Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1877, p. 4

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reaopaa a a epi e '=in asa Charies =at ,w oeeind V*@ ecri'red severmi lueurs aftarviird& lmicNtholon, v vsntathé 1 hsdànATM en. Thv.toms 1>00oM of the boat for tbre elt au houa' bafaraej vere e1222 Thé. drowmed copter ha. ha bis1 d&Y At i to hirch fesival, anid ncw .Doi martga', a soli~y;iah maehe é "bivsrhy, nr esiba of dough, geestravelling arc undqe h hliQv, vieka aluas ci aI dd su eieddd.ioai Nili med1 thm bât mon DuM '4. pot, lta &y, id OCIuNSruscms.-Two ocean siiair cip-tha Riphinione. ai the. Roi eaer-éo1lded cnt Wedot.doy iafla Dioon, Jolil blow Mônhtreti. Bath ver aunk. The, corl19,,!ftic $ra#, nami eonslsted of ;rabIwJan& im(>j ead tI cther of grain, vllih ilu velllaj ibrini the Yele'a 4ecii. Tii. ]eu 1 WULL Donsa Pui4,I-Tic ComuSj Counili of POol hiva vcted a thotissa dolaJrs te the et. JohU Reié! 1Vqnd.ý ,Prilnce lùmeuk hagraturamcd toiler. liii rom Riasanen. Pools amndlielr mnay 8eaU part. It'e worth vile beleg a loci taehmvE thé tunoy te part wlth. A Ohmcage girlI raks an sagagemont %vit1àh 'hor botiroîlied, Mn. Vyse, em bearink hiit afrer i iege eh. uiigt ho aidiiotc te smaili vices. A Itai renmarked lthe otier da- "1t~id'mmlgty'liard tho be hôneai, but soaoîlmea a poorMainanent ho liomeai lulepe lie stes lt.e maney 10 be lhunesi LibIdo girl lias' preoefit cf rabbits; Wie h.u héRoti ml.ohéprays: $do Qed I w. Itank Tii.. speciaily for lb'. wîlbit-ali but the cage; w. liad liat S4otte ous0saill, te Hugo, once upon a t&l é >" It muet b. very diicict to Irrite good Paalr'y." "No, ir," replied t 1O0Poiti'itl le-citliie very easy or COALI COALI! Tie i. adriigced ha. l10t1git a, s o recsivlug IL large quetutlty, (oca 'îge ut Iroselu nliod colalai 0h ha e bot qaualty andi ln treîard i mo peclicontracte. witla parties wo timsywishite purchie thilir iiexht ivilter'g stock, JOHN DLQW. - 'Wlitby, tlth lune, 1877. 27 170 AQIZ:ES VOIt SAbLE, IN ]31100N. Thhah lessnllfe.l and weii huown70 Acree cii the o et iliaIt of Tnt, No. 7, antite mui, hlaiofetLAt Nu. 8, ln the 7th Cou. t tho Towîî,,lîit of -Brook. Oiitheeonlh hall oft No. U lucre le abont 20 mctes of beautilul hîîriwoî ilbsh, nover eulle; and on NO. 7 abnta #wescf foôod gelrr; bierelid a gou :V111 Ious, Brorn, Shed";, Ntitbln,&.,aso rabr. Ths a= l beautiyly situoailo uliiles trom Stunder- landi, a stationx on thc T, & N. B.. R., ivduers h4er. la a geoi, arket, Tlifîla zile frein Vrogqmaifttonobnvçnilit ,to aclicols mnd silluielia. Ths f la ininte igiacat state elt ulilvatlôn, mmda ,'.lwatere'd. The msitan tlebraoiluj à'ui mdnîfrodby&I passer b.fTMIIJN1" PUTAI3LE.ai Fotr terms and' pirttcmiars appiytotei 1îr0plretor, onth. promises.. . une 22, 1877, tt-27 Iiianlonds and Precous Stonea. Manufacurer ai MAl50NIC, ODDFELLOW~S' ICNIOHTS' et PYTHIAS, Albfl id, SIlety Re lisa, jCwelIb, '&C., &C. 14,KIG.87 IET, .-'TORONTO. May 22au1, 1877. 2l FOR SALE. TUIIVALUABLIIVAIN KNOWN AS "TH E HOME FARM," Siloiat. Il miles vest ci tIie Town ot Whilt luy, oenthe Kngston Boni. Thistanin consistas of 140 cres, on whilil thare aos eeetoi a ggci byo-terey Br-ick Hlou,,-t*, Prame Xarns, Stables, &o.- 1h. land la in an excellent staie et culvatlan. Ver &IlllInformuationi rclaing tierete, heo 5seul 'pndilns cf eale, epply tc- 1"AEWILL k'RItTIJEDGE, - Vcmior's Solicitors. Wiithy, Juns 18, 1877.' 25 0-CITY 0F TORONTO Lecv#qe foot-ai Yon e.t.,,Tercuto, iaily ah 7 a. in;" reaches N2fara ah 9:80mA.nM, anti T.cwlstem iitOc,0ia. m.Direct cnnections for the Polie,'Bnfmalo, Ceveland, Rochester, -New York, Boston, a-C.- Tickets sudia mÏlrinornntah8 Front-at. EantiToronto. i -1). MILLOY, May i4ti, 1877. 'A s201 l. 77, od ani ullrn ntb Kt nma:vm LEÂVPo rOe~!PE fer Linlsa; Peter. -14 i, n temniàto p.m.,.sud fort b, (Q6or maW - utuhée,and lnî,rmXiAtu ýpeyitts, aI 10e». n. 1 Trains arr.e Àfollmm IPRlOM Liniaay Palarb)oma', sud Lakeid, as1a . M., 12.80 P.. mqai 6.55 P. iM., amidtu-cm lie Geergian Bey, Waabau- milens, "auintermeiata pointé, ut Fr*fhtýparllculars 'se Pockee Tume G, oç, 'A. HUGL' DW UTCHER SHlOP I e bave te hetiti abeVis cf Wltby vaui liaI is ba. OpOUM ia HF.R SH.op 8TQRE, Vndu.s-t,, ai (0cýr. Ring adTark-sts NOW ýOPsN. 82,00 PER ,DAY reomnibus o asud from Ail trains Ta bic and appointinent allrm.. 54y Preprieter. F/q. 4 BULFINOH St, BOSTON, CoPpo5iTflIIVR RUG THE SCIENCE, 0F LIFEi Or, SELF-PRESERVATION. MO RE TItAN ONE MILLION COPIE8 SOLD. Gl * Medal Award'cd tue - Authi b. by te ."National Medi'cal Associa- lion," March 311st, îe76. Just mulicd b thie PIDAIiODY MEDICAL &NTTT new dodition cf the maileal ýt torsttied thie "SCIENCE 0F LIPE ; Oo SELF-PnaeEiev¶îON." lb btreata upon Iran- lesho trt, bow repalaed mand h, ap- usecause and cure of Exbauid VitarIt' linony, Preimature Deline laznuan, spe. ma hi, o eanal si Lss. necturai unl piurnmll Nerveuo mnd 'hruqql iDebllb Hr- t ession, Laso of Ceuntn arlslng tbon errero or Yeuth or thé indiocre tiens or excespes ef mature yArs. lit telle vou ail abcut the Mras of enera- lire Phyol'oiogy, the l'hyalology ef Marris e of Wediock maid Oflspring, Physicai Contrastal ru fm oraity, ionpiniolm, ieersien et Marniage, Conjugal Precettand friendiF coun. so h$clirunly, is causes maia cure, Xoa sbeh'wen tic Itexes, Fred. of hie 11,Iliono f Vice, th. Mimes et 01Inprm 'csAnoient Ignorance andi Errera, Meas ofCr. uec lieuy antI i MUd, 'rus- Pria- che iTrgetinent Aidreu a SePatienti end Ini Dýde1 te Autluor's Frincipis. ILe*ritee t tii. oek 1 leuy aitW. Thia lotolc alunc cntlina mors thon Pfly Prescriptions for thieaboye 'naunoo d md Ur dissafes, oeacl.oeeWorthi ira ith"n ha pries et thiebook. The Institute alse publiahsIl THE PHYSIOLOcIY 0F WOMAN -AND HEIt DISEASES.' Price, 0a. The boit book of tie kind criant. Alon îuutiî,r vasluable utoëd1cal wonk treat- tao exttsls'ey Mental an~d Nerveus Diseause; morenaIlian 2;waio ctave Pages, t'wenty e- honnaivng Ind in oautanîlai mua#. "Thîe Book fer young andi mididle mcci men te roati lest nov lua hie Science oi Lite, er self I'neunvatloiî. horti ubieas -etnrned freina iturepoIn,'excellent isaiti, mmd it agin ts 0111,1 Coneniltine Plhysiclan cf the Fembedy M"oa Inohtute, No. 4 Bultuai. Street, Bou. ton Mas .in -pzr.xAixc JeVuwAL. SIlHie Slence ofi Lue la beyomd9M icenipari- oit tic mneotraorinary work on Phyoiole. 5>? cvr 0puiilliculd.".-lusTcîc EALD. "Hoe ,nostled in the bottoun ai pmndonaag box, anti liai,. juune. i iv luge amew, simea thilsculng oi t ]eue vaisable worka, pnbliahed by tii, i'ebo.iy Metilcal Intitut. wlaich ara lsaeiig titonsantis iew te avolul tt nmaias luit mal) the eltaulel oflilf."-Puunzzpau ]ZNt berali Z h yug h Uidlei Tii0 r=tand nly iedai ever cenfonred* u1pis ulatiy Madîel Man in bhilecountry, ua recognition of -ekll'and profeaalemml servics was truoessi 1.4te tue auther of theoee Warka: Marri 38, 197e. Thc pnesentatlam vwas nettc- e4tth tii o, f Ils econrnce hi the Bouton Focs., anlite leitng jourunatbtougimenbbs ceuntry. Tiisinagnlicent Medai ls of aolld gelu, metvih imorc tian ane hundrei India taiuoncîs of rare brillliancy. "141togetier, lInîlN executlen and tiir. i es ot its unaterlala, and lias, tbila ledeciedl. lyý th i not atceable meulieven atrmck lu t hlai country for any eurpose viaterer. Ib is weli worti bice InspectIon of Numîsmnatlate. It was falrly won and wontihiy uetowed.'-MÀs- fAciunss'rrPLoasmNÂu, dune $rdi,1876. Catalogue sont Onirccoilt cf 0cnla for iitiorri Ma above violimsont ibymail an rocelpit of Iice. Airese PEABODY MDI ÙAL l ITITUTE, (or W. E. TARKIEJ,M.D 'Comsuing lhysilitn on> . 4 BlJnch St., Bias. ton,. Mass ,opposite ibeoe lieuse. N. P. ;Nesutiior can i. consultaicm hie above maumei l ioases, as vel as ail diseases reqnlring ikili seereey anti experlance. Oflice heurs, 9SA. XI. t a. m, T ARIFF OP' FEES TO BE TAKEN 13Y CONSTABILES. (Undlen Order ini Council, dalsi 241h day ef July, 1574.) 2. Arreet t o ac i ldlviipol upoi a warrant .................... 81 80 2. ScrYnIti0 snmmns or enipSna.., O()25 8. MIleags ta serve gummzons, ei. gona or warrantî..........~. c1 4.Mieag o when service Canntîbo uijon proot eto due dhlligence ... e01c 5.Milcage tbkIng drisanars 1a geol, exclusive ef dlbunucanets nec- essorily expeudes in a liir éon- vyasuce.....................0 10 0. Attening Justices on snmhus trials, or on examination et Pr,- Bancos ciarge ithblicrime, jar ebday nocssaiily employed'- la opie an more cags,, vien- mot engpen moeathan'tour bouta.,.10 7. Do. do. -vien engaged zmore tion four homos ...%................ 1 50 8. Atlemdiag Assizes or Sussions, .... . r............ .... 150 9. Mleaga raveliglta attend 'Aq. cies Bdu, or icionsJustice. w ae pblicconvoyauce eau be et.ol', ire.aeonZie tilburse. e o ô0 d).O.. .. 10 10 naao lu"Jta n frCroner' laquent, inplu lngattending'at psct thersai hild i lsome day as Jury ummesi..........2 0 il. Attenuling ocr adjeurumeut bierei, if nîmo ngaged more four imîrg... ............ 1 .12. Do, do. ifcoügâgodei lion, ha four heurs ................ 15bo 18. Serelag à ormouconbpoea te dem tataeQnnr(gjc 14. Miage dîv"hlMd. ....... 0 15. Embumimg bo 'y unier Corauer's 16r. t,.t......... ....... 0 1cam lebyngmm..............00W 17. Serving dia su warrant, and o. 18. Aivertling undrio eilea van. ret......................... 1 60 19.,Tiavelina te makc ditreap, or te sotrci for geedi te mata dis.- troes, wunune gôooiare <ni.. û».1 20. Appnalseuuenta, viether byons aorum, 2cenlain tlýi ola, 21. i' of Ëibeie amid e sas ' catO ha liiaulêdon. .. .à t W.he areùwherofr n a oh intrde-amore poo aismng hl i b e S_ ~ uscfz an net addtngnqforly oth w fpctlosud. ont ork, b;L" ai! zlp uo tl w"'&r4ap r n. fàsa u awl 4,nd~~~U hme ran w.g nbledfthe ai n oui oi chnes vof aigrur <egr. c pefeclnmgo gisn ait là dgefsl sud n pheroilîc bu a of nvcul man vi ha, ahre talb. aid otrigil onuw ootmayohnloai th@ d uai toi eb y!teceo lut umln.tl h d ontf tail usicrîae. aprsof lv andpostions n have ol LLOlont teth tiimy Pirsi Prismsawariai us-atthU est Proica"tiiOf On- ariosu mny aunty «Î~le whlé ha,'k- wti thé. lait hW Y eats.~ da iti OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHIES, viii laie Improvammnts, ta ail hht a1»iedin4 àt aComnilned Machine,, ad aunnot el alametilR thérequlrmenis of purohas. are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a bohfrtce.moisacmttldama holy of lieunanaStele. The u&gaJr. bas a toui out, and Uic Young Clanada a front Cul ; bolb sgrong, dur- ei.mchns aMd net .xeofl ~byamy anachimpa lu tio wark -fr ulity cf out, dmziblity,-ilghin.a cffrft, adaptablllîy, unieds. o"iageMent. OUR ,NEW,,"fWHITBY HARVESTER" As thé ooontry hp b.oam.bitter adapto bmnchlnry,amnn"y ofo aram- .rs have bacoE' iipit icuecfmeinsahuigk~jias sprungi up fora SLlgbti IDurabi;Ff -a Beaper. Ailve te the. raquirementa cf the. day, va have aucoecded in invcnting a mi- chine wlth a Wrought Iran Frae,, vit h the. least passible gening-witb large, bread-facai drivae xhe',-and me conaructea ualt thefraeeana tabletilt ait the sema time., tbaraby Ikaping Uicé pilman -aivays in 1n i it h.healtie. The riâkes are drien dl~ety rom ' hemaen sbft-ý-uhore being epretbemi draft, and no velghl upon th. horses noks. Wé are confident t ve w have sueci u nn -1 g u t mcml e> e' aper, taon i a~li&arts, thst ha.evr benproucd;We'haVe a;pplici for letters piateml, aud is 1laliji a invention, feror n ez ciuoivq nulacture, and va respectfully saggemt ga in- lending purchasers,tIa 7shauli ,. ld od mahin'beoregivgtheir aidera for lie;P cc ime heTi."WhitbyHarveqtar" weiýIm, alad, 60Qpounds, enut ad ptincolf th.:hcsi';q1llit ,fro* -$ni"steidfkm' iia ln. meier nsAn ... are cem- tin, i oibinies the sl.t Bi clurablliy f Uic Alof ur mhine oreWlyvarranted. Wftb ta 11.W 1cfmachines,Wv aLel cenfident t Uéau . en mclvery re. quiremeril, ami"ve respaeouly solicil a trial c caur machines, believiiig lia ve eau fnrnisb a better machine for the Maney than ena bc abtained elsewhere. Baopecifuny Yaurs, BR *OWN& PATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whlithy, Ontario, Fehruary, lm7. FiSHIONABLE T14à1L ORING G o ihere you can get a Well-fltting Garment :--To the Tailoring Establishment 0f1 GEORGE. GURLEY, SUPEItIOR CUTTING SHAPES THE WORK1 À Largo Stock of Fine Cloths ; beat Englisi, scotch and Can.odan Tweeds. 0-> Excdllcnt Overcoatings and Splendid Veat l'alterne. 'A good fit Guarantecd. GEORGE GUBLEY, King Street, Oshawa. JUST ARRIVED AT THE ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS! F011 THE 1-1Ol IDA.y NEW RAISINS, FANOY 000DB 0F ALL 'IDCAIIS (thé. best iii town), A LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW FIGS, - ORANGE PEEL, LEMON PEEL, CITRON PEEL, SPICES (ail kinds,) CEES3E HASM, BI300N, LARD, &oc, &o. AU of whioh will be sold Cheap FOR CASH. Fresh Oysters and Haddies received PETER SMITH N.B.-Oash pafd for U3utter, Eggs, Pôtdtry:aù'd Apples. Whitby, Dec. ôOh, 1876 50 NE.W STATIIONER-Y B 0.0K TORE AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. ORFICE, BRO(C]K..ST. George Yule begs to aunnounce that he lias re-opened uis Stationcry amdl Book Store in Wiitby, wiere stalionery o!fi&H kiiids, o! tie best qualily, viii be kept an boi ; -iso Scoee Books of every ascniption, Copy Books, SuItes, Pencils, Inka, &c-, ho., aItich loveet The Daily and Weekly Paper always.on hand. Sub- scriptions Solicited. - Sugar of ail kundse, £W -8bs. of Whfte igar for Ege a quauy .uuw rmots. MAPLEMP4SÇ 1 25 PEA GALLONA Ho O aa(Jren P *werflants. en Vgeables in tiefr secaum93r ESH TOMÂ1IOES JUST CE VD. .Afl assortment of Chiné, Glass and ock0ey Wffe,- Tee,@ Dinnar, sMd Toilci Sets onba smd dfor sala Ch AI~indfPead &Garde"ies. Cver and.Timo- thy edt T p 8 foail hM&. c fou4lstod, arrive tin yak. car GOoiPotatoas froin 50 te 80 conk*:rbuh. At WM. J.1 1 GIBSON'S. Wlitq Ch"naT'e st 0. FeaNThErs .Aiv il t nti2e1casof Good B 'ter, Eggs aW4 Pmth , fr w z z -J et csh ric Wi beP ý - J. GIBBON. Spades andShovels>, iGarden Rakes, Garden focs, Forks,&e. CtNails, Paintsý and -OiIs,- Paint and Varnish !Brushe s, &C. *xTinware of. every description. in Stock, or made to order. Whitby, April 17ih 1877. 17 GOLDSMITHeS HA L L. Now to hand, a full assortment of New Gooda, ivhich having been well bonglit, will be offêred at VERY LOW PRICES. GOLD ANIbVER WATCHES h CHAINS. BfIIGHIT AND COLORED GOLD JEWELLERY. B3LACK JBWELLERY, JET AND VUliCANITE. ja Clooks of Warrante Quality, Yery Low Prices. Electro Silver Plate, a very large assortment, new designs, ini Cruets, Butter Coloen, Cake Baskets,, ho., ha., rolia- ble gocie, ami pricei loirer than 0,cr. Would eall special attention to a'1New Line of Glood- NICKELITE-a substitute for ailver, Nuekelil T-able, Dessert, amd Toc Spoons, Table amd Dessert Forks. lImpection uuviled. NEAR SIGHT AND OTI'ER SPECTACLES. Childreni;5 Carniagfes i g. a. vriety, wtre n foui U%"eI, Aunoe nia dCanadian ialca. Merci 27, 1877. Proeticai Watcirnakor, Brook Stret. BUGG For Sale at very Rea-goib1e Priées, Several Open Buggies with cbild's 'seat, Lady's Open Pimtons latest styla and very liglui, bov;ered Phoetons with Rolling Seat, alsoLIght Top and Open Buggies of Supel- ion Style and Finish. A Il made 1Wbihby, July 5ih, 18376. of the be8t Mâtteri ai Warrante J. . and TOMS h -NE WPORT , Whilhy, Ontario. BOOTS AND. SH-OES. JOHELN SAUINDEIRS has just received a large stock" :L".eoots and Shoes, suitable for Spring -wesri whiohhe- w-Il Musical 'Instruments, including a fine assortinent of {lï'FJJJLL CHE AF FOR CA48H,.ÀrCa Violine. Ordcra arc taken for Periodicais, Magazineamd Music. 1Whitby, Dec. 181h, 1876. WTLLIAM GEO YULE. 5j1 TllL'S. CABINET, FAOTOR-Y AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS 1 THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Go, where *you cannot fail.1 to. be Splndi Pa~1orDnain~R<>m a4 edroQm Sets, No Do19Sige oi *0rty 0o ispection, taIaonisiing lowL prices. Dia- ing-room Emtensioù Tables-a vory superior article. amui7r X~ga'msfrsW At a very sma.ll margin"on cost. Work done to order in first-celass style. A. Stylihsli Boot and a Good Fit~ G3-U ÂR1:;b- Ai JOHN SÂUNDEURS. Iýé N. B. Parties need flot asif or credit as'it4iwi lot bJ. S. 'WibY, Merci th, 1877, SA)DDE]RY AN-fl WILLIAMTH Boss te dàireattetn to i u larema u" ihinun b. Saddallr ~4i- -.LOTO HARNESS. MPSON moi stock, oempruszhg .v.ry- cssImimie, eler ~ato~a Sirunks I r. mie à, 'el as psuemesan iluuuaiag poyer c e W ,I7 ecalja., and about ona-ihwirblter han a ii i rsarkabiy pure gas, c uuans 1miuknd Wiitab- - - w'a ten ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of or0ilenftto 4mtaa eh a elet To ourplainclà Yea1atslIêiauovbe urMcin aecatc n havi apeata, laa mtt :gcf aine l Ad& ft ai thi teu~,o-ati mtn tei rui-nqifrter. fice n the kcorv, ia i'i; use, ;hy'=7 ï- -a w re am raleni emgaiznai.asIinursuspnsLv: he'Wtafor slal buings f ra gai bolier on uusetO= y oat. t hu s uu4ormbe c ansrto anae. Te &p.ngfactur e fg our Mpsaine làg deumantdae ndy mh taouut'io a ute mu muom il a l lâai~olmus sppiufilIt furnx"&ia a'Oathelavllage.iqîe.Sufcett o, ýi» hall rIý deriuteu teeetéoux, te noftagsi lii.dru'rain uriamiha abOc Ad 9umbblsicmml Te dictbyra-ieoerstim~mt eymerlans quileepen s in I, n ato a ulh.draldeu f tii msasa "be ota.n ta acea nthli hoar aexerust4tp etforU bmfgib rpiirgll te fally me gea, madthe.lab. o lare vnula ieoTha." . pAeterabis fo hies'foihwn ressen':-'&*é laImb. Tir iraI ceaIda"Imm ucmle... glt nsivNe, 1xpen aiot-ildings are neuri btikt ahlbi a eea iui.il uthéBlacbourôme roblIthailmoU#u-**àr 0I, jsturnaur quislu se ltrue ngse lscac c f unén' lot. Taria"muolpssarutcniaeso i al lay oi ie 2nd. .ENlj puà-a e outng<ange ai reqalrei. Oimoit'eeulygaci mai, ail Ioina menderchmi haeap&udn 'Oms 'e eur ndej s elgtanuinc counry o iamgnsp ar c asiai fwnk yïrhiiiréy Dc êizied' ahiui es' ot'oa'gs weks R*u cnsme my av litmelo tsale ng «omlyfe atga bO7. sleu amnal cocndensation ve vonli utate ba s u17 ciamcie'te In. of r3.Tanlaatesele, YliAÏôft. This machins. hoanisi in.tlhlgllpiem numbr cflama, nving lihe gaisaie*foSu udrei f.t l ein g ;ah. an furIQtnemovci trainthec machine hbs ua mnetWMly gpMcilgliIthe ong mené Oteo la ltrauclg Ire mchies, ai lghlmgherevitb.auuumber dbutdi' lmni tic iIJ rStateii hLa Irélitmecbïncuova eecaidenlt tut'ouun rachs seëondtibueca la =-nnt* e etuIeculItninetino!rof a, but va hav, mie . npte»udlali tWmus hein maïadi relibla.w. etvry ma- it it it It TESTIM!ONIlALS. I have hav, bait eue cf JoiepPli llipm h Co's. Ain Gai Machines lanien at My place A liceda fir. bol'igteca anonthis. Fiim y xeiue mnslael i pninciple e1th. ie . The gai la Ofatm uperian qnslity, aideconomiomi. Toronto, Apuil 1, 1870. EnoAS J. JLanso. 60 Liglut Machine., Mmcmi.. osait PZLLPm hCc.Osiaa, Marr 27U, 187. GuwnaLxxrn,-I bare. very great plessure la recoauunming yeur Air Oas Machine plat Inheaun Cellege,as l bas given perfect paitactien.-Y-ours, ho. 150 Lighi Macluéuo. iduumus. 3. Psar.a.urs & Ca., Toreuto. ' Oshava, SOti Kauch, 1876. Buts Soas~-I bave nov been nsiag your Canadima Mn Oas Machines fer about mix mentis, înitng viludi lime Il has anavenei ail hie purposo I anticipalci, auiviloh yen vérratitsi befers hnhfraehuciag Il intomy dvelling. 11.1..- very UtIle attention, mai us rcadilymnanmgei, Tii. IlgImi la geai, ami froni hie aimpuiéity' cttb. conalnuellen ot tis Machine,"anil ecn.equemt obsapuicus, sheuli corne inle gênerai nie. - A. B. D£Xusiy. 1 Masmm Soeu h Pm.urs.WtlbY, N 22ni, 1876. «mars -.+ouramdr gai nov i*Mrcd inte my aloresat.'Whlby gives coinpiuta-alla fsuto. >Jô'meohine votkatit acuaismaid Iasaaved aàIagi Ymuaonta aOuram efpeuse, beelde. lb. aivamhageaOf ciidies andm a very enppioler'l. u n -*4fuCuruisaN àsn AuAscri,Tonamero, 1M7. Cimas 59. Secton 05. Na. 59, Aill-CanaAirMn asMachine. SCOTT &PHILLIPS', ICANADIAN AIM GAS "-MACHIN , DathIl, Wae.tCo8tt, P.umRa, Germoumtei,Bebbm- Rase# Gao Puy.- tiro, in Brasse e-und Crgte, etc. -- ' i RLWHINQ Np 19 Tlif q UILDIfqS P iying ic . CABLES MAMTIE One of the Testmonla.s Frrom Mr. Dunca Arc Celjue, Mcatrgali: I, the- undehiulo; have been aflerng m S2 mmmw for lbhe lut two yeili'freni ahycmsa i n théeankie joint, 80 mach àu tUefr~m'fcr the last tv year., mai star~tdsp e u c Iisremedy, I I ae Missaternent t thepblic, loUis DUCAN McALtTm, IL . lune 1Mt, 187& J 8& il . SAXO & CO MP&Ny F U-RN 1ITU.R E. WHOLESALE &RETAIL. Warerooms-Albert Hall 18ld gs4 9'Yonge St. Haeavmso ianda Funl Stock 1cof evezy. thung thef ineù,and hoe.by strict attention tc the wantscfther cutonaru to meritaà ceninana f Im atongeLithrtoex teded 0 thosi. Specil iattention Patte -Sualng et OTTOMANS, COONICE8, &o., &o. mai. mailput dovn a ii. hebeul styla. Marh h, 176. 'i THE HALE >GPIANO The Tiaibeiuine flus a vaut long f*i- GOO'D, USEFTJL- PIANO 'Which com'binÎed tlb'àleanie.s af 1cm. ani lie ieauty 0fi 9ish et lie most celebrabsi Irh. 'Wi ha meoata pabea. ii il b. askiahais 1* Is possible to upply a Gmoillafer %bout geneally chaugai, lie anaver is plain: la liemuiiing'orauosala i licccinslu- meula, here are no large sbovncems te kecp n, ne gani Mn i al te maunawn, au ne expansive travelling Agen"a te pcy. Tinuatruments' are&Umlmae ot- a- UINU'OBMSTANDARD PULL SEVRN OCTA4E' SO'LID' IiON PRAMla OV'BESTEUNG A , iCARVED LEGS, BODND TBONT -CORNEES, SEEPENTIIqE MOUILD'Gs ai DOU=LEVàâEEEID ROSEWOOD -CASBS., DISCOUNT.0FOPcPER CENT. wMi ha ailcyci Scicols muid Couvents, abco t,6 Clergymen forthe use -dthir inUile. WMtYPemay,18b,8W. AD 0S T7[BPORT-PEREY LINDSAY W XYB! RAILWAY. TEâ TABLE No. 18. T aklg e #et o u W ein sdy, M ay 9 U, 1877. TORObiTO TIE.' WiibbyJun...aepi. 940' s.m. 7M25Pm,. T"np-sl'r .1>.29 78051 iunc'l .. .-'10190" 8, ParlPsur. .... e10.22 8 .9< 10u.8cz2oscoe.8 . .dept. 6.00'&-M. 1.26 p-n. »SiùiaS'ht,.. 6-l0 ,1.46l MyrlbtI ..........64 2 el .157 ' 0roli . . 0 Il 2-W99 lm hIby ......... . 80.. 7M 2.58 W h lb y i n . . a z nv i ; a m' .0 *Plaiform sitions. Telesr.ph atallauti- (Lai '.'Wbtby, C OFFICE- J. G. RLosa -'TI frInm gte i Brn PDHYSI0L *Wm. Riem Mlteeope ÇA1D. Physiim, S. Whîtby, sept ]Q00BT.RlA daraduate yj * Quen's oeu tTnliv. cf Mcdi luniv. cf Penn Ponamylvania cf lb. Univoc cuer for- the -i ' cldvaon et. ~2nub24tih, :1 Oxue %ad=ix traction ci teet schesas bth lest. k'eetýie 'Teep-th ote local anSsthesi a'uev'-blôok, Ring Street, O. THON BUILDER- .11orêder -JL.J..Salean, ] AGENT Fu cf lenathan WoL -GEOR4i T UMJIER 1 larg nlequuantihy ai stanty on limni. JAJIE fOWNSHuu, COMMISSIONE AL IN8 U The. Cierk vil '20y Rail, Coli Fnudya, for Te heur., 9 a. Mn. te Marci S7th, 187 hncooe..erta A T-iE PRICZ LIST ON THE CANADIUr G48S MACHINE, COMPLETE, Froi on board of DraietToronto. Nunbey 1, ratai te suppply 15 Bumea 120000. '2 d, 80 " 200 fi " 75 " 875'00 et " 100 te MO-. iu " 160 do 0000W ao " 76000. "10, "et0 ' 10000W. Langer mchnes incie, If reqalri TO PARTIMS WHO ARE BUMIHG. oaa r gas is nin'i pipesaieéicai .Wcie ompete t wv nil nu mlvbgan vsceai te amy 'pArtof liecoery te pipe'bulidigs5 set machines, ho.. s1cIm, petut te estimaS. lupon: lithenadre vaireof piping,, fiunialng murin, -gshuihcon et.dytoMl*~? Oi a menti are suci, Aaàtwicauî te- mydo- ingdi*duem~vc le. ersve ýcte .egtine jb pri. aava41aiu. cf lhe besfupoisllereuit.feoumcine, orIn>ascteoï lau- rli e- largely upen a licorougiuintnigaiatfù xctine4I$i 'Wen- honeet àaumrady ppa'for cea! gos, - v-c. aaaci Our machines vitabent GÂSOIMZ. W moulfait crir onGaicline. :'Our umramenta csan ob thalva candli ail'oder. promptly'. We lumàisih te beàt' qùUmty of si at m=rke$tc-te. WBe manufacture mon an Coppér Tanks te crier fur .taning Gasolina. La= ý &c&ý 1 S:M.Àt s 0 MT! 1 ÙO i5ight Machim. il 75 Zight Uacliins. OSHAWÀ. -

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