Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1877, p. 4

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f 1875, Vra JTOHNW r Publie ees, a$ et Whltby, os ýk, P. MY, Mdnt 554OeeodleussBrick a< SIaVp trae. bars5Ku OUs = tof m et m o6 agood tenytteJoîn estaI., BOBERT MILLE&. IITIETABLE. *Takinlg effect Os Wcmnesday, Nov. 14th, '77. TRMU ING 1050NOUTS, Les..' Witb.......10.0-a.mr., .45 P.m. >auila,..,., nli e. 8s5i ArloLiud.ay. 100 " 0.1 T5Us O COIN 0OUMI. Leavo r ...a.ie7.10a.ni., .15 sp.m. lisotilIaiaî....... 7,m5 ' 4.081 Poart i'urry .. 840 4.55 Arriv Whfty . 6,41à ' C.0 For ttue. tnt her station#,. se 'Pocket Tine. Table, tebuLü i4 on apjîucetlon teuiuîy ut the Collllpaur'a Agîslutu. PLtLinîlqs 'ruSh the ~Viotoera Tcitly uitSbolb. tailwny, for WooIvile Jliavorert ill-aiîaîuâihleno via Oa'Uhla ibclî N lieruitalwi<, for eiravehtrat 11racobrtulgu, ituitt<ic ,,1rce orait Lands oï ITimncliî Tickt. une lNseo4 b y al Agente of the W. 1., P. "& 14, Wy ler 'loymo,ansd by 0l . Il. l.'ckçît Agoniet, 'leorantol, fur ait .tations m% %W. Il. I'. & 14-y.&'No trautufer charge- ljlagoe cl0ctci tîeglî, ' > JAME&S HOLDEN, Wîîitbîy, NOVI 1U, 1h77. Mânagi:îg »ircctor. FAMILY DISIDENCE FOR SALE 'rF.TN)ERt. la tbb Town--of Whitby. 'reiions wvill bcrrclvei by 1the uudenslguodl for 014) litwurciae cf tht uti illîjfally rui- dotllue mtited le1tihe tewn oseWmitlîb tely melilltil l'y J. 10411 1'ISiY, iieu. ihe lire. m 1140gcntii about Ave acres of landS, Opon Wilch ll iiereCtdva s large W/I/te Brick House wlth a"ut- 18tOflO F, po/n gge, .e) rooî,îa, '<'h.' j 'ri'iîîl .'1roariu ce ina lyfelile <line, hu îaled l'y lot-air, Ht ml(! celi 'ater and Ulis laid on thronighont. Alan tWliAi'l brickli ueloai.lîa, tablüm aud 40-iîi, 11 vidiu ti( ,liii uloait uJliluaSntlal 'r'h. îu.îllu awero laid out it l'y Miiilio, (f iaîuîlItenii ,J,'ii ti vat.' 0 e lii,.troce llriler,îbîtîu,cirg, d'e. 11,6oroharà nulll itillil ganîtuil ce.îtaa lar iiu'î.b.rof reiiiJ'fuit tilien, gri'i di, AiuiiJ 1 01 1t,, c., iit in lui ti Province of Oiltarle. lîuurleucib) vioWed Dot appl'ication NI. ue tii.'. lt.'uiti3y office, Wilitby, <i tiittrnm iin, .ilant, ou t 4e e liui frein J.E.lAIREWELL. EN.. tir J, Il. MASAON, lritrd. Lity -Tereute-et., Toronte. 41-un Roona to fient, Sîitabluu for conîfortablo (lwelilg.', situ- utud iivar the Drng store et Mr. T. (J. Whldt. llouil. Front sud lusot enteraîî.ce; bard ana1l sMAL 'rater, s1u'd yard. WhlIy, y .1st the DBUG STORE. DE'IC ER & O'LEAIiT, Buto r8e,- - Duffina' Oreek, - tTONOTIIOY TRE PUBLIC thît .LiatlîTY 'ii have costîtiy on hand, 18 '0 mL s n , M iS in so a , V e , o u lt ry N à Ueiaca, 9 dk.,0% the beeit qualtty, anal atP cateo suit the limes. A cal lus oic.it. Oul. DECKERII& O'LART, 1)>ituà i(relk, Nov, 5, 77. ly4 STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. DIVIDEND NO. 4. NotiCe l heneiîy gven tItat aa diaed oS f thnce per cent, forth. conrozît hslf.year, ba.. ing att he ratîe et six per fent, pur mussa lipîn thie pald.up <spihul et the Bant, has tue d cay îcaun-declared, anditthe' samue î.'11i ho payabi t aIhe.'Banke sud ite Bronches u11P eud alter WEDNF.SDAY, the SECOND th.' l7th te the 111 t December (bolli day. - 13y crdeor ettho iloard. J. L. BROMEI, Cauhier. sitsadard lant, Tenante, 201h Nov., 1877. WANTIEP. 'A XINIOî'T F011 TRE TAILOR. ing Dôpartinent, -sud a ggent Veel LOWES .&.-POWELL. 49 OTICE I 1 HREBY GIVEN FilÂT NapVilcatinu. 'mli ho nade at the next sesaôn o the Leglaslative Au.acmbly eft ho Provincee uf Ontainie for an set te coosol. de ttid i.sielorAl acta rcatlng te thoeicon. peration of i the Tetnat ud iotawiru iail. way compsauyo te extcumd the lIane for cern. nccng tb. work, te legalize ail by.laws gnantingai4& by %vay et bonus te the 'saliS ComPauy, te enlarRe the opoeeioetgala cgilu 5ia o lusulng bnde Rud ether. wiefýoother pnrposcs. 494to) ~ J. TOKER, plt. Self-Instruotor in ti and Ornamenntal :k PtOPLEwlbaî1 r, 0513' Led beantiful bu teacher, iII find the GUMU a sîtreuter UuLdreds are becern. I Iui iriter, e tmaiaont 1h. Do- d4he lUsiid stAtua by uting 1. I h aigu for pratiin¶ whlch 0eM. bogiziugwit t eeut prhia "rés4cmbi t -the lo Ont. À TTACHiENTS, NUEDLI THRECAD, à0., FISFkIN4 TACICLI, iODS, ETC., - -OALL O- LFAIRBANI< Sewiug Machine Emporil BROCK-8 T, WH ALES AND' PORTI WALZ'8 LAGER 3BE, a, 2,31 & 33 Adolimde'SigeS I TORONTO,- ONTABIO. Nov. 321h 1877. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDER, OLABGOW. lavery Saturday frornPort2 osarvai eohf 2 aileavn oo Mr Cabl are# nîdueed te 081', Pi B=tratickets, *61.Go', 1141.80j i& a 1-9steposition oe t utle osa. Meravlan troso Portland Doc. Io Bardlan " 4slerauàpengers ara tonwarde o l and Looon At umze Z04auo Livenmo Parties. w1ohlnq tasoend for thomiri cam obtis ticketsatowre. For tickets sud 1u e llratlona E'sp. and Tel. Offi Wbltby, Oct. 80th, 1877.t MAJOR MILLbl T. P. WHITE Ho.it reLumed contre! e tltho Mjo r Mils, lei prepared te psy THE HIGHEST P.RIC] FOR AN'QUANTITY dlelilvrod aIt te maIIlunWhltevaiu. Ho' mate overy effort te Viveo ntine aatlfact: te thîîae who May patreniza h. Mll w their GRIBTING. LOKAND> FEED eof tce Dent Qsalty, sud antBeoson.; Prîtes, will aise ho kept coautuly on ha su ad fer sae. Whltevaio, Oct. 10, 1877. ]ROUS1I AND LOT FOR BALE Lt TO LuET. A good Frame atorey.and.a-hali hou 22 mo 28 and ktelien togehhen ith hait acre oI ]and, moll pianted illi fruit tre, mituîtod on Baglîn-atreet, meat part eit loirs et Whitby, off Dundan.sîroeo. The i lu agood atable. Thon. la a geed w and pnsip, sud 1he fruit let the cbelcg kled. Pooseouion firoC November. Appiy MR. iti.agARD SON, on the promises, or the Proprictor. WM. TÂTE.- 511Geeio Il" li'D E WINDSOR (Cor. Ring sud York.eqts) OPN 2 Co PER DAI 1NOW OPEN. -Froc omnibu, te sud rom altraino.,Ti bie andappîolntment fit-claus. SCULLET & FINNIGAN 5.ly Propnlstenii. T AIFFOP BUSTO BU TAKLEN BY CONSTABLES. (Undcr Otder iu Councit, dal.ed 241h day et Jniy, 1874.) 2. Arreet et eachi indlvidoal upen a marrant..................... il 50 2. S'r'viugommonis on aubpon.... () 25 8:. Mileage te serve ennimonh, sub- 4. ? nus or warrant ............010 4.iieage when eer'vlo canuet b. 5. àtfn PTOeefo due diligence.... O 10 exiîive etf isbsuerent ue. * essunlly expeuded lu thclr COn- veyince ..................... 01 0. Attouding Justices on aummury trials, or on oxamlnain et pni. sonOre ciarg.'d mih-crime, ton- each day necusuanly employed lu one or more cassup wheu Dot engagen more than four houri.., '100 7-. Do. de. mhen engsged more than -tour heurs ................. 1 0 8. Ataudlng Assises or Seselons, eacb da ................... 1 6 -9. blleigo naâveiig te attenidAM. ases, Selons, or betone Justices (wheu publie couve y sce cas ho %akema, etiy reioaoule dlsborse. monts te b. Aleuved.)ý ..... 010 10. snmmouigg Juri for Coroners, Inquea, îcEl nig sttending At luquuesl, sud ianservies iu res- pect thereof, ifhldonsaime day se Jury summoncd ......... 00 1.Aîtending eschiadjounumeut thereel, if "ot eulgagod more feur benne .................. 00 12. De. do. if engsged mor'e Ibis fouir houri................. 1 id. esnving ssamone or bcna te No. 10).fe Ceroner (subjeet 14. Miloigo serin. ae............ lii. lxhuxsing holy under Coroniersg01 m6 arrant............. ........200 il Mm 1ebyi o....... ......00 17. Srviniztrse marrantj aud ri. 0 t rig ae...............0 i 18. 6rvetlsiàg nder distrenss ir. Mat ............... .... .. 19. Traveliùng t0 e i etrse, rWu - 5 soancia for goofs te maske dis. trous irben ne goocla arn fud ..O010 90. Appnslumnt Whebr b 013 Ornuors, 1 la etin thé,dola,- ou the value ei goods 0, -.. 91. Cataloguesale snd eeusfslea k uuraaY CAPS, - Particular atteution given tol Proaiyatç Toante,De.,187 to. TD ' .u.u, ER, 18- Lot. Le. ' S. and tbe ud . on lud. th. sud rIon c. ho el es h A CLEABING, OUT AT H4L-FO.p A fresh lot of Canaries andý1Iarro just rece'ived. My Stock of F~Y E~~ITtYRm Is now Complete ini Every Line. E. J. JOHNSOI Very Special Indué ements to, those S5TARTING HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKING., F'ull Stock of ÇaCskets,,Çolfî ,ad i tenecessaries -iii this *line. ioe WELL-APPOINTED HEAIRSE.1 lhitby, October 1Oth, 1877. >REAREFOB THE FALL AND 00 TO FOR WELL-FITTING, CHRAP, ANb Goo-D 42 3c~cMridb MIkC>MMi. -000--- BEST AMERICAN 1IUBBER GOODS ON RAND. ents' Cal! Dutsand Shoos, the fineet eand most durable made in the country. 9IýE' Ladies' superier gooda in Prunelle, RKW and Goal, a speciality. When dnrabillly sud cheapnu are roqufred, cal os 0LD, No. 1. Large Arrivals 1 Cheap for CaÈh! WM. BURNS. hitby, Sept. dîli, 1877. 28-12M AIR C OMPETITION WIT-..OUT PROTCETIÃ"N M.R. JOUlû FERGU SON IS NOW IX TEE BEEýT WITH 1318 Whioh for quality sud pricewill ha fou unsurpased. made up in t7ue-Late8t Styles and on ,SIorteat Notice. *A 'LARtGE STOCK 0 F )VER-COATS AND BUFFALO AT BOTTOM PRICES. IDAS STREET, NEW GOODS -00, GL ' ci cCI ROBESI manties, CarPets, Ho0ua. lgo, and oth BRetail at. Wholesale Prioes," eiW' a reduotion o f 'Tonl>j TJyve* ypar Oi ofrices, as for instance- "0 ifustoods,~lPis S.fllgt1o Satin ?lgurea-etail, 200-41j4 Aq~ I¾~ ~OTMB ope] QU "L~EA~TEEAE NIET CASE PRIQEB BY PIECE OB YARD. (Hydralêlror t.uu &WW 0f TatNOIV. 121, 1877. TOBOýNTO aud LONDON.: ORGÂN BEL1OQ$, 1 13'r the iinext Six. weékig we will s< si àiéiee, TrileCeleste Bed 8wit, ixtj, a stle, ileleganlyfnhensbdWhitOe ç an tbbtOarin at very LQWc: I'RICES New Organs'from $75.ançi up.war4,- Second-hand Melodeons.at $25, $4 a.nd $50 each. CalLand examine our instruments airt: Organ Factory, Whitby. ana comparie pces, efore, ii THE MUDGrE& YA.RWOOD M'FG. C Whltby, Nov. 14th, 1877. WILLIAM McKITTRIÇfle ýGENERA AS OENEAGENODM Has bought a Splendid Stock I]N ALL LINES$,,for CELE and wil 'eil at, to Customers. Ca.1I and seeim. ir Will -p&y Highest Cash ,Pribe forProcuce.',pý Gsszwôvoera, November lUth, 1577. Orna. OUR NEW STORE Goods of Ail Kinds, Cheap and, Good. MICHAEL GLEE SON (late with F. Meen), Greenwood, whorehe wl'be hagpy la se 4Afriands. The stock las electeil witli o vii, * mett t at o .11hm ltade' Our especiala, u r wiJIdef~co 1" -ueVei le of the business. Cheap Goudeansd, guocol Goodia dern&im~ Notlaing wantod by old or new oui. i ~2#,but 0' Ub. urieih" ort notice. A specialty in COAL OIL, 44ione for $1- * Produ"i- ail kinds will be paid for in ICABli,'or! 9od givan fer 1.mre aItlif'lote.J Gumrnçwoon, Nore~ber'i96b, 1877. dms.481 Ln"'AÀSH1 ONABLý I Go where you can get iel.ttn Garment :-To the Tsiolin& ,stablihment of. GEORGE G>LV ~F1WA.,. SUPERIOR CUTTI94.' SHIAPES THE WORK 1 A Largo Stock of Fine ClÃ"Is;« best Engilîli, Scotch and Canadian Tirids. 0- - Excellent Overètatinge &nd Splendid Veet Patterns. A good fit Guaranteed. ON.. M4olsiPure :aUon; I~ure re Cru" à CLA ,: CASE FiaFrere.'B. uins (eoMargaux. Orina 644m -PEPICASE. vI 1 A R:- Englua alt , S.e Wfli0. CBeale lu bam . édBea. &o FLOR U rl Fl u , O. W e t, . P o r, O t M o u, C o0 M M e n , S p ili P ea ,-P . Bf l n 7 t . peud' am Touge, Chiken, Strubarg Moua, SPlan Hadae, Bloa ter, A ahory. Oz Tail, Psrlri4ge, Hgaro,,,Chices DzCheek, ho. oca and Java, Beasted aad Grecs. Whitby, Augnet 7th, 1877. - 21 1 6 WRITBY. othing and Gent's Furnishing. Houge so now supplied with al the neweat styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Clothe of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. »-u Also an excellent stock of Gents, FumnisIh'"gs, ;ail A splcndid stock of Beady-made Overcoate, Cheap for Cash. [TLÂNÇ8 BLOCK, BBOOK STREET, WHITBY. WM. BRYAN'-S rOVE DEPOT ýANJD'"TINSHOP. i F-AUUNTRE WARERAMND If you 'Want a -stove, eaUl and seè à large stock and great'RR LM 1 variety, listing ail the modem impro'vements of the,âge. FRIUEW "THE CROW-N JEWEL" Self-leeder, withâ orTH L STN .1BOV ,RE ,.WIS. witliot__ eattached, in thé niewesl aùd beet sove in the market. TU L TID I~K8IeET îITY SW- Iaving bouglit My large stock of stoveo for Casb, - amilaetermin. 1'44~4 ob ed to.oel very eheap, aarn,1ai< Ieupe.myùoe iai b q . Gow leé,, you eannot j!X1LLL be ity and pries..,Corneand lnspetîtbir. . pieaged ix akn elcin fgood fliritùre. W. put lupGa a rn veÉM (ayaiiz dI nEaVctougls -of 5fy izO W.lthu lron ---l -nddparleu Dr nRoomand Bedroom Sets. Hofats he~ dly fr lmldg4.$bmNew el-oti ýieek. as i4n owpie.Din- M o é d rà i e& d il n u'x e d ,.a n4 b e k b , h u a n, i s au , I k j . g -roor4 , Ej te uiopnT ables- a & very sup e ri ± ' ~ i l L ~ o~~i~m~' ~ ~6it Comices, Pietn riFrming in every style.Sm in hoo GEORGE GURLEY-, - - Ring -5tree~ Ouhawa. NEW STATIONERYý B 1 0. 0DK - AT MM EXPBSS MND M$ AL TEL. OEFICE, BROCIK-ST. Geoge ul.bes t' -rn0oucIQ that he lias re-opened hi Sttoeysd ok-tr i tby, where statioîery o! ai' làtds, a! Uc hat qulity milho kpt o ihsd; aIse Sehool Boe]uo of evdry desoiptiu, Cpy Iooks Sîtes, Pencils, Inks, &C., &o., at the, lowefit The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- Musical -Instruments, inoludià fîne. assortrnent :of Violins. -Orders are taken for Per2IbiIaI. Magazines and M1uejo. GEO YULE Whitby, Dec. 18th, 1876. 5 WIL-LIA M TL Ca~ ~RRIAGES -A]D BUGIS THE LÂRGEST AND MOST'CMEI STOCK 0F, rilages68l 1eighs1,9ai-idCuttors ATOOV ' FACTORY IBROCK- ST., WH] CARRIAGE VERY ETB~ OHEAP. CALL & SEE THEM; JLJST AIRRIVED AND FOR SALE WHIBYCHINA TEA STORE, Achoie lot of Green and Black Teas, that cazinot b. beat' in the. Dominion, bath for quality and cheapness, prie from;ÃŽ 50 to 80 cents per p ound. Coffé-cs froîn 25 to 40 cents per poun-d. gso f alnkido, i8lbs of Whitesgrfor- $1.. A~ Afull assortment of Choice Family Groeeries- of ail MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON. ouse and Garden Flowe-r Plants. Green Vegetables iu thefr season. tSr FI1ESR TOMATOE S JUST BECEIVEI>. 4~ ulasotmntof China, Glass and Croekery Ware, Tes. Dinner, ana Toilet Sets on hand and for sale cheap. 1AUl kinds of Field and, Garden, Seeds, Olover and Timo-- thy Seed, &o. Tux-nip Seede of ail kinide*, direct froro Scotlind, ta arrive this week. Sa Good ýPotatoes froro 0 to 80 cents per ushl. -1 blie [ng 48 L. i or uitby, July ftlî, 1576. B3EST'S GALLEJtY, OSIFIAWA. Lady' Openl TOMS & NEWPORT, W hitby, Ontario-2 - PLENDk-a--ninEamomPtinte Ess Mr.Bew.s eured the .services of one the bestnega. rîochr iithe U"*td States. I feel confident thati1 can turu euct wôk eFqual, (if flot superior,) to anYthing ever befir' maden isont. la»'ALL AND SEE M OR Ai -iWare eomne to inspeet the ýGaiey F 'I.n e Photos of th e L e d n St t m e of h D j io . .. lht Hon. ;Sir John Macdonald, Hl . l N" ib &. amd of Bey. Raher MeCanu, Bey. Mr. Laird, and leadin citizene, for Aa1eFai BEtS'GLEYSMO-TOIAA. SADDLE1tY AND sa retattent ious large and superior stock, cornprzsung eyver .: -i h Sader u fi0, s Lather ,Valises-anid, Saratoga A.LMop F Very bsn.. sud Cheap. At the eld eutabIa 'run ks A stock ,f eeg t asIkets. tornera, a* àsw àl poited eÂ.157 F4rtlad, Main. PUBLIC 8CHOOL TEACHERS' milube helu inbtheTOWN of WHITBY,, coanmenclng ,MONDA Y, 17î1h of DEOkIDE R, AT LM,P. iL'- l àe indi!pnuble that candidates should 1o0 tk 1h. il:.Iepctematlater thoanthe -I.Othovembn e ofr iutention te presenî themielve.ton eàzam1ntc .~" TAS. MOBRIN, Myrtie L P.S., Ce. Ont, Oct. 8rd, 877.-45 LN A N 1)LA5 S Is~ss~e1 c~and -up*ards At7 per --,"oua. PiayabloHsIW-yealy. - 4 pply w- GRO, . 5. AMLEN,. 4011 17FbR,1577. 1 *Township. of Bomoerville, COUNTY 0F VICTORIA.- The toilowing lade in te "0xaip c Bomnele, elContyet Victoria, ar"le eeredl fer io.ic- Thé West j et Lot 6, An the ' ltbi, câù'ces- sien, c'ssig t10Acres. Pittnacrae crosses the lot, On whicbh 1s nul!! site, near the side et a good road. The property le only j et a Mule from a nailway station on the Victoria Rsifrs, snd 8a miles freinthe of 20 acres,'The, Iand l ctiàùe noverý-filinga trears et mater runu througb the lot, which len but ene-and.abalt mffs tram a naliway statiow on the victorIa BRail. way. Tih. country arud lu settiod. *For Terins etf'Baie, _îpply t JAS. WALXEE, ,«Gray P. 0. Ontario, or ta -Mcssr. HÂTCH& BRO., Whltby. Aug22nd, 1877. .85 BBROUGHAUM CAIRIRE&rAGEWOIRK5. S. W-E Rl'u tores.i'p tivogand tbe Pbi ha obas purobaee Eigbt ton Pickerng, te ýmoi2n1atu 21 [ce ti fi es o-- wi ùj r ]lia von like for for ticu to* W]k OFTE R.G Aiorbo (L&te flee--Byron Whitby, On Court Streel * J.G. Bsr HECTOR CANEI E SUGO 95ic Rsdenc rosiS %'sician, Si -Iwh itb7', SP Oao heur b. ,p. Lt Teeth extt an's noir b1oc xn~gg Street, 4 THOI BUILDER -artAUl oral HAMR DÉ HSaloon, h. s WNS oRsk ;neccess Ebôl 0 E. O' SPýL E N'D I IY P I C TU R E S'Y'l Il . 1 , ý- ý,, e , FACTO'RY l-,, AND CAIRIRIAGES -A]ýD -T- lýz 1 À il màde FI ME ARTS CABINET FURNITURE WARERÃ"Ã"MI'» THE OLD STANA ý, BRÃœVeK,&TREETI,.,W!IITSY, -WANTED.-Any quantity of Good"Butter, Fathers, for wich the higfiet cash pries miiiha paid. 1. WM. J. GIBSON'S. Whitby Chinai Tea Store. GoodButerEggs ana -W. J. GIBSON. 1: mm BUGGIES, CUýT TER$ . Afl.partilml o mal toi.. ourBug3 e and Cutters, betone gi-ring tbsir ordere eue. Brosgbsm4>,u3n1is, 1876. -80 iFrSUGGtv'r Res'lE ics CAUTIO Several Openi Buggies with c il' set Phoetons latest style and very liglit, oe PhSans witheIoffing Seat-, also Ligit To'p> auJ Openü Buggies of Super- ior Stylýe aud Finish. Ail made of the best. Material Warranted. 1 .1 1- 1 1 Vh ve ati BI ,eà 1STAMPED INGILT LETTERS. IWO None oiier -s1Ge amlosept.29187 DR.WM.GRA'8 PECIFIC MEDjCINE.- TOh. GTeat Rernety &Dy sud e- BeOre Tknery eu fme Tadesine- htaý sesd wé "rey te géTe4y ý FrslenerwouIfGolen roin-.sdm, ilen,. grd lb. lOb Con. ett for oiln, ith odfaiebue o bor, 5,ubed-7i, o. i t sta n. ouda&Mn nftI otgh th fin orturt,er par ticolaOntapioy te PlksIugIuî * -au Ofl tnUcpoie m 24, . 'SB O O BT "res 190acre unMi cltlu bor8' LotabNO., 5in tesl oinu 88 n, b64 lOa nu.of Tnariniaes felme hue PROmàsheds, & ro., ', ad'akfed uDetsh n.m 18 . Sneu. m d atSp.n. sud fromo-the Grla.a, 'r furtau-r Pu rher a c Oln e Ptt isen analie hd tai Saio '.,'"irh G.o TAYLOR, A. 10ua.iM. nd nt. me- eproilnt a g - a i nl,,i asC fol - rt - iltt -e- ý 1 1 7 &77, YO?, ýE-$ tRQNT ý--Lower than everbefore offered----: 19AS OPENED A AT THE At rrAjéLOR .JL £M INGý 1 and J., -AND- lhitby, July 5tli, 1876. il w ---:ooo.- --

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