Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1877, p. 6

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tt 4oqiuad Raidi. C. NOUIIR ýf ig cross,Leos M L182. of i~p$ ~ Agentotv. . IQAN AND INVEOT- OA1>ITÀLr 0900 oItuPeil Buildingu, Toronto. I. AlRftL «NOAL OAIADIAN BANK. 3Y TO LOAb on !eprcvedFpac-me, Istea ef interest, Apply to- IEi1LDManager, Taronte. )D MORTGAGES BOUGIIT. Ap] li 184b, 1877 17 O]RTARJO 1c-ARMER8' Mutual Insurance Ioy RRAI)QZ'FX IIROCR-OT., WIIITBY. FTIHIH COMPANYT meures Farim Builiti .Aio, Ccuuitry ChUrces, Sciseu 110UNsli, sud hir (Jeuisuts aý rates ai Low L060 , 01e c sî:y W5etll e hod LCompany jusI c sPROrPTLY PÂID. J' B BIC~MRIlLL., jbi~îLs p-1rsseit.. Yý11 4.Prosident. 0. NOUIlSE, $C5' ,~ Esfte (f lururance me iow that 2,4/Ceutai. sU'il M&tire f01(0 fur twetiec enfhs I 'Wlltby, Oct. lt, 1877. - .41 9 IJ l leRN 1ý' Ù'AN' COMPANY -O'IElOOt, h LONDON. cifP'rA -- sic oooooo. flMOLSONS BANK . A. BAYNES, E8Qi, M.0. Rui 11usdcOhferiCanalla ] j' !,PM5st. Jaust ltroet, Mqitroui, oliIS .MUDÇ*Lr, Cliof AgqUtg. IL U. L&WDJIR, Agent, Whlthy. Angist 11h, 75. y-88 OTHB RITISH I ECATL FIRE INBLIRA NCE* COMPANY/I dtce, atid reieleii, brrumoderte, prompt GE0. TULE, Agent, Whitby, 3une 2, 875. 28 NE W M USILI HA LL, mWZTH GAS. DECSIERFD. à-catiht ICRcbcity, One Thousand. i 1tb G G O. IHOPRINS. ~(rkL~s AGER erd,ourte uuppiy ah artiCle which will jtvu satioaction to the sWbo patreni,.e 70UN WALZ, Toronto. T UEF Best a nd reshest WI" ULWAYS M ]TND AT '~~tWHITBY HOU6E. J. A. ]3AltDELL l iaui gn o Wont&J Lt r crfor thi Couty-i AYINE ARTICLE op' PURE CIDER, CHSARLES PE-NNYLEGION Bogs to nuf7 J.Vbis frieudssdcseor thth anw propared te supply - DLthe ooet liing pricois. leur, Corn, oup.Food, »rc, Short## Ot. insal, Criwed. oest, Peau, Date, Pc. hoq.Verih a0 i e Olapoetfor Cae, At the Dominien Fleur and Feed, Store, rosby~'s Bledk,, Euat doar, Dcudgi Street, r YBZWFOOL MARIKET 1' CASH FOR~ GRAIN, To bW deUivrod t 7reflchmanss Bay. 'LA84n ,'éWL, >A*ND COAL FOR SALIt. 4Q YTO LOA1e iuai-y 9tb, 187r.t- .,YÃ"UNG'SM ITH, WHITBY, ONT/tRIO>, LUATHER 'AND FINDINGS, 7 OPâpsd for MdU, Et. an Leatheb. 94'4IN ,DE TO DDRO SHOWT nommCE ,Mcy,9ig.22 SIMQN & KEt.LEY, âà4v.5t>, beslRmnas# bby, Feb. 7th, 1877. iy.7 iA P PLE T REE Si 'HOME' NURSERY, Ii'!ALNOas Plsc mdorganade.eto tJBadln gs tn d ci bt e ettcals lic niie edVialnedIn rah c1 Nec-vous andi PhysiestDiDty1 antithe <adieu therafren,, and contalus more îhr.n iOoriginalpma oeritioiiau, 'oftwhilifi aworhîthet sidr of tvî00G #W wâ.¶ wrlttcîî bytoisemz te Iv andprolmly te ot killhlpsactitiocer elle1 modal Iy heaiho nalOCIeIO1>A~OSI A Psimphlet, lEulsrted wih the Tory gSoul set praetooiisc>,i HEA L for It At aca. Addregs nçemvyzç, No(. 4 Buk.*f U lacs t. BulnMas. .. 5 w TOUSE AND LOT 7POU SALE IFO TO LET,,- -Ai gond Frame storey-ane.ieaif ht 22 m2 , sud Iitchen, tegether wlth hia aýcre ef land, well planteS with fruit -i 4itusted ot liagisu.atreet, weaî -piatoc towu cf'Wbtby, off Dnudan.mtrs'et. Ir la lu"géôostibie. There in s good tud ut',' sudtieii iut le cf the ci ku. l0nsedtein lr,;t November. App MR.' nflAlYIOonthepeis the Proprictor. W .Â~ 81 i fGesue T'H E »WI1N D SOI (Cor. Ring aned Yark-sta>) NOW OPEN. 22 c0 P ER DA Froc nmnibug-tn and Irnm cli trins. bis amd applntmneUt firgt-cia4Sa 5.Iy Prcpiieto, trees Dif ti. 7hert a wel ,lcoui zily Ic %Y. Ta. y T ARIFF 02 PERS TO BU TAXE 11Y CONSTABLES. o(Ujador Order lu Council, dated 24t1e da niJuiy, 1871.) e, ýs, t o eL .Arre>,t c oh iindivldual upou a warrant ........... .......el0 2Serving aunmeona or subirwa....O025 3,Milogo te serve sIun, sîub. 4.pains or warrant ............ 010 1.1iloge when iservice caunot ho u ' )of ofh duo dilIgsnce .,.. 0 10 à. MJneprai-g dEnotera togscl, exclusive cf sburaementa nec. oséaaily oxponldad la -thoir cou- voya neJusticceosomma triais, or on a umitin of îeri. gonea charged wfth crime, for ,sh a ynocessiarly oznployod lonue or more cases, whea net enggn more tison four hou ru..*IO 7. Do. ( o. wlieon engagea mors tican four-hours.................. 8. Attouding Assizea or Sessions, sach d...... .......5 9. Milsse. rAveling tc -attendAs. cires, Seiens, or before-Justices (when public conveyance con b. sakcn,conly rcasonahîs disburo. ments ta o, c alawcc.) . O.... 10 10. S tllfL JuZ fog Coronurs', lnquet, e ingattending at inquest, sud al servicos iu reg. Pcct thoreaf, if hoid on saine day as Jury suuuned.......... 2 00 11 ttenllug eacli adjournout therooaf il net engagod maore fouer heurs ........... ...... 1 0(0 12. Do. do. 'if snggged lucre than four heuru. ....... ......... 1 50 13. Ni Srl nmmons orfsubpoena te * tetn before Coroner (subject No. 10)...................025 14. Miieage foriUË saine...........010 warrant ........ .......... 20O 18. Eeburylng mime............. 2Ou i.Service' distreusaWarrant, andi re- tý&riii sanie ............. 180 18. A&eIvrtisng und or distrarg war- ran ..................... 1 à* 9'veit bniai,. dîtreas, or to such fot, éocde te mskaids trousawbsn no eods are fend.,.O010 20. pprasemets, bt by oseL or more,,.cetsntue dollar, on the valueoicf e1d. the t. on net pro ýof igopas. 92 Eeoing ntie5~, , arrat - .. . P 5ll dbY ordci- lerkofY~,.. c-i' . au JXMU. i,.PWUi !WD jà, eu3 A F ULL AÀ3SOBT>iJTIN EVEET I LM. HRve.-bU-eM1rêtlë'ew IIUinator.' No Ohim qid.1 Liqhteéqual to8 fthe oa knaomS agent for Whtby. Crookery andi Gisoaau r - pp14P--4Aa ~t -- a- iWhitby, Dac. 111h, 1877. A$E s NOroaeMT',djjitot TELARGEST S E&VEP<8OW&l I *XA k~ F f FE fPURS A P EpIA, .~ FURTP MIG U 'O'Oft' oota if -84e8 Che~ 'wx'w i replet for Fail and Winterv 't. el Off at the 1 CaU and ses lis Stock and Pr,ý RACOON ROES'a.s.OEjJBAC UR YAK BODRO,' BUPPALOIR~p-U R C s S.Z S.S SA CASOS.EAL STTO, OTTER AND OALSTM! iIRSTB PERSJAN LAMP CAPS,, EOA AEii, BALTICORAL OAPSj.ATAp,~ ET grIS ' cÀCo ONE17 SETTS, 19, BML!ME AP e.. E eBc paulàtieirattention given to- àad] *rdes.. specially -'attendedi ùm Aftei'at * r' .0 'r~ ruIlCU, m. , lm.Og' 75 & ý77 Y ' 4, - TO k1 e dons 11-350 50 Large Size Box, ,Stoves, OLEARING OUT AT HALF-PRICE. just received. Mv ~tnok ni' Is now Complote in Every Liae. E. J. JQIINf~Q~ Very SpecilIn'ene 1o to STAIRTNG HUEEpl~ U N DERT AR 'J 't ni RG' Ns BE "> - r JON> 7,77-0rJ 8sop ripe h Cete iB'ees we six illp' sî gtlo, ilelgantly flnished, in: oolid Walnut CaSss, wthj adwhout Cuvinge, at very ~OW E~'Es07 il Full Stock of Casket au ~ the >necesarain tiâE l. g, al A WELL-AJPOINTE» ERD. V'hitby, October lOLli, 1877. I 'REP.ARBE -ANDO TèO AL2 FOR WELL.FITTING, CHEAP0A» Do oc~IMM BEST AMERICIÂN JflJBBEe GOODS, I)SOAND. Gente' Caif Boots and Shaes, the finest andaniost durable made i the country. la' Lidies' superior gouda in ]Pruneija, Bd and Gogte acpoeialjy. Whou durabiiîy and cbe&pneiw a e ouir!d, eall-en OLD No. i. LBge Arrivais 1 Ch p fOj' Ca ,! i Whltb, Scf. ~WM. BURNS. Clothing and' Ge nt'ni Io now supplied with &Hl the newest styles of Englih, Seotch, and Canadian Cloths of ail kinds, ii. - Largeat and flest Stock-tbe rhd Qr~.Aiso an excellent stock of' Gents' F isid Aew Asplendid stock of csady.made O'rotCepo s' MýcMIILLAN'S' BLOCK,.'BlR S1'ET, Wfl.j FAIftCOIP'ETITIOIN WITROIr,,PR o T;TIN., MII.JOHIEN FIEI.e TJQU 15 Now 1ni TU E KET ýwIBB &, Wbioh for quality sand price willibe foma4 *smi»*edl Mdad uP in- tite'Latpt SJ~rm - ALARGE Sit -o OVER~0As ÀAD~ ~4pROBA§U f Â~i -BOTTOM PRO 1 Ie per than E'p mes ttheold New Organs ftrm $75 èàid upwards. - Seeond-hand Melodeons at $26, $40, sud $0 each. Cai andexamine ouïr' instruments at thô OkM.tiFBetory, Whiitby,' and compare pricers, before bu ying -*:4ewhere. 't q'-p-p- MI Te' . V )IfNVe r..- Wb - '-.".~J.L' ~ .c~1Âv~lwcw £YL'.L~'Ii, I hltb7, Nov. 141h, 1877. c~UR NEW ~PORE G I wboe yu eu gta.Wol-fitting Garment :-To the T~4prmg sihment of 814TPERIOIR CUTTING SHAPES THIE WORIK L Lurge Stock of, Fine Clotha; bout Englieli, Scotch and canadian NeedsAL,. Excelent Overcatings ad Spenid vest Patters. A sotd ft <*uaanteed 'w 5 LG-RISTMÀ S & NE 0aoaFa- rrUfIeryyf, i Coi p -n,- ý FULL LINÉIS OF ~Teas,"Çoffee à igas, Raiins"Ee YEAR J- '- ~'~'.WILL< Whtby, Dec. lot> 1,877 A(' WH' B CJU1 H I Nk E A Aful assortment: of ail kinds of New choice Famîil y Go ceries. China, 4~1s ae roeyadFml hit mas goods, aLfho wile oldi-at the STH0E4 REPAIRING A large> ssotment Of Choice Candlies purchased expres- Dn uteahrmtnis ly for - g a;n t a C lau se. ] -o G* t sO. eI TTO, n U M Ch6i'ý ý Mi6d'Cadie 20tsperb.Brook ÊSt, -------------tby. Choce ixe Caidis 2etsperlb.October W, 1877. IY.44 'Good Roll Butter- ,16esi Peri4b. 20 ]'IEDIUJM SIZE' LAMÈ_iJW19MNÉEYS Fo]e$1 0. TAGR BàETWRR!! oldbeor obc xnalli'zoth young and lW ;HITBY&OHW~ ol eoepurchasing elsewhere ýand examine our Stock "eavea TWICE A DAY1 .5-s O seb r h p c î , ' h j . t "8.80 ai i., and 1, P . us. -yorsef. rieme berth plce Luve Whtî at 10.80, a. ~ i At WM:'TJ. GIBSON' .pm ' v WitIby China Tea Store«. re ban, t u eo la,mandPia' reiem(whsn ordera are bit ab &UV Of ,'WANTED.-Any quanluity of- Good Poultry Dressed the ht!2. cnoiowith Oshawa unS A ppl s, ota oos, Bea s, utt r,-E gYgs, fôr w hich '»tg e highest M arket n S ort P i-g y a & c d wi bb-ÃŽro ugb price;wil ho paid, cither in Cash 'Or in Excixange1 for Gods. swmiWhtby. vaine,1 SALT, PL ai, PO1 Pickering, jciy iW, 197,7 jm eü GPA ERGE b, CHR S 0 Npi n% tprvmn Wffl>y, Macn mn, 1975,', ~ t THOs. p.BAT]C, TOCK OF Feathoeru, lRiSGicvos, &o., cliaed-an4 - dyedauj clNr. AlordoraSit with W.p. (icock onfectioiec- Whltey, or sont by MRE. 1. B. WLs RETURNS biMaincere thauka to thé - RIit"y ucita iciuit, foy- hePatronage bestowidon1 mdurluge'A C izt ye uud ouS,] bcg te intim Ist isa'- "ntpartnership, 3M.i. ati, OARIAGRPÀ%MING, Gr.linVanuuin',Poihje' taining, -i w-'-r asdsatch, c seuatry pncsu. j-.IJJ SPEGIAL ATTENTION TO COUNTRY 0RIJERS- 1j ,'SROP-To doors north c f Rings'T, nec-y, Bcý-notc-eet, whitby. WRLLS h MABTIN. No. th 18l77,' 1y4 and To- $7,00 lu. *1 loods of Ail Kinds, (Jhewe4ùýeld Go&0i. ÉloGlAÉL GIiESO atewýit J MleAd theiU . hpyta fr d da=1 D !e . w Ro al.loxae tkade e sot*&lespeozial sn, aid 'wé, ttnin evee i i f the business. Cheap ed~n Go44%mând cusfdmrs. Nothing wantedl by aid or neW Zue4 ~er ce hk1Ibfuna edarhor notie.A speciatyin COAL O0WI ~M~1* ~'Prd~.e if SU kind s wil e paid for iii CASE, oT, degvnfor tko*wisé t that rate.., ~ Nuenih.aIgâh~ 1s7~. . GEORGE GURL~r,.. ~.'TKASTORE I ~Gê'e iile b-mato asno-0 1i ~ ~ StreihWhs , where stationery of a811ido, ofithe àqua1iy<i ýiH bkéepton<ind ; fisuaSchool Books f very dripien, (opy Books, .819es; Pendis, Inks, &o., &o., at the la'uyes . ~ fi tie n s S l e t d 7,, GEO YULE. jh tby, D 8. 18à h, 1 7 . 5 [ 4t1N.TFQOR Fi -room iSienolon Table-a&Very snp )àrjrf. .47 si ig EngÉr"pigfor sok; Mîtoooels u M. O'DO0NOVA CÂRiÀGÈFAdMRY '-B RO-K - ST, --V-E.Y.ý C EAP. C Liý 7 ,,' ,T L.. THE LAGE S AN OTY MPLIB Si TEELARES AN MST OPEE .arrilages, THE MEDEICAL-H I JUST recei«ved froîn New York, Montreal ~,ronto, new und cQmplete selection of ~bIISJ CERMCeLS , T/tE A 1AsaFresb Suipply ofalÈ rw,)Special attenftion gi Vont PyiiaaPrsrpZo 'Q - S4le Agent in W itby for ,R - F. COUTTS & SONS AdfltIC ACID CURE.. I h i ON PIRST-CL.&S FARM LANDS, aumse f f2a0(uýr ,jgat 'zper Apply le- AýpriQ I7th, 1877. lia B BOUGRAU CARBIÂGE WOBXS. fe~cfufly iniorma bis Patrons and the ~"~* G XLV. pu frcash Eihfo &U Partie,,rif~a+ ahnde bera=gising their ordor.T: BIEGST'S GALLERV S A A Bogag~l~ 85.r~ DI . L M . » G A Y '8 -, P E IF IC . ,,g U D IC IM É r Tii Gteat, cly e,,, LIfeLîk.--.-tkon ivamom »ia n th' etsye usd e~~ oefre eù~ryeue- of Tkig hit7 s àdWeakuouu, reosut cf xndlcre#oîeu% Mr. BeSt liaS oecured the services of one; thebest Wng _c ' o oewrcc hbai u v ±ivq retouchcrs in the United States. I tel onident that,", I cxurn out vhc ysteni; ispefetly- hAiroleas, work equal, (if not suporior,) tb anythinèév'r bofore md.nibswi>SlCaAha ontnraiy&ely. CALL ANZdM ORf~~ce, $1 per package, or six powkages 1i » CA foANDy W1,E.mail fric of -posage. -Pull 1par.,, ~i m t~t u c u l ur ip a mp h l e t , w h i c w e d estî i > 11.12 ~ o end frey mail t every one. Addrcaas, Fine Photos of the Leading emnofthe Dm"- m ad . SeId by auI ruggista in Wisitby, B~i Efceu OSHAWA. UN .,OMMEICINGON MONDAY, May 7fb -Co'77, Tand uctil fu4rt notic, traiiuoiwp thne u bmBd me ud soc. opsauavq pointu, At 6 80a.i., 10a. m., and 4M8 Haru T -C lnU g BVM p.m., and for tb. Georgios Day, 1' an- tisaena, cna intermodiate pointa, ai eaher Valises and SaraÀtoga 'l runks 1 1 .m V ~ ~ ~ ~ Ã" O,<~I ~I) F "si<wriii5,»Pettrboro', and LlkeSaiS, J)"j -At 8a. nM., 12M >P. M., and &MO.SSpM., 411nýf&.àý h. oM egtablbbsnt. FoPr ct.a4ulars sec Pa4ei £~~~~ PJ B LX ~ T ' L R . N G L JOHN' Offlee-Deverfl Whitby. -MONEY TOL .~dOMAE t 1.30to 6,p.m Bo and ilert stre6ta. C, N. VAI rEETI 4850 ulas teIbu ohs1, best. Tmath Ied w Teeth extracted wiihc local ctuihecf., De -n' neUfbw bk, overà King Street,. showa. fAIR 1 DRESSINJ Saloon, Brook Ë JOUN WOl WILLIAII BLÂCKSWITH, (Succoeor ta Thlo ~Horne ahoeing and a vork. . £YDPjL, CIei'k Olylelon CI 00ormissioner in B. ]j &o., Atberlyctny0 Atherly tt.2nd, IE $osrt l ogoAdOra.E. 4 dl1yy B,&u M USIC PURNISIlD i ating 'Capacity, Wuuity, Oct. 22, 1HM? FFAUCER8 fRE ADAMS' BLOCK. XI OppsDu 1 FO-R! - HI ý 4 tij 1 - ------------ W., J -- i i VY 0. D 0 m m 1. ai 1 - ' 1-- 'l 1 --1 1 1 1 1 1 il il 1 1 1-0 75,000, FOB a JOIIN,> Aiterati L JLL i4th, 1877. t4ee4 CÃŽE 8 BUG

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