Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Dec 1878, p. 3

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D ~ ocotD. 711 Vh u BIIW&u STO XI TO I k~LPit~ ~ 'J b. i. Ut -I 4 STANDRDBANK OF CANADA. Three pet cent., belng At the raté cd six pet cent. pr am: nu tU a *aitéfL toak ci tis Iuttuuli I fool Or« 11m. r bysabi.sh. Ir ~ JANtTABY, *I'i1'. BaL 41 Toronto, CQodNrv.i.. ________ Aflim us 41 i <81n. 4 pa 06 bo.CT . n# b. Whitdl. I' t h. lut of Nov ï6,u lu. I3ALYFOUR. Dlaklih,!1878. in XNOIIM lm hereby given Chat At the next -& 1~ 'eulou cf1tho Ontario Legioitur, appletLu Wnb. mode for aun.Act of Iu. Corporation sthrizinsthb. costruction of T F of li. fralwsYbfo or nalr Wbiby ]Ur. -. n h oltlé bmorne irood sud abs rao4- cf Roltsms River, in th. Oounty cfixaco.. W. A. BELL, Soretary 0o! Appicîntu. Toronto, Déec. rd, 1878. .51 T 0 TREE LEOTORS OF THE TOWN 0F WHITIBY. 1 « ake Chis -opportuatty of yablicy unonnolng mymif U &s Osu date for th, coozung yema'. Fouroedint serant, NÂTR&NIEL RAY. Whltby, Doc. 13h, 187. 51 TEN -BT RIAL Taip.-sond for the M BXAxVInrîmaa& WEEXLT LIERS, London, ont., fro,. oW s. uit 1U# pf Febmr#n<Sut e. The largeut eight.psg àddolJO erl DeW5p r inC.aud. don, Ont. CO.,Lon S TItYE fom th emzises of the sub- wribae, Lt No.02ÃŽ,in th a1 con. of Pikring, re. Ewemsud a sLamb, Che Dec 10 155. 51.1uBroughamnP.O. -FOR SALE. Tire. vpur..bred Durb& iigier n ciii ta lieU D uke of Lyndsle, 2ud. AZ o ne Bull Ce1. out of au imported çow, and by Bell Duke cf Lyndai. Sud. MA6 four Berk- iure Sows, froimported sire sua as=- wi l t gansuImporte4Boar, &Il regst.eÃŽi iu AeIan register. To b. een ai Royal Hôewib.PETER WAKMi - wbItby P. 0. W ANTED FOR MIANAR YýT-Oe Hundred wol bred Ootuwold Rweeu, Ysesr old. parties ha-ring mch ta dispose 01 will do well Cc write at once. P. WAKEM. G R AYS thvd une sbado Cpas n he Plnem iu SYRUP Re'. Iof Luna., i bi ou nShe Adirundaoku, latoly pubhsed, relatem Che case of a Consumptive Young aiu Who wau eatirely eux. R D cd by be ete pinet. nFrance tCebupy minsmreularly ou&Chir SRUEccuaumpttve patientu Ceath SP U Esne Woods, sud ordçe.theui GOUM. ltho:C opLà fic oa is fthugRum whloh exuduu front the.Red TItAflEMARX SPruCO jr... Iu Clos Prep. aration h. gunu neyer Bop- & rate&, andi ail is anti.pu. REGISTEiIED. uxodia expectaut, oic sud balssnlc properties are pre- - Fo VonhmColde, Hosr. PRC 2 eNmuessu, Throat Alfections, ýIE2 E T8.Ia, it acts lite a charux, Decenhor iothy 1878,.m6 MeC.- G. KELLEF, Stret, Whltby, Ont., c. T0.) THEE LETR 0FlE TOWN 0F WKriTEY. oit Chu requuut cf a nusuber of th. ~ilgue7l rat.ps cru cf h, Ccwu, I bave fOre lau cifi e r mysoîf asascadidate at the forthcortlng uncplRetcm lîave culy tCA cd thet, if éeoct.d, I vilie su 'leavor Cc mrve YOU a0 fithfullY lu 5h.eLu. tre am ie III ,e and hat My Very test attout on wl C lysa te h. hcuesdis. charge cf th. dutis.. fI ave tho honor Ce b, Gentleman, , - our Obeuieut Servant, -MAJOIR HARPER. WViitby, Nv. 8th, 1878. 50 T 0 TE LECITORS 0F TIM TOWN- 0r WaITBy. l"umber eenroquested ysa large ere h tpayer. Ce becornea Candidate for h. oific ocf for th, Cndosolg .rI ake hia opportuuiCy OfPullly acce dii4 -te --ish n yeoui.,afurae5arty support. Four. ruly, JAMEIL~ OWE PHILI'. WhiCby, Nv.28h,17a. 60 TJ>URE..BRESD IoT8WÃ"LD SEBD J.AND>PB8UE IE Wl.M.MILR Eobu .Mh o DiuPrlarmi pOOtro I t ~ SAELE *IE LONDON HOUSE. San Previ ous to taking Stock, and ini order to make room for further import- ations, we have made Very Impoetant Reduwtions - THROTJGHOUT OUJR ENT IR STOCK CONSISTING 0F UPWAIRDS OF $2**5,o0o0o IDI-3 Sale to WORTH GOQIDS commence on 1Yi MONDAY,] 2nd Dec'r., and -be continued till the end of the mionth. H rnlton& xityt. 7h17, AT Large op-T'11.1o 9f0tF tW~E~ITY» -' Ir .Cr motra tae c stutioneA W .GILBERT, i1AMEio.prmIu"tes~ub.cibu , oush..The owner i. éequete4 Ccgo ~vPrpeity 1 psy expenses snd 1 rôoughmP. 0. - ~ '9 t ________________________ eCIRISTV'As PRESENTS NEW- YAR' ~GFTSL Claà the, beaiiflaoriêt of Jelry, FcyGod,&,ai GOLDYSMITHI-S .HÂLIý Vy Su.itable.alld Very Cheap Brook Strot, Whitby, Dec. 9th, 1878. XMASPRENS DEVEIR1LL'S NEW- S TORE,9' BLOCK, and WeII -A ssorted Stock1 0F GIFT BOOKS---jn ail styles, of bind- ing, and at ail prices. Chatterbox, C hildrenis' Fiend , Iitfaitts' Magazine,, Kind Word8, Wide Awake, BI3fti8h Workman, Band of Hope, Cot- tager and Artizan, Family Friend,' Toy Bbok8, £.. Prize Book8, &c,4c. Every book marked atpubli-sher&' lowest rates. - ANCY - GOODS !---decidedly the Finest -Stock ever shown in Whitby :-Work Boxes, Writing Deeka, Fort-folies, Pocket Books, Ladies' and Gents' Card Cases, Albums, Vases, &c., &c. Prices very low. T0YS.--«IWe shail not attempt to einurnerate. Corne and see the tliousaud and one articles. You ca-flut but be satisfied. NOTE ýTHESE FACTS. Our promises are new, large, and cominodioas. Our stock is the largest aud finest iu the towùU. .Every article lias been beuglit at bettem prices, and customers eau count ou cheap goods. bw '¶UBIIT.SON SEJL NEWIOTOGRApHy JUSTMCEIRM'àjarIFCENTtb CGOODS vvHIT B-Y DRY-GOODS EMO UM MOTTQS CHROMOs, - mos 0EW Fistý«sCadan Cbne F rraMRsi,&C. VV %~ lir -- LL. I ~» - ~E MO.VED l3Qksele ~n Sationer, has removed to i~2*Csz -e -I AGIFEN REMOI bis I SeodEVRL' BLo rmsrn' -"Htl PhxVioWtopp eaaapa uId itaervooc Mdte 0F NY STORE -IN TlE COUNTY- A. E. LYON, '13.y, Wlign'a Block Brook-Slogo*. NEW VE R's Ã"ITS -We sel1 for CASH only; therefore have no bad ac( WIY. S KE Aconsmon tobacco WfBN for t u rcs -We only ask asml profit, and maark our goods ita Clauis' Headq uarters. lu Can gatltle MyMte Na1y to the Iowest prices for whicli they can be sold.. SER rr - We have well-made goods.- Good styles. ýGo)d <ma S. RO B RI O NLow Prices, and fair dealing to ail and éve ' body, shall be the constant aiin of ON EACH P L U G -ISM8 SHOWING,-, 878 WATSON'S BLOCK, BROCR.ST., Jcounts iterial. N'EW ADVERfISEMEN'i's. cIV Xx3m__Imm~ CHOCE MA CODS SIM-ON F.RASE-R C H OICE X AS C O O DSBegs to inform hiestomers and thepub-lie lgenerally, -AT THE- that lielias rArnoved teznporariý. to tlie Store ltl WHIT Y CH NA T A ST RE.occrnpied by MR. PETER -SMITH, 0 I D n e M _L i0'W F-S ]ELTAJ Ln, The subrso»rib r bega-to infor m a l old Friends and C;ustom ers tlat ho A d is et r n ed o of e h a w o e to k t gr tl lias now r ceiveda ial hie C hristm as stock of goods.A d i - e rm n t f r h s w ol ' t ck ca 1g e t y The Largest and Besi ever &ffred to the public, onsisting of Choice reduced prices. Teas, Family Groceries, Fruits, Honey, Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars. Fanq _ 20 ibs. Fine Ourrants for $1. New Val. Raisins, cbeap. Goods, Glassware, and Crockery ini end1esg- variety, in ail- the. newest 4 lhs. Good Family Tea for $1. Finest Young Hyson and Japa'n Teas at esigus.'Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lamons, aItid Oystérs.,pres that defy competition. Alarge stock of Fresh Candies for SBauti Claus. A fine lime of Crockery andGlassware. Complete grau- Ail of wlnchl he now offers to the publfc âtpoe that defy colnpetition. ite Tea Bette at $8 per seti. fu r n ,a C a s h . o e r O n o l a f i e r alD is c o tn t w iJI b e ao w a d - C h o i c e B a c o n a nid H a i n s , F i i y F o r o n M a n Fafur Foucorshalan Corne one and ai, examine hie stock for yourselves before purchasing Ont Meal constantly on liand. elsewhere. Early in Deceinber we will mnove to our New Stor~e, Wishing all my old friends a "ýMerry Christma,"' thnking theru for Deverel'a-Bloci, Brook Stret. past favours, and hoping tu bave a continuation, of their patronage, Butter, Egg, oultry, Potatoes and ,Apples tak-ex iii I remain, yours &c., -exehange for Good1e. W J.GIBSON, SIMOIL FRASER, W. 'November l145h, 1878. ODDFELLOWS' HALL, aV I1' 13 1, P.S.-&ll kinds of Fruit and Oysters sold wholesajc, and alwayt3 on band. Also, Agent for Tnorleys Horse and Cattle Food. Whitby, December 111h, 1878. DOMINION WAREROOMS "w MEITB, For Cheap Furs, Cloths, DIRESS GOODS, Millinery, C1othing, Dress AND MANTLE MAKING, And Family Groceries. DEVERILL yS'S LOOK. ______________ BROCK-ST., - - - - WMfTBY. CHR18TMAS GOODS! Cou ntj' of Ha//burton, IN GIREAT VARIETY. AMERIAN CO L OI I A arge TOYS Il TORS II -FARM LOTS, A M E IR I C N C O A L I L 1 A ae ortuent, ail new --cluepesti tovu. -cloue Cc a Railwày, sud Lots lu tho No mmokey ohimneya 1 Only 80é Imperia, Gallon, (eah. Whoioe sud choom fo-Wx au Ci--&eoc tc oVLAEW HIUR B é t a i l , a I HE A T C H êt B B C . c o D e o m W x s. C i a a o o c t o t ~ V L A E 0 A I U R N A lins cf Chinsd fsucy articles, sulk- CANAÂINCILOu] 25epurImprlaGalluCb. âabe for prnC4. >-,,> Che Terminus of Ch. Victoria Rallway, 1TC By AC OD! FOR SALE, ON BEABONADLE SXATES-Please sec our stock and prices.Pattrsud t %. - .od 1 a,, BMB.u - 107., ir o. .oc"CI Apply Cc C. J. LOMFULD, S T O E S.WOOL B F ALL RINDS. Managr Canada ILand & Emigation Co., STO E- BLk arVolystUor - -n --50 Front-Ot., Bail, Toronto, La"'andbUfnmoiwl ol , ofeý rCc ALEX. AVEN, Agent, JIfyoux need a Clooking, Hall, Parlour, Dinlug.room or Box Stove, eaùn-- ft.bnkTZOp .LBE o>, H&TO & BC>. Aget for'Butteriiku- wenl--oin Pst- y PL&TED WABEt,--Buî1e ÇPolIppi Oroe#ImFk, FpnlSl Oe. e, l itfor t"elatheke&testtStyleslaway» 0onad, 7l aiutn - ATRkM oBRIEN,-! PaRrllamentary Notice. HARDWA]LbDe.uI iL ~ ~ ~ ~ ALB1.Ç*en se rp Dy, CPort Pury "d*lLnema 70m- The aargespstoek in th oomitsy. o uobton. m im - enssmnu .u~r ~ta bn l~4"e an Bu- .4j*'X'QIý ot '0 &, oc Ti4 1a1Kp *16ungask !nl'r~ ...I5LL SEE A LARGE STOCK OF OVERSHOES F EVERY I3E5CRflTION, SELLING CIII4AP FOR cASH. Look at tlie prices: Gents, from $I.25,to $1-65-- Ladies' from $1.10 to $1.40.. 19' Ladies' Hlouse -Slippera 26 and 50 cents. Boots and Slheoo flest ruake and quality-at an equally low figure. Repairey pNov.tly iad1u8u7& LAING& STEWART,' Inmoving into their "(New Stolre"lu Deverill's Block, Brook Street, -wish- toe convýey tlieir sincere thanke to tlieir oustorners and friende for thefr voiy liberal patrojiage and support dur'1ng the past years they haebeninWhitby; Ana at the same -time wisli ta acquaint them thafj they have lots of odd lines that for sometine will beoffered at decided bargaine. For, instanoo -Boy's Overcoats fromi-$2,O0 up; Gentlemen's Overcoats from $7.50.' These are linos we bouglit deoidedly oheap ini England. MANTLES AND MILLINERtY,-Just do us the faveur to -cail and see the Barg'ainswe are offering in these line*s, ana oblige, Tour~s truly, LAING & STEWART. CAK CA« SecndDoorLA frmAmO' e DISPLAY 0F 88 SALE FA]RM, D4Y -OP 978,- - non, aone more or leng, h. Broken mhlp of Pick- rie, mut 2 mtls ÏZ ï C), , his ý B L l' ,NEW HIS A VERY JOHN'SAUNDEU, Agent. y 1 R Et L'8 LOWES POWELL.

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