Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1877, p. 2

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CwGrd iHi5MVfinWS, o.eefh&o.,et hlbgi.u Ic Fder. hef hbef tait ,dwc mbi r u tl ot îNoiu 2 hrirthy ofWin.EdaOo. . ~e44Ibwcpua. l'U.4 ONLY Si:3o P£R ANr4UM. W1IiItty,; TIIrsday, JDec. 6,_1877 Pickering,' Harbor By-law. The, bylaw avilvorêudin ýoâir col. umni, to be eubmitW~ &làaeae Fe r lking on tixi 22ù lust., roqutra a tew worls. It Je uunply ýauJçng the Townahip to itnd té. crédit te tthe gaeunt of ts debentures 'for $20,000. For dolog Ibim, th. towuubip gels the îiocurityof 8211,00 Hanbour bonlds, and OiMO a lien iupoiî tihe larboar, elovator, nixaliaurbeir talle. On tliobarbour and elevetor au expenclitira -of upwttrds of $000,0QQ has beet i ado; lbheîuaney to lbu ratnued uu te bo expended uponifurtiier pir0oeted inuprovements; there ia A net revenuo af et Icast $7,000, te soeure the îpaynent aunually of 01,200, su that t1ic soouHty te ample and udioubteil. It in for-the people cf'Piokoring 10 con. ider, whetlier flic bandfts they have recoived fromiuthe opening ofthie lier. beur ajiii.ueouring àa markt-and es- pecfiilly 50 gooa m iarket au ban beeu establisiied et LiVerpol-arc sucli us te warrant thenu ln incurning tiei obli. gimi. Theari8eli 1 a silghtoune ; the -guottrity ad %ve have aid, uud(ouhted, andl cortainly tbw- boneitu aireeiy cou. ferroîl antd yuL to bc raalizuid te thé. wlîîlo townshîip, hy tho'piacing of the Liarbour lu ltî prosent satifactory con. dition, siiohi as arc ideeerviug ofetery fuir recognition tram tho people of Picheriug tu tea liarbour-Comupatiy. So inueohwe blin.te I. isifeit t bcb.the casa that tiiere wuil be4ittle hesitation lu votiug for tih. by.law on the part of the great mnjo rit.y otie rat)payers. ThA<petitio ethicolunoil lu tavor et the .mousure lias beeîu ignod by the principemn from IIUsections of.the townsbhip~.) The cuncil, acting lupon thie pýt4eUo, appeîr tu have -talion every necesary procaution iu tb. by. law te proteot the 'intercstu eft1he muni-. ciîîality, auxd ie urther and audiional precaution of mbmuitting the by.law to tl1q ralepayorp, althieugl thoy migbt have deait witiu the nieller themselveu as a' conoil, that power. Tbey have, ta hen'e nt advioabloe cnrse in loaving the. reepouuibility witli the peOpO.la au pproving et lbe by-law Lu tliqe> ooluumne, we do se from, a seune, of iuntLdeï and desins te speali eltogether abo'e and beyand the consideration ef loal: lvalrie 'As a &canty paper the (3îiîoîoîî-las h. t ougtleuake th. iteretisof au?8.section of thie ôoùnity euboïdiiate ot he. cf muher, bitl in .11ke thik d'#ôuate ofheimpro*e. mueut of ail aectinrs of Iblà fait 06ôfty oft (1it&rÃŽ-of Ûrbitd8ré and Oshawa, of' canningbon and Beaverten, and oft Pickering ais well as WLilby. OVi grnat regret Lu tho winlt i hat spirit of enterprise at 1h. Part cf Whithy wbioh- lias menlfaûted Lseif in the develop. nient of Plekernu1 Harbaur, Etut t will b. loekipig up sons day, and tiat ,we'expeol betoeslong, %when lhe people ut whitby shah 'hava sauietbing la gay iu thse nïattgr, and Whtby liarbour > hiall ceaue te c ho i.mesrhaud:ze of pivato speculation n uanueful nmis. Whluby Fre Fir. The IUCLUnuuîlLhunSbîma FIair li yoar ialiuoulcOd ttg ko place an Thuru- day, Otlà imet. Tie place, et mili be mcnii by tbesanueunceniul, bas heen ccunalhy selecteul, boing the vacauut, lot lueur the PuaI Office, sud l te camuiaga aBîIu p f ouMe rn'lee& New-port tun hialîr'.- Tse i-ite ar quite -liheral, cidthue tain prontuisle be a&s groalaà ofuces t late lut yer. - - Chef (juotice Mono.- The levaîlo! etMm. Justice Mess te1 thei tlIt-~uLeif o!thei.CourtI cf1 Appeal La au appoinîmnt mbiclî meels, mi unuanmaus approvel e! ihie pneul the ba.and t li public. Mr,. Mossss preulelLen bas bean Iapid,, mnst. bu.4 youmd pireosulul; but Aadumit tLîat hit goot fartune lhau b4ian ciii>'quai taeJi. AI Wlutby, ou Seatuuht>occasionv takon b>' the meubeof thlie bar pro- seul, hlèed tb>',,Uoa, M. G. Camenai Q. C., te giva expresuLon ho lis genonal, senimeui, ton tia subjlte_-f bis Lord. sbip'u- elovalLm. Tise-prceetL<ngs,1 vimii viibe font len mucher place Le hbîa lahiiinsveron>'ueay'embedY, tic mord. e opmratlatîiê,U-i,4 wlsveAre sure *i5 -publita 4* large /illibe arlil> ,joLu vithithe s.eembens otie 'bar. United' Sates Cu:ngnst. Congres, on 4Menula>.',Il 'W saidtho, haâve baa réceied. t vhifavor aeut wlt iLllalî-ônh< unr . - L - t peflk !0'eVIa.aua. V th adenint4o of. ' rgi b tulI' lau&AU, ile.u l 'do e "eWla maes sud naeupocisîy lapon th. %si arge anàuutof benufit tbt mLbt be (g.bth 1uhm rh le of i-'- ~ verbe fet lb. aLtu oret urendîn.pu q do~v~tly"ui *nutge- t-otfatbàbIe~ib.-.Iu àléspebealhîjplpolý0ni bbafby I meut' iuter, and bM the esopfài'.f 40 .u. nyý,9Q ioaklitfer a' f0w ýdey# dolmy 4, i u rdrt.oseanult vitli Abusrail. et. Audwo .Day lh Pnida>' luit, BtluNpvembSr,t. 4h. uivnsar>' c0f et. Audrewl te paýtram1 aU ibeusut enthuuLum by theamu et In tO . j l., 1 1 w1 ,ý i ê4lb. Qneeu's Hoýtel, uunistl4e;auspices et the et. Andrewt'u Societ>' of Seotatnat, at which amoug ýienu--'wreuut vers the sHan' 14fr. Mow,4pr4iýler of On. tario, Ur. b iornI e, Iaaf*o aw anti a largo ýnubeir ofoi",e1@l knewn geutbemua-t- Tarante ;,M RlevLle a dinner vas heM; aà. Kingaton a cen- cet; ahi -ùlifax a dine.,; aI bleuloal 1.a grand beU; ué-ýt ta a processicn , tllowed b>. a caecet Lu I te teiug-t *i '90à. Aleî à otokuinpremier et hie DomnuLenteck paraI LetUanaua duc. mer ien LuHmiltoni an entertainmnt givenunden tthe auspices cf et. Au- e edrev's Benercbeet SaeLty.e a At Whllby tbe day vas celabraluti byr i. heSt. Ândrew'u Society' et Wbitby suad Pickerng, holding a ssembly Lu fHopkius' Music Hall. A large nnibér t] atleuded sud tle o lver. of lIme "light 't r fanhaetio," ta the. nunuber ot fifly couple teîjcyed Iheinselvas *hlireugisy, kecp. fo fig il Up tili near "daylighb in the s Judlciary Appointments. Thoc following appointmnts vers au- nanceti ou Saturday-Hion. Mn. Jus. lice Us ta be Chiot Justice of Court eý cf Appeal, viceî Draper deceaeed. Hlou.ec 1Jassph C. Morniecu ho benaJustice et8s the Court of Appoal. r -di Hon. J. D Arumour, Q C. Of Coboirgi Pl ta ho a Puisue Justice of the. Court cf zi Qîieen's Bondi1 vi8c Morrison appoint- bi ad te lime Court cf Appeai. - P Ediiund J. Seukior, Q C., et Brack. w ville, ta lia jndge of the Caunty Couirt m of Lincoln, vice John M. Lawder Euq., Ww regigneil. ol Na-. W. G. Daw'a SALE oÏFÀRm STaOC. hi -W. beg te cahi attention le an adver. bi isetueut Lu ether coînunu cf Mr. W. G. Dow et Glentihu fanm, wvoisnLcon. th sequonce a! a soai-city o! teed àLuobligeti *' ta seil a Portion cf lus splendid stock ni by auchioi. Tise animal. offerefi, ail m ot wlîici wilh b. sold withoul reserve, al are goad soand grade sud hhoronglu. o' broui ouIle, andi have bcnn bred froni thcrcughbreds fteble aut 20 years'. 1p Ur. Dowuv' naine Luea suffilient guaran. a tee wibbauit any wards ours. Ar ci *Owing tote opressura of businescf during'our sale, andi vent o! preper mc- h ceoàtieu Lu an ur preseut atand ti vas tbunidlmpsl W abrnug torvardt. tan sale, breiY ene boit cf lhe stcck - whici requin.. la b. uold before Ilh. chose cf tis aur. Tberefcre il bas be- cme sbeolutely uecessery, te institute a Final Olceap Sale, in onder te neali- ize on the lange Stock of Winter goods <i wioluw- bave stili ou baud. O flememben tb. stand-East Slore, <l A MI.TONu-11 R ILR. 1 Tirs g real- edauticen t.priles, mate aon cveny artiole sutm.uited -for sale, viii, it lu caufidanliali' l3iclived, effoat a total elenrae.- GmuAwiuCOeoza.- A grand concert -au giron ounhast Wetinesdsy eveniug lu Hopkiu's MelaHall, by lb. Father McoEntee, Temperance Socisety et Oshava. The atlentanoo vas gondi; mudthie prefermance excellent. The bill pguqiedet fr tihe evauing vas fully caariet cut anti cousistot cf sangs, htue, sturnmspeeeli, banjo soie, cornet solo, conuolutng viti a isuigliblo farce auer exeellonti>' sut for a eut shows a maul remankable u'oica ; Mies Sparrel rondenet lier siinging iLuflue antipie.. iug uanuer-: Mn. Wni. Murphy'. Irish.- oamioslitiu ver. "immcense," puttieg lie homue inumrofetlaugiler; Mr. bane>' Pau'., stnnip speech anti banjo va. gond. Club Rates for 1878. For th. yqar 1878, me si-e ensbloul te club the C«Ritc.ue ili lie fobowiug magasines aI rçdacat- rates.- Cueoy%;cazANDS Haas'za's Macaîmsu bcli fer oeepyar 84,60. Usuel priqe o! $lhnaniele $1.50, Hrpe's Magazine 84;- retuctien one dollar. Cuuiekî4CLuR ANS HaaàRau's Biziaset sanie rmles a4 Magazine. CliâtseusLCaAND HÀenEu'S WauaKY ah satae raIes -os magazine. CsmaoNxCLZ'AND S'EtBNE'5 MAoAZrisE both onc yeatr 54.50. Usual puice cf Sorittner's #4 ;- redluabLen one dollar. CEmiNacLE AND, ST. NiouLs, bath for ot yem 088.50. Usuel prioe.cf St. Nioliolus$B.; netuctien oue dollar. Caaeto:,a AND LITTraa's -LîvusG Aoz, bath for oes year, 88.50. Umm!l puice oft Ill'. Living Aga $9 retua-' tiom oe du iar.- Cs YOlîLa A mr-RIsCAX s<AoaioaL- TURALIS? (wilout peniummnîenecopo) ýone yean 82.00.' Usuge pueaf Amer-, cents.- CuRoNusa. amANDAsuacts Auozu. nua.a,(with prenuusmMicroscope); rieulin *u, it 604 , Microscope, potage paît. #2 là reduehion 60 cents, jIOe8Bquotalin Lbhuter Ln o tiencol- fmm viLci - deusm4'e -bo bs r..!aund ienuldsred. Mn. Frost le a kï o can pmLain.The i'.ei&a ibialàk mae nsit 0gh#p P..A M .ut ff f-f ~ -f-; Prislesn t»,1.eAhSUZIk uqeasusue Tic &widrd, pur centra urgeS. "'Thidél4e, o! dralnieg . çeoug liecpi-aahLale, beca u de is, Ln drain - obsre . A o!pxipt X2 *t In varyLngt&n i auyft;a J thcngItihbu bea; eenrqdtoapo4"b a "lialav pend," lie wmlen Lu lbth Lake La unifenny, u!bighiiiney oc thc inlanulwabtors. inluip»p tsoab living on ils shores vouut have, Wcpm- mou parlauce, "ho dlg, euh," y eaci 9! lic malaria.,lbisuLupfeoticable RIwait-&eOberer muIeUn hé beerfilu vichilhyl ai[l further arise but zuore pertboulsrly tb PonitPerry antiýb mu. inicipaitieoa acjoining l "In the first pieutethonundu et merci of nov subnuenged.-unproduoîive, ut. terly vertsless andsu wvulti f drslne& beeme valushie, fruittul, wealîis pro luu ieolda." "lTIi.tevuehlp et Cartvnilvhiie isnov enlys a haitownvship tram lin everlastiegeud, tenu, lake, on vbat- ever Lt niay Jso, viii then' bave Lt. len& mustened #o fl sud its vealth andîu'as. perlty gneatly ineneaseti in cue luecce.", "'4Redeening many Ihougant acres cf ao beul lends le the province. Ais bhis will att lmrgely te the vealtibli -hase townships anti the cntry et s'bioh hhey fanm a part. Inu-a veny few years viat may nov bc regarded se a "wvilderneiss snd solilary place wiil be seen bioamling and bleouing as the rose." In place cf a men~ant, sloggish, lisease produciug pool on dam ýwe shah have s dlean, beautitul creek with lb. vertant bonks of living greenuvilh itLI muierons flocks sund herds, or it niay be luxurious fildts of golden grain ove- td sud fanmet by a hîappy, prauperons conmunit>' whose cieeî fui harveal conge shall tell -of the bandsa husne- desmet fronuthe untruilful usy o! Charnu. Port Penny shah tihen be pusig ils factorisa te thoesage o! thé beny cresk.-Good noate and i tIle bridges cros e ioeek wul jeiu the Pont ana Scugog every mile or sa. Carl- wrightl and Manver. viii b. dravu Miues nearer lie Pont sud gaed reass will lie bolveen. Brcck andi Beach wiii rejoice cver liaI thon ferlie tract af country thi.haut in eithen tevwîsip. This Iloksbnigit. Oh i vial a ta- ire 1 But thon like the. gliet set he baquel 1he Stanudard drops lunvih: "If viset ve upeak et (the draiuing o! fie Saugog) vere accanuplished, vs !bulti bave more ho pay fer lumber %ni conuvood ti aonce. The samymille 2ablo la gel logo, vcalt lie closeil, anti mcveti furliser uonth. The hasts of ibout flity familles vonît bu tinovu ut o! enupîcynent, ana ti oso intenees onlut suÈifenL proportion. Froni bc- îg a prebly anti a prosperous place, 'e:I Perry veulti ha transfonnue inLtn 'dirty, esclale Iole, unflt te hie Lun, uil how anyy &aua pensonsau inkul )thervise Le more than ve are aware )L Indoati the bare mention cf se ncustrous au absundily Lu calcalatet hto iunI the plae." Oh wretcbat Port Penny vhst a fat.e; 'A dinty, tiesols-tc hal$,nfilt ta' liv. Brokliu. At lha xegular meeting ef the Brook. an Literary anti DebatLng Club, helut s Saturdmy eveuing lasI, the follcwLng lus s. te ebbtet Resolvot "Thal- prchibitony liqusor lmw La consistant 11th Ihe pninciple. cf the Christian eligion." Tte affirmativo va. laken >yMeusrs. N. Allen, Rev. Mr. Fouter, ut Mn.r. lciieu, tisa negative, q Mesans. R. T. Harrison, Davidi urus, Charles Baker, autdfichent Viekelt. The chair vas ccupioti by L F. Camipbell Esq. Aflen a splendid ubats in the proseuice of a large eut- ue lb. ciairman gave bis deciaicu Lu van cf tise negaîlve. Me CResson-A Co's olti estebihieat iuse, Iiing sîreet Est, Toronto, lu îot for the susperior quality andi îoapuese of ils fura, The steck on =duthis sesan Lse vry lange ana, val- b1 Bi W B. te rai ic no hoi ie li an E- 51 c oh haý val 281 vol dný tae of 1 te 'q cf BueIuRGAse AVE BlihE penating aI uvnimiivulle. Mn. John GnLffli'u ban- es-shiop -vau enterod Friday evening ;rut N-v., andti byesilver valahes,j orbh $80 ltolen ; 1frs. S. F. Hill'u, . geadesStore vas broken into Sun- ty ighitandti aquantity o! vesgnDg ?pare -stolon. Dmave yen ceeu Taylor ut Bernanati [cnet Galti Sets, Eaningo and Brooch-. tbey -have thenu ah nnuually1e JOgpEuCI;M-Mr. Slefbhen Groaa Lu io eyser, and b1ai11 hlie evnaion t M.!r. EppletI, credita tlo tie latter, ine 0unoice o! tevu imprevnentu. T'tis Iliesantd wu lhink yen cannaI rreethy acte ils pap*ee vihtlIunçu Tauylor & Buinand's., atoes, tbey i guairauheeti. - Waauamcsgu - Meus. bin t-e d4by Nm~udishm.Jbi s'*pUlte b. at liberty to es off biscda g ..e* ca n W. m.;OacbýrÉkare 9W pIi T. A. gideplrfi4~~ra 1 'cà. odefloneu a a e eufdteoMt f d cnen déeonthe .,,. thubt 4 1~nIa t apm ahutbeeeb. ~ lugu tar plt. fpd 'ale -iicn va. i.. itn. -BiUfoth purpesee0 lýtvLpgerr dcepIo 5 eoleti. DvU-Mla vu ad&i hl panty b l can, aêa.be yqetediucliarged vithhant 'pruile t h ho xtfteele a bih.: ýD b#deelar- plng plI. entitleul tote hd covoyance -jraycd for, vihi castu, te be laeut by heii Maser M.4Whilby. Oonveyance tla -be setlhed bbyhe Master Luncaue parties i differ. Dâme not te be laken outI f D'or a cl.Defendanîs tlia busbandu te il oderfd tojoinite cauvoyance..- Cameron vou amero.-Biltla'de- I lare eaealructian. a!f villa!flAIe tDan. *iel Ommeron of Part Wbitby, - Dacree- *Refereuoe tb Master aI Whitby. H. Ommenon Q 0., auné, . K. Gordon for f plI. A. J. MoMilîmu ferLucinda Cami- 1enon7 C" . Mass tan J.-Hosiiu, Guaârdian c f Infants. fZVowke va. Karr.-Bill le set suide r couveyauce te doit'#..wite as trauduleut. -Pro cenfesso againut Sarah Karr, de- or. for sale sud payient of jadgmnea debt and coule. Hecor Canuenon, Q. C ., mut L Efigish for pit. A. 0. Me- Milanu for deft.1 Loemîng es. Wan.-Biil te deelare construction cf viii cf laIe John Cae ef OsbaaL-Reeved. L Enghlsh for pifI. -, Farewell & Rutl.dga for tiefl. G. Y. Smith tan exsculon Weae. McPh.mraen W#.McKay.-Adjonrl»ed.. Leinlua,,va. Quiglej.-Cretotrs bihl tor salieof lantis.-Deoree by consent. Engliei for pl.; McGee & Janes for Bainve. Fr...B te enfonce usorlgage mare than lwenty yemnu pasl due. Resenveti. R. Lrmucur for pit.; J. A. Boyd ton doit.- Broughamu. Brongim uDec. lut 1877. Our Broughiamucorrepondent lun- formne us:îîa à fine bihe ontin Luthe >prenures o!Thonuas Beunett, I*nnkep on, lent niglit, about aloyen a'clack. Thée diving.houue sud t contents, cn- sistiug cf a ,quantity of hay, a hanse,j buge , cuIter and) mev' harnesa ver deturoyoct. The' avetunnoh escapet ýdestructien'. t living cauglil fire mamny severali limasu, -but, tirougi the eaurtious etfmthe p6opieiî vas esvcd Tbe -furnitune of the. bote], durnug renuevel susained sanie dainage. 'l'ie origîn of the fire Lu unkuovu, but i. supposedti la u moet o inoeudianiom. If this is the caue, evr'exenlicu shsoulti b. mmad.tedis- coV$1 nmud puniul heb gulty pmrty. Tie bfoss ta Mn. Beetuat vilbe con- sidenable. Rad IL. vint bean bloving- biard at lhe lime nathiing coulai bave savedthlb. litol- 2.War Nevs. A REPORTE» SdUB8IAN DEPEAT. Af Buum uIeit a û bni cll ofreai loau u rotbd"4hêLsu able mprWôn InbussiiW Thcrdeoel allen of Serviati LndéenedanutI.4- pecteti uext veek The inilitie and ar largr quanliiyo! asnuittiou-have g nue t, te lia frontier, andtit i. repoted the Serviasu agent at Couulan4tiue»Ie liasn been iiàirucf te bdanant au e4plana, lion tram the Parle, tan a violation etf the border. A. desponding viev in sait J ta ho lakea Lu Constantinople o! lie situghion. Thie Rasisiase n believeti ho be anosesig the Balkans ILi over- vielmiçg nusubers mml tc be hwmnuà Lu Mebemet Al, frcnt viionu ery1111it rLu expectet. Suleinuen Paubais brliev- et ta b. makisig a troug effort near Osman Bazar.TUe il-féeing belveen the. Perts ant Ilaly ares.eout cf a ru- nioret iliiiustering expedihion itioala- bania. Louis Kassutis urges Austnia te unainlainthie intepeutience et Tnrkey e as a berier eginul Rusais. AngtIne"_ L&TEST. Anolien Rusiau deteat nea:n Tihôva i. neoaited vus a a. c -f 8,000 men. Tii. Tanks are saidto te b bhrdLncg tise tertres.. The boclbaoxneuî cf Erenonun bas caaneuceâ. - ensibli Ativice. Yoa areeàketi evor>' tiy'ôugIé tid, calaua netofevlpap ré a.!b> ur- Drugial laUse so9mehii'fur>yoiv DY ,Puanet -Liver' Cemplait liI YO , uoliing aient'- yeu gel dis- aeOyarae pui moaley wu bbut 011 saces. N télegive yen s0tIs- tce>proof Ibal GRN'tAu4usn Fauu ii cureo>'OU cf Dyspepsea ý Liver Cempîmiat viti ail its ettecl$, suci as sean steinaci, Sicli Headaci>., Habituai Costivenese, palpilatian.oet lie Heantb, Hieert-baru, Wsler-braeb, Fhl1-I ne". Atthe pila!f1h. Stamaci, Yeliaw Skia, Cealedtocue, Indigestion uvini. Ming a! lite heat, lew.spirite u&a., vie osyn te go -toe yornndruggisu9. W. R. Suniti * Cà., anti gel a Samplt RBol- lIe cf Gltg£N'u AQUiSTe FLeNvza f6r 10' cents antyi Lt, cr a gular size fta, 75 cenlu. Tve dossvi reIieveyan Tai'Macullxsu mua Wewou ur,- WiyNetbecause il vg-s flot moU b-, but iti#a-owrangly kiag 'Thetus. muta mfuen Wfib i avé mn ei~iiok before - hein jilsnoesp&tIeué iiérai are accompllâb.u i à 4, iVobééi . nevet ita 1.ghllS.u:-amd tvu if theybt ne lm vl tltimbicà guv. coCMUta ,tic -A o 'd', t Iran, ao cou lue-I Ihat il aiiuiiaes vili lie bIot euand m*vigeoraiihes ivhoba és- basin hjoussant ofoags, snvé iiio- everybod>' ged ivllmo uuesit. AllnfhDinng giutï kesp ii'à IIxaovauSavnsosu ua GaicTRUMa RaLye> Oop8 arveé abbul thoue stmu t a eav IPreact IJuniiOa, -...J..s .G uvus MRUi 4UAýwjý asa» gea Mn eroubresgin Lthi. nopat af $hé .ClMI'tn éêIl'ueou Stretsmut mm- provemnts,à'ting hat le oliowLng Fer nmbe.-Jna. WeLr, 09.65; J. Berr, 810; B. Major fcr pino 89ýq ceda -Ie; o.. Jpipasa, #10;,-e. ormack 49.40. i Fn Stone.-B. Pull., 8.50 ; TÉca. J. Taylor, 8.12,; Jacksoen aud Hc1pjmer, 6t; Goa.Hann,*.0 u.Go 18.75 ;H. B. 'Geoi 8.,9;B. 0, 88.50; Aie:, - Meenr, 48; Ale. PFoal, 83;75ý; John Fltipatnick, 08.24-,-T'0 Ooakvull, #Q.80;- D.Wiiî Uy<6 Yar nttso recoÉmonudliate e cepàmoflocf tlb.>tendeo fie.oO Cçr- 'Dey, fer hem corda cf' utousu, *bd ,Ajeï; Mn, Fsr'gan uxplaimeut libai Mr. sanie. Au Mr. Winyru ae payerlu lihe' lovu is Weugivenlie s rofersece, but Mn.ý W., hat- ealy tou- on an 10 cardte hoe te bal- ance roquiret was- qivon te Mn. Mosi. The report vas adapted1 TOWN PflOPIMTT. Mi. Blov- brangtin Luhlb.reporl--,ot h. cemmittes au. tavu prepery0 nc-, conimonutingpaymcul cf lie acoun ita ef Thio&. Sligh, 2.510; nao. -il, 885. Repent adoptet. Mr. Blow introedict a by-lav whicil vms rend a third tume aut pasa, ?ro- vLtfing fer the voliug allihe municipal shooetions as tcilews,- Northi-Word, - Oditeliavu Usil, Hugi Fraier, Depnhy.Retàrning officer. Centre Ward,-"Town Hall, Jas. A., Campbell, Deputy-BeturnuLg Officen. South Wart,-Scuth Wart -Hou, torniorl>'Mn.. Rowe's stone store, R. Suav, Doputy-Rehnnning Offloon. Mn. MaMillan, seconteti by Mn. Ormiston, movedthuiaItle ahairnnof oaci of thi aommitheeu on Streets out Imprcîvementa do ahttise nexî meeting preont a report « the verk, cdoue un- en his endors. Çénnlec1. The foliowing prnutiug accoantu vere ordonedto be p sut, Jas. A. -Campboell 8211; Chas. Sarney', 815.50; WV. H. Higgiuu, 811. PIRE AND WATEL. Mr. Hanusun. chairnsu tIhe Fine ant Wmlen Ccmniittee, neconunuee pamenh et tie feiioving accanha: To & Newport, 814.50 ; A. Ells 814; Thes. Rioe, $19.69; Juo. Blow, #81.14; Juo. Bel], f2.50. Repart adepti. REVISnNG TOWN BY-LAWS. Mr. MoMillan, seceutet by Mr. Onuiston, moveti that a comunittee, cousistieg cf lhe Mayon, Mesure. Blow, Hannaand the maver be appainheti ho revis. the by-lava o! lie tavu, ex. panging all nepealet suddtest cnes, reuewiug vien ueccssry, caUsalt in a comsplolete rn suit have pninted. Can- nret. Couacil adjounuet. Execucion et the Westen Murderer. Jile. Wîhianu iahvasuan lie8011 of Ocleber, lut, >seulgnoat te -4c iig roi tbe unt'd' ciïiCvuwfe;ra -t WslhU, onli thetdot-Sephember, suiffeetithe il peinmlty oet 1ev ou Frits>' 1maI Panliculeru ofthliccriseeegivoz in tb ea'amoNirorz ai lbe lime, and t i l afficient ta amy hors, il waa eue of lbe cucul cruel anti - bboot>' murters liai bhis ceunir> 'bas eenbeenuldisgraced eril. WillLams mgtl hi. ftla iti frt- tudo, anti vas altenedt 'he. Rev. Mn. koinuon cf tii. Episeapai Chanci. P~ive miuntes alter tise trop feul lite iras extinct. Me lbaves a lange faufily tf cildren. Belovw. pivehie cenfeus- lin muihai essie sovu moral viti it. lIN raMGAcL, Tonsoa iicvoenbe-29,187, Miduiguul liou vin vaut ta kuaw bey i ieel it mlny utd close buside nie, eut I will lu-y end tell au hIbve drappedto & alu-ap vimici bau nd.ed ta opeuten niy eye ud etitg nie ee riere I have dace vrong, -adthi tla nuy i ýyoe ipefiàp<vwttathilklug dliit'as 1d id. I ean.uew amses tva inge vimlasi1-rti prcmg inu. I-bat gcd parentusu -and 1 away luom: ; 1 i Ihave 1nover seen lions slue »%ýltht" Is ruon I nugiectet Oct toc, and1 womà the mIte, âWào haes1Idartuned s êhupai -doci.ami ud oIuinqiret cf auj oe qv lmulil leb-pyl Ite nuit wir;a nsd ia 1101h Ith eve ev nbte niy headt laI 1 shouldvwanthll, u.-differeut eel uicw., 4 wsh I mmmdoue boller. eut beyoud every. muiug i via II bat tend.d ecy Churot, fo- theu I venit have kuavu *auelhing almaut Ge4, beoroMwhon ml ut sandin atfev haurs more. Wbea I1 thuai, boy lthé hurci mes opeu close-bonite nie, Suxuday aller Suatay, Ëit hoy 1 mev ail mure invited, and yoî hav egelod, Ihauigh i dIt l aut 10 break Ve babati, but lust ldisd ou- Icolet niy Ilmu vmay, 1 senov viet a shame il vs ovftw- 1 knew lie-e vas aGot over niy hoat, but 1 e ther servet uer uovet hie, manohi1 wial rould 1nat gbvef 1hadlt tobave, deneas IL Ougit vile Icuit. Obu 1dean cisildu-en sud treutsi o"a" sut iieve nie, a tying =mu,. esbeechUMety-yenuhoamtentd Ig r nh. iéve-a naeexcuses, go tiier vetolru-du-y. Pehn eeuov ta ay- tame, Got set part~~ ~~ a souaugatudlI knev il and woui, nolt endt t lan udil volis leu-ibiy uni mimd. There are mnimy smoun niy 'tnaa omena nni oe.lni tion I did, but Le tea encugb. If 11usdltu-l.d lb serve oct Re vanlt neve- have teken tiumntelavial ivero va y lateeci ne, Oh vhy dit I ual encorne a dadniy aunver be ceugit LtLetrp 1am litbtl.Ob lia1 Icanit ey b.1S.amake yon bea- atd beileve me. oeves icuzgebtb'buau- antserve <Pet; go te Fonrei. hean.tny Ioda yaur boit, ,sunaBe -ill neveu- fansake yout an lot ycu- go ta th. bat a ,I have dans. =ticlonito tevu-lbcbIelaa iev iu Wee- .nuut rouaUt lie ud tta niy oildu-en lac, avan oret yai ur cx, or y an vin swon bruc~o=,I hao0,ono, amut hon dt 4il b 1itter mut hartilvcnk l it hsusa. eau-uu i>nanisnunie rMalI& y.Vau tout <o;serve Hlm, vbile yoa ea befer. Fu caullaoIiutroppsand have te psy Our ýlle« n tin it.1 neersheni have Vhie lheu lw ailerI ,II at o«'tomelatI lever sei abumbyu Messhere. -<ad bave nier. Oui n cul asti pardon me. Ncw tosu- u-Tuybkuav rx(ad.tservne Illis. sud Irt con l ase Ho yuLl tekaire ai o Duzssumum ,SUICID.- A, YeUDR amean, naeid, aukuovu, conmilteil miaLte>ucar Landau-b'bn hoving lier- 'ef in frol"-o!-the Landon, met Pont City ey eKreuLD. )>' lie va'lu*'enortlisir services--in, ai>' 1181. - Mayar Beautir> explaine lit oliuet n ti, otun ,jOamnltleei \as geun i iic ~rgiepui4~ \fYcDn.vuflecg th fi be sa se tl WC 79 w Aservo yaus- oeunqune ne n exalled t le Inihyeti have be efflfhI'lsatuh saiufacties ta uns and ve deuubt net teille *rblolscônrtry î Mn. HeohrCalleontnQ. O.,osit : Oomideng thie' peeniiar relloauhlî lu iolu I1hhave shotelayour le*-qi oiuce yaiu.emmenaeui lie stu4 f»lAî profession l yv =,b %w s».'wewso vine, Iis auO fe prda et co afl, ulallen Y, plesnecofb Ur o ceptor hi X ' t 'ime tir..a tage et beung u_ý r he ýyeans. I oan - y endors. vbat my trient sud, esaie bas 'ut SàÎ4 asf e ?pr, Ler uiip'a qua 0 yen have Imeon aappeinheti.anti lamz <juil. sureaI stbt tie profession andl t he publie w111 jein 'in ap robation cDÉ lhe . 1 ui mnI t luinlockiug for- 'Wat ~a long caner,# of,,uifne. and ativaulage te lie country lu youm Lertuhip'. ocupation o et li gbpo- silLon yon nov boit. Hi. I»rthp ait -I hauk yon, inasî hoantily fan le ie hasd tea fiat. turing tersin, which -yon bave beemu goati enaugi te oeér lalie promotionu jwhLab 1 bave jusl rsceiyed. A. Jntge e an receive ne ilgien reward, next ta lie aprbatia oft bis ovn conscience, ti: en b.feeling ibal ils services on tie bondlieare e.ppreuiatet by Ihose wic> aire bout qualîfiedti taftrnia jndgsmeul., I counes laI I cannaI bat be painfaily inupreaseil viti tie tact tli am aunol vonhhy et lbe higi pcaition te viicb I bave been caibet. I cotifesa Lt t de.- pmeded upon usy ove juigenuont cf uy' cmpaity fer the position I aicuit in- deeti tespain ; bat-I1aam cheerot -anti succuraget by lie assurance çiven at uc early a peiodthtuaIt in ikély te prove acceptable ta the members cf the profession, -andti hal ibese vie 1mev me bout are villiug ta bebiuive tliaII ubail ah auy rate endeavour la dis- chare aitituly sud effieietliy 1h. du. hie fmyigi office. Il Lainteet kint o! gentlenuen 1ke ycurselves-Mr. Mstliev Cameron anti Mn. Hector Camu- encn-te .peak oatm. lu suai Smt.ing ternis. Yen bave boli bot a langer experienco Ai lb. bar lieu I have en- joyeti, anti you bave bat appertunitiee cf cheervieg the manner L inwioli 1 bave fulfihieti ny'-dutios.' Il iu, liera- fore, gratitying te nie t. e""ive youu- shrong assurance e of afidem'ea t I viii ha equal te lt16 disciangae ofnuy tutieé, enuthtamny s oLuemeet vl be aaclpiL1la o hi.puglicudu lfs huer. I cannai belp atdiug liaI the. bing anti intimaI. ifeIticnship betveonMP.Hec- Ion Camerou sud myseit, te vi e ' se teeiingly refenred. mate il batlifr1. ling Lu hum ta utter, sut priculakly acceptable te me la boar, bis kinul anti encouraging yards. Yen vil permit me sinuply ta express lie hope liaI fog vhalever penioti I mmy hoc permittedt t disciarge tlie dalLes of theoff2ce I ialsl aItan>' rate endeavcur 10 fulili hem su atequately iu 1h. future as-Lu tue past, ant I amn nt villiculhope liaI etteti expenience may improve my flînesu fer tleoffice. n-Thme altack vas orderet ton 1 oclock, - -sc as ta giîs the artIlle,>' fuill ime te' eperate. bel tha sanie, istake ocaun- rot here ua ahPlovea, on ths 111h cf Septaniben. The impetuasily of the yeoung Ireepu feebbi> asleti vas net la i b netralued-t Iil a. sm. 1h.Grena-ý tienfRégment,wvici vue ou lie Rus- smn left,,laok the rLght redtenu ils e truai. Tbey LiOmediately cause under, mn avtal fuaiiado trou lihe central ne- Ideuil commanding t, ant i it vas w orua, lie vihoeantilony fine of thein -left wing vas enhirel>' nentralizet. Consequent>' tie fiht - lanqaisede. -The bMascow Regimntul iici followeti lie Greunadieru; -cndeaveret, unden caver cf lime banlis anti ttes, te stanm -thq cent-nul retoubt. but lie>' onhy ad- et te lieesianglter. The 'Tunkisi rifle;- ffine oui lime loftI rdouhl took lieus Lu lie flmuk anti rear, anti sîreveath le rcadt tiick vithcorpues.* The anhiller>' fine et the Russian nLglst viug vas coninnot ail timbu tue, anti t ho right colunsu, Cçm)usiuting oeth1e Peuloif anti Fielsut réoéÏtinl, gettiug lreunt-bythe ravines o eie etlssreani *on vinaiGorny u>' nk, awarnit up te lie glacis a!- thie-great retenu lae viti20 yards but lie ccmniandingý tire cf lie' inside redoubth kept h4em aise lu check, nuit losing* huntrede of men -anti scores cf officers, lie>' conît net gain an mi ut ofgrouusitI. TTuraks, vilS Ibeir four gaus met thein tvalve baltaieur, iLua a<int3' litlie reurhwnk, boit hem grouti trous10 a. nu. titi 5 p.um. agminel sixtytfourgune andt wenty-tour'of tie fineet battaliaus cf lia tar-tanati Ispenimi Guant cf Russ.iie.1lglet vo, ruhing an, anti Gem-kq, despairing cf success, u, enibi-- eàthe lidb1atocommandera, eut gave tise ordêr le ulav tie mon unter covr o! lb. eveuing, vien -ail cf a sutiden Ibenen teck lime thing mb ,-hieir evu bauds.- The Tirailleur Brigade- crepl round b>' lie .ravines, oemplely,- in -rear af tui-e rotubht,t lii. kuou, braakinr, ont c! the liants cf lie bat- talion comnudera, rushet up taelime glacis, anti, Iying dovu, uvwepi lthe - maie rear parapet vitiit'ho fine cf thein Bontaus. At tie sainie moment lha Finiant Itegiment enleret s break viere tl itLlandutparapet imetinet beon complotet. Wieu tii. Taris mmv themselvos out- vittetiasud'-' ounnibered,, ho>' ls heant, anti Achuet Fevzi Pabe, aI 6 P. mi., icistedthelia oe flseg. Tiase via wore in tise rear varie made tiein escape nden cover -et the' tankueus, Ihengi lie Grand Duk.u Lancers pur. oiuedt hem ant i ilet e fev. 'Savon battalions lait tevu thoir arma, santet jutige by lia appearmuce efthle mon, more nol sonry te exciange- stervalion anti colt fon baller tare anti a lite free troun shelas; but Achmet Fevzi - P&",a behavedth lgteàt 'tiil>' veques. ticuet Lu Gocmke's lnt. Thu.lime.- poniencecf lime mesu1 -lurneti vts *multi ho anotlsen bleat>' repub0o jute agroat aucceseý; but this p;atin>' sarîbvnicoul 1he Seconut Di- 4 vision et the ImpezjAý Glusnt 104 offloonu anta àhItle oven 8,000 men. It va. net Gos.Ogau*ke'o - faull. Hia. -- utack vas admiably plauieil, anti vouit ýj eci laipOulohl> athlieyouug Grena- dlier regpass a-a id mmcl paoilail, anti sibenceti hailu is guns for tise vlolo day. . .T#E DuNerN ACT vite ieffte a a 1V4-llinutomui.y4a ,.scubîf2.15ri Oiuli sva'x nov fine heu viii11be open- ed ou tie 121h et Dtcemben. Thé alitbùephte foilas a skating club 1 -Ln Oshbau a a failure. Tii. drill shed eho v-gb 9 edMà BspnhLhaimNo-- *a r its Bayia sor TITAToÃŽ. ýrsk - for t»!., Thomas' Eclocînio bu: - 3e lïâaIthb, signature q 4à27ami, i. th e Ic e. imot cf NorthropA esns:Pce25 chu. NOBTHIOP&ý LYATenanteo OuI., Prapnieon hoiite Dominion.' - . Ner.- Ececltrie - Sletet -anti Biectnizet. - rScsumemc's ;MOÉTÉLT, an'illusalàed maaine forlb. ;peaplei Tbe- maga- zin qduueate.d by , 'G . Hellanti. Autior utf ,'Nicýials miLuurm" Il Le fluedth i agroal 'uut o! i nteneat-1 ieg- enmi~g ~nd- -usofti - ,rondin. apace -Ln fls maa$Àuc. Dingt he reak 1878.thone .,i-ap a eautily illuulrat.d'anILolèsaou i -unig Meosc.Hutibsi~Sal ~bIug, The- eta. c. besitles a" ioianmiug papon' by 'Jéhu Burroughs, ounitlet, "Fclloviug lie Halcyou te *Canada." kWe have mate-lieéral ar- rangemýents viti the pubiLsiers cfthiLe magazine for reeievinS lie aubucipticus o fOuadisu Suicruberu. Antieau vi dasireti have il fonvartedtota ubsanubers 2i athle CHImNucLE ah au cgpeciali>' 1ev 3rate. The pricaeofthle rmagazine La 84 ) peor suuni andi va vili club il vith tie UE CusrLa IC t4.510 ton both. Sr.Nxouasis a plenidlyflbutnaed *magazine. Filleti vil i nlresting readug malter fer cildren, is veli con- - tictati by Mn. Mapes Dotigo. -Anung thle storLes lu the December numbes are "A Clîmpter o! Buhte," "The Lion kili- erI, Bnnno's Revengo," "Unden lie Lisecs," "»A Chah about Pocîn>,'" - "Sweel Majorenu Day, a tain>' tale," - "Jack'a Chrstmas," "The Boy vlîa jlmnipono Trains," "The Singing Piu," "The Tower Maunlain," anti a lange uniber of aIliers. Thse suhscrip. lieu pria.eofthle magazine is $8, but timougi au arrangement vith itspub. lisiere vs are onailedti leoffer il - vith lie Cniaaurrcr.t 88.50. Suibscriptious for th.esmagazine necieve t et Iis office. Gair A» oCaNSEuzvaTIVE PUPS-We indtIhe followiug in tis. Mitchell Advo- caie :-" Tiat vas a goot thiug toit about Gril pusunt lie minstnel shov on Saluas> ib A resu was offeiig eh eue ethle>late Refenni gathinugs four litîle pupe for sale, guarranteo*n them la obe geaul Gnihu. H s eedet Ln sllieg tva. Ton timys Iter h. va. et a '-Tory cLrcus" offering the allier tvc as pure Conevatives. The par- caaer cf the fret anas happenedtol be et lie Coneervative pie-bie also, ant ie questLoned the sseller boy Lt vas iat s ý short lime iefonui ha sait the pupu ver. Gilt., uit now tise>'vene Conserva tives 2 Oh,' saîd he, 'imhe>'vere oui>' a day diati thon, but nov tiey are ie tisys oit. anti bave gat their oyos open- et 1* W. neeti scarcel>' say that tic anever broagit dovu lima bouse." Mu. GL&aniurNE AT MAYmaoU.-On, Noveniben 5th, M-. Gladistone anti panly visitet Maynoabh Cehiege. Time Vice Preaideut devolet bhimselfto 0Mn. Gladstone, vhc Laqaireti inte e nt- able tact, cf the libran'. Ho bearneti liat tiere vene àaical 50,000 volumes La tie libiran>', tiee. being liree rndat illg romu algovoll oUPPliet. Re-.sai.- et as tte esuppi> cf modern vonku, anti vas intonuset by Dr. McCarthy liaI !lI yesrs the repionisimenî. vas fir ftam adequate, eviug le the vaut etfuntis. Dr. MaCarti>' pointet eutt lthle Adc f1869 cauet oadirect SIS equai le about £12,000 a yemr -te thé colege. Jus& outeide lime building for jusiors stand. tie celebrahet yev lnree vbiah Petrie teclareto10bc et leaut 800 years ol4;i anti lusaila o tie langeaI IRee lu lie tire. Xbmi.gdonis. On the va>" e6uth leolebratet Msay- nootb palns-tre unden viici Silken Thomas vas ivcn'l te pl>' vien salbay -va. pointèti- eut, aud Mn. Gladtone1 put lbe branchesasite, uvalicotii anti_ exeruine thlb.trani. Mn. Hugh Gladistone, sou of Mn. -Rohenlson Gladstone, eut nephew et ex-Premier, bas onteredthelmaScoltiuh Collage aI Romue, preparaten>' te tauiusg peu'. orten, in tie Roman Catiolia TuEz Toucauro anti OTTa&WA ,BAILWAY. -Tme by-low grentin- g e bonus oet $200,000 tle h.Taranto aet Ottwab nailva>' viii hovolet on aI oaWou' lis, 22 n L-A clause tlu hi. cendi- ticus hau been addtet, aonieliig ai Com>sany te atept th. Perth route,m previiig thé municipalilies sloug lb. : e CMv cO' QtEBEU DEIlENTURE,. - ThLrty-five theuisant pouete woh cf ait>' tebeutunea issuet b>' tie City et Quebec bava been retunneul trai n Eg. lent unuoli, samd 'lie Cilty Counuuil have aulhorLz'ed tise issue a! debeures to e hike amnen inuCanadien curreno>' fa be dispaset of Lu Canada. -w4zIT.By MARIrE 2. CXCuaheLU Or'îca, Dmc.5W1, 1877. Plour, peï bilh--..-..---800 @ 6 5o F'au Wheah .............$110 te 81 15 Spu-lug Wieul----------..1 O05f#1 (»e nau-ley--------...... $0 w2@ $ 6 Peas-----------------60 @65 Pea., blaclc-eyet--1o.....0@ D'5 Cern-------------70c hs75c Ray .................... el@ g800 Apphes ..................40o @ 60o ......e------------5 @g40 Eppu-------------170 la (0 Butter.............1 lac @ 220 Woot--------------. 3 75 84 00, Wool-------------------- 8C. soc Beet, hint qua-ton.:- - . 0 W@87'(00 neef, tare qua-ton--......0$a U g8550 Sheepkine----------0 758e 1 25 Pou-k, pe- cirI----------...8&1 7,j @ $85 2 Calvea .................. 4 @ 85 - 040ons-------------90C ta 50 - Tiumips----------------...10O Cheese--------------...-lie u@ lIt.. ,CarraIs ...............e 0- ,Chialons, par pair .80.... &o luk rp-............e W t@0e Tuu-keys, peML- ..... SOc Clover Sat............ 4 t'O8sr),0' -Pont Peu-y, béeu.-Sh1877. Whit, apmLg-..........81(00$lo ýv heu t s>.... -0 1 10 lor'eau ...................... 5 î Bties .................. 016 Park-------.....~, 5 0 jG9S Choice, - GiIt ]ooks, Bibles, -Prayer 'Books, HlynBooks. Bargans in 'Albums-from-50e fM # *Sunday ' Sehool Librairies--Speciai1. and 'very Iow disçoouù,nt to Sohools. S: ANIMMENSE~ STOK Berlin Wools-, Fleecy Wools, Fingering Yarns., Every one should see. our .$1. 00 Slipper Patterns. No suai value.in twn .Mottoes, from one cent each Andup- wards. A-Big Stock.. Card Boards, in Silver, Gold and plain tints. Cardboard Novelties of every, description. AutographAlbums, MarkTwain's Scrap Book. GAMES 1 GAMESI! GAMES 1 1-' The Citadelle, Parlor Croquet, Parlor Bagatelle, Pins, O]d Maid, Authors' Cards, Cock ]Robin,- f:ý ANYTHLNG PROM A NEEDLE ýrO AN ANOO. lI. S. R-OBERTSON AT THE 'OLD MTAD, Nin e BROCK STIREET, f:'k Notice. of B-inN,, Mariagea, and Deates ciargeif 50 cent8 cocu. m A RRBIE D. BARNES-PARR.-AI Whitby, ou Tuesdey, ,December 4h, 1877, - ' lite ]Rev. -Mr.':Cola, 'Sn. Relt. Baus, l Miss Barbara ,Meute- Fr, bth et YULE.-At PickerLng, on the 111h mugt., William M. Yul., aged 44 yoan. WESTBY.-Ou tiie evening- cf De- cember lut, et ber father', residence, 89 Cathsedral street, Montreal, aftona long and paintul illness, berne ,witîh Chrishian fortitude, Mary C. A., eldest daugbter of N. H. J. Weutby and granddaughter of hie late Edward Westby, Esq. cf Higs Park, Cant Wicklow, Irelaud. 3 W. deeply synipathize with Mn.- Westby, Who wue a former aid and ne- speoted resident ef Whitby, in- bis be. reavemnent. EPppa%93 Cocon.-irsefiïtanduirn. Iortitig.--"By a thorcugh -knowledge cf the natural laws whioh gavera 1k. aperatiaus, af digestion .sud nutrition, anad bv e careful application cf the -is,. propertLes cf weli.seleoted, coca, Mr. F4PB lia. pravided aur breakfast tables 'wirtha deliosteiy flavared beverage, wvhich may save nus many heavy doctors' bille." It i. by the Indicions ue of- such articles cf diet that a constitutian may be pradually built up until strong enoogh ta resist every ten- dency ta dissase. Huandreds ofisuble mala- die: are floatLng arannd ns ready ta, attacli ,escape many a fatal sbimat b y keeping aur. selves well farlified wilh pure blaod and à properly nanrished fIrame."ý-CiviZSrI 8 Gou4tte. Sold only LhaPuoikets, labelled,- '«Jamea Eppu & Co., HamSoopaticý Chenu- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Whitby' Freée ýFLéf WILL BE IDILb ON O1 lime vacant loI atjotning lie Peut Office (for Cahîle anti Hage), ant inlutic Cariape ia o f Messrs. Toms andi Newrport (for Paultry, wmon tue failewing pnizes viil be affereti: BemI Fat Oz au- Staer, aecWs uieb'a Dawea-isI, $6 ; 2Suulby J.Mtu, Ilest FaI Cav an Heler-Spocislpnia.by O. SKlng-let, #5; Sut, b, E.L(fouît, $3. BosLise iltg'(aumy go)-w8pâaiI '-riz",m B. Annieînoag-lt, 84 ; Sud, 02. flesî Dresseti Hep (an y age)-Speial pu-ize by J. H. Long-Is,- '#8; ,by C. Wcenlakc, 02. Boit Droea i Ha auer six nienhe)-spe. c ahpna.-byR Sinner-lsut8;Sut b> C ha.Pennylegion, 81.507 Beel Tuke', drasetid--Special pnize by N. Rey-lat, &4; Sud b- isn B Best Goase, drgessed-9 ib> 'ý W. J.n . Gliion-luitss, 2Pri',b -r..igf . . BetaroDuc aAeWZob> Yo mai n Ie pair aizCiiceasu-uecIaipize by W ,Boatl 01b. Rail Btite-à-Sucnhpnize b>' Jos. KNiug, lut $1 biter t:econie hi. pi-c- Be.t Fnurmi f.Bùthen-Special, pnize by N. -r W- Brgwus.44 (butter tehmecomOsapro. Se>' e py aiM G racle 12 mntZyýpiî& -Ail ent-ice must be clasot net laten tisu len 0'clack an lie nicrmhg cf tie fair muid In_5, ba mdat eev- tins. proviens Iboreto, watb li e cretuy or itise British AniI c-an Hatel.Parties, ut mitiuho o hel, AsmualiloncaulgoltLek tao h ier le cf liselPair fron lii Set--otan>' mïi i l ousile hmeni ta show At ail lairaehel t>'ho ARsoofatlonbtaion year. Tickets-1L- Ai fiaimai an tiiuefleihlluuith PUs lige g- uml b>' eieven'o'clock an lie mounaoaitue F&ir Ur L n Y.. Firbàij*-'Ant-Ã"en vlg isrvet âîJJlu in oaum a.,4m WHITBY, ONT. NEW- ADVERTrISEKETs. OF FIlI8T--OLAS R IGRADEM CHRISTMAS BREF. tc MR.WG O Wîll ssii by Publie Anation. -vitiont me se, ehil aru' GLENDHU," Lot No. -28, in lie Bi-tconcession et WHITBY, au TE 1OLLOýWING V LU4ELE P5oPmýTTJ iz.: 1 Good Grade Caw, 6yes oldin culf to thorough-bred bull. 2 Good GÃŽade.pw«, aByeasolu incuit ta thorough.bred bull. L~ Thorongh.bred Cow, with bull «uHtbjy her aide. i -Hefter, 8 yeura old, with bul caut by lier aide. 8 Heifers, 2 yesu ad, high-gradeu,_u cslf te thorough-bred bailt 2 Heiferu, 1lycar old, lighgrade. Re Hoaer Culal, 4pure' *bre& 1 Bai l it iyerldthoreouglibred. i llliCuit, hgi.d . 1 I Hoavy Draft Butin Colt, 1 yuu.r old. by Glancer, out oet a mmr by Scotl"md's Glory. 8 Superlor Fat C.tl, ted «enaulyfor Chniaelma. Ail tlieabove Catlle are ultier Thorougi}. bred or HLghfgrdeu,4,upeio ruet, sud wili pchctwely ici-dtlhhleut re:erve, an Lebouut of luck et tef. BALE TO coUKEuCE AT Ua ZO'CLoMx LUNÇCI TER S.Tweveamai.credit on aP. Caileui kt y uqird 50 Propnitr Uctoer NOTICE mxu KEEE,IVwmI!&T A Spoclal èenerai Meeting, af the Sharelioldmoru aI he Wkitby, Por-t Perry Lind- say Railivay Compceny> wýlUbchehd lbthe CompanY'u OdisemLutii. TOWN OF',WHITBY,' Saturday, Iât1I of fecilmber Ilext. Fou- hiepurpos. cf cousidening antifLt temi et adviliable aullinf gapplication te- lie L dgsatu»ePf.Onuiotcran Ast i-esdt-i Leg tb. paver a lie, Cesmupan>te eu-t ra=,dbt-an ytnntmoextenaiau, ta t3_7- l preseuil Issue aif bonds,simd- fer- suai otier aintuent au nia>' b. cousiti- eu-et adviaabl. Mia te conelder ny>'other biuse i tat nia>' b. ioagil betors th.e ihimg Daletast Wl4tby hu Sth :day1 o' - vember, 1877. CREDIT SALE O>'FIMST-'CLASS HA2RDWOOD TIMB3ER, IN LOrS -io sUI aincx&aa. MR-.-WILUlt'- 'EDWARDS Wii aall luy Public Auaîbcu, viticut ne- auve, Dn'-the' premises, LaI Rd 2, ini lie dicancegulon et PICKEING, osn WednesdàyV, Dec. lOth, 1877. AT OilZ O'CLOdK, p- . ~, AT N. W. cERaioa 0sBUS. sqhip ai Pi -eosaidebui --debenure. -a! theCor :Beeve et 1 suaLu.perso 4ble sait Ci sÉhallbe co ai the 'uit hibih outih under lvi an lie dà the comini inatter imes 8544.00, on tle ffl6.64, On tie e313.0)7, aenlie Brcngh& Duin' T9W iu2g Ly i trient.fon lhe pasl si rime you w stances per Bnoekumn NOTICE Outario, at Port Penny for an Act Coampan>' M turtier ext issue of Bau nient. a. lm 60 FAI in the au i droearat ain gtit anti fourmi cf the.3idi, Titi, um BYý-I SA By-laze1 Sum cf d the, intei Wheneas Thu (liuited) Chiase au] j ~Ana Whereas expent t veat- Pie Anti veneai statut. c 67, îs aut boutures Twenaty-, - tebeatur prapertie Compan1 Aaiheroas lie isspi mut mus - dpet=r ticnarex] -Anti viere, masicipu of Ontan thc saine -3rgar Of E lie can by-lavu fi Corporate R- arbaiur -Pflit>'. Anti vhereas, twecty thi pravideul1 Cf ticessii -he alue it is p anti ass ai loan t. Saundai'm Anti wliereas seucuheesu lai-etoi bý rate an ti saitdjun màihuste:i Anti vierea. toit- cf t WIIITBYe ONT. [COWS AND -

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