Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1879, p. 3

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beau in bis Mouth W many 2311cienle Arj*a,ýsid là 1 - -1 r ý_ = 1 1 07 VALUÀBLe Yes». MI AÊY and, e in Mrs. S" 's bestie -in In univerapl Pa With mankina, PROP VIILAGE ERTY -1 Bmutly du . books holding itbëm ment before à Jnàtfý@ of the The Bzar 80 d for it eh ýf a cap Se o ' ý , "i , -bad Worn loont, Md thé àM" Peau «rond T. D. Avrrill, soi 4be Cote, Bràjoo@, »gý tbe'wOri t go Éti-P ai again SALV2 in pýower of soie ce rth lied unoyed bins by WUng filons .womin wai fissil 620 and cota, the BlieÏm, Teeter, Chap Ulefru, sait ho 1 1 go Fili WM -1» bis mocth soural times. Pitié Mid latter 1 Coplwriglit (ce toal à .&- Tb &=O»tng to &bont $9- 1 Vra bUdDO, Corna, and -al hindi ai skin S py-ivrong Baie, aud upon whiêh au hisd gens down bis throst end'b$ Stock promiseil ta paî elle an@ « »Ou pair 0 bocto, a 21ared b Pt ý 0 rqptiono: This Salve Je guaranteed y a &t7ýe0nt bas bien made, thora " d fiel th@àý lodged agelaitýble ne Ob@ coula MW t mono ta give perfect satisfaction in @very Ca" Constable,; 'atoal, tfie prbduct of à mat Baga to inform hie numerous friend>,aiid PLANK HQUaB in $46 brome. ý Alarmed sud auffaing ÃŽut@u- ýUàn bé sont to', Prisoui sud , matter or money refunded. Pri* 25 ce brain patrons that lie Village of Uxbridge, on ëoly. Wagon»llor vent to bis hotte, vu allowed lots in ;an. ce D,& or ont 1 in ad or literature, and you'are bas affiin taken h . la whieh wu lu the suburbo of the City ta rose until box. ForWe hy--S, ,W. B . emitei& Y Plaiiirist or respectable publisber., DTI itn 8qt1ýrýqi t)ýe g2nd dayof Afýarc14 nexi, uëry, iwbolzou soootmtofl the waman's CO., whieby. ow the *âme ý pro- OLD ON là) m t' ,(13«tplavlUe ), ju raxiéo, strost be- Rxtr@m . 1 ýý 1 ! The law refuses to thr the 1 follow. e poysiv and ý ëoptinned lunes#, tection round the emanations P twoon elfty.ikïit suit Fitty-oewnd." Es ëbo W' an unablë to pay the âne and Lad of a ;2Qîýle Luds sud promises, viz;_ ootddestaosolid food, Md forý,tuo ta submit ta arre4t. Deputy Sheriff Aged p«o=,Are Olten t=bled vith 10481% lmmorttl--noul, Allât Omo Thot certain i:Arcel. of land SiAote in the dft'iupmmt4 of the kiane a Md uri",y !ý" d a le f tanne , 0 le to a- &Il big 'old. liends, doyo lo6k ûothing inth-his 4t0m">.ý A - beee to CA th" VIO 4 1 »therfoým-, 0 boa:,,% be ha ve;f made the ancif, sud it La -alleg. organe sad vill Mg the gý e , , ggi ayukai'liïï"k g.fru Ontario, sud being Composea of 1 À ý .1, )a ýo il Ï0 though tbo woou prottoted »Bu b;c;ý and y,& Ulm in On the tbird dey lie manage to sa, thst of > 1 k ? , - 1 . LotNumbarTw . Dîne, in the sevëùth down s Uttle bréïd sud rouir. On this she vas unable with saiety to lesve ber With "-O&Pocw ilpgr 11=62 Why fi rheumatiam like a glutton 2 n Co la0e- troubles =a nue mom CONFECTIONERY, couina of sa Tow i , kngyn and thé ýoufforer vent to the University oliamber, thé officer conteyed bar ta an "I happy -ta the -w-Bocanse it attacke Ibo jointo._ pla6lthe M, ïi@Àe"l e, J IIOYIpitd to ose Dr. Androw, Who, alter open aloi lutuMdontly clad, attelle Aged. hosewh, have used Jtiiýàêà-- -mot P:L a à examiciigbim,»Omed to have little waytoiroin oUerwhére thowagim- ly of it, and ft fi 0AXES,ý P48TRYY fit Ir, lagi ài ahd th -vil confidenee. For Nue by Wl deslais T. G. hope of sàVJngý 1", M. ýW&Ëgongeuar pilionsa in kla coonty jail. Wbile in. W-lutdeld Whitby. Thio;ropertv, cônfats of a valuable Two. thon " é tÏ0 1 iphw elphfà 10 StOP Rt carodratedohe grow rapidly worse, be- storey rame Dweli re- bia sisteet bon" ý to »osi» truatmont fils- vithout; pmper Aicil or mffloal -'Tim 40et known remady fer alýaffW air Tbere in aloo a gond naie Barn on, froin ber--,pbysioîan' ;Dr., Stowarto of trestment ; wa4 litéribliýy in à dyîûg tiÏno of tlie chest, longs! ïnd thront, la 17à- a P 4 No. IW Green Street. Dr. f3towait ou,â, Young à il, Pl," c'lut. ci the purobase money cash condition wh ýruOe Gum. le &te tim, of sale. Terme made known at time a of, persans P TI)4B and by virens of a power ci vole S0DA,'JVAýÉ,8-agd wu called upon to vIsit the patient on of the 'ndortunige wora", Who ivai bu eau tried by thonsaïd 0 COlitSbed, In a mortgage made by of sale. For further particulars apply tà -the ùft dey after Ibo occurrence. Me sunimonéd ta lier au, mânago£l ta rai" SuBorins bout the abovi 1 a eues, sud Joseph Rope,ýde1àuIt ha «aýMade fil GEYCTER BRIER. advised biffi tô talit à swallow of gin in avery fusion payaient thèreoi Will be go monoy enough tu pay thé a Thé 00 it batgiven immedi. 0", --bt PUBLIC se the rendiest me ne of diolodging the womau wag thon removed to ne' &te relief. Iâ Coins Ïf et AUCTION, on , Bread dalivered. daily« and ali orders Ven or's Solicitor. the hou" oublesome, promptly attended en. Toronto, Peb. 19, $Cath, which etig tomained in-the throst. of a citizen, vhéré oh@- lingerod outil ticlliut mughi where the patient page- The patient folloveil bis advicop au SDA Y, Marcli 19th, 1879,. Matière and Suppers.supplied, at'roaspn, (t47 IP a Wedneuday Irébru 12, wb6n deeth es fflft 1008 aights, one or two doses, TED2VE& ableratai. 1 1ý 1 àlxnost'immediitely folt the totth going came io her, rolief.&%Èe *Oman was of the Crup lits such an efface that et 12 o'clock, noon, et Don't lorgne the addreos' O M N IBU SES down. Dise this ohly led-to 6 wOrse r 0- About SixtY Yean Old, and lier buaband, rose Ousuest sud theOough speedi dis. suit. Thé tooth moyed Wwn and lodg- -Edward Stock, bail formerly boeh ta âfflars --"-Seo advii. S.AUNDERË'* ÉOTEL TO, AND MON ALL Od à4ui eOne> Inch sud-, a-h&V., itbove work in the Fly mines, but ý ý 1 ï, j re-- Next Do had beau 10-ti) Dtmdu-Stýeat, RA thé fitranoe of thé otomactiý.", nid Withont employment for, a long titis. Pacte That We Know. VILLAGE OP GOODWOOD, Wh'!ti- -W , TRAINS ! they pamd into tbeý The atep-daughter who esid là« aged Ing ta theraedioâl sothority, the Chief relativalg fine in a domestio employed If you are oufforing With Part of the North-West quartez-vi lot No. H&S openE danger fw4he esse, woold have be«ný et the pavulion Motel la this place. 1% 88Vere 10 in the lot Concession of the Townshi of EFORM dONVE$TI 001191), cold, Asthme, brouchitis, cou. Uxbridge 88 "ras more or legs. Clay Ta and froin GM.Rý Over. But lodging ai they did Ibo 'aimes Igýe:s" fg, donnant, a number of O"mPtiOus 1000 of voiee, tioliling in the Icani soil,'well cultivated. To and froin Wliitby, F. P. Lindsay patient côuld, ivAllow 'nOthicg, mot OltizOns cOntributed a purse ci #50 for throât,'or any AiTection of the' throat or A nvention of Reform Deleg 8, auly n'y statiO2l.ý .......... ...... 100- Sheet, or Gn evanmilkorwate. itwu &Wlàtel thé stop-daughier, Who vas obligea ta 'on 9 'WO know that Dr. Rings- NeW TERMS.:- Choa , Will be hala, at HOP HALL, j , i#100 tu be paid on the dýy of Impossible-, ta ý,get anything down hý borrow the menu. en, &score Di mge ry Will give n -immedin4o re. sale -a and lie balance of ove half witbin in the Tpose couveyances are sais and comfort- Jike inanner, the ratasse 'Va ha - caïýefal dïivèio, All throati Milk'wu zooonilÃŽ@nd0di but Of bar MOther. There Io a gond deal of lief. We know of rundreds of cases eau days thereaiter, the balance in cash or gaggage eliecked and cardully lookea âiir. Whou fi would be poured down ai soon lnd it bas Co secured by mortgage at the option Ci the rO N of W ITB LOUIS SEBERT, lignation manif9steil bore and in dif. mplotely ettred, sud that.where theglame would bc remoied from feront parts of the Sente ELECTRO-1 on account of allothermodil*'nesbadîaited. NOOth. purchâter. Proprietor. hie lips 14,wald come back, eluding this cruel sud Obaymehl î'rostitutionof or remedy es; àhow one half as maite For furthèr particulars, apply to Whitby, Fab, 25th, 1879. from @are, eyeof MOU ho th Uoottflo. T légal authority. All kinds of 3 visite , a tomber of, permanent cureg. Now ta give you CRERAB & MUM, FRIDA the 7th ay of March, etrangest of au vu *bat followed. The prominent citizons who expresseil their satioî"tory proof that Du. XING's NEW man livèd * for neveu wooka *Ithout minds quite-fraoly on the ý subje0t, sud Discovray wili cure yen of Asthms, 2in-ii Vendora'Solicitors, Hamilton. P OwglIOwicg a mOrsol of food Or- A drap tbere seema no doubt but that thè r«. Bronobitis; Ray Paver, Consomption, of water. ý Even the joies of au ý orange soutint With jeu fatal conoeq P severe Couglis and noble, At the bour of N c'elock, p. lu., for the REPAIRI ho oould mot swalloir. . Prom a et upue4o Was Hoarseneas, or A GRE-AT OFFER purpose of selec a Candidate ta Content îmtelé(l Batisfaetc Ont the result of the Peouliar systèm ci sny Throat or LuDg disesse, if you will the South Ridin i Ontario in thi Reform bearty man, weighisig probably 190 liquor logiolatién lu this geste. The call et S. W.,*B. Smith & Co. Internat ut the ching Generâl Blecticu potindo, ho dwijadled away ta a u!«O manner'-ef prooocuting.liquor caseois for the Local of this Province.> - skoleton. ilithands boosme horrible What is know à as the otem.1, NBIvouanzoo.-A wry 4reatuumber of WC will sendyou bound in fuit sheep an un.' Wicke, Burners, ta look at by resson of thoir las& - "'Opy sy t11086 fil the midale sud big , lier classes of abridged WORCESTER'S DICTIONARY of trvery informer who can encore thé non' soeiety, Who, withont bai actuslly, and TUE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW for MUETIN S are tu be a in the vallons flash. Strangely enough, ton, &Il this victon of any porno 1 il recoives, oick, never know whst re;fleeaviethr fa - who moyeux. RettilprIcaWorëestertiMetioý Ollingoub fvisiolisdi X ifferat muDi- time the iman, Wh a sub, Was Perrect'y cou- Of thé fine IMP08ed. à respectable live Cônâtantly in a lower plan@ of h-vinq sr;, 812.00 - l3ubscr;-tioùýî)rice par annum CIPIL lties higýRiding on Ituriday, the feiouo and rational, lied no apîetite, no justice of the- municipal court in one of thàn in normal in znan, who are weak al Il ortni@ Or, we will give an Gth day o March, prox., for t purlyose 0 cra"In fer food. The omell 0 victuals, the most important towns 'of the state Over, though not specially or Conotantly Ilualiridged, boand in sheep, electin elegates tu attend 6 «a Conven- so bu saigd made him siok. From tho je Suthority for the statement th&t filer, weak In any ont, argon, who mav WORCESTERIS DICTIONARY '0 Dot fi al, o which all interested- a to take time ho ewent-to bis sister's house, four are-certain justices ef the pence who !on-ée pierculg and grindihg paiii, ye= notice nd govern iliemeoivea nec dingilly, at time5, il not always, thai profound ex- for Ilve (5) yearly subscriptions tu Da this 26th Feb'y, A.D. 1879. days after tbe accident, ho had net maire a opiMial arrangement with thèse haustion which in many respecte je worse TEIE FORTNIGliTliY RE-VIFW, IS COMIPOsed of 1ügrýaîents indehtical with 8400d ou big tant, lYiug'altcimstelY On a informera and coins in for a share of than pain. Those in that lamentable state D. 0 MISTON, - A. G. MoMIL N, boa and in en invalid'o chair. This the profite, sa 'tbat Outoide the have always been relleved, sud many par. Or, for tour L4) yéarly subscribers tu TuE thèse whicli , ebnfitftütb, 11081th', Blond, Poo maries m9liently go by using the VICTORIA SYRUI, POILTNIGIITLY UBVUW, WC wilLeiv A COPY 10) prait. sooyýn,,&. C. IMuscle and Nerva aud Brain Substance, turebe kopt, sa the recommandai of elle case conviction ig & foregone non- OF PHOSPHITEB# of that faillons work, bound m 112 Valu., - whilst Life itaelf je directly dependent up. tien of hie pbysician, outil from lack of cluSiou avery time. The prohibitory adapllypo it bain£ particulare "Supernaturai Italien.', on some of them. food ho became sa weakened that there tOd fOrthose cases. PoÈ-malobyT. By its union %vitil the blood and its effect laW in this State malins it a crime Wbitileld, Whitby. AGENTS ÃŽV &IVýrEDt'o' whoza WC wili was no option in elle matter, and ho for a man te, sell ev@n a glue of les,'ré-eýtabliobidg the one JaY 8 900d Commission ta canvas 'théir -bad'to lie all thé dite. Opération vieil eider, In the Page two weekd the A statement of recelpts genera ocAfty. Fpr particule. order books, ýT AR M ER S up' - " capable of efface. r -1 ton ng the ethe uný"'ý r, it ta HE MIS an lustrument"was suggested b bis World Cortes ondent bas visitednut. during the 20 days, from lot tOý2() IIY apecimen copies, &a., ad= the publighare, ilig the following resuits - t p th of BELFORDSO A twill displace or wash out tuberculous Ladies of phyoician, but this bis e ]sud, BurIiýgton, Se. Alband, monipe r n -Kol l, TN _WAX inter woud no 1- ebruary, 1876, shows the sinon t ta 'E & Q T OF SPL1,PNDID 1 7PROVFD matter, and thus cure constimption. promises, next consent to,- tolus aîourancoýcouId bc ier, and othér towisin elle Stete- sud be of this $1,518,251.57 60'York Et., TORONTO. -A- nrstýý farmo of By inercasing Nervous t Rad Xuseul-7r given thst I& would remit in saving hie found in every place thst At the batela wûsfrOm customs and $840,796,80 from 5i£,ý.feebIe or in. 0 - ge Vigor, it will cure Dyspe they are prepare( t%1% terrtipteil action ci the eart and Palpita- them witli thoir life. This, of course, the PhYsician 'and eloèwhero liquor was acla and no excise. iOO 0 400 AýýS, tion, Wfakàiess of Inteueetcauge&.by ýDds I..ki lotild not promise, and no snob oper. questions uked. In thiq, se * 4 FURNISHED HALL TO RENTI ef, Dress and Mai 1 STILI, ]En. 6, ---+ Having largo C arance Md lances and wOrr-yo""Ortix 101 iM9nIRrý habite,, Êr! Ïon vas tried. Aiter boing for over other stâte wliere a oimflar Ina W,, Vbe z Mmeardine, Considère YELLOW OIL as t 1 0 LUT-The furnishod liait above tho buildings, and a en ulà=prgved wlid chitio, Acute or Chronie Congestion of t'j'lè Children's underi lri4o*",.Oveu Weeko without food Wag onoeller beau iu fOr«, P60PIO With money and T Expresa Cilles, known as the y. m. C. Litt)gt;, aven in the most alarmiiig etages. au article as ho bas la his store, and as r It cures Asthv2a, Loos of Voice, Ne Jied, death renulting from Insoltion, or, influence eau frecly engage in the traf. i en Bell as tes or augur. Jas. Rabbin, 0 - A. liall. Until te lu permanently taken, urs Wý - BA lu obber words, starvation. Ta elle go with note ta moicat or make 100 to,ý 0 'AcreR, parties eau arrange ta roue je elle nié- Ellileptic Fit@ -whoopEga va thom bington P. 0., writeis:-" We have se bîd lit. Couýh. Nervousuess, and is a most Won Th Y,,& 6 ho bad to petite W food. airaid. The otage of-#pies a ll,&Gyàlw's YzLLow Om, and find le au: GBO. B. LE 7 der- bent bis r informe.ro u 01 W Ijngtou, a ful acliunet to other ramilles in sustai , CORNIVALL'd P,% Cath lie bogan Who engage in elle work of pr swers every urpose for which it la recom Express'Office. All il the CO ad w1hich , t luilg to et ort of breail, na tod bis te. osecuting mended." hors je bc 0 at lile durinf the Erocess ci Dip nielle without Chf U harle, liquor cases -are the lowest PeOPIe Il f nothing botter for < Au end L_'Bp C sin OIýgO%)d, a forni 1 veniîn ho, fait Ilialf dving. UP the community. They are despised by ment in the world. Milburn# Bentley ffecta.âs borne, bruises, scaldo, etc. ý; no- botter lini- NOTICE 1 by libýeraI inducemei ta the lut bour ho retained Iiis 86116eO evOrybOdy except fanatical, temperlitnce Pearoon, Prnprietoroý Toronto. For sale by E'BLILO-%*£!', COPÀPOUND. SYR' p AR kinds of. Tr sud talked frocly &bout hie case, in- reformera, who emproy and encourage T. G. Whitfield. RE CANADIAN EXpRESS COM_ Shoull au on or apply to iqa Nt once for a OP HYPOPHOSPHITES, ,reg for C. etructingliierelativeeto have a pose- them. A proluinont ait T FANY will ca el£ des, va C talogue, which ig'now ready izon Who bas lý for gonds and pare and 107e are Baie in saying, from a long ex. y1thin a reasonable distance of the office, for C* ulation. Perience in medecine, its virtues arc not SEWING MAi mortem examinstion ' made UPOn bis bold higb office In the State and ie, one Noticea of Dirilts, Marriages, Low raten Tuick dispatch,?rompt delive7, rot calling and soeuring theiotg - will, e88ed by any oilier con&binaiion, as the ends eau b. ax.b. v Sh.-I en on Or ý body. In accordance witb hie roque« Of elle Oubstsuti4l bUBluess Tué 8 c ni ândliUg are al vantages offýre grestest bargains. liolsl8owing will demonstrate. a. g call' r..t..t bar n *Wd the and Deathe charged 50 ceni ea h. and earef ' a e 0 0 Custoulers att( -elle examinfition was mado by Dra. other day, "The result of the probibit. Lenve orders to call e&r1ý. in the day with ffl-Some Ci the iýlprOved fa oýIWild IT 18 ACCEPTABLE tu palate and Stowsd %àd Aùdrow.' Vie plate, with ory law bas beau ta honey-Comb the onde eau be exchanged for imall Wall %vork- etomach. the teeth in it, vas found about one social community with hypocrieyand B I E D. Ir) Agent, Whitby. cd farine in well settled sections ai country, SUFFICIENTLY POTENT to inoun de. WANTEDbyl inch and a lialf above elle entrance of ilumorfility. I have Closely In. At Maple Dell, Whitby, on the 5th XcLagéin, üided benctit, yct harmices, howsocver long the sec' ach, the books firmly imbed- venticted t4eý couise of avants fince inst., by elle Bëv. A J. riidler, B. ith usé may)bû coutinued. 'This character. Wbre marko tu a A., -7:mcýF:Errilv:m ded lu ho flash. Thore tomperance waye" bas swepký the John EvaDs, son of the late Rov. D vid Naze the Pose Office# istic la Possessed by no other remedy. a Donglu.8t., Guelph. 1 1T ASSITS DIGESTION and assimila. Feb. 24th, 1879. nt certain intervala In elle throat, show. Sente, and white drunkenness je net on E vans, Sunderland, ta Rate E., eldest ing the progresa of the plate au it page- the decroue Other forme of immoral. daughter; and John E. SHE BESTS - WELL. ition. Stone, High. ITVITALIZESTHE BLOOD,ýouppIy_ ad downward, the prints of the teeth ity are certain, South Poland, Me., Oct, 11, 18-,G. .éiicli int 'y on the incresse. I gate, to Amenda L., secoud daughter M,. Il. R. STEVENS:- A igedients as inay be require boing In Baverai places plainly visible. would not permit my il aughter, or au of the late Geo. (;]C4o]RC«E yE ]R REST - RUS TONE to the nérves.* Ballard, Esq., and Dear Sir,-I have been sick two years A TT G I POIVER of endurà DOMI Ha elle platc, which was about two respeciable young lady over Whom I grand daugliters of Sylvester Lynde, with the liver coniplaint,, and during that Il to tbe mina. inegos long and un inch wide, Paseed i miglit have apy influencé,, ta aven se. E Eq. time have taken a great many diffèrent !i L IT lil 'OTES VIGOR in the organe Into the otoma"ob, in the opinion of tho tend the evening meetings of thune tort MULCAHY - TEEr4y. Shop 1 tary FLOUR &FI Modicines, but none of them dia, me any Nerw whicli depend for beaith on the , invol PhYlliciAnd le wOuld bAvO disBOI70d aud Peralice socicties, as 1 think it bas beau blarys At Se. gond. I was restions Villes, boa no appe- > $ Il muricular action, vit . the Liver, Lulu2ngs, Chureb, Richmond tite. SinciitakiDgthO JEGETINEIrest*ell The underai ned begs to hiform bis frienda, Heart, Stomach and Genitale. tue man's 1110 88VOI1. As it W38, thO condigoively proved thst they promote Hill, ou TuesdaY, the 25tli February and reliait my food. Con recommend tnO -and the guglia that ho bas xemoved; bis Aiid unless afflicted with saille diseas RAS. PENNYLEi plate pasoed down the throst in a trans- imn2oralitY." . Snob a statement Com- VEGETINE for whai it bas done for me. a in- the licv. J. It. Teory, 13. A,, ý_rothe' b>cksmlt, shbP. to the pren lues lately oc VOIVIDg ADSOMTTE ORGANIC LOSS, it will sus- c new suprIx of Il ho bride, assisted by the Rev. M. J. which lie la -se Jing at 1 verso form, and once lod'gud et elle fur- ing from au influential and respected Il Yeurs respectinuy, 9i ïain tbe aystem until it reaches the aga È- thèse Point, di@Placorà@ut WAB imPOs- citizen, who himoelf, practices and in. Mulcaby, brother of the bride MRS. ALBERT RICKEn. 1otted to man by a beneficient Creator. He has alac Bible. culcoltes temperance principles, ehowil -groom, Witneea ci tho above, NO PERSON will be disaqointed in the the teudency of the prohibltory Move. nd by the Ilev. W. J.' McGinley, par. NB. GEO M. VAUGIIAN, 1ýC4f0rd, Maso. WE POST-OFFICE, affectofFE17LOWS 11YPOP osPRITES, ish priest of Richmond Hill, Thomas ' ý 1 CONFECTIONi A 110230LE CuixE.-The examina. ruent in this State. DUNDAS STREET, who r'g'dly iOUOw the directiOus, ' i tion of the body of a Young Womau Malcaby, %q, Esq., marchant of Orü. VEGETINE. fil, Sunection with the efy, Where lie is prepared to do, ail work in hie FELLOW8' HYPOPHOSPHITE8 ke 0 tantly on ha found in Saugus River, Lyon, shows pecial Invitation. lis, to Clara E., dangliter of M. Te Thousande will' bear testimony- (and doit Une as to guarantee satisfaction 0 death from abortion, pinbably wit4in Esq., J. P., of Richmond Hill. vg>lUntarr) that ViGETINE ig thebest medi. to hie cuistoulers. ATeIýS8, NUTS, cal Compound yet placed before th bli CA S. two deys. The Dose Was out off, evi. Call at our Drug Store and get a ------ lor renovating and purilving the blo 97 ra- Whitby, Feb. 26,1879. "ne GEO. AYERS. Th, eperiments which prefected tilis ilently to provent identification. Tbo trial bottle of Dit. KixG's New Discov. WHITBY MARKETS. dicating4,hum i pu** Give him a cal]. r a onons PrePaaatiOn OCCUpi8d M2&nyMonthg, and faon je much emacistea, &nd bears signe Y RY, frce of charge, icyon arc sufféring secretions frbin a mlin rat and ------- 4 werO instituteil mtWa view of bijriug that CHAS PB: of intense sffèringý Mer age was about with a Cough, Cold, Asthma, J3ronchi- CIMONICLp ,thý 1879 strengthening a a stem de ilitate by n'aidious disease, disease; face, it is as mýýy va C a Whitby, Feb. ioth, ie7E 25; weigbt, 115 Ibo-, height, a little tis, Ilay Fover, -congumptioli, loss of Plour, par brI ............ M R S. ALLIN TUBERCULAR 84 o à OB oo it, "The ireit ealt estorer. CONSU-P;IPTION. over five lent ; hair, light brown ; teeth voice, tickling in tlïe throat, or any Fail Wbeat .............. 80'87 @'#0 92 SAFE AND SURE. Ilsaremovedfro and fil order ta supply the deliciencies in Affection of the Tbroat or Lungs., This 9 whkat ............ 0 75 @ 80 82 tu lier Old place to.the' HYPO osphites already in use; for ai- sound, uneven, sud' quite prorniuent BIPrln.yo NO, ............. 60 () @ 50 65 H- B. STEVENS:- CgrryBII'CCo:ý is the great remeay -that fi causing sa fi ïý, thougelitheir nature was correct as to'the ýfèw nights ago an old 2 ............ #Oô ý11t 1872 your VEGETINE was recommended gry, their preparatio" weýre, owing to the*' eh excitement by its many wonder. 8 00 @ 00 00 taining thrce men vas observed bain& mu 8, ........... $000 0 tome, and ýP .'lie pursuasions of a 09DFELLOWS .11É driven furioualy towardo SauRus River fui cures, curisig tbouoande of hovelesa Eve . ........... . AA _#" T __ . - Ume-la UwýFéâëe' C'Oro"ks,. ».We jeth: Ion. 10,td- H 9,,TO'"G-R A P H Y I" 1 of 12, 4p, sud tl. KJDÉot, ý'w8s4TOrOuÉQ') NEW ý STU Ë)IÃ". ýrait4 ûuàhed Ja au styles, Ink, oil, W-stercolor, tlm in - MEZZO.-TINT9 t. beautifill und ý fashionable style of iiawling pottitits. CHILDREN A spBcIALTy 1 «PF1 ýr"to enlazged to suy aise, finighed a or in Color. MottSso Fa ney Cards, n te call attention to the fact that I th. inted Agent -et the Canada W &M Works of Toronto. Call and lalmples. A. F_ Wilkinzon's Bloc]L Brock-St w11i;ýY. ïERPOOL MARKET 1, 900D Y if R. BRÀDFORD 1ým In the Market, paying ca4b fur BAT, PEAS, AND BARLEY 'LIVMBIZI> AT PICKERrNG H,&RI30R. AVxý1ç"CjEIC MElileiNF,. THY GazAm ENGLiax Ria- 'RDY' em nu- lor spermatorr- bea, lnyKn, encys an au Aftë Takin If-Abuoe, au jou of Moul mal Lassitune, Pain îjà the Back IDOZf- V181CR4 premature'old age. and'ujany as that lead tn Inganity or Con. Ion and a Premature Grave tâe Full illars In Our MMPI]Ict, which'wa detýIrts., th'oebylmaetoovoiýue. Tbe&lioncic ma la sold by oü ge-18 et mi 85 or will be ;9IL by ad- ig THE GUAy fflýI)ICINF, Coi Windsor., Ont., CaBýd'&. kld in 12,ltl),ytbv an ilmiiïiùta, nýj bý mlesale r ait drug -everywhore (ly-4 .Y of, Haliburton, FARM LOTSI ýr_ - mi tu a Dailway" and Lots in titti 4GE, OF- HAILIBURRON, rerrufuus of tbe- Victoria Eaffway, SALE, ON ItÉABON-ABLE TERMS. Apply to C. J. BLOMPIELD, ý Canada tind Emigmtio n 00-9, - 50 Front-st., Bast, Toronto. JEX. NMN, Agent, C. L. L- B. C Y-Y LONIZÉ IIOME 'COMPA'N=&'. STANDARD INSURAN.CE COMPUY, :AD OFFICE, 11AMILTON. WZED CAPITAL, overnment Drël)ooitý #26,ow. nets ct>ziflil-d-i "Province. UfflOLM, B.T. dRAWFoiiD Prosident. - socy-Treas. RXTER, Assistant Seergtary. liATJýli.-AU applications 'ance îëéeîteý the closentserütiny those deemed dedrable and et &de" es ýrý Aceepted; our > sim being tu ý rate in esch cage prmrtionste, tu mried. LADMOMMI;T.-Bvery claim made ý CQmimnir fur Ion or, -damage is, inve«igatea.. and while those Jound wended to-Lord 0 85 0 60 molâths în-gath easy ta accoes and open tc, qbestion blAd t* CE ille South À 0 ............... 0 45 0 55 a Il, 1FJ79. the systém: ta o ,Y» shone--conj2 clin 0ats .......... P8mtibng bY the bestikill in'&, t, ui iýç0MQ4 itaii,., , = ' frý«n f'rcc'3 uPun whm verbal recommendatiodo 0 . - (-10 , Ill, as' an extr ............... t) 25 Ê ý - 71Sï "ctouing 080 recoived no permanent cure. ;i te? 4y a pulse alightlyt 1nýWjLsed iî' .. ...................... I au ore and strengtli, a general 'DX£ItatiO ullucs3s Bracebiidge, and ;ho Fra, ne3.. r a 110 will WO arc Willing te rest the repUtation of C"rn t times, and was CO t Ut r __ _a &0 *eàkenaa lictious, bilaratiblid ftbb Thro;ph Tickets arqýissu£ Clover Beed ................... 300 tu If YOU 'by'l t'6"pr-ofùisle-"ýloëho-rg,-. Ohicagq4 R n 01 the Muskoka. shortly bc g&Zetted with the local rank the Great Shoehoncs Itemedy., 0 45 055 great pain a 149UC of captaint unattached. Potatoes .............. ...... 0 46 r . -- _4_gte, Ipeciflo'luitueuw Min areaffUcted, do Dot delay until modi. À 000 8180 lostgmau wy toi in on the r . and nervous substance,,i,- G. T. B. Ticket litu, 4lorc es, per brl ... ........ 1 00 2 00 -ý-ne at, diýerei1t -,co.ND.E,4SFD IN Livra. clu et - , Oreas, On W. P. P. & LA OATTLid. .'&COOMMODATION . 1 1 , , ', 'msy lie pOWerless t6 aid you. No o- ...... .............. 5 00 ing the activitY 01 the absorbants, and No iooL.-The Maipey Docke and IgaÃŽbr injurions effactO can POssibly follow the Pork ..... ....... .. . .. .. . 1 " 0 W - léattera iazi bu thug about a Wèe d. E mLwwing the blOOdt thug causing the heavy IBaggmç chock9d tz;o us , h. 13card, af Liverpool G. B. bave dècid. u8e Of thOS6 Il tlicy .............. 0 8 0 10 Zn, t w4m a fritn&"Smmejadiàý IF" xv. 1 pa,ïs. MUàëular formation 00 necessary in rester. ýîlia1keemedie8,, as o go ta your oiR 'o and talk ivith you 4J5 a, WWtby,,Yan. Wth 179. - ................ PM' 7. in, uro 8 45 m lomaru cd tO SpOnid £80,000 in ercet, by whiclé of the 4,rtX1ý Ofe. GETUM.., 4.27 '119 the funct'ons 01 the Pr6viOualy weaken- mg accom. contain no mideralot "0 15 0 is 1100 G. T. J uýn on 89 ý110.22, edorp=_-. , the fate y '7 00 .......................... B Ba Rida, hý&ràf 1 'gaiued géý1 7' ad& Bemg thon, & tonio for the ne luodatiQu for cattle tram' of &Izo invalid:iogo Çftcr Onsied under; Beef .. ............. 10 00 047 19.60 Amerieri u ......... 6 50 a M om rvons and the form-cf $Omo tem 6 00 dozýencé-in 9XTMEn,ý .9.15 25 B et. a W circulatory system, it follows EXECUTÃ"ÏÏËÎ -Wall as elaughtor shodq. They-evident. orAry oedative or Wood ........................ 2 00 8 00 1 comnien2l that, whon ,y bave faith in tho future dieg aré Oheoise ........... ta)dÉg it soý, after, but lait 10-16 140 .... ay there in a a a extraordin continuatice Jtimulant. Thoso Insian ]RoIne of tile trade, IeJYýkiOwn and Wool .... ........... 0 10 0 12 w6ygn frein iti eflactî; ojin 1 eoréaverecl and 1441am au; qon, its um le àiucéý it er- EDITORil Wtc ... 0 20; 0 2 soon fait it was bonolitting me in Ciller re 5.401=1 Grand Rapide 10. the waste t uç ci -uMpffi etill péageos the pub Lard ..... « * * * » * » * * * * ' -*- lia Confidonce, aiter the lapse of ouffi. 2 spect. 10-OOPm 1.10 ...LaUgn tains the goueral sý stem. of Pickering, la kfè Time Quitics.-A Pajiti despa YctJ. did not sec the results-J desir. 2,12 charlotté.... '-e3à a bount toh 84fi Cilut time ta test their efficacy sa, till I hàd taken it faithfully At no poriod of lifa in watchi 1 n or The FSbonhonoes Vegetab Fii)Pâ'g ceco Ity in flie u' ÃŽZ" le ý8agàr tt--GU,&TEPUL ANJp COU- #ore thau a year, whon the diflicu 4M 1-.Vloko g... loze the fuuetions loi the brain Mdr. di urni tho Qubou wili leave london Attho end for litthy Of Maroh, rest.-Que iîght 1 ois r Schoo rait.. 5 âan during fall psi M tho British CoatedýpijljàaîIol won for, 6 in 503 10.33 thémigiel%,ês YO1'T1NOý"BY'a thOrOugh knôwlé&ge of the se . tien of knowle lýImbaOBY, Paria, and procoed thonce ziatural ràwls W edt*bleot,«b!éà*t"h, IM -1 ', US,_ grIth. bich -govern thî operations CC aa se un 0, favorable reputation or any e in tha Jýîî 0 '1 Výçft 0 givi, 01 a nation and t time gained tý q-g 7M -South ta the Itallan lakes, - whore the the most -live 1 , a £- would pill before the ýpubUê. pjl@ir efficicy PPeý an& by à careful ga)PML&.Valp ý11 rolir a child mày sink uüder la default of théir COM] ation of th -of flash, being hesvier than e"r b,_ If -oeil fully proved as à -iémédy for 0 flue proportion of well. mental toil. bc met by.,, the Duke and ýDucbeo8 of La@ saejected COCOat Mr. Fippo has provided cor fore in my life and î wu never mer >dddtl ý tbilk»O breakfast tables with a delicately ta Pd îîâ-:u6ePý xiotioob-*Wm M Ccnyl&ughi bu thOir;Wedding'iour.' bWo4@ùeoo,, Sicit Heàdac;he and inactivii fWyoured 6 a=., Sm p.ra. MrYolîdpià M , aâ, -Fresident; tiè of the etomach. bever&ge which ?72ay save jW, ýjja1ïý ýhe0y PAst fOw weeks I had a scrofule radence, fflanthe ! w « a swe in 1 promise Of excel. or 1ýVY ore IîINz8ý br-LL. in large as ruy il nce JrCý bc Tire: ANTI-C price Of the r6m' Êathd ý. a Teoufb, Coaches sr betweenportRurou i IlÉfi, tWeb triblition of, the Mme, < smo ýIt in . lm -.a-j6L f 1 à , a _y. Hayes hall Vet edY in PInt bcttlêg; suchîÎtî my body. I too Tg Oeil Aùil-Cbineoe Bill, and n4leu Sagineqand zý,yCJtyffithOut change. en lei 61 dièt iL t MAY it back -for the re. e6 box. -sala Vrokrbm 'q tes ho sent &Il niedicine Jealoro. be gradually buil il; removed it 1 àrmî = L - , 11P until strong enough -el with the a 0 in a CHA8.8.PEGK, WENRyiùâNEL,,,,W. E. DAVIS, th :rl coup In the Sous requ idw torelist lhonth. 1 think I aboula bave regs. iithose ý ta, Oen eu tendon Be"ivcr. ritieut, but[t il 7h ver trieil lat un tnkew Supt' genLTkt"&e' irig t ta pr ta two-thirds vote in favor of the Bill - Wh* hava ne' t dreai of t Cd >=y main trouble soonar if I haît, QUICILÉ Ticket Asant, port Eluoit». üýjUId not be Obtained, go that the invap nyalled prOparation for colds, conli us.ready t lirger.doseoafter havin bibution. Thi Wh, ever the oaweàk ed te its eflects g becorne soeustom- 112] =3 3 tlýOýittdetdegnt.. asthm'a, Bore throat, etc., Ji,ýC. int. We may eoc&,)e many a fa Or Zttp, ilie tire fa tlirWn oui. C, tal shaft o ait but roccive well fa Let your patrons tiiîàble&.iïUh 7&ciof goo t ky! IrAl.l"u BALbiqup y âceping OMMITes rtified with, Crkidneydiseaneunderatand tbat it thé testimony of the many, thousands who Pure blood and a N WM 1 n1loulg r ICI 1117 OP7 k -h and DleÀTH '1114 AILLER OF AyüuAN.ý__ Proporlynourishedîmmd? liavo succoenfully used it, t4ey will lie aut. -Civil Service Gaacite.-S.1 time te - cure- 41vonie dûeaqes, Rud if t4ey pugue'à cg those who offer a cheaper tri Cie. DETýTr-ý-A C OEIL shore Ali, th a Only in 'h dOPOued Arneer of-Af. iug wisoly. It is vue of the nitiest Rua ýbest Packete labulicd If in 9M Witli- 'grest ëbhga -u remedien iù tlie.,Domiriou. For IIOmcDOPsthie C a' en 'cuÃŽethvf»ý VnlitbYi,10thPe ýy, 1&79. hemisto, LondoUPEng. tiens, 1 am Ur ,yo a very truly, ul c=sequ«Dceý ci the rab rd te pre thié ody. Experience saloly all (lealeï-à' et ý 25 k conta - ver bottle. 1 The t clans niedical etatemeris, of'riceipte and elMil- Milburn, Bentley'dtr Pearson, 1-1eoprietors., it D SIMMLD ' à. tb»ibiidga overtheilli, a pýroved o. TOW N CI, diture durin 'Peu In rg, e>thé-eeven ràcWthe ending For saWby T. G. Whitflold WbiLby. hutàl. Towzsbip 01 Piqke Oný the 7 »- rIro all-whomare raot,ýr Cý the Imeth,=ýl B., C . ', . ', ýe - 1 o fa kn 1 OMM, sufferinizfrOiù ý .1w - II recomm lot the'errors Bond inc, X. el 870m shows the cash te. and indiscretions of pr"e $1.50 pçr Bottie NTM PURTEIM 1 ceipte ta bave bli Noitlàerýgive go little of your society . yonth, nérvouz JI èic.02, and wcakneeg, early decqyi I V E GE TIN E "roomtho'a'a""Ir.m ose; Of ra=bocd,ýft., I'Rfier, thé 19th likik, 1 ', âg the cash pàYment à W'a friendaslet him suspect yon of 1 wM send a receité, Un er notice. -$7.54't'or Six nottlep-.: 'Cf, e' noglect, Dar 60 much as W garfëît him PREE op CHA llia 7ý T. STOILgS What pifos, of QpMntz7 bocomes wi il wu dîseoyered b 5rEVÈrlý#j Booton,:Jgas It YoUrprésende. AlitiJofueladdëd- y a mf"ionÀrJý in 11, IY19 0 1ý1â y Ir-Rom au noop As it je ý Japisbrd ?-,& to a Iwo wili increase ita inLaniity, bu morica' Send,ý a ffelf-addressed envole 18 Sold by ail DrUgo*, Perly ýýDaV18 SOn IL IâWreDee9 tgo ;4ucu-iaýy â1togeb to the It;v. Joixim T. Ixluxi Station COUeX*Ùu, Tôrôntzý', Paul St. Montroal P. 0. THOMAS-in eible j7puie, Xew- yprk oity] 377 Tmp 2220 sa 9 18 117 , l' 81 17 H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge My. 7tb, lm. ORE TO -LET. )MMODIOIUB SHOP SýrolR ýe=y = b W. il. Why iLby.- rom ffnt januarf. - tb Y. BBSIGNBD IB'PMPÀB» advanc«, upmthe »ùudýy- erioas t&'inft borjý&wem nýp any, mmner apocani# li-è*tý - Six; -Sev' en - gmd XI# t .22, 1077. las, of,451 ak invita. ý to bricg '0 i4 place art._ hill and la Dext will be 1 when loolf la eh the bortully au remm, ismd %Dy one boott & euld be conte. &Ot ries., and -One thon- ln prizoo nt r exhibition Ot cure for, .Pain-Killer note. Vie 01 WOod-OU- gay that this èý , but the Pro. Ing 13alonni wili lins bean cured r tho worst deur liundreds ý of tes, kful e iu(lividùalo bu of Moutreul, our children, two The inother and notico of big in. 'Ilorgeneroutker, dicAI Rietory ae

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