Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1878, p. 4

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90e .gLýL 1ullwohu grand ulgh64l ohlae im ova dawn th. rivr.,...tj~Ç~ L um~ d -Keiley- thécre tocom OU bat nlgtut. "The pLlot Mr. >,ÃœoOuie George,, wAs, fiumiiy leêptb lhis wlfo, se.-aiitur[ng, hlm tbat th. greit monstar had -departcd. Capt. Baker' - c t We, uuo inoqr@d at Our lngff saÏtiIa féé & f IU;sgrelot. Ailt>ui4, op , ecé 04,sn, bua lB lsuapsbib.ýto got Oa eçowo , ai bhe mon: Iilck thot mon 9tar le ebil thes», - Culbuus 'Derfvations. TIhé word pamph lle 'derivd from tle ,&me of s (lrcek aubluoregs, Pem- phl%, wl)o ompmletl a lîitory of lime -#Ã"àrii b th iirt yc Volutie boohe. frein Poutlundiqai ta. rt ila relie of au cloi "miracle play," ini w-iclî the ~ators iwero 1'outiue 1ilabe-antl judas lfl rom 1 "î!éth er M wbich the iere aid iitogrut >Ariauim of the Visigoth ionuirori of Spain bas t¶l b il [~-row m, »aburg ; a 0 i9 flt t'noews wase lu Ger. maitny a proverbl expression for felse SIls neýMà toneGaza, wlierojê twes- frst nale. hf"éTItbby coat ýi.lq 11 nioioîs -bIset lr npsno I&aerivod frein Atal),,_s fa- nuetit - Itreet iu Bagdad - lnlisbiteil by elle Mxanunacturers of ilvrslpi;ffs clled Atibi, or taffety ; the wavy markluig cf the waLoeedelîks rcîeembling pusy's "OId Scratch" à tua 'deomon Skratbi, Iwho0ebil survives Id tise aapetitions of Nortlern Enu-opo. "014 Nick' je noue obiseý zi numNikr, -b hedangeraus waber-elemou o! thme YQti Mr~, tiie iaw nilcoa elsw ta LOI1 tiIQwhoiq trutit, no101iolhm- but tbe e moment lie begine fo - bellthie wlletrutbi, ths lawyers stop hlm sund -sa* Ile!t and thzi tors net uitable. lesqt colrs-tiiosol unad ly bue Turks fit blîs Iliuhsrtreit fi-amn Kieprikol. On tîeir retreat themo tandurd berers, wlîa Weirfi ilourto'lmiethiîco imiles lu ilio mlptus - Oneocf the uuos et fTe-ivo of royal esyluige wae thai of Guihavtiui Acolpliue, tise femnons fighiug kiug cf Sweden. H1eeR th$lsttw1, M' bla ii leers wrs 9golng te dght, W duel, ho Baae, "Ail killlsd,'ý uà i-f witÉwth Ie obler'. hecad 1" -Thé rambat, did' not bah. place, gufd uoliug vanioleldfromuu liat busfladthirodgboub bhe Swvedlsh Ie4iehiou - f abiistorie people, Sîius of wlulolf are pienbiful in eouth. wvestern Colarado, have lately been .dis- covored in W6Atern Noyada. Antiqjue Pô tt.,y and Ùndoetlisu'ble wribings on the-rôchei are bise tisnt comman tokeus, -At oneplaae esgravodupon a rock'-is eameun iildlng in his rigit land a lurb, thu e #er&i oùuneaq. of wlîicli show coniderabie artiebie okili. F rancis , I., we pRoeded Heur>' of Navrre, bas 'obtaiued undying fte by the warîls, l"Aill Is eexcopt lionor," -lu a letter ta bis meothor, iter the - balt- tis of lâaia, Iu wlîielihe iwmîs talion -pimer by tise Eniperor Chare V. -Ouy histgrians necolloot limat Francis obtalued hie liborýy by iguing e bremby --tM drid, wml a i plçtlgsd bis oabh aud h10nor t b ouseve, aethlie saune ime 5ign.mg a<-secret; proteet against tise validity of tlieIront>'. - 'Noatnes, ici wY omIVID9, lae # lb. virtrue..4A,1hava aways capuu4çrïd lttwln lster te chastit>' b~t ïe work ma bard au lb vebioin tooenul nest- uu4isàç , 1 bavae ee ueat--1,ei-on i*ho »Gl ot le t awery fly test loVgý etwngh ontlicir bout wall pap9r,ýo taes bu..ath, andI wluo weuld cohase a Single coGéib*Ã"mdb p sud down stairé until his. "Great thinkers are net spitot be gpelt- WhstlerP. Wliou a mn ucau't bhico0anyUiug ho beglus te vlisti,,"i T~he Serat Court willi open st Ot- e aonMs21db luit. b ico ecef'iivo aiywio-e comfortably but lu a ohureh ; tiuey fast* very uiowiy in a churcli. SIhiie proves tisaItIi.>' eib't lite ou religie»nau>' mare lan a N 0OT10CE1 la ieréby gitan laItishe onuci atbie Corpoaton cf the -Townsip o Rci eacha- Ite meeting teahie hold ou Menday the 21et day cf January, 18785 propose te pasua aBy. Lbw.t top lu ad obis feaas aillbe roatl or- hihvyalZb oto fti original ai- -ewausceefor resd thab Lemet aircaiiy eseci rip betweeiulots i'usisreAit and mâte» in the t$ird coession cf bieasid Township $C Rs ILt sda Idispose of the SAMe au .=hl Co.nci&my dcem rlght snd ptoper aaio vest tIho sara nie inaclipersan or paisse. AsMeay bs Iheroîn mentioued.- JOHN 0ORISTIE, Township lertk. 1j, 7thDe., 1877,. - 82in CHINA H AL L, Or ýý0ýTITE IIlo JUG (aIROuRzeI 7JkiN «~-ST, EAST TORIONTO. py l>iiiie3 aindlDessert 80&u s#aaq Be4dr.Ã"ibn sets. j yr % cn oî lorkîaAnd Spoane, T~IS0 CutiAd ute Coole&o rLOT n*o Ztbei W .LobaGreory ' Mltiia Danle Moridy'k G ire J S..B. C. k BrouN eea U» e&B;. oCdlarewrl pa . g. . BROWNLIm SSiyC .Zola, (prieo-t1.50) for 12 àn7i,1 of psae ahortwo dol lare. NOR*feî&W Bp] fs ALEX. PRINGLE, Jr., Irs gared te euppiy tihe best -ai BE] psi1sIlof the'chcoleeet Iâ. POULTÙT, a large stock &md best quat $net, Lard, &c., a speolnlty. Wlsltby, Dec. 24th, 177. 'A omplféte 8ef-Instructo-rj Plain and Onamental PENMANigHII TOUOPEOPLI3 wkeling teamqofr J.rpl) asy andbeantitlfo and wrilit wsthont a beoacher, wiil tInd the Gum perfdet instructer. Hundreds are becol ug .Peaulul n writeoe tbrouglcu$t the D mulia» tise united stateby mssng It conoiete of a oierieue of Cary Serre11 coiiveLeut sire for practising whlch cc tain copies bcg"ming with MIe fireb pK ciples aud graduaUy,,d rogresing a ulot clegant plat» asîdoeiaetal writin, an ORNAmEewrr.IiSirEy, cantatning Germi Text, Oid Lu oh andl Ornementai Lette ing, Ofhand-Pliourishîng af Birds, &.; Iloox OF 50 fautewitlî mil anaiysilana d itruction, sud a boautifully engravsd e ta contai» thse whole. pries. il»d, pont Pais). Addreso S. 0. BEATTY & CO, Ontarie Business College, L~* gent waxtcd. Boelile, Ont, Nov, 14. .(Cor. Ring sud York-sbeo) NOW OPEN. 82 co PER DA'Y Pree omrnibus th, sud frmUsiltrains. Te 1,1. and appointment lirsoiago. - P. FInNIGAN, 5.17 Proprictor. T ARIF0F FEES TO BE TAKEN -.e CONSTABLES. 2. Arresi o! cadis luuividoal upons -warrant .......M;.....l....... 1 5e 2. Senviig sommons or subpctna... 0 25 8. ileage le serve sommtons, mai. poeu or warrant.,........... 010 4. Mîle.age when service cannot be uronproc ofd & gence.. ..- O1() 0. 4 aigdm onist âi ousssily expended in their con- vsy cee................01 6. Attidng Justices on iummr tiiaou nexaminabonocfprl. onars 0 hsrged wltis crime, foi ssc .day necessarily empîoyed lu one or more cases, mhan net allngaeuMare than four heu r.. 10oo 7. Do.do. when engaged rmore tissu four heure.................60 8. Attondiug XAssi r neeo, 9.emolsday ................. 1 60 9.Mileage traveling te attend A:$. se, Sesions, Or btorc Juilce& ment to e 'oa1d) (), 0 10. SîîmmnneungJ» for coroner' iuquest,inoîadjing atbendiug et idiqoet, st mservices la es. pectbtbsreof, if meld On 5amc day of"" znut.2..... 00 1-. 'Atteajn u a djinumn 12.iD. doif If l adagmore tourDhoudo. le............... o0 la Seri sursm.on erem 15- Elhuig bay uder Coroner'@ 17, ev. dtes wrtaîit, and re.- taruilng sains..............5 18- Advrtistg under d strees war. trais wieu âone dsarOfnd1,0 20. àpp;"Ot. h.. godsareen che 91. Cai 5- - - Kindd M 5tbee. --d azu. Lt., ail Xludo. Piîëes, TVOL 1'T.if)8MW.T IN ERLi lec i .1.ma-fi M - W -8 ho Iol f xuodyin# and orrcting rrA, E fi d portioning evozrv Part an ci jacreai igld, once tried alway8 uaed. Sole E r irtu-, t sia a A f h îgent for tbr. a asswarx(e , OyOI ii btma)mcsg , and onf>pI î  ilinviiealoa. orah ~s~Ptat9e, supervisiond , S nd sotny-.v cbe g subje8 otsOauBubeau aaailscta"d etOo én g ubotd w t edt IYIQ M estWigu ohi*tna, d retu esleM o-ilEsrPOL éXEà j . provente omawtee f eve4y,ôpartInàr prepa ed no ayfCaent Pninator ai thmi prtinbgyprsno oe a-acaia yindbicfGrain de'v arn SeaPlEl m O ur the rapid asybeauîsezeu tj uostoreduction of cAt. vao l tr, Frnma'.a TI~iU 14~ET TKS0FF1IS dpauamn. ntoko Fns O d L ~~ AVR$ONI Â~D.P~~~a; o msadNwYa' it ims w pe.prv wRkand~~ipR yaad ual o'~J sfomry ~dJmk 0 a,an ufctr-baina r- ie O BEfl O fi otjAldeo osroin ofO lwhn6g r a eu ire osed. r ortGle GreFau F UiTIkeL S C T T O R E q te t a W m t e e y n i l M i o t erd h o i l a i n i n - ~ ~afbandcaseof ~- ~ ~ Usstads Pekerng, with g Arme L-se Ir S.W 5 E L S C U arlo, nd maycu nbtrialst Iboihv aen 1' ' ' am The r e alvn tem YA' O3S PRSA& L MB AC UEte le rdt fw y Ïers-z'cÙ yt4 Q eIu voat Ity.~~~~~~~~~~~id ofFL RJS MC EEIB AGUS fraDolr TRIUMPH tocailo ae0.t PESA ApvCAnS, rEIN ANADA. S, Ion forbinsdanduNew YDec. 181h, l877noopen.__e.offie T 'R APAPS, GUELAMBdSETTS, à Patiulr teniu~ ivn to ai odes Ateaton rebolifis-cas mc ie oe l It h ôÇ frony a 'of 1 Tî rosrqieo nasgoi, lo hcwlYysîa.h AE&TDCUS 75 77YON E-T.,TORNTO upfor Fiet-iasosehve eue e n i andvo enýt A lare assotEtme-n hic aiewrhiiorQ-Moasn, R. Uu T T M ý 000 chiTe ith a Wrogbt Iron rame, ithti4 tposblanadyfo anaClue.--*I sýaine ualtim , althe y keito it a l x ins w i 11 tabi e s4h C oc ie an is2 cspe b of tre----------b nowegh --on the oesn,W 1e b!oC ±Â~L.o F O U T A IIA L -I RcE. e aivt bn d ucs d.eh ve piorfleateaseatent, and s a d s r ~ 1 *~a d E W E BEAB OBES 0bel o ro ai t iai Order-el sr* * L~btbing ndmae ricipaiy ti eh ae t kn acf sdel, ad roz iti 25c.urel. tmenbr beplb heevir macines..- ROBESWM.J.xGBSON'. LeaRs Whtby e 10.8, a.x., ane£80, Ail ofaur m chine areSuiiySzrranedel.-S .,-W B.ýSItyC iT n& 'to . PFering, J, 1~y."s WA87EDPAR, ood Pulti DeAPSLAJ cRit sI-thêhteii,-uagsprtsa BATC8A A S.St Ac quE'r"irernet, sud we esetfu il srt a tiatcxt 'eior mcin es, bievain eat ndc eiece we resar taayo Y11;sCoctfuily You:sLIMJ - - . ,cannote fortoGmendù.l thereanvrem nes tfe' aassrwi ciiDB Ou Iprove BROWNhefdr. 4PATTErSYo«ng MF'G, C owe_____JU S T A Rarcli thA185TH t Whitb, tened t,.C yOntJr . 'eb rar, a1877. oun 'ý g able Carhagesandleighe and Culters, W i llcoc 4Very Spec al' nduc m ents to t ose oods of Ai Kin s, Ceap nd G o d.f1al181 Bin, - arna e Panter 1TAT.N1 HOUr:KEEPJNG. 000 MICHAE GLEEON F. een),GreeriooçlM.COùiaD,,r ON ý' COc V ANkSersicr ey.~o- whereho wi ho appy a aseail rien ss Who stck. l selcted itht GUew R NmEthoWan "fai.H nT~E is ouî-1 RVES Es ajin, and.wcof ('iL' i e styoranldhegtainimtshe AS thefcor a ep etftievr apedtochiney ad um f u aym.VRY 'PFAT YRIOEKST.FOR Ty CASH.fra er av o m k i mloe nth s e achnghsha Sotch auJ and ianru, wgn, 75 :7 1ý O N E -S .; . -O O N T . u fo aLigt, urble Fiot-laa Rspe.n RS-L. A àré s- tm ntofC o edG-au-q P at ed - es o 20su ed, t7 e re a - 000 chie w -. a --ou- cIres.Frcent.iPayable"stcfsiyearrial BERT AMERICAN ~~ Gilsranteed~~ GOr ge a}UBLEY, larg , aFej ~pyo i h oua Osif Boos auJ Soo.~ su ' nied un noe- eY' S le AgentthleWhiby fornec Âsrr, 17t7 187. t le-- hl i.fl $1S-.)WEB Whitby, Sept. 4thde 1877. WM, theRNS. pMeeBeepc1TAGl irE heBa-.e n h 'W1am20) S - I 1>icIeriiîg, ta Manufactur N E W G O O D 5 , _____ _____ AT THEhLDvSTAND. V Conboy's PatenteSea CLE RIN O T A HA F - RIC . as hal hol ou C .--- i~ S U T R iDYA44 nI for:Ou c" . eÙ ùsivý weAespepartie sugill tein- m e o eoc usealcoroBuggiesn GtogeYue bgu to annouata id" e bfol ias t heir neders ol À . p rc asu . - --àai hieI St--JMIratinyud Bocýk ftore in whitbY,w ere ts a ~ery fikus 'hLs BPe ~iae hmIiin n utîz eoegvn tsrodr e E' E?., I )~~~~ ~3 L BJ' S - cf thie itî, wl okçVoihMu; also Scho-l Bocks cfeer Iir - oft .at tlo Isee!- ___ _____p________n_____ Clothing and Gent's Furnishing. baÃœse rices >o BoMlaeo ,E ,&. PL S~ I DEi R M GA'pCFC Is now supplied with'ail the newest styles of Engfih, The D&ly and WeeldY Ppêëa-alay o hnd ub- Scotch, and Besta Cloths of ail kinds, the çrptosSJiie., las resuméd ljjs business at the 'ld - ule Scotoh, and andia Stock they e-ver had, 1' ica1 Instrum~ents, inc1u4in a fineo assortment of stand (Chiequereil. ,Store),YÊÏookç-str , -Whitb e, he iilie 1i1roy - a -Y 4es sd now cnabled t iod~lto oalcstÃ" 5rý ldad I 1 Qj=' Also an excellent st ock of Gents' Furnishings, ail 0 1i~Odors arc talion for peuiodi1 àMa new. îEàis stock cf -feaeTlnevn e t ai ne.G -YULE! bfity asud Weirkneiretcfiicetns MoMILLAN'S tBLOCK, BROCK STRE,11[ - T.- - Wlutby, Dec. îSt.h, 1870., vousing~c ssud ;isbcneeeveyue tlîSixsss r y yrw thgetuce. 18 ~eleef a1l and M'inter wear, and lie is dtmi 5L1rico, 1 erpclgeorixccge for $5, hy'mail ie fXp4 ae nlpr PAIR COMPUTITION WITHO 0U T P.R.OTCETION , P7/T IJ LJL toeend rsnouby piltsyoe.Àdee - C(ail and see his Stock andi Prices. WM QtAY C ,dOrOtnCn IR. jOH N F EG U SON FL RN[TUI'iI - "ÇMS!W«, F s ee-fine, wiIl plgase cal and settie -0 lE TUEMAEJ<T wi~ ~ TH OLD TAK ROCK STREET, WHITB > meiaey 87 V, - Wlsitby, otbr 22üud,11 N7 Wheifor qualîty ana prico will ho fouad n tiid plasd inxnakingseIet cfq uie! Dà AH »Us 0 Y, AND HY D il SS N o=çs o isufè ý1 tlihing low pria s.Dip-- 1LLI1AMN4T N4V ~ <l~~t $ 1 t L ~ A I ~ J U T T Ç C1- j ,j _ __e. Wlsuperior stock, cobora,, LVem'-8eldr M y o.itqo li$r Fsuu nSane fino Chromos tb»ig luthioadlea2 areLnlo >.UE i fiýçin e, a7. ty Sdderysu Hrnes un, aeaz», nd rleGoji y ~ t{ lltieon- ~- 131!n r LathrValises andaasee u nemdiepita 3,teuinteLatest SiâlauZ Slîo,#eoie Teterero' LARGE L~il13~l, ' ~ ' K IA LOT PROM Lindsiay, Pi LkOAl À LAMErîda TTTIP1?ME'Q CARRIA G Smad tram bth eoriiBy-sb ~y~~TB AN ~UAtO ~ ~<~~~uplieil, À stock of, oi e ve, And ilee AN ,O É-. ç: e s stMireé, - Yeryluauudsoeuond QheiLp.3At the. old etablisb4fU4>- An UAponto BrnStn Dr.' teResidence, i PHYSIrCA, Wm. McERJ bisheeye IR. c ABRD. DR. Physician, Surgi Wbibby, Sept. 8» W. rO lOO OVE Omcet st sand 4h4bert ere eht Tesfitracte-w, p.n8 ne' black, .V4 Ring Street, Oii TU031AS BUILDER AN~ DUZiDAS AU arders pi JOHN J JJAIR DRESSI u Salooz, Eroci JOHN W AGENT FOR AScottiah Gzaa of Jenathan WoIfend large quantity of &I Ust5itly on hand. JAJ(Ee v COMISSIOER C BE] COOVEYArCp3î AL INSjJ.ýtA The Clrk valM b TOwa Hall, Colainb Pnidayg, for Towns] 26=e,9 a. M. ta 5 P. i MarchgTUs, 1877. -WILLIAk -(SuOOsaor te EThe Raràe s hoein 'smd* werk. uda }j R.OMSEIJI, A TH E Olerk Division, C4 cOsamùýi,eir in- B5.E te., AtlsSrlY, C&Lutr O1 rrom

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