Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1877, p. 1

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Business Db' it pt une, tro ine, oaoh slgub F ru Iu.uVOL. X-X-. ~~FORTE A" PRXo.. eotory. un itimaima iOI rnMAm. J OENBON Il ~çJIjauton. 'g PÂN~ E. TAIL. The -- -.J s te fiat oibc lauch à Oafice alinpthéf tae î -st-- cis ueispira. NIveait neffIn yon attetion. UncoRreyen clas n ran. yimstinet A&lelemed blk onfile anger eveafer er Sm. Tovu ay l, owlmîns, on etiM .Ossdsys a.W I SONnA lty R a NllD " L B e s t a d r r e s fle s t Io l L lr u eI coulA ave sae cte tfil a Pac fi g o d, W Ford a. for towncislP . ses O ÃœeSE .WISOhave baeu alone, If vas liffle te Pyacht I s î s, O . su e p s .L o t N o . , 2 d C o n . P c e r n , b u K I g st e o e e anete.b o d eoti la e a 5 0 y a c Pt , n v ir a n o en , o A n d -k i s ff fi MarrI 27bh, 1877., 14 RosA, 'îst Offce, Whlthy. tona, :le vetinefaui su d a O 7lufie 'liisu or an ' oausfu dead thine;, u iooi oefr lf hclalhn ieln 14, KING-ST WEST, - . .TORONTO. e ithohf pickadeade ti ICa ne WILLIAM - -"'--'---'- -- M a22u, 1877. s2-ly W *' LWAYS BE OUND AT trut ornnarouulo ad ouf fire. But Ania vas o rible mye n'v ilI cu tmev" fa . IVILuM OOPJI ' BUTCIIER SHOP 1I I have come bacUm fr augad, Io TNa lc"e eel-v a oi, ieLME U BR ! THE, WHITBY HOUSE. devotion suanAcafncy:'f o ensetne vilaf filaligîflt tuf atbeofle, anA Whîle làpkAae ie f&s isr-uoîeD.Glnree BLACJL9M1'TH, - - I3ROUGHAM, Thsuhae cy Ad yeno- OHAPTER V. iog; leav te outfbisheyUrdER(asU ad.1"YeungR V. npp"sh. eremnine I, e hang cnaiat f the Town of Whistly and .A ADL s Iesl ga or"o' efaof ui orbesulu. nofl), auail'ls i o muns Horg shoing nd- ll kndsci gnera vicnity thofhava@ atnehaA, L teilleLL ataisnsôe AgnBreveterpru,2" II.seesiocn sd i dîs tgaari ntzl.reen vitil a face like au auciant canrot, syon, "%unie viii break uer hauit, a ionlreb eea a aao' uegspd Ivhi aeifaan ly'52 B U T C H E R S H O P LU MBER MERÇHANT - ~~~~long, red, sd flacc . Nt niai _ asd thelo u"" aidgo eror iii die o n, siegaul, oelei il i ou o. I vntec lu InCrosby's Store, Dundas-St., (nppoite 'AFN RIL FPR IR.utes betoro, ih ladbeea fier>' sud gorce;,nilm-" H. O'DELL, liay", Ha-el,) vîene bie vii keep eougsnatly W H I T B Y dh-eanA a yes hdleue 'lfi Does Auuit rcualyre ?" asuced tenh J-leOu l'And s good assionfment ai Hue on lanA a iargesnuppi,'ofai a e i)MMINIONLOU E RD STORE, liRkanumuier igilng; -forBoh vua Brewster. dr vs A T H E. R b Y , BR EP, LA M B,V EA LM U TTO N ,&te B srn L mmber Boards, anA a I nonsue.y C A R E Pcourageo s flo h u felder BasfeU bli te put Us ha,' mare te, lu fil Cler OIvionCour, T ClrkA calleuolicitc'l. A.illding Lummer, 1lenclug, Savu Ti boi HAiLS Pnov NYLEGION dougil. À Yorung Cadbuxry bavysi ladI"WeiI, Bob, iook np aiave that fas. thedareo irui Mra Aaci mou n CakOrloCorpCakA.PRII'GLE, Jr,"aA Scaatllug, a ag Dini tZon f B~egst al is friland ud=aternmsintimated soniewhat plainI hie o -.einang lamp, and that Idiotie fatalist "Bob i'l. aAuahnildvl-gg 5 utdiati on et. Cemmnissiener lun1B. R., Laud Agent, <te., Whitby, Sept. l1tf,9177. 87from Filiaasr t nC~en puhu.bo rpre ogpl inta rese a uit f od' e-1 na restot i e. alvs, ge o nprdt sply inta rvtiva uibtled. uzzn rud tyes, rigif aboyaIDoynmr? D e m ibretethieaAdye s' ite., Athorl,, Ceuni,' Ontaîrio. - - Doors, Saules anAd Bin luA Fn leur a ,, muderanA huA declaredihut îevoraî verOross on file top oethfie spira, sasec Dntia u.Dnfgom, on no Atilenlv Stpt. 2nl, '1872, 88 " '"'"' anA, a.a'ofssOthe Boaf Quaift,, peae re od 's.r aldThara is a GoAsomaviere ap tiare, 1aa' a' cv env hul H ii hibdfl aie ' .W hitby, M a 7til1877. lv.20 A ffihle o vet living npt riéenes.e Cad lui i ve V ' if D J. RINMAN, -- - FleurOem,'Oilcp.aod, Bran, hort., oas. sftanuoeu, s HenryHavaye, but Hha XV. ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~FerCnaCa d Brs rai"tnfbel ilky eu sal eur'cdae lan"drt heeurut eniu u Aoe'shlil eTOEADDWRLLING mail, C eu t, Peos, 0s.,Ott'.Morgan, fila iorse-deaier, vimo vas ~anAtikynH a e u hu oues ao a baama lnabo vr iapfe iaeeicl OSA AfUTu EP&TET afocs, &c., sa h Ioaslsud Rti close al>' sud partisan et Breveter's, .Ins? sud, bralthze oe n y2a.hlnfaig iesefcenafu in I àCUhuA dr nhm rr htetogois g..anA soeing anvIepial ie iefcra fteroh rse Veterinary Surgeon, Ottawa, June it, 1877. i te, u«tfrcU on yLuvaiton, and calllug affile"Thou, Bob, ini vlP-'snoiafrndiug1 UTHORlZED ISCOUNT ONAh Liverpool bManket, a Nov Store sua At tise Dominion Fbour and Fies! Store, Oadbury rabvaystation otashUsfae" idanel,' eroiIen teef AIcui ~ifesee atiat iabu hc edfable n W iii h at A r W~ts'o ig ilafel, W ifby,ev r' A m nD w li g e i ît p su vieverver,' ZE IS O U T Nrosis,"s B l ck, Basfdoor, D n d ol Stroof, neon exprais t ppod, te f no v A I e Tiedy, main 1 te 4 ocloc, 1.. ~ a uocsnf ufir ne ' Wacomoaio.lnhltby lue, oudhaeladtrg ym J. JOH parcent.Appi,'ta- CHAS. PENNYLEGION lu peepîes tees. iMognl a oeesti'obliave ntla I voil fbave- nA netul paiinaoîvt ietafI adrbbl-avudao A p r il 2 5 , 1 8 7 7 . e c n .n c s e r ' a c o m to. J H S N ,' a u p i l 2 t , i e o n m o n f l h fol id rae d, t l f w f u h o f e u r M a i l d n f l s i r ' p c a l î i . H . M C C L E L L A N . yUp i e fn 8 5 8~ riv e n B rew s e e r a in ' n d o r r t e r 5 i vav ea VO fth e b a ck - o n vi h i p e e fr n f le a d v s e e , m r a t e x e i g i e RX V M C R R AE B B I V a P O M R K T 5 A G E T E E IV E R P O O L M AR K E T 1' f t r aon (so A un i bal uA t ld l i ); . h a k o 1<is ed er. &ofu t fie e gi a h , e e , an fr t te ie f e w fa ' n le a u i i c ed e th - IVROI AMT1TG EW eonry fiev mte a violent passon, asii'-ar of iae " osasai th. ih os s vs e ail ete(raBe)ete S.CEBB LS0ASH FOR GRAINt sanlid the. quili driver, and breke 1 "Thaf I eau net tel Yeu, ni>'boey." owunidkil deuaafr enigadsilu aeflsu uhuaen Ris enetiul nu,' mti ls Patron nsd th 'WA * on.HA A. ueovar Use back oetà a inînator. "'NeftonAnnie'n sice r"' defalnntl, z lie h'a as mpus'eisesatd tise Itiguit for -7B:A 1E '12M'« W H I B A $ A W A To h delivard at. Aune'. a aIvas tee atilotia;se quifonovberfi.annula u SUIqry TikeintCEaila DAY iih ans By.euandiagt pa' flirt hisfr td nc "Non fforlery -dan laeA-hi1Hny 1i k n ,t îs sfcîaIamn prpared ta iy C rent Price for &i Lsmvs O niaw a af .80a, i., sd 1, p. m . F rinn o a ntha* es a A o t quowa c i. ply once T" ln o i a d , re tf g t o hi e a tls Conbos Patnt SeV vrar néieiau'ey 5teaza Rie- LesveWMhitlîy ai 10.80, a.-su., u SE, h anYdavng th.80Hu, seotsdheawnd w à'e e de hne icl etshiÏto kinys aet et"d" ef vtG rain e lvaray. . Mf LSTE, SALT. AND COAL aieA linfile sffi'ay, anA iuoiedmucil againsi tfela ralsedsah etfIevnIw hne u ~è pnh.pa e, eafdo i.had'tD.ul PLSEPare 26 cents eucb va.FR AL.merriment aaaong the Yong gmnfe. And as Iii" ' "' st6eaiv w't >rapidi,. frSALT,PLSE ilCoa Ute LandnFOR SALE. mon, ia vhloh file peer falov bas! no r> te en] ~I,CUTTERS &o raidcs t(whcneî ouihvasd-'" ~ h.ol~I~ Ic eltaW A TE BLIM E &o., -"r oelîn -* (vile ctsw araO-.astan,' M O N E Y T O LO,,, ul b e au 1n he . ~ f ~ Be na' Alparties vild ose iBg 8Bovmanvliastagase, v ifilthé Wbitbetyatbi.ovnAfdlomfifura. '- end iOn sl poeFO A Ean A Port Per R M a! anA l fh B e g On ed a t stae, stf o y Rats a l iem t. » ' vibe.ltoeaurBgooeJ. I . 'CLELLAN, 't , nl5fa ýfTRv B. HP?3g J.IL.moct<A X,'- N ~iegbs, Jl,'lifl, 870 u Li~verpo~ol Pakf, jisi>'24h1877. '82 WhIlby, >faIei 1 , 18751-« 'Mnsyb 1. W.G. ~OEN5ON - PROPEIHTO~ AMUcorner', a thst Henry roopd, sud jkjo < Jj bLI OUfua. 6 i{ " ON T A RIO B A NK, 1uf lubai[UCASS' MR. GEORGE C. lwu4 A'je, Mhite, the mns u'.fae out WuO sufféowrriuziao à WI T B Y BRA NO H£, B~o s aconce t wit é *.,4i-, . - * 2>7.Sbliq 4sf/aitCouay.ou-enbbr* M abaýedd# PaY S*h and aYeu Iode=#W, Md fwcton~O 1honress UCUOJIerme.INCOIT3ORATgj>18334 A Etle raIitgresawn 80 P1rIt uread ludring. But , h side nÀ anAe arg hesaie,,eaond. oy FAEWLL RULEDGE, Prof. ' s, î * ol oalit"Uad IIEAEIo BOEA ES 4i i a lffeia ft ulrbdbda . 1IItDo. - 011171 1 tises~Ti ~ thétalebed SooMibziA? Y' 8P. r ha4 Cdyou .aY an nu- - ITRS TOINYSOLI. aJa B'ïïwRAT' s, F- Sirés, LLtlewio rao a.daJ fodve u ilthe poslea d amo. ?0 WfhakbeTQ hd ono0s.MuscalMx ou hunnesafOtt t h à 1 'du f coi ue Cetai y nve btra a frian. Ji hrgacuAhaabe Offle, i-a dor .uUu eUh noai ~~ W '~'BY ~ OII ÂRZ . PtosnE alia AUi 1o0"toromr. FrgIvO MY tnstY gering wayol 1k. hIN od Y î ite uoîhvyu HôeWih.Houa. owy movato neloer7 ,Ing to Ya tes AMSBUTLEDGE, 013 rf .NÃ"ES jluieray&LIyM,'$br coioka .ar u i il rataurerr Iybtre oe lofo ac F_________à"_Pula__________ shooltay Af ter.ao b, vétb;dtacbverofor Yeu 1out 1iborevfoi J.7 .FAREWELL, L. L. B., à.z en r TUE - 19 OHnyau,,ýosihqvavl uz ae ynvr.t an dnd huh saimpo r , Wlultbyt April lt 81 . it, W tb.- A litI.stno-oon fa t p @, En ii. adbaefli fbad iOIOI County rown Atterney. 48 GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1IAHUtile."8to110S?, ar tat puveblis boPOU efig. elarval-r.u4oc vua a f.ual,>upetebuk ~of a natte., -JH JAMESIKEKTIIK GORDON, rOterdfaathr. 1'ian psuingan PUtrngalisto fe awbvn'loovihaiB--- oliaitor lu Chancir7 LumbarvelI~en.4. DI'LZ~. *~ lime uff rltervaioîeWo.!ador oinaebl~ ii~ A.RISTER & ATTORN OOO-AV 6,00 feet Pue LWEZTETwonNTAEIO. À de\ e* ý pond Notsr Pubic, te. Mce2O.î M. Ad Fîo~lugTHOS MÂS N, P OPRIE OR. litIe oain, *in, at Ok .ke taland nonu a lu cd ut, sd ifht la h. uat reaiPrscttionr, vfliW W Hr. point. haBa n p ckts NoayPbi,&.Oc-OvrM.A. Pncing BoaasOrbubd. 1 BuflddrOBIZi. rtillPu- ïa ilso'tstre Ba otretucerYiOn.F i.emr nvBrt, o e Waa, c f 115, rsae.Ton Ivii ohoebysbemie- spulnboi e ______________à_utile___z__lut.., paredl for 1this, and bal! baat Il aDgotuf dge A hne uoane &. 0,OteoOaIMSlmAINC llflewjas5ezein oeaked vilathor he rsai, ae i oabla ebl «ikecse. lOwii aia ton,1Book,0v Maeofoas o$qt, TE KRAMWA HROME, ÀMPNYAliffia valk ll laJuen% Dorstshfefhedthemurdor ltonIhl obc ufi fa~dultrsdu.à(o vi. as la r saaoramt' acké ne PAA fuirenloie s apa n, Hat LYMATN 0 [01-191, iL . e., le,000 ff. SquareTiznber ATÀEKTBTSTATiru p. "ntua n Thonf, yen muahalt put ono _#R> ITEE AT LAW, SOLICITOR TNi Al vl o li viha Uold oheap !or cash. WU. O'NEILL . - NITtvuaOve nw-x.SI hacory, Conveyancer, &C, <t. Sa. snA tiactgeoa ahl vikleoolfle na frGoe aoa@ementea, Oshaeva.harouaed reprenantPynensudgyouationsandha fearful gûn $rbm'Wh MilUm unulagau saytIaf th v ill hava thons valtakan -curaeft Aifentngao abaawlc .hapittAvyhaio*yarons am 0YON MTI hPratura. À_tieotag___a_________ ced igknd mleglimmor. G. YOIJ G IJ'iTn§ LLI3, 6 day, i te vek, for sueaeî,aiilAIekalcaluy t Bb, sudfiay arenegirliiuwfie&taton-»e.nI-ileestt ______usel._____ abount bisLondt. Iu and bis iha fHo, BRI'TE, TTItjYATL E . MAJOR, QEN' OTEL, DoolBrom...s.e.rt. htosa fhim sud bIuilyBob ih , en toa ih. u n ot braa ny..flt g Block, Brook treet whith,' Ont arie. Dc oh 87.66(AE OEEU, Diiiei Yoms uaib, le1f.t Coat'iaare ------T-----HITB, Pire Reek. writin ai Aieqegaie Rains. tra e nuierevo anlibi.,ng"e vittah.ye luteg.ugon frgf1h Al OOEVNEWS FOR THE proveSa u3idwitaryU casa tMfilausuburba. Atr hisettMs. ( A . Geewoo &M Millan. O EW ORTETA IE. TAYLOR t lAcAIN, PROPRIETOBS. Agent, Wht - f<er rep M gain) a sfad. restrquistly rnYek n ms 'apvr akl odn usoa ~tacah n-w (Lat Grouwod & eMîî.ia) -The undeigned delir tu infori t ir WhltbY, ÂPnil 7th 1877. ed7 Iwvi oat e aiosyv. nî u bo a efrmef AXIRISTER, ATTORNE Y, SOLIC- A NEW , blTO IT eneoandv fie publicethat they bave takan (o ue. er ao' onfl otevei7 Bt) r, Nlitry Publi,Couveancer. 0.(A.l kuvElltaWilchREVELi m IR NS RAIO 0. reifr eaec f hvathhe aye t ilmesu d pudno a flalad ia. ouvlhe ehôtrelitln, nm eing 'igi, (Cencluded StreeurSoutheo' CetaMO@, foXIteMfileURrefBrCOteBrowser sudmlaityenavknc#t he - oor, Ofewhame and dumonoefcnostfilt flaBye Sraf Sutlo!Ios ffcSCIENCE o'DESM~Ghave uavly lfted up sud renovtod, nn put Pavontetjldi Wu h whty nai.O l.S;)À M .lte istoaurdefor-theammcob o ecourageansd vivacitfy. Thora ils uvr f11h o( scan. nil Zuntmaibh«pud ftaad ind oufossLfile. rosiom fofirs 0r, hic.r 'humafotnua eivaIse etBus 60 SEL.kITIG tafngesti.ail iB& pioead f sABIED'z18. avu vn e i. e g o o bais i.terrible and nov ooileplknaford nuif o , yda l e, mi î ogdron hi i i 1lOl1IJfgON & MENT, CORNWALL'S S mkTfN omef il e Oounfv fw niai.t"aveuu. sarforrvfnbyisdsutings ou mchietrin iopoosl, f c AR STRSAVAW ATON SHO!JILDER CHART, etabinegz tall, . Datahro8oc= &IlGSPE MFÂT&<J. sdtiva mludjofbis sin.ionBnd te sez: "Bravner, Bidoa pi any e.or vil a lods r f uh.B n 11; Jovnl!~.ru.Buligwl flout change af a tittil. sB.MCÀN . W. TYRE, aidOaxeRtd, Or te- But th.cI devitbi as fila humer naizes yeu. de ernroaie xlhfgs CutStreet, Toronto,.-For sale, vitil froe lnstrnc tioam, at late ci Tenante. Mansar, Monfrani. fe11 back upon file fermer nocani ; ' vi apnd s ourfrad h"rouut, ie ec-ne-nvr u isoluMycvr' ds t 'J..Roîssxx~. îsînrA E. 148M'sS M c1IVN T Y R E S '84 niie lbuf ithean erm Iwateiorl. 'l btyo.ut trea me ii c den ce uwu fsf rfana n e iesa h hi ri mn i h TIIOjIAS h STON, -Fud. Moderto rates of pexf efom il j De you iflan upeBatha ceme>atabts, emasliR JL bty Ole-onHl.Rus çnewne.Liberal Inducements v"O. NOUBSE, t5rto g n. iorete sto er e 5f usf aitlsilue e reagndsi from . tu - - olc lock.JAS- PRINGLE, PROPRIETÃ"ÏR. WAgent, xtby. "187. 1Whaf did yon £nd P" WhitbWhtbAyi 1877. 87.1 .ny h 18 . G I N .D ,Thelags anlot7tbe odton o heb an ro e R. J *G UNSM. D., ~ - - - l ilahetowu ; has largo sample roins for JMPERIAL L N NVEST.cmaoa oniio e il bau ro "o Baperainitevillanî URGEON TOTECUTY GÂOL, commercieal traveiler,. Tbewl upid MN OUPA"y. chleroforin, and fiheurt pierced 'novepesinofbs ok Bou Sreet, Wlîifby. 'G ouNG8 ift.habst lu esson. Baafhrandslon - 'hrougil fie centre." fca l otnndb orBbmoretelesiuditfee n.sdaqassrasugomo . ur ae slecniuefil x ein etr Bbhokate e.Thrvanoiugcmaedaareetcacno goYUGSIH n iar.Ecoe adas teO P TAL,160,00 I l<ht ith, P" ~dovn,-this t .tesy, snbdug hlm by Bravfrrn il el i fr.» onal il Dr# # j BU NS.attentive hostlens. JCharge esuif h C P TA ,$600 . 1file superion eoiyo i aue x I, sdOFigae . E1lnd r sds1ed1in fjear if muet ava b6en an ampii truglfiaandtip h -1t i Dr.i W. .7. rto IJUN s. ISSIER 0F fN. B ieyatce.2 edOfeImperilaBuildings, Toront. talng bae. Thelo vond as long; efed truh te eea-o-l'ys, M . i. ed aul cano.ii u n5,,t i . c o i 'yîedce-Nat dr ewiHEoNIcL fic. Nclî~ > ~uld ~ ~ <~~ ean, sd mphaic, sd certaini,' otlaHurcae n, I mt art f fla t priua igee n fl tlr u a a fwm mnsi ppae ia t~ Rsidnceut n. LwisHonc's.L I.AENSES.A RMSRONG HOUSE, i.ESIDEWN : T xu: inflicfd itha pinted oiletto r au cya itpAfoir io Un YOIW "B1oot" vs ligrdifle hlx- ga ud m deo naie vl NON. ALEI. CAMPELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. toegd npeeu. ami>ted viloain e ourse, I hava h a mshne nedygefn u ia ufba eatdlk jerfl BJYRON FIELD, IV. B. WIT' OTRI.(L ATE ALBION,) soLIcrioB:-G. D'Arcy Boniton. '"Why do yen say II four,' Bob 2", ha luvadi me.ro cndre-dmnil fl ar u vîe ote ti t iaAanabo a WHITBY, OSRGENN&., Iffna'"Ofcourue t*y eufidot hthAd vlnoI d elie vovr .'r thuor d or P Crack. ,IUGO,<e.Dfu'W H ITB Y ,_-O NTA R IO. MONET TO LOAN on Improved Farine, yeu have lest. Ne. 1 frein yonr case me.An you ilnw suppose, s turd,'rnao . lu aîo e etLwRates oai itanaît. Apply te- Iu tact, if vai evideuce oxtractod tramin th sane.. I tied niy nmosf, but blot racoreolo',o gaerfsw JIG ROTHERS, E. ARMSTRONG - PROPtI:ETOR. C. NOURSE, AÀrie, u yîl ooe i ielglcakculd neftilhrasilour 'great barly Sas. CATRV.wsdmus se-------la-v-itDforOhtm (uslyenosu,', or suzhall, OPSEATIONs. A largempuyllof tetey, nomavilot.ent G U t h e o B . 0 . B .L ., O s h aw a , 'O n ta r io .H y N A J , ~ H . H R T L N , M n g r a ante. a e u , a sB 5 o u ld a v e in fl ic te d fie ' o lea f y e n a o r m a s u, ) y n g i l n ' ' G l a l t i î u if i t abo5 n s w r B.HLONDON, aagr Trnt.won-rrutiler I 'Aid. Aid unbss a- 'Bsilascentain-1cBay)vil bott1l8 Imporfers, Dealers snd Manaeturers of ai DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. GOOD MORTOAGES BOUGEIT. seuieslilterinodiate porsion cau be tound, sud day. I caught file poorn ilnpu pte ra eiec u sc-e' eea fie iivrion cARBD. Rinde of (vEST orP»ST OFfCX.) Apnil iStil, 1877. FRES 17 tilat ilhunder of mine viii go tu fix the piug, aud suffooated hlm vifh cbloro-an ONTARJO "~~~~~4B,'al means," Brevster quieti're- qulefîs vitli abars bodkin.' Juef se. caku iedtl iitd al vs a h Am sdt Phlysicens, Surgeon, Acconchler, <&., <&e. LOasi Td fAN BDsFlaNk.d Leater. Till liusessba recent.l buIlTO. ONTAR,,~IO F,, oi.aa- arn.HeryGaon an now y ccpllbdbrua.vliabna ezdtepl tses n Wisifby, Sept. 50f , ,81874.ash pSuraffor Rodes, Bire. and ugitl'iaddeThHeur,',ecila aeter;esedteny bsf admit. Yat.CifisenlpulesosudceneidenIIecdelieser ;etnhd yoelm-piacedmut ohMarfilans g -~--- __Leafiser trefcbed. largo sud noomy, sud flfted n lu isf.;.es VUtuCalInsuano Coruoerlisbte obngsc i n vileuiloti style. Bant Winos, Liquone and hepCifars;ile 1 utof ha atuge im otaufhewy fvin- het S O T OTC.ced yard; attentive cerao. O F N f~rs F e nni~ ha "cent tesufohilunk.f"rapn'buedfo Oraue <vl houoCn) a;fPtila depiUnI RIA OT .Li-go, Contr-y Churcbos, Sciol rl y atteîwsrd R uy loftt lim mayed te wi.iljo disputa. mnuredasotv e1k.aeplna n pligshe-,nA etaed'sea gUniv.*ofMedicine snd Surger '. A neican U R' Hases, sd tho n Contents, e rates aU LOW alne, sd repaireci te the publia bil- "Tis la s tee hubAd ety enBrew ter" g Unir. of Peunsylvaniâ; Relee e olge ef ONEYTCTO LEND i an tiss.of. anyweU'esaaa ldCompan'îadî ufie eai t ha replied. "lYen know I vil! stick t se i Penne vania sndb Licestlste of hMier yM -CARWRIGîHT, ONT. lu Canada. lae-om o tegion.lor o te othogtikantiadta 1A -of tise mv. efEclnbnrg, Setland.en- oci A large quautity oai' mone,' teleud ut loy whôtea.lTIisak is yeur confidenceaTteere l e e onar for tile Causît7 of OÃ"nfanlo. Office- iuterest, private funde. JAMES DEWART - PJIETOE. .,uST LOSSES Prr.UiuLY T Doft fil promise se recouti,' extracted alaksyu ofdne hri Coldwader'St.,poerpalliA luDot'alit fianadylfaaneageno etefear. Cdvfnf.Onla.For sale, several Tovn lot s, twa Frame acmuosînt.î-îuJ. B. B rM, JOHN WILLlS, fohad req niese l e. u rwtr sjepece ihgif nyu Augnef 24til, 1875. lyr-85 Housas, sud s large Brick Houses.For GOIommoatin aBlICKELL ped ukmto th gme f ut f ilat. heur,-----Vie-Pesdet.ceint fe'nigilf. My sisters are Sit ting a u ieyn sdagfdrcl' -se ia.la ad BnB,îv auedyueool. -eue goot othe tea heug,-ak W AD MGYONSMT.MS AEYsRates oa i eruce 60 1ev Élut 25 Cents and te gafien bile opinion prevuleut up te heur au,' wonds et oemtent or 5es-ofcours;uediO e;sgl, epndisrmnsue Wifb,', Fab. 9til, 1874. -*vl mue00 for tele Mmi e 1 umong file yeuug officars frein fil bar. oursuce wiliiehI1muy have te rn oei ID :E ]ST rTI S Tr ____ - ___TEM PJRANCE HO USE, htbOc.le,1877. .1rcsadteyugpoe bal e hi n nwM ahrigng at racks ud fie yeun protastonul mou the a ke vermytatilr.basP ge 1P fh eat elyn Znbaorli erJo-iu at ,b et NASSRET HTB.OCadbnnywvileshared lu tilafrelaxa- the talclerkmannoe tni .ee epe e ol ssm ianie"Ha1-egîaaddopd u T) 0MB OVER R. H. JAMESON'S SI MON & KELLEY UNASBT BET WNTY.tien. vrsupcofomy. wcagint 4LiGrocrv Stona Dunudas-st., Wilby. Good accmodatiau ut. ressoaie tarins. Q Naen lsuspicion frei y len pou i is5lte , ar odcec l arflasreMae ahe l Basîdar 8250 an vsk.48 ud9ovdeepiintdeu1sd dv.,v andp uspciontlalugtuie uon Asta tefil sngary vhcilvason fle loandB' sma slenid ilogît 1.80_ INS6URA.cMc M p A N y laite ileBvas', recenses cf human , yenI lave.f0lA ,'on fIe4evideucthHavlg groussescfseated lier lu fille rave friand huAthiviued fIat files sud Gilbert strete. r___ MON<JET OLND NURNE CMA Ytien,sud flooding bile buses et bisble. btwud rpot ndyume Escuila TOPED.(PIRE AeND LIE) ing vitil anuilei, oeocruel grief pane. se fiaf yens' olA quarrai vitil Alterd' p, rsnsuonis thspcrleysaflevno mgl C, N. VARLS, L. D. S. 1-0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. fruted beyond ail file etier honrors fandtelt e va,'inon iltil ouflte Poniivn elyaptetl reee ri orbedai EET iserfed on ail fila (IGARS rnuuiteturad frein boasfHavana' Tise nudrslgned liasnuainamunt of Mon.' hi. sud îiiiutil yenou g - -t I ' ,%EH ~ * i e ., o a c . T i s a c l b r a t e d I l S . K . " e e L 'i n d l p n pe u o ' r o n P r o p o t , ' , ie A P T Ah ie.$ 1 s i t u a t i o n , a o t f r a v i l e A p r i v d o y , re h l m e n e n e r e A n o v c eAnd t p s s a o u g r , , H uo f- b s d x r ~ i s f , h u e A t ae chtas thfie eleapeat, aud a as od aseth ise nd if f0fiseir advautage te give tileina Lbasscosu bha napid i n ist;jeuit ber'. BAKEEe zlncia livzEg him te a more passive ceniinaai eun u sdn ea e ihn bout. Tcta lead wl ti Galdansd Sivrs',triai. revers. dnoleug fileuibuI noer huAeumovrsi - ravile xr euctyemiilro a vfhagss îkbfl fy Teetil exfnaced vitlorin b,' pnoduciugSvea Ipoe.P' ggedBNK 0 . ANEE8. .fiflets pinlatrudarsn itl ntiu o bjc f ners local sueftia..Douta Boomis-lu Gev- W ifis,,Pub. 7fRi, 1877. iy-7 for isl ce: p ridFanmsd WiaaLaDAs MLOSBN 3 .BYE, 8. D tsnetpi.My' ymputileiic rosA. in uMaylit e *ntrigu er bje et leluIava, uc t uaeao 1r uprt e a sîhdeug -ýan' newbloc, ovr Atinpo'a Dug Stre, nvenment mad in unieHeadOffice for Canada:- 191 & 198sSt. er viiljîmp authfie cause. Ha found C e et iln d e ver fnd I hla ad u King Street, Oshnaa. &85 TI DT FORBEesStr t MUDGre, CiaiAgnts.voanit htlin a boeved. y va e tior a u'We r o u 0S F THE DIVISION COURTS turas, Bankc, sud otilon marketatabla Stck amas StrMtreal. Aensud fai filetha vasrdofsuspacted b,'b fil.ron her L For utier particular, appi,' te R. XH. ER Agnt ithy. ovn ,uae in ring abevu gît yauoversin'inflacete sneveo THOMA4 DEVERILL, o U &DR gnmib i'i aeiAAnvynet h e JAMES HOLDEN, August Ofis, 875. venian' nuggeste a ciev to bis mis.. otler- Au< s TOCUT ONALOfficia1 Assgesa, Bneken, &o. -- Tbal1e. Ri ge remein aieA tiat silro n rmudor ni>'feat by d~eut.r. f<l 7 ____________AND___ vasa mae chR lu xpereuceanA aNTARblaOeu-ers--are,-- tý ' vaiived i vifil aguip) "Noin vuid ef lvatsaaCobmIlrm a u 'NTORTH knçvl a ersge goond xei, eaniiln lilc,129gaou s 1eas nta o u noen. Bl ftwudifAnoiudnfsrn DUNOAS ST., wzirvuY. FOR THE YEAR 1877. Bprill 9h, 1@72.- RH13IIE&MERCANTILE kç eiet sudan vi i ad vifplae.y prientbobuet, thedwatiukfotlenvasrnc. Ad~ut 3-~ ~ ~ ~ U te giv ierup Nx £Mauef. ialdis gumrtheigkifl di hàdsuenft et i gl bhman lit *lhii efereoub uan d lu, 0. vouid ratiter lat hlm peiih Mhanhava !a vitil scoirul wvit a ut fie neifisil ruul. ýn t,', vue 1h etrange thf ieho luildnjuet. s 1,' sec0;thfie goed deeten e1t fiaine, or someothiug Mi, i? "H. knov,;" 1.BremrÀtor vould gravi te ilimao-"lha i. knoii' ft t flie vould promise une a Annal. I voilA pleas! nef guiify, and defend myseif, sud- baffle allfila bloed. ileunds, and gaI my freedeun. Ha sue. I pacte poor William i. mu, brother ia espite et al Tom'. pmni.uslies and os. joleies, aud ho vonld ratier' lat mue die b,' Usa commnahaugm au Usas let me, hbave ber, AU rlght, Thom" Br.w. 1star,- Eo4qare, anA Dr. Galen i Bo I vil Adie, anA yen nlablienjoy fthei-e- floction et having betveayen b angeA, a nian vio'keph ,'eur secrats anA Ireal. eA yonvmitil ecrpulouel,' Ildalit>', And- for paonwilliam, I expeof flua' 'vel finA almoet snd 0conviai hlm, air AU, sud-lock hlm 7p ia fIa ntatsrusAd-bouse lur lite ;tfilaI i., f11il. hefiendiai jallar ponud sud puiniel the .poor creatisie to eAalil." Wa have lutienafed thaf flua geod decter vasat a boss te know vliaf hua becorna offthe poor lunafie, upoiiwhom lie baievocb ha coulA, once huviag fbund 1 i, fx fila fie gultintathe initai et AlforA'anuarder. One eveibg (if 'ras ,hue close effile very' day ,upes wblel thia ohapter opens with ti"aarrai..of ftha judgues fafluer nd sn-ad beau dis. caaig Us Yi teuf 3r tfIiftiéfh finie, and file docorlad îeupressedup- b& er is conviction thai 'fles- seesin vas Br.v.ta-'Ir'mtluer,antIiifu hie existence huA beei kept eea his relatives on noeunt oethie n imy. "Bfut *enIA NOocihava ooa' it frointu 91,I' rHèu i âks Ih i: re*w"ba',ftýhé luil~by ýy a mMl htâve la n' Ttr sdeAt fioMbiazssnna..tf Lmdave file eapofrin d0_pae&d.on-4 sA. f h A n. Bit nls p hli10..itwaem- on 'ilua hribr ro i insbisdym4eisa ludnos h ar reult uini hm ibIs'id he a"nA' oe- brothe ri ame up-frein Daerla ~ pplu pf p uprolmpt butetif Th ýa& ir,'g ?arts 'l ade nceteseDr--bn4 fIa - lad. A e. fudu'tplatee Onrhthe Alte ott J 01 hem tclhevspi, tfhs ens àn,'ô. dda WelThue igstiiho àboua la R,,~aUmbrto i ludalens icfarge r popglia na spt meai e11k. andaruai ftier ae U hlm aiernihlm44u ppit q up ingret sa henilngdovigare )cotha? ad - aud ssi tan Dr.fGarontf ere lmsra ,ar >ara. yo den 50Ot iemoisomaiovr o 10 f tea fil clA ta luort ean udcary'tam te ha t ou'f ta tnte br»eer, urgd la nzbvitlo ýnai. n igeér aindignaltion tabnon Ise uhoria,'_1bisfnd iilurto on lloaedto Dr.o ie fil th urdIier wfv im, aresmbed huim illcnuy y tfl £5c00a Éuinftdtin dehe decr t2ie ugintanedAu tha oridence, warA itinate tfntlieief momnt, as lue bepe, alosIt rttee b oternaurgeyb'aeuingwci argt v ored ndignatiloouaanon.the beu aistuf i,' mnfaie bisatpnion ofDr. aiý bot. 'fatlie v afile of tusemurder etoc g'] bei.Johrn Alfvorhoglsetir N!semli u aoid ie stateî Md oneancedu. oion. r,' esd h iuils ee r êonld .a,lfe cper-i spît. au i vse tilate dnsu tW ouAceAè Theral hissei to1k0un ine persa, fyie h fnazai utDgi' rasems d al aA ta creti bîadi hi eseesn, aA veunpd sfon ne- Tiu,'tai, file nverulfew vhlch na ting tevannA l elalte ob,'urnce.act!e e , flue t ma weapou.e isoino b sdi ffta es~Nol ined otagraspiw, nd ter botnAv cfhe, prtease tealtroerligf e p boi t ie resiàem isuethim ni n. Ne udAl t l iat he oatie etUMs altfre. Th sus- feirm ssh- alounefail cuever,' eTern accLurael,' kene uen ipessubita clu mn, ho olaueet fledcase 4and as t e > une. kaiein. W pei, sLud on, slA uptre iluadrY case, tWet surgia ie wi-umNo ta n evar,' yearandtA lu oven's tora a wnedeu kif ban ben nct!c'ie'ot fInelaeue t file Thmiaa an.epael ienilbr 6uvad hood vcfchope, rpfeeader ina,' luet e ap-g aurpnnof the e vus ncef v imnid muNd fle iadBeter, Esqlofute, riz., fie r file l filer e ii cii,outilset bondon e filer Iinovste had etune thi euyluiar irs wlp- It ianies fhec aeak n il oor-e nihtet h.'Ieaisus. e> loA, 9 anAas h vpre- lundeiesef urg pigal srumels hi aevr poenar, anin everonise teetfias rep-s novc heoaies ot. bt 1avn itia eau ten frenu ne aeins theis pretege iv lu o fIat a m or trite suin. uemain-c gnn at faied oear evemet htever - rav ie sici nsofin, ia-e bluenle kep no fheile Ol-couetpryene rdera eto-, hiet laeptsh ooladfermene,' illiam i. hec]Beseai,'l fIl. cae ' -su mi fie- ngTo Hur', adbpryexploit, andlaad 1v ila hoel ited f sin t bsted 0bs rte ieatyonngreinan th u genmane ave-no isr iagInaos, hi everailnum- r at funil,' nuer iexaiet. atfa fini. îeinbet fUiieoneutMr Tisa-ides, 'lie saisI ingwt finre of poîiiienusinA-th l' f il ar anf ncile(and eha t.Iobdmorea jry vubd tes lake tfluehaine vlew if thy, enited in in- 'necngyin île nae. ocut a tse fila fIeninrvate' el a urgard ne, laie, h ek f lthecanStni modt eudto the uing mlangi-te e -ahis'dfvlufy l' a etirainatileense nthing vellnd-, or itenfi luôi in amd cl athanr' te l kie.AA taýif lta cunlralo n -a tha brninge vsf-fmtte ntoourt)e fes thluatesd ii a hcbvy glteass kbutîla se. eveoa cemp tanldm'irntoftingempfterr etg es, laiesdov.glaas sncb tentfrle odei, of but sunieda lu penonh ipe,'fBbiiMnus. ngyI sothe asunte her as tIl their a- armel nisddanger Ue,' nticcaa - f-. m le-P. ad saie -.rvial _aem lan as tyle F" I o,ý¶ 1 ut long fai- iPIANGC» iu ýo! toueaas! osi celebrated, R111e te uppiy, PRICE:ý çvon la plain; 1thejes nsru- isovroomm f0.- la o ininb, , 'e-tepsy. 1made of- CENT. enta, alh0 r'familiee. Acget, Sjafly af- in r., anA uastions, aciloster, : ront-sf.' d at s Ba,-,- AND COAL. LOAN at.e tInterest. bSrOLELLAN, 'ELI.EY,. ICTOBY, omu befHRavina- naitel ,.IK." I 'Deuaes vil ly.7 iI. Us' ýs'- [.0W 1

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