Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jan 1879, p. 1

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npaOym=, IvQI , ilso~v~lsr THOKAS DOW,, FAREWELL* V'iGE flR iSTER, T3ONE .-'LL tounddc, antconduct., T-Port Penny. .1I MENT!t 0 thie lead InI parto, Soaltis, Buras, apralu o c. ID (IATTLE,-From J s vetter, vill cura noct 1% caisseti by ovon eaI MOPLE 'SAY,,- ASX sti haveued Brown-% i' sinee timoantiosa t111h for public use. Pin. Ocharti, Ont. Wlshy Drockliso, Ashibunss,- Valitige, - e iROWN, Pr 1ettr, PURRY & LINDSAY MI TABLE. ,Juhy lot, 1878 6.45 -'- a.s,M08pn 9.1à, Elpsomu tîa 4uti by ahI Agents of Ion Toronto, anti by Otraofben cbangs.- AXtES HOLDEN, IseotglgfiltDreclor, ood Woïks, r'mack, tNT Ç BUILDEB. of Iluilhlen' Funlsi- Twlsteti Moldinga, Ins aud etaili,on iy s cf every descrs3s- ug, Sheîvlng, Re- 'CIel, Scroll-worb, uintg and ano-uj r constructng a A Uibnitige sud t, Canmsoy. and fr, kE MULOCE, - thy -Port Ferry andi clivsy Company. cin.82 ýONTO pop Bathso iatoredheclï tra"ý My. ont C àABLES Ci. K Le~ A TTORNEY.ÂT.LÂW, SOLIOrTTOB IN ton, BhoY o 0. eWê4.O.nn< L. T. BARCLAY, A TTORSZY-AT,-LAW,. SOLICITOR, Ine Chancey andi Inoolvency, Convey. ancer, &0., &c. , I ooc-At th. Court Houte, Whltby, LYMAN ENOLISIE, L Le B, T)AJRISTER AT LAWi BOLIOTTOR IN coe Stroot, Oshava. A. G. HMILLAN, (Laie Greenvooti * MoMlia&n.) Ulier, NotaryPubU11c, 0nvoyancer. Cf. Wti oByraiet, IIl South of ccl Office, 1 jlis DALL DOW, B ARRISTERt-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR in Cbancery, Ceevoyancer, &0. Ofie-Deverilo Bloc. Brock Street, MONBY TO LEND-Prlvste Punds - Ie sumo up te ,8000, sa a 1evrate Of l- tcit. ly6 (LATa Duooa êx,4 cio,. Court Sthoot, Toroto. 31%0. G. KELLET, A TTORNEY -.AT- LAW SOLICITOR -C.i Cbancery andtI nsoivency, Convoy sucer, &c. Ofce-Devorillo Bocit, ]rock Street, Wbtby, Ont. G. YOUNG- SMITH, L IL. B., BARInSER, &o., &.-Money te Lose B biner et:Marriage Licenees. QOFrc-Ovor Dominion Bsnk, Wlsttby. Tan. 22,1878.(1. UEO. nc. JORN HALLEN, TTOBBY, olictaranti Cenveyancer. Moctln.Morlgsgeibouoitanti sciti. Agentfor oeveral LoanCeas. Office, OVer Wlghtmnnne Store, Ring Street, CAMEJION & APPELBE, B ARRISTEBS, Atturneys.at-,Law, anti BSolicitorsin Chanicerty, No. 4 Taronte treet, Tercente, IIECTOR CAMERON, .0. (Y.4i) R. 8. APPEIBE. THOMAS HUSTON, R. J. GU, OMeN, IIIna.,Hue SUlIGEON TO THE OOUNTY GAOL, S Byron Street, Whitby. BYRON FIELD, M. B. pEHYSICIAN.BEN, &o., Duffi' Wm. MOBIIEN, X.D., M.R.Cte., n.UY'S 'HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., t.Ahe oye B. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. c A RD, . «R.BIOGART, PhYsîsolan, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o,, &c. Wbitby, Sept. 80tli, 1874. dé W. ADAMS, T) 00MS OVEX IR. H. JAMESONS iLli Gracory Store, Dundas-st,, Whilby. Office houri from 0t)arn. ta 12 m., ant ifroon 1-0 e rP. ee teîdoce-Cor. of Byron C, N. VARS, L. D). B. ca T Hl T inierted on aultho ase cheap as the choapest, andi as gact ias thé boit. Toth fileti ith Gaiti anti Silver. Teeth exiracted i wthoui pain, by protiucing local. ansealieola. Doutai oom-in cv. an'o nov hleck, aver Aikinsans Drug Star., King Street, Oahuwa.. 85 JOHN RODINuOppg ~..,AIR DRESSING ASND BHAVING SE alcon, Brock'8t., Whitby. JouxN WOLFENDEN, *GENT IPOU THB CRLEBIATED Scaltiels Granite. At Marble Works WILLKAX jCOOPER, BLACKSMITH, - - B3ROUGHAM, (Succeiicr ta Thomias middaugh,) ilarau ahoelug ana uknso eea vark. t a11nd Ye-g5sna E. DELL, A T H B R L Y Clerk Div/s/on Court, Tp. Clark, Conuisaioner le . ., Landi 4gent,&. &o., Aherly,.County Ontaric. Atherlv Sîplt.2nrci,1872. 88 $1 a$ooIuvestefl JuWanl. Stockea ever3'thbfog. dres, TAXTER *&Co., i4-lyiankears, 17 Wi8.t,,N. Y. il 0 P K i NS' NEW MUSIC HALL, r MUSIC FURNISHED WIIN DRSIBED. Scscfng Cap&clty, One Thoumanti. Wbltby, Oct. 22, 1b7?. y Tbli beosé bu bois rectly buBlhinf lodyar4, atepiveostr, (opposite G. T. B. Station,) Whitby. Ou Rer su 1Il upplieti with but! brtaoI*of m qn4raWines Olga-, Gpocd St*bling, encloooyad , n atn (OMMERCiAL HOTEL andi STABLES, eJmrin,la.mlïôeet, Trno ~'laMarket. The M»hoiba§ ben n.wly riedoni, Andievozy-tl3lng rotln .(1y47< HEU.- ",, ima . TEM.PERANCE HOUSE, DUNPASSTRBST, WITBY. Gooi accommodation at reamonable ter=§s. Boardors $2.60 per week. 4 -DTA HOTEL, WHITDY JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The. largoat anti mcml comooilous hotel in the tovu;: bai large ample roomi for commercial travollers. ' Table woll upplieti vWiti lhi.booi lu so. Betbrandsliquora aud cigars. Encloietiyard aud miedreom; attentivo bastIons. chargea te suit tie trnes. N. B.-Livory attacheti. 27 R OSSIN HOUSPL-TORONTO, ONT. Tho Palace EHal iof Canada lefitciod, Eefuru$shod, ua ntirivalle4, Now Paen- gar Elivator, runuing l lit sud day. Tiie oui yflrai-class B'tellnaada with gratin. stotipricos, vin :-82, f2.50, anti$8 prday. Momboru cf Clubs anti others, desirnig rooses, vithout board fito 2'egauj Fob. 27th, 1878. Prcsprietor. TEQUEEN'SHOEL (LIS coxosaiass,) aaOc-OisRaU', WvMYn, TAY LORB& XMCANN, PROPRIETORS. TIsa ustierulgueti daire tla infors e a frieuds andt he public tisaI liey have taken the. aboyve al kuove itel, vilci tioy have new1y t tteti up anti renovateti, andtiou Itl the béaticf, erter for lie accomodta- lion of gnus. Tii Bar, vhlch La the baud. sonestin lue lu. atyis vel upplieti viii the inest brandes af ines, liquens, anti ci. gara. Amsple encloset sheti roont anti got stabling, boex stale, t&c. Detacheti noont, for commercial traveliens. J. P. TAYLtOR, PHLIP McCANN. late of Tere0nto. ciOMMERCIAL HOTEL, CARTWRTGHT, aNT. JAMES DEWAET - PROPRIETOB. Gactiacccomodtion tf112 THE CENTRAL HO USE, (Late Loatian Hase.) C. GIFFORD - Proprietor. This bouse is lie bemti hle aCouuty. Cmli anti Séee . AYERS HOTEL, 82 & 84 MILL-ST,, ROCESTER, N. Y. Pria. reducoti te 51.50 e Day. This Hoiel bas neduceti ils pria. otei Travelling -Public te 51.50 per day. Itl J. h"",tiyth le N. Y. Cenral Dapot (oly a fe111 deore 15outh), sud hem ncetly been ne- fiîteti anti re-hurnisieti, Open nighi anti day. Tise hante la erat-cians in erery ne. aeot, anti Canada people vii save mouey by gaieg te the AyeseHatel. WILSON SPEAGUE, Proprietor. Rochester, N. Y. July 8, 1878, - (Oo-28 B RITISH AMERICAN HOTEL, R A Y',, ,-WH IT B Y, 0N T ARB10 Hanse nevly renoveteti anti fornisbeti linougiant, anti put in flnsh.cless entier fan ho reception cf gestm. An omnibus io anti rein all traies. FiroWlaasos sespla raons. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, '-Cor. King & Ycnk.sl,., Tononto, Ont. J. A.O'GRADY, - PROPRIBTOR. Tsase, #1.50 ia DAY. (ly-47) P OST OFFICE BALOON, ToaNesco. m. MlccoNNELL,--. - . POP.RIETOn.- TE1 ETACO1OAIO ! for Guosha. (Ily47) QUEEN'S HOTEL - VICTORI JAS. MACKEY, - PROPRIETO.R. Gooti Table, Liqoore, anti Cigare. Fine stabling au. eveny eecesenry accommoda. toen. -ly-4i OSBH A WA, Veterinary Surgeon, Wii be et Anseetroog'm hotel, Whithy, oves-y Tuetiay, fsrn 1 ta 4 o'clocb, p. Mt. Aprili20, 1877. 18 New Stage Lirie BTEEN WIrIu& OSHAWA.- aa anti Wiitby a camiesteble covereti Stage , anti soilit 150 patronage of travalera anati tere. Evas-y attention vlll heaidt t tis cofori anti conveneonce cf passougers, anat toh1e mcunllyanti prompt tisliveny cf parcels committefta t=sy c1parge. T iere viil heto ostages per day esci vay, viz.: Le f gOshawa oaci mornissa iu tino te maake c[se connections vilhithie Whlhby & Lintisay Raiivay; ana tia 8 eclock oaci attenean ; anti ieaving WSltoyAh il A. m. antiatO .m.,foacday Tste U tall Ai AU hate inlueaci ievn, anti enters lcft ah aey of ths hetels- vil i.aiteuatia. Pare anaicharges modes-aie. J. B. ADAIR, Propnielan. Manch 2715 1878. (1 LAN-DS FOR SALE!1 IN ITHE Township'of Somerville, COUNTY 0F VICTORIA. Tii. following lande u ie élo-wnhlp Cf Somerville, Coanty cf Vitoria, ire offereti for sale- The-West j cf Loi 5, ta the 131h conco.. sien, consisting ai 100acsono.Flfien acres clearantiudfoncee. A aeven-fmlhng eiras crosses hie lot, ou which i a mii site, nar le sida cf a gecti na&.Theii.poprty os cul 1y, a mile frocm a nafiwYla on on vilaeinmo &Y ud8'til fron.thli bMosan.. oin Gootiman and DanielSilvar, ;saor Kinuount, WiE show th. proporty. For-Terme of la"pphy te- JAS. WALKEIR, --2 xMcra P.'9, Ontanle, -0r'to l4sssr. K&TOH Bt.1WhIlby A'4g5k14a, 1?,4 ABOUVT: 7b.eOo Pri om vto lein Ye"ncof &0, mhaei ff tha bout Vaiolle. ~HIN A, HALL 71KING-8T.,-EAST TORONTO,., anynabatM 4Tee Bâi. peay Botiroo Sets.i yac u Jati Teapol., Silver PIe KaiveomPorke sud -Spocs.; "Tt~ d Servers. sfor Lih' *0tic., Wlâle Stona vsr, every bled. auo n aGoERHARRISON, - Importer. TH1E ARKE R tCUN. MARTIN & WÂRAM, HOIJ8E, 51011 ANID ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. H1avre jual reoelved e nov stock cf WALL PAPIERSI of the latesntieigus anti patteras. FRESCOINCI A BPECIALTY. Fresc adeiges executeti ou tiesa iotesi notice. MARTIN & WAXIAM, Tvo ticoratrnhi cf Eieg's Tanuery, Break Street, Vhiîby. ly.41 $75, 000. TO 0nL0A M ON FIBST-CLASS FARM LANDS, Iu tsoscf #2C0a antiupwerdm, et 7 par cent. Payable Half.yearly. Apply te- CR0. S. HALLEN, -AT WIHlTBVALE, ' Zave reybeoJtea t4 ,Patrons .,àftàe ME herefor ïa 'flaaueI batt IbairGMO& G Wlf 3 doue la ithest possile m4nnor, ut rie:Al On ban tuda ifor -sle 'Wt lovut, - T., P.'WHITB. EaU onu aa lange. auppiy ,cfisU ls4 Dam LumbercDosrti, anti sl nicessa Buelig Lusefanr. eang,,vwn Tmir aesti eliag, aa gufl ssLmei o id La luB tufi , flEe 1Doora, Saches inantidils alvayuo o banti. Wbllsby, May 7li. 1877. - v- concomiant fiaisud tliimi e esbtrmnlt aculptsns, enru e iicssottboplce c tenalve and probably 0 mmostsiM ftpaic InAmerlca tov-bsn àwmuawardodmago)4dJew. eelrdme ~uthoealcciasationdU .0ei rA Pasmebl.,Illeatratoti wich the VoeY *un steel Enrlng -s a. Tel etÇ archD au Dy-. lM 0e sua t l. Sendi forc 1h at oce«. Aidresa PNBD EDICALTHSL L IVRPOOL MARKET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, To b. delivereti et Iii1 GBl 'Quo. r asi o Apniidéîh aU b. od, atilai rvet -C. noURE i .-- Agenit, Whiby. tVlbApnil Ot, 1878. 7 e Am8uiaflcé Company. INCORPORATED 1833 ASSETS, #11,8,7694.ý - .A. BALL, Insurancos effecitiedt lie lavemi c'-uurnu rates on Buildings, Mercbandise, ted aiesz pnepeniy, agaiosl losonrtisonsge by fine. C. NOURSE Agant, 1sitby. WisiIY, Apiil Mt, 1878. ia WESTER N ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1851. CAPITAL,' - - 80,00. (Witi power te increase te 100.0. FIRE AND MARINE. Frnh ansBylllead Office - - Toronto,,Ont, PLASTER, SALT, AND- COAL FORBý ALE. MONEY' TO LOAN On Real Esiale, et Law Rate, of Interesi. J. H. McCLELLAN. Januany 9Oh, 1877. fi DOMINION' FLOUR & FEED STORE. best quaitty of Aprfl i7ib, 1877. ""1»FLOUR AND .1. fi. ~E bis 4 o tSha*hemm,2. Y NOVELTY WORKS, -WIIITBY ONT. T HESUES IIBEIIiain urha. t hieMachJrantid e-vtiire strc cf seamaneti Lusebirfroon lIe Mutige anti Yarvooti Manuf lnring CanspanlyIounov preparedti la untîh Doorm, SamiemBlindma Fames Monitiluga, Base, Arcitraves, FlooningShccliagat veybn e- quiretiby lihe ntie, aI lie loweni living Wood iunning Newels anti Balusiers la arder. Lnmber for ole, hest quality, lowesi W -oSp. front long exÈerience anti by squaedaling to menit a thane cf public patroage. GEO. GILCHRIST, Propniator. m ONET TO LEND. Tic untaraigneti mas an y amoast af Mou- ey lu Lenti upan Fsrm oan Vevn Proerta umnsusily Loy Rates cf Iuiresh. P~a Loans cau ho repait inlesuons ta suit hon- revers. sevalisempraveti Fanons ant iWlid Lantis for sale oheap. Iuvesimonts mateienl Municipal Dobn- tures, Bank, anti cien markelatibie Stockbs. For further particuhars apply la JAMES HOLDEN, -Officiel Assigrsee, Bnakcr, &o. Apnil Oth, 1872. - 18 Toi SALE, AT THoE GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 800,000 eet Pina Lumber, veil ,easoeed. Ioch Board,. Fiooning, 2 x 4 Scantling, 2-inci Planlo, Feering Boardis, - 100,000 foot cf Oak, . Maplefor axIes, lot qualiiy, Bassevot, 15,000fi. Square Thonier, AU of wvhicb vil h o slticieap fer cash. Ha vaulti sio beg ho say tiai lie Grlst MiII insunning,andtins doing flret-csm vont. Ohoplping dene 86tiys ilutho veek, for evony isti bushL. E. MAJOR, De., iii,1875Preprieor. TEE MT.CAUSE 0F HUMAN FEED remarkably CEAF FOR CASH. FOR SALE CHEAP, A Gooti Hanse, Phaeton anti Harness, (ueariy ne,.). CHAS PENNYLEGION. Whiiby, May 9tis, 1878. GEORGE BRITTON, PRÂCTICÂL CAR/iIAGE WAGGON MANUFACTURER cf a nev inoproveti Root Seed and Corn Dril, Double & Single Turnip Dr/i/ls, CLATTONS PATENTED CHUENS, (Improveti.) Wagons, Buggies, Slelgb,, ccnsiaxotiy on REPAIRING dons neatly anti sel] an tic siortestuotice. GRO. BRITTON, Lit'Tvo tcors touthit he Qucens Hoici, BrocitStreet,...........by. -ApriilUOth, 1878. ly.-44 Music InStruction. MR. FRED MUDGE, -TEACHER 0F TEE PIANO-FORTE, PROdN AND M el/0de on, TEIZMSon pplication. Rcsideoce,ccru. T r Greenaant John sre ht Melotiecus ho rent eat 8,8.2 n - per month. Sept. 2ed, 1878. 7l THE CA NADIA N A/h GAS! Tic Canadien Gao Machine lsaanauo. seatiagss.makieg apparat ne, 1h la desin eti as e meansb y whîch -factoris. =i botele, churches, dvelllugs, or buildings P any kind, siuutati le lie country, or beyond the raacf ccal.gas mains cf cies, seay bc supplisdti v&ialsedaticioap gem %ise machines are simple cf construc- lion no a llo tagel eut cf entier, regnire no sit 1 manage, are matinleà substan. teli anti durable masser. Tiey cccup litll tpace are sot up et mmali expeese, anti are equaiy atiapteti for lightitg tisa langeai mihfacteny, public building,_or theosoaUl. Ar~ JusI Publietin ta e aledti alin-.&re ne nov or uniiedti ing, Euvoiepe Pria, six cente. esthve bintaconstant anti successfnî le ail paris cf tha ceunis-y, boli vinter anti A lacture ce lie Nature Treai- osusesr for yeens. anti Radical cure cf Sensinal Weabuenu, or The gassaco hy Ihose machines la Spermaornhoee, intinceti hy Self-Abusa, In. usuai:ly 9:11vu-a canhureted air ges beng veluutMr Emisions, Impaîeeoy, Narvcus common air iseprege tet hi gasolle. i Debilit , anti Impetiimenî's la merriago bures iia iig tflae, f uj yequal Vseraly; oausuption, Epîleps7, andti o ihai protinceti'y coai gai, os cantincteti Fits;Mentai anti Plsscaibcapcty, &a. lircugh pipes antidronetaiflixturos; liii -By ROBERtT J. CUILVERWELL,M.nD., the terne convenience anti ssidly. No fine aulior cf ie l"Green Book 1"t&c. imuset ithle procesm of manufacture, anti The wverîtinnetiauhisr, lu Ibis &a-i.buildings ligilti hby il are intureti ai the usirahia Lecture, cloarly preves froon bis saute rates as though ceai gas vas useti. ove expoielaue that lia-avinl consaquance Tihe casl cf Ibis gtas for light, equal te cf Sef-Abuse may be efaclushlly remnoveti onea liusandt eetio c l gai, -varies front without medicine, anti vithout tiangerous eue daller ant i flfy cents te tva dollars, surgicai operatians, bogies, ntremenis, being about one-islf lie price.cf ceaI p&. rings, as- cantils; paieîing culn a matie of TIse malaria] from vhici gai la mace by cure at oece certain anti e actual, b h violIaur machine îa knovn ccmmerclii as gas. overy salferon, ne maîtan viet bis cindition chine a igit, volatle o f pet roleum. say b., may cure isesehi cioaply, pivate. zakmates given for ligtng anti heating ly antiratiahly. buildings. Gro Kà This Lectumra l prove eaIscon te Beths, Water- Choseha, Puep, arde hhoussutis andt housaeiim. Fbunhins, Rubhar Hase, Gai Fixiures, ta Sent untier seal, in a plain envehopo, ta Eroro antid Crystal,oetc, any sachmrosm a recel pt cf six cente, an tvo JOSEPH PEILLIFS, Postage taMPS. Adtirets, Sl auatrr THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., Bi suatnn -41 Aso.Bn.. Na Yosx. Plumier, Gao anti Steasa Fitte, Pont Office Dcx 4586. o1588 YerkStreet, Tarante. ,ValableFar for5~, LI-ZA MARIA CAMPBELL cf lie Valabe F rm forSae. Tovn cf Wbitby. Countj c ôtaio 111ACRES.-.S 4 LOT 8, IN Bib CON.'an-Province et Ontario, vifs -ofROBERT 100 PICKERING. 15 e «,e,... AMBEL, of tIb@Mt55epssMarcenst, nomabdterweill imboedstimoctuhy ewIsud mat rby give o UUtic ia eten"dt l a&M ma .). 0 sl*very besiuble pro Ithe DomialeaParlisment Wzst sosice for a for lie vooa aclon, la very Mub h gï M fDITO*lb5SaAna»»4 ed iPeo m m=y vihi~~ ~~ nalpyte sscs money, vwb lahe -->55 b m iUer l4 l. 8111 > a inl thse =jutiaC= lia icI aua-My on siby tleb ont"analele 57frer doser. suie forliaaud'tAc. crneliy, anëtâtlb. aer « "Tornis USeraIt 0rabeParieas.t DE -e '~$ct et .XA. POST 1 1fu14M Oe EL dé.@0 ~j71I0*2U 4 HON . JON ccnc.. BBUNARD HALDAN, Man£Wissg Directe, J. J. KENNY, - - - Scs'earj.. JAMES PRINGLE, - - Gercerai 4geQo. OrInsunances.effecte t the lowesl cur- reul rates an Buildings, Merchantise, ana éther property, againat hassan damaie by lire.- 1Whilby, Apnil Oh, 1878. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whithy. 16 Deposit viti Dominion GôvernonolS560,- (00. Expenbenceti Agentis thnouglion the Dominion. Pire Rùlrs n'riften cci Adequatc Raf o. C. BOURSE, A&gent, Whitby. Wiiby, April Oih, 1878. 16 'IRA VELERS' LIFE AND AIÃ"CIDENT' InsuIance Company, 0F HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assete, - $4,316,000 Cash Surplus, 1,214,000 Demi cf Security. Low Cash Rates. - Libeal ealng.Strict Managemeant. An Untarnishet Recorti. Solfd as a Rock. Life and Endowment Poidse,ý' 0f ahi ate anti tetirabie fermm, on the Loy- Rate Cash Plan. Conctlin anti defi- nite, anti valiti aamonsprompiyeti.M C. NOUESE, Wiithy, Apnl OSi, 1878. Agent, Whitby. JMPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- MENT COMPANiY.' CAPITAL, 5600,000. Headi Ã"ffice, Imperiel Buildings, Toronto. PIsIDENT : aASEs : HOM1. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BAK. soLseIOrcu:-G. D'Arcy Bonlion. MONET TO LOAN ce Improveti Ferms, et Lev Rates cf intenest. Appiy le- C. 'NOURSE, Appasen, hiby, OuI. OR caO E. H. EERTLAZID, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. April lti, 1878. 16 T REHE RTR Fire Insurance Co'y, IIARTFORD, CONN. CHARTERED S8îo CASII CAPITAL,_$1,25,00.00. Cash Assets, dan. 1, 1878, (SIXTY-EIOIITI ANipUAL EIIIIBITfI $ 8, 2 92, 913,49. Xanageaibyskiffnl teitro, anti for Sixty-Rlght Yeasnce cf tleisd-i tagFinaniai Inatitutions afllie Country. Cash Indcmciity Disbursecd ta, Patrons. Over 21,000,000.00 1 Mr AU business Traneecteti cn Principlet cf Cammencisi Houer. 1Whilby, April Uib, 1878. C. NOURSE, Agest,-Witiy loi G lE ]ROTRERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importers, DealersatiManufacturracfla&U Kiatisof , LEA THER - MVD FINDINS8,- Cash paiti fer Hàda, arL ssmi Leather. W BBTING KADE TO O"U3R ONT. f0f a king detbroneti orý a murderetihat ]But I dan teo f & beart once sad, ff nm ta] drope macle 1light and' ' sa- i bave leapeti t.hrough "the valley,- clîhi clown thei meuntain Flownd ite eriver 5nÏ playeti in 1he. fosv tain, 'qlept ïintbe sunshine and d roned from thi And everywhereig1sddenedth le landsai and oye. < il have eaeed the hot forehead cf oyier ar pain;' I have madte eparcheti meadowe gro fertile iih grain. I can tell et the peverful wheelof the mll -Th a grounti oui the fleur andti rneti atm) ý w.. 1 dan tellnf mhanioed, tiebaoot by yen, That;j lifleti up aud crowned anew. Ilcheer, I help, 1 strengtlien and aid; Iglatiten ie ioart ofmaesan dmsaid 1lee1 the ohaijed vino.captive free, And ail are botter for keowieg me." Thon. arc the taleir they tlad each cther, The glaci cf wine andti pler brother, As they tat togehher. filed. to the brin, On the rlcb man'a table, rdon te non. Madame Blavetslcy. iï was vitis a feeling cf intense cO iaeity, anti mare lisan ordinany pleasnnd liai ve shoo t atlie tican cf Mme Blavatiky's nesidence iu Nev Yorkc anti avalit an ansver le env ring.. Il aon came, anti in anuetit vay, for the door vas uahacitet by no visible baud anti fon a second ve tiia n ealizo lia I 1h as donc by eleainicily. As cending tise tise second floor, vo vero r ushser'& inta a tiny neceplicu racce vixere Col. HenenyS. Olcoti,, tic pres ideel of'lie Tiseasopisicai saciely, greet. eti ns vLtl contiiality. We' enqeiret ii 1 madame vas viible, anti lie sent a ser. vaut la anqaireo, via retunnodt vithei prompt anti decisive soliee, «"Na.' Wc isati anivoti ah a very unfavorebîs heur, il being lu the mrnng, anti van informedti tisaài was aheesi an impos, eibiffty te gain accesa tadame's pro. seuceilu le day. ' Coevens;ing hoveven, vithiCol. Olcoît, ville So eponeti il eggs andt tek Ibis coffce fan breakfast wss questionet i ut neganding tisa aiti anti objecte cf hlýis saciciy,-silci le beý coming 8o - vel l nova', so mucaids. e usseti, se well grouneetion lie Isasii of callaneti anti honorable mess an, vomen as members, anti receivea ffa neply, ie substance, the fllaving : Tis objech cf Tieosopiy i8 individual cahivistice in the science anti uyster. les visiclomadame hat given le s meass are te i vart rough lber bookIt laiE flnet." Il is te initiale samE chosen cnes intoe ikbovîctige of liesc secrets vieS are ligher and finen lias anythiig 00W haught, anti wiich are lc eveotually hift oaci tomber le the paver anti position cf an adepi. "Io religion," lie said, "va vwork la break clown oladagmas anti oanping licol. egies, visether Chiristian, Bralimanie, Butdistic, Jevisi, Mohammedan ci. atiene, andt o leaci the aadefiled ne- liginus plilasophy vliioi prevailet ibe. fore even tise Vedas vere writtee, and wvieic furnisies the grains of vical in every mouetulnocf ciaif tiet bas beer piled apon aey naion anti labchled viti lise marnes above enumeraheti. In lie shah. vo vieshta spneatigh nations cf lionor, patriolison, nespesi- bilty, andti laI international exobange cf countesy baseti upon tise Golden Rule vici voulti tait. a brofherhooof e lcctrnsifsjpossible. lunlise individus] ve vouit puange avay tise vicions hacs, anti grcveling sensuuhihy, -1h. mean- sondinets, anti peilinescf atm, tic ci. taseness as te civil, sociai anti tonal obligations, ici everyvisene provail entier tih. patronage efthtie chiureS. This ilsa aide fildt, anti vIer. car la- bonens an huntinedtiimes moe n er- eus it coua net hae coveneti ah once. We are net unreasonebla on eplimistie. Wa are quit. content villithe rate af aur Progross up le tuis lime, anti shal atit ta cor roll ef Fellavs (ram lime te lime usthiey offer liemseives (fon v. solicit ne eue>, if tisey provo e le inl sympatiy vili aur venr, and are 'sii. ling le help us lu Ihesprojeclu. AiIO, £rat of uih, ve via leati the moement mean la cet an exemple of corract liv- ing anti dealing vlioci vill at leasi vin lite respect of lb. commanihy. IlW. Sresumt hbat thase vie become zoom- ens are bonti y lthe mst solamu oethiana initisttat by ltae nosi feenfai anti tystieïnsceremenies 1" ve ne- rnarited enqdllnghy. "The pîstige vo exact," repiieti the colonel, lis liaI, noue via jain ns siall do anytuitg te retard, iy vert or deoti, car progros, We une quit. viiling te lenve yaur ovn cnscience te be monitor. W. binti tembers hy no cati viaiever, eavieg ther vend cf isanon, ta iteeap mtly secret titase maltent confitetelehlien wliici sthatildinletise opinion cf their saperiai s, he kepl sacnedhy privete 111 "But yen ihave raie,, by-lavs, offloors otc., do yon net ?" "Certeaiy I Its cf. ficens anc anc a' presideel, tWo vice. presidonts, a corespentiug secrotery, s, Inessuren, a iibnarian and coucilicna. At lirstinle as au open botiy, but lahar 1h vas neorganizet, on tio pninaipleocf secnecy, axpenucuce baving temonsîral- cd lise atvlaabiiity cf uli a cisange." "But viat are th. beneflato c bederiv- et front suai a mambership ? Cen ahI members become 'adopt 2""yn mens 1T iehoasileint h tsaIsgish. est tiegrua cf lia final section, lie-TIse- osophisl must b ave baconte freeti cf cvcry leaning levranay eno feint cf religion lu prafarneo te aulcsîben. Ho mmhstb. free (nom ahi oxating oblige.ý liens e o aicty, politues, ant ifantily. Ho must be ready le lay tve ils l. if soeceisaany,,for thse goca of isemanity anti for a braISer feilow cf vhitever race, celer or ostensible' creei. ]Ha must rancune. vina anti eohen description et. intexicating boearagos,. anti adopt a l!. fe f strict Ohsl Those wvise xonet yat whiy disen. ceunteous speeches vers isusietitIsfi, a prcrnpteny commandti l take'a cigar. ur elle, ici-ve gladly p roosetieti te do. » The chat vas xatunally tureetilaie El tIsaI olannol vhici leadetos teegrat :vel ocean of the unseozi muotenlos, antive . vere astonisisd at lise rapidîly etnd chs flnenoy cf ber apâcIs. Hen English la vo lan ballon thanu te tise ontilnry, rua e conversation l inerica, bever, for ou il* la absoigtely, correci;--bookiib, in ýýw feot. Hon accoent,,lu not -very inankei. -wi 8h. sic!,--I eau net gel your Engîlah.. b Ianntprionocoit.', Wbmcaeà ,"-w1 e phedi 'Mmre -oo andp S ncl.wcqnspta, boave be rMt 400ptd e-of iau'0 but maeYý oenlu#ios. 1 1Atpçg ithoe eaftot- tee (Wiedow buripAg),,illing diurp (a -cîroditor deliborately olanvieg himielile dii, est li te*duoor efi iidebter),and Va =torfor vlîsbùhtie das conlain neO î tenty. h ,ý;v i4"t ie Pisudit teaclies is thse idenlicel, pure, vlsclorn religion, about whlicb l4sae. Blavàtky' discourses se bo lartnedlyi ion 4Ii,' and w1ziih,*waso 1tise pnimevul substratum cspon whioi wo net enly Bralimaniîm, Batidison andj Zonoastrianism were but,, but-whicis W 1 5 the ossence cf - Christism .wlien lie 'w .embreitiened soeothi are nnwrappedý fçocn iti btudy.1 i, Il teeches one inoomprebeesible, 'Y etereel, Divine essence, oui cf vwhici al tlings came, andti t which aah reture' ina a ever.ondiug sories i f evolnhion1 ant inivolnion-'Days sud' Nighti cf' Brairn.'"Theoerrespondenoe cf yonr soi muet be enarmone ;.who1 -dees il, pray ?,' "Madame. 8Bic writes nino langueges andti me tliree more.c 8h. converses fluenily andi daily wituil lier varions fniende a in tloast five.i Yo To ray heur themaany cveniug ah lier lle roception-bat madame liast cencleded le sec ,yen." The colonel sait is with:cst hsaviug moveclfnom- noom, the dean was shut ; Ihene waei neý visible means by wiicW bseceult i -have neaoivod the communicationci c1 madamae's pleesure. WVe veo deliglit - leed ai Weil as aatonislied, antionly wait. ed te eik oeeone question befare enter. *1 ~iug ber parler. "lThene are se manyt ernmors reganding madame, colonel,1 reta-o is àmotiniven'ta desperebicu. iu tryîg te eleotlvilc is la mstpra.i. able. Cen yen tell!'ns how ehd tise is ?1 ifWo have foand oai s thinty, elgiteen,t an huedreti;,tisai hon countenanoe ilai se changeable liai at cee moment shet seeme a yaueg girl, ai enotie sbcic aeeems an od lady. But tie generalk Steudeeay la te believe l e ir. groata age 1" "Perloapa my tister wili tell yen" lassgled thlecolnel,aaulie gave tiener reqasit inrodctins oliaI stimu. laie lady anti two or ilirce chiltiren, j Swhe were entering.1 t, fWili yeunont îay hew elt yen lhiinka eý madame te b. ?" III tiink il vcuhdL à-bo uotcly impossible te delermine; lier1 le age teeses ta me as mystenieus as berà character, fer ail I have kuewn hon set rlong anti se intîrnatoly. Intieéd, ai-. thougis I live ie lie same house with Ibese," mie added, "anti sec madame aI any lime, tliere are marne subjeats on i whicn elie is as nan-conmittal as a Sphinx 1" Whatt h yaur isuagieutien i aile lben persan 2" iequiredth le lady.d '.Wwihve thngh ie miglit ho taîl, s eyes to, compact figure, colti grey t ligit a breati face, a liigli foreliead and i l he ir." III dealare," excdaised t eCol. Olcait, "1yen mait be a clairvoy-.' n euti This is a very fair description." û Madame was sealed ini lier litIle verk- a noom aed parlar, al le one, and voef may etit, hon cnniasity, siap an well, p farneever was spsrtmentmoeca -p appanently wortilcss things thon this. b, su. mad cigarette ie monts anti s i ions j intn, and wamsliard at wcnk tI clipping panagrapis, articles, items, w criticise and tiiler malter from n: beape of jaunale (nom ail perle cf tise wenlti, relatieg le hersoîf, toi her baok, le liee Theosephical seciely, leny ant iI everthieg cunecteti viii ber life, werk fi and aimm. Bshe vaveti us tg a seat, anti vile abinieently reati soe article, ni w. liai a chance 'te observe thiewalls anti funnitune cf this New Tank Lamn- t sony. Directly iunIthe centre siood à i jeluffeti epe, witi-e white "Dickey" andti I nokie arand is huatroat, manusanipi le paw anti speotalem an Dose. Coul tit -il 4e a mute satire cf the clergy?2 Over el lie deer vas lie.mînfeti heeti af a lieu. P egm, vili open jaws andtihireatening A aspect, tise oyes giariug vith an almesi 'J *naturel ferecity. A ged lu gelti cccu- in pied tho centre cf the mantel-piece; Chinese and Japanose cabinets, fans, ci pipes, implementi anti rugi, low divans hi anti couches, a large desk, a mecisan. ical bird wiel sang as meahanically, hi albumm, scnap-beeks, andtihle inevilable la cigaretle.ieidens, papens sud ashpotms e matie tic leose, iai roeeile hich pi madiame was aippârelled oeem le per-.hi feci harmony viiihber surreundinge. m à rare, strange ceuntenance la hors. A fl Lcombinatien cf mootis seemi te con- m staetly play ever hon feetures. She sb nover seemns quite aboerbeti hy eue sub. h ject. Tien. is a keen alent, sisille un- hla doncurrent of feeling anti perception, or 0percoiveble le the expression of her oc eyes. hI mpresmei us lien, anti bas invariabhy viti lb. idea cf a 'deubl per. m oality ; as if mbli. were Icone anti ualss lier. ; alking, anti yet thinkiqg, or al s'ony nation vae tisan e nprnstd ?vsrp type Of costengsae frettse stores -nglso genena te tIse Intima )hilomophen, vilSh Idatuloate fsýtans,ý leaa.cnti expressive conlenance anii ,ontedfiy perfect fores. TIse costumes <sichaml*niuo - the porion -vie Fortuhsm -Boe vs. a.,flei vilh set.wlll.-ottani ,ani i'wa se onêje ots5 iingiiisêveanti mathe s, 'f -. l 1ai TnnVOLUMEa, 5OEAP-BOOK, ef thse Theomep biâaBocsley ThissuTrIbulations md Tisopbw. seip suth m tn-fc,pl«git1 am ùèa, iûa hit iw a~s~vsc s e apen- seore yen, ban tin éiïa edy, i'eadtc bib. copioti Tienv 'ae eutisai -1vla iori 'b. doue l iaI -etway, bat tIsai jeu cal seed mental tlhegrains te brothjer ad opta Ail over lis Globe, anti liey givi non lie clesnet i nformnalion e lise @set vay 1 Wisj, ve presunse, if au aetip were ie tise pine Venius, anti yen de sireti is prosenco by jour des k eore ail yau. vonld have te do vouli b. U ietally cahllmiesant i s-astral bcd wouhti cash lia sbadev on thse Ilee toi Madame semd éantily t ej03 lise speech. W. doa*, hIsveor, ti. keDenest observer 'ho bave sIiseovreé wliftele owere, aseue - Digit say "driving thes usll home," on mere amnusing in, iti our'beif.badng 55e eviclenlydci nt wÇean ber lîeeait ou honr mleeve. IWieher tiese 'rumeurs may hi truc or net I,"ois nemanketi, sernely, uftera lte 111.mile, te herself, -"liera à cerheinly netiug mpernalural in any. uiig ve heacis. Tise vanienful Ihiegs recednth e ic'Ise,if, ic y vere prn duced aI ail, vers protiacei acoortfi ho lise etereal lave. I-os ail ýnature aiîl scienliflo. Ton people do, net kees tie lavs cf your ove simosphera, yens ove bodies, yonr ovu povens. Tisat is .aIl 1 We do. Wes bave le arnodthei mysînles cf neal Wiaddm fron thole Who îcev tient befone us. If yen tii but holthe ekey yen vouldcees tiere ih ,notigin uOurkuovieige onrcoin pcv ors bul vial is uaturai anti acondiej te the plan cftlic niverse. Thee nover was a miracle, anti neyer cau Ise. Wlial ara caileti -esiraoico wora nel se. Tiey vers protinoaf by naturell 1v. one muet have lie gift of fine inlelleclual povers, moral purity sud physical ah le attain t hoeb higier mystêr- les, Net ail vie hive anc immortal. Seme vWiii ho anniuiastei. Their natur. ai teedenay la ever tiovevard. Il la iu. evilabie. Tiey cau net go bigien, liey must go lcver. Change cf some kinl ccestently laites place. Tsene -are tvc prcgreesions-nupvard anti downwand Tiose wlse go tiownwer inluvirtue, ln nxonine, lin te, viii be evenully bollt u ntiudreteninte liae elemee 1ts. Tiose vie livâ lengasi on tuis earts anti even etivauca upvard viii sani lie bigiesi vien tboy euler thie spinil. nel Cf.. éThis la the propannlory sehoof. There begicis action." - 0'I f caurse, yen bolivinpitul "neami h ealily of medlium- ism and medinesistio phono *mena, bul discanrage lisern unloas ntio very strict precaulions, as ve -Ihini they tend te tiegrade lise medium. Our ývievs are net origieal-eely tiose en- len'taieed by Easten pîjeiologiete. We sy liaI fan a pure persan tei pass. ively tuintit to the domietition of un- seen, nkeevuanti, uncontrehlable in. flenas, hs te place iimself lu very groal pel cf caraptiecn udtiraie, The passive mediumtlabos ail -heo chances of central by lie vanst as veil as tise besl spirits ; i fact, tie fermer choe is fan more liitely te laite contrel, fQn iliOj are lise moat intimaaly conneatoti -itii th.eentS. Ton could al lbe a medium 1" 'lWiy nat ? "vse quind. osBecause yen are lu suais perfect îealîh, lhe elerntanies coulaDoclcon- troI yen 1" oWeil, vhichisle upeian-lo bhoer set tç b. s medium V'" 1I Mcan imagine noliing varie tien te ce oe. Thaiy are always siakiy, suny, wilh ne miii, ne cliaracter of Seoin ove. A poor, misorable set." Glancieg et a pile of lettons wviic the âervpt b ati met b-rangit, vo ex. iaro Wial au immense cernes- sondeig zqssust Se ycnrs, madame I Aed lu mu. many tilereet laugnages I Telus n; viatlasuage do yen flsink osýua iseguage of myowvu, vichis neither Itnenian, French, n6n eey yen knev.' 'l mttay bo cintise Pytsagonean nues. hens, vie autoel on ln corne test languago employeti by races' vise hàd Ittainet t a civilizatien of vishics lise prosent picuegnapi msy' have hein 'allihe menssi cemmouphace te lient. Wise iteovs bat madame may semelimo fid a soot c f tie.foil ineseone future. nnseum cf"Ilnecent excavaion,"wvioh lie viii rneint o iltle instrument hers antitare talit te bierlunthe vony language cf lien « Ihougits 2" 'Tic col- 'nel saitisia viitlismecoit emnity ofeune very amnseiy ln emrnest. Madaine haugbesi. Who en ve ite miadame langsot, vc fool as if va ee sy(ing, laughton vers prossent I fan cof al dlean Imirliiol, roffi ug langister liai va evon iscnnd, hors >stho vsny ssauce. Bisems, needthe ggon. s of lthe mooti sie tiap'sy au E imes, , 1 ý-êýZ 1 1 IF iIlows--acd ileau ho seen lany day. . 1 #oas of dises. nudle natives ok a oû acmmon bail of ysnnu, vilici we a ais. ný amineti, anti holding one sud, 11ug l l- up juta tIse air. Il wouliüp,xip, bey<Iod eé env sigisianti remaineti mc, our vision oe only followiag il poniaps thislny fèoia ?t Ho jtben teltia native bgy asiallnt, ). orfkeoly nudo, -te olinsiup lion ya.rn eîiloi ke aseiller Mbsuz up a rppe 0 baud over baud. He aleo weut au& ef y ajiit.'Tie jggl hon iait ended tu b. angny and-cafleti hies dows. As hoe y tit i ni ebey. tlb. native. cimbeti up se Isiniscf, anti ahse diaapeared,. lie ant id cf lise jarnatll ls4ugsn u -th e rti, FiPnelty soon dewn MIbl an armtulin a y log oovoreih viis blooti, anti horriblei.tu 3.locket -The lrunk cf tise boy >uoon foi. it lewed, lteon1die liettiad dtise reinoie- ing'icnbs. Witi incooooveblerapidity e lise ennsdewn thc jugglor, glitiieg on li te jan, and vils tise cesutauchlng a gestnre waving bis heoti oven lhe so'<' .ereti membèe, tisey, as il ver., cravwl. o eti together &gain, anti hecamethe liv. - lng bey. absolntely wlsolo and uisant- g ed. Ths&Priluceof. Wales saw 'ail tiseo 1,wondois aise. 'an have lununtenable vEnropéeno ced Ainesin- iare Id rno-excphanalicifl I I nover fouet ans 6I Eunopeac( vio se muaI si a aemplisd s cee., Tii.basket ick se vol! imtitatei s lu t iiilcounuliatsly ; tise iyiug ians- 1 peoidet in le sair, a yard- fron thle s grounti.; danèieg on lie swortis keen I.as a nazer; changing a coin loto a rop. gtile ile-the palm cf a' speclater, anti sý cher etraugo tinciotaut-numeocus leu il mention, May b htueiseti deily lu auy a cf the principal cities of intia2' à 46 I'am dteigisted 'oiet," madame, ad a elle cencludesi, Ibat 1 I td SÛRlianoîlier i, itesle tiec math cf my assertions àrmgarding lise peculiar.oxhibitions giveil by thase peepile. Yen ans fonlunate, sie confinuedti urung te ns, I"houiavr hoard tlii geuleman-vhin I bae thle pheasure cI meeligg iblis oeeiisg *for the iret tm-oiioaeme ie 1 ai liait IMay have statet inici lasun,- Il vas et thusapoint tbat %e cinm' 2 ing Englisi gentleman sougit on,- cen. V uer, anti remenketi, quichly. AUi isidl ivery iwontienfnl. I bave lil iisve iyears le Indus mysoîf. aniwas lua 1state cf ëchreonlo stonisisment turing lie viole periati, beiut ouiing qaite equals, vint I et tolti on gond ans-lir-- ity, aur mutuel iostess can dac iicf IWhal iis ih 2 Hov delighstfal I Do tel] us-; nu eue gis latng. lIl t pet. iblo silec aun eally do ventions ?" If My fnienti vas noltideceiveti in hie (,Wu rsentes, nlie ceriainly oe. I wiICltillil rte yen preclaejy ns lh o l i lte me. rI kno w 1h wlll seent incrodible te yen, my deer Ieilov," "aidi y (ient, for it dose tomeeaslook backupon iî;yet- at lic saine lime, I know 1My seeses coubti not bave deceivati me. -BesiJ e ancthes'gentleman, wusvils mue at lie lits. I have seen madame ereeàte tlige. -"Croate ihings ?" I- dieti. T" es, croate tie-poduos them fret notiing.- I enu tll yen -cf tva lu. stances." ,"lMadame, my friand anti myself vere eut eue day looking about lie stores, vien eesait seedemired cdôme cf Iliese illemjeatod alphaet@swiici. coule iohete 1k. tise litho painteti siseets cf biss, haonis, animnai u etison fgureR se popular for decoretiug potteny anti-vases. Bshe wv a kiug -a scrap bok, ant is~hed te arrange ber titi, page in lisose pretty coloneti lettons. Weil, vo hunleti everyviere, but onîti net finiti nnuil-atlhast vo feund juil, o sheet, ceulainiug -li enouysux lettons, scmewiene ou suist avenus. Madame bougit liai one-, anti vo vont home. Bshe vauteti sevonal, cf cours, bel net fintiing llser, procoee.to use whal ahe coulti e'thliW.My friand andi I set tiown besside honr 11111. table, whilc se gel eut lior scrap.-book: andi busily bogan la penste bée i etiers ie. By sud by sieeaxolaimeti, petulauthy, 1'I vaut Ivo S'a, Ivo Fs andti io A'..' 1 said, ,Matiamo, I vill go anti soani for.tient dove teva. I pnesumo I aufintIent somcvïir.' - . l-i I'No, yen neeti net,' mhissuwret. Tien-sutideely looking up,mlad: *'Do Yen viei tô seo me makes me P' ci'Makie soete? Hov ? Paint sene? "'No, tai .ésonto oxctly 11k. lieue. "'But 5ev isd atpossible 1'Tiose are prnued-iy masiiey.' 49'Iî aspossible--sou.' - "«Si. put hiftugor on Its. S sud Icki upen it. shelookod aet il vils inainité inteusity. n. e r ited out Bsh seemedtihlia vsy apnint 0o!11vInT aient à alf amueais mihiflo bon fiuger, tok up WIV B'. el~ty alikg. oxclaimhug. 'ltla-don. ' ishe cdd thesmie vill lie P's. "0Th-enmy friand thougist: 41f "ais tnickery, it l u . eattiTmlao +4 i - 1~

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