Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1877, p. 5

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NEW Ri~ .ÂND F:l , - 1 ý liaviug corne out of. thàe Fi safely 1, hàve beeneabetoe-- veet the total amlit ofmyý of to COAital iu the. ire *ff Icir 1'MAS & NEWYPAR'VHII -A T--. «àrocery, Bakery and Confectioe.y MET WHITBY, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, ]Raisins, Pet Dates, Oanned Fms, Fruit <sad Meats. A Large Stock of Confectione Bread stuifs Cakes, Buns , Tùdtts, Breàd and Grocerlî69 delivered' anprof the Town, with Promptnes 'ana Despatoh. at. bzottestrNotice.-Ld tfrelne~w ud ,W. P.WILLCOCK. Whlsby, Dec. 101h, 1877. SFRESH. STOCKGO D MT S H L, -OF- The Old Established and Reliable ~1I~f IIflirinStore. iLicn~,iIQU <Ju, dA -ÀiEPUTATION -0F 20 TEARS IN WHITY.- Whieh having been secured e aliday Gifts in Pofsion at Panie 1 Prices. GOLD WATCES, ILVER WATCHES, for Cash ou most. advantageous ternis,- GOLD CHAINS, SIVEIR CHAINS. els, ind en.sja j.ItuLI(J o offer at fuly nrik4b±oid Sets of Jewe l - , Colored Gold Soes, ELETROPLAED Los-Cret FrOaes, Pie]ho zo reruetn felowUrdinay Pr/es 1h boutMakers and WarranteS Quaity. Cloio in varfous Style.ki N.- B--Jas. Jobnuten would beg te siaeloz tt /o;à i *au .1Ios To cash and prornt Paying ;~~mb - leis-mbanbefore;,iione u es hsSodluasWho,. Buyers at Wholessle sud Retail. Poe. 111h, 1877. geaWjmfr oj.g ~<I deem it unnecessatýry to en-JU T A RV D TTH M~~~~~~~ uneaeteiesletail of my large aud Pai extensive stock ; any attempt to do Bo cl WHITBY C.HINA TEA ST'ORE, Afui assortment cf ail kinds of New vhieFml 0 would fil a dozen Chroniclea, suf- ceie.Chn, lssWae (rckr sdFamfy Chrkt 1108tô%say hatit i cOplet inalmss goods, al cf whioh will b. aold at th, fie tsaytht i i co plte n ilVERY LOW ÉST ,P PIC#-.q,,,I:n ,' nko en unesanata ustomers wi11 flnd on the premises every article that nnay bIe euquired for. Heads of Famiies nimaking purchases cf, Holiday Croooris Wal Save Money and secure a good article by oafling. EYERYTHSING IN Teaàs, Coffees, Carcoas, Choco- - lates, &c., &c., -My Liquors, as-,-heretofore, are cf the best brauds sud will be fouud 1uusurassed in pnrity sud cheapueés. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's Ales. AiMes, Beat quality, 30 cents per gallon by the Keg. Can.ned. Fruits, Pickles, Bisouts, of best quality. Oysters, Haddies, Bloaters aud 'ýrout, &,D., in Barrels sud haif- ei A large assortment cf Choice-Caudiespurohased express- ly for Sauta clause. Choice Mied Candies 20ts per lb. Good Roll Butter,iSots ,per. lb. 20 MEDIUM SIZE LAMP ,CHIMNEyS FO.R $1 00. Corne one Meomgal both Young aid old before prhas'g espwere -asud examine Our Stock yourself, Remember the place A .X1itb Ci T 3t WANED.Anyquatit ofGoWhPly iaToDre.d ANPttoeD.-Benqautitr csfood Polthe ress re, Apes, Potetos, eaen ButteriE xchagefor hich hbihetMre prise~ ~ ~~~~~~W J.lb aS ite iCs r iEoag o Goode. (JARRIAGES AND BUGGIES!1 THE LÂRGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK or Carrages, Q 8/eigh8 and -C'utte'r',1 A M.O'DO0NO0VA N'S VEiY CHEAF. OALL à E RM - ------- Has mucli Pleasure in announoing rnaking Sugars a specialty, and that he has now lu Stock s Complet. Assortment of al kinds of Fauily Groceries suitable for the Holidsys or any afford to sel ie, iucluding the foilowiug, viz. : w Valntia 1Raisins, A Choieslot f MOtte C U u sa"S uc ï.of fBrown Sugar, for $1.00, Lyer :FamWyTop fa Xnmas. .of Valentia Raisins for $1.00, ' Orwn h - ZlUe,MSraba, -tn Le2-M Peu, "' -2 1 er1 of Cuirrants for - $1.00.. Ci: o 1ft %oFIEU " madisa SOympw io4 iU Riad& Of Splce. stnt, ail Kinde. Tý-0o0 T. LAWLER. ~Woefu SBrashe, itv li, - ~RHave you seen the Kew Illuminator. lXoChlmnêy re- 1urd Liqhî equsi-to 8 otlhs olS kIind, once tri$4 alwayos »Ç Soie. Wlur tby. - Orockeerv anS Glasrra»*gr yang au CrnCorinel, atmel. ailsudSp ub'~.hpaiS for Appii, Ppt$gqs, PatWte ~sanS P ~fr~W8~o hud, t Wu -~VIng Pue.- XMASmc: 1-877a keyFgs. Lemons and Ors, .b?. foxe Afreelilot of those saulx Black sud Green, Te housekeepers. -.44an ---aCofes 1:arfoohs dJiaCfe 0 Chocolates iud- fine Li J1 TA] cu le lot, tions. BISC1JîTIF 3oda sud AbernethyBi Best quity. Coul -i 'e ~soui SIJGARS ist to hand, Fine Engif crushed-10 lbs. for$ briglit Sugar-2bs. for$ J 9 ANNED FRUITS ýysters, Lobsters& Sardines Dried sud Barrel F1511. ARD ILL KINlDS 0F est FiIy Grocerieig China, Crockery-, boswsre, &o., &c,-Brouze mps, complete with shade, $1 25. F'arm Produce KEN IN EXCHANGE. itter, Poultry,ý iggs, Apples, & Potatoes your supplies erly sud Oheaýp, u aU CE ennurn,,Free of Po8tage. a1,) $1 00, 'w (- 4 Od o tn ty for h inlloflnklulb rwnet hlby hlEan anm Thegt m keP r ni h Q & ssiDebenum r l eahEri e lie Wis mg t mkePreseuts for Xmad. Ij speotïou IVfte-d.pestastuni tr e ateno anS ' R og-9 4 e T s t a b le . p o c k e t à i f l î . , Ja b p aaes 4 n o 1 J N:Ew q o a. .11 'o ý l': 1 1 1 Il j 1 Il 7.4dï'ublighers' priées.fllerdoTono IBIbTULI ierca adelCand oTon orf mstOCoÜtr Subscribersfié' of postage. 0 W 15THEI TM TO S1JBSCRIBE. pous attâchuli tiges."d' Ppe~sdPntualitY Guaraateed. Catalogues aud Pn Lists Free. Il" ~ua~~h B K ~ J YT h e - - W H I T r-,&ON T .» irior~, 'xro pslgb3.AJid sedV ing Ha Soir CrveaeqO-(Zimted)in"fthe D ~Jf GE D DR «O OD ST arA Dto&iefliu 0the vth. by -AT"id-and1 emj asecuai ate fo ~agenb th <~b4 n hem inteeat herby iUVrrd. Wherea'TheThekerin HtrboofC D* L . A . I N G S T E T A R T S e d u~ n .p~ ez Dvie a ur. 1 lu W h tb ; W oa T Ére o o f rN g t e r en ire St ck f Y jn-Lt î h o n hp o Pc ei1 o s - n u daxn~edoaSsoud Dy GodaS. tr men o~ eoriice aswil be een ~ but ixt thosan ~ ou rviIoK o. ~ a lb T. ~ 0 0 P i .3 0 0 "S 2 A B l i e rI a a n d n o thar i p o e mP cets. F o ui ' x î ! o .lhh e P b DB S OO S1iG kE D Dfr B lO. y up ad; i o o l renrdTw n dty4ve F he-'tu o.R Thev te s Nof6, awelcSic Meriou, i 9 iflrentshads, 25e; Dres Mteral, So. sua prieoc.Jeben iu rhailtafrthasr g nibm TCaraio fTo Dres M te-ii 2e. u~ rl~ 5o.G- A FT - and ge w rb 0. C ttn oIlea aS reenel e o r "ysaid mbro» àn dd TweL foA hrIN g,2eC sa rs, 7. T ed ot 1 0 o i0; ASWherea eThe repeing et the r bour Foi Divi Zox No. S af m m u ae u er ' prsSiT E l nd l 0 pu -r .an W rk i h s i O pany nd nffl ~ Clothng ud illneryDeprtusut crwded - ~ We aveen àgeS tI oemb en.tereo n have urved itvayJoru- on o e i gan mue otin u t pove o t r at FosD xm ox No. , teAch "oolL stan o oliib g 'oie-. areo u utmee drsl u slwihi now S permanent advautage to the Tow n. tfPik oue-A gzM K gon n N touletoshw oos Al re initeS, I rfi e welWiome Bnn hilae kerig, anS wh.c2,adtvanee - t s ,t h * s - fi q o t a i o o fdt o b uA n w e e a rt h e r e n hC o a n e y r et â 4 < I z n O T I Ce.jM ý Ë g~ BEMEMBEB THE STAND, HOPRINS' MUBIinHALL. FOR reaerîw- act reepectthe o lËtio 100LPrvic Pr.o ooboret 20,* sa rie 800 te 10()-rs. c (t ontro, anS bn the" nAd velt O Fo s ideaio n by 4.atthe eo unb], Antherie sseS nth inn iOoeSylw h wlb prs 6 M . ste f Canaa, esty'srelg , cha Municlprai o . 5Tws hpe Pc Dh itou5h00 ,ma7,pas utherzeoneomlu ne bondsporlde 0M0.O bouturs fo lcdin hensy b al. e roin he 'Wim HuCio rc DRES GODS.Blak Lutre fim 1a. yar,, pwads;all oolFcoch orante ouanindlreseottean Fos d ate eo, t tP~s rl l- - :o u9dff rn ba ea25 .; eo-.............. 50. ne 1b,,r Wl O.2 e a rst chreont e laetn- h at l. v Andwhc uoprtien tue and ~ frevanue, al the esid Te Tw e sfri itu ,2 0,U U IV ie,8 c V'Tweeds e fer81y 60, for P1 00dao D ecb er, A . 7 Iss sh~~~~~~~~~ ke s e iAgneLadetan et tc f re heralut e pePnj n protecte by r a ttte G o o s i i W ilt y. h e a r g sî n S e el Sto k o M a île . ii e pro ed te t h ereon h av eplaces The Lathngei anS' Chieý epa tmtock c Miliey. T h avegene a cnt~iue t p rovnn o eo gock6in heoion.h a ns haffo pbiigces tock cf onFur captes The LaretSanl e t c s o âet Jo anten dgtetoheTv- câ-Aa M r_ too f Scaô roube, Tsehow oer1yAUUndercing , Gelco o ne .snd ollacrinetand t wh thon adO EAo onreeres, tcel rtéln 1h.sui etT oIE i We av te hocet ndby orth BetAsor- nSiltereet thereen.acd yIazlr sud ru of hn t he nos d olas W e occits fst nt of r R tE , B onnT eT , HO PKINeaheS aSC ALtLe. +cl whereas, hbaouthe t e hoNeti ce f theoe i n alètnt ue ab iple Ipe t ttensi nh p 0f Whr By Os hana, Uns bot of Ontrio, nd tbL the let ïrevree TAI ORI G O DER DEP RTMpTsthe e tii e venh i hùthisSes,b Oth eco dh renofltrMoty-se ell ar 16. U57> ipotantfate wshi f oie gu r nt e . h L r e t t ck c T e ds-O Nlt h ow .dby et th o n shi p e y TwnsicpeMaygpaon a m o n t e n r4omothe a ndblc Fa Ji n bl r s s d M u i aing. feu fr ua d 4 ellars, a y nS tere lino ««Wm Cm duTa~ aretterncplo nretteree ta h Kderminnisge- LYâqeta, A LrgeStok o Grcenes nd rooery An whrea fr a ylng b. Seentu e r, tiA .7, aa, tngl h eflo inhereuut keereonr an oquth dreyth uafeu n ifdolars M oyamp e daTwnL =e olasanit requied or e eis nsau ea d urg of Dewc l aerm. D. i soÀgë 01 e aid aCoe t andpry byl-Pwnuu 55. ,and byhave -th Are sewiù theLarget an Bes Stoc oe IfsstherveofhenCoted by 1k. Municipal s tock reCaada t udeo nd- G R E A T C H I S T M A S A L E I sLp et Pi kerlng, an l s h reb y - E T E i DI EE Goods n VqMby. Te Larest ad Be Stoc of M ndes. i t l alaintStmavthe C' onawtul ferw b O=ý a TheesaiS Corperation efhbe Towckbof 188 te 182The ng .iYbaM tOhH E T W E K .e t oken obe i Sof anSic er ig Ou s i L. Laitcki t e orco n andsut erin bourCmpany limiteS), PPO5U. et May Nv r lm &n Ceaes Soc f urCas. Th byes aawas olanto e exteOfjetywon-,!grTr,& Stc-o0 0--- IheusirUnecltinGlvs,&.Sd dollars. Nv 0 HC877. 5m.47 2.. Thatote hepureadfo. turdl vrs eth eie a u nyc l yl spétir al. __________ NOTICE._ WL J. fLLIN'ERY AND MA&Nhures tthe ucpeat on h pet àth n £PRE sipefumPOfkern t bern.dllar e TII al h agn W e hav the C oicest and by for th B est A so teaehdebntret te e n e le. a teminiàit nt W ent offeragroeatsbaorgis in LrsandiMes. >ilk undres daollaroshewhchrtà Tie, anderhifs, Cufs sud Colas, oser aunodte Cbr1e alessientno orth AR Beeve7 e t hm mllosse orn vABJ N TAILORING'ORDER DEPARTMEîLe ua ncil t e thondoehl egn0wo h preceands will offeotdollars.y(8,741,15e.)siaportant fnttre-ng of our For G aèn tcls utead!' odFî, n eestiee we hve tefBethe leaistjng IL011D5Our-prent Stock Assorte SockinTe argtStabkeofoTe su ls. nTon. de ftheywshp o Pikerngdate a1tritsKoerBR« e o un I h d a h er o lna tr,, a p n t er i n i 4 , 0 .Fuil Stock ofresandy-neàade loting po ofte inipo eestt isere-law, WesT B rne at4. NewRasin, JuransLeuil O- ears.emna'trer: Auceaengexk fohne. , 8ad615.07 ondIL Bet dayfor teebetr 80. UT R <YAL flo LOWES POWELL. l576.6, n theSitéay etDeemsen 189. EXC Jq1 é. emour W. J, H OKIE &Co, 877.91, nta lecilday te I ebe, 1881.apt8amutig MoMilau' Blok, Bookst, hitb. &680,en the lep ayrt e ce ein cl 0,o h811ayeDecber 868. :fiE dUasTad]u - - 8771.68, re on Ls le d a Dcembearri. T1n 16Osnthe let duay et De mbn, 186. w KWTUE *îosio, t-al tOn at#.Monrd ad th é f D ett1 G1094.64CHonSTM.S Set day o Doeb en-90 _ s0.-h ip .2,o Pickering, d ay et e /rlnbyol th adr Trebe P ated Sil ere Cru ts, Buter ~ SladaytDoe189. T E T LLE S&C DE y Cooer, ak BakesCad eceves, Spons Frk, IOL T.h ist aS naye e fiùfor -Golde4 n gr#î - 114I " X TW W8, .of ikn Im B atday s. et teriu1 s-oe We have Decided ~ >ff<~i Phe b i6 b. t a Csmle, og 1neI 8 BROCK-iST., a 1 CARRIAGE FACTORY w WHITBY. ýýNO

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