-Couera mt, A»4, a! us. P ER , ANNïuM, layl June 27, 1878. NION Dky. ful oppi Tise fan 1: haproc Donulul 'Elae O - tili, va -asciimtu ma lnig fim And Wh Ibrove, D Day. andl120 -'Sports s: cd, titl' sertaoSos Lindsay', tha day fi alaSfà r Wm wil! be gi, ExÃuioii lsla mail Trntn, Y Nlil boeri ltoibecst 'AN Evw ai1notab le i troupe, vis, ineurS» 13 isiO lis 0 sTorutoapi els, Th ter,," ar vila Efuir-isit villeWh-Tin Wnion cwilir nnei tram b tEiouiut bm tosteS an nure fnntgi- Hlo, ul n vila vIa y Iît'a wVJhi in for te 000Tiii cd o nuoBayi bis ai in Wh! Witgurne saus nat, anS r tn angui tseioe.- sumzsrn' we.roaurtvse Wili not-a. boii iiand lun taklug part lu euoh a - semc aisl~ t ond ebeconiDg-, auS wensisy af tise$sagacien sse sa,à ltue Canadien people, te whome beantea basu soe ndesred hinsesl£ An aSi frorn lie Wardeu and Coninty Cou: trul isycover tIse viole gnou fer the muniolpalitis o!fit.eeuuty Ontario. Pickening Herber--A Credîtable Ps ceeding. Wa pinl vith muaIs pIessure, ethar colurnus, a letten autlsonized te pubqlschod hy the Township Conail Pickernug ai their lausameting. Ti decurnent apeaits for itueif sVo tl milulon Day, ilis yaîn, failu on cnediisshle poitien vhiel îlee1'icisnim uaY next. Prom aoven>' -quarter Barbonr npuuayocecupiosluils Sesdo are noes a01preparatiaus forOcolo, luge vitis tise ieuvehip. Sueis s ýg he National holIday. Exour. aubiioritatira communication à teI Pianed, ans incs OfuAmusesments bout aaswom tu île injurious stonios i '11 th.e oinmns O! tisenue.s. mamofel>'set attoal epecting M Tise amuuucoe n l ar MOClelln, ansi provom lIaiîlbe>' Wei su ii! moerve tea slow vlt usnuseepli>'Seltned te deoy ine lmcnet Uplaied lun(luis loomli>', sud mua Serin the chanucien of th excursiouon authe Norsemamt lu Comspany>, It was a base andsi ess ab me féootmore nIl ho Ipartil>' Saleus plot, anS ils erposuno muet not di Is e collng breeau os f liserecol i nusreoeubleiS'forece uîpan li Wlsl tLy abt 4,80 lu tise monningi, leuds c1 tiose engageS lunmuosameorîl. thle sultr>' reuther. 'T'e a§tourner an atiempi te mui.an enierpnisin Lu'ung' leArsu Coboiurg, et 4 P. Younig nsan'c future prespeets. ns F ITa e 5t10 nesaclsng WlsiY CANADA UNDEHO TiiAL'sImISTUTîION 0O 0'eicck . TII. milbu a deligil- LamaD'DOrrsunmet,-By George Bt eOtniut>' ibr pndiug îhe de>'. art, jr.'; Toronto, Reae-Boiferd Ce e t ou>Y'c onlu. Ticicis eau Thi. vomie,île prospectus cf mîuici sut roni n. 'Staphenson,' lias been alreadv n oticed. viii sortll io le ril U' Il Teêgrap dico - bh in theluands cf the public. Judgiug ,i e cf -% Vhiiby Cricket Club' hy the upeCimnen pages befone ns, tho ara iF1fà smomn, go by tise Nordie.ï hcok*promime toha a large andi baud. ýcoboms1rg, te plav a fîiendly sime volume, gut up in tise beist style cf letter-preus andi bindisîg, andi pnintesi iTilÃ"tdiro lu-ic UAT OontwIA.- on a suparior quality cf piper. Tho sel pie nie, in aid of tile huilsi- varli iii contain tihe GoversssrGener. 1cf tise Catcholes cf Ohave s's speeches, dlivered in Canada and i(4y, wÃŽll le lseld ai Annis's tissUnuited State's, besides baing nime- esAr Oshawa, ou Doinion partial listory cf Canada, Éocislly and veny effort is bsing put forth, pliîieally during tle six years cf Lord alns will ha sparesi te ak#aj pDafains administration. Mr. Ble%'. icut Runaceuiful pie-nie yet liaIS, art is a faitîful historiani, anS altogotîs- id unsumoments wil ho pi-criS, or we have no doubt lIat the publiel- iwîlisuri lis whicl prizes wiîî -eos wilI fully carry ont tlinrintcntiou led1 *ifelsei sil b, Of caking, "CANADA UN13ERs TIE ADMNir tise grouindu. Tise attelldanea IsTISATION co, Loaua Dunrcasm," îthe il isie lian nhei ucuresi. hndeomnesi bonk aven puhliuliad ilufile S'liV~ImîbmmPiemae. -iaten Dominion. Mn. Ganiinor jlu tho agent pie-ieiiiMn. ntin'slu iis locslity Polictiug subscriptions. Pirov-ne, Aos: cf lItwu cf Suds a vomi doeorve ttsamout gener. Wil! h île i groal attraction of OnUand Ilîeuty'stnppont of &Il Canadi. lVtia noighbarliooci. Gmeans. fuatsl cf sti-angîl:and asgility, Ts ablePcuce ulu'Cek siîsi ihsra i pizas iluhemauay Pi-ct ufs'Cek an tIsa uiooca;teful canspatitansi. TIs.ananual Cîtînlie Isi-nice came ofr pnsmlianstions for viellons lave ai Dîiffinu' Creelin lu isa bantiful grave su g as tIsai ail nmsy anjay 9a ovuss by Mn. Gardon, nean thse nailway aliday's nrecenmtian. Arrange. station, ou Wedneuday laut. We are cla'ap fances by tise Grand pleaussi teuho u1100 ta say tlIaitil as lu iiitby & Lindsay, Victoria, every respectL a suacesu. Thare vas a muand'b Miaud Iailways, lave lange attandauce cf tle people cf aIl de. L ttended toi andsi seuresi nominations frosi tisa neigbdrhoOd, e liberaliiy uî tise raiîwaly ans isnany visitera fnom a dist anceanmd froin tise snrrotiudiug loealilîca, NI' UN JUfy lw.-Ou tha ainongeit wlsom vers eRe. Fatîer Mc- JuIy » lét,, <Donilin, Day>, Entes, 11ev. Patlier Caseisly, Mr. F. W. ovont iill accur atI loîuîins' Gron, tU., &o. Bey. Filler Beasaut 1-Onf tisai niglît Callendar'a loft notiîing undesirod inlups-vidiug for iniNtnslgs-,.-flc origismal coloreS lit; guots, ansitIse pastimea pravided 0have ne-ver befona epnq 1ared for tise younger portionucf tisa gather. tnuelolujruains tiîs re m tLihoroughly ejoyed. ans riui nshd eyer T'ise votieg on a fine meerachnuma pipe, or Butan ber. Tha troupe whicI wau taeha presentod b the candi. dlate forwbisdet Ia rgeai numuber cf ti yaur, A Company cslli'ng voles wore cest, croateS copsillerablc h y Ili nam viera liane interest. The candidates put forward a0 past wluitan. Iu Boston wene, Moo3rs. IlIon uand Gihîs-lselat- PIlC ittà Jndltiis Caliender tonrnelsnsented h y Mn. Thomas Mondy, Ii 4 yac-ko, ansi the puet, anS tise former by Mn. Spink. The W p ladies, (withs vbom usn wel as 1, leenreil (hase with Anu lte gentleîeeu, Mn. Moody las lutter. 11, Washington D. heen always a papular favorite,) tooki a nel reeasuly atieuded hy thc liveiy part in tueb contVent, as4ddpersan- eut of tise United States, elIy tIsa represau'tives cf tIte Big Gensti. Thecaceveosu uent on for twe) omr tIsa Presidmmn'O Cabinet, boums, ani vas evenluaily bronghit to a tionu cf VIse forsizu e.frhs. close witb the followiug roeuît Tdoronm UGlobe pnoisauucss Glen. 479 îu4tîad hy tîseir vwite !mi- Gihbe. - 428 ad lah Bosjton, Advcrticm-baoiyfr0 - 6 d ni lise lieu> cf tIhe rîinistrel ltMeraniîy fanocGien- 61 t of Aueter. TtIsa thaununement cf te e 9l cf rueîc. TI s tse oy FuerBeausent preeiented fileI vi hlal muaesucha fu-rre pipe, vhilisvas anelosed inlea nicscanse sbout toms yamri aga. ta hMr. Glen. Tisa latter spolia briefiy isnopiy, ne- Lacoss. -turunug tlael:s for thse haniaome ct.- pâiment paid hlm, anuS as ha was net ae oîmmra) vYs. UNION (VRTi. émoken hiLssaf, nequestfng 11ev. Fatli- uatclil ltalean tle ýtoma's erIimmassaut'g acceptauca of tle gift,g jusnior chsampions,anul île BeY. Pather Beausani thanked Mn. t cf WVliiisy, lla>-ed ai tisaIlIon andsi d le sbouid aiwayus up0 il Wthitîmy, on 6 atmrday laut, tîsa pipeanai a valuaS memcuto of tleT tîînea etraiglît gaines by thti day auS îhe kinduesa sîsewu towands 1 110 Mtch ws plaed uner iruseîf pasonally.ý sa ~tl usplaednuer Mr. MmOL 1 ?o vitsereceivesi witisbd tiîîg irdhsustances, a fieavy cîcars, tianio'edtisose p rasant for tle-J liisougîsnut, anSdibut uitile Coampliment puiS hisoseif and thalion. taîten lunlise raunîlt. - Mr. Gibbs, whss absence ulpun tiseW i (loixîmau.g>va.UNON Mr. Spink aiea olumneS thanlîs -This match was hotly con- arnidet cheens. 'as playad ou the Boman- The Dufflus' Creeli Band suipiid munss, lst onda afbn(lise musie,,île excelleusea cf which vas sutiteS lu favr of flowman. ullt eu fts iy tncln. Ca ron tlmatisroa luit.gamas, NO-AIsULvssnarss».-I.n orSon tb Con- ning tisa firul. Tise Lima fldently recommeud cur Paris Green, in 17 ansi 118 isuirmîes, espea. every cama lu lesteS as socu us racoi-sed, FI 3owiauville taamu, campusi. andS noue but lie ganuine kepi in stock. mier ansi leuvier mon than T. G. ITIrIELD. a by, p latyesi a vary rough-fo cf tise playors siopping at VALUABLE SToC.e FOiRTE 1B1UDnEaRm wevr Mea1212 tuWiu île ANa THSE BUTossEII.- [lse advt. of Mr.-Pt bOing assisteS someowliseîWilkins. e by a nnnbom of tle (pecau. foi ileus tb. show thhsir friand. Pauris Greean wlosale anS rotai! ut hiorne, larn. S. W. B. SiMITH & Cc'o. tLi (OUIIOb M ICTUUA AaK TsisCXrss Pois Euinors.-Pa-îiee in. ci [NIst~,-A ecurionleteuding to-vigit Enupe dnring tlIa o. Il populan rosant je lu con. son, vil! do weli b arrnnge fonrPassage oai sudon.the mana$gement cf. yul Mr. Jno, Lavder, Post-oifâca, vIa li Mo57, Il viii tae.bas secuned âgancy cf "Dominion,"~ thei0th Jaiy, onu b anStise "Bta" anSdIummun' Linos cf steem. rec Led swaasr _-r ree ahsips. Aisei agent for Shaciles exeur- laç loi Ille oc Ir. ira lit w le ly )g Mr. Henury Swan, a mamrber cf the 'ublic School Board, bas beau mention. bd as the probable Reform candidate bn EmttToronto. Theo* Liharal Conservatives cf tise 'wnuhip cf Gloucester, Ont., selected1 leir dleagats ufor tha county*of Unssel i uI the(tis mt. Thora vas quito e ar g0 gatîening at Billiug'm Bridge, and Médreuses ver. daliverle by non. John1 Counor andi others.t EExavonv OUFFEES PAIN.-It ili ele1 suit of sin andi violation cf naturolles aws. Thse great creator cf tle uni-t ,res in hlm infinise rnercy bas jouef uuch to ellay the suffering cf his peo.0 e by giving tbemu ont cf naturelle store- Luse a "lalm2 for everv wound." Suah g he , ain-Killen mnadý lmy Perry Davis , Son ; il otopi pain almoÃŽt iustantiy, usai! bath internally eud oxternally. id io cf aIl other pain remedies the b dset and best. For Couglu, Colssad Dronahitis usa ' LEzN's LuNo DALBU.m., Sold by aIl t4 )rnggitm ise vèomld over. Penmousaunder the openation cf FOI. vsà ' Hypophosphites shonld examineC sir blocS underltaeiierobeope ,fnorn nue tu tirae, unS mark tho increase cf bd as active patiales and dimninution tlte white and red onos ; theue ebser. gtiens are înleresiting and'ýiustrucive.'ý Lama Fg.oas> RE-PazPep-Tha Pope al s mou$ a leiter of graoting te Hon. r. 14a#aime auï the catholia mena- br cf t ho noneocf Cemmous inrpl 0on. nie, Dow uISIOc 00 tzeU, the dO0foli it l". tendlng thts tith plainsi s d b SQo au conel, and wae o noêsu ii eti sudta b rnntaln, an actioun for tmes., Court cf Queen'a Boncb, Harrion,<C disienti av$ju8gmenêtfor plain .1appeal.d. The, Court dlenalmmed Ãtho , peal wltl coes. The défendant1 cfrelced jartliularlý lupon thé cose Rennedy-v. Browh décide& ýi conu!el t ot entitiet! te recover1 -for ad vocatini causes in wbleh b. b ail no direct oommunlcatlon wlth client, but bas beau retalnerd by tornoy. The. Court heit! that thser in tiisountry vas the. Berne wb.re1 b. cone! dealt with the. attorneyr, à of thst In snoh a caue thé connu mi p:trust entirelv ta the. houer o! the . toney if hehad net gethlue fe befo Shan do but tiat in cases such ais tie.p: g3 seut one, viiere coune!,- Who 'le &I- sarne Urne a barrieter and attorui titled to recover by action rernunerat, hofor his service, r. Mayor'. Court. ia t IIEFOBE JAMES 11OLDEN, E5Q., MIUYOR. à o UNDER THE DUNEI?< &OT. 12. w Edward Armnstroug, Jamesm Pringl leSarnuel Ray, Joseph Bandel, Tii blason, Memsrm. Taylor & MoCanu. ai lr Mrs. Marshall, appearcd beforo ti 39 Mayor, on Saturday laut, charged wil violations of the. Dankin Act. Tii. information had benW. >Y agaluet iii the. particit by Mr. Jol ri erguson, license inmpecter. ML. J. B. Farewelliapeared for tl promecutien, snd Mr. W. H. Billini for tihe defence. 'y Councel for the defence adrnitted il selling on behialf f aIl the defendent except Mrs. Marshall. Ho conteude that as the original Iiy-law lad nc been Bigued b)y the corinty clerk, ti iby-law wau illegal-n'o botter than dworthleusapiea of paper, and that coi sequently thé Act was not in forcei The original by-law was produee and.-proved, and did net bear the aberk signature. It bmd an endormation o. the back to tite effect lIat the by.lai w.as read a firet, second, and tîuird (lu on 25th January, 1877, with thc initial ..MoD., C.C0.O.,, Council for the prosecution as-ge thai tIls was sunfiient ; uhat the by law wae good witlioutthîe signaturec the clerk, and that the uaviug clause ii thc Act agaut objections on th grouud of form andl procedure coverei tho objection. Mv. l3illi ngs cited everal precedeuts aiso, the dictin of hlm bonor Judi Burnharne a to the sraquisites of a coin piste by-law-that it' ubould havo tii corportite seal, ha signed by the. war don, or chairman, and auo by Lbi clert-heaiaso objected that tIhe by-lav bora no date, and tIsaitthe iuformatiot wau net laid under oadi, and lad taker down the savon!a objections made b3 'hlm upon the former trial. Iu the casa of Mrs. Marshall, onE witeesu wau examniued who lail4d tc P.-ove the uelling, and n poulpanement wae asked for. Bis worsbip pauiponed aIl tise cames, and by consent, appointcd Lhe 5t1 July ta render hie decision. Great Short-horn Bile. The board of Mr. B. Groom of Win. chester, Kentucky, was sold under the lamLner for cash doivu on Wednesday and Thunsday. Some 195 animais were put up and rsalized 880,000. Of tle 195 Shont-hornu sold-126 wore feseals u d.09 maies.- Of the 120 issoalas, 28 were non- breesiers, very eged, or ont cf bl- and these were excaedingly wel eald $2,73U, on an average oV$907 par lîaad. Tis renmaining 908 femalea producedl $5i4,680O, or an average cf $557 per biaud-an average whioh, thiough :nuch below old prioes, caunot but ho regard. ed, nder aIl l th circumottances, au uni. versally eatiufactory. The 69 bulle and bull calves eppear Lu hava realizesi ovcr $23,OO-or the saliufactory average, under ail Ifâ ir. cunistaucea of 0834 per iiead. The Frenchi Exhibition, Tho groat lPiris exhibition ih attraot. lnu crowds ta that fiue capital troma aileparts cf the world. 'Extensive ar- rangements are being ruade for the grand festival in honour cf the Exposi. tion noi Sundîy. The official, pro- gramme providep for decoratione, il- luminations, trianiphal arches, line- works, ani orchestral and choral music Bpeeîal meeting lelS pursuanitetaConU summons frern île neeve. All e îlea membere prasoul. liera lin the Chsir. i.hai On moion cf Mn. McTaggart, second c f Ji cil hy Mn. Duvidmon, Mn. H. Bickla sud plen Mfr. Orvie vane uppuintad dommusaiaesîle si ta examinaeIsleroil opposite lot 21, tle C Si-S concessioni, anS if the oySa i hterni necesmum,Voa gravel about forty nodm cf foate muid ruS= Thc folloviug accountu vere ondemaS -T to ho paiS :"H. Bickie, $18, orSon rrom Diggary I3umrou's, for gmavellisg TRI on tise 4uis concession; Gloa. Franiul, ligging Siteis ou thse 611 coneeselan aud fSlming lu vitîs gi-aval, 818 ; John Ti Loc, fer reairiug bridgé on tIc 4iis Senti non, 67- ut i On motion cf Mn. ]3ickle, isaconded ivais by.Mm. Duridoon, Mr. Oris vas ap- turne minteS commisioner lu ceuj:suction 6"T] ih Mn. IB, Biakie anS Mn. Davimusn, avide, ot axpend a certain sm et mon.>' Le, Guest 'cpu- a bridge opposite lot 84, 8t1 con. onth u iotio f Mn. Daviâson,- second. iue ta eid by Mr. H. ilicile, Lhe rneeting cf tîle ciorn conisl ta ealid on lise lut cf Juiy. ha tle ma etpon10ette esecondeS hlonSuy lu Adan CÃ"o.ncil nsjornsi uab DISOR&OEYUL.-OU Ttlday eVeung,9 it 9 0,040k, a dmunkon 'ma dreve np Engeý ITalien ctzeet ai a raplia paoe, viii a horue atltished te tise trie front viseels of a vaggon', bowling anS Oearing sîa.(nhla, 5155,i.i ..W s ik I fl4,;â.L feusaorfl s. b ici bL ý , Govern.- met lusdy, sîook sdjbonda. The. Ie re arbe>' ter ;un 0000S, lisu ou rm dey i seensat 'cfnvsa ahd5 vas net yat fixed. Aitogethteexo. nît et!to raleeà sumef1 or elgisi>' thon= - oaddlasb>'banua. IoGaveÃŽmnt ât Gratwouldgivo ihezn probabiy thlnlyfive mme. thosaneudalleau.Tiscy vouith ionisais. ir"; -bouds for #,« 0pur mland bsoe borde ths u'culb hoendemuet! unS atS by tlhe WhWt by0Snseanar Lastly, tseyvwoWS b. ale,' isojbthangisl, ta indue, tmepersunteret- eil adituths eomoto takestock tethea&Mount tien et teo n ortrent>' uheximnd Sellers. .Altari- ing fer lame on lise salle et uhe debentunes and bonda, this vossid about mraisetise re- 'saineS capital. Xwuâtsa eee lb. thele sborne vue entupon tisase honnies belug voleti, d e neat' tisaugis tise> ver. very am-uai. Tisesume ho hall usmed ehauld, hé glvou freely. Mr. Toie Mr Ballon unit Mr. Hssgel, Presidexit f'liMidIenS' Iaila>' Ce., ut. lted anS spake lu laver of cauxieclben wuth Peterbaroiugsand tise Granit lunetlou. > Mr, bMaconoil-As holiseý Grand Juno- uSd tien, Llesdcy knoe cl about that. Il liaS the vetedit Si dt>' tiosoanit dollars yaega ril und iblieaS net yei reacheit Peterbar ',ui stilileclieg W it rueseht!tise ceteirte Fotlries Coenr. Tisey bail bonued tise ai Whltby lino andt bail ne cause fan meget. lfin Thal Comipayha i usfiled aiu lispromises. f Tise Wbitbiy lino vas an excellent oeeandt th b>' th# msanc nov propmetheo ei0o ige Bocygeos voulit gel a uheormuSnb sitar bc Ol ndte aarcul ot s, Maxa,.in Dsoectom of lhe Whitby, P. P.& cd Lindsay lway, on caming terwrnt as 2ob recsived viii upplause. Aiter a feu' pre. 1 imusu rmemanke, lie ebserve tthuitvaw hr &o ita a l off the townsip ai o rulazanb7 ebtatniug a emal boaua te tise )n- Extension oethtie Witby line ta Lindsay'. ln At that time it gave 1dmn a preut demiaiIf treuble and endless talkiesg te explaiu te tise mdpeopla lise benefi tue it emivait b>'tisa con - 'cd stm u tio n c f a r w a . H oth e n o e mn ounviseut issîeen Lindsay unS Wisitiy ; 1W tise miliorm et tise tront requirait tis e saI nelofibis uelgisbauriseod temalte good Saur, fi Vle aud.it oui>' reaqslred tise building eft tiLe- tensifon to enale thom ta obtaix tisa benefit efthtie dlt!smence ai 10c. a bushal. Nà v te Sd provo thut tise arguments ha ussit ut tisat ýy. time van, correct ho halltcolyte Bta ti sLtv oflst yeaou j cusmfel morenomdbain pull Jl inLinssuayhonaxi euld b. obtaluod lu Toronto, il Lidawudnet be eut 'bld b>' Wiitby. h ThL sy buyens hait ai course lest Sd mener, butt ho fermers aitreapsi thei bottnt.Tise benelit thèse farmera Seriveil tg uinune seaaaon olit pay tlisir, nailvay tux E Sfor ton ysars, andSin all ZrobbhV< tise 12 slioler udvantags tramntishe construetion af lie a raiva>' la Bebcaygeon. Thle section ut S-prasent vas campletelly Iselatait anS atone eq MI, hweven, ibut wasrameired Va piace St te lu canuoctian vus tise vie Bmivuy cys- il tam cf Lise vomiS vas tisa canueciionioet16 nmules of lins te Lindtsay. Cars caulit bo Ul seau in Linsay mcom Haifax, fi-cm tisee )y Nov Yoek Central lino, and cauld be sent Bc vitisani change cf gauge, eatier aven tisari la Misilini er tise Whltbýy, Le Califemula, Hall. n fax, or an>' aller point on lise Amernesu bocontinent.Tise bonuses asied frrn Bob- ,tisaught tissm toce maml, wvisol comparaît ly the largeitistrict curareS by LIsse muniel. b paliiivtl tise Ditile tovu ai Wbithy nIdisait gIrovn 8#W,000 i luad ai nailvays.b Tiis as a large mum fon Wiiy, but ince hi tise eoustruetien etiLise muflway tishe asessit 1 value ai tise tevssbail inceaseil vanterfully. me tisa moisihait beau reduecod, anSdVise lix vas 1t nen sarcai>' toit. Hava vausun lbalaieS dis- t trit, wus ussboudeit resaunes-iysssg use- W. yilogoluntisé bavais af tis a utis, anSdtrhis is couiliebcrenitereit uvailabta by mailvay con- l necin. Ta oltain titis deainabte resuit a il' emali aiS vus uae. One cf tisraet ih' bencfitu f a! naliv>'connacien as tVi afi- av lily afferdeit différent sections oet lutarclng. issg (hein spécial masaurces. lu ibis sectioni lime ibanseit. Be bad beau brougisî pni- an a fain, and aveu now lad ai is t of .15 acres, but île erai-aeiluthe front townshmps thi vere suifes-lug cenieuely mcm lise ibsencoetc lime. RHa adtriait B ofItise obcuygeonH rlime ou hi& erar nduS as matisSieS yul tise ireenît. Firme les the fi-eutwvieis yoars ago 1V predaceit W, 40, unit aven 60 bussean Cal acre, are nev eni>' pnedncug smna10 ha' bumsels. This vas mUlî trougi (ha vaut ci up lima and le vie sitisfsil VtIs neigisioun v hobalthtisacapital am ueter sa wfir v alexnl>' givan lise cppantuuity, et cisagin l tise suai-mous lime quemries inIe mnna, ani i lurnisling a gnou susieber o etmn u'îLb m- mîsnenaiire émplayrnent. Ra tissu xanu cd tle advmntuges cf quuck commiunication vus Tarante, pelutei eut tisI ou a lins being built Vo Bobeaou, the distance coulit le muSle lu four booms sd a bal nd a persan caulS go te Tomante auS baci tisa saine Su y andtlave f8v. heurs lu tarin. Be1 udvr cto utise exceisent equstprnnt aftie laut Wiby lins, asdsitervait tisîl ratIer thomn conuset vus îhe Peterbareoigsaundtisem Midîmud only, h venuS bc botter te cannéet Coi at Llidsay wvus bailtisa Mdanit and Col 'Whitby, anithave tva strings, ta tisabau',fri-o Tise tisaippace ta go .vis visons Visa est RuÈ markai vis, visera tise bout priee could be ecei obtaineit for tisa p roeoitaItisaland, and ilet place vas Tomanto, Lise metropolis af val Osnta. l Isshoyant cf tise pmoposad amd scisame being canniteulot, thé Wiby liuo que. vaulit mn leur trains a day ta Bobcays ~arn unit panliasetiseMiitlauitmigîit aiea veon four trains, sud in lisut casa ha vonansi tisam la pietu-e ta hiisuetve, tis a sngee whieis vaulit bc braught manttlu 0 c u y > TimîTmsesiLses. Tisa BeneCungrss. zi 1 i-ACIFIC ;'sOCsELDINGS. Iseant>' tîuksofe!tlie doaiiy te P. W. Gîsun, Esq. axiS]Hon. T. N. Gibbsanaxi TIe sittieg af tise Congress Yemterday otîsere, for tbcim libenatit>' iu givlng, laed tînee hours, auSdiras ver>' nl- spécial pnizas fan île Fali Fuir, vue iÈad. Dnning VIe discussion o! the jiassasi, svith a noqsîxa thatthe aine ha udtionm far tise appoiummant cf lima pulitlied lunîle CHITCLE. smiision le regulato tise Baîkin Yonra, &o, sitior Scoauvauofi intimated Liai A. JOHNSTON, soia votaiuS is1 upon a prolonigeS Seoneala->. eupation of Soutien u lguiia, hbst e vigoronet>' eppoesi b>' île Bs-Shah A Scasonable Word. à Anstnuin napresentutives. Sube- enl> Sehouriloif pmnposest Baverai ].y tise tlie 'v go taesiastisah peo- lndmenta Vo the Versos agreesi epan pie cf tluelocaili>' eau procure frorn Salai-day regmciing the limitation of -haïr bookseeler a Cap>'Sf lise firetenus- fgani. lin Beaconefisist sinnons- an of tIse eu'national magazine, ibjeeted, anS tismaelned 'to viVîdrair vIiol bain,, Vie combinedStrmincgîls cf ungtanit's demande vare unualiefied. Vie Canadîi& Manllly and Blfo-s ail>' hse doidea oailar Bussia nille Mazi7c, proves île oit adiage "in aVs, omtesintreot dofanite union tisane is strengîts, unitonhtetby ut>' ta vitîidran from Emseru Io- au ire mrtes eintis ca. knsa unS Bulgania. TIsa soeisunloal appemnanca fan o%- 'lac silion iffecte à in lugresit mxceis an>'pi-aviens efIon lu Canaà a. ssure Sue la Frencs plonipoteutiai- Ervery p -tclan le connection nul ta ulscn trwam entmuseeith ibi licuV LIse journal Scnrtla ase, experienco ,k of sao msndoîling ticefluesinsud nemrnanable goosi Vaste. To pan- ,nSment rejecissi i,7 lIe Engiiebl ticulanizo tisa va'rions happy points arsentati-cs. wil obn nmkn hsproi Uconding laelise revisîS pnupoa vcaleS ombil tne nmaicg11 And Mstdu- nitteS 1>' thcm yaatovday anedne- provincialilooig magmaiinCanada, )ted b>' Englund, Ihoms aa nd uStn an , or tnt bis aven bacu altemp ol bohav , Ponta vitt bave tisa fuit nighi ta la uoî aur intention -ta give iu tis ",y thes tiss a seeoBulgaria anSnotice. WCoecu, liovever, on>' Liatit ,moni, uspoti Visa undasianding VIîV isa amouil' a e a>' pi-cudl>'bomut cf irecpuso60employed ahaîl consist uScompara vits cuir near eeigibouvsa 1>' of nealins, and thal tîa>' mIsaluanS oui- cIS countr>' psrent's more cx- ha cane anmong tise inhitantm, periencad productions cf tis arcamas. u4taioned iu tisé inienuor. Complota 'WVe Inely, eannestly anSdboanril>' e- alhnS religioum liberI'ty iaso hacommenut oun raSons te obtaîn a cep>' sià nteesi Va thé provinces, axid nu cf île fimul issue cf lise Re- fr' igo viii ise made lu eximiing cern- Coradiamr Montl/y. 21a11togistlation it!acting tiomaun. Our patrons vii le bpleassil vit s u lie conentof thé Pou-ens sisalj leuru tisat île nov venture yul net ~seeuprovens!' ollines. hadevIeS, in an>'sseg, le n>' scior 1pu île vIole, the labours of the punly. BuV viii ha braS ibemul unS reose hune miSe seel pnogvams that i ls in avenytiig. At ailtîlmes firoi plenipezenîluias ie ii pi-ohabl>' zalous>' deoing ite!!ta Canada anS hie Vo loiv rslin b>' tîsemiddlie Canaieans, its listoas- m ei si-litera- s]>'. A Conféence of Visa second tune. ipetentianias vitl tIen bchald fan WC shail hacIeuseS ho guvo ln Our setilement of malte-s of dotai], anS naxi issue a critical remumne cf tisa Caugrema vilI meos agoiinn uSatu Motnl>" Contients. AnS nov, vo cen ionr ta nîtif>' the arrangemsents of- ?nly siguin asi ailltiasa vIahoave île ed, sutemeut ai bous-ite mpmeaatknoviadga ansi esiabileli a liteaaure cf tiseir on, T-bc St. Mary's PoisonSig Came, aa aven>' contr>'of au>' importance eluca tIs a aunicel lisstes-lat record se, FîxonDIN Or rUE CeomaseýRs JUELY ,shows hava dac, Lu coppunt 111e gras£ AGAIiIST Dit. FORD>. eutorpriâe. W; inquest imb île causa o!flIae 1ÂAîLG&(E iN BIT uLsrs.-llte a n- sisi itohari Guasi vwas conduiteS nosîncad tSi alMissJannette Bannit, Sb. Mary's on Sulurta>'. Mien simien cf Mr. James Gordon Bennott, à e vesheurs Selibeatioxi tisajury rs-a-bmout te ha marricS te, LordS Rosernore. .tisa foilowlng verdic': Isa jus->' la of île opinion fs-oiea lie Mn Bennetieisteuarriva lu Nev Yok once Vm tha hSdaeu, - Ioheri on Jul>'Otîs. TIse vcdding will taie t, [caea obis Seats ai 81. Mamy's placein tisaI cii3-. Baron Resrora, oî'51S> f Jua ne oant bl a>' sa-of loes;rnora Park, Connt>' Monaghn 1 1, e a o n r i a l p i o n o l s I r e ia n s i t h e f fth b a r o n <f li ta I n a in e , iad, and Lisia jen>' fini t thlise ing aise a itemcof VIse- Unitedt King. iaid poison vils given te imlsy dom. H oioda a meal in tie Ronge cf cRooci Ford, 1M-D. T' oLordts.Heois lunisis 26t1 >'eîn. Miss ~odhaavr from ""'Yî o ,Bonueiz's fortune is -estimated ut 82,. l, oi- intenSeS, Indf>' injur>'." JEISEI MTSl> IN Prie PuiLsmen-Auti-I I ----. ee-----Jovial niis hava occurned ai BuaIc agnieot. beivecu tise U. S. Troopcs -atencf Penaupd. Maxi>' Jeme vire -InCi>' Idls an2 -Tc idlied, asu ynagogues and shops os pseople aces. I blave itel agin tiée£lac- trnem av 1h. Chnietians there t bufit! grand îdifies taeworsblp lu, wlt!ont hein, hi~r adersdoice. tIbnk 1*tut!d ib. a gud îhlng la Inhrjuce morneav t. deootninos lu Taranty. But, -con-; c"Mrin thse political rnstterm. Av acreu I vint te Seme Ovt! finS Mis- ilion Hzoams. nHé liSme lu cent!. dince tisai'hé liad preivatessurance 'froui relolabie, quarthers ho lise affect tIsat Unss uS ho baloe r sarlîn av ho didu'l qet more votes ,nor OLEi. eé almo sAisipoliticai articles vas ai prielut crowded.-ont mv lIe clronicie ou no- ceuni iv pressure iv seléaled mahor, consamnin accidinîs lu (h. UnitedShtIaI- es, an intilligenco Ircm the sule av tr, but hie oves proivâte opinion wue tisaç -tu5 tl.- aO1,iat.e ver equaly foin. min, ouiyvan as, boulon nor îhe athen. Ho ight, have tovîd me more, only -uet a atoirne a hou nson- ber keamblutta psy up for hie puper, un lise iditor vas ce hevildoed ah tle oir. ournutmnoe, that hé fergot iverythiug se. The. noxi van I spokie to vus me remplcoe eunubryman Misîben Jouma 1 si. int liote hie Un sistore te ;Cnvarse vii irn. Yez have ibard av -JOHN, au eho bc ep pusteSa nau i- Most ivomthing, thougi lse niver moinds ,auybody ile's business but bisevuw. I axeS bien fwîat ho thought avithe cein- #ng elootion. Haosz, céz ha, "Misiher GIBBS lu a cIment emun. but, cor, it vii taie strong sosider tVolinilm in hie plac hie loirne." "Hou'leinta? " Seï I. Wlsoll, dost yon ueo," sez ho "hoe- four this he cuit gel more votes thian ie ouS nov. Misîler GLEN is ail saliS for tIc tsata." "Do ye tell me tiati ov?" saz I, viS nexpmiesiau cf vontier. 'H s,"so JOHNs, "as saliS se s baal av tiliueapan," mu viS tha iea â1ev the 7ancapan a bit av ea jerk au off we hleanl. I lbaieS it hlmun saz 1"Yen remanie vas irny, *orn't ;lsey 1" "Thay van," uez ha .18s inny s (hm nieneil, but a Sale soundan. Ths sa Iviat 1 Cali fumne illagory, but it'ii taie me soerne teabfix tLebalaion à in," soi laieviS asigi. "Heu is il au atiegomy ?" sez I. "Av île Picinu rote, mur," gaz JOHN, It vilI lave Gînuso8 lais loike that, ou account iv the vota he gev agiu their bisabor." I"Ahi 1i" gaz 1, "1they'il romiee that aglu hlm Vill tley ?" "IThat'e van Imv the tliugs bhey isarbor agin hlm," $ez Mistiser I IIXAN, "au anotminje la 'olection." P,wlsit's yonn ideas about Protection oa coul 2" sez I. 'II blavo iu il," but I i'uddu't go in for Joui A's Naticîsl >oiicy a ilml. Av t ha people aaspro. tecuion ta coul lati bmbey soima av thm usetoves I isave is ime show éom. Sure thay'll sire more ceai sien nnv tarit! vuS. Spoakin' av slaves," az Ia, 111 study me palilies Mosîiy çviS ifrince ta LIe steve husines, un 1 se a îauynipieilaiouoav tisa poistielan* s ivm Id a v stores. Luîk ni tisait 'un, n2ov," sez lie, pintin te au foins big Oai steve. "ýTisais loke flie Toris." lu fvhat vey ?" I axed. "lits a i isa berner," sez ha, andsa5 are thay 1 'eian they set foire a th ie punliamaut I )ildins. This van le icike BLAxE- cmi higisly polished, an lavin a foiesi ,Hga"vBue ye air a ton loilca Mr. EACOtnALIL," hZ I. "Tie, tisai van t s eray observe ilsa a silf-faecden," soz I e. "An ibis von b loua Tusi-n; u daies a baud noan ivîsu tharee 11111e lis i L;an that otier wtan l oike JOuHN A. a t s' un cifice mIco, au seemse feel ont r r place anuywlsere but ln au office." i haee't sîspace ta give ycz anny y ocre iv cm- convarsation, buitI1sony i Is say tlsat-oie lsaus sound as iver on e o greut question cf polilice. 1 wint fihin vid Mietier Henenis. le lé au avIS ban i fisisin, an ginen-r i as gud inck, but that day vo didn'l iteli mauny on accoun iv tle viud luî in lise wroug quanrter. WVa gev il pfor a had job, lut Mn. H. thluko Il t Il ha hetter somne day ls-hin tIse tieSL Sin îile E ast au bimosfreintheaSire- o s, ofr ha a , v s srioausly hurt, A ies day 141h insl. lie nus divinga tfil sue unit carl, vion the pin vbieh ISa tisa bpx devu carne ont wcf its ce, dumping Mn. -Wcbb ont. un. NE unatby ha bang on ta Lha linos, cSien rwtisa iorme anS cas-i viti 1. e agiest hie brouit andS uboulder. anr soeastruggliug lie unifortunate AI i fre d . T h nea of b is ib a vé e ne u pu i oe l n d m u S o e à t s u ff o n s xg f o m c v e r a , t l eruai injuries,'27) -oIlasîmir PLArîsco BAssi BALL. - - ixi MeQuilaxi, Sb Young Mmxi cf ai wtuy, Wvoe nesides on Luti 1con., Wilobnrcl, miiirsloua e r hto! onoe e',if net bliifa,.by ha- ro stIud: itI tise bah WWite aplayiug ut ta i *bail], bumsting the pupli cf île 0ay. tisan nov lies u n itialfconitioin. ilee O0NUS TO TE TWuIBIT13Ya&BouisGcra c vio 1 W A .-T e Boba yge n Villa e ar utw, grmnting 820,000 ho tisé Wtutby yeuuj Bobcaygo Bulva', tris carnéS seil r,06» Pol TEE RutA=wrÂr-Aîrs.,Omokeop. a&s M to ,se ansuesounonees ±imedy, 'Whih s hé vuthon ucing. Thefret' dose88 élie,'éd me; muS lu a fet day. ay throat vas neuni>'veli. I Siecouliiiuesi tse use cf 1h, but su>' lroat net being outiri>' veil, liecanse verso agmin. I procureS anatien stipp>', anS Ians he&prpy te me>' that my throui la enhirol>' yeianS tho tite cnnqt bas eutineiy clisappeanod. I wmithat'ever>' mimes â.se vise suifos fromrn 5crioAt vent Wtfè s resm L 5.nd Rîr. Gie. W. IlmOUr, SliÃllg>n. maya : Mrs. Georgen Fraudciasume. vreai> f&toed villi Kidue>' diseuse, and isad beanu nde the Care of tlnee, phymicianu vithout an>' bénéflial ré- suit. Sise bas uluce tuken four botles of the Sessenéoeu Bemedy, and nov iJUS thbe si e! healis. v Be. T. C. Bioti, Broukiu, Ont, eaya ni>' if. wvavry 1cm' miiiLuug diseuse, aanden np b>' hemphyuiciau. I lieugli a hcttlé o! the Bioconeés RenieS>, ansd attse eud cf tIvo uimyc sise vas muci Setter. 'B>' continuiog tle mêmeS>' she wvspertectly nestored. Price cf Lhe RenieS>' Anplstbolttlou, il; arrnes peur Minute. Morris nov miade a 7egorenes0punt' und th ie -mon peu. .5 out a! siglst aroniÃd lie basnd o! thé river, vas graduali>' cisig upon lie adrersar', Whsou tise men carne in uight o! tise hucys Biniou vuesneveu leughs Alead,'buti befor, reaciig lieturniug point Marrie liaS gaineS itr loesgths, anS lbe exciiemaul arneng the secta. tons vus intenso. Morris vas then EnlliuB 5 atroies thoie amue. lian- n tnruod the hue>' four léngtis ahead. aud, Sespiloteh- efforts cf thc Pittle. burger, niainlalueS lIai distance ou lhe home Pull, orocuing 1h. vlnninu-lina about four langîhsabmleu. Time 87 minutas. Iu Toronto tle oxcitarnent orer (le race vus intense. Thi e tlgmaps sud nevepaper oiffaem'balug surrounded by Pagen coofor tre or thneé houre before tle rassit vas uren, andi visn tise annonnomonnt o! Hanlou's victery was maile, -oleéra wire 5imrees mue>or- riesi aiong Ring streat fer blocks. Tie Day Sldéelie. Whitby'iJune 2411. To ltre Edtor cf thse W lilby Chm-oni. Cie Sm- living imial>' hocomc a neuidon i xWlîthy, I visiteS tise barbon fer tle firet lime onxi nua>' tast, to maes m rnéfienls froin Torntno anS vus mucs surpriseS at tie condition cf ihat part cf tle tavu. TIc side-vako vero impaseable £rom the 511h cf geoe unS pigs. As va mu>' axpeci a number cf visitera tîtesommater, I hope île authoriiies viii enfonce tla luvu(if ibono ire au>'). Youna, &c., À LADY. - Brougham, 20is June, 1878. DEAR SiE : Iarn instmucted b>'ts canait ofîhe mnnioipaliîy of Pieing ta mnaie île folîovîug fiaiso public, in ai-dem Co alla>' an>' faloim p renssion thal mu>' ba abroas inu efèence ta tise Pick- ering Harbor Compan>' (limitaS). Tise Company' Ims Btnictly cannieS eut thé conditiosteof tiahe y.luv, voteS on lusi winIer, lonlng the muid Company' #20,- 00)0, anS ail tise Sabentures, bonds anS other secerlîes visiel îleeCompany' vas te gi.ve Ibis Corporation as mecuril>' ara nov in my bandis as treisuner cf tîsis maunicipuily. -'Funisermara tic Ccmpimy's ulehauture ansi inlarest on lie $20,000 due thie corporation ou tisa Blet Jul>' nait, las vits Cammandahle miomptucess muS lihnaiily beau paiS entc M>'bauds, oua mentI anS -a lf before il vas due, and tle Company' bas aime expoudea alange smn lim- prcvc:nts on tisa elevar, &c," Bince the passage cf Via by-luv, anS Lise wIll ilsanefene be nuraie etmuci, taxes torieS, te oat tise Township de-j îeniume due luis fuilu mIuzking ihese facte publia this Corporation consids it is cul>' leing a simple moi cf juetie to the malS Company', anS ne lonhi Lise ratapisyars of Picianing vii lab pleased t lean hai Lise Gorerumant angineen wit! bis ou in a fow days ta expend lu lae improvomant oetttisa Hrbor Vie susocf five tisoueneit dollar,. HECTOR BEATON, Tremennen, Towinship cf Piekaning.t Pickering Agri.ultural Society. Brougham, Jane iSîl, 1878. 'a lhe Edilor of t/se Whilby Chrmr- i-le Ai a meeting cf tise offic- trs ansI Sirecors cf this'ckering Agr.i- uetraI Society',ielsion Liae1151h met.,B sentence, and-,-tiat ho muetl' py tbe lad pnalty oethtie' iw, anS ne thon~ sa c o e seirous of i klng- a tata- m o f! 1 act s co n n e ott ! l ti th . crime anS lu tie presce of Be. Mesare.Parsons and IHatiy, asudlte hrif; statea ibaton theo aoning o! lie iBis Fébru aist ho loft. home lie- veon six axiS savono'Oooqlc illa ne parhiondar objeot iu vior, and after haksug tune gises o! liques' on hie u'uy tbrugm Porlandl, Iliugit Se vouiS geý u ndtse Hsggigs te gel sme ton, Oan tant eut on lise ros it lxitis direction. -nle crues noni'recorteuv mecung-Umsny rparties ou tise nouS. Whoeuiha gel ho Crevoy'e ons.elié vat luneund w Mm. Quinn stnding p. Ho al down by tise store, and elho came anS sat aîong sidae! hirn. Hehada innolin bigookt, nd heyentand satdoves Ho then gai up sud utsggeréd 10 a cair ner tie front f lie stve, anS mise caule and onmal longside cf hlm. Hé puthi. arn round ber neek and evil Iloughta tihsu cime imb is batd, but nover o! klllig ber, Elle résistaS bis uliémpi. -Sho diS nul cry ont. sae saiS -"II kmcv yen; I vili maie this a Sean job for yen ; I viii maie yen demi>' pi>' for this" (meuning hie itternpts on hem). Ha ga ieran ulie fluor, oeeholding hIes by the neok, axiS tison lIhe scratches on lie bcd>' vere maSo, Ha Vhan muimed a stick cf lire- voS, ing b>'thelissteve anS struci bem a le u thîe bagd, it migilha etrice om tînisa. Ha tisinks aulehoLIen eame insensible. Hea 5net- mcv but ihal hoa mueth4arc usod the axe, uiniking lier tirea or more times. She must lave beaudsa, tison, and lie utooped on staggard, wyul oeeesoon the iloor, ansi un ise iovuars heame clatiS ul bicod. Ber clathes vere np vlaen ho struci lser u'ith Lie axe. Ha thon turneS sick itls tée ocelle anS loftlise liouse. Ho Sanies Muet poeitirely 1ev- su g aY 'conuselien vsihbler. He noticeS 'tle bleuS ou hie inca gciug up GiîbarV'e lune, anS vashes itofut! tb uncv. 'HaeSdi tise dosa, anS is villiug ta dia foon . Al this truble las core upon hiii fi-orne the too freeue ocf liquon, anS lie truets ']sis punisisment mu>' hca arniug te ail allers tlab. otîsu frorn ils use lu au>' u'y. TIsa statemenis wnana cirefull>' ronuitrnwt Vauîghan, anS tise primuer says tiîey J ara correct.- <SigneS,) J. Y. PAUsOONs, A. HAITLEY. Tise imitisCerner,. Myatery On tise flmst 'of May lafsi Mn. R. A. Huntan, vIle digging a drain on tisat famm, lot 2, 411 cou. cf Yorn, unath- oS a hurnap ukoesox. The dlseoveny xiuiuraliy exciteaS a siof niaiiy emong the nasidente lu tisa neigîbon. lacS cf Smiil's Corners, anS as lthe-e mains vena suppaseilto Le hosue cf a man namns-- Wmn. Liuen or Lanoy,, e jaurueymun shoeaken, vho Sisuppear- id ratIer mystemieus>' iu thaefuillcfC 1858, muS vIa is supposisi ta bave beau J muirdered by a maxi namesi George hayon anS liu vifs, Coroner Lapsly of Wobuns, deemad it a iey, t holS an inques itula- viev cf tImon, o' ing uumo lighi on tle nuatten. The lu- quest iras commenceS aV lhe bouse cf ci à fr. Hunier ou tise 7this mt. It vas w adjounesitili liai PriSa>', anS closeS T banu. Tise vttnesses nana axaincnd ic nlosely b>' Mm. Fenton, CeunI>' Crotru in Atitorney, who vas prasent aitIch cloua et if thc o quiry. ti Eriene vas givan hy Mn. Johsn bt Walton, tisaï; about tls lime cf Linen's dlsappaanca, aven tveuty yamrs ugo, pi so lad ana night seau Vise man aemia Wirn. Linon, ou the SeoandnSMn. andS.,~ Ms. Heron nana on lia top cýf hum, fa Hla atnover seau Linonesuie. Inu e! orna pointu his aridance -hnas contra. dictat b>' otiser tteues. Aftr a senrt consultation tle jury inimaualy maternait thsa foilovingFI verdict:-Ffi That it ippears btIcthe'Jurny Iat tisa SF romains f a human hing wee foud Ba by M . ]Robert Huner about, Ma' t Pe L878. huneS anae or Vira feat baby ihe C inrfuce of the grouns inl a eu'ampy Co ûboa on his furie, Lot 2 lu concession Ho tuast York. but it11e impossible fnm AP sein sm!Ifrfect condition la determine FI 'boclIer thcy ara the romains cf a man B >remran. TIare te neason ta supputa W( stwevar, that iley are the ramains cf Wi >e Winm. Linen, or Lnincy, n Jaurney- Be nun sîcaemakor, uged about 45 or 50 -B ,curs a maossf infamperata habits, Ili omreyresidan t in t aneigibonlood, tpe lia suldenly disappareinlutIc feu cffLai 857, or tlaneabouts, Tisemo te alec Cal 'idence te ariç that siscnlly baforq Oui is is a p pe a r a c e ti a s i S L in o n v m s T u i saulted unS suposeSte hé ucnionsiy Cal ju a , if not m urdered, by to -cr. hi WIIITBY MARKETrS, CmuAOsîCaxOPnrEc, June 26tb, t878 :onnw,pr I----------$ 4 00@ 84 60 rin Wiait--------88 @ 0 95 eas, #lcyi - 1 01(g 80 ()0 le-----------------8 1 @ 85 itetes--------------..40e @ 46c 'g..................lue ta 12J atter ......... 1-- -2o t@14o ma.......... .... ... 35 4 coi-.-................ 0 2000 etf, isinitquarter-......#550 t$5 00 etf, tara qus-tm.... 4 50 a #0 O0 iespsis.............. 0 c@ #0 00 :ik per evi----------$85O00ta6600 nbs-------------...8 2,0 8O0 vas--------------$ 4 @ 55 ions- - - - . .... 0 0 mips---------------1 .100 - zrte............... 15e @ 00. urukes, pari-air-....2 5 @ 40o cia ep, ....-....@i. 1 iPPO'O CmiaOu,-Gmrrs'PUnAmNDiCons. ruTea -"By a tbsarossgi inaviege of the antil unws vîScigovamn tisa opérationa digestioan aSnutrition, anditb>' i caraful licîlion of thse flua pnapsntiaes et al- neSe cocou, Mr. tEi-ps isus eovhaea cm .ifisit tbles titi a'telicati>' Sîvouret 'rage visic may a eusman>' savy rtocs' billo, IV la b>' tisajudieioua use of Lu aris-lof et t Iat a constitution sam grndainmi'buit np until etmong enoagi sst evor>' tendes e>'ludiseuse.RIn. de of mubtie maladties armfo Sing axaunit ret> te aLai vîsmrever tîsno ln a neak Mt. We Mu>' escape mun>' a fatal sit iesping eurslveB 'vl oil unifled. titi m tood auss a properlynaurisbedfmime."1 cf t Servire Gasse-Saldt ouli>'l ae laealeit- *"JAMEs Erre d&Ce., sesapathie Cemit, Laisdou, Eng." A c A RI). & Il vis ar une inug rointisa errons a Io 'êlerllB of youtb> nnevus mkess, any Seoe 100laof aimaflhee,&e., ti sanit a roceýI tatailvii ure yeu, EH 0F CHARGE. Tisis great rameS>' d isoovened b>' a mismionainluSaut h nrica. SeuS a selt-addnoamaitenvol a WV ADV'ERTISEMENTS. FANO FOR SALE, CBAP. ;aot, sîîcon-bmanS, Cottage Piano Forté erect, celer, for. cusis or upprovadl noie mca useelis. 4pply bu - CARL GORTSZIC,. Pusse Mulauaas, WhSVby. Important Notice I' CATTLII DBALERS, GRAZIERS, AND FAT1MERS.-Deuers viit assi thiss mtvantage te came teasue, ratier tgo te Chsicago, ta bu>' caille. I hauve ,lut Durhams, fitafr an>' marial, tse>' e ooalt t urrausirmies tullhe lira man essows their rien. I is. re meaira otsi steens - tsl ii u er>bsotS ut nants, anâ a nuabor e Iloffers aSd icons, both pure bleeo st gres Wontis lis alten l u ny pensan 'vWho e thave cattîe that viiipuy tam (hae BeaaneoetCosstês-" IMaechina. Nana Gemm uin ihoutlthe. Cerpenys Bras. Traits mari au Armet machin. N. B. Ou. Boo.Machine umoont! hand, oue asa>'acise au.Wnor machine, aut in gSo e fnor to maeiep. ri- AUCTION SALE FARM PROPERTY, COUNTY OP ONTARJIO, at oeeo'cieek lu lb. aiterucen, AT THE - WALXEB BOUSE'," VILLAGE OF' PORT PEBtY B>' virtue, of povors ef sala centaine lumis te, last will anS Testamuent ef WILLIAM MUNRO, lte cf tie Viliage ot Rinifield, in lie CeunI>' cf Victoria, deceamd, tise foi- lovlng prupeni>', riz- The onte pu oflot29, lu lbe Ilth, ConcessoiteTwnsip ai Beach, cen- hainiug 74J acres, titi tise foting l- pnu-ezmebt,-Aboui 8W acres clariuni ndez culivition - tho reniaudr harduooit isumsh. Guai Svelng unS utmninge. TERMS :-$2000 of pureisase zsley te b e p a d e dn ay of sa l. T h eabal ence te ha se=uritb>' uscnguge ai 8 per cent, pur an- uum far a tomaa cf years, Éer further particniars, app>' taý-- ýBl. ARMSTRON4G, 'j. Exécuton, ALEX. McKENZIE, .ri. . K*IcrkSietS P. O., Ont. KirkflealS, Qti Bine, 1878, (4lu.27) BALED Tenders nuitbe récelvei thie unitensigneit np telS e'clack, mn, n, l3efore]1 -our fait ai deeided tü to suol i P clearance. -V-R r - nexi, fer ccuetructlng 6 0 0 - 'EETl toa replace tisai pctian of tise Bridge knevn as SOUGOG BRIDGE. Plans cnd! Bpecificutlau cen- be ceeu at theoaffice of the undersigue onu omincners in cueg, FP erry unit Uxbridge The lowesi nereny teuder nut necesuarfly J. GÈAHAMA aort Penny, Jane liii '78. 21344 L on ed A ctioner- -Aditresa, - C. DAWES, 26or-eny "HO ! FOR EUROPE,"1 OEAP RATE9 cilattentionen ucuitailtote 1oyai M!,OceanSi teaseisp linosvii: 'IlDMsTAI& unS WMfIE STAR, visiciscarry tisa uiteaSStateunit Belgian mails. Eteerige rutsWitbyte. Pariaunit retenvia Ne konRe m lisr wtt itnst chis railvay lare tam his>'- te- Piiadelplua arN ewu'YorieanS metuïu, oui>' $75.00. Cablu anS inlermedlate st tari rates. E. STEPREN'SON, 8in-2i1 Dm. Tel. C. Agenl,,TWiitiy. tunc deayaucvasSobiHty tir c. haiss ksiowiunensles essait e sià is1tple ssi cana ho win5 aoud e-axa te bis felowusüffaws. aUC, ION EiE .BcbaAbxe t. E OF LANIDS "Dl IMPROVED FARMS, - AT TIM TOWN -or ORILLL&, On Thursdai', lBth du/y, 1878. The subscniber yl cier fer sale, attlie ORILLIA HOUSE, Onillia, on Thursita, leth ef Juiy.1, 1878, ai 10 ocok a sthe foltovlng chaoietendu lu th. To-wnships af Raxma anS Mur.A: BÂAI&-Narth hall 1, 4 con., 100 acres. South hall 15, 4 cau., 100 acre. -Sentis half 16, 4 cou., 100 acres. M£&BA-Nonth hall 2,11l cou., 100 acres. North hall 4,18 con., 100 acres. Lot 6,l18 cen.,'200'acre's. Rùt asbll 12,12 con., 100 acres. West lis~ 2 2cn,10ars Souths hall 13, 14,12 acn., 100 ac TE~RM-Teu er cnt cf purchase mny to bo pald at tishe .3sle n eog maore to malten -twIenty.fivo per cmui. tlab palS befarç lthisuary, 187. Thse balance in faimr t snnuà 1 lustuiments, vithinl- teresaion ùnpai& hbalane, ai tise rate cf moyen percent. Alao, ai the sarýe Urne eau lace, tise fol- towissg--valuabelin o C arm Eu.tis Tawnship cf Mara-1 La eLa 4nBh Cou., 100 acres; eabout M1 acres cleared, gu et!sli, fuir buildingp, first-clses neigis briseoit,u about ivo and a.bslf mile tram'Brecsin, a station on tise Bidisuit Ballvay. Paessla'a-lit Octoisar. 1878, FR -As ail our this year, a~ markets, thý« (seidonç off$' and Seaon lowest possih Ail aood WIITHO 1 -ffl . 1 1 ý ý 1 Licensed Auction"êer. l , 1 1 Jnd 1 Tuai MusicAL JuBILEEP AT MONTEEAL tuas nut passeS et! harmncnionsty. Theo avîrS cillhe prizem hie givon niuch dis- satisfaction. At tise pnesantaiio ofithe pnizes the judges voro huilaS v iii grans anS hisses. The.scexie for a short lime beaure a tumnuit, more es- peclal>' vîcu il vms kuovuhat the Montreai cil>' banS, alias tle Victoria Rifles, ha] racaive the tu'o firet pnizea cf the finsh-clams. The hansecf he 1811, 711, Gornm'm Foot Guarits, anS A and B Batteries, immadiatle thuru- aS Lhiu prudes, und veuiS net acoapl FaoNTENAc. - The.Frontenac Ro- formera have nomiuuad Mr. M. Stna- clan, cf thse township cf Pltsburg, fcr tie Huse uf Commons, and Mn. Tics. Dawson, cf Wolfe Island for thé Le- cal Rouge. FATAL SrÂABNume.-Durin3g a dmunkén hbravl at Hmgemeville tîst nighit.mne Elend'stabbed a fanmer uameîtCuver in île abdomen, cansing airnum in.u mltantuiaouu Soa(h. HorS suceceded lu naking lia escape. REPEAL OrFTME DuicîmBiLr, ix 'GREY.-The Conl>'Counel cf Gray' sus d îecideit, b>' a majanit>' of tva, ho, înhmiî th thc matepayere u hy-luv for lae napeul cf the Duniu Act. Tise voVîng viii take place lu Octubar SINOLE FACTORX BURNED. -The lingu'oit Shingie Fader>', Miniuam Township, vms tetal>' Seotroyeit b>'fine ou, Tuasda', Lise 1811 lusi., about 1ô "cilok P. M. FOUR CnnnauENBUaNaica o )EAT.- On FnlSay nigl tise dvaiting bouse 'cf aohn Bouleau, lx St. John Chrysostome, ras totul>' destrayad b>' fine. Four of les chititren tenu bunt te Seuil anS ffa dtisen ixmatites ad a very nurrow eape. "CANADA TnîISTLui." -Among the ,op raports eomas île unvaeone lis- 'cîcomte informaticontisaI "Canada Phistles neyer lbaieS latter." If aun- I cipatitces, gavaestrict attention, lo'hav- 'g tise statula, lu ragard 10 tle de- trying of Ihis noxione veeit enfo ceit, ai pool vauldsoo00Cin a gpeut me sure douaa>' iii.e PArER MILL AT Pos-nHoer.-T1e 1 lrt Hope tovu conneil arc considering- ,proposition te aid, b>' thé grant cf 1,000, LIa sotahiteiment cf a piper. 1 WANTED. o a cëi