Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1877, p. 2

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1A5. 1~. Loues & >ops Soki Otatle s lires. fath=won. lis fireLos and obiesp Ste-Lovesm OnIaiÃŽo Frmem, 'las. C.-O. Notice. #7711allaê'& Co.' NeMoitper :4dierttig-. Gm-sec c salve-Orctn Nolica of Admhulsrbtrz-D. ritn Volera Liob eourt-Heateor Boston. Meting of eShaîeloltirm,-Bromu AUCTION SALef.' Suie of tarmstmoc, implemeuts, &o., the propcrl>'ut' Mr. Angus mRay, itu., * ateti on lot N b. 0, iluele 2md 00n. Pick- erilng, on Tocsae>, Oct, lti, 1877-L. FirbanksR, Auctioncer. Sale cf Conteoalti lîeop, Slîoit-IOoru OuttIl., 1lrkshirc Hoga, &n,, ut $*Green- vooti Psrn," the proîmanty ocf Meors. Brrelt anti Johnuston, on Thuoda>', ()ce,962t, 1877-L- . Fairbanks,, Aoc- Salaet Short-lmrus, working stcck, sud livplcuents, thi roperbt-f XVrn. Miller, jr., nI "Atila Faim.' AIose a tbc camahime anti place, s fine dselea' lCen fromý,tRia "Thimîtie Ra'Herti,"the prcperty cf'Mr. John Miller, on Woi- nemldsyOcet. 17t1s, 1877-Join IR. Page, Auctiopeer. Sale cf ahort-horna, Gradec cattle, biorses., siecp, . Impterent#, d*o., the proportl>fcflMe. Juoeph Csssgad>', oulot 5, inelIe lst couf. of 8teach, où Mouds>', 0et. 801, 1877-L. Ftairbanks, Auo- blonoser, . sale o aritustock, implemnle, D t.c., On lot NO; 82, Bruoken front, Piakeriog, otl SittiiduîY, Oct. 13th, 1877. the j'unporby Of' Mr- Richard Ilndd.-L. - 'i aoJaclionier. Ou Tiîursday, 18tli Ocr. domltlNo. jîtiminte dci. liemrumcmtoft Nf. Jolin ,Jme.L. F'airbankrs analionoer.' $ilu utf lando, tarin sdock, impicnuts, &-,01o Wnday 22îi Oct. 1877, at lot nutnber 2C,,ihi tha 7th Çvnceion, tirtrnlip t) orYIiLby, the propprty of thlu ctaks fl 010 ulrta ott.i.4hw r4ontl. I. J. 1Mrithawsou, V.làiuibi&a t0w ;-. Vir ,Auctionc'r. $sdçi of tarin etoïk, imleuxcn'., &c., tlio propGvty o1'l . Ni. Tlîomi, on saitui'day, C3t1î Oct. 1877, at lot No. 22, ini the, 7th Concembion, toîvneliip ni1 \Vîti.L airhaukls Auctioneer. A. rais>' renotlin-in the miglil'di r r#etleu-ýhbs sot ln in thec oenty of On. talo, It iftlib. ceen by the. procôeý4: Iigo, given elsaîhare, that a depntà $leu frdne Broek walbed iin1fr. e' d&m, naging diractor of thoé~ b Fort Ferry sud Llndsay ulIvsy, Icui. dering abs nso wïud h cns piay ta testhe uti.a t Slin- *p.Time vas, and net ver>' long à,go, vhen people,4n -Brqqk vould nt liston btii.heroposition cf glvlng a blsonu .-OlVbnthel seote Offors and langhed et the aments .a tla Idied rÃ"nad. . And bc nO suriresgi of th 'o Pffopý4 lie u w * lie .. w .~ $0 roalis.Ib. savantageso.c rî« and tuai flxcy mnori than au al> 1o r clsi.arté - q»ssicu4t" Pb.»ctea by theÉoù esàtistQcto. Wbaïn raLwAY faelia" ensIle s; ferme in-Qu. lonslI>' imaiefnhl gwuC u Q jm i i b shli #nlujrle àit>' au'glrd qu iny geed campe, beea f«lthela.k of ralla>' ob>uniulatlon, thetbngl easily nniierÏtooà. ince the extension of tii. Whtby and Port Ferry Bailway te Lunday the affect has bera ta equal. Ize the inirketa north and goulu.ý The .dfféence' btweeu the Whitby sand Lindsay markiets used to be smre ton cents a buuliel lu avor of the former. The. Mdlavd snd Nipissing lines, bav. ing ne compétition, chtarged bigli freights. Now froiglits have boen re' duced onebif, ilîcrevor the Wiey lino coînpetos.tor the traffilo. Enycra establjsh themselves ai lthe boat poinýts aleng tiie lin., sund farinera get ail thé bonefit of comptition, loi friglils, and qulck and easy sceouato ma rket- iu fact a masrket st thoir'door as it wvero. Tfieare îrroitiblea'rgutâente' whiclî noue c" fillau bunderstand,and, wlîloh ab once apposai ta commen enu, sud ta that meut sensitive cf aàl cOr belogings-the j.e The 'députationn îoemeut, hindi>' received b>' Mr. Helden, whe express- ed the wllllngn.ss of hlm Company' te rnect their views, if the people of the norili dia their reagonable phare in as- sigting with the, wvya and nieaus. lie aise, nas %01 bc seau on reference tate procucilinge, spoke ut length on th. benofte oft he extension ane on rail- way Imalters ge-nerally. Now ie lthe Mine for Uxbridge to mova aud ct in conrcrt with their ueighbours te the ixorîli and east. It l, ia. alroudy re- tnarkî!(d, a nuw btiug ta have railway depîitatiai tron.ithie nouli cnming te time t of oWhitOy. Il osedt tabc to mmmicli tlme tlier va>', lb shaîs tlm, confideuce Limpireil ly Mr. IHoltien in lime cnmmnity by bing a mu» et hi. %vord, anti b>' hi. fir, liberal, anti lion- set tflîncumor melaiug vitî thte enter. prit Oc lias uîreati>' meucceuitully Carraint mbcoînptiau. Il is a plans- fjÛ p (tkr8 ieg asmsurancescf gîrsaler confidence 0e- i rnà,1sbuen te people ofthle nrli andtihle ONIX l$c JO PER ANTIUM. Wlliby, ThîîrsýYle, k4. 1877. imîmîlieptircmla.'cs oftmiii>'kî inluWhitby wiil comnsimt Ileir ovni ltouesta b>' câre- - tcîhy eramriluiiîg hue ativeî-iaug colunmns Oft lieCiîlît.mîl. Theumon - ihe ad.- - - t-tiunt he- mobusineoms et ofWitb>' ttîmenua lan arc loim>g as Ue busincas, m'mîi vimueau bOeil sid uasi clleu,mRy iip?î. lime %vait5 o eto-uîeîr-in epucial or Coneral lincoi. -- Touanteocati Ottawa Railwa>'. ottivu ii unlîil aUiy-law granting ma baiitia l.5Iof Il Torîoirstiho I'- ilod toi- a lilos mu. TRie Canadla Centrai Railma> Cern- lai>' tiare oxpreeseti a milliignoas te lispame ef theur hou frein- Ottawa ta -Caloten i'iaee te lImeTarante and ANOmuul LtatUUS CÀUomur T AIa D stm.r wmrc---,J. 1111h., orle oft a bi lot cf Clelxmy Eciglueils 1nrmuîmiant, gelcun- lîIbOymnînt 118 àmifarim litmmer tram 7 i. J011 G&i2l -OifOyms tPiiUhùrilng. 110 ber- icueti a hli uesanibuggy ram hil, arn ployer ta go ta iBradforti. Insîcati cf 1101m19 b tie làtter glacu isRe veut le To- v ola, Bmcii 10. ig antiticoacupet. lie %as arunteti at Belenillu ou Tîureia>, braufflt te Wlîitmy uni teieti on Frida>' cnrning betore ie hoeni-Jumdýe Djimt- udRi, couviattul andi sentcuceLlto ta t yvimys-anu ix miii untisa iii. ciPrevinsmal lemmeiitetoary'. Mu. J. Li. Farewell, CoronerAteorney', lîrnacauti. Fum1a1, ÀTPORTy Umauaî.-TmcE: Mammn- .W,,,Arnv.is CALI> î Iýom.-Early lait Fri- mia>' marnug, about 2 ocleak, alarme nof liro e vesouenamlthrougîmoutthie tain autidatgreat Croa t o ur itizens as- recmichudt u fnd lim e ance. Nev&.ýat been reccivedt iaI a large ainu 1l o! tîrepcrt>' ieiomgiug te li'n Grand Trunlu Itili a t lPost IUion, wxte o '.fn, anti vas *comrupltly lîeyouîl contint and umisîFJauce w-ni amOrti. 'lie Merry- weatlmcr 4mî(l the ire-ru, i, aceomnpanic (J 1) ala-; i-w tciti-,ns assecmblat mt lime whiiy station, wilumre -a utucial trmainîmas ta lhav~ eievy.,mictItib tee orcnmut tfRie lire. But ieore bbctrain mrrivîi a IeJcgrtmn viiisent stati-ug t-laItmmnthfler saLice iras imut tootict, mntoi li rfic vs cuider Contr-ae. Tic" lo80sias nul neauri>'3auge us ifît mmi- poi-t, bclug ucider 12Ol.Wihimn le» vinuteîiroultI ithu ln ith iiepateli Nvas receive th ie iremgmIeulua thet Mcuîywonutlira t hie station, anti re- mainod thoi fer su our maiting fari tRio tnain-b to akeie c»uon itreqoireti. COLLIsmN.-A collision, a short tlis- - ~ tance vert t fDuflIns tcîok, bchmween lîvo fréiglit trîsain Ime Ci0randTrunl4 ocueilîtt Wednrmdcay stainoou. Colsudsrulmuianage canicti but ne unves les. Thie blamm of lie paident 15 tirowe u n time;station agent at Dtffins' Crack. -* Mit. JONAmUnaePonaTEsho sporcias- cd 1h. ige sixc.yeem OIimpented Clycie mballiou, Argyle, frein SÃŽr uJiogsAUln; aimo a Frenchî Canadian talion of greal beiut>'. - - Oin FÀni-o Tl~naeÀN...j~~Cati- ssuuîlerouly iguemi jctition te f-lici Gi-ste thO Arolibisliop fer toc retentie» of I-V o!1e Fathen Ierrigun aI Duffins LATEST r IazoAm) Beoui xPaîlcxu. --Mit. John Fiergusou'si laIt steak et eIting, buffulo robem. d&c. I var>' Coi- jite. Garmanta- matie op inlu Ite - -tles. Bottoni pnices. &TT94CITIyVitAND CUÏ&p.-Tî. fâne - tIcels tl otnleu nWarroms. F or i6P1e vincbmtid adz ,am.îA. -î.î soulh of tîis ceubLy, su)d au angu-y of a botter state et thiug u im tabofutue. AI ihsvau IYO UmEsEl EscInî aAD PFe- PLL' or'TumciivAND, TIEWAS IN rTE EtarT is tic ttle utfc- ncw vomi nov gaing timnough lhe prnu, s«dfer vOici Mu. W. J. Inchca, lime agent, is sellait- i ng subsoniptione lu bila loculit>'. Th. book gives a fuit acceunt oeth1e omrige of tIie Toi-kmandtih1e gmoui orthebc cm- pire ; the babils anti customo a i lIme people ; heir religions i tes anti cs-o- niantes lime R1o ut Mahiomet tise dc. iSnes of the Koran andtihle Mahous- éaetansd Gucci Chuïai religions; a dîecription uftheIm counntry'; Sys-la anti ilmo ly>'Landi; cilles andti tans, Masques, temples, andth 1e seragio; the mnufoactures anti producta ; thme Gonnuument, ils Sultans, Viziers, anti Pashas, miti a narrative et the Rate ne- hellien anti Outchenies in tOe Previnces: Alse tice oiinaudpiegresu ai lie Tunko-Russian mai. Bnci a morfrorn tIse peu of Dr. Ilammuont, anthior cf "ITraveo lu bnteily Lrint," d&c,, can- net (ail ta ho very acceptabe et lie tîresent tin,. Il vihi ho illustrateti mith tifty> engraviegs. The pnbliilmers, Meîear,. A. II. Hevey & Ce., have a de- sarvedi>' Iigli repulatian, anti the mnr mili be lu tbo best style cf the printcr'o art. Mr. Mevat at Fauît. Mu. Mowat's fienils ara nul quit. satiafiet wi mIiIsa course et lt. in or-i gauizing pic-nies miti the Premnier cf the Dominion. Here in oî lie To- rente Tel-gram pubs the case :- Mr. Mowat îmontti seenita10 i eg a ver>' ill-judgad thlin ucoing about the countury am uin viti jbMu. Mao keuzie. As il is t preseutthie feeling of the people l8 foreu I Most paît agamuab lise Ottawa Administration, anti net againat tise Loaul Administration. Wiy ehoniiliii1. Itoîrut liaihils for- tunes uiit use of Mu. Mackenzie antid incui noeclmms riait uuinoppularil>'E Cui ' iss spporters lu lic Assernisy? It ought to e 0e nticient ftrn hase mnp- parlesstu bu compelledtiat carry tOc reaponsibilit>' for t0e i. of tLeir cm» Actiiistratian citiont bing campdil- 1 cl tea ihenider alîo tise remponsihhlil>' £t'e ieins eo ite Adiministration aI Ottawa. la trying la do Mu. IMacken- zie a geoil lîmîn, Mar. Maînat miss>'la; inlucu it is tbe lt. tOut ho bas dtie birmimscf a ver>' bad-ti hl. WVuriy AN») Li2imoa MAmI,4.-Tie 1'net cemplains etflIme laudinema cf bbc P'est oflle Depurînieufi - ia hemalter of maili acmmoatiton betircen WRîIt- 0y anti Lindsay>. Il asa, saysa ur con- lcmuporry laiei a goot tiasi longer than roxpeeletitoeaffect tlOi canuge. We-r su nprisat, liowver, liaI lie saveasiehianges necessitati b>' lie conatructicn of Ils, Wbitby Raimu>' hava nult' beau matie., lVeshenit have expacteithut the Poal Office De. partmout. muid bave been ou lie aIent te tako sîcvatage ah once cf thei.- aneaseti tacilities ferei b>' Ibese lue uailuaya. Tii.e' public lutereutso culti putapem-ty requins sncb .uirg>' antifoe.s lsonglisI on lIme part of lthpsnent; but il, seema tOt il linccesssry tabriug before lie officiaIs Nvili a gooti toat ut anersd ilerailosi tie claimu cf tbil ditrict andthie stvanlages offeret b>' lie nov sailvasmas comparat vili stagea lu ouder te eeque lima adoption of bic requircti smrangements. Tiers nia>' O Borne lecinicasi iffiecîttes cf ihD o une is avare ut preseul ; anti la lic evant me Ma>' bave te vail a l111e, bbtst caînuol ibefor long. Wc crin t pi-aient ame no ea-esec s>'mai Hrvica shoudt miel apaoed on bbe Wiithy aunt indusay' express trains. \Vo Iumi-ersîasmd te mnttsm is tc be bieught squarél>' bafoue the De pasi-b inent lu a foi tisys, anti w. sliil bc greatl>' ti»sppointet if the requirei r.- arrangement caunot ho speadil>' carnet eut. APPas Taîs esmmi Bm.OSsOm.-MU. Geerge Hlaunans, ef the farti eau- aesaiou Whitby, bas; bînuglat to oui office branobes eft au apple tree con- taling1h1>'exputitibloqmos smoneâine.sawplca of applea-no wtmiîtà bàtw bgongon. 'Ou 5rbnrsay, tic uer bs1ongSng tO )ù. mirgnie, tnd ivo - boiera 1>.lýùa# 10o fien wu a snSb>'Mr. Br>an, lb4.oea. stéble of WbIby.,t@l.!bo$O Terento. Tic mms. iug 'ibtmu dfWo. Scota&Pa lisaêe 4 ton-nudluthe .City eadevoel4 10 41 pesae ottleie rlnwoi I. lb. de.eip- tio.I Tii.>'bad'offeredthe. animais At $80, anddsil>' agréeedte aa 5 ( halt their vaigo) snd vore arrestea on suspicion., The. hgh conabable, t"9in Mr. Marquis and Mi. Hoppar, (anether ufferr,) îith -hlm, vent te Teronto. Marquis ldeutifled twe cf tihe cattiO as blonging tb hlm-tii.othur twe au- swered lha description -of thosa lest b>'. Mr. MoDermid. '1ha two priseners vere braught te Wbitby sud ara te be br»uglat beforo Dr. Gunu, J.P, bto.diby. On. of the prisouars bas given impor- tant infoumatiou, as te the lifting of cattle b>' other thives. Six baad, ha asserts, toies inu different direotions' vwer. driven to Torouto a tea 4days ago sud thero dLspeed cf. This plundir- mug of cf owuors cf catle bac beau go. iug on for smanedîne past, âadtiare in littlo doubb tiai an organlzed gang bac erltd for the. purpese. l la te beý ieped liat the ehhar guilty parties iii nov ho dicevered and that swlftjus- ticse ill be o uent et them. ' Scotaud Sheran are botlî from 0mb. A GnAîa Tauxcc EPLOYEIc ARRESTED Fous Tixir.-SaMUOIueIrvine, Su cm- ployec ou th. Grand Truuk Railway, at Port Union, wams rrested for steak. iug timber belougingeto.the. Company' ou Tueida>'. Ho wisubreught te the Whitby Station iy Dotectiva Flynn, where, hie us taken lu charge b>' Chiet l3ryau and brought betora Dr. Guni, J. P. Yle vas remauded for al«ht daym. Other charges cf a orions character, veaiaea bed, are te ba proes. ed agxinst the priaoncr. STUMP AND -STONE FXTRATOR.- Attemfion is directei te the announce- -ment ot Messrs. Alun &Down iu other columnus. Thour stone extractor vas higbly reoommendeda ttii, 1* oonut>' fair. Cut this Ot-lt ;May Save" Your Life. .Thara is ne permen living but what uffers more or lemu with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds, or Conumnpion, yet smre would dia rather thaa psy 75 eonts tfor a. bottia cf unodlolue liaI woutd cure them. Dr. A. Bemehoe's Gorman Syrup lhas label>'beau lutro- (duced in Ibis cou utry troin German>', and its voudrons cures astouishes every oue that try il. If yen doubt what w. say iu prila, cut thus eut and, aoie tle your Druoggee3, IV'W. 1.Smitlî&Cà., sud gel s sàmiple bttîlo for 10 cents aud try, or a rogniar sire for 75 cents. OMSSON.-In -Ott* notice of the cricketerb' concert set veele, îe one- mittefi neticiug the gôod ervicesu rau- dered by the OddtUowa lroase baud, at the entertaiumout. The band play- e-iseveral ver>' flue seloctions li, the hoast style. Thair services, toc, veîe rendcred gratis. Oood Opportunit>' te Improve Farce Stock. Fui-mers iho iutcud le put smornfe the surplus netted by theirwgood crops into irnproviug Iheir stock should lake notice of the Boi Park Short-Horn sale, udvertised elseihere. The stock ta be sald is of jnst tie claracter te suit such a sporpaso. boing ln perfect breeding condition, -cigi-eut variet>' sud excellence cf pedigree, anti cecuprislug in dîitials cf' s4vcn-at aïcelIanl aid Euglh t ribes thut aire net'cômmon in Canada. rabfemud, bhe place of sale, la eaigy cf aceel tronarail parts ô£ the greal dry gooasiuimporbe*i, eret<cý, muaie au important anuonnuco nl olher colmua. CuiRAPI leacAND STanîu.-Mcursr lIstai sund Broîher havan suams stock-sdiluig ver>' op. CORREzCTION. - WM. Ayers Bhonit have bec» cuedihedti mifrst prime fer gsaie bauta ms-btacký-ued-insLesd et Miss F. W. Porter. TO. jutiges returns gave Mu. Baruelb frst prize for piategmapis. Mu. BesI ut Oshanwa -obtauet boti first anti 2ui. prizea fou anabuelypes anti photo- grapia. TTm.'s ILLUsTRATESt HIeTRY nOF THE Deîcnueu.-Pants No's. V. *aud VI. have iscan reccivet antiaie (ail>' up te, the higi aisarsaoer tof mmicîs. me bava hieretofore mpekeuaI lis iesplendid snd elabmrte oworkMessue, D. Demnie &c Ce. arc nom tic pubishers, havlngs- cureti the rWIglil te.Dciniou froin H. B. Bigney& Co., pd s lie pissent publishir r untier ne tlsslvautages cf usut cf capital, lia vos-i viiibe ex- pedibitiuy r sseti fouîvarti sud pbeead ia tic banda of ubsriiers anâtihie phblie ah large. ,Tic uiners vil lai future ha deliveret, i s t nadeuinit t thone Iaiimg hie book lu parts. Tii va6k n lu aulluly bouintivolumes, mua> be hast oaIce. Mesur. Doinie &c Cc. -,ave &%0le eexclusive nigit te "The -Dominion Encyclopedia" andi ether valuable anti tiestrabie voiles cf Bigue>' & Co. Thse fortooiang Porlztkj 9fo fr Septemboi, publtaeetib>' Baforti Bro- iera, Teronto, coutaina articles as Ici- lois ameng etiara :-By Goldi Snîitlr, on "Thi. Pelicj of Agnt izc- ment" ; L.-s. Moihefere, oun"sine on Rteligionsud Politios" ; b>' Leslie Stepians, on "Bsccplicism cof Scapticiatu of Bolievers" ; hy F. Hueffer, on "Chin " ; anti b>' Aulion>'Trollope, on "Cicera as a Min .ct Letters." Tas VOUNwTcEa DasmmcvaTY ire Mcc- TREAL.-Tbe Meutreal City' Ceuncit lias deolcet, b> ' astnieli>' part>' vote et 14 tcu 10, notto 0psy bic volelcers for theur suvices un tRie ouccusion et Haak.tt's lunes-st. II4***e .4T WA5HuNmuTON DISSAT18- 1#8Q, Samfor 4W.M1 i 4 clai ô~> ieS~, Bot ét hie, oaltude uie y#r4u# 'B e Va vev.knde on' e bjy 0" 5bi ana thc boeti e iproertY' Prise for boc8y.1 u ansd Srd tàined neyerai prises. usualve>.ceeflloobanga dispîs>' of peulir>'. Mr. TheunasMandareo of 'Beach,' carîditoff 'thc Ascoatîen's prize for the boat 25 buels of. faIt luean sd, the thlrd priza for the. but lie busimis Egyptian ulict -aIse fer the. but 2 buaiela of Àats, tha firet,Atii.fourt i for black atc, thie tblrd for imali peas, sud tihe mcnd for an>' ethar kiniff flit paus. Mr. Wm. 'Thenupaen, 4tb, lot bestý two bumbeRa, tIbv-rowed bharle>' Bout 8-yr. oic!d ily be&V dràuglibï Masars. Thompimu sad Smi, Columi- Beet bree-1liàmn r itha f", b>'ber ide-j48. I. Dpvidsoni. - Beat fest cf7-Jas. I. DA'vidsou, BeSi ,emsllng IIIY ilutheaseciultural. olat-eortDoi ge, Colfurbus, i i où i, boti, for original au ea *s istar -colora, snd Miss Ssrah Pa Strickland e'for kuiite& vork sud em- broider>' lu the ladies' departmeirt., TIie Whlting Msýufscturlng 06. cf Oshawa, severat prizas fer bcoas, forkc, Calfakins sud Iestherfrem the tauuery of Messrs. King Brothers, Whibby, ex- iibited by Mr. Alexander Jehuaten ci- haineil prizes sud îere bighly-reoom- mended. Tii. holding cf tiie neit exhibition lu Toronto vas csrrieadb>' a vote cf 105 te 48. Guelph wu thie cempetitor. NOTES. The weatlier, altbeîigh perhape a trifle tee vara, vau detightftnlly fine tirougheut. The exhibition cf live stock vas naarly Altogether cof Cau- adian produce, iuatead of au herelofore et iuported snimais-shewing a de- cidcd change for the. botter lu bha de- sire ot exhubitora te rais. the stock tOe~y exiibit insteati et dependîng upon their purses for suoces. Tii. absence ofthbe Milters, Birreli & Jehnston, Thommons, Drydaus, and others troni the ceunI>' who were baretofore large exhihi- tors and carried off man>' prizes i%~ ahorthorus, sud« cf the Jeffreys,' Hodgsons sud Spencers lu bbecep, var, ver>' observable lu bhe exhibits imade' frow the count>' et Ontario. StiII 1Mr. James I. Davidsouwith bis nov; ne. table herd of prize-haking young oee, aud Mr- Moffat, cf Resai, have weti upeb l.gooti nane of lte ceuni>' lu Ihe soateaoèk liaI. The Institute et the Blessect Virgin Mary. ENOWNIN rInlaLINe AND TIISEXEOLISR * coLONiFEs, AS NUNS OF LORisETIO. W. weutd failu cIaît tentien ta bis suaient religious order, for bbce ducati- ou of youug ladies,âacîhoUy distinct fremn an>' other Order o e a meaeume, on, the Continent of Amerlos. The parent bouse le Canada, is Lorrelte Ahbey, Torouto, wiere lte Ladies of, Lorrette continue, as in lime eid world, te main- tain the lsrge-minded sud lsrge.Oeart. oc. trsadition; cf tieir Order.. Under their efficient guidance va de net hesibabte as>' Ihat thce ducation 'cf the pupils eornmited ta theur charge vil realize thie highest exietations of parents or guardians, not only as te its attaintnentg, but tn thc mental culture snd moral lrainiug, vOici wyl enable thes» te discliarge bthe important duties of lite sud fit them le grâce.the highest spheres of Society. The ladies e4 Lorretto teacli ov-r lys udred pupfle msrny, ot ihen cae trous the Seutierusund Western States, attractoi by theécuparior* lraînuz ganti the îlîeroughnssa of the.edocuhion for wbich lOhirAcudemnies arer netetI Lorrebto Abbey la a beautitul ctai- lolimn ituataf iniua ieultby' lccality and surrooudcd b>' extensive agdi higli- ly'euitivbted grounia. Ilta covweient- 1>' nerthe business Par t cf telii. cit tbrev up lb. upouge sud retire 10 bis corner fer repaira. It is n doubt truc Ihat the conditions onder vOici SSi John bas been peaking vere for more cbeering andi exhilaratiug ItmonIlical vOici urronded Mr. Mackenizie, thi. Opposition çatherings beiug much more entbnsmastic sud demnsmrative than tihe Retorsn. Thé Chiettain ha beau exhlaraîcll aud kept up by the eqw$t de corscfhsllwr-one than ,g te vOich Mr. eMaekenzie, thbegis not altogettier s stranger, la cul>' liglîl- 17 accualomatl. Addteàti luthis hhere le le iaural inclination of Pepoîto lold th. Goverumeul respensible for ovri>' tbing sud the Opposition rosponsible for nothin e. kuovie ft mhieb canisot fail o eflect beOtd$A thé' e)ifiés ition leader sud the. r o et a verument vie esAmiug the peopler. aI Sir John bas besu recoivoti vith bncbh mors varmbb sud euhhusiasm, aven b>' thasa Who do net scknovledga te b. bis euppcrheîs, than have au> cf hie oppanants, 15 5àtiiuta te bis permonat popularit>' cf viicli babas ever>' reasom te ba proid. H. bas been 80 long et the head cf uffairs lu Onnada tuat, dem- pile bis mai>' shortcerngs, ha bas b.. comns ver>' much eodoared te ltheurta ofth lie10 'eol'lie dariing objeel ot lis lfi la be roinstated inlu is olti position anti to satiarth1e poîutar conscience se fofly anti completel>' asOcfie as tioflet the popillar heurt. Geucral Debility. T~convenient tri ineludea nom. aouIlldefined uinfl mppoaed incurable formaetfdisease, seom panletiby gen- eral lassitude a liaQuetiin, viliont iwye « 'set e ' - .,nent vbei araî koeoad la>'Mi.HqZldonain; thée Maybr'suefâoe;-e -iIM ter, Mr- u Hàn~P.rq'an& Ïotir aniagn c 4#iboWWbciualatheest f-h conferem w ould lh. prometiva epftlWié interesbs efthie gentlemen froin - he aor~iad teecof cd. hayCQm ver>'mneh interasidinitie hounderbak- 0 .od.tnt it paï ils. oiad me vt h'orrît e a m e ti g balda hs Mr. W. - 'Z' Ysncld. '. L. S., ex. pisineil hehýiab ée1apoeiuted te maie a sn've-y, front ulmra' e Whitby Raîlme>' oressesas ~thi. Royal'Osi hiotel' te Snuderlaad. T 1hat :the dietaneasA oui>'à a short six bats. ý-n.e had made asurfaee pDua, Yb oa 1ep ilued ahcmiug 'the. gemaraFdireoblil c lie ueïne, 4hi estimed bue ouit, redyI for th. roiting stock, ah $7,000, par mil. -Mr. Helden observait liai nu roue- ne, matter bei favorable, oould, ba 1,ilt, for that amàônnt, 'Thii'on v'ould coul 14,00 mil. T~e iplshm . prroî- gauge cost *18,OW00a mll.'- The. oheapeat oail evor- built perbaps wam the-extboson fit Poil Par>'te:Lind- say, but ho doubeld f ihecoonlraotors conid 'be gelte obdid énotebr Couthe i anie termae. The ieon,- sîthougi pur- «Chassda atlie lovait fgnreobbi 4,000 a mile. There vire uns inu>'britigea on tia libtle bihte oSunderand aï on the ihole 45 milesé of road le Lindsay. Bridges vare ezpansive te buiWd u keep up. Ho ktev the ceunIr>', sud the loiest estimnate AIti haoCenld caloulato thée rond coutd i. built uwse $12,000, pur itle.; Hoî, hoa ased,> diti the depottien purpose te buildtisl brbuch-i:a assistance did tha>' pro- pose te gi-r.P Mi. Por.itt-We vaut first te sce uhat thé Company' veultibe disposedl to de; vIsaIt to feeling la. We bad thougit xof a b9num orne cf $15,000, andi chers et $20,000 anti $25,000. Mr. Holden repliiit liaI it vas eut o! the question te lalk about auy sncb lu- ulguifleaut snm-lhsb ne geverument benne cotiàb. hadl for sncb a braneh as thaï; proposed, snd tOut lIhe compan>' got s bonu cf $7,000 a mile for tie read te Lindsay. Fer this brandi 10e compais>, if the>eu ct lite it atail, 'culd nuta cepmba lesB sura thau #50,- 000. Hoe rer»itdea&he deputation liaI 10e>' vouiti have Canniogton sud Nortb Break flgLtùlig igainst tOc proposeti scheme. Woutd Seti Brook sud Sunderiand girs #50,000 ? (Sevoral voicem, No.) Hlm owu vicîs were in favor cf a cont>' ueheme-lhe exten- sion through te Beavrn-a brancO or siteh rom the. Grand Trunk ta Oshawa villagem; a brandli te Uxbridge. This wonii belp te consoliJasto the .ounty. The extensiou te Bonverton mouId bring lu Cannington. Wîtlaoul the cont>' aRsftac-aut ieh.ces- plained ?oflime lit tresîment viSai rait- wa>' pro3ecls rcccîved from lie cout> represubulaivea lu the cont>' counuil- th1e ceunI>' mas<oblaiuiug fuir raimu>' facilitios. TIi. représentatives ut tie caunt>' ceuncil neyer did an>thing te- muids gfttiug n îsttwa> le the conut> tevu. TO.>' couti net Os induceti-te de auything. Tii.>' hut given lie aid of their loushipeteolîmherroist o tuke tic rade off lunmnotier direction. Hie vas glati te kno liaI lime people more aullat flnding ent lmir msmtake. Ho reoferred te wbat tie extension ufthte Whitby line baildodeminlubriugiug down freiglils en thc Nipissing sud Midilunti, rorni 12ý anti ton cents le 8Si and 4 cents for wheat anti barley, pulting tOc differouce in the fanmera' pociels. Thc différence before the railva>' vas te» contsansd thée fermera ware gettiug the benefit et the différence of tram savon te eighl cents a busisol. Tiat vas 0ev railwa>'. bonefitedth 1e farineis. The (armerai mare lime people niost benefitoti. Yet, wisl vas the tacl? TO. people sent a eltas et repréenettatives. te tOc coust>'y ceuncil Iliat lat year monîti net aveu outertain a proposition to aid r. lne of railmmy-a osant>' lin-liat sd alt tOi.', te bie T0o; crIent ef 620,0001 Mr. Holdèn referrM t te libermît spirit in wimiciWtilly anti Port Peu>' Obai nctedl, ant inlugloing tersa te the fu- ture vOici commction withthetOcViaboia liailwa>' ioulct give the Whitby ltus., as the outet of a ruilwvte he lcbatuian, andi oven tîp st . JamuesBay'. Ho pro. dictedt hat lbo lino to thc latter point vould bo buitt witiin ton years. Spaak. ucclion going aroudb>' Lin1sa>'. Speaking c4 railways gencrati>' ha id. ho bèliùved flic Touante & Oltavu Rail- va>' wolnld be bujît, altiongh ltI at net lus obpinionutil lutel>', andt hat it woi't U e amecessil>'of tbe gremiug Itra eoft lOscountry, nuises the Grand Troni put ri- a double trank. Canaian raii'muye -more lookinga up. TO. irst rnortgagetmoud s of the Grand Trunk wee scfug aovo pur, und huti risemi tan per cent in one mouthi. If the peeple norlh vanleci a roati, nom vu.a lie tîmo tao go ou, everylhing vas favorable. Ht sggeshed lie ubmittiug of a by-la'r le a group, cmbraciug Break, 'Tharai, Marasai 1Rama, andt lie Ihougit Ihat b>'. tOe people ef Brook nniting sncb a b>-law ceuiti bc carrieti. H. impresapti upc» tOc deputiatien the neceasil>' cfunitet naction lunlOhirtowu- sbtp, andt IaI amuit maltais should net stand lu the wmu>'of theur vokiug la- gether. If the maya and i acana more providet-it atiî-îjiato asssîuce ere gienbs Company veniti huilath 1e rTU And wliat lIme>'uudc-rtuok tmo>' vooltci our>'et ta Itie lutter, us lu tOe emîge etftthe exto-usion lu Linlsay. Mr. W. H. Gibiuqsliîgoqeth1e unit- ine of Camîmîugo nu mm 'Sudi-rtantiin eue interesb. Hnw wonld] it asmer lu 'extendtiateSuntierlandth-lumce blite Nipissiug, puttimîR down a third ri, te Cannimgten. sud IhAnce th oo~edvitle, tsking ativanlage of the bIl.dl4smd lin. bo Beavrten?2 TOc sn.ggostien va. tavorabi>' r.. civsd. Mr. St. JTaou spolie of 620,0W0 as tOc arnonut viiclu Break moulti 0e tikel>' te gi-r. for the iranch la Sunderlandi. W tr. Hlolden mid liat il mouid taie Il8» - to TPnb ou the îdditionsl rolling capantien& It $4olUneansd rihl- Wv fiaipnad sud varions 'o4 nd, &ç b- M.O. efof ation. '- .W On motion of l Mm- praldeh tie bthauks cf lbe daputatien isie ton- dereti te Mi. goldan, thé. Messre. Gibbs and lie etirgenatlemen preseut vhe bei paà 'lu the prceeadlgs, fo tueir advlca anti assisanace,.' The daputablen han ltdrew. - - The War. * DriMOULTtEm or rus aAUrAzuN, The oprrespondéclati tChirkovna "ss:-,. 461do net be la .it posible aI prascutto e 'sêrailea, 4veudth rein- feraemenlm ,arïivëd- -Bain piada the icdats -almomk ý,impassubui. Tii. im- mense numbareir Irus h ave ouben shuoet &Il the forage, suàd ha>' i.s oi.. Communwicationsm ara, dail>', more diffi. cult-- ii.athe, sonn sib aaos 1te ciffi. Olu$e of tise oaiiif*i ucreus.in l geometria rsprimt" sh eirnre, o! ims»pd 1,00Shrapanel iuls sta ~the CnstemHo na@ lu Pésth-i la auimg r, onsitiaraile smaation; 16, caels, ef breecIr leaders, 86,000 artrîdgas sud sevarml boxes cf Turilai fe cps bave alobeén seizat inl Trausylvai. Govýý ermntbacordercd ia jmdicial investi- gto.Snom ba. bacu falliug lu SikaPasa inea Mouds>', aud la nov ban cautfilsitres deep ab lie foot etficin Balkans. Aoàbin an ad Germsuarn . baassdous, in tie nome of the Russans (Ioverument, have spplw 4te the Perte, in vlntue cfthie Ge * ysCouveullon% for a permit ho ranspoit liiiner scréis thc Danube for buts e r tie Ruoinwvend- ati. T#e Porta bas dafoird a reply unei it is matie certain tOit e tii bt are ouI>' toe h. sotifor the v*mdtia. Ilussia demanda hbat tie Servis anb' shahl enter the field mien soccesa ut PIonna is obtuiuod. lb la ,tated liat tise Skoptsoliua ylb. convoktea lu Octebor. Staff officema lu front of Plavua axprestOa otmost confidence bOal tOcpisueo vil faîl imb their bhudts. Sioniti daman Paslimpar m-'b. deutie>'- ed, uothing eoiti prent a great flani mevernenl dom tlime Vallaey cf Sofia te Adrianopi. sud the Turica epital. Neitier Sulcirnan Pasia or Mehemet Alil coolti anccesmtull>' interpose. This mu>' bheicreason îhy thec. Ruesians dling to Sbipka Pans, anti peustat in atsckiug Plevua. -lu spite ofthte grosa hiondeis cf the Russian staff, s greal change is possible utmn>' mouïnu in tOc militai>' uituatiou in Bulgarie. There is abondance et grain to b. hati in Bulgariaeanti Romanis te vintor uoa, fuel ouI>' ieiig bardti tegel. Russian sabiliers comment mirescrvcdly ou thc bluntiais cf their aupeniors, but forget lOhrgrievauces allihe sight cf theclhaleti Maslm. There appears te ho a uil. The principal quetion nowv appeas o Oc visîher tic Russians siail go luto minter quai-bers. Tioe are fearfal aulres of atrocitios ou bath aides. APîILmeveNui' JOURNAL for Octohor pr-escuts a varieti list of contents, nmre efthlie papeus being specialt>' note- moiti>'. Mu. Charles CaruoR's ",Goamî Boherniane" is a fresO anti clarmaingly- vritle» ea>, miti tOc cijeal cf show- iug bei mac>' of the betler ciaracter- istice cf tie Bobemian trube-ils cane- ticit>', wit, imagination, Oo0peluese, co u rag e -ai e ef u n i nlunom e ir- aies eOveIriere Anoîber paper in su un"usuadretion is entilot "Witb Couture lie Pminter,"' anti deseriies a brief sojoun, as popii. mibli lis fu- mons anti ecenîrie Frenchi kartsjlo lives in primitive simpliail>' near.Paris, andti OIsamoses anti deligihts bish sayiuc!e sud deogi a large cite of augen ",pila. TOut excelteut n.elebbe of FraNà.frnnan Wuu, AS uggte." is co1»ploýd; andth le secq il intal- meut us giv n of "B>' Cetî 'a Anbor," b>' the a.týs,.of «"TO. en Butter- fi>," vOii e ?ç¶imes te ,one cf the moal cOarmîmck. ovpts cf the ascama. Thare are inu otlmfr papens. Jlian Hawthorne en bis "Out of London"ommaes, Anatin inatrodts ns lu the mat taming and resu- ing nigilingan mocking-birls; lieue la a papir on-thd "Wl.. Wexen of ÉeEaaIei* à n ât oucf ihat soefnin oton hO'aaccomplisii- sa "-ù l w.-."passe à ANigt in the G&Xen' tegooe- anti -santbeffeot audjis adtitte4 to tie usnaà,Ji1mbie5,oe POe , s brasse of liurnoroi onau are giv6nd te ie searil titltaýf Ti., Cernie Muse." The* Iola a vll.wpitteu bisy b'Edgar Fawcett, oun etu>' li uArt," and nés iOde gronp c0 short etories, lRudelph Lindaum, Non ýer>', anti Mus. BA-r, bciug tice ssîhens there- amissatian papers lu cenuection viti Pubtiei andi Higia lihoola lion. bas been s collusion batelecu hie-rmomers cfthie Central Comumittea and ocher parties in- teresteti in bhe wron outic resuil cf ,xamimation. Mi. J. D. Edigar tien handeti in s list cf twetytîo vituas. ses vOli h osproposeti calling lu order te barIser lic investigation, anid Mr. Justice Patténsen tatedthtut bviug te go on circuit, lia aurliest day antmui ho couiti open onqniry matic. 12 cf Noveniber, te wih day 10e commis- sion vas adimînesi. Ammong tie vit- nouses susoneti are A. Ca-coke, tise memobeis oethle-Central Cornuille, lie fitino f A. Milieurd& Co., f. C. Pattorson anti Charlts Belford, cf the Mail, %V. Houston, efthtie Globe, dc. Protyiar's etten tie mantle chofian *e coucesi triomphant vice. Wiera lu- yard reniera. prevails, bhcre vil at- maa sb. a coerresponifing abudit>' iu *Dsasoci.êmoTu rîruN-sr i CoNsc TxCUT.-Th, Conecticut Rniosb reafuIteti lun tie -ratai-n -cf the ont irs, ~IosNsCUs4 P9AwsaNeas-The peac -ammvinluCuba are saisi te beu m iug a more dafLinîle foutu, sud, an" aaosallou01 bos#IiUti 4snZipae4 seaomisus= ,ldig battu, Stri«Mi Our Mkndemas4 wule ur asgaetie for yeu, peruon&i>'li th peti tinuet pvayes 9,ff rg nuown fur--1 bagié yonr acea lane et lb.aacup ing'.s ailglibteka>î4o!Purrespecmt t uagsdLndmalren.ogmolokif lima Ou b.hlRf cf t40 fW.IHe.lUGGTXB et bity. 1~35.JOHINSTONf, Tic Suise aeeompsuying thc adduams [ootalpea $44.15. .1 71 Be d. yather M Cunrepi1dinvery VA a r esi c 'saa bhadra asiv lisP. juitsbhe? MdU4 uy te tàM- dimi ,sud isatis getti ishch vare prasentèti. The folioîving la lhe ad- To ak ~ Revel. XZ.TJ. MeCcrlIf, P. P., St. i reprr's Chierai, Osaica. RBEvD. mA is Anri:- - Itis ih feeliuags uit -dèae' Yregrèl hhat ve, your -Ioviug Parililioner,,hava icard of your ~intendati tepsiture froni oui mldet, frôm lieme . uof labor viare, forAi pust flve èas'>Ouhava vorkadti h ntirlnganti -exempami>'zest, fo c gleryÏ qif;Goti, andtihle spiritual - uti temporal- valfare ofthie flcoalvr misos W kindl- sud beneficaut oni deuce iad piacd>'on Ti ou cenldad bemuý loft, si man ara our hearts. 1Revt. Fablia - i t e tuse opportun it>'-of - 1 y g inl feeble ouv , oui gis man nttboti aji-ituaà porai,me hava0cervel fucin'par' oe tabou anti mes x 1p. Long, deuareth:r, m' your basais- inga, s. replele, ilb pi* 'anti eio- queuce, ilt or mmnds, stiail>'cou heurts vil b. ill.ti vIi:aroeztgrau- Inde as lie bail ef t S. 0gor>"msabcool, catis o'sr ltIle eues leo,tOut spacions building for leaaing, ou wihlyen have matie 0me nu>' -impuovementa, anti vataieti itb snob unventeti au- augy sud earnaesso, - anti thal tee, st a tise vian yen hati .'s man>' difficul- lies te sorusount. ,éTbe iEgniffcent Premsbylci>'yun ahave aractati me a st- ing sýud noble menument cf yonr auxicus tiesire for our weltsi'e, tian ou ceseler>' tise ls% rsting place cf ou failiful deat, ant i bh yen,vithi ao much trouble have, prapareti fer thens, le a cerlalu preef et youunisoundeti ahuhrit>'; nurueuois indeei, tiesi Fa- tier, ara lie ras utofjour piet>' aud zestons lubor vila amongat us, sud, as long as va sm-WPcepable cf heviug or gratitudie, moug vil lie Caliciies cf Oshawa Re*inier tisaegoot kinti Paster, te vIiow, viti muet saduems of hesrt lie>' ae obiget te ssy faes -Kindi>' accept Ravd. Fabhîr, ltis îlight biken cf our love anti respect, sud tiong i iiteken ilalrnastili vo teud apsumcd 1h61 in tise ttlmofo e u kimit heurt, yen milI fi-essoait us a ouveglu, froi jour Paitoners of Oshama fer whor» yen bae. wsus siovu 50 mue4i affection, lu visiing yen gooti bye icallO aut strengh le cuaiste yen (o performi tic artimons dus nSaviieh--vilt davolve on yen u ic h vidler fieldi 't Iser, as- Reacrcf St. Michael'm Ctiedrai, Toronto, t1 mismi W ilmkyon, Ite-st. Falier, te nenembef us in 7onr teivent prayera beforett' threne cf Gesi, sud partie- ulaul>' u th l yai'Susmiice oethle -UMss, u'ad va vili neveu boi*at lu oui pîa>'e th1e noble Puical tu vioni me are forosicé to-day te us>' gcod bye. Bignati on behaif of the ParàhIioneus ot 8t. Gregery's Cinreli. PAvaix WALL, J,&xas Gnones, Jmeasm. cS~Ckie, EUenas MuaRar, JemeN O'RIIGAN, Taos. Bmrups, Jamyms O'Daxa J. M. SRUcazu, -- JAMERS BSA. W. M. GARGAN, - Secertar>'. Oshawa,-Sept. 8010, '77. ciec-r i-mena-s 1If lies-o vere an>' deubt on my mnt heretore ut yeur kiutneas anti gouaresit>', it îould b. tilapelleti b>'t1e varinti of thc expres- sions useti in your beauliful atidrass anti b>'lie beauty anti value o! the gift yen have preseuhailt ome. Butte.. liens me, tual five jears in jour midel, hava givon me mfficient evidince-cf youir kinduesa anti lmrgeiartdus. Anti'I féel greal plessura, lu. beAiiü teelimon>', tte cgeotdl il ih hicbà jon eceondet Il aity>'efforts,»asthle libcualtl>' iti viieli yen cubuributatd lomardu thisipronemeubs I vas oh- igeci hp ondeutake. Ilfrnueihbas basu accompished lb is owiug te jour gênerons spimit. The jearà I bave upent amoug yen liane iutia beeu to e h appy years, ant i vuiti -glatit>' uili romain viti yen te continue my labois. But it mauet net b.. The bonds cf luterisunso vOici hava uniteti me ap yeu Pas- ter le yosae1cm- hie preseut abc'nt tc, i. senomaci,,but, let masu.eu IÙ hat the golden ebauin viel love sudl affe- tion h ave interioven vil stiti ulula ns la a mutuel ciarly. Among cther scenas and ti olias sociatisons it vil ha ni> privilege ais itiviRi be'-ni>'plasanre te, -mtal backin apirietot thc olil chanci to, lokusaeau upon famliar face&, te icar familisi voees chant lie puaises etl Ge Ci ud ebreathe a erasyer liaI Got cd iels a"sudpotect;,yan. -Thiscostl>' tinip.tuima iii s-eminmd me cf them.happy boum-s spent amosîgat jorn, it wyul rerninsi me that time las il flics b>'ou gotlen vissgs i pieclous, sud tiaI pleasure muat b. sacuifloosi 10 Dnt>' slune, i iane'nochoide. etmine cmù seeking, ulilci sa i sstebreak Our puesentxrelations.ý Happy as li6ee ;elatieus habva beau, Rhappy as tvey ris. up liefre my vision le-nigit, 4à aIl theu sacredna.s, in ail hir i- bpS. - temiug power, lie> viiiibeenguiee.'" lu nly memor>'. Anti uhiit I viii chi inlumy hesîl of liearutheibusr.'cl- eteouns cf shis day, ais bu-ar about _mi ibis souvenir of- joui affection, I vît. not eeaW'tobi bg cf oui slesv Lord, .-kblifss' lulaveuts v hin lu emmon sajaunnd you Ris hie Iamg- au lie ' t ,q 4b 16 v th,' es 1 e l 'sud voeal>'Ticheid amsr le i.be apei e asdefelv ~I ui ia. W£4gaof *0ieOr lovaof «i. iheb T6e â re tiale:-Mun. Titusl$t 99» 0 viebasliys been gieat favorite a* r vswY 1z bere, vu a usplendid voie. sud sang tgàx, valses hé ,h gi.éaùcPrm .son, , sud evaér>' sang dsirI ahoe sang vacodyooe4 M. r, nt Kelly .froin Boimuiule i e lien eeOUOOçrcs o!bs*e.90ored;9M. MMort7, f li-st vboap veii luol powarful mrneugb 'fer laieurrotie tia targe hall, sang ecorrcl>' sud veli; ,net beacoý Mir. Tomlin's ýperforinance90on l. en- day et Dem ecutisîs vas&aseaneoredt; the Odd lage. OCIe Ilesmueli s aitheia performers vers or aaaessm amateurs, I tîini you uit agnea vilhinlu epuamne me, Mr.]. Q.. W uf.renoe t hom inriglit Of hi vas aike'uùtrutiful, unjosl st haud u. i ere ihe genilasuanlkw, anudt tli.muaI bavea attr a -pie beau "Suniesa" bluWnt, su" var>' deaf te proeeed 'on lheoccasion. éfirai day cf *Then lb.e ie u %rihas sboultr=e tien of au> dlgait>',- =noralsenu. sud refinement, under the - sud moral semmubilit>' beiug offended b>' lai ralabi tie. -ew cewdy wlsicls cltosed thse dutias,- mnusicalbum'frsq" e["Bbic"]. Wby dli Mr. Ble. net tho Donia>' bave tlichait andinave said t i . lis tee use.à-le feeliugs frein being ing. lie1 se grevional>' effendd? Tiee man the iy.lam vie -descrbes lite fiue -cometi>'of mas a new "BisWsa as " l" sud of its * effeet au haotii net entertainimus e b'Ou oic foilieaeiveti b>' ,kois as imIlo cf ua lihe la vriting lai te ram 'about, sai does about music. ItMr. lb. next n H, 0. B. volte poessssatofethle moral pu>', tli monne or raflsmesast . mtes .about, feeling toi bis moisl'aeuaibitlis'vôuld-,have bien iratepayers exolteti and ia iest- sympathies siens- Blowî's 1dm ea b>' lie fine piehunrea-of urIne dia- binsetf et playadti i he "loi" em'eti'of bis, by.lav. ce wne f ioaare -:-Tbe slronrg bioh- eu> weei ich seumà oucl>'.te gain Mr. On alveugli >'long separation andi entire O et o tiiferrence lu manner sud mode cf Muf iliving; the fim anti devOteti atlscb- r'AnK.n- I eut of tic rici miui.cvnei'a son te A.K a t lepo, but virtoons rnill-gl, ho mai-adpe. r>' wioâ,uhi i ailling- te sasdôn RS vealth ana1position, vien lie unien la Mi. GE oppôsetib>' bis father ; the dcvolieu'of Board bau thme maitgirl jeclher lover ;, sud liavil- mates for liogneaho o&,3iilebr lova sud ail nom peistî hieu proppecte M2 eider te savo tOa rata,, thby dangbter cf anu.Ptti benefacbrcss frein fertlieSe tic vilescf a saouyL-dreL SucO pictores tue sane1 as tbase tidrti m-ahI>eaaudience, 10e>' previons. exeitedti ieirteurler oeauctioua anti siens- cecondei i1 ati their iWarmest ,>'nPabbes, hicis raquami ü vare relievetist tlimes i v a,.few comte foruisi thi incidents, sttoogi lb.' effeutiedth le 9ti inat. (c liuc dignit>', tke moral sanusa ant- r.- pealtmu finement sant be moral saîisibilitiesetfheti) sud H. -O. B. : conucit vi Permit me again, ou ieisi f ofthe m-te vitis Witiy Cricket Club te retitmOu Mi. Oni iearty thaulcu te ai thie perforsaiei5 vis e l.Gave, se kindly funoucti us, anti ais. te the Sehoot bai ladies anti gentlemen mie bonere 11&.ieasthle Bi viti thair premane aI lbe.6 finaloni- te Ba>'hb talumieut g asmub>'ouclub. Tic otimi Tours truuy, trne. ROBERT H. LAWDER. Rescluli President W. C. Club. Ceunoil NciomAs INTruEn, A fSTuDT ix A Brouir B.-J. G. HOaLLANDJ Toronto, Bel- Tg fend Brou. 1877. Cannait To rea i "Nicliolas Mintora" is aper-presanl, feol lieut. It lsaastory,boti listers-Topn ing sud graphie, anti Du. HoilanLl -1?- Minutes c1 pears te have surpauseti ail lài,ai'- firmet J1 Oum efforts in ts prodeulion. Hie Ost-le msllers of is vigerieus, andti Illing, anti no One palit', tnu wlmo0 liasever perunet ishlmprevîo-g- .iunicipali ioks ha taidti 0m dom diappointeti. o'zlear>' lu tise mor before-us tie aulior amineu Mi te muai ativantage, bis power of de- nOta -- . tineabion la perfect, aud Oms plot ad mir- ogi able. Allogetheu "'NiciolsMinturm" iackiiga: s oeaof itme moal pteaaing books ci tie Restia prrSent day. WOurmncli BanFRomc's MONTHLX MAG,&zniz. To- bV Mi. Bau roule : Beltort Bues. Ocoe ,te netify 1 1877. h telta co 1877.sahN lI "Bslford'a" fouOceteber ceutaie a sneuff>' ti secnd illualiated paper on "lUp th. con. 1<> ci Tiarnes," b>' E. C. B. An excellent iùtvert ai p enulatid"The. Ene of tia Auburn- fane. vie'F ual qinox," b>' Mu. 8. J. Watson. amine thie 46T1 9 ster>'Of a Flirt" comploe, b.- cen., sud aides inu>' eer inter.sting aketches, pueparitr>' and, pape"s. rekqréter For Severe Coughs sud Long Cern- force lie ri plaints. -Ou mctl Canton, Ps., Nov. 29, 1878. î>' 1Mr. Se Mesors. Sth W. FowrletSoui, Boston: vr ru Gentleren-About tan years ugo, Seanc allen iaviug iad a uev'oie ataci of 1h clobt2,-on meuls', Iwva troublad ti i a severe lot 12, con. cogis anti vus threstcesl vwiticon- lot 12,omr Soniption. My1> fatiar hsving, diad ai lot 15, cel 0is10 cft tffii'rly.ue va ill os he oti e A.lcStne.rroeigati bebveen o thNo'. on e i 22 su 'd 28 in lieg Broken Fuent. arrning tIi The fulcvwing secouaIs vere oriarod ti ats,îsiilit to e b.puiti, viz; Michael MeNigmt, for tha Rie Gi repairin ulvuiseut ietvsaen ItlsNo's 80 mrauodinS anat 81, in tOc Oth con., $5.60; -Wr. bon>'. Fcm SinitO, fou uopiriug atone bridge cOf 610 icaunssrei con. near Dwit'm , $11 8.00 ; Donsîldi SYRustc Muniee. ton gelîing ra-I scr.sppeur.. EL~ G paireti, 15.22 ; Js. *JetIre>', for repaîr- a igSitial ing reïat scraper forJimo. Murra>', uver- cioction of secu, 6.0P ~fa ot,,fou graveR, ee oh #28.601, James Coultide, for a .ieep f) ls_ kilicti b>'dogs '2.0t)1; Torontoa Generalîssnr.m Mloqo&a ior tsd iti ans.as.l bnsahcusnt of lln.ry Lommg. 14 dlsys, primeer a Mur. MaukhosRe -iovtd liat hue Po-ema Connaît du nov a'ijouru, andm stàand ut- geaot Dor js'nrned tii Saturday'tue 7th day cf >Peles. W Utetasi nt-Mt. onî cf Bla eAtN»w N HASTni@g touions os otllie ~i u sho uera Raliva ~ a olihe ý«M thelo&li 5d per con. aveu>' iiih tUnpauld2.Ata.t5 Pu'o- ied iIWUÇ brs. id 5.1wa1affeet Or dlmid* h e .-slleor,. un à.u«Curyfa - snleit êxpedlat, inSr 'a0nitbusben adu, 1s n '4 0before the saiti f -Deimbar -'Zliinla.allae y &M.,-y ,_ia W' anti wsaet luve te collectera 'i haviuig rsd lia ànom racaiveti lIa freti baié disposiion te PuA 'W an>' farhir o-nigt. lb W iuto the rtcpaers andi t C5howit ûU2be r- thezu, b. veuld like lie by- sala lu ils préent stag otil Meeting, -iy uiich lima, pue. ayveouldb obi@ letit euh warda he iylav baldtheli ,& Tic -Major hobengsMr. ae a 0ooea oua. Ha aexpraset uengiy la laver of Me. suai, RIPOS? ON EStIS. nistozi bbughin itlhe report smmlltea04opRlif, recoin- elu -o ,t he accunta of - 11P na 2. Bepeut & vFOs rEa MSTa TKA& . bien saitIbhal lb. 801100 mi ot jet fornabadtihek cuti- bisth piescal year. Il vas tue ai uis b ,strik e hati baceéphiielilut vaitiug bhoot Board éstimates, il vwu luat year sui fer seveal jeans Hae îould *Ibeairaoue, b>' Mi. Blow, 11.1-tbe Clark te.Boord cýf gduatimr te ier-estinistes, beie, Iesdyv on tie vening of -wblcb & seIng el -the> onmci fibe 1,if, t lamot funiWbéde i il b. î 0 ,.peteIeriko *el muttn -infouesdt he eoncl' Brmeut graul -te the High id not ail;jet bisnuacaiuhed 3oard were not l* ôlte uî muai lie>' oniti aut. aatas iold, houe-rer, ha la tion esmiriet. atjourned. rhuu Hall, Sept. iSti, 1877w 1met to-day. Members &Il utI Memar.> 'MePiceanti mn Tice Raeva ha'lb. chair. of luat meeting rosai sudcOn- Foe viciera reports la thm )f Andua i casd lie munici- td Micisael MoGrati sud lie lily vers handati i=î Mr. F. petitionadth ie cunci, te fre. Egan te - maie an ontiet ber lot, te prevent tihev»ter 'i in lie 7h cen. ~uissieners, Boullon anti 1àc#eq mu tiseir reports. eonot Mi. O'Leany seec6udeti M~v art thbreeve wva atuonri unts-ot fr4 iroda oc itcming ilt 28, ln u. ,nb anti also ose le tilai the$ ati kt lot 1,4, e. ý 1 ie mers vers Islrnced W ex- )landutiaS .- lot 14, in Sa. 1sntW." î1lot12j,>lu Oticon., te, diteh, belg-indtia anti te ion by ThurJdy nexi. [s4u> mas Aotiorize t in i- îo o! Mfr%.O'Leary secenteti iugai, lhe foleving. chaques md :D sdv'okon lots on. 8,1560;-,JoIuM exinon, a. 9, #5 ; Dcmluiab O'Dozuellh a.9,$82;, Jameas reel, Saur., n.S, $80; Tiornas, Conigun, on. 10, -110; Tho@. Gangsan.- a. 9, 822.75 ; Michael F-re.1, id '18, con. 7, 170 ; Francis t 18, con. 10, - 18;-,Cleuk, voters, liaie, #6.80; Clark, > #ira 4.; P. MeBa, elcl- 4;Aex.Maionslot #, 14 ;-Hale, Bues.printiug à4,advem-lsig ooutr@vs ai, &e., #49.25 ; ]Koura. Bouillon ioue>,', .ne vicuirs, 14; Camaron, Druesud Launon,, 'cera, #6,; sud John Wafl asgai iuhroduceti ba -sifou ase of raalngs uffiieut [Car. POLCRUtcs..cSme.S Ws, of lith ebPriiîu ia ubot- ou Saborda>' ltbhi fBeuce, ileile mt-ctmLgfreDI eassaful atteÃœmpt tho rreot a ne. lb. ro -h Ws rqmi*Wl Mth le b i 114turf# 4P0 i.in l1 os4- - Desi or, li tIhe-i ;nueu d 1 U in Cà] lieus. 'am apper sMo MptO aI169 jra Pleur, p-r 1V prluÉ W ,Peu,1 bloe 0at ..... Egg.. .. Butter Bee., lud ,Baaf, fore. Sheepskin, -Pork, mrc Eppà*s q sMd bia1 delleate 'p =Mutilst dancy te dûs die'& are fSos ubr-e lm NE W inbodel Wthvouchm psllb n iti le the aim tiix gla1t4o as6so &cht an7pawun Of bufin Andi 41ilmk-i,>l Mutual J'tST LOS8E J. B. BICHE!.' C. NOU Rates of Inau wUhem.nure B100 Whilby, Oct 1a EX T .4LLi BE'te infon liat t e areu bri. x V -J v 1

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