd, I nderslood peu, c'i thepaper.,'Pbo lime to, me oein. Tw*> Scatomanpslug ilaug a moor asa rnlo' vllgeeraly -ba - disooveraê about iveive tilsuand e ycar, euS las ly 1cr moller, Mns,. Asitoand avou id, oS an agoiuezdcaheithtasIcaeanipamauanoku. aen ~of quick, instincts,. reinesi uaL amhlsi incele ane ia uai-vhenail ta ndciaheîleJOunuy, vasle tisai narnov box, andI a i.t-hie large oa of tle animal oui a! thera -civraf <aa~esi~n oulion of tise operty. Tii prenýi8ed rtura ta bur matinillame. Il vas lnvnd eane l iSt m' elo ucales u aupim, H, onlio c a iunsior'pülseE ansi in -mAl lesue tIare, M eun hi'. insuprse,'Hl onld rspete sud u e ircomstàneen a is hee, hie yuani'thing »eMark. about tva manthsa ftar Sin Thomas suffseen. At leugtl Mn. Malven saiS, large nabbit." iJus thon tise toukey rgnlmn able in Sin. Clarles's Semeanon 2" Red w.od's Seatia ihat L Seteràmed to lu île saine caution. vlisper f insi* bneyeiL; "&y, 8415>'," !aid bis coin a Y SiulgUlanly mo. My impression vas psaywLady Redvod s vibti, inurdeir t îe> WaSaU i lliet&'spoken, "Thiavili pman, .,and ho spokes the Galia." -* Meting a0.mimerow i valer Wv tisai hs vas laboringunuder s. terrible Ibm vutiug up o! the pensonal istatle, Sa I tilk ;" anS rondsi a eha eli "d dopreaeieu cf spinlts, causeS, I f mBgiu. viiiil as dseimable ho accampish ÀvitenIM.lu Ms.Whiam f esr" af ehiquoh easel.-vms piêlly drunk, OruJi'lviw*u*io oS, by ppecuniary ddlffionîhies. RHlm insapeetily 'as -possible; sud 'thssonOv i fi'd-lbgldiecbovho bck ii tran, tua bieif-*àeajtW(f3ihl.,l4l*lhs nezvaesuesi, absiracted. He paid sud terrible Ilght fSaleS upon me. eunvîu e. orî -trnSfa tto dollars ahead, vhlie 51U cEWj8.,,,.,eaaweia no attention vîsiever îtaaunyhiag - '5Wiat, lu Hesvéu'a usine I1" 1ex. the kan sd vofi' eotly on a e 0dchlr'a:fbot.; OF e .B. B. î y t ia ; ing an on tle oIage, oxcopt vhelri demed, for the fret lime lneaiking thetaon, Tise acks. co! îl oe nialeback'trlibiby neveaang theaangine. - à âh;ii à i, W- - vile or ana O! the ciadren e mOiy, ince, "visai could lisera hi tO re- tria voe.towarde mai a sn y- catet- Spaak gnf, pa etiuo kà ilei > 5 ntti# s - aoei- liliinged bis attnin ,ndthn tnveal O" -l"affý<çty*,o a- ily, thIa ieii D STOF cher Sapvbi Crackod Whoat, -SCors, A. i' paritoSi.the suit, g bau - I a-- 7 £0. vo. - E ! f Ta Oua Far Avay. - twie, ad- -1 oti1&bj eâàa art M.rI t £i~M n' lleha 9îcn Yon bave 8ato imprtnt'docmet,,â< Swfier fartha u oU'nie. 'I- - Gd 1And yolu uupeot"- lob ed ta neiUmmr. Qf t ccc, htit, 0 w. "~~dauî 'oy viat ta Éuspeéot. itlenltly but eçittly ftrvàand asap- ankr~b Swaueria ibenthIl itrergîhojai mu udue or tvô idehuea the Ibs ori -ul sjd 1 . gnbe o mnap b -ai fee ma, pft~n nitooLi appe- %le Deepc tha u sies- a, hib-utIiS aLleris- correst, th miggngeuei he' and ëlu à ojaievmgeegda~Ie ~ ~ êe~~9 Ddh eiaiuse n tà le, lt engs h re isequce ace ssion a eud&-oyadyReod hav sndde . nalvnu bnMï Imagle"ho li sa ,hu1Ai Yo Mwy lina l9.1 h Rdwo ette, trtd'rm a s nanbd ed eta raiWe nù,Law16l pe>j ~.ER îweterfr tIn muiee~s gin, enhylu Lnoasiin le hiefy luh. n expeiehîo.,.naive, livig tangibmle a fmion daT etîle epem. Mn.ndWillîeiamiebUa'elle iîsiTuo Etrdoit TIfbeueton la a limerat e. avaymde n caligm er.talufng~ti tIshribslaein le lese than tvber ouri a nutspeésit.T% il~t o aloeat a saa ana.oumi. T0n ima rt $Ueubl cleyre pont tryia n oudid marspie in BPugan H i vi iôo <eri ltWadýîLuo o-.br u f 8Ota u.~ilo.H ubih Lif Sh4owa fo îlefre Lim 15 harnes liîo Sm droieS, aud ota atipa.eîly n m 'tpeuaimabytiseof h etvbol e ut 4 andi c-t lîa Ij ai.li es, hors hpe WO w, er. , u M n Te in hom eldlael u r a ed ter verf I nduis e men,-pte ay a d inthe' iiliaosi #20u ~ad ,000 ii l olunô u o c p omovs'nîa,6 Da thé ethese meuy s nolyrehi, [e t a i r u ende ue, ta ener nda orsit a e . Whas plan.f M . Asijion Lad' rewoode e a <reat 'lest onîl 1,900 tabel) Tsilemyioyop l terigf acaeh acei qieforor aimlva omnieo d yn rpoa r'm anieS tarluo filxs au- -~ o - H or thnot au e o tisi lan oebm etvn e iiie nivs-lfotIaet armu patolcgoh.bÇn.us] ien fleàup iaccrande te- -re t0a 1n I c n . Mebredf o i vr p lc , mek Vi. e n e'aoudrbin I ess e ne p as yig Psrs pîuWe , i duS srth h, metsaote! îa.*l--me ervaî ans That the a.vlcl evrymî, 'ldis entleman las e pssion. forenth ,n 'shahho ang ilat mw ai' lgIe re i vd - liitem o r i' nount o e Ho e ,00in k Wg p o&ýCuaa n mdmd Bis mg pley n ie part, c &ansin gtaS nsbn fbrscnnnonîe "I ii iebten enip,"IquuestioAnipi ndIrely ifna leui;ns. A landc oioe sofa neueur l 6MIaOee v-yedenadsokn Mrnr e nôm:to 'i:ilim a be nlssta esvili ln, i d h c t anDme clCO t..... ........wey ofier ou r. T àil h dapp e s h ten si roein-a t e 'Birminha in o t h rai woulsl cia teninfaniof u-: , 0:vonh a lee it . h i ~vrk mai'alsnitht evenaodufeoteh',tlie an.no Mn. More. etSi oe. eddnootsavi Lcore, y na ao- ce, 80thé cîld~u, se fre elltt, tet vas s.nvediy ti sfH rinpIèe Thomas Ansi IlatIbroode in île paî- aivdrp iusiness.uei tohie soumc n sirvantt.aid ceiou sa. gn.ioé-rb6da o nd a lin "orna ertinlcfîlepere arnie Mbrrpto s y i l ireass adscry of r gottmn.blM B. eau josigire n îl a ppin esc Ou tb i ae Iye asiug11a12901111 hsud lis wife alnedy pl an of rc.AsuronLadyie pî o oi1in d l e r 000-es cl hy sneie Da râ arcihtefegto l s îr tneif ilgieforshe nimlMhie O Iéai ; ns d vo n' acpropos e u. nd. b ai fe sme infan pt, ireacni teruohga oiosbskigas ouj~ But j of cooltae cerbstahoWin.[rth, ao l ae oloe i l orie kthsIanbdLIi r.B.aaeofhl u ots thnvscnniaoaunneue oe. Tedis i not cf antili~~a eri'wel, et no mrten shoun AU iThî l e è have aho ene"on Inmu.etinly loi enfAIot. I ve 8evLdle oglnzgant a hnnil au.Astîî'ma- bigua e ia cf-pae of. Te ri iteS anivi imalrncame mcl Mr. Ilepte , kig roni i ookàgciyet.fore'r ini a tem-péhe te akecsLc e o-A, unleavlng 1h. aha6in --am kpt mans Ani tsi arm ne fo fotam ea ais îulaulyu iu se lae, gO ak lel am. b ok a sh et cfaueuly.ol o sti 'ia as en uglfo c . i ll r; bu 'I ale d g I yignote dclme i anai beti hofeMr.tecî u etS f itepae" uIdesritinnfslefe afninhely, vi ldrn v ch are ais rue, spre back sudthae seonn ueî Tha oltin.bii forth eudlg cf nihiy wildeThiseed em ro a. is a forved bg Salby, S avkn up hat lsm ohbe r, unrder fac8toyinayne aosêjl orvevîsi; , o fldis aciioe d pAtlafit Ate n on:w AnS vBi e uld wmoommplay e agt can ih t o f on r bou atecman ,non .o ff.the lI iev b ote, raet tImi' of 1te v ilep îi tsne eslv arisiet io , n d e d vpao . butÉli desSne hu-h K, of a reure noe taiuar let ui e n v e ct o al li a m ee t s u dah- nesonhie teoaui ner Lil o eetlir, e pfrSeingfo ufe ectd 'mèh ri e P5ne. vintu sudiiao, thé infantlagaintaiamiilhone rW]AnS a fvris anS cumule, at nsi ovnde 'PIe tnîreuduetu sok eneM. île-cymunSimpleSnchiau o.'Ie Hneoffa s r cuerialonl eva unully fnhi.sAeri lady- ver'cle-mucoprsa ner eol uviusigof-hi crins piece euS i aser nis rulesi inagsplareh' ' a dtol a r ijeicesgapwlu auo; anlas i creta tvatescr i uîe ion oeh esoso e a turuoi'cthe mqu ofb i n auHo a se chorfied aI le fi 'ta W.aAathtbad inthneas01ipar enfen unate gesntlee pau yen, Wiliasudmeka fv-o eiited. ;ds nivn int meorne smeiiread vifthe f arefollvolencb e, ar i k keohief'sx1oam t r ev e . rc Bes. tanqaOofiouhe l n ee nli t e ws Ila e et h nga rt - ded l e .,ih ilii' anet Arcf vehiheryabin moeet aboutnd a id e s , Ishavense aur s,"pcîonius l ien persos cogfecelias untan-eao hn natIer nouealo liS St' tae e er sds nue l ae Iiis u ofimS aecIrdte apr e.vsetalio. cf jsianS] - loýotiomîanirlesup tebcairmstr. sue lts aes f.Te piidaialhmee r etn akn rmbspee-frou'ine gumaomplomtviai mive*e uten lac mbavstcpineS ed tie suI n n 'lta a iitresefo orte, eul lnaviolS noit ay l o uhealiuet li le. a seihof aneenly.ail lIaI patin 'Pie patisonneai.ed u ioriogutause, an Ie ibockand sh ,ove) î tui fornd b.resuh, en asiestceanl eventaedofa thepcdanSer,n.uL dascritvas lutheirmng. vin kel iu*strit custoiMoré eleTotwcrawl fo te nImeof atlywaiet pne.Te ode.aSa ureeue anaw u lIa floon, leasomdplce Aotùrte. Wita lan tlt o bstng orail ailItIe trrfie mretouSrn.hem -d acy lu ud lcueml veut, îhta'S-' unk avainuthe lie ofuuitore, liis alult steandrohhbed Rsoo e :d ftea'P.the imressita w cmpelo ho i couldmdcithisa nstituiOns the clihahaedetIeiu inn tat - fe hee onuse ae lese wt dak;h lofth i liameinto-auvab-SiauObug fusil'succcuufeforM, sud crlmnnl., - - fi- -a.bri'. Sm eaTînmes silIig Iheathed, fsud Andl 'Plerecfaoreds poicurat ne anThe5 coneiedall svoo mener- phely la,vus chmniaIpernI ae-poesuiver culedenof-its lrova pile Aft he vlmastrrd sed i n apsevelM. That tacheSaabout ivoomileineutooter'inmn-gtwnexnfdayubuteansntanmBidaripantMenerS'Pavain laidoSovuiIls olgbissudilelp tas ot utAinfa l aevo idneof Ie uma e i one c. llslngisaal iencevatoromt-e on îl cxoso asi k ove beampln. tanscin pon etw iy t.arimerI' abut afaks llors anh.tone ud p atjr. b' ffcr alrcesi iot ai eltaie inetern ainudrsT'PlendasIumeS nami. vasurcinsgeDoesolanaucnian "e. led , no i ook VfrgîumCip' aisile. ut -rmst Ivmr hr in h ainey ao engas hveran se gjreaithlIareti ts e e<d aud I ssenhaveuod freinlhIsvae-i loho rasfiue" o, juteeaaqGnl ân iashne fmiew meut c riaiaest, i rot eaasr teen ex piry TeS i arfev lgrsfoimeois tenspe u ine poil'ofsdepiesvire tg.lhîeslb sud er pvente a t heua ara ha woleu hinetaomncaeiftat anS - avilen WelIue arriveSatmoiv Ty o aïonrig win h ic àl Sgodvaioe ti, ho s et u fo en 'Tiglasrin havuleultai' l s Te ad u i e aboutin.ees iemnwarst he vnainnos and shkce eisssliî-s proccoena Sr hiaas cliioo qi tlenes. hcao' oymu ic hsicla lu a monniug peper, tisu Mn. Malvenueteet yen iensof ntuna juticearetrou vaions Hi ipanid t me altea aigre T h l serhrnmoba Ihiesom od vl a e' "visoinduti hinefast ihous hein- lu tnis e eiutis. ieliossri fuie juclici LONDOitN utPOLIC tFIi epE - car. ubl us a >thio, RSpa su, I am viiM. Bil isge1 alscv ildliam,. ine rs.eed-catiesAsudhilenatc' to alra hin' leFa s-o 'ne. Z saa.ee9i.ffce1lova1ti p ou - s enietver a ldbttaviIbalnnepiuiaeniuginudet-g. - confî ern ie, iîlis amiale huilfer ionSenul e asaka taalar. Th prelcosnoftol.c incuipal a.Rdwcimne.tah parties il aubolemn- inbugoefoanuiol aotiwan'ad ow iscia ad o l ' lat bt mpllec eideceofth lsiles y beenen bthfor unrly a tvev armen onth cachrod epler hamptnladyr ansi tii',ahel telte a.Egybou ar sthotrsellieocefatetins îî.d radl opedbte sîinio efoatrce dblIvs a vrneirveIls- kueir adge I -Dqumel, dnnrig n esi fr i , en o ihey idnotjnseS~sos vrreie l ru sila 30e las heen p e a btinad y lise prol in. Anchibals Redavood lad uni nd vee a scotiindu foeî hea ervant-gihl, remnton rsoa Lie." Hetlaeepessdovetetr ais 0s oumne air.q rn; cim in e an i inps aui, no mi ai ir- etl'e a p sed i ew ueafM c ss o -f mi' fian d tBu rna sige he dd imme- bpe e pl eheff, a vili 1t dîe:s edre e le en, sd -b d arlsrst teedcesi fi ii'el 'bulis gt u li flrnaivlle execid 1aoue, l n d t hlme reieed si toau tsetsr antise waouuc Doc f st t lies, v.ndiensta ghliaihenf arrivnuualhniysn e hn Iarienîlci' lcie raaniits S Inde eu, hilviserthensttof cne uto ouIsbatgieaiimle clici 'iras- île,2 hioe itrsl; san c s a . omsi n t- a ntr'btla eeue tm, eia oinrel tve u lint ta emrai. on e I a, aud îl eeiine e fer M. fa? sind 5 liesuli ,h in eli ouipelinich proced, owvrneoeionlia-epsae ihciigtaAicdaon.ail cycunths l g aofahchi.nMaver npaiSae tahlM. M'Ph. Win one wst ari tré Vingissis iytus- su tiens featra avie iape, nt ilearitnsmHeimaa's forgivenmes etfilsen n 'Plia waaliervliern, ver preoe anS hmsnoer, hfioami' kuos i topMedvCrc nsItu tdaLu sn- - Om moatiepsanr. f ' aop ewi uc oxpe.ti -omnitcîtals, luio rulat epel. Infanni int formtion; asevarae- 1 inîStLhiidirnct i'cf ad nceiu l e' l abatdedfînain ou ta Mis. ms, - n d aw Sue t Ompeîîing tc .ýalî ceo. of ail h e ct, o tRer isveos ige he M 1 béat e e d; vas hopeyf r IS obtene eppri; of t& Ihan e hiScesionti he p r. lassl o lIc 1>aci ko eeah4 Will sp fent tuiscoal oii, unbutsecasote e to, wiiiu aedalatteni. aHietnI m riot efMr.Bi gt an oserWiiams. I e eS hIc ein atlelindetes o pasaing nain? Wh Ils, vin uvg hoayV'ls m-d mealimefsudblioiilCromis-vai'e.bairhifnl bt ht eunet pas ornt isevennai ehalue is tvr- ovinishéAmewaic. bla - isud Ti- se oar eg etes o mimar' t ii a nS to urp iteeconinenti s, o.e lie venutd. Oan e Pisa g neai-cnerdo iwswt î m a ule lino d .Tise.relu feu 1 etl te. Bia basercolecibsafecets vfory mrnig rdsceneam' Tse ne ou"afou&s i;eSJasS itdere ndh bitare île titn these ebre lun fthev lus atoprtieetiîne o îeuiese cn-fneci, euh yI moe muîlteci-eldy and cf île lesutalset e'nv l'hursme. Heon l o sa faîst aiea-sun tedth e dieceamnto bfr u' Ifongevethicsoa Sisoedue- ilan ordiknna ihir, maka inag atIc lntufre, ualye tein"slave s ane ud reci to toi-m iu beii Mr. " DiSu'i i'ond e Oly frer ssduu bas pesenfieethi' t cinesi vîihea tlrow-tolil rgnc' u mîsig eg r io' vry peiengen tuImms-buavncoeedil ii llofer ciceut lenDrnoa d o n aîad in sa b- ovnei ieIe eulalpoeoin a cmon amilyou o iiiLai'tamili, bihresi taream Ic fra les ardmiagou. bcc i, aid ha itateibiyconigd neStisai tpsî oaa fter 2 shy, i lo1T yss e usersta niciosbn aalimpes tin ibéav eltc eonlva er ii I et enhmei wsm niatl'liepepartostesprsn rpoiap dotenglLlefen f isuriusnu the. the iîtexcelu aandi nto faan t -d aeaiSvntetta amSli. r e latdsivein no ns a aniae il. hudahe lsgciten laveve r . i'faost P a e r1o ayrsieanIcoi l - asîn îLan rtylig crie, vtahpol aedet cour. et "Wclforihes mi', o 8 e lad avrappainec, naritve i'lsetaxp ess roan cuacim PllcaiS eflta hhi' The ppl o hne stame, i l o ii îliaC ity fors 'tecanieti' poshcue aphi' thceu irbon lott by 1 erneu atfhuneauThsLaud oi. Wiiliema rinaauuiac ailan abue vi ael ipng rnetm- tdi.ri u ac ailn-i iaiee fecsaant oBy va t iii cam o tas k t au heol an c infocrmavatil -Ian d v ae-ti neCth ign itS oamal tiinte, laaaqdo W Cu tii lsnrn incaue ubuod usî 't ofth croigu ad îe.Iqu a ero vu sud tipe n ro thteler n.Mositl tc' iov. daloec l snhuraS1in ii* ImstLveioaisrhiS m atbl scrmni niimuirns eavorof aRalv e u iinx Inlt lgl iaht Nvten mie t dicua su Seirnlue bre uasulidp tess veniliuswo & i e nggroli tettuisanh' ueunoluoftli Piomss a- ie; aR igî te su d m tally - .,** s; bt 1-lIjusi asiS p'r-Il UaIs ios u ean acilego cel ili t n iegce allug the iet u ueSbîigby epoeo vauXVI Viofsoliv oatone-tise acifiCsud.savi i n. lian iea sii, min ncaîsesiut ofato n, t; hs iem ut cam ouig o bsîî e v,ain. t proerciialitninso asn a . veto i lew boul mi lesri,- haverne imen myaouble owleaa oug.l hon fseg ts rcof hsi endth e seane loati s e isad "et me on, h, a ian eoui" ulli' ththaen e ta MiowCeak. Theangin og e un a of riem r tes: cclli. , Te irTen ' a ls, I elo idthe inai n te m onul n ruimg, avhlciam eepcas tabhî aist en g ia ed ha N aV io tni o l v g n s a onalas ectonunon fmmtod evine n e. mae, devoenin e nut n.erlcar. mfetan, mas Imprepîi. ll ave r but som oitlheMboaStelsofOre. furàot laluoneshesud vairon aso Y. e frum ie sodr a in cui d al al ae ion 'Pli s, Raivoos-i.îmlan en sarima informeS he e natuve, neat fre mmci sympaIl', udri frf. rym my gii d li vecuugle shi tatern tha.e 'Pie byaonde t si ivey timt rielit volws aeo, dthee qflonr. An a e tlan paient leeke ai oui sl a m lne n.eu-tîeigae ela aigeu'. ien.,"ta h. clas ed, Mn. taris Malvenu, s ud iescyin esaî i ngm eugr lor i isinere sgenen ha-n or eunig',dIe n aI lia. Chair- sutd a fC e c elisgrl v y Rîpen, e iiglhy-recechahe centri' ,icenanii~- a bndrod unes. Sir ~ acco panue hy iseicef ettua B- man ta slsievr,1if peseile, va luobrees, sudavheu cia. om 1eShome y eoliinsce nS. h i rlutantrein sen tein a uonitis diecofte mhoé naav ami ng fien polic evs istal .wariîa tis aces, I lum anie ite a oi, ycsu isad ishîle sthrs&pion te c f e l aau, rsudeipslas oictionîb'st Rmoiei. quicki as theulsiar ort ave i i Alasil erî of tîz iael us Nev sreatlu the end vtos a, risoeniu hmo r am ba inoo ae-rtr as- ' h- e tviii xpel i n luposessionlagrail sule t en and p esot t e poi en hsna e e niecni'o bisuce l l a vo er ath i tii veice e e nathosifrn I.. exceede li enin o t fth aneil e u u fat s i sirhlî,I s and î . I vn e as e peil ine i', seO I cei ti, but lno eis M lvnaeaetnue- n sli. nii gs d ci e poe e s"y Inhibe te n e.o w ' n et tus fo i.-cts, a iepplreofurse an e by li metsper vasneedi' ton aSpmg, ived eethe for letrane et iainen vIa lofe puall raied ljoets "vMis, i o s ald,"prnsIii casuyul ptson ue ailpsshiegncucei l eu in nlaiensfwLnons .Wiltdlisinsanne.g, aviIen belov. s vg fou a-réle r assin aine ach."isou L6 Yes dilgen e ceia inst Iliose sliag.lS anieItamnta lee uudceedlii sd urplaever. Son tlly mndaayve atueS "Wloatre y " asd ilefi .qaîs "is," aIée anaene s"ve'1pisesaje cd rimelas liqen, ery ceminndtt pu r. on his Supr M . ra csS al'd teg ree. I o. l naote, n ieu, vhich va m s£pee ti'aseîhd l sS, Ivu .ae îe cotn i and tu ,p c nn e t l i taî e r n iu n ai; o l lieta ph ver te g i a ~ i e î i îî h t n g t n i m e C e e i a v n i ft ost tbuilding m - s hîro k ugI tacgl and S ollu it anS - tan a gi ve jusi c. nuisi-hi' gene,'I sud cul' eligit, serein-0 - - 1 toü he ficbater , nd âwa h w nt a.peaesti chalengsti cen eaellyorpinals 0acriiche in ie;andcf ile dBiringiw a rclleagate hua hal. cnA I gîl ank" "Aw. NowI, lu milanS.tiaS t yenorse, aient ixti'lay, ae n nsge lu uea f aiin ap; itaienbiassigneSbtoalin,'Plis ciameCamconutmaoi-thIe Biaeeiandtou.? ga îe ut fq e ter ii oel g . Wals er" a nsm e a entr e eur f h ire l ivèhoma a lanedvanfidr , avl e hgi v ng epeto fb u e o. Ecia I NGeclS , sud'AT A GiAl aMhenesi '50 , adIhnis a S lg t ak ay .nil, be- sexeS le at t iaucingalli nt a e s-b e aîhan d hi c a . Il vas lan tr i st at ocI e sth hi rmaie u eandni tie le getlemen las a l s ayea u t I e ll n u th pasueîi'c om a hiue businss tli le na, I lay erno daui s vt eirae panthy lie u epta g S seetan fi th a d izig, fu - Le Sme ot Io aStiela t b. la 'u Seed h en y n h anu mil selettm o lleiug . Bu i tam ly speudwo5- si t b vas dan i a i i moe aentlus ietat e n t Sleintir- la hewo d he a îbl te " n vblandefo oe u chagig hemims f aries ret in. he amlyesate, soud i ga h empe cnive, wloc respctae asaudce og isc b taS Neil drap sofnld n'î thkeusi waypon'?Sent e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ibr whhioutoelepatishecene btaSspte<nal lbuoxi h ,cnan l ae e- d icc an s eviceu , a he yu vîom yudet aif telldYeoru e s ti ut, seraliln ubiso i s udrei impîonsile c hui ld A o al if thbars he o tr aoc , lvonn-Ir n iee l î onoveeeecn oin la d m e , -awr ai e . mal b, e flveif, b nt son of .a I cnîd mnute t aas ftroen d lin l a rlu e ctqdo wpetai h ile b tetoalsi, a once ls o fd iual lte s e n fuaerç f île -- re i Gade Plest n d iis ce unge aln e cdwiaim viii tiear e ps lim to ani Mm. ud -in. Wiea m ero n tte mugtiu cl c th age gtiaron ' u- Baui nr ou i s"-u flair, wich woud probaly oc uon Charot; Malertlefie soaio tIenlemus, ad ehsaine msmant mA e.cTheteeppedgfenvardfthlaspekextw o meii fo annute, ascciesa ia y o usicf f he'liovtsiroh oa eeins R e n, p tm d ree s su n d meai ho icîn s nviil, cra no mac y ptyZ - IuSl lnuil' auq eai thorvi.i vheiarenesut red li'na n eti isii; ry ou eghbasieste pan ceti lu r. n t madkoe p a voedet a obmise- inleclymâ.i n ta. î'e peta n; sud ifyou v iie gom itla mi s d s a net , and l ond attenae nshis m os. ' î i o v n ai n i î n es n a l u a i 5 a ;a tî e n ap ht B t s c 5 e v-b o f ud heoIcing ie )01 Uthlty., Il here,"lie adod, n Mr.hîsuirv aftti nstin chnrainr e sud a îmansi asn sSe tChir- n nd ite on, mi iatin.gB--, but stoep 0vi iiyen mia tspectieincoud ntry PcintlY teconserea soual i r IlanS eevi' b iead bintheei îefaouheri r aie Teedfie poin hl ont" I sise les; a si a ce u' e an is o u p siton. tilitposusilel e, a li mat oapus nd l e an ellesho ne lo 12Y noicirigîleC ovînHi ndeomn caplirn Thocm a pa renil' ecoue t ra esud is vnpitceuacl îl ed int tle peWopi sut a h botet aontsdw atiou hn kee nis viih na g eal ona, B-t and g- tayng t Web'8Hotl, ie. uicly s Icoul a hor wil b- laledoSo tvîlc siu ewctrti,aIn eeilovie ldwe bidermn i ror.m le 'euh Savu l e eap, -s be a Replon vIe k e ta ei m,10a iSncesqething ovenC hari fles M sgiutwny bghyrscal ers-, -a romscdoino s iSf iheud.-TlI aI isegn- issi"Iehud"sieosd île Ci y en' vndolr D, ,W Ilput o nd ossessyainto ait thé nîuadpuil tof the , as naaI vilci Whlllryasisansi l-is spowieer. s ia thIe oi mnatîedvrm e Birey"bismeano e in érto ofabo- Ji

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