Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Aug 1878, p. 2

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T:wn Côtineil. The mail COinmlýtu»e rop non.O(, Watîý gela &1tý t at.t ho Cotait a in thora; "ughtàrîý'. 4ny han rocelv6a in, àuOtiOth BRIO 01-fJbtM in Rcacli-Loys $9,881, and, have paiil ont #q'e 'Jý$ sifue thoart8 muetered' Ja 11poil large àt, coins. -Pearson. the Prffluit liabiliti se of the ce AI .Therte was aise a Aller Pfflursion tty -VioWriâ Pàrk.- atnonnt ta -98,51 Bd Much- t 50 $1,454 'Of Or 9 f inviw guesta, inëludink the Cowanl The Àtl&UQQ, Kopthl ýreProâCnto(l hy acceptance of the Presi- 0WM of hie -hree > monthit. Thé' 04r»', lien Méclatil Dikigilloi, ailla 1 'Dg opeak.. and te a tolu just ùffled Gï"go "Cree irman, tbfï-> --&f th 1 have race y dý- Dreu-goodu --A- $1 _1 :ý ý1_ ý ý. - - - . . - a A 'a pro. bbi and Mr. F'W. Glen. One ýy '7,44n & Aua , - _ý1 1 = -,Art, va beau -h it net ta yotir 1mowledge that rs e'difÀuù'O1'2, 1", ha wrY Digciotillog !P41 ff&ç 7MUeO of the proposeil road 'ha that Cilverly's band liùppued & eîoerlellî voyage nt the time those disabilities exioted in, ît ýWA0 ýOê" îbê -pro ordffl -whicif sny, .qiwart. , ta -ii , -tripw iit ýû1 1, Isid ai surveyed and loo&W, and over 8700,. Irejtna ojuùlnr om,ýamtfve>àïaféri'eýnt, of irniý6iis anY cýlt* ut48ý-E. pro:4. distabilitics exàted The complot*.Iqdezwhieh tbis eaition the Illiglit, fantaitic toe." Thora ware -.'ý-ixporte.of M oat'god- thora v i-a Manchot h ù- M Worth Of mu»iOi el bonnes& have 4 ta in overy Ca eontainis, and the greatly'reduce pnoo c c4 This statoment country$ D&ïleop«iau inthe, bô W mal lit pro£ ô4à Ac e wn.- 111111280111ent1it Of VarjOUS desoýiptions and fiiàuy, ta 1jaris, 1, la- re- pro , type, bich ble to pýZ other whiffletd'a run- and as re- 42 -ça .-Batisfactory the ponu &ni ýthe' ýèdâlbW, W are sýl b uMffiný, ind.: 'uOits, i Catholies of = woudif have estab- minus the index. à,' pli, _,boatirig, The weather was Autww Xfetirig-Lblitiýrïa Col ni, ai most enjoyal;lé a loge. lu. scatt', t Advaaçe eders for six, thçaoana cap. delighti els8lu tue luture, 'llIl 1)ý menLI Atmüiar ý ta Kat,.,àf Roma, an& ilbe Com- nt.ý The làdies h »bbaec plontiful- DE+ SIk 8 qm"wisb, the, wçesffl7ýl concomitant ies of ýùew' &vël, 41The wai4 t A.' bi bpM&V»iournien ta Torlonta and Nia. 11aunted Hotel," have-bcen received by 1 wouli hors rai pread for ail comers, and the inviteil Through, th courteay 'TnX Prases. awaré thint i4é fýre- _,the moot boipitable ort-er- Fe 1 -- ; 0 tliÃŽ4 coilimisiloùei 01 cgutomi, ý_ have ré- Lon4cqt,,ç a taýý Stationery and vilwol publialiing Coy. Tbose who rend t4e guests met w'th $11 y el] In Yule. i3W, éîâù, statement. 1 _ ALràiel. .îùb à ij indeed. lipin -foFm» questioriï*ê in with 'if ýO Dr. Vowler'e biedeuines- aga tan nt 1 Tliéflii;t we ci A, 90M_ -éqùal plfsa fe4tur' ai the day Was the Ilioinady for, Cùôlerlb 8. W. Il. Smith. mercial trayeller. acter from t1int of the United y pron sing a The n nheW thlt the Canad1ý7W Was cliief,'Jceticom Mh lýëisïï t1é :.ývhîf' thé C 'Presontation of au addresa ta Mr. crop of 8nýwas tué larggst 1M Litue Juioo-S. W. B. 8udth., nt CalllaineaiL, Billes 00'ifidérâtiOn Ofth8,PrO;ýe camaron, M. P.,' Si 1,ý iBoth lmbibed î ta çotabm. Thqe iâ a. 'orm cotigh inixtures- râfier Ireland, if they lied the pow 1 rigmour thât thé cacadis4, 'Bro*n.',' This wÀsýý, dons in ans. 1 - frooly, and Bkaid', being, Woret "ijader Bah à systatu of Govermnent for thent. ýoditiod of the Marquis of torne'à worâ Ur,.Etarvoy,.fore lattofthapatternand. YOD" truly', Týtvnto, and the 171y BrIck-S., Ny. B. 8S'i$h. hl - !ýy el tQ4.4ýi ., . - ut Wi the ÃŽnfluenèC" '4ýýa 0 n ta Would. do 1 ý eau Ouly judge '01. be ROBERT'FL LAWDPla. !12909 WO Met ppu 1 £arpenter ahop, t the chair.. Th all thoir doclarations and the ablie ............ Ives rdà wba'MiC 1 Ilowatt. ir-On awàkin't"'? the icommercial . - , Tue Bîliôrd 4woîan koutbly -addre'ga' was-read by st whom we met Bear, acte durin$ the, lut fifty' As1 moment shapinz the, tity, of F10à, , oince the ýSma%&matién, rapidly Po au Ait tWýnd El 0 1and, un 11r84 Li have liad où -ýWrýýýty OÈ fro Do oramanofthe machine, elle as fol-, Standard Bank their': pràëéèdffigà,*'ýI have Iowa-. the est y '77ý .,'l etreet wgain. 1, '0-"'d * . 6 C' Wards 4t tho t4eat, i., 7,ý - ýr Septem- ait ter wite suspecte en se rîihîiý ý1nàýjh, leaders thé ý'ûhflinohing vacates The ýATz£=icý MoNTzmy,'Io i_1 e Wjimy, 17th AUguet, 1878. civil and religions liberty ai- of, iave ;bar- opeus with a 1 faim, --The 1.1 'l umber of others, b ONLY $1 59 ÉE4ý ýNM Ul bille found 1 h 'Be ila n opo bf là boa Ha ti cý1 ý yb'Inât htý W&B sont dowi ýwlâibY meusure cajoulated ta advance e vision of& M Il bi a.ý Whit, Tv IV. W. :8.R0WýN, Esq.,l M. P ga and 'do the people. The laie Daniel' 4l", Who préaches, or i-athëi! sifige; the Preaidenta thoýBrozondPattereon quarterisonhing. FlourbrIs. Whaat bugh. liby',' Th-ti rsd'it y, "Au ".22, il 878 bas eloctoil to b m Of faith bc somuch loves very ýf Yonr .Otriwd ýYý-thOj4dg», or O-Coünellniît only fougbt forthe rë- - Dise. Si 1876 148,789 1,2w,128. ami" W ont Connty Court, Witbout a juryi toiday. cal 'of t1w Test an4 -C r * btion> Acte, fy; a veryý,itjtémtià#ýijüsW Mèh. 811877 -ci»,922. whîch Protéitâât Be .Th& ldissonters were Ùr. Henry James'a new rial, ,Tana 30 1877 1 ft The writs Recelved. gî"o fie we, Cricket. oppressed,- btà'rce the abolition of nogro Europeino," wet the ëMpýoyeeç of, thiqt Browný,' Ioït , g« & Pattersou 4ÉÏic olâvery, for reformi in Pari t, and skill in ý1ýit1rra1' W, ;i Fleur ut 44 eï hârFel 421,125ý' llie writu of cloction liavo' bèonrï.-, ýVIIITBY .0. SYRAcuàig The orîekct all oth- liberal --ùr-, ahil waij rare folicitv.of biq Inneh ýlea5uré ihý-tèndexiqg:46 ou Our Party leaving Whitj taiv-etl-tIiat for North Ontario bj bfr, siýportea in overything by the almod -Whoever wielles i' ý ni 'or'ota'nd Amer. thi indulýeuýé the rest of iissi fff.ý" match plityed -et the fair gr'bun dlàýnimous voice of Ida countrymen., icau finances for the firet hidf o tury ýf;âýididta un by you on thils Our sulluial, 'Y. Fothev nlid- il Blierlit Ëýyjjclds as roturning Oecer, Whigby, last Thursday, bot zx.#ODIB. and Lliu ivrit fjr;ýoQL;4 Ontario bi mi. th' During the whole of My reui enco m after the Revolution will lie gratiful to pléniC.", eur brls.' ÏVÈéàt bail, 1 aboya Clubs, rcoili ëd in laver of Whit- Canada I have noyer knoWn an in- UT. John Wattî Kearne, Who contri- 1 Such si, kindly ne as the granti g of Dec. 811876, 102,709- 1,000,919 oôuîngwôôdý whOý l John Harn Party, roturning ollicer.- by. The zuatoh throughout was very stance in which Protestante hfid ta corn- butesto, the September ATTÀNTIC the au annuel holiany which we are the Meh. 811877 10,441 120,482. froMý New York; ,polling taking pla.ae ý on- the 17th, keen and exciting, mnch good play plain of acte of intolerance from their fiiist of a series of papiers on this subject., 1 ', 1 '. , ý ý 1ý Tho -eeipiints is fally a precistea.' June 80 1877 39,0,28 889,8351 the mont beautifil will uct; as waa-faar Catholic conntryzÛon ; 1; thorefore, en- Mr. Keàrney writes very clesrly and Nothing could bmore pleasant ta na -France, and indeei ad" c'as", vth the being displayed by'both clubs. 'In the spendùig a perfect, paradm. 1 holding of.thé assigésl 021 the lotll, or tirely disbelieve that Catholics, if in the froin full knowledge, and hie acconnt of thsn the OPPortu 'ty a rieur ut 4k buah par barrel first innings W ic 669,461- of fo& Aàyoï, ýdürfi with.-thé county agr'ictilttiral exhibition. .4itbY, scored 58 while ascondency, wotild act in a perscenting the incurring and fond« of Amaricas Plë"Bant-day, by a Plon Or otherW'ge' visiied ifià ni xpositi,( SyracuW got 1%, leadiig thl honte spirit firatnational debt, ia.býîh interfstiqg with four friends, and if anythingwere 2,170,667. The inrouvatliel3oc which Waa âppre- club 20 rune the firet' incin '. The Q.-Does civZ liberty, according ta and valuable. roquired ta rai8e yog still higher inthe hadiqst reason.lbû- hn4ùQýj, Wlion the lire& annotinocLuent, notiQ;I, cousist in ilaving the great na gs estimation of those i wlio you employ, bushols, 1,456,413. second injuings, however, Whitby put your SORIBNER ras SiDmzmàEu, is fallof these littie acte of: kinduesa are well the beailtiful Work ol watt inade, of the election, taking place majority- of the population of this Pro- 1877-78. W '3 te their credit 75., while Syracuse ouly vince guided rail controlled by religions good thiu.go. It Opens with au engrav- calculato ta do go. 0 said Adieu' ta ou the 19911, wilf, Our rdad$irs lie plongea succeeded in gotting 80, Makibg the advisem wlio proach j0penly thut tuCý inç' by. Cole,--,Of chase's paintlO9-7ý Sir, wè cannot blette this address Fothergill and n6ti àvoided filtllieýeàunty. totais for the two inninge-Whitby 183, Pope is the fiât soveroign of ali the §' Reàdý for the ltîde." A rondel 'Bug-, withoue CongratuWing you on your Quarters eilding. Plourbrls., Wheat buali. entreatieà aria ýpremt 'L'lie Most Effective, Agendies. Syracuse 108-WhiLby winning, by 25 wýrld, ineludiné Englanil and lier col- gested by the is coptributed Moh. 311878 41,5u 8,409. great sucoeois as ail inventer. "The Dec. 811877 2,2-52,315., iiig evil likely ta bell, ouïes, État it is a heresy ta profess that by Mr. IL ef k.It June 80 70,771 215,422. -0. marier, oditorof "Pue WhiLby Harvester," whieh is the work 1878 of Roman foyer, we lie lias not, thè rang. power ta depose the The leading illugtratod. paper is entitled Pf yOur Own bra'n, a" whieh is gain. - Most iodions Part of Most lwopfe linving illroatly iméde Up - For Wilibby, scores were made by Sovereign of England, and at the seule l'HijntiuR the Mule-Deer in -Colorado," Ing VI IVOI'ld wide relintfon, 's stfll ri lour et 44 bush. par barrel 913,591. Rome.-The"firat fita > owtliey mliail vote, Jas. tain tli(ilemitljfj as toli g 16 and 42 (net out) ; Jack. time proseribing au Association formed and Mr, J. Harrison Mille appears iw further proof of yo ' ur fitne3s for tho duration, the old rf-Élifrt, 'Of tfýflionitnlqljtly incet. son 9 and 10 ; Osier Il and 0 ; lioge 11 te support the principle of maintaining the koble, capacity of Writer, Wood. pigli and responsiblo position you hold 3,43,9,737. the last2O the prosent Soverèign and lier succession draughteman and engrairer. Thora Pr, lu t'ho Company- sporit in crossing the ir)",d D.Ud long, i5poëe1jetit will iiow bc and Beynoldb 0 and 12. Bowling us flic li of Church and State ? A aise drawing by George Innip,.jr., W. May yOu long lie spared ta prosifle iu which process wel ()111Y Lime 104. Atton tiou ta tho Votera' llrot inaings, MaLthosou 4 wickets, 41 -Wi fil re-ard te 'the doctrines incul M. Cary, and Froderick Dielman. A Dec. 311877 m,418 'J'026,659. lonc. But the timi over- the sucoegsful: establishment for Quartera enaitig. Flourbrlj3. -ý1îhcat bush. about 75 tunnels, on( limti and a pui-sonfil cauvasa W 111 lie rune, 18 overé 2 maidens1j; Laingg cateti by ilie Catholic Church, it is litile head of a fâwn, drawn and e whiell yon have donc 00 Mneh. Muli 31 187" 05,8w 70r) 605. folillil Llie trinat elientiva agencies for wickats, 22 rune, 26 overs, 10 maýdons; wholly impossible for lue te give an graved by the author, is especlaily June 80 1878 100,639 1,576,'310. with boat wishes for Youréélf and inaginueil Re we lied I have noyer even seen the noteworthy. Mr. Mille is family, Swiss governesses ooouring vottis in the olicirt, tlino loft Trousedale u wiokets, 2 rune, 4 overst 2 = , and Cadi Bay nothing on a liuntor of We are, Sir, 6,869,474. Engliali, and a Bomi the experience, and the piper is one of a bL;ft)ro iýlle ilay of polliug. maidens. Bowling, second junings, subject. Witli regard. ta the eleetors "Practical" interest. Your obligétl Sel-vante. Flour nt 4,j buàh.. par 9.rrai ï,7",705. a prOminentý Italien Mathoson, 8 wickets, 15 man, Il overs boirir, directed and controlled by the Dr. William J. Morton followe iip hie Signeà on bohalf of the employecs, 8,121,1ÃŽ9. Rome. staying over É - _- Called upon Dissoluoon of Pa'ý""Il'- 7 maidons ; Oâlor, 1 wickoi, 14 rune' clergey, the result of My own experience paper in the August number entitleil J. SilAw, Excess of Exporte over Importe, 4,8M-' m ie that the Protestant clergy have talion 'Tin South Mrica'ioi- Diamonha fi' with ý11. GARRATT, _' i went on as fur as Gei willïm Il overs, 2 ruaidens. and after havin sec]] a morc active part in clections than the a second-and concluding instalment of ;11. R,&BVEY, Brouglit (Iowa excess of Impdrts and haVina a Bail For Syracuse, et Llic bat, Munson cath DixoN, 'xports, firat nine m - 7 - - elic clergy. I am not of opinion persona! experiefice at the "the dig- over L outils gulf, we started for B à,spocild i8441110 of tilo Oa)7iz.tla 0azeile got 17 Lnd Il ; G. S. Hall .18 and 1 ; flint the Catliolie-faitli pravents a man gin's," chiefly about tac Cape diamond, G. BitowN. 1876-77 -ta ý É,45(ý418. rivea on the 29tli ult. confiédivii flic proclamation orilloring tho* Milward 6 and 13 ; Cueille 20 alla (). front heiug a good subject ta a Protes- ýdinmond buying and stealing, incidents Brought down crossé of Elpoi m Mr. Brown replicd an follows, and ove'Imparfs, flrst niue menthe badv and mind. (li!,NLI hition 'lie r tent Sovereign au(j a frais friend ta civil and life of Kimbbrloy, tliq niernlbg r - .a.,t rhird lfarlt-tiuont of At bowling, first inuinge, Logan, 7 with lunch feeling :., Mr. Cliairman, 1877-78 4,68,f,44ýs?. Having Boisai. ail 8ý 4 madens ; and religions liberty. 1 do net believe market, etc. lacrican fashion, in tho Poiliiiiieu. Noluinatiuriswill takë wiclictsi, 28 rune, 0.0 over that ladies and gentlemen, and einployees A the interférence of the head of the Total, equal butiliela days wo have two or phtcà: mg the i0th of sopteniber, ýaud ýýlitvitrdl wicliet, 17 rune, Il overs, Catholie Church extends to anything Si. NICHOLAS FOR SFPTEmnptt.-Tlie of the Brown & Pattereen' Agriculturai Mhich reproseuts the incrûaW in bouts de- on tho 1701, except in ý.Nllirlitu. - 1 inaiden ; G - 8. * 11all, 2 wickete, 17 but inatters of faith. I bolieve myself curreutnumber of ST. NICIIOLAS is par- Works, risiug tO thýnk liveries from farmers in the boiniuion for us for writing ta ai 1fib, wlivro blia iloillitiatiotio %viii Lake États. 8 ovors, 8 luaidens. Bowling 'I'l'olly Yý conipetent La give a satisfac- vaded with the spirit of thé season, you for. compared with 1876-77. VeSuýius, wherit vie- yoür verv kiàd and -flatterifog first mine menthe of baTvest year 1877-78, an startin g for Naples, 1, ress, you will permit me to say 1. tory opinion on such a subject. and the delighte and doingi of Septern- 'ad to-morrow- -they beii id innings, Logau, 7 ru a, - red w4th manydistine. I)ILicùi on tlio . 19LIi. Irhe- wiiLs . fur -secoi o 2 n 4) 'ber days are *ail reprosentêd in its ha""eon l'eue The Queen'.s, Speech. hors about 180 milcs, Priiiiii) Rdward Islitud and remote overk3, 6 militions MilWard, 5 wickets, pages. Neur tas bégrinning ia ait inter, Ç'Ons, not on'y from the C't'zans of th"q contitiés wero tlioliate)iLd Satiirilay. 23 rune, 10 overs, 4 maidella ; Mer. Ontario Co. Rifle Assocîation. esting obort article on "Mackerel Fiah- Çown, bat aloo of the South Riding of in the Short finie Ontario. I might Bay, wifilout boast- The following in the full text of the would net attempt ta wick, 1 wickot, 6 ruas, 8 avers - G. S. The folle w«ing are the re tnaining par- ing," with a fine picturo showing a . on 0 lipon the wondrous fleet of mackerel-boats. There are 1 have graduated frein school Quecu's SPcecIl Du the PrOroý-ati f Whitc, of Ilall, 1 wicket, 19 rutiR, 8 ovors"I mai.* ticularoof the Rifle match,.Bhot over several good Écries and somé funny trustec te téwn couricillor, reeve, deputy the Imperial Parliament : 11eters-mightý in ifi Mr. a. y. 41eli., the Whitby ]Range lact week. cats. r.ceveý, and have algo had the liouor of My LonDs AND GY.NTI.Fý%tgN-Wheii in th, towering lieight, and e geing ttvice turqor of this good town of critical condition of public affaire you as. and finish, nor of the !4]ilitil and Mr. joint J. liutlllýj.gillt of GLÈN MXTCH.-Ilr.nge 500 yards, 7 - ---# 1" f the year, Wêro parilipligern on tho tif; J)MAT RACit.-On Weducoday faven- abats cach. Arnerican Crop Reports«. durs, and alan, aa yail kilow, 1 have the nt the commencement - o lZaphael, Vau Dyke ai hoijor at the prissent tinte ofbeing yont. 1 poin ted ont te yoit flint in the interests of decorate the walis. of uliti ttrrj%,(ý(j tittrily 1.1th inst., a sldff race for a purso niy empire precautions millit become noc- il,, lot The&. White 02, pointa ; 2ud Jas. repiespiitativis in the Local 22,000'works, of ,tlj(ý G l'jýtlfl 'I'riiiîlç tfij W(,jn(,ýq(ljty 111()rll. and thii championsffip of Whitb Sullivan, 81 points; 8rd A. P. cameron, A11113riçan Crop reports indicate flint Pkrjiainent essary, fer whieh I appeulec to'your liber- statues chapen by file ill". Illlg(.y 1-opoi-t I)lc.jlmiII)t tilitt!s at was rowed. The di ta ce wa y bey, 80 points ; 4th J. Steen, 80 pointe ; bib althougli there bas been an increase in in thii Province. Alýli of thode, aud alityto rovide. Attlié-sametimelassur- 8 two Many other other favord have been ad yen Et iLo. offortâ in the cause of pouce Anm-elo and othûrs, wl T. W. Gibbs, 28 pointe; otil Capt. the acres Pown ta whoat, the qnatitity - Pliiiii, tinfil in Miles, Ntarling final, the li-flit bouge, feot a tbey have bcon many allould bc wantf4g on my part. Your re- and corridors of that il liergill, 26 pointe ; 7th G. Rice, 25 producod bas has considerably falleu 91ven M-01 a a 15POuse was net aMbiguttes, and ýcÛntribiited whccre centers the boa llli't)llglt ivliic,-Il tlicir trip ex- lialf a mile eamt, thon ttirn and back points ; 8th H. Gibbs, 24 points ; Oth air, and the grain is of poorer quality. t'aies given tinsolicitet] on my part, largely te the pacifie solution QI the difil- jialf a luilo %vent or the li'ffithouse, tura 8. Ray, 2J points lOtIl Capt. White, Returns of Ppring wlient have beau re. apil are fayots that any mon shoula bu culties whieh theh exiated. Tlie te j§ of eartil, of Loman t, - . - p,1ýOtlel.ol, and 1 think 1 may gay I have the agreement between Russia ,rm ,, would bis equally us sfierdiniaet iitbili.!tl front un', bificli; ta ffie liglit li(illqg. 1 crowj 28 pointe. ceived from 261 Colunties, in Iowa, Il a v _f. t proud of thom and considor- Porte, se fer aè they affecteil pro-existing venture upona deporir, nnuiv, 'Xicoonuin, Minnerota, Nebraska, e 'ttojunli o fi 1 lit, 81,11 ýUg11HL, aild it)'Ilivotl al, Que- and tlirec littudreil went 500 and UOO yds. Kansas, Misssouri and Dakota. The a thom great lionors. But, à1r. tromtaes, were aiter au Interval et al2c. owers of Ma 5 t3hQtii eacli. Chairman, ail there honore fade aw1y submitteed te the Congress of the Forum, tlif-.!'alaco w bon, ïtt 10.15- 1). Ili, on the lutli. 811, front the town to sec the race And con. nggregatc acreage as reported is 6,834,- and their conneils. The conneils hpave rel Clinrch of 0î. Maria 1 lst Capt. White, -45 pointg ; 2ad J. 000, against 4,699,000 last yeux. The ifît compa!risou te the address that has sulted in a pouce which 1 thankful te ho. Catacombs. bild on 83 cabiti, il!; ilit(,ïuletliuÉ,, miil(.-j-jiljlo interest wam ovinced as to,:the Sullivan, 40 points 8r(l A. P. Cailler. estimatAd acreago for these States on jdst beau preseutpà toi ine, coming as'it lisive ta matisfactory and likely tobe4urable. I will briefly refer t pttfîsvijýzors, itiffl it ge-neral- roHiilt. Thore wcko lotir bles- ont 89 pointe ; 4th J. 1'. Taylor, 88 the basis of Lhasa returns is 9,930,000. dnes froui the ilien and v/ûrkmý-n lin(ler The Ottoinari Empire han net eiûerge(l front Pitil-111 ci; un. a disastrous war withont goveýe lose, but thinge tbat interested "ltl)t:titi ý1L 8mith, Chais. Porry, Geo. Wijite points ; 5tli CýI)t, Fothorgill, 38-pointm, against 7,150,000 last yenr. The ag- my charge, and coilling as it a') the arrangentaintéi whieb havé licou infide, and thon say adieu for Ivit, 9th, r) Aud Wiliijott. ý1fVr the firet iltil Sainuel, Bay, 90 pointe; 7th J. gwoggato yield is establislied ai 12lie5 solicited and, I iniglitýF11y, very unex- while favorable te the subjects am afrMé you witt tire ; wilid SNV, fitrong I)I.eüzü Steen, 81 points ; 8th M. O'Douovan, pected, not knowing iLi whisper about of the Porte, iLijl ritîn, 10th, %vinil NWI fée,1411 qi.larLt:r of a wiki, alinost froi-ri the fltat busbeln against 127, 423,000 last'year. have secinoil te it a position of indépendance 84 points ; Oth Geo. Rien, 83 pointe ; lowno Minnesota and %Viseousln show it LUI late last ü%-vniný. rpad thum for. cl In 100killo whih an be upheld against aggression. Imsli breeze it minght-bo eaid-tlio ing for winner 10tli T. W. Gibbs, 82 points ; llth docreuse in proflucion of 18,000.000, around me, 1 sois oILI faces tliat I mi"-lit have concluded a defontjive convention wJih Thd inost beautiftil. ni Ittifl 18111', witn bfýtvocrj Wiliuott iiiitl Porry, Sulith Thon. %Vliite, n2 points 12tli Il. \Val- ai ]lave growo grey in the service of the Siiltaii, whiell lias beeu laid before yoti. witilesseci ia t1le ilitorn li,,Vtii anit lionvy Hfiit. 14th, lian., thick a the saine time showing an inci-fiased suy haviii-, buen seizeil with a Crajup anL1 term, 26 pointR.. ngageuients flic Whitby Worke ; men arc here te- It giveti, as regards hie Aisiatic Empire, a the charch of ý5t. Panl, l'og iýjàî(!Il tit)lll#)Iit liftoil LUI p.w., l9th. acrenge of 92,028,Q00: 'rite averago .1ay, if I am not mistakun, wlio holpod more distinct expresbion te the e walls of Uome- Thora White hiffl no chance wliaf.ever. Be. yiold par acre in reported nt 12.25 bns- which in principle I, togother with ciller the life-sizeil portraits c Detention tween the two leaders flic race was SELL TRI-;- 13.ttaLy.-Barley dose net ]ici,, againot 17.80 last year. The te make the tiret pattern, and lielped povçrs.ai3isentedinIS36,-but of whichthe froin St. Petvr to Pi improve by keeping and shonlil lie Mer- quality in Wisconsin, Minuebota and toiget up t e rat etcaw, and uiakA flic form bas net tissu fouiid effectual. The painting, but imosaie-ý l"tttýi(1r 11ohit 41 bouts. Dutention vory exciting, and close and was won keted when in flic Lent condition for Iowa is izonerally reported oorer and fiiýt casting, and etill arè liere, with us Sultan has, àn the other band, bound bina- to"day. bey have earned for tLem, self te adopt and carry into effect the mou- fui thing. The altai lu port tif byoul .about hall a boat lengt4by which is always in the full aboutone grade lower, while thatin ures uecemdary for sectiring good goverii- lzussian omiLlacll;te, rial on -Ainnot y solvesanlionorablename in thecom- ment in those provinces. In order te pro. Iltli, 1)[tmmôtl of 1jitko Une, Wilinjott. Perry's friends, it is said, hicli aucoeeds the harvest. The pro. other States exhibit littie change froul munity, roiseil up families flint are an mots the O4ýs are flic rieliest and m varit, lat 511 Ni long 29 W. l5tli, Itro not Batimfied witli the -result, lie last yenr. Mts of this. agréeýnqt I have tîtititflin-,, haviiiL, li-)Rf,ý fliav o1ni-, sont is a suitable timbto mako sales of Ca- lionor t tliam in thmir Mil ncyn - rbfliora up- r cité - Gin. P orthe "Fo"abe aî ýýr# y ep,6éiàl 'pze ce of wa Of-B8ttonborg, Prince EMmrd ýY - à Ip , . Were present.- hin0e Of Wales and -the, -Duke with P, ta V en minutes IË60ýthé-tDngtgation rieÃœig and Jingon tbeir fect until the princes ýôf Loi 'Alfred' Figet -ile èGoins, fatber ; flân. Misa F - - - 4 the 1tiàG1sýGuUt4ý aga, theu, I., af &or a of oxpectation, came the ý beaUýý by Rèr-brother, Mr. t.eLhe,,no, and attendeý,4e . four t - ' namely,',' lie' ' onorable réîardt the Honorable Miss E[ar- Lady, Z Cadogan, ýand miss -PAget. the biidogiodm7à àigter. *êiStkgý'divjne 'W "-h sa ý t e. Very ýuclDeau of Wibdibr, às"d by ýV. -Francis Eyng, C11414 of ilio 00,mmons. Dr, Arthýj-SuUj. Wý.Çâ1P_4Mted -r4woor, . preeded qrgý,, Thebridû of GýýG 'Was all. Sà àiSDýo#dýstV4si l'd in> fier'hair. The brîaesù»;ýh, kuis Quinze ifickeîté, of çýhitý _Vhite U skirts,. ý.ijmmid ýu' tï ôýf aýi1ýtion's- "' Ëîch ýW ià *Ïth disiiàondg ,ék' Po ni thé- forni of th Ã" - A. intertwiùed. They-wue, ie the,..gif4&ȣ4he bridegroom, < eXprej3aWn, which *ù à0f lest 1e -'observant the- Charmine, S-the 'Windsor - 3atotieilienuptiât-knot. 1reý JÀgfineos,' I " ýtaÈé -foý the in- on,4Me,,Iadies, worý výlýte- %vitlÏUi»'eri'bicidery ana val. es, mer white ;.a iridé 07ni - d' *ug, soldierly, gen i8màn, in bis twenty- year, thok Us -place befüre , the ý bis best ýrnaÏ, Lord Marins rd, the fai26us'îidei, 'n and adli'of quisiof Waterford.,, - - eremony w8s'impreuively ppr. by tbï :Deàu-ýàf ý,Wiù4sor, th# ehorisiýrs'ch&nt a psa-Im an. Aft âthé' be,ý etion the ridal party, ineluding the mem- ho Royal Family, entered the ý àëw tue ië«eter--âd -N"Bgseo. WindaQrisignod, and- b-showed.-igo 4011bwi: Albert P-; ý; Lonlie. C aught, Bat- Bignatures N'nd Lady Alfred Paget, Lord Ur.'.Sfqveno., Dur. ,,6,n,,,g o e at the regist a vestry &ad pââaing D isle, to the door the organ ,rth the welf-known andjoyons m Of MeDdelogohn'a 11wedding rjûeJMifiAently played ýby Dr- "Thé w6àding gueoâ,'inelud. i Royal! pereonîigoÊý'proceed- ir carriages te the reception at ,nce of the groorn's parents, in ýupe strect. TLe bouse was ely decoiaWd; extêtually with ý th ýfi and wi owers within. ýndid military bande 'of -,the iiliers (the bridegroom'a regfý ayea-dnring the..reception. ce Of Wales r1ong wîth the bride, au d the Louise gave ber affectionate 411 the royal guests, indeed, bearty interesta and -ý -good The brida was evidentljr a favorite. Ai; the coupla left ýon they were, idudly cheerea 1 throng that lined the streets, wore lielted %vith copiotis ana howers of rios. and- alippers loor. On leaving the royal ) rcceivOcI au ovation. - The r will pasa a portion of the ,n nt Mr. Oerard pagers, ut and thon at Lord Affied Bushey Park, aftcrý'whiclî- ýose ta sail for the United wsyb VI --- aay, sa that«ilie brick or powder îcay contiected, Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw- t u 1 0 clool Ileat0d',denaminatioual discussions and sail' wiro-puliers mark bit wlist Inost Stri If tlltly have conseil te Ã"'vn' lange of occu- bc kept wet. The longer it stands the bîtteïr religions rancour the conduot of thl ýtàer. Yeu speak in your address berry- lligll..Btato of ý sXûitumentý aud ry (10 theY atill -Midi in this Rial or on entoring HOMO je i t'L$Lto farmers' sono, state whet er the 'y etrongpr it becomes. A, tesspoonful of the Catliolie prelate,-of Kingston, the of the greaVefférts I have put forth ta t'ira Of iiiicient and ModE 1)(Itt[119.tiien Scelcing wore RI)MOlIt frein horne four menthe .1t.. sugar or symp stirreil intc, a tliinmud Very llev. Bisfiop oBrien, tow keep ilie whýolo runuing through, theBe This Preliu-ation BtaniL lieorléns as a %vliniii tlifiy 119 the year commeiieing ou lot or peste will adji tu its elficacy y. 0. Mothodi t b aras the liard timee. I might Bay te you it lias retnedy for ail Ruminer com laintt. Have 14V Thore ülffling lot July, 1877. 6 cd . y of that oity, deserves you diarrhona ý will positIvely cure you. Vi re tlý Co. g. 8, '78. apecial ýrecognitio". ý Witli titis view 1) - een ' a very Revere struggle, ai-id often t orbus? It-willpositive. wAnnixa To coupe] .0 Suint, aulotint of y 21 yearFi ohl on lot -,opfé Pl latioli anxioty nna ci nilier, Allin Buffalo, N. Y., Au 1 hqe been nimost ternptod ta give up 1 car cativassing in calcutatiug ýt11e 1877 we publisli elaewhere the t 1 0 you. Ilaie you coiie or cramps la Neil iUéTagý,ârt,,"ývidow the i4lilp. But wlien I would look estürnach? Itwill politivel ri Excuisioi ta ToRO14TO à4D NiAaARA speeches delivered nt the dinner which, pu r o ou that naine Mouday ri ar0nýd me and ses what R gallant crew la your stornach sour ? It wi va ý from the yorkville apti 11rin flin boit Illoreu witi II' Bay mont SALE OF A IlmAvy DR.tUGHT STALMON. FALLS.-A opeeial excursion train for followed the laying of the corner-atone yen. Are you gaing on a sea voyagg ? I boa, it wotild give me frosil courage, cure disoliarge of ail lier clair, people, of th, nw Mothodist church. in Rings- Ile shure and take a bottle of the Straw- -Mr. Richard Graham, of Pickering, Toronto will call nt WWtby on Priday, 1 la irisipg froin an occident lins disposed of the lu August 28rd, at 7.23 p!m. Excursion- ton. A Very deserveil vote of thanks sud 1 think 1 beau bâter for ail berry in yàur haversack, for use in gop-ajok- Town OtOJIinti Royal Exchanýqc, ta Mr. jSta wiphing ta proceed ta the Fallp Wus PAssed te the worthy Bi8hop, who 001 il you, have fought a rings, vdmitjng, and other irritations ol the liusband lost ilis life uoblëbatLlG-ý I Dosa net go intode- spomach and bowels ; it wilI poSitively cure ment without the int will go by etoftiners Bothony or City ýi not. only throw open the grounds of mnieiiding Dr. rv Tho court rouint %tý,'the Robert Deith, of Darlington, Begiopolis College for the occasion, but ta"s- I have doue the ý best I coula ou. Everý one speaka higbly of it. III acquence entprod sait; fi çircumstances1ý courisel, Mr. Jarvis, and 'do*ïrt liouse for 88,000, Toronto ta Niagara, anil 1honco by the paricitted the spéaki[rg ta take place Me no liesitancy il, reco under the nnd 1 trust Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberi-y,"-G. is tindergoing Rome ýà«@d ý improve. The ],croc was stabled at Itaylii on Canada Soutliern R. B. Retnru tick. from the balcony of the colloge. that etter 'v'i-paea are in. l4oro for iis al], W. B,&ltL, St. Catharines. 'II would advise the aru6ulit of césts incur tnents iu tho way dr; I)aititihà and Tucoday and lookel in-""' lendid con. éto good tilt 80th of Auguot. For Tor. : Woiild t ýnay ail live te have rnany any one suffering frein nommer complaints ing in lier bebalf. This SI) onte, 75 ets. ; for Niagara Falls, Or.75. that this kindly, amicable spirit per- and , 'at of dition. vaded more la plo-niýs under the old banner te give Dr. Powlc-r'a Extraci of iriiii Siraw- the tertnti of settiewent W varnlibing. Tliý work id 61cig donc For filrilier information and tickets rgely ail the Christian Ofetl hitbyiPotindry. (Loua cheerinp,,.) of the country.-Ex. the EGoxutrxa»-Dct bqff. itthsogvilliag,, wlien properl, hy MeBord., Marcin and apply te (lac. B. Yole, Grand Trunk denominations icitcrii. Messre. Jý . 1 1 a-,. who EXCUBSION Ta ViuroulA ll,&wc.-Tlie à. Brown concluded émidst hcarty Wild Straztlbcrry gives porfect satisfaction." cet are niak Ing a »st elasa job of it. , Ticket Agoucy. IliSTALLÀTIO.1 OF THE 1%. C. Bisilop applause by: again thankiug them for -TiinuýtsDoraLAsCambray. "Canrecoin- Veil '-,%fônclay the'sum 81,08merNorsdinan wdl leave Wilit . b y op DuNxFixLi),-The new Roman the flattering address progented. Mena. 1ýr. POWIWS Extract of Wild, Strw- arbitrators as Llit value Mr. IT011atlian, Wolfedden lias ý, ý Yale, Brook Street,.* bas a lu ý JUSt nt ciglit o'clook on Tuet;clay inorning Gao Bi on. T. Ni crri witli conffdeuce."-Jucron 9. ..FE= sud herses amounting t coinpleted a handsomo. Iregfai Catholic Bishop of-Dunkfield, Seottand, ý Gibbs, havicig beau called i en. - "Bly maternera bear high testi' village retainin - the lion Plue Street. Worth a nce On fer the Conservative dernoustration et large and well asporteil stock «Station- lias been installed. An addrees pre- lie was glad ta witness the la £,--.tract expectpil viill realize $16 Omo 82000. Victoria, Park. Parc 50 colite, going ary. Ho keeps aise a fuU stock' of sented ta him at St. Andrew's Chapel, and 900d feeling eli9fing . Wild STEV ,Ný1 The claýii-à of Dr. - Srhit! The Deverili blOOk, an Brook streût, and roture. 13ohool supplies including the books Dundee, said botwe rI Prown and hie cml)lojte8. rangovillo. Milb car ri ili 90iug UP r4pidly -and Drainions ta be used in the Ri h and Common Sobo tlinety He tejoiced ýat the succése attouding ProÈlýictors, Toronto. OIS. le p;two yearB ago, in the year 1586j n' Surgeon, amounting ta $1 011 ornainent ta flie town. Tim. r, ouEsToszN, a local dramatio .9 opte of this diocese were toit Mr. Brewn'il èfforts. It wae only whon ance and keep of horses, troupe. gave an entortainment in Hop. Use Whitfield's infalliblo touthache orphauE6 by the aneth of the Right Bev. difficulties. were overcome tilat one REGATTA'AT ST INT.'R The at the saine, time, wilici guln. RobertOrichton, the thirýy.tbjTd Bis. couléllook.baçk and sec ail -tlist bail Railways, stestubonts and citizo MOIS liabilitied for iiii, chief Cou. kins, Muelo Rallý last blonday ovenngI 0 affair. mtable lias rcoûývea _ _«ý Dunkfield, yogr predeccaisoril beentencouakred. Mr. ]Brown coula prospects for a regatta are very good.* Information of il hop of il ne are le which attracted a fair audience. rior Try Whitlielas Colobrateil Pulmonic the ofâce. Since thon the fIockýof this turnéowaiaSýboPcful future, and ho enbreribing liberally ta the fand ;the KiNG ALFO-480 'INcoNso deprodatiolis et Oiollard thieveo, niail amateurs flicir pi ' aucient son boa been witisout a Wgular. trustêd the daY was net far diataut lias boeu cupplied i MYillg Was 4PY Credit. Syrup fer cètiglis of colda. amoïstit will probably reaévle I$Ial.uB]O&On- Alfonso roiriaing inconsoIL W th the ilailes of able. ly constituted abephord," wheVý tmimaieluoficturer8 wotild incet with niourning forlils yodug w no - , *** - - - - ' - î! Re hopeil! Mr. Brown aLeofftoirataeoýÏmoboeiMnogiailuaedaept4ocitbya !If ho doce ing un extravagant form Loo of 1,110 patt.108 8 r en, the Boa- poacs tu build fb Magnifie( wlio'wlll bc likely Bargain in Toilet Soupa. T. Woulfra Beniedy for Chutera, Diar- bettèi las promi6êtI ta ho on baud whioli elie shall would long côulinue te runet hie friends not-*iý. Fronýliyýioliclit te, receiyq un oincisl visit from litre. POLITICAL ' PuLNra àuci PENCILLiNGS Wliii.Gulil. rhSa, &-o., Dr. Fowlers Extract of on sitiailar ioccadous and with the Sortie ton soulier, ji Little beYs-and big boyu, too Io an illustrated political pamphlet je., Wild -Strawberryt at 5. W. B. Swith expressions of poil will towardo ench in sadition't. the oarsmen wlic, roiwed EXTENSIVe GitAix Sroi lialup Gouda nt oust. T. G. 'Whii- othere t Barrie. Tho Committee of Manauq- botter teks boed, oued » aril.'P. a Tho extensive grain store field. NiAGAÙà -Aldérman P. Ililgilog. of Uri Glen W.as nextcallýd ipà, r.12d ment, prizes and date 01 ýegfttl"% w'll lie Baiinat3,np, Limerick, hav Georg@ Cl@monts, a-fornier rosi. ÀTTUPTIUD INC£Ni)lAntslt.-OU'Woa. Special bargains la Ladies and Gon. Toronto, bàs recolved the Roforin nom. a"er f'zPTes4ý0lào Ploasure lie fait at a on ilie Offi néà 71li arranged nu Tlatirçrlay riait. It:ia 03 11) dostroyed byý tire. Afte (lent of ibis town, uow the Icading penday night, 7tli- insi., sortis perpon, Raid that dailng the oixtecri or sovéne of Septéniber. 1 beingý I)TUSoùt upou- snob an occasion, pented to take ploc about threo hours, ýI1O tletilon'a Cloth brùelles. . T. G. Whit. ination for Niagara. building tell morchatit taitor in the flou ri ri ttempteil ici lire the housi field. 'HALToN.-Ilon Wm. McDougall, C, teon cars #làt Mr. Brown and binaself rýh(nR City of M B., lias receivefl the Conservative, nom- had lion býéthor ràalaeacturers and Tho essence -of trije nobility le noglect destzoyed je vftluoil ut r, J- Stickwood, di Ulbildge vil. oieolf. -Lot thottght of Soif paso in, 0( Winnipeg, MA(le a dying VfAit ta th, ' Before moving, tg the new promisse ination for Halton. neighbors ho hail always :found bina a TiS Mumit op Lou 1 pl"e,,on Tuesdny lest. Mr. . 0 legs-. and the beauty of gent action' la gone Clemepts jaît érected on Brook St Our compIste Limettis Lime Juice in 25o bot frieuffly and obliging nnighbor. lie the Lifford As8izes on Pic 1 fs looking bals and hoarty, sIod 'ha 6 lior nailway t des, or , like the bloom of a follets ta Guelph, Sirat. stoek.ýofToiIoý, and Fancy Goode, will ici bulk zt 40a per plut, at 5. W. B. ",.boa na Mý him aise, à inanly and applicaLion waB made on highly delighted with the new co'ciery., 'ju bc dispowpd of at coit. T. G. NV tulio)ble,,ompdtitor-holi'kc4 no-better- SNow.-The grouùd nt Batterbea, crown ta Postl)ono ta the a rd, -si. uàrys, Luoac, Sarnia, Paria, Smith & Cooý. juotrgoeived snoth )c er "and lif trusteil the muta good under- Ont., is aaidto, have, beau covereilý- with. -the triawf the two M'en St.elo1ja ACCIDENT Tu us. A&EX. BJrâgtfOrd, Port Célborne, Bufralo, Lon. fielél' stand between them would, long con Sno* Tuésday, moruin lot of Lirnetta Cordial in large bottles g. 'Michael, Ileraghty for' th dOup Part Huron, Détroit, obigigd athize with Mr. Lord Loitrim. ho app tooth, and mail tinue lle'ëould syrpp Tas ÀLXXÀ»aa."-Oa Satttrday, 10thicist,, tbe'Wéàtern and South Westdom--6t&t« ]ÊlaopogiD Gu»îýfàToRAL Bz>iimxy E Ërow in tbkaimeultiiï Mr. ý Aléï, Alexander toit off à Joad'-Of gaply ta Gao. B. rule brusbes ut redmoed prions, Prêvicus ta 0 ,collimoythe Goyernor-Genëràl vi ited ta en. granted. Grand in UoN7WUL.-ItiÇ PrOpffld -ta ý eroci counaý, and coula, beartily congutu. 11 b, . a Fa I pevaa, arffin "y,,*P.Q., yesterdayl - au wlas re-ý > HON. MIL MACUNZIE. au ràkbogs At ]ÎàrraOUYO and severe. Cket AR@DOY- stock tsklog. Jý. g, WhitfiéR à "deüoe in uéiÏirial:, t6 ýhe -ýjë' of Jeté, Iým upiii, hie sticoets.; Tlié celved with every demonstrati-o'n'df 'ré. Cartwright bave boeu addi y 14,4"d, ;il$ »lue. Ro Will bo- *irt the0overnor-Genatal efCamadtý thé Of fLnànoialý filitregs, ha t gard. 9 nod; ta con- ' P'IB$euger8tO Great Britain shôuIdýý cloth, limbes fil QeA varlety. T. iiiïèilbgj; in the Lower Piv Idis lwuo* Scr son)" Corporation givinq the sit6 sud the, Diti. pýj11É àÈJy. It was a periail from A Constantinople -despati the 19jury, ýýI1é effÇoi:4 or li né. TJtére 10 ArXý. G114vuitâold. it fi Clui 1ý . à - ý .1 41 tako tbp 41>n, Li gézu dotriying tliè'çP#t of ýffl 1dg. wIùch,.thqý ýüânufàctàrers pot only. of TaEOTT,&wA, ËIOTSI-So'yýeÏal 'cftiieý %V ýc1î -, *1 1 - 1* . - - î orsons 43 arge, a 1*ý ýo44tîqý ý - Réùtý6rall - Canau suffýri3d but thoso' ail overAhe b a with conplkity'iu,, th'. %m Uoraài, -0 re là or of 110 RQ14eh fi' oqpotlor #Mar X (31-ee'n'a 4ugusý ý,FJqwe11,t o44p'is bot- 8 re4gions distarbances in ýOttawa -Qoveritc .1 &hie# nt lo'priretes. o --fe4bg of good will manife#ed of ihi ippa for tep'ea, o, tb, 40 '44 ef ed as àY Co e 40 - ,0 xtract of Wfid Strawberry dcubt, the saiest and wost re. y in existence, fer, ai&rrhcna, alors, marbus, sour stomach, 'àrd- all suinfiler comýIaints. char=. -- Its effecté are marael- lustàutaneous, cure' sjoëedy. iý all who *usa It recommend bp kopt in eveïy home at t1ils e in cases of emergency. For dealers. Milburn, Bentley ,ertify that my wile, haýjn 1 for a length of time wite eneral nervous debility, and icated by medical meii ana I ar#!onsjýfwetricd a bot- uypophospbites, ana reslized ediate> uni! rom- aný 'T'rovioùi ûie&éiüe. new person. olk Ce. ,*rottra truly B. G. ëcn)xduz. a k ORrg to have 1 ý at ý St. âmei ený - bas- me boy. twelvâ yeau- Old. Bal Money market is atendy ange stiraay was worîý nà 'az-ec alita ý of' «iXty-JîBý ý banks. Gold drafts on 0 selling in'amalu amounts oi,,Ihtb premium. it liff:fiiie P-O,,Ir-trAitoi non. Mosa bu be'on adtted LOI Ï11 oggoodouau. leiéateil oàyo couct Bli , oby, 1 the. Porte thât in tlie.- ý bloodrbed in thoso pro- ýs, waý deûùitély sucez, lerzogovilIS, rts-4üdeIhWýJ to tIiecý for,, itroý"al6ne wu -bavo Dur wattli p' inlour familiep, in bociety, Our charader is in 'thorigbi ut oonjiiàtenze %ýith itbelf. en is tho;only,'Wmng. j» ýa gros& teq9her ; ad. ieatéï, paw. 1 ; privation trains- aikd 1 î ýU. "pf E igrant settlement, a, fé2i -.Imra à ý Ioda, ',ot zleo4;àlid , d - lit. 0f-;ýt to -nobu to-asy report the diseaec near the f laÉt fifteen lý0tIrs7' whe -rapicuy. ---------- named Trefaun and 1 Davis, but--tle'*"î ais ? Condui did attentié'n-of-lhe p'alfce ity, and, consequently inade. "The roýr,- h ordinary braývl betwee -it was oceàsioneà 1 ofa kzüio'rud painfal and Davis'ardiuedfoe in this cityi and nul bocii ootbpanions. D days Trefànu vùited t parents in - Uxbridge, Davis whom ho had Davis wa-à ïbfii6aubetl 1 andfifteen years of -É Subsequently paid roi tien. Theyàunë meu cityandabouL 'a we-à only a few days zgc, 1 ýppearedfrom liéme N mp ber parente of ber ure or notifying thez ivherëabouta.-, -Youu& made aware of the -où r-usýecewg thut Davis te do with the affair, h wdteh , himi and ý were thereby-eltrene two o'clock yesterda fanu fÃ"Uowed Davii bouse on Cru!-ëhan4 fi talîing him before ho hùù of ' én>ïicýùg bis, kome and--thè ýpathEï oj acknowledged his guilt whero the girl was livit i0ý=a=Y Uër ha -enme of seduefion.411"" ately itiuck him, and a, -which, Davis was sey The police have been th,-"Ugh investigation A Confessed M A JUDGE OF PROBATE Wl SONS FORT IIE SAXE 01 IxG THiM* ES-1 Leroy Dye, Public A Sacramentoý County, L concerninàýtho recent à Tidlis, on-ý-Grand àlandý to'.Énveinetig'atba the 1 purpose ýof gettîng conti ofthedeceased. -Hé-ic pe or, - dward Au for èrl in et yst* emploj ha fou dû a e6yàfessi ing thatcif Iýyeý : Andeiý coive #6'000 for thé-jc also discussed the murd( sofis. The details. are cola-111crocrea cruoity. E fore borne a good rep community, abd hi.; C( the aflair bas -creaistl CL, prise and Terrible Explosion of-a zinc. 4ATÉ AND- During the etorui on nt Pottsville, Pu., the -1ýcl of Welidy &C04 zn'tim ç place, W'as êtruck bý. figi were eleven 12uiiiiriti keÉ the building, and a torr ensuad.- completely <.- dei lnîgiziïe- 'and licittenni terribleforce in an east makiùg a g-ap ju. the woo, wide. A pienieing Party led in the woodis a Bilort the -maunzine., Two t '-killed, and five injqred bc amputation necesbary. otherswere more or lei flYin- Stones, ù"èr -&o. wore, badly injured-and-L The e4lÃ"sion was Lear and caused great éýx'eîtém, The large. plate-ffiass wi Potteville Bajik and of Ce Bank were broken, many windowsin the The ceili, ". in a' nuràber were thrown down. 1 T James Galbraith, at-Motu complets wreck. The tüt,ý mated at $45,ooo., 1 "TEIL. The effecta of the exp 112001,èis éïf poVtIL»r on fëlt " or the. 1 City thro 'o àù -r-.ý A

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