Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1878, p. 1

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W BBOCK STREET, WHITBY. POP Affluni, meute -mommred in -Xiéapakw "d* 1 ed êt the rate of 0 cent$) per ue,, iret with w«.dà4 grelst_ tboughtec &Md -tonsntl à -_ 1 ýý 1. ý ý. gnti!ing Ind aont insertion. P*Rce' progr"s' -";newlç dgeiý lgotbuhOOd..,,- oints. par lïàé, euh subw )Wooutràoto made with-ald"ruum VOL , byot 0 faroorothérww éVINCE n'lm -ONTARI ,FEI3RTjA1-- - ýdqî» ta dimouttuue Ri g " TBY . noua. 1W 8 U RA'N C E -1-tommox PLOUR A; -PBBD STORE. r AR LANDS FOR SALE' 1 for thé Business ýDirêotory,, DUNDAB-ST., WRITBY. An Old Mands Valentino. CH LE8 PENNYLEGION- Bou sud' outtdium IN Tu souliers wi ,B" R k RwAN "Give me a Valentin$, yoath'ý_ t" eiýr " friends Tbëy.ware IL 110 ANJK, 110193PH'A, BÀIIDI[r,, P.30PIiMrOJL Io Township of 8om'eli'viII4 And the old mân!dr cheeks were aeow, now pxqarea tg oùàly Thongh a staff wu in hit band sud the A,8suspi.înoe ý 0 COVNTY OF Àna,,,z bgirwu white sa oto iîtrange mi WHITZY BBANC]39 This bouts il",bmnà,umtly butit Je 0MARRY, eOur audPud of tb- B,119 1QWýjý 'VICTORIA, "Give me like. Man»M i 5 Atwa At thé kW@" living Priam Th 'gbl-l lm in bayond a -prias, TROXAS DOIVd, Best Wý 04*-7 1 INCIPRP y ýh 13W nets and Cigare; zej3- rieur Qom Lhoige The foUowinglaudo in,»e sh Lèger S township, Of" tileii politi stabling lad M. a 110» of thè 0 &hioma icina, 44- 1, Bran, Shorts Og4. Somorville Cointy of Victoria m AU ZWELL- ASUTL t, Peu, th Parfuma fidwm dred yenn TB, iii101,87,6 for "là- ý:MèMs, bc., et whol" AnaRtâMý T#e Witb dur lj#Wlimple thpues, th set of Lot 50 in thé, !ah cou". au ey Tau= aàmwà-r 1301mr, 17imi =-""Of 10 mm., pilteen SCZ* Ana *6 16#0wîù, Vi ARRIST sa Publie, and oonv@y. Kt ý I«t- rÏ*V«. a Limid li'md 06' thouet of tsars. gr .Bcitoro, (OPPOsite G. T. a. Station,) WMtby. lusurancès Mmu«- the lot, on which la a Thst nulomn-mysvi6lormY7" . soins as W -eguma ranwil Blom, t#eoue good, 1"It ne, rates onB -sut la dour touth ýof the Royal WM. ONEILL etfflt; woï ila, eue WM ouit'her, 'y TOR. Prportyt &gain Ilotel, rý81À%= C, thlik, WMtby. Iler Wi hi àr 4imý PBXNYLUg 0 lave@ guesto, includ. ýWhItby» Aprîl 2iU4 Md. Handix B. A. Xvery Accommodation or ci. «ÉOURSE lion A«Out,: lýmakt " 4«8, the in tmdWr'âhàtru. au' 1 ^ difini J. B. FAREWELL, Id. Yi. B., «tabla. îùî be&W-ds, M" et au t County Crown àttomey. 48 WUtby>,&pzn 17th, IM. 17 et 00 Thé làBà la weil-ýti lle% c'et ai 'Vistèr -1 throli, M» The Bar ffly sapplisa vith bant *4 Of y ber a g strujà of ' foré a fâ"-,] VEW m us Io ýH à L.L == lui 'me, iiNý n"d for I&nËliüg, Young men 1, brande of Liquors, Vnno%.,Brmdi,", Cigare. Lin JAnZ§ RETTH GORDON Every ueceomy SroctIon givse ealctwhi* ii"but ëuqýý-lig ý 1 Whec yoilore oeventy Yeats ýto néar, zàza3cT]3:D Rai. oia, lèdtir STER & ATTOP."T.,&T.Iâw, Th"' Good Stabling, encloua- yard, ma ýtte,, 0" te BA"l 1 r 1elar Man lstand. ThbrkeL" music ripeim.i hn GOMM% SoUcitor in Chancoryý cou imut tive entiers. 4', 19 bq1oved of you,«gývonty. fold - ,?;ntýit7 PnbUÊ 4ç. Officè-Ove nut Irimo DABWIIMver, hadýý"th»ughýhfty Yeats r r. Ad Win, the' erty. ilson a store, r«Je Street, Wlitbr, ont. ;Far Termun prap Yeti pari OMMEROXAL ROTEZ, capaçity, que The wonderfulloy, bi à bitbful wâe, GEO. Whitb o. t. liftiù C11AILLES C.-KELLEit, y, Oet. ': __ remek: où, UNT. Maigre. RL"R wliaô. 'IVI&Unding my wile týý - . p Ail Sud lierons "ery yeari peats TTOR»T-ÂT-TjAW, SOLI As W A , _88 $6îkid.' JAMES DEWABT PRC)PRIRTOF LZ S LAGER l 1 For thst in i true Levées way. laëd ïï , . Good accommodation LCOM a wife like mine ilweel, U-12 « P. VON MAYJMR, ye 'o Yen the à enaî forMy. là )LYMAN- imriaiLleu, L L. B,, gr . WD ýknW, a Valentine il, kollf "BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOB IN 0 .7 WhItby 9 J. A. B LL* sud rul ROCEMSTZX bu lâtély; movea ta OMMERCIAL HOTBL sud STABLEB, «Od"v(mr te supply m li" whIch wM %J Whitby, and la preperste Tune, ma tt Chanom, Convoyanoer, "0 &0. sim. c si and 56 Jarvu-strftt Torcato. give satiglactioi, ta the» -Who pàtronue enoop Organe and Melodeus et The Mastér ëf RÙ'shon, ster, coe Street, Oshawa. Dira. ez:ýtpliebArges beingarogidentiuÎ?bit- to Major 1 JOHN JfonAs, by ho bu reclueÏd the-price 01 tuning, &0. "Coma, Mawther, Yen mulet go te They were A- Go MOMILLAN, (succasson Ta jorpi XEZZT,) Ta Tuning square Pianog #1 50 the pier; Qaiggin an& Thorkel and d -Bouts in the JOHN WtZr4nto fi encu gh W (Lat* Groeuw" & Momiiian.) TtO boat 81.W à Day only TUB GrIand or Tricard 200 JulbY Srà Ali Bailing with the fleet, and heado by i tw* blOckb frôla the Northezu Doptý.Uloloié Deposit with Dominion Gavarnment 0 the W Il be counting gradely on seemed te 1 ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, to the Market. Thé Em» han bat, Experienced Agentf throughout the 1, WM be promptjy your good wishe!3., 'BOLIC. fitted out, and OVM.thing ]rrgt.ýôlus. 17 eter:àGoldmiths, Rai- 3'éllnoto"to jewel- 't et _Conv te- Satifffactiongiven or no pay. "Thon Vil go, Nora, There je a dalo Itor, Nottry Publie, ancer. Ci. ,Y., Dominioâ. dAlal tbel hitby, Ontario. £Virs BÙltg writt&n ai Ad N. B-Alto agent lot Pianos ana 0 ile Byron Street, South ofe;ost Omce, W »ROI WALKEYPti 4q«te 1ýatg#. -ci «& C> of luck in setting a Man off With a good Mena hé 0. NOUBEZ hefirt 1', And la a fewminutes thetwo i-An- t7w. ROBINBON & KENT, Agent, % tby. WM:à d'LWAYS BU POUND AT IVERPOOL MA KBT 1 > wOmeD were standing among the crow - TEMPBB'àNCE HOUSE, WUtbYt APrfi 17th, 1877. L of handsome, esger adher-wivea on And 08ptail (LAIE Duoaix dc nonnuos.) DUNDAS-STBEET, WEITBY. ý17 'd 'He wen T-LAW, A - TTOBN THE WHITBY tiom , castletown pier. ,Au, tII4 B'k]a]gba;lo"'TBËORHBoitÀ OR GRAINe The berring-fleet was te leave At Sun ors, convoyancers a Good "c0mmod*Îýn At reizonable terme. PHRNIX PIRE, INSURANCE CO. CASH F thoy Bui & Bourdon 42-50 par week. J. A. BANDELL ta alto gels À set, two-hundred boats stro "They Office rovinciai Assurance - gent for Ta be denversa et ng, With Court Streiît, Toronto. 1 Lombard St. sud ChàZiDg Crois, London. Wab's -Lager Beer for the Coanty ci yonng Chris Thorkel as its admirai; III thochi IUMZBTÀ.B.ILZNT- T m QUEEN's ROTEL, BOTABLISSEU IN 1782. Ontario. Frenehm an's Bay. and, though it was but a berring-fleet, s0me lad- Go YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., (LITZ eoxmacut,) GILU SPIE, MOFF,&T & (30., A FIN ARTICLE OF PURE CIDER. it made Castletown pier for the time a t1ýs siller pc PLASTER, s very picturesque sight. The broad. wlil-" ARRISTER, &G-, &O.-Monoy te Losa - BROCE-STREET, WRITBT, Agents for Canada. ALT, ÀND COAL houiaored, bright-eyed women, in Ilwillie t. B lesuer of Marriage Licennes. TAYLOR & McCANX, PROPBIETOBR. W. TIMIE, FOR SALE. r' OR SALE. their homespun dresses and gay, Boat- father.11 Orrict-Over Dominion Bank# wbItby. Manager, Montréal. let shawls, and the. calm, stalwart men, "Dinua s- The undersigned j«Jre ta inform their GENCY ESTABLISÈBD IN CANA- MONEY TO LOAN in tbeir bine Guernsey é-hirts .1ing ho loses Wh (tf.5 friends and the publièô thst they bave tsken A DA in lwi. 'Unumitsa Habnity of BOUSE AND LOT, CORNER loge of a, tl the above won -known ho T"! the nets on their great. beainz riack $ Byron and Ontario StrOets, the On Real Estate, nt La- Rates ci Interest. 81LO a, were Worthy ascendant of ho toi which they AU the Stockhoiders, and luge Beserve recidence ci the Iste R.-j. that bas the have newly fittea up ana rênovàtèî1ý and Rut Fanas. Moderato uton 01 t Macdonell. premlum. Ogeroes Who set Harold Haarfager CADIERON -APPELBE, Intothebestol order for the %ccommodjý Apply ta J. IL McCLELLAN. old like to bas i RISTERs, Attorneys-st-Law, sud tien of peste, The Bar, which in the band. C. NOURSE, D. 0. MACDONELL Jmuary fth, 1877. ti-3. st defiance. And the B" Agent, Whitby. Divitio Court oifice. Solicit soinest in the CotMI, is won supplied with 1 n If it hua been an English or an Irish keye omino, ors in Chancory' No' 4 Toronto Whitby, April 17th, 1877. Whitby, Doc. 14th, 877. I-Don't % streàt, Toronto. the finest brande o wines, liquors, and ci. 17 52 8M pier, there wotild bave beeu no lack of ý 9-- Ample enclosed shed recru and good B 0 1 0 B cant ses thi 'HECTOR DAMERON,:Q.O. E. i AN AND INVEST. earnestSjibes ; but the Maux are au but God bui (1Y-48) R. S. APPELB etabling, box stans, &o. Detachod, roozas MPERIAL LO c leste an for commercial travellerg. MENT COMPANY. FARM FOR SALE imple folk, rather iiilent under TOOMAS IIUSTON, J. P. TITLOR, .9 emotion,, and fer too sincere to hide- bird.,, rfOWýk CLBRKAND TREASURBR late of Toronto. PHILIP MCCANN. CAýPITAL, #60O,00o. DEING Lot No. si lsth cou. West wil- feelingg with jesting. Bo one by one "Guid la; WhitbY. Office-Town Hall. ]Jours: l'àmâ * 100 Acres, more or legs; half a the lided silently from their now ; you'l. frOm 9 ta 1 D'elock. - Head man ho= ille 11012rishing Town of Parkhili; oops g ) the bey ; ouly the wo. morning, il, Mooringo t as they passed, 0 At suurisi OTAL ROTEL, 001ce, Imperial Buildings, Toronto, about 60 Acres elftred, and in A good stâte in 01 oultivation ; balance won timbèred With A PPL E T R E-ES mon biesseil them J. GUNN9 M. Do, WHITBY, PRESIDENT h&rdwoo& Brickhoue. Largenewlr&mg y some bronzed face lifted itaelf alno. on the pier, barn and stable, with pienty of hua Ana A 0 0 U T 75,00(), ment to give in return, an emphatic market. T SURGEON TO THE COUNTTý GAOL, NON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CAMADIAN BANK. soft water. About jour serez 01 en Byron Street, Wbitby. JAS. PRINGLE, PBOPBIBTOB. orchard -ÀT Tin- IlEvi, ovi 1', were in, the BOL'c'TOR:-G. DtArcy Boulton. with choice fruit troog. 80% c1sy logm. But on tiùs evening it W&S net Only Bilvery fiah, The largest and most commedia« hôtel MONE Possession eau be arranged ta suit pur. HOM E NURSERY, the fishere' wiveo and danghters that en 'and chilé Dr. W. J..nuRNS. In the tOwn , hu'làrge sani Y TO LOAN on Improvea parme, chaser. For particulars addresg- commercial pis tac=@ for nt Low Rates ci interest. Apply ta- watebed the sailing of the travellers. Table won supplied J. W. POWBLL Parkhill - or Prom two ta four years of &go, embracing an fleet. On barrows. Orricz-Next door ta CanoracLz ofao@. withihobe&tWoegeon. BestbrandoUquors 0. NOURSE, A aiser, F. W. ýOWELU, Brockli.. the boat Variedes. the top Of Castle Rushen's gloomy, for- ses, the ce 9ýr Residence, et Mr. Lewis Bon Andcigârs- Enclcsea lard and shearoorn; W tby, Ont. octobor is '77. midable walle group of ehabby debt- sponses of attentive bottiers. Charges to ait th, OR TO SETH C. WILSON, ors conuted th: number of the sloops, lit times. Lot No. 8, 2na Con. pickeringý On Kingston """ 'eu BYRON FIELD, M. B. N. B.-Livery attâchea. B. B. RERTLÀLND, Manager, Toronto and a little apart an old man anci a charmingg 1 HYSICIAN, bURGEON, &o., Duffi 27 H 1 N A H Rend, est Office, WMtby. beautiful girl leaned over the battle. which wu 1 ý no' GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGRT. A L LY - meute, and followed every one of thora no clatter, n p Creek. OIINSON BOUSE, April 18th, 1877. 17 BIGN OF TUE SIG JUG (REGIBTERED) HE TRALBERG PIANO With a blessing. anger or dis J T The man had been forty years mas. - ChriL; Tho _îVin. MOBRIEN, EAST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO. ONTARIO FARMERS-P 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. ter of Rushen-a Lowland 8cot, with b8"lltifhl 13181 UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the massive face and blea bonnet of big to the cool 1 CI the eye B. 0. K. Oshawa, on"". W. o. JOHNSON, PROPRIBTOR. Mutual Insurance Goy 'Panay Breakfast and Tea Sets. $290.00. native Teviotdale. The girl was hie tioed eye m( y. Fancy Dinner ana Dessert Sets. A B D Tanmo, fi.00 par Day. HEAD OFFICE, Pmoy Bed-room Sets. grauddanghter, an orphan of the bouge the draur,,hl c Stabling in con. FancY Juge and Tespots. of Braddon, with the best blood of the Parts- M noction. MMB COMPANY Insurge Farm Build. BilvOr Plâted Knives, Forks and Spoons.' The Thalberg Piano fille a w&nt long folt Vikings in ber veine. It showed itself was Sayingt DR, BiGART, 42 JL ings, Country Churches, Sabool SilVer Plated Cruets and Butter Coolers. that of a in the splendor of ber complexion, the this share je Phyoiclim, surgeon, Accoucher, ko., &ô. Housse, and their Contents, et rates sa i, Süver Plated Cake Basketo. brilliancy of lier bright-blue eyeo, the owner of thE Whitby, Sept. 80th, 1874, BITISH AMBRICAN ROTEL, sa those of sny weil-entabushea comp ow 110dgOrs' Enives and Forks. GOM USEFUL PIANO pose of lier etately figure, and in the are yours, IV 40 B in Canadâ. say Tes Trays ana Servero. ond of P., the boat;" t Flower Blindes for Lilyle, &o whÎch co-bined the clearuess of to ' e golden liait that, simply R A Y JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PÈD. Gluuwa», an descriptions. the beauty of ânigh of th, ne and "Onooded" behind the sera, feil cars. Mous, and t W - ADAMSý (LATIC noilion goUen.) White Stone ware, overy kind. makeywith a moderato price-ost celebrated lessly down in long, waving curlo. movement, , J. B. BIORBLL, JOHN WILL18# Hotel and Bar Gonds. If it be uked how it in Possible ta supply As the boats mused togetiier in the lie gave him ]D M] 1%ýT r2 1: S for WEI TB Y, ON TA RIO. Premident. Vice.P»aent. (ILOVER BARBISON9 Good Piano fèr about open bay, the lut raya of the setting It was te eun touobed thom and turried every r1g Rouge newly renoV6týM ana fundabea 0. NOUBSE, SZCUTARY. importer. lit and throughout, and pigt in liretciaeg order 1 Rates Of Insurance 80 low that 25, "POOMS OVEB B. B. JAMESONIS ho reception, of guestg. Au Omnibus ta A or wili înn&ro 'Cents HALF THE PRICE One into a fairy-craft. The brown Mona baa gý iL IV Groce Store, Dundu-et., Whitby. rom An trainsi -prret.ciang oumpl@ room na 0100 for 1welvii menthe 1 'VVM BY, PORT PBRRY & LINDSAY sails were purple and gold, the huile She did no Office h 2 9 A.ra. to 12 m., and froin Whitby, Oct. lot, 1877. 41 BAMWAY. gon8rallY chargea, the answer in Plein - and spars and repas were Wonderously women, but 1.80 ta 6, P. m-. Residence-Cor. of Byron In the making or aie of the- instru- transfigured. Juatthen a figure etep- the awakeni, sud Gilbert streets, nNTARIO ROTEL. U B B N CONDENSED TIME T,&BLE. monte, there - no large showrooms ta ped out te the bow of one of thora, and, back of the c keel) ul). no grand Mud, Rall. f. _ , ._ _ _ _- ., ýi__ ber nt thn 0, 7t, h n azul Chtireh. long t3ý_ of tholégal dmi ,légal el ù Hia Viçg,ëii 9Aitl4 go: greýù ana, eriâià ý,P,02itd-pîud'-' the ed man, bis Emiàeiioa 0iý'4 ?ëïý béloved Esther, tffl ïqfj4jýý - gw - nom May nOw-jlî0"ý r manie oi iiii S'accamor. Ths -,bër"ve ment of the Chuick 'Waal 4onfipe.speé' fewoot dayà 1 possible. Tue quick »1ecÈýn shows tha'p'nond-eatýom wýhioh car ' pre sene iffoly, y4h«'w" hoia by bii% brotlwr' auùmed the nâane: of tion foi the lut î L -died Feb.,1829. of noble faniily in C"niuo..Jn,,ýtùe, jiocese of Anogin, OU the 2n.ddàfMmi4-1- '1810. ]IL is richly favomréd 4ýàiwfoý. in a noble and oomtaandin ab raila but penetratiug Lliauners. gracefui . Ma tavnta are et., a veýy high order. lie pirformedIM stailleï3 in the Bon2au CwIoce ana jjj, the L -bore ho attainea higil disUiQ_ý _ lu th.",Ioe, and, - làw*;-ý7'Vopa-, - XVL sWintea hita domemiýý =' On the 18di of Marah, 1837. jei 'ýw 1900n namea Pronotary Apostolie;-.wid PoÙtificLil Dalogate to spoletto, and Peragis. lie _gained sa much distinatiÀnn j a thewomow- that, lie wal' & inted in 1840 "fibishoP- Of Damiatptr and sent to tbe Ring et the Belgians au Apostolic Nunci0j in which delicate office he was OiDgulox1y successfül. Monsignor Pecci on bis retura from Belgium was named to -the Seo of'Perugia. In a CoDitistory of the 19th of Jânuâry, 1846, on beiid.- named tc thO above Bee, h4 was cruted Car. àiual of the Roly Ronjan Ch u-roh being reseryed in _vetto,., ThoPppe diedbe. fore ho was reoo < gnizeil Cardinal, but the late greàt -Pontiff Pïus IX. in a Congistory of the 9th Decombor, 1M, created 'him oeil " L'ofthe Orderof Priegto,,nnder thetitleoi St.Chry8os- toinand hewasa" nedto, thecon- gregations of Rit alw of Disci- pline of ReligioiW. Orders.'Re govermed llis diocege with r are prudence and with profound wiedom, and performed ail the dutiellofavigïlantpaator. Hewas surroundedby oontinua1-,ýexations, but bis modoration united': to an iâtrepid vÎrtue acquired him réspecýt and vacer- ation even froux his emenues. Re ad. dressed . many pastoral letters full of wipdom and learning to ' bis diooeaana. As Cardinal who was named ta, tue ErBt dignity after tliePope, he wu Grand Chamberlain of the Roly. Bom'an chnreh and chief adniWistrator during the Vacaucy or the 1101y Seo. Rois a great Pope sud worthy successor of Pins IX. %Ve performed the lut filial duty- tô- our late Pontiffi We wül now tum tor his venerated suebessor and offer to him thehamâgé -of our obedience, res- pect an veneration, praying at t'ho saine, time that',God may endow Min with all hesvenly gifts for the glory of Ris holy naixié and the salvation of bis people. The clergay will on -the firat, 8unday after the recapg-on and resd. ilig of this letter have a Te Deum cliaut&d or recited after maça with the prayer Pro Gratiarum actione in all the churches aud chapels -of the dio. eese. They will aiso add during- -one Laonth to the colleet of the mass the pTayer Pro Papa. We are filleil with gratitude ýt0 God for this grand evidence of Ris especial cure of Ris holy- Church- Oh, that all would come to tlie -kriowladge of the truth which is ii, Christ Jeguo. ' May the Grace of our Lord 4esas -Christ be always with you. JOHN JOSEPII, Archbishop of Toronto. By ordcr uf big Grace the Axchbiabop, JOSEPII J. MCCANN. Given nt Sb Miehael!s Palme, Toronto, Fe 20 "8 * ' - To Flirts. Young Lady, are you in the habit of b* ' 1, Q rew, an, its Mon aye - arink ai' theY 1[$98 lruuu' " - - - __ _- . .- - . 2 jý Q ra P, 4 1-4 ci guid au! right it 8'uld be and twined a Ivi J&L J (J Mo M 1 1_ý L.. b - T'bPTURNS hie sincere thankB tô the g. ci 0 his s'ou ôPen- it was no moi LUMBER MERCHANT, Xv Citizens of Whitby and vîcinity, for à 0 sae." the spotless d GEORGE CORMACK, 111. P. WHITE the patronage bestowed on himduringthe - - - - - - - - - - - There was som$tbing in the Old UMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER W HITBY, EU restuned control of the MaJor Mille and pastyear. RoisnowpreparedtodoRoum, motly suit_ ,hl,,, filld L and Joiner, Green Street, V;MtbY. à large quantity of all kindo of lumber-con- Ras on band a large supply of all kinds of is prepared to puy Sign and Carriage Painting, Whitby. - 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Scotchrnan's opinions that si ery, the wide otaÜtly on band. Born Lumber Boards, and ail necessazy Brougham ai 51 211 21 1 81 81, 21 ed Mona's upright, downright disposi- the window, i 1 ]RI a 1 t 1 611712lj261ý 1 4112114 27 tion ; she always accepted them with- Building Lum THE HIGHEST PRICE 1 (31L" Elff (39 ZE'152 Poxbrpi orry 615 2221 20 out demur. Thon ber thougbta wand- 'an knitting JAMES W. DEALL, and ýScantling, à large quâhtity on band. Graining, Varnnishing, Polishing, Staining, g'ý 7114 2820 810 19 salt scent of 1 Large ordure tor Lovýg Bill Stuff, filled aui e1t C d away to Thorkel. FOR ANY QUANTITY B rtn loi 1 1191 - 9 18 ore 1 bàok-door-a' OWNSRIP CLERR (Haut Whitby), 1 Mille et short notice. ug:âloulimmn:ff ae il 1 1 1 1 411 hope Thorkel will ffilnd the ber- oub eautj rom 2 18 8 17 &b.gs easüy, grandiâther. T l Dooro, Saches and Blinda always on Kaloomeidng, Papering, &o., with nestness GEO. H. DARTNELL, "Nae four, nae fast I he's a Wise lad. trasted them, band. and dispatch, ait satisfactory prices. Junior Judge Re learns o, the birds 0, heaven, an' t a castle roc COMMISSIONER COURT OF QUEEN-8 Whitby, May 7th, 1877. ly-20 delivered et the M""UWb'tev&lO- IEOW'11 SVECIAL ATTENTION TO COUNTRY ORDERS 1 I'Nothing li BENCE, . make everv effcýt to give entire satisfaction SHOP-Two doors north of Xingu' Tom- Whitby, Jany. 7th, 1878. they are taught o' Him wlia gives to abc said to a CONVEYANCING AND GENEB. to those who m patronize the MIU with - every Mature its food V season. ere . . AL INSUZiANCE AGENT. K ING BROTHERS, Ë V GRISTING. nery, Brook-otreet, Whitby. H. B. WELLS 19AAC DOUGLAS§, wasabigflooko'gulle o'er Port Iron mllng in a way this aiternon; jhey knew weel cakes for diny. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FLOUR AND PEED g be- B ICLET - lune and Specifications 66 And I ha% The Clerk will be in hie oMoe in th AROÏ th ý,spr Town Hall, .. Columbus, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturera of &II of the Bout Quality, and at Roucuable The artunership horetofore existin Disiaxo, prepared On enou'where to find the herring. Thor. teet I bave, 1 on Mondays and tweenZonors. Wollo and Martin, han been the shortest notice kel doesna follow blind guîde@2' Pridays, for ToWnwhip - business. OlBoe Prices, will aloo be kept conotantly on band dissolved and the business in o in t Rinds of and for sale. future will Residence, Celins-St., Oshawa. "Now, grandfather, what think you 2 anear bourg, 9 a. M. to 5 P. mà Whitevale, Oct. 10, 1877. be carrieâ on by Mr. Wollo cloue, who bu Post Office addreso, Box 152, Oshawa. You bave not spoken for ton minutes." to Douglas I i March 27th, 1877. 14 LEA THER AND FlNDlNG8ý 42 engageil the services of Mr. Martin for th, o4Auld tLochts, iMona-thoehte that 4dDo you v prosent. aye pay tue a visit êvery herring-ses- message from Wll,,LIAX COOPER, Cash paid for Rides, Barii. and Imther. NSTBUCTION ON TRE PIANO- son. -rýot.yyfar,;agojgaileaawswi,, -'No, inteef Leather atretched. i FORTE A" ORGANý_ THE GEORGE BRITTON, just sueli a fleet sa yon ; au' your Grale to look BLACESMITE, - - BBôUGHAM, Lq-BELTING MADÉ TO ORDE'X ON PIUCTICAL Ima "-mither, wi' your mither by ber man. Willie bead-clerk, is (Succeosor to Thomas Middaugh,) SHOBT NOTICE. .-SINGING AND SINGING CLASSES TAUGHT 1 Dan , stood foremost 'mang the woimen May, 1872. 22 CANADM N AIR GAS 1 CA RRM GE d WAGON Ion the quay. It lied, been rai îimug Ëff the hay, and Hôroo shoein'R and all kinds of ganer&l on' on a' day, an' i can Iseo yet how danced at the MR. 'GEORGE C. WIGOINS, B.A., - :00:- M «& _ - a 'ed an, me. He com blue the wives' bl o closks look Bage to ann=oo thst ha WM undortake The Canadien Gao Machine in au auto- how white the-parson's gown Mons, ho h8ý B. O'DELL, theinge-notiouofpupusonthe pis», me. matie kin tratus. It in CIO 'mang dreu, inteet h s" app ANUFACTUBiR- of the Double sud thOM." down with a 1 -ble terme. ad u a ]M= g VI buadin w9ch factorise, Single Turnip Drill. Improvisaient "The parson V' THÉ R E R MIN loden, and organ, on rosons m on (Uytono fiabers were pious folk petticost. Y, IrAn au a M&O singing anci Singing ci&"", hotelaý charches, wellings, or be. thom "But yon a suy Mnd, cit»W in the M= P or 1prof-Deno, Planist and Voulist and of ci", ayo. An', when the ' fleàt lied drosses, Bradi Ciêrk Divlsion CoUrt, Tp,- Clark, Prof. H. IÀ sr thé talonted Solo vioum yond thé roach of OOALPS PATENTED CHURNS, oan bc en;mfýÏ for Concerto, Soirooo, suâ may be aqppum W" a àwde chesp gag cleared the harbor, the men a' etood vp liwh Commissioner.in B. B., wi' uncovered hoide while Parson Ar th Land Agent, &o., Musical et ivabon ressonable terme. Thou machines are simple of conotruc- W& no, Buggies, Sleighs, constantly en bory said à prayer on the quay for thern o m, ý 0 enson a ko., Atherly, Cdùuty Ontario. Whitby, July lôth, 1874. 29 tion not Ilible to get ont of order, requir enq They get shame of gôoè Atherly Sept. 2ud. 1872. 80 no MI to =ans ur? R 8 P A 1 R 1 N 0 an' thoir wivei su' baime. - ge, are =àdo in a oubétan along wijhout it now ; but they were noyer speak oj tW, and durabli muner. The OSu Farm to Aent. __y Or Doue on the abortest notice. -M but th te is J. EIXMAN, Uttle space, an set u t Mun an*ue# nane the the waur o' the blessing- to doýê W @ ItNa sIrAmp FOK clacuLAR &ne S»eu&Uy "se, fo=r hâlig nié Vmtty. 'deed, no 1 GEO. BRITTON, for me." RE FARM latil Offlpied largest faotuy# ý g, or the Brock Street, . . . . What is it 08H.AWA, - '«* a by Mr. X. - ýubliO 'II sailed swa' that night wr prayers ,,IyOWII w& T Ray, Lot 26, 8 con., Whitk. Con- amâliéot dwoUin&' an no new or untried, October 22,1877. Veterinary Surgeon PARKER BROS tainî 190 toms--IW clesred, and uncler the but hzve bon lu omstant and nue- JY44 an'loving words V my ears. It wu a .9 cultivâtion.-Good Ho-use sud buildingoi cm ni nu in 'an put, of the coltry, bffi gran' night-fuU rucon, au' a oolumn willie is Roffig Will be ait Armotrong's hotel, Whitby, overy WEST MERIDENCT. Lar Orchard, &o. Bligibl or yan. o'herring saz miles long by four braid 1 or four roade mettely Outsje the Ilùt#Y situatedo im winter and o= Tuefiday, from 1 to 4 o'clock, p. m. of the corpouk. The IÎ thffl machines is how I -know Âpril 25,1877. 18 tion. Apply to- unauy âmow as carbureted air gag, bd They were driving the water sifore them, suit ho went 1 P. 3. GIBBS wi' a lemant ripplin and makin' it common air ilyùnfated with P»Ilùe. Tt eh ri yet tg pay for, Sept. 26,1877. (te« ()"'W&, Ont. burna lie right dame ley" «pal TORE AND DWELLING M ONBY TO LEND. 1thýA M 06 1ooký ]Ce à ne VeýýjM' geme 0' heavy scores a to thoit produced, by cosi gAs,ý ïa overy color. We caught thirty thon- th Ji - pipeu mit ornemental fixtures oand fi& f ton bon". It wu m- lami tban the 'Oro The undersipta bas sny uuunt of Mon- W " NEWS FOR TRB LADIES. came tell hiin that ey to Lend, upon Perm or Town Proporty, ïï fire in uw in = eau of jolie over the i At Liverpool Market, a New Store and unnowày Low Bates, of Interoit. ma buildings by lit A" d tbey win fror 1, _1 1 memory o' it--vera rfii 411 Locus eau bu repold. in sume to cuit ber. thSgfi coibi iriâïl "TU nezt day thoru entu' up àt --,rt!at,! know thatII too Dwelling, well fitted up and with overy À NEW ÏIEVELATION IN THE the mm ratus OMRNCING ON MONDAT. May 7th etorm, sW a crowd Btotvi watching wae. nooosaisry accommodation. towers. 'The - éost of to> Apply te- Several Improwd Foi a sud Wild Land> SCIENCE OF DRESS-MAM G. Ou@ thm"Dà f4m 00 from 17iÂnd until farther notice, ttanswM ftLlly a big ship beating aff the Calf o' Mons, come ai J. IL McCLELLAX.- (Or " ohesp. one doUar.md to' this in yonr Mareh 28th, 1877. tf 14 Iniutmonts mode in Municipal DebéIo. bd oeu 0 ddimi LBAVE PORT ROPE for Lindsay, PeW. Mon. Sbehsd mista'en ber bearings, tuanied to 8ý turcs, Bank, and other awketata-ble Stocks. . h. _ - Labeddd, and intermodiàtt T" &bout on the, nt boro', un' thocht it Was Se. . Beeà 11ead. 1- CORNWALLIB SELF-blTTING is m hy pointa, at 5.80 a. mý, 10 a. M. and 4.W onndw ý1_hav For furcher particulm aïpiy to our'=uMue Io Imawn &mm 40 p. m., and for the O"rgim Bay Wau. just manâged-to cave ber; an' nearly WAIBT & SHOULDUR 17 p;i1fiem-willie JAMES HOLDBX, CHART Woline, a light, volatile dom bouchons, and intermediste punis ci out mysel, ; but I n2sde a guid, harbor Butchers, Duffina' Oreek, Dresses fitted rom t àione sommâtes given for à - ng ana lho-,tt by it l"-and tle olè man looked IIPO'to, Stifis tl 01goW Assignie, Broker, &e. buildings. .1$ without change of & outoh. Tubs arrive se-follows. protidlyat the keys im-hit belk-4*& fair-11 13G: TO NnTIPY THR, PUBLIC that Bptu 9th, lm 'Bathui -witir. Clonota, Puzups, Gardon FRO dremin For silo, with frie luth%" At M Lindsay, Pèterborol,.md hatbnr where I!vo seau gvid, deys, an' B they will ENVO cogintautly on-band, Pomtduo,£ubber Rose, Gao Pittures, iný m.. td 6me. savea, mom, thtn & bit o' Omo $Il mot nïal B1,049 ILOIMb, nisilibil, Yi-,tè voinétoy - 040ri" 1 N:toom v., mg âo 9 of the b"t inalisy,412 H EALTH REBTORED MIS$ McINTýyREs BrOftjý- ànïmryst4 -te- 0 - God for a' htu mèMes 1" ào*Uissalicit- BC.CW à PEMLTP& -idieneo nt«med"t*ý POin",' ce They hM walked round sa r IIII neel wo, ed. 1900XI6 WEMM. 0016 MM P.'m. Uuot==. toward the aide whic a ïieet the moi DECKER OILBART, Aom#s wantaL Ub«d ladmommte to plumbwoy Gu sud Stogra Fjttuv, rirfaîther paitiéàlan "ePocýt-Th» 8POke 1àomd4 Xw, ab 71, circum8tances. If elle flirta glis connýt-expect that others *iII re- spect fièý.- -If she realizes what'a h«'P of trouble she was causing henelf -ana atl lier friends, she would n'of do go. but she lu like the man takibg the firet glasa of whiskey, she cannoe' thià it wîll ever leâà to the terrible renulis which Shi bas, Seen in the MLse of otliers. 11GOOd name of zaan or womau Io the imme&âte jewbl of their soub'ý- and ne snob it should be preserveil very' carefully #om anything whiéh eau in any manner tarnish lia brightneso. Please, girls, oz you valut your hap- pineas, desist from this üselem habit. on' injures yourselveï and inakes all you friends unhappy, and ýou' never saw a flirt thst *as respemd. Be something botter, fiobler, traer; yen ean bc if yon will.7= -Be 'true ta your womanhood, true to your motbero, true to your God'. -IWhat in the origin of the noble bouge of Ëitz Clarence?" moked the teacher of a class in history, to whieh a boy answored -110ne day old Chwence bad fits, and aiter that they called him Fitz Clarence." "Look out for the pauug year-s,', Baid au old gentleman as lie wà& bid- àinè bis nephew good-bye on the i curb- dons. III can't now, uncle," was the ýeply, "for I muet look ont for the pets. kg omnibus." A judge said to à coun&eUor:-N0- man of the Imb sense would agrewe with your, opinion." III should like to iüow," retorteil the lawyer, I*bow you ean judge wbat sny man of the Jeut longe woula"do ?9P "Rave yon licard about par Frag- nqu, the poet 2" said a gentleman st à ilub. "Poor fellaw, lie'& completely )roken." - 111 can readlly boliéve it ;aid a sympathetie bystander, «or 1'ýà een. à good many of bis places lately." It le îFhon a b-oy--fode himseiz wu- )ut àny solicitation'on bis part,,-aas4m- >d to à position between the ràlýr and ils, teacher's knee, that lie -l" lhè imperatlve necessity, or et 1*ut'tbs lesirability, of ordering the àxkDl»ý of all b;s fo-Ïýoeo. The young lady who cauglit. nan's eye is requested to retum iL Au old ben'aýon'It" pmpbù y au eà till t bas happeùed,-&Toth Bi Uffi#$. ' ý Pietty whom mon km belle& n the h&b!t of givinz to 9thw Pocr-

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