Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1879, p. 2

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Lindaay Railway. lum' yAn seidet-a v.ery iunssnal thlug - ie.ou titrasvael! managea llne-fflarred on x0t ormeetigsl-te Whiîby,P. P. * Lindsay Railwa*y t5pelialInviatio - e 'rumadsy. Thie uorolug train, con- 8410 of lands, Vverar & Miir, toira. sisîlug of aigitî cars-lisediat, oeebox, A. great ciller- ierieCarie & << uepsCo. ccha!oe ev Ynni4ihe Ual i teenî- oeait oaîuoge ep aand-poe, enclu 13eiiT . h ed.,Abd express amtPartmentà, twas pr,>. sPeoal-;. s. Robertsou. eoeeing uorlhb, et-the tisisal haur.r asts.' P'ath#va-J, 8Robertson, 'rafotl.î .p-T. (0, ýVhil. fig wbat 10knovuaslte '$Big Dnmup," spd-4 .W. B. smitb., batwaau Myrtle a thelb. ummit, ah a Spting geais-Laiu6 à Stewart, slow rate o! spea!, thb.tutlirst ui a, À uste W$sIe<.. nazt iseangine, Ilb h eio, sud wltle oaep a.am..8. rýoheen, tonr ethere and! hi e evy mail an! ex AUCTION SALES. - Prou eoseh and lb. bot air were preel. pilate! dowa thaesswap embanko.uî, - @Ihogage sae of honse, buggy, cut. meme 1fip yorti stty fiel. Tii.Millar ter, houaehsold, furulînre, piano, te., cenpling otflb. passenger oaeh gave tbé proporêy o! .0î).Hall14ahtbis 'pr.wap allai 1hâisiloftItlb, I.lsd me mises, ll' o, o.19, luin te lt-on., oft saved h t ram bîug drsgged over. In WbIly, Kingston roed, on Tharsdby, lte beavj' coacai Ibal veuldOWn wae MPafare it18 17-L. Fairbanks, Aue. thie canduahar Mr. MaCaw, Frank HMg. Sianeer.glus, cuill clark, sud lteexpress mon.. sgen, t T. Treul.Alrei! - ente and brnisi sud ware liejured mare (U~ or loasa saveniîhy; ld hteir escape. ~l~4Adoi frcm instant easth appaared ta b. litlel shotro f lb. miracuiens. The 4eplb of tae o NLY lot 5o PaR ANNum. snow soleil as a protection and-L savea - «rester smash up and uudcubtedly loue f o!lile. Ab, il wai, lte rmady assistanae Wbftbi, Thursday, Marwuh 6, 1879# ettiband cuhysasved nus framn baving te __________________________ citranhele a dreailful catastrophe Ibis week. Theaubsai.au!cindens trom lb. Herbor Grants, slave Sel Ibm mail malter saatlered ovmr Ibm car on fie ; te deors itaiug loake!, A depataian froein lteu CountY of sud lte aar resling on ile aide againsl - uvbam la eh Ottawa for ltae purpase Ibeambanimeut, witb lthe uly avail. OC nrgiug upon lte (overmaul lb.e ad. ah!. dccv cul cf bis roaae, -young Hig. vlîabhiîy cf extpeudluDg 850,000 lu the glus waenunabla lagelonttunt ltae dean was broimu Ibrougit froual. te P iuilrucîlou cf a barbon cf refuge aI wbaelia wasdragged cul cf litasuifa Port Daniloglan. catiug aooe. Ha bas a bad oculca! Deputahiaus tb Ottawa froua part. Ibm lefI aya wiitcouaam lotahyclosie! - sat ai us ta mcuna granîs for harbons up a!-a le tarwiae a goïïalniseuid, of refuge ara lbe ordan o! lb. ,dayo-sud but& not dangaroualy. Mn. McCaw re. somte cfthemn are, cf coursei, liieol e o aiseaveraeut aunltaelies!, sud Mr. ite suecassful. The poople of Whnhby, Trraneuth's face wss bruisa! sud lujur. wito steul ha lite front,unulle! lu Ibis e!. Tbey vere aliken te Part Perny au wnaîter,-aaa! wbo bave get tae beut Ibm angle. wbare Dr. Sangîler dresse! barbon bat cuhla bmaile avaihable an! stitche! np Ibair wounds, sud fur te pnrpoee-opeud their energies whore Ibey receised ever>. île! allen- inl petty ,equtihbhe, instaad of plaoing lien frram friende. Ail are uow pro. îlanmvslu, s positionut'aproesise gressiug faverably aIttei.r respective alaiute'oi'îierhomî bres. Tite mails sud negltena! lot- ters wane ail safeiy ullivere!. New Cauricil Chaber. - Thte cars wasa ual ao mnob ijure! asenigils beaxpetel unîer lte aircune At te teeelng ocfile Townuonueil itances, s ans ae-@o o gelcu lie track vu Nuda evnin thee ws alare again, sa hth h l oss of the Company ouiMous, vaung itea wuu lagawill lha comparativei Dofin. iîlUfltond e cf ltae ratepayara. Thte Gurnuey, Ihpba raskesuasu, jumpe! grail eonvonletto f te proeaulplace sud sava! himsalifwbeu hae saw Ibe i uieiug, su oautrahly aihuslsuh, givas cars geiog over, au! Gal, lte uawaboy tI the rtipaers u oportjnityth mcapa! wiîb a scrsabhon tbm bad.-Y litaratpsyns tt opergniy hey WVhite, te alter brakasuasu,. vito waa ti"ver onjoye! hefero cf lisleniug lte ealu0intae ama conob, eacaped witbonl *lauipetca cf oun town fatito. Excmpl injury Thte expremi cotu arhuseultshuab tau vory ihecl o ccasioune oue thogite zoasetaise irs whtn' Trenonth nas i utl' hnalgiltagail te way tatetaolfi lavu tce uh. Mn. es, ,te seerehary<of at tae Company, n'as on boardi, au! rau- O IttL lb n's tee f3r, sud lao mucht n fera! prompt assistance, as did io iof tae way tu aifrrilte cpputuily. Mn., Mi. G. Robacu, vite as a passan. Non' titî te u prluuity hi witit lite gar, sud lea itose promptitude, under dc niîi,îli cf te, «ot'e5 t o f taepeople divine providence, PrankI Higgins isw 'or itltunîhhtg witllouî laccuvenionce, lufiebledfo fr I;le lila. b l~'ituan oct ril ime xpaseiînof ant-. at î'liaetioil.T. fiassae vitit reap)ettuh The Vote on lte Dunkin By-iaw. tiint ciut'tisiut lifthe'1TowntClark sud 'i'raîastrer's oilli.sbeiug neanovafi ta tse Tite vote oztt lie b>'law ta rupea i te Il liiiiiioti liant'if ie towu. 'Thiis io a 5 Dunkiti iy.law n'a a tera malter cf 'W îdjiLÂ iuit baIlli avitag corporation forro. Thora n'as, ti niglt hae ai1, ne T blisiuuasm te traminoct. Iloetofore cou- es pilit tsluvîý,èit' ubin g aiuliais on thea ,oppeltice. Inu tîtof ile lt îuuicipall. th llulrtU cu'thobel Wlloiu FCUcitiecouipeil. lias tite poil wn'as closconitthe finît day. ii Ilin ta iiui tlita jolitteyit 00I s Parties lunlPort Penny, vitîtsoute iniater in iluîit los i flitoan ud r)l. Mr. motive, leit te Ieach poiliene! for L flîmy lisgiven notice<of a nmotiontc'u luflyiragnngta rudajt tuoesnimt tbuilding, anmd i le strac days-foill nttgighti jcl!iîîteiîig tu inf taIttittalit bûlone hy kcep)itigflico votiîg ging onu cmii witouî imcnaiug lte lowaueburdouo. ltahe imearau jute lte tiret Manli, o At lmncat tlita corpor'ationulis lai opsy licauses cetîlf' noletou e issue. Tbayc flii ycan furanuoffilce for thie clan iof fuu u lsonastîu mfiiaiIe lie ýDlvliuu Court. Tite presieel pre on uthïrmsa db hoi a iaaiuee ea u ie ia! fuor titis ameun 1, sud trouble foruothting. l Inte tnwnsiip 11 (&il uilice îartitiooed il tfor ltae Division a! Picketing, cnlyseoveu voîaî-allhoi LXuturl lark, titue saving ltae reut.- againet lte by-law-n'ere pole! alto- an Tilîena wiliie .noemteracash for fuel or gte.-Tefloigfltéfi oe:J igtt titan at thaecl! place ; lb. samn ler.Tt sivu i iafl o elJ5 jtal-keeper car. attend onoe in tva vRAB. RATs. b waekse tiametigs a!flte coucil Township Brook ....117 6i m withltutuy afidilienal axpense, sud 4" Mana...... 40> 0 conaihering ail titis, sud lihe accommofi. id Rama .. .. 11a 4 ILintl ln W -- si PickertÉ.. ... (jcM atin ouie. Ipobo, ve nutstaip tau sea lion' hla-e sîoul! c ha ie, iret word ci Olijieclion ho lte Change. As regarda mutottiing va itavo heard aboutn'ai tttg noaoula pilie umber an! for wva ca!cAtine ; thenseau ha nolling iuiulanu o!jotioat. ThIi cîueseau obauigîud fronit hie Icîttbar aril an! ivunroulfron tletce au wanuloî, lBat îieuuîuuiirp bh uItlicabsr andi lte sîl tatti ocui eau ta kejît jî'et tha sainua tiuW. 'tenmavîittflte coune citamiter sud cf te elsîki aflace oi t111tiiec tdifféence tat iaI. The Vacant laihopnir. IuIVE DAY)S' Bi3LLÃ"TINO WITII OUT RESULT. IVLTII)iIAWAI, OP' A5t(LEtAlION W9T'frARF JiaiIohiug comiiance& ce Tituradu -Y uyte Chus-ioitc!Englaufi Syno! Torono for lte leetioti o! a Bisiuop1 1111 lte vacaul Seo. Thte large majonit o!flime Claical vaten'as oaIt fan tI ýVenaraitiaAs-aldeacot i liilak er ; ht Liititîîîjuil o!flIse Lay vQIe n'as gise la 11ev. linSallisse. Balleting wa vttiîcitia! ou Tltursday, Frimay, as- mitltrutty, andilagalu ou Mccudap au Tcteuia viitel areauih, neithen i lte cînîlllatas ohlaining Ibm roquisil uccmber of (lerical-ail Lriy vcies nec eceany ta a Citoice. Provieus te the taklig o e!lte htithballal an yastorflay, Tuesday, 1'rovoet Witil aken sai ite deire! tita cao uturelialiols iholn!bhocacc iIon i I1ev. 1Pincipal Lobley o! Bialîop'i ColiIt-g, Lefinexvil,, vas blhsn put fat 'as-l i y lte 111gb Chuneit Party,biu aiur ftuaisdfditignat ballots no oitoici Itiml beatu arsivefi at, ,1, Aroliancen 'Wiialucsgeb 801 cut « 1(12 Coe! n 41 oà o£o08 Lay votesý 11ev. Ilttiumipai Lohlmp gel as-laigitna 71) llesipail snd 42 Lay votes. ,De. Scllivan, bita Evanaicai candi. îiutc, lu un vppee y 53 Lay anul sainu 25 Coiaf igts P't.AIiAN T- AN»L)INet§IIJO'aIIE.-A Notinii uitl.class lobturas, atnîauiy înjoy. al l ctaiau4ntu, anc lu pr-ogroess ai Otitanto Ladies' iJolloge, ovat-p Fniday ovettiug. Tii. firsillecture cette course, givon Iva n'eelcmage hp Dr. liamnel, Science Lectlet- o! Victoria (*lolbg,on $"Lita," vaseaxceadingiy ie. torfislmtg ant iInstructiva. Tii. Frencht unud Gos-atanentes-baiuimes&, b it eaisa hlîîietsdhês-pupiie, wasflolgîtftfe. '1111o Sge p lutFroucade!Gernean ere ligily approocàted iby ltae audience. 'l'le hrmasereciîbtioccs au!dte Frencit îihîty- vninulleateiacaneful training tae cupilis are-rocelviug lu titusa hoatifel languages. Asotlitentof Dr. Haanel's Ilecs-as«leaannounces! ton Friday avmn- 1119,a1d-lte', People a! Wiitby ehouil! aitn'hemir' ppreclatia-o eolci-e sPo FaR MmcI'ras.-Tbsne ocf aur yonng totoynia, beiiso,. GeorÃŽk lBsp,George Kuallttg, at ee ahwohf fur lit esat ce Tbnrs!ay last, luteng- ltg ta tlaie up land lu Mgnîholca. ,Tbey pag, vberoita llb-b, r rs pcnlrng, we ira glsdtto&mw.u HMM.rOX CwneuX'l, lté -renvue k i "Hàll, ,M44î' avdp tig maei Titeno à nu exaggerobtiou in-syg lth ho l todaïthegréatoes$ living Cý o f tia pvese andtbçmvpublie. Uie <'Tva' B3urns" , "Pinc~e Clianilian! Iièe " sud "Rob R ýy," wllform tl ttmll ei o! tbe.ljtd n'a bavï *vr h4iï,Wlit. Holuawi Feever Agee, an! tlverP& for sala by T. G. Whllfieid Whiîlby mip sg.ntfor OIOntro nsty. ,i Da. Foau=# o oghýC 1w Ibeen appont.!ooiwy aroner, . ...cit . 128 10 Scugog......S8 0 Scott.......24 1 Titorsit... ;...và Uxbidfgo ... 781 etc WViilly. ..62 '2 bh EatlWltby. 3 ) 2 eI Town utf Vlitby ...97 t> spi té Oeshan'a,...... 44 0j lis Village o! Pont Pennry.... 77 4 te: Uxitniidge ... 87 1 20 Caunilinglon... 17 i J. Majoity ..... 813 Lighîing the Street Lampe.' The Town Concil speut ltae «rouler l'el poto f ltheSitting on Monday evan-Jo îug in discussing tite Suiceci cf higliting eMi lte Street lampe. Thte repent vil! ha Soi, faim! in fulIlu in ter columes. Il je No: ho he itope! lthaSLite eloqueuca cf bte an. Pet Town Fuathens yull havaetrovusuff. y cient liglit ounlime subject. Auniattrac- ian tise pnognamu<cf lthe Performance on liai ltae îame snhjech, te be ronflerai oin au- Wl othtr occasion, iii aiso given elsevire. Pe Il ie,,n'a shoul! ho incline! te titink9 a I Uitile lue hale non', afier ai!tLita ozhcona. for lu- )o! itn le, Sif ne ai ci! &y' ah te cer id 1 id (vamp Tu£ TOWN causiom X=18.) ME Il"LIGHT " FARCE!J MEMbBERS IN CHARACTER 1l A LOOD 9OF LIUHT'I Gas Llght - CandI. Ligltit Lamp Llght ftnbb - Lhgbt -s5pehes I A POWEEFUL ZLBCTNLUEC, SONGs AND RECITA=lO lliMe tJWby Monîgl oue," 1101%luntibe Stanligbt," "For Ways liaI a«a Dan."l DAYLTGET DITTY. A BuaXINu< AND SoncnrcLîoa-j - eloqueul member. A Foaov LxTn-By snother. A PALes LiurT-By anoîbar. A LaooRZFLxi'CTtO-(By speei 8HADT OINeîaNS-By anathen. Sînz-Lîo«Tr GLIPzs-By anothe 'lLxz 7Us HAvitLioHr"-Cobrnt b; vitaole Campauy. Hytu-" Prom antan Darknass' Messrs. Smait, Hnggard & il re r. iy Ibe '-By SFox. Th? spankiing Oauty Attorney lhminate lie performance by lei off a fav siy.rcckels. an!dlte edit btae CuttMONCLit hy scine Roman eaui aftcn vhicb a Pirevmlh exîlugu n'111 ha place! aunlthe performance. The coon'! ili, ua lieha howei maie lightl af'thbmplay. The Attractive Gorilli vil! ha han!. Aise lte Davil.llab skie trams CE1RONICLE office. 1 Ail ndari teable managemmnt brilffant Hamra-Wita"playm au ai1 of a ltetisan! strings." The Warrns. A correspondant 'vnllee Dear Mr. Editor : "lTwo ai! setleri lîcla towuship !iipclte lb. corractuea yoUr mîshement lu inte CEstOtIcLE, - te Iste J, B. Warren, au! bis1 lier, William Warren, vita lises ah bap, aniva! lunCanada a sniry a lh cul lhitis1 a misprnut, an!dltaih] annivedl in 1881., Coul! pou est some oId eettlcrs by statiug in y taxI vhîeu Mn, Wmn. Warren vas bh WViten hoearrive! in Canada, an! daIe cf hie$ snlae-which I bho! win lu1828 ;but uai!sablier vihi sualve Ihial Mr, Lpuda ha!l a daugli il! enough te anarry at btaI date. WilliamujWarren n'ae ten in l7 Ile sut! his brother, lthe labe Jeitn Warren, camae ta Canada ie il They loft Irelsau toùthe 23r! of A1 and arniyad i tQuehic tou lat June bhat year. WVilliam mnailun1824, aund Ju in 1820, two sishers, daeghlens et Jal SîLvEcu WrDDse.No-Tbe lady fnicu Df Mrs. Ludaeupai! lien a comphitui )n WVeuneo;day las', flie 251h amuni tnpy of lion marrlage, an! conacquen one silvar n'ediling. They praenn anr villa a iandîoma silver cake-basI it! cruet stand (pinciasad at h ibhnston's IlGllsaih's Hall") a ivensi othar silver pioes, as a mari îeir respect an! eateeua. Thec comî cent vas wval deenve! on ltae part, èe. Lng!eu froua lien frisude, vbo,fe nutliho pie...! te lin!, eau se v tpnecislo han services. Mn, J. S. Rloberîson, stalicuar, a Sfe us o!fltae reeeipt of bis apnis ici cf vali payeroi an! paper viedo lindes, cculaiuang s large varisly nîirely non' pabteans. Mr. R. mal. pcl mention cf Ibis val! papeo,j avieg heen beugit on especiahp bo nana, easiling tirn'totafferthem fro 0te 80 pev cent baby regular vair . -Robertson, af is ignov atone, De- res Block, Brook SI. Wititby. Politicai Notes. Newrn ONnAccî.-At a meating ce laadtng Reformere cf North Outenai 14 at Pont -Penny ou Mondap.-Me mepia Geelf in lthe chair, il vas mc, by Mn. AaironRosa@, seconde! h ý.J. W. Davis, andi! nanimensiy rd dvi, " Thal lita judgment lu 1h orth Ontario Election t-il, unseatin id !ueqeaiifyiug Mn. Wheler, h. a[ mlefi te lte Sepreme Cbunt." Th upstty cf flitc meeting for Mn. Whi rwas avinces!bp a genarcus subenj i an'! s reselion te relias. Mi aler o! aIl responeibihitp for lie e3 isea o!flt,é trial au! appeal. LiuP,!tL CONSEERATIVE counol North t anlo.,at Sunderland oi rlliul toraOc ilete d te lon lte o!f bra. ltae isfy te ntet 798. SB. ctil, c f te bail ont er- it! Nr.i nul cf eli-R ung es as ow e- le- e- )n ID of as peiu gone ta of puttiug np lte i ondty., MarilOti 10Ct bring ont a te ame80aste te tiduiglit oùilover cndidate for lte Local. dcussions about psying six sud a Italf JiEFoîtm CoNvEN;TioN on Friday ai cenits for liglitiug thomw. The amnpoi Hophins'llWuy are a greal addition 10tote town sud, >wit a utIle carefilmanagement ltae it lihitig eau ha madea less expeneiva, M5iquerade. Lwithaut "sns;paudiog" temn altogether, sne, wasiadvoetîîad by soute of thte leuru. A grand skftibg'inasqucrade was r-ed cunoillors. held aItlite-skating nuk, Whitby, ou it bMouday evening last. Ceiveriy's string Taveru sud Shop Licenses, South baud furnished splendid music. Tha 1 attendanca waî pretty fair. Owing ho The following licensas hava beau the sofînesof th e weather the 1cm was igrautad hy lte Ioaril of Liceuse om net in a very goofi condfiau.Thea missCern. maîlcers ware lbe' follewing :-Benj. mieienr.Yartaold, "Fancy Iýegrc"; Mifse Lay, PîceRaîN.-Joltn Cutlibarl, Timctby "The Belle of te Bal"; J. Francis, 0O'Laary, Dnfflns Cresi; floitert Seoer, "Euglieh bar-maidl"; Mis Smitht, Liverpool; Ge'ga Hendersoni Green- "Irish ppassant" ; W. Banson, "CFnmp. Wood ; Thiomas Benfiat,8. B. Webb, tien Cluta" ;.àA Parsian, Priniceas, Amie 6 Brouighamn; Jadies Cooper, laretnuct. Verrait" ;- Gao. M-un. l'Rad Ratle TowVNSuît' WHvrn.-Beuj'. Mâqiisy, Snake,"; Go. Corinacle, "SiltiugBull"; Brolcîu; ohnFai*d~tg Âetbun~ E. Gyi'o e w Yaork Swall";- Mn. L. 'tABrooki John.Patbdil ogi ahb o- Sebert. 1"SpanisfitLady' ; Miass Ether F EAT WnTnY._ý*tolyïf pingl, "Snowflake" ; E. Fairbanks, alunus; Joitu Taylor, Raglan. . 'rninin"l ; Miss JenpiA Wharton, cr: Baukrnpt"; Bobhrh arqubarson. otasi ; Clauut nGifford, Ç-ntral ;Mrn. "Huchre Dect"; Gac,. Culiemu, "Swall Jane Ilobbe, Ositawa HV= ; 'Wma. Nego'; A. Look, "Negrc boy",; L. Taylor, Qcien's ; Mdwaàrà1{allet, Ains. Robsou< " Prince", ;, Mies E,. obeon, Wiîva Towr.-4aMiïs Pritagle, Rtoy- fAteLtËlmw » ron Carutav-Jamer ai;1 Titomas Mason, Ontarioe-Echwrl cuoyteppý0lro i4 d Arihg A rhtlclg oi; C. cbyltapp Edir.ft ltfd 1la ., llay'sEilote!; JoeepitA. 'Bandol wai lrongbî befors bis, hcoçr jtîg. Witlby .Hous; Taylor 4?-MoCann, BurihanouSaturday ou, an, id. Quemu'. HRotl; -,Wi. O'NeilRailroad maent cliargiu4l' huna wilh ith left -cf a Hanse, ..Tios. Lawht UP. iR. Ja&mason, pairo . .rivlug huaos. Ha was fauinf sitail lio~seiu _____and sud oncced telire& c-acnhh TnE BAZAR Dtusissz conîsiniug w'it itard labôr lu lb. Couuty goaL Iho'latesI spring sud eummer fashions, ~Tiete Iefitcci .place froq'.Y ha otl 25èel prnubce fe 7y mil on a va. o.i ucîr Ç, Uesw ai' ~~~~~ tlt 0h c£ Janur,'niJebni roeciptof nie.J.8. giteedsu# 'wara !ound jeoueoéi1e zip<ha finer' boaksellorfsdeoe aa u ouob.e la.iigi. ' ôoubby ýwaî brouglilbafoee OrAt aîogties i.attrns,, ! - Ju4icee Porrihl sud Claudenuiug sud ___________ cmmitisi! for trial . RHa e ha b Par a O0 'i hied besfore lte Jountp Judgwllbfmt- 16*, Ci ore T isa 'e jury; sud ihthb tal lev us ,know of 120 ramily aqual ta ht eld> ! ii celbrted1~untolcSyrp. ~ n. fr"pantelhlunti'r . Q';Âîor Srps ALIe-.Tle aleeî'cf' stock desud MF.tD. 0risstan lIast wpk aI ThislletUà', lia p -."mty Coubo>' *rue.leat 1la e! Mr. John MilIeui; and AIt *ok1iu, saut pseilu,Jn. __ ts aproperty acfMr. 'ater Wktba. Bie EG(.-At Mr. Siinon ' a~' trct!lage t euç1as. r Vry t a~le wae -made éoeidringI ode.handeoma store, am olather curiosi- ,raicn cf htlte v tawul, cf lies, ltera is slb'g Ilcueg lesr 1uidale Parm, II.,ssea large pur- os 81 iUehés by 601iucitej, sud weigbs ' o riba. aversa qnàrlarcf a pound. Il wa. laid 1 U1rd Pairbau -'eadmirable coudnch by Ccuuprrdec u ftsu ai the' salas ietpoheucf l ia ebiýhi -y4 >sîPt d i t'o lâes teilm !cain alon. ers. . MUSisssLAn<'e iSTEWAET :have liraI 'ToilaI 3asp asortad'$Ùotà par -dozan earp rriaiof pruggoa sudare At T. G. Wititfal'i. eultln ~ewn es eé as reniarabi, AatTra.S.dalsm - ~ 'aht . Wbtfieid'l Wbltfild'a eolinaa Giua 1h po4, Wbihlella of Average coet for Iighting each es Iamp for the year .... 14.82 le 516HTR ON WJICU LAMPe WEUE LIOHTZKD W 4 lampe lightcd 217 niglits. m 2 " 146 ' 28 " 30 e. 82 "658 * Average numbar of nights in whlich lau were lighted 238.188. Average coit of escl amp per night cents) 6.867. THOS. HUSTON, Whitby, 81 March'79. Trosun Mr Hluston roplied categoricallyi severai questions Put te hum by Mo * annam, stating that the sum of $44 was the total eum, and inclnded a charges connected with tha lighting f( 91878. According to the lait canous th SPopulation was 8,412, which won] amake the cost of Iighting about 18 et a bead. The nomber of ratapayei wae 720, which would make Olt cenl te aach baad of a fsmily cf, say -fly parions. Thea oel, per lamp, pe niglit, waî 6j cents. Mr. Hannum sa hae wlehed to have the information gii a n iu this way sud Bc, plsoed belora th iratepayers, inasmnoh as- Ihare was igraat deal of exaggerationu atel 'th~ cnet of the lighting cof the lampe. On motion, the concil resolved i comnxittaeecf the whole on thé petiti ans-Mr. Jamason in the chair- On motion cf Mr. Bay, Ur. J. E Long was heard. Mr. Long would mucli rathar ba whaî lita concilbha la Bay thon at iing upon hilm. As oue cf the petition ers hie was cf opinion that the expauci tura upon lighting streal lampe wss un Wise ; that it la putttng au unneoessarj burclan upon tha hown which peopit wera 111 abla to bear iu thasa bari timas. From the statemant submittla by thaclark tbhalghîing Was ual coi ing amucuh as h.hadibeen lad ta ex. peet,.but stililthe item was considerabi aud il; was growing aiH the lima. Il -was tiîma h sbould ýbe stopped, or al 1 aol à limit paut ta it. Ha did not lb. liave lta titbis expauditure a w..doin the town mucit «ccd auy way ; a car. -tain numbar cf tha ratepayars ware beuaefited, but the groater number war net, aud to them the. lampe woe use- kes. 1.L'hera wau aIsO a good deal o. uxtraVaganoe. IHa had sean lampa lighitiug st eight o'clock iu tha morning, and in goîng h 'omo at nigbt bis own ex. parlaneWS13waelt theblampa wara more hsrm than gccd. The mouey wold ha balter speul upon the streats and sidewalks. For, himelf ha wae quite williug ta bear bies ohareansd do, auy. ipi hisîpowar for tha bea ft he lown. lu halé malter hea waulaed bose who wiîited forlamPi te Lave the benefit ai lhin ai Ibeir own expanse. Heaoakad ltae cani! ta deal with tbis in a juif; manner. The patiliouwsalagna l'rom an influanjial portion cf lb. rate- payer* while the- contra pelition was from but acoamparative few._ AThé, cuilsonold nau thelb.opinion of 4h. mtejority, and should ln diffl>eslng of tha affaire of the town managa lhem with Ibal aaososy preaiefi atthe Janiâtry eetin- hoh w&. mer. t* ilay $beyweret doiagIî-EHcoc. ~eginA. HanuaM wihh pu tl at ce$he, .ulr-petiin. MrBasald i, a Vé r o ge q t un'pprMi"1xon la penkIthat-ba shoul na.m3'fanl--it v ancfe tpim.- Re dld. sot lhluk tbe,'gebIlýe man thraw mnchfigbî on thbe edbjeet. iTi. ismps bai bes put, upaIlb. r. ýquasI à! tii. rahpa7il!s0o!the. lwnan&d upou'Itei argent petitions froui lima ta lime. :Tht pétition praiautad was 'ot rigned by eue quarter oflthe rate. payers. Ha did not Ihinktthepeople ç-f thea tawn wanted to go eut from liglit iiio.dareneils, again. A nuneber wba àignad lte .palitian- favored by Mr. L~ong, 4M 1soin arrot, apd fboau eby s'ei'e iod;ha. Jampo cojlsa temuch. Whoin thby bailearnad.thse toethlhaàyý oxpresufi heexsalves toelbimnsorry. Mr. , ~ -Mr.*.oe SmJaasn Mir. Han exvs.supie t t4i eo b#kou ,by >Mr.Lo7iugld -bau? ýTii.'Mo snd the question qothiçg le do wit the eonaDnnaî lb. :inates;-0lbthe 00Y questioï îloueld arise on lb. motion butor "0 vs se le viieher lb. ilurk "okn dewn tlb.'minules corr. - Mr. Hannam-la inenoque"ti t e b. ooetiessofethe minuk tàken doiru by th. oleàk. W. fouud Ibein t eerws.thon ce Thoae fi a specî&al-reason for pu th qustion at Ibis lime. Mv. eRap repliai! liat somec had beau verbally made, but thst aflr lte lime fer recelving tender expirad, sud ne tender ln writiitg beau reoatved. Mr. Hanbam expressad bimsall isfièd. Wllal ha wauted wus Ibai cannai! mighl stand clear in Ibis ter e! tenders, bacausenuil was men ad abread Ibat allier tenders hadl received, sud Ibis now clears the c cil sud Mr. Bay. OUIXUNIcATIaNB. From the Daparlant cf Marine witit regard totaha Whigby Hiu maemorial, slatiug il badl beau rafe to th. Department ef Public Wc From Mr. Suier, aoanîy clark, notification cf paseiug cf by.!.y rej 'ram Robe1rt Ring stating thal laid slippad hbrt hi baud, tirc a .pfctv sidewalk, sud askiug ki sistauca, >baiug unable ta work. Prom John LpotI, statiug Ibat Jamas, s poor womnau accupied house, sud liaI ha was rmaely te far lhéa rantiIf the. owu wonld tlrow cf taxas. DOCTOII'i BILLS Dr. Berna was heind bafora the oc cil respaching an accaunt (1) for attl ance an Mte. Crawford ; (2) attendi ou oe Mahauy; (8) allendauce John Flaherty ; in.aill 815,60. doctcr explained sud gave parlionl Acount rferred. TELAtLP-LIOETîI<c QUESION. A petiticu front Mr. J. H. Long 129 others was prasauted satting fî that there waa aI praient a usalaua pauditure going on under Iis heàd- asking Ihal the cst cf ligittiug b. ducai, or tha lampa"Ilsbolisaed sia galber. A caunter petition front Mr. Cal son sud ochers waî prceted. Mvr. Huston, Town clark, ra statement ibewing ltae numbar ofîti lampe aractefi in tcwn, tii. oet il ing tor 187 8, as fallows:. Lampe lu Northi Ward-20 id Centra id -18 go South " 4 42 C4 65.25 $22 Lamp Poste .......... 42 @ 8.00 12 Evane, rusetting poste... Newberry, painting.. Total coes of lampa aud popts F&1 NUutua QF LAMPM LIOIIT)ED IN 1878. 27 for 7 months, 82 for 2 monthe, 86 for 8 menthe Average number of lampe lightad, 80. COiT OP LIGHTISIO voit 1878. J. T' Themyees, services #289.88 J. post, do. 26.70 J. Newbarry- do. 12.00 J. Prondfoot do. 40.00 - 831 SUPPLIES, Cl ............... #6.6M chinineys..;.......84,66 Burnars sud Wicke. 10.66 Repsirs............ 22.75 Lantern ............. 75 Sisot5rs.......... 6 Cilcan .......... 6 - 8126 o anta! taigune lte paiion. 'Titane vas no foundation forrith a elatemeul. Mr. Haunam &lsîse dni.! taeacharge. ITite pmitiouors vereafaforde! evenp Icitance,,aseltey deeervod, an! speaaig of ca nadicisi change, thora vas littie !ouitt titara vouhd h« a radical *change, le-marron' if tiare vere anottan election, Mn. Huggard'e constituantsdeasira! lte lampe aud peliliona! for lham. Ho cama ta tieta *ccnclusion ltaI soeaof lte npreseuta. ' livms di! ual mcv vwha voes Ibirb friands.a Mr. Campbell viser o!tcorrectli - cunuciiîar Hannane,, t Mr. IHannane visieta! eIm !puly i releve ta kaep ai ceci as a oncumbarp ( langbter)sud vaut an toi amy liaI b.el baieve! ltae lampe bail sava! uaanyý dolhars.lo tbe lovu froux accidents oun aecount of bai sidevaika. Beplylug te- *Mr. Smith au! tie taxes paM! bp fat- e ,mon, hlieomid hbathoeppaid 8210 taxas S oDuo i aean! bnildingu u inte lovu.. SI i mp.-ovsmeaî. lucide lbthevon j Aboni! not hea show! ta stand stil for rV! lhite n.otltes.-outsiders. That vadni! be nuresctable. Taka cîber tevus, a, they warm just in lteBaime pcsieu. h k All-cotn ual b bnefite! alike. .d .Mr. Otmpbail replia!as did aise Mr.' t Simitht, uhalig tIlisusuauimhimpro- ti 'remesutâ van. net wvitl er, objece! le ; but tlititaexpendiluneauonthie r lampa n'as mcnap speut fcclishlv.s S Mn. Jameson expiainai se $0 biview W, cf Ihea ater, aud as ta bis remaûria j* -aIUta lait meeting. Ha diii noe ou- sider lte onteide lampa aloitaer ue-' oasary. Ha! lbay been d!isponsa! wiâ 'tieae onlal Lava beau ne cemplainaî s But ltaey veut on neangItr ) ver.a ced l ort sud teli a afova, -afan pe niile langer oxpeundltre.-- Lamps a a vire somsahimes Ilit via liea wÈ6n ocaion for theut. Thé aldowilk wulé In ,odlthé. gge lijgretIreeca- . 11oVft = , thaM. lTng was là, &tôroil Pi sOn the7 wore o8~pe A l0of a! e. it, lonsshament sh<ut i L touner.peii 1n, Ui ncorreetl. lheb.(Mzra.) 41! nol get Il up, Mauli kha! , gâ ement mMa Duvlthbthéba es'smodie lm$in hm ont wiîeiouultt navet- te 10 dise u . he dthy, ii!Il rcl. ver. fôuud lbèý the lamnpe vene unim acIlI euge.as7 sud -vera nos deire!, tle away with themn, but il vas bard effare sshaisfy saipartues on anch a 'maIl v; as Those on lhs ontaklrtsoflice towncoli -s ail Dot ba eqnaly baneft itvth tua rat 'liai payers lu lie central ar. Sua; i lb. cmAsaUIlover, as ue' c. onnaèilcoil t es. nohepth Ha R noteli luit lie i 4 h ition bidbeau gedtioe by met mat- parties te makei okbi.- tion. Mr. FOx.-Who ? been Mn. Hannam.-Wm. Warknp. eun- Mn. Pox-liae are tva Wo.W& kuu H]annane-haIdeos nol appes witih Faxes ara pretly sborp (langliler) bi anhen hie friand muet gel np enlier'ta calc erra! hlm. The pesition *vas mosty signe cria, by these'-an tbe aulukinte 11t, ha! bue viit zeslonsly von.! n hy Mn. Long. M ýpeucocl!. byIssg patience, au beliave! tuaI viien lteeapen feun kt lia e hsmasîlesî a!tha lampe, compare angli wth whal ha! heen nepresae!d )r s th:m, mauy o!fIhau von!! ebang Mrs. Mr. Campbell mi! il vas tInn.tI Sis axpeuse tInua!oet ta h.c smnailar iii rgv vial vas sai!, but Iben ouly a am glie porton of theritheyers wana banafilei All houl beservil liii, an! if Ils vas lte case a greal many more lamp onu- voni! baocsaded. Wou hhat necessory lneexponesP He lho:gbt itl ani bel I on t t liit the aumben te, iay, a del Tior foeunul inte centre e!ciaetaw he The lempsna!.toite business partc tie tavu, vere nol neede! an! h vas lu faveur of praveutiug Il fuitber grovlt o!fIbme@vil. Ha du an! uat laie ltaestand froua auy selil forlt motive ; liovas villiug te give [ae Ilx0- reprasentalien ta aIl. A dazes lsmp sud snd vue opposite escit cf ltaechurche ne- veul!, iu bis opinion, hae sufficieul. alto- The Mayor stata! laI t en Il lampa vers firsl pnb dovu, il vas on pe lilu. petitien cf lte nalepayare. Tiiera vi s commilîme appointa!, an! lai id a mentits varo takan te cousidan lte mat treel hon hafora ttaey reporta!. They lte gitt- recemmmnded 12 iamps, dasiguabini the plsces vitene tiey saboulé! hopi dovu. Othar paItions cama lu fi lampe liereansd Ihars, in cousaqusute of bail sidavalis, an! repeste! applicut tiens vane meule by nalepapars foi 0.50 titae. Mns. Jostus Ricbardson cami 1.0froaily te urge Ibm vaut cfa 8.8 ipsn an erplace, aud lu thie vay - cIe lampaen'ere grnue!. Ths cour. 5185 cil voul! de vel l late be ton ltashy in temi action. Hae ssw but few camai ou the petilicu cf ltoe vite hal signad igiuaihy fa r'the lampeansd ha beiiev- a! il von!! ha bitter te n'ait avitile an! bink lte motter aven. Lat it stand, sy fer lwc voake. Tlitane vs a large number o! culsidenames; Ihie ware entitlla!ta justice, but it shauld ha nemambere! ltaI au acre cf lan! it B.06 lte contraeaoflte lovu psai emuel taxas as Ieasa on lte anlskinls. Tit conihl as! te coaguler a&U partis. Mn. Smith refarre! ttheIbe seaunum- ber of ratapayers on tbe ceunten-pehi- lion compara! vithilia namea on lt retition snpportai[ by Mn. Long. Tale îng lb, man preuentiug ltae petiion- 8.57 one cf thé foemosl men lu tbe tavu as a grain mendiant. vit thlie subsasuial Dames lbmeon, ha acusidere! Ibal tbe petilien vms ana Ibal ougJhl net ta bc îlighled. Tisa nmw cana glthiIis pear îlanted vitit the cry c! economny and promis.! a raducticu cf lhe taxes, se 1aetitlpeople coul! liva in tlit cav. Titis wvs net lte vay ho carry tut lItait Spromises. I-n dv. yearu, se a fermer, las hal pal! 0940 in taxes. Finit hae Irl. pid only 49 conte su acre ; nov bie ha!teha py $1.60 psr acre, wvila lu the ns onsbîp lia taxas vara ouly 45 cents au acre. Theocouneil iboni! haka mbt considenation ltse pcsition cf te fan- lu mere, au! sea lbey ha! smotesiare ci Ir. banail fromeinlb onay spent. Titey 48 liad no sidewalks. The lampe ver. s li neeleis extravagance lte cnucili anr siteul! go tu reducelte burdens ounlte [I là. Cormack di! ual balieve tita te coencil luleuda! trasting the malter Sllghtiy. Ha believe! lbe conucil shoul! 15 vig thbitamalterwval! au! ual !ecidse ve le bastily. The lampe wera ueceseary er an! il voul! he a tsinga bsekwand idstep le diejelace lham. He maya! ltaIt Sltae cemmibtea ris.. O Mn. l'ex ccmplsned o!fltae position subjecîs. AillWho ha! lte-goe! fortune te hein his lecture liaI Friday svauingi ou "Lita," wera daligbh.ud. 'Ha gave iii thte reils of bteinveetigation o! scien. ti* men as t te .maes" by ivicb lits l msins a ,n h¼.esbryad1 l -moi- Ylainga t nai e iaâner' ofex lh. myriade e!t buiiaere qu! destroyers et vor%,in tb tnnasfrainaé; Ithe oA490 0f a~inde teaés for lie, eeulacoe Is. groe 'plmasura te ail *bc;lçrî,i 'Whl4avsn subjece ha laies up'in-ui lavote! - la eci nos, sud' vho1 m >leatg aldlîc l.t' anIiumoul. lie Bading cf na!mise Lewie an! M*e, Taveruer Grabstu il! b. rail vortb4(be pnicàof! li làeb fan lthe' whbe course. 'lie progrà mm ttfené! d't! 8 ee Ã"u r~î th' 11kPCOP1apf ~'t yfra Ong line. lu peoef0 ne oar ths al'e ! ltabelle uucu, A malter ip*bhic b l Our peyM utg eS. -y-jý e ýBeI n dams. Trub 0uWU 'd - t oss, as rameu dby 'thé aneglnaer, lr. Slat4btn. toi -Atrisueon aud ezpsnsllc cemmilteaef lievitale- n. 'Be It. he chair, 1h vas deoideil 1 par Wais 5W0fateelextra liome (Paragea] 0Ud 1.15, au! repert adopte!. nme Mr. Bornéreporle! froua li comitiilinfavr ýcfpayiag 02( stea! e! 812, as foruterlp necommel te Mns. (leak, an secoua f iuji ri. isîmtinedl b yber tuncugt- a ýdalla swdmvaLkLTe matter vas diecues bar -sautelengh, lucatlhea-mr. si but lu the >eair-a te, hlilabfiliIy c ich ceucou, Mn. Bannes an!dalter uten md takiDiffPart initeýiusson ad à .uD explanations, Km fnaily agnamilte, He lie rp-ortsdopled. -' m! Un. Campbellhropoaisfrcm lie i e!d mille. an finance in favon a! icceni 10 A. Prie g la 10, as licenes luspa age Tbey refuse! toacrmommend paym of an aceaunî of Wm. Dmvlin 08- th altendînce onu John, Plaisrty, &mu in porta! Ibat ltoeylia! o neuferuatit ili ta certain secenîmfor - van don, ud. atrea inlu1878. Iu couamilas, bal Baninulthe chair, a long disen 'P foilove! ou Devliu's item. Mn. 1 am nat nalhy put an an!i te lhe mi mnp hp uaoving 01.50, vitici carriaCsand i. report adopte!. PIRSOPOStTZON TII REliT aD5ILAW1 cf Mn. Rap maya! litItle maya li inaîructe! la secura Ibm O!dfalI baebaill fan tbe use cf Ibm concil, naIaa lid nat ta exce!060 par anunua. ]Hil !it plaina! Ibat ltae conucil vere nov air cng $60 a yesr fer ltae c f an c SP fcr lthe clark of lthe Divisian cel 2 0 taI lie coul! have au offico tn the sud lie axpense mav.!, me0lthatin ta the rsnting cf tii. bail von!! eos Po- thbmg.Tite tovu voni! have no-r 18 ha psy titan aI presantanul ai the r wo payer ons voni! asccemmedated. t Messrs. Hnggsrd, Campbell au! ng M. Hanamvante! funthtlin lu cenihenlthe malter, an! ovenît or Mn. Rap agrea! 10 laI tha resais ce stands a snoticeocf motiou. 54- MONEY tJT-LAW, !àn Mn. Hannatu introduce! an! car ae tiîrongh a bp-han' autitanizing lthe Ma mu adTreasuner ta valse nacaseary fn ayundor Ihm provisions cf bte stalute. in Coucil adjeuneda!naI11.15 p. ru 'a To the Ediber of th. Whitba Chr( it Theenclose! axînacl, thIs as largt!iy, vOl, I hope, hi deemne! pou cf anificimutiMportance ho jue SiLs insertion lun EECEaRNcLEa, Sfunniaiaen su anhorihahlva, esîlafac ,h sud seaseonabie reply te an lumport je queption. Yirs lrnly, E.0 AsTWOOD, IM - TEE PROTEOTIVE RESULTS Oau SVACcINATioN...Tba feilawing factii ehc ha considae! suffiaient te astablisit -importance cf nevaccination ilu. miode of ltoe.fevvito uay stillihi %lany lnnkiug donhls uoltae mubjeeit." le GteMedical Superinlendoubtcf ,I Smalhpox HospitlaI Hamarlea, lir perte under date Janumny 801h lait d During lthe preslenb epidamie, it7- ;0 fnesii servants bava beau augage! hal ai' ltesa, tvouîy-ssveu ha!l provior r nifara! froua emalipex, aud lven ai eght era revaceinato! on Ialdug ofâ On.evite vas, nnfentunateiy, net e grted te. me, su!dviio bal ami eausonvaccinsad ! ince infaucy uer p a viously ha!l amailpox, spea!ihy contna e! il, Witli titis exception, cur et its enjope! perfect immnnily.' I l- Calle, Meadical Supanintendeul af i Paer Hospital aI Homerto (nov i vota! la amahipox Patients), gsa, lu1 lreport data! Jaury, ola at:- 'Ahc BIveuly-five 'persoasin bte aervice tua Aaylnm bave beau revaccina Bdnning lthe pressul epidemie. Noue rIlieseliave contracle! sasillpox.' Ti 1 acant teelimony confirma lthe rep Dvbicit vas preseuta! by a committoa litae Maîropelihan District Aspînua Bon: in 1872, in viticit it nai atate! h 'ltae ueceeDity of revacclualian, wbt lthe pretectîva poernof primany vacci ation tas toa a real axteut passe! sa canno el ataa sýtriugly urge!. . b greatsn argument ta proseotthee mfies cf thie pracanlien caun ha aduca! the lth ao actIof npvar!e cf 14,800 cal nscaivad m inta hehospiaha, eniy fai voli-autiticate! eses vere trne in vitich - naaccinaîlon ha! beau pi porlp peofrme, an! thever. lig] attscks.- Funlier, conclusivre évident is aifande! by lthe facIlthaIaUheitsurai an! serqants c!flthe lispitals, at cu lime ta lie numban o! nvrdm eOf80 0 titop tee! aitannalely, going qut tb ses -for ltaI purpose. Titis coustànt going t acot an! comwinledosing jîbte day, 0, givas nisui, at regiclat- boursin lite Manr- 9ing au! eveulngi tla adat-i gindla cf P, tese hbindi flyiug just shove te valen, ,; anoun! sud as-ounu!lte- isaad, in an s, endiesa olîsin mat-e tita squarter of s -mile bt-es! an! tittpmiles inlu eugti iTitis great bitio f flying arrias repre. b t seul nte o-lai f the numnban cf thelé biidàâ cdinig 6ui 'thes oliffà, fanr ' fa'nlp ltaos. ans-es are jeu tua cis-ciug col.-fa u mes tnaveg rVee i.v ytlair - cubaie.-H.M'. Ehliotî, leHarper'8 00 r Magazine for Marchl. Ffrom Wilkes, spirit'of tu eTinte,681: iDec. 81h, '77. Do ,doue ta'redÃœies <mn elàrgamout 'cf 'teon- - don cf envs 'theg litabci tendon, PI c-ane,! by grabbing il vil ttlm«lig. P 'ila à0Ceun ov, Iltini, Il- '.4e fine] * àst apriug, sud lte lioes.terne! cet ail snetear. 4îteuuer.-Chiîc -off-titean bain, and-apphy Giles' Liuimen ladide M ýAmmonia Ivice a dayr. unuil il irritates, aI whentLampom'arily ,disoonlinue,-au!da seamence agaiIt. 11 ite ouiy renne- dky -*IbatvOw-l pernctsenfly .ramJove - a chtrom niagetenutotf I i km. Sen! A ýIa Dr. Giles, -451 Suit avenue, Non' Yon ho vite -fa minuitmllinformati: neL 0n f V B, S mthle& o ë, W bihby. ,th !!,-My yoké is eusya&nflmy bundenis ma hgi" as itheong feliov said 'vian ;1 big'girlv'W@sittâg ilebislap wie-ber Du. wri aroind igs negç, din c. senti. - glus ,aa W220 5. pa V5Suz non!- lia people of Québecaodsire! le bahii Bhow tue post Offices close! on liaI day,i 'châe vOUu!becdose:--,but lb. people vantai ahé-éVieb. a,esopen ou Sundapi, i liaI tth" coul! gel limir lalters, nii pen u tasy cas sIl vas impossible foi' thoe %Y lu te gadu uay oaber dmy. Afier sonti base further remarkihamev.! asuiemmu i tment, seconde! hy,-Dv., Tupper, l ta*h effkot ltaI meo farnlus il vaspossible lt Lor!'s Day *aih lha eInictly'oaseve relief bythese engaga! u inte-publie servieu ,in lu Tic ancenduetaul as cini!. )adad Pniday lh i illlng vas takan up vilb nnries a discussion an tlia Hanseen!, au! rau 'cliva piectig liaeonnt v ili -Mn. Richard se aI son fon suppiyigtlmereprt . M mxiti Boveil gv xfnainsdatt 'f ta« nome discussion an! i ault-1inding,,.li chers House apposeo! lb.te cutract. Mea' ivlng Ors- MeDonald,- (Cape Breton), Bas an! (Middlie), Oliver, Odlby, Desjardiand Wite(CidwmlI), sorê'uppelnei!a os. 1maIcocmmihteep 16 supervise lie offiei tam- reportaetlte debates. mnta Tfia Speaker pressatI.!lie dacisiau -for et tte de lu lie Preoeeto ns r- cama. Heu. Mn. Haltan presantda! on sa petition-troua lie'Mosîreai an! City c a au 'Ottawa Jonction Bsiivay. Mr. Be. Mr. char! intreanoei! a Bil!la orepeal ie Ine uiau mlseney Act. Mr. Dol Intredece! Elan- Bill reiatiug tlah la id bille cf mex aller change. Mn. Macdonald Invanas I lie inbrc!uced s Bill ta ovide focrthi papint o! defendant s acoas silucet. -î' tain ecasetaItle suit et lia Cravi. Mr. Casay lulsoduce! a Bill ta amena or ha lte Aatcoanoenning lie eleclies f etlen lowm' taolthansoue cf Cmmaus, an! lu de. rent ng go axplained lte varices amen!. e ex. monts vblch >il vas propagea, ho mai psy. lunlte prasmut Act., livr. Soiser linre. Dfi ce duce& a Biii te amesn!alte clearter tf nrt ; ,the Mouls-esi an! Champlain Junetion hall Bailvay Company. Reparle vere pre- tact seule!l by Hon. Meemne, Bovel! and t ne. Baby. Dr. Schultz move! lte seond nons nea!iug e! lte Bihl ta incorponahe lit rate- SaskatchewnuCalouizalicu Baivay Company, viticit, after mome discussion, Fox vas carrie!, an!dlte Bill retersa! Io lte Coneeeaou Bailvimys. The Bill e to ICi amen! ltse Canada Lita Assunnsuce îaily Cempauy' Act cf incorporatiou, and tien ltae Bill ta incarporata lte Selkirk Sentit Saskatchewan Railn'ay Comn pauy, as voli as otites-s, vaae aeadi rrie! saceund lime au! refesra! la liahepropa. ayrcemmittees. Ira anaver -t Mr. Fan- myos nov, vhîoasie! iflte Goeonnent itai auadard meseerto san'.Iags, Mn. Baby sai! lte matter vas unfir con- sideaaiou. Hon. Dr. Tepp as, le an- swen te Mr. Dubue, *sai!lte Gaveraà ment intaude! ta eneot immeigrant sheds at Emecrson, but whitter moe, ghaccommodation vas neïjuired ah 8t. )UhBcniface wn'a al et nove. Tite 1by Pasîmashen-Ganenal ansvae! evensl iyiterrogationa iu eQunedtican'witi lia eitPost Office Deparnuient. Heu. Mr. iorY Masson, lu ansver la Mn. Titcmpsoe tant ( Haldiman! ), vito sake! if ltae Ov- eD roimant inlaude! l ase camps ci l.. nstruction taha e rne,! lis ypan,gsla thte malter vas nden ccuelderatiou. BE- Menlone fan velums avee made, auaoug ul! vitici vas eue by Sir A. J. Smaitht, va- ltse lative ta lise paptueut of 010,000 toaJ. R. lb. Clarke, in counectien vili lhe Fisiery lave avard. Sevenaallter elums vwera Dr. mavad fer, sud tie Mantreal Police ra- th solutionsneaos ascond tcm. vo- -: Tnea!ay, Marçhit41t. '-six Tii. Minuster cf Justice gave notice 'e; o! a vesohution appciuhiug a Committea "'hy o!rîiiirîeee mambans ho oxamine miat tP sud repart oaaloxisllng an! propase! e. Ineolveeoy Acta. ne- Tha lime for veceiving palItions on Iter babalt et Privata Bille vas extened!for ire- a veai. ict. Iunltae course o!flte discussion of lte ais'f Mounhe Police veslulians, Sir Joie Dr. A. Macdonald sai! lieoltanght ltaere ho shoul! ha a Comamissionar o! Indiane de ipoi t aviug itigli pensonai stand- ]ut sug, wvioo vcl! hava soeadespelie of power cver lte variacns Indfien agents ldtera, sud paver te toneremîmdy of5 axynrong hiat might ho doue boyards Tite naso!utions passe! trougit cein- î o Mn. Hay lu movieg for papers vas- nul pactiug lte Tas-enta Pust-cifice appoint- cal tuant spakaelo! Mn. Spny the Pecal0-Ofe io Inspecter in sonàewitl denegalory ;B- ternes, au! necise! a deserve! rebuke ty ram th. ex-Premier-. S c lP that lte hoe. gentleman bas chosen ta mu maie te remanie lhe bas made regard- es iug lie public officers cf Toronta. I lu say, se! cerltaicflp almost evany inhahi- 'c tit ft s iywl gree n'iit me, io*taît Mn. Spry ss quste nai respactable a ý gentleman stliaion. geubleman hie- Ceuncil met puainaul adjoorn. GUsELP oULTET î8iow n.-One thon meut-membere aIl presant, Reava mn- ian! atiuAq8,0-i rzon lthe chair. Minuteae!oflait _raguhar lthee ulphrulee p)0,60 ltr ximesiaI meeting, sud lthe special meeting rend laîl n'eekiaunlpeiv xhbha sud approve!. The Reeve rva! sudlai! ounlthe tabla SOHE TEA'.-Tha heel cure ton lthe ouuly cleri's notification cf lthe îova Ilinoal- i a garglm cf Palu-Killen Duekie Act in lthe ceuely o! Qetario. -Ls&n'sten-it acte hike-magie. Mn. J. L. Smmith gises noticea tl lia-HAEPEE55 l , wili at bte nexl meceting of titis ceettoil, 18.Hirp»ers -MAGAZN fOR Minci, introduce a Bp-Ian' for thea appotnt- offens arpr aaie o ac ment a! averseers of bigivaa' f eue.- ils aun nuinal variety' afmalter ta' vievno, ud onn!k.epvs e-hle meilmious neaders,'- vitils Il cautains m uie ipsa ndy. er f r th s ne article tli tI ie net aep eially nota- Mov.! by Mn. J. Buns sud seconda! woercit; se!iihlusvaliens, cf vbcb by Mn. Smitt, vesolvo!, Thotl lisceeu- lieampres fe bhly- stylae ofeuaa*n. cil hsaving examiffte aTnaasurer'samlea o it at tloc oo.n honds flux! lie same sallafaeoy. gaîg On nion of Mm'. On'vis, seconde! by CONseMtnINom.-Mauty 5 a tt is Mn. H. Bieli, resolse!, Thal Ibm Aû. diseue cannaI be anre!, but lie pro. ditor's repart ho non' recaivo!. an! la prisIonseto Allen'. Lung Baisant viii beian fuih ahlp andile! sud pusse!, sud sasiîfy s ana li tbtIil ba-been cure! ltuct ltae une cf 887.98 retarre! hote uinvery -mauy cases cf lthe vovelt dee the sai! report ibc an! ia nan' allu;wed criplian. Titoy bava itondreda a! lies- ms coreet, n! -beitaeeve graul his an- timonials fro tbtiainful inaîviduaà dar on tliebs-assener fanrIthe auneofci' 0 vte 'willingI ly aditlibas' sava!tLiir ta cach Auflitor for lters ervies, as lises. luditars. Madame BlIse!, c f Meuhncai, ou' On n'sion cf Mn. Bickall, secondaenda,,y gave unt lete fur oiildren, tiWo cp Mn. J.- Burns, a Bp.lan' nas ire- girls an!dtWc boys.-1The motiar au!l huco! an! passa!, tonrlthe alteruhion cf infants ar th o b o u ud sie i o !f - licol se eliuec N os. n ia « o i . i sud 5. - ThoaPope bas gives stellaet is lu- Ou motion e!flUr.- Biokaîl, secened!tention ta make Dadas or cgenereblner, cy Mr. J. Burs-s, rasolve!, T'batlite Profeseo Jc aei~Atiael Uietory a& leeva 'granI itis-onder'nn'bhe Tresren Wnrzbnrg, a Caàrdinal. in f<evor'cf B. Perrpta ob.e epecded-fan The'rayai caflle -of Terouen, seven tae beit of Mn. Vanluder', indigent-mlsfoaBuesbpbo h e!. for 81pa eai nt! ltaefint a iP No lises 1voeo lest. Tia ex.Empjroo*s leE, sd lta li orarotfi tte S. VeCarillta,,'ldov cf lb.he laIs Empeor mor lia saine purpose, -bcan s S ienehy 'Maximiilancf Maxico, vie oibu 4pm On Mtio thefolowi2izaffant cashlo. She vas ssfmiy nemoved. wana oraled l e a id :-W. G. Dan', ',atunng officer paillNa, 1i #U';'A. J.- The Russisu anbass!ci .1 Co tan'- iarliuglau,itatiouary, 08.90 H>art &, 'hinaple bas prolateidagalai i htypo- tawn'isae, eationory,, 814.74 ; B. T. thécahian of lIse urisfib-xevrnues fat- [arrisoti, ragisînstioti, -010.50, an! on ltae nen' blan, decIal-ingliaI th. van îisary, '50;- 'J. Litîlajoitu], Vsmuulinin g bueMithy h<m a priannclaie epasu liions. uni,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h 50cu;C ihr r*i 18.'iPorte daniasl.* fi l' a' i On malien. cf A. Orvis, seconde! b7 lii' csegIsfrgoméintonuthbepro- L. Smuit ithaI IbÎËs canllaî"djouau local- cf the Berlin Cengtess.- id1 stand adjounno! unhil lita AnsI t lio orses voro-p - -d n h occday le April, seul meel le Bneokiin Meutreal. market dus-mg lie a t vaak 1Town hall aI lice heur o! loti- a'cloci an! sitippa! taelthe United Stnlea nt 'au C a n n ! m n & c o e c î a î i j o r n ! . - a v e r a g e p ni c e cf 8 6 7 c a s h . CutnaaG -The- merlabers ofthie lochllegilsîunte Tt 031-r M&AEitiAAIior P WIN-CE are arriý'iaat;Halifax preparatory to lthe Liitîrs.-PnculArîtus-, Duke et Ceno nn. cf lta Hoalse. Il landsrsteod aqaht. is ta ha -marrie! aI Windsor on iaI n. E. P.Moialy,onmcf ibe'inoml. e4 18tit1 mal, le Pninceas Louise Mar- bers fonr-Cape Brelan, vil! ha elecea rat nicea!olthe Empeyrovo! lGer- Speaker; l-2y - : The Mees. Allan are- lavlag a ;DE. NieWtux.-IIt la again ataleil liaI mteanesbip of 4,000 Ions buiOt -for-the r. Newman la tii-Pb, create! a Car- Canadian atle tradeviht he Çtl unal,' " Knglu, 14 - OOt udm pantopatng in lthe apératicns vliich tlennsle! lthe van of 1812 in humili tion ha the arma of Eug- ,0Iand. Thon It vas sent tleIndi, vimere )f illiad a bard roundof servIce nder Cembermere, Ilardlug., sud. Napier, suffening, as nsql'. xcessivei fan the, S"cs as. Il v-as no novice ah ltse ytCape, ailier, foi'- il bail' lray banne I bm bnnîoe! tvaCaffln vins, an!dlia! doa smuai, toesmeablish Bnitiâbi nnla i lu liaI quarter ausany cher régiment liaI aven serve! liae, luInshort Eng- lan! ba bai euly oeegreat wvsri vbich lhéeoci! 241h bas nat borne à iand. Tial ana vas lie -Cnites an, M.wbichitil esape! chieni a acunlof - lia m pabi r lie omGuinde for ils unlua3ky -aitin, aud! Iicn8i l as on the roster fan foraigu servicesvhen liath Crimeïa expedion 'vas made up, spaolier regimentî vas delal.le c tae a ils pluce, sud ilvussgeul héO-nonfa!tue 1'cohonis.- FluaIly, sfher ualy Ivo, -bundra! pgars e! ilangtar lu ievanyý olime, andi n battia agaiesl every eueay. cf EegIan!, olvilizai! or barbarnus, lbe y241h lias beau mnnihltae! by gavages lu w3Sentit Mnios.- Prom Chrietian Union, Aug. 22, 1877. Ever mince Dr. Win. M. G11.,, of 451 -Sixti avenue, exteude! a frane invita-. lien taowvure c! lame* borgsem le bring ntIheir aquine properly round taebimplae et o business for liefrea Inemnt, the cer- '0ner cf Tvanty,.aeventh etreel an! Sixti àavenuebsa mae-ta roesble a- hors. fair Tite Dcor's bah! dcjflance, via il if tins Ibvuul upon th. curious ,attenti- i, cneofbis ne4qberi, labae! on bis 1eineat bell.! su bis Iadida Asmaonia cýLiniment, wiici is nw pneterre! ho Yah! oltaers by lthe chief stock ral'arsa su eporting mon o! Ibis country. - A vahuabla -hors. cf Ibm vnltan's vis o kicke! au ltae bock. Svalliug ste! lameneas ensea, rendering tha animai uearly wartlems Wa vers sdvlsad le tnp Gilea' Litinwecm, aau!se gralillo! ta say lb acta! 11k.eanin.Abou î veo ites et bon, came ;aay, lb.e sore heale! np,sud Ibmhe lm.ness au! svelling are fast disappern. Sel! -by S. W. B. Smaih & Ce.,: Witby. if EIS1Y iv aîBEcEE, E1è>,, 6Lnc.iieAmca'rr, Sn'eet an! Pleassut as New Mili. Il la suicide ta disse g an! thechili an! lieu lie caugi vili which luhe naxt' fan' Mosthesgo mauy tuusaude vill b. athacie!, Il la almoat as ha! iwes lthe allack comeD, la !nçwn onaselfin u- ltae aca cf nestnnua vitit vhich lia Icountry la liaoda!. The hast pravea- tieninuthe verld, asveil 'a lie 'bout remady, la a cambination o! Ced Liver Oul an!dHypphaspilas a! Lime an! Soda, as feue! lu Scohl'e Emeision, au! titan il is-as ogneesihe ta lthe tashe as sn'aet mikas! la preacniha!nivan- sIAJIy bypbyaiciane. (4in) Tise Naw Diapeusatlcu. The Emulsien cf Pihatahî s tora Oih ih glycenina, manufactura! bp Scett & Bavue, ie oua of ltae greateai ma!ica-triumpits cI itaeage. Il itas made vitat vas the. =cet datestahle Medicine lthe Mail agneealeocf lacem alIr Cidren taka il as choerfully as lhey secepta spocuful cf cram, sn! liteally cnp for more. To ' anp oe vite kuova-ani vite dees net-thaI ,Castor Ou la lb.hemoel officacieus cats- arIic an! cnrs cf intastinal inflsmation, lthe inaîtimabla natureai' titis nev, dis- pensatien vill ha approvo!. Scott & Bevne's Palatable Casher 011 sitouli ha in eveny ionsehald. -Pnice 25 cents. (4in.) A alateentof lthe expeuditure fer veigt anu mensures for th. purVeses o! lthe Waigbls and MeasursAct shows lthe amont ta ha 105,584.80. Tite Minlatan cf Jusice - bas givan notice cf Ivo Gesernumult Bille, 'riz:- Au Act rmspealinig penitaullanles, an! on-e rebating lealita Supreme CeurI. ELEcTI014-OF*MATOIR Or MOVRAtenuu» Mn. Rivas! is ahactail Mayor e! Meut. neal aven M. Beanldry by a utsjcrity cf - worls evorm osasar ites. te - & Pnlday Peb. 251h; Mn. Mille move! forsa cammittte Ic ongule ne lute maims o e!iseeaInof al lte hlte JohnO'Csrsll, cf- Beblevilla, fer bosses'ineuned by bmiu th ie: na- 'hallon a! -187-8, -- Heuon.r Moa a ml!h. coul! nau reaomumu! he Hanse leappoint« s nu couamitlee fer titis purpase. - n Mn.SdcIl, Mn. White au! Mn. Mu- s Mabon mupporle!the meioa, .viioh ut vas fiually vitidrava. a. Mr. Grange maya! fon a ratura giv. i. mng ceopiles cf ail cerresponi!aucevbmbb- s o sbp latter or lelegnapi, in -tIse- matai c_ f Hooper vis,-Scott chargea viit fan- 3) gary, belveen Heu. Attoruap.Ganernl te Maval an! W. A. Roave, Ceunty-AIlor- uapne, au! Scott lb. sai!dateendaul ; also . copieof ahI lattera or telagrams fron A lia mai! W. A. Beeveansd '«b.hemail a., Scotlta tte Hon. Attorsey.Ganaral, i.tageltaer vili copiee cfai allier cernes- 1. poudanca lun efanence ho osu! malter. a8 Hon. Mn. Movat.veu! iallov lihe ).motion ho puss ;lte h le eaforger' if vas merely a pelihicl sibm, enci -as n voeilucirculation !nnsug evary alec. 3-tics. a Motion aarriad. Id Mr.-ýO'Donuagtaamaya! fan copies af e lte crdern-uoncil cf 2n! Decemhar, y 1879, subjecliug hidimn c ul on Cncn' 2, Lande viliont bossa la a panaiily of ;o 8100 par 1,000 cehia feet au square Il tilu ansd 01 par standard avlog ; e e stalameul of al! fines sud pealtiaeox- a acte!unuder ltae si! ander-in couneil & ou lise Ottawa or ap ot ite tributlnia a-vit lt ansm of lte panties fiee!, lthe * quautiîy o! lb. limiter cut, an! tite n ameunt exacte lun aeitcase, ; s copy a- f ail corraspoudeuce, deparîmental re- d perle, reparla cf agente, sud comaplainta c. f aggriva! parties in refèence taelte saia fines np t let Febnnary, 1879 ; -aislera elatement cf alh imber cul lu *traspas smo. hie anier.iu. coneil af t lte 2ud cf Decouaher, 1870, vas pasqod, é lu ici thb.penalty !ulp cf 10 ceas -per cuhic tcol vas net chargea. c Molien passa!. Il Mn. O'Donegitue me. for a select a commillea ta enqnire inho lte mode cf ,. puuisiig prisanans in ltae Counai i Prnc, vih powern ho ses! tor pansoe -an! papera, to hacampase! as folhavs:. r-Messrs., CoulIs, Creigittan, Grant, 1 O'Douaghue, Sullivan, Paxton an! Wood. Matiesnvlit!nravn. - Th Bile haTnee!ap, Marcit 4tit, Th il oamen! lte Jurons Adt an! Votera' Liat Actn'on, passe! lhnnauuh couamithea, The Insunance Companios, inspec- tion bill vas laken up. Tite ebjecb a!fttis maainne le hoe pro, teet lîsose vhitemuve in cempancos euh- jeet te lthelalaîlvo aulhcnity cf titis Province by pnovidiug fan as thtrongb au inspection as possible cf Ibeil- fnau- cia! condition. Under te BillI-au lu- apechon la ta ha appointéda! a aalanp ucl la excoea!82,000 sy~ear; Ibis salary, se val! as lie otiter mxpenuao f inspec- tion, la ha met, n uo the t.funde cf lte Province, beutity meaus cf au as- smement pro rata ' upon lte «rosae preminue recaive! bytthe varions cain- panlies fluingîbhe precedlng pear. Ou motion o et is llr ep- eral, tva Bills reiating t ttclerilan sie- quin.! bp tue Province enfler the' s-e- cent itouudary.arbtration n'ane roa!a: eecond lime. * Thte Ministor cf Education brongit dovu yester!ap in prilue! for the amenulmenîs lie propose! ha maie ta maie ta hie Sehool Bih! lu Committea, lt.e Hanse tbei ep oehy l'o points:. (1) Theo expadiency cfaîeuding lte. use cf thea ballet Co Publie au! Separata Scltool ehacliona, au! (12)»bthe e ie o! itolding Ibese siectieus oau eisamee day nsthie municipal eheothoul. Bp s venp lare majenily it n'asdociied, afler a long sud spirite! fliscussieu,E't ailov . lte Ia n ultese respects te rimain as il is, Wititby Tow'nship Canil. Hayes bias v 'tuf sant it-baeifo Congrem .Ii In'o-îbirds va coul! net be ci - ~ DEAT~nII 011ni Store Alil, tiu gLa'istin is ldi ýl 1 1 thau cCa btisit advis ad ai lia 1 teatb, w Tita Ps' snui. e! aboli inte tn avar. patient tiroat. vies il s lteg bis lips -'frou as strangea mnan Iii of wsteî hao cnli iesrty siciletoit ta Icci lime th( Pcions SI cnaviisg ho saii! dapé afi io! au h.! sui posltre I lion cf b n'as ne C an lustra given ltse 1f. 1TE Oui! net n vas s'eu1n'eu die!,1 deal in other very< Iset Tita day t0 gel abc taelte las, an! haIkaý sltrnctilig J uicnte I boedy. lu ltae exarn the leali ltae stomai de! u inti, aI certain tiugltae pru cd davuvu beiug lu ai Hla! ite p inciios leaî biita tae e *phipsiclane tbe mauxS plate pasit verso fore liait poini Bible. A Handine dealh fron denlly te tave le mue of intense 25; vaigit aser five te taiuing thitr Bridge, au! occupants casaTii. Ibles aboult1 peorlant chule Gol! Min tita counly ee mina il acceunle WI are givan cf PeFigel Minu ceustanllya ils. TLe sic te nov dùvi aot et 86ý L. it r r L

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