A flYEETISII otr &vetie rMita dlhmoe aavégtioeumat mui buInla tM4 IV.IuriY BRÂ>NOH, "H01LS Doe" 'OARRSTIS, AITTORNETS, SOM! lletorf, NsoterfeiPublia, ai! Oouaiy anaére., Ofe. dtrotdoor seti o1 the Royal J -i--e I ~ ,HOUSR. .. I DtYNDÂS-ST., WHIT»Y. (WEITOS T onmx) »4.BMDBL, PBOPZfl TIle hou"e ~be rcni'but 0004r@@u mit d el uplnrot "r e u ao .our À eont ý aO5!Z G"Umm TEtJK B.AWATRO opoieGt. tloe ) Wlilb wu. O'NEILL.. POPRBE' Every sacommodatIon for <go"I, la lng onifortabîs ir>'bidromas, IMnlsi rrTheu Brrs.- inmk wt tut La )E yO., e t au1 îletel Wiî1b ï -brasndiof Liquers, WLe Znnem,.,i1.-e - JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. &c. Eyory nocessar>' clio# on ýgiven h Ocun>' (rew Altrne>. ~ Gced .Stabling, enclose, yard, aIzd atten-. couny Crwn Àttorey- ive calions. JARUSNI KITU GORIDON OMMEEOIAL HOTEL, Notay ]Pb 'k. Ofcé:--Ove Mr.m- ARTWSIGUT, '014T. 'llons ien, ~ekStract, wbltby, Ont. -JAMES DEWART. -PROPRIETORI, CHAhLEas v. xKMLL21, Gao& aecemm4atian h- ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, SOLIOXTOR lIN A B ery, oenv>aneer,&C.,Cannling. ÇOMÉÉRlA '0Lan LE B, L. T. BARCLAX, <acctasea TOacuou zn,> ÀTTOR1MEY-ATr-LAW, SOLICITOR 17hé boot $1.00 a Da las i the CjiI'on> Af iu Chasucer>' ant inluovene>', Cenve>'- t 0 aelîfoa ~ eo.n. ls anc5, tc., tc.t Oe itak0t. hoRousbas loin newa oiezc-At tho Court Hlous, Whltby. Pîttoil out, and evenythtng Pn-oaseu.-W4T LYDINIf NGLaBS, L L. B',, * R.WLKIs BARRISTER'AT LAW, SOL ICITOB lE TEMPERLNCE HO USE, C haneer>', Ccaveyaceror, o. Sca 8m- UDSTET HTY dce Street, Oshawm. DNI-TET M]y A.G oI-N Gooti accommoduflon aI resmonable tonmi. A. . cMLLN, Bomiders #2.50 pin wee. (Lite Gneenwood & McMlllan.) '______________ plITEATTORNEY, SOLIO. TEQENSIIOTEL, (LAva OUOjestcL) BIOOKSTUIET, WHITBY, TAYLOR & MCAXN, PROPRIRTO Tic undenseignotia smin. te intonua f fionaanathle nbiýhthfi 'have ta tho ibove wîl cown hoel, erilsi t have uewîy f ati u p aià . nenuvito,,anai Inte th. boit et erdor for tflic iddmmi tien cf guesta. TheBar, whihltho hi soeith Iee ont>, lawell supplia,!' thie tkneet bradae wns, liqeori, amd gars.' Amapleonolo8oa' sheti rcem and g sfmblng, box Stalle, 'tc. Detaclie,!roc foc- commercial fravellors. J. P. TAYLOR, IPHIL! MoCAI lite o! Toronto. R OYAL HIOTEL,, WItTaiT, ME. ken and.. i.h lins JAS. PRINGLB,! PROPRIRTOR. The languit ant i mot commedlions hetel lu fis tcyn ; lias lugei umple rocas ton commnercl4l fnaveliers. Table well aupplied witU bhebt lisaisn. Bestbrautaiqnens anti cigare. Enclose,! yardand ihodréom- attentiva ioutler. Chags si h fumes. hro osi i N. B.-Livory stfaclied. 27 ROSSIN HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT.. The Palace Hotel et Canada Rîlittei,, Refunnisho,!, and Unr(vllait. Net Passau- gor Elevaten, runnlugbuiglt andi day. The oul>' firet-clmei Hofel liiC md i tti ridai. atet ?ricoes, viz :-$2, $2.W, anti $8 pon day. Nem èrei cf Clubs 4ud otisrs, desilnng reome, wlthonf board,$Lt$2and Ifab. 7h, 18 78. 4rpltr THE CE-N TRIAL HO USE, (Lâte Looklaint Houe.> C. GIFFORD . - lreprietor. This bousc e fheIst ltheUsCoulat>'. Cali and sec If. AYE RS HOTEL, f 2 & 84 MltL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Price neduce t te 8.80 a Day. TLe isoe lha reduceds,!iipnice te ftic Travelling Publie cte$1.10 par day. If la haud thIe N. Y. Central Dopot (oni>' a jew doora Senti>, and bae ecentl>' hein e- itis,! sud re-furnleheti. Open nighi mand day. 7h. house liret-clamsiin ever>' ni-r spectl, anti Canada people wiil save mone>'. b>' goiiig te fie Ayons Hotel. WILSON SPEAGUE, Propneo Rechster, N. Y. Jul>' 8, 1878, (m2 B RITISII AMERICAN HOTEL, J R A Y ' , (LATE ILOBeON MOUS£E.y WHITBY? ONTAR . Houses nsily rsnovateci and turnlshed tbrougbont, and put in firet-class erder for hi reception et guesets. An omnibus te mdj rom ail trains. Firet-clîesimple rooms.j SHTAKESPEARE IHOTEL, a>Cor. King & York.iste., Toronto, Ont. J. A.O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. TEN,$1560 mac Da&Y. l. P OST OFFICE SALOON, ToleciTo. M.MCCONE LL,.. PROPRIR2'Ton. iLï THEE DEST ACCOMMnOATION .,gA for Oocste. liy-47) JE EN'S IHÃ"TEL, - VICTORI- Q HARIIOUIt JrAS. M.KEY,- PROPRIETOR. dei Talei, Liquone, and Cigare. Fine atabling aU.! every ueseiryaccommoda- tIon. Iy.1J W .J. IIINMAN, O SH A WA, Veterinary Surgeoni, Will he at Arnstroiig's blotel, Whithy, every Tuedi>' f rom 1 to 4 'eiodle, p. M. APil 25, 1877. 18 New Stage Line B ETWEEN WHIT13Y &'OSHAWA.- I b1ave aut on the route hotwesn osia awa aed Whithy a coinfortable covered Stage, and solicit the patronageofe travolers and otîtri. Ever>' attention wil ho pal,! te the camiont an,! conveniýnce of pasiengers and te the sucuitZ and prompt delivory ci parcels temmitted te nm ;ycharge. Tiiere wil ho twoîstages Per day oach Wayl,vlz.: Leaving Oshawa sic h moru i tin Ie te mak clseconecion wth eWhlthy & Lindsay Rilr an o' 80clock oaci atternoon ;anC ?aving Whitby at il a. mn md~~~~ ~~~ stp i~u iady stage weïl cll if i£i hotels in oachi town, and orderi loet aan>' of tIhe hotels WIl ho ttendo,!te. Pire sud charges moderato. March 27th 1878. R ADfl rpitr LAN DS FOR SALE I IN 7112: Townsh*lp of So evl, COUNTY -0F' VICTORIA. The followiug liids iu the township et Somerville, County of Victoria, are offered for eale- TeVetj cf Lot 5, in 4lae 18th oences donconisti of100 acrs*Fenares edoms,!land fecoa. A noer-failiaig utrem ereeses the lot, on whieh li a MiM site, neir the aide et a goed rad. Tbe-rôprt anIygof a rele trom -a 5l~w s tatI«on-on thvllla ibBala L a ous frein the MassA. 3hazoli ,dumand Daniel Silver,, near Rlaiâount, lde howthe Properi>', Fo-r Titre.o! Rai. avYtss t. goa-By"rn Street,Soulth ci Pst OMelO, WhltbykOntarle. 10 - o. day à $. ,00 i o îbpoeua te r (tWe ....... 025 ......0 10 Ooronr's .a00 lfaa: 1 50 n Constable, lerve,!..... 0 0 RWELL, :of Plaie, 0. 0, 22. VIGATION. 1878 Buielo SMessi. prîîîng the rk Contrai Iways. 1 uallion, appl> aiSa lu. L). IILLOY, Agent. UFRRy & LINDSAY 'ME TABLE. ly, Julylot, 1878. 5<NOTn. (1 P 0, .45 .m. .35 am.0 LM "' 01 ROIIINsON & KENT, (LAva DUGeAX à ;t ReUsINoc.> t) ARRISTBRS-AT-LAW, A T T O R N. V o , Solîcîto% ns eyancens ttc o -Jcsvincal lAsurance BalIjUig -Cosert Street, Toronto. J.G.IolsisisM. A, inazar tA. E. HF.NT. G, YOUJNG 1MITH, L l,, BARRISTE1l, ttc., &o-Moey l Lean B ler et Mariage Llcensa. Orîct-Ovir Dominion Bank, -Wlltby. lia. 22, 1878. (tI GEO. Nt. JOHN IIALLEN, JTTOIINEYSLBoitor anti Convoyancer. Moes te <met Mortgages bougît anti sl,, Agent ton ovenal Loan Ces. Office, c#sr eWlhfua'astore, Ecng Sitrset, Ouhawa. ly.l BABRISTEBS, AtrestLw n atreet, Toronto. 81111 DMERN, O. IY-051 , 8.APPELBE. THOMAS HUSTON, JR. J. GUNN, M., D., SURGEON TO 711E COUNTY GAOL, -B1yron 8ioe!, WbliÙby._ Dr. W. , J URN'S, Orisc-Next teen te CuaOICîcLI OffICe. ctllolteisuce, aI the Royal Hote], Whiil>'. BYRON FIELD, rd. B. 'DEYSICIAN, 5URGEON, &o., Dufles' C"IUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., th.5fe oye IL . O.H. t.,,Oshiwa, Cntario. DR. IBOGART, PhYiclia, Surgeon, Accoucher, dc., &oc. WbiLtb>, Sept. 8011, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, POOMS OVIIli RB. HJAMESON'S JLL rocei StreDnndaest., Whifby. 180 te 6, P. ni. ilsaleuce-Cor. of Byrn sutGiltent stroti. C, N. VARS, L. D. M. ETIinsortod on ail the fl Eltest principles of theo art, ai cheas thesepest, and as good as the b st. Teth 8Usd witb Gold and Silver. Teth extnacled without pain, b>' producing local aumtheei. Dent~ Roons-in Cow. ans ulew block, over Atkinaon'is Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. 8 JOHN ROllINpior4S H1AIR DRESSING AND SHIAVING Balcon, Bîock St., Wbitby. JOHN 1WOLI'ENDEN, GEORGE CORMACÃŽi, LrUMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER lUargnd Joinir, Green Street, Wliitby. A lrequantîty fa>' idi flubrcon. stisutl> ou baud. C. C. SCALES, Y IIGINIA T013.ÀCCO AGIiNCY Toroto.strect, Toronto, (îy-î15 li E. ODELL, A HER L Y, Clork Division Court, Tp. Clerk, 0Couizulsonir lu B.,IB., Lied Agent, &c., &0-1 Atherly, C3ount>' Ontari o. Athserlv Snt. fn2d, 1872. 8 NLW MUSIC HA LL, MUSIC PURLNSIID IEN DE SI1ED. Scîling Capsc-ity, Ont Thouaand. GHO. HOPHINS. Whltby, Oct, 22, 1877. ly.44 LAND SALT-AND PLASTER F01R SALE, CHEAP AT LIVE11POOL MARKET. J. H. McCLEL.LAN. Liverpool Markeet, APril. '78. 16tf FAUCHERS RESTAUtRANT, ADAMS, BLOCK, KENT STREET,-- LIN DSAY, opposite Montreesi Telograp1h Office. Wsefes (ncte waited upen RIG DROTHERS, *Importera? Dealers an,! Manulasturers of L -LEA THER AD.FrDIGB *Cash pal,! for Hide, 134r)'. "a Loth".. L4îther arthd IWEILTING IeADE o04P41% 0os " IT~E iIR Wiaiby, enO. YMME, Agent. Wh Utby ,7"o ,67.28 Notice to, the Publiaij NEW GOAL YARD AT POR~T WEITDY.' We are alelig tiaýawTKEgpR~ Wo MIG 00A14' the boit eMlain kteà 'orda. Loave Dur ord J itaM. l.H.Iag or-I. . Ar a caca o1the So -sthe above.na 091 os. TOU wil -thu 0 s l thr havo use,! it, 'The Beet C ai. ever eold lai ARNOLD &, AREWELL, eau. 22, 1878. Pont Wblthy. MOET TO Q ED Theùaitirsged snSy mmount oet Mn e>' te ae, upa Pm or T i-.zo ahyS ynanli'LowiRtotcf .1 rit Loanscehorepula ini siftbon- roers. ' Seveoemllmprovod mnms and Wl,!Lià ds for sale-cisap. InIVOefmenfs m8di la Municit ee. hure, Bankoani othen m kttble tc: For turthon pArhiculara appi>' te rAME's 1OLDEN, omcJitîAssgneBoker, t&c. April ofi, 1972. 1 F-RA BER &CLARK, BOTTL ERS 0F .1 1 ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAQRR BRERe &c. MILLICHAMPS ]BUILDINaGS, F Pl ZO- 319 & 33 &deluideâ-treetf East, . TORONTO, ONTABIO. Nov. 12th, 1877.,(Iy.7 r VROOL MARKET I CAShI FOR GRAIN, Ta ho dahivereti at Frenchman's Bayý' LASTER, SALT, AN-D COAL FOR SALE. 4ONEY TO LOAN On' Real Esfate, ai Lot Estes et Intensif. J. H. McCLELLAN. JnmyOfli, 1877. tf-S 0$75, 000. TOr0m 0- %T !O 1 ON FIRST-CLASS FARM LAND'S,l In auri o! $200 anC upwartç, mf 7 pur cent. Payable Elf-yeariy. 'siiiy 55- Gb., S. HALLEN, Solicitor ke Apnil 17tb, 1877. ' 1 every aw reo bsfou,,d a siple selýf cuare dhc hieiisss vas t ll auw siea e.i.EEE,4â1 Chhsa eSt, N. Y. NOVELTY. WORKS, WHITy ONT. ElII SUBSCRIBEn having purchased Ithe Mci r uaetreook of Yarwood Mannfactnring Company', iýnew preparcd to turniel Doors, Sashes Bld, Frames, Mouldings, Base, ArcLitrîves, Flooring, Shceting, and everythlng re- quired by the trade, at the lowest living p ricea Wood turning Newos anmd Rausina t order. Lumber for sale, boit quai ty, 1 ~west Wehop, tram long .e xperienceand by iqaedaigto meni a sbire of publc -patronage. GbO. GLCHIIST, Proprietor. IELIZA MARIA CAMPB3ELL, ot fthc ITèwn cf Wh.itby, Count>' cf Ontario, .à d Province of Ontario, wite of ROBERIT CAMPBELL, of the saie place, merebant, hereby give notice that [intsnd to appy to the Dominion Pariament next session for a Bill of Divorce, o mcisea et thora, trom my said huîband,' similar te the Bill paýssed in a> eafby the Sonate in 1877, for deser. -on crst>, and the other causes, set forth i adBl. ELIZA M. CAMP'BELL. Vhutby, Jul>' 61.1, 1878. (6m.29 pOR SALE, c ti i *1 AT TE IIJEN MAJOR MJLLS 000,00 tact Pins Liumber, well scasoncd. Ioch Boards. Plooring, 2 x 4 Scantling, 2-iucb Piaule, Focing Boards, 100,000 teçt of Oak, Mîple for sucso, lit quality, 15t. Square Timuei AU ef whicb will bi sold cheip for cash. Hie wonld aIse heg te day tht the Gris Mil fi running,and is doilgfIrat-lies worl Chopping clons 6 dîys in the week, for ever: Dec .1 lft, 1878 WILLIAM ICitE .BLA CKSMITH, --I1 <Successor te Thomas1 Hersa .hoeing and aIlli work. B. MAJOR, Preprletot BROUGHAM, Middaugh,) aida. ot genera UnFi GRIEAT CAUSE 0F HUMA' N T MISEiY.Pblh,,ia Il nvtlopo. Price six cents., A. leeture on ýhe Nature Treà - ald Radical c0eoe Selbal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoem, induced #yy SoIl-Abuse, ]Ãa. voluntryEm*isons, . lotenoy, Nervoýu Dshility, mdna mpede t'0s40e marriag ~ne 00ly Oons pilepsy, &a fe; MntaI bnd ic Inca mity,&a. -B>' ROBERT J. C L vaRej j.a.j, MD. authorof theo"Gnon Book " &o. The wonld renowned autior, li -this a juxirahie Lootûeo, leari>' proves frein hi. owu expenlicothtth ie a>'fuI oqueübi et SoIf. AObuse"'y b. ot'à , yTom 11, -Abhutsnedaie dwtoui drngerevd sugialoprtini bges, insitrmeu rbigs, or 0ordali; pointfiitont a modet cureat nceortl m eectualby v i ia be, na>' cure unie!! eheaply, prv. * eTua:Lecture w#1l vea ono thousandi au oua i.rn 1 Son uder soui, in.a elai lope,ïo lau 5oeeW 119*'2 CooMers, ~ 4~?o.J &e.. JUST LAISSES PdT iTh DOMINION IHRNIX FIE RÀNoI, C FLO U R & D ST R . Lmbard St. m O ej Li Si qalit' o!GILLESPIE, M8OPTT,&. C FLO R A P D FEED Aeti" ý, neimarkabl>' OHEAP FOR cASHl. w Ùý FOýR AL a n1904. Unlito,!liabilli f CHEeA.r, ail lis Stocillons anti linIl A GotirHerse,.Pist.on aýntarnousundi. Moderato rates of prom Cli <uoary-ne). * C. NOUESE, * CES PEI4YEGIO. "Agent, WUa Wiaiby, m>' ila,1878 ' *Whlfby, April BIh, 1878. - a 0BIT0SB AMERBICA ASsurance Compan ICORPORLATED, ra33. AP P LE' T R E ESi, À S PT 91,01,870,g 4. ABOU 78,00,P. A. BALL, -11r Ti Manao UOM E NUiRSER y, nlsuancesiectea t tà fe îawest euxz Frmu two te four yerlan 1&g,emba'moing flprepent>', gainsf lois on danagi by ire. the bost Vaniefles. ý C. NOUESE Lo ETH ,2a oWISON, Whitby, Apnil Olli, 1878. Lotd o. i nt e. iokà riag, on Khngston Rad stOft, hty.r'EHARTF ORD IS T FT DIVSION COURTS OM i TeZ COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THE TBRi 1878. orery I 1,17121 4 1211427 IUxîritiey ls 2 21 1111< Csanh'g'm 6151411821 11101112 10 1 1 1 - BI le. 118 8iSI 17 GUO. I. DARTNELL, - - a Junior Jutige Whutby, -ian>. 7f, j878. Second SC5iOn-.Summec- 1878. STURGIEON POINT HOTEL. Thl ruîf esiabl somer hatel, situato,! oSturgeedLike, lthnton.mîlîsof lfndsmy, Ont, lg now open for tha necepition of queuta. TIc Hnse i iiut-cieslnvsry antI grounds are bonl>' woOded, anti laid in drives aC 'wa5sto points oe biterest. The iîotei sColmmndia iai vies- cf deigîtfu lin,! sud waton ecapls, le turnniled te supermen atyli and titi eveny vle to.teomftn. RiiMard taleciiqvu,îso. boise, .ic.. ennOtaiprenlses. Gcoddslîingandslbootiuîln th IcIlIt>'. Thi STIGEON lPO T HOTEL mi>' le reaclieti Yhe seamers 'iVaebit"anti 'Maffle Lea'f," from Llndiccnsotawt pmftseenger ttins ou Midei anti WiaIOb>', Porc Peny t IfnisaY RlEyst'. Tho steamer ýVIetonIra' tneenite tîre fîmes îach day vli fmesenÊqr traaine on Victoria a iuli ti'f Feue- 5 SenalfotonOme-tîble, shaving arrîvai and dopai-tare of bouts aid tralis. 24LinJ.ay. Ont. GE01ICTE BRITTON, CARB?1'AaGE WA GGUN 1Jý A »i<: m lm MANUTFACTURER of a nsw improved Root Seed and Corn Dril, Double & Single Turnlp Drils,. CLAYTON'S PATENTED CHURNS, (Improved.) Wag.'ons, Buggies, Sleighs, conslantly on REPAIRINO doue neatl>' and well on the shortestnotkce. iGE0. BRITTON, L--eTwo dodre soutb cf the Quoens HIotel, Brook Striet, - .-Whitby. April iOthi 1878. l>'-44 G OOD NEWS F911 THE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN TIRE SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MAKING. CORNWALL'S SELF-1ITTFNq WAIST & SHOULDER CHAR.T. Dresses fitted froin measuremen-t alone ,withont change cf a istitch, For sale, with troc instructions, at MlISS MCINTYRE'S DiE5S.MAKD<G 1000113, WITBY. Agen._ts .winted. Liheral inducemente te Whitby, Aug. 18,1874 8 T£iEPARKERcuN.m PARKERBHÃ"S J >' WEST MERIDENSOcT. ti LEVI STON E Wilkinson JBlook,-à ireotly North o G Johnstýrn'a Furniture Store, SOUJTH BROCK48T., WHITBY, Be1 ste anounce te the Inhabitante ci W hitby and vicinit>', iait ho lia opee! a FLOUR & FEED STORE, lu connection with liB .ýitcher Shop, ,Whsre heihlalwiys have on:bn,! A L.ÂEGE STOCK 0OF rChoice Fleur,. Cricked Wheat, Otmeal, Cormuai, Oas, ýeîu, Shorts, &c. ORDERS DELILED IN ANY PART 0THE TOWN LW'A CaÙ îs-Soliied.i LE STONK $ 8!8. A PZEST.Oc.1 AB RIOKLý-T0M7r0 B seÃŽZnu tnrthsz HUARTEORD, CONN. CHARTERED a8re CASII CAPITAL, $1,250,00.0 Cà sh Assets, dan. 1, 1878 J1$ 91 292e9l 8,54£ MaLnagdh>' e kilful Undentnitere, ad 8 thy.E- tYears caseaif te lea,!. ing inm'cil Institutions cf fie Country. Casha Indemni>' Dishunatse oPitrei Over 21,000,000.c0 1 tfj Ail busineus Traneacte! on Princip- of Commercial Henor. C: NOURSE. - Agentf, Wii W1iifb>', Apia tb, 1878. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPAN) IÇCORPORATjED 1811. CfiPITAL, - - - Sooc (With poer ta increcs es f8$,000,000.) FIRE AND MARINE Head Office - Toronto. On Preaident. T' HON. JOHN McMUýfRICH. BERNARD HALDAN, Mantziuîig Directi J. J. KENNY, - - , ereia JAMES PIINGLE, .-G4yieal .1gev 9ý Inourncea effacte t ah e howeut ou: ment rîtes on Buildinge, Mcanhmdie, ai other pnoperty, agut lhas or-- amage b C. NOtLfSE, Whithy, Apnil th, 18178. Deposit witb Dominion Governmnt $50, 000. Exporienced Agente -tbroughout th4 Dominion. Fire Risk8 uwriten ut Adequate Rates C. NOURSE, Wbitby, April 9tb, 1878. Agent, Wlbitb1 IRA VELERSJ LIFE AND ACCIDENT ,Insurance Company, 0F HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets,- - $4,316,000 Cash Surplus, 1- ,214,000 Strict Management. AnUutaruished Record. Solid as a Rock. Lf n4Endomont Poliolo.., Of U sfeanddeiraleforma, on the Low- Itat Cah Pan.Contract plain and dell- WhibyAprl2t, 178.Agent, Whi b>'. MPERAL OANAND INVEST- METCOMPAN.Y. CAPTA, 00o,Ooo. HeadOflce, mpeialBuildings, Toronto. HON. LEX.CAMPELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. OLCTBG.D'Aroy Boulton.' MONEYTO LON onImpirove! Firme, at ow ate o ineret.Apply te-- C. NOURSE, A.praier, Wbitbyv, Ont. On TO. E. H. KE1ITLAND, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MORTGAGES BOT.GHT. fpri1 9th, 1878. 16 LT.MBER!1 LUMBER -1 C'JOHN SON EJUMER1 MEROHANT, [isa 0n üMà à la Iage.supply et au Riaacf Bsan Lumber Boards, amd ail aieoai, redsie fUit lUs wî i bcacrn 7in locÃŽ qeanlora mueaiadaeonhed vor a marc fisior' is i aucf 'flac bo o >'a3 ma arces n r il andckin iWed ih f Clad,' rdrcsaenThiemra s iils b>'tI Ce4'e crders.ai, mavrcassiniclsea V tmwu r hain, sud marked with horizon- i ai pes, somewhaf ifterftho Man-u norc afiai Barbanian aquirnel. Th~ neut morning, ah daybreak, thie e lent4r asasembledath e sound cf fie t] hora4 but on consiltation, on th. ne- a portes1of the nighh.acenfe. fiae Ceent de- c oided thfUîthfe fera-ont of lie aipck si aihoull net hale place fiait day. Au fi olti oc litay laid benu facedti o a bauge, ti or laifr, lu e mmiii section of fIaiwood a( pneoei va, abetfiug on plains antiruna-.t dows sud dividei b>' flic~public rpid c frona fiasmain -foresi cf Modrlotte; ce andtih al-faelclit>' waîuer fthe village ci anti d4tbattue. aid likel>' te ho aen op. ri onatie f, au' engfla, fias lint wme gg pcsfpnedla ff&C i beafet. Ah6eue p o'cloolttic, -aunfiman surouutied liasy, Pros ~e, Arpasti erlh aperansd car- 'Il bi ies thn-0 hrf là odheuindi wcre thei cge eceloyecli t hese .were co pet i fie -weod , ueooeeively, atinla. ter cf ffren nuhats. , Tic Cpuait.uw wVho_ id ont ane,a double ogrbineand IN ace6 laie eqelpmenh. by 'Way of lor.. Âo liaer _g me, haailaied mosnil-y petit ',in -he, ÇoVýf r', rrnw, *ich, 1 1 ,cli 'ei -cdîemn,"sill le, b -fn , en ë huafor a proreaaid spenusin, ana i 0No oiae gL ?art, wie sîcuiti lits fo eeq you «goitis morelmioc nlevr'pitîêt~io i r c e n x e rc i e . N o w ra it p n u a f i u e iRýg in g M y>'c r in o i a h e uti j in, -anti oyaa niglaf." ' - of s lcclesehouai,]' *ssrt "Are fa the todnir,2; qured -fie 'reseutî> I isard sa.:ague,- distiait ho 1e asser ,vcni.er -rushling, followe,! b>' aquick asping ehot in e t Ç a t fire t t e 'try a . n e w m o v om otat. c eu d , w lalo h't re c o g n iz é il a s th è é 'to p e t w o r nk . ow, yon nýg gentlem en, IM I othu Bri n o ofen d scnb msi'to e a as lie pâals.u a n 1a ~Pg~çr~a'l ~flhe~tal~gdowai MAn,! wiane fias>'llwsealying., Araongî,t ewiwe oui,! ho wsl, Tr ,- Aaidt nlit * r' lg*j-ýtia te Ièhnewïa eda bod i et talf .'a k'tl ~a ïo braver " 'l .1 ;lti kýh tb n lfà sght0 ty et ,-We ecwwth on viser; eov 1maflie4hngd.wAiead te tlght And -o! l ialio aemiser. lifb>'. 'Flic bodies et biig brother k culgiats le'W1ore in tie hirhoorfloiag, Whsreau, with cruel revolir>, L' iolLVglett*sene'i'ah ...heidi T e show how ho couldtake revougo For Gosbasrutils e sangiter, 0 nd ail the fountfs.ns ci thelsle6 Ran blea,! inatoat. etwater. fLitSt. Blmio's guis were husaedl, Eaeh emîrmsre was silent il, mrýlhgup th g0om>' ireach, ~Thehode P r fs vile wonfe iger. qho Castie ws51%. asdeth- ment I Tii ram part ai teesakon fe Uei4ger ?et ecoee wcn> *hen, suddonly, the granite walle itb. Weïe, as b>' rtiquake, saken I 16. Within tée square the, Chapel doors - Flow, Clauging luud, asunder: To gaze upon theoicone wifhîu Tle Moslemssetood in vonder. alb altmr was a hiaze cf lighl, > lRed faines about it leîpieg; ,A ond'in dint ed armfour clad, *k uight, la>' aaýif rivping: IAu iwtul death-watci keepiug. File ri ht laînd hod beibhattie bran,, iect the croie uplifted, DO. ihîla, 'er hie hem,,the amoke and fdamt In crinason billcawo dritte,!. L".t o! the garrison lo atood - Whou headloug lu a ,Icilr St U Imo's wa laswers dlying - T en knew Valette fis Leper kuiglit a Eukspthbis vewin dyng, mm A Boar Hunt i Burgundy. alnhUe inhume cf 18-, whilst etay. ns. iniwitla a frieud la Parie, I received an intimation froua Sorvelotto fiant tho t 'eîdu Vesie>' was about to lient the 'les wîf0d-hboûrnr ethe westeCrn fo re safthfîe A e. My.correspondent informe,! me the meef was urgent,as a ntmoup of b>' wi d boira laid oroîîed the plains froua 10 Ce tmul Burguudy, nnd were ravagieg - thd 'stagding eropi. The news to me w oquita uuexpeoted,anud I wasun- pncjpared with hneting accoutrements of Y. an. kind. TUe opportunit>' was oe neYlemllaeless, whichl miglif nef soon reà ir, and I 5.orefone resolve, , fiougla ut -.orne cost cf convenieuce, ho noeept Ce. thi ivitatioe wlaich had been <et for îuec1by the Ceuilimself ; sud I pro- pamld accordingi>' te start for Troyes At Troyes I found a friend waiting for [nie wilh two gentlemen frouaArras, t. te 'hom lie introdnaed me as tellow. sportsmen. WVo thoreupon commenoed atCqýiaintane by bieakfasfing together at iel Hotel dem Trois Matons, sund we orthiep stînted for Clairvaux, ail fore ho. gether, in a double chaiso de poste nt. wit4 ttUrcs hersas. At Clairvaux we wero ir- .ustq lu finie to secure thaeoni>' Cham- ,abers loft empty lenflac village inn. by Othjýr groups, ismiving behind us, were cornpellcd te birgain for abelter le pri. vat q cottages. Our own chambens wene )Y. suc ine ame only, the f wo gentlemen 1frol Arras liaving an attia harneas- -roozi, and my friend and self the eor- uer cf auai od ay.loft, lu whidia we maiaiged te slcep soundl>' iu spiti cf T~ocoerh.yîrd sud offices were ce- cu'pýed with flic Ceenta moute, wile *con isted cf a laundred sud eiglafeen dog , inclnding two couple cf gro>'. ho4i8,, dvi limiers or bloocihounda, ancl'tlrea se eîlled bosr-laeds. The latî4r are extremely rare, and are ami,! !o p4esa prticular acetenesa la traok- iug j1boira. ln forua tUe>' resemble beagles, but ara as large ns mastiffs; thei ~ colon la hlack sud tan, amd'flac> liav4 cira cf prodigious length ; tiaey etaufilesa high flan bloodhonnds, but havi more espacions chiots and strong- or lése. This species is prohably ftho Bogcisre mentioeed iu fhe aId lasaof 'e tUe llurguudian Parlimeet as fiai se- guti*mn, or boarlion,, l diitinguished . fronm the volfrahum on greylaoued, sud flic petreneu or luroher. The APRIL. i a- f 1 ai ý Fire insurance 1 - 1 - i- 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 : 1 1 a a crossa,! tie lna, boletv mce of thc covon, anud ifhe tl iii bistai tntack, ashe avi reporte,! il, lihoiilil bc )y tUe cupomts, and have to plain ahtliais peint te avot 's 13par>' on is wuy hace te - boulda aythiaig, Ou Ith. l, occum te diverlis courseb afull o a a dry stick,on er - a jîyie quit. enouglr te te sha loin ne more oi him tb mk ta suppem, tr anô liasta ýrf wcld aies' hing ne fip te SWe am&y thenfoe ai el! 11 __",ý -Umu N"Mp a . ue--o' ses.uunoy mUwe * caveof~s.antodfe~ hos hyp is ltbo eO the oîî sake.lians tou-gin te -r occaicî1~r mpoyei l luntngboira i -witla is foen an sd il tli.m huaiton i ne spsio atbwi faidnX la bldresed pelion - alh sround fi'sont bock s work c f cutnimuspubýlic utilit>. llcab<L.rei tiuaes, - tiU-lcekoping lais noue the oover, la 'provide,! Witl a 4 ia "k a" simple pluche, , sIsteoplu obis rha6ad te- ore i no donînivance eOMPOsed cf twe bifs Of îlaac atAi. AI'tor ftae hlm, rouin,!, ho 'meltiocuse Wood, one'plainmaid fie chier.nochecd, nuaises lais hemë,,peia',up the iteke, sud horses, ai anti whhch produce, as uud *wien nublt-eîlevcrns ta wallcote a.bat, ant inlatifthi bcd, "egeflers- 1roïambling the Word tl'c iaà i h ko lucide lt. But befote - untiain fI "kýrake." 'Ou n aiving .af 'hIe mcdii fuýkig tWo shepe, bho Saul>'ewervei Of -was tI fac-m wici is attache&ti. thefieefor- acide, roess for, ai lestandt, il ýtien ' fi red ia!, tà Matery, ws fonuiltfiaswlole gang rmils Over lgsmulble.- Ouf, Of fiffen on cie, i drawn Up to reoive ns in the court- mS who triof ilf, el I oùti,!, as *la the hi yard. Ou ouirentering tflue gahes,-ut a ofl 'hua t renglia Ce keep hbia,,arrive,! ai gignal froua tUll'e vrgeer, tUe>' oct np a antitôtter te flic hat withiha temble. the forest simult îaonasen lai in onon c* f Mon- Nà thing eau-bs more ai>' han suaib&. discovêeni seun le Comte et Bse dignes ocfrîres, p rfo rmnance * thaê st of! Ioweciug te anti oni hi and thon iaimeaiahel>' commence,! mn hrmd ho ,hc kueca e£ iteeli creatia a trucks of - air uPou fhe crelcea wlfh hwioh flac>' hadene'-bd dizziuess, anti wlan te' te indiP foreu" oirs, entil ws al, <oh safe int ho fli.ad cde,! tic stoppage *Of fias ;oso foc-est. H tiai fac-m kitolae. - mc fe gitici>'motion. of going round, lius.. 'Do:y Here fhe Countlad lail propane,! the offet in fUît tho blooi cmnait- ne- prcjeohii12 for us a auhatauitial. breakfast. Bief ýcover ifs free-lom withoef conveiiing right? - waa lUe cîlaf Provision, but ofer meutihi oe sennes. biok fhoou were nef wauhîng. Fnîcti potafees anti On rsfnrniiag le flac inn, I fount a two ocit à haricot bans wore plIe,!ile ups upon latter from ar.is, liuaifing my uts>'stf doge i11sh hot iron trape, anti chasse and jamaCîirvaux te onc day more. I baad,fIais fluai wcre sanved ian profusion te those Whao consequectly, oui> a- single cchance ieft the Oenhnîî pneferroti breakfaefiag witlaoet ment, cf eucaenfering i wilti loai.On learu- bheinn£510 The wiae wms excellent, andti he gueife iug fia, tUe Couef ehligingl>' fic,! fer scoutshbal were urge t ie onh eviva ; but 1 ob- fIinoîf day fhe classe esu grand, lurneti hy î aemved flah expenienced hlintîmen Whoc, wbioia lad beau for thi:. day foilowieg. scrosa fie- lief evening, were williig eougl te lIc s-ccordîcgly mave hie endors for the Cont1 dine freel>', were ciaar>' cf ladulging ah soouhing fths <round thesmc ulgiat, the . Lez. Lebreakfast, witî teliaitsa of fhi day le. ant ile mfterwnmde decided on joinlng ofler hein fore fheua. Tie Couefesapicil>, okthe scouts Mhief,, Foc- fiis purpose, -andithe oni>' a 111fle colti bof withhrcad Whnti ic tîa eki <eats were ligiating eakc jwafer. -One thing, ta My liste, coe a. icir aisor ipping tCheir gloria aflen flint,-We p le tel>'mammodthetUsenhertaiement ; the diener,fia. Cont lîfI fia i au toenpse f111 wa gît1 Idocna anti Windows wsame epen te their tIe niglaf in the forait, potine taire là on cen pali fu width, anti froua fise outîlde tUe bois ; sud I wa informe, ChUai ho IreLhe Pack.' litl fIe ce>'prisoners wereaible te ch. qoohi ntlinlgéa le fila rude brandh it ait alE i serve ns eating anti driuking. This cf prafeesionai iaenfing. At fiaree it bce. quite opolîf my appeite ; I felI con- memninge ail wae fueinît anti buatie la acions of addieg pîng te tiin unisia. tIe ceuni-yard, and fwo laeraeaftr. ment by eseli menthiul I swallo%#ed, wurds we sallie,!forth on hlensebacli Kua. TE iandi I win lafinitel>' nolieveti wien fhe frouathIe village, bte ecunti cf fie corrispondf i smmons arriveti fo ascmble foc- flis hem, te meef fthe CeunI antidlais cua- sava :-Nol fiuai meet. *panions if the nindez'aous for break--takion froz Af eleven s'lock weo itnet for Vira- fsst. Belaad un cime a ligiai esprlug. when wî fa aux-Tuaux, wiacrs we wcne joiniti b>' caet, contîiuing fUs provisions andtihfe wîtor we st the aous.pmefct of the deparhmnan~sd Couft' equipuacut. B>' savon, se- fied wilh th s nember cf thi ueiglboring proprie. cording te appointuacut, we reacheti cc- seulti -toc-a. Most cf fiasse gentry Woro fiai lisisee éu bois, wierc we observe,! kitcheni, wl blouses, over wiaicia fhi>'dug filir a long stiok le îmftilenflic <rondi with general nul gens and pouchaes, aud if sfucok mc s strip cf piper insented in a eit mt fiai -rnis amoug She>' lolced More sportarnan-lileo lu top cf if ; ibis wae a achte froua fhe littie morel this lcooming dress thunthUe bretiaren Cen, inlorrn u cthat wo were net un n quis] froua Paris, wltla their correct andi codt- hoerpoot hiru tilI 'eiglh and tti alg thas. Bet c>' eqeipuacutE. lie hia,! ieepitced au estafettte fthfe sîka shaela AItwvelve, al parties werc sceuahlcd village ho pnstpouetUe departueocf killeti fiel andtheli Coinut, as master cfflahe Unef, fa g. 1'rnctcially ah ciglît fIe A deasi fiai atiireso! fac ee asfolow :-Goi.thîet sOgei, tronche,! wifia dew,-anti Ua*ihl hlemen, wc are met lanaeho.tiîy on ialais humr and face ail bloc,!>. li, how. Jidia b>' bel service cf soins danger, lut aitUsh evar, qoieteel our lcars befone we lad and ullowo saime tinie, cf great local importance, lime ho express flacu, b>' eim-ply stafing moulU wl Thae fislds cf, our neiglbomu are being lis hsd mecciveti a scratch in coutiug i ceectnicsa a ravage,! b> wild boire, andi-more thm Inaniblo cover, and ilee adocdtheia wel- la couaidenst eue farmen Ukalest flimeugla hIe ui- couac uewa ft hUteawoee lnii emag. acde,!, tlî mnb is anhire saan cf thc inhuma niflcuf boire lu tUe grande oacisulc du b>' lsingkle cropa. Our business, then, la te de- Luz. Memnwiailc fIe rangera bnokcd dîrectly ahe stro>' fiaiwild boum, abt ise,a eut the oint inte fIshe lee, asdapnesding lefhte C ýie. lens eamies of cen friensithUe fermer n ouhiasgreentia au h ooht, produciti, lYsaI hardei tUe fox andtihfe Wolf. Olier gamc wO int, a myaterious black box-wifi brasa mmnit>', litt bold sacreci, thae hasse heing not open- mounhinga, andi afterwac-ti a carpef- ns imaliarat ed, anti cen power te use fine arme le- atool andi two atone lettRes. takofesh fa:1 iug lu virlue cf a dogîtion froua fdie TUe Conunt hoin beggeti wc would the top cf i pnefet for fIas especisi perpose. Theme oxcesq- lua whistliae performeti lis - an puéres I ma>' be soine arngat >'cu, gentlemen mornieg toilettè, sud pnlling off lais hose'cf fis te wlaem tIc siamoise cf boar-Uuufiug cîcthios, lho fortlwitl onveiopctilahis This preti .a>' le aew; such I recouauend net pemeon iu a Whaite peignoir,, et himiel! Qui>' tUe uscet ail their presenos of down au a etol, anti was avue,. Ho Lovx.-Id minci, lut mise rach caution. SiOnl t fln gave oc-dore for preparnug bre- Omnipotenti a u'c e wud i wild loir witflut fat, anti two linge baskets wenc - forua- men Whaon dîsablcug hlm, the wisest memeuni witî liftet froua fia cari sud'placetiRuoH woeidbl e ho ping nimbl>' le a frai. upon tUe grenu,!. One o!fiohse con- llow for bl The boar terne; invnriîaly on ifs a8samil- taluetl bottlas of gînerous wlno anti meoha Witia p muf, anti I have keoWu more filan ee large jars cf wafem, andtihfii cher, b>'fiait nauga incaufious intsmasu goreti te Cealla b>'fer file langer cf the tien, was infinI>' cmnnef stand a hein whicb lic lad aupposed i 4'g filei with bnci,!. The mneut was mer, wlidliý powerless. One word mono, gentlemen packeeti part lu white naphlis, andthfla i e tlano lefore dispcnsieg-f YcU will, I hiope, ha consiBef , xolusiveiy cf colti boiied lin i wlioîa careful net ho ire wherc yen cmnuot le heef anti lardeti bullock'a liver. Thora a.nsh love. sure yonr-,a ba s free passage bayonti wonc aise biasketa cf elai, &anti lard the abject if mi>' miss. Remenîler boielle! ggs. The dogo ant iquons Caos fIat a hulet carnies deahh te i min now appearedi lu igjaf on île r of Theî foliowiu more esiyal> lm te a boar. I am an flic hii bobainti us, anti a faw mluufei frou as Seo olti leuntoan, anti have sen a day's Iter thc gtherng was comploe. TIi pinson te hoe aport ounf wo oecessione breuglaft t an hories wane then fie, p te the trois Nanea.nie,! endi, autideni>' 1>'tîe Cati cf a coin- ana l damIa arounatihie lisleme, lia cUmactir wi planion, sUd 1>' an lecantieus ueiglahcr. lieundi;ceuplesi togitien, sud 'fUs qeir 'Ap- Gentlemen, I arn deliglateti te ment iatiuaen e! ever>' degrea mnviii,! b>' mlii>'would yen. Ma>' we b l linluGod's keepiug fIe, Connftateislp flemacivea witiaoet doge, if tfias anti Ma>' we reassemble le tle eveuiug cceuamoey froua tUe contents of tUe fair onifenie, Wihh trophies te thost cur ekili." travellng laftier. I neyer nemouaber qhlilties la ( At fias cloue of tfi arasmngue we feeling mono iungn>' flue I dit fiat proceedet i l ntier to the coter. The uaoring, but fleugla I ste long. sud Despihe fi liffle gne>' boys weet lu front, anti1tIc witU <neuf diligence,rMY aflans cf footi California, it Unutemen folloed, five abremet. TUie amountoti te a mers tfl! when cern- tillahie. ol over witi a vas e pcPE us1ipig paretiwihatfe enermous nation miloheti weslti flan <round, intensectet b>' a singlo pîth, ho himiel! b>' emol one cf the conîs- grain anti f ansi div'ided froua flac mmin fcrcst b>' anti cangie. Tlose iungry folLowa bef f ion tUced cdie a forment, luapetuons le Win- helpeti themeoivea te ebeef anti livcs- fiisseasonw fer, butil u mmcc-completel>' dry. b>' peende ma lacm, mnd fias>'appeun- prepariflione3 Hec-e wc wc wero poafe Zth > ie Count, cd teneboitc te e l i1k. ae min>'fam- fosOtesf- anti recaiveil cen final lustructiena. ilbaIe!com'morat. Tii>' demoUthot Presenti>' fIa Wood became alive withbresi in proporhlon, b aontikpifiemiol- *Ah gStuaem nose; tUe littie unclinesecounîdtihfe ves from a choking b> eaao r.gne- uin eat ] cov-ir nighf anti lofi, fleir sharp voicea puate,! dnaugifs, cf Wine u ier esan loie coufrsing strangl> with flac dry otit I met net facgel te r»Mark fat, co- hnd. Sirtv- seenti f fe crekes. -'Oee ha, la v'h, trry te M Y xpýeO tt ns, i fon uat h fe were bu rned kmakc, knilee.'" "Bouge donc, longe lmntiedti nlock'a liver extremol>' <ccd. _ lnokenetioz, IVIVIU. à f MA (To be Ooafiuead.) 'i Fîau veU 0470.-A tnt f Foraist sud, Bfreaut oti>' touisilike te al boa! nm a dmrowned animal, bt Lake a fiel alite caltcff ti string thenm anti, tieu a iu Lh sporlt e aligfiera ovr ler anti itunde ttwde flic ithent leilling t ibm. ,Tht la s e. ' 1fhinhn-it ought te ha tUe 1g frue' sportsman ho have s 3> nmnanit>', ,suad ta kffla 6ati & ta>' lstes! o! auffocafing fi ual ouI>' for iumanhy'si Idito hell oui' table fal. Tic le sn botter fîvnned fiel. i w i c I la s b e 'e ihe d itil I aiboufia aId; lu,- if le hua ug tîhenfroua ia leniji& Vet Elot1 ul nfoat, is il e itile o p . lu seaia deat fiaI illa iahmil hopen etfnemarke tucbl. Thi editor tfiah itii lkespitide as Iong 111e,! 1>' a hIow.n theaet, 'mdc bcing cangUl, flan if Lae textura h firmc'a-anti ifs er. On the ground "of la. tUe, appeal Is sfrong. , Let atý tha auffcmimg. If imall, Ih arnatfhesbody', met rap bis lient wela avai>'etiche; the ervical coluan -et fias bmain wh a Sharp kelfes icig abiot lumetits dm11, L ove les the ivu pon w lcici Les roservedtoleconquen c-cIel 1ail thUs reaf Isail fialot. epa nnas o ; fear, Hoé as ers -bit; futurs iaâereets, Hoe pc-aint Pleainre ; ,iqilove, inI theobeama iinter t-ft s fi, sbiting sern- wmeshiss dowtesgimuf- cusn heman Sfeing in a ails ohm>' i eart la artieoti SoovCEraAouvîvsziîszcc.- ing~ avertisement iÃœ,itokn efdli, paper: "Womnhed, s 'min a Newfoundhaati dog. a pp>' wloss abiit>' mid Ql net bahie etiefet en- ipi>' etc." Chunctr snd ti ý ppe t o f o leg ing te hie above nnounementinisa S o! thc soc-I cf officeshe queèhion ina>'conmmandi. is ineunse yelti of golt inl tl prducua mrse 'ctual u ion a-iciesh miiineoa. ic- fruila exceati lu value the placers. He- - rap. orop viii la sesover>' large fiaI à ans mailo. couvert 1,- grapei inte c-alus. M a s , s w È ie g o , ! 1h g i - a lay wic tas cirr>'ig a liher pocket-leehe in ber y-aima dollars ie nnacka ta a cnepsaiver coin tas U on. midi, anti a rulma! a Boston irL-. S o -as e ounry, conun. Wiile auavinuil buffefisa passe,! ti.un nme wtuf charmi g 'a nil ýrepenfici>' èxquis. yi aat141L irti, an>'de»r" enaî1tr- cousin, "fie>'are .. iII, ven dont l su> em. nre the- geanlifftlo criatunes, al floter ho doter anti <ail. ýyeiioiv botter tuf w ue? o lovel>' for an>' tig." C 1>, 1 M 041, contribuhes ai aiheesîci.-.Il le te lbe a citizen recenly' flot s in his fliitId i l ad, fot>- nil wî'gluu'd 225 poundse manulams openeti a byn.- iy iii Kcctechev, intui ane a fegit thcmarnlage ail the proper aiglis, goba m ini tianeecas>' leipons. mil Cinciainalion figures i lie lawimposing'à 5 uae 4hal beau inforceilou lit lao closeil hssipch ber veing, hi toulti mvû Ali cf $8,185 te foot. #l'a nece Ihes so auch a oua wlo iteanA diamnti ,L of-a Piladealpian. hat -