Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Sep 1877, p. 4

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15O.ur-br.4 P¶rk Bragaa1sudPtrl4ge Cochin Powys. Herd of Short-horn andme!~g Grade Cattie, and soma, Good Clyde mares. TERMS O0F AE-Eon onb oreit vwii1». iven bý partis inrnIuh1na approeat Join te0t.' A, dumcunt 0oflu par cmnt. par annumr off for cauh. , - 1-' Groevoad Farm fa vithin 8 miles 01 IDuffin' reek Station On the Grand Trank Raflvay,-20 mie. lBut of -Toronto - tr mw1 c p i t ia o vIll convey par - tie. r.o hre, the evening beloion d Anctloneer.- Greauwood Fas, S~.1h 87 85 l E AT CIIEDIT SA Li $ HO RT-H OR N SI Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1877. MfrJOHN R. PAGa? lieSnnt, N. Y. vini Reli Une Splendid" WIiarn Miler,' jr. Arno tirent, thetrm. CelsfltalFim-t- Prio Vilee. iseo the-vorklng tick aud upleneos ounlthe Fim, ase Williami Miller, Jt.,re levirrg the place, Among the Hornes are. 4 fine Drauglîts, Il Mares and Char foit, Yarling AlUies, sud Yealing colt. -l'one vaxy goud drivlrrg borse, Se. At tino' marne thne ansd irlece viii re solS a - . fine ie nlctior.from tire TIISILE 117A' HERDI)1 Tire prnperty of Jolin Miller, Esq , 51 iIlers, auti Il Youngg mIls; altri, 20 yeouig <Jetnrwoainars, anrd 20 owco, f romt liporited lMrcesud Dams. 1in Tira sala onul be held on the ATHA FA1IM, begiuuiiug vlth tire Iniplements, &te., ut 10 olnck, ayni. Slinrt.hir.nSalee t i e'elock; lunch a i roou. TERMS-Iinomnthe codit ou Apprnved Notes ,Interrist et a par cent., or 4 ier cent. off? ior Cuir; al indar 10, Cash. WM. MILLERI, jr. JOHIN MILLER, ,AlLa. lBroughamr. sepinnunmrr 10, 1877, 15-89 HLONG, INSPECTOR 0F GRAIN iron THIS County of Ontario,. LJiite C untosof North-' M& H I T S Y B 11UNTON'S IIEEUMATIC AI3SOIIB. IINT ANI) DIGESTIVE FLU ID. 700 doz, tiold.siince April Iast. . Vie te sussaîcÀAbgorbeé,t vIli peu- tLveiy cure Il purins rom Rireutîtatànui or other inuliausry Swellfrîga, lu 12 Heurs. ;Tise Dige-stie ,ut rs oe illeS Ln cur-e i)yspupef ns; relief is toit in i tow ]lers.le 'iroit ohstile icaiscs os Dys- Jmma oui-ad ini a wook. A Lady writes :- Fhvbecu, cavenl frein life-lingerin~ 1 irs.I iad lr'onciitis, Catarr, i IlyOpops11in7rd vas mcrii ci a mw daye by ils une." Sell y Dnnggf mti,,. I'rie ice. Adyio fo irr artleulir cises ires, Adclnesi, 'W. Y. Bruntons Lonidon, Ont., CORBETT'S POINT!1 " ULII NDEIISIGNEJIDcrgstoiurouuica TJ.. Cat lha liast baseS lira abova favorite prblie ceoint for a terni ni year-e, annd tut h ir iillue preprined lu accoumodais P IC-.N 1C - PAlIflES iriS ail oChrs er laions ai usiug tire groruris lu future. -NECESSARY REQIJISITES 1 will bietIept on baud, at modesrsto charges. AIl applications for outrancea, rtk., musî in friture b. mad ta nRICUARD 5NIOW, .BePl. 6, 1877. M8) Wiiby FOUNDRY STOCK FOR SALE 1 Offers viii ba received unfi lirhe ictof OCTOI3ER NEXT, Ver lIre ,urclîo ai i30 Shanîs ai ParSa-up Stock ai thé Brown and 1'atterson - Manutaeturing Companuy.* Septurbe 111 , 181 . G tlur-5 IV1 * MACHINES. -000- Yt)U WANT TO IIUY A ÀFIRST-CLAIJS SEWINCI MýACHINE, ATTACHMENTB, NESDLE5, THRBAD, &C., FISHINOI TAdKLE, RODO, ETC., -CALL ON- L. FAI RBANKS,, -ATr Hl%- Sewing machine Emnporiumn, BROOK-ST., -WJTBY. WALZ'S ]I,.AGER- T I bave given Ihe agsnofior a=y Lier lu Wiiy tJ. A.BAND LL dndfI.sal OD ' deRwaurt e aUPplY An artle v wich vii satifmeutlon ta thora Who patronire - -OIIN WALZ, - Jest and- Freshest WIL:j ILWA&YS, iBU POUND AT THE W/ITS Y HOIJSE. . BANDULL àe a18o sole Agent for WQiZ'O Iager Bien ion the Courut>' ai A PW ARICLE01$PURE CIDER, u»as OR SALE I ]?or.eaaînron apply g-. Âm I LaWo epE, WH TRE WI.N D8OýRU NOW oprN. S2,00 PER DAY. premdlnu toaid <roiil trains. Ta. hie andtappPoient afimla. BOLLY& INIA JIRIEIr01OF PES TO DU TAKEN - liT CONSTABLES. (Uuclor'Oycler lu Coutil, daled 24th day 2.Arroemt ai ea r d$'iduai non a warrant ........ .. 1 ...l.o..si roe 2Sering slmamons or r ii>pna... O 25 8. Mileage ta serve ummcuü,:mb -pana on r annant. ' ........ O010 4. ?rilege whan service cannaI bè,, upon proof ai due dilligece.... &010 6.. Mileage taldng disoners togail, exclusive of dieburasmentir nec- erraaily îxpondad luntheir COu- voyance .....................o0 1 8. Attending Justices an smmmry tr iis, or oui enrminati on ai pu-. sonars chargi vitir crime, for euch day neessaniiy anrploysd in ana or more cases, when nat engagen more tran four hour,. i1 0 7. Do. do. when engagea more lirai tour houri.....................1 50 8. Atlauding Asizes or Sosions, each day ....................1 50 9. Ileage traveling ta attend As. sizes, Basions, or before Jàsticea (When publiecoenveyince eau b.e lîken, oniy reasonibi. diburse- menti ta hae aliaved.) ....... 10 10. Buurmoning Jury for Coroner., Iuquemt, inuig atiending at inquet, sud aslervices lu res- pect th ereof, if heaSonomamo day as Jury eummaned ........... 200 il. Atteuing cacei adjaunmeni thrnsa, if nul engagea mars four heru.....................1ce il. Doa. do. if engageadmreathan tour houri ........ ...........1 60 13. Berving summoni or subiana ta atatutlbefora Coroner lsubjact No. 10) .....................025 14. 01eg0erigmrn...... L i. Exhmin t! b y under-Coroner'% 16. R-burying saea..........2 10 17. Serving distrees warrant, and ne- t truing sanc.................1 60 1.Alvortlsiuig 1urdet ditreaiswar- rant..........................1 50 i19. Travelling te rinaeietrees, or te.b esu-trcir or goods e a uadis. ý'trea,9, when n gooda are iund.. O0i10 2.Appraisemanti, whether by nue or more, 2 cents fi thredelar, On thre value oi gonds 21- Cat'.iiogue saile siud cormmission anrd delivery 01end~os, 5 ctm. in 22 the 8, oninet progureofnigoodi. 2. Execulrngaearch warrant . i.... 50B 2.Ser'ving notices oui constablia, virhen eonally euved ...... 50 J. B. PAREWELL, Clarko0 the Pence, C. O. 22 HOUSE AND) LOT FOIR BALE on TU LuT. A good 1eramnO storey-srrd-a-haliboume, 22 m28 and litchen, together wlth hail an acre ai laid,Weil i panteS viti rafrit trais, situateri Onuliglaîr-atî-iato West part ai tbe cavu ai'rV'liitby, offI und erptet. :boe i. aIse a good stable. Thle f a goa wevii and pnmp, andlire fruit in ai the cheoest kinS. Poneession fiuat Novembir. Apply ta MR. RICRAiIDSONI on tire preuniaea an ta the Proiunicton. WM. TAT*. SLti Gnienvood. THE CANADIAN AIl? GASI1 Tira Canadien Gis Maehnî la an auto- ruasîe gas-makmn% asipanstua.,It ins dp1. hoeas, chunchles, n1wliirgo, or br.ildinga of AnY kinui, sitntcd in tise country, or ho- yand the reuso n ol.gasmainsruaoaicilles, may lire upîriiod wtth a sas n ii p a ilgIlI u ha a ThcSema ncinesr arc simple et construe- lion net Enfile le get ont ai andin, requin. neo filu te manage, ane maoelu a subalan- Mlandc durable mnne. Tirey acaipy Uittle mpira., are mt up st imali expense, aud are vquaiiy adapteS for Ifghtlng the langeaI mi l, iactory, publiabuidig, ar the suisîleet rlweilg, ara no uew on untried tlilug, 'lut h-.ve beau lI constant -aud sac- cesmini use lu ail parts et the eountry, both wlnten anS sommer for yaars. Tire g agmade >y lires e'machinea Io uuaiiykiuowr as carbureted air gas, helng common air lmpregued".wth gazoline. el hurus vith a rici r igir ldame, fuliy equai te Chat producad b coal gai, in canduited lîrrougippes anï ornemental fIxtinîs, vItthe1 saure canvenieuce sud iatety. Na 11n. lo usedin lutiraproceusa aimautectur. ana bildings ilgited by il are f usureS ai the same nattsaua thangh ceaI gag vas uaecd The cent ci thstu s for ilght, equsi te one tlroneind feel ao coau gai, varies tra on. dollar sud lfty cent. te tva dollars belng about one-irmu the pniee ci cool S.& Tho mateial tram laleh gai fi made by aur machine là kuorri eonuencilly as gagallue, a light, volatille ai paînolînan. Estiente, given for lightlng aud heatlng buildings. Bath., i-Water Closetii, Pompe, Garden Pountains; Ruirben lome, Lias Fâtures, in Bronze mn Crystai, etc. SCOTT & PHILLIP5, Baie Menntieeturens. Plumbers, Gari andS Beu ICiters, 158 York Street, Tononto. Auguet Bi,1877. LANDS FOR SALE1 IUBrnar Township of' Sâmervile, COUNTY 0F VICTORIA. hoire oii lalnde ln tire tawnship ai Soou-lle1, Cnnnty ai Victoria, are offened for sal- Tho West jaifLot 5, li tirs Stircanais. Rioni, conussing ai 100 g erce. - lifleen acres claireS sud fonced. A aeve-liIt in team crosses tire lot, on visicir le a Imii saIt., nain thre lida ai a god roai. Tirs propari>' le anly I ofa mile frram a railway station an te Vicoroia Railway, and 8 Miles fnom lire village aifKinmuaut. Lot 7, lu tire itth concessiou, couisstins af SW0 ares. Tire Iard lnwell imher, iraving ou it a hICaif valuabie cear. A neve-ieillng treain ef water rneuthrouei h. loi, irbicir le but one.sd..bai m s front s ailway statio onautiraVictori aRii- vay.The country anauid fis.ettl'ed. KaparsJohn CGondmuan sdnSil 1 Slver, near ltlaoin, mli show th ie proamly. Par Teun a ae, appiy la-- 'N -JA, W=B.LEE à-= M sP. e. enSu4e. - -' 85 Pair lu the late, 't' B Y HA, BMA.Ç-5 JUST BECEIVEJD ',osAnd Toi/et 8et tyles. Trh ý&Largest sud Best Selea.. '-tion even-iu Whitby ~'As we imorted mh ao e e cau offen tliem veny low. Haxter's.,,Mandrake .Bitters For Dyispepsie.,' Siok Headache, Los 'of :Appetite,ý &o., IN BOTTLES AT, 25CENTS. GILES'LINIMENT WMrtby, Auot 151h, 18677. IODIDE 0FAXMNIA. e '9- W. B. SMITH & Go.-1 SPIGGOO 0DS A LIAGEM AND CHROICE LOT OP LOTIIS AND TWEEDS, JUST TUY HAND, AT Stl<fA41 MeSmrng .Wear, and at prriees te suit the unis., .,AJso, the Larg6W mia lest selaectIon of Meate ho b found iu Town. JW Don't faeufoisea thom bbe rosoinq eisewbere, WhiLby, garch 24th, 1877. FOIR A LL CLA88SE& -----00 -WE ARE SHIEWING TIE- Large8t and Mosf Fa8lzionable -OF- Stock 1I STYLISH GOODS IN ýTOWN. Its the Goods and the Chea.pness of thcmn that does it!1 We are anxions to seil our Stock without Reserve. Our profits won't allow us te throw off 10, 12 aud ri ifty par cent, for that's al Bosi1 We have Goods imported from England, Ireland and Scotlaud, and the United- States, besides a large supply of Canadian man- 'ufactune. r If any one's "éRagged," amd on the "Edge of despair, " lat him ha from town or country, they can get cloth6a at LAING& STE WABT'S. Printer's ink suits some classes ; Our Goods suit avery needy person. LAING & *STEWART. On and after the 2nd July, &Co. will offer the rerainder of their GENERAL STOCK, AT GIREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 000- No Summen Goods will bo held ovena but we wiil offer at sucli pnicos as wiii effeot a speedy clearance. il -.Ab j 3 ~II~EI~, ~5 and 77 Yonge Street, irat Door [rom" King Street, Toronto, MANUFACTUuER AND IMPORTER 0OF OHI1LDR EN'YSCAR RI AG ESi RZFRIGIIRATORS, FILTERS AND COOLERS, Teilet 1Sala, Batha, Woodanvare, Rodgera' Cutlery, Comices, Hardware, CoaI 00l,'Slaves, Clothes.Wningers Lampp, &a., &e. c Bira-Cagem, in Great Variety; Canaies, in Good Song, #3.50 eauh; Mocklng MUndi, Par- rots, ThruAbea, and Birdi f ari i elesent hy exprima ta any sddregs. 8-2i The Langest Stock of Hou.. Purniebinga lu the City. .rt: WHOLESÂLE AND BETAIL. IA ME8 'GOODFELLOW, G o, IMPORTEBS & WHOLESALE & BETAIL DEALERS IN LAME? s Chimneys, Burners, Wi.cks, Chandel- iers, Stoves, Burning Fhid, IRock 0il, Wooden Ware. Chi1dren',c. 0140TRES-WEIN( ;.Carniages, ýGE"RS, AND GENERAL thima QM IDbYD .oo *aals IIW - eated Up 41h lgu rq t-hi tains bgMeer degreeofIns. ! aDd pro eoy-th=au-w6aerues iaeirrieand . - actetii ra$ily e aeceutiown-and a eonquent reductlajL Of eMt. Thi prucile ~ Igareçln.çeairylu .wei.regulaled. e.tablisheàog4'Aqà *e enabled la turu cu U nA qbppa 41mwxth, gh« ere.oea perfeto, 9a4a t îrcè'aiav asabeselutely tla de!>' mpelition. TH E"JOÈ'NSTON ýSELF-iR-AJU:~4E seeôm .enpo8061n. ,.butr -wdur.-are- maui JiM ug * k6 nufùlur. ëthua mnahine vho hava sdhered le lb. elS original 1ebnston-macbiéý Wittbutoîkep» ing up tethe. lmpro!eat 1haIubeWoveve dpau0rqurfne and _dUrahlit>, qnality tet nvrkn -OMoet grslu, llhtnuaofi draft sud ae al an.0mft hi"Jbuaon 'a a ufioetsuid b>' sa--Jtn -pr-erinniy aea~omIiqtqr-eaeu.,. lproof of ibis poeito & ws a nyý tarie, sukd man>. count>'.,trsu vbic l bsve (kenjlcealavr Aia, vAithi .OUR'.TRIUMPH .COMBIN'ED .'MACHINES,.' -vllh lite Ipeeultfiail as teau b. deelred isa CminSI an,,ad cannaI fail ta muet aU 1h. requiremars of purcbseers. Our, fimproved. aug /l-0009n& u ougOaaaMOeB are -bath lm'ii-nshnaooe auo lmesi 'wbalyof IrGM itd steeL Tt Osynga Jr. basau a ua i t haanruaas rn'Ou bt log 1 able maschin es, aid ual exoeiled-by any ulusoines fi lb tanàkelfer qaali'if a out, drurability, ligbtneîs of draft,- adaptsbiIty,'-and esse of mahiàipitit. OUR.-NEW I<WHI*TBY ARÂ'VESTE." As lb. country' iai beomme botter adspteod4ô mahinery, aidmai>' fouî air u. era'hae become skulledfin tho use eofmainies, a growig dend blmpru-ng up for a Light, Durable, Flrît-Cls ReipeF. Pm Alîye te the requirements of, the day, ve have ucceeded iu invonting sanms- chine witli a Wraught Iran Frime, villa lhe leait passible, gearfng-vi th larg9e, broad.faced drive vbeL-and moogcnotructed thal lb.efrume aid lîblaw tilt ai t he saine lime. thereby keeping tue pilunn alwasmin lin. vWilhheb -ki!. The rakes are driven directly from th. main obaft-thoee befng n e reptible aide draft, sud na weigbt upan lthe lianes neokg. - We are'eonfident lirai va b-ave sriooeedad in fuvanting the. moat- perieet Reaper, takiulg il fi al. its Pýarla, thit bss ever beau producesi. We have applied for. Jettera patent, aridehali held -Our invention, for aur owu exclusive manufacture, sund w.rsempetfully uggàt to i- tending purcbaserm, 1ha1tishe>'sbould ase this zahne before. glig their orders for tisecoming harvest. The 'Whitby Harvester veigisalld, 800-paunda,. *but befng made pnincipaly of -the hait quaisîy. of xrc sud steel, and fron fia fi. gcousn. buScompact eouetruction, it nombinea the- strength sud durabilil> of the Ail cf aur machinei are fuli>' varranted. With lis eliaI ai machines, we feel confident Ihal w v.euý meet .very ne- qufrement, sud wire epectfuily solicit a trial of car machines, helievini tal v eau furuish » batter machine for the moue>' trai -eau b. obtained elseirbere. Baspeclfally Yôuns, BIROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. Withy, Ontario, Fabnuary, 1877. FiSHIONABLE TrAIL ORING GO where- Yoeu nget a W01l-fittiug Garrueutn-,To the Tailoring Egsbliaieut of' GEORGE GURL.EY, A Large Stock of Pina Cloths; best English, Scoteh and Canadin Tweeds. o0:> Execet Overcoatingis ad Splendid Tost Pattens. A good fit GuaranteetL GEORGE GUBLEY, 51 King Street, Oalhawn. E. J. JOHqNSON In announucing the colitinuance. of the busines lately carried on by TILL & JOHN SON; as' Cabinet Malcers and Undetakerq, by himself, begs to solicit Mlso a con- tinuance of the liberal patronage beretofore bestowed upon t he firin. 11e lias now on hand an ]Excellenlt Stock, comprising Sideboards, Centre. Tables, Whatnots, Hall Stýnds, Sofas, Parlor sud Bedroom uits i'of Superior workmanship, and of the verybest 'nateriuil. Picture fa ig vr ha. Ail orders executed with promptitude and despatch. Special attention to the upholstering branch. rW7" A handsome well appointed flearse-Funerals fuuly suipplied.' E.. J. JOHNSON. 2 Whitby, Maly 7th, 1877. 2 N EW S TA TIO0N ERBy -AND- B O O K- S T0 R IE 1 AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BEOOCKST. George Yule begs te annnounce that;lie lias re-open&I hisStfationeryand Blook Store ln Whithy, where stationery of ail kinds, of 'te boit quality,i will ho kopt on,. hand-; also SobÀool Books of evoey description, Copy Books, SMates, Penefs, Inkae, &o.,atteIes pnices. Thé Paily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- sciptioni SolicitedL Musical Ins uents, including a fine assortrnent of violius. - -Orders as taken for Peniodicals, Magazines and Music. Whitby, Dec, lBth, 1870. WILLIAM FURNITURE WAREROO4 Iý THE OLD STAND, BI?OCK STftEET' WHITBYI, .G-O where you cannot fail to be: pieased in making selections of good furuiture., Splendid ParIour, Drawiunz.Ropugd-B3gdrom-es New, D,,signe veil worthy o! lnspactiop, a soibn om pri ets) in-oo xtension Tables-a ver>'a suero riohlp ' s .i- Gilt Cornices, Pielureamn iluav syl.Sosue fiûne Chramos sud EnUrvinge for sala. InU ù iti branches; fuerais fil>'suppid , _A seak F7o!felisut Ossrt". Aa aiw' Ys on bymd,. trlmimeêd to suit' du.-tm and a wI~pone conetanti>' unroadiniea. '- 841hWu.OT5. - GEOe YULE.1 51 TI L'Ll S MOST 0010 IZ.O'ONVAN S 'CA 1 IAGE -F~A'CTORY 'BROCK- 'ST ....WHflTY VI@ HAF AL& E HM JU~U ARIIVEÉD.AN7D FORSA Au-TL Fi flI fm- i0to 80 nts per ponnd. Coféesfrm 2 to40cents per pound. Strarsofailkids,7. wý' 8lbs.of Wit .grfor" $1. <I, alencia R iis ,16b o 1 (jikA M assortment of Ohoice Family GrocerisÉofal kinds, ýt equally Low Prices. MAPLE MOLAS SES $1. 25 .PER ',GAL-LON-. 'lHous e and CGardeun FoWe-r Plants. Gree Negetbles .uta ei on. F i"' TOM tOES JUST Be OEW.. g k fuill assortment of -China, Glass, and Crockery Ware, Tea Diier ý saToiet saaon ha±id and for aecg. A*Ill înds"of ved~. ê~Seè,OQer;,." Tmo thyeeEc TniBeafjldd. diiectlr>m BSoand, te arriva uhs wek. G dP ttosf m 50 e80 ,cents pr buelel. At 'WML. J; GIBSON!'S. Whitby Çhin& Tes Store. WANTED.-Any quantity of Good -Butter, Eggs aud Feathers, for which the highast cash price viii h'pad. W. J. GIBBON. GO LD SMITRI' Now té, 4-0nd, a fu l ortmeçnt ofNewý; Goods, uvhich hav-ing been well boughut, wiil be offered at VEiRY LOW PRIICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. BRIGHT AND COLORED OLâD, JEWELLERY. BLACK JEWELLEEY, JET AND VULCANITE. ;Z Clocks of Warranted Quality, Very Low Prices.- Electro Silver Plate,a very. large asgortmenit, -new desgigne,' in Crmets, Butter Coolers, Cake Baskets, &e., &o., relia., - bie goode, aid prices lo*er hli vr Would cail speciai attention to a New bine of Good- NICKELITE-s substitut. for silver. Niokelite Table, Dessert, ana Tas Spoons, Table and Dessert Fonke. Ilepeetion iuvitad. NEAR SIGIT "AND OTHER SPECTACLES.' Childrens' Carnages in graetivaiiety,,tWo, tihree, sud four W leels., inricsan sd <Jnadanmakes. Miiieh 27, 1877. Practical Watchnuker, Brook Street. Bý U G-; OVE S For Sale at. very Reaso4ablb Pri,.ces.i Several Open Buggies witli child's seat,» Lady's Open Pheetons latest style and ývery liglit, Covered Phietons 'with Rtolling Seat, also 1iit Top aud Open Buggies ofSupey- ior style and Finish. Al made ôf, the' bed Miateia-.- and . W.Tarran#'ted.,! 1 Wbilby, Jl>'51th, 1870. 1 FN-E: TOMS & NEWPOBT$ 'WbibyOnln2o 28 ARTS BESTS GALLE]RY, -OSHAWAI SPLENDID PICTUREFS-, Le-ike- taken in a moment in the best style. Mn. Best lias seciuned the services of eue the best nega- tivo.retoucherg itho United 8tata.:I fe ofdn ht~atr n work equsi, (if net superbe,) te anythingemrefrad ticonr' 95r CALL AND SEE MYWO . Ml 'are welcome to inýÈpeCt the Gallery. FinePhotos'of thé Le 1igS~esmen ofthe Ddm nn- Bight Hon;' 5f John Macdonald, Hon. -T. N. Gibbs, &e., and o! Bey. lather Mocana, RevaitMr. Loird,snd Jeshýg itzeneforfssle at BESTS' GALLEIRY BIMOE-ST., OSHÂWÂ. SADDLR N~i1RES Bestedrect.uttention ta hiesilarge and aupenior stock, eaapiUng ever>'-, tluîug ln tbm Saddlerysd arnaimsLine, airme Leéaîh er î Val 1iseës an;ý ï hdf-,S am t àg, î'I runka 1 -A LOT OF Dim Stret - - -t, a OTTOMANS, * ORNZIOES, &o., mc- A.ý a dput £own in lb. '!oit atyl- Marob 8tb l, 8 -B THALBE G FIA1 'The TbsalbergPiiano 1M1 vnt long1 tba ofa OQOD, ;U SEFUL PIA 'wlieoobiap d ltbe cleanýéiuo tom the buatiy f finkbaf'th. most cel If il ha nakeil boy it f poisible to e a Goo Piano for about eHALF -TH-E'PRI( generally charged, the amer la pha ju lb. Wùing 0 a e lb..n tmtot the"are no )¶ ýwro heep up, noewnid Mulo anal z or no ezpenaav. traveling agent. to pw. h9eiffatruent ae 'aï,maa 0 ÎULLBEVN 0CTA'-'E, SOLM IR0N PRAME, 0VEB8TETJNG BASS$ CAEVED LEGI tOIUËD PROI T CORNIE! SERPENTINE MOULDIGI '* d DOUBIZ-VENER1 * "R0EW.0D CAS An extra DISCOUNT 0F zo PER È wMi b. allowed Scboola',nd Cenventa, to Clergymen fp the ae their fana Whutby, February, 18th, 1877. sT.E A M E R CITY'-OF TORONI Leives fout ofi Yonge-mI., Taranto, dii 7 f. çnee.s'iapaî,1.(..m for the Pans, BuffiloCleveland,RBoche ,New York, iBoslon, Se. STicket. anS mil Information as P roi Eaaiy, --taronl. - CASH FRGAN T To'ledeiieri4 /. Frenchman'-s B -MONEY TO 'LOAi On Rtd lsRatte, At Loy Rataf, ai t SIMON &KfLLE C IGAR5maniscfatnred rom boit Zay -Toam.---ý heoolebrad Il 8 (Jgn, oiel-Ieeperi Sud Dies tinSL f-la*lie ' d stoagi a ve the Whitby, Feb. Mt, 1877.. P. MILLVI! A EOMNGIBBON, Gseneral Cm iso ec and Produce Dealer.- Agent for IKluul sud CouamenaU BÂES0F'TSIiN LON~ AimaAget f~- be anad CMrAI Tvelve eslnmskaqma to suit partit Mr Interostleow.ancl no ncommia W. J. GIBBONW, China FPa Starn Wbithy, Marcb 15th. 1M&. BRUGHAM CARRIAGE.WORS SWEBB C6bys P ent Sel Aui aries viiide eilieu onnDîgj -baCll imi' e g viig hé orlera el Rrugànlly 18tb, 87o, lyn. Taily. YnMiiz>gMachines V*i>'8spl*ohJm e thon. :CEî i 5111 IG. Bias Grrda:e1w nian, ofM- ay.iv ofP Pienaai#d ilyAt f te UMl onrÏo:t i ilIV lnircalai te iy e o!thUniv.E rater,-L Sagloon41, nI-at > f oata' v sesi ,sicffThe banna aidw Rlnt LN KsigSlem Horeeskdn B.- 'L HAMILTON il ý 1 1 - OSHAWÀ. - FACTORY AND UA LýL.-I CABINET

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