Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1877, p. 1

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Fj. uliu.IK nn ailur ,SPERIDAyr *OKtilING, Teris *1 Opar 'Ànum,- ~ithd *ea S es, e? Iodr 4stnnoo erU#e by. ebmycr, or hrle 4ao plue OJETABJO fBAR£, THOMAS DOW, DQmo OMINIO lÂE WHITBY AG-ENC I T. AOlto Bub-Agesscy ai Llverpool Market. livings Deparizenis in conneatian vus bath oflices, vise.Interesi la palid on dopo. situ of #1 upwards. H..TAYLOR, Wliby, Sept. 18 t 8Agent. FARBWELL &k IUTJLEDGIE, 3ARRISTEnS, ATtORNEYSP SOLI. 0Deho,-Natarles Public, sud Cousvey. aufee. Oafceflri b Sot fth-o Roai, *hitby.araniaitsRol JAMES ]R1CTTLEDGE3,1R. A. Ji E, FARJIWELL, L, L. B., Conty Crovu Atiorney. 48 jê,jiE8 IEITU GORDON, ARRISTBEIh AOTTOIWEY.AT.LAW, B ollotor Lu Ciancery, Convevanoori '4utsry Public ho. ffas-Oyer j d îîsgoumstore, 1cak Street, i bont. CIIAILES c. xKELLERq, TTORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN A ciianceryr,Couveyauccr ho Canig tn akC., ,UDu B "'TER AT LAW, SOLICITOR in B haucary, ConveyAnosr, &o., &o. Sm e00e Streut, Oshava. 0. YOUNG SMITII, LL. B., »st tylo. B<STERATTORNEY. AT. LAW, Notary Public &o , &o. Tffic-Mcmian's Block, Brook t re0t Whtby, Ontario. Ai G. MMIJLLAN, IAN0 (Lais Greenwooc MMi a& BBTBATTORNEY, SOLIO. Bitor, Notary Publia, Convoyner f tlei-Byron Street, South ai1PsuteO. cce Whltby, Ontario. long oltr-ROBINSON & MENT, (LAvEDuoomx<k&RosZINa ARRISTER13-AT-LAW, A T TORN. IANO B Y§,B 1 ittors,ovyancer &o. tons and Court Street, Toronto. selobrated . J.G. Rosawsom, m. A- zsa .E YT to supply THOMASEATN rOWN CLEREK AND) TREASURER, RICE.1 Whitby. OIce-Town Hall. XHouri, 8Plain: ---- e luit..1 .GNM. Du, irooms te URGEON TO THE OOUNTY GAOL, maictata, Byron Street, Whltby. t4pay, de ai ---Dr- Wu, 3.BRNS. OîICa-Nezt bar ta C1ROICILM Office. 1WResidence, at Mr. Lewis Houck's. BYRON FIELD, IM. B. p HYSICIAN, SURGEON, &o., Duffios' Croek. Wsu. mCDRIEN, 11,., d.IRC,B., CGUY'8HOSPITALLLONDON, ENG., c ARB]D. DR. DOGAR1T, Phyîlcaa, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &o, Whitb7, Sept. 801h, 1874. 40 _ROBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Graduate (with honore> ai the University ai g tion'. ole ,Cand;Philalelphia 8uii. f MlëlÙo nd Surgery; American Univ. of Peunsylvanla; Eclecti0 Coliege ai Peunnylvania and Licentiate et Mlcrolloy ci the Uni,. oaiRdinburg Scotland Cor- ancer far theccanoty ai ônutarla. Office- Coldwater St., Orillia. August 21h, 1875. lyr-8I W. ADAMS, R ooms OVER R. Hl. JAMESON'à I, Groccry Store, Dunda.st., Whlthy. Office houro irom 9 ans, ta 12 ni., and rans 1.80 tao, p. m. Reaidence.-Cor. ai Byron and Gilbert streets. C,, S. VAIS, L. D. M. T R, ETH inaeried an aIl the ~~T~'latest prînoiples of the art, as ch cap as the cheapeit, andI as gooa s the boat. Teèth filled wlth Goid andI Silver. Teeth eztracted without pain, by produclng local anrestbeala. Dental Roos-in Cow. an e new ilock, aver Atkinsons Drng Store, King Street, Oshawa. 85 13UILDER AND CONTRACTOR, »UK»AS ST., WEIT.' 7OL7 - I Bop, ] &=U$ A6 i Pro. tGEORGE , WIk> ,i te nirc onoorte WhIlby, J l ltis,1874. F ' 'T» AT TRE GLEN MAJOR MILLSI 800,000 bei PlUe Lmewl osnl rnah Botda. 2-lnoh Plank, Maple for anc.u, lotp]ly t.Square Timber, AU~whliaviib. oItI cheap for cash. H. aul aea erta aihan lc ts t - ,-~ ~ W. G.j0oZ -PI1'EETT., ]B RIT IB A3 So I OTEL, A 55E ' T S ,ibl,87o oL RAY', .BÂLL, Set! 89 A NEW lUEVELATION IN TE SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MM CORNWALL'S srLP4kITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHAR~ -Dreosses fltted tram moasurement aic vthaut cange aifaaeilloli. Far sale, wih froc InstructIons, ai -M1ISS MaI7VTYRE.ý ~OOD NEWSFOTELAIS DEES5.KAXING R10051, WEITE'c. Aents vaantaIl. Liberal inducementa Whitby, Aug. 18, 1074. leui lE one ita GYOUNG SMITH- ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSEE WHITBY, oNTARIO. MONEY TO LEND I 1 au Farn and Town Properby, ab L-OW RATES ai Inýtorosi. For iutieerpanlicubara Apply ta- JOHIN FARQ-UHARSON, Whlib1 Auguat iSti, 1876.i -KING BROTHIERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturer.a f a LE Ci Hindiot 'ATHER AND FINDINOS, isb paid. for Hides, Bark. ana Leather. . ather stretched. Y. 1W I3ELTING MADE TO ORDE ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1879.2 m jONRY TO LENDI AÀ large quanti1cio money ta leni .at law lntereat, private lund. ý For sale, several Town Iota, two Fiame Honses, snd a large Brick Hanse.' For terms, appîy ta G. YOUNG SMITH. Whitby, Feb. 9tii, 1874. 7 L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS or TEM COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, F0OR THE YEAR 1877. Whitby.. 2 i 11 1 1 il il I 1 i B3roughami 8 2 2 4 2 POrt 5er 6 9 2125 12 Cî&nni'ry n 7i 11 1 2 71 lu ) 20 I3 av rt n 121 28 1 .I i 1 19 Atherly... 181 291 1118 - GRO. H. DARTNELL, la» AUl actIo promptly execitel 'Wbîi!tby, Dec. 27th. 1876. JJ rAIR DBES8ING AND 8H1AVING JOIhN IOLFENrDENf, A GENT FOR THE CELEBRATEDAD .Sottish Qrsiuito. At Marbie Workio A iPrL E T RE ES, oiJenathan"Wolieuden,Dunus St., Whtby. A Il O01U T 75,000, GEORCGE CURiAlcK, -AT TZ andJone, Ge CASrPeNwhtER. H 0 M E N UR SE RY, arequantlty aifaIl kindi ai lumber con. Froni two ta four years ai age, mrig9 stantly on baud. ithe besi Varletios. brinal JAMIS W BLPLL'SETH C. WILSON, JAMkS W.JJEALLI Lot Na.8, 2nd Con. Pickering, on Kingston T1OWNSHIP CLER (East Whitby), Road, )st Office, Whitby. COMMISSIONER COURT 0F QUEENS EW BUTCHER SHOP i BENCH,N CONVEYANCINO AND GENVER. The subsecrber bege leave ta notily the AL INU~ANE AG~NT. Inhabitants ai the Town af Whtby antI AI, ISURACE AgNT.vicinlty, that he ha$ apened a Tontl.Clmus nM asadBUTCHER 8HOP 1Friday, fo Townshlp bueineba. Offibe In Crosby'. Store," Dnndas-St., (opposite houcs, 9 a. ns. ta ô p. Mi. Ray's Hatel,) wherc fie vil kecp contantly SMardi 27th, 1877. 14 on-hand a goal asiartment oi BEEF, LAMB,VEAL, MUTTON,ft. WILLIAX sC OOPER, A cau ils-aolicitedl.A.PIGEJr BLACKSMITH, - - DROUGHAM, Whlthy, Sept. lat, 1877. 87 (Sucocasor te Thomsas Mlddaugh,> Hlors. shaelng ant I alkIddsaofgeneral work. ]y02 EJE.1 ODELL, li AT H M R L Y, CUSTans DEPÀETMENT. Clerk Dlâion CourtTp. Olerk, Cooiiiner tu B. R., LandI Agent. &o., &a., Atherly, Conuty Ontario. Atlierlv Sept. 2nd, 1872. 86 Q LOTHES8 CLXANE]) AND IF FADED V'brou glt ta tilsir natural colour - leather#, Xid Gioves, &o., cleaned and a~ d an ymioeur. AIU orders left, wlth W P. Wlicok, aneotonrWhbee~,r sent by ailý, wlllb.prompîly attend . f91y e J. HINUAN, «0 SE A W A, -Vetertnery ..Surgeon,*, -"lu b iAniog' oeWby, evry rm& trn.. î=- f i- u WIT]3By, ONTAB THoua. ncvy zNavatBO> anh f hgerfo wop=noUet.nonTb. s AT WEITBT STATION. I>.O'NEILL - - -pROpBIEzl Paàrtis ting tUic tran mllesU" yUl is4vsthons vefll aken cmof ai QUERCPon'S z0TEL, - NOxk-atREET, URITBT, TAYLOR h McCAliN, PROPRIETOI ie undosgned lesir. ta Infauzt &todaath ie publia tisaItisoy hareta tise aberve llimkcn hotel, wvicais have nevly iletI up andI nenonaiod,asud lato the bush aiofor for thscaacommc tion Of note. The Bar,ywile tIshe la aot9teCaunyin a eli uppliel»' the finosi brande cf vines liquans, and pro- Amle encloocd shod rons andI,g stabling, boxstsIls, ho. Detiehel noc for commercal travelîcri. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIF McCAI laie ai Toconto. IROXAL HOTEL, v sIT 8Y, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETO Tise largeat andI mail comdions be lu tise bov ; bas lange sample coonse commarciai traveliers. Table veil-supti vIls tise besl lusesn. Bestbrands lli, andI cigars..uenlased yard andI shelrcs atcentve hselers. Changes ta suit1 timn. N. B.-Livery afbucisea. A RMSTRONG HOUSE, - (LATE ACEOON,) WHIITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARUST11ONG - PROPRIETU. " HITBY HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHEITBY. (WEST On POST orIez.) JOSEPHE. D ANDEL, PBOpBLETCý This hanse bas been necouhly builb stylo. Bout D iursadC freaiLfl Laoeer. GeaI stablingj" lossI yard; ahtentive ashler.. à COMMERCIAL HOTEL, ,M cEATn-otT, ROR. EO Gooal acammoation i- M ONEY TO LE!'!]. Tise undersigued bas an y imaumt et Mo: sy ta Lend uptianPa=r oýr uPropanty, unueu3ly Loy Rates afiIntera. Loans can be repaid lu sumo ta suit Sc oyens. Several Impravea Parm. and Wild Lant foc Malé cheap. Inresinsents maIe la Municipal Debei hures, Bank, and oison nsarketsaable stock Foc iurtiser particubars apply ta JA 8ESEHOLDEN,* Official Aesiguses, Broker,h fipril GIS, 1872.1 M ONEY -T0 LOAN. rhi eNational lnvestment Cern pan>' Of'Canada, Lend Money op Real Estate. Purchase Existing Mortgages. Barrowýrs will find the Company's terma mode'rate, with epecial facilities for paying i W. H. BILLINGS, Agent, Solicitor, &c., Whitby $3,000 of privats Pond8 on hand Ic Ine#t in Mort gage Parm ec6urity. 44 IDEALER 1IN Diamonds and Preclous StoneS. MAISONIC, ODDFELLOWS', KNIGHTS' af PYTHIAS, ÀND ALL Soclety Regalla, Jewêusl &o., &o. 14, RING-ST WEST,-. TORONTO. Mlay 22ud, 1877. 22.17 LUMBER!__LUMBER 1 1C. JOH11N 8SON, LUMBER MERCHANT, W H I T B Y, Hra. on band a large supply ai aIl kindtaio Bart Lumber Boardes and ail necch.azy Building Lumiter. Fencng, Sawn Timber, au ,Scantling, a large quantity an hand. Larg e arIentfor Loog Bil Stuff, 5Usd irons Mille Mt short notice. .Doar., Sashes andI Blinda always an baud.1 Wltby, May 7th. 1877. y2 s TORE AND DWELLING AtO LEerT AtLvrol Market, a New Stor and Dwelling, nelIfttted up andI with evexy necessary accommodaàtion. 1. x p y t -J .H . M oO L E L L A II. Marili 28th, 1877. tf-14 Ott&"a, Junc 4th, 1877. lU ied rjuh rpid" h AuAercauinoics nti frthr o. for he s yc t aeu del1iltr. J. JOHNSON, en rObro 91 b~4 a 4tf Conmisslaner of Oustomi. d¶s Ice~¶T&5t&4J5 - TAGE RETWEEN LIEPOOL MARKET 1W ITY& S4A A _ TWICE A DAY 1 I amn prepared ta pay-Current Palce for aIl Leaves Oshawa ai OMO8, M., And 1, P. M.1 kido f aiGrain delivereil at my Stau.Ela-.- Lea4s Whitby at 10.80, a. m., asud 4.80, vator, Prenahman'î Bay. p. ni. SALT, PLASTER, rane *i dW '.W', tryo --=à dc4.3 i(whcn MO ib0' lie ot Uth o FOR~ BiLE Jand ortPâyà 3. H MeLELAIi ar byTEOS. EOPPER,1 Liverpol MXrk, Si el â, 1M7. a, Whibi, Maroh Ifb, M&1-9 A Ruitê*lpeeaTragedyj- One day as I waudfdp.'14I Sea Ol=aplain. A àI a v a p o o rw o m a n t is a p l tw r ai AndI eusaw "we ý» lsocm a h iel4d ei "Oh!liffeasioII,ând;lavslsatiml An pbcautyIlA*.tI res viii Sec Hall i v e t y l o l o o r ; s n e t e r n e s v h a i s c h a i h y s u s u c e d a u l h n c a t èh hn g ,a a r m e s , s ao i ve hl a d , g o l e a r y a m a t c h o ui a .u d g e , a n d lio ne d a Va 'r h fo l e c o u r t , - tl. A .hG E ~ ! a g e t s o f fe t n u i h s l i a u s ae - on y d o l l a r s l ud a rs ; éy i h i d r . e , w i h - e a i ý a d s c c : m i m a t OaI s M e ain' lied ta ba laa i s en a u bc u e y h l r n for am usem ent partie-lge, vli h as aisea,bro kl t a b f anr lie b ot troop a cf R ssi, ven lu al l an necluiy, h a s ince lw dd ytlo n h V rIb., 4L W A Y S 1 BE FO U N ]) A T gais], a n d a P ou n d l u g g e î fo r a 5 e s ua d re re sîho , a u b o b uilt a t r am limé]hO u s a n al ciliv re 'as -aitaisti a h e v eso ies]. Tse v fe r s Sa g i an a un I e . s c a r me uter .- piif I canl gré tis aip's iboues t h e o be dollars. Th.I "line" au alira. Anal thusgiasibtrogisthae iSts au dslaatnsue a a Ai xncîx.Âuet THE WHITB Y HOUSE, tlise valves. I vasn'î 't au auxicue, yo carry aousiderable véighinhaaddition -ntr' nell ! ical, lis bieo!iace brd i istnve Tuink voý e o-in !ls peJlCintteo I undecetand. Wiicn a faen rgoes oui tota terider. Tise pacson sils in pasi. tl.sis unrotarlnuaolady vas savasi tram pnc, rtedrva ac t nsl i- Privy Counoil vue bseld Yestecday tonr J. . BNDEL i abo slo gen fo luI aglziyho ssytra a b'a tr ion as le oulal uo elia inoanimal, abiolute. aaration. Tie facte o the npi. Tisa Esiasfindtas] ltIiby -ia.upaeaitr .elrgtisaprepara- W.A. z's Ler ab aor lientfCa tna ta arizzy tah m.buic asa sf1r isaulpse o frt W a l ' a L a e r B o e f r h e C o u t y c i a a l r m y r o h m . n h i c si S i m a h e f o t h a s h i c u p s a n a l r e i n e l u a b v a e a u h a s b s a n t i a t e d d a s e c o r r e c t , h a v a b e a n p r o o n t i y e i s ia e ni m . T i c i o s - f e r l I m a o r s ui n e t t s a O n tario . * id n ' I g e l lie e a l su re t îlsî og o n d , in w vi e S p asit on S e can g o v er an al a r a g iir n a s rela te s] y M . D av is a ie n aiig fa c et is l a t u ah ufaiilta ry saIcl l ui i I i e P r s xi bitio n. C a n.D o Prince Cisarley etai ansmeuî'a n tise espead snd guide tise "hanse" aI vil, tan pacson. et Ruesia socais taeiavg aIo ff l-slaiini atebos]aot8fOfe, 1s cThere w.san.xhibtio mad wih on înoauî ina shieurmoapuena ta ofne ul irrespecliveofo!tlieaspaesurtiean ÀFINEARTICLE 0F PURE DR h-o 'my issad vonlal go vs nexIbtonmaevu ee APLT'raS JOURNAL for Ncvamben it hlitaryc is a i s à afan outrance t*l ev lavaos] hie Brillis CID e, tise apa' an' tise aid vomu ftaItse "isoraes"'receritiy, in, titeity s trkin sries of contraste lu gnealer tneP tl 1n.luPa s ta aaat cuyts eta sud lcaudedr., hpcy p aslan at Calaenoon asemuean 0s, nadtaocpthcerl RNO' REUMATIC ABSORD. uuaoaie ihraslo oos-ts njc s osme ef ils papars. Seep lime hîgiesi posteao!f iaiiomad position. A ulsafO EN vuli a vdaer tmagll l ve sdaiîlonishi con acc~ ru-te sucuts of.A fuu3si i c edis sare RUNTOAND DIGESTIVE FLU iD. fer &bout four mniutss, aud tisen gses b,faoal aote pedo r g u.illsrîl darticle ou tise villiu t-le narcovcirclaeofthls ns-- "1Mn. Gray, maire it fiftesn h tidethn, a bey vamgliug sixty paunde pro. T hore i' au se pe- nov'peoamp ofyidl n tise Govorumaullt 700~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" do.sl sneAri at adlhinraeibsfîecsviis ypelleslishe "ors" ai fran six ta savn senerts oa, u iepol, !na suiy oastnt 1vas ca- 1'anb o eking shose la vishal 700pauind o'inc Apbl lt a ti hav cedsnliemles auher vlSlis Umos &e.Puget Sons]anal- Washington Torri- mihtaid unlier gnxaivansavilis Napol. tisa fluor classes af produots vill b. ai- T isa Ileu m a tie A b arb cs l oil . sPnng ap n ." î e o p rt e t tsroughly esablisheul tor.y, saud n oem îi nouly p l resque de- con or n fitaers er contest& iti T an- isuitea, ud vicis vi il ho e sent, J a. Therans m ie epr mn hadodky h rne aeeon ocp otei al nNvme, h tlreîy cure ail pains tram htimtiom or îl ase e eextra mighty te rcîlcai vaine a! île invention.- speopli on te-iiVconsinceanal oduernal ky Tisa prwinces ave sseve n- ep GenaveanyhuNvobrb0t oei5atrySein 2Hui qlk nB oa e tflumlnS osten Trasueller. pal !tî ogl tnofEcauaiybyoa Ia mgsreagon- Gave nt sta6agýerNe,%vbie1d. ytsrlI weiigos, 2Yor. ica'1 ea a o-Rasas; tison sarien- contributor -do- oral oeta brigade lu quiet tises, aud t 'lhe DlICestivé leld-Sas neyer tafled bliue. Prince Chaln. issal tbeuls a Oscribes ita afreele sud drasuhic, man- nana a! thîcun uavo tisaeoihghhosh proofs Sncb 1arctisacaaastes of liIb et - ta cure D BpOpdsa; rel i fleintaa bey stage aboutwleuty dy bofoce, and iI A pispil 'in an Engliali scisool vas nrnlite in lime art-sluiions etParisi; et abiihy ta lîsale greai messes 'o!tle proseuhtiment o! feàr la far-'riser Houi. emcm tbhonlicassosuDt'timse aiho madie an-.akea lu an oxansinatian papor, "Wlh>v-whieMr. JuliaHawthorne dapicte mon. Norlesthe vocal part o! tîh me tissu thnt a! lape ; sud it vouic -Boom Shave boen savetI- tronc allin oter aesessmnsu ra tiese aae lolal.-ilise IcoplcofaICancer so' oalled, and- lise great Englisîth éumaean gatisning elle! sommas] up -tinimeir positive an- aI'ail l imes maore'Prudent ta b. provial- Pah. Iliat Bouciti, Ctur, agors. Il vas agre e tnoh u a la vis la hsitutètés enly.thcée ans] a aI Wimbledon. In addition, tiane are rare. ]Dy Seeping airthtiowaer iu od -againit accident, us aing- ont Dyspepsia, sud vas aured i luo be saib about aur bangalu, au' tisai I hait degrees from tiséequaton 2" Tise tva short stadies of NovEngland ilfe, Ibeir ovu banals, lboy bave, il vouls]cee oftx hpie8 Ibe use." SoltI by Dnugglsts. i!eUlŽl vas la bc bookeal anal put tiscougis as a anaver conistructes] on abasis of puicesansd oee t Nov Yack soiely;witeinas5c, esînhealtise goîso sa i. Tseaae me people votsnl W.Y . B antai, Landn, Ont. roecar. p5ssouger. I wv alti ta niake logic, vas: "T h of4anaer las gosecond ps er an Phasses o!ruiIary capsoity as BRusais <cen funhis. ery amiable in the. main, andbi * EBET-my ownpreparaio, n eÏalI cace lie ea-esaitTise facto, are ;tisheeetofbâtear lsin oi ofierrrtaotlhors, -have Yet tisât 1'E BueESg'T p0o oe *comment lunIlusela saciehy; and hey nxosinuîiîsup.py.- ropensity o! beingf - - U.ti tlsiaewarca'a'- par palitleal fruit fii'c-C 'vet'vtlîhug- HORS E MEDII,,N.ES.'= h isaaddmyel dv '>- O fl, itndustryv vil baxil ols svryu i -nertn ED2 tiss Il a atI 'ER CENT. canvoents, aise ADAMS, R MILL( GRAIN, red st ns PBay. AND COAL LE.E ) LOAN' Ratez of Interesi. MçCLELLANi. KELLEY, VACOTOBY, from best ]Havant lebrated ',is. K." amd Dealers WinJ Dealer. ,NCE LOW 1 Manula.cturer of ILR A n^ "oaqmrfnf" ;i 1 Il 1 1 l' 1% 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1. lumimmý effieentiipkauliucr,"na Ioouaatlii-mateo1emaaiThé1ièÊa- ellertlidded.xà »tes WUiO lRBltjgtMé h,£WioIiP!i .4 fré l ngI Rot blueffbnlù Bor, o! thie- ' e mrniugbe wofou as l ?" o ru'afi>epehaeb. i u Doebc 7W o t in heecolatarkmilcl 7 1 perp emhavt toisekilu nibi glnt or M. avtsn ueIui am1 aeI.-éfyrIi t wca' C. MOUIE banna; "Wa*1' usy by, 'ane.afternoon w. entr 1 aa4 lelîha~tel iaasti sdtho*a apr-ît ics «OAgnt, 1Îlstby. Thene'. tao nsuci, cf iranigge a- evasapo ..,ý, ar as "Anng as fraIa ie e Is, yb orn Wbtby, êrl V 17.17 sitnngast a --.~iartas. -plaas 'ldo yod Imean 1" shutthpaiihimwithas p 8aila beyond recognition?2" - 17 Thres nising tsai asisut touleTie iito u veroreaid te avalce adtia l- poig ogs y lo ~ t c npoises uro i ysto. oree,n uni .dns odaxi sa Haeo i;W u.uk aion ai sobnlety. ot wie "ai ujali a Ijil1 sotc ico h : lu ail ic ~ve~.ii~q ~a auenptÏ11,ia t é O nce tsh o1I ae x hwa . Aial >i o, ulfilda n to sdohwa and ca rs og ibnda ig 1111 ,'- gaifo s1 Adism rotsanubtle auhappe- lovaf-*re ie boxan' eiland ight i g lina - arng rues Y n gof- ilhe uobsest h' bsniul ardiona l d, "arn t a ton yand tcga," 'sai ns andût.s rosesyllUi r"Nov t s e et ofa b dwl akeab lsu in sluitg 10 Egypt asl tis e act e stance f r n t herisc n der l- tthervonsn slgi nc d baak cv lu ie Ien arbac i sidesn mt mviuiaslsee iigi ulai u aiiraruns ta Buffa 1 1 a i the fatis et he fmilO9,. beracu ils Ixy taicgr liiif biade ung a n'saa Ttheea do, nsulieeauv brovsseazp stiaiuiornl ta obig yo, ffade. iattliniiawm1n îu adea Ill ay an tie anltiar Il 's ottno ud punin frnidtnthecleen; ut vsonI isaon Dcp sl vu is Do InI n ove un en I18 ,. We s at re k a rf-t c e s p a Mwa ionk tiai tis e iueu s ng on nea,±' w bke ti ai a lî le o! yo r " no isof U a am de ti al ca e ta ih se co f ns an l ek l viaadt e o fminio n. îis n o o f -thepPIrSu d v o r uotaiab o uo uCu b a.o-tea u kltt" - PreRikioa.ibe a Aeqsabe ~ WIh reseanI hsgrme ian crnr 'alem lsarbiga ieAai ~g Ons s u y o the Idowi aehm kiîwalk ad one sasvar ta t"-'.My" Isaei-quel-stion. Tb 7s goj ne lt m ula liadta itàTe tvsa iigo a.isdiUsîe oe kk rviirgvaa iecnut e C. ~fURSE, Farevn aivaran bravr aiet, a ts knes voliedavec. nd iy for cn mat A yenas if ltbîiak retWain thon'xubére ' of itrd ai T h em, d addy" Wouieall a e nunVr 7IRA I pndny lelt Inathe rugglesvti 'Jiauipd ~au iscac por e syiane hala ws fgitliaepoaîcibaryaIegoanal ie's yuantI aertif lie a gi ond i aIBieecie oaia t one 0'vi pthe a n c s n t an' hb brap taa Vic te sa' u ehoko saau avful f ed lm. ndton' "Notvl fr ars- o t o t si oal," TEn, dan lesto tise-c% la avrlueio adtn i ase.lvIue ia sveu .iae in b hmoamo yi'fo isa te ae Yn r ue2 Lombard St.sante Chaming C teecLarrau.,Onndvelu e culda a S. ot a tesoa' hd S Il I Wof .1 t .' Î, e ýro ýÎý abarelitîle laIe lu tis miletuaiyoheggars "aI ownaa iaraatsr a k ll a loavy, Mc. H ole y. t ae al w kaî sn." Aa Iago i ays "edcr. vii STnLSED s,172.ien ieshen f rotses, ae ovr eahaspa oc )catt is ii nai ae, lII an stihab e n ba n ie ~i G ESPI , MO ÂT AC nd M aunt in ei lin as and ca in thou- lioe aa a word la i lie pni' 66bt vsn a n u n dra e a v uole m n aju fl si al d " e~ . ui. an' tphéals ttiscMap u oly ml fare nlinuaforting troal inureeal mono peopl liallC na an Se n"Il ith appikie n ta t at iihain Agnscies c.tiselasi...a'cor l t e nSuep aalrais a ufaoa ' aefab~.t r IU .'o.1.i e ýhi Om frCsad.Toh.eep fof Uidaers nc'otlsoes, Whol WIIn ""hied lau" 5e outhé ta kaaw tintflicmore yaofeapeac gin tisep ne i ed lhtai Prince Cisalie s qas, rt bDeWintta c k a! cade ant " l iiseak a pr mie ld Ya'. ~Lnaer jitnaî Auas, isnoroch i AainIbhî lîiau iedlamvl auohuIle wia Iaqa-er"vs celta i hikorl;cae nakfich "Oeh isuSbsva iffb un jusiand i l h lckodc, su a cRsre To'a weid o an d d ix an utinga aonhnav soea 'ak frt ptiasa j u et pulia ou'd ail o ' a C. NOURSE s i d s teihan ise u i e n r.co lu'tlitieralgna'lu iswan »'*M :l' W o yumnin Diroi i ia ngu'îic nIVsdtehnsngflo analatiserouer vanlise aolcinporaraoteMaie, a:îd " ell, d 2 oii' Str,"am eret ion hbIli wonld rai is t'evuLio 2E. Wislhisy, Apnil î7Ui, 1877. ~~tatbut wIeviS bonardmol si n put auro it Wi-Liamk Cuiba Bryticl'f o r e raîy tIllas w he ad S ea n t asl se' pastrnli'5 aieatIn a otai ~17 j udaclos Pane Cliaîce ac ie lte 'tye doa'l I h secl a bnner ba Yu vho h vakeotiCubca nofOensutOltiseyouga l'-ajil, r"f e t -i CO me 1" As Iedlitntan isard groutandîneallor a ieAoteyaeps t a bia isba nfnnae boee erAnd - Ive ttisbe lassnfor?. - .T..------ i o lied ENT OMPAN. I ~ '~~»~ tie No, Yar Sa-.> lSe a autin ta isro hie for off sdifq""vtheprioal yo a ndle uo pîte ai thee i't amssli* i !SavlCikn lO. 'I Bas n issetiic.aa, sag ri. il uada n' tIl ion siail rund tisa îtise Massave cf lie Ri'bioou by-oGeliien as limaI lqueOtion.ayTh Piens;iina & ua ae. Wthgéi n t hgrm, rm o t oshage. be itoMygloan. Yt hentvefstiinîni thae lird tlClr. talr a v e ndth' e al-dtrua a tisa~~.t CAPITAL, 8a60,00 Tiue tieréa b iz ess juy otralersAlon huote oohideuLia t hoILe malimanhonllsd"lsos ca becs t" o, o te p t aand fel crolnal ls ela uil iaotr 0 ofrts tis nta Its aue-n iaIdslne. H a ad sci a h iavI for tic U ele inpS, "I faaa iI bttis a 27oi Heat Office, boup 17-la17Buildings, Tonono. i miniastinear, as h *noio su anelveen vaîci' to n ais' list ite aarebicon wn a lamuleano-d iver h-ounca enal d ra if !h ast loit 1 a thend inkers entler bt ta lai bijit a e i i c ia i meu tisa Price Su b audsvet negreVies frs nanhug ffis s plscau t fs tise oncuia. And m on l o t fo r aimloke tn. Lvl is on'd se te I = PM NSU ANKEsZ m S otCo.lie Bia HiPerle ie ua rle iestoag the n oi un asr- b Tai s s ah tfile ul a d nalgeltIe eh un ids ta wisoîl±.r is a sau asiglnhaode mrSa NOS. AEX. OSPBEL. ROIL OAHWA - BNK. m ni l ise eusi !êlre s h w sta Cutao or in up an'd as , an h d asu' - t o"Yesi Sn ov i I hav a atwiy f inage r al aieag as a enitajuafor ntae îate c. id falie oufrbse to dd vs m s lad. LoadOt.s:and 'Carcy BCousLodn. ftOybu a '.aib bsi. isr',lo'sme bva vnkuo t ilhl cnfse] ntisepblc use ToyIlstndofrrithe oa ps.fro e a' vlby LO No0o"geeiori, opaoegmIes aa gaaenslxedupou secau' I voer s god dal.ty r au-ockpatie t I W o."An he gai dl d s t 'adwoheul" su tiandma Mci.T Iprv a Mfe Oolphace f sud votaespo nsba l a minue orda lot slnpm isetisaiet; bat vitenyalcma ah Item, for sanS Sack on lis pilbaw exhalseteal.'m. goba C.LSI , o F T NCoRSE, Annnaise r isoee h hp upymrn nelgnefrageti ree epole ta keep "se. l' sîns ya f alEisiai la ie ahLoo RtmisnacTb ppy a îic'ee ai hide avs Ye ogthyswpt "Wado I atiesa men, 'a erista yne vils no u it t nia s on - Wisichs sbslmoyenoay Iyo ag mentbbila sha.e" risoi , npl I bavatsfoivCnadanoy tse. Sap, tih i e paId Ic a l silaidt Pienu e t savle atisaPerroci vs nanco i pak osiles, m'a i n ii so a rtgi h m o l aad oa nB..ugeW.at va vteBlcony an psaln on htdhe ' bls dcoyota es ost], n dit ier and tist e a a fet vlSaWayhntvispanSeils2 - The bagcimbr.r s a To cotngbrso a ie 6el E.H.KETLND sMnagr, Tonra. "frastnoal digin uIseh l lin a' ovr avala uttwue ic lietatie ivr erdtu,1isy1aiwam we? uenaIma ?oraibpon oadee ÀGOOD MORTGAGLSES B IU HTCAN A g yerobbi1 a u' ollinomyatntangave r obbc intcame btan ina I I A Ibooki ' Idiau ts. oavensa." crimua aides2 1V/oflirfce. Weu i gly Couletai f tGhr e alhoide n stol She roleà dow ber seves, er- apon ell down drawe the aat gunartel-ea"YeyinlemtnulneMaohé ndeI tllluin sayie-ebyraysin heyl'ainla-Aniatfeecoalfeldat tlo C opread T ontaidsàfeetandbracad lu is sak aletnlu le inîdn er Irons avn he Rome asso. acienYea menli op iel incflint a Ta vsa vn mare île " aa sa-lo le oa Q aaindslseModeratoee o!srpatroshaofvlîel. Lar i ut as'tlIma dalar lialtis Paief's ricipl Cr. ohuou loe l tie iadies aratue s.I S R N E C OUM PA NnY ie' r~'~rt j ss eaiS tagaean edt davbr aio s a pe p' u stecnenoyo oes, 'n iumuieIsiou; ira eo ne Brpossuisl a, fe e li-,B a'dnov >ai t elS 'ma Agent uts a fal6u i wsavera m e-r amaen uaietho ou f 1.eona'sé en llfe am pIn "lislam 'f I rynt for itie ise Afi ng loait e atingryh i s eass t rongl' -thsdfe moond H enic On- Wlty rai Aith 1877.g17 v pale ave rnepareCharlesanc fo! vas bri'etramyboItnrevolvrstaspaakata 9Wabueaayiciwyuehsho frr yoe nseîtActa of .e Tuaatt rse a yen ave maay nul h, has torgottea de ffs'tdat fa' ouillas 46te 0-LV R O L&LO D N- i- tgs aeisnsope u iea mei"taao! acoffea maouIerolei tsihen necl e s xoe sla olre ya slars eer aalirilaehilun Ibe gr- îk la rnul ptîl'mo yf' for IM xRIAL L KE D I N felis rbo etha few o Ire U7. W y ne iestgrza ni'*e ie iib uuil o r ar les phio. '-rb ra cf thereuin], icizolie a an ie A Deu ita Sedar un n ou CAPI MTAL -$OMPANY.rI'eeo is im isna ig bina s ruarasyuare e elspan roundSahe toejparsagesiocmthe ta guide i-1o ea tivn moy as i taa rl e tl c i'i cnl am * age. hon he ral bAzovs egan.jsîoaalerblu tisain centre otideca Burahimaismanteall tandaug11u nigitssoouI CA IT L,860,0 . beal e nioy big m aneai thel, l ot t e es taios o eo f tsv e U itdum ias] wsite obe i at t în e e a cer. H e cutisg uap musSs yua11'T e e inu sit bsI! MOLUN BtI 6.A.BANE, EQ* MD.aa e all o! mu, mo an meci aal en sleraui' blu a novarm psd Pupe ali îe savi 3oe ur eî,li :.e ous yen; - a ide anesao abt R. HedOfc o aaa 9 9 t ao~n a oaaa snlae olsvd pa a thceoraaa at h Saues]cows a aw tarias durivker o ome t wiîî l ir e oy, -of t ioau llasanlad onbed James Street, Montroal. duivenauge ilt oa.yb o Ulu lime taull dovgacelea'Ib a am fr aI rlav.enfica K'ntaucky; olo efore ana lotre fc-oltaml' thî ereguetc vr î Ireniah rca e er ni PREBIDENT BANKERS: bak egou sina ess, ak Hpleey c doe- , cra ugn erth ba evison 1 wurg e ci Th iîd ler d s a hie f vif lms "Ite F u i tnug ra m s ao a w thth"aSo yomanel u G apufr bon su d a d e , ho m a NON. HE. CMEL.D R AeCnt, Wh BAK. mta 5 sthe o l O. thiclrvsh ebiz, tfrigno, doa'ln'dwn u oitin.' aitnmy lis 11 nuoveal 1fi haveu kiimelnrs i nhaguie wi; apostule l 0te aeîuiaîiv n t g'ug on tl ed ____________________ tisaI bt P'a ilb "l T or's ot' M I a l o loditargin' af -g ed n hepuli puse Tiell tad d sad+ a da I " an cithe l a n norve Ye'v laac o' HnS M nd, i mca, e e, a ' bI vaar l înt ice arm y iluachavient oan ainIiicîînitisugvs cl i ich asu a u- sy il em s] ata nncb MTOflE' BT ISH on mpoER ANTILrie akw o î" hod sce lop er, ut Inà ise Prnce CiIa v e ue tsae ;îbtrain ycci u slong ega inlefor s a n-ceSaori.wo o! uodiridas] aifea- ; de atL wRae flutrnt pl t - t ola i tia cs. 'e u h a oreal tta k esea m le lbe gua t o ! laings t In e n w t ahîu toial se tio n b ina vas n tneuuar lu hIeé yoaag or0F.l I8 R NCE COPA aieer aa tsera', theh s o le teul-ansfrmoganis ot in neita mI e tea netnear asanvfîte dostios lVk'ii she;oi yen royr2l ic n =u ha 11frhomn'1elai0i asby lt Nge vas, a iraermct th codévsnb trel a1bls sI hneaa iinstedv aa se iaeuqetinyncoi]as.Yu --0aiueas rigiybc.o le ~ ~ ~ 0 weu ond tc vlieel hayties s isp-dta Candr fl oe d tamlis ig à aboutlt wniol keyit s ?sag e apon il llorithe bdgs, n aS 'atpsi» brd n- sthimen oldais. oik uioagi li a reahar s rivr vi lTeni ceiill lis-e a he bail G.RO. TULE, Ma age t, rizzly, s boffala îlieIin te ana he n ieau'Tievranea as ta shrt foriatric in the -sover mse naus ias] go mt i naseriion tati an yn ornyfai y p uo-PllelFe dt sheum slmng ac - r Whlbylue 2 87. 8 M d e, b in a' ot ss u yrdin g ood toli aal ti ens mou rl kin' d a! e ban enar m d carase, eailu an) -,m dai wrgynha ha o o o- GOOD OBTG GES OUGH . did, apbnul b t-vas a p steege in 0is fcdS la ina.vt i am run tisi h e l a i m reseverodetiau tis igsno i e r ! lu li s a Ypro. y liLv « et d mouan a - ler 8 ai l aIm g uîle toîi -arhu lc ng onc lt, 87.1 evin i ccta relme somallt ot loai ~the éuItyaer alpaaugn eshstin o cud eualde atlu a Shap te ov'ISe AuI.vSay, ie ,i . i Uhel n~e u cJ H. L N ,tspe aonnta obis eta e cd hava balin' tha e ehouls yesrhaakoete. H o m"N a s dn. a rrci e ve fleiap n d o f la ano!Tice co'urt o a resnois, ntck. dotl m n' 9B. u aaist he hin w eel of p aire ind wlcel L rdo1b utarsev hat s D onlret hat fie Pn i o2 lualIeu and e -sht.- lCiert 0F G R I oo venrappngi sa e bi ot ls om evles e u' pr. m srrb t ae ic palîy S Caw ~r- a an h hloe de-the a iandest ca e si up ily Ifsfr' ai ' i W ~ I N P E C T O a ai p cal oal P ince iarbi , drea l l o i Sui t , a n'ig la s I mg i ive c a w. a e m yt e p i cf e go o nt i i , a l > c ape Due n oi s a t e ia s an I h1ai ] tu)an i i m ? C of NE OMANYo, Wcacte. eco ut ca lise i u prtas nkin' myflavs ontuhale iins Wlin ; s ell itneXeaea ucpwsl a.Drn iecaaaln Ag. O vua!te arke! a bonngy OZntycpasete Secg ins taklun eau'ss'm tefl svdM ie . h î go"lmd' nn,1 îll hefrln at, rmryn n one-oaiu cap tadig bot ix tsotialan nayI italSu i alli auper-! ares; eaa tlIeburdae tIectarey qes aurasHei:n vt tsaLod ayr Unitd CuEtis 0 Norh- oi gpaliat oxan au' l tatMexianf ean firans islus i gavo er as , ad 4l anysVsuiu a awie~oe îoeyls e unna sd cnaîî luoest uc-xlcohsfa' 116 au'VE PO &L ND N hotale~s libae oals o! f ns. tha s bdlic ns agofain t «ise ha I50 on ledta uicemse for ctaga . uaI aeursonsla sciain ieir ov on l e Syar isIb seyIaaiu um er a d nd D rh m. cip ofn aeu h. a l sars-u lu ti hes d r i s on V u ea detic l tact uaIlie frIsa suil i~ c iti n ese q.l u estfion. prkcssoa.b"Nt, rilieî-tic geneal wCHPIT TL Rsrclyva Senth ini forana asi n-gele a'coeei ieoia inhLi iolqali I dsn iisabe Vaî ynbloaaCcnmn :îckeusght bu ouaurs n lietue moru- au'I ues0e0ellc00lladn a nYdesc a , ayn hretook ierI sa N o arroîl isi.gas n etr a n et ilerioast 2" îd oe il*Y u gasiIeoriiceutr iu'c1 mnra lS det dolars. obonta erinanoaetrn lm,'cus liaIP'rarteassot iuegol e he ludanaeeaapocehluSeahira- die v leralIa os r'OMNbN L U FR DV STORE nanld t Iaslea l an' vant t e ol sy osy saonfernlag ins;diace lia tse A e t ls onu tplire. - r N eo " to;da h Sthvean pnte nreolu tisabizuese, b a men t'nli.'. iat I cIarmho Pine ela tle a ! el' namews n, iRr wlhsa" '05 -dn Yu cemn:an' Lsefn pl8N AK8 .BANS S. ..cahbfsll ouéf aa vnylmuI mieup rdontnronal .. Seneva ChlnnsanandGna cad lsin ti e Leufad C H A R L S P E N Y L E G O N alas n keal u ti e sha os.maenth't c ies îc ue n, éau' Igi lt heva bloe e ncî fintehy la d cing p a ies; e us îi i y a s or e uld s vh i i e s a n? lIthe boy l'and lla g l a ts M. Bes ta ileys frisaUl c91&u st. made 'u'ta ge-Pdoai, n d bîl a rilimenggwa u' IscrGr kin e , an' qld.utin yonrsoîf naviSt etah e tînt "el i" t isatrcinl the vol haý- Ivoîva, ele iedlaieanSes] - onnde JmsSreMnrl.ds nuhta sîaay boy ntherI atîe sars a ta baci ii pfro v ha oiis s] uk anI invcountiseWhomWho!ulevein.s as soor e I v o r four i otr lo iatcesdn- liai S . ov p eparelh nplyAets on g uins, a_Intyaitolu ow tantirmeuta deuriv ge an "sie endsp,"inalheliaitîemsyae rde"O h hamu." nian yn al eC1ékltaI h11ponvuea a a io lab F Bor Han L FaWd RA!gie nt, itaiiy , Appa bs sons Canyeu on , latsud th n s, fa, vanlas] prthn. ar y ia oeîyha uec- kliteSesadi- nov ûe S n t ipo si e t s c atoical air"nu, s iei d ; buth ega ae Flanc Corn Cho~eedBrouShacs, On. O~ScolIs HII, orBeîee JaneOubl Psiaterte, hi novuaper géunt tor cf yen b 'W August th, 87. IY48that ws, au'the vitise coint epuffe, a' ht ey d iei' cashme s oul ai," trn ies Ic noria setn nus uavrv ihonlao a b imEeClnma go tn eisiwn'a nd vo t ae." ieu melCbcutea, eapasstPa ~thie fllr ha e sI abou aidte r. arfo ia' atihaatoblam na l uit tmoilav e r s aed us n sou vot nlalbeiev aehm e,, orhat DanSa-,ts uulra ie tatosha. aIWisle.îe ntIRetil. ta l ewne e xico, put h in M , s I ta saidthmarincesov arisis laI ov er n o "G o Ga-mcinln g a." t sa nlovearey or t ofnvisa datu a r Ic.nts-vh-ivscils vyl Attss asno lu ot I to re pcp isIW is anel'"ierotrece, a ge , ie. e aIbgu S ea ng bar. 'ou, ye up airCctyîaIaîy 1"1spea'6b lien egiaer aout Ilyes I' firia- ag i, shootn' righ interthe savno newTicer mn who dey dis] not appea.fl leu erry"?yf dccth 'oyD" l sais]Se a-metbecli a bail O casb's lssk, ssIboo, Dnda Sloet " Wak l, y'e e uas] ab out dzan s c aout the I mird f cubn.A-coigadto st nadap iie-s a ettqes ateon Sa-faniouias. sou , sh îall us ispsefr orWFRltby. NC CMPNY1Cshocae, sud tbraer e nlne- ceutapplu' staga an'n'nakn' bISebfoS A Goa Ct Schey d [d Sf, ndrliblchars. P oNdetoN Ibis ee; bul t elî ye th e got ebe adaven Iroundath e shok-ine pd b - re-s o.u......abu.te.hlo, mougýUpn f w ili a' noduîe ,whi er tisa vfe at lm' WisibyAprl 245, 875 mataco. A ooy cua s io inttbo ss lfae are'gn o'coc." a Some ftie gt icvileta! M.th e a l f s nThc ai rs no r ic l e oen als yaue h u It ipe b. " S o , n- - Davis (visaof vies, foldrovacal hm aitischilsa diverpie dlisChy IttlitaI ukya ahs ise'd cry 'Haita1'etaasstage, éven brava ro cales t iay oeunmluNaesos] Tdiigis iusiapeore ongeary na leoe, ana ldI t-a-gl sqare vi0 kg. R SALE CHEAP Age n on a Sgridzlya bIravo ll hu t isa eason. g An Aot an sslas. ie)vs cofus1olurnu ilu h"i1eue]tsiîîe aiarinal lii." H e i tpty WhtyJnPr 85 in e , Chaie vsy dai i ran ha' e vnaI,- pofracLemn- eal sikeu pu ui vsslie ia nau rcs e ls mpr f ie n TUE IVa "' uv A P rcne A~ ~ ~~~~~~hm Brcbahg erBene etel olut Ituko a wrda! cisrinahiennachaMr. J. H. Nell tan, Ilo iguahepovorn hehic paon sunkhuinlubvs vulcanpUro l a oten-C5XanE.-Lsd (vi ctlogu.)b"te. tis To u t W sch y. Foc prce ud er s s d s melma h sh t d vr ai pas an an] uoc se s n i et aer a s a yan e l po ca a tu ec s s y n r- l I n S hn or, b i it uls le ged . th 'Ee Temu'febis 'U i e ntleman (h d e-i MEH . TP, ge or tva oesIt ae asbe t uhtishc eun sthngth tanding in e lia lse"Dntthfriurn Ideskas Ms.lueofray l ie co fau ilsresl ovli e pagh-iu ty Dnn e' taheler cf lis rosi. dovas icn hier seanînha'e-bai'Shae y ayerhuk. e " e dn Sîgliw 'lhaet uOn fteCait fSarm nc Whtb, eb. 01, 87. ronî tsoe asehoienva eaus !laoso olvtios fle an, arî t lsr buav ee ! ie suaee s ts liapopev a h eiroe on oae.)- " t, ly tsa c-vl ! 'INSPECTOR OF T~~aroi' wvliaen I cad inow up lie, litedc s o eauamian'or s elfpo-nt]a l w.Tryuauela ily euh- ufuoilE ne ariles ca! s iv n sual u rse." li t-t urriitr e>f FORA.. Z'S T AE R Who te a asdgone baS h o hîbun eaareeti l ocoont o e lng pro- e Is n forn e-;oraln tekcounptry lo;s en ws hhecn tai nul ite Sa coana l RC etULE FmoJis a e - Lu-yarÂo...S- oy, oneofetnango', agets dnop: ducal by la i nteroFla ida e l n ýa ea lne. amnig tise s ai. barooousapmid rssayaflv a y'anm aIlaeiva axres- pos ta~ ie ieaecfa m ue uc uo bne eue day usas he a, à I ogt visidas' i a 1Ites]. ie psiin o! Mhe . avis -f arnressilan disaueiajuy neo e tcfn eys iy. ecasdnu- il u ;rlMyr -,&IID- fiue-ooking ch"hrta"danalabilssapph» iancesaresoelws, vatul o elieuses commWa ot îoîsLll ioe foerag thlama. u lie annes o!siànus ler augosuae an a bornoyas] Wbtbfa . .BA]) sd ha h b l xna'nyo'oi ia icnce sad i, gim'teqci o l a on cvnt u min orLadans] aglntul nro]5itae sccn n haivesme the irYo snutbeavylbrcl ouevrtas artie vioiciNort haliho"badoes lb, "C'il blo!moataniasi -p b ine lieacermestia.art cf cucpet iayh e en - L is s atds, so nnta th o se viaapd oro no neta n thea n a c efliftytla a m o u n tio!s p cd n oco q ui umbrlndandDuhan. 'bàphie bizongtess ad lesiheisu an hke ie ieos]tca'be curelshyot g isceuthdébsegt i double ouse. a générlcnvhian tint itussian uet fronu bot forlersetee "Tie - T u'u 1 ermntseagi ola liadnp ocrtan île astee loo roltng hinseattiautahsonPlton bis sufnia t e, vsoficei Thealanall, heasions lu Bal aia-dcul an acqaventhuce apofI'shait-,ymte T huscng.Ted osagasdolars lyH e d ay.oirove OMNO LU DSOE A s ldan' "ane,"cpable o! causferal arépis ;mprcoventfiaet cothe îehsmeotrfna]vnlrva ary p pa ae rsaia*u CARTWRIGHT, ONT.

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