Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Mar 1878, p. 1

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ADUlTISMANTAS. US A mete measuelLu <opaweina r&a~eathef ifOcenls, per lino,S*s Bpeaeotrdll made wl*b aleIeu *bybJ:oob le.avrs.os uui5luri t8. 6u8inea8 Direoitory. OILTARIO flÂNE, WIrITBY BBANOHx TxOMÂ8 Dow, FAROWELL &E-jUTLEDGEI, - QOae Isi door seuth cf.th Rya Ectel, *hltby. B a 1 AMES RTB> .A J. il. TAREWLL, L. L. B., Qouty crewuAltorney. 4 JAIMSKEITU GORDON, :AUISTER & ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, M JSolloitor lu Cbaucer, Counvancer if"aryPubUe d&o.OSoe-OerMrAd- disons store, irok StreetWltby, Ont. CKÂKOLAw, C. K TLL a ton, Book, .',W. cos Str@ýt, Oebava. A. G. NeoMILLAN, (Late Grssuwood &d Millan.> MeSUHTE R, ATTOENEY, BOLIO. j1cr, Notar Public, Ccnvsysucar. Cf. fice-Byron. Sîreet, Buth cf Poet Office, Wbltby, Ontario. RB11NqON & JLENT, (LAT» DUOcAe E& Reer.BON.) BDABRISTER-AT-LAW, ATTOBN. @>o,* Soliitors, Convay&ncers, &o. F Offle-,>rouluncial Assurauce Buildling., court Street, Toronto. 3.G. ROUINleN, X. A HUasarZIA. 2..KENT. Go YOUNG ONITE, L L. B.,, 13ARRISTEE, &o., &o.-Mfouay te Loua Bsuer cf Mrriage Llcens. Orrmoz-Over Dominion Bank, Wbltby. Jau. 22,1878. (tf.5 CAMERON & APPELDE, 13AIRISTERS, > Attorneysal.tLaw, aud ,B Solicitors lu Chancerz, No. 4 Toronto etreat, Toronto. HECTOR CANERON, 0.0. (Iy.48) R. 8. APPELBE. - THOMAS HUSTON, T OWN CLE1SK AND TREASURER, LWLtby. Offtce-Tovu Hall. Heurs, froni g te ie'clock. R. J. GUNIN, rd. D., S CURGEON TO TIE COUNTY GÂOL, IByron Street, Whithy. Or. W. J. BURNS. Oicn-Nezt door te Cmnoicza Office. 1M Reideuce, atMr. Levis Houck'e. BY~RON FIELD, M. Bi. p 11YSICTAN, SURGEON, &e., Duifn' £Crek. Wm. mc»RIEN, à.D., M.R.Cs.t fl JY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., t he aya R. 0. H. L.0 Oshawa, Ontario. CÇARD.- DU. 1DOGAUT, Phystian, Surgeoiê, Accoucher, &o., &a. Whilby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, 3.DEMý1-TTWI ST.. T,3 00MB OVER IR. H. JAMESON'S XI >Grocery Store, Duniiae.st., Whithy. OfiRce hours from 9 .m. le 12 m., and from 1.80 to 0, p. m. Reideuca--Cor. cf Byron sud çilberit streals., C, N. VARS. L. D). S. à2mrEETRinserted on al 1hé ;CM -I atast principles cf the art, se cheap as the cheapaît, audsas good s the boat. Teeth filll d vth Gold sud Suler. Teeth eztracted vitholt pain, by produciug local anustbeas. DentjRoomm-.lu Cow. su'& uew block, ovar AtkLusou's Drug Store, King Street, Oehswa. 8 TIIOMAS DEVERILL, BUILDER AND OCONTRACTOB, DUND48 8T., WHITBY. lâr AU erders promptly exacuted * JOHN RODI'450N' TlAIft DRE SSING AND SHAVING XI' Saloon# Brook Bt., Wlthy. JOIIN WOLFENDEN, A -GENT FOR THE CELEBRAT.ED £XScotlîb Granite. At Marble Works ctlenatissnWelfenden,Duzidas St., Wbitby. GEORGE CORMACK, LUIBER HERCHANT, CARPENTER msud Jounerp, Green Street, Whilhy.À JAMESW.BA y r[ONKPCLERE (Hast Whlthy), COMMISSIONER CO URT 0F QUBEN'8 ]IENCH, CONVYÀNOING ýAND GENER- AL INSURANÇE AGENT. - -TIhe Clark will bc i~ hic office lu the Town Hall, Columbhus, ou monays sud Vriday., for Townsip business. Offic heurs, 9 a. m. te fi p. Mo. Mercis 211h, 1877. 14 WILLIAb~CoOOPER, BLACKSMITH,--BRUHM (Successor ta Thomuasi iddugh,> Hors.eisoeiug sud -al kindi of ganeral work. ly.52 lerk vsi, ,rtp Crk Ccmnasisiousr i R ., Land Agent, &c., bc-.P Alhsrly, County Otro Alh8rlv Stept. 2,1872. 80 *W . J. EINMAN, OSHAWA, VeterinarY- Surgeon, WiII li aI Armtrong'.hali tby, aery April 25,1877, STORE A&ND DWELLfl<G TO LT Dweli ~lMrit, a New Store sud 49 01 ittad up sud vth every * nac8seary accenmcdstlen. - Appiy te- Mac8,1677J. H. MoCLELLAN.f. Butèhep, - - ufflns' Oreek, EG TO NOTIVY TEE PUBLIC tisaI they w7in hava cutalliy on isauI ai Prices té esit the limas. Aei uclat ta, -DO R eO'LEaBY, VOL. XXII. JOSI2PE À. BANDEL', PBOPBIBTOB. Thb h ous. as beaurecently bull lu fsh Lager Zeer. ôdetabling ma, n- olceed yard; attentive ollera. 4 R"TRUNK BAILWAY HOTEL, =opste G. T. B. Station,) Wbitby.. WU. O'NEILL -PROPRIETOR. Every accommodation for guesla, Inuld. lng comfortabie, afry bedroosnu, Meals at al heurs. MI ThéSBr IDYU gppUedWith boit brande of Liquore, Wlues randies, igne. &o. Every nec.esery irection given to Good 8tabling, encoesd yard, and allen. tive oslrs.-4 C MMEBCI.AL HOTEL, OAETWIGT, ONT. jAlfln- ýz-- PROPRIBTOR.1 God accommoatIon 11-1 c OUMERClAL HOTEL and BTABLEJS, 64 and 66 .TarvL-treet, Toronto. JOHN MeBAB, . - -PBOPBIBTOB. <sUCEiOB TO JOHN HILLT,) The beat 01.010 a D&y Houges luth. City, only lin bocks front tha-Nertheru Depot and close oc the Market. The Rouse huabeeu newly Fltted outaund every-thing P'rt.laes. (ly.47 MES. WALKEY'i TEMPERANGE HO USE, DUNDAS.STREET, WHITBY. Geod accommodation at reanonable terme. Bosrders $2M50per yack. 46 TEz QUEEN4'S IOTEL, (LArE COOMNBCIAL,) BEOO-5TREET, WR3ITE?, TAYLOR &e MoCiNN, PROPRIEITORS. The nndersiguad desira te inform their friands sud the public that lhey-h»-ve takan the aboa val kuowu hotel, vhlch they bave siewly filted up and renovatedt, and put inte thsebhast cf order for the accommoda. tion oF 8nesta. Tha Bar, whlch Le the baud. eomeol iu the County, le well suppliad wltb lb. fluait brande cf vines, liquors, and ci- gare. Ample anclosed shed rmm and good tablng, boxz stalle, &oc. Detached roome for commercial travallers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. late cf Toronto. HOA RTEL, ý R i W RIT BY , JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIBIlOR. -Tise lergeel sud meet commodione isotai lu te istowy; bas large suspia rooms for commercial travalars. Tabla vdll supplied vith tisa beet lu seesen. Besthrsnds liquers sud cigars. Henlosed y ardsud shedreous; attentive hostiers. Chaergas te ut lia lime. N. B.-Livery ettached, 27 J QENSON HOUSE, EAST MARKET SQUARtE, TORONTO. INSURANCýE. A88uranoe Cornpany - INCORPORATED 1833 ASSEBT8,#1101,87869L; Inunrancas aecteda stthe leveat current ratee on Buildings, Merchtisde.,sud etier preperty, againet tees or danage by Steé., Wbltby, April 11th, 1877. 17 -'. c'- Depoelt vilb Dominion Govemment #0,. 000. Expariencad Agents bisiongiout the Dominon. Pire Rîiait, csriiUen a det dqaie ates. Agent, whiliy. Wbltby, April i7th, 1877. 17 S HRNR I BBPREINSURARCE CO. Lombard st. and Charing Cross, London. E.8TÀBLISHHCD IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., R. W. TYRE, Manager, Monîreal. A GENCY EBTABLIBHED IN CANA- ILDA in180. 'unimited llabillly cf all the Stockholders, and large Reserve, Fnnds. Moderale rates of premnm. Agent, Wbithy. Wblthy, April l7th, 1877. 17 JMPERIAL LOAN AND INVffST- MNT COMPANY. CAPITAL, 0600,000. Head OfiRce, Imperîal Buildings, Toronto. PEESIDENT:AKI: HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL OANADIAN BANK. sBoLxcITen :-G. D'Arcy Boulton. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Parmi, at Loy Rates cf intarest. Apply to-- C. NOURBE, Appraiser, OR To E. H. KERTLAND, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. April 1Sth, 1877. 17 ONTARIO FARMERS' w .G. JOHNSON,-- PROPRIETOR.1 Mutual Insurance Co'y. Tasses, $1.00 por Day. Stahling in con- neeticu. 42 BRBITISH AlMERICANRHOTEL, R AY 'S8 (LAT£ ]05505 SOUS.) WHIT.BY, ONTARIO. Houses uwly renovalef sud f urulebed throughoul, aud put lu first-clasa .order for ha recapticu of gu este. Au omnibus te sud O NTARIO HOTEL. WHRITBY, ONTARLIO. THOS. MÂSON, PROPRIETOR. -Superior accoinodation. Table, snpplled wlthbehst lu seasos. Ganuine liquora. igar, best brande. Bhlard rooni. Roomy stables andi shede. 40tf s HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Cor. King&A York-etc., Toronto, Ont. J.A.O'GRADY, - PROPRIEiTOR. TERNe, 81.50 1151 DAy. ly.47) ]POST OFFICE S&LOO1f, Toui3o. le MCONNELL, - -.-FROPRIETOR. Mr THE BE8T ACCOMMODATION elt for Gueste. (ly-47) LUMBER!_LUMBER 1 ce JO H NSBON, LUMBER MERCHANTeý W HIT"B Y, Ha. on baud a large eupply of ail kinds cf Barn Lumber Boards, sud .&1 ncceeiazy Building Lumiser. Fenciug, Sawn Timuhar, and ,Scautling, a large quautlty on baud. -Large ordere for Long Bill Stuff, filled frcm Mills et short notice. Doors, Sasisan sd Blinde alysys on baud. Wbilisy, May 7th, 1877. ly.2O K ING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importere, Dealers sud Manufacturera ef aIl xindi cf LEATHEI? AND FINDING3, Cash paid for Ridai, Bark. sud Lastber. Leather stetacbd. 1is -BELTING MA E TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 THEPÂKERWUN *CNiS sAaeP FOR CIRcULAIS PARKER BR's WEST MERIDENC0T.J M OMET TOLUD Thse undareigneid bas any amnt cfMou- ey te Leuil upon Parm or Tv Proparty, at uuunsyLv ates et Interest. Lessanbe repald l in s it dber- BaveraI Improved Parmi sud Wlid Lands fersa" chos il. l uilslDbs turas, Bank, sud ether rnsrksttâle Stocka. Foi furthar parliculars -apply le JAMES HOLDEN, OfflalalAmegnae, Broker, &0s. Bpril ts, 570. 1 HEALTI-IRESTORED 'l Ransady Free fer lb. saeily cnreet neuvous debly ,~premvitur.e " les mub uvaohieI. au EBAD OFFICE, BROCK-ST., WEITBY. T IRIS COMPANY inaures rm Bufid- - ings, Country Cisurchas, Behool Houýàs a udtiir Contents at ratas as Loy as lice cf ny veil-estabiÎhed Company lu Canada. JUST LOSSES PROMPTIY PARD J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILL1S, President. Vice-Presfdeut. C. NOURSE, BECNETAMr. Rates cf Insurance no 1ev that 25 Cents teull iLuer$100 for twalve monih.,! Wiltby, Oct. isI, 1877. -41 N ORTU BRITISH l& MERCANTILE F/IRE INSURANCE COMPANY1 Saie, sud reliable, charge. moderato, prompt sattlemant cf dlaims. GEO. YULE, Agent. Whilby, June 2, 875. 28 MAJOR- MILLS. -e- T. P. WHITE Hae resumad control cf thse Major Mils aud . s.preparad 10 psy THE HIGHEST PICE 1 FOR ART QUANTITY dalivared aIt tha Mill in Whltavala. Ha vili make avers' effort te give eutira satisfaction te thosa vho may patrôuiza thse Mill vils their GRISTING. FLOUE AND FEED cf the Bail Qnality, sud at Reasonabla Prices, vill aise ha kapt contantly on baud and fer sala. Whltavale, Oct. 10, 1877. d2 liament cf Canada aI is next Session for an Ad vestint. the real aund personal prcp. erty ovned by "Thea Port Whitby Harbour Compauy," in trustees and enabliug them, te sMa and ccuvey the said property te a purcissear or purchaisers, and te ap1 the prpeeds cf sale as diracted hts etvl and testament of Chester larper, late of the Tovn cf Whitby, lu thea Province cf Ontario, decesaeadufor other puapoies. DAVID FISHER, An Executcrocfsaid Will. Toronto, Dec. 12, 1877. 62.91u House, Sign, t Carrnage Painter, RETUItNS iis sincera tisanks ta tise Citizeus cf Wiitby sud viciniiy, fer the patronsagea Satovad on hlm diurng tise peet yaar. He le nov preparal 10 do Housa, ' Sigu sud Caxrnage Painting, Graining, Varanlhing, Polishiug, Stalning, EKslsomcuing, Papering, &c., vith nastuese anA dispaleis, et eatiefactory puices. SPEGIAL ATTENTION TO COUNTRY ORDER8 i SHOF-Firet door vaît of old Methodist Chmreis - Hà. B. WELLS FOR SALE AT A DISCOUNTI S CRIP, qeoa for pevment cf tuition aI lise Oztsiuo Busiàess Collage, Belle. vile. APpMh NCL 0t OC. Notice to the Public!1 NEW COAL YARD AT PORT WHITBY. W. ara slling tise WILESBAERE sud WYOMING COAL, lie hast tha Ameuian marita sords. Leave y ou ordure vitis Mr. J. H.Leu'pg, or wLhB E. W. Arnold, ahttise office lieth laIe C. Draper, Witby Harbeurm genure tise abeve-namseilCeai. Yen vl thon testify, as ail others vbo hava iseadil -thâtaI ilel "'The Beet Cool oe, aold ln Whtbyf," AIBIOLtD &FAREWELLe &s.U4~ ~-- -~Y 1 L 'W Fnouri Fleu. LA N ) 5l-q )m Townashlp oi dity, COVNTY OP The follovlng landi Oat. S Vomera, Counlyeof fole i-~ ' ,Tb*WeticiLot!, Ch.aJ>.r tsa04#XOeqss orah At th, zominien Flcinsdad Store, rs.BIcot, Hs io, g4da tre WlbArlCHA". PRNEILEGION. 9Vty pi 41h, 1876. , . la NEWMitUSIC HA LL, MUSIC PUBNI8HHD WHEN DIERBD. Becating Capacily, Oue Tbousand. GbC. HOPRINS. Whitby, Ct. 22,.187. Y WALZ'S LAGIER wMby È .,Unîe ancîfor my Lagrin WhIbYtO. B CL sand "hai audeavour te supply an articlàhe blv ic1.satisfaction te those Who palroniz, TUES MEHN WALZ, - Toronto. Best and Freshest WU.Là IWAYS BE FOUND AT THE WHITBY HOUSE. - J. A. BANDELL le aise soie Agent for Walz'e Lager Beau for tise Couulj cf Ontario. A FINE ARTICLE 0F PURE CRIER. FARM FOR SALE, miile frous iba flourising Town cf k'arkhill; about 60 Acres c=eaan u a geodtale et cuitivation; blncaai imsre ith hardyol. Brick hou.e. Larga uev trame bamn sud stable, vils plenty cf isard sud sofl water. About four scies cf an orcisard vili chie fruit trees. SoU, clay leam. Possession eau hcarsrangea te suit pur. aser. Por partionlara addres- J. W. POWELL Parkhill - or P. W. f'OWELL, BrookiUn. Octobar 18, '77. -j CH INA HALL, SION OF TREEnIG JUG (BEeîsTrzan) 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. Fsnoy Breakfast sud Tee Sets. Panay Dinuar sud Dessert Sets. Panay BaI-roumSeBts. F'aucy Juge sud Teapots. Silver PlatarI Kuivas, Forks sud Sponoe. Bilvar PlaterI Cruets sud Butter Coolara. Silver PlaterI Cake Baskets. Ecilgara' Kuivesansd Fouit.. Tes rayeasd Scuvera. Plcvcr Shadas for Lily's., & Glasivere, ail desoriptes White Stoea e., avary kind. Hotel sud Bar Goodi. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. WrIBY, PORT FERRY le LINDSAY CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Takiug affect on Wednesday, Nov. 141h, '77. Leava Arriva Leave Arriva TEAIB INN 0550aNOBT. Wslby..- 10.05 .. RaniU&s- liAi p2.12m. Liudsay....:*'1.00 TrsecouresouTE. Lindhsay... .... 7.10 s. ns., Manillai ....... 7 Port Peu-y,. 8.40 Wblftby. aIl... 94 0.45 ps 7.54 9.11 3.15 p.. 4.05 Fer limaest ether stations, sec Pokat Tima. Table, te ba hsd ou application tocauy cf the Compauvi Agents.. Connectlng et Lindsay vlth the Victoria Railway for Fenelon Falls, BobesgecuKin- mout, s!lden Halbuton t en ree rs Terrltory, and [ha ltailway for Woodville, Beayarton, Oris, Waubauehena, vis, Orilla with Northern Railway, for Gravanhurgî, Bracabrifigeansd tihe Prea Grant Liande cf Muekoka. Tbrongh Tickets are linaud by anl Agente cf the W. P. P. &eL.* R'y fcr Toronto. and by G. T. R. Ticket Àganis, !ýoronto, fer aul station. ouW. P. P. 4L. ey.No tranaler chags Baggage cÉckefi though.g .JAMES HOLDEN, Wiltby, Nov. 9, lm7. Msnagiug Dfractor. THE sien, coouestlugcf1-0br. ifle acr doms e.lot; on whe~aiE ,e tb.-si"aoe, a good ma&L Tbe prcperty i eUlyV ota Mine e rm a rallastaionei0 thleb. VLc*r i&m7iaund- emfrlb LoW7, L tbe litb oession, couistin cf 900 acres.- Tha ed, &vllà imbare the lotgntalocfvlabeea. b.ll, vhLcb Is but oSu..sfml bem a ralway* aletiou on lb.VictoriaRa. *&y. -The aohutry acni ~ld Mesure. Jebn Giodomna,dD llIvis nonai Klmouttt, vhflaowibe-property. Fer Ternis e f Sale, aPPly to- JAS. WALE R * Moray P. O. Onlri, or ta Aug 22ndl, 1877. - 8 ueF. VON MAYER, O p >ROCHESTER, hai ltsly ive& Is Wbltby, sud in preparei te Tuna and esprPlanes, Organsd Meloileonse moderato charges hagàa resident lu Wlsit- by Saobas reduo2ed isÉrine.of tualng, dc. To Tuuing square Pianos f1 80 la GrandoriTrleord 200 Ail eiders loft aI Mu. J. Johnotoifs javel. ry store, Geldemitla ei, vil ha promptiî attauded te. Satisfaction ieu or ne psy. N. 11-Aise agent for Pianos sud Organe. 82-11 LIVEPOOL MARKET i CASH FOR GRAIN, T e hadeivereil aI Frenchman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN on RealLEelata, et Loy Rates cf Intarcat. J. H. McCLELLAN. January 9th, 1877. tf-8 c H O I APPLE TREES, ABO U T 75,000, -AT TEE- HOME NURSERY, Prom Ivo te four yaara cf aga,ausbracing sU lia hast Vaziaties. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Ne. 8, Lur Cen. Pickering, on Kingston RoarI, ast Office, Whithy. L IST 0F THE DIVSION COURTS eF»THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TE TEAII 1878. a m Whith1.1' 21 1 i 2 2 1 ~ Br àiai 2 21 3 8 2) Poterry,1 17 211 26 4 12 14 27 Uxhr de~ 16 2211 I6111i15j20 C m"u 7 14 122' j 'l. 19 Beaer'uj' 13 î 191 9 1 8i Atherly.. e 111 181 8SI 17 GRO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Juilge Wisitisy, Jauy. 7th, 1878. - ISAAC DOUGLASS, A RCBIECT,-Plsns sud Spacifications cf the LATEBT Dsisse, preparea on tis horteat notice Besidcuce, - - Caius-St., Oshava. Peet Office addrasi, Box 152, Oshsawa. (5 GEORGE BitITTON, IPRA&CTICAL CA IIiIA GE c&WA GON MANUFACTURER of tisa Doubleansd il[Single TU ' Drll .Improvemeul PATENTED CHURfNS, CANADiN AIT GA 8/Jwa.ns, Buggies, Sleighs, couetantly on -o:- The Canadien Gas Machina le an auto. matie gas.meking1apparatus. It ie desig cd a a smass wh icis factoriesp ml= ô hotels, churches,vdydilings, or buildings of eny klud, situstea lutisa country, or ha- yend tise reacis cf coalgas mains cf cities, may heasnpplied vilh a saLe sud chaap gem ligRit. These 'machines are simple cf censtrue- tien, net lhabla te gel ont of ordari raquire nd akili te manage, are madIe lu a substan- tial and durable maner. Tbay eccupy litile epace, ara set up et imail expenia, andr ara aqually edapted for lightiug tise largeit mli, factory, public building, or tisa imallait dvailing, arc ne nev or untried thiug, but hive beau in constant sud oe-c cesîful use Lu ail parte cf the country, iseth vintar ana eummer, for yers. The gai ma.I bythse Macinas le. usually kuevis as cerhnrated air gas, ieing* cùmn iýair impregnateaw itb gasolîne. [t humne vils a rich brigist fame, fnly quel to tisat produced b y ceai gaî, icouductad through pipes sud omnamantal fixturas, vilS tha isma couveniauce sud eafaty. No fira le usad in tisa proese cf manufactura aun buildings lighted hy il are lueured eZ- the ame rate. as thongh ceai gas vas uîed. Tisa coît cf this gas for lihit, aqisal te ona tbouîand fest cf coal gem, varias from oua dollar sud fifty cents to Ivo dollars, baing about oe-hall 1h. yrice of coa gai. Te, material from vhich gas le mades hy our machina is lesevu commarcleily as gesol, a light, volatile cf patrolenm. Estimta given for lighlsng and beating buildings. Bathe, Water ClosaIs, Pumpo, Garden Fountaini; Ruisher Hase, Gai Fixturas, lu Bronze sud Crystal, etc. SCOTT & PHEILLIPS, Sole Manufacturare. Plumbers, Gas and Staam Flittera, 156 York Street# Toronto. Augut Stis, 1877. tf.88 Farm to Rent. T HE ABX llaly ccupleil by Mr. N. rUayLob28, Sud àcon., WMbt. Cou- tns190 acrs-ilo heaa undar cultivatlen.-Good Houe. anA buildings, large Oreisard, dc. EligiSly situsted, le- med telyoulside tise limite cf the corpora- tion. Apply te- - 187?. F. E. GIBBS, sept. M it- Osaa, Ont. IGOOD IWS POR TEE LA DIES. À~ NEW BULVELÂTION IN -THE SCIENCE OF DBEBS-MÂKING. COENWALL'88L-IITN WAlUT l& SHOULDER CHARI'. Dresses-ittedm meurml 1n wusent changeof a etiteis. Fer sa", viti fusautrut st Miss McIN2'YRE' auiixEx oxvvy REPA IRING la Doeue ou the sisortast notice. ff GRO. BRITTON, BrocS Street, - - - - Whitby. Octeher 22, 1877. ly-44 C OMMENCING ON MONDAY, May 7tb '77, and until furtiser notice, traius.vill LEAVE PORT HOPE for Lindsay, Pater. bora'. LaJsefld, sud inlarmadiata peints, et 5.80 a. m., 10 a. m., and 4.80 p. m., and for tisa Geergien Bey, Wau- baushane, sud intersnedLate points, et 10 a. Zn. Trains arrivea asfollovi. FROM Lindsay, Pelerhoro', and Lakefllad, aI 8ea. m., 12.80 P. ni., sud 6.55 p. m., sud from thse Georgian Bay, Wanisau- shene, sud intermadiste pointe, ai 6.65 P. m. For furtiser partieniars sea Packt Tima Cara, 1 ha bad aI ail Stations. H. G. TÀYLOR, A. HUGEL Superintendent. PreÏiAant. 18 STILL ALIVE, A RD tisenkli for past f avers, eclicits aà continuation o f tise saine. UNDERTAKING DONS AS USUAL. M-- Dundas Street, Wilby, near Wis., P. P. le Ley. R'y. Station. Witby, Jany. 4th, 187. * S.f I STRUCTION ON TREPI pANO- FORTE AND ORGAN. 81NOINS AND 6SNINGC LASSES TAUGHT 1 MR. GEORGE C. WIGGINS, B.A., Baet te nnunce thât be vil undaitake lia itruction cf pupis enlihe PIMo, m. lodacti. sud -orsaàn. on ueass 5.ia 1 t, sa Wwsrazc suozuartw,& wàua mi.: Re heu t a ea Iltula*hile Tis tep ewn"sBff,.tbâ deor 1ev vida, Wltb tateiy pacesud siev Iu vaiked,-a evordetlck Iu bis baud, The muaiug Plnipo. Tise envop th flb nt chair, Butewvr&es1 The 44blu okhse 'IWO hoped,' 1u lh, tsahere, aI lesat Discussion vudb r. o. And Reaos olce aloneaSsert cl Har muid supremacy. ktBut boy can va dauiberas t-Unvaxad b y varaI alarma, -Wbsn vitis t dre«sdiordsticit there Yon raine tie$clubh cfara? Thay tnrned te, business, but Lu vain; Neîising could be discuesed:. -Tbsyi oyered lu aacb otser'. oyez y Witi mutueal distrust. Their toue rev igb, thair lauguage low, Dissension fiereely burusd, rTise pan e e split, theJspar te ru, Thise Lu o verturu a.f5licked Svord.blads fiaiad oui, s' -.g eotere' Expled, sud relvedl; *And l e au.eof uproarwvld Tisa Conférencea isoived. But thea iurvivorsa mlagrea Thel tiseeray muet date Prom Hnglsud's il-advised ettempî To overava debate. And for tis trife visich Ibret acide Pair Peaca'. plscld charme, Tlseyilams tisa vicked Plenipe Wbho ralaed tise "claubsof arme." The Maeter of Ruahen. (Coascluded.) f "Willia, l'Il ne deny tîsat partiug vi' imeney gaes bsard vi' nia;- but yen are i' saoi danger, and I vould-ua, darnt, set geld bafore your imusertal soni- for-by, I promised tbem that ara desd te, care for yen-se l'ne gie you a han. 'rad peunds, an' yen 'all vipe a' scores dean." The od man had beau gazlng ateadi- Iy oer lise 'çater, but nov ha Iurned te, Willis sud held ont bis baud. Willie teck it with aager ackuowledg- mente ef bis sorrov and gratitude. lu- deed, the master had tisa reputation of beiug se vary close sud usar, that le 1could net help expressing amazemant eit hie generesity. Tise lest word gava a li111e offense. "I'mno n genereus, Willie, an' I don'1 vaulte L, e," ha said ; -II henne a notions o' auy kind, but Irmai lb.h law e' God, sud I1lise fonnd i' il mair ras- asonothsan en' fer uaing a hun'rad pounda V' lisebusineis." "6If yen would net tell Chris, master, ,-Io "IWhal duv ye lak' me for ? I'd cut niy laft baud aif if il vent blabising abool my rigist baud. To.morrow nigist you'll ove uaathing but lova, sud I'us lhinking yen ara deep i dabt thal wsy te pretty Brada Otale. What in v raug belvean yen 2" "IShe iese prend sud jaIons, sud yull net sec that I caunot b ha isI vas visen va voskad lu Cisis'a fields 3togethar." 7"Wby net ? ::I hava beon et collage ainca, sud lu a'r dfferet Soiety. Kitly Jeffect' sude1K1]Este Hmilten are differeut vom* en freni Brada Grale. Tisan Brada bas ne tact; lhe etiser niglit. vien I vau riding villi Mise Hamilton, vs mat Brada in ber Maux dresas; sud bacanse I did net stop te, speak le lier, sha saut mea weril'neyer te dorea b speai te lier again.'"$ -'Slie did quita riglil. Yonr fathar au' ]3rada'a tather est i' tisa came beat tegelliar aide by sida for tburty yaar- fat frion's-sn' yen vers 'ebarned o' bis daugistar iBSke migist val lbiuk acorn o' yen." 'II sisaîl get easy over ber accru. Wlian Chris spaut ail bis savigs ou my educatien, lia masut me to bicorne a man ef peaitien. I sha it aitnltise Hanse cf Kays yat, leader cf the visole lcur-snd.twenty o'f tisen. Deemiter Kelly bold ie axcelleuoy tisaI I vuas hem re rtor. I cannot marry auy oue but a lady, and Brada ougist to, under- stand tisat 1" 11jusî sa I I'm nanaeo' Brada Grale's kmn, au' I neyer meddle uer niak' vi' venien-folki au' thair busi- nase ; they isa beau suce undar tisa Trea o' Kuewledge, an' tisey mostly Sert their ain sida veel enou'." Se naxt day Wîllis gel lteelinndred pounde, sud teck hiii usme off tisa tradessua'bohoks. But what debter aer confessad ail tisaIlie ovad ? Wihiie ceid uelhiug cf hie biR fer vina et tisa iotlior eoftisa meuey hliel baot cnly a few rIsys bafoeast Ca ptain Heveard's vhisl-party. 8111, Lis g leokad liopeful te hlm nov, sud lia marIa many reecîlieus tisaI ouly uaaded cprying eunt te ha admirable oeus.In vite osf iigiser esoial standinsgsdvi more wealth aud educalion. Abottisaeend ef September li. lier- ring-li]sing vsu over, Anld Chrilibegmn -te buil an addition te tse old atone bougesof Therkel. Thse masSerteck greal luterast lu thse vork, aud promis. ed terefurnlsl h.e, solàa vafling bW tora mHneua'ssige, vblcb vas le take plalu nthe -spring. Thsis aud Willla's loe-aftair Ikept hlm funi et plenaaulPlans ; tor Wlllie vasnov tise dealarad ,rival dc ap"ti oyard toi Miss Rata Hslltou's Iaud, sud lise master couîd net bear th.e et "dany prend Engleber pitilug Wjiie te ,tisé va5." No vouan comid'bave ýshows more interest uWhlesPlans, sud hlo asd doubla ;':and to me.Willeé sud Este rldlng tupetbar, or to heïr thal sbe huA prelsmüd Wllle for li danse, made the, master as radiant as if1h trup oeehown ,feellng neo -pus -ssce stus nnmlg-taokam.-sucd veut aiesc., net vithouitvendu at tise unuisal order. Ho ad lne- esi cf« svil ntl"Iio Itod face te face vilS th. offcer sud Wifie Thoikel ; thoas ha tremble sudturuealâck. 1.: ; i«Uàter; -,sala lise deemater, .vills as p.aqtemotloB, 1*1muast étW1)i Tbcrkel te yeu ke.plugý. Tiea va beau grva chagesmAde againalhim.', " Wli aïeaayon doue, air P" sd4tis master graspei tb. tramblUgË lad byl the aisoulder se paaiouastely . tisailise. deemeter luterfered. "Patience, master, i Tispaarer tour warranta tor debb against hlm, sud Captalu Hamilton ma iÎsa ho bas lest at Play tylcé e ba sry. - He adssises me te look at rmy acoonute, sud I hava - put tisa deemster's booke lu jeffeelî'. lis. Willie viii bear me vituasa tistab ioula neyer bava takan Ibis .stop if lie vonîd euly bave givan me lis word et henor-tbal l vas riglit. lu a veait I sisall esl a court, sud accuse or houerebly qxeuerste yeur prisener, tli Ib ee àlunyenr charge." "Capeain Hamilton deoleakens weel, jour houer, wvisaumosWillle Thoritai bas lest; bo gel lisem a'. I venîrI lik. te lise tise raceiver ad veel a the thiaf." "Be caratul, master ; tisa gentleman yen speak of le lu ber majety's service." "An' 1h. dail'a likeyie ; -but I bag yeur houoe' pardon-viere ami I te kaaep tisa lad ?"ý "Parold hlm in yu aartmeut ef Bushen yen lisink hesl. Ha, basa rigst. t* te baosidcred innocent 1111 prevenj 0 Thé master boead, sud, turning te a Wihlia, Baia, "You'il foilow me, air." Hlea pc5. ne otiser yard, net aven viseni hae laft.hlm lu tisadreary roem, vit is lîs -coîrI stoue-alan sd singla stripetf ligisl -freni s narrow bootisele. Ih vas as if a lie lied uddauiy lacozue s very d man. HP' ataggerad tevard (haeflre- place of lite ovu 1111e parler, sud -crcuchisa silantly ovar il. Monag vho lied beau luaxpressibiy ebeoked aI *vliat ssacliaid esen, waiteda a11111e, sud Ilianj vaut sud kualt dovu baside hlm. Ha siseek bis basa pitifully, but Aid not an- ever lier appea. Prasontly ho liflerIj tbis Bible sud vaut slowly eut into tisaI aPreseuca visera ne, eue dareil te dis- turb hlm.1 Chris vas net long lunliaaring cf tisaj calamily tisaI had betallan tisae ; sud lie sud Houageltishe flrstisitteruass cf Ihair grief oer batora tisa maîter joined tisae, HEsSihour's seclusien lied von- das-fnlly trangthanad hlm. Iltha.bc hooved me te speait vi' Qed sant, thie aorrew, bairus, bafora I sald auglit te1 yen ; but nov, Chrie, lat us go au' sec tvhat may be dons for lthe puir, mis.A guided lad. Tisey spautt Io heurstil 1Wlia, sud cama SacS te Moea ry mueli dapresaed. Ona thonglit occupied eaci heast, but naither likad (c giva il voie. At ieugtl Chais said, "Tiîra te only one thiug te be dens.." "An' tisI tbing I au naitsar usait' nor, meddla in-ydt if Wiiie coula ba spared Ibis abame su' aorrow i11 venid, parbapa, yaî, I would promise te unt tise moeay rigisl. Little I thoobt va I've beau uaviug fer s' lisesayears l"-t sud, ne longer able te contrel ble fuel. ings, lie agalu, left tise rooni. Tisu en na id, I"Willie must be gel away, ijbris. III Suov. If I boa oly sema woey fer bine i But I paid for lise work ou Tisorkal twe day. ago. 1 have net five pounds, sud lu Ibis sifar tise mastert cau't hslp direelly or indirsctly." III cau -gai the money £hem Brada I Grala by te-merrov nigliht."r As Brada's naine vas spoean, tisera vas a littla stir ait the door ; aud, visite as a gsosl, lier bIna cleait sudliecd dripping vith lie atorm, sb6 atood ha-M fore tisae. Tbay made ione for lia a tise fic, sud Menstearly ramoed t barval ciotbing. "Wbat brongit yen Ibrongl tisa store, Brada T" 'II knew Willio vas lu trouble." "Whso toîr yen 9"a I eev hie thia mcrning, sud I kmev vel lia vonld nasA lise aightypotina I bave brouglt ithl me." ?I E l'Yen sew hlm ths. ernig 8 "6Ye I dramed et hlm. I yak net t made te drame tise way I did fer non- t sonsa-no, inteal 1" t Than vhila Brada daied lier test, asud ste semas boiled bread-audulktlay 1 Ialkad oer alI possible plans, util one.c snddenly took a teasible sisaalui Chrizs0, mimd. Ho gel up sud loft tisa vomn, faklng Meuas cleak witis hlm, sud visen 1h. mering davued Wilia vasmi net lu tise castla, uer Chuis ailisr. l Tisa master lied net dreamed o c t, rida meve, sud wss genuiualy eur- teie outiualy tllig esacis elisaer bey muais À 1ev questions sud saere suffffed.1%l "lWherelbushgsue to a I "Nev Yonk." n "Whera dIA ho muai fa'V", "LlvaT«pcol.", "Hov Aid je gin tisera?", "W.coeinlumy esil-boalte S t. Il Bee's Headl-made tis@ tisiy mles b.pg fore-S neonnxî day-sud vere jus inu i lima for the. steamer hiais heves Wiilelven evary aftarnoon for lAver- poo ra vit vas 017 el" auj- 0 ensU«y e "Brada.breuiabt llmlhsy poude"W IllýMdidýrMseâj-y' à ktow bi the Vo Ueulssosh sudweut atraight le Bushi. -As ià Jsappenea tse master ,wus nesi tii. Abersuàd aseed hie suammene bimualf. Ha, knvWwihliea t oce. "BEh, laidaie, V'là.eged, jeyfuily, "but Im tisankfu'ki anx 'yse! le mealycu. Yeu'va ee laug Sa' I 1toc ma al Coma in4peme iu, -'se wisere vwas culy a 11111e pot et tes Ohà tise rondt tablaeisy tisa Ire, sud a toast- ail bay-cakea.nd s broiled berriug. -But tisera neyer vasu a bappior meail. 'Ilw va sy a jeu inuce Wilie bail tastoil sucb luxurles; sud tsamaster drueS lu vils graedy cars WlhIe'a yeon-, Arfal tale et adventureand secouess. - Haelisd beau te Californie, sud coma home a riais ins. Californievws a uev. conntry tisen-tse master badl neyer isearil et it. Ha listenel vits amazemaut le Willie*6 descriptien et ite culae, ite producions and its etranga jumbiaetofrougs luabiLaute. Ha lepkeI aI,,ana toucidwits a Slnd of veneration, semaeofthtie varilabie golden duel and brick efthie uev Ophir. A sIrange, flaîce joy lbrlilaed, hlmvsan Wilhi gave hlm bacS lu a ceuvas bas bis visola bundred sud lifty poundi again. But ho pol it avay vils s pea- iltv geelure immediateiy. "Ns, ns, Willie 1" ha said, penitentiy ;"Ibtis varl' bas 'o'erllgis a giip o' me alîeady. l'Il ne tondis il-l'l ne boucS it-ll ne touais a havise eo' 11-" Tisen vils s- endden Ibougit : "l'Il tell*ycu vise viii de vi' il:. ve'll psy thani Ihrea poli tallove' daLle up.stsirs, -an' set thorae s' at liberty. Il viii hoa a pan' tliank.effering for tise lad liaI vai dosa, an' la alive again ; tisaI vas lest, su' le ten'." "Amen, master; sud if more te needed tisanl'Il, add il glaidly. But uew1Imust go, for I cenet alap te- ulgist outil 1 bava seau Clirlisuad Mous sud Brada." "Brada?2" "Whoo aise? I ove her eigisty pounde aud I sus gcing le saiS ber te ltae me for tisa debt." ".Then yon'il finil bar vils Chutesuad Mousa atKirk Melew-tsey aja spaud Eait Voia-sey (Hary'e-uigsî) together. To-morrov, Qed villing, l'Il est my Cbristmas-diuner vi' yen aI Thorkal." As hsppy as ho vas haudeousa, Wil. lia teeS tisa vell-kuevn road le tisa rIcar aid cisurais. It vas ail aliglît, sud ,fer svay dovu the mr osIh eard tliss joyfui notasetaofgBons "O star, yen muet net stand stih so, But must wvus s ehleihem go; To Bethlehenm, tisa lovai y tev Whare MM arysdba aaait dovn." The Làitauy vas aveu, but ha Snev tise congragatien weuld. stay te siog cerole till Cbristmas-day vas fairiy set lu ;A sud, Ibengs hoa ilil ualso arrange, yet ba ccula aaarcaly havi cisen a more propitiena place sud season fer a re- union vils ail bis frieud and sequin. tances.t Chais, ahouteil fer jey, kstsei hlm. on both chaes, Meus sud Bradalha foidsd te, his haart, sud tise simple fluher-foS crewded round hlm. vl(h beaily val- comes. Aflar miduigit uearly Ivot Esundral peeple tocS hlmmeate risorkai, aluging,a tbey vaut sacos tise fields, a merry Clerlstmaa-carrcl. But amil tisa anselaWillia lied akeil Brada a question, sud matie bau a pro. mise, auRt, bafore liaeislidaja vara over, tliey vaeWmarled.-E Tissutise master reelguad hie duties. He ad idcrnpuionsiy fulfillel lie pro- mise te Captain Floyd sud bis poor s ceepsuiona ; but vian tisey vara fread, fi tha luet tis aI bound bine le Ruahen was breken. Ha marIa his-home vith i<cna, bt ot etaiteMwesatogather wili Wiilie, vise beugsl a beantifnl2 estata -nottar heom Tisoriîl. .Tisus dwelllng among bis evu pao. île, ha vaîkeil gautly dovu h lse oef i fs. On bis eighty-tird, birliday, ha 'd suddeffly "aulteraîlubno rest ;" but wben the isellesau celil îlie funeusiliuhougb the seteet fCaslletovu no neeet that tise-vas auj cause*ter tears lue nuai, a deali. Chisa, ud iic, h Deester Kelly, sud Captaiu FloydI,f carriadihm,"sud a gresl couccurse et b citlzeus, eingiug se tliy veut, toiloved lie body te lise grave. Iu Kirk Maiev jeil uiy jet ss a atone baaring Ibis inscription:i. iam Falconar, Forty.ulue Vears Mus- i air cf Rueisan,sope isere ;" sud un. P aerneats, tlisepassage treni tise.Hohy 0 Book ha lovei so e l!: 1 s "Until tise dajigst breaks, sud tisat] bhabys Oe aay." jÂpANEsz Bitoacas op Pnexs.- LIter a Japanese lever bas proven fises to ie vova, the deseldmaidan uses 'w ti about (Evo n'cick lu tise meusiumi Ton SA&xoN Oppas'asoL-SabonTon- rt: 11 suppose the Enghlish buj AilU àqapigsthst yen listo elai?" Irish. suant : '"Tliay do. BadInSktue'ema, f i. tourants 1Il, 5. te his Gracions Sevlqean, demiig Wi flattering offer of 1he.Garger : The el fish i absouaWear tise -Gaulrwplease Pl roi Hsjely &bandon. Hov cen s a nan WesGar ler,=vise hagn't a l.g e sonaudn? m AUe s pars of sàenhlduabisrÉEght. - ' Bul sme motsas ,mothW ethsfr ohildian toc muais, dcu'tlbhey 1 To ha sure Ibej do, tbere'àa- adiffama.- oo - houa, aven ; sme elak anisi al sud-bual about, vilsgoemuais. matar.- iigeru amsd ignorauce sale trssA - tisa lite out ofthaiftIheir ahlsk,ýw1e otisersgo e]ickuaround-in au amale comfortubletfaaisou, alwajes proadlug- liair wlngs Atjualtisae rigist mment t0 sielter their breoil hem every rosi ou imagasrydanger Tisaa aan the bans laienie caop le "set." Tisey are snob "1goed metisera,sud theli ch6sken aiways turn utl ai. e LsaIl le ith cisildreo. _Wisre evexy vent le suatel- pated, visere a chu Isallon dos auj-Y thing lor iteelf, sidres.ailnsd tudrese. erI, rockail sud amausaIong llr1 u bah y-baud, is neyealniwed tn ty ax- pauimants and maka tuailues, lise motS. au becomes a Slave sud tsa chillaa baiplese doil. Tisera ia sncb as liig as judialous ne. gleol lu tisecarsetofciildLin. By Ibis I mean a cereful caraleus hioh shlows tisane te look uont-outhseeselvas s far as thsy salely au, but jet in alvaja resdy te stop inlu itjust lIse rigst moment. Toen u, tiu ols. ea wiiigel soleilndilirbdsbnp ail oltanaer, but tisey vin gro ûuP more sturdy aaA i-reiisnt han-vie. hey sa censlantly vatohed. AI finaltisae usother viii net saemucs tineby thie sarI et traluing. ludeail, il ie s 900d deai essieu te do averytiig fou à child tissu le direct, hlm in isawk- ward efforts te haip hlmsailf For ini- stance, the fenx-year.olI boy vante go vass bis cyn nands - bineshbis tealis, aud buttoir bis ovu beote. Ye know ha'll laItisaewaterinn up hie aleeves 'an"l ipil itilonlieb irA and- huhtaul, but jeu lat hlmntry ieHas go pioné te Ibinyk h sipl ug ama, liai yen tsva'lthealsert te ll iim hbua bindarail more tisha bashlielpal. Andl vison yeun d liaI habas asie- fully vasheil lnic eafet isbande, viitts vra dean enougis biera, visile tise bscks of tisss na as dirty as aveu, sud tisaI hi. boots are en tise vrong feal, yen usa soe ingenieus pratext te îamaedy dafailte, sud lien qnietly laugs te iscar him sabout te eomabedy, 'm ussoat a big, boy; I d'essaI myseilfail alona." But vihal a relief il is, vison hea ir irc savon jears aid, te hava hlm -able le dotlisa Ibings for isaf i -Scri bae,-', Menfely. AN EZARTHEQUAXE INENOI.Acr.-Ân esulisquake in tshetst o Engiand, ou jsninary 281h, - saertail Many a narrons body. At Ryde il made ciueasud flovarpls ratll inludraving-zooee, aud tisa lustrasoet audiestieke sway te sud fre, vile a lady ftbler chair mlnk undar issu Ibrea tâmes lu quick succes- sion s0 iausibly liaI usé moveil instina- liveiy te save oietif hem faMing. AI Brighston,' lubies oesdiateil sud vindova rattIailsit shacon by a gust o! vlud. AI Petarafild a gentleman sitting ba- fora a great fiae, fait hie chair snddenly tlteI off tisa ground, sud leekilug dovu- vend pereaived tisaI tise fer vas beau- iug, whiia tise vindovs wvara vloleuitly. abakeu. Tisfisoc ak vutinluail qqparters et London. Tisosa who vara sitliug l ieu oirofficsor parlera des- cibad the motion as silai te Ibat ex-' perleuceil on boaldsascrev steinisip. PAUwPEBISx IN ScoTi.aD-The aInsIl nmser of paupare et'ail classes luin .- :eipt et relief oens 141h of May hast n Scollaul vas100, 040 bsluga de. sease of 2,018 Iromî'ha -previeus jean. Tise ratie péri cent, et paupera le tisa lest et tse population i. 2.K, aglinel 2.9 hast jear. . Tisase figures show sà diminution et pauparanavery merieil aind satisfactiy ; ion, in 1869, ,186,065 paupars raceivad relief on lisee same- day, sud formeaIl-.1per cent. oh lie population. The gains bas beau veuj great ; uer i. it lie lama striking vben wa reflect thal lie jears vics hava eîspeel eluca tse lait nameil date bave bain jeara lu which Irada, sud thae- foie hlgisij-paid - emplojanent, hsave, sau snffeuiug fhem s graduai but roil aud progressiva, dedline. A Dza-Wia a country mnis. teu vas prisoliing, lise laeding eider-ct is cengregation, sitliog near lie pul. uit, vas fast aslaep ; vharaupou iheo said, "Nov, friands, I amin à groat 'trait ; for il I apsak tee eofly tise nta ha tfurîhar endiofetlia cisures aunet hearusesud if Italk too loult1shal î'ae tie dacn." Scieutiots say tisaItishe agae-of lieu hi approaciiugIs close, sud Ibal steel wil! eventnslij ltaie is plame'-Tise sceutibe gentleman are a l low.1e; va bave beau in tise midet oet-e o f .Whoiels ilady'sares. 115. sn unfca. suaI. bn.flislerf WiMon Il àseed. tuA vis a lit ikctthe maieasls o àip. Phie la rlmd The tgh4 1

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