Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1877, p. 1

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At bisPrulantinbi ip~1 BROOK STREEBT, WRITBT. DVEETISBMENTS.-AlAZI. menuessuel l Ropariel,su obsrf~at*b.xseof 5esntaerll,,fa.g __ TesKin D lodeouD ifd é-'p0lr".71 0MutANAOI rao JAMES BUTLEDGZ, 13. A..& Notao~ ~~e P Public# &Z r A- Hôel W tz 4 c-u7l1ng AES C. K LLE , - 2R-fhaule, Ç(ný" mw. ecnBmd Z 1* LYoiide i r n ENGLI , itL LontlOf. qae ibr D SI t, * b 'a.i- : UL' d ., c- B - 2 x- S om .gï , ~ F Dwn olnrdst.assr G B ro UNMa'IkL B. 3i4PlU e forjnh1sWoe. LYMAN, BrokSret WLBII, Oti oL __ 15G10N W -SguO Timbe B BRISTHN ATORNEYneL tat; o f 1otOfie Wblthy, Ontario.Ofie S OJ1NSON & ]KENIT,. SoliitositorCncev -ya Toont Cut stre Foment o - TRON RN,.0- -11y2 . - . BAhitb Ofic-I ChneaUN.loot sBro teet, WUNt GÂ0L Dr.-W. J. JJUINs. -1I Onrîe-Not- don -o OmeeNcLuOffice. l»ReuidenceiL tMm. Laids Houok'a. BYRON FELDv. B. PDHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &o., DKn J. Crack. Wm. JqODRIEN,M.,MRCS, n-UY'S HOSPITAL LON DON, ENG., sXt-be oye R. O. H. I, Oshawa, 'Ont-aria. DRt. BOGART,-- Physicimo, Surgeon, Accoucher, &a.", do. Wlitby, Sept. St-b, 1874. 40 R OBT._RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Grmdut»P}i iS hooe) of t-les Univemly of qneeo'a 'Colié g s,' Caniada;-'Pàladetpbia lnv i M edi and Surgeri'; Amenean lUniv, ai ç>euuyl-anoa; RBeeot-b Cegeo P.usli: lj.aniLicentiata of Mcrollcy cf tho v.e -Ednbmg cotianal. Ctr- ouer for t-be Couittyaf--Ont-e. ari.asfe- Coisivaten St., Orilea. Augunt 241h, 1875, - % - lyr-85 W. 'ADA-MS, R O0MS>B VRLR.3. JAMESON'S Dundis.st., Wlty I Iffce heuo ,M 9 aa. te 12 M., and frein 1,80 te 6, p. m~., eilec- ocf Byron sud Gilbert strieo. C N.VAlU, .. D. t. TII1ETH inserted ou ail thle lQ~~ atest prinoiple of t-howl; i as tea athe cheapest, sud as good as lb bestee th f611,6 with Gol.! sud Silver.. Teeth extracteil wtbout pain, by produolnq local sumsthesfi. Dent a Booms-iu Coi.- ana new blockîover Atkinsou's Drug 8tr,, Ring Streot, Oshas. 85 TIIOMAzI A>BRJ&LL, BUILDEIR AND CONTBAOTOB DUNDAS ST., WEITBT. t-42 AU ordere prnptiy executed - 0104 Q»NO' fi AIR DREBSING- AND SHAVIN( XLSalaon, Brook St., Whiitby. JOuN WOLýENDlEN, A GB ' FR " RB CELIIBIIAýtE nfJencathan Wol!eude,DuuidaoSt.,Whltbyý GEORGE CORMACIC, L UBERMECHATCARPENTER *M7JtâI4-nrou Stre i .A JAMES W. DEA-LIL, TowN*flP CL»IAK(Egst whlLby), UOMMMISSIONJIR COURT 0P QUEEN'S 'BENOH, l CONVYYANCING AND-GJINER- AL IN,9U'?NOE AGENT. Tho Clerk will be in bis office iu the TownU all, Columnbas, oà Mondsyis sud lrrldaye, for Townibip business, Office 1e1-s,9 a. m. ta 5 p. ma. March 27th, . 1877. 1 WILLIAMI COOPER, DLACZ~SMITH, - - BBOUGHAM, (Suceqesor te Tbom~'s MlddàughY Heorse shoeinsu a," MIlIdngs cf genel work.Iy5 H e. 'E A'T HW£ R L Y, A NEW IUiIVELÂ&TION IN T[ SCIENCE 0F DRtESSMt-M WAIST & BHOULDER CHAI -fresi fie U ic san rno~ viît-bout change Lfatstl-h.""e2. Formaile, vits free instructions, at MISS MCINTYRE' Agents vanteal. Liliemal inducemeuli the t 0e. YOUNG SMITI MARRIAGE LICENSE: WILITBY, ONTARIO. KNGBROTHERS, FIG AT. ta ta 1au WHITBY, 0ONTARIO, - Importera, Dealerssand Manufcturerai Eluals of LEATHEII AND FINDINOS, Cah paid for Rides,,Dirkansd Leither, Lest-ber stret-chesi. !e-ÃŽ;TfiG'IADE 10 ORnER- BON~ May', 1872. - 22 m ON'EY TO LEN» I A large quantiti1a!moeai te louda t la-w Fn siie,sB-ermi Tovulots, t-""o" Frae Rouges, sud a large Brick Hans,. Foi torras, spply ta G. YOUNG SMIFHI. Wbitby, Feb. U9th, 1874. b: 4 7 SIMN &KELLEY, CIGAR ýMANUFACtORYt, cÇIlAnS muuitu ofenest- Havani -Tobé ao. b. coebrmted «"S. IL" Cigare. H Iotel-keeperu suûd Dalmr- vii fiS t-t- their acivantegle ta gi-r. thene trial. Wbiùtby, Feb. 7t-b, 1877. ly-7 LISF OPFTTHE DIVSION COURTS COUN-TY 0F ONTARLO, FOR FilE TEAR 1877. 'l tby..2'l1 8115i 111il1 Brnha 2i 2 482 P9r1Pe..1251t 5 8 12127 Uxbrdge. dl 10191261 J 8 11821 Can'tn 7 1 il J 71- 7 10 20 Reaer'u I 12 1I281 II1I 19 Atherly... 1I l18I29 12gîlie GEO. H. DAETNELL, Junior Judge. Wbitby, Dec. 27th, 1876. 1 c H 0 1CR Tffl-ig T -U b.. reoetfo rom IP afl OriE. 1 i D - -~ TA rfTab ,,-p:N-m-- 1j ýi * 1h- mon ýjlý7C&W WjCr #c i asu t~ i a a it- l0t-,t.arq th~e à dtoupnr.oa Fit 4,tfu .Bt-!uoae - seci ee r l t t het-tt b ibo1ebr of e tle r -tseh - --e ô ondii; A lt-h -jJç ferte o stbleg q in lsiuorsnd . P satci. ed fiera. vi Acs Lo aae m n 0t - rôs é', î. - - A terrbleftlit6 AgV sl~,b,1B t hâtb geta &t at-ild. atmobd eos C a t . tbW fCommercial t-mrlea LIR~ A~11e 87 a ant'îm , -"* hSea4.,sa b. wi yrue "léili Ms RPOYAL HOTEL, mar suLÂLR0. - - - *ànchu~~» -~ 1782. Wbitby, Oct. 20t-b, 1877.- veti0a tau -p IA.PRINGLE, PROPRIETOIi. &s_4oOnè. dL0iîbtcê-n.enny- utb ku a Thie largest sud mont commodbeus hotel ! in as-îL--- o i t - e t o w ; a s l a r g e s m p l e o o m a f o r H onno reut r t - d a n l i pl a v e.o l t b vit tbbest in&Seagen.Bent1brînds ENYETAL8RDI AN-'rld. Any neani cm aAppetono#saful sud olgaes. nalesei ard ansidhsrcleu A i 10. lusiii-a l abullMty ., agnt. The motess vre ir ie mJso plfnsJi attentt bestieOfslecmnt tuns a a euttbil-L.Stoékholders, asn lage emrvoiéet-t-ubBilbera:s'u hep,:'n deo tiha ctiieeu N. B.-Lvamy mttise& .? 27 C. 'NOUR eporta neaking oves 8150 uin. oeaenA-t 'ours a ih e Id C AUen, W i ei - ut sýreports t eV ran-l-O s ica wa, s - i otid t-s', Arill7b,187 . onaiss. All vies angagoie "t alýàiula l "I d net say o6. W~ B O S.WMtY-Ai ý7l417.17 Iutuy-faat. You cende-vote aIlyur'tin a ay t-hi. : Iarn forbisidenaý i - - - t-c the buiness, or Ca-i yoyut., spýire -£me. 1eve-I am fombideln to-mre DUNDAS-ST. WHIITBY. TMPRBIAL iLQÀN AMD INVEST. Yenneesi neot, b. avayfim orne <M ver T.g. J ,EFCMPZY -ebt.Ttauoe-svia tes t-t-bat t-is hu au e (WvEST 0F PosT OFFICE.) - -- clefrciuaf-nft. l.mcn uardes;-yrn JOSEPH A. BANDEZL, 1'BOPpoî_. CA P ITAL, *600,woo. t and expeanve entitfre 1 il ount crs Slave Ilasdt-bat. ýInd,, Profitable, verk'sensi us your =80esat bo, Jet Unt-ha is sofalavstemy1 Ths ogeha emreetl bit nonce. IL cois othilng te try tLb.-busluess. na'- TSi.bene bs ben rceu-li'hui, Eco"a Office, Impçrw B luilding», Forante.. No oue wbo fiaestla te ueretpy krlsudesn4aWncl fLe&puflt.and C--T:- Àdes Tuj POLB'S JOUJINAL," We -i -melriri- igai-s BAod iÏtELgs:u-45 Portamisi, Mains.elérýârîv moeh Lyg aer.Go Mabigsd ON . ÀLEI. ICAMPSEIL. ___ - b lo a eodyard; attentive ostiers. . tORYAL CAMADIAJI- BANK m thY adli'so QRAD meîcrea:-. DAryTBBlLu CalCol, Coal -1 :5 lii. hlmt-l; but Lady FRUE AIWAYHOEL -MONET TO LOAN onImproved Parens, leokesi les. veil,--t-be rose (Opposite G. F. R. Station,) Wht y. t- o*Rates ef intist. ýApýI Ib- frN W c, im sb.D er aneeîî; sud -venes a. NOURSE, A rai N W O L WM. ~ ~ ~ ~ O O'EL .-PORITR Wby, Ont. AT PORT WHITBY. t-o hem tisat pembapa t-Se For -- ou TO oulal permilt bin te sec Evorysacommodation for gueuts, luclual. E.B. nYE]RFAND, Manager, Fomente. RIE ucideruigediparties ,hava nocel-oS vit-bout- fembiddiug. bine t-e Ing cenfortable. iry hedreoen, MeahK Us lmi GO TETAE OGT a crgo oreb.mnandl ecreenesi cmn ao ialt-m ansden îleu TIe Bar fui su Jiedavth boat- April 181h, 1877. 1 hautas tv eprnb."aî.thymaie eln al i-L -ogW un e-i ý1 dais-" The best tise Americun manket bide hlm adieu Siudly *Mndai mi q 6f84lan , Buerandies, Clgsur. adforai, wvieS t-bsY effer for Cshl, at- Lb.q t-. voyieosmey direction givon t-o ONTARIO FARMERS' LOWuEST LIVLNG PRCBS.Fai. L ~g --'l Gocdleit St.blng- nciosa yrd, aal s-t.n ~; ~J~' - ffpr t-be prosecsetiosi" - nelil t-lie doge '45-AIA tuai ~ai i~O~ï' 1~~î< ,eyupuf TO BREF. v5 t-r otla-. 4 COMMERCÏ&IA, uLHOTP>La, &aat -Gôod mcemneodation tf-12 £'OMRC1AL ROFEL anal STABLE1S, r -CO 54 sud 56 Jarvis-street, Forante. , JOHN McRAZ, . - - PUoPRIÏTOR. tnicossou Toilsasse xsns.an, Thbe best $e.0osaDay Hanse in t-hee o Ct7 nu tivo blocks frein t-ho t-hemu eoady u te t- re ara 0 Fua ous.babeen tse*iy Pitted ouit, and ei-ery-thmng rmc-isn. ly-d71 I.Cor. Ring & YorS.as., Tonto, Ont- J. A. O'GRzIDY, - PROPRIÉtORn. Tismes, 1.50 mu D£Y. - lI47 POST OFFICE SALOON, Teosro M. MeOCONNELL, ---PROFRIETOB. tar TEDEST CCàMD IO «E for Guesta. T DA IN .) TEMYPERAINCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WITBY. Good accommodation ut reaaaable taes. Boardemu s #2Opor veek. 4 H OTEL ERICIHSEN, 148su 1501, fiRaudolph Corner cf Fart Street- T. KENNEDY, (lats a/ o uin eslHoasé, Torcaif e,) reprietor. SAM PLERBOOMS ATTACURD. Nor. 12tb, 1877. (ly.47 C. C-SCALES, ljIROINIA FOBACCO AG ENOT Tonento-street, Tenant-a (ly.471 HEALTrH RESTORED Remaedi Froc for the speedi' cure cf nervous debilft,premature decay, lest mînhomia anddilerdens produceal excese. Mleu St-s-at, N. Y. (Om.47 CARTvRIGHT, ONT. The undorsigned bas &Dy amount cf Mon- ey ta Leud uPon Farm or Town Property, iL unuBsually Low Rates of lutereit. Loin. eau be reprnld lu sumo ta suit b«. rowors. Soveral mproved Parmuansd Wild Lands for sale chea»pm ebn bures, Bank, aud ather rnarketatZl Stocka. For further pîrticulars apply to JA=ES ZOLDEN, Official Assigne., Broker, &o. Bprl th, 1872. 15 t APPLE TREES, A 00U T 75,000, Pro Lot -AT TEE- [Oý-E NURSEIRY,' om two to four years of &go, ernbracing sU SETH O. WILSON, Nd~ 9, 2nd Con. Pickering, on Kingston Eoad, ost Offica, Whltby. N EW BUTCHEJI SHOP 1 Lb Th usrbrbega leave ta notifyth inhaitants of t-ho Town cf Whitby and vicinity, thst ho ha. opened a BUTCHER SHOP In Crosby's Store, Dundas-St., (oposits Ray's Ilote!,) wher o hewil1l keep con.tantly ou bàaud s good essortrueut of - BE F, 1LAMB,VEAL~, hlUTTON,&c. A.ol ciiijesolloited. Whi ýtby, Sept. list, 1877 7. 37 1Diamonds danpC' PreC tou8 6tone&1 MASONIC KNIG SoClety RE 14, RING-51 May 22D LU MBI Clark .DiisIon Court, Tp. Clark, c 10jio Caonîim.onýrlu B. Ml, Land Agent, &o., Cu&Tons DEPARUENT. c kc,, Atherly, County Ontario. Otmwa, June> 4th, 1877. LUMB] Atherly SEtpt. 2n',182.88 -A UTHOBiZED DISCOUfrT ON AtA=ericsu Involces until further ne. Has on baud tice, 7 per cenut. Baru Lunbe 17J. SIRMAN, 3H~l, Building Lun o ~ H w A,21-tf Commlssloner o! Custoins. sd;oanordo from stI a Vet0rir'i»y Surgeon, I POOL MARNEflT -bad. Sas 'Wl aaAmt rïndmng's liotel <, Wlitby, .very - Whitby, May Tuena Y, y, frin lIc o 0'ec, ni., «IïB2~2i" Âpril U, 1R77- - 18Age Iam nprep rail ta py Current Prices for al ~TO~7~~ WELIMG ,' klnds of.Grinl .ret at rnysteain ne.- GEITS t- --vator,< Frenohruan'aay. AG cf Plck TO L T SALT, PLASTE, o At Liverpool UM.*et, àZNew <>oraie4 W TELIE & W,<*hgmo Dweling, wsll actd >U and" wlt4t 1mevsryRI & pliesr aoomnodato. du ]ROB SALE Maeuit, ý., __ 3,OaLLN Mututal Insurance. Coy., T HIS COMPANYY insorea Puren Build-' Xings, Contr' Churchea, Scbeol Houses, sud their Centont-s, uat rites us aev an Lba.e o! aoy wel-est-abiiahed Company, > in-Canada. - J1JST LOSSES PROMFTLY PMID. -J. B. BIdKELL, - JOHN WumLsy Proaldent. Wice-President. CI. NOUBSEA SîcuTABau. Rates, cf lusurmeese lovihat- 25 Cents touest #ae-100 for fgelvaa ,onitli! INSURANCB COMPA NY O F LIVERPOOL&LODN PAPlITAL, ,- - j$10 000,0.00. Hfad Office forCanada: 191 & ý198 St. James Street ,iIntraiIl FORBES &nMIU«GE, Cbiei Ag'ents. E. H. LàWDER, Agent, Wbitby. Auna-t--, 875. -ly8 oNTHiiRBITISH dca MERCANTILE -FIRE INISUR4N E COMdPANYI1 Safo, asid elble, chargea modorate, prompt sattieneent of chines. - - GRO. YULE, Agent.<"' Whltby, lime 2, 876. 2 NEW MUSIC HALL, MUSIC FUgINISRED WHi-BEDBSIEED. Seaitng Capaclty, One Tbousmsed. GEO. HOPRINS., Wbitby, Oct. 22, 1877. Iy.44 WALZ'S LAGER 1 I bave giron t-ho sgfeny for =y La an lu Whlthy to J. A. BANDELL as'ih it-earaour to .uipply ansearticle vwhich vil Irve satisfaction ta tbouie vho ptmonira WILà &LWAYS BE POUTND AT THE WHITBY HOUSE .7. A. DANDELL is aima sole Agel4t for WsIz's Lffger Beer for thb. Couuty cf TUIE Manufacturer of AÀFImEARTICLE 0F 1>URE IDER. C, ODDPELLOWB', ~IHTS' of PYTHIAS, D[OMU;iàN FLOUE &PRED STOREZ. AN» ALI CHARLEB PEZ;NYLE.GIQI4 Regalia, JeweII5, &c , &o. Begu t. ollify bi, riend. su eustomera îT WEST, - - - TORONTO. thâ4 bhois mow prepared tq aupply 11877. 22.17 lour ana Feed of the Dee Quality, At t-he lowest living, pricas ER!_ LUMBER 1 îlour Corn, Coo eBran, Short., Oit. FIN ON, mals*, Camedi Whoeui Oatsl. ER, MEROHANT, ICleaiper t)hat theC. Oespoaffor Ca.. At thle Doinion FIciuîi ad Féè4 Sthït W H I T B Y, rosby'a Block , East doori tniçSrýF id a large suppiy of iii kinds cf Whitby. h tst srBoirda, sud mli nec@sa O1.' NTEIOI 2nfir. Fenclog, Siwn T mur, WhltbÃŽy, April 24th, W- 28 'g arg quantdton band. ors orn ongM. 14u 9,fi H * bshort notice. o d ][,L RPOOL MARÉBTI iso n hd lwsys oun q 7th, 1877. Iy.20 C.SH ORG AN To be deliyered At ents Wanted. Frenchman's Bay. :WA.NTD in the cubp .kerlus. Uxbridue ort Pe T OP. - -- ý!aP 014 A.>COL FOR SALE.I MONEY~ ~13 opporcunuty o! gettlug fimt.clscab kievleg yonr rdmrs it-b Mr. j , O Wb* by, or B.. LARNxoLD port, hi-Ihtt-h etthUe fficeof tète lat- ester ,pr; OiSav* id< belWealeatoe let vb th be iàoVa namoial partie. viii r.- CIre promptat-tnt-boni W, hp.bY strict attentien te busineseý t-a bu'lal Up elarge t-rde. Weigbt, 2,000 ihs.-te the ton. N.B. The schooner "Migdeas"Isi ept Oeesat-ly huntoeed by Lb. usedagnesl fores t-edlves-y e!fresh s an a OUtsentoup- ARNOLDO & FARIEWBLjL. .Part-Whitby, Nov,. 6, 1877. > tf-t-o GEORGE B'RITTON, ±iUASeOAïTURR ,e tisa Doubbe mu PA*TENWTED bHRNS. Wagu.,ggies, Slejis, cou.ttanfly 0on R JE PA I N G t-ir Doue on the. shortestnoie 3Brook Stree - -.-Whitby. 1 Octobeir 22, 1877. ly.44 FARM FOR SALE.,ý T-OT141T -CN - pME;J loamn; goad housp ae, t.qb>1sO~, s O and reat hanse ;, 2 wola, ciq ,rns; apple orchard. Four miles froic EgýMdhester sas f -tien W. P. P. & L.E'y, au ' ,ïn frei pro.,a poseil Taranto & Ottawa Rit. Pioo, #5,OOO. i hepJ. W. Oi%'AR1D 47-tf) uticif..te FARM FOR SALE, ml r Ù flonrlahlng Town 0 of b about W Acres olesi-ed &ud la agocd stàt il a! caltlatlon ; balance, *ou l tubered- wltb la hardwood. Brick bouse. 'LargenwTi i harn sud stable, with pleqty ofhir a i1 sof t water. About four aceres c"ia orchird wlth choie fruit trees. SoU, clip 162h. 'Possession eau be arraued te suit pur.. chaser. For psxtlculsrar es&- .lai J. W. POWELL Parkbill ; or F . W. I'OWELL, Brookiu. 4 Oetar18, '77. --4 lv - El A ý SALZ CHEAP I A Brick Oottaqo noir Busilness Outre.iu the Town cf Wbitby. For prie sud téus apply te- ME. W;[. TuOMPgRO, m WbVFitby, Peby. 2O tb, 818. 9 ib s TAGE BETWEEN i W 14tBv & -dAA.el TWICE A ' PY i- Leavea Oshawa st .880 a, u.,a, , ho.,ie LoýsrrrWbitby at MO.,0 a.i., sud 4.3, Fnd FaroiS cents oach wmy. c wIu os61Atiaumfthe bateloand dTùtAi resideuce. (when ordors-arelo% tis~o the Lmés. Connecta ith0 . 0h0 T09. E xP& IA Wbltby, 7 b l9th, 1875 14f T HOn0.â. PEÂÀT~, s b ote otheir iturai ocu. t'oathors, Kid Giovos, -4co., clean.d anf su c :? olour. - AiUorders le4twith W.P gl1 Wilcc, Coiefectifoner Whitby - sntb,y i&Û, *iii te prompîtly at0dotô ý ~y*hl NASHING ACHN J21 - onutrialfiech r,.M iila ýtwe aï o nt u 1w i k I W 5b1 . 1 - ý 'w, 80O AQENT FO17 "n ooucse-ev g e 1 ' ý ý d i»t liaI teveliubava- ojiasus rnyapa~ydÇ cliuigteoofr Iront-ber capi played te Resse a apiendid those choicest-eues. " dTbey voui liever' la th o p rince su ,"? saisi B oss a, -m ]Y, me se meubresi-tise gi "Yen and. t-le'Am6rianý h a ie a m i- d t i è s u t o b ae,.mX nr sa i si M a da m e L o u e .. - - WlIe Rossa raeos L founal Lady Armide-tone anda bis o vn fortu ussi bôsu * ] ed. Mr Curry as vIi it- hiineitely. - 04TNova yu yujingot-.e- >qu~um5 e Aei;carthI é *cïu 'iduei , Wau m ~ j B±p 11le open ScI4 Mm uryllaudly. ,Rose va., not- overome v dc: t-o b eiapat-iatedlto Wu ira yea 'r, ' vitb Lady Agmidt i-btcesOasNd. glabuEurop,> Pouger, triglter, purer t-i tSrisen oun bism éù aihoriz -eadieno -is vus nt v màyfo r g e ît-i g a sab ro- c ul oieisod, ànS oône on bis buj Ieek f isapet bail, or su Isi ti, vioe duli t-ud hadst ierves cosidembl. eHowevsj e0 8 0 g e s i s e i he s t - o, é p'_ ipa lL' vlI gI-eieireeû xedé q u es t io n , w h i h o f -'t -ha t lve b et? Haewrte -aienî sad y A rm i<d eý; hle th accglsf ed, a w it aiug p mluce ms, vit-b a m horence andl admiration ; s t - - o u g l it - m t s i g i s t - i a s O f jueivi l, 'As Or Bi, ~oisnS bilu, du -tis a i Lie, Piness Ridoge anali iide. Tiey vre achies set-c ad cou d n t- le l i "Lady wm at- Rome, êéùq"ériugtho i m o p , E o u i >en S o f i s oh éi ef y abul ti grâee Stis prvlg.c botS p c Pai p a te s s l o e r e d -u p c'Amideo Even cardinel i !*'e e~i t-e tpeak of1 gcSet- respct. A£nS f f a0DR Taegaven y imaveller bd 'r - - t e i l o w - Se h a dt p d oa1 S n , a n si b r o k e n t ise dnca fëî o aes f 'é t-torii i c e c e a I -B i e n . E s sd e u ; l -]But efa'oèLady Gem.éra l à ' uo t- i n g . ec b .d w v u StmleiLou- ê eseertrait-imme, Ia not-usvcerSii ota. ing io1er., . oincls iana0 yeàr$M .' Ie'Ameena.. J 1 iana -expatriatio M**,ul .twes vut lt*t-'e~. ie-vs Wlis - iWttb aad Am iS' co lèt-ter un hi. iMie ubeitHaiiburt i m .pu Llgheif~a tiyýGl dfnoIpap er ie bi mnd"IUtehop>aî1t- vuimt vs isté o , w w I ë A l l a - h d b e e m n e i u uo i in e b yt f t ý l - v a s r i t o n ~ g , o 5 ~ s -v t-- e s u f a Ib e o g- l e . b 4e t %sf u t a l m sln w t- l ii u l o ve ,S m u ? I s - J $1 PO," . "b T i i vomr v vIiltlsa (1, L are', sud sald M.., suld 05 .i, glme Bay, Waubau- Mdiat-.pointe, ai ns né Picket Timne tat-feu.11 A; COMPANY rUR E. &RETÂIL. U-bert Hall PYonge st. Pull Stock o ery a by' strict attenioi ttuer.t-c menit-a amgaIitisrto ex tathéasking of WO0RX .ue,, &., IISe boit- styla. R. SAMtO à Co ~LPIANO Imreas o! toua ansi lie Mnost clehraleil >ic. posible te suppl>, ior a.bout- EPRICE naver lu plain : la cf t-es. instris- lfhl-eowrooma tae j agent-s te puy, s aui maSe e! a- PER- CENT, 2d Conren, &hg15 cf thel, fmuW*g, W. ADAMS,, 877. ATE, ý Best 1 'l ; 1 1 1 - 1 l' - 1 i 1) .1 1 JA Il - 1 7 1 . 1 1 1 ýl Co b Ë, à".Ueehor.- .. 1 ý -'ý k>ZP U " 7 ;'ý4 , , , , . - 1 oùté-hrioeo thse fâireetIt-si- Hscnipi. o9t "*d!Ipr A 'icnit-àu.*ÃŽth à,pàrtýhliss jaa" - .1pmm4 sud, iual&reeeddabem:eyv m-~ s~ t5 i s am , A i~ ~ ~ ~~~~m ete'qiAgeo.Lr agia ,w DA' o u<Phýfliîi fn - . éy uies tc vecoe a -isprnecb ptéItfsouI --~~~ii Of nosafl -eptr- c on te eep wsi: rmm îoomrys aiAgoc s.- lae orj v aeni blguaiu , 8c wunYtsbr i eb lkd tvaugl t* espa me la. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i w Aeu h t-Eluio s ed n -p p~ci& ,~ 4ar- I a meLord Vangliu cekri cft-bepic;rd-o leryluo"' do Bugles -vellisbeg pw Eublehdgote Pliap yu h-eteldteeti -h ho"*i l d f ie Vasso e o agpsas <rof (pt o i. ito r Romdn ar afetv fort,y th e-,w ay @e, ed e ofvI as-yneson Coeaalvitro h sail. p Le rdv Van ghair, sud. isir t-of tle' l u-h erle in od lir il-is ,-oleamm ataHoarnpoe Tehse.bler"yÃ"cf La ereLodneaucfat-be Prin- Enle4ni smvase n tinselic ble got-o c . Iesa adaepf ibm havue cft.ring. !2"2"22cf- a mpa o thliip cf te cung gisrlsf, ts aIit Our- om is astr, d sewingý I lyea - ofat len él auered it-Ito eivlery tirose isat ani oraid bi c ng Ma.e y rest-tIpe"îsoo grlsa .t iginels," as l is n ho t e h aoi-mn Ieeu Dscl iaomgit-ne . as i, nrts b.waok e t-be s tôy adeepysicalli n otheo rall. 1 ayHo.telore fiagrsau4 aveDot facesibof toeiFor a oen fthe tis ing.ma sa jemuet Eugitli girl. ,iucd, Imsu ad lie , e he vit-m- geit-bey He&*We* iàai,oiilmndngAxanglsmet- a iyliad dyoe tepat ndegaUery bine sud eau,"Let-erd, eylotlrd." As bt-he renandvoriereîf, ind rgala lise yne sen l» t-home e ornaleV"agslin angigt al,'àô.can ibr s atBe ;fr-n rot ethe -be haudv cf ladye 'tl-u a god ottgae,"o sIhal s ud trubla nde on on.a cf t- slie weiop es."Sanhope, phI ca u'ifsiu everàytiu- t- oat-i reover. "Ivi go t-oyanods aIone,"sasiyoumbtentmuetfdo me a Loaer: ca sdi, ne m uet on te b. mi e ntâ e ro o bis o reto ne ai e. ma'2e t . lid aed lttep.rwuè,anid wlîe Iays you e siug tobey Iglt-wheerTiaowreq lt-ms nb, arnuges;met se-ny^ at day evnryedceaerysud be g in, su d uge *L-peatfull .y. lod.', i uei Mî rpin plays -e iau 'rsa h xîin L "o ; o immedieas oly.a-Varauaghan, tood la e." ler u ai.'B Wli niendy thrmîd bs fL hdytig okdle o l iefetyn - im. Lrouln'i e v.Ji kuof nh, se ear, "Stanhope, sanrci I uepac7 f a Bele àgoab test Iy, aay. "bofor o , e yes, s at Icuge, a e , yb; but o. mt-l o er ne vi ry aa dd letefst1. Bcwot sfliv: uOWnd inevt-butsppmyenta scegiîou. - htt tse - Lou oc ear oue A UGteA: e yurme"e utsgles-olist o te, Gm-ml. o* ale a ntý e "Mr usce'ma 2" to ht b.. "Wboy, co- nds z vs$ig t-beeg olde su be itfr it cnatà ur yeant ybok rn de bine eya viTout be doutin aiit o nrgç>e sefr un. Iko eey bacuag rci I - hîyedthea ber su e4aia, ,it 66NO ;-1<if- yonr lciatory. y aes,,seLord iasghanet bd e -a t eaisd xaey v-lu e w atyAien eafre'in lt-r Cury. ise glove liervholl imang one, rn m s80X psae s ln I lsa e ar aintiine las net- rdshe, v i aoy of anaBloerent I- p Iue- efèe 'hfislynesanalu osi; b ave cenet ; m butdI Woe n, e n egrfi e at eeyset alvaya*ihfor nie a*mot-tu lo ws yn ressr, - onteprntc og inad E emigtobvnfootthe"onrsSlv "Cn ay b ocl a o ailing . "Mr."Nov -ye Or cc ig t-o : ene, asi - ady Amid hte o aprseles te ak i, &I v et. w cl imeet*Asieurfind,. tut Lr aIgn tesn. .fetvy I rettlpica- vse au ookoai eendcr-fn l te ye, innesliok-juref il u-vaa b ioundby P e <vu- micd aîy -.ýt-bat iceitier e u oty rom ie i-aotiser great vive 0 thew« : cn ortie one t-ro reinCsrtry . é o -esiiotlousstu h is birtnslere i snlge eem, I havsm etifee! ie :àmrsfmnot elle, cihoe Gerilokenea t-k l e nhuteI bat-n thu. i e l c o f feoraulàe - iitor.dui trcnblin ie ra,- ooat m e ntis isrds-f isiv t ru nst.ur yn wll ioisareedwhvitbler. bek is colan ntup. - ie - P l8oesi ae nover seeantasnb bheauy.I t la "Canabe ren t tise uet ot.cf hnai ino t-qaniniaipityt-base m" o met " huie- yauoaor sd perect-on. 5e affeta Rmin a a dyie Ri viad e od eroa ood s i revleb.- - OAirin mueais rfreda, tutLod gha oneta ng. Rte et ve lu ft ge. laa- ki a u look Hc ey.r , willwait- n th n n--bemach ia-laesng, t'-aporeo ne. 1] and-sho .rriv lieaitberje unore ihyen.fHlisaong botterdt-a le-he,. Sîc avid thme <$mu elming? aen-yul f n ce.s iit-oel' i toy f is cigitingale va net- i - Yoai .i ice l de ler urFNe tan >, c i e aberdater nai L , -lcaÈIýl d aaer et- sec ffyon at- i ýa r4se ev ery - Wiîspeuer tho t iae y#: nglt-ian ilt tis e In- - i a otenay e nc ,ire Blivelas. hili'àsibe'ec9fa rte ka fed jh-msr o ilb redybis," lier" elle alire-ie - Iahaeinger nenAuch es STOyE." er. cnoihrt-e ic e mmiio fnsi uLeul anss uanii t-be mlc t-it- se hai isetallu 4t-e.opf i c con " u pep fctieuson te t-liecrntam e how is iid e, iso,--vits redt-ct re good - whi b,, .4î-tm ySdee nmr ismu e.- t-bé býu . uo-sc n dli etit- - in at mores.iuti hioaquautames.Wba Lu.1.a yGcratdumopèeoerqd ,liera g, r2tset- -ohé- Lrdiveulian b:¶os Ipaiug u ansi setLdy Atruie as bcldbneg.tfaût-j gre"c gp Yd dovu lii.ne io tis e d a si bryofve z kins su t-lm baikuisa v u connsebu tiu mmls nilbatvei.gagmul l-er f, et-oru S -thahpL o pp o it dn ve, y W.i - " eis niaud4lnest ri u !I i- Msuat-le sneI bewr sc ati'i bertbasi she, tliroistg '- lierarms-ppro uedhi. - S jcomaaurosl'ellhm d m ta o id vt& eg leuef wem *d fEniaatlbn t- t-lre.<iil ied ve : u t l avy. o ts cf visse lBat-bfer i in am e dr expi a O int-ha tisos v1loe MIDii suE us eut ae i es a wrd:ePics arsiofu busint tb rsetl e of Xt< bailie ,ajd itht i n hé v e e e tab t- -leihaeBivrs aae lsu otheeule r vnMoe IBm?&s IV vor hi als a veeu nettrrhe se dan er-ao- suy mniafoluedas i asIdl Lady Perpat'e n sisar-ee r t ange-tc. cynko îivlss u t.S ~misi ail Laniae Rome'm erly vrsiei foi La dy vi i iie l s' eo viâS abot-'u mg ;oth fLrd auigeamn e ban k, su iaforos isaà t-vie yten canowve1 knear'fid tüug" . t-bA- b t-us t-v;o voed n tbaS ofpei ec thé'eve- ewreoku ,kn i ier he -bl u titult-ioem aeguandmo h- fr a Bit. ri oll Patt- axevi ee s ; is-ttr te vi::peainsiop or, aa fipt ,e yenkntrewy m du s te oeo ie u e evl-urattr orea dgiýmeiklstaiki for I huis - one bai But-bisoeye f ou rranld-lS e o inthm oeim ood sla nsi '-,,b ... g ma lal-fahdbeuua, Tie ec hody i.viol t zpaaul'. lovo;ao e penD inka i i-Ae s-f u t, yen7 la i oceesi yor""'apis i 'e a ud ange en an - tisen p reitmesasi s -ly A mdise tise gir lai ; oiea ttoi .oi bs e,s ttlila w coin, t usonutisre *haad, nW-vnurid oleI isnbu- t- î-~aIbatlylef rcui c tle rinesMmi- auJim lieer by bot auts I o! nixtre o ne higllyà "qita-rsI.dn in u S eare tasta, be =" I f ir h ul eoi od mi i ritncten , on il. - iT- .. emet c i dernce , t-bat t a:- whh fl, ût nte th mot o ontncvitb e by seaet owaversai-ov, bi bei a :-5 - A. IIwmn neera d a- 1i Iabout 0imy is rn*ie, a i a ea olit --Drs u3y es e Z wIimeif , ovs eaW mwisoublsmeds. I- wsSthq is 'nsof, ýs - -w bu t foe- ILhie akd éiesedheiseI" ineof -d~'I a2 -long st-ry, sud' eau éed. - LayA.a-nmse-re. ras ine it-be, tort-ho ou r 1eSR, t saisi-adertm-hieinavision r e on a hillameStanhope Rosse, vsea li- a. raI. ,$9 wh-gt-e'isqli1 .e.. 'l &outg:ie-c [t-vosisidaau iudrit ,Ise t-b w1B iIW0y5ame et-Phur i msity t- but- fo wrd ,Demefridkiu edh a rgeld. c lt--l pOt.u ;C-~ od a -u fliu mae euse - eln Ç'bl t-4ùem', mal, vhoruy friad is letei-a novytucst diagi-me d of ls e elna Std m thcl eu- e you m e* o < ziola alie . acintat net m1" adsto t- th- tI-t-IblSCI4nl ceat beiveen Racell anti Mlle, t' ri lio. Redealcallesi ,Mile ont, cf biatmntai - emial, I.W. Mai' as weU. qitdt-l is wAmk tan nov." Tisey nandth ir fie avile.- Tîsen'1I(-dell "et a revolIver- from bis tout, and Mufle borrovesi eune fi-cm a frisen. Mflfm veapgn containédeunli on. loiS', vsiie hé linbargfoS lute Rcdell's body., EedýU &iAreS.rapidly bot ivilsili', audof Ïeven shoLa only, one bit- Mil,. Thai atruggied -tôgethcr again. Mileà-hrwe.v elsud, hastI. ,y PreUeg aaxe, leilies i bien-tbe T«s IsnsxY aANa, Hax»NSOME.- liongstesa peoumesa aretpîtoattributc te visat t-bey -vmgely echnebso, or caprice of fortne, vbat la* reafly t-ho mnoat'admimabla mnnfatation:of* a p- tannai - Povidence. The-succos cd riciesoften o 'btaisasibyminufinferior abilities ana meens, furniab an examnple cof tise justice' of- a%>mil-vie Cet lu tlie maghtmeay vo beil tho nions iliioS cur bet-vean tse giftod ana t-S, buforier .aneng, Ïbe biseau apecies, theieugli' andteha badiomue. Semaë unexplanel *symp at- i aIr- reuistibie sttractio, flottes t-hem; sud by Lisese meain teb, unmraceim- provosi. Were tSeranet seapaver. foul.ceontmpoiae, tli arbitra-y fsucier of hSùmmu cïapriceée nd a& ccuoreat a barriamuSt-ugly, ansi insttmaatlî'e 'b. as ad ffectual' exoluded authouga neture b.d setupo t-Sein a sigu cf me- probation. Fer -t-iree, yeare, âa n sselivesi cloue una tenament bouse iiu Troy, N. ,Y., vorking aI li. tssae t veelwigct, d ing lii owu cooking sud bavin*gfýe Mienas. A sentence thtvas oftau on ci lis as, l"vhen-a iman emudo not- fi olse, lia omu die." Soeaiys mgo is 1mo Wavs fonud in is momn, heme se Ssii bulît a f1sý iu s ebarcoîl fnn- auce, elosesi- 4h. viudo*is ail gene ta be'l te silea Oua piay-bill be-laS vi-it- ami,. Zsor x pt-,eb, g senteces: Thus ud e"t -elraI' ,leson. I blava My àegs-é sd ey ùtasaiu.S o- i- be-. ý- cvi-voet begr"-dny- te-of sciei. If a min diembani li [vo egain 2 Wbere ia nsy sou P?-WSene n i ie2-We-e tlcey are, Ibeme nu ti. lin laS 'yecurse la uSaSd. How t-ireS I-mm. v ne ed -dinm are pubuislied vit-i wNocadei2'oike'uoboidi"s buainéss," t-lied, vovoulsi suggest ISmI tliéenu ,aemeu-fr apnouupemente- vhich t-ms ïcivA aprig in tise pepers bus sup-e- sentesé- olvs!"ocailcl At s'raatrimonial bnmeanhlately opu. 3i lu -Viena t-be ledies pSY Ïa fa, a re mequimesi to attend fortt -veheur. maiii', - Mort cmic a re - ýfl ýintroduced. re -,rsquatedt-"Plaithe p-émi, , and nicrea al-vîi raidtotbefr sen- mentei gud acquisie 1.;Oue i' eit ime-*e s ettiesa case,,but more ire «ten paii.* Tisa ladies bhave tse jeri- ege 'cf ajet-ing ael tIsi ble- ng -mulijeetesi teadlilenal fées during ie pariosi for ibic thmy have paisi.- A greatdemIlibas licou saiS -aboutt-ha -naît' cf separatiug.Maisdfp upl u oiglieS peor-bous«esp aap Lntho as. of tise agesi, ileme ne addition e. o lie,,pprebçceda; bliciulmy ges Dprove tisat l-smi a t -by pre. ýr The, Flold voein It 115t-go.nip [tS tê lead ,voren, ville lthe nm.on, rhe bave, genaralli'. ,eated t-bh' iva e os aeocr eg/ to t-Sir- ai'p a re f"ne -7ue. The ouest aceomplibe vay 6f usng 0010" 'atI eseut ,ia te serve t-hetanea Dma dolod, er martleis onbesetcf t-bah' aeqmaiutauce. IL requfrosa ogieo*ldsML èfbdness Sd a great demi of cuio n ak.a est fortt-ne ; sne lén you have get Il mcýquirest-eu-tûms semuebuylt ho sep it. - -- Tara, xcept a. a erivâte Semo-. ýPLttn$ are, au ill4lasged expresi *on self-cnsoso and ms!vaity,-whlals joaûdmble lin- oclàoety.-fHcl. Teb.ow aman, oliserve oheq is s objeet, ratber t-issu be ho loaez il ; r- lsen ve ail, our ride support, us srben vo mucceed il raiyaua.-CbI.- t-Iss eLtelea ineer liei bat a privite whetivereinm grestar-dc-ma Wact- tlmis.st-ve r periormeci on lie isimie ~bIsiug ansi en-diug is atcrnity. is no need *Iierc t4cré .il.d-.;e 1DI-à-il 6

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