Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Aug 1878, p. 4

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Myff Publiec ownd O Pofflmwor Mofeqw, o somasuimh 14,00,bbgan Afis. Einl #101h 1w, 1 nes >odr Istaks,' " loooivyacekuow-.&,dshil »b ugjj= îI ruatterosi ,Jsequnstead cf- cal>' 1 Ilsoli a stupiti Idesaisi dClérât, bltbg ber lp,ý a « li otel a Cty III Ou ths-whoie, 1I inlk » wus~prî sqaetigbetween 0dia aand& Jaok. Fredncol longatstorwsa w onstu a iof ca ver>' Iosaul p le .oflInforîm. tomarted tg hiniby' Mae;sd thuug 1 hae owotilinstlsoagblfi would have tarvedt temn botb rlgblif §ho bad mnarnled Fsed;f t dtdn'ttura out go. Jack bas leurted b Oc106kpou lb.- il iaps aboya îecouuitéd asubeus- lngs luasiguise, saylng If 14 hadu't beau for tlsem, 1ibee-.wesld bav been no une Tiee alngniar speotacle"cf a bore0 drawîî bj mou WUs wltneseod lu -Au- lurni. The harusabroke,aJ Sfty 01 thé (Icad mali's (slow woakmeu took $bu place of tl. bos. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, Allan Lino Kivery éÏttssîuley frosn Qîsdbe, Mo trial!ift)is trisltJuvissg WhLsby - - - - il8.10 A.,mi. every îprî.lay. rli&01(iiosyssrs. S-C tir farc éusnd 1te 881,101. l tir.tcks'to, 610,650, 4100.50, acardlng 10pomiiossn ofiitate cousis. Itradae 6 li; rotera, 82. $tccrftýesme mo aute clewest. 'leycirf rer Qitultr, lily 27th, 1878. Sîaito , " Aug. 51r! - Oîrceeîsais, d lé 105!. moravigîs, 0 dé l7th dé -'iteerxt(o amSierdé ,eare los'wsrciid té Lon- dlondeirry, flfas, tiiangow, Qsieenstowa, 13$lwto!, cardilT, adLed s ainerate atimtcLiverpoo<l. lrutel shlg to gonud for thei- friers catn ebtals:jlicketeut low rate,. 'l'ho paosagses mnade dninsg tise fiumer ni 177,frerui, !n b lasnd, a-cragclabout 'l/tde,,stw:o etÏ/111011are open£tin- the llselstic ro (),lthefNt, Lawrence, tocr ti cisedto and! lerther Isforission apply ta-- GU (iO. Il. YULIf. E .anTe.Office, - x.at eWhlîby. FIAIS1F-OP 1'0E5 TO 1311. TAKEN DiY CiONSTA3LUS. (tjssîlitr O<)r, C hLuult cl lieil 2Ith iy Jîsiy, 1871.) Ayrrot fcit lssiviiuai nspou a wrraint..--...............1-0 !JsvsgaisOrsu abpcua... - O25 I. lOlIago te serve ennîsssono,,nui). d )Ohmu or Warrant...-.--------O. 010 '. ileago wicseisc c ulfît bc lerIîîimofle! direet rise. oI -istsarily fiîuîddl thoir con- 4. tt..di ng Jîsîtilrus Oon Siunary - trils, or 1osstanshslatboîi of Pro. sorit e.:Iargsud witlt cr-ime, fur Outil, jtsy iîosuasrly emîployca loi clle or rînilc cn,,*lionssDot0 engagenr:nco tisai four heure, - oOO 7. 1Do. do..wiîess enjgeil iare titan- four hsourd ................... 0 8. Att)Isnlg &FàszijsoOr Hoiien).o, ýaCi. (lit ...-....... 0 ii, iîoior biture Justice. twisei psd:l1sîoive alice J'ast bc ialclion oftouali)dlsbune. ruent, to iii iiilsiwuu.).......0 lu, iiî is.îi JryfrVor ers - Isqîlsuit,. ioe ilf ;attoisnég et Iliqieet, and 4ail esr-leis lu ce. liait tllriel, Il 110111 ou satie day Ks Jury sîîraned ............ 0 IL. Attendjrig enel i alourent tlserout 1 il net er:j<aged noce tour bous.,................. 10 13. Surnoi eummnseor osalipu-a te aeilbêlOe.(Coroner leubjeet No. 10)----------- 02 15. idshuntng body 111culer- .Coc onca 1 warrant----------------... liime ...brln s ............. 2 00) 17- erv'lig de se gwarrafit, audr e. tiant..... ................ _ 1 g - 9l rviti ta nîsike iltreis, or te eersrrh lifor goi gt a oused.. treuil, Thon sn geédui are tfni. 010 14pil p)ll5lint6 wletlsîr ly One 131, M'Ire, 12 centaois e dollar, nu l.t 5auVaLlise et 84e0fa Gitaoffln 1iii. isslà cosnnuesléa olloîil lveiry usi gonds'- 5 tm. lu ilioet co ii lceia olceol 0goeds. ti~. l*cniuî~rerwartrrant... 1 0 igg oticn oncessetables, I)ýtontl servesl-..... 50 et lit,~' 1'-ordir, "'11IM LL, 1.12. Ar4bt.,.., - 1 UT, PORT PEIIIIT & LINDSAy I1AILWAY. RESED TIME TABLE. fo to moflMday, YJlYIt, 1878. a su,, 4oist5 Kos. 9t4....... M Am' ,0P-2 TBAINO 0011(1 OUil ssay. . - a..ai.7.00 0 p. CONNECTIONS.- C cma n- a ulbsd ,nj , ii Por eawoodrttea lôt oover. I sie~% 55 ,~ roc- NEIW « PRE mISES, NEW 14 AND FRESH laving corne out of safely I have been enabled1 the Fire te re-in- vest th1e total amount of my insurance and a large amount of other Capital in the purchase of an eu-- tirely new and F- FRES.H STOCK --OF- SGROCERIES, LIQUORI ii8, c Which having been secured ' for Cash 'on most advantagecus terins, 1 amn cnabfed to offer at - - fuliy New Ge Rigs - New Bright GoId Jewellery, New BabyJet Stte,' Carnages very heap. Clocha, Sp ee, Catl0>'yeElectro-p1ated GcOoda. h- great vaÃŽiety, Niokelite F'orks and 'Spoàzs; Deski, Ink- ttae ,buuine8a depression, the0low, 'Wbitb>',Apuil.104h, 1M.PatclW t.mka ro-i WL LIAM 'TI L L CABINET. FAOTORY 'AND ".,FJRHI1TURE- WAREROOM8 1 'THE OL D8 TA NA, BROOK >S8TREET, WHI TB ye Go ,where you cannot fail to' be ,pleased' su.a ingeeàoidus of good furitue; Sçedid Peri r~DI-W,awi1 oom and Bedroom Sets, Nw-eiuwefl worthy of inspection, ai aaioniahing low primea. Din- ing-roem Ext ension Tables-a& ver>' uprior "rIOl. ea <1l Ciuc., ~tnre Prng i cvory style. Some fine chromos In aIl its branches; uerals ful>' supplieti, A stock of elegant casl Coffins always on baud, trimmaedt suit Customers, anti a well appot Hearse equatanil>' in readinoîs. WMtiby, Novembet- 241h, 1875. CIARRIAGFS AND ;BUGGIES THE LABGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP l'ited Carnage8, leighs and Cute, M. 0'D-ONOYAN'S CARRIAGE -FACTORY - B ROCkI-.ST., !WHITBY. VERT OHEÂP. NEW GO OD S Clothing and Gent's Furnish ig Flous Je now supplied with ail the newest styles of Exiglish, Scotch, and Canadian Olotha of ail kinds, the j~, rJe~AlSO an excellent Stock Of Gents' Furnishinge, ail 25 Cet , , t" ,ew. A splendid stock cf Ready.madc Oveucoai, (iheap for Cash. 2-Per On Be/o w Ordinary Priées. lMcMILLÂN'fi BLOCK, BROOK STIEET, -- W1IITBY. To cash and prompt Paying Buyers at Wholesale and Iletail. D~LA.I- 1e" Ideem it -unnecessary to en- ~F.S R I EP T umerate the items in detail of nMy ltrge and Ev RyING nT E EinstockAo extensiv tock;- any atmtt os i EetifM h lime Fruits, always kept i tco ImAmi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h xcev tep ed obcfrean udbestin uthé Market, andi SOLD- UNER TORONTO ivudfil a dezet> 0icrOniCle#,51f PRICES. Privale andi-publie parties supplieti et Wholesale rates. 'Voul. Orders by Telegraph or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST fice te a that -t is complete in alil RATES, witl punelualil> '. -- say it 11 TI Al cnn.la .Ialivo-nrA r M XTkik. se E-4 Ne 0 04 lines and that custemaers will find on the promises cevery article that znay ho onquircd fer. Ilecads 'of Failiies making puýrehasos of, FRESH GROCERIESj Will Save Money and secure a poil article by cailinY. EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffeeb' Cocoas, Choco- lates, &c., &C-1 My - Liquors, as. heretofore, are of the b est brands and wil hob found îlnsnrpassed in purity and cheapness. Agb# for Cosgrove & Labatt's Ales. Aiea; ket cuality, 80, cents per gallon by the Keg. Canned Fruits, Pickles, 'Biscuts, of best quality. Oysters, HaMdes, Bloaters and. lsh cf ail kinds, Herrings, S"-mon Trout, &o., in Barrelfand haif- Barrels. 1 amn raking1 can afford te ol 18 bs Q proWu Sti~4as specialty, and L3ugar for $.0 20-lbs. of Valeiitia nI3n or$.0 20 Ibo, of Currants f-141Oo 'AeiimcornC b I Sta4 £à," iuuun uiouALL tu VI LL5UIEiDincBowmnanviule Pur-j 1Fe!.. 27t!., 1878. -L4m11) Kang-St., Oabaw WIPAASHJONABLE - W. J. REDMAN, Go whcre yen cau get a Weil-fitting Garinent :-To thE Tàioring Establishment cf GEORGE -GURLEY, A Large Stock of Elne Cioths ; best English, Scotch anid Canadian Tweeds. »-> Excellent Overcostings and Splendlid vest patterns. A good -fit Gtiaranieed. GOG ULY King Strest, Oshawa. OUTTNG HASHAW. B. i e Is 10W Complete ini Bvery Line. Q "Di em -a euh mn>'uin ;(tho ihoee fl dieug lu pullig the mebanoalaboiie, :te jmabinory a. bse partlednd aÃ"ue,ue wjM p0 seia otee lu th. mnufAtuumj.,f 'ourc l th' eamy oisalub e fm is parienar urpsesudnoladptetifor .otherwork, anti oui - wpkmen anreaeu- WWMg kucwiedge ofibl no fl$mewnfoooblean -llaseitluc- iauabgl 9 ures !a iat rfseoothan where geuraiIsualru W. ae ieMfor. nab4dluteioduce -a mss p9 fet systemain il 4oà he de- parzuebs diduso lo i'i. 1teh. -peton of Pheworkbua -l ThsPrnipleis regardýd useesarY 'n'ua eil rekula*ed estsblinenî, sud ýwe enabied lo u=r oui our machines with a hlgher degre.-f-Wein ' i throe. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKÃŽNG- REAPER' la ow go weon lnovu as a ingle Beaper, ibat a word cf eommendatiou % aical t meent sapérfuons, but-as ne hre:,are roay -.oaiming<lu manufactz machine Wh& hava adbeied to the oid original Johoston geine, willicut1 ing up lu the' rovemouts ; ibat justie luourselvei sud patrons require to sate that wo hve o ofiedit in altuost ev.e caimentiai part, andi for stre anti dnraibmit, usai i'f uinu veryklinti and7condition of griÀB i',ghla pr-us v tyabesti of ail 0"ereapeus. In prof cf thuitinwebv to pint to tbe many lh&llzesawardeti us-at; 4he lait Provincoial trial0o tarîo, andi man>'muni>' trials whli hbave taken place ail over Canada, ma the lust few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHI.NE with lae improvamenta, is ail that cau be deaired in a Comsned Machine, caunol fail to meet ail the requirements cf purchaeua. Our improvedf Cayuga Chief Jr, and our Young Canada MO# ure bWh i-at-claie machines-L cuatitnted almoat wholly cf Iron andti Siei. layaga Jr. bas a rear cnt, anà lb. Young Canada a front Cnt; bolh-strong, abe machines, and not ae etib>' an>' machines lu the markel for qualit OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER.' A&s tbe country bas become b4ter aPdst.de machiner>'y u a> farfri ers have beocneskflied ,lu tcecf machine8, a grovigandemand bf areprnn np fou a Light, Durable, iteCsauBeper. igemnbuoug Alive tu the requiremend'of tbeday, ve bave aucceecledinl inventlug a ma- chine witb a Wroughl Iran Prame, wlttheb leasi Possible geaiag-witb large, brost-faceti drive vbeland se contrutei l ai the frme an S table tilt t t e same time, teebyr keeping , thé pitman aiaysinl lino ith the nife. Tii. aesaedriven directly from the, main ibaft-there being no perceptible aide draft, andi no weighi apon thé barsea neéks. We are ongfident that we have sucoeeded lin Mvenîiag t-le moat perfect Reaper, taking lb lunail ils p ails, lbat- bas ever been protinceti. We have applieti for lettons patent, and'shail Iolt aur iniventian, for oui own exclusive manufacture, sud ve respeclfully iukgest lu in- iondiag purclzae±,ibt the>' abonld sec- ibis machine before givisig leïr eiders for tbe comlug barveit. Thec "Whiib>' Harveilcu"- veighe, ailfl, 6M0 poundi, but being madie principal>' of the besi qualit>' cf t-on and steel, anti from ia n.- genians s.ud compact construction, it combines the strengthl and durubilit>' cf the heavier machines. AU ocf Our machines are fully varrauteti Wilh Ibis liai cf machines, we fiel confdent thai we ceu meet ever>' ra- qufrenient, sud v. rcapeetfuly sulicit a triailaioni-u machines, beliéviug lIai ve eau furniali 'abotter machine for the maney ibmn eau be obtaine,! éiaewbere. would oe tt;fl. tantis , and The dur- PIIOWN & PATTTRRSON VMlGoeC wi itby, Ontario, Februar>, 1877. Licensed for the South Riding cf Ontario, North Riding cf Ontario, and separate Munieipalities in the latter. AM. RESIDENCE. MUNICIPALITY. EXPIRATION. D. Biubcp, Oshawa, Beach, - ÀArHl dih, 1878. Thas. Pencher, I3eikrd, -Umbridge, June lit, S. S. Leecb, Sunderland, Brook, Jul>' Oth, D. Bisbap, Oshawa, 6. Riding, 662811, A. J. Hai-rington, Port Pers>', Beach, Aug. 201h, TIoa. Tuoker, Leaakdaie, Scoti, sept.;,»t W. M. Willcax, Port Perry, N. Ridiug, lard, Id J. M. Patron, Bloom igton, 64g44h, Frank Dean, orlîia, Mara, 121h, Jas. Digby, jr., Claremoint, N. & S. Riding. os 121h, d TIai. Piikey, Wezfarul, Umbriclge, f 201h, A ibet S rn , M uakoka, each, 216t, lit Fairba nk , W itby . 2ild H.L. Vant, Stonfihe, -Ubridge, Oct. 1111, Sami. Beird, Brook, 46 1!., Wm. Gardon, Sunderland, idDec. Sud, J. 0. Widdifield, Uxbridge, Uxbridge, "151h, Clement Dawes, Port Persry, N. liding, 218it, Donald Campbell, Whitby, Brock, Jan. 511,, 1879. E.. ELCmeron, Beaverton, Thorah, -l"218t, I Geo. McWiliiasn, Taranto, B frook, Feb. 28tb, 4 LIST 0F FEPLEIIS F01R THE Ce. ONTARIIO. Hector MeKinnon, Nou-Beaident, 1 herse, April 251h, 1878. Thoa. Chailersun, Town Whtby, Ji- ung 261!.,I John Final, Thora!., " - Jan. Silti, 1870. 'o- Ja~ph Jackson, Uxbrhdge, ~' Mar. 1111, ro COMBINATION -:00:- fias much Ple asure in- announcing that he bas 110W in Stock a Complote Assortment of al kinds of Family Groceries suitable' for the Holidays or any tii11e, including the following, viz.: New Valeutia Raisins, -A Choie lot cf Motte Cupu and Saucera Layert s for Xmaq. B asketFane>' To>'.fou Xnas. London Fane>' Canies for Xmas. 'Cravu Jellies, Marmade, "Cumuls " Pickles, Salmon, Labosteru, Lemon Peel' Sardines, White Fîsb, Orange Peel. -Salmon Tront, Citron Peel, Finnan Hlatdies anti Op'tera rereiv-ot AUl Kinds of Spices. daiiy. Nuis, ail Rind., Pipes, Tobaccos, Combs, Extracta af ail Kinde. - Bruihes, Kulvea, s&o. A FULL ASSOMTMENT IN EVEY UNE. Have you seen the New Illuininat or. No Climnoy re- quireti. 1Lmigt equal toc 8 cf the cîti kind, once. lied always tpeti. Sole agent for Whibby. Crooker>' anti Glasswaro lu great variet>', clesp, Casah paiti for Apples, Polatoes, Butter, Eggs anti Poultr>'. PETERI SMITH, k Special Inducements to those Yery STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. Full Stock of (3askets, Cdffins, -and al the necessaries in this liel Alsý A WELL-APPOINTE D*HEAIRSE. Whitby, October 1bih, 1877. 42 WM. BURNS, BROWK STREET, - jWHTTBY, Has~ ~~~i jurcf iet froi'.*the -Mà4uâaOtw6zers a good 'and ,Gentkm 7àmrsardi; ,H;UGH FRAS Beporni bis fi niahe , ,pOH SmF GautEt A p rulsin B OOT'AND 8110E Has been removed from Brock Stjeet: to Du firsi door 's'est of Armotrong's' Hotel, where. lhmi a sy the RGTFIT AND'MARE, andi o!the best styles of Bo Ail orders promptiy attendedto.-, Bepairs etly doue. D fundas Street, firat, store. west-of - Ilotýl Bemember the place. sa e4 UU 018C LAEST 91 NATTHEW Whitby, Jane 124h, 1878. MOCROBEONO& TH1E LAIRGE ST> STOCK.0 F FUR$ - EVER SHIOWN IN CANADA. ;11enffl stock îcf osanti shoce. Am3fstrong's Toronto.- FUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO';ORDER. -WOLPB0RBElî - R'Usluiv LAMB 'ÊQ~s RACOOi ROESS. 8S. SEAL -SBACQUES,- YAK.RBEPERSAN 'LAMESCUS BUFF]ALO RBS, - 1<0K BRUME B ACAURSI ,MlNK CAPS, - 1<110KSETTS, S. S. SEAL CAPS, S. - S., ,SEAL -» SETT5, OTTER AND BEAL BETTS, EMRMINESETTS , . PERSIAN' LAMP CAPS, PERSIAI LAME « SETTS BALTIC CEAI. CAPS, - ASTRMAOHN SBTTE, CONEY CAPS, E LACK SABLE SEITTS, GREY LAMB CAPS, CONET "-SRTTS GERMAN 1<110 CAPS, GREY LAM B ETTS;- CiIILDREN'S SETTS. ?articular attention given te ail orders. Alterations F spEWSATOeiaiY ttended te, - NE STAE ETIEY & OBOOK STORE AT TUE. T -IB OOO ORÂN 000- Begs te announce' to his oustomers and the public in gouerai tInt lie bas Opencti a Statîoncry, *Solool Buok anti News depot in connection witl hie Confectioner>' & flaking business, in bis old stand sotl Brook Stroet, whcre ovcr>'thing in the lina eau lie ladai ver;> loy rates. The Daily and Weekly Papers always on land, .and de-- liverer! to subscriburs in ail pal- the b Iwu. Orders promp iMcdfor The public will flnd it to their advantage to -take a peep aI aur stock before purclîasing elacyhere. Wl Ec Ji i Wbhib, Dec. 111h, 1877. Odtifellows' Buildings. Vick's Flower - ýad Vegetable Seeds, Lawn Grass Seed, Tu-beroeBls - NEW., CANNED FRUJITS. Californie P1iumbsèý 46i~og 'w String'eBeans, Tomatoes, a-, AND CARRIAGES. A Large Assortment of -Cutte rs and Buggies FOR SALE>- CHEAP,' T OM S JN& W P 0R:T'S SADDLERY AND,- 11ARNESS.. WILLIAM THOM PSON Boe dir-ct attention te Lia large and ualrtck onrs4ever>'- thing in, tbe Satidler>' antid resLie lo Leather. Valigeàs and' Saratoga 7Trunks 1 BIG. BARGAINS!1 US IECI--00JO LT Grey Lustres at 12le. Black do. at 12e. Fast Colored Frints at 5c. White Cottens at 5c. Md Gloves qt 25-0. White Cotton IHose at 5c. 2- Regatta ShirtS for $1.560 WRate dapsT e.l 'olast o WÃ"th 25e. - id 20C. -e 100. ý7 et 756 -_ te loc. ci $2.00 Rats CasTis HCIlsatCo& ILLIAN'f, i BLOCE, . - - BROOK STREET, with Pro fILLIAN*$ Il 1. 1 1 1 1 ýp t( tg ti w ci 0 &Z ci ai en ri m 1 1 1 und 1 lý CHARLES c ATTOEMiy-A.Lj ýin, Brook, C.W L"-AN - ENGL 1 A . G RATU Ohataôieynwool io-BStre trehawa. BARW =TR' T G. YOnS, i eu. .21875.or C BouStet.ouo ol. AgeNG orsvr] oer WightxnauYa st CÂNERON& 5 ,Attc 1110105 CANdERONQ.C. (l THOMIAS E J R Wht. GUNI S UGGEON1 TO TUE -BrnStreet,Whit Dr. W. J. î Omcrr-Neit Saur te £ýreidianee, nt theéBc BYKRON IFIE] IpHYCreIÂN. SURGI Wm. MeBRIEN, MI DR. Boai IPhysioian, Surgeon, Ac Whitiby, Sept. 80k!., 1874, -W.-AD -offichersi-,or9 .. lm 0téS, p. m. lteeelSen nti Girt st-cote. STlateRt pris csheap as thi.ebeapest, Téeth «extradS ithout lécal anumth.da ental *ana nov block, over Atidi Klu gStrcet, O(sbswa. - JOHN ROBI JOHN WOLFý oS Janathan WoIfendeu,Dl GEORGE Col santly eon haud. WILLIAMI CC BLACKSMIH,t - - Hèrse ahoig e"Sail 1 work. C. c. SCAI -j7IBGNIÂTOBAcs Toro oto-tret, Te, 11 .O'DELL, AT H ER Cierk Division Cou-) WM. TML. 91 King Street CALL & 'OBE - TREM. Pl 11 .'oronto, Dec. 3, 1877. ly-50 -j8m.11) hitby, March 4tb, 1878. TAILORING OSHÀWA. SUPEILIOR My Stock of , - -MèCROiss'ý l2e FINE FU RS A SPEÃ"-I.AL-TY..ýe LIST OF AUCTIONEERS N.E W S dé G.-MoDOUGALL- South Brock Stmet, 13 P E T E R E. J..ýJOHNSON.1 Bý-VG-GIE,&-1 1 UNDERTAKING. F R D S,

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