k, &.LES. ecotit4os., $na f tok, irnplemirngo i~ t, - popehlof MrsJohnZlbigta,oil Fîlebak. Aualn1784tar. Sle c! Guide QatUte iorseu, le muis A.,tiapropert !M.J kt o - flreaurt eiN Ewe>c! trt etack, tlirsproperty Mr.,W. 11.orvila, at Iis puie No. 1,,' ita lta#cu., -piqtusniu Tiunsdar, Marclgti, 1878,7ai o'aiocaf P . .-LuFluurs oto 840 of <>a lrnphatuouts, Ile, ýpîÃ" rto ofFiel - ' iinele tNa. 18, lu tira ,ie lis I)TOortut-0, lot 21t,inluhlir Ui on. WIîIIlny, On- TuGeidtà Y, Apeil lui, 1871 ai ana, î1)c-. Fairban, Att cr. - - - u o- 4r'niti * ONL Sm P, PR ANNIJi -- Wlby, Thursday, Mercb 211, 187 The laiotbrnBill, f uiOi ta o tid o arIeg131tpane t tawl] rOAI~nPrd tiRIs ek. - Tira preer sussloral work Irall kepî le banci tl barndes o!fir t riecoo ypriati Tre spamtngcy aiirrad i]>'givrun tir -calîitns, lrowei*ur, eolaitiîjtiboa hiall>' tti'isole arrangerment. -0( arblttt'n(slfitirO eappoinler>on aul of lîro >rrpere qictle;! ana furtise ton andti e this trer by lis. Gaverne 7TIn o hair liras un Optiocf brryiogl rù!uErnlccgrt the. prieur placer> upon il proposlytirarbor, ahavalos - andI ail,1 th irsvlniabtnrYsTise towvu issu aIl ti k ecvariage ; for vIrile tisa accculors, tire Drapeecetate mara campeiledte taol alateotire towa ont>', at tiravaluatio filr>b>' tII6assitnloe, tire ieen nec 'ual accepl unionsatire prico set lu coi si(liureccl etiefîctory. mInsacurlngthi k ver>' favorablo arrrcngoment, lire'del uitaligçutla Ptiaa are veil entiller>t lire isanku of tiera nahpayars. - Wer no stops takon, and ptia - relgîne Bf - Iefos r t~eIsio oti tapsa, giv 1118 tir euxeculoautlherigir ta seilii tise higiesi bîidanr, tire pirsitioni vanl b. ver>' diffusent. Tireso public cashE l in rlir ail aire lovnspâOîrbo are 80 in lerester>, conîl felcira tare>'figui- ands idritlîng im tire irandeseaipri vile indlvîuleals, wlrse abject coult i te- otaeaail ,liramouo e>'li couiri, bj k ilgl.rexactions o! loila, cUIront expcî dituro on Improvomente, Wilbyi prespenit>' eoirld bo Put bacia for ycarî if pot rui ! orul1 i bre la coma. - Wiha h rbor prapent>' lu it po. sessnion aI à faile pice, tor6revenuE franc Stre ulevabor unr> iariar sirould pay tire lutercai upan liraeritiro dcli o! tira tao, iluhuiiug tire purcirs înwmraey. Tlrar e thie Seat assurance bisai thnie bot- ohie lu possessioen a tire lacu, literai nicair> lieablair.ei froôla eOoveeoucert for ilse improve. -Luent. Andrnot Oqu i>'hbirgl aifor ite improvomnt t moeut 'tIe peosant ex. igéncias of irunle ; but elarge expi'urll titre is cit ttise tuirtrrequir-ies oi LaIena avigationj. Ous cillais ase bing duepeunotifor veosels le daving fourteenfojtapiof! -air.Tirs.muec bic suae IaýliOr prov'itldk;nueh veis. -sels tla n u icto. el a lcrbor or the-- Larke affirrielI t e ssun>' rydupti o! watlsr 51 preseut. Nos le thero - a part o n tire nrti picore meir-e ultibc,. cerone tIrai ronr>t ho malle creclallo tamuraleout. lay se a lïrbôr o! refuge titantise Port vel nucst inuec u ia sta close causer> b>'tire iruei]a andthiae le said," Ibas liprdiaoîe otrlnur> encegirh toar c lti4. ,LoI e c 1 s' ý 0e Ire givqru o Mine-, ussmhire!cmakee. vira 5(1-r sigt iog-puo¶ls b>' te esr, andi lekt-vlrnry Dunviro soiRsta do' goor> for, a 9 a baanyîo. tihe itenrniti of, nWrlycu~eqs r!suean a sofuinier. Thte-oppstouily appears loir,arv mr>iln chiait muci na>' ha acOP4hd Ymutueleofen, and . gestestloüb>'.distrusl, mis. represeulalimn, sud wvisrupuo&Ncsltnpci. 4eSUB x Ri u.-TJu roguila- - quar- taryir fig aimkoq , -00 earayj,à pii -...;g .. ...graa u rj. as nuopmnr. '<'S'f'WiUby, Marelah,$178. 5~ iag of the asaizea on Tuîsde<y, unbodîe 1 QI#pfftig ofthé Ooua " sarne valuable Eugestious. Mu h4Xl e*' ' t- sbip paintes ouitirhe greai eavrag WlpMs ai by irë OrpIoymqeut ofa horthand wr'l 1PNN ii1 fr thre courts.Wiilr ehortba a, d w b inl tise (ounut>'Courte, asu . s cit Xevb il a Wlks, Inutes of luti Supo.llor Courts, as at prisent, tis 5v- meetiug read sud aipprover. quito a large item. -Ail tire arguments Froni PMr. L ynde, asking for a dramiu ~- I luliii a ecs appi>' wltirequal-force o0 eryu1 et Prom the sucidnts Ferry and si ie ta o ter.Tr a> etl oz ofnul Street$, north ofthtie resirluece 'Of à 4eor -,cubuilding iras long itee Uleeve Irarp~onlllgftr lubot o complaint Tire proper condition 9 ir oslwalk audlaak ing ~ am~u1assyausi ii.m 0. Lon1çwoirh uklu ir>. ~ ~uud alui t~e'ds~ra1s efeot ~jof David'Srnlth. ~rrqrp~~â~r. ii aid alter rnon inWateo, aukirlg',ioe. o~' J4ux vslcilIavesa e in oftaxes on propcrlydelr yb 1»& ' * cu, U ibsons ire. ; P~~thln fusilier -to ay>, will we trust, coini- PEOVINO MOIY. ii0d tlumîulVese tatise attention i Ms 4ô4,inooedab~Iw ~ tie~Cuia Con At ai isnottsessuolu. wiîci Wu. roai th nses8Ar3 »Zûmber * O! limes ac aý!pssue gul au h 8tL Patrick's Day. Mayor anTreasurer,îtý b4rrowt$ho nocqesar>' ionu>' reqýifreafor ltetown ag R ovà . Fatîrer ÛQîEatus gave good> xodtrs à *sdvcu a s nugrîlos aiébt by Mr. Hopkins braugisi in a by.iaw ao- k ~ ebas, a l5sida, a ta iseeb.cordieg b notice given gt lait meeting suva4.,~f'B, Pirlk'u Day eHoad- af council, itq amlsh. bY-Iaw sas. muouliu& ilium espeeill>' againsitirhe ing tae Blliard Lîconsas. It wu reesd 1.,h p,a the thers uuay nmber of time s ad t <ofet4srunkenuusdvlliluonh- t blieriiu lekefom Xu dludONZY POU STEZETS. 1uu uwr duli t ec~t h a a Mr. Bay' secondesi b> Me. Deverbli, * do 'a lu a quel aiwtot offen. moved tisai 8500 bu plsa ta creclt of $h sv.. dIspla1. ndluawà y 'beuemlng Brook sud.Dundas eminets for inip rve. te eidsItiin téà oilg ocf tIe grual Me o!' Irlaur>.Hie inMr. Ratise xplained> tira itIlar> beun -.Apostlof rn.nie Irihprsi-h.ntention of tise commte. ta brlug louera la soth places book thse gaod lu iheir report makiug the appopios upi.. âdyje. tondoeer> inlsd th. day was for tise ycar. but tire>' h sbn uneble Mres opout weuh quiet decorum n arl atterntion ta do se. Improvoeunte had ta -ýbu >.e2g1 uadQiî.macle sud thewouay wau roqqired> ta day, eiioddùio psy tire mou. inks, Tire rusolution *Au carrièri. Tua CELBBUCI3R<1N*LrLSEWHEEL. DI550511(5OF PMITIONS. o f BrorriNrrToroico.-Coutrary ta On motion. of M~ir. low, tisepeidion glot la ivisua orne of!tlirersesand of Mr. obn Watson wau seferrer ta tise go b0n Inurne utieat>60Da fnance comunitîse, sud ture petitions oui "Roas"ewau brought te Toronto a 1 vaking for repaire on Parry striaita neft looturs. The reunt, au might Le ex. tire Street ani Imnprovetirt fcommit- ~. ecelrtar:t5'orouuRoatee, withIn lstructions teuted te tise muous crow4 oollotsduDnKingrsud Jîrvis asooa leuider crnit srete; and ia East Market Square, ricLcosnOWHL. -.sud during tire lecture tirs windows of the sooni cure broken by tise continu.- llr Kiug brouglil up tire report-af oas ehoer o otonstirat was rained ti_ oca 2propeniy committe, reoor. 40toutise building. Rossa ocupait Ont cf mrndriig pa.yno th ie riconat o! Io*t 1h. lIaititrant bciug recognizeil by Wrn.fueBs inglrung lovnallu, $7b.. *ettire cuis. Subsolquontly a tiaihSstorm-. h oni nomit ftr ioe 78t--. ed Owin ograves lavera on tire aro r. hmorim lu isomte aeir, le net11 oefa!Quoesiraird illiaisrto ts. rrelsaainth har ___t Biai ere tirer> train Ltiluide,an a Mr. Waoksasakeil if lire work Wd -~volley ruturuscl by tire rioters. A icne > edr urndred a sisaîwore exoiranged rs, Mr. Ring splierl tisaithse variabar>1 -sud tire iotel was guttcd. Tire plie. beou qiven out by Mr. Durcis and>Mr. t * eiargid lire mois aunddisperser> poni lce H I1ru. It vas OceeSsary tlie vork1 Meînwiil. anoliser mois Iluoe ont sisoulsi h. doue aI once au tise eeiling of t ai uda Collinu' taverci on theticoreroi- h. hall was leiug ruiued by tise damp. t Q<ueun, sud Becerstiretead courn es o orsidesrlre eiharge r.asonable.r ceaiu sd lnrr Mr. WVrcks t.lougirltirthd hen a aura 7.-ao Iluurriota Il, but tire fol'c rgrLî a tiret arnaunt was expendedit il eu-r aper d, a bout one o'cock Queeu sîruol was clearuci. ilree or four men due te tire coircil that tenders sironld are reirortor> suai, anti proali a ire eskcd. Lest year tisoy masuier fitundror> wore iejnr-ed by atones and for tenders. Ho dir> net keow trat tirei tiebalonu, Policeman Worth vus kuock. w cnld biîvoue = cnd ont. an aur ed on oletarly ile iru ghlt b> a rt liad Lbeau, but bail tendera benausk. i s ot Several atîrer policemn ervce injurer> Mr. Harper lied examainer>tirte ase. tire Aillismhnkiug people will agres vitir the colrut Aund considoed tise chrarges maIe f Mail t aagrarve::spouaiblity reste ver>' masonairle. Report adapte>. of leebringlag ODon0vAn Rossairers, hl Mr. Harper issotigin tie repoto ýa- tire coudrucl of tracse wiro abjectar>latirte Finance aur> Aiseorrrmsu commit- :ueoIhie prosencu b>' stirrîtg liaurndorder tes, reconmndirrg Payrnrt O! Jas. A. calf Ai defiamoceic nne lire lois deplorable. fCampbell'ei aceonul, $21, as depnty se- wu, .i,:rÀw,&. T aliament1 adjournoil nIt tminrg tilcer. Repart arloptii. d. )n. ixë'lckinhoir rfihedy. Thrare ILINTINO. f eau ma grand procession, aur> concerts Mr. lîIrroam birorrgtir th ie repart 13 or la tise evening. of lira comrnitleaean Piting recom. - ire ?4os-nucL.-Tlrcre cas a cocr, meudirg purymol of lise accourt of fr lry dramartic 9irlerlaintuent aur> adclrosus W. H. Hligiu"i $81. Report adeupted. 1 tise Inutheoevening. In London, Kingalon, R g 9 Haitnand elsecliero ciii paer>oail' Me. \Vickc brouglit in tire repart of tc of quietly. thlie eommittco on rel, r eeonrmeriding CI Ill],Apputionmnt o theHigh choo yZ'eut aftir aceount of D. Sterriker, et [on A0uloicu fteHghSho 24(n. Tlrey also irar> an accourt of! aL Iod Grant. Dr. Borne o! $10 laid betore thra, for m )D_ - attendlauce an Mns. Omcictrd, but oould qI n. 1T1re distribution te Iligir Sclroolslin nual cSommenidpîymnt tîrereof, sud w hi', ire caîrrlby lasaufollovu :luft il for Ltireconaideration of lira of DII Wiiliy ..............108.24 counecli. af te Osawa...............$0807 Tire council in cormjittee cf lise fo tae Posraca.r...........$017 irole. Mn. Hopkins lu tise chair. ' j ru P o Purs...'.......1. 6047 Mr. Devemoll cas apposer>teth a lr ~y. or ~ Ubnilge.......04.47 ment o! Dr. Burus account, as ire n ce Tire apprlrtionment ranges ail tire not beca ardered biy au>' member ofthlie un va>', (ram 18.%413ta Kompteille ta $180.. oui a ted i lit orn Mossne. Harper, Campbell sud Han. cf Id ~ ~ ~ ~ o -.----oitopposer> ils payienl an tiresaime th go AnnqT' r - Luy-D. rI. K ie ieTryAditer> iraithmr vor -negnt t I3taocrrrLXJtLUy SCITY-The A pelition o! Timotir>'Cafte., ai ing su BitoxLi LIIeRBY OCDTY. for tire opeung o!f11gb Streuet, aund lie . renoeer deburlu on lise question- building et a sidewalk aierear>, snd onlo 'Whiterr Oliver Cranwesl wau a motion of Ms. Hanuarn vas reterrer> ta Me à groatrrî rranthau rWasiringtor,"-in tir, standing eammiltec on Strueti and tive wheiteafrntv o ae y Improvements. boa' BUMLIUtD LIcrNSE. tires tMessrs, N. B. Allun, A. F. Diérlîugton Me,. Hopins seconder> by tr. Har-lier ansi Jas. B3alfour, rand thro migeive by penrciover tiret tireililiaerd licons 00 -Messrs. R. 'r. Harrisoni, 0. Bîsoker, D. graritor Davidl Smith bie imade oun r 00ba *Bradelraw, rvac decidu>lu in aso!hi selIerme tofC trhe.Cermi of atl former. ' ouuii adjourued. i IZZ2 Choice seoltons of Toilet arti- Mnassas. EnIVARSa &CÀccroŽ.-Ti i d aiesq at thIbis Moical Hall. well-kuown building derm, o! Oshacea, air1 - T.G. HITFELI. bave dissolr-ed pertnersirip, as wiii ira îles - « 'scen b>' a nuotice iri other columus. We It M MiESas. -UAMILTON .1 ]Lmowlt.- invite attention Etiisatea acard publishud agm Tire deirbave rrnaver> inta tiroir new inro reneo t ir satlistaclon> husi. may promaises lu tire aId burmier blockc. Tire Mou arrangements. Witing au tireir Wvii - ec daulrletore ln ver>' rootuy and> affaire Isoeudiar ofethtie Vicrdicalor -YW5 meu coveiauly ileul- uc.lii j i cryrs ,-Morors. Edeards &Camenon, mn th lre tlîe diapla> tire large stock oftvir ed>tire cerk ou -ne maci>'0o!tise jury spring goodu uow aMrvirig. principal buildingsafthtirlov, have open diorolver> pîrtuership. Varions rum- ur NYlry gîvu franc 80>ta 150 cents per ors venu circulalor rsppocing lhirel. hovz sircet for muioe, vlren you cen geltise, tegril>' md standing o! these gonîle. lheil boaet sireet muac, fullivie, weil prnuted, mon. A cerd irianolhercolurno shove jure liru<ututnhtiluess oath tielalemecil ses- paini ada larges assorîmaent ta chose framu, pecîiu g tire flnît aur> vo are hrappy ta Coosi b'y anhlrciug J. S. Roburîson, Boà k. mn' tra fot oui>' are tise.ge'ntlemen jm7y seller, Wiîîs>. ane ta pqy al dcaimas but have* goor> a Ps. balance ta thuie creclit beeldes. Tise trate Tiusda>' Marlir 141h, te Trsday> paut tirree yeins have u een m ocnes tem Miroir 218L 1878. -Nec godà e bliard ou aur buliders butC eshocrir> ho ver>' tires tins ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r tektet.tep aieiue cns>' ecc ucli an oa ir decornireller> grau tbiewee twnty-h-ro vrieies f cs- a()suspend. We hope tiret lIse orsi isarnagi turneMs, new spiug mammles, nec mnan- nov pasi sud tirati tirg)ithtie building ni or tic fabrids aund linen, uluers ut E. F4rojt, for liseaotnirug yeîr mi>' ir liglit tire a pet Odd Feilovu Hall wiritiry. corrtls vii be profitable. pei $:R»WlitleId'si Tootisache 'Gnnmuin Amc1STs A FAMILT Taazmy.-Oue cf forei n4od sud nccurnrornlod b> tise Meuilcal tire cisudreno! Hf oratia JBurroughsu, e- actic Pacrli>. ~.' -- odlonir etPort Kent, opposite J3rliug- ,tiens lý%ult. ry t.ton, Vi., iraks tirrougi thira e.on lire lrw lake nue day lait cok. Au vider. An>' rni GUirArEr JY Tltbrothier altemaplar> tire scue aur> bueseir Rjujst-'Zbeiraitsmae tisý eisartendis ta a&lcirroke la. Tire crics o!te lsire druace elucidatetîieharsoler a!flire cant. ron brougirîtire maIhrs ltir.sce,> tieir tutionq, If truan sd Isa, it ÃŽimplies s>ase aiea eauprecipitatur> ibrougi ai cc cônesidrairle eueeg>' a!filie-vital powars. tire icu. Arrsa tnt living ici tre famil>' van If il le - In, soit, or siiky, prane to vent tatire assistance o! tire tiree mani gebw in langui r rtirer lirauin etsrerugh,- etrogglicig unforlnnatues, sud in attecupt- sd1 lte animal syslern le almaÃŽsti evariabîy infr te assicl lire molliesliter predica- o weak, sud tire dispositioni cf tire mdi. meutwcmiipullus inoatise citer. -Theï frica vin l ualunirequentiy rild, eae>' crieo! lihéjre aepeople brorugisi tire li a~4destilutb o! euterpelge.. fatirn-talire usce asd lubig exciter> inei utate ire neghecter> takieg tireps andeir ftsrsr s~oc4re t~ccu.4 $chp. pregsutiaus, as u casmon lioendelgn osfr * rwrçvil.Texaq itià u~lrqWtu-vic-there ste, Abouttitis alit tUe tire Ioe auTreasrýyigrta l~ situe rcnlr ~~~érv listamorasirhas jun~i mpoie 'a fine oai c-ld, s 'lire meacni;' p! f 1 yt ur> cons .00,000 on fareigc ifç4ipà ntq of rsipIap ' entiru faniti 'Vero pe >djs>' Pattesaen, J. G. Eobinuoun,L.. EHug D. Orniuulce, J. K. Gardon, A. G. Id 0 ~ ivray, s Luolre O. 376M graud jumn-, lravlg bs@a todied. os lthe follrwlg ectenir aswN tir ae nicg cr B John bsdi; e. ouaih. B. . Cm1rili - ohn Laitir Jas.à ï I. Devid, Cuai uu Robt. ob son,, oÂlex. ê lôzi B. T. Hgisor, -- . MTm1: W. B. -Talbot,: - -AmUoà - Bhsua Wm.- G. Day, M. 'G. 8*bçon. Hio Londslclp n ehargln irs a jury sairireo as orm thi ,ciwmber aof Naues vas udt 's irea persansgvere igur eus tire crimei murder-troe Mosteiniss crime kuori to th. 1mw ;-lIt ,vas eowiilr lire sevreremi punusiment kuowa ta ,th là ii- Tirepteât gMfMGar> 4aMa depelvesa lloeïlug- et Ide. Wro ma>' ho-dorre te Sa ueià boôr la Idrixol est>' wiiiya"b. c.patvedby uauey th' ng viric iti a o'atr-paverc mn tanrender back. Ris Losdsiip dwî upon tire enonmhit>'Qf lte crimd-,painl iu u ite 6fut>'hIe Croc-n- sud th dut> on'tire grand jury ,un cousiden li euvidence. Il vis ane pari of ih dut>' aftie grand jury ta try tise-cae but ta ee liraisumeleèni uvidenc vas brougiri befose b hem ac ciricir ta put tire par>' on trial. Tire. coudr> l eai>' h ie case for lte Crovi san ntiratifIltire>' onsidenesi lire er douce sallaienit. rnuru s Irue bill. Il irocovos, ýtise>' ure satifler>- ti t ury vour>conviot upan theu evileuci bsougirt butor.i them, tise>' shoulir>r tum-I...rNabill."' Tie -eklng of lif eau presumîab>'mordes, lu Ir e pic ioel% case bu fanree-curt, lire se decre., ii Lorditlp undnlstod, we priecipal>' circuinutantila. Tire p à 1r lieu venu chairge> vii nteng ti hanse cf sca WMn cibliinleul ta raviel ber, tir senîlo! tirle violence bisola tire infietion cf enuhir njuries as ic ceuse, »rndeatir. Sine commecle bis sddroes, tire court hWr>luarnr> tirs a former grand jury iradr> tunur>a true bille intis came, sa liraiil; vould cal ire uuesuary for bhem, ta enqule Inia tris malter. Tise onu>'aubet ehagonoutie calendes vas oue oftor. ecy Itvenir> bu the dut>' a! Ibe gsr jr ta ascertil firut, whieîirer tisepanbicuhar eritieg we falue, aur> nextweiresr il eau tireset if lire aceuied, an>tirai it ces frauda- anti>' douc. Hia Lardeirip uaexi F aine> as ta lise usuai caunt for utter- nIg vitir inteut ta detrau>. Onu reeo ,v>' tbere vers sa tee charge s ei efficient vorkiug o! tire Jauni>' Judge's Crirninal Court. Tirai 1ev weupro- ductive o! greel gear>, sud vas a greai ailng o! expense to counliel. Former- iy tire accuse> irer>ta remaili in jeui irritimig for trial at a large expeuse. aur> in qi2uth>' thtirt risirmeut, af remain- mg ru prison for a long lirae, vas grouter tran tire actuel pueurismaut due to tire offeuce. Under tire lac aie changa, parties oblaine> a prompt sud Bconomîcel trial, sud lire cout>' vas ive> tire opeuse o! puttingalal tire cainer>' o! lh. court ino aru. nisition. Tire resait vas ici uver>' way benolbcial, for e large number )f accuse>, charge> vitir minor ifeaces, elected Ibis mode of triai, bo- ire tise Couty court Judge cithout a rry. Tise cost aftir court ireing tva )r tbree hundre> dollars a day lire>' ouir> reokon visai trie saving amouni. i ta. Tire administrationi o! justice vs sîso facllitate> b>'tise appoiniment d oertiraud r> sturs ta tire court. B> bat miens a largo seving vas effecter> vt as e gresi adrantege ta causel lu eo examinstian af viluessos ; it gave ec . opportunit>' for ohleiuing lompt iseers vitîrani givieg viuesses lima slntd>' tirucusud carme> eh ici lie lucidatiaciofatet rebis.Hioexperence ras tiraI, cils a Phortirar> reporter tise esrt go ohirougli in one-thirdlssa lime an tarmer>', tins effecting s conuider- 'le saviug cf moaredsu> lmu. Tisa usineseciicir veôur tak-e, se>' six da>'u, 1.uit é8dieposer> o! i 4iu-.à A i6.. muais depended, cas go aouves- &ed. Jurors al found tire bai]effecls ire impure air atter goieg ihome tram erleuce on courts. To mari ngage>j loties ehcisrequire> tira uli axer- eo! the intellectuai facuities, pure1 cwas neceesar>'ta kaep tise braie ar>nt l 0d puire. Ha secam. mdod their altemmlon, bt us maltes. vas necesuar>' liratlelvu siroulsi ae lurdus to fier>as ire bill. -Cases q crop up for truie coesideratiou ich cure ual on tir eslendes, Wbrai akacen se theVexations Icidici. il Act vas pAsse> b>' hlieguila. eta- pruvunt tire abuse cf tir, grand ysyetem. Formesi>' be doon vas- i ta persona ta go butane tire grand y su> mekemaliclous charges, ebish 'uver groundies, tram tle*act of e beleg made cire calj&ted ta lu-. pnivete réputation. EMis Lordsii ledi oUIite chais a! cases chie r>à nat habcittail>b>' tire geanderi F, nder lte& acimeuulonail curant6 aviotns itigatiou before a magis. I e., Respecting tire-grand -jury sym. M itemif, mon veiereeuiug cierË re as any-nel t o ong bio e s r> jury on maies invostigete> b> gistrates., Wby cit, l cm saucer>t, wee put tire accuse> mrpaciiltbbdtast- titjury? Wity 0gl-ta l' ILe-. x , se cf ripsocluing tl -samine viducice I eutxng tisachoecase s&gain ho.0 lýirte grnd-jury? looaie=onu ru bad been lakon aur rpomsesirat rs made vibli a vie t irviug tire- turtirsamende> ina 'isurspect.- rthi tirai would 'BdSomplislrlta' irabie aride!f horteiùtg tire aiRer>.- e o! grand juroia cuiront iemuniag Ir'usefulrs eaeu bjavriy coidertim. Me vne loti> ise i icb peeeans out on ba, oue au aocu&ed ofmurderaormanslugrt, suevtier ons chage b anltring ommil ýa sape. Misetrordaiip ex- r., ioyâ-o oite'law-tita éssntial dit.-t hé yatrfiningef a*bliinIthu Y Onr case.bieh attes caus ! fereil ré, - It ash tire duty, oftire grmnd il tai rveiaIisW hAAvidemé nas (na n on À uacnrane* -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l E.tgbli< . W R Bl Jo teuI.-" - ý - id* 1>ifO'Oaeer cý Pey4vs -Abl -for e. - ominin Pm llmm ea cV& n 34 - à e i- - - e' o- edn Au *et'hi ilrfthe aîe o lilo etm fan the bIotter Pmrdlling of, ,tieupub46, ):accourIs-;ý sr.Mais Bill le ; iï ire thé Èbbic o nus68 »t - ;Qt ludepeedaesofa! arbiarnnt - un ts at. FPont office, Ad ai f1870, Tisé'littium rê 'Rivés tira Qlioêrf" lfq Foui Qffice ig pa*er*ta sitop thcs seudîn&ý ai ehivury ru 0 otiryc*Otch rsb>.ost. '- Tire sa'ic- aur> clause provides lIati '-uited me States mail sent tireugir Canada on 'n Canadien nailweyesirhour> bu deemeri yta lie ier Majeety~s mails m, Ms. Mille' bill ta autablisir township i- municinaliiiesiu ise distrdctof uesa. If. lin vas tr>da second tklie. Do Me. Msekeuru's bbiil ta exteur> ir.e ae Ratlway Act «f1868&0oFPrince Edward's SIShadc, vas seund'a second ci'u'1d ei urne. . ieg o! tIebull taamour>tir. Acte rus- népuctig stampu an bisl sud notes. à o 1 8ueral meiberisexpress' theucsailvas Rh lu favor of sepualieg aIllishe Acite relit. ]g In-g 10 stampu. 'Tire bill vasndor to disoussion wciruathe Hanse rosaeaor Ig Tnesdey nlgirt. Tie Nec Lquor Bill. i1 i-I Tire provisions cf tise aev Liqur Bill intraducr> la tireSenal,-b>' Ho. Mr. Soott areasai flloes :-It confèe ie jcaer au an>' ceuln>'on cil>' ta proMblit the salaet aleohallo liquos excepi for Smpdirbual, ineoiranical, or ouaigientêl 5tpusedsos. F'or méedicinal purposas, bise cetfcatfaà ddcs la sreq urer>; for sacramentel, e clergyman;-,ton meciran. icai, ,a uvora. application oartifie4 b>' twa IÙSl«Ceà . On-tire certifie> epphice .. hion of ane-tourbi a! tire reglaîcre> volons o! a count>' or cil>', ire Goveruor- -Genenal liese aproclamation iunlIre *Gaztft e slaticig that atter clxi>' dci>'a plebiacit. ciii hé liken atasltaema. neofa!lireDominion électionsb>' tisa dshaniffu or ailier panaris -appointe>b>' 1tire Governor-Gecieral in (Jounil. If a 'smajorlt>'cf tise' electors vota ini faveur' a ftie luc, lb cornes inoa tance ou tise lsexpiration o! tira ileense tanin, -waai ta a avoisi confluictbaeeerr local sud Do- le minian jueisiliction. Tise lac once la 8opération ini e counby onrlovur, il stands for lissee yeaes absointel', an> is tran rapeeleblu oui>' on cappliationi anr> b> relection ai ictore. Tire vote di le b>' rballot citir ravy penalties agminut cor- rupt prectices. Tire expenses viii ire borna b>' the Dominiou. Peace os Wcrin lutic East. Notvithstandiug tire pea. mae- munte and aIl tire arrangements o! a pencecaoumeremrce tire altitude is stibi car like lu the Est. Tise didicuIt>' ietleeu Bussieaur> *Englansi vitir regard te tire sumissien o! tire conditions a!flise trcaty bteh1 Congrese continues, cwirh apperenl> litl hope o! a settioment. Bath Ans- trie and :German>' déclarae omeivas setiefied itustire eltilucle assume>b>' Rulsa;-,aur> Astnla te whom tira slip. uletiona a ettset>' Irar>been private- 1>' suimilie>, bas aneounor> ilat il considem's thumercifrafienîl>' moderate. Il is naw believe>tisaI the Conférence ell meet about tire ur> of tris mantis, but previons te its aoenuliug ileis n- drlestoo> lhab Russia viii commualeatu bthe virale termueofthtisatrea> ta tire Povenps. sa taecirGaviient vii irave au opporbrinil>' o! stiting tire1 p oints it cona 1iders as likel>' te affect 'Europeau interauts. TieIurignriaWn uelegalion -yesterdiy adapte> lisvola oftsixtymillionfdorns. A Card. Dccir Sir t AUbew me te malte lira iolloeiug statemeut theougir your col- ji umna arr>tirereby contes fevone ou tire parties concerne>. Injurions ramons a ireving beeri cireulate> cir refusence m qîunt'ta lxe,'uffedit tIreasrepart n tire't roa> iin !rcngptlsite165sud,103, to"-eth-ir, nsri ire héputitior at tre 1eï. iJohn-ir atone Vicare sud otirs on tisesgare a subjeot, sitour>bu laid oves 101the neît *t miuesixlg. Iu expianalox, Ibeg ta sy e>' 'tiaï lire pétition referrenl la cas from t -hca Inoorprrae> syno> ttre te h a£ Tosanra, itsiu*g tireeus*9 OËf$llbe- >' el rosi attahe to lit, arean -urýgred b>' Pn ire Lodrd.Bisitop ai Torp oM. lcr- idJ Blow mar> Woediouse, Delegaies ta lirefa lymo>, Ms. T.Garugeyf hwotvarâffeoi M au, Mr. D.Levane, sur> teri> otieni l rosides mysèl. - 1 ý la Your oberhient servant. trà JOHINST014E VICAUq. ta] tri A it.8ix->'ea-od came tQ. liasco ~raattierm-cils a roýucie vughiug ou oer mind. rAuntsys lire acor islequ naule 6f! gru e uea>I donec'I hé ci laeve il." Don5t'yaa helieveil'? 'Wiry' W roi?" "Because I bave bruen loalcin g t noon i ns ual arIaoftgroon loea,'foer- u tré mo j caa aor uaoW5% n Taic Fniccs aOFlioYPm.-A Paris] Gm 000-lus o! hiaimot i&0lêft Vartatlon e! iron sud steel, icn iheinV plate, gévnkdl à i id railwayi 00 os a 000 0 tus fs. ta vsacacie raau-78 au eonumed la..Oui. a'Iyan-sveti' radSctr I uiand e Sltas. Tiesa ligursuara lakin tram IDCgnofeqtsu oamicrg tram tireUnited i ese ime IrÉoluydxeraasd, ard I mm ocfdot hou-lire ruturcis are pubhisis- ~dfô- tre yesecdlig!JoneBth, 1878, a il clU b. tound tliai th ir.Aericarru 49-rve'not turulisil nus aven seven par cent, c! tirs iran or steel va irave cou. 4- - fe utbné, a!f tu, 'Molacis ai Pig- Iran Impacted r> trahie Unie> States b> lirs'-weiolea ',DomiMu on l ine ycar sbovi-uteud ta, fuil>' tI*o-lllrds o! it ans, fran tire varas o! tre Rochester PIran Co. hocaltiait Chrlotte, Nec- Yozki.- *Tii Cômpan>' iaidavaninR la canupete vih Englisir ansi Scotch aron mn Ihns ma! et,ias sunkia il capi- atal sud iii nov lu tiahe nda cf a Be- lceivon. Il lu assetsd b>' aillie manu. facturera cf Iran icitire StatuesliraI ana rnalirirr vonkiait au abacolule has, aud yet, attre proeuct timu, bar iran enu i aid> nafrieai Oshawa, oets, docci tram tire le> Slatem,.lIton, ca e c hiipped tfram -cio'll>'aill egints cireail il produer> lu tisa n o Sêttee tg sp>'-, In OuPrilorasQneiec wl4hû barcl ge ! ci-, iruwreas, the Engliairor ýScotch'mamnufaoturer muet fisel amip iisiran; b>'rail la Glasgow or Livarpaci, psy ebarfage aur> slip'plag charges, ocean PrelRg inlsurauce, tira cirsg sut Monîneel ant i nus>' tneigirla lapoints ici Canada, bosides tirs boosset itenest for thre lima occupie'l in tisa ocoan voyage b>' smiiug vessols, -equai ta Ico parent. upou tire value aftie hron.-yeitira 'Enlli or Scotch ffiauni!à ctlosr'id able ta lcnileà t' ho Aminemanuaturer i ir te Canadi- aumarkelItru1 thisese facts prove liraI lu attmptiag tir maratuue plg irann utis cantn>'pur oui>'neal cocu- pelilor viii ha tire Englisir or Scotch manufacturer. One vomi as la tIra affect of a prolc. tive dtin> on pig iron. Tireaneyer iras beu an iran tanu> cr produce> in Canaris tiret vorr> make iran castings, -thorofoee tire Osirsei Maileaile Iran Mýanufeeturing Ca. vour> itili ire Cam- pellier ta import ils irôun frorn tira Unibedi States un malter iroe iigir tire- dol>' cas place> upon il. Tire brandes of Iran use> lu tire mnufacture o! nliai. leaei on castings are vortn et tire present tire se>' 885 par loni. As tira Cocisarvelive pres cernp haies ilan>'1 of a 17J per ceni. tariff, I presouma evon 20 panercenb. vonir> e looked upoci as insuffiaicul protectioni tca.s-nec indus- Ir>'. Twent>' per cent. an 081 le 57 pcr Ion. Tire affect vonlul h is :-T ir Oshnawa Malleable Iran Co. couner it succeautuly compoe t lirlIe Ameel. ean menu facturera cf tire seaicass o! gor>e, as tise>' vonir>b. gptting thirs iron 67 per ton alieuper tran tIre Ont- ave Ca. I have no Iresitatior i c1'12SY- ing ltaI tire Maileeble Irari Ca.cool] loua ans-usJat il s busiiness immacliale- 1>' and tire -Mher hait velnirert. bir cartr doiug-. Thoe5 Oslira eMîllearle Iran Ca., cir a capital o! $75,000 is nov omplo>'iug 100 mari antinlu&Il probabilu>' saIohrsyeer viii iargciy- t iucroase, tiraI numben. To give ero- Ployaient ta lise saine number Of mernrd in tire production o! pig iran voul> ne- qnineýatliesltinhree tiras tisa capital ;h au lri if ce cene oblige> ta la>' a iev'txupoci pig iran ta indnce cap.- i t o produae il et home, ce ba> fer boetter îlloc our Iran minas, for tire a preseut la go aneorketi, simp>' bacne h we sirour> dustro>' industries et pr-aienti ratarlisce>- omplaying mai>'more t meari ire veir>ireemploye> lu tire mnufachure o! plg imou over if ce pro- duce pur antIie consnumptiqn ; for nol rai>' vould u sain rdustries ns tire Ouh- niva Mehiceirle Iran n . ie cdanger> l ont tentire Iaslave trnde arr> mmm> ai cther Iran establishrments venIr> bnatc, eopandlreu. T h. EdiI ara! lire Vicrdicotor in iris G attempt ta rep>'la un>' latter cf at , yack sys tint tire tavu a!fJBelleville lirI offer a bonus c! $75,000la seure à a riasl !unuac. Noventireleus my utale-1, ment is correct-trettire caustruotian SI tfa railwa>' vas a part aftie scireice- ac bhe blasit frmeudapende> catirai'lbt ipon tire railwa>' bcing inill, vIae vas neyer tiare. 0enc Ir regard ta my>' encanias airan theire Marmonra rn, lire Ediharsays, lt"ill a u be neya ltisaheovrers a! Blairtor mina cm bc knoe tirai their oe iso! ver>' bittba niactiaiviau." Tis tise>' vi an knari long ega, anti bave noerr meit- ho- I'bo aqtiaAmnunienmaneirt etusars h.' rece>wrbh ~en(r fyleh for 10000 toao! tira Seowdnu h -e la gaoud evidonacrlIraI il is irai simi- ir ta , -be Marmora ore. On lire coco-ire te>'F, ta bava iril du A inenian apIL tus ligs te pqrchraui il, cilh tire minuufeo- irai lr a! irqcý in ia: j#presonl ýdeprceerjd i oditian in lire Stati, lu a atroce li- - icalian tirati i laof a ver>' auperiar col] ruil>'. - -Tir, r& - ver>' - lew ores;Ap ri6 i lh'iirke a gencrail tonndr>' urori icso cira leste> tirs Siovden are tira gai. v iii reke a No. 1 f!anpeqi~- ran viti- or>, tb iià g mixe>ci -arrores. tira Wi lur -m>'iels. ict-mu-tA-iiro b'as cesst>' ! sastiprg .ose ,linval ýreaI . Britain, it lamot garon=i,'. Dis one ici tic.UniW r> Baoi' nntira praî- me ictiair o-ftà nnds>' Iran. - peil 'tilis claIminita beirrou qanhbe -A ariekl 1' uurfiletPat luiw ai ff cai en u -. harr 'à à à 'éelllag pu s 1 cIreî western pcicntp' il,,e lteit olasa eJ coal ladol-:ti~i dierauce i lira coul o!' fuel -aI ai Yiibus pointa srnell 0camps,te aoirfccaa ter h Great 3rtian ,pn."oduces reani>' toc limes aseranchirmou annumally as tI bargegsi amonnt 'aven lozioducer>ilu Il 'Uniltd States le anc yeîr, ans i isiml 10 undenueli cvran>'nation in thiravail il is safte e>' liraI ire -prodruaeà ane irait of -allthir-mon consume>ilu Il vomi>, ansi yeltithrea-la no dut>' on pig bar iroandr steel in an>' cf tlii forms Aitirougi reonaisa dol>' n ora ani steel impore> irtrtireUnite>States nangirg from 80 ta 100 persocent., Il: Americaus iuport tram Eng bauid merj limes as muci iran- arr> steel as tic3 oxparttd6'otites caunfticu, Il luplaid1 evudeut tut tire meric'an cull nrab i serions compebitars di iran ranufa turersla Caniada, andthslraItire casl0: limporin'g iron'f rom Emglard ce Scoý lard la equal ta a dut>' o! 84 per cent. «te protection enougit ta ercoara& Yproduction hoie. Tire suaeess cr pradaciog pig iran depandu more upor lthe ciratrao!the are tran upon tir casht lochue. Tire edilar ofthlie Vindica for ncmini me tit, in yeGars peut, I have tala.d protetion. I car remembur vircu h iras c frea-heeder. I neyer rade proc tection e hobby, nor ar nroc, in, an: practrual sende, a frea trader. 'k I anc dean sir, Yours ver>' tmniy, F. W. GLEN. Pickcmirg Townaship Council. SatrdyA~Q irliarair, 1078. Tise Pickering q~iucil tct purcuant ta adjoururenl. bolmbera mll prescut. Minutas et hast meetiug reet andl ap. provad. Tira Boeve roa> altter nam J. H. MeCillan relative laetire morigage, bauds, mur> oirer secumilies luncfevnce t1th lroan ta lira Pickcming Harbonu Company'. Tise Commiltea apýpointe> ho excine tirhounr offcrsd b>'tire Pickering- Hinrna urrmpun>'fan tira loin o! 820,- Cr00 incowuiX 'r uimit lire mrage and boandi a! aid Company>, adsudig tb re- part tiret amiexaminalinofa!tlie saine woureccommrour tirt lie>' irereccivcd and bis thlieBy-lew c enov reail a tirrt ime. Cennieti. Mn. Hboover move> tiraI y-lîc No. 482 cutitîcti a By-Iaw ta aid sud ausiet tho Pickering Harour Campea>'(timit- r]) by va>' o! ban laelire amount ai 820,000 ire nov passad, aur> tirethlie Ileeve aigu lire semaeandi cause lire seal aftie corporationutla!bu aoiret irereto. Carrie>. Mn. Spiok rove> liaItirhe Pickeincg Hanhoir Comnpen>'insure (util airer- wise notifie>) tira buildings, plmnk arr> nacîrinrr>ofatre unr>Comnpany, in lire Western ur> Coirnmrciab Union Iricur- ane Compenies.' Mr. Spiuk rove> liraIlire Rerandr Treasurer ire and> are herei>' mutirorize> o issue $20,000 in debeotumes lu con- foemit>' vitir by-lac 432, passe> tis a>', and aigri tirascame, acor> alx tire al o! tira Corporation lirareto, and an thei same cover ta the Pickrng Iriur Company' on recaiving Iront te caib Companyu>' laurence policies on Du lire property o! the Comupany>' thie imont of $15,000, propeni>' assigne> lireCorpratina tir ocnshrip o! jesd rpan>'tioir debeuturcu to ,he emout c! 025,000 as pravidati ton r blr>ac No. 482. 14, Spia'Ir roe> ttiret ie mnonial uni nsumetion hireto attacheire bupre. inte> teaRis Excelien>' tire Lieulun. m 't-Govoruor o!flire Province o! On- aic. To lis Excelleney lira Lieutenanb- overinin o! Outerfo. Yoonreoad- it irumbi>' aiovelr. « lst. Tiret cireas ini lie yesn 1874 rujarit> o! lise blard-ownros ou lois ,7 sud 18 in tira 2mb con. o! tire tovu- rip o! Pickering petitiarar> lie thon machi te have thirincas iuevoyed cuti ho haundrniegt ieneof perriiccntly mark- i. 'lad. Wrnens lire said pitioners 2entione> John Bier P. L. S. ns tîne urve>'or cirom tire>'viier> ta do tIre cr-k. Brd. Wlrestire thoen cncl di> r bire iSti day o! Jul>', 1874, b>' suso- tienu pelilion youn Excellena>' ta iuse tire miove recite> bines ta ira n b>' John Suier, arc] durablc menu. calts pla4tedth e afront sud near Mrn, QreeuG-rsitet lreT;eaçuîer muiug Offers $4, au> $2 toi use o! i for lakcýng the vote con Lonrue-by>. e Inkay ',tth otofkxuù ý- th MariieO e rovter>tifet lir' - ,a i t a o r l i liaeI tr l>' o toon lIi'. atlrae- tat o! Mo-À tmple o- "ea ira lise bsoaght-ta lightanti a' nurneuloecar> iin hanrso!f cI. ,- ,1 b adinluMains.aWtoE hav1e een'e 'rai *2.O0O foer ashair. wi5r.;. .<; e- 1- "A DmcowmNiNo MAN WtLL CATCE AT A STsrAW."-I! ire catchir i, it vill do mim no geai]. Tiouuerds a! peoploï vire iscving neglecteti cohds anni congi unlil lise>'bave becoma' tiunkarorus, vihb rush toa almost eveny.nostrum for relief., Tis uvis>' s o.nan>' expanimeuts vire trier> b>'the eniffasers. Go tojous Drnggiat, bu> ' abaïIle ai Wcsseil'. BBA31s nOF WucLnCHRRYmn, andi Use Il cir confidenco. 1h cii beuctii - aI once ansi ultimeteby cure. Il la'no stsac, il is e-ceble vebi-tniean -bal ont ta il sud irI-sed. 510 cents sud 0-I e hottie. Soir> b>' aU druggists. COrrremnAer &MeF,&Rià AND ente asl -G(tents.-*Hrrving heen l ir elilven>' buà siness for 'tir asitane - yeas and lieviog r*nMas'Ycs 'aIÇcoiic i horses undéf. aur trealme nt, iiid iriv-Ing Itesi cneuy- iAt*r-fiiln xrriulaiccure itl, 'ifaner> tict lire Lest, chroipet,<anr réiiest 'emcif for Colin in Morsses ise iore> Dai i lê-4ï brou0 p- cr11>' a i~ kk~W4ilunl ccru-o Itre vomr> f1rij R~ ac, ever'yoc; rhciturite aca Cohac in Horîca. -- Wircn ce considaT rult Ficre Compoundr> yrup rut Hypopiphitecs supplies :lireý- eficlano>" la 1ulibth> bloor>, - resterslre navos elmen cu pr'-otice ballu' ro theblr aucesaryt loundi mina>, *0 Wopîler a LIt ibechiy veycisere uppaer IV~~4~fî 't~: Ohiokena, porplr ........ 8 ove e ......... M75 P85 .POT PRRMARKETS. ........... 95 esot4 17 .......... .00 000 -"*...e . O....040 0 0 P e au.............. 0 50 060 O at .............. 0 80 -085 fis 010 ;0 O ... a..........:::200 14 00 BPa a, Coi;s"-t' Yun AÉDCom- Penrni-"PMy aStharegÃœ'h knaWledge Cf the naturdlaws wihgaom théoperatiorra ofaigetà n andWý;zi b>'as carefu ap teooosM.~i o ur bkfatbIuaithsdeme flfo=ud bevsraguwl mme.s usy heëvy snob articles of diet trt&omtim < begradurly bulit up. uil strang uaez dredao! btl malmdes aeatn Round n ready ta attâck wvir vrthurêzM a weak -vil Berice Gut.rSI<an]> ' in Packsts ,1IelIeý "3lure, , ey, Co. Momeopihlc OilusiLffloi; eî. 'Uidsrton.yuhnerv es weak- nsearly decayi , ame ainsmro &0 1 ~wi end a recipe tirai vilcure yoq, 7R.dE 0F CHARGE. This great remudîas dia. covered b>' a missionar>' inSoutli ýAmerlos. Son Siisdde~e&avoocv iêthe BEY. ?xOEET. Icx a o1c1,, 4,, BibleS'que, Neu' ork Cip, i47 SIEW ADNVERTISEMMNT8K VALUABLE'<FAR4J PeROPT, IN THE COUNTY (Or ONTARIO. TNI ERand by virtue ëai the paot io Sjsaicontincl ju two certaà n loden- turcs of Morigage, whkh i'wIll b .poduced on tedyaisale, ihere viibcbeafro for sale b>' eubliAûtian, an SA TURDAY, the 6th DAMX of -,APRIL, A. D.ý1878-. ai twcivu'a'oiclc, noon, ât-thei soyai Hatel, in the Town of-Whitb>', bj L. Fairbamks, E s c., A tïcti ne r, the f6 l aw n Cua l Froperz ,i ta ppiepa:rcà lraey luTk'BOU. hi o~thérlyilf-r5purtof lot uumber t 0= et inithe ueth oncuss- on af the iawnsbp aifliait Whitby; , sd County of Ontario, containuxrgbyameasur- rient sitx'seven acres mnore or Iens, exoopt- ingontafgidixt seinacres,a pomton not exceeding tWo acres already soir> fer Village lots in'the village ai Columbus. 2xci PAurCEL.Part i athebnortb hli f ailot iumber iwelve, ln tb. sixth concussion ai the seir> Townahip, cantaining b>' admeas- urement, thiri>' cîglt acres more or leu, descrrbed au faliawrs, hIM >je4fpsa>': com- riencing on the vesteri>' limait ai the said eot, At a distance oa! ielty 'six Chines td cri links, on a cours ourhsitteur.depuis esst heom the north west angle ai the suia lqt: thonRe,,souiths*teen 4e es oaât, rineteen obidersji4 >wlve linui-thence orih seventy oreeu, aut twenty chaîne, 1 ýy lirait of west nineteen chains and t'welve thence,, ogrtliseventy jeur< >degus, veut w*enty. obtins mozvebr leus, ta the placé of ~r ~TI~ acre ai uparcel rain- ' goor utile of cuitivatio;. saoit 'a oowi> om eil watered by a living Bprn bxfe ca aces,contain: 'e arP a oebikdelu bue nbrl> rg,oo., frae aur> itoue stabIelug 4nd ot bouses, andtbuae*Ãlu vIn ell foncer> P~R~1LKo.2.Tir-mal a iis parcele so 1%good ia> lam in a6hIg bstate of rltaîlriwdUôcaèdandadjinin-g the Vllige af Caluanchas eaUncedCandwell 'atièrdby novr îii es TEBMS 0F SALE. A deposit ai fliteun >c)er cent ai tire pu .r- ,lise marie>' to.bu paid, at the limeoani sl, re biamce la onu montir. ;AUl npai> pur. rase marie>' l bear eighl per cent inlerest a theaycsi. For f=rlerparticularsappl>' tQ thlicun- lrsigned. -MULOOX d&CAMPBELL. Vendos Sli~losToronto. ur be m îi 1 -cureto ad -0 ath ke,' tL*m CasaOôpau& alc.~smî o ta î a n n g i m an - h a v a -pL4 i u ' i m b e n f nisel lutl i à rd rit thâé" ! ent cO. mOt hav boon ieveetr coudi., ;mb* I ettieïmênt!-thùamount ga edlby We areigladgota sd'nttro prospec. e; 0ofteCmpany nover case bni ite~. 't Thlacimriâo es ft ii Mue fc's i id re tas lu edvarce . uyihi» g a., ta fra turnosi cul, aciag ta tire uubsiit4, ffl4on Of steel, lu mary Parted-fans xcmatie cf riaileabie irce,-tis'reu g hoe draugiru virile not dîý mrning - ri irstrenigtb. Aloilpapee,wfilcà lai. aterptr>ta pniftlr6TOr'oicto Beaprs r Comnpen>ti lire expeuse a!P ýl thre Jsepb H1all Matà uuacturing -Coin.' peur. W. cen satel> se>'tiret, eveuni evir>' macmine. 'nov Undei e>' yin tira ,he shop c! lire drul nnwdal COM ameci'.1 '91kol, thirsales; -viiM a-.exieet> oup "fiftirpart at-tireslucicaHlCn- par>', saoviralOuhaaebiairothing 1P- sapai ici ntisaaburse il puusussitocardsý e lise Manager o! tiret Compan>' sundiis >' friands. q' Cansidarjug tlise liniees 'dii . 0a ly viricirbas exister>l ntire countr>'ysfrehé epast Ivo years, ansi the oppasilio4 c! chh Comipan>'bas receivudr> rm of certain parties, tisa resa lit al>' w on'- '-dental. Itfuraisires unolirer cvidenci Le o atira nergy, business i ,-ahlitsy'ap a inpluok ofateranari Xo!tre AF.,, iCxlà motAnbArmingmalng liactuai> s badrerprtoo!fpetah exitece retao .Tîneerangaeas on tasss if >'ou viii ndlrrv acidbe peoprledaà arr>st lrii m tk. glie avce a! Druggists anti your friends,'unit try are baIlleoaiGreen'e AugraIsiFlower. Youn sped r laicertain! Millions o! it ottéa f tisMedicine have beau giveri -aca>' t tis virtues,. -vilir aselc tory recuits iii ever>' casa. Yen ceci bu>' n simple botle fon 10 cents la te>'. Tirce dosés ciii relieva tire warst >Pcasre. Positivel>' soir> b>' ll Drng&ists ron tire Western Continent.- For sale b>' S. W. B. Smith & Ca. ELECTICtTY 1 Trcoxctu' Exc'nsîomR1 ECLECTIUO Onu I WorcucTrcr NTirera1 - Tr WErrIr IN Gat.u.-I'aiu carcot eas>wviere itl is'usor>. It la lire ieap- e st m elicine ever macle. one ose k k cres comion sore tireout. Onc baIlle iras auner> bronchillo. 'Fifty cents' i * ortir irs curer> an air> standing congir. Il pasitiveiy crres catarrir, asthme, arr> croup. Fifi>' centse wortir ias- curer> cricinlatire beok, sud tire semae quan- t, -tiI>' lamle dacia ai cigîltyeers' standing. i Tira tolloving cire earacîs fhem a tac of lire mmci> lellers tirai have heen re.c ceivud r> rmdifférent nparts of, Canaa, viia, vo tiring, abuhoaîbiresufficicut ha salis!>' lir most scapticil : J. couard i o! Sparts, Ont, vrxtes, "Senai me f6 r dozea Dr. Tiromas' Eoluctric Oul, have soir> eh I irer>from you, and vaut mrore t nov, ils cur-es uas Irrol> wonclerfui." W Wm. MeGuire, o! Frnukinu cries, III tl have soir> ail tire agent lefi. il acte liko ti a chen-lt vas slowe et firsl, binn b takai upiendiciino. H. Cale, oetj Ioua, nItes, "Peasofcer> Il 6dozer gt Tirats' Eciectrie Oi, I Wrn nesnl>' out al notising equals il. -Il is irigisi> recom- ru mande> b>' lieevirabaveued h" ' c J. liepfonni, TirimeEivilîe, wentai, "surir at once ci utumher suppi>' o! Eclecîmie 011, I have oui>' ariaballe bft. I ucv- si ror sac nythiirgsel Pc cdll tagive cr sobi genenal, satisfaction." J. Tirorp- sari, Woodfand, entes, "-Sarir me soma more Eciecîria Oul. I hava uod enlisa- 1>' ont. Noliring haIres like il." Milles & Beld, Ulvcrtonr P. Q., cnites, "Tise E clectria 011la gattinne a greai repua- th haon hune, arr> is dail>' cahier> for. B eadCl, us a furtir suppi>' cuisant dola>'."ie BEWAISE OF IMiTAToNs.-Ask tor Di. Thoamas' Eciecia i lI. Selirai the de signature o! S. N. Tlticonun is ou n ap. par, sud lire rîmes o! ýi'ortirrop, Y>- D, icren are blown lu tIre baille, arr> a7c noe olter. Soir> I>'!%Il imei cins r]ertl- ers. Prie 25 clu. NORTHREOF & 0 LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Prapriol;ors tarl tira Domainion.' NOTF.-Eýclectrie-Selecled dEl -ISÂAe B. DociAi, M. D., nrf Logan Co. Olcia, says ;-"ALLnN's Lucre BA:J4AIg PE TER SMITH, or k -SIMON FRASB, 'Whro aever reayl A8818T iHOME -INDU8TRY I -kAnr> ' bèýlpiicgdithe irlp themmelves, cansirig n u ai ta el pleu.eui uIRHome.- TRYBYIIliN's I~~~ n, 'Li m en t. Mac-ch 1hlm,MO 181Uth- Frent coci'~nsIuip ci WHIu _Y,Ga flarus-nsiStales' Pics fuirer parUlleas, 'apply ta JOHN STPICKLÀiID Oshuei' enta D. ORMISTON,-SoIlleltdÉ *hibby.L -Manoir 201h, 1878. (.131 THE ALBA NY SEED,8TURE,' >- M 'S ICKREBBOOKEB, Sncousçl»rn taV. IB. DOUW & Co, SEEBMIi',- -ALBANY, N. Y. Bd, 1ble Ser> b> Mail. Secc> daa au O a lioatal card for, eur illpshated catalogu.e 8~0 pages, 400 illuttlios. 8 Stit-e-PI, - lorilaligi lpfy sais, ing hiiba*ithe parti son for tire traIckaifSi - unenrpssuedfor lire su fsn~ac .Th~e si Teuligs Ilierea andi eariest ofeacomm gs~~erïfor 1$M.0 ai Docembor, iEUs, y payable la the moum pes cent. pwur uu, 1 peu due, dit lalcref cent. per aannm, aur> James Csmoron la linaroaf, nov tance> W ai lb. sair> James ci boumd"r>fai Iis va nisirlto aririsars lnuigAbalrie o the-ir cols, andr> dl nol prar> on doqcumçitancor. cpit olente mml lirohiros chuiraso1apascmli Va" ta neceiva copies ai si 'montsxq ir, a rej bbc qelting-Ieeo, Tii resltvepurce1 lo be In Sugistry Officei Abstrac , > Tirs Purnhsrs vii tirasoaisals to a i> fi tiroir Solicitor, tari peri aune>-, and vithi n o -PILthe balance ai il 1k c o ru 6 t b j o in t e r edc a! tire Pefonee. .Tirere 'IMite a rese cciA]s ,i.iyb'thie Master- tiens c1 sale aretite mEi tira Court of uras>. ea beoblaicor> ut the Xeith Gwedn Vendoe, ilaamd . 1 BUHi -Winl*y, -JÃ"oh 1akin, auto; and thesandersi gnar> courta l e t cbh< Dater> i8thManoir, 18I Z . .GORDON~, G Vendors' Solicitor,MW P UBSUANT, TO A Court et Ciancer>' of Lepper againar M.GENiTORS OF il Laie ai Pick"in tc he vira dier> in an about 1 1878, sre, anasr 301A Day Of . -'ro senUib post pneup H. B IIGS, a0lira liraSolicitorand <ofthe plai sar urnames adrlretse tira f ru psnlaa-ofaitIi mort c0 thirir cconit lise cusllicu ileny ira dofa i he& tha>' vii k excludoA- iram lire ber decrs~ey.iery Credilai curie is ta pasuce lires my ilambers et the: Tc tire CaucitofaiOntarioa, o Apsil, 1878, aI tari a'cloa on te lire appointai Date> ibis Otit da>' af 18-21n) GEO. 1 -DIaSolution of P e ximting helvee lu ZWAiRDS & CAMEBOij Contracters, bus hean durc k mulaceusent Au de muai ho pai> te A. P.CAh ail dcbls duo hy il vil be, k NOTICI .incocion o itir th caunIsdu. the firn ai Ç-AMEBoN, must bettlc Bave cosu.- MARITN& NO1011E, SIGN-AND ORNAMI Afine a'isartmeuh aiftire «vo HALL . ANli pROOli Vscsco desiguls oxeute> notice. MABTuI Tva doors nartir pi Rigs' k Street, 'Whithy. c A U T EACHI PLU-G 0F THE - «MrtieNa vy-7 TOM THUMB 8 E DRi >BESCBIPIr' <ne1 for -the speer» cura ai sommnai veakaes s bmi 'o, a> aidirenraÃugirl'o.b ladi ilions on, exeus. r> -- - dihs-h grer>ients. -Afdreus DAV]uN & Co., Nasaà i sI., N. Y..; m.4 kALTHOSE WISmIIG k Gi