Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jul 1878, p. 3

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-HALL., LOI u. 1, fh cu icrieng, Joue 0, 178. <7.ju)' 13" '0amP. . LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY. GLASGOW, > Allan- Lino 0P ROYAL MAIL 8TEAUIAIPR. Evory suby frn iieo on arrive, c.1*etra ialng Whltb7 gâ1e Oabin lares reducod ta 081, bol, flatucn tckets, e511. 0166.60, accordlns i o Itiou s tate room. Iutermedlati, Bergaulow atha Iawest. MUoraviu, fram Quobso, Sly ah1, 1878. Peravia,q, I1800 11 >t, d Bardlulan, id", de Oth, i steragc rseuns nara icrwardoed taLon., 'dOnderry luGagwQeuon Bristol, barail s~dLf amOsrt uto Li'verp)oaL Paries wshlng to und faoihe r Mondsa gan obtain tickt.et loy rates. Thé77ulag«nud uric thSummer _ d 4,,tWva0aiwblCb au, spent. lu tho ellWth waters of thé st. Lavrume.1" For ticiketes d f artlcer fm&4 apply GUO. B. ILE. Exp. auti Tel. Oe., Whi*by,*7nIy Snd, 1678. rl This Discovery In,- th euofasifres 01scentific PExpet norvaus smysteni must be nmade vigoroi suai One iocf teaI s yÏn Mtomsaidiseare feoting elUier Ucth~e r, Lumgp, Heai Stcmach, or Gelâl Organu, in a laisc nervaus pover. Thinls iollaved b>' mua cular rliaration, vealineas, sud emaclalio> ca the orgaus vh.teh depend for hesill an luvolunîsa>' muscularaction, th eaoke suflring Irat. ': to'W, asthe itimucles osud nirves depenc :0 imuch upon cach other for effioleu strenigth sudaton u sth. argans tUiý cantrol depend on both, It becocesean 1w tuai necimalty> ta te iinerves smd mn cos iesrlectly, lu order te speedlljansud e. niennti>' cure diiseo es a c ae-named organs. * fter montho ai' "r ë, u ideWa time hba~ ample oppartunit>' for trylu@ the affect ai bis Èscoviry, became cohýni, id that "0 other preparation knavn can. taineS se patent anS direct an affeet upaE 1h. nneusystene as i$ Compound Syrup of - !, cas.,.rsê8s1or suie lais, E ý "Jhst héedisisssovercome by the aue of tnis énmidy are Uic foflavlg.- * Chronlo Oqustlpatlon, Cibroulo0fDyspepsie, :Agthma, Chronle !roncbhii, consump lion, OlrncDipai F Chranlo Lrmgts liorvous Deblity FELLOWS' * Compound SyrUp -.of -Hypo- Sp hosphltes, The power cf arrestlng iseases displaveed« hythis preparation th honcrabi>' ackuow- - ledgedby ' hmedical facul>' tanever>sec. tien vherp lhan benulntroduced ;and the large sale ls thxe beut garntee cfthie estima-ý lion la vhleh 1* la heidbTthe public. Tua Syrup will cure Pulmionar>'. Con. uipMnLacuthe UicretaIsud second otages, vii al!ejrcal relief sud prolcng lile ln th. ÃŽhrd.X16 viii cure Asutma, Dronchitia Laryngite as Coughs. Il viii cure ali ildesci aiilg rone vent ai Muicular Action sud lervous Farce. Do uot b. dîcelved by remedies beanlng a simujlar nome, ne othcr preparatlcu ida a sub- eftiote for tus unclrcnuy cirumtaceà.' Look ont for thei nami sud sddreis J. I. * 1'iLLOWSI, St. John, N.I1B., an Uic yellaw wrapper.lu vaternark vhlch Istein eby ding 1h aUeper bera Uiclight. IBrcedby0 £r Bttlo;six for 87.60. w HRITBT, PORT PERUTY & LINDSAY CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Taking edfcc on Monday, JulY lit, 1878. - Leavi Wltby ...... a. ce., .45 p. Port Ferry.. M c â. m a .....1081 * 8.88 Arrive Lludiay,ý....1m 9.1 * TItIlis COING SenTi. Leuvo 1Manlfi., 4 ' d YArrive, Whllhy . .25 < &803 *For lime nt other stations, sec Pocket 1qite. Table, tlobe had an applicatioin ta any ai the Oonipauv'l Aguti., r CONNEMTONS. WIITY osCTIDI-With Grand l'runk IlIcl. 'aOfr 0ail pointseeaI sund vest. Mj1 Penn er.-3VIth staeuE nFpsom, tles am * nStxbnidga. S5AcAY.-or altfil&and Wicke This is W.,straiïIii a, bonafido'rcduction, 'l = , panSa= conduot- Adrs, C. D ÂWES, AUCTION SALE FA RM PROPERTY, TOWNSHIP 0F BD' ACH, in ME, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. There viFib. solS, an ' Tunda, 2rdJulyl, 1878,- A n 'lu Uic théaiternoon, '&T TE "AK~ OS, VLLAGB 0F Po RT PEZBYF, JBy vtue af pavera of Osalecontai ne i théUi lab it WIand Testament, af WILLIAM MUNRO, late of Iho V a cf KlrkfilS, in 1. Coun >ty af Victoria, 1ceaaed, the fol. lo tgpoperty, via 'Teentrepurt of lot 22, lua1the 111h Concsion ofthe Tovnship af Beach, con- tainlng 74à acre, vith -the. fafllao ic provcmts,-Abauî 60 acres dlean. aud undir cnltivîtion - Uic reminder hardwaod bush. Gooddvilling and oibuildinga. oEBl -ea f v I..... ,...v . f, NL)Av ONTARIO"~ 1874- 00 FGUNDED -p 1874. OPFEIIS THE POLLOWING ADVANTAGES lot. The ducat buings and grounds in Canada. deotedita thc higher eduacation af Young ladies. The. new cnt, ahovlng the Colege vith the. recent additions,flot belx;g rcady, vo are obligeS for the preseut to nuse ioad ane. 2n5. A Vcr complets snd efficient staffaofi tatreetars. Provision la Made for a thorough grouadlng in EngUsoh, as. Uie truc foundation for a fluished educatlan. Thieimli elementacy subjecte are net averlooked, s0 Uiat pupils May enter wthadvantàge at an eanly age, sndintanysotage af advaucement. Speclal facilities are affurded for acqulrng a- thorough sud practlcal knowledge ai science. The music depatment, udr the manage- -ment aifP. H. Torrington, Esq., Con4notor af the Philhiarmonie Socicty of Toronto, la lu the higiiet state of efficlency,. French sud Gercean are teught by saaccoauplished lady, vbo spealce bath languages, and vho alla poasesses a good knowledge ai English. idtera. turc, ilathematios, Dràving, ]Painting, &c., aretanght in the mail effectve manuer. al, We!1 egulateil exercise lu vslkng, ailthonlos, andS eidg; violesorne sud Excèllcncy car', board Iveper cent. iper cent. FLNCE PiEU ION. .800 .lu400 AL"upan the pnaic. draw. h'15per cent l u s.ivance tour terme, d eia-heube- au aller. imbclitl, ebruaty7th. bc Jau. 2n&. to 3.A.. Principal. R E of al Fo Fa rthor parlieulans, appi>' ta-. 4W .Al&rgc numben ihonore to bec 9opetedfor. Two md.l un iso B. ARMSTRONG' 1 Bec Lor&LrlDufferin; <aid =4Imedia Jas. Pattensan, Ecg., of Toronta.aa scholanslilp j ALEX. McKENZIE.Ecor, Te>'. EcRai., ai Appleton, sud marc thau $150.00 wonth ai Priace. Kirkliold P. 0., Ont. 511. Fifteen par cent. roductlce tose t ota o p acava for cnee p Kirirfield, 201h .Ttne, 1878, (41n-27) ne4tuitien. Ta thase viiope>' by thi erm :-Fov second termaifattcndancc, ai 09 o&Uail Mls; for third terce, ten per cent, off ; sud for fourth term, fliften 110lQf FOIR EUROPE," vllbe daducted. hi hi OHEAP ]RATES TUITION FERS * O THOSE WHIO FAT IN ADVA 15 - YEAEBOB0D & TUITli Special attentien la callcd te the "RBoyal Fneparatory Departuient, par ternn..$4 0 In reparatary Dalartuicnt... f.- MaIl Ode te sipl ,, ,, Acdeielu Acadenie Departuien ...... 01.p nsva:indmc o uColiegiate Departaient ...... ai AMRIANIE SARsu Vg> te....8 00 Addtlonal charges vii depenà on *~E à -STAR, School boom anS incidentai exi.enaes nunecr of extrase lakemc s noaui 1 ngAlântlng,*co., froin allai h 't vhlch carry Uic United States sud lielgian per terzn. ..............»........ 0 ltkm fpy otb n 'or mails. Steerege.rate, Wblbt Prseu Ma ibery............ or aewhelo year. return via Nev Yorkr or Phuflecîhle, vith CALENDAR. na firstclies rallyeaefm W--hlhby ta BOARDINCI EXPENSzs. The CoUeglato yeanlsadivMe4ino u hldlhaor 1ev York sud returcul ofltunweeki esc1>; onc tarinand il#5.0 Phuadeianditze atr Board wlthh uieled i-cern, par veck ....175 lrChitessdtvan-a ,y 7500 - aba ud atrmd ta low fre svtan cuter ad t aar ,.rates. Fuel, lightO, andi Wasbng, por wcck ... 00 ISacoTux, &s Nember th o o Fi . STEPHENSON, Sngle bedrim. or n noce utorcy, extra, VAcAvox, trace Decexuben 151h tu r81U-26 Dom. Tel. CoýAgent, Whilby. k Tuma Tnx. February 7th te Api edparwc................>otu>sT 8xApril M ta un E~ S'nes y aeectu kr o iter For furthor particulars,, cea Cganü~ha-,&fruisid 6n applicationi 1h, UUM sex, htnlin ou ctiesFear- ticasaS aamplesWcrthh es free . jL -"IfDINSON, M. A., or, BaV. J. J. IAE ag eyour are lime sttua business, . ù H ,, à5- 4irSOicGO., Porliand, Maine: M-oenr.Pl 'Whitby, July 8îrd, 1878. Àcof ouu ai mrdsace. esae .en E.rouEVES, iauam .,. .S iv e W11cons u 1>hle eîî curen s ACTONSALE -AT THE - OF LANDS AND'C I A T S O IMPROVED FARMS, WHITBY ~HN E T - AT TE TOWN OPf ORILLIA, A Large Assortment of Crookery, and Glassware On hueda, Ot/ d/y,188.kinds. Also a Large Consignment of Thecsubserlber vini affer for sal,,.et the GLASS PRE SERVE JAR 04LLÀBOUSE, orniia, ou Tliusday, AR 1th of jül, 1878 st 10 o'clock,ae . eUi Rame sud Marc: l leTauhipeol J." Ail of which i1 be sOid Cheaper than:ever for EAMA4-Nerth hall 15, 4 con., 100 acres. Onu eand examlina for yourselves, boforo purhaing else hcr. -South hali 15, 4 con., 100 acres. South ha le 1 4 con 1 M'seî. *îeacres ,alkdso âÀA 1crh heU Ï,11 on' 10 aceAlt1o, Receiving Daily, glknso North hu ,18e con., 100. acres. Lot ,1 con.,G2w acres. Butl hall 1, 12 on. 00FRE8H RIPE. FRUITS,- LEMONS," acres. West hait 12, 12 con., 100 acre,. South hall 18 12 cou,, 100 acres.- For Sale, Wholegale andaIeclail. TEBMS-Mken orcentaifurchueimouen to bc aïd sttUie iai e, nau -~ mare to a er e Iv e e cn. ta hi W. e. - OWHITBY CHINA TEA ST( prad before lot Janusry,! 1879. The balnc ta-our aunuf ustalotents, vli in. tercet on unpeld balanco, aI- the rate ai savon par cent. WANTED.-Any quàntitY Of Good Ripe Cherrief Aise, et the aamc lim andeuS cthe fol. HarYO8t Apple8, for which the highest market priece wil b paain, c leviug valuable r p ace, i h Tovnship o a ra-fnest u1i ot14 lun511 Con., 100 acres; about M, acrescloiared, Mod sdi, fair bufldgs, afirslss uclgih. Whîtby, 9, 7; '78. W..J.GIB banoS, sud about tva anS ai-hait miles fraie Breehin, e station on the Mldu Rall&y. Fossessionu lotOctoben, 1878. TBRM-on.fifth cash, orj secured lb>' osactor>' nota, payable ltaI ar>', 1879.,M ~ L i N Balance lta"Iv&=n&4lnsalment,cernW.M BU R S. menolng lat Jenner811, 1880, vith Ittrest au-tjQflÇSRE, BTY 7,,per cet. anunuped. balance annual>'. BOK TETY drilTs. m.b th day, TIBBDAYi, Ras jus t reoeived, dcl rmteM nfcues 18th JUT, ct ton e'elock, se]..et r h For further pertlcuwaicpi aA . assort'ment of .uaqies, auîd uentîameni'O' M~arsrd,, FrZ B. GÃŽ-boe'ha*,ort ookin;mnpress, and American 0. DAWES, l Auctlaucer, Part Ferry.- Jane 12U, 1878. *odm 8 Afi50, P550 BasCheap for Cash. Four more lita t of50e,55e,75e and $1.00 Prunella ]BOOts. AYERS HOTEL, FARM FOR SA 0F» AA4' 82, & 84 MTT-ST., .BOCBILSTER, «N. Y. r c-eeilfLo AL8 rOMNeonIG ON MONDAY, Ma>' 9711> Pileiice d 15.0aD>.71 iO5Oiii 5.j 78,sud uti inrhennotie, rain vi i Ts Hatel bas; reducea île price 1* the TOWwep~ U fR LEAVE PORT HOPE for LinýSic>'Peter. Traveling Publia Io .60,gparenday. It l C1pe MR bare, Lalelleld, andStaitermeaeiai.bady talhXi .Ceta 1 onya 100 ACRES >fOPO Ls nd rodat p",et day, The hcus stýls g1n vs ou 'iýi-o Am W#an,àd10 .m.ý. teasdcinrnda -Aight--ata uIyalo. e arI- <tn decided to mark down our -entire stock to sueli pricesi as will effeet a speedy clearance. ---tVERY SPECIAL BARGAINS-'-- IN HOBIERY AND GL0VES, LADIES' BILK TIRS, DBES GOODS, LINEN COSTUMES, AME1IICAN'& ENGLISH STEAM LOOM AND EACTORtYq SHIRTING, TWEEDS, AND PEINTS. SILK & ALPACA PARASOLS, CORISETS AND SKIIITS, EMBROIDERIES &INSERTIONS, FRILLINGS, FANS) Cash.1 &C., &C., &C., --aa- rasi. SON As ail ouri' Goods have been bought this year, and in the best English' markets, this -will.be au o'pportunity (seldom offered) good cases of procufing and Seasonable Dry Goods, 'at the lowest possible prices. ÂI ood s will -m ru r P J Y a ten WIU LSQ . i ep irs n oa a y .d on e. T 1 D ]undas Street, first store west Of Armstrong's M Hoctel Rmembér the placeo. k XATTHEW COLLINS. Cf:Ae Whitby, âmje 12th, 1878, (uOIs.25 '.A i FA ý8HIU1NABL E TAILOh>ING. , -000-- MR. JOHN ERGTUSNGNt 22) HAS NOW.OX, HABD Aà LARGE ASSOMENT 0F TE SPRJN1 GÃ"O0DS,I English, ,Scotch, and ,Canadain Tweeds 9 a~s aps in great '&Tety. Clotbing.made te~orderlin the laes ,styles 0on Short Noie. Ail inspection invited before-pu=oaig olsewýhere. Sn- courage Home Trade. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundua-Street, Whitby. DOMINION WA REIi'00M8, -"We beg to advise having received oU7. Spring Btoc7. We are well as8orted witk the mo8t 8eason-- able andi mo8,t durable good8 in the market, andi at tte LO0WEST PRIMJES. We invte d pecial at- fention to our stock of DBETS GOODS, wliicht Is attractive by its great C.,xtent, Va.riety .and Oheapnes. * Our~LOTH DEPARMENT excellà n former season in Style and Variety. Outr Milhin- ery. Stock idIcornplete andi attractive. We havfe a first-olass Cutter, stylish i Hilinler Dresa andi Mantie Makers, ready taý execute al orders entrusteti to...t temî. 27hanicing you for pa8t lavors, -ive solicit a con- tinuance-0f your patronage. Yours respectfully, Whitby, April 8th-, 1878.' L WE <&P L . 8,1-G BA-R G AIN S BIG BARG-AINS!1 JUIST RECEJ' VED-A eJOB ý L'OT. Grey Lustres at- 12je. Black -do. at 12c. Fast Colored ýPrints iat Se. WVmte >Cottons at bc. KMd Gioves at 250. White Cotton Rose at 50., .2 -Regatta- Shits for, $L50 Merino Shirts st 80a. - Hats,.Caps, Ties,.Co'llatrs, at Cost. W. J HIO IE C'00., The. Annma Ihis City, on:Wcd icil, at 12o'o0locl -B>' arder of thei- Tbmty12e a costa anS setlaeAt once. Broaklln, j'une 11Ui, 187 THlE -WHITBY H, - GTEOIl. R071 Hi8hh lolWhitby, Me Seccrid Seasan--; STURGEON PO] sn. Seuil n fr lime-tei departÃŽo eociboatsamu J.- 12uICI ; vo vOlaI4 Worth 25c. di 20o. S 75c. * 10e ' $.0 $1.5 McMILLIA~'5 BLOOR, 13R0O~ 8 IWILLIAM CABINET FACTORY TILL'8 wITn 41 water i and wi 1 in(? l'l ý McMILLIÀ.N'S BLOCIr, BROC& Freshl

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