Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1877, p. 3

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1 e * privbaYese WL5UU MuomeW K5eeve UV 13sems$les6cf mlon, Evauy d"Y gir. m140cansd Meney "ont o!of ura resourcas, but 1< i à cer., drain. 'Bis maXimal tweitydva shillings a b?, 104 p" 0 hlhIaiyar oul Ib bongiet foraiiWbt 21hi111ngs, ani Of courm everythlug le du*r lu proportion in th, v'ogétable 'lin.; but eowi and poultry ke., ara te b. bought In the smrnapla for nominal mumaonly. The -pop1 have noihlog <o food tham 0ou, surii émrn places thora Je actually.%-famini cf water as well asfood. Grass is ai article- ofIlmportaltion and pays foe 1< convayanea. Wa feoul about O300pao plI doliy,eue moail meday oalyý glving bu enough 4tokaap tbam all e lie eau not afford te give more, as va ial bsve, probsbly, b 'faed tliixufor foux menties, jperbapo longer. Lest mentb vas, a great femtilal tinie embug' the Rinticos, but owing to the famitie, uqt nsony came <e markit, although thoea la a temple boe muai frequented, by de~ta.Somatitues, afteOr laudlng or the shore, they roll <harvhole way (8 miles) te Psy thaîr devotions; 1lun-one toleeg 8<,000 eiled ofestrýatiou lu a monte, lm ur 'district 70,000 dieci In May. IIitnot terriblq? Yeoaunot fminewhatg mesmwd, Indààansmes àaibear of!dSly. Oa you faucy a voman boillng sud.aating har baby 2 That oceurred net many miles from hors ouly lait veek Whon possible, 1 uperinteniti tho givlng cf thefooti, aud 1 bave Otton, seeu <ha motiier. akiug the chlcren's uhaesand eatiug 18 <hem. selves. I muetAiUnd <atI Imake. il up to tha poor littie thinge, Whou possible, by givîug theni an extra ailowance, as, I feel that ouly the panga o! utter star. vation wouli induce, a uj.other to rob ber chl, f0r, aithougie black lu color, thsy -are net devoiil cf feeling." A BdÂu O TOLlr-Ono 'day letely at lii. rasidauce of Mr. Lockvood, i Barrow, Essex county, un inralid chlid was lylng on tha ifoor, wlian the attention cf oneof Uteinembers cf tha family was dnawn te it by hearîng a bnzziug souud Which appeared to P issue froni the child'm lothing. 'Pbink. Jing that a bea had become entanglidlu 180 apparol, aie lîfted the ebiid from tho f1or, whenselie vas startled <o je. ieold a large rattlemneke gilde froni the place where thc child liatilain. A onat which happeneti to bcoin- the room aut. tecked tlhe reptile,- and vas bitten, freru tha affect of which 1< soon died. A mon vho Wvas about the promises, being called lu, dcapatohecl the aka, vhicli was found ta h ave saveu rattias. The ohilti vas uuinjured. Onf Drawing f?10m,'i DisusA ÂMAONGST HonLsEs.-Â mys. teninus djseese lias appaared ameng <ha honaesata Madilson, -N.J., and Las new.apread te Moristowu and otiez places. Tic bagining waa colio, and <hoecand vas ýnvr~iably- deatla. The iret liorde <bat vw t akon bick belong. e t t J. E,.Scoflild, a coas mercliaul éf Madison. Thie symptoma vere i avellen <liosan sd rioleni tremjbliug of thie left fore lag. On the second , aw <hhensediec inlu gany. Eloebhrde hava socumbadt bthle diseese withla a mile cf Madison. Soveral hersai sceanite have osught tie disease by eatizig (rom trougias umeti by animais <liai hati roceully ickenad and diati, AN INFUniATScn lU4L.-Tlie Wife ai PatrickIe earu ef lugersolwcs baldy gorati ly a bull. -Silc was vliaeling au infant lu a carniage et <lie lime, sud aller the animailiead dasheti lier egainet <lia brick val, braakiîîg esara ral ru sud ethervise injnnlng lier, it amashei filia carniage t<o places. The chilît, low. cirer, was piceou up uniîurt. DaewxE r o& AScîoNcn. - Tho gchoener Charger lest lier niain boom wlien oif Grand river, andtinlugeing 1< carnioti witlî lbt ue cf -<hesalIons, a Moan uauced Dovlle, froni Seilue, N. -Y. They lovereelas-boat, -but it ililee 'imuedistelY, and iftiey came cican bs. in thg<le mate. Il beîug so rougi,, tliey coi4id rinden Doville no a»ssiracne, * PIIK5YTEiuAN MssieNxîa.-flevig. W. B. Regsa,cf Pickelnng anti A. Camipbell, of Montreal, lave beên ap>, poibted biytha einoe Mision Coni- màuee as hehaPrcsbyteriau Churcli ae ciestionanies te Manîitoba, sud vil pro. ceWth Iitlion during <lia present menti. Scnsible Advicc Yen ara asktd ey day tlirtugh the~ columiîs cf ucwslpapers and by youn DruggiattoCcuee senetliiog for yeîîr .D3,8 ipbîia and liver Coxuplaint tîtat youknov notlîiîg about you get dis- * - ceurag id spending mcuey wimh but little mucecas. Now to give yen satiis faCtery jreef <liaI Gs.NN'S AUeUSrr FeLewitawiil cure you cf Dyspepie andi Lirar Cemplaint witl a al i i effecta, sucli ÃŽas sour stoinaci, Blok Headache, liabitual Costirenami, palpitation of thé Hienrt, Heart.buru, Water brash. Fui!- nase at lie pit of tie Stenjacli, YaIlow hkin, Coaaed longue, Inidigesuion âwii. Ming cf <lie lead, loy spirits t&c., va akynte go <o your dr1git S. W. B. fth & Ca., anti get a 'ample Bot. tie cf GREzxs Auouar FLowJu< fer 10 cents anti try ic, an a negular size fur 75 cents. Two doses viilrelievo yen. ig la I '.............. ,Ape............. q 13utt.r .............. .180OI i OO .................. m Beaf lle quarer.h0~ lmqtart., 0,d Sheepiklns.......é. 00à RI,. ............. 84 -,0 Pork, pr ot.......... 06 ,U Limbe... ........ # inos. ............ 3 ....... ............ tOheeme.... .. i 3e Carrts................15 Chienn, parpair....... 0e Turkeym, par lb.......0eo ÀpplaS, SO ,QI Clover Beed ...........7 60 0 Eppa'. Cco....Gv.ra ioisud Cern. lortsag...--. si atiorougl uveg Oft the-nt e a a eh ovrp5. properties 1 et hèetacciM.£ iia rvded Our b cakfstalreWU711 delicataly favered bavera ,Wiec!'I ý ae Un mauy b»Avy d 15os 1l.MI by tha j4Metu Ousie ah aasci du ofat <bat b coest tutio, mikba $d"s,,j ulrsny t8ecislse. Hundiesof tn die8a.are toating arqund!ûus Wf46-la1 wheraver there 1savs on.W a escape maaya fatal ehatS1ykalgur properly nourlsbd fam t-<aelSom" o "James 0~ &C.1 Houoopahe e ?ltis, adou, treit 1 NEW ÂDVERTsEjmisT5, T. P. WHITE rumi udcontrol o! the Major &ii 's praparad te PAY-," TEHE IGHEST-PRICE FOR ASY QUANTITY dlerfethles Mill Whltavmlab e maka every effort <o giva sutîre satistacti te, ieuse Výho may pairon1s& tha Min I v thair -GRlI8TflG. Of tha Bai qualiy, and at Reasnelb Prices, vii lo be lapS coutanly ou ha Anetvae sd for sale. Oct. 10, 1877. lion rith Is Md 42 Oshawa, lmti Oclober 1877. Te H. B. TAYLOR, ig., DiSM:Pease, accapýt huIs for tha promPt payment, of! mliamount cf MY dlaim fci' inanranca vl<h Royal Inanrnc Co ÃœaY, on property 'latnoya.l by Bire an moruing O! 148h Wept. lait., Y cure troly, ELIZADPEHHOPKINS. iFarru to R fit. Tql meIENlT, Parts o ots No. 8 nd 4 175 acres of good cleard land lu a hi.gltteg o! cultyation. For tarms, &a., apply to JOSHUA RICHARDSON, s Whltby P- .O. Wbiitbv, Oct. 10th, 1877. 42. W an ted, A PEDLER to travel in the Townehip .0.of Pickcering. To a good, reliabie mnau, high wages will be paid. Noue other ueed apply. Àpply o- G. H1, PEDLAR, Oct 4, '77. (Stn-42> Oshawa. -TÉNDERS.- Ontarlo Ladie8' Colle ge. T 19EUNDERSIGNED wyul receive seal. aLd Tenders for thie foliowing, te be deivered as ordered up te Sept. let, 1P78. BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, & PORE, by thie peund (best cuis), quarter & carcsa 3p Tons Coal--Cheanut and Stovre. 40 Corda Dry Hardwood.-Mapîe pre- ferred. Algo,-, BREAD, white and brown. 9ý All to e ce i the besaty.-e Tenders racelved up to <the 20th Ingt. No tender niccestarly accapted. JOHN 111CE, Whitby, Oct. 8, 177. (lin 42) Sec. O.L.C PO9TPONED CREDIT SÀLE or Purgé-bred'Short-horns Grade CilIo~s .elo. FARDA IMPLEMENTS, &c. The subecribor hai~ reeeived instructions from MR. JOSEPH CASSADY, To sali by Public Auction, without meerve,' at hie rexie, Lot No. 5 in the lot Con. TOWNS.ImP eofBACH, on Thursday, October .ý8tlî, '77, TRE FOLLOWINO PROPERTY, rIZ: Genva;lu witenlnti va viilei iCATTLE'2 Pure-breti Short-hemn Cove, Gcnca; n Swtzeland wa vîetedineait te Cnown Prince of Atheloaea 2nd, hry an eartiquake ycsterday Mornnig. ,16à85; 1 Shocr-Horn Heiier, 1 yean olti, Servs hm frnmnly eneetite ha ot byCrown Princeofe Atheltaue 2nd; 2 Serv& bs frniely enee t th P1Ceivee, inners o e iTrst anti second Poe b ler atsirances of pacifiaeien. pizes et <lie North Ontario Connty Show, tiens, t by Crown Prince o nt anti Crovu MouktanPach esima<g <at L nce oi Athaîtane; I 1Buli "Athlslene )Ilokbtr pahrtestinatt( tat he st," 2 ,enrs olti demi impente,;, sine, Rltirian 10ose turing <ho neceul figbl lu Crown Prince of Atheltaue' 2nd, a tirtt Asia vas 159000. prize *inuer, aise bis stock. SAunnt CIIOL Criruwnîst.~lie Pedigrees wii li e given in fuli et sale. * ABT fauntanîl Coneton ETof h Sabaî Thay are trac f roui stain. Soci eociatConentferouftherlo ati 8 Grade Cuva in Cali te Athaîstane -lot; Sellci ssoiatin fr Otari an Qu- 1C4ainc ow In 'Cal! te Athalat*ne lot; bec opeucti yesfarday ut Guelphi. 1Ifie,1ye I;-otrCiavn ners of lit anti 2nd primes et North Ontario Ottawa expor(pte l <le StaCcv dcîîling l 'ail So;l1Stoar, 2 yeans olti; 8 Steans, quarterr cnding Sept. 80th. U~74,055. !I yeen olti. of tan heat o! Cottla exhibilei by <ha l'air cliemiinilfer caIlle at bloutreai, papiten nI the ,North Ontario County w itri e)tol ithovcntIe 101h sept. Bye citeinut iBrut eUlliiiuit îîppyand four second prire. Tho Gnaiigana -of Toutou have a nas Parties thpoetre in vaut tfgoti catîle ail cenvouuit hall. eliculti net miss <bis opportunuty. numer f rssasiiipar et2 HEEp--,2 Pnre-bred Colswfolti Eves; ie live fvesl, l ot t2Be Leinha; iiiam Lamb,. Nontreal la uuaually large. PIG.-il Puna-brati Berkshire oss; 9 Labourera on tha Ottasa ivaten- Young 5ev anti licr Piga. . vares avelîni ur vgescultiou ~la11SES-1 Mare <I yeniaid;- 2 Mares; to 00c lier day. i- îMare, 41Bersoti ;r1 Pc;l; 1eas l ANOToTîEP GRAND Tc.ýurNeDl-'FAULTEIt. IM.PLEMENTS....2 Lumber Wagons; 2 --ITeh sittTee nrof <tie Grand Pair pt Bob.soilgia; 2 Iron Ploya'- 2 Osha- Trune Bnilway uci Moutnî'al la neporleti va'Plows, No. 4; t'Ontario Plov, (eî;cr's lu ýleac s iciulter to a consicleneble toake); Port Pcrry Gang Plow; J2 set o! Iron ianrows; 1 Rlier; 1 Tnrnlp Scuffler; nicoant.2 sets o! Teani Heruems 2 sets et Single Thîe editor of thie CPicaigo Tisnes Herniesa; i Single Buggy.- i Cuter; 1 large Cîîtîing Box; 5 Dozen ilm S; eaen; $D'y$. "Shal se believe n lie 2i" No, Cu"Iiîlator; i Fanuirg Mie.. 1 Regperand ut), inn* don'î talk <o yoursolf muhi. Mowr; 2 Rey IRacla; Cratilès, cyties, N. 1. fera/t. Parka; IRope anti Pnlley; 4,Acres etTn. Greenautlî~asna cis. magiiIpe; A Quantity of Gooti Ray, andi varices GreclandEas o cas. Iagi ullter articles cea numeroui Bte mention. entilina a ln tny uliera <lie nigits are Asrnmy leaso o! tle ficnin leaxpireth<le Aitc Ïenthe liîuigaboya property wiii ail bie sold without <la lu cfyeuîrslightast.raserve. Thie safosl way I-lu yoi:rsell fyu No posipoement ou acceunt o! seathar, veife'* ferriale fnii e àte make love tuo-as lu case <ha weatiear aoniti agannprove 4 <hum, nfavoreble, the propcrty vu libcoIti nutior coi-ar. - - -Scaota comudenco AtI12 o'clock, nonn. tIW> Notices of BirHlis, Mar'-itge8,-Si~i ah ai'è Detths hareil 0 ce(8 cch. Tcir4roî* SÂnt--612 anti under, CB an/tDcais chi-gc 50 enteacca, ven that amisutit 12 meonthe' credil viii ha glrc y parties !urnishinti approvei Joint D E A T ~ N te;iuerest chargeti truin day 09 aeifei D E A H 8 iît paitivhon due. I SULM ME ILVirTLE £ clu euienL. FAIRBANKS,. I lat No. il, l ini, lloti cou. of Pickerng, llPeuh, Sept. 28, '77, (40) Auctioneer. on Saturdu<r, Oct. Ccii, 1877, 'atiuîi. I -S Siuiuirvlî' cu-l7$yerr,8 îuouîi.s AUdtion -Sale of fini 28 4duyù .4e;-tîîî' OCE IÉPLEVXENTS, &a. . Il) dceate wtila talvtofLasi.-I< moug hciaegocti ganerai pur- Tii.drcaaae vasa îîiiv cf 'sabormes, -grade mbep andi caille, veli. silteir,', Scîîîaîîd. ,Hi- üýt'uîinî' -h Con- &da, M, 1882. R a ey o% 87at lot No S, Broean Front, tevuship 1wsw aidaspruin. respactt by ail cf Pickerng is proert ci W40ÂL i.oct. Bih 3*77. 4)1ls P "-y,.n cutis TE: Fer fu reparunjaa amly te. or to JOHN E. PAEEWELLi Torebuto, Aug. 27, 1877. 4$tenth 4rthe o£lits moendad te.0a lie ofny, cunt C. a uToPiyONc 1 et h.e cii 10W "Myrie avyTobabi INGLT LETTRS. 0' né,s other le G --enune. Hainilten, Sept. 291877. A dmi7istrator's Noti q'nCREDITOBS o! HUWTTON ST, T.Laeaof the Toim, of Wbltby îec 'Who dWa on or about tha1sit daf,Am A.D., 1877, and ail othara are herhbyn <o $end lu <hein d3asainst <haes the sid IlU TTON STAR vitie «Vouchers snnexed, ts Mau. HLSi tha Aflmlnistratnx, or Wo D. OMMsroN Selicitor, et<ha ,roWN of WH-ITE lu <ha Connty e1 Ontario, an on baerait Otis Day of November Ne at <ha expiration et1s'iich lime <ha Adminiatratnix wyUlpreceed le distri th<le assets cf the aidEsteaan1u Iparties entied hec <ha si i £,n te the daimts o et Ul àfA I <rux salli <han have notice. Andt ha Adniinistre<nlx vill net b. liabla for assets sa dislnlbnted, or any part <haret eny person cf wliose dlaims sha salal hava lad notice et <lie time of sncb du bution. Andi ailpensons ludebtati te the Estete are notiflad tc pey <ha same te Adminlsatntix or <lie undeanda. This notice la given under the Statut Victoria, Chaptan 28, Section 27 Dateti aI Whllby, <bis 8rd Oct. 1877. ». OlIMISTON, 41-4in Scl'r. for uaid Administrai. A dmin/strator's Sai Fmninilng Stock aud Implemeuts. The suiescniben bas bien lnatructe'd James R. Mathewscn, Esqnire <ha admin raton oft 11m estate ci île lata ROBERT MATflEWSO: U1apnès O" tullÃ"?brpus&é Ae aoiI A dS01BTMENT ?CÂ-RPE TS, ulu wich tbey are offrn vsCheap-,for -CashÂ-nothei, .,,COMPlets in'ail'the Dêprtments,-Usnj.l Stock of (Iro-ý oeisCheapc.-Call and Examne m m Octéber,'I877ý MoMilan'a Block, Bok;t Wty Io d Li- ie ted maid thej ste c9 Li Npt ;toofer for sale *by pnblie anction on the 0.22nd day of October, inst., on lot Numban Twenty-mix lu <ha mavanth - concesaion«o!tha TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY, tie fdllowlng veluAble tarin stock anti u. pleentt, via.- 1Grey Mae, 10 years elti; 1 Bay Mare, 6years oldr ;1 Bay<Horse, ade; 1 Bled lng Colt; 1 tierce year ci ul ow in CalI; 1 Hifer 8 yeasod1 el,2 ye a old - 8hai!ar 1aa old;8 H eifr, (1877); 4iheep ; 4 Lambs ; 8 Pigo; 1iBrooâ Sev; 1 Lumber waggon; I palire! Trucks - #2 ,pairof Bobalelghs;1Iroîýn Plongli; l Courlis Plougie; Sm. taot Woodi Harrows; 1 Irni Gang.Plow 1 1 Scnfflan;, 1 Top Doubla Zueva s1t3geufgy;l1Turnip Drill; 1 1 lot ofSingle Ha'rne:a; 1 Bal' Ohio Reap- iug Machine;- 1 Breatceat Seedar; 1 Fenn. lng Mii';i1<lutter' l.Cttivator; 1 Wheal- baîrov; '1 Land ciller; 1' Gnlndstone; a > oft c Cotton Baga; 1 Horse Raka ,1 eiCi-yrale ; 1 Letider - 1 lot ni Wh*pple- <rces ; 1Nckyei; 1 AiyBRack; 1lOs- eut Sav;lBea anti BiCs; 2 Loggi Clams; 9Cetie Chaine; a qnantityVi011 Torn Ila; Spadeç, Sbovels, Hues, Rakea, Pakandi other articles tee numnerous to SThere viialsoc ia offaei dforRie Aet<he saine tima <tha iolloving valuable preso land riz --Part ci tha uerthhatolt nnndgn .tve tyfive lu <he sevente conces- sion o! thaetdvshipof WbItby, euntalulug by at maaurament fônty-on'e acres. A part -e!flot nuniber <venty-six lu the savante concession ef Whitby, contalnimg by adi meesurement B!ity acres., -Also about alaven acres oi lct nunibar six luie third, coucesaloncf <ha tewnsieip of Beach, frentiug on tha Brook reati TERMS AND CONDITIONS 0F SALE. Fon terni stock anti luplamanta, anl aumm inter t9n dollars, cash.-Forn&Hil si over <liat*mbunt <valve niionthà' cradit viiibe Fi van on furnishing. approveti joint notesa inteneat to e aclargeti froni date if not paid whan due. Terma anti condition ior mile cof<lie nemi i asiate may bc hati ou application <o Jaesm B.-Matevson Eql.amllteo tI Brookiu, andtoessa. Fanewell £ :àut.- letiga, Solicitens Whi<Iby. Anotlaneen. N Deteti October 1877. MY" IoNOT EASILY EAENED IN 1 -'It<es tlme, but I<caunbe madec in tu <roc menthe byasny oua cf ah gga thensez, in any part of thae '4' country, sho i lm llg <o vork sicatiily At the aniploymant thal va funmn. M $66 par veek lu yonr evu te*n. Toi neeti ha avay inon ihome over niglit. Ton cenr gir. yaur vieola <ins tte ovork, or culy J yoreamgome 2 enr ay.haagents-h ae etin Wovearg er Sty.neeaueen- gage at.vAtcengageaionce cm maey cno emdesn A<<b.presnt rulIme nt caniber"bïmmedo Tiso and 85 tet anry othe utlle Il. Tanna at 5<T. &rCe. At1.1y aPope H H LTT. <J. FarktoRent. T In FAM laeiroccupiea by mr. N. T Riay,Lot 26,tiBOrdcon., Whitby.con. muffs 190 àcres-iSO cieared, anâd under eultivatic.-Go04- Bouse sud betziug, large ohallrd, &jW, EligibIly ditoited, in- iurdiately entaida <4huuimts Of <ha cerpora- on. Appiy <o-- ,,. B.7 QIBBS ' T uo nb.cast On DyronStreetnoir 'ar<rue.For partioules apply 80-'J JAMES ÂV1, wmëiai RamIlion h Oo'7. now CmeeiiEeyie Very eil nuenet othose 5TARTIN, HOUSRKEEPING. Ful Stock- of CaSkets, (Joffinsi and all th ncesris iit~ Rin. Also, Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 LAING &STEWART Rave mach pleasure- in uannougncing to their Friends, Oustomers, and the Public generallY, that thst -they ,have now a ver COMPLETE -STOCK 0F DRY GOODS, suitable for thielocality, embracing leading linos in each dspaatment, and comprieing the Most desir- 0F GBEENWOOD, ONT., DRE SSS G V V I. U vlliby publicamotion, withont reserve: MILLNERYAND MANTLES. l11meonteoa ccSyas u r ~10 Càusla.baCotsvbld Yearling Rami. 24 Extra Gooti Ram Lamies, frei Importeti -Prii. Rani suad Evam4 8 0 Importi Breeding Ewý9, renging mcmm 2 te4 yars oll. 20 Pure Brad Yeurlng Ewea, aise breti froni Stylish Clothing. Next to the "style of ImotdFw'mRm"'_ot the thing," people want C7eapnee8 in Clothing. Any one 20 Pura-brati Barlahie Eare andi Boys. j who aspires to be well-dressed now-a-days, leaves his order CocinrebedDrIBamhsu srrdg with te Tailor and han his Suit made to fit. The beet Basides the aboya, <lier. yul ha sold by <ha quality of Go ods can now be had at prices c1iàrged for sanie Brui at tha urne place sud lima, s shoddy a few years ago. Therefore people are wearing Herd of Short-horn and High better Clothes than they could then afford, LAING& Grade Cattie, and somle STEWART keep in the front rank of the trade. Good Clyde Mares. Whitby, October 1877. 42 TEBMS 0F SALE :-Elaven montha approvi Joint N"~e. A discount of 10 par cent. par annuin off for cash. et Duffius' Creek Station on <ha Grand To A Il Whorn It May Conce,,. pGeevot am av3h,8 ie Trunk Remivy,-2o maies Est of Toronto -ironi vhieh place tam inii conveypr ties, free oif rg e ea vaning-befop anti -000 mninng o aetla. L. FAIR A KS, Auctioneer. The ,,b&Mrbers take bhia mthod cf returningý sincera thanks for <ha libenel Gréenweod Parin, Sept. tie, 1977. 8854d. patronage aeccentedtihem by <hein nuirons patrons, diîring a perloti cf NINETEEN YEÂBB. GR EA T The almost universal commercial anuss whieh haS foi' some tune affect- CB E D) 1 T S A L E' cd ever brancb of business, va <uinI niy b. ceusidarîti as past, ant inlu rder to keop abrest of tha prosparcus timos, vhich va believe are lu atone for ns, va -i have, afber mature raflaclion camne4te tie conclsonsi<ta. ....ê .- - Prices Defy Competitirn. s BOOSELER N~ TÂTOI~BJ. SeROBERÏ8S BROCK STEET,.mTy TWO ,GRAND' EXPOSITIONS! FALAND WFNTER MILNR-Y Trmmed Rats and Bonnets, Feltad Stia:fts Feathers, FlowerÉs, silks, SatnVle Velveteens, Ornaments, Bibbons, &e. .--,This is ,our nvitation to every. lady reader of the OHBONIIJLE fo walk through Our Show Btoom to look ab -the Novelties, whether intending to buyQ nrfot., This being Our first s*easoln for Fail and Winter Müii- nery, every article je new. or" We mnaintain email profits il, Mfiney mlprft i every- department,, but no ore<lit ey m rft ODD EFELL0Ws' HA&LL, WBITBY, IMPORTEI> COTSWOLD 8IEÉ ! NEW ADVERIisEmENTIS, 0-uv-vMU L lgA,A&ND BERKSHIRE HOGS" eat ton, At GREENWOOD FARM, Tliltrsday, Oct'r 25ih; 1877 Oci THE CASH SYSTEM. t therefor raspectfnlly intimate tlaat oh and after thie 1itL DAY OF 'TOBER, NýEXT, (aiwheick tate aill curreni occounte become duc,) va vlil sali for We are dqtermiued to seil at BOTTOM" Pnices, aud (ccl confident that a (air trial of, liii aystem vil! provo mutully'banaficial <o marchent ani custo. mers, being in aur opinion tha only Correct end Sale Basis cn vhich ae menut businese eau b. saaccosfnily carnieti on.1 c )TJ..RJ JSENjT 8'rOÇxil Conastiug of Dry Goode, Grocenica, Hardware, RHats, Caps, Boots andi 811008, Peints, Oila, Patent Medidinea, Stationery, Sohool Bookso Fancy Goodu, &i. la vay lang, veR "suontai, val! bonght, anti vii bear favorable campanison vii ny stock lI the Tovushlp. ggrAR Notea pat due rmnsi b. sotticd tia once. Notas, matuning must be promptly met st maturnity. J. & D. MACNAB. elarcmont, 208h Septamban, 1877. 8t-40. J 1T-OAS PAB the lit Con, cf Eeacb-200 greso, hang <I esSate of the tat a lai. Bncvne-2. mil, North-vest cf Aubura Forpaticulars applyt 1 A. R.Brovui Aulibunuock c Septeuibar 191, 1877. T I BRWN NDPATTERSOXI NOTIC is harebyevn, t<batamiaetin o! tlia SHABEROLDERS cf the BrovnuJ Palterson Manulecturing Corupanyof ai Town of whitby, vii ha hlat 0 Loffcg oi <ha asiti Ccmpany, on Brook Street, oz MONDA Y, thie 15t)e cf OCTOBER lb77 st 7 o'clock, p.in., for <ha purpasaetofe<acýtlng Dlnactors andti ransactlng other busines, iannetad vlthé1w Ccmpany. N. W. BRIOWN, Prosideul Whltby, Oct. 8, 1877. 2ins. Wutual Insurance Co'y, IEAD OFFCE, BROCIE.ST., WEITET LlnsCeuùntryÏ7Churchos, OSobi Mosa at hein Ccntents nt rates as r.aw sa <ho% f,,sny valil blhdCompmny inCfanad. UIST LOSSES- PROMPTLT. PAID. J. B. EICKLL, 'xJ1OHNg lVL1s, FPrasident. Vice-Preuidant. C. NOUBSE, SZCazvTuer. Ratas of Iniumino.go loy <bal 23 Ceuta vii insjure0100 for fucelva ouethe I Yhitby, Pet. lit, 1877. -41 SSTUMP AND STONE -e à4. .lJN- DOWN 'tracts birilla rm ofaitonos ani Ulmpo. SThe. Stoe Extnucter vas bluhly reoni- mentiadrPt ibe le un 0Pl. anti la capable' ai mti aU Int isesal An&vv,.to-T. ALLT5I. ,. i GREAT AUCTION SALE lu- SHORT-.HORNS [0 Cotuvelti Shcep and Berkshire Pige, e, FR03! TUE BOW PARK HERD. Tih. Canadia <Tet Penn Stock Amsociation v.iii offen for SalWthbbut Rasenve, SCity of Brantford, Ontarjo, THUE8DÂY, 151h OCT., 1877. 85 ThoroughbraShort-Hetm Covu ud le 16 Thcrougie.bred Short-Rlom Buis. e5 Bull Caives tIh trdm '40 Tbcrougb.Led C<hein dms t su ad Lambe. CtvliEeRm tg 20 RIgh-bred Berkshire Pige. t. 0 he8 WFad EPR,84 have beenbiedte 1-clis pue Be ure Boot Bus.h8hteales luno aver <a The Bull»slBt for servce luoludeti lu the salit an opaltiee fins lot e nu a n d n ad usu R e d Po o ls. eri S~AI b ommence at 12 oegiock, sarp TERU8 :-Apprcyad nota at sixn2onihi; on duscount torcash mt tha rate et elght per 1Cent. pr1un Tii. sa la bc é losatiilu tua te enebie -parties sttanding 1< te raturahome <ha âame evnln If theeyMuvet, tha evili hauntiarL cor or. Brantford la -afiourishiug 111. itl c 10,000 lnhablîentu, vitie ampi Rotac comniedation. 2 Bcv Park ijetourillas froin Branlford. ta- The Great Western Raiiway Com-. panyviIil ime,,Tickets lu spacaconec. tion vi<b <bis sale-t aSl stations en <hein flue-le Brantfordi and retira, for SIN;GLE j PARE. 83' The Grand TrmkB&dva,& Compayi viii isue Tickets in ts.ciai cenetPwvid 71 <bis ails-at ailuseations aon her lin.-.te Brantford andi retura, bai* 6MiGIEpAU i BocardersWw.'e!,kL ! SHO RT-HO0RN SI 1 W dnsda, -et. Mr, JORN 1B. PAGE, cf Sonnet, N. T. vlU mal <ha Splendid ATRA IRERD Of Short-horu Cattie, tha prcpenty cf WIlliam Miller, Jr. Amn g <hem, <haeiline CentebnialFirat- Piza Rfeiera. Alo<ha vonkinU Stock anti Inipentson tha Fanm, i u ffliim Muer, r. lu leving tha place. Ameng the Mer.es are4 fne Draug ' 8* SMares sud <bain boais, Taanllg à lias sud Yearllng colta; ee Y good dnlvinieors, &a. Ai thoe tu e ant i plce viiibe moiti a flue soleotion front <ha The propenty of John Milir, Esq, Brougham . 51 Reler, anti il yo=g Eli; alo, 20 3'ung cotaoianis, anti 20 ees, from, IniPorteti Sires anti Dams. ta- The sala viii ha iion <ha ATHÂ PABX, baginnlug vith <ha Iniplenients, &0., s 10 o'clcck, s. ni. Sbcrt-hann Sale stî1 oclock; liiâch st nocu. TBRM.-12 mouths credit ou Appncsved Noten or 4 par ceul. Off forýE ], Cam;u utlaîeECsh W a tL3A. Brougheui. Septaniber 10,. 1877. 'tti-59 SINGER -MACHINES. YOU WANT TO -BUT- A FWIRT.OACHIN SEWIHN MACNEB, TIIREAD, &c., PIS'IING TACEL, RODS, ET» -CAUL ON-t L.FAI1R B-kr4K-S, AT is- Bewing Machine Emporim, ~ROC87'q- -WHITBY. LENT AND DIGESTIVE FLU ID.I", 700 doi iSoldsino. April la8t. 'xýév A wretvin rosi- HUITGHESBOTE , DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, TORONTO. We show the Largest, Choicest, and Our Departinents are Complote, and eplenihed by ti-veekly uiipinta In Staples, Eancy ]}ress Goods, Silks, Manties, (alfthe newest styles,) Hosiery, Corsets, Laces, Hfaberdash- inIg and Trimmings'. Carpets, Blainkets,. SOur Woolen and 'Merchant Tailoring Department u.nequalled. Canadian Tweeds a Specialty. Terme Liberal. Teronlo, Octoben dth, 1877. HUGHES BROTHERS.' 4in-41 500 Tons Bar Iron and Steel, 100 Boxes Canada Plate, 150 Boxes Tin.Plate,> 400 Kegs of Cut Nails. 300 Boxes Horse Nails and Shoes. Drders from the Trade Solicited. Prices-Bottom. g~3 Car Loads Goal OÙ for Sale Wolesale.-Lo-west :figures. WHITE COAL OIL.-4 Imperial [7The Largest Stock-of Shelf and Hâeavy Hardware in the Cotmty. STOVES.-Best Cooking and Il[eat- ing ; Choie Patterns at HAT-CH & BRO. OUT PROTÇETION. PAIR C OMPETITION WITH<( -00-. 18 NOW IN< THE--MABKET WITH RIS Wlich for quality'sud pice will be ýfoud usurassed. -00--- CLOTCDIw INIV.. I Made up in the Lateet Styles and on Sisorteat Notice. A LARGE STOCK 0F OVEFR-COATS AND BUFFALO ROBES, AT BOTTOM PRICES. DOMHINION.WARERO0OMS. LOWE S & TPO-WELÃŽL- Beg to inform-their customers and the, publie that they are in receipt of a fuil stock of « FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Cloth4ing,A Millinery, Rats, CaMs AND 'GROCERIES. stockli wll be sJI boli« ivomcc.,..1 .+ ,a#3- C I am piepffed scys.* tPriam forail vator, Frneinna' amERs SALT, PLÂSTER, WATERLIME, &o. FOR SALE 1 '1iverpool Marki, jniyg95h,M7. " c FOR SALE OR TO lERNTf sa wla or fte rent, Goldlen Or,. Pana containlng 2M0 ares; 196 mmrsunde ar eltv- ation, being Lot1INo. 5 ln the d48 Cen.of Pickering, vith gco. fime lieuse, nev barn, sheti, &e., witkL atone - oundaticur -uiÙ <hem. -Thare in àaliving tafrm ua nnbouËh <ha fanm. For furthar par- tiar pply to- ALEIL MOIEEMN, On the pramlsfes Pickrering, J ly 24, 1877 - ifn ÇOMMENCINd ON MONDÂT, May 7th 7,adnt funther notIce, inavfll LEAVE, PORT, HOPE for Idndoey, Peter. boro', Lakeelaid, and inlermedite pointsa, 5â6.i.n., 10 arn., and 4.80 pm., and for the Gaor* mBay, wau. usushena, and nere points, ai Trisarv sfollova FR03! Linday, Paieboro',and asId et Se r., 2.0 p m an .6 . y aud frcm <ha Gerorglan Bay, libau-, ahane, sud intermediate pointa, ai 6.55 P. mn. Forif.nther paniclassea Pochai TMme Card,to behadat &UlStations. Sheep Strayed~ SSTRATED frm th p remises f theomb. kscibser, lot No.f l.la<ha mCon. o! Whitby, seven Evea, four Eve Lmmba. an&i ena RainLambe. AUl aremanketi vitie du oe top cf sur. Any peacu givlus nlu formation as viii 1 -diro <hmnnaovery viii ba snitabiy newardeti GEORGE PLOWMMT. Whitby, Sept. 24th, 1877. 40 F OR SALE-. TieREat bal! et Lot No. 1, in th. otie <JonceaulonocfUxbnige, 100 acres. Macres cleanadth<e balanc hartivooti, cer and pina; vel ail ered freine bu; log bain; tncmne stablos, vi<h lgglionse., Apply te <ho propieto- *WIL HARBRON., 0tnseP ., Pickernug. Sept. 218t, 1877. 2m-40 T0 RENT I Tvc Firat-clasa Brick IHeusas te Rant- saven neonis ami; e; vlfinishati; goot clranti all necessany couvenasuce. Apply te J. B. POWELL. - WhitbY, Sept. l9&0h1 1877. 59- fOUSE FOR 0ALE. Hdindsomne tvo-atoreyMaua.nobrick Cettage on Byron.s<naet, veR appoiutad lu eveny respas,now m poaseuf0n cf tha ~f.a'in- heath, n account cf vhlch he icadvisatitoaý.Pend sornsie mu nCali fora.is, induceo bim te imaIe Ibig ofai pf s.ala. For perticulars applylimeaajtelt Wieitby, July 24,1877. .HI, 81 TIllE TABLE No. 19, Takiug affect on Xondey, Aug. 27th, 1877., TORONTO TIME. Toronto vis G.TZR. 7M80 m. Whitby Jun. âG.T.R.,845 fBrccklim . .1r) Myrtia......9.28" Sunm9..88 e Mlanchestern.9.. .45 " Prince Albert-..9.55lé tPort, Penzy. ..10.10 *Sonys .........10.43 ~Msuuiia .10 7 TRnieAMS11.18 "uTi Ppa .............. 2m .45 7.0 .à00 .1 125u.NO EAL ....il.......S7m i 4806' oy.......... 7A2"do .180 S7.085"« £&M tWhtbJu.GTà. 8.00" 5.18 le- T nnovaG. T. B.- arrve......58 de 707. Flag sia.lions-Tr&ins stop on signe liy. I)ZPAEr. 7.w0- 7.85 ai 8.05 g 8.178 Foai FUýR SALE 1 L;4 -JLV M I-J " %J LN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fil 1 1- ývuv&umluu w aaopç 1 17.e 1-877.1 NEW YORK 1 UNDAS STRBET, W RITBX. 1 mv stock of ý!UNDERTAK G.

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