suaoo a à fus e bdmunu thol,- glory by t6e us. lnyl were oonseorate4 *ushrluaal lu th. vou- ear$. ,la 1805;, Lady 'tlo ateljafor bar ifeta ovef tb. venersus beradoiieerI sua cemmuni. csilvua und 1w iséeied ta enter sien with au eager readinssi on tb. olin. ataucea cf bis palt 1ife, wblI.bis seUl u euwed brlghtentdý by lhe song wllh .whiels h nti a u iteriupted bis uarraîîlve. 'apçple h loarr te be lntrocoo,80te bheunfartunata Prince Charies Stuari, at'Ediaburgh, by Coloel Kelly, ýof Rosoommon, lu 1744, whom ha delghted by )lis exeou. tion on the hsrp. He continuea lu Seotlsud lu the Prluoasit until ,fter - 1h defes(A l fihat péesoage, whem ho rtivered sud folîoed eas a desendant- *of 1he Irishi kinga, at, the battis ef Ciione, lu 1745, when lis raturued ta lis unatve Ilie, lia faund frads sud patrons aweug th.e ld Irish farni- - lesii i wloffe bouses ho was aiways a wulcouie-r gusi, and et whasa bospi- table tables Le bad tlISthe taie cf ]ilu's reuowu, aud an ug cf the day. of lias glory, isud Ilie sctions cf thb. brave of Hlibercis, la 1778, douerai Hart cauied s full lopgth poitrail offim ta be IpaluWdleaye s l#Sratedlimusr. lu 1802, he vas lnvited- by 8h. Belfas llarpSociety,to presids ai tb. larnous leétngof th$ Hsrpero, on whlch 00. casion he wasararayed la the hardie babilt he auisut Irish rnlnstrelï sud thcugb lîswas thon lu the 1041h pear uil Iais'ags, hlm powaî of exeoculon pro. duosd 'sncb $brillilng effeets on the îuinds of ai p résent, thal ths othsi hapi, despalriug of oequalllug, de. eliued plsying sny Irish air aftai hlm, The lunes ho loved te play nexita ]lis own composition were Careiau's Ail,*n Aroon, Coolie, Ceaudubhdiiis, andu bbc Dawulng cf Day. Ilo-i dinl 1808. at Magilligan, in tihu 1091h year aof bis age ; and avar bis grave, lu thl.achurehi-yord, Lady Mer- gani cauaed a marbie slab with a suit. ille 'inscription tW Le placed. Thus ias tLe -grave ofthîe 'hast ot the Irish bardls' becbg lînoured by ou illustrions lady, wboae 'talesansd palrloiiam hiave-ceufîrreil mare hanouir and shed mn)oe lustre af gouris et Irelaud thon ail tiae princessés, leroines, sud au- thorosses ta whom-she ever gave birîL. During LelliteeWt he-Earl et Bristol, Lb,,veglerablo Amphion of Magilligan .utijoyaud very coasfeut wlichlue stoad luailoed et ut oauavauced an âe. ___Vo bîieve IL ias là isLoruiship Who tririisiatud lb iotaoLuigliah, Hamupsen's iluaerlitio to Ili$ barp, which was ot white saiiy, but--witisdug cot ot a bcg hluv,1,01ict inuty etfla?;resitienco iu 170a2. "lI lia,, o îniof Noah I -amisgreva, Afttir liii looîi 1have,not licou sceau, Uoa svuteunadred anrd two I was fouauil Dly (Jaraaau o KcIy under ground le rauleed nue up tui tht ogres Quen o!1uluotboy Lral me., A rÂaaaweL.-Au eldoriy lady ro- siiiug luPerth wha had bLeenalling foi eMue lima was telS that a saiti sud au tstiaîcli cf thesean air WeDuld do ber s lot of ga>ua. Aftar censidoîstioua sho all fuuie pIir ziuualte smai -frai» Grana- toua tu Aboi-iltiem. TIraI uniitg she wilo laavtigIl'orth for Granten, sile was ROCOaMpaniuaaltLe tle station by ber- dauaglitor, wlau vae is aard te takua the flbcwie)g ltraivoli :-Well, moters, guoâ-blyv, andal a sata ourney tueuen but aiiiif yen fuel yoursif turning miel-, i, auualiko te voMit, keeja a lirm facial of ycai-fallaae catia,' A wul.kîowis unermbrur of 1h. Seot- tidi Bar., wlaaiaî là ycilh, waas seowîat ut u dadanesuud suewlîaî short sud uaSaari) Iliie is snlitir. lie wos goiug te iaa' aun - vilit, la the country, anal vas wakiuaaasgroautuilu inte preparing and îuttiug ni) cf bis hauhlianta. lii wlmi ntwao is cnh aunoycdaSaiail this -btocte, and stolupeal hlm by the some- wilat contemuptueuse question, Whanr'o tub four g uubL7, thaI yo mark' aýili a gril d aro about yuur dam 21 Thc yuug mouan'ct bis -temper. sud îaaýttlily replied, I'rn going te the devil.' '1'iDecd, hobby, thon.,'V73B 1he ajîaluul auswer, 'yo noetSns need bc eus l'ileu ; i'l juol lak'yo0 ù 70are.' A gentleman vas galnp eut lu Lis taurriaugatu' make -se, collis wjh ie %vifua. WboiilLe ditatoveod Ihat hli aS lat lis visiting .carde. Ha ardored Ibm touiactaiu r oceuly camin m bis service, tuigo tc te amaniaip*ocu lu bis Sittiug- rocaut'n'i bcbg -te carda ho should ucmi ierga, Tihe servant diS as ho was tirlrgd, retainoal tLe articles ta Le used asnairecteal, sud off starteil the gentle. laau, soadiug lu thre fnocman vith cartlis, wherevar thie 'tot athome',Oc. caîrrel. As tibese vere vory nimerons, lac turfieS te lbis servant wvillithe aIlmcîlcu, SHow inay cards bave yen lait ?,' 'Weii, air,' Bays the footuisu, %vary , bouocentiy, ther's the king of. aliadaos, the sit cf boean d the ace ef clubs.' '8h, douce l' oxoisimeal bie master. 'That'i gana,' saiS John. TIho. Nanalmnà , 13. ()., Frce Preas chironbcles tire foluowauig tary of canni- ualism ;-"*Tie report co ro trahIe poalheun portion eit blîs IlandS that a Earolatav Indien usmad Noolis, lu the o ruinaIr>"coua-paetfeveuta, usturaily afiaS, aud was buried lu Indian fashi- ce. A airt timue efloîvards il becamo îacssory to maIe a mdicine mou, whiolr calis for Oime initialeS toe et a cor. tualu amount cf humon llesb. To carry ('it thisi heotaiah tradition,- the body aifthebodotunci 'Noalin vas exhumod, auiltihe mîaossary portion apportiened teuthoe mbrYo 'uSdical man.' It la su otglifer ute so ay fliat lie wam duîy mrade s 'tyhen moaicine maua.' The larais o e isdeceaseul airc Iighly lu. cnseil aIIbis uniruman sud Larbarous troalujent, saud bileorne down fa Ibhis cihy te audoavor te gel the poceta t-liehoaction n the M»tqralle r iU 9 tbh elm 'bcdoty-anatchuorm" ta justice aimaIceudigu pimiuamouS. lJy se-enlieS civilized tlii Le8o «usICaps il ais riIo11)s ieoc*-9 t'Ur mndifleJ aatd subatitate - dog fleur foe.humain flesi -Eualeine puzzied tue 'Witia et hissec. qulutande. hyiacblg'.atii-dbsat, thre wordsp,'Tu doces.' It wuvas se time beferé tliey founal euttîLe vil cf tilii. litrerai.lnusion"rutes. A crset.rnêkr bof etwoik ihus venteS biei complaict : "01uit thai I Lucbe, Wf~t b jI*i'l bei,- à aetapatithe si6mm&el$tt~à pd A Cliatauleoga derk.y, wha a ou@ l a u ia> wbiob Ife8e1 ta anvbit fer: Iliren tIlat l.supthé s'rîado WIl isic.ia. tn ka nS 8.11 wby a girl ÃVilofnà ee19, II0AIJ@ari> tiin. sa ba u te' sweep Cj.eA lb. front et"pscar iSdef1.,» m Islu-alelgh oib bl5n~round beu bat, llsea d. s; girls bicS er'sà , a hotgotn ovoneià blue nase ? - wlhe, ý tlu "Whatm rkeyour lips seoavial soiel" AnI t anlà aby omeIdmnLirný - "w Se4bli ôn1yas mf hape' a tire oyezanadiisoiS, - ioparifularly îuld irwaniato ,but 1 l4Uk Il auo e Mvutuai Insuranoei HEAD OFFICE, BROLi 9InBOPANIIY luue m JUSIJ8OSSES PROMPTL4Y A1D. BE. lai0rsLL, JoliN W=1~8; 'Prasdoni. Vtc.Pmjdsi. 0. NOUillE.BCEI. Whltby, 7Apui M8,, 1il8. 1 Lombrd Et . ad Chvlg Cross, Loadon. 1 cTALh5sED wl1782. 0II4ESPIE, MOFPÂTT & Co., Agos oy or cana. R.W. TYRE, Ma-agr, MonuuL G OTEST&BLISHZD IN ÇANA- 'A ]la isogle. Uuaiit ualt ofi Paradu. Mdrt oe 1premfc O. NOURSE Agent, hty WhJtby, April Oth, 1878. 16 BIHTISH AIMEIVA AssuranceO8Company. INCORPORATED z833. À 88SBTS9, 81,101,87 04.- F. A. BALL, prcperty, agansi los rdama~ge by lire. 0. NOURSE Ag..nt, whltby. Whitby, April Oth, 1878. tic, Depasit wth Dominion Govorament $50, O<XL Expsrlanced Agents throughout th. Dominion. Fire Bisk# u.ritten et .ddoquato Rates. Agent, Whltby. Whltby, April Oth, 1878.8 THE MAJOR MILLS, AT WHITFEYALE, Have recently been itted with aehleery cespteally adapted for 'esh Brook -Trout. "esh -Oceau HIerrings, uiokd $almon..~ 1~innan Hadi oÃ"neleas Cod Fitaii. Buckwheat F1oue, Graham Plour, Cracked Wheat, -Corn âMeiil, Oatmeat, FI'r,&o. Whitby, January 22nd, 1879. HAS EEMOVED >TO DEVERELL'S BLIOOK, FIN ',ASSO WMEBÉTBFBS A NDSO S F1;E8S MET FBOTSAD HOS Ladies aad geatieuiien oau be supplied with omre of the handsowest aad fluist work in l3oos ad Shoe warc ever offered ia Wbitby. :Parohmars, oa uessorne. thiag good 4y ouinutogtheLb. ew store. Ordered ý'prk W4Iýpelaw& l.u Promptitude. #swtiteuà 1Whllbyt Jan. , h1879. KATTKEW COLLIS. (80lu.95 Bia&i wiM be o fere I % 0 TT 'aIs Barjaing will be offered hi PUR, SETB,,!ý.- B 'giu wllbu ffrdin, GLOVS Bai*a swil be offered in HOBE Barains ilbe'offered min.TIBIS 0F ALL KINDS. Now, is tihe time te get eclln value for your metn ey,- ana bonesl deaui ÃŽ IBemembe t*'ase, LAING kà 8TBWART'S, TIMAS!1 TEAS!!11TEAS!!!1 juet reoei"ed, &,large consigninent of fresh-;new Season Teas in 'Yo-lnnHysOn, Congous and ,Japan, whioh we atre rOujng at a1rdéitjon on Grange Prices, sflos Yeung Hyabn Tea!, U-"si pnes 10m to -80e er 11,... fèr 1O o-.50à o :peurlb. Japen Tes., ini quantity, @ 250 to 60e pei lb, wôrth 50e tt75e por lb. Aloo a fresh lot of toe leCURRANTS, .25 lbs for $1. Every article W ithe (3rocery lina greatlyixreduoed in price. CEMiA, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE,,VERY CEAP. The general public and the. Grange are reËajaeotfl invtedI te eaU and inspeot ouit stock before purchaà smg elsewhere. G Q ]~JYX]TII $ lA L . Deerel'efloc, - Brook Street, GREÂ&T-BÂRGÂIS PREVIGUS TO STOCK-TÂKING. Watches, Clooka-, Jewellery, Cutlery, Electro-plated Goodâ, Lamp, &., c.-ai large4r redÙéeJicÃes f B orne lines to be cleared out at cost. JAS. JOI-ITe-v8T.N, Practical Watehmaker. o- .E?.j I s I' I 1--'TC3-, Brook StreeS, WhVby, Jan.- 18th, 1879. Ail the ppietor Iras aiea lied tbnuake GtrIS'INGA S'EC IALTY. The p atrous cf thre Milli ny therefors beel assareuithat tIroir GRISTING viii be doun thlIe isat possible mauner, sud vitIr tIrs aomost aeipateii. FLOUE sud ail kînds ef Miii Feed con- stantly au baud sud for* saIs at loveil prices. CASHFRouWEAT nS nU times. T. P. WHITE. Wilevalo, 801h Sept., 1870. .41 P 'RE13tLI)COTSWOLD SMII1i AND IE- ItIiJ) F IS. L WIM. M. MILLERi, liaiho Basnk Fanan, Cltiremont P.0., Ontario. Ilr,lerr niS inaplorter of Cotawoil Slavep andl io a- lireS -Berkshire Pige. - Stock Wt,ugt ad sold un comiaian. P'ickering, Nov. 10, 1878. - IV-t'O GRISTING & CIIOPPING Gristiaig, Chin , a n~ d gearl G.astomu SMALL'6 MILL, CEDAI? DALE, RLICHARD MOTHERSILL. Cudlar Dale, Fob. 4tIr, 1879. tf-7 TIre GtantNorthi Atuerlenai iteiedy <ar COUGItS, COLDS, ASTiIMA, billoN- C11ITI9, LOBSS0P VOICE, HOARSE- NESS and TIIROAT AFFECTIONS. Gîa's Syîp of Red Spruce Cum ScIaI Iy ail Respectable ChemWss anal General bisaioe. Gray's Syrop cures tus iront forma ut Ceiglissud Calai,, Gray's Syre tu-tes Soie Tiruat anal Hours- Gray'e1 Symup givos Iminediate relief iu l3ronitis. Graja Synup Io. 8h. Lest îeumedy for Asihuna. Grays Syrup naiieves Crop anS Wbooplng S ,Cough. Gîsys Syrup la un excellent palliati vs iu à Couurptiou - Gîsy Syraup relibves ail affecations of Throat, GaLaîngs sud Choit. G a'sSrup Is soperlrte any medicine o0fercid for ai ithie save complanta. PuICE 25 CENTS. Jap. 7,1'79. (41n-8 R IW YTICKETS ta Sania, Pont XuIlarron, Detrbe, aLt ts Western sud Soublue-masîatem, for sale at 1ev rates by- UEO. B. VULýE, 2-) Tioket Agent, Wbbtby. LÂDIES, -ATTENTION. T#e olebrated Amoerboan BaIl Worluerg MA'X JAi-c*OB; 230 Quacu St. West Terlulo, 'Tbree Dbdi ts o t. hPatlcwiMarket) *otelutermu, eLais tiat hoi l vor tah emie tô pMBIertelô, neatsud pr and delivored at tire im oquesta. attndimenod you r dsrs sud I *m1 Sw Combtuo ndans ap te aiderin SWTCHES, CUELS, PIZES, PJJFFS AN]) FRPIONT PLAITS. -Cauria put et straalt.11ain maSdeaqusl. ta saturai Caris, Rui h*ou i itobos slwas au banal trm 01.00 up. Please dent .be mIBslaby canvaîscra ne- preentarmfl nant, n-IèmpaynonS ex. - 44x JACOB, - I -- - ' ' QOueen St. West. Ce. '~Cuaiy aora romptly returned aS ury avriexpense, O;ÃŽder loet iMns. D. noagog, dmosskoi, ammosite Bayai Zlgjoi, ' S'- " w ' la. ,~ leîe u DOMINION -WAREROOMS LOWES & POWELL HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0F F URS & MILLINERY, which they are selling very'cheap. They have received large additions to thoir DRY GOODS stock, Also, GROCIERIES1 at redttced prices. Millinery, Tailoriug and Dross-inakiing to order.. LOWES8 & POWELL. HOW TO BEGIN THE NEW VEAR. By getting your Photo taken,,at ý- BEST'S, SIMCOE STREET, OSH AWA. No Lightning humbuge allowed with hlm. Everything in- the Business kept-at BEST'8, JNO BETY-SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. Oshawa, Dec. 201hà , 1874. My Stock of IIs now Complete in Every. Line. E. J. JOHINSON@ Very Speeial Indueements to tiiose: STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKLNG. pull Stock ofitCaskets, Coflins, and'-al the necossarlas lu this. lina. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HA$~ Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 WILLI.AM T IL L' FURNITURE 9WAREROOMSý. 1 THE OLD 8TA NO,-BROOK STREET, WIITBY Go where you cannot. e tai beh plaased lu making salaCtions of goodfntre Splendid Parlour, ])rawlué. Boom and Bloo e New Desig».well worlhy of 'Inspection, aIatenmhnglw pioc. ] ing-rooxn Extension Tablé-a -sery supeuior artele,ý Gi11 Comnices, Pieloure-Fiaraing luever>'ylo cmu p arrp sud Engravinge for sale. inlu i ias branchés; funerils fully srppli$,-4 t pgalsaas Ooffigiwlays on hbad, Wtuiïma4 Q-twi 0bi#euuerwoet a Wen 6 p6dlfi 9qaise ooustantly iiain e s.. - WhIby Novmbe 14h, isvs -Mit TILL, N.B.-Wanted, any quantity. of good' fresh roll Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples and Potatoce. S. F. Whltby, Januar 7th, 1879. OFFICE 0F T14E BIW WN cf PA TTER80SN Mt' .go,,0 TO THE PUBLIC. Ia pieaentlag car Twenty.second Annual Catalogueof Arcultural Imple. monts ta the faimera of Canada for the year 1877, eoo wfthmr ta h ordiaar degrea of pride and cenfidouce, froim the maiked faveur and patronage conferred upon uo, and the ute-ady and increasing demaud froin year te year of oui now calebrated Faim Implements. We shall continue as hoietofore, as Mianufacturera, ta make a specialty of Agricultural Msohinery-tbe Johuston Self-rakin,-,Roaper, the Triumph Cern. blaad Beapsi and Mower, tho Cayuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, and oui new Whitey Haivester, claiming a large pbaie of oui lime a nd attention. For the list Twenty.two years we have given oui mosl aiefu and unuivld. ed attention to the manufacture and operatica of the varions machines in nu, siftiug eut the best points, iemodylng defecto, modifying and correctiag errais, stîglbeniag weak points, adapting and preporlioning every part as oui incisas. ed experieuce ha. suggested. Weaempley only the boit mechanical skili, aud oui machines pao under the Mest careful supervision sud scrutiny--every detail being subjected to the sever- est criticism-and eacki mach ine la tboroughly tested bhefore leaviag oui works, te prove the couapltenesi of every part, aud Ihere la ne difficulty iu putting lhem ta operatian hy aay poison of moderate mechanicai ability. Ouirnmachinery bas beau selected and canstructeil wlth a special reference ta the msuufaèture of oui own rnachei-mauy tbols having been made for this particular purpose, sud xaos adapted for other work, sud oui werkmen are edu. cated up ta tb. wauts sudi equiiementa of oui msnufactue-obtainiug a thor- ongb knowledge of the constrction of oui machines, and. are thug enabled to ob- tain a bighei degree of skili sud proflciencey than wheîe general manufaoturing la cairied an. WVe are therefère eua.bled te introduee a more perfect system juto ail the de- partmouta of manufacture, addiug net ouly te the perfection ef the work, but ai- s0 o thelb rapidity of js excution-snd a consequent reduotion of cost. This principle i. regarded noesaary iu a wel iegulsted establishment, sud we enabisd te tara out our machines wlth a higher degiee cf perfection, sud at prices so Iow as absoiutoly ta defy compeltton. THE JOHNSTON SELF-R 'AKING REAPER la aow mc weIl knowa as s Single Itesper, thal a word ai commendation would alunant soem superdueous, bat se thero are mnay ciaimnlng te manufactnre this machine who have sdhored tethh.OaI original Jobaston machine, wilhout keep. iug up to th. improvements ; that justice te oursîves sud patrons îequiuc cf us ta state that we have medified it in aiment ovey essential part, anud for itreugth sud duiability, qushity of cut, ita oveiy ktnad ueidition cf grain ; ightuescf draft and eau. of management-the "Johnstou," as mauufactured by. un-stands proemenetly ahead of ail other reapers. là proof of this position we bave only te point ta the many Firat Prizes awsrded us-at tb. lai Provincial trial of On. tarie, sud maay county trials which bhave taken place al ever Canada, withta the 1a.t few peais. OUR TRIUMPH.COMBINED MACHINES, with Iota impiovamenti, la ail that can be desired in a Cembiued Machine, and - oali5ot fail te meet.aIl the requirernet of purobasers. Oui' Improved Chief Je~, and ou,' Yoùng Canada Mowere aie bath flrat.cls machines- conntituled airnoat whelly cf iron and Steel. The Caynga Jr. bua rear eug, sud the Young fcanada a front Ct ; both ntioug, dur- abl machines, aud net excelled by sny machines in tho marîket for quality of gut, durability, lightuess of draft, adaptability, sudess of management. OU 1R NEW «'WH ITBY* HARVESTER."i 'koýhécontr bubeol goboterà da"dto a"eysud many of.oui faim. ors avebecme silld ithanos f m e»,a grwin deandbas spruug up for a Llgbt, Duiabloi Ffrst.Ciaâs s epoi. .- - Aive ta lhe roquirements cf 8h. doY, we bave succeeded lu inveatiug sarua- ch *swlh,&a rubt iron Frema, iiW bollesal possible. geaing-with large, br Ãdaced drive whae,-anda- O zroÙst Ia <afaesu al tl ite "M née thereb ep h ua slways lunlina with lhe Imite. The rakes ara èiva d2rectly-frein the matanshaft-there heing no perceptible aide drà ia8 nd nâ -e wighb i anth. horson neeka. W. ais confident ihst, wa have eue qed la lnvenilcg . thé oust peritt 1eaper, laking ftiÃiu aIl Ius parts, that hïs ~ en potua.W.ha vo a» lIailfer litters patent, sud-shall bolS Oui luv utio ,for cor @wu exclusive nmmufaolur, sud. we ispaotfuy snéggst le lu- ton4iug purchkaseis, that lhey abould ose this-machine befor. glving thair arders fger c emhn harreat. "Thh. "Whitby H*ivostei" weighs, soli tald, 600 pounda, -ba bot Wp;ndpuvcf 8h.e 01 quality o sunad .te., sud frorn il. lu- Al etOur Machines are fuily warranled. With tItis lit ef machines, w. <raI cenfident thai we eau moesi very ro- quiremeut, sud wa rsspeotfullyselicit a trial of eur machines.- believing that we eau furnish & bottai machinefer <ha money than eau ha obtained eawhoie. Bespectfully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. C0. ,Whitby, Ontarie, Febiuary, 1877. I bave alsc a qutity, of SOHROOL 13 aud oiher' Gyo»ôolag, Horli Wôo ipp-ate X& lÉememberthie place-One 400r 110 Whilby, Dao. 17h1 1878e, CAIRD PICTIJRES, $1l.QO PEItDOZ. CABINET " $2.00 The work by the New Procese le superior te anythng -of the kind yet xntroduced. It Completely reývolutionu«zes -the art of photography. Cail at once à nd get piotairà s taken by the New Proceès. MB. JOHN RAS 1. HEAVY STOCK 0F. IREADY-MADE CLOTHING, Includlng a large stock of OVERCOATS. EXCELLENT GENTS' SUITS, made Up in the Latest Styles. Buffalo Robes, a great number. Ali selllng at an immense sacrifice.1 lu onnard, Orders delivered linuy r o!the t'wm. O ntario Blcok,'Wbjty. Dec. l7th, 1878. (t.a AUCTION -SALES! TI EG 80retum my si neethanis 8,g» X Lpubllo loi the vamp liberul p&Ãœanag tut pwed upanmaenthe puaie, do nm tel ilU b. on bad rsady tb ondu od hals ht 1ma beentissed .itTarins iberal. Satifation gari- 141 ide. book ,wilIl b. farud at th. Ontirio Ilotà ,7byb. Arrangements as Ciegb wJ«tOI h at#inde8 te.- Âutlonar, Ãmtby. N. . - ala Botuloanid blank notes fuaibed fiee. NEWS TW E LADIEI. À NEW IWVEL&TION flINTM. COEEWÂLL'S BI EF.1ITTflgG IWAIST & SBHOULDBER CHART.- Dresses litted,<rom ýmesaremneut alous lthout chiange of a atltch. For sal, wlt fie instructions, at MIýSS MoINTYRE'S D2ES5.XAKIG OMs, WEITBX. Agents wantod. Liberal onducements ta, th. trade. STBAW AND- FELT WOEE, whichwviilbe made byMXu. T. in ail the lateat fashions, wlth ptomptltude and itaa way ta giveo ustomers satisfaction.- ,Whtby, Nov. 6, 1878 4 JOHN FEILGUSON, WM. BURNS, Oct, lst, 1878. Ras just reeived, direct from the Manufactureus, a-good assortment of Ladlies and Gentlamen's Marsard, Empress, and Ameriean Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap for Cash. Four moue cases of 50c, 55c, 75o and $1.00 Prunella Bo*ots. McCROSSON#cC. 91 King Street, ARE NOW SHOWING TUE LARGE ST STOCK 0F FIJRS EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. ~FINE FURS FUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO ORDER. BEAR ROBES. ASTXIACHAN SACQUES, WOLF? ROBES, RIUSSIAN LAME SAvQUES, -RACOOzi ROBES, S. 5, IIEAL SACQUES, & YAK ROBES, PERSIAN LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOOK R UM SACAPES, M1NK CAPS, MINK SETTO,. S. , -SEAL CAPS S. S. SEAL. SETTS, OýTTB- AN]) SEA1L SBTTS, ERMINE SETTS, PEESIAIt LAMP - CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN- SETTS, CONEY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETTS, GR1EY LAMB CAPS, CONET SETTS, GERMAi MINK CAPS, GREY LAME SETTS, CIIILDE'S SETTS. Particular attention givan to aH i oris. -Alterationà l- speciaily attended toi JToucuito, DeO. 8, 1877. OUTTERS', iy-50 BUGGIES AND CARRIAGE:S. Large Assortmient of Cutters and- FOR TOMS -DUNDAS STREEI -A A-LARGE STOCK 0F OVERSHOES ISADDLERY IJVimLU iJilaesJLurIAaJrl5 uLlulAliNu WI.IIIAS' 1011 UA8IL, ,Loçli at -th' jiceS: Gents, from1 froé~1.Ã"~t $140.32' Ludies' 50 cents. -,Boots and Sh.oos of boust1 eqnaIly Io w figure. 11ppairs prpmptly made us usual. 1Wlitby. ,Npv. 27th, 1878. ~1.25to *t 5 ads inaka sund quality at.,an JOHN- SAUNDERS, Agent. NE W GO0ODS1 Clthngand Gellt's Furihn House T iW upplied with althe neweepst sye fEgi -Scotch, nid Caaian Clotha of À ùai lnd the, 400Irgét'and Beet Stock -theyever-had. <)'Also an arcellentt st'oct of, Gants' Furnishlingo7, al u. à A plendid stock of cdCmd vro~a heap for Cash. SALE, -AT- & NEWPORTYS7 Carnag Fatory T, - WUITBY,,ONTÂRtIO.. Bega to direct attention te hie large sud poiiet& eprinee>- thing lu the-Saddlory anS Hairnese oLina3a1o00; -- Leather Valises -and:-Srtg ' uk A LOT OF CHILDR.EN?'IS CARRL4WJ Vei hasan anS a A18h,1877 Go were ou c gt a Weil-flttingGarment :-To .the Tai orng:Establishuient of' GEO0RGE,, GURLEY, QOSH'AWA. SUPERIO1 'CUTTING SHAPEIS THIE WORK 1 stLarg Soaf Fine Clotho; bout English, Scotch snd C-Gn4aià Twedé.O~' Exeilu~ y~yaatngsand Splendid Veut Pgtterms, ,- h' goed fit Gqamlnt.d Dlirap. AItlime olS eaétabliëhmeri.ý --- tWILLIAM --THOMPSON,ý nrock Siiem, Wiùb £"l ILOINm Licen8ed- A Iationeer., S AEs premptip attendeS, sund Cenduct-. sýd ou Liberi Terma. Addre aî,C0. DAWES, 20- Part Pemry. IB ]RO0w N a INDIAN LINIMENT!.> For sals by deniers generslly.- What we; take t/w ka in 1 1rosted parts, FeOR RORLSES A»] CATTLE.-Pi.m j tu gne o ale ta-warm vattor, wil cue mcm Internai dsrangemeats.cmued by over hast- ing, &ae. - WHAT THE, PEOPLE SAY, ASE THEM ? : We theo adersignea have uudBiowns Indian Liniment for 'mome liam a udeau chelly recommend lb foi puýblic use. -E bp *ir May> Pine Orclrad, Ont. Chas"R. . Htu, Whitby, "il à Hiram EBrosu 99 Andrew Orsis " J. Dav, roku, ' J. K. Ma<hswson, " - Setbh uiblle, Ashbnrn, A. H. Hleudarsoni, Uxbridge', S. C. BRO0WÉ,Prrstr 88-> - Wltby, Ot, DoinionWood -Workâ,* WHITBIY.- Geo.' Cormack, LtlBEItý hCRAsoi & sudetIL, ci b PandngMopdng-of st ery dsp etc., etc. Wiboct. lOtb.107E.- - - .48 THE TORONTO- Turkish & Vapor Ba th8.'0 Thesebotmiare usefiri la Bhe1unmstlsm, Neuraigia, Coengh, Col&s, Ceagitiga, Bronchmlls, Scrofpis, Skia Disae", &aI- flsmemations. DBlliôuia-à sFoyessidfor The apmross s apsrtlculax17 applilc- ble-toasilSkizî dssaseeaerslisy Syphlis, 18, la nov universally couceded limatboth lime Turkish sud Vapar Esths are the boit presem-vatives of lreilth vitin'theo reagl af mediosi experlu ana inu coirpunclin vth medicmi treatment tha patient in zmore rap- ldly and auemfully treated. Pâtrouized tbeugficut 8lh. vouS frem -roys]±y dovu tai tire poaroat mon-. Tires. Toriib;hbieare <heo only euesin tme CIty et-Toronto. -- - q uatatlcrrnnreoumendstions mis given frm th1e best ibedical ud ssnltary orthoril ties-l'u IceuÃœtnes. - -ROURS-LGeâtiemsn, 7 -ta 8.80 a a.,8 to - S-'--8Tuîiiab - alls, a-ieticeta, #p t1ei~tq $~. VporBatha, SOCc ts la- - -3 QUEENq-ST. WEST* Sifjsud atateiya male sud f.male - LIS. DIAMONIeD.'- ,,Raul Etuduui TOWNSHIP 0F BEACH. FAREWBI J.ME CHARI -- Lno ATTORNEI AlunChine aucci, &o.,,&. W Ma-i B co Stret,0b * (LatesGr lce-Eron 3 Whiùtby, Outai JOUI Wlaitby.- MO1NEY TE W a unmiUp te CtStrei,tI sucer, of Ormzc-ovec Ta.22,1878, BIS sTme] lByroniitr galieaidnce; Wm. McDli '.the eyel CÂ~ Phyaieian, S"r WLlthy, sept. 8 W. sud Gilbert sire c, N. Au cmeap asthea het eeth -fil Teeth oxtracted local anuathesis An's nov block, a King Stzeet, Ont JOHNq NEW Mi S.atimg Caps Whltby, Oct. 22, K IG ROT -WHITE ImpartemsDeaie LEATHER Cash piaforil rMaBELTI:NG 1 Ma,1879. ValubleS 1((1AIRY F F, R)G U S 0 N BROCK STREET, WHITBY, 1 - . Toronto, A SPECIALTY. -M OSHAWA. 1 ly.-50 1 AND ýCHEAPýl T 0 M S