loe p, oic Bo . Yul. 'oe..- . Smnith. Mair Eraghe-ý r *Ptd SBonervil Maltle «lýskin n ns- eleiug " &t Har rower. Oint Funisbi~..o»siBroî. PirstSel"s vari-e-But, Oshawa. êUOTION- SALES. Sale f aifrai stoak, lmpleiasnts -à &o., lot No. 5 te the Bril eau. plaiken on Tueslay, bat.- lot, 1878, tise prape SY ai Mr. Tbomeas Madi-L.PFae bekAuctlonoer. ÈIa r m & ionr4aleb7 jleblie atiotion1 IHoPking' Hall ,on '£uesd*y, Oct. 29M 187r'th p0rty of Mr. Oea. Iaplein -uFfbneAuetloeeoer. uspfauswote, fesplemeeto, i4< On lot No,'dO lu 5h. i con. Pickeninl tiie pnoperty oi Mn. Jas.- Da*rettt, ltonday, OaS.7th, 1878-li, Fairbarsl ONLY Sz 5o PER ANNUM,ý WýhlîbY, Thursday, &pt. 26, 1878 Bound eun! Puny. - tTisee as ibeciz a good dii ci sono, mAld !uiy about pnalcstlug tse eloctial and tistring à e nov paper *lu Wiîitiy, fI theisturtene i Ir, Gbbs. As batl -prjeots requinre onsy,_a Meeting vai -*t allel,libt foot whlaiaeuarting utis tise <disaIs of deisoit an! disappalel meuht, anti nainos vene laken davu f6 al total ai about 01200. TMais <vhct Ll- - ueuiousey Inlrà lû4aven,) siii be seins ltinqS(o sogiu, witis. Dut Mn. ibbs'i * t friand., will. bave la dip a little t deeopen mb tîmethir iockuts ia entier tae atty ouItIlasîr hasity nesoives. Tca es-oispatnbats, an! suncisatimirers o1 embuli an op'en.liWels'd!gnearous leader, tlie monoy part la, ai course, ouly i m-naltter utfeucndsrycotossderation. Dy aIl lupanîs lut tîsuis pruceci!. Tiose b- éanIptiois us y do moinebauly goeul. TIse t preoumeuingo will cortainly flot disturli i..r. QU'a euuaimity; melulons tise * saut galueul by tIse substantial ajenity af 206. La fun eunaeîvcs, Sveîy papens uîay beitanteil iu tise intereat ai Mn. Gibbs. viSsant giving u aunîclcoucerti. Penhape by Suie time, aiten-peepie have bl- a chance te lisink ealmiy. lise m ober second bltlemgt wili have bnongbt *about a change ai sentinment. Indeci! va have idrulsdy guitireason ta hnpv - . tisaI sualin1, le catie. 8Smuaexcitable people; "wlieu ther'mat isîup," are *tensptuu te do anXsi oy (bingo vhioli iliey aitervards, anti wieu in a botter ilieuâ., have raison ta regret. Au! Mn. Gibbésaprescrit avdr-zeous uesupporters snay sean begin te nealite isow fan their cllants arc appraciateti aîiau f-smtier reilectiortu ussy couule tus tie conclusion tisat I îy hbava 11111e cause for tee lange a a tispisy of disioteroe e arasity ta- wards tlîeir ubfeateel candidate. Duuaowisio AcCoî,su.-Last Friday Glus-nies !lames, au emnployeo lu the t lrown !& Pattenson Mauufacîurng (Onmpanyti waa uliaocti il oC Shoal lPoint, abot!I tva miles vest ai Whitby Harber. 'tisa ticcasutinjeCompany witîs a ofimade namei wm. 1m11, Bas au onipîoyéee ailie Brownukt Pattonson Werka, Wei't ont fon a ail. Tisa boaS was esapai zulti y a sndden oaquall about two miles frein shoe. Botiimou, Who verra 56odai wiminena, clug te tise boaS t viici vas wveelîs isanevards, au! it usipeara- tisaI lisen about a fcw yards f'rein Sue ehono, James saumrbeul ta * lis coi! anti qxiauution, aud met with * a watery grave. fMI managde talaI au! vuug wavis-se!asimoro more deai! tis a love, atIli re o tuy a bomîgis ntiao v wer ilueardaiîca wtit î ime. Tha ies wa bunielouisulyy byanlise tlen's fEglausinti,0ate fulnet Poa t'ie jelilitirsu. - Wh aabepn oarhi frin(Tratt Wisyto heno u satnhe1beaga,'eNeut tan honts IIUAWY Aieusc-r -Whiio lIns. llubonS Wiilie, au! lira. Duncan, of t liflon, véee diving aioeg tise base- linc, tise Animai tisey %vere !nlving rau avaby, lkraing bath laèdies out, Of tise carniage. T-le lujunces recaiveti by Mm s..Wîlilî rvomsvry- lserions,amise ne. maieiegnuecanseious ion tva day. fram thir efeto., Un.. Duncan ha! tva musa iratere!. -IsSU POR THSE Ef aaaaU MAiusre.- W. J. liiman, Veteninar> Ber. Oisi,ha u! lin. Josepis Goulti, buylag finte-as. lesrgo canriage s, te sal inluthisILI'ngligis rarkol. vont abou gntY eil'ta meko up lot, sud will pa>' lIe higismt cash .fon thsesame. Maigri. ]Hiaman iOm4i! expeos la Se able-o.u tarS Cau dq liar Rglassalabont tIse IsIAUl Tuzvago it lvlsil.in'S îolgisbonliied ai Ousa. Mn. s-S bila'tfarmt>'trocs strippa!. The>' aid-e via oli-taUM. Gesbel's or- Ve wau ruu liao n!o ew"d -P 4?4duii.y lut Thrn'sav lve, the' sers [ne Lta ,ian ion. wen, >k.1 m e rhe esasseaM wero ual-au on' wý1 l ieilU s 7*g--tLllitgoffwalprhapaly ltt the. floral hail. Th»i. busme ati stock worein no way lfi erltao. but of pfouos emibltla*s& Tho mi agement wat excellent,, lieeff and i rectord leivlag nà thing unel upga tir part ta sive atIsfactIon lbiaee Lhoses tUseax~e 17 entri thprincipal aozi blilore ngidoeè Bouzin, MNo.ro, Trui, 4 de, Âdelisc ElIlot, lenà durson, R ae$TmP& Ofiddi. and roail bhoe thi eutr were 1l8--amougsîti heprincipal e liltors being Ueurs, Bii*eU,: Stoph' Wsn. Bsltbt,Wilso, mooamaok, jo Howi!en, L Fairbanksg, D.* Broii J37140an, Whftfeld,, W.'H Bilia 'R MQUay, Poilai!, 410ik, Pï Le*, P. Blrown, Ca,"nakt, MeLan at Welli Iopklno, VrnU, Mathews, Dà c tb,' or# Marron, -Oou1tisWr, OnthibeI, 'Va as. Hiamn, al. H. jameson, Warron Bsc &CI &CI Amon2got thse lot were 50n W-$fin annuils Well wor&lsy of prizes. TI g, grionitural and, dranglit herse mail splenfil exhibition In tbemselvî Amongit thse prncipal exlsbf tors Wei Mesrs.rydn', . fre>Tweoedio, De, idson, 6. Dawes, WS. GoodNiii'tf WC *Young# Hickingbottosn, Maw Dre D. Birreil, W. M. Mille?, Bainale, M Âvoy, Peter MaDersnid, A. Darnet fsteele, Alexander, Bltntss, Mimne, Ki chen Thopec, Stckporter,Le Smiths, &c. It is wortlsy ta note tliet G.pa'dian-bue dmares osirivil off the prisses from imper on ad animas-as did those of- Mr. Jamses. in Dayisn andl the Jeffrey ]3rother bt This le encouraging ta houle breedero, si Tise generalpurpose teansi were a or 00 good thet thse judges Ihadeome diif I.cnity in arrivlng at a eeesionl. r Mr. James Miiuc's two-year al i g enculturai prize colt was regs ded by a CIai; a vory superior animal. S was t] loanîmal exhibitod by Mr. Jan. Kitoher Iosuil for whicb lie refue,'d935(y Mi. luJolhe Dryden's oue-ycar olel colt wn a. n "extra good." Mr. Barriettîs fill o 'a very fine ans, andi G. ýDavidgoan aue-year aid, andi a lioei of tht saine gentleman, wlio like e inainesial ai o lis is abocotnisg a Most suces JIfti exhibitor. Mr. TimothM O'Leary' colt of '78-waa anothor "geai! un," au( Mr. John Hôwden anotiser.woli-aeser' ioig a prize. Mr. Wur . Miller' yons.year Id entire heav,,vdia4ght esri atf the let, and! is sali! ta blé tise - si iis clase ever exlà îbited in Witby. Mi Wm. Goodwiu bh" a prouýi@iug two year olti. Tise dieplay of mares colt@sui lîsavy'draugseof the Jeffrepa carrne totF, as tlscy deserveul, a largeinneiber a prizes. They are cf thse i'glit kmd sliart.leggedl and heavy bodies. M oTlsompsen's prize muare is a lbcauty, bi was somewhat out af coiion. Mr, James 1 Dývi dsou was awardod as al. rmeet a matter of caurse, thie firet foi hie vainable brood mare as wiii be se by thse liet. Porter's atallions, "Rife men" maintainetiltweiir lîlg ieputatici rbefare tIhe jutiges. The competitiaî was keen, ce snay be judgel frein the Tfact ofai ea of thsenies giv en fludin ne place on thse list. CArTLE. Tise Durhamu clase was nà t se well filleel as usual. The quaiity was tiret- cases, anai exiiiters îsaw euewing what tiey wil have to face, ivill îlot go te thse trouble oainîaking cuteiesnies$ tlîey hava somethlieg gaad te briug for. ward. Mr. James I Davidsoiý teck ail tise tdraerd prizes, and se initîhe case of theisormes, tise animnais of home. breeding beat tisese importeti-at all events snoh was tise decisian af the jutiges.- As alrcady remarkeU iu tise case af herses, Ibis mauet be a great en- couragemnent- ta liomc.breeders, fer what bs beeu-dene once eau bc doue agaiu. Mr. Wns. Keîrr'afine lJ.year ore eUsuiAiiS-TEoaaUoH DES» une- Beill-Thzt John Dryden. W~-Three.yer old bnl-l& W. Kmi Su.le Henry Doolittl e . s., Tw.ea I! bull-liS O. Hicke sr. 0.DyteB! 'J. I DaesI an. ai- ulBn!I. I Dl!soJ. I arÃœ ý2 Three.yoar oI! cav - lot Chasl re! Wesîiaks., nSt- Tva.year aid ielfer- lot anti21 oI. In.Dryden. ns. aingaubitier-lot an!dt as . D id on! rdAdam Ranoisman. '~Houer calf.-luI Jas. I. Devidît ail Se! Jolie Dryden, Bn0 James Il Davi -Beat fiord, te includo a Bull an! ni emâles. To be owued iby exhibitc ait $1.50. Pnize by FP. W. Grien,BEs ,ie Josephs Hall Warks ; second prix. #à , Tise vineer ai firet prize te eay $50- 'n $usiatylst anti2usd James I. Dayi auo Bout 5 calves gel ai one bull, ovai ly by axiibitr-lat Jas. I. Davidsan 'S Deat bull ai any age-Jea. Drydi: li esI pain mIsons, any age or bneed. Ir Bois Bras. GAE.- o- Gov giving ucik or lenoel-laSt 'le l'oarson, lui! J. & W. Leule, On! Bel adBras. - Tisnso yean ai! eow-IsI, 2e! an! Bi m W. G. Day. '5-Two year aid bife-lat, 2e! au! i id Jeu. Hennis. ôf Yearling heoer-lit au! lu!d W. Daw, Slnd Jue. Harris. r. leifen oel - let CGissLyndo, Su 0- Gea. IMarquis, On! Bobb Bras. t! - L'estlier! ao femlas-lat W. E 3d Dow, 2u! Ina. Alarris, $n! J. & 'M ofLeask. Fat cîsw on heife-n ua.Bsel. n. Bll-Tises Guy. Ut Twa year ai! bliil-Thos. Guy. r. Yeaarling bul-Thos. Guy. Bull caf-ist an! 2ue Tises. Guy'. Cov givine inilk amie cal-1-sl Tise r Guy, 21isdNW. Courtice, r! Thanssî ýn Giuy. ,. Two yean aId ieifer-lat and! Il TVios. Guy. S Yearling ieier-lsS anti lu! Tha nGuy. ae - 1'lifar caf-lat Wm. Ceentice, 2ir a anti dTisas. Guîy. 11EU-FFOIteSMIRmE. Buli oana year aid-Chas. Wisite. Bull calf-R. J. Mistekie. i Gev giving nilk or le cal-le Ghs WhViite, 2ldIR.J. Meekie. k ihaifen. lwa yaar old-Iat P.J 0 ileiler cul-Rt. J. Mackio. SHIEEP. h hiam-lat Albert Tamblyn, 2e! Jeuff USevliug ram-laS Jefirey Bras., led iS. Allun, Bn! lettre>' Brus. lieue iômb-lst JohnElford, lud 0anti SldJeitrey Bras. D Twoamea-lst Jeffrcy Brea, led S. *Allin, gSldJohn RElfr!. - Tva shearling oes-let, 2usd and Bn!] John E Iiar!. tTwa âea amb-laS S. Aluin, lut r A. Tamblyn, 8rd John Eliord. Rsni-là t A. Jolseston. 2e! Joseph warti, Bn! A. Jaisestan. llisearliasg ramn-e - lot and!lu! A. BaDambei-lat anti lod A. John- sen, Slnd Jas. NVard. Tva Evea-lat Oea. Hiokinbottom, 2nd anti Bs- A. Jolînston. Twva iaing avea-lot à nd lau A. Jusisston, Slnd Gea. Hiekinhottose, Twa ave Laxuls-lat A. Jahusten, led Jas. Ward, ?rd A. Johesten. Peu ai Cotawol! shcp-l rase 2 evea having halIame in 1878, 2 aissalini ewca, 2 aeelambe, 1 rein lami-isi andl lti A. J'ohuaîon. -Speciai psiza .by A. Johoîlon, Esq., for hast agei Ctavai! Baie anti 2 Ewoes-lst Jas. Wad. - Planî--I. H. Spencer. Shearlîng rein-H1. ]H. Spencer. Riate îab-lst au! 2e! H. H. Spon. cen. Tv-e eves-lat anti led-iIl. H.Spon. con. 'Iwilsiseanling eves-fi. H. Spencer. Twa ae lscscmb-let. au!d'2n!H. H. Spencer. * 8WINE. liuI'iiusyrnnIiERSUIBI. fler-lst D! Licle. 8Seý--t an! 2e! A. Jahuslae. Dm ean igai1878-lsI D. linreli, 2ui illen, DJsiggR, Pringlo, Carponter, Haobbe, andi Skinuer were amangat thea oziib. lions esin oail-ani! othier breeds.: Tise followiug luot vill speak for BLOOD 550Yeb55. Staliion-let Francis E llot, ilsiti 1.. Hlenfierson. lIroofi marq vits foal-lat J. B. wii. son, 2ssd Charles Lyndiol, Ircl. T. G. Heazin. Tlîree year ahi filly-lat Hugi Miun- ro, 2e! Chas. Lynde. Two.year aid colt, entire- Allu Trruli. Two-yeà r.ol!fhy--e nt 2dT. G. ]leazin. Hanrse Colt 1878-C. Lynde. Filly of 1878-T. O. Reazin. -SADDLE OltBOAS) EORas Otallios-lsî Jonathsan Poilr, 2s John Wilson, 8n! Jonathsan Porýor. Broai! Mare witls foal-let Wilitam oCOormaok, 2nd W. H. Cona.sst, 8rd George Waltens. Thrco,yearoi! entire colt-ist Jolhn liarkey, 'juilWilliamn Mcarsua.lc. Two-year.oll ontlre, cotlitjt Vm fi. Canant, 20d -I. B. Carponter. Twa.yoan.alel filly-lît John (ztls.ý' bent, 2nd A. McLaren, Brd D. 1Brave. One-yearoldel utire colt -£. Josiai May. Ono-ycar.old flly - lotWsj e ICarak 2nd W. il. Gleudiiiil, .1-i R.Ste ben#, Ha se paît6<si 1870- st WiL . o Cormack, 2iee...-B. Wilola» 8 n IW. LT. Fil7 a01 l878-let D. Lial, 2," Johnc D. Howdon, lIn! John te#. 'i- Siugle hanse in- baries-ss 4f î Cathbert, 2nd John Gibson, 8r 1 . F Sh.ort. pair o ai canngo hersas, pizo at Vates Uçlej, Ys9 f ;i y, prower, Uot a0edObtmrÃn anBroý;' #ô 'A.zAse-lot Diharois Fi1jyof 1878-loi Â. Barnet, John HIarids, 8rd J. Burnet; * Pair ofAnclua Hredn 01 Meurs Oubbs Drus., $25 in furniti productioitishe OshuawaCabinet C pasy, ta lu e ecoteby Use vinner éhefirst Pri*eho, te, My$5,ta gocty-hst D. BUeS,2e! lad Gibson, fr4 Jes. Pile. Broc! mare wlth foal-isi jas. Davidson, 2nd Jeffney Brou., Or! M Smith. Two.year ol! entire colt-l it Bras., 2e! D.-Birreil. 1- Twa.year ai! filly-lslP. bMoI mot, one yar ai! entice colt-ltW Millen, 2nd W. Bendel -One-year ai! !lly-lst J. I. Dai Heorse colt a! 1878-laS Ieffrey Bnd 2ad W. Smith, Br! W. Thompson. Filly o! 1878.-lit Jeffrey 1Bros.,! L. Hepbn, Or!d Jefftay Bros; Fair draught horses-lît J. I. Dav son, 2u4 J. d& W. Leask. CÂTTLE. Pair Cachiis, p)atitg-lst W. H. Bravan, lu! T. T. Coleman. Pair Gacîsieu, visite - lst W. M. Campbuell; 7 Pair Dankias, vIsita - lot W. M. Campbell, 2Ju!1W. H. Bravas, leu1 r ganses, dark.nod - laS W. M. Cainbeil. '- Pair gaines. duekwieg-lsl W. Mf., Pair Hmm s ile paugld-lsî ge-a ld F. Ratch. 1'es Hesibugablck-lawt ýW.lI Oasm 691,4 led F. Match. pair ~ i~ goldenepagle!m-l§t mati %na W. 5i. liJro5U'., tion nZ,~ Baon-IM NU !20n!T. are, Colemn., ýo. caaaryBirdu-lot P. Powell, 2nd thse Caoetionci!pigeon-1et P. IHa ln 2e W. Ormniton.:. AGBIOULTTJBAL PR3oDUOO ,,Prii. of N. W.- Brown, M.PP'.t ~, lghy fnise!mowing Maculaw Pr, hatrion Maa Muio.ma -fmun adâ laé< hi ta a.uiMo rdu n os'b f à prize.] Two buehelà lD viseat-lit T.3 ~, anicrsa, n! na. RUMsel, aSn! K. Brawe. 2a! Tva bnahels îprng iff eabt-lat T., 1Mandenoôn, ed W. -Thompion, r! ru.Notherton~ILeJ. < Tva bubielso!f bealey, two roved- lits. Netlsertn, J., 2M! W. Pjie, B * W. Thompian. Tva beshela barley, six rwd-la W Thompuon. srr, 50 cars of coru, elght rave-Ist7 T. Coleman, 2ad Ueo. Litdile, $rd! le.- Amen. -Tvo busisola peu, backeyei!-1eta id. K. Brown,. 2n! I. Druels. Tva bu.shols peus, iail-lst T.J le!l Manden, 2e!IJ. Breeli, Sr! Ino T*0 Wisbd.frles oats, biack-lst T.J Man!ersoa, 2e! S. Netherton, Jr. rIé Tva lsnsh'ilia!fats, wht-lit T.j Manderson, 2ed S. Netherton, J r. zn! 50 tarso caus, 12 rowe!-1st T.T Caleman, 2na70ls. _Lynde. 1. One bushel tl"et sec! - lot S Nethorton, Jr.,. us! l Llok, MirJ ioe, Bnisels. rid. One bushel dloyen soe-1ât 8. Neti- enton, jr., 2nd W. Thoonc. ô Oue buhel flax seed->t Y. Pile,,2ci lor, W. Pile. le, One beshel tares-I. Bnneis- oq., Twa bogheis rye, spring-lit leorge 0 LitdIle. >1a Tva beshels ai rye, fal-let I9 rid. Wiicox,-2ed Jas. Lidgett. Barrel ai. fleur, spring vlscat-lui e! Russell Bras. ]3arrel flour, fali vheat-lst Busseu su. Bras. 1- Barrel oatmeal-lot an! 2nd Bussel Bras. Barrel corn mal-lst lRussell Bras. W. BOOTS. )bb 1 beshel poatas, early rose-lot T. r! T. Coleman, 2e!Oa. Valeetine, 8rd Oa. Welters. rd - bushel potatoee, any other varieS; -lst J. J. Folisergill, 2nd Isaac Speans. S Turnips-Ist J. & W. LoisI, 2e! B. G.Devenul, 8r! W. Ormitan. e! Mangolde, long re!-lst T. T. Cole. man. 2nd J. Menagli, Bn! F. Hatch. Mangalde, yello-lst T. T. Cale- m9an, 2nd7. Lawler, r! Jas. Stone. Mangolde, yellaw globe-lot T. T. Colemane, 2n Jas. Holden, OMsiGeorge Valentino. Garrots, long rad-lst T. T. Coiemas 2nd Oa. Valentine. Garrots, white-lot J. Harris, 2üd Peter MoDermott, an! W. Ormiston. Ga Crrots, orange-lot T. T. Coleman, 1sj' 2usd Ga. Valentino. DAIUT PRODUCE. ti Best 20 Ibs. Butter, W. H. Higgiesl pr'iza, butter ta isecame hie"pVaprty- g. lst Isaac Spena. 2e! J. Lick ,Brd I. Bruels, 4th D. LîcIr., i! Hoe-emade cheese, 15 îb.-lît D. LicIr, 2ni! J. LicIr, 8ri H. H. Spencer. Facory ciseese, 80 lb.-lst B. Wctlsarali!, 2ud H. Brown, 8Bn! J. Licle Packe! butter, 40 lb.-lst Mrs. J. e. L. Srnith, 2nd D.-Liek, 8r! J. LicIr. FARM IMPLEMENTS. Boa oepr, any Iini-let Fraye & Pat. tersnan,2e Green Bras. Mawer-lst Brave & Pattenseon. Waggoe. tva borse-let B. Mc. Langblin. r.Twa hanse carniage-laS M. O'Dono-. van. ta Ue haome buggy-lit M. O'Daeovan, 2ud W. Bambritige. id One hars buggy with top-lot M. .O'Donovan" %c! W; Bame'rige.. Qu Oe hanse phgto-lst B. MoLaugli. lin, 2e! M. O'Dcnov.n. On Qe hanse piSotou, vith to 4lot R. MoLanghlin, 2e! M., 'Donavi4n. î Tva hansesleighlXt M. O'Donavan. Onehonse leigi-lot K.McLaughlin, 2ni! M. O'Donavae. h Plougis, any kin!-lst O. 1Stý,ey,.us! E.- Holden, 8rd I. D. Armstrong. L. Turnip drl-lut O. Brittoný 2U4 T. MCanu. Set ai harrovi, voo!-lst B. Boun. nie. Set ai h4rroos, iran-lat I BJ ennie. .FvLL APPLES. 12 fla pin-lat S.C0. Wilson, 2e! OGa. Me î ltvray. 12 Hollan! Pippis-lal J. Faother. 12 Primate-lst S. -C. Wilson. 12 Maiden's blush-laî J. Fathengill, 2e! S. C. Wilson. 12 Sbt. Lawrcnco--lst S. C. Iiiaan, 2usd T. T. Coleman. S 12 Tveuîty ouece-lot Mrs. !Arnold, 2nd Oea. McGiilivray. WINTES APP'LE& 12 golden russet-lst J. Holden, 2e! 12 Badwie-lst W. K. Buqrk, 2e! J. Fotlscrgill. 12 Grimes Golaen-laS S. C. îWilsan, 2e! J. Fothe.45 12 King of rmkmas County+-.1st-. Waddei, 2e! S. C. Wilson. *12 Northere Spy-lst G. Hummiuner, 2nd T. T. Colemian. 12 Pools Plast-lit Oea.'Vale.i tins, 2e! J. LicIr.i' 12BRhode Islznd'Oneening-lýb I. B.1 Carpenter, 21d F. Powell. .12 Seek ne futher-let J. Fa(berglll, 2n jaseo. Valentine. i 12 Spitzonbrgh-hst T. T. Coleman, 2e! W. K. Burk. 12 $na*-1sgt T. T. Caoman, 2n! J. 12 Bwar-lat W. IL. hurle, 2il S. O Wilson. -- 12 Talman Sveet-lst T. T QIe. tsan, 2e!Oa. Valeemine. r 1 >t 12 Wagner-lst Jis. Hoi!en,.2nd . ' Fathergill. -1 l2ýYeilow BélIflover- .14T. '.Cale- min, end W. K. Burs. 12 à Itto.-l1tT. -T. oaicm4e, 2is! 12 Olapp'p avrite-lsi T. 4. Vole- c12A Magnum ]Bonuu-lit T. T., Cale., OTa" zXVU1S. qS. Twelvé celsplslre-ltJe Webster, 2e! P. !~o1 12h eamb applse, nai-lstý L. Cor. Y1, 1 yclde Mms.Arnold. kè, bel ipiay of Inut-lit'P. Powell., c f 12 Topïsnatoei.t T. T. Coleman, qe 2ed uge DantneU.ý PluFi Tomatos-là t T T. Cokeian, - Wat.r melon-ut eu. MGllny Mus melon, grn liai-lit W. K. jBues, Sad I. Pothenglill. ~, Muile melon, sesnet dfeu-letAU 11 2en4 W.EIL Bush. J. Citro-lit Tise alor; 2e! OGea. VEQETABB. - 8 ead&'semmeaubge-lat T. T. ;r Coleman. 8 Head*s-viWen ebbage-lst &. Wie- jet ner, 2e! T. T. Coleman. B Reads rail ebbaj-lut T. T. Cale., T!. man. T3, Tvoquoehe-lit J. Fothenglll, 20d Oea. Hannam. 2. 2 Pmptin-let S. Netiserton, Jr,, -2e! T. lenningi. J. 12 Table carrt&-lst T. T. Calemnan, o.- 2n! Oea. Valentino. Specimen tie! fruit-lS MieL. j, Wilcox, 2e! O. Lynde. Canne! fruit-lit; Mrs. I. Brueli, Y.2e! MieL.-Wllcex. Speisuhfuit preune! la sugar- T. 'lst fMî. L. Wîceoi, 2n! Mns. W. Ple. Ielly-lst Mn. Arnold, tuti I. De. j. Jar of ploles-let Mns. Bruels, 2e! Mn. Valentino. 12 Boat Beets-let Oea. Valentino, 2a! Jes. Boaan. lid Oneumbes-lit D. MoOee, le! J. 12 Paanips-Iset Oea. Valentine, 2e!a ge J. Baram. &RHeads ai oelry-lst F. Pawell, f.2ea Oea. Valenltino. Peck white ceions-T. T. Coleman. çt Peck ysliow onions-lat T. T. Cale. man, 2e!Goco Valentine. Pl *Pck ra! anians--lst T. T. Coleman, 2e! Go. Valentine. B1l Picklieg onions-lit Oea. V.aleetino, 2e! Jas. Bonam. Potato onion-isIt T. T. Coleman, 2e! Ina. Fathergill. ' Collection ai gardon vegetables-Oseo. Valentino. rd Caîsnp-lst W. X. Bure, 2nd Mise PalySBmith. ty apeo malasses-let J. Bres, 2e! '-J. Liek. 'Baspbsnny Vinegan-lot O. Vale. tine, 2n! J. Bruelz. 0. Cernant vins-lst Mrs. l)unias, 2e! Mrs. Bruele. o- Cherry vine-lst Mns. Duedas, 2e! Mns Valentins. Grapovies-lel Mrs. L. Giryell, 2ndu Mrs. D. L. Barclay. Any olissn vaniety of wine-let Mrs. SW. Pile, 2e! lIre. Oea. Valetino. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. 10 yards feul eloth home-ruade, spcn and vave by hae!-lst lIns. J. H. Me- Clellan, 2e! Mns. C. Lynde. 10 Yards feU cbolh, iaetary mado--lît an! 2n! Empire Woolen Mille. 10 yards satinet home-made by han! -lst J. Lick. 10 yards vieter tweed-lst an!' 2e! Empire Waalen Mille. 10 yards sommer tweed-let aud 2e! Empire Woolen mille. 10 yards flaunel, isome-mad!e, by hand, cotton vanp-lst Mrs. C. Lynde, 2ui! Mns. T. O. Beazie. 10 yards flaneel, home-made, by hand, aIl woai-lst Mna. C. Lynde, 2ni! Mn,. J. H. MeCleilan. * 10 yards flannel, faclory.made, ail wpol-lst an! 2nd Empire Waalen Milse. 10 yards fiannel, iaetony matie, cot. tee wkrp-lst an! 2e! Empire Waole 10 yards plaid flannel-let lIns. C. J Lynde. 10 yards waolen canpet-lst lIns. C. Lynde. 10 yards mag carpeS, cattan vanp- lst Mn,. Dsloeg, 2nd bMiss Bannes. 10 yards rag carpet, voolen warp- let Mrs. T. Devenul, 2e! Mrg. J. Lîok.t Pair voolen blankets, home made- lst Mn,. J. H. MoGlelian, 2e! C. Lynde.j Pair vealen blanleets iactony made- let Empire Wooien Milse. Pair borse blankets -loht Mn.. J. Brueîs, 2e! lIns. J. Lie. Gaveniet, heavy-lat lIns. C. Lynde, 2e! lIns. J. Bruels. Caverlel, higit-lIs. G. Lynde. Shepherd's plai!-sS Mn,. J. Bruels. Pair voolen stookiugs--lst an! 2e! lIrs. J. H. lIcClellan. Pair voolen socks-lst Mn.. J. H.1 2nd ies uM. HdMarer. arer Log oabin quilt-lst MisMoVean, 20d Miss Jeneiegs. 1D Tuft quilt-lol Mie M. Sîniekiand, 2e!.4irs. D. L. Barclay.1 Kifit be! caver-let Miss L. Wilcox, ou 2e! MieWilson. Siik qDilt-lels Misa Jenninga, 2e! FE Miel K. Johnson. Fancy nettieg-let Misa A. MoVean, 2e! Miss N. Stnicklan!. Lady'a dross-lal Miss DeveniI, 2nd se Miss Led gdet. Boit collection a! lady's enderolotis. A. ieg, iiae!.rade-lsî MieMaggie Har- per, 2e! Mise M."MoVeen. Sc Bost collection o! Ia!y's ue!derciatii. s ing, machine made-lut Mrs. Harding, 2e! Mie Maggle MoVean. Fauscy knitlieg-lS Misa Kate John- Bton, ýîId Misa N. Stricklass4. J. Crochset work, colton-lat Miss M. MaVoian, 2n! MisseK. Jaheiton. El Crochet vark, voolen - lit lIns. John Pningie, 2e! Miss Annie John- Li Tattieg-lst Mie K. Joheîtoe, 2nd M mies A. Johasten. Applique varI-luýt Mies A. JuIsn- Li alaon, led Mieu M. MoVean. a Enîbreley nnmalnht ieM. MoVean, 2!Ms osso.L Elbroi o>-n aç-'.hut à -Mie. MVfn 2nd Mism. - knd. -i, lit aie,. LIohntton, te! Misa M. Me. Vean. . Warlee! SllPtens--lst MisasL.WiI- cax, led-Mn. M. Oasell.: Baf*eS set-lt ts. Y. Gibson, t0! Mis Âyreso. ~ lIns y- .MIs . Devenli WcoienTi ty- Mise L., Wilcox, 2nd -Mrs. l0 nbge Worked CAMP, Jsln--leî Miss N.' Otamanï,-lst Ilu Annie Naurse, 2n!MxisiCiffl.W âke Wax. Fruit-lit MISSI, Scatt. 2a! 'Wex Foe-l StIns. Duindas, la! Miss M. Campbel. Wax SselIs-Mie.UIneScot. Wax Jile-4Miss Iane Scott, adper P]MnogetsîMiss lane Èýcott, le! Mis" Janaieg. a Si r Flowers0 1 Misa M., camp. ebl, ta! Mise Jenningu. Feathor MFlers44sit Mrs. J. A. Dea. long, 2e! Miss K«.Jhenston. Zephyr Flawer&i-lsî lIns. I. L. Bmith, lui! lIs. J.!A. Deloeg. FaecY Basket-lst3MiesoBannes, 2e! lIns. Bmeus. Wall Basket--lt lInu. Dundai, 2e! Mrs. 3Jea Russel. Onciasi Larp-lut an! 2e! MieM. Camapbell. LaMP MaS-laI lIns. Ina. Pnglo, 2e! lIre. Bruelo.i Faecy Table Mat-lut lIns. Y. Oib. son, 2e! Mise Wlai». Msisc Work-lntiMlss J. Bcott. 2e! Cane vark-lst .Mis-M. Striekian!, 2e! lIns. John Besdsel. Canadian straw hal-Mrg. W. pile. Farmer's vnoatlj-bMp. J. A. Deloeg. Hein Jewelcry-Ia n e isM Campllh. 19ad 1MisM Wonk basket- laI;mis jane Scatt, 2e! MishM. Happere. LEATÉER AND J'EATHEB WVOBK. Pir mee'a fine boats, sevo!ý-W. Bures. - Pair men's flue botpgoiW Burns.otapggdW Pair men'a kip bo:tsZ .Bures. Pair meu's cavhid'baats-W. Bures. -BosS assontruent af mhoensaker's wank -W. Burns. Uppen Leatser, cov hide-lsI Chas. King. 1- Upper Leaher, - enainei-lst Chas. ]King Upper Leathen, eali -- lotGCharleg King. 11anneas Leather-ilst Chas, King.t FINE T8 (Su Painting, prafoatienat lauiscape- let Miss N. Stnickleupl, 2e! lIns. John Port. Qil painting do. au," subjeot-aSt Miss N. Strnelklanti, 2u! Isrsj. PasI. Sil paintinsg, amateur, Iandgsape-lst Mie M. J. Andenson, 2ud BMra. J. L. Sith. i 011 painting do. animale - lIrs. Laird. Paieting do. aey iubjct-lst Miss M. Sîniokland, 2e! Misa Bannes, Watsr calar handicape - Mies N. Strickland. t Water color, animalseis N. Stri4 land. - jc-ltM s Water caler, any lbetltMs N. Stnicklan!, 2e! Mies A. Jahunstan. Velvet paintieg-lul an! 2e! lins. Y. Gibson. Pencii fiqure, aub ètaes- 1ot Miss Bannes, second lIns. ZJon Post. c Peecil dnavieg, auy subjeet--lat Miss Bannes, 2e! lIra'Poat. Grayoû dnavieg, aeùeaie-Mrs. John s L. Smiths. i f Cýrayon !rawiug, 4'uy subjeol-lal t, iss A. Johuaton, 2e! Mns. J. L. -Sith. : Colore! crayon, animale; - laI an! lu! lIns. J. L. Smsih. Calareti crayon, aey! sebjet-lat E.a V. Carson, 2e! lInu JI' L. Smniths. Pan painlieg-Misa L. Hodgsau. Ornemental penm!inship-lat E. V. Carsan, 2e! lIrs. J. L.; Sithl. e Collection ai ambrotypes an! pisot-il grapho-John Beut. 'À Pfhoto. ptrait, fiisci! in cl-'lst fe au! 2e! MisseB. Hodgsan. f MISCELLANEOUS.S Sculpture in manieý-lS an! 2e! J. J. & EB.NWoifenden.' 10 lb,. soey Se camb -lot L. Cor- c ycIl, 2e! Alex. WaddeléO Beevax-lat B. G. tWilaoe, 2ui! J. Cartie. e 10 ubs, haney, straineul - let Jas. ~ Sloney, 2e! L. Coryeli. 10 Ibo. maple gugar-lat C. Lynde, i 2ni J. Lice. à Tva Ibaves homrnade Ibred-sîle JUDGrEsL l 1 aIl BLhOOD SAnebus A14D C+RRIAOE HaSs- d«: :.-S. Stapias, A Smith., C. AanîcULUaRuAL ANS)DaDAuaseTrfluaS- fol s.-James Lambie, Wm. fleran, WVm. del Lrstroeg. i gne Durham art! Grade Ctl.J C. at nitis, B. Maris, M. Liîln, W. Bus. vu 91. Ayrshirea an! Herelorda J. LicIr, mé -Knox, T. Caates. pl Slsaep - Leicester, d3otswold an! 0 outhilowe-B. B. Gottidobt, A. Themp. del e, O. Midelleton. , - Sviue-0.ý Marais, T. iNIteni!ale. niz PoulSry-C. Nounse, W. H. Deel. 1ieg Grain Seeda an! Rolta- .0. Stlair L., Spinle. - no Daimy Pnoduce-Mns.] Oreen, Mrs. - vil lie, M. Tiivaite. tl Fmm 1mplements-JI LTycedie, C-. ou, m-le L. Bennet. 1- t N. Hornticulture - G. MaRi4U, G. Cileper, âue LRedmau. i- Domnsîjo bMaeulcurps -- lIns. D. isrc ck, lIns. Thos. Dèvordhli andi M. T. ira auiton Deparmmcrt-f.1 M. Taylor, o X MLaren-an! lIns, T. L,%wler. ]Fa Pi.At-udge Date Il au!nd r. ai! anç -vawre - M. Foraspaanier rate" 4natickets ta e!. ort Hron,.Detroi, Chulsago. and the '1 The pansel of grand jurons ha-ving been calle!a ven, tise fallowleg gentle- mien answcred ta their an! an!avoe George St. John, Fareruan, ThoautsBrand, Thos. Mare. -Wm, Brin A. F. Hudson. Doald, Christie, - Phllhlp Lapp Wm, Coalînane, Wsn. ýPsace. Win. Oleeny, las. Percy. 1. Goul! - ob Bichardson., B. S. RGn, Johnaepél mi. B.S B. Hami brohn Twddeied the Hie Lory,Ãr!sinieyade the itreto grande Jur rting thei. intv air imdteotduning hotise cobet <ir d4eharge them <ram attenelnce iýi time for thse Provincial Exhibition. There vere oely three on four cases on te caienda-nono o! tthem' f a very serions elsaracter. Tiihe a o i fM*sn- an! voun!ing vith e sa iee a timidating mon irans varlig ià thu free country, as they lhanght fit ta bhine their laban was one ta vhîch lho direct, e! aStention.YViolations 0<cite la'w le that "direction- éboulalue p ut dove. lIen ehanT!met go, baoau!the 1ev. His Lahip pointe!a-'onSt the,!ty a! tise gnand.j«ury Se' coesidening the-oases braught befare them an! as ta visiting tise gaal. Tihe Qucecs vg. Alfred Dawaley Sbaaling wits inteut ta kill---Tse pris. aner vas change! vits flning a revol ver vih jutent ta kil PFranois Fuller, The afee otoek place aS Oshawa, an Bouda>' evenieg lotis lune. Wiî man an tiie streot tint eveeing, los was fine! et, tise pistol bà ll. voueding hies in tisa ueek. The pnisoner vas iden- tifie! by Fuller an! tise yaeng vaman an! anotsen vituess gave carroborative testimeis> as te seieg hise attse tise. It vas aise sheve by tise prasecublean thet lise primeer ha! been. failoving Fuller lisat oenieg. an! ha! bien mak. fig eastuie neruare an paosing Pelles durneg the previaus veek or tva. Fui. ionev waà non-union inan espepi'.ua tise Oshawa Slave Wamks. Tie Greve sbaved tisat, Davale>' vas a union man, tseS the latter vore ou strice Led epposo! ta tise ompîcyment ai non. union mou s e liun!ry, au! tisaI 1he offeuice gnav eut ofi this. The defouco set up an1 ali«bt. Five vileessea mvors thise Davsley vea5 ieanothon place at the tise af tIse aliege! affence. -Tise prisouar vas acquitta!. Thse Qeen vs. Joahatlun Hccru andi John Bs-ien :-The pnisanens vere chargea wih having cammilteti au as- inuit, wilS bodiy herm, upon finter Eloner! aItQasava. Thse qffenco grev out ai the same diffienît>' belvacu union au! non-union mon. Kiueerd's sosa vas brokan b>' a atone throvu et him. For tise dafance it vas estabiish- id tisat tise precutor lied bae bren!. 6hsiog a )revolver anti thneataniog te soot. MiraS il vas saîid ha! beau sel>' acting as e peace-maken, in iepanating tisese engageai in a figist. Mn. Justice Gvynue ta clsarging tise un>' nemeke! Sisal ceder tise cireuns- stances of tise intimsidation use! tovan! tha non-union mou, pensons so Ibreat. tee! werer juseifla! luin ai-i-ing fine ams la dlefani! themnselves. Brise, agaluet vîsoitisaevidence vas shigit, vas acquitte! an! Hunst couvicte!. lentence! ta four moüts uallier! lebor. Thse Queens-v8. W. Hf. Thontaie:- Chsarge ai indecent asauut. Tise Searge vas braeght hy Mn,. fluruelt, visa dii ual anten tise uomplaietntil airne yacks aan lisehe llegeti commis- sion ai tise aifeece. The prosacclian faile! an!dlise Judge change! favorab>' e lise pnisoner.wvisa as acquitte!. Thse Quee-l va. Cluristaplcer iS-ecsy: -A irue biil ion bigea>'. Gaie post- poued la naxt assuzea. Tise Qucen ta. AbnerS-9mi1ih :-Big- myf' Truc bill. Casec paspone! la maxI aseizea. Mn. Irving, Q. C., for tise.Grovu, au! Mr. Fareeall, Cnt>' Attorney', pros- cutoti. M. C. Camaron, Q. C., M.PP., iefaudo! in aIl the aisove cass. lin. i.G. hioMillan vas engage! vils him or lise defouce ai Dovslpy, lin. Enghiss or Tisomas, oan! Mn, Murlon, for NISI PRUIS'BIDE. Mar8-aie-ll V8. Clarkce. -Aeion ta ne- 3ove-r damages in respect ai an eccident 'hicis occunne! et a building in -ceuns r eneo'tion, for defeudent, vîsemes'ths .leiutiif'a hushan!' vas injenati, an! it as siiega! lis dia!, in canuaaqeuofa blèse injuries. Piainif failed taeta- ehb tisat das- resulta! frein lise neg- cet cf tisa ilefandant an! vas nonsui- d. A. G. MeMilen for piff., flan. M. G, ameron, Q. G. au!d W. H. Billioge -r deit. O'Connor v8. Pardon e-t ol.-Ths nas an au action for israaruî of cayeu- St cunlaine! lena lease. 'Chie case vus le!. uit tisa femmes- ascizes au! tise jury ails! la ags-ee. Tlîe deli. covanatuti ta Ira 4000 rails an! Iay thees lu feecea isen noliie! tisaItise rails vere nos!>'. tri>' coendai!tises-tisa>' ha! utal easanable time after notice ta dnev ses. The rails vere not, druvu aud mnring tise suser vers bureS luntise soda. Plaintiff cleimed -for tIse losa lishe rails ansd for draviog uew onos. 1.-C. Gameron, Q. C., anil C. A. Joues )r pîti., J. Meeckeican, Q. C., anti W. 1. Billiega for deit. Tisa ju-y ais-ai a'iug beaont for thsme Saura mile! egnee au! vere discisange!. Crancleil v8. -Nott.-Action egeinal ilt., a Justice ai thl eaene, ta racoven le penalty irupasai!b>' statuto iornset- igts mcii vitsou lise naquisile real ropertyqealiicatian. N. G. Bigelov S plff ' 'Àn. M. C. Camenon, Q. a., !i N. F. Puterson ion dafi. Plinetiff Dt being rend>' witldrev tise record. Gi-acier v8. Caunada ia-niere'Mutual isurance Co. - Action la mecover nant ai !efeedaet'a lJas b>'fine, u- ?r tva policies ai insurauce. Mou. M, .Gamernu Q., C. aud N. F. Paterson , plaintiff, F". Meokeisan, Q. C, fan reýndants. WVhiie tise casa vas le pro- mas tise parties sifeete! 1% compromise ; 750 n! averdiet ion ttisS unt ao Shereitsro rndene!. Bigelow va. Blak&e.-Action ai ejact-. 'et. Verdict b>' cousent for tise ainîlit N. G. Bigelov and W. M. elîruse for plsainteif P. A. Hlurd ion lendant. lr*c va. ichuerýdao,. - Action ricst defendaul, a Constable, forl- gaI airst of î,laini onita cearsgeofa ce>. IL appoarei Iaounsala r- le!i the plAintiff ou suspicion sud tisonS an>' varrant. Verdict ion aintiff fon $90. Hon. M. G. Camer- iQ. C. aud N. F. Paeon ion pleSntiif, ,G. Bigclav anti P. A. Hurti fcr fondant, Mloore ,. frl)opznalil. - Action tught b>' phaiuihiff la recot-ur aages )m ifendae t ion seductian oi plus-n. 's meii!.sorvaet, Suraus Bigsoe. 3riîct ion plaintiff for $600. J. E. brveillion plaintiff. No arce appeun- ion !eieudai2l, ie grnuythenmateislie foi, 'igprs ntinia n!- vore iecheng. an! --- oppe! ý0-uonaithe ,race-. AÀ-t Use Sure Hosmer anà -BRiey foule!, anai on the borne Marris an! BRiloy foule!. Bile7 a Gain, - falove! by Morrli4 uen!Y, Homer, an! tisé alhers, Complaintea!011foules beieg entered! againet BRiiey, ho vas mb! ôeî aiut ofth -raean! tise finl laovn ta Marris, néy- * eoand. an!dHoiortii!. Tie trne made is laid to-b.e iaIw Thse caeae race, ha! thmee enties-ý aIl Indi4n--as very- ieterost-ieg, au! vuS wan by a cipplo - naîueà Yeilov hsad -- TIse rix. ion -tii.amateur coingle senlrace, aailven cup, oames t Wisit-ý by, being wan eamily by Mn. C.-Wilmot of tise Onlario Bankr, here. 'Ho ha! only on. compelilen. Chas. Po!gen, of Partili.fnom Wlhiùby Whio atteee lise race, liave-mciipuaise ta hestov an Stungeon PaieStas a pessure reoet, durng tlis ummen anonths. Iem SensIonsi. ass-aiis sIa scasease uDaxDAIiTISLL.- Jaisn Henst an! Edvar Wnight' vans change! vithcommitteg sa s-ý sauIt upen lIns. Mary Halliday on the 15thinet., et Oshawa. Tii. prisanors picade! gnilty. Pnesenli±-iiaving ex- presse! a wieh noS ta preslie -cene, neessentence! ta aneminaii fine an!d to psy tise ceats. Mn.' Fareveli, GCeuty A&ttonney for tise Grave. Lord Duffetin's iiiata Taranite. tLord Defferin vas neceive! vwils gnonS !demaestnalioes ai veleoine ah -TaIfento au Monday. Hie Excellene> topene! thé Provincial Exhibition, a replie! ta sevérna sdresses preseeté! iin je is usuel feliciteuand! happyý sauner. Tise Judgment in tise Orange Prosecu- tiens. Jutigmant lu tise Orange praseculians r et Montreai vas rendors! an Mande>' r Tise delendauta us-le cammitte! ta atand! heU lnial et tise eaming tenun ai tise CeunI ai Queen's Bencis. Tise>' vere ake! if lhay desire! ta make an>' stateeant, au! individuail>' deesîre! tise>'verse netgult>'. Tise pensonai, bail aiflise deisudante vas tisanrne v. adinl thse sein ai$100 each ion thiseinap- pearunca at tiseCourt ai Queee's Beecii. Mn. Baker, ai0, twgst vste ne tunning froue is.e ai le a igist buggy colliad neer Oshsawa, vitis a- phîeton froue Havkiu'a liver>'. Tise occupants ai tise buggy vera pitcha! out an! Mise Banken mndera!uncanscions fan a lime. Lotis vaisicles vona damage!. Opinions expresse! b>' ladies -visa hava viaitai! Mr. - Z Fraats Millissery diapl>' rooin. lIra. B., "Tise beat se. ietst lok oa i linery le Wii-iy." lIns. T. "Tise moat elegant tritueda liais an! bonnets tisaI I have seau le tovu." lIns. B. "In excellant tarts and lnimueiog net pile! oe." Irs. à .. "Sa prott>' an! yet so spaderale le pruce." Va vaul! luka your appiniau fair rentier aise. Coma an! inspeet tise goatis. Edvaril Frost.' Parties wishing ta Beni! for their friands lu Great Britaisa eau procura prapai! certificatas Shrough ta Wiiitby frein Oa. B. Yae, Allen Line Agent, Whitby. Passenesmb>' tis. Alien Lins han! direct froe tise is teassis on tise' Grue! Truek vlservos nS Sentis Qiec an! are fonvardeon a t once toetdcsti-1 nation. B>' tis arrengement passen- gens avai! aIl incidentai oxpeescu aud reaving as beggage. TuEAL.-A apeciel axcursion train ion Montreal i viii al et Whutby, G. T. R. Dapot,'9,10Oa. Tuesday October laS. .Reteu Tickets frein Wiitby ta- Mou- tnaal b>' this speciai train oui>' te roture by an>' ondiuary tralinishie oneovek frein day ai issue at $4.150. For tickets an! inrthen inflormnation appi>' tea O. B. Yae, Grand Trnk Tickset Agent, Express Office, Wisitby. Tise Grand Ps-unIe Raiivny have ne-« ducai!lishe fane froue Wiiby ta Toronto un! nature ta parties atleniig tise Provincial Exhibition ta 75 cent- Tickets te go b>'au>' ordinan>' train betveere tise 23n! an! 2715 ta reture unîli tise. 151h, for sale b>'Oe. B. Yues,W Feiows' Syrssp ai Hypephospiils, b>' restarng sîrosîglt tisahenenves an! uenscies ai tise stoanoh, curs dyapsp. ais, vhsicis is but tise losa ai nenvoui strougti, foliavetib>' uesculen relaxe. lieU."-h ettigw wo tehel u'tior boat ete vs nov ai tao iasi d acuortvouetha l abtri up thinjreti atvi aincKlats nlao lu Ferhavrcis' Faularge art. oftiet uîevewrece!a are o essonîste aize oare boxp vii cvoaifeS.nWtB.is dozeh.an box.eycap.S .B For chappei hands, lips, &c.,' White Rose Crea i lathe beat. S. W. B3. Smnith & Go. -Enos Fruit Salt and Enos Great Engliss remnedies, full stock.: S. W. B. Smith & Co. Hearles Mtaguceni To'ilet- Soap,, 3 dozen in a box, $1,25. S. W. B3. Smifh Celluloid Dressing Combs and Unlir Bruehes strong and durable. S. W. B. Smith & Co. ifolman, Foyer, Ague and! Liver Pa! for sale by T. G. Whitlleld. Do not suifer with a couffil or coa when % 25 cent bottie of Whbitlelds Celebratefi Pulinouie, Byrup wilI givo- yau inamediate relief. WHITBY MARKETS. CISOUCLE Oimcz, Sept. 25tb, 11178. Flin, prbri .......... 500(9600 IFull Wheiat........... #0 05 @ 80o 8Spriit Wheut ..........0 5 (8 go 92 Baloy ................ O OC&@ 50 96 .et6...........0 ~66 peus, bbac-k-,-yed.1 0 90 0 O OSs.............. ewi8 ouru............. 00 o Ray ......... ......#7@9 Appio............O 40 @ O 60 Pottoa, ew.....4 60 @ 50c ...................e tolO Butter............140 O@1»C .>....10oe 3 :12Jç Wo........ ....$ @8,0 Noël .................a0s8 2 eeel, htnd qnrter. $6 50 @*t0 OO Bofoequaitir ....... iTise la i an! wtt payeset oi ts ecus pariasaafjslp, l snaney and exeoutcciset iamatg ii bc setitla! ta imînedase M"dIS IOili thse complets possessIonan ti stfenisezt. be entitiea! ta imssediate pession upaic mallng thairocah paymaeati and Oxscutlnx 'Ti E xpurei sue &hal a tlie ie of Bme payla dposit of toueet, on thse pur- chue nseney ta ts e as Ba e ana sbiss viiin anseinnts tlsreaiter pay ho - tse sa9d Sollcllansacient tmm vîthtise ald-tn per, cnt,- ta muae p e-tin!o! thà a!prhi oe vi i nterist ; the balance te b.l securo! by:Btatntan p&aallei. four equa m inulsi almntg. vus Intensst et seven Pan-cent.' Thare wll ha a iereeo.bd an eecis pan- osi fixe! by the sala Mute. -Thse sae. vIihbe l! ueder tht 1standing - -conditions of the ual! Court, except a barn a aed. -t c Pallierpartlcuhers an! -oaitiîà s»o a e niay bc ba! at tse 1ev offices of Mesen. aeol&Bnthedge, Vendons' Bolicltozs, Wbitb y M 0n. MeGartisy Ho kntPlemb W.~ ~ ~ ~~m H.Bllg1llya&the uidasge. ILGOH.DABTISELL, FÀEBL&BUTLEDGE, Master. 41u-4) Vendons' BSlolctons. -USUANT TOIA DECRIE ECF THE -L(UB F GHANCIEBY seeie ea causaetofBA TOLTFF ogaismt RA TCLIFF, lie credilars of John RatSiOI, hle -of Eust Wlsltby, fintise Ceuety o!f Oetuia, "oadl.! ino bout tsa mentsfci mî4l, 17,aie on or befone tIse 1Mt day ef October, 1878, .tasana by pot, (pr-paidi-ta Faneveil & Bnthe!gs, cf lie Tave -o! .Wiiy, ti Soli- clitors aitise PlafintI, tiseir Ghsmltlaim an! Sunases, aiddenssse- an! dscription, tse te funpaltouara etofiLeir cdaims, a sae.-- nient'o! thpir accounUetind tisenature a! tse aecuitieBfii any] lmu'. by the: on in déal ieeîtsay viiibo 'poreaptOily cxchuee!rom tse benefit ci t is'al!deo1rea. Evýer>' aineditor holding ansiy o,'xity B te Preduca tse same before me ettmy.iasberes atItse Town o! whltby, le tise GLotY a! (nsaai, senlise îTtli day of Octaben, 2 8, alt'ten e'cbeuk le tse orenoon b bg s imà e appointe!l for adjudicaton anth chaises. Data! lisia 20&5 day cf Sept., 187. - , (Sgd) GBO. H. DARTEERLL, 8iui.40) Master. L ANDLORlDS BAILi i? SALE.-Tho remuants ef Diggmry Boroirsy goada n! osattal, lni . score. &c on Ni oi Lot 27, in Sm! eau. Tevnahip oe tilby, on -TUESDAY, Ian OCT., 1878, nt 2, p. se., un tse preseises. CON.' MoAULIFFE, Bfli. Aise, the reassoe Joh n Mlety's goaa an! cisell, lurelpa, cose, &c., on Lot 4 le Os-h cen. Taweship of plckering, anW D NESDAY, Ixe OCT., 1878, et 2, P. su., an tse premisas. CON. MCAULIFFEB, BIfl. MORIGAG'E .SALE.- TTNDER AND BT VITUE'oS TH - JPaver of Sale centaine! len a certain- Manigage visich is viibe prodeecie t tise lima o! sals, and upon visics defaîsit bas beau meade, tsane viii bcsol! is>']Publie. Anction, AT RAY'S IIOTEL, .IN THE TOWN OSF WHITy, an Saturdayi October l2th, 1878, At tise saun cif Tvaeclock, -p. im., tie falloving -valcabie pneperty, ceoi"tlj o the sauts isal of!Lotd, m- e,ý5o n. 0 tise Township af Whitby. Tis il a first-elus fane. vell vaons!, vilsk geod buildings, vuts$n about -jm=neo0 B-oakistation e!cisep. W.& p. p.EýAi. vny, an! withsle 41 sea-ef tse Towen of Wisitby. - TEBMS EASY. For turtser .partilarsapplI la luise Wass, mrtg e, D. Ormisto6n EsbenA. i- bahl, Haq., BrocokeiA. yoh.PCmp { D. ORM *ISTON, Ven!er Sein., Witby, Ot Sept.,1870. . I-S FARM TO RENT! ORTUhball Lot 27i,8 cen. c! Wbitiy N 10 îoacres 21milesort i own ci vail ci vater an! a living spniegsipon tisa pince. Possessione inmsediateiy. Apply to - - Wisitby, oin SautS i Lot 27., A POCKET boock aiin 6-six G' Whitby dning t fair. Thee Seder wiflb libarauy rewari!ee by returnlng Éà me to THOMÂS STEVENSON //Ouse for 881e or ý.ta fient -I A GOD fimevelingHoé; cou. - et Mr. Grcae's PaninghiMW, T-he Cheapo8tExdurBi1on'.- OSF THE SEASON. By Ea ilan! Stea ern TO MI1DLAN D AND RETUEN, ONE DOLLAIL TEE WHITBY, PORT PRsRY& LIND. SAY AN~D MIDLAND BAILWAYS WIl,q Monday, Sopt'r. 3Oth, 1878, rn un Excursion am under:- Train vili lbava Wiby et 6»0 .se., Bmeokiite0.16, MYntUe 6.27,'Busmit 6.86, Miancisester 6.41,. lrince Albert, 8.49, Part Penny7, 8eagna-ve7.2, Sonya 7.29, IMeullIe7.- OOsngaua.S9paoinai.lr iget-ictoria Baboe t anep . ,vhse SteLamen, vill bu lu readisseas la couve>' cXi cuniienlil, ta Midisu!. Betuimnug, estu. ena Ixave Midiai!t tisrec, p. i. nnzving aI Lindsay -et sigisl P.., ndWlitby about 11.00P. se. This tep vill a1Ir visitons an app6ntE- nit>' a! %seing thsSdIani! an! Geenglusi Beys, tise reins'a! OU! Port, vitis ather -ne. nantie ais! Hiatoricil jpiintoe ionsbaties Ielvas lise sari>' Prois bsele ansd the Mohavk hIndianas ves ouglut. A- glispse is abs-aiea o aiânTinIlnd, Tise Giaii'u Temb &a. ; aiseo!iste entrance la tise bisy nt P e tmsng slhene -ce tise ban!et! vieat is e Euatedd -ise llà eonseelery. In addition eoenslents vill sec the counrya!ftise MusIca district n HEanrsame Wina Fimvor us by oi FAN( Invite ~liniiWoo« -Bristol]1 Baskets, Shuittles CIE Book Seller sud Show on' - and -We haveb Wve"aresa Win gil square dealin1 We invitei CHANCE -a: VA L UA B4j tTOWN SHIIP sl the Coùnr Gisancery made in t QUIGLEY, tiersw Auctian vitS the spl DartuiZLf9 - - 16 tieneer, aItishe WAÀi IPORT-I1 et tise honnif 1 a'clC MONÃ"ý'DA-Y, MTE F.OCTO le One pcel, tise foul Tise nort5.vest «- Nuseber Nine, le tise tise Tovnsip af Beau Ontario, conteiingý ,Sixty-eightAcnrqamc dhspopryIs tuse Vilg Greenb iait miles;frein tise about$tisre a! e-ha Vlae of Uxbidge e tisane are god makel produce an! vis-b ci Tise Buildings on t a cunilortable Frein Preme fiera about fi feet, a Stable ae! W ropeir. An(oer! o!fruse stecksd vils gcoas teiHleg Streame rues hi Thene are about oeg upon thse prepent>', ise!vdwoo Tise propenrt>' tv gpa cultivattan an! tien o!stm l>nelc tusil expire on lut Ma, 188,- and vh hoidl& il nentetf$160, payable e A cap>' e ialessvil Tisa Veedlor villanDI e oopy cf a Eegiacar'r the sel! han!, aundse furnieh any deeds on,1 o eds,or doeul sien, sani!tise punaisa abstrateb is ovner SAT-1