Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1877, p. 2

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& il --' . J. T~'oper, Becrotary. r-Tcwaalip of Piekeriug. -major Êarper. rhyleyh-.Pesbody Mdia tut@, ,ZRsidience for Sais-J, E. k sa-W, P.' WllIock,- 54d Dry od.Lig8e Mag frus4aic - J. Nater cf Jao-. Littlh-B lier, àealguee. frrrnRobert Miller, &Asi1 -Wuý P. Willook. te for Deputy-Reev -, ker uun- SNotice.* -B. Boaton. dical Hall-Thas. G, Wut gent lu Witby for Couttî AUCTION SALES. sali f ai Pasok, lmpI.ments1 lia &raperty af Mn. Jiu. B. -Somerv: loît o. 11, la Lhe ôOh concession, Plekdrng, on Fnllay Novembor a 1077. Tiios. Panehirs suctionoor. Pcitpane& sle o a Fa, &opp af Ira Sharrard, La Wodnefoy, 1 ôt1à. TisasPaucier, Auectiooe.. QNLY Sisjo PER ANP4UM, Whltby, Thursday, Nov. 29, 187 PLEASE REMIT. o. Jno. lsld. FilG. orty 77. Pasrties te wlîoiui aceosits han( bcou sel wili julcafie remit arid fsu trouble* and exponsia. Our friandt wull boe'l ur n ird thial ail ssi4crip. t Oîîut area-Paya 1îlo st ictly ils udvunce. j Oves-duea uxourts, unsettîcd by theu 101h ai Doeslnbos-, il hbcshîced in Cous-t for cclkeCtiohî. Meeting af dia Ontario Leglisture. I larssw'ollihiy anuosînaed tIsat th tI.Ontario Legishatu re is ih.bc Aiel tgethes- fos-tise sespatols of business eon Wedneaday, the Utîs of Jsuuss-y. Au the ,Dorniniou Parliaunaut finaL as- sembla ual Iseter- than Feh-uary, halls tise Dominioni ansi Local vilhé inas-. ecSionLiithesaune lune. Thise la setate ai1 iiug8 vhici sbould h. avoided if passible. -Tluaproaoedixgs lithe. lan- ger body vilh aves-liaslow thomcofaitisa Local- Legisisînre b so at ie latter canuot racaive tiat attention or fuli re- portseu is.hedaiiylproase vîiclivouid lie j Acceptalestoc the publie. Ms-. Movat rut>'have Party s-assone for pureuiug tisil Jsxdged aun spepuhar course, butit viii he tuotises- Liiug for hlm te justiiy t,.as lie viiilieo daubl hu cahhail uon Ioda wlin tL Lgishature maocle. re iscertsisly not doing that justice te tisa cousishratlon af tisa affitra oi Lie Provinice whioh lise peole ci Ontatrio bave a sigist tacsxjseat ut th isansîsdeoa s" luortu" Garerrnent. Change hontthe "Mail" Pncprleîsry. A change lias sea usmode ln 1he pro. -* piery Oi tIse Mail hy which Ms-. *Chiilapiaor W.,Ilunlfug buccalnes lise publisisrarnid muni os. Mn Buuting- ilia sgertlernariof ci pleerdisi business abiities, wvioili, vitis ils las-go oxpeni. ence auXl practicasi knawiedge of thse dutieu, vihi be binsgilt toheur lu mràk- ing tisa Mail à payiug as veli as a firsi- iluueutlal ratopayers oaitha ova, cm- brsclng al l sades of poitica, have signal ré equielîlan ta Ms-. Holden te slow imîself ta lia lut lu nominaution lb.thesiyoralty. Ms-. Hoîden le at present ont cf lova. n~ie -requisilion * iii. be presenle o liursupon lus r.- tus-e. * OaulI ho aaept, tiare is fia doubt but lisat h ivili e elocteil hy île- Mn. 'Harpe s utcul oianreeovo, sud Mr. 1*iaw for tisa depsîty reeve- elidp.- Ioth are goosi mon. W. shlah hlikel>' havà otîes- gentle. mounimaling tiseir ariauncasueute lu 11e1t wRe'e ieAue Of tii. RNCuliîLg. Ms-. Gibsjoin wlso lias obtainel aIl Lie Ilghosî municipal honiore, nu) Lathe vundeauslip, vilI not, va are giveri La unulls-tand, b. a eanidsate allié ousu- ing municipal olooLion. The council mii ho al tisebottier by tUe infusion ai nov blood., Wiitby's Ises mon ]liane uL ai ah ccupied souts utLtho couail board -- durlng tihe past yesn, ad tley ove it e tise hovu lagive 0the natepayona lise * lieelit af their expenisuco, intelligence, sud businest qualifications. Tien. is amaple, matenifi fsrn vhiah ta mako a goal soleiou. Let us havéeLise boat men, regardIons of ahl poiticalcasiî.r.. ve io Mail Arrangements. T Mr. Spny, peut Office Inspecter, vas hiWhihby oenuMonday la consultation viti Ms-. Haîleu, MauagigDinectos- cf lic Witby P. P. & L. Railway, su La - imps-oviug Lthe postal-iacililies vith sthé -narili Aloug Liselin. !s- ailvay. TU. prisent coits-sots us-o, vo uudéeatauîd ta e b.re-mnn an a sdsual, nenet securel as willlbeter meet the. public couveuienceo lu lieaounaty ai Ontarioe. Ms.Haldeon bs a icmpiiisd L tii -Tseseacu la naos' upan ne vheu A goalhbook os- an' euterhaluling aud ln. struetine novapaper as-' magazine lsaa --- greDt nlcis$rattem. u Is ,$canuccîlon vs ask thicattention cf aur s-osies-sta thO. lew advertioemeut of Mm. 'J. 8 Robssraon, book"elornla tuas- cal- umas, Reig 5preparel ho supply lie Englilb, Asuerican Rnia aadian Port. asIleale et ubIibens laos martes, sud U0Isolhpv= ysdfor usta th@ pub-. th u éyiiraagîy rély Upo,itî 8h. tian ldI- of Wiii V.w1uJ m. ag9aîi0Stheeconnty. Their ne w YMAIInwtoluta.5 dM7, mat liée"a 1ntention AS ta Seca Hon.. Âttorney- U gotpt M.fn1r , asehainudcto -tos eMr amridnPa ïeruc n Toot onoral Mowiat and obtalu hie oplion, W"-tby t Sh al h<in9 Il.z beliieve notiliag furhi u-Tr ontro and:: inhSobol cd to a tusi in te WY ofefeotig a They met byprvious rrangement ESoit oornlishd lutii vayai efe litg turnumout thai Bighi Sohool leachart vers dhflt, sestleraent. Judgment vs #q"l agns with tmooo Alshanst rmou iu delivercdlufavar of Mr. Sheriff Bey. ToratD,nodfoubtgsttlngtholr pWi, or noM. aon thie esubmitie& to thoe"thoir choler g t about the forthconug court, dLractlag to uditord te "ezamlnatlons. 0 vhat OxtOalI WhI8b "H l :lgh>School bu hefttts& ly thi, vl- audit tihe accn. ThIq h &bve "lainons cea e sare inet yet Ii hie loue. No provision, however, lbas position taessy. That its reputation la becumad forpayent f tvery- mch Iarnithed, unions vo have beaumad fo payenlof ho nmsnefarther dlsolosizrs, thire. u ie na and Lh. Sheriff ole nwlst ta I.ls"ot. rosources ta siaforce 1ù. Tih.opinion A aorrespondent aofLihe OhawaBe.- that t th Provincial Govnnmeut hs formeor vrlts: liable for thei aniunt, but tiât the, "As a&loysl citizen ai 8h. Tovnship af hav tepa ti. mne Ii ,Whitby 1 have alvays deivefi a vu#t ccuuty Wllvii t@02UY n amouatof pîomn»re tramth. varions suc- ti. flrst instance, aud osu thon proceed "cses aehl u y ur eouMt ova lu 18. agaizit Lb. overemnt ~ iva:: "' i' - h.ler ovas 0ai aur Prm- agalat he gvermentby etiton-of-vince. Heoruducatlotal nstitutions hav rlght.bofaro the Supreme Court ta have ::bee uloglsod as second te nom ue i1k cair ntecountry. The tudents ai tihe anunt recouped. - "er :Hlgh Sohool ue.klng houarslu the "varions Provincial eoamnatlons, have The Amnesty ta O'Donoghue. "beeon able tao soive them, apparoutly, as lthaut a strnggle. The. Govrueï ae #o$Iae nol zoom af th. Institution abovo ernenthav prclamedto entons wefil dth. n&a astudents amnesty- La Profeser- O'Douoghue. "vrltteu lu letters afi "living gal&"Iw Evenath Lis late day, there la reson "are prend of this, as vo aire taldthatth*M W" ioename v. bebold havepasseu ah to b. thýanifl for doing a much iojur- "ad a&lcf hhu ezamnutins canutsinod lu ed an hissimle et f jstie.The. the University curriculum -vitlroul ey ed rsa ta smpleact f jstic. "ng obtaned anj assistance hayond that excuse that O'Douoghue's position vas "gvon vithin IbD four voila ar th. - said not eibr undrétod m go or w "W Oilthy Institto.Tnbaen!o ualbeorsunertoai naygofo v h ea lir E totinsYuavble ctn- aut iL le wortih Thi. Gaverument wiflonîy #1firnm1fr. Edis Tortht laârsotiset.1 nYuae bard ths onemoprlsirly. get credit for yielding te 8he political "Yau ave urd tai ee aié a*u ledln noeosaites cf tii. bour, aud la tLb. fac;~no dout for flthy lacro, jtaeachieve a' af the. slern dernand ai Lb. Iriahaiuuoaf::Proleulal succion. The. question Ihat arOis e l.minds ai th. pablc £8pre- Canada. IL shows Our Cunutryrnon -d' snut Mr. Editor, la tis. How man visit eau lbc acconpilhd by s unlted gentflemen w hase =mnes stand ont in sucZ effrtsu thtwlîretisy îsv js. Elbob on the vila ai the Whl8by @Sor, ad tht, herethe hav ju. 'dMghSchol ere aslatod lu thoir lahara tie. and right at hheir aide, no govern- ', by "trips ta Toronto" and introduced ta sncb mn&As Adamn Pattorsan. I ask Ibis ment eauAafford te diarega*rd thair lun."uetio= ae 1 havesa vital internat ln thse flingne. Altlîough Lite- -Goverament wtbyfllgh Shoal."1 may now say LiaI action wss takîn as Aud on tis thîe edîtor of Iliat jour- far back asti. 2th cf September, be- ual 813y8: foi'. Quebe Easst vas thonglit afIthe . ti au easy matter tel p asan exainu ation iter belng pnlmea for àin l this pIes wili uat stand. The ime for "isblan, and ûtii. by 11gbcheol action vas viien Mr. Catigan'. motion "di esagb atk atiua ual vas braught up ln thse fl$nse, sud :: veijpf1-havebeo au ht nanhaLra vladi anuety vs oposfi b Mr "'ashion. Othervia. a veny rave sus- whiù Anestyw"plcione vilMr.reat on8h. boeafides ai their Mackenzie sud ie s upporters te a man. "somewlhat longthy and mucii bosteci Aiter Mfr. Blake's violent speech lu de-."'honr olal.'"I nuncialion af Prafesser O'Donoghue While feeling Lie deep humiliation upon tsat occasilon, the yieidiug of the ai aur position sud the unmenited dis- goverunezît nov la auly anothar igu grace brouglit upon tic Wbitby High cf weaknss-sven if the aci ofam rnesty Schoal, v. would beg ai aur cantem- is not attributable ta a corrupt motive. poranies ta spare their * taunts. The Il uow turne ont that the statemeut achool, va assent vitlr confidence, le thaI tb. Order in Concil grantiug arn- not isnplicated lu lb. guilt of tii, af- nesty to W. 1B. 'Donoghue vas psased feuding teacher. 0f tis, ample proof au the twcutietb ci Septenîber-linin-viihgievie teinsiaio correct. IL wae the recommandation oa ilbcgvnwethivsiaio the Minister of Justice whioh bore Iliat that lba. bien demsnded shall take l date. The Order lu Camaeil vas really place. The affence imputed ta thet pned ou the fourth af October. teacher wvas personai 8W hiroscîf sud - the pereori whoae evideuce vas givon Wreck oaia U. S. Man of War. haAr . V_-0. on, Mu to -onI TUa United States man-ot-var Ht, fo -ur gang, vas vs-eoked off Foi luns-ce ou Satnrdlay. Tise neosel wer pièces. Ont ai 185 parnson o he ly 8i0 une seportd aveil. rI urt Sd Meeting ef Wisithy Market Associs tion. A meeting of tha Whithy Market AE tiscialion iras hleid ah lisy's Bs-lisl Ausericans Hotel, lait bMonday evenlul Thps-o vus s good tattondurtuce csf mess bers abont fcsty bicig preseut. TUe afficers elect.d for the crii yeas-as-- 1>eisnt.-N. ]Ray. ulud Vice- Presidnt.-Y. Gibson. Ts-enrer.-Geo. Hopkine. Secrary-W. H. Hlannass. l)irecters.-Mleserc. J. Stosse, SarnI Paves, C. Penuyiegioru, C. Weuiake il. Gssnhd, A. Pnîghe, Jr. l'h was rresi Sis aL a fais- ho held ai WVitbý ou Tliixredsy luth Iloasîier, ut whîicis ibrsi prize wili ha <surûd puticrlîrs cf wvliiyl ho given. Tise-meeting adjourued La nico again on Ps-isay avcniug next. s- s. h s. g WtauTUY 111FLE ]RArcar-GuLosrsc Msvruu, 187.-A sweepstake match v-as fisel anar tIse Wlitby rifle sange on Thus-stlay 2Qia Nonombes- arcsng the mousUeseof thé club ah 400, 600, und 600 yards. Following as-o Lia icones: - a m s t d J, P. Taylor 21 18 Jabu Tweedio 21 161 Major Whîite 11) 18 Jas. Sulivan 1217 15 Oven Mas-tia Il 186 Mjr.0'Donovau Ii8 10 Gais. Ogetoîs 12 5 O10 i-de 17 2 0 6 Total. 66 48 46 44 48* 89 231 28 Ooidmmiths' Hall, irATCHSIEANDO JEWELiIY. Do Yosn waut s aîssi Luiht gars vell, Wlh inrks ai perfect Manufacre'u, Iu beet ai gol d dilver cass, WVansanteI asgeoal time.keepcs-s ? Do y ou vantut rgm, chis nor broocxe.q, Leaketo, mInIs or Christmas prescrits ? 1 should angne-, I sin'xhd tel i iou, Go sud u'ske Tour. lsestuselectioxi; Go vhere Yi-au îejustlyIelt vith, Go vUes-e i-onribay Lathechapest. GO te GssLnsîîvruuI'eHALLL, iu Whitlsy, Ands hiave a talIs vithMr-. Johuston. Tîu'. Arceoare iDELrîOAs-.-IliShop Cnusy, lise Apostohie Delegate, lias an- nivel iu Ottawaaund is th gueet of the Governos--Gene-al. IIOsi. S. C. WOODs, Trestues- aiofOu- tis-la, and bis famihy are lova vIli ty. pliifoleas. Ms-.Wood bUs 8h.sym- patlsy of thue visai coinmmnihy la ils affliction. . 9 Qu»msoEtsinS.-TUe electien Lakes hplace to-day (Wednesday,) tIhe Gavas-n menu--fightiug for tis ves-y existence -hune heft sctiiixg uda. Laevin.- TIse netiug vihh lie close. Tuai DUNKIN ACT- canipigu ta ai uts iseighît in Gucîpîr. TUe gpeut rush far slaves stili cen- tines Ah Wm. Bryau's stove siepet. DAusAGhrnigoode ciieap At Laing & Stevurtes. -- 644.O BrTOereai Moss. latedi & Broe. -s- Cnt tils 'Ont--It May SaeYoun Lii. TUer. isn na persan living but viist suifes-smes-e os- iess wilS LmUg Dise.is, Doaglis, Coldo. os- Canumption, yet sarne womld die nathes- than psy 75 cents for a baIlle of nmedicine fiatvwould cus- tlem. De. A. Ilsslicelo Gerrman Syrup hen ieteiy heen introduccd -lu tbis countr-y from Germany, sud its uvandaus ens-es astoiali orsy coethat bs-y il. If Fan douta visut v. say lu ps-le ut, u li.ont sud laie iL Le yens- DruggisL, S. W. B. Smithu à Ca., anmd gel a saniple botthe for 10 centsead s-y, os- a regains- sire fer 73 cents. DwoeN IN iATE 1 WLLINCITOIO. -Tiio:dirt day's polling in welington Êives a majorlty of 100agaînsothe Utnkinby1w IU TÀX o%4 -r a 1. eoo nul u,-.una Me ,..oVWi55iQi. Nuono o sth papors vere or conlid have been used ii the eclucol. Noue a fi tii aler teache: vero privy ta the vrougiul &et ai Mr Davidson. ÂAnd kuowiug them as wg (Io, veeaucarspaak in advauce for Mr Willisi sud 8h. other assistant teachen tisaI tbey wauld ha incapable of de acending La aucli s degradatian. Li us by aIl measabava the. fleat oe. quiry, snd ve ara ostirfied the resul yull prove, aveu ta our tauntiug confreî. e af tIse press, thalt te houer ral c Whitby High Schcool viii atill b. fauna uutaruislied. We eeek ualta justify ci palliata wliat ha, been dloue. It hoî beeri prosnptly condemÉed in Liese colmmue. But tliý violesachool aud ail thie otiien teachers, by implication, should riot bo deuouncad bocause of the sin of oue inan, and that committei outsido tlia echlool. The represonta. tires af edaeation in Whitby fiel the full meaeure of their reponsibility in thie înatter and- wilI take gooci care that, s0 far<Us thay caui, nothiag ahal rerriain unlone in reinstating the Wliitby Iligli ileoolli te good nume before the pu blia., Mn. Davideau'm Statemnent. The folloving le tise evidenceoaf Mis. Davideon haes-re tUe Educutional Corn- 12mission: e James Danideen via ssiI ho vas Mathemâtieul lahser il tie Wiitli Hligîî ScIsool. Ile kuew orie H. W. Stanley; lie (Stauley) tootc lessons from hum lat sesion withs a niew ai vniting for aseacoul-clas ces-ifiaste. Witues emeniles-el Uaving Ual a con- versation witi Stauley lu refes-encé to th. pceeibiiity ai thse lutter oecuring the exuminstien papes. He (witasa) mcutioed Aluni Pattes-son se a pesee viom i. boiened cel geL the papéro. Wi-tsess, sites- muaihesitation, isalI thse narn ocf LU. ponson vha tald i un LiaI Pattess ariis in a position go prs- cure thiePalpes-s vas David 'Walsh, a teacîrer lu Dus-hum County. Walgh gave hir tise infos-mation lu 1878. Witnes insoto te Pattersori, il thoes-e- qmest ai Stanley, abouL Lie p apessald appointosi thé Union Station as Lie pVlace viiene Lhe tva sisond meet. Wituoesud Stanley %veut L Toroanto an Moulay, 2ud JuIy, sud ssw Pattes-- sau, visanaded Stanley copiea ai tic papas. Witnies;sites-vars-devrkod part ai Lue algelira sud asitinietio ques- tions, but 'made o uc opbes aifLieni. Bofone the oxamination bognu ire lid ual kuov tisa contents ai LUe papore. He il uaL gin. uuy pupil as- cudidate infos-mation except Stanley, ansi ho 1mev of rio otiies-franduleriL praaticea. By Ms-. Ilodge-Wituess reecinel is certificat. ti 1873, adliai no papes os- olier uniis-assistance stthLe oxam- luation. Stanley IraI ouly eue asrmn d eyrnpsthieing vitîr hlm in hie affliction, vituces assietes i un. Stauley isd not beau a îsupiî of tise %Vithy Higli Sahool fer Lsssee os- four yeare. gauediau National Society. Tisa cenmittoe ai Moutreal gentle- men apJ0ltel Le frma aconstitution for LUeuîe 9aiety harounnnmomsly ugs-cnd upois lIe folloving platiar I. '£Ueousme cof tire Soeioty su li e "lTIse Cauadien National Society." Il. TUe objecteaiofLUseSociety ehal he; (a) -The maintenance ifsa trnhy na- tional Canadien Society cornpoaedai ail those via depis-o a psomate a sprit o a Iinoy and mutual tcenfdence anI ta lester tliseneetimnof'aiCanulisu pahniotiam umoug al classes et aur people, irreepective cf thoin polifit s.a sociations, thheis- national aigiu, as- thsis-religions helief. (b) Tire discussion an theis- mes-ite et ail public quetians affechlng theinelu ten.sts ai Canada fs-cm thie shsulpoint cf country befors pasty, tise infusion ai s spirit of patriotiom ici maltassoa goves-unu, ai ma<eratiou lu paitias, sud afjustice iliii.enactiert snd ad- ministration aifLthe lave. (c) Tho -vigorou devalopmnuofi ans internai resaurces,. lthe promotion ai immigration, tire incesose ai aur tral. relations ana intercaurea viti foreigu counitriés, tUe advana.merit cf Canada sas a nation. sud thie iisuelopmsut af a Canadian national sentiment. (d) Tho encouragement ofaICsuadlau iterahare. (e) Tise apprnshe cehoibration of th ifrst ofJ3uly..Ma canadien holiday. III, Tii. mottao! 'tàsacis'ty shil lie 'Mamt tout e V lD acsego w." rr.T re C r. 0 etW . Bc? thse tri 'er oaoea, bimaui value ,y -that a Lie mooy net decda<t lsken by til couaernlDg' catch sud i remains- mi fore. Oïcs terriLrlal oc suass~ tumrmur uaqsauoy 0 unDOit Goverament. Whou sIt li conalde: liaI tié eham fereCmpensstion fer1 privUelofapurehalihall, transis rulsd ouIeai-8h. Canalian case, i svardi o h eiwvola Véryss 1it The Wuain'toaTrStytbin e vs tire, emain avaoan iatiemi for fisi the rvilegsof '0aryl 9gc lu bond, anusriatl oai&a ui i millions for the tvIva yuans. 'T Amerboan Ca rla an d OCa hava been vary cordIal in thirr ac nîLion oaihélibe rsllty, h b av*ia *lti sud oatthre. sblty viti viilei a ease bu bean ocauced. The a deuce forthe Osuadl u@as.uvsait and Comploes se lbvu possible make lb sd u w mii itigoustdi otia n. Tie Amorlesusriogarlze9 ofithé Osuadian pria,vii s rneuntinod ou lie viol, s fig Ps-uuing Shears--N;otice. lu noenence to certain statames vliicii have apparainluthe Toran papers sud Western journals as te Ps Lie, having frsudnlontiy obtainil uat frcm farme-s fan Lie purciséi of Prui ing Sieurs, tlb. ndadougned leuir.. utile Lte epublic Liat lie party. parties via nepn.ssuted L th.prunu Sies onoly shoveliàsmple-vhi perbsps :iey brought (nom Lia oh sido, cotutintLa611 ali ardues liese shoaanud fakiling te la mo-smn WC know oaiu nobaipatent graulel canada. Iu lefenceofitLie O'Connor Ps-unic Shesru, beg t as>', thhe havz nohu ta do vils Lisat kind of praclici. Son: of the boat mon iu Oshawa (viz., Wu Taylo-, Win. Thomas, lhs May Bras sud ases ave onganized à, &loc Comnpany on saia O'CoiNOe'sS Basst tire amount ai #25,000, sud *re bain themn mauufsetu-odsallié A' S. Whii ing & Ca. Manuactory. Auy spec represouhiug tise sale fon asid Compas wiii lie able tea li ail ondes-s, ongagi J. L. O'CONNOR, Patente#. f LITTELL's LriîG AGE Fon 187E fd Tiré ancoes ao i Listerling périodia s- ls oviug ta Lie fiel that il enahues oni Lewia eop ontlsy ai ime sud mon.î to eppao. viLS toe beat ionghts ani le lites-alune ai the day. Houa. iLs 1lm A postance La eves-y Amenloan rseder, 2, TUe ableet living conts-ibutans te peri ea odical liles-ature as-s reproeoted in iti dpages, soinecf visose naines vihl bi founul inthé prospectus publiseélil nuotiier calurnu. t Il ias auvays stood aLLihe iesd oaii cias, bosis in tise quslity sud qusutit' ai Ltie reading funnisabe; and lu fatLil afferds, af itseif, sa tharough sud cem. plate a compendium o ai ylelaof!im. amediate inteneal on permanent value is tUe literas-y vos-Id se Larendes- it au ilu naluable ecouarnizen ai ime, lahcn and Miouey.la tho Midle ai peniodicahs of Liprsent 'tini,-quarterlles, montislies sud veeklie,-euci s publi- cation hias hecomne ahmost a uocessity tu *enu- er anfmiy deairing ta keci veiinformlel i.boulliterature ai tire day. Fan 1878, au extra ailes- ismal, le * li new suhecrihos ; and redued club- bing nahe. witi olier penaiois ana aImaieu bgy vinhai asuhacrihen niap nta remarksbly arnail coat alitais lise aroam cf bath home and foreigu lJitera. tus-e. Tiice salecting tueis- poniodicals ian the nov yoas-, oul do veliLa oex- amine tise prospectus. Iu no atiser vsy that vs knov of cau s aubsenlber lia put lu possession ai Lb. bout wviic tise curs-eut lites-tar. ai lisevos-Id if. farda, ua ehesphy or convniently. Real virat tire People &ay lu Regard ta thereé-et Sirasoues Rernedy sud Pillu. Levi Jones, Markhsm, saysu: I' hal a sovas-e sttuek aiflnanchitis. I vau se al 1hâ8 I coul iandly gel niy breatir. I eonglit far a qniok nemody, nd poeing thé SheehanoasiBomnedy 10 iriglly nccormoended, X pracurel s bothie, sarn irsppy ta asay Lih, by lie Minue il vas takea, I vas entirely veli sud hliane nmained sa, sitisough I -wés mmci exposef hhrongii the vinter iu travlling. 11ev. F. B. Stnîttaon, Demareelvill., vsitas : I hauve ounu yaun remediee pasticularly buneicial fan Linon Coin.- plaint, Dyapepos and Broacial Affec. tions, asuud anîl iisoalsimiîarly iffectof tu, gins Liieni a tnal. ,Ms-s. A. D. Pies-ce, Waves-Iy,14 y, trsys : IL slos-la me muai plasune tao express My ireas-tiehI gratitudlas- thre lienefit I nacivel is-oniuslng lb. Great Siasbonees Bernedy. I vaes os-ey affliclel vîtli lyspepsis sud Disea ofai Lie LunugsAiles- iaving used six baI- les, I hâve hecome ireanty sud weILl' 1 noer knev s Medicine ta have suai wondenful effeota, I osunot upeai Lau ilighlyofite mos-its JooiFlayeou, Atuol, says : Whéu traveling ans ai my feel got seseasu brake out. I canuLnso ueiL sn is ta relus-n home. IL becasme bettes-, sud aflervards muai vos-se. I flually pur- chiassa a botîlo of lie Reniody sud a box ai Pilla, sud befor, tioy vos-i haIt gane I conimencol ta improne. sud b.. fore tusy vos-e finlisel my foot vas complstely cutrod. It lu nov aeventeen moulue aiesc, but have iraI no turtisor altacl.sl. i ie teemaly lu plut battles,81; Pilla, 25 cente aàbai. Sald by aIl nicliciné Ioulons. ît le a langerons hing La trille wili s col. A das-key preoher once taîf hie hearers chat ihe thankel Gel "it tire ievil veut about as a rounlng lion, someking viiom lie mugit devons-. Ho inigit catch a peor (sllow vwha diîn't knav lie vas near hlm; but vien h.e iea-d thi. rar ho coula geL ont cf tUé way; if ho didn'l, lie doese Le olie."1 So viien ouaehoana Lie vheezeoaithe cougi vhioii telle of the aid lion, con. Bum.Btian, hurkiug aronul, hi sisauld fly t'L.WISTAE'8 BàÀsà or Wn5r CHERRlY, anf got o ithe vsy. aifdan- ges-. Tbiapfropsratianh e'*Il kuown, hua beeu Insal nosrly fitYy yoansd la aclsnoledge.b; Ilby hi viraue 18ta l e uniîs-pasued lnits eoothing sud heal- 6 cets nd 4'baoule, Sold by isua n oe e xpedL4et aiAùuvan ie mdiataly. Th Turkve» ramour. o- o ohavaeovauatel Orrauleon Bat. tiCý urday, but lieý report hack& confirme. mt, lion. -Buséla prpartlaus for epeuc. ti failof Plevna4 vhli seasho bocon. »dfdny eknd on as balug lunLiie thiner itue, w iii b. foloved by lthe ap. arrangement af pesa. pralimiarles. il Tii. Edinburg Sàoûissaesà Landu s or- thé, respoadeats cantradlot&Uatheti mport- :7.' snt paote l inith 'Kanchester Gerd- 1 a' la a stional repart. He say-the tot rumeurs are only vaorti rferrlag b.. od au h ton# bave hie impression 'hot thalEngk <Isatioraugiily hoaile .ta Dat Mars CaurclI4 M.Tovu Hall ov. 101h 197. fn Canucil moi. ,eMécbers mli-prisent ta> ezeept Mr. MeBai. Thé Beeveln tire lis. cbair. minuteetolatmeeting* rend thé aud eouflrmed.7 la Thé. lîrk laid on tiie table swards ofi afotnce vievirs lu th. maLter of Meurs Loe and Oae,, MoKianon ai&Madili, sud ai Andrewv <lz and the Corporation; -a Communication (rom DpI of Orova-wu dî t the sifeol nt@ tiraI they iad instruoted A. Fovliî 80o Esq., P. L. B., la proceed viLihths sur- ar voy ou tue SLhi con., and plant manu- men's; an agreement bqolveenA Fov- tes He Esq. and the corporation for igus- in- ture by the. Beeve relative ho aif survey; ta, account afMessrs. Hart andi Rawlin. or son for colleators receipto, 82.50. rgThse seversl rond commissionnel oh anded lu their reporta ai van done or on roads lu their Boeral divisions. on Mr. Sager reoonded by 1fr. Loasrj, ce maves thut tise Reove ho and in hereby in authorised 80 sigu the. agreement bc. Ivean A. Fovl. Esq., sud tis caor. rg aîion, sud attach tise corporate- seal Dg tiiereto. Carried. Do A by-law ai tb. truatees af sahoo& a. section Mo. 10, Marst,vas baudod lu an sd rend. ,k Tise ouncil intraduces! a by-lav to autharisiug tLissumae ai a debenînre cf 138 said section 10 Lbe paymeuL af #250.00, i- vhicii ou motion of Mr. Seager second- nt ed by Mr. Thanipsan vas rnd a firmt Y and second tirne sud the conucîl vent 0- into aommitteeai tue virole hhereon. Mr. Songer in 8h. chair. Tise several Clauses ver. passed, sud Cammittee rose aud neported Lthe by-law vithout amendrnentm, viiich an motion af Mr. B. Leary vas then rend a third ime and il "d "sOn motion aif1Mr. Songer seconded Sby Mr. Lesry, 8h. follovrng aoccants ver. andered tq b. pai.d:-A. Oumeron, caiseoaifeuce. novergawaard, ou the 5th concession, $15.00 ; aIse for caste af avard iu 7th con., $4.00 ; Thos. MLeunon, caeseof avard lu aeutre naad, $ 4.00 ; A. Cammaeron, wan ounSîli acon., lot. 12 sud 18, 8196.00 ; J. Law- ronce, do lti eau., lots 5 and 6, $40; SPeter MoGoveru, do 118h con., lot 18, $6. 60 ; A. Fergusan. doa 7th cou., lot 8, li $84 ; G. Bruce, services ae Commis. slouer, 824 ; M. Corrigan, vork ai OtU con., lot 21, 816; Pst amry, d M. Pt. roadi, $21; John MoDoasd, do Moncki rosd, 841.80 ; P. snd L. Csnni- gan, vork an 8111 cou., lot 14, $60 ; Pat aHaley, dao1lot24, 88 ; Domiuick O'Donall do9th cau., lot 6, 851 ; Pat Duffy, do 128h cou., lot 11, 820 ; Messrs. Hart & Ravluson, collectors receiple, 82.50; PWrn. Boulton, coite ln avardl af fonce vievers. 86 ; R. Bae'onr, vork on Oth con., ot 21, 8; Grant ta Mars Agri. culural Society 840 ; Andnev Coi, ditchlug ou loth con., 820; M. Duffy, do 111h oon., lot , 860 ; Mns. Bats.. mnan, au indigent, $5. On motion ai Mr. Soager, Arthur Luuroa, Jas. Jondan or., James Jordan jr., and Jererniais Deomold are ta psy 81.50acii se tlein miare ai the ota ai above avard, an the dth con., the @mre ta bc collectaI by thse collecter ai taxes lu tise usuel vay. The collectais bond vas thon rosd sud proving satisfactory vas accepteil by the Counoil. Concil adjaurnol 80 second Satun- day lu December. Wbitby Tovnship Council. Broaliln, Nov. 121h, 1877. Canucil met pursusut ta adjon - ment; al hi. members present. Reeve lu the chair; minutes of isat meeting rond sud appravol. Thie reeve read sud laid upon Lie table the petition of William Lahre, pnylug te iiiattacied toacshaci section1 On motion cf 1fr. Holiday, secouded by 1fr. Smith, it vas rasaived 1-ThaL the. Reeve on behluf ai Lis Caunuil do iu sud cause ta ho fonvardel, te John Hlan, Chainnisu ai Exemptiou Coni- milIce, Toronto, thei. poLion laid b.- fore tub cannei!, witi tise Corporation seal attaclîod tlrereto. Ou motion aif1fr. Holiday, aecauded by Mr. MaTaggîs-t, a by-lav vas intro-a duced sud passed, appointiug R. T. Harrison 80 perforai th. duties impos- ol by Section Il. Cîsîptor 18, VicI. 40, lu reforeneneL Union Solsoul Sections. Council adjouruel 80 lot Mouîay lu Deceurber at ton o'clocok.A WILLIAN TO nBE xso£UTID.-Tiie Shorif hau racoived Inatructious from OU**&r tha tbte law muaâtaek@ its cour» nlubetise»ss of Williams, seriteuc. .1 8 b. bangol ou Friday next for tireA murd.en altils vue*ai Westoa. Oommttee of tua- PnlvyCaunoil la7 rouerd - eipttcsl'of-the'Kiciaope, saMusta IMaIs vahuable edlug snd îngnsviugs, :;ituil belyv'orth far morealsu ita coul. r ITYM4.RB T8. COauaîrau07FUM jq'Nov à, Flaur, purbil--------...06OQ.0 0 0 il! Who"ea..........*Il 10à 1 Sprng Who.... 410 a fi op Pasly ...............0065 #,8 Peaublack4yl..y.... o 08, Oats..........858087 Com-----------7007e * ppue........... U Patatoos... ....... 8g80ë40 Egge .............. .170 ta 00 B3utter...... ....1 (à 0 e Wood........8 0 a85 00 wono...............2. f B3ud, hind quarter....6 50 08700 Beai, ions quarter....15 000#5650 sheepall...............0750f1 25 ]ai&#es..................0086#o00 Pork, par avt--------...4750 5 Lambe ...............-8 ......a.............408 onions-----------900t00 Tnrnlps------------..... 10 Cheese-------------... le @ca Carrots......... . 1-------- Chlakausg perpain...80 O050e Duake per pn----------...800 @ 600 Goose........ ....... 04d0060 hTres a b ....10e0 80 WHITE VALE MARKETS. Repos-tebdsudeoarretel veekly, by T. P. Whltevaie, Novembor 26ti, 1877. Wite Wiest..... 1.10 @ 81.25 lied Wuer.. .... @ 1.10 .1ig ...... . 00 I. @1.08 Iforpar barrel, iamily 86, pamtry 87 Shorts perton.......814 @ $20 Brsan...... éf..........12 .rawi ....... 1.10 at 61.18 PORT PRY MARKETS. Wha, Port Pers-y, Nov. 2Mir-1877. .81 00 81.0 whea.nominal Banley ..............O...050 (O 55 Pen$..................... 055 -00 Oats ................... IJ80 081 Rides,.................. 6 00 000 Pork.---.--............. 00.... Buter- ........... .... 17 O018 Eggs ....................OIS 01S Haày-----------------....12 00 15 00 9ý" Notices of Birikt, Main-goe, andic Deatl, charged 60 cents eac7u. WILLCOCK- At Whitby, ou tise lti met, tUe vile of W. p. Wilcock Emq. ofasoea. DEBA T.HS. FRAZER.-At Tameni, Formosa, China, on thse 4th October, ai pnerpgral fever, Jane Eliza, laughten of Jacob Wells, Esq., Aurra-, aud vile ailiev. James B. Frs-aer, M. D., Missicnary of Lise Preabytenian Chanchinl Canada. Tise daceasee lady vas aster-iu.lsvw ipe.(locoa.-Gratefai end Coma. Iorilg-" By a thorough knowlede af the.natrallava whichgovern tg: aperatlons of digestion and nutrition, and bv a carelul application af the dne poete01Well-oelected-cocoa, Mr. àlIn han provided Our breakfast. tables witha delioately flavorsd beverage, wiih mg' Hae us m'any beavy doctora' bill.,, 18 l9 b the indicions use af mach articles af diet tbt a' constitution may be gradually built up until atrang enough ta restât every ten. dency ta diseaie. Hundreds aisubtia mala dies are itoatlng &round us ready ta attack viierever thereinlaaak point. W. may escape m--y a fatal uhait b kesplng our-ý selves Wall iortxfled wlth pure blond andag praperly nouriahed frame."1-Oivil Bervice Gatraits. .Sold only luPackets,. labelued,- "James Epps & Ca., Hamoopatho Chem- lita, 48, Threadnoedle Street, "and 170, Piocadiliy Landan. NIEWADVUTISEMENTS. BY- LAW, No.- A y-a t idad-#00- hePchr A plie larbaid andaseiuitiier. byldnHro th Cmpay îte gup ofndin ta i/eand dol.i/c lsm o aif p izseathedol- oars, anta ut/w jr ih t/cerissue afndebeautes f 8e is urteeo atahepay spe8oiaheaei nd tepy eîsts erbyc t/e <eS, Wire-eaTIre Pickering lIabans- Company (imitel) his expeudel upon tire pu- chase sud isprovémnieriîoai tieir vars lligvihin the Township oai-Pick.ni a-m. nn01&butslzhy <hoasslIof ud viséseu ts tiud Compasny propos, ta, expeul fus-tIr-coueldeablo sums iu cu- las-gin g their Elavator, exteudiug the vest Piers-,dalou otuer iniprovemente. Ausd viereusathee sidCaniuni,nde- a staLute ai Canada, 4Uis ictoria, chap. 67, la autisorizel ta issue bauds os- le- boutures ual eiceeding lu Lia aggs-egate Tventy-ive thonsînd dolla-s, vici -dabeutunes shaiblbairst charge outhe prertie8s allnsd revenues ai ssiI C mpsuy. And, -wireesthLirereopeniug af tise Hsrbou- ansd Wo-km iste said Company and- the lipsovemeuts ticseau b avéeprael a mIunt continue to, p so r i eoi And Permansent elvantage ta tie Tovn- oipof Pickerilng, asud wviadvautae vIbo iurtheeéhaced b y tire adEl tienal eipenditur propoe«.d AuI vires. by tire mot -etpcctin]g Muniaipal institutions lu tie Province ci Ontario,ud b ytire Act teamnu tise sarnpaîsaIAuhe tintysevénth, yesro r a e-Msjaaty's s-aigu, chupter 16. thé concil ai auy Tovnship may pau by-lavs fer londlng mouey ta auy in- carpes-aLoI Company, lu respoectlaosuy Ra-bou- vlhior nanuean muci muniMci Anpraii thty cuiyfo àla- o tn vieMyosth secsdolyrs nyamlsu a trvey forssud doelass ompl hou ponheid or y te isueai loeetes-es th ai u isétshe Côipay, sudpr oteceyi iti eieUtI 8h.eCoay' rpo-ti-n lth leTopdnshiaiofh.icrpo aodnid tire Tailp c» si lComeny souilai ciud asmlt theie mail Cofmpn y tvay cf 'olo a ts ctnt-cfteuyti &nI vises-as I il require the am ai Sana uhuas-éd sudort y-four cdol- larsta he anaitolauusly by epeclal rate on tho viele zslesblop-psLc thé uuiclpsitylas- tire palymentaia saidsi am ci tveaty thoanuldola~ sud lutéreet tiereon. uil viro, the amont aiftise virale rate- able propert- ai tue sid T huipa Pickonlng acce-dig Lao lutshnevi aud equaisel asseosmeat Roll for tue -yeas-iranstus-, saiions ssavon hun- cand iasty coihiroussans uehun- IraI anA f-.vmoudllas. (8,741,157.) Wss vie-oe tha--amount 0ai Lire ltiag td.bt ai tirs Tevnshp - ,-Pleies-lug l9 four, thoumaul dals, sud tuene huan part oi tua princpalas- intereet tue-ea kni, ies-oasloir PaZU tlia lebentures IM8706, on he S.1t day cof Decamîer, 1l80. th1o e e i s 8 . d ay af D eac b ýr, l O 6k 897422,on the elut day ai Decomber188, #1082,,ou th.81%t day ai Decembr, 18M, 0l9.4,u tiseisit. day ai Deeomben,1M90 8fO6.89, oâtue Blet day ai Decembar, 1891. 819.8ôa ie8hdya i ot Dacmber, 189. 8180874, on lb,81.1 day ai Decembe, 1898. 8188207, an tue 81.8azy ai Deicember, 289. 8144.68, on tue îsit day oi December, 1898 015466, au tue 81sL lsy ofDecnrber, 1898. #1074-65, an the 818. day of Decembar, 1897.' And sncb debeutures shall be mnade payable ett8hé Bromch orgaRAeCy ai the Do. mlnilnuBank-in 8he Povuaif Witby 4-1 TireailDehentures shail bear iter.' Uesuad asitu herata ai1 six per cent. par annum ftram tueate tuereoi and sir inteneit sirail ho payableyosrïy on lire thlnly-t sdsyaci acomberinluch sud everyJoar tagotuer vltb 8h. de- bontures taon iaatlung ah, the salI Branah or Ageuay ai 8heaMlBapk, sud mach Dobentures shal have &ttacised thereto cupoas for tue paymant ai ths intereat tuoreois. 5. For th. p sedif paylng tue debt hereby creat'iu annua inatalments as tboy may mature, and tue lutereet thereon as horetofore proviled, su equal annual specillrata af iorty-seveu hua- dredth parts cail in the dollar,$iha in addition ta ail atuer rates be asses- Bd, leviel *d collected in eachyear u on aIl thre'rateabla property vithinte sala Tovnsh.ip ai Picker!ng, dunung tii. rraitveuty yeana iroza tii.day bere- Inile'trl appointel for the comlng luta force af tis By-lav. 6. That imzuedlately atter the d&ta here- malfter appolutad ion tise ooming into force sud effeat ai tis By.lav, 18 sahâi sud may b. lavini for tiie Beeve ai thîs Mnnicipalty, sud bêe b erehy instruct. ed ta baud aver ta the. Presideut ai the mail tue Pickering HanborCouipauy, ikdie) thesDebentnneaaci thie Corfora- tlien, anthorized ta ha ussuel under tis By.lav ta tue amouat ai twenty thons- dollars, sud payable as ta amaunt sud dates ai matant y as above pnoscrîbed, upo receivlugifrom the Treasner of tiiunlolpality a certificate tiat tuer. has beau depoalted viis thé saii Treain- urer by or ou behelf ai the ssid Lhe PickeningHsarbor Gompany(limited De. beutures ai tue Bsid Comysuy ta tue fuil arueuat i tv enty-ive tiionssul dollars, beaning tise corporate seal ai tii. mid Compsuy, sud beiug tue fun amant of bonde sud debentunes viricir the Company la autiionized ta issue, sud vhicii debeïituxes shah be malday able at tse mraisor .Ageucy itue Dominion Bank, Wbitby, ta twenty.five equal annual instalmerits ai one thlons- and dollars mach> sud shah hbc made payable on thei. ttieti day ai Novem- bor in esch ansa eveny year in tise yeane eighteen bundred. sud aeventy elgbt ta tue year nineteen inndred sud tva lu. cînsîve, that the dehentures ai thre aaid Company ta tiie exteut oi tweutyllve thoueaud dollarsusmaturiug betycen Lhe thirtiets day ai Novensiber. 1878, sud thirtieti day ci November, 1902, shall have iritercet coupons attaciiel payable yearly o, tisee sil Lirtieth day ai Na- veiser, ilu ch year, fan Lie anusaif $744, sud sisaîl b, made payable as Wo priciand ute-est, at tiieBs-sncb or ofeyaitiie Dominioni Bank, iu W tb.That the said tise Pickenring lisbrCompany (5isit-ed)p shah soake such othera-rangment us se the coonis ai intereat on their debentures, visich 1thet .Municipal Couilitesl To nsi i1cenrg may appear more alvisable than Liie matiod above presc-lbad. Ts thtii said au= of twerity-five Lhousand dollars of- the de. boutures ai tii. mala the Pickering Har. box Campany (liiteti,) tageuher viti any arrears ai ltereet theneon, shahl form a firet charge upon the properties, tallesuad revenues cf tise salI Company, &Mu00a00e*aiAsthre full arount ai îwel2tY thousaul dolars sud aIl intereet thserean saial have beaunppad by the BaliaCompany, It sisil b. tue duty ai tue Treamurer ai tise saisi Townshiip ta rellnunlh ta tue saIdCampany tue lv. 7. Tis By-lav thsllcorne inta forae sud take eec$ auntise tentir day af Jannary, one thonssul eigiit iridred asu enty-elght. 8- Tirstvelfth day ai Decemben, elgirteén isudred sud seventymovn, ai tue affiaioai Lie Towushlp i es-k, lu tie Tovnship oiPiken, at tire haur of elevn o'clack inthe oreo»o, le e-e. by appointaI as th.eime, and place, tol. t'ho »appoltment, by the Beeve af tie ail 1avnsspoaiperse laattend ai tIre varilons pol. 1places, and tii. dasI sumuig p 0i uavoles ounheaai o the persane im lestel lu and promatlug or apposlug tho By-lav neapeollnely. 0..The tentyieurts dy-ci December olghteen isadrel sud aeventyuenen, ath Li dsiIhomir and lae, la herehy appointeil ai tire tlne sdace las- tie aung utby tIheClerk0 ai h sai Tavnsiiip vniotuember'ai votes gven for sud againet the Bly-lav respeective. 10Thesvotes af the<electors cf tiie ail Tonhp ai Pickeriug, shahl be Laken au is By.luv uu Lie tveuty.eecoud day ai December, crie tusansieîsrit huaIs-cl and seveuty.seven, authLe l.d lOHO 9gplaCcS, andby and hefore Lia f g s-'tnung cfficerss-espetiely, that is ta qay. c- PaR DIVIScONc No, 1, ut Anstiu's scirool ironse-Angus McKsy. PouR Divistin -No. 2, ut tii, Tempes-suce Hall, Klnsale-Beujamin Meen. Fox DIVIsIaus No. 8, utt he Orange HlÉl elgissi col]cessiou-E beneze- Bis-s-ehl. FOU Diuscou No. 4, ut Lie Publice ciccl Pas DivîsuiN No. 5, iL Lie Tovu Hall Brougham-Williami Hubisurd. air Dilvusc No- 6, ut tIr. Public Hall -Claremont-Tionies Dunri. Pas Duvuaxci No. 7, at Lthe Tempes-anas Hall Dubata-Dsnid Giîchniet. Fais Dsvisiox No. 8, ut lie Muisic Hall Whiteval.-JaUu W. Wanci. Fou DriueoN No. 9,sLtue'sairhooî hanse Al- tant-Aluni IEesos-r, Taie Notice Liat Lie abave ls aIrme ccpy ais àproposaI Bi--lawwvia i vl b. talcea into canslderain, by tie Cauncil ai tue Munloipalit-a tua Township ai Pickeing, ailte- onenantsfs-rnLihe fis-at pnblicatiou thoneai lu tie "WZurs-Y CS CsarîE" uevs- pape-, tire date ai vinai fis-st publication vas n sudlethse Tventy.nintiiday oaiNe- venibs, A. D. 1877, sud that Lthe note. ai electaîs ai tire salidTownsip ai .Plckernlug, wili b. takeu tuereon o vteawity-secaas dalaya Deceuher, A. D. 1877, fut the semeaa POa'139g&places, and hy saidbelon.e he-e tus-ulug <ffeersthe-elnmeutionel, arid tuat aul ý.ollinglaee vwil haopamel ut tii a d îm ocock lu the ios-euaou. *DataI tis ilSt day cf November, 1C.77. HRECTOR BEATON, Township Cle-k WAýNITED. LOWES & POWELL. 49 tHOU8f6 8TORE AND- LOT, ATe DUPFZNS'a CEBEFOR SALB. INQEJJLI5GP op Iurmmgo Termiu Moraied auda 8non the. day For furtiier particulas anuivta Bahut' Mlinr, Euq., the. Asigneea. l=aP. 0., or ta G.ý Young Smit,§Îc tIi teesa Wbitby. li,5~ctra sae i4Ovember %th, 1lm. 14 T 0 - T E E E&L E T O R S 0 F? TM M TOWN 0FWHITBY.' At the, requesi of a flam- ber of the Inuen"ll ratepayeraof the toii, Ihave beeinduced 80offr my-ý self as a andidate loi the. ofice - of Reeve at theIorthcoming Municipal, Elections.- I have, only to add that, if eleoted, 1 will ondeavour te serve you s falithfùUll in the future sin thepat, and "that my beat attention viiili e qven tathe honest discharge of the. autiez. a I ave the honr te li, Gentlemen, T-our obedient servant, CARD.; TDO AGAMN OFFER MYSELF FOR J . D ep t y B e ,, for T o vn of W hlltb y to as- L 187-sd esire tretrn thau lastu libena<anspport given me last year, sud isope sitar on, yssr'is experience at tue Couaty Couafi, ta b. omehat botter fittel (if electel again), ta, look aller tue interet of Lhe Townuilu turé ttha iereto- tare, Bespeetiuly,, 49 JOHN BLOW A Complote Seif-Instructor in Plain and Ornemental ]?E NMAN SILP. V OUNG PEOPLE viairing toacaquine à dLai, easy sud beantiful hand wsitiug, .ItnItiiont a teaciier, viii fini tthe Gumzas perfect iristructar.- Huadrede are becani- smg besutiful i-rites-s tbraugiicnltue Do. mninion sud tue United States isy ng it. IL caneiste ofaiserles ai Cas', SLIre ai couveent siZre anprartliug, ich con- tains copies hegiuning with the fis-st prin- ciples and graîually progs-eeuns tatue Most elegant plairi unI ornementalvnriting; au OnArc.UTUzs-i SuEi, eootaiuing Ge-man Text, 011 Englieii sud Oruamntaî Lette- "ug Odisal Flounising ai Birds,Idm. ;.A lious'x ?V 50 PearEs iiti fuil aualyeis sud lu. struction, sud s heautifuly engravel case La caritain Lhe inhale. pris, 81.M, Post Pail. Addrens S. G. BEATTY & CO., Ontarilo Business Callege, -Beleville, Ont. 9M' Agents inautel. Nov, 14. TO, LOAN, $1000 to $1500; On Improved Farm Property. MIs-ces BOX C. 49-4un. Metcalie, P. O., Ont. cLasut 85 sas-es ule- cultiratiou, balauce bardwvac, vILS Sme coda-. Log houe. sud bas-nps-omises. Imniediate posecssion. Tes-ms easy. Apply La praprîicaln ý>ý 49WM.IB. TISDALE, KNGW uhcrfrouadaenal mas e su tbyglaf. icUn raeti hpie t Neusina § andpsealythskirlrue B cncias1tsbsvsu avardà sghda.d flhrer y ad tinslnMO csl.5séeclaa u. 1A Pamphlet tllnsss-ated vitise vccy flnemt s teelEc aiues-a r. 'REALI sentsof aal. 8d 51.11. for it at once. Addre.8 PEABODY mmDCAqsr ~ * IILSTTUTEP, Ne, Ol c-kTnYSEL Inch su., Boston, mal& POSTPONED SALE!, MRl. IRA SHARRD'S SAL5E OF Farm, Stock, Implements, &0c, Wednesday, Decc'îî-b-er, 51he 1877. AT ONEs o'CacrX, r. s. Oarums. .THOMAS POUCHER, Pickeri5ng, Nov. 261h, 1877. Anctionees-, WIDE AWAKE FOR 1878. r B' MANAGEMENT OF WIDE LAwaké cordiall cougrahulate tue ChilIs-eu coucsring ti Twa Ses-li taries for 1578. Bots arc inesh, bright sud strnug, u nI spiritediy llusts-atel, "TUE BLJ" By Ms-s. Luce, Ciisé Bell. Ia a tIr-1111n4 story ai the. lue ai tue yonng ielks in-tue grassii ors-reglone of Lhe greaiNost-s veet. hUTe vonîes-iully lovely aspects ai nature sud tUe bicakues ai "tsyiug ta liveé" fs-a contraste thht give Lie stas-y a strauge witcirery. "Dcc," tue brave cow- herd inho hi in iate'granssud reuasSbaka sudGea-de .Ear1e, the. girl, visa 'cnlat he scauraI,are a pair 0 a i ema wbose lîke are ta be Jousdinl no atuen soy. A General Midudentauin Eb Chuarles. B. Talbot, le sdecideiy .1 10Esu will create a sensation, - amang stas-y readera al amI young. Tise plot ofeai re sy le tac deligirtimi ta h. revesiel blorehaul, sud ita lesond casuboat ho Linglit hy tue expori- once afi "BayaI Lovnie" iransoli. Tii. Stos-y oaiEnglisIr Litarature fain Youug People, bi- Lucy Ceai Wita (Mu. Lilie ) iilbe invaluable ta, every atudeut in our Granimas- and Higis Soola. We renom-& rnienliL La tues. Young People sud to-theis- Touchsc- Prepas-el abs-ad,vihee accoas eau lie iraI tarare lfanuscrlpts asid Cirou. icles, tiese pupers yl ho iully illushratedl sud as entectsining ssa novel. Aut Dolly's Sciiaoiloom Storlea iry Mis. Wm. B. » nt, fesh, erry tal es ion te litleýolk. IlutmedbyMise HuAnphr~ The CIrild-Togsofa Boston sts-oetia gine taolirher chldrenesoue ver-yintes-estinâ tct chant sanie of tbein7littlobs asuf sistens vIsewos-k ionsaliving lulith e ea af Boston. Tise oarticles vill b. Iinustraoe hi- pietures Is-uvusfroua ile hy mIsi"âté Pieseau. Littlo Mils Mushlin aI Qaintillian Squzare, Her Fortunes sud Misiartunes, by JàbW Bs-anjohus, IlutraicI by - Hopikins. Tieseitnlm- nalu wll kéep tirechilIs-on langiring ail Ilisongi 1878 us "Mitiadue petenkin Paul, i" &I ahLrs-ugis1877. Tire popules-Pose' Home, vlhî eacontin2uas! Auîpaperi ai Farelgu Trsanel ireRotiy ,4 euFneyliuîailpae-sa atuirai Elatory are vsitusg -to appees-, vile the jinstrahte& poèeu.0v1"icoutianu ta . at - samtiu.m., t,. ..u. A-16 New-, Y-e JAPAN, PERO, GUN. 310, J~ AI VAIsEIITIA LEMON, 0~ bAYER. SABLMON,ý PRCEpEARS,' A4'EICOTS, TOMATOES. MEATS. BREAKFAST BACON, HAM, Bol. OGNA SAUSAGE.- BLOATERS, HADDIES, XIP HERRINGS, OYSTERI, TOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGABS, CIG- SARETTES. ALSO Ai LARGE STOCK 0F CON- FECTIONERY, BREAD STUFYS, PASTRY,-CAKES, BUNS, TART. 1 LETS. I3REA.D AND (*ROOERIES DE. LIVEREIY IN ANY PART 0F THE TOWN WITH PRLOMPTNESS AND DISPATCHE. BUFFERS, WEDDINGS, BLS SUPPLIED AT SHORTEST No- TICE. W. P. WILLCOCK, Dundu Streot,, Whitby, Nov. 27Li 1î187. Whitby. FAmIL"BîDENCE FOR SALE Teons- vil haracelvocl by thondenulgnsd las- tbhenschae o f tuet heentfl fi 11y rs-c deuce sltuated ln tue. tain os Whitby.iatéîy ccupelby J. 'RA PElBY EsQ 0ipr. nuisscoatain about ira aèes4a adùpau vhlch le erectel a largo White Brick House with eut- .-8t0fl8 Facing8, - Lin rani, plate glass vAudois, and contasnlng 25 roonis. Te principals-ous are connectaI hi- foiding dbars, and rheateil by hoL-ais-. Rot sud aald waraLn-sd gaz laid au tfisonaheus. Aiea Wite brick caCi-houso, Stables sud gas-house ahi erectel lin tbe Mst mabatiai marinas es- design» by 5cuoaneP0Iisdal. T ire f undi verolaid ut b Maf u i , et Rmloadcoatain avarlty oe hoicetres sbs-mbbes-y. plant, flowers, &oa. Tii.os-han sud kitchen gis-dan Wecnatul sle number ot aboicef-uit treei, s-aes. 8mai1 fruits, &a. Thea ibalepropes-tm;-a xsknoaitisheat- copoesbts,suâd comfos-tble country rasilances lu the-Pravine af Ontario, The Praies cunhnabvaleou application sud tes-ma aIpaymen .0 lued NOTCE>ISRREBGIVEN THAT th eiltvo Assembly cf tue Province-cf Ontario, for su art -ta cansoli- date tue omènerai acte relatiag ta te incor- poration ai tue Tes-auto sud Ottava Rail- vay Compsuy, ta exteul thé hlm. for coni- meucing tiers-k, thilegahze ail y.lsa grting aid by vay cf bains ta the said ompauy, 80 enlarge tue pqvers -aifslId vwise, sud las- aths-pus-posas. B . J. TOPER, 49-8n) esoIsy STANDARD BANK OP CANADA. DIVIDEND 'NO. 4. Notice le herebygiven tuat a dividaul ai tiiree pr cent. for u ar-eut hali-yesr be. iug aetIrhe rita af six, or -cent, par sunnum upon tue paid.up captal1of a oBsuk, ham tis day been deolaréd, sud trat tussa lvii b payable 58 thé Bsuan&dis Bronces an and allen WBDIIESDA.Y,itue SECOND dj01JAIiUA1I, 18W. , eTransie- Boaka viii haclosil tram, the. l7th ta tue 81sL Dembor (bath laya inclsive). By ondes- ai thé Boas-I. J. L. BROD, Csier. S Ce dard Bank, Toronto, 201h Nov., 1877. XVHITBY, POT ERRIL'& LINDSAY RAILWA'Y. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Tsking affect on Welaesday, Non. 141h, '77. Port Psry..,125 -8 7.4 Manilla.-1- ap. m. Sm1 As-s-ve Lludsay.t...-. Io Il 9M1 Leavq Lidsay.. 7.10 a. n, 8.5pm Port Per-y ..40 "- 4.M As-rivée Ob...s.- 4 ' M Far lime iLat uèn sations,tse Packot Tisas Table, ta b, hud ou applcation-to suy* afi he Conipsuv'n Agents. Connectng e ntdssy vith thé Victoria Bailwa1 on en.hon Fal, Bobca1 "goon EAu. niau t, i d .n, B Uuba- ,t ie n-e ss t Tes-rits-y, sud Ahe Ballway Las- Woodile Besvértouas-lilsiWsniansbeuo 'vis OrlilU - wlth1% asLe-n Bailvay, for <lraveurst, BrarobrIdgé, aud tuaPs G-strande em«ýf Muakoua. Ths-au Tickets as-e.sssel by ail Agenti cf, the W. P. B ly las- Tas-auto sud by, G. T. R. Ticket Argntm, Tamont,as- mi stations an W. P. P. diL. M'y.Noi raumae-chus-ge,- Bsggage ahucirel tungh.- - JAMES HOLDEN;, Witby,Nov. 9,1877. Mfaaaging Dlrectar. Roonis to Rent, Suitablo ion corn f- abI a wel n é i u ato ven tiré Drng store af Mn. T. à.Wht. field.. -Fs-ont osud ýack entes-inces; -hard sud soit vaus-, goal Yerd. ÀPI. ttiro DEUG STORE. W itby, Nof-tegt Li VERPOOL., LONDONDERRY, -GLA8SOW, AIIanLin? Every Satns-ay fs-ax. Poandu on 5rrivaldi hé t-1n lanjoronto Dec. let. ' 4# o . o o 1 1 1 au a ?tp 1 ti 5 c s ti 'w ti p ts NOTICE.

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