Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Aug 1878, p. 3

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àe üy le- 17 formnng -a cbo Boear :and Mise Iclegraj - dzL or., î onier- cave. ? and et ïn10 1mr t T ale efom en lote naat any. rePaociy tihoýaoSee ri, pe 11t9ta ziay, tos.of a okopr, thodoc *toiaad;,1ýh. undortetketr. ii. pobli pente tht.:. wss filfflih. IN OYOQrlogq! 1.ý ,4fathos; total 91 *caese. 280 Sebs, uai hi108 0cas andS90 M .-o' asrç peng 24 ioun cases ana 5 dethhi aring lia vs.l 0 a- - strdy xelu.. renL Mis., ei:st case coaarred Johy 251h ton <3 ~An d4 T 00 ust4ltli dieesseeproad rpidly, b ut bas not ye l su a amalignant appeared *ec ast report. The firet <eali vas on Anugt I? ie &va 'ta Doon to-day reprt ,an oelbroink c lite iecasea nierlt ivor front wiîhin lest flftesu .hqari, whlencoîtlits srooding eceurreci yesserday moruig on Craik. .tink twijt, op oiltae bousie -afi 11 named Trslaun anS tho 7 ale me Davebntl<%fuir wae. Bo qgý couue~ lj~diS o tfpatracf"the" eltentide a 'hpolicemen lu hil 'fin. ity, à>n4 cansgequtently no arreets were 'ed. Ti. ow, lowavr, vas no oriaary bravI batween drunken riotereý iires cecaglanea by ,ireumîtenaee a-sà wae 4pàin4ulisr. Trafana anSd tvWa:riuedloal studcnusiisidiuà ilu'itîls City, anSunutill .re.aty varo boon aampaniau. Duilng tîteir bi- SayeTrefaun*visIteS the. houip oa is L>c enhi 4n Uxbri±dge, aceompanied l'y Davis wlam hoha baSinviledthiîhier. way s s bfiSutcS't a.sebt'sso Tic- iAu 'èr;a y&lung i be ween foarleen and fileen- 78ea. 4f âeatav hom le suboleqaeatly paîl1 .'oniderable atten- tion. Theyen ic rtre tat. City a daot ai "ekatrrards, antI only a ev dsys >go, Misé Tre!ana dis, appeared [rom hàma wthout acquaint. tnp ber Parent11ai or'fftetîdod départ- ira or' notlylg l snce e0(lie: wloreabouls. Y9 uniDg Troianu wes mcde avare of tue eireumstanaes, cnd ospictg tiiel Davis lied uometlîing eIoa iii the effair, lio doereinàd ta vatecihizhl, -sud lii s dplcloo,. vera tiîaraby ,r ghna. About tva C'cbaehe yeslerSay iuoraio.g Tre. fanu fullowed Day s ta a baudy bouse an Crulkuiiauk strict anS arar. takîng hlm hefare lia enterbS edeusot hubu of eutieing bie suIie: rMm il. l'aineandSthéepaths ai virtuel, Davis nckgowlodgd is guil, dclineS ta eey 'vbere tlo irl Wols living ,but promiseS ta maery bor àai apa!l ion for tha 'canme ai riduction. Treaeno mmcdi. ately tiuek hier, anSa aiglit ieud, lu vhticli-Davis vai severely punisîtad. 'Thi. police. have been notifieS, and c titarougli investigation vii l' e mao.- mail. A Confscd Murderer. A .JUIl0 p IU >' AOATlE W110 di.>ilutl INn TIIIIIlI ETATlrN. Laroy Dya, Pubie Adit:inistreto-r of -Sacramento Couuly, ha$: madeA fll aoncerning lii, raceut murder oi,&. M. Tullie, ou Grand Island. lie confesses ta have initigaeithtu murdar far disi hpu 0.0cf gelting Cantral ar the. asiate ofaitii-dneic. i implicatad as the pirpetretar, Eîlîerd Adersou, il Hwedc farmarly in hi. omplo ,. and another l art net 1-yet asoertaned. Anderson ast9 mad. a COUfeesIGn côrroboraI. i1fuLal fIý Anderson waî to, r.. 00 vO $6,000 for thec job. Thay lied aiea discusiad tha maurdar of! ahir par. sono. Tihe deteile are reflet. witli codIloedculy Dyo las borcta. the. allai: bis e:aateul, -the Uttigur., Terrible Explo5*eln f a Powdcr Maga. et Pothevilla, l'a.,, lji. powler imagazine o Weldy &Co.on ù çnseirto offluis plane, wae svetuk by, igliingi Tfiaré woeaeleven lidrad klegi of powder lu tha building, aud e, terrible explosion caneS, aamplte4 ,diaýaoliuhiigtheii muagazine ana ioate-ring ulblwitli terrible force inuan eiarly direotion, înakting gp u the. Woodsioai dit7 eet wlde. A iuiaiing Party va. aiîcinb. ldiluthe. Woods ashort distance balow lb. meunelue. iw ofaittem werc biilleS, anS fivi injiurcd eo as .to renaar amputation neceary. A nuiniier or othire weramore or-lo8is ijred by flying-itouaos, timber, &c. Many cattie *Ware badl1Y injnred and lied ta b. killaS. The. explosion waî liard elîven tuilei and ceuseS groat etIiteiant lu the. City. The. lerga Plate.laîi windows aiflthe Vatesyjl o Iienk anS ai 1h. Manunain City Bank ware brakvne asweo alto mnauy windows in tha Court nias. Ti.ceilinga in a number aof remidences w.:. tiirawn dowu. The. houe. ai JamaGaahes t Mount hope, le e compet.ivrck.Tii. totallubesile eeti- mnataS et $45,kuo.-1 LATEX. Tii. effeats c01lthe explasion ai the. 1,'200 1<ags ai power on Saturday wera fait AU4 ove: tueliliy People wcrc tlîrown oÙt oteëlùars i ditant 'parte ai thie ll;tWmullebuss re crueled ta pîcces anS liurled miles AWAy.Tih. moine et lthe pie.nia vas ietriàl.Il baing ila Site petit oftlîa x- pbaîlon lhnge massaiietnouesand irag. ments of tres w9rhurleiS amen5 lii. p-ics. A hortse attachieS linaa *buiggy dlrivon by two -yauug ladies wvas tom ta picces, Lbuthîleladias esoapea. ist le tal geraliy ksiown, perliaps, tliet during tua e tay oai air : eîmed (lavtorrGencaeîin Canada, lia liae given1 -tahe, varions loiaities, ]ligi. llsliments oi the aountry, uIwarde ai ive ludred beauiul uicdals ln galu1,î siuver cand bronze. IW. h ave muit Inaosure ln annauliaing that 13:. Johur to 1 tjrà'ugreatýworic. "Ca0nada un., -ie: tiaAMminltatlaoftrd» ùf thas i mdels, vith lia names of tha pate- ioâieo rpoived thiw, lthe ob. eo iwbich Lhey wêro gIÏux, and Il, rnoue dates or Istite. Tus will. ndd * lergeiy b hie lteereeît or Mr. slaw. airtsd booke, whloht w. leeru le0 being eag. etrly subudttbe5 fow. COXORAITULÀTIO14 TO TuaE Pop.. ýipîcial despatcess from Rome report tifthe. Gt..ànt__ zl PrsL.b.. in -- -= ___ _di qi 1 e -a l %* v v if 0 a Il- '0Niu,:ý~WE Every -Young Moi <~p1 rea&d~~" Dft'~iBonvre--~eretosays: <it j fuil of practicai, soundi iàfôrÈL4» EverY7prQavççtfýe niothexrs"e 1 r j / $ h, Dur CB. 4LL of~I~i~oto,~~Vite: 't i ~te fios tsf~j~ideonci-'BbYlk e-v rcad for ÃŽ, pe4ýUang parente lu tbý esuas, eaing, and m agoen t of hablas.- WI4EýS, ASK ,YOUR IHUBBANDS'Tif UY HISâoR F'Ot.' Du. J.ý Ar...s, of Toronto, rritea d"I OMs er bkuLintd e -OMeopaf-thiu- boo lcbis 'wifo bafore tho ieSeicmthe roMmdevryng a leta -.Pl ?ilqE -FORTYWÇENTS.-Capies sont facbypst talaziy..aÛdree'lu' (Jartrida," - Beook-st., 'Wih!tby.Ont. ]3ooiceoller àn~l Station.: ~ .1 RIt nw. _W,~LT Fanov -.. . ! OHITB y es pain oeesai, sWeliné subsie, x * * MB&2S Saais a, As tal 4ad Aealt 8yl~ *OZOB0,<u u4st SisI, 1878. ~ else'iti' uîtg il grelan vô.'Flur~~.a~ ..... D 0015 76 Sesiol preparation kuovu apsThomas, FeU'cet X ... 90elC EaIsctrîa 011.. I'ioueabils tetify ta tii. opr8 Wheat . .......'08 15 happiness e :elting fronthebbciueof thié'l5 0 ....p 70J$0 96 ýpraparation. 'ýVhy not procuré a baIlle Pias, black .eyad ';Ã"'Ã" @ 1 0a a t one. Tiebi o t î rifing end lte Oahs.........0...... e leffeet le sure, 9ne doue eree canimon Corn................ M e' 'son. tiroal. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e' On'aSebsonSa....... ....AR i abitie. PtF11 t'* u orthias oee...un'. .îO 00 0 70 isaueSan tatoce, new........ 4e0t0 Oc n ro E ........10oe tu 12J as h. s ~ i> 4 '. .~,tento zIe..........21@U wartb li elecure 1 cric'4li l0,ael, and, Woao............88"o 50 0 84 00) Ithe seime quanty lame, bak'7c, 4 001We..................e0 20 0a iyaaru' stand]nVTha o lkd1wng are ex. aï ~l"4,quarster. 4.$0560@SO01 t tracte tro a e w ai the nmany lellares eepslrs..........r845 0 S000 itîtat lieabeen reeivod 1ou ifeetheuidc......... ..501 nata1wjie,~' luak, ehauibé 4e Pa pew' . De W e ?lo lIs fsh us uhepîleal': Lamf p « Thomas hoiheon, Farnham Cenre, esi................. 'Oq writcs, "I ia4e baoin aflceaSwitb Tuone ...-1e lBlenniatism f04 t1 li et theuT .ar.....anS. 10 bave triaS meny ramediai witi'ouh anly Ca:rots. ~ "~i Oc relief, unlil I triéS Du. tiicàg' ECLEO. Ciekeus, perpailr:.. - 25 @ 400 iîiocOià,, nic hin~i,'hd~o Dueko pcTpr. .......... M 00 , taok aiil.I all rcîiei il laGe-of i, ............. 7o 00 S n at t Ii.1 Micat Feculty say Tukyprb . e 1 Dr. Betàudoin,,- luil,,P. Q., sa fi "I 'PORT PERRY MARKETS. buî'e uolS 'Thiotjses 'Eettrie Oti for twa' yearu, andi I have nover îold ea ' Part Perry, Anguel 21s1, 1878. Mnedicne wbicbl las givcn'maorc-tbrougli Wieat, eprng.. .........0 55e $0 20' saif ion 1aveueS b in rMyavwn Whoat, Lail....... ........ 0OU0 0 casa on a brak n teg and ietocaaîed 13FIcaT, ................ ô0 n aubie, viti h.eest reulîs." 1 larî.... 1...............J 013 '09 yPies.................... 00w 100 A.* H. Gregg, .lanuficlarer of Mov. Catî. : .............. .. 0O 8 O 85 iag Machine, rémanorg, N. Y.on.. ..em ................. 0.60 jeys: "y th 11:0 was aught la aà Claver Sc........80OU 1h 0 macho. ndib- yInjnred, balug â Fa Ptatoee......... ...0560 080 om e on r o day S, vas oblgo Mes....00 ta appiy sueit rTee elee as 1 caUld gît, Park................4 (50 5 W) bol 'vitiiont 'raI eving thhapain. In:. Bhtter .................. 10,1 o1s modictely upon r acliioglhome I ppieS Egg......................010'-O012 relief. I hait ar gen 0 Hay,n0W................. 700 700 lia~~~ meeîi 01v ami nstn Bey, ...iS.................. r) 150 0 00 employed, anS yp r OiIlihas estalebîmid Woed..................... 2 (0 8 (0 for lseli sncb alcpialion liti narly Waol .....................l 18 0 20 arer one of thci, ikeciteif." __________________ l3EvAtW Orp XiiTTION. -Ask for Dr. Jpi oaaa.-GÂATIPL ANDCote- Thgwa'Uie~Rlectio011. Soei ltt the oEi : oxe-"-By a lrougb knovledge ai tie signature ai S. .N. Tlmaa le on the naturel lave viich gaveru the operalions vripp.r, anS the~ name ai Narthrop & of digestian and nutriion, and by a careful Lvman are blottit on thie botule, anS ippicatian of the. line propertie ai ofwi- tilenootîtt. eld y al indicna elected cocas, 1Mr. Eppe lhiet provded, aur titenors.hPr. g24 cent.. N oditiIOP breakfast tables vith e Sellcateiy flavonred deales'. rice2,1 cnts.NOUTRO ege vhicb iney eeve us meny boevy & LYMAN, Torotito, Ont., Proprietois Sactar' bis, It is b y the judliaou use oi for tae Dominion. " suai articles ai Siet tuat a constituion May No'rx-Elcctb,,'Soectecl anS El. l'e gradually bull up ütnil strcng enongit ectrized. tla. ist evet7 tendeticy ta disease. Hu. ccusaseau, blemallýesiare fIeatiug cralit us ready ta attaak vierever tbere is a treae p et n. We may esciaemauy e fatal sunit by kecping aeneelvee vel fortifieS viti pure blood indea preperly naerisbedframe."1 -ivil Service- Gaoet.-SolS oniy Lu Packets labeileSl - 41JÂMts Erre & co., ionçeoatie Chemniet, Landau, LEng."1 A CAID. 7l0ail vha are euLlerin ftramthe orrors a cl l dieicretiene ai yonth, nervoue wcskneee, cenly Secey,lhaie aiminhaad,&., I wil zend e receittaI vili iuro yen, FRJEE 0F CGRGE. Tiis gneat remedy va. discovercd by e misaienary in Southt Amat ica. Snd Sa inli-eddrassed envelopa toe hurv. Jo.Epn T. ImItAt, Station 1D, -Bile HIause, '%cw York City-. NEW irADVERTISIEMENT.. AUCTION SALE -OF- ýVALUABLE PROPERTY IN TIM' TOWNSHIP 0E REAOH. UoSer anSdl'y vintue ai a Povcr ai Sale, contaiuied lu a certain Morîgage, vhiciî vili l'e roduced £1us hetim, af -sais4 anS Zc upe v ii efuit in feyment bhsu been made, tbera viii bc seocS utt he ROYAL, HOEin the Town of WIIITiiY, ou Satutra<y, ilf ln',Poutinenthladay q/ Scpcîîmber ?te.rl A.D., 1878, Ah 12 a'elock noon tic fallawinhg veIule Lands aui Prîntises, vil.: Lot 7'umer tira, l ia heThirS Conces. clan tiheisTovnship af ilceci, lu the Geunly of Ontario, ceutaining Tva Uun- drea Ac.ree, more on leus. About 80 acres eleared. On ti. valuaile ferra h criced eaa goéd Frame Bain, a Frima Stable, euS e e3meli Freine Hanse, in e f air saite ef repain. Ten pir cent. afthe pnrchaee meeey muet le palS Lu caiilt lima et ea.,0 may entehand. For pertimîlere eppiy ta LEYS &PEARSON Tenante, Vendor'u Salieftor. Anau 15, 1878. (t5.85 An- UndeýIiablc e uth. You Soeserve t 1 luffer, amil if you lead a miserablo, uusàtisfaatoryý lii. in thuî beauîlful woanS, i isenetirely your own fanît anS thlere isi onlyone excoie for you, yon: wireaionai ieprejudice.and okopý4ism, wlihiai hes IllSthoneands. Personal knawled oa nS common sen.. rcaîaning wil goon Shaw yenltat Green'a Anguat Flower will cure yon of Livr:CoinpIaint,! or Dyepapeia wflii ail ilsinmiseable effeots, mouh1ssick liedache, palpita ion of lhe heart, eau: etomadi, liabituah ostireneee, dizzeinesi oi teo lieSd, nervoue prostration, low opiuits, &o. Ls sale nov reaah avary lava on thAXVetern Continent anS net c Sruggiet but wil tell yon ai ils wonderini cures. You cen boy a Sain. ple botte for terý conte. Thrgc doue will relieve' yau. Sold by S. W. B. Smith & Co., Whitby. RIiLEASE OF A PFzNmAxc oNVI'.- O01lear, thie Fenian Conv4al, et.pre. sciÂt confineS in Dartmoor prison* whoseascntence v4s for 1 11e, is, bItcornu about ta bc reieasdd. M.tUaaxanc 0F L YLisn.-Lady iaegar, widow ai t e late Lord Luer, Governôr Oencrpl kf Canada, liai bac married nt Parie t lier lat. husbend'e p rivea îecretary, i: Francis Fortesone aurville, wli hcofiierably lier junior. No Insu aeve: itateS big griers iLB liily as h. might. For i t !.esonly tii. finit. liaI lias wsiought and enfrad ; thec infinite ]iqs st ,etcheio letsent re- posa. DonI anorelizo 6 Mun wltq i. an hie baak. He*lb îm rp, setl ltitr firmly on hie fet, and then giva lMin advicieuSn moeans.. Tuie ueaiio, by eh reans. Ta ATTCiIpTzE13 AIAN Oae F IIUSSIAII CitEr aopaaîotl.-A London epecital Baya ith.e tlempted taiaiiualion af hluevien Chief-af, olice la lia subjeot ai canimeul icra. ' Tha thsé:y le cd- vancied it vas tiié 4orkai seceretl iode- lies and vus lun etm iition for thoaes- cution dl HacSel aI' Berlin. A bond of esympath i h aid te exiel betwoeà tîte secret socieiai f aiaîi, Gerhtauy and Franue, anSdliehe liii&locdcl's sou- tence vas le b. caie o5ont vas kuowu lu St. poelmburg 1 bis morning. Il le saiS bath HocSal àabS Dr. Noboling, vie Io soan tomest Hooell's rate, arc int association viti lussiinu eactieî. -Thé' eioing ai' he hBritish,-PeIl~ ment FriSe7 vas tia oceasion oai lIt nuaul Speech trihie. Tirono, in whiceh naierena as made laeltae nuany tapies vbicii have reccntly agi. tal6 hmteS ti. naibr îy vWalas tlie, dàeont of ut o Erp, anSdgezaliafàc4. l, ýs ex presse a t taihiesolutiou ai tlenibas been 60 cftisiatory. Srvhigarcliag mbd. ta t hei TRAMîP boiCtltITb- The anirsel tramp lies benu isteiug ser. il* secretse0aI liteordar. He 6se Prwlhe 1hiey euhaI t.a heese viore' s lia aml are liwey frottehomo, tl ho gnarely fa'nS ihe door ley nadir tîlenmta mai, hngilthte anelesi kinal soxueime h onga a naît in sigil, anS the Tem cat.elui pueil unther leirhe i¶ ToÂsTi>ûTo ienQ l9111A bdue gire leytisFerraçsCom any, Allies .Ahbion, Tavrnu, Lr'Tdon, t1h.Quooui Mao@iio dn à cfreat Itnitim anS m ii rixo l 1 f aiu 'm « ittrtl t y:,and Rt14re o la, ias lias t ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE NTOTICE ishaieey gtveu liai tic Filli .14Annuel Meetng of lime Sienebaldene of lie <Ontario Ladies' Collage vül b. lhela Lin the sid Colaeabuilding, an TUE8DAY, Dai) SEPTEMBEIl,1878, etthle iour ai Tva o'cloaim,' gm., Fon lte punfas lectng Diiectans and iar suci alter ibtsimitesa au mîy. b. braugil beicro tlis saiS. sareboldelre et gaiS mecî. .taig.JOHN 1510E, Witby, .Seoreliry. Auguuu'201li1878. iiESTBAY.-Ceme m tiithe premises ai - sý. tIho>cudegnedi Lot No. SI; OnS Con. fi Wittbon anIebatult Dl ou et., a Red anS vo it iln il.-Tii.ovnear -la ,e,eî,to10pro#epr 'aaee ant tek.bray.-ptypy JORN GEE: Wiilbb', Auh'. 17, 1878. (St.D 1ATEP-By 7li Sep Boy. Apply lo-- mLs, J. E. FIEEL Whtby, Ang. 171, 1678, (8 GEOD.GNÏÉ É - Appty te --MS. Z. BUàZ(HAM. Noctke *0 CQ'edithrà. Mre Stray%é 1É bil oft tt -tested 4C Met1ak;f eh.,.A.libta r*er.wJib, pedior such Informelane,,viii ta, toh.: recpery. Oshawa, Aug. Oth, '78. OÉ 'aw ~ALE~ T]NDER anarîhd"Ploker- ~ie&Herbour Worka,," addeae to tiie rqecçive4et tI. il, O0206 nntil~f' tii.2à-,,-ay' aiAugneBt, at nO or th e rlbW6i*k tfor he2 iXténslon of th. e oo!pi c i Pickering iHusrboui, end for Dredgin ; pianesazW<Lp i LBclen.- bu -een et At afio;e n'( i ~'o~~4hitby; -snd the, Fait Offie, LiverpalalMrket, o 8=1 &;ter WedneçdAy 11e Liltant. tepend rm t L arl teefenwiîl lie nted far, otew~ hyvi The eta utri t' bpnil 0 e reiet ie DojîWbn wiliag 0 ecaine aretlei laorltÊe 1' eiu m il the Cantract aiSa are requireui. TisiDerMent daîî nôt itind iteeli ta' eccept l0x.loweut ar eny;Tender. By ordi:, :1 1. DEPRTIEN OPPUBICWaiuieî, 1Secrelry. OTTAWAL, AuIgugt 7th, 1878. FAe1 MFO1tSALE!1 SOUTE PARiTS af lats 25aud 2B raken rd' Pickering, aOntaeýingont inn. de cres, mare or Jess, thie proporty ai lie late Roabert Brennan. Thts property je beatntlly eitaedaon the -aqlu ià fthe. Loke, nier Liverpool 'Merkdt, ana about ten miles tram the caatnty town afi Whftby. Fa tris ZTl~ RICK (JoiWAY, Or ta. St. Paul'.Taranito. Sloiiltor, Whibby., AUCTIONSALE <OF, uURtCH -Tj, ndiraiged TraietencufatheisMthe- SielHepîiscepal Ginch i uatted ail Lot Ne. Bigit, n lie Seventh Goeceseiô of lie TovesiLg af i ckeuing, viii fien te .builS- 144nand linSleigiug ta Lt fla:sale an Tüesday. Sîplîmber rd. Werms 'maei kuevu ou day af sali. Sale et tva at'cleck g. Mn. PAUL LAWRENGE,<ýnt ROBERT LITTLE, res. 4in.iI0) B. F.,GAMPI3ELL, T OROTO &NIPISSING 1IAILWAY Tlie Aunual Genîral Meeitinj i O hie Siareiaeldens ef tliiCompany viite seac ei ii:officese, Imparial i3snk Build- ang, Teronto, on Tuesday, li 1t day ai SephTabor, A ., 1878, h aanco. Dy eider. JaS. afRl' Secfy.TreaB. Horse Stray0d4!1 QTRAYED iluto My pneiiec, 'DuMfns' 0 Cree'anSunudey, July 281i, -e brigt bey hormse thn hile setar n o réead, la filteen liands one'ihhig aIçol ebout utue a: ten veeru aid. Tii avner n rçqfesled an »rovlng pro- pin,.y tla hkelt'il wyand paye~s Duffini' Creek, Atmg. 111h, '78 Farm For Sale TO1YTHWH ST Qtarts: lot 10 ili 5hiS .L on..PiaeLg, cautainiug afieut,42, acres, .31 aleerea. Tva ivelisn&d bitais adjoins 'villege oai Greenvot. t Far terras aS& 'tuasad -lin W. H. nlLiN<) Solicitor, euS Admiuio(retor ai Vene Ward Mcsn, Whiby. GaUNTY Oe ONTARuIO e hzEebY givon TO V,-IT. .. ltIhe COURT 0F ASSIýE, NMsi Prius, Oye: euS 'Terminer, ande'Gener- al Ceol Deliveryt vilil'e helS lu e;nàjfor tie Goaty ei Ontario, lu lie COURT HOUSE lu the TOWN of WHI'fleY, -ON-ySpem eý9tï18 At the ion: ai 12 o'cloek, noon, i f *.ci sU GarofersJustices aofliaheoe, #nSailU atleru concerneSl, viii hko notice enS gev- SbeiS o iice, Whiil- serifi, o. ilna by, Auguel ah, '78. ; -88 1878. AUCT.ION SALES'I I IEG ho neturo my sincene h hiuito thle publicfa:rlthe very libenal 1'ý0fg buoeipan rme L; i te put, #nId-t Lutnatethat 1Xviiibe a nS neidy la Canueci ay"o.saleuhiJL»'ey~entintsed anth.eeo My ialebaôln"vilI'ba auï et Onti-o telWiby Aramen 8 aï Saà ybcai il, tc.uia Mn. ra, lepeaeo fl ,Ordergby rt lor tels a i eattenSdet l. nttoneer, <Vihby. ~n~î~f De,îs euS- biank notas '0 RÂWFORD;~ Stübi»«=rE of 6k itbnsé% îrfVbe finQ stocke ta cËoo et &Uiy haUi price.. '~ aiL lieS f.~ 1.00 it.,map tie cdlngp palup ~M W~ART. a~gjy~ ~ ~1APEST POiE EQU.AL TO 0I'UY WORK4i,". Cail and seo specimnens Views af residences taken ta Âu.14, 1878. SIMOOL-ST, OSHAWA. q/sf T$fiIQ~1LA ~ N 1874- OFESTEF0 UOWNDVAD ES o M p 1874. Ibt. Tht llnesI'lluWlingoa aiS grouînds lu Canada. <kueted ta the bigliez educatien e1 Youing laitho,. Titi new cut,.slîevittg the CeicLe e itilthlie r't-c-tl aïtitioniî, net beiug ready, vo are obligeS far lie prisant te use lia aid eue.1 LuS. A very coetcte anSdcllacient staffaI instriioru. Provisien la musde for a tiorongit groundiug inhEagliti, athe. truct lsundatioln 1'>: a lLniqhecSedaication, Thiesiepleit; eleentaî-y suuijts are not overlooked, se Ciat pipile ztoxy enter titi edvaîîtsge at' Ai eenly agi, and iu any anage of a'tvancament. Special faclýliaicu arca adurded for ecquining e tieraugli anS practical kîîewlcdge ef science. Tht muic depertmee,,under lie me;:age-, meut ef F. IH. niagleon, rq.. Co'nctuctor of te Phtiliarmonic Society afTarante, te Lu titi higet atate afI cilciency. Fmeucli anS Germon are taugil by an accompliiiid lady, vie speaka bth lauguages, anSdvihe aise peoeceagood kno*lçeui Eugiieh. Litore- turc. Matiematie, Drawimtg, Painting, &c., are taigit 'lu the ie metIectivi manne:. 8r4.Walli rîgulaeofiexercice Lu walkiigý, caithenics, anS rld!sg 1 vieoi aa.t nutnitiens iiet ; coinlertable anS troU "cmtiialod neeomus, &C. 4ti. A lange nuiabîeolinôMtc e t acmpaeted fan. Tc'o tsi ram Hie Exceilency Lard Dîilerin; gelS modal lnomn Jas. Palhereoaa, Esq., ai Toronto; a ecioasnsip frain Alert Teekey, Eeq., of Appleton, antd mare, then #150.00-wrti ai F rire. eh. Ftftccrtporcent, t'cdîîaiuen , l.,, hù îopay na adoatace fuonae par'a lboard andifl o,î. Te thaie inapay by tiet trin-Fer secendterinai atteudaune, dv. per cent. ofaislbille; 1er tiird tom, tonpgem ent. ail; euS for, fourti terin, -titan.-per cent. TUITION FEES. TO THOSE i)Sa F0AX 1in ADVA NGE FER YE41t.-BOAutD & TUITION,- PrOîtane*oryBoaittauqtt. ij'rtarin-t i 0lu Pi eperetr Dear128n.ois0c Acdmuo , na.Ini Acadeitt Iepartinent ...i.... 16to Acadeie 600 'li ut algiti Dipartmen ............:... 1440GO Caieogiate ~.8 Oit Addlttoiial charge viii fipenf u/Io± tie SCoat91 ioama antd inciflcntal îsjtonis 80numbao tas klecbn,sutli au muge, e.ti-v Se.4rm iiia8-11 oti per cent-. î'lem.............................. . mii. IL ....tyeeh ' mdal aac Uic at Libe-ary ..--..'-.... ....... 0 e5n for a viele yean. BOAIiDING EXPENSES. The CALNpAgdti yrote, Boad,,ithfurison oom pe wek ...$2 5 ef ton weeksecaci; one hem and e-ialf l'a- Beart. tthfurtahe runtpicmeot...$2 1 lfrsChuristas, endIve eanfle-bail eie:. Fuel, tiglite, andi vaeilog, porn tek...0o80 ISTIZR, &tmbr5t7cime 1t. Stngle bcd, on reem la lad etoeeaxtra, V-%cATINmom 1antDember 151h ta Jeu, Sud. parmiN .".......... 2580FeMTHEL'nzrAiWnultlito Jane 27tb. For furî'hcn particulars, sec Calênidar,,hurniShed on'Applicmçn ta Rzv, J. E. SANDERSON, M. A.,. or, Rm .v.JJ. HARE, B..A. Govaruor. ncp. 'Wi±tby, July 8rd, 1878. 28-tf. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 2 oACRES, 194 cleired. IlGolden 2 0 Ferm"-lol 5, in tii tth con, ai P* k ,in-à iles froin the county lavu af Wiilfy, euS hait s amils frein post office villa e cf Audleî,. Gond.fraee welling, anS -taU viltone iaundation,. Livig etresipa;.on esci.J.OO ac. Six -aeCrOsofa caSi e nS soitvawoei. Feesuon given lu, tic 12~i.- For lcruiu anS particulare, apply ho W. R. ]ILLINGS, or AL EX, MaLAhIEN, Soir. Withy. on tlie gnisee. -(1-29 .FAIRM FOR SALE. - COTAINING 80 ACRES OP LAND, eithe 9 u . W.. i lot numberl4 lu lia 7I conceeeliu' !the Tovnshitp'af Reacia 17 acres aifvithiareecared, and unden culitvalian, anS the" beialane.be cieane 1 vaiy cheapiy. TerI 0neu i reie nla e uev1 J soy -rmie SeI golme 2ft80, vili addition, 12x48, asdalso anevir iailiugotream aI veten. The land La 1ev esu piaticSy eSepteS ion bey erap anS prarhus perpasus, anS viii preelece muci. mare greau and peture thiin higi puiceS ;npleiid. lb lelocaleSon e good raidd, 4 bot tvaliiewf motS 'lievill-age ail0 Pcnry. Tue ,propenly vit-b. eoiS etaebaen.Forliîrher particulens appty te W.JB owe onuthe promies,or te - Fart Ferry, Ont. Port Plenny, 81sI JuIy, 1878. 2-4in F'arm to Rent! t)ACRE.-Fint cf lot 4 - ad 5, Lake latlShorê> Plckerhng. DveLig euS gooa ennbuildings. Poeuup ,3ue T em be . it i p iviige t? - ý w -, c- , t8141)Whtby. THtE GÈNTIIAL HO USE, (LkLti Leakiet BHe.)ie C. GIPPORD - Propnietor. Tis hansb -sli te icat in lie Gannty. Geil and seejel. WH ÏTY, PO1T 'ERRY' LIN D$AY RAILWAY, TOO7Ã"AND THE WEST, LILDS Ray, KIEMOUIÃŽT, HALIBRTN I- AI1ALL PeINTS aOt THRTO VI CTo.4 4IiWA&Y.. Pleasuret Seekers &In'valids Tm e ueictda x awsoatn, HAMI TO HAMIIJO&Hy18,~ L-o--- CK - lieeffeal of1 ted", o pa licenervoio i Compouni vFELLOWSI Compound 8yrup of Hypo, phosphtû?a 'The paver a srttng imesuds~ by lili -prepamitian lea onokably io dv. iledgeabie mëizeSLqMal feen uevery sec- tianwhbere Ikas beIraud; ~and the 1U90gEusle in tie boat guenutee aofltheaima- tlien uvicb itlelubeid'by the publie. Theis yrup -vill cure Pnlinoaey Cout- 'semption In lie first undjiseooee!-tges, -yill giva great roeefand praleng flithei thitrd. Il wliicura Autlimi, fronobitise Lai&ynght1anS ogos. IL viii aure ait dlase ia 0 ieglr meat fMusculan Aaou nS enîryuForce. 'Dauot bc deceivad y ramedies beaefeg a lijiier nie7 aabu a a mOl eûo ot fa:or aie.u ddei3 FIL>WN', St. John,N. i en the yello* wrpper iLu valarmar, e ih laceeu by hol!Dig tieiîepei~blan te g P* c 1 e BaIlle, six for #7.60. nOLI GL OAL iii-Havinsg fresi mtu4 l oal, eu furnieli aui w¶taMay bo dseirane ai purchselng tlii:next vin- ter's stock, ethlialavnt rnUneretlre Prce Tr;:&r 1et- as.JOHN BLOW. Witttiy, Jùly 81,17..- (LS> INDIA-N LINI11MENt!1 Foirfsole b1' dealers geuerally. What -WC take the Iead i1nl Frail dpart.... FOR, HO USES AND GATTLE.-Froni t= &Qe h i a v e r a v a t r , iv ll c u r e M a i l ilerue cngemfeut,, icused lLy avireot- ing, &Ç'. - WHAI't9hT' r~Bl'LE $A, ASIC THEM. - Wethe undersigned lieve ueSBravues IndlutLimMent for same ltime lnS cen ciperiehly recammend lion, publie use. Epinm airaMe,- ifleOrciend, (Jut. Cha. Hemplirn, Wiiby, Hfira Brawn, J. Di ' ekho J. X MahievFun, Setih ùble, Ailburu, A. I.L le'ndersou, Uxbridge, S.GC. BON;Poiit VEKLY:LOWEST,.RATES- ifRO[ýUGH AND BETURN TICKýETS, viseateiWestern E'y,Eliha Stâena- ire, Detrait 'anS Milvaule, anS Itciigen'. Central Ealveye. Aise, lirougli san eture tickets tor Bief- a" Detroit, Vicego, Phielphl, Nev York, upnsa8 rigMlvenkee, and ALLPOIfNTSIN BNiT'DSTATESI1 Aise, London,jilgaz, Guoeil, P The- Iraisa, St. Githi$uae, Branlonandi SI. Thoas. For Ticketi_ and furltel, information, ipply t- E, STEPHENSON, .Ocesu Steanieip Ticket Office, Great Western anS SBt:. Nazeman Ticket 1 Agent, Dominion Tcligriph Co., -22) WHITB. EEGgAT 0CAUSE OP HUMAKN Ju lPü i hed na seaieS ~I~I aputesix cents. /~~teon lie Natale Treat- and Radical - w' Wakneu3, -or Sperimatorlt , l.Abue., In- volnnliry E , -une. -va,..f Tihesv mcrgai rings, « cure it ,y ysdS Snt. [Yoit Offce Boax 4586. DAILYLIUNE TO- MONDAY the S LARG1~ STOCK 'I - c V oak Green G-ENEIRAL GROCERIE, - and Fruit Jars. ,H - : e ' Tl -: O L TARES0-OP Blimdels naw m-adboiled 0111 Genuino Engfish Leod> Glass, (ou: own imnportation)>, Colors, Brushes &o., cheapa IIATOH & ]3R08 god IOIJSE B1JILD3IRS, gA"ila stock of Nails, Hinges , Butts, Sorows,- Loà q nqq aliy, only 8.50 per dozn, comploe t vih li tilek obs, upi top value et Bave-trougLs put up on 1atost approved -pattern. Re- pairing ncatiy and promptly donc lu Tit lîap. blachine 011s of a iupeuior qualily et oyes SIMSN RAYSORE CAS gtth es n H G1OCEY t gOle, isÙ1te - u. Where U!getfte e o et n 10 lb.ales t roper s.hi t,, Co aiy T, 80o AefluAUegrad Tesii 0b ot a,«es et e a lb.' gad ily Teto. ue, 0e p.: lb. Ail gres of Sugp. cat,, ah pnc at edï Camied Meats, Spices, Flavoril8 Exîracis, &e.. A nev stock of Crooke-yý ar&M gvili il aslSe n h a mrc thati halL the usul priae.ta sUi ievnnlms.Ailsoka Glaýssvarc, Gain Jan, Jalliy Ceas, va- che.Pia rsms rou, Fine Floni', Corumeal. Qattmeat, ,WANTED.-Any quantity of' prime d'iry Butter, O ýyes! ' FRA STEo È Oyes A cali respectflly solicitc Jaly l7ti, 1878. Onteria Block, B:ocle SI, Wbîtby SIMON FRASER, -DOMINIO'N, ,WA1?REROOMS, -4'-4f We beg to advie laving received Our Sprilig stock. We ara well auot'-ted w0iAk the noit season- ~-able andi mo8t durable gooda in the market and at t/te LO0WEST PB'ICES. We invite 8pecial at- s¶.ýention to our stock 6f DRESÈ g OJJi, wlricm is ailraclipp bk ils reat. extent, Variety and Our CLOTE DEPARTMENT exceis8 any former season in Style and Vaie4':Ourlirillin- ery Stock i8 conplete and attractive. O We have a -ftrstmclass Cùéte.r, 8t//ji87t illi#1î- Dress and Manéie Makera, ready tà ezecute aU 0ordera entrusted ta tY&em.. .< ,'Tlîanking yousfor pasi javors, 'we8olicit a con,- tsnuance of your yairnaige.- -~~~~OT 1 or epcfly LOWES d-POWELL. Whitliy, Apnil Sth, 1878. WIUTi C.HINA EA SORE ýAL Lag soteto reey nd Glaiisware of al GLASS PIRESEIRVE J, ARS! f s ,i e e~ Dafly, sUj nO f 't FRESH RIPE FRUIT- ÈEMONk. For Bo ~1e, 1 - - 1 ý FOUNDED ý SI MON Julyý7th, 1878. A78. Whitby, July 8rd, 1878. ,28-tf. 1

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