Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Nov 1878, p. 4

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Pt 1 soi-st, iL oti 7 1la SIMM bilex:i01; ~XDK1DGU. I -- 5~~. 71 WO5IJ t4ej mfluai * - em'Oro titan Qo cfal ltr1. That.'s a rouie frointwhicliil tht la capital la dorivedl 00 îîeepis, il bus 13y te Wi,&YttiéIl lias aç straluge sud1 tîcpore,iu ,ths dam Uaenl off Ibis yeni tg)i40boelut hil: visitation: detror tevtQ-rercoveroîl. Atuoiruti op t4e intri ILuokett, m, Deugarv itamaibecnia odic land. Ille yeark Beis 11111 "'l eýi this exuubuliug stit M1 41t1lîîî yarus siIL o0 iiqah tt UIOUuia Aud il audiî Iti Sii ibq a ui iL liaaaalrid ttsre- buii utlreil ni1 iiri>u4ubthtiiNocei Siuiiu sid ,dnhil wtt 4 iiitiaiiri ami a ie" it ldi iliiitt&tiid bt î ]#iglimli solaur au limauiitln ly hie 'iilliurlgtu, was tsuc j "Ciikey," (the, 1e0 prit, îioiess front louis, was itucdlti tl iwitIii ueît im itinla rretiing ci fait tb1w cold sirny - tuot ie bare foot. trou narva,ta cant .nry taI rose tg i. boI-fîilow, avtoit iI li, of greal sicoe, cru% lie body tard faoo, f wta or whist.olie lài itingth i salIseS itsîij te bu fuarud frein hi enecoucud i iOlf un2d te Brotet lof tdo was astir, anaS bar wiibî a htovy ftone,-i Jasa usiiilclciîctly te Ut«iel ttliiust ont ils h * euélid ta picco-e w litati montNtirec canineIsle junior Md ln uIcindiiuss for I 11apbta taM"gIve l tls rlk"fkW 4 e~m, p nAie~ ~ iW itddinkg otr«ng l he 4.techars L esdaoees. j9wThe Oolege Xe ,co ~ a~tbMr bot 1 ,board, .,an n in sdhop* peuple wilUZBellevileo, Nov.14,-18 em for 'umarrying e. 1'41 VE8POOL, LON f/r ilas toiuto malvwêo Allian , 'dad thb ii h. oth. r y " Saturay'(k Wom i b, If tlior prt OUrb. Anrrivai Of the train leavlng Whltby 1 iud: béàatï, ;, l h4« A#t 8.10ea. m. every Frtday. Oabin fares redaced t$681, 881 aunsol0, Uaà Usra~s 'oty Moravian, froro Quebso. Nov. 2h 45 glan, 'ntl, aihe Steerage adsengers arcirwr dd 2 on- IpnIotIèu o f.'B5&5 . sondery ie..Glasgow, Queenstawn, 'o0t<> , s' Bristol, Ardlff, andl Lonidoniat amrate- m t_6011ito 'j ý (i ol, _1. 't14f Mryli can P sh i lisd \ i rai ýitttio durior Joir- dau obtain tickets at low rotes. 'The passages mode duriug then Soapmer t, Wttirso. Tèraegh dao, two of wbioh A-rc spont idt the laltimore i nIr lan d- mooth waters of the St. Lawre ce. t1i f ÏUGs:M4rlaid Ver tickets and furiher Iriormation àpply a po ulation of 140. GEO.fl. YTLE. £bte Mnsteur village N.tii, Exp. sud Tel. Offipe, dâP ,yeîrasgp (P4îteo ï , wo Algerine pitAttl jnréuams a o" o* Bl.iii AIUIIN NIEtUoF MUNLT1 the oid pule, aud - Ug mnon îi omonTo fenew Loans al'eadly ex!st- hyer Ta wfk ing,-to Py Debta, Or to make Tus piraes wape Imroemnt. caôte Channel by ciaondovmnt Cen filhersnan, who8ee tus tiroaglcaut Ire-. rrIMUNDEUStGNED 18PREPA1IBD aller tha,e v e il tho aisadvaiicos lupinthe Bac rty tlnrf4r hi. e fime. sud re~y4b1e 1lu auyenslaur Crliçe&tsà Wrijtten às. PoYerful may aeureE yack .of BaLljuoru," 1 ate ofintereut, Six, Se en, and 1ight mi, of whioh roade per cent. according ta repu Meuts. Whorititis b satilfctor the bau [eau C nce sunk the tewu bu- be comupletsd sud utoncy p il ovor in 1TOi y banud, Dae1. qtraniplil liartits a 1,W NTED-TO 1URROHASE OOJ) stand, 'MORTGAGE . gailows truc, a yvliiug Couvyanre caruiuliy p aa. sara-hh teur. Office Digelow's JIlocort.Purry. ozs iiitent, wltb scaro aEep1ffy o4e d2) THO: ÂS PAX~TON. kith aujI k i fm zauy i'Moragli, Who hlel 8 8 bb Iscarito t hadaus AUiiiN AUTIN S1ALES,1 VLINTU4il.-Tlie proer BEG ta roturu auy aircoie thauks ta the une intn tag 1 public ler the vory liheral APag Orn enmmau bestowed upon me ini tho s, 4t te àclIetnre oYunintimote that 1 will be an ihard readl tet itoons ouncondeclRany salethot I May hi etubtetd indiul, Wh1, Illaving with. larmes literai: Satisfaction ga. 'lhing9 bu, a saber sutoed.MrP eolonll, a rigMc dis- Mey sle book will liaj lourd et the lt te, pugesa nniglal in Ot.al Mtel, Wlitby. Arrangemnts asN k-up.) As the cul-. lt r s ot s&loi &,a., maer bmod $'th r.1isctselroprietor af them"a Itua ans înnqnî- Ordoci iy smailor teo uh ttondel o lg dbleftily lapon tho L.FAR NK tat was certain to Auctianeer, Vlsiiby. al ornu~,hosudeny N. D. - Sale ilouko sua blian rtie laso bosidos hiro, aud fnrntseul lI-ou.. rtorah of a, suake- ____ fteing a niait 6f lilips, and to lie VaE ae 1, wlile bis horrible 1N TnE Fie Instant) fuait te ,wled tea ardfro oter -TO WNSHIP 0F, REAC W iglît bo. Hevinget iORItSALE ]3Y PIVÂTII CONTRA IT If tht notiing was .1.Lot No. 2 and thte Sentis hall ei t e w,~ ~ ~~ ~ý 11, gdoiofan No,.the Bcd noncession af the To, m frt rldoffmatd hlp0ai Reach; well ntuated, goed saili nd [er h, asla ofd.mat- llnghanse on south bell of lot No 7. fi aste p b oa. 2. h Tlielso e100 ârsItifubher lot o. ayliht te prmer . Tlenepropurties will mrku gaod.fartes. tUq armeS biaseif A emailcash paymeutwlilruî icdhe ,raîced the 'nuetting balance ta reinain on Marigago for a tot- lot hie unbicdenof a years te suit tho purctuer., îaîîl, which lie thon Apply ta T. Il." MMillan, Bgq., Oa&aW! t tuieastone. At Ont., or te lte tudorstgned, - 1 I oor ope4eci, anS inrLYMAN I NGL1SH , 0 ahauenang, Wbo bar- 8-tf î O.shewa, t.* te dnlinqtuont7hIatl s , 800 lking te." 1l yraiLld,-ot e! p)~or's urefeutii.lactS be 2,t1 -Il q<r q ]ï on Coynfession Ã"f à Hanse Thief. lht Lcdalia iMo.) timoorai publiet- 094 ths cosfesion cftWo boras thieves moade j ust proviens ta. their being t-rg Uby a Vigilance - commutes. oua of ten Fat sdIioamarais lied net been ina. luceaod by tue asocilations met witit in a tuerlau rîi-ohe luntus -City. Ie * etgl, a, sfoliows: U-)Y na0nele Josph Gordon, but 1 haveweil ly1h usneof "jojo$Gos. liingiO'lRueo I lhave beau lu Miass- Oueri ; I Iviýiatnistened lta&tin Karisas City by a an cf gambiern aud tlsievca taI I U8eS ta ossociato witb. I vWas loru. i Ceansa est (uow Quebe), tn tItis ounly 0cf Egauôe, but 1I00cnlived unitl was iflteen years oid, viten I l'au sway frani homeoeuSdaent ta ýMon. treatl, &àlargec itY On ttc river 51. Law. rsûte. Hors lu where My 11e cf -crme coiltnuéded. I as committltto taie oàvëu oz geat-litimes for stAalîug, I usuo (q hapg xcud, a Place cailed 3as fleof'oocaeîonaily. wviietdidaflot ut. Proveo iy marais anY. At laitI-r deold- oci(t0 go ont West auS jolu are ai the * loe sbaudsthal infesteS theta pleins titan, anS I havoled a ile of ct-lune $er siiuce, I vis lunlte Jeffonsan Peulleut. lsny for tire year for tii. lamne crime tbat I etus about, ta die for now. I de Doel ýb1iAl!t ,t ry of 11reatinsare &live lun'cfaiaano* ;, MYmothen wae IR *VO Yail lS wheu 1 Ilft, and flvoy'ars ago in a ceai mina explosion iluinàâlvàttia- -ttink 1 ougitî ta 11,8 -aclivèS e véiit-,wikedlilfe. I halped to rob thé lr6b outn i Blî. f lIscA&tr ý oe'fo ln butnevr wa a aptu e nieew0 adwftýtb 4 oâ ir. oe . fk elfrg.ý ' cf'An r 0 a&ve " - -PwJ UV t n t midi ioo e o!ssljued ttit THELF rO4 I Nt Rorvoui sud Pliysical Debi y ntheendi ' concomitant Dis end iuntold fomIe osthat r1l sorimen t a uon fwhlols W tha-epel 1 tihe bock.' Wi bookwa. w"lt0oby CthmoisiX. tonste voand probably the esoi s practttiolter InAmnorles towhomwnsaweda- ocual A e;lst srated wihw; v.oy I 4teeo Engmloavij..eMar. MPA Pento S d M fEALI for Il st once. Adress PEAEODY 3CL IN8T1TUTU,.ý, Bit al. EL LADIES; ATNIN. MAX AÇB I,3OQZOen St. West Tortrito, Thrm Doori from St. PatrckMre) EGOnf orme the Ladies that ho MteouIy NIE ARWoRKE work -tu lie dons to -poetoon, noat ailS prOper, Anid detlvered sut thetmreta atedPl=aa$end yoti\ brdeÊ j SWràiùpûLU nto oraer lu PBRIZEg, PUPÉS AND ipRONýP PLA&ITI . ourla ont ci ht Ëair nmsaàs oqual :0 Patunel Ourla, =Beshair swltce iusdwas ô trm ,1.oU hp. Pléasedoa t ho iutl.eftyAnv inê My aatnme as Ieynoe i' csptrnseacard.epo nu ~ MA.X âi P* . - emms t. . A ms MI, ~' " 16 875 190 Pte5 8* Patesit Part Southi Broken 2 00 11428 4u ma*- Paeno o 0 200 22142 06l.. M a itoni.a Not-ih i 9 il 100 91 Oi E a Path 50 6 îî 100 858 98 e5U--te art ku i 21 12 10 826 1 e8 s i s te Northi a 18 100 1989 299 01 aene North jo North i w 1 10 698 1, 151 îw i ,29 a5 "la ,j~tede 20 u 99-150-iaf tted 2180 di9 261 t uplnedI 40 15 288158806Unpatented 898M5 2979 42 1l Uapatentei a8ni9 2985 9460 Unlented Northi 21 P ' 85- 6 G 100 E ;.,99 x K .100 20 xK lt* 18 L 100 15 1.100 loutls-wesî angle 191 North oj a Contre Pt (ABrethaural 85 7 Treasurors offc, ont. Titb, 1878.i BCOTT.* 91 79 199 98À Ptne 160- 1 ! 91184'aéuI 0 44 46 UN0 47 87 PatenteS Qj 8629 271 8900 PatenteS - WU.LAING, 4f 4a.Tr~as., Ontanlo CABINET FAOTORY ANID rf/E OLD STAND, BRCïtRE WiITBËV. Go wherée..Ydo canniot,,,fail ;to'be pleased in making seleetions of good furniture. Splendid Parknr, Drav%4ing Room u4nd fleýdxoom Sets, New Design e1 Oryof inopeeton, aI astonishing Itlw proes. Din- ig-room Etnin alsav4ry superio. e tioe: Git CJomnices, Picture Framing ini every style. Sorne ftne <broio and.Engrarings for sale. nu ail ite branches ; faincrals fnly erpplied, A stock afi élgat cuekels. eoffins always on hand, timrne&ato suit (Justamonss, as aeil appointe Rearse constanlly inreadme.88 WM. TIL~L. Whitby, November 24th, 1876.- CARI-IAGES'Àn GE THE LàIIGEST AXbD*tS CMI~t~ ~O ~ larrage, 8e/gh8 and Cutters,~ M. O'DON.OVAN'$ CARRIAGE FACTORY IBROCK- ST., VEIRYCHEAP. iCALL & SEiE THEM. N E'W GOO D S1 c Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Hgouse Io now supplied with -alihe-new.est-tyleg of--Ingliuhe, - Soetc, and Ca&nadia, Ç thi.-of ollkinds, te Çr'Also qan eceez e took »4en~ irihns al MeMILLANS BLOOR, BBOOIK STRET, -WHITBY. FALL BOOTS AND SHOES!1 - The unders3igned beg toI eaUl the attention cf custornersi and lite public leo hie proseut large tocto f Boote and Shoos whieh ho. fa sellung et autoniuitnghy low-prioe, o qm 'aieGente an&a mâoed? fi poir rit y Min laeitrin tieÇmhnsr Of -th eqt Iatenial, @ad in thêniels~e *'t-' i' Give a caU and gel SItteS for tlÉedamp eui -W ilorders prernpt.y' execulcd, aud repaire neatly ruade as uîual. JOHN -SAUNDE4,9$.. bOu, rpt. t, 1878. Go wherer you cen gta P-itin *Xe t;Jô - aiorn~~a.bel-ihmn en 1-QEORGEý Q4URLEYi ~AA~ hPifeqp~~ *0 gag es O 8 YO50 boardi by'le ter- - -Mor se=ad4e sSae«vp.cei ; anS fos!iousçi troint. off;,r oend an 4wem8peut Và.eune0,, fram ied orrrsru ucentPitTlinr BrRDUou iàijýeLUZendThe ýUegihats yma-ioeto = rIv' Goverrry ISr.Prncpa iilby Jnl Brd,1878 MyStookf tF~~~~ làEV é.'~ R Very * Seil Iduemensito thos- STARTINO HIOUSEKEEPING. -,UND ERT ýAKIN G. Fuli Stock of Caskets, 'C'offins, ai-d al the necess aries ini this line. .ao Aý ELL-APPOINTED HEAIRSE. OFFICE' 0F TH14 ffRO WN cdPA TTERSON 4'.G, T0 THE PUB LI1cÃ" Iu pr- s ttn o Toayocoud Annuel flfitirogneiof ù.rietllIpe mxeuts ta Use farmeroncf Canada for ltse year 1877, we do 80 vitit mare titan the iordinary« dïgne cd priSe: and *corfideiie, from lta menteS favomr euS patron'g idenferred upols ns, anS the îteady end increasing demard fi-cm year te year cf 'ournuow celebrated Farin Implements. W.,s4ai"'continue as bentofore. as meuacturer., la iakoa spicialty.,o! pociltùral Maclinery-lbhe johuatQn - e1f-rakmng Beaperho Triue -Coin- ona Irev1Th4y H1ese e. aég ares ar iq u i aid attontp. For lte lut Tweuly-two years vo heve given Our mesl refui anSd undivid- oSd alttntiasto lkq aM fiaelpO au& ope io f iUse Yaiaajmachines in use, ýtinDg ont 'th6 htstjan"t i'éeSyiigSfoi ,roin n.- cerroctirg onuors, sflungt irg'e*k polctsadàpting aùS preportieuing erory piart as cmr in .croas- dS experiece bas suggested. W. em 1oV OUtIythe beol meehenicai akill, andcar mach4nes p taso under the 0,a -P wqýatriy dé~etbi b jected toU.the noer- re2 . i a tfbi*d ughi teted clore ieaving 'our *orka;-_ 'Ia proveoltee ouupieeness of every part, anS Usere fa no d~ficnity in puttiu lhemn lu oper aiion by îny poeri aiofmoderato nieche'nicai biliby iOnr.maÏlairy haa béàalectoutl onatttW! iat.tlspocial. re féuence te: lb. enufactureour owrrahts-aytol ugban ÈmIdè for.tMi jiùleûrù* 4 !,anS sot ida4.pted fbré ý ther m Ã"ïIL.ana ceu jworkmeUîîte ode ca-À te n ls huts nanid requiremeta of ou i nf'cur~~bnn - tith-ii-6ý .Ough knowledge af the construetion cof aur machines, asdare Mtuu enabled 1* -o>- tain a higuen degree of sii and proficiency than where geudral maueLfactrning ~acarnieS ou. - We are»lth.-.reforpepbbled.,la intradua a mare perfect sysi m unto, ailtthe Se- Uebm-neofni aàturs; àUMing nalo7lI b tite perfection o ' Use aveuk, but ai- ma 1 te éraeidity ôaifis exceetiori-add a censequeul reduciot ' cf 'eest. Thf. pÉnciple lu regardeS necessary in ea weli reguiated eatablishmnrt, ea we.e»ibflï&t-.umont. aur raohineo-wilh a higier degiee aIîporfeotion, anaS il pmncesa s oy se abaolulely ta Sefy competilian. TE. JOHNSTON -SELFRAIGEPR imjuaw 0 lvilI pvu asa Singia Loeper, titat a word ef canLnondation vouid A l~~ae," cilTauisfture Mis d dur, quaIity oul, lune"ery tinSan hit nf o 01 ottïaea s manufaot 4eShy us--standa ~itîlate emany Ptrst Prizes ewardeci us-at tIse la't çsjooatrioý ala >.ý ~ano, ~L ~tîy sput7 lfial.a. viaithave tatou place»a~r Vzi4,vti 0UA tRIOMUNPH 00MBINED MAlHINES, wilh late umpraremeuts, in ail thal cari be deaineS un aà<Jombufed Madine, and eanot fan 10 meet ailUlte equiremente af perclisers. 10& hÏM.~ina~e.eosituted almoal avhaiiy aiorf andStBeeL Thse (Joyga 3r baha i ar eut, îiný le ~Young Câmenoo $~tlboth -PepqIg, dur.-; ont dus~u1il, ltueeqfSn~~1 ~tbilty and case o! ,m ..gment. DUR NEW "ýWHiýITBY HA V-TER.P" cÃ"tt lIs conr ssbeco6mo botter edâifd la machiuery, anS inany ef aur fana- *ns have becune 1." he Ieuse cof maclhiieus, e growfu ýng ujn& pru 016pluofli.de v ouscowd iirn ms-- Wrol-fosled rv h r-u ecanstruoted th i.hëis -, 'fr Uasbl tilt iai t1h. m5ne lime, 1hh ilku oiways i une vll4ap 109a are 8 ýît4ielifim te main é à -hrei*~~ ,lbemS ~ri anSm no o ié mpon tIseho"nsesnocts. '-Vi are cot kaW, have' tuecedel t lnvoth e nost po-raI t Be? ar sq -îil.»e-,an sa teve: i Iusma- hveonid fou i ie tudl ýl R. 1 READY= MADE CLOT : MADE C-MI .Lluauumg a. large stocOf Ol VU1JOAT.L made up in the Latest Styles. B3uffalo Robes, a great number. Ail seilingat an immense sacrifie.~ -,JNFEIRGUSON, Oct,. BUR88.DNdS, re' Whty 89, an MTBYe- Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap for Cash. -Four more cases of 50c, 5, 75c and $1.00) Prunella Boots. -AT THRE-, - - -I r ,D A Large Atssortment of &roekery and kiGiL(1êASS REE noêjRVEî GLAS PRSERElrwc Glassware of al Aise, Reeiving -Daiy, i11a kindi of FRESH RlfIvIONS, ForTB SalN, WhlslTn ea STOR WANTED.-Any' qu&ntity 'of Çood ý,Ripe Cherrie anc Harest Apples, for whicht etmf~prie'ilb~4~'sh. W. J. GIBSON Whstby, 9, 7, '78. BOOT AND SHQE STOIRIE fias been removed from Brook Street to ]Iundas Stre-et, first door west of Ar tiýi*e's',Rdtél vjxr is a splendid stock cJ ~eRIGHT FIT AND'MAKE, anýd Of the best styles of Boots and shoew ilorders prornptly attended to. Repairs neatly done. D~fundas Street, first store. west of Armstrong's Hotel. Remember the place. ~ MoCROSSON #cCoup AIRE NOW 8HOWING THE LARGL$ ,SrWQC1KQF ? EVER F3HOWN IN CANADA. XATTHEW COLLIS. BB' F ONESFUR A 7SPCA LTSACQUES BAu OROBES S.S EAHANSACQUES, YAKP ROBES, PRSSIAN LAMB SACJQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOOXERINE SACÂDES, MiNE c ,MINE SBTTS, S. . SEAL CAPS S.S EAL SETTS, OTTER A"] SEAt SETTS ý RMIESTS PERSIAZi LAMP CA PS, AM S-TS BALTIO' SEAL CAPS, A AMESETT , CONET CAPS, BLACK SABLE SBTýrS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONEY SETIS, Particular attention given to 'ai ~ ,OUTTERS, orders. Alterations A Large Assortment.-of Cutters and Buggies FQ~ $A~~1< H~EAP -AT- TOM.S & NEWPORT'S ~~1~ garria e ac ?r& ~ RIt -SADDLERY AND HfAIRNESS, Weg ta WL LIA M- TH. I(R4 êFIN-4o Pu Bg odirect attention to lis large anS supenior stock, omprisang cvery. - .thingin lthe Saddléanod Hamnses Lne, aOi> Leather Valises and Saratoga 'fIrunks i --A LOT OF ? eJ où Lon Iao e Lrmi..: .INDCiAN LINIMENT!1 For sale by desieri gsneraly. ' ht m ý.-t k e th e- ea d 'in i irvsted p izrta la Ple rcaid nt rprainsnh Ji I botie Iwn fat i lluems i C. WStAT~rIzEPEOPE STAE .> L e aY O - W hly . . 457.- , 7-M45p e r . eary., 906- - &0 NanUXOIÃ"ttat 0.55 -Tru6Bail 'S o.&LPanteMdy&M *tt.,5" -7 PTle ,.bitnC pattaxta anm, ai tt OlietisAgnt. ayfr 4alti i h aà &-thest. ~Wi~i -Voon -forguftniea *ý9gg chcedtmuh 'ýDomino n Wood Wôék, WHITBY. Geo. ý,CormackJ,- DerBs'ndBilndi. * V B 9'R haolôe and relaiS, o-by Pbairi, Mutdngae eery duacrup- ien, Podcig, flheetlug, Bhelving; Ro- saiucghSfaing, 'turnng. Sqroli.wark, etc., etc., . Chimey SwepingI fi'OBERT KING éerýdresseto hlm Bt thePot ffie iib. prouptly attenad Orders promptly anS canelulygfila. No Chimaneya repaireS -and ne-bula;-7white- waaldnganSasolou-ing Soie; agloy; prompt ottentioiand comlete e ts Whitb, SeL Uh~Iie. 41 flOUSE, Stff A-NO ORNAISENTAL PAINTER8. ie'l ' 'fv, anew stock of WLÉ P AP ER S of the' laem eg.îLà àOtteras. ýPIISCOING A 5PEOIALTy. Preo oMlesinaeceuted on the shortesl MARITIN &hWABA1 71'wo oon oLb.cf-Xlng's Tsnnery, Brook Stree, W~htb7.ly-41 Thèse balhs are niswaI e. senstsm, @-mmations. , BJ1oùfsaaFen, and for a 1 061-1 kb rmuw _ie;». ý+1 L wut m 1 1 Oct. 18t, 1878. BROOK STBEETY WHITBY, Whxt.by,. October 10th, 1877. 42.jýl 1 W. J. CuBSONi 91 King Stree't 1.ý, , Toronto, A SPECIALTY. _ai ý P. 1 1 "I éÊýt WHITBY. lia- FINE FU RS BUG-GIES

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