Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1878, p. 2

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'bi "Il igi là ' ant Bas-i malge & Y"*m on offeu- J. ~Ualon & Msrrowl of bugle, eutters Ovpor - 4e. ntauto- m-Tie., G Wii Xothiodist Tabéros >ies ,-doi.gb.et'au n LoauTM [n nt autio-W. !5o,4 Fred, M& [or ir emi de ia: es te s0- ho e ids ta me id )r- ne al, 'e Is ae- O NL Y S 1 e fER A ï'M, 1i1,,Tbur8daY, JaD. 17, 1M7 Report cf Inspecter. cf Ayume ai Prisons. Tue Inl report of lhe Inspecterc Aiylm, Prisns s#MdPubliec Oai.itie of th. Province ef Ontario, Jusl coee ban~d. esbraca e'tory oetille inmai - luiov.aor the. officiel ysst, cemmenc Ing let. October, 1876, sud en&lug Sotl SePt. 1877. Il apulsins a rsvlév cf ti progrs of chelaInstitutions mntionei &ans cenfederallon. Of allh e bnofi thal have sarued te Outario lrom til Act of Coufeleration, noue, vea aa vém3 lruiy bld, coùid bho na-ahiglhy prizee lisp the privilège of fennding sud or ganizlng amcliinstitutions atah s ii vian acîually roueud fou tle caic sud Irésîrnant Of her physical, mental 4îud moral1 defeclives, Wilhoutlilaviug tc conulu]t -thie vshea or vail for lImé atien cf aucîber provinse..provinus le Con. tederatiou tise accommodation fou îlhese eises vas- inadécînale sud lie tuesi. meut inunflcnl-uesisutaîung tIseîde. tenîlan ef fhs insane fon lengîhoeo peniodelu a thé gaols or iu privaie familles unlil mauy boaiIncurable. No provision vlîaleven vas made fle idiots, sud ouV.> au insiguiflcasulgrun to s pnivabéechaal for the deaf sud elutu. The lliud voue vhellyunucarot faor by the geruneot, boths astli aducalion aud induRtrial instruetio witIhmin li lcut sasescf tan yearm, vi have a Public institution 6ystemn vhicli isata once au liomior sud credit te the P'roviuce o f OntarioAend le thé succes -, ive geiveriiuentnîsasd logiolalunes ici lave culrolliuadils affaire during tuai timé, >as veil as being ami imperishsîlE monument b 11the ilsrality sud pro' guessivones of tha people, Tîsucé nov asyluma for lié caré soid tresîmnent cf tle insane have, been "Aeed, sud additions@mré nov being mnadeéte thinu, v4il, vlan comsplotad, vi lianiiaceeumrodienfenlthatojlam. fa le, exteut cf 2,800 lieds, as agsinst 1,000, vlan thé asylueis vere t aken over by tise Province aI (leebederallon. Au asyluin for idiots lias beén .fcuuded, la viiela training uchool fou tle yeuli cf th lsaoleis&baut tl'o ho added. An insitution for île oetla ionofthe dé if sud durnb vas opened iu 1871, via in point cf impartanco as indicaled ly thé numr o f puphlm lu atîsadanoe, nov stands fourîl in a ]jmt cf upwaudî of fouly snobseheels cn thé continant cf Amerlca, lIns soving tle greas uaeseaatY fiat existed for au establish. ment cf lIaI linel. - An institution fou thée ducetilnofethîe blnd bas beén - puovîdéti sud la e higily sppreciatedl by the -parents anmd goardiaus of liaI clasa, thal extensive additions are nov lilg made te il, lu ouder te afford se- oomnod~ln fo suinercased nombor cf pupil.' A Central -Prisan &as an lu- terniedisité establishment lielveén thé cOuuly gacis sud thé Dominion Péni. tentiary,-hm, lien éstablisied, sud tié problein ef ntilziug lié aleur cf piseneroseaéuîeueédte aient luaprisen. * ment successfully selveel, Ibaougi wÂah net only lave lie dsmoraîizing affects ef eufanced idleuams in coamoc 980s el bongreâtlY iaitigîîfod, lut tle insane Of reformatian las-gely incoésed. Evsry ccrmoén gaol viii luI oeeor twe e0106004sbas elthier been rebut or reionstrrneled, in ordi te cemnply %villa nioderu viil -apect te suai structures, andtebMaet theiatuqli-e. unolsof hIe Plmon Inspection Act. A lav las ssu pîacéd upen le tablte boo, dalunug sud syslémaiziog tle sud lienevlent isiun- , hoiu thlaI tL. groi expanditures by lia pro- ince, ouCtiesý sud eciaritablé instito. ti' oua fer structures leue, lave been close0ipon lwo and a hall million dol. uohm ie thé.report tat he le aector le te meke eithîe Condition cf lie sens, prisons,ani publie elmartifes Utarlo temi yeaus After the Adet o !dorstuon plaiceel tisé ne 1a1 con io. 'f -eendipro. éiinlclassasf hepopulation sa u bam 411on Ils fumrage, a, iu. Wd by thee omiwltnof ne iee-s S18,488 Pesomnas le t.vaions non gaola cfthie Proviat., durlug ieei 'se dolnpmrd vi*i1128 i 6" in dit A* tisé vides t tle go( thse mu Mo us or ut oessieu application oethîeuom Munieipal anîherllles n baud tie batter. wamry cAsL. Pers om mmtteddAurln g the y& -129 ; grealit namber occaiimid at ça on. time 21 ; nmnIr'cf recoommitt r- 17 ; tetal Ceai cf antslung gr 82607,90. Visite vers umade tb Il Cod Us0 et 1Novésabersud 1a AIt ti. lime cf thée ocn.ud'uuoi il r Mu. Licug mauirmasygs, "I found t Varions wirdusud apas-Iuntm h o1 L. srnpnleonsly 'tsu ad aean.I bceldlg sud lctblag véné éported1 -e bla ufficlént alceit for lb. reijuh menti. Elgilincle pi-hoera voue lIe Celle, as u olfoa-med liai i veules at béén eommlhIed ine. t] .previOu. Ociober. Tisse lhl pulse -u e--ers lu énsjody fou thé foliowis lu offensé., vIs ;'vqgrsnay, 4 ; laneeny, e vant cfsaméise, 1 ; sud rape, 1. TI i onamitinent ocf eeof thîe prisonei . obmllted fou lIé opinion cf lIe.Ra vorable lie Attorney.Geueral. The varionsa booka voue exane Gand fonnel te h. ccurectly képI. - puplulmment bat been avardét' fk ovér four.monlIm. The counly cocanil vas rsqnemted i s preceet vili tle flloving verts vhic cemlti uearly al lé doue Dy prie-en i boum, untirer t'te rnderthie goal mec Ssecuré, vIz :a lai. The renuoval et thé division va - lu the vcmen'm yard as il ceuld e wev dipesot 'viti sud only aerved mu' - latder te assâin u acapas. 2ud. The building o f c toeein pue jeclion Ironi thé vill aud ton feetliore the oter val lu tié northi et augli Iof lie vomeu's yar-d, to prévaut prison sus vhe miglia siioceeoti le gtiug ovel thé Wall fmqm duoppiug oniside. Sud. The mnoel ing cff cf tliasoie iprojections above lie fiut vinews ii eih le eéwoskiu.yand. [Thèe w onshsbave ame liéeu ea Th okngmA.' Banquet te Sir JhA.Madonald. Tic banqueI teuderéd ly lhe vouk. iug mon cf Touonte te Bis- .0oln A. Macdoenaldi on Wednssday eveuî'ng last vas s grand affair. Sir John vas madi lie reipisul of a veny fialterng ad. drae sud geid vsah. Tas Deaireowe-BOARD os' TîtAns.- Tise eiglîîs anueol meeting cpauéd a& Ottawa ami Tuesdsy. Tuera vas a far sileudauce. Mu. Adam Brewn, ci Hamilton, délivéeti au iuferem"tieg sad- drasa. lu thé aftem'ooon the délagafés froinetIse Natienal Board af Tradé, U. S., vare infredued ansd eoaideliveneel su atidrese. Résolutions varé caunied le tai-or of arnending the Stamp Act; tha Wighis and Measurés Ad, mse bar asm campaling traders totc isbahemr saalle îlte inspealors office for ax- smination and pncvontiug thé sacrifice of existiug veiglîls ; also in laver cf Béciprocity -île Américasudélagates Ialiiug part in. thé discussion on tle latter. PitmciearerÂr e ao MR. HmCTRi BiPAor.-Several friands et Ms-. Boston lu Pickering, soee imé age put a euh- seiplicu lisI in circulation fon thé pur- pose Of Preseuîiug Ibis old, sud deséri-. iog township ofilcer villi acméauli- ulanlial testirnanial cf lIais- regard. A cosiderable snm, ve are gladti e lesun, las nov been coléecteel, the dis. poaition cf vhieli is fa lé madie -ata mneeting of tls canimifle f0 lie ld at respects bis privala voulu, or lu tle faillifol performance of lis public dulies, ev mien ever btter desérveti Ilis mark- cf confidence sud estasin than Heelon Beaton, froin the people cf Pickering. Arrest cf thé Omem'ec Murdenen lu Whitby. Henry Weod, île sllegéd. murdéer of Chaules Harnilton, aI Ornemée, vas arasîed hy Chiof Constalle Brysu, of tIi. fovu ou Satnnday. The chief lai-- ing board cf a mn, ansvering Wood'm description, having jurnpsd frein a freigit train aI île Wiitby station, Iolloved liii mnan dove thbmraiîvsy track tovande Osiaa', néon whici place lhe sncceéded lin evertalcing lin,, graspiog lim by lie salutaiy arn,, ou vîiel ho plaeed thé nippers. Prisouer vam brougit bafoue Dr. Gnou, J. P., sud uemaoded. Cheft constable BSmart aruivéd frein Lindsaiy on Monday nigil aud aoeveyed Wood lack by thé Whitby sud Port Ferry _train ou Tues- day mornning. Wood At fluaI deniel tht le vas the mnu, but mnhsquently adrnitt-ed lie @truck Hamsilton, but net vith a sling abot. Héeuie décolarés le did nef lLov Hamailton was daad. Stramige te SAY Wood had been in Touonte sud eseapel île vigilance cf the ciîy coustshles._ MAsBoNIo BALL-Grsat puepartions are - made fer Ibis avant, whichi Imkes place thim évei'ng. CO RRCTION -Divlion Courts. wlb h hld aI AlieniY, Mardi 121h, Beaverloo, itl, Calnugton i4tI, and Uxliridgé 101hitéad of the oh ll,10h, 111h sud i2tI uaspectiveîy, as pue- vioaly adveftised. NOrTa ICE Trua PUnLIC.-\Ve have gi-en thé usaeOf Part 0iOu building fou lIse sccomodation of tle 'MasoulcOrFes- tival, théré vii liebcno Ancten sale on TiursdsY; but vili &tout again on Fni. day ufîsunoan-181 i lima., ut Ive, P. iM. - HAMILTON & H1AIROWBR. la iA F ias iN LONDONN Buglanel, last BUUday dastroyAd about $500,006 voufli cf pnopeuty. Tau SmoEmcumscs of Lyn Maosa., ara en strike. Nosuhy 800 people ara ouf of cxupoymeuî. Boli eldes arc déten- mlned te iold ont. AUCTîOie SALE OF' BUeuraa, CUTTEERS, &o.-We beg te drav attention te thé Auelion Sale cf Bug-gies, Cutai-s &c, properfy cf Mesrs. Tomus & Newport. The rigs sue aoh fluat cas lu finisli, matanial sud workmnansbip. Dent forget lha datéeof als, 26h Jaunary, 1878, vlsén yen vili ho sure cf getliug fluet cism rige, long crédit, anid no ré- serve. Taylor & Barnard have s splendid lune lu opera giasses sud genenal opti- cal, geode. Théy lavé thé agency fer P. Taybor'a Corneeted Lénse spsectamcles. Tmrz FIriai-MEETING cf ftahev eTown Coueii wil b e ble luext Mouday. TEE Duiesr BY.LAW CAIUIED JN Psrsmltmseouî.Tls Dukin Acf lias hesu sarniéed in Peîeuiouongli by a usé- jonlty of oeanly eue tîouad. A WobtmAN BumNcari Te DEATH.-Mm. Rosa, wife cf Louis Rosa, cf SI. Croix, was burnad to edétli lu a fine vicl took Place ie lié harn. We regret te be inlorined' fIai 3f, Nov la lis limé io secoue chesp dry -Mathévsou's debeai is afînibotéci ote - gacs at thé clearing sale cf Messs. 12012Sppeaanoeof biilsUHamilton & Haruowe-. nonappéraca f la uinéamongal tlilsi cf candidates for muicipal Perfect Fittlng WhitesBl-abtg ihAIl honore in tle tovnship. Il vas wbelly Linen Fi-enta. Bei-en Dollars four Six uninleulianal opon or pari. Wo got Sits on $1.25 Bacha. À very dco thé lust frein Brooklie sud pulibéti asmorîmnt of Neck Tics, Bows, Col- île unass seul. Thé bélier va3 la laresu d Cuifs etc. at E. Fromt's Genîs les- candidates te make Ilio auean Fuuuisiiug Depet. Odel Féllove' Hall. neundemeola lu thé oudluary vsy luTn s thèse colonaus, ta prévent all mislsked.. le , OiA INDIAre TRiAL.-The iuzV Lot tie lulmmation lié lonne i Mn liteOka Indisu trial ah meontreal lioreatter. have lailad t &gr-ec sud vere discarg- cd. FratIN iCEATEAM.-A flua broke eut Usa Whitfiéld'a ceîébratod, Pnlmnic lu Roll'a pbotegraph gallery ou -Mon- Bynp day morning, deslroyiug lia drog micro rp undérasallanC several adjoiuîng huilal. Tas CracerAT'- Osmurssc laonce ings. Loma cn a large ameufctf pro- mous afloaf and ou thé a oBg peuly.u lima adjeiniug buildings. landl. 'wateEg DamCr FOiOTis THE -ami ACuteD Co.eCiimta- LeaD Dus'PEîiN FosratWsrrc"m. aud Organ Recili llite Matiodiât Lord Doffeuin beavés Ottawa fit one Tabernacle on Friday oeaéng naît. fer Washington. Ris visitlaisoe a pri. Wg ose gana-ante cafinal-clama pro. val. nature. grammie, sud se il l thlirét effort of RESirscouCEEECoaBsO-.Mr Hadelen tle Young mien cf thé coaignegsion in bs bei-n eleci.d 13 acclamnation. aid cf tie cdurci, vo- boapeak thosi a Pikrn .o-fies -"e.boge Nsew OriCe.T..lmno Ti. Thé eleion cf offlcena fou Pickering grapI Co. lave epened offices &aI "Cala -O. . asbei! at Whitevaîeono met,' "ThMiro," aid "Buakiegi - ,,Tuemalay, 8Su Jannary, Ths e eâwmng où lb la.c lit e Qof th@ieu eà( 4 srseleet0e:-l m.frb.o ulMeefen; Bey. W.W. Bret w4b ýý Win 7. >D. Felvay, D. tas W ib 1mesMonday Trnùea'm WB on la Tin liai Pst MAI ai Guo -puea.aled iaterémting repos-fs. The. chair vaas tehen on the fireI évonlng IV, Si ~r Johe -Macdonald. Mu. Wsllao., aj M. P.*> Norfolke, vasalacted perussneni~ MIi chalrmua for the menton. 0f thé delà- bit gatea appelited i frouaSouth Ontario, lb re hoévo- w or nt> ia, sltendanué 0'Col. )"Wsllaoe, J. R. PhlIpg .B Biakelli, le Whlvcîl HIall,'and Fsdrlcle Memi. be ,he A 000» APPeINTIIENT. - W. sué to muci pleaiedt te larnufat Mn. James 1- O'Doy, ef Oahawa, ha. rscelved lie *p- lu pointmeul of'-o4éntîliv l' h ,ho Cuatonu set tial port, rendes-ad vacant »n. by tle doatb cf Mr. Richard Walah. Dg Mu. O'Day hau been lu île employaient 2;olte Grand Trnk ieduring lIe peut e igiléen Yomr, ulévlng liai hoeina s ~.falulful aenvant se veIl as a vorlby doeévng man. lu bestevlug thé SP. ed polotinent upon a Cathollo lIe Gov«un. ýo meut hbava acled inliàccommndabhe spirit of lileuality au vaîl as fair play, le vbioi v. féel i'n duty bound te se- iiknovlédge. Thano va. a large nonn- Sber ef applicauls for tle bonih. Annuel Meeting cf thé Dominion .11 orange. a The Dominion Grangé fieldi ifs aunual meeting ai Allent Hall, ']Ùoron- m 10, on Tneaday. Tise following are le îlneenaines cf thé offiaesaanel delegalem preffent: Maste-, G. W HiI, rRidgvilis; StApbsu White, Claring Cross; L.EH. Hibuu, Uxîs-lege; S . B. Whiman, Quelea ; Chaplîn, J. iManning, Blombérg; Treasmrer J. P. Bull, Dovnaviav; Secratauy, W. Pain- b enton Pagé, FonIhiiI; Cerem, Mus. Tru, -Oshava; Pomona, Mua. E. J. White-i 1ev; F., Mus. Lesse; Blevaudoîs, Mus.j Goulti. Dlegals-No. 24, Prince Allant, R. -MaMrdia; No- 25, Ontario, A. Ouil, S. S. Boal. ;t WHra-serAN» EAST Wor-ri- YAoRirCUa-i i aUsAL SOCIETYi.-TÈé annoal meetingi of ethe Wlîilby andl Esat Wbulliy Agri- collons] Society vas liéel ai ]rokliu -ou astSi afuuday. Thé Iuéaaurér's re- pouf siewed fIaI thé axpéndilorés fer bthé year lad besu $708.23, andl liai îhe r balance in -thé treasorau's laudsata f puesout vas #170. The feluowiug offiocous vénaeleclad i for 1878 : Président-A W. Farevél, Oshava. Vir-Pusidnt-R. Young, Whitby.i Secreaa--Jcîn Willia, Whitby. Tréaarr-J. S. Sleéle, Oshawa. -Diector.-W. H. Canant, Oshawa; Jonathan Pertes-, Oshava ; Jas. Stocka. Columbus; Wm. Thompacu, Raglan ; Henry JsffreY, Whiiby ; John Robli, Whithy; John Kerr, Brooklin ; RaIl.t Mav, Bnaoklin. tI Audtrs.-R. T. Harrison, Brolin;h Jeremiali Lick, Oshsava. P ti MsaOmnsL CoLaaEie.-Calat T. 0. W WhiIfield'a sud sea bis eteck of I Mitchell% Memroial Cologne, the masl v exqnimlte penfnînuy cf thé céntony, V~ qoalilias, flué, Iragé rant sud lasliug. ' B Prises : 25 cIa., 50 ais., 75 cis., sud gi N. B. Perfuméd Sampla CandeM gratis. te fo Great Sale cf Sleigh,, CuIiera. Car- niages, Boggies '&., ab ths Carniage Bj Faciory cf M. O'Douo'vau, ce alurdsy, Jsuuary 2611, 1878. Ah hie verk cf- a fereti 1cr sale viiilibe varsntéd. Souoot TRuaî-as.-Tlie élection for J alool trustees teck placé lasi Wedues- a day. For the public acheols, Messrs. J. B. Powell, C. King sud J. PosI vere rétua-nee. For tle Beparahe echoc i w Messrs. Jas. Joinelen sud M. O'Done. e« i-an. H DESTUCTIVE Fias AT CsumeaOr.-On hy -Baturday mrnring lest a -destructive i flua ocanruod ah Clinten. Fropeuty to * thefameunt cf fiuléen hbfo'uasd dolars éking publie. Tue Nova Scotis Ziections. The Hen. Mu. Val sud Mu. J. C. ada vers uomiuated aI Dighy, N. B., afnrday. Among lié Conservative sakers Messrs. Tappar and Thibanît ré thé most notices hle. MARA CouNccn.-Tho ceuncil for '78 copse fPiilip Meuse, Reevé imnothy gO'Leauy, Depnîy.Rséve ; WiI- m Beullon, Austin O'Boyle, sud eter Tionipson, Councillo-s. TFEz BALLOT TO ami ABOearsmruaIN kAIrTosA.-Tlie Local Goverumeul of :anifoba iutend iulroduciug s bull mlimhiug lhe bllot aI Provincial elea- us. Try Whiîfield's infalliblé Toolladhe Sale cf thoreogb-brad sud Grade île, Heorsés, Implémente, £e.t.he ipnly ef Mu. John Haiglit, ou lot e14, in the Brd cen Pickering on adnesday, Jan. 28rd, 1878-L. Fair- uks, Anctioneen ca &Wé 'ban -PERRi- DAvis' PAIN KILLER laken lu- ternally, il ralieves iuehautly fie Most seule pain. Used exléuually, 1t la tl. béat Linimnent in tle vorld. Ls éffect la aimeet inetautanens, ffeuding usel frein île Most intense pain. Il soothes tié irritaîéd or iufiamed part, and givea quiet sud rel le thé sufferer. Il la erniunfly the _péople's frienel, sud avery oue hould lave il yuit heuz, ou viens tbey eau put thein bande ou il in the.daa-k if néod lié. COseSUMPIea-e.-Manysy lIaI Ihis disease cannaI le oua-éd, lut the pro- prietoesof Aléun's Lung Bah iai Il ssàtisfy auy one. li l las lien cna-ed lu vory many cases of the vouaI des- cription. Tliey lave lnnda-eds of tes- tumoniale frein Ihauhful individuas vlic viliingly admit il leas avedt Ieir livés. Que pecuiisu claastéuistic of Fai- leva' Compound Syrup of Hypephmos- pils eoàits poer of decomposiug tha food lu lie Stomuach, rendering diges- tion sud assimilation moe perfect. This parti yaccoonts for lie rapidity vili vinci patients Isaeou fiesi vhile nsiug the article. Ceusumption Cured. An olti plysican, retiréel frein pa- fice, baving baed placotinlu bis banda by an East India misionary lie formula ef a simple végetabie nemedy, fou île spaedy sudl perm'anent cure cf ccnmump. lion, broucitis, câaai-nb fSa, sud al f bhreat sud Jung affections, cisc a positive sud radical cure for uer-eus debility sud al parveonu complainte, aller lavinàn lested ila vendes-fl ura- ac-ive paveram tlseusanda of csea 1bas féli if liii duîy te nishe il leanu o bis snffering fellows. Actnstedl by Ibis UIoie,&àud désiré to 1.lieve'lumnan sufferul.w illi ssu5 free' pI .ilerge, to alwodésire il, hua redlpe in Geman, Fr-ench, a> u nlio ih, l a iete for propaa-lug sud, nqg. Sent by mail b5 addusaagd"wltb aIamp, naulng euh pape-, 'W. W. 5esar, 1% Ps-r. Blekt oeb.ylr'w Asaeti, inaudi ait c f -ldigs sud2224.#W.6- bbatlaeitof 400 on r. bW n.Jout suetu l sta valeen t .bfi olTihereport héadpiammd tiepéa li bohu. e inêxlnaiaaui me retar. Ilappéred fl th ri.bd bMr.caild orhor.lIeé Irthealcuo thé tin te, bat onaI of mhah ungi ment te - d6ferthe boa-. Baléliff st stidnlIa thee.r er 880 t forfLM&td pthrs fo s bid Thé ralepo r do Treannéra tctao mheute ver uts dote â h sub etoncfrotesta, s vas tien pro' ceded vfiohfIsnelted p ssfolio7a.r John Dryden, Prei. ; Wrn. Sithl, lat Vice-Pi-est.; Robert Devérill, 2nd Vice-Preal. Diraclors-Daulel Licie, John How- den, Thomas Déverll, David Bans, Aloîr. Wsddell, Malthev Gold, Davidi Brovn, John Baîlés-, sud T. G. Hol. day. Audibor-Joln Raîcîlif aud Arthur- Johnsten. Dologatea le Previncial-John Wlllis sud Anus MaKay. Mr. Arthur- Johusten broagîl up tle subjeot of union of local socielles, us-g- ing lie importance of the loîn of. WIiLby leaaliug thé vay lu lckiug ac- tion ini lie malter-sud mpoke éaruoat. ly and vallinu aver cf île benéfita of amalgamation te luis section cf lIe country. Héona-god lie necesaity of geltiug WhiIby men interested asa te secure upécial, prises, yul tée vlév of cnaking lie ex-hibition more vo-hy tle localihy, sud mevet laI Mu. W. Ht. [{iggius, the Secrelay,- sud Treasure-, Mfr. TIcs. Devénill sud Mu. Anges ifcKay bo appointeel a m'pecl coin- cniîteé fou lakîng np oollectionm. Mn. T. J. Hellidsy agnaed vitl Mu. Johuaton, sud secandeel the mnotion. Hoe heliévad il vas thé interesl ofthe tovu cf WhiLby te inorase lIme prise laIs. Motion carniati. WiII votes of tlanes 10 lie ouI- gaiug offiaersansd tie soditors, the meeting adjounneti. Libenal-Ceuservative Meeting. EIELEGATES TO THIE iCONWVEN- TION. ".M." Rememben This. Nov is lie lise cf year for Puaz menia, Long Foyer, Cougis, Calds, an fatal résulte cf puedimposition te Cor smnplion sud ocher Thuesl and Lui Disease. BosciEE's GEEMAN Si-ai bas beau usad in Ibis ueigiberheod fc thé pasl lwo or tirée yeara vithoul single lai]uro te cure. If yen lave nc used Is medicine ycîîrself, go te y01 Druggis, B. W. B. BSmith & Ce., ai ase hlm of ils wenderful succes amn lis customérm. Tlarée doses vilI relie' fhe woret case. If 300 have ne lait mn auy medicine, jemt boy a Bsnpl Botle of BosrHEs's GERmAN Si-sur.fo 10 cents sud try il. Regular sué liet île 75 cents. Don'I negleat a cougi ii aya 75 ces. Lateet War Neya. PEACE PROSPECTS. Thé Servians lavé réoccupiad Kur sahamîje, vhici thé Tunka avacuatec The Ber-ian Gén. Bélimrnakoviteli, vitl fifty battaliens, is marching on Priah. tins. Thé Servians bavé effecteda e tiou vitI île Roumnsisus belonE Vi ddin. Thé comnmandant cf tlIa tovu usbeeu summoned te urreudbr, but demanda lIaI tle ganuison b. ai. leved te marcl ont vilih heir arma. A Paracrrespondent saya ifla ecal« cuiatéd 20,000 fugitives lave arn-éed in Constantinople frein Roumélis duing lie wesk. Thé Czrnlas sid te havéegi-eufbon lieu assurances te Englanl, but thon( la moal mistraml uolvitistanding The Grand Duke Nichelas is ini-seé wiul full paones. Tréopohipa fou lu. dia, detainsdaIetMalta,, lava héén er. dsred le procéad, shoving that neeri pacifie ideas prevail in the Briia Cal. muet. Restored te Complete Heaili Brook@, Me., Sept. 7, 1870. Dean Si.-Fuom esniy yontî I s lu feeble leslth, Irouîled vlithhumour lu my biooedvaknesassud debuity of the systéin génerally ; vas unabie tc laber muaI, sud only af -aîné iglai business, sud thon enly vili gréai eau tien. B"eeuyears ago, tie pasî Sprng, 1 bai s sévère aisack of Dipitieris, wiel éfI my liaIs parallzed sud usé- ls, so I vas unahie te vaik er aveu il op. Noticing thé sdverîisemant of PERUvIAN Si-aur., I concleded te give if a trial, sud tearny gréaI joy accu feund rny béalîl inpreving. 1 coutinnéed lié ueo Of thé Si-ar. outil Ihue botllé-id beén nod, sud vas restered 1a coin- pîsa bealtî, sud lave remsainsd mcn la Ibsday. I altrihute my paeseof héalîl enlia-e- ly te île use cf PEituviAN SiRU aurnsd bld Il in bigli estimation. I canel speak toc highly in ils Isuaisa. I have me sévaral cases réaomrndéd ii in cases véry similsu te my ovu vili îhe samé good résulta. Yonrs tuuly,o7'CHABLEa E. PEAELCy. Beld by dealers genorally. DESTIrTUT1ore AT CONeSTATINOPE.ias- Mu. Layard, Britiash Ambassador ai Constantinople vnites :-"Tio diatrs la incuéaaing teuihîy; fugitivesaraniv- iug by tîcasauda ; uinaiy trains ex. pectedlon Baturday frein Adrisuoplé, haingiug 10.000 fugitives, moatly va- men anud childuen, wvbe vii make thé jeuey on opeu trncks, durnughsavy snovfalI.. A lange numnlisuof ocher fugitive vii arrive sieutly. I bavé engageai a Loua. nean thé station te ré- ceivo the meat deelitute, sud previde for the distributiou cf food ; 1,200 sul- férers véré leelgetiand ralievedti t-day. Fondm are nrgeutly uéqired ; thé Tlrkish Governenî la Coing ite lest, but ita action ilaiemeel pas-alyzeti by the eveuvlelming magnitude cf Ithe nlseuy it bas te Ceai viit. PrAÂrîeîcsFOB TEE CosMIreeCOmN- rxsT.-Iu Mentrealifi la mnureel that Sir Aléxauder Gait or J. G. Robertson, ex-Provincial rreasurecr sud m. P P. for Sherbrooke, viii centéat Richmond sud -Welfe luthé Consénvalivei'ltereat aI tle général elactious for tle Do- minion Pas-iamnt, Il. Gril standard balug css-ied liy Mu. N. W. Tuenhelmei et Montresl. Mr. S. W. Fesîsu sud Dr. MeGowan, et Bolten Centre, ae ais. méntionatias. probable candidates for Brome counny. -Dr.' Buil -puopeneel ai lIa,.Hoge eRule Imemubers'. cenfe-ronno. aI Dublin ibaI île-y sbonld' bs-m Ibémvmes imieasdix 1i party niieduti nli pninciple of olitainiug self.govénrumnt for Ila sd. To evoid diffiealtie. inu tle futurs"- à etîrniltîe.. wu appeinled viiose d4Pl "ia. villgovrub lie part>'. Doww" L or .Gomas.-GOhd deeliaad M New Tar > itertlay le ICI 7 8. t bel tlslng of. the tseeklnd penipm crept intohe Pwýesr' réilecticia Othons cf Our, 41nds. 'I 6 e ve oubyto0 sy. lot tbelA follevtheI.éî lent exampleaOf i4T.M.4 "flend HggaM ISrnne auItetofsMy lilltlie ith myseif :" y 1-iu Globe! av ai ever20M'àn;,eau'î do vitout y VutvléLiberal t Olearvi& sa Whitby boy ýsudmuaI béli 8. -Kamlutiqua Day Book'Q lion, Gril v«# Tory-Neebing HIot Fumé Anhmi's' Laadlug va Kamini q us river as a barbonu. Muet r, Dq Bookc tian*Geiardian i Frleud-alvayo 8& OBe hue te your chus-ai," CAM glve themiup. a<ste3Ms éomire laite ou~tclcal paparé i 6.-Montréal Witnesta! Givea e real uesmlu regard te fors. Mi continue il. 7.-Gooci Word,8 1 Cîldusu.. lika AnC et course 'gooti laller"vwill sudl icitéd bis cItsen happy. 8-Bnndsy Schmool Timaaiý Yaui papor. A greal iielp un Sunday Bdh -vork. Keep it ou. 9.-Wsîrrs CaONZomrC 2s? Bnd IE esi,an sd gin. it cpI1 Whaill h npvards of lventy yeas h bas béai laitiful CisseOzLs te - ine-giviugi c correct stateménl-of éi-euylling lui spiriug.No!1 I md I canel do vil eut île CaEmeOmIL. Suai is lie awge in wviaIve lI lIai oua géte trainoti into continua' euquliuig, sud avér ou teîle ie1 uevs. To me tle absence of my fi orile nevapape- vcnldblamrueaft than, my moruiug meal. A in ebouiti distrihuto as muai goed vie nme readiug lunbis fainily as lie cý afford. It payjL Anti yen knev, o: of the greaI questions of thie day je "Doos it psy 11' I am g lad te notice your slesdy pi grésa, sud alîlougli va différ son himsa in palilias, I consider lia Clito ruas altoeélir oeeof thé hest pape in lIé Dominion. Bnclosed find 813-béing asunt date." ' - - :* :" te lie gnaoedd againat, still it is neither desirabla uer possible te avoid maklug fre i ure te limé the additions &né[ iniprevemants whieh experienca may May suggesl, or the growing needs cf thé Province dernand. Anienget tle measures ou important suûbjeccs te le snbmitted -te yen during thie proeut session will probably he-Billa, te pre- vida fer offeuilera against Provincial aud Municipal lawa baing put te liard lor whan ueceesary cutaide the goal limita ; te place on s more satisfactory footing the relations cf landlords aud' tenants in certain cases, ; te previde s couvenient inachincry fur wiuding np, jcint-slock cempanies whiuh have proved abortive, or have completad the porposes cf their incorporation ; sud te ragulate thé Civil Ser-vice cf the Pro- vine. A special case bas been settlad, and ,transmitted te the Pnivy Cooncil in Englsnd, for the deciaien of the long ceutrovertçd question tb etha legs] val- idity of the award bctwepn Ontario sud Qneboo ; sud the matter bas réached a stage whieh jutifles the éxpectatien, thai the arguiment sud adjudication wiil také place within a féw iveeka. Thora bas beau another. unézpectea delsy in procnring a soîtllenulof the, important. sabjeot cf thé beundaries be- tween Ontario and théesdjeiing - terri. tories af the Dominion., the absfnce frei nienia te thé distlugîziael gen- tlemian acleosaîl as'tlird srliitrator, lîAV- ing anadega esttlenaent durng Lin year impossible. The'di-lay lias beau madte u#e cf te collecl further facto sud doc tune-uts frein thé architvaeo,,iuLondon ýand Paris, as well aqt frein t» recorda lis pessesaien of thea Hu'au'a *Bay ,mowpuy, sd fri .rioàopublie 1 hbr.àrles iouurop e a ndilAineries. -YTe' yf ul ortiýgé&U oiérilieotIge-iioi ba ndustries te whleh tis iýurv M Of home .tra havOIef l8un~Pjjguz aving becor ,sacivei *hougii >the fere1gii tr& I6.lmnet lmroWOVtg tehe uao extez. T.hepf Ulluesa snd the fiuanci Strength of tii. capitaiutooerned ~ Iu~ringaue indlted by the fa 1 ave ti he s~o ~uai ethe tLà ntiati-'g <tii. depriiiic V euelenfroni env Woedsand -Fp uta d *n"h yenit =Wbaag "~7a&.bèeenequalý uglfca Opeted; anl& DO hI ater pue c irecatan~e la thseh Pce. btinad atublic action Sthe new limita whic in u onsequenl cf the adysuce 0f setienents, it W, elf- n neacsa ' ug the year1 i1ti Place under license. I adam hlappy te stats, aS1, that ti royaqul freinl te sale of Public Laui wi.and freinother soesbashsa. eeu, 's:te what las beau auticipated. I -teck occasion, during the smmi mlot te vieil smorn f the COlouization nosi O I! ntber vaille work in ouiefew dù or- 'e ltd'a year ; ana I amngla 1i1 nerovaments lias- beau useful bothi glving naeded employnaent te otiej ansd intending setliers, -and, aise iu a ti7 fordiug valuable failitieswfoi the futtit kee op:rations of the iiihbtants Itj 101districts cf the Province continue t attract an anergetio and bardy populi ig" tien, largely frem the eIder settiement For the numnber cf persons sund quautityc i a land localed lait year hiaving bee me greatly in exoesas.ef years p reviens. ,au- It lias been ýocaien cf regret the 'th hutherIe the provision in this Provinc fer the care of the blind, the deaf an liv dumb, and the insane, lias nover beei illy ully déqu te tthe necessitiesc .for these unfo1rtunate classes cf our people 1,- but 1confidently anticipate liaI befai fOl the close cf the present year we slîal In witli the complotion ef uew structure le. sud the adlditiens te the other buildiDu- anU new coder way, bie net jonly abreas )ne but fairiy in acdvane cf the demand se g urgently made upon tbis brsuchc Our Provincial Institutions. My offi coufirindd ras very strenglyin1e1 i M. liý that thaîr anlargement could net era with roeao or safety. be longer delay ad sd; nd I feel certain that aucli frthe appropriations as may ha needed wil have your cordal assaut. The aubject of railway facilities hai eugaged the attention cf the Legisla ture fer several years, and the Provinoi lias year by year ceuîtributed largely u- bath from capital sud revenue, te en ad courage sud ssi useful railway an ~.terprises. In viaw cf Ithe extensivt eyslem of railways thug elready assiat ig ed, sud in viaw cf the inereaingdle. J? manda upon the revenue in varicui for ferme, yen will probably lie cf epinioz a that spacial caution lias heen necassar3 iot in dealing witli new prejecte wbicl, or cannot ha carried ont witliout public id aid. Dg The Immigration te the Province dur. ve ing the year mast eudedb bas beau about th equal te thal cf thé previens year, and le has 'cousisted chiefly of the classai ~rwhich are always ueed; a few heing t-capitaliats, wlio have invasted thoiî te moey in thie Province at goed inter- est ; si;ne beiug teuant farmers will mules, wlio have pnrchased sud set- tlid on farma;; aud moal cf thée thai immnigrants cf the yesr being faurm labourera, for wliom stéady and reum erative empicyment was proniplly oh- ýr- tained. d. I have te congratulate yen under the bh aeadment made te the law last ses- à- sien, the deficiencies cf the Norma: a Scheols in snpplying Public Sehoole e, with traingd teacliers, have been sac- il cessfuly everconne by the establiseuln r, cf a Modal Shool in nearl' every 1_cennty,. I rejeice that an efficient snd aconemical mode bias beau secured, by ,_means ef these local institutions, for n providing trained teachars in thair aev- Ig oral lacalities thrugliect the Provincet sud il is net le lie doubted that upen tlie continued efficienoY sud improve- ment cf cur educatienal aganoies, sud matarial progresa ef car people, ne legs thRa their well-beiug sud lisppiness, Smainly depaud. I arn happy te henew that the récent dAct paeaed te secure a complota systein o f Vital Stalisties i8 wouking cflciautly. -Se muoli imprevemeut lias already tlkon place, that the ratures frein cities ansd tewns slréady, in accorscy sud fol- nase, very nearly the Engliali stand ard ; whila the returos f-rom the rural dis- tricts are net far behind these frein the cities. I anticipats with satisfaction personalitias frinm municipal affaira Ilian îhey are freongénéral politias, and permonalities -sbionle le avoided by avery right thinking inu Newapapers are useful lu aSsisting te mould publie opinion, but it is ne parI cof a news- paper's dnty te set neiglibor againet nîigbhbor, whicli muet lie thé case whan they taise à rabid part in municipal élections.", Thé Argus is right. CAsrDNAI. ANTONELLÉ'EIALLEGED D.&uezmix.-It la now etated litaI thé Prothers of Cardinal Antonélli have dis- covereel several Ictaresud other docu- mente in tic balazzo whara lie Cardi- nal reidéd provienus te lis voluntmu-y sealusion lu thé Vatican sine 1870, whicî go te prove liaI thé soppeseil illegiltimato daughter cf the laIe Cardii- nal is in realifthIm naturai child cf a fereign ambassador new déaosased. The Cardinal promised te set in loco piar- enfLa te thé chilel, as thé ambassador in question was ailied by noarriago aI the fume te one cf tle highasl families in Europe. RBIEauzii-OF TE G. W. RAILWAY Trorar Orscz.-The ticket office cf Gréat Western Bailway, situated iîlhe foot ef York stréel, Tnrorîtc, wan bu,- gauiza'i between Sac uuEley cighît sud Sunnay inorninR, sud over 84,000 in cash Ptolén. Thé tiîe-vos-effecteid an énîrauce liv lbe window lu ti' bag. géoge-retni, sud, aflar fureiug mb toa coupe-ef elcea., scce'fdd lu reaahing the R. ~ ,whioh wa's optueoit by. lrilliog, linies over thé look, andl inserting a liaud sand drawiug back 'the boit. 1 aRrciamAosa- Fon Wexü-r, eOn. 1eturùmttareasmi1.te -have in àe Tii: Speaker teek the clair atI c lu Toronto, Thursday, Jan. 101h, '71 e4~ Mr . OM uron meved, aund Dug Lane-rk) ev adoption te t M. Mowat tatad during the dic t'sien on the Addrats,thal cepii Of1 meCOolidated -Slstutasa o thiat eva FbsaIn alrats aie ouu ,municipal ar andily 1voitldrcfe oy Sfurîler tatad-.tbat lie had correspond ~'Witi tle Dominien Goverumeitt forui tipurPese ef gelting a distribution cf t hoCriîuinal statutes arnong the mai do trates, as 500would b. doue. [a H11. MU-. McDougall lu bis remar Ou the Address, regrottsd lIaI tle qui tien cf exemption had net beau refei Br, ad te* Sbity cf epeuiug theé business of tj H sewith prayer cemposed f Mess] us Mowatt, roke raser; Clarke. <frc f. folk), Landau, Boulter, Ferris, sud Hi ýr kmn was appointedl. is Iu snswer te Mr. Deacon, Mr. Pi agde aid the anieunt raaeived durli te thé year frein tituber dues was ali a- 84000,000, sud the -proceeds, of ti tsales of public lands excoeedd$200,00 of Mr. Merrick said that tie Orsn nU Bill incerporation would net bcit dedtis session. Thueâgh uove et siglit, petilieus, intended te praseut t ce Heuse were net roady. id Mr. Mowat iuîimated LiaI if thelieli an had bean inlroduaed Ibis session, tl Of Goerrneut wculd net have sllowi E; o tlîrnl paso. il Menday, Jan. 141h. es Thé Adda-ass was discussed up te pi ~smidniglit when lue debate was brongl et te a clase, sud tle motion carried wit] le ont amendant. ft- Tuesday, Jan. 15. a Thé session wss short-thie Houi e- adjourned at 4.15. . t, The committea bo act wilh M~ Y- Speaker in contrelling thé managei r of thé lilirary wss appeintéd. Il Thé sélect cemmittea te prépare ai report the lista cf membéers te compoi sthé saudig commtées was appoin b- d, te constat cf the Attorney.Genera ,e, -Messrs. Wood, Hardy, Cameren, Bon V, er, Hodgins, Finîsyson, Lands: 1-Meredithi, Baxtar, Scott, sud Gibseu. 3. Thé motion for ratures moved fer b le Mr. Landau passcd. t- Thé public acconnîs waue breugi 3- dowu. n A Horrible Catalogue cf aiieged Mez yicnuoutragés. là Governer Hubiard has forwardad t ýthe Preaident s full statement cf Il border troubles since tlieir beginuin oveu a score of yeaus aga, qucling antd enlriies that beau upon thé dues of Il a United States te ils citizeus wlsen thei 9riglits are invaded, sud aitiug at lae rthé meet outrageons cf thèse invasion -siece thé treaty cf Guadalupe Hidalg wssigned. Thé Guverner'a epecifi -charges are: Firat, that illis beau r deapredator- war. Second, that CuE tom lâeuse officials have taken sud uci lied. Poat-offices robbed sud borneé hundreda cf citizens killed sud somr torturéd. Wm McMahon for instanoE had his legs cul off, sud was forced t walk ou thé stonipa. Murderel wa chained te a harrow placed on hu a&ni lie waa burned in hie ewn house, witl in fifr miles cf Corpus Christi. Womei thava been made prisoners, sud subject ed te horrible troatment.- Third, mill ions weulb cf proporly have beau takai *froua Texas fwnera, caruied lineMexio ansd sold in tue public marknets. Foui-Il Mexico has*furnisliod au asyluin fo rolibeus, sud a place of deposit foeaIei goeds. Fifili the Mexican Goveromen *blas beau notifled many limes by ou cf thé existence of thèse avili, but hai net restrained ils citîzeus, and refusei te permit us te break up the bostilg bauds which commit atrociliés, ani lias dealared au attemplte ode, se Îcause for war. Sixth, Mexico lias re fused toeaxceuts the extradition treat; iy net surréndering thé raiders, wb. wre théinselves thé anémies cf man kind, by bueaking theé iilof Stari Beunîy, sud releasing thé prisoneri tbarefroni sud mertally wouuding oun peace officers, sud by turuing boomi fegitives onder indicîmeAnt fou meurdéj lu Texas, sud regulsa-iy déndéd lb5 Commisaiener cf extradition. Bei-anti -Mexico lias offerc aunsylin tc IndAns sud-p-A mil 1- inte ue h buuning. As thé four éx-prisouers, Chambers, McCartliy, O'Brien sud Davitl, stepped eut cf thé train, they were seized by atalwarl men sud car- ried on Iheir sieulders te caragea. t As thé puisouers eanerged frein the station lhey wére grcetad vitti deafen- ieg cheers. Thé banda aîruck up -God f Saveé- feland,r' sud ou Ithe instant every licaci,,as uucevered, sud 1he immense arcylid sang lie national air.p An selduésa cf walcomé vas rend, 'te which oeeof the prisoners repliéed, sud tie teroligîl procession proceed te, thé biotel. A FisnaitîAN's Lucxv HAITL-àA fisenniran whiio lcoking fou s lBa.su- cher near Barren Island hast wcek fouud a -cleet conlaining ?«exlcan sud Spanisi coin worth 04,800. Thé cliet was one ,Ibrewn ovarboancli te: ligitenb Iheir' lioat by thé motineraviefl 1830 murderéd thé officirs of lie liuig Viney sud of Long Island, san d éol about $40,000> couaigîed te Bboplisn Girard ef Philcidelphia. Thé Revérenel Mn. Rainsford la dra Wý- iug tuemeu-juns coeguegatioiie, in To- a, rente. 8,900 people' aquaezejd ie St. t Jameas Cathadral, ounlihe11h let. ' - The révolution lu Ban Dorningo isV *Ore s neer, snit commerce la- paralyzed. ]H jta là q4iieI, sud theE coffet crop us in a flounissiug conditieuD. A 'depntatioînfrein lie Canada Brew.e t4au'1Malatérs Association viii aY itaerviéw the' Finance ýMinister ou 1 Weduesay abotltle duty on usaitT sud oëus,ýu uîattej-s, Benj#min 'Donueil, of 'Hamilton; Ont., vhuîa welkirig elong lhe atré.et on'-e tise - 111h 'mt., wus ncticed te stop, 1 J respectablâea esietateagent liere, hb- came euàmoured cf t atractive yeung. widew. sud beiug siewn tii '7 newspaper acconut cf, ber husband'à Ufr, dot, ho offred ler his baud andd vs acýf accepte, .Tley' wre marrled sbout thre. yearaa&go, and. ivedbshppil Wt th fattereameircm Hisse te his wife, dat- ad àdinnclnnat, Ohio, sud, wiaiinÉ te îîobau lîow i. vas mô'itd' Thasoi ,le rannicatior, as msay-lie uppossd, 1M1 led like bombabelli lte tie bouse, casang tle mudi dialrsa. .,Mu. Gamraneto hée kuewiug bew te sot, ia.p1ite bis is. co uul for. dvîce. Tla'aIer gave * lim au opinion lahé o0eu., cet 'legal- ries lyclailb. vo1 a n as bis 9* hè, re- sa-. u p e n M . G a r u la i n i n m a te-j m u d s r u- * m p alt io n , s d e- pnidb e o nb l u d e lte rejein ber humand in Cincinnati. * Findiug Iliat Hiné vas in peor- circune- 'mlaàùce&ansd s dlspted cbracter, MU? 8 ~ etnind bers lu the ceurséeof-iv lie ~n. -ý - orved tà e b. Sgoed sud t i m e s h e ý u Za d s y m at h ii z e d . ber dealiluite condition, sud remolved te nu- ake smane provisomi for ber. Revent )u g ivi n g her 7lt h e n ése e ; loid ive d fi ho n SI. Monique Street for five yers frai DO. of'rnt, villi all e furuuture il cou- ig o tain od sabso îtaly. Sin cé h a 1actd i Ib tis génesous sud Christian way, Mus. o - m uon , we a re fo m e as co usren ed foliowing lim te frieuds' bouses, sud l11s sd atacking h m upon th é streel h- e cas ho dclines te abandon hia bu- éda mes so i h u d g e w i h be u te t ia States te gel a divorce. NEiW VOLUME Ou LITTELL'$ Lîvix . AcE. Thé fia-st two. numbéns of lie %et nov volume ef Thes Living Ago, beau- hting date Jsnusry 5th sud 12h, respect- bivoly, havé the follewing notewerthy contents: Bnssian Aggressicn, as spe- islly affeeting Austria-Hungary sud Turkey, by Louis Kossuth, ex-Governor se cf Hungary, Centamporcn-g Reviéw; Bries, a fine Geucmau. serial, '1y Fran Iu. i-ou Ingénalében, translated for The ut Living Agé ; Hnmrning Birds, by Alfred -Russell~ Wallace, Fortnightly nd Réciew; Doris Barugb, s Yorkshire se Story, hy Katharine S. Macqnoid, anti- ci- ou oL"IPstty," etc.; On -the Hygiénic ai, Vaine cf Plants in Rloim nud thé Openi il- Air, by Prof. Max von Pettenkofer, r, Ooniemporary; Wiîbin thé Precinats,' a new story hy Mus. Oliphant, frein ad- by vaucé siéets; Florence sud. thé Mediai, by J. A. Byrnde, Fori'ccghly ; Char- lit lotte Breute, CornhclI; Holigoland, Mcmrillan; Rngbiy Football, Tetler; Forgelfuluesa, Spectator, etc. ;'togatie' X_ illi tée usi cheicé poétry, sud mis- celiany. lIlithenaît vaékly:nnher s teuew sériai by William Blaak viii ho hobéguni, frein advancé sheets, whiai agpromiseas te lie bis lieut werk. hg Teonew suliscribers for 1878, thé last hoseven numbers of 1877, coutalning the à firet parts of lie Garman sériai, sud a ýS slory by Itiies Thackeray, with eller lsvaluable matter, ana saut gratis. For me fifty-two nombers, of sixty-four large âepages ésci ( or more tIa 000 pages a idyear), mie enliscuiption price (68>la low oe;r for $810.50 auy oeeof lime Amrneican $4 menthlies 'or wceklies is b-seutl yuh Thé Living Ae, for a year, aboîli poalpaiel. Littell & Gay, Boson ae are the publiehers. te WVicATTHEY SAY OF Ix! 1A FEw FAons as FOR TUE PEouoa.-There ana but fev id préparations ot melcines whicli hava h' wiîhstoed lia impartial judgmenî of )n ti! people feu rny guéaI leugth o f lime. nvinced :-Thomas Robinson, Fai-uhain SCentre, P. Q., wuites, "I1 bave been Saiotea witb nbheurnatisra for tlieIst EuoIn yeans, sud bave la-led mauy rae.e ndies witheut any relief, unt i Itrie il -Dr. Thomas' Baleatria Ol ansuince î, tien lave had ne attaak cf il I wonld 'reaommend il te Sal."-J. H. Barl, 'R otél Keeper' West Blefford, P. Q le- ,i w its, II ave be au troubl d ibli aliver complaint for séveral yesrs, sud h- ave tuéd différent médiaines witi little Yor uo benefil, unul I triéd Dr. Thiomas' ýy Eclcîic O ul, w icb gavé me inmedi. 2-aie relief, sud I would eay that 1 have rr useel il ince iti thé bét ffet. No c1 oeshould ba vitliont il. I lave tuied Lr il on my herses in casescf cota, le wunda, etc., and tlîîuk il is eqnaîiys ,r god for hrse as fou man.-A May. Sbéa, Marchiant, Warkwerth, vi-ites, III yhave seld soma buodreels of boutles cf Ecieati 011, sud i111e pronouueed .by th eli p uli , 'o eueof t le hst m di in es tley have veu useel ;' il las doué yn- THEa.Boims oie Tma-KîIess DEATE. -A coureepouden ,saye neyer aince île day of Count Cavour's deati aI tTarin las lée séen a' population se thouder- struck as thé Romans véré at thé announcémenî cf. Victer Ernsuel's deatm.-KlngHumbeul is dascnibed as baing 'roâaUy fit le muccaad lis lathér, but lié limes sa-e tnyiog sud' hé bas s goverumeut te vWhoe vieys ho ia beléeved to e e ppeseel. TEE GALLERi.-A meeting of -the Presas réprésenlaives aI tle Ontario [iegislaturei, vas héld lasit<Wýeduesday afterunon, aud île follovlug officers cf the Gallery voué élected :-H.,Good, Mlrf, Président ; W. H. Higginat Whithy CuzsosîcLu, Vicé-Pa-asidout; J. T. Havie',- Lea&e-P5 Séoretary ; W. Ronîten, Globme, A. F. Wallis, mail,' ad A. F. Prlé, Telegessm, Comiile. ANT'unRussrsar SPEECH OF ras Dusuc iF.SutRERiutAe.-The Duké cf Baller- saud oreatel a se-jîation in-uLondon on Flnmrsday by umakiu'R au anîl-Eflasial apéocli te a urnihé r t -oacuan. - SYvscagGAî,.-A vensy vna unolW 'ast gaeé pravailéel on île Coast'cf' Maine on ~Thu}sday niglt. Cusider: Thé waters ofIlhe'laine, arebrackisb, * ex ept Irmeately about lie pe n vere thé waters cf thé Truke iver a ov lui'i. [8 'O viug tt hle b use di ness of ils wa- I ters, le Ils great depth, or te bohl deph su a d ba-skishuness, the Isba neveu itfreezes. E' Âllheugli th. lake ,la gauérally very *ý r-oug, ozng' to is beimg exposd te mvoping vstrly wnd, the Pité 0 hem ir e rafs. Thiose rafts "a r'nu. lt ing moue Ibsu a single ndie cf tale., bu t vheu îleraîtli lteuded te scccm- amodate more than eue perse», Ive or etirée bndies are lasiied logehau-ad dravu lulo tlié shape cf a clnmsy boat. Noar sioe. lley geneually'pole tiese craft atout, but tiey freqnÎenlly'hoist asmala made, faàblaukel suda eslesly ser aay s ertai- cntn thle lainé lIaI acny lb. sal. romains visible. Thse- tlI bosls very, eloeely resemble tbe cataaras ued y lé ntives cfme of tle llandi c, f' lbe'-S eti Pacifie. They reseInyant' liaI ' il i.impes- ile te sink thei.'Far ont lu the lake amoug ilasdahey set Ibir long B lunes, strnng fulU cf hoché. Thèse tbsy visit on thir- rafl, sud .ometirnor bring in no et cîshan 800 ponda of trQul aiteue trip. Thé Iront are 6eld1 aI ten cents e pepund at the lais,- therefore il vill resdily be, meen lia- rfishing i.sa profitable businem., ' At the nouti ou lover end cf tie lane are s dozen or moe islsuds of rock of peculiar sud picloreaqué forua. Tiiesa sue cf solid rock, sud are frein, 800 te, 400 féet in beigit. At a. distance they look like meusIen muslreema or eggs standing onu aléms-sncb éeggs as migil lie pncduced by tb. rock, ual bird'of saient limes, eue wing cf wvichl, se- cording te, Ibn-BI-Wardee, vil 10,000 fallome leng. Il is impossible te climul lIsse recks, as viile Ileir astems fornt peupendiculsu vals, il la beyend the power cf, man teo send Iliosa parte viere iley begin le avaîlljute damées. Mr. BIlles says ha as-soddd he lake -at lie base- of soins f those fantatic isîsda sd, illi the longeaI linaetaIls-command, vas unabla te find boten.- One of tie- ageaI- of thèse isarda, lie Isîllwhite one menu frein tevard tia band cf lié laka, la vbolly rpieni ulsu on aill aides. On oua cf ilsaide s there les astsep alope wviaitil'is Ileugît migîl lie scaled in acmé vay. A story is curent .51 thé lake that John . Fuemont, thé iguéaI "Pafhfinder,'" !onud a paîli tlithetp of île rock. Itl ls leiéed liaI hé lefI bis field glans. sud Borne oteu instruiunîst of valué. on the summil cf fhé rock, sud mrny ai- temnpta bave béeurmade te dinh il iii erder le séecune thèse articles. The sl a ai ept 10 scala the pyra.. rad vas hy a sailor, vie used a long. repe, lliroving il upva-d 111ili cauglil upon s puojécting peint cf ruck, tIen duavlng himself up sud agalu haoving., bis a-o pe te sa rock- alo-a. Haea-ésahed. aheigit of about 150 feel, visai bo vas. mnable te fiud uy -more pracipicaes oven vhali to throw bis repeand' Canme neer neveu a-eadbiug levelegrcund aliva., ho va. obiliged te decend .ini lia-mrn vay lie bad afectéd the. ascent, sud vben lie finafly gel down.ha vas acin pleteîyexhausted. HEs -anda v ers bedîng,asud lie.vas cnt sud scaea frein bead te foot. -The fishea-men havé nov concludada aïthé only vsy lu vici thé fiald.glasses sud cîler plunder canuh.eascua-éd in by stacblng s lune te, a rock sud lieu fia-ing Il over lie top ef tle pyusmid frein a mca- Que of the amail rocky islau'ds'of thé- laké la alive vith rallegaushes. Il i. supposed lIaI tie fi-at cf île -stock véré vafted te thé' island on a raft of tulés or driftvoed. Dec. Wood, ho lis visited the isisud, sys thère lu "millions luil, ."Thé reptiles bave tlieir hocmes among tle rockes, sud Ive cne eaggs sud young_ cf vater-fovis,' sud upon 1h. dead fiai Ilat -are casî sle on the islaud. Mu. Wood th-ya thal the aloriée Iliat hava been tbld cf the anakes rasiug ilu a body, hissing sud uattling, te attace any.man landlug on tle lalanel, sue unfrué. Ha founci bliat vhauevau tliy vere disturbeel they ràu avay, sud concesled lieut. selves in thée revices of tié rocks, juat s would have beéu'dene by ay ocher aciakes. 'VICTaOiR EKMAUE L AND TEE Forac- BURIx, PLACE OF Tili LATE K1»e.- 'Vioten Emomanuel on lis-det-bed ja said te baiaedaclaned le bad alvays feit au affection fou thé Pope, sud to have expuassed lia regret if lée hade- iol-ydipeae ' l. - Ln Hu-, PORT PB. 'Watspg....... Fork .......... Butter.-..... Eggs -..... .. Ray,..... Spring vhésî fon 'WHITEY. Iteporféd sud ce White Wlîeat ... a Ited Wiuter ... F.ioni- per barrel, Shorts par ton....- Bran ..... ...*** Traadvéll... SUBSCIiI, During(lhe Ak WEIEKLY GLO] WEELY MAI WEELY WTny W'EEKLY ADVE WEITY CROI CHRSTIN ciL CANADA PBES»E S. S. TIllS SCHOLÂ,%Rs' Qu;A Maild to Cont Subcuibr, FEBI] pensé. SEND FOR Cj J. S. RC - AT THE BROCH-sa,.. AU)OTI( CUTTERS f SU .CARBL AT M. 071 Carriage ?Pa àaturda, Jan, - - D ouble sud S ingl é ci Dcoiie simd Stngle B. Dernocrt Waggons, Coveud ud open C Al Âmasde'fram lie -; Tzaem i.-Menti notes. Ailér thé Sale, skqux BUFFAL( LATEST. 1 Si] 1 Nov Brnuavic recel-ad s pi Association 14 vhli eheDom sa-a-led ont aI A'theusand stlu n uPaire W.iH. Bruit] bas besuiada Carolins. Thea'Utah I 141h. Thaeé polygamisee Tie Blacinlu havé alaudo.né their opeualivei Dalegationu nexl veek to and Deatie eh st. Honore, 1 laIe Major lun 1 Régiment,une Dautueil. WHITL Cioximciax C Spring Wheat. - Peua....... Pesa, blaclc-ed, CaIs ......... .......... -Apples...... Potatoes... EZggs....... Wood...... Bef,hiud quarts Beef, fore quartea: Hides .... Pore, pst. -- Lamnbe .... Calvms...... emloms.... Turnips.... Chese.... Chickéna, perpai j Turkes7, p eur lb 1 1 A eeéting vas léel, en lié callcf lhe prasideul, of lie Liberal-Cousérva- tives cf Seuth Ontario, at Hopkins' hall, Whitly, on Saturday uast, for lhe purposeocf eiecting délegatea te, attend th Toronto Cenventioni. Thé chair was occupied by the président, J. B. Biokoîl, Esq. Amengit tiomi pussent, weue Hou. T. N. Gibbs, M. P. ; Mu. W. H. Gibbsa, M. P., sud Mr. N. W. Brown, M P P. Thé felloviug déle- sâtés ware eleated: Town of Wbithy-Dr. Gunu, Col. W'allace sud Mu. J. R. Plilip, (lie lat- inr ass asubstituts in ci% se Dr. Gonu 7und hinaself unaete attend. Township WIiIliy-Msssrd. J--- B. Biceell sud Whilwortb Hall. Est WhItby-Méssrs. Wma. Smith id John Molheruill. Oshava-Masars. Jobn Lauke sud îlen Cevan. Pickering-Msssrit. Fredauick Meen id Arthur- Jolusten. Tas OaemmeAL Georgis MinstreIs, ili giv-au enteutaluneul Tluraday -enlug, 24th inst., in Hepkins' Music fail. Notices cf thé puss, speak higb. of Ibis enterîsiomenî, sud cemmeud te the patronage of thé amusement 1 ' 1 1-- 1 - i 1 i 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1

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