Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1877, p. 2

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ituallouo' of »nY otb.r Me i obool lm <ou ONLY *:3o@ PER ANNUM. iefuinAtadtW inI o ins, thu" gentlemen b.ing Mai WhIebyt Tbu"y Inn ue14, 1877. Yno. m.Br Sut . Forey Davis, YJ ~ PAUanl . i.O. Yng, ani Mdore Change# ln the Ott#wa Cabinet. Granit; Tlis. lUO f act oft oblnl Dogreeln thé Provincial Univaail Thora bas boeen another'Sficnarlal no e u al ein la Imai;but wl ohufest Qtaws.. Mi. Dake katba leIn addition Le pasuog, lb. bigi Preoldanay ofthea cornelisud fal u- pomiton luàlbtheonour Liats fa gait coaded bY 3fr. Lalamma us Miniàtar of t4 . alue ofthîe degrea la Very gri Jestiee); 1Mr-. Osuh beau an woru enhanoed. Mr. Bryant heade the lnuU aister of Iulanci Bayonue. The in Mathematics, a plisa ho bins slw Geverumeat reaoas for the. change are ocoupîed Sine.ho. ontergid lbe i Iliat Mr. Blake requiras laisure to ro- vri~.H.o ltained the Gold Mei cait his bealtb. &c. Thberoi rousons té hlgbast distinction open b him aUapgd ar~cthit Mr. Blake la <ionlin. Lh4,depArtmont. Mr. Da'vs sbso«a e. t fo fraéi his lucrative practic aiatthe a Gal od ea, is'depàrtmont be bar, inwhlalshao nde hhnselt raîtricted NAtural Science. Ho i ade rs UMnitr of Justice, andthat heo Uldas Clielury, Naturai Historý, Minai quit the oounotlon aitogether, if mata- ogy and Geôlogy, uotwlthstanding1 wore fnt made plansaut for hlmlunLIAIS forminablecmai o fM.Putî way. Ioee htmybtoC5~ another WhiLby boy. Mr. PUI luo-nthat onnuot banifit lthe govern- obtainthle Silvar nietii. Mr. Fi mont oflMr. àackenalo. 1fr. Lmamwetaies the fnpaelus nEnglish, .i brlngo te the portfolio of Jutie, whfch wins IHonours lu Proh, Goe*rmi aboya al othelioseidbehuidby a Min. Italan, ana Spaloh. -Throughou l lfoirabeva 8119101l1n, sa rom'raPut. course the careo f those tour gent 4ble record. Rio gst at salse centested mon bas bean nlika creditabie sud iw hesoera th~e courtes ad the ividance nlu. stainîed, sas must lba knowu te aul0 olue olrougly to tb. opinion tirai bo. aders. Mesors. Young nadGin -wiIl b.u Useatd. PiAeing miueL a lian have taken a very respectable standfi n a position aboyO bis Judges la net for the Doe. eeof Bâcielor cf go( Ilkely te conciliaito public opinion faror. aine, sud leave many of lbefr colua c sibly or brng strength b tihe MOn lu tors behlud thoa in the race fol'r di power. In the wsy »cf continuai -1tîcion. chianges lu the Cabinet, ab least, noyer -The suocaeaof pupils lu the clii Ili; Canada a Ld suc a shuiling iotas years fa noue the lens remarkabl Macliouzie and bis mou. The "ghu%-M r. Cal. n..n,..,, ..i. ... offi,.. a .i. thsa . Dg a rhun eatly Slist uni. )dal a in "le on, sud Lau, fle. our aut ing ýdi. i- oer le. lng Minusry" vôniliebnamono apt anS bcal Schlarîhiip, vhihe takiig a veny truthifliî deiguation thlîs la call thein cneditatbe position lu the atiler Sepat. a Illfloersu" Goeonement. mone.sMn. Huston, while Seing a considerable amount o! teachiug lu lie TuIi ILLITIATEDHO HmnoxI.ti. COUETY Higi Scl11001 bore, lias ManageS. he iALÀ.-Tis vom; islanov napidly ap-von upbis studies oue hiat se fppears- proaciig complehion. The moît at- second lu Buiglisi, vluning Honuus tsutivo paios-haking cane lis hoeu bc. lu Fronobi, andI LeaSing thq class lu iitovoSl upan every dopanlsutnt lu orSon Patio Classia la bis yea. Mi.« Cbailci t o ensuit completoesasanuS perfect ac- McGillivray exorciseS uis option cf Cuiracy. As rà county von Ilviill b Iaking the exasinstion in University iuvaliîshiîc.Tise srtiste !of e cm-COliege instoad o! ah lie University.,- î,suy are nov e.gaged iu îketchiug îLe Ùe takes a leaSing Position iu nearly isuaprovemreuta andstsock lînoughont thileoves-y subject. Cousîty. WVe er.ilsi ingé nuihor 3fr. Jackson olitains the prizes for of tiis- peneil sketches a few Sayes ince, Latin Proso and Latin Verse ; Mr. wblic elàNfrefilucly oxoonteil nuS very rFielS fur EîsghisilEseay. lifii-ike Tise "Spink Msille". aI Dufflu's Tiee Honours are lu every vsy -Creoic,gshow nioaly. fr.P1. R.UIoover's oditable te tus recipieuts, and, redect 31111e nit poîîony, aI Dufftu'sCa-cal -yes-lustre..îpo bthe scisool froin sîntion, are sketcheS lu sueil a manuer muaich5semsuy sneiess!nl tudeuts as te show Duffli'i Croci village anS have sprung. Va viîh tIm aile aud tis eiisc' Collego u Is.'th distance. ahi contiuued suecesa., We are prend Vrr. Jt.Is muu'e Bsara veliov5t0Orasdetfthei, nsd feel ILsI neoIigIsor hou- Fe(luý!hManA Bayare: eented, our eau be Lostomed upon WIitby tissu wiIi a boiS, fi-t e licil, nasare alooe tis laivhiedu comes frosn ue iencecgssul irîeîîuy vieve about Uxlinitl6,, PortIPenny, pîtranil c! kunowledge upon tIse part cf atuid thsenntis iding. Amnong bisoso ils youîil. icoat couahlcueus ah PorI Ferry are thie Pubic eheisan neideeoscf r. A GitND DAY lE Wueun-.-TIse neviev 'Si) sîg1 tr, Mr. Josephl Iigelav, Mettireos L outes a.s iiI lvu Adlasu Brus., 3fr. E. Mslndy, sue! toerg. Up o! a fort, grandiiibsry parade sud AI Uxrndge : tisé- Publie Solsool, an-J concert, and tus-n ouI o!thie fineasuea- retli4bende o! JeseophGousic, bisa "Plani stueugîl ttlm bc heiin" a le pro.-Pau-u liese, su a ~ao miayohler i.mslu. ndlvctisoa]iniothior columus for of ta reeridený,es, asîîhstockin luthe Tîsmsnday 28ih. Tiset iii Le excur- townsihie cf Recels and Uxhnidgs, Re-sion ruins froni al directions. The voil davas.grand militany dispiay and] ahainafilit T2110vWitlng cf tise huss)icesI descip. W"'h liesomctlbiUgnew ho Witness tieu bas Leeon estrustcd ta W. H. lu tiis section o! country-. hrIg iue oitorof tise CfnlIL. M.LbieteCosNIVTv ICNC- Ili4gins viiifeel isusci! piaceti uler pie-nie, tunder tIse auspices o! tho LiL. obligations (Whkils will Lé grate!uilly oral- Consenvaîivo Association o! East itekuovletiged) ta lime, viany for. York, yull be hîcîSaI Manihasu, ou wartl Liitauy information OX orsle Ws.na]yî, 27tIs Juns. Sir John A. in hoir possession miici msy lba dren.macffLdopaid, Dr. Tupiion, Hou, T. N. o,1no' aast"ido lu lie preplurabion of Gibbls, snd othirgentleman o! promi- matenials for flics monk. - leue vii Lbcpnesonh. TUE PAPAL DELEGA'C.-lfgr. Con. g Choibé paterns lu Reoin papent nely, blogah t id Selsîgate aposhoîje, lt aIFnnmlo-cpposite the Posl.ofllee. accosnpanied i y Arcihislsop Lynch anS PcC.Nîc AT Durrn<s' Crxi.-A pic- the Vicar-Genoral passed tlîroughk nie, vilil bc TelS ai Duffus' Oeek, on Wiitby, on tbi Grand Tmunk RailFay, Tuesday, tIse 2611 et Jùâe, tisé proceeds ion Torosnto, iy tho ladlexpires est of vhih mil b. devetea tovarsis psy- ou Stnlrdcy nigIsI. iîg off teabon the Otholie church At Ohaw li wa recoiid b Re. tat place. Gaines and amusements 4 Father MeCanu, ageempauiod liy a iî . roid.4 -numbor o! biii ooregaticu L earng wl epoie.4 oce.Tise Oshawa banS mas aiso Conîy Court anS Gencrai Sessions cf & -preseul and piaye-i sevérsl ulnes o! the Peace., velose. alie TMCanlu nat Thé Courts cf General Scissions o! 54 aidreBsa ibisth saue o!flbs conga. -theo Pence and County Cu m er. Open- Lion, valosued Ils, Ablogas.ta ,,Osh. eonouTussday, ah Wilitby, bils isnor awa, thé firaI pariais visiietl by hlm in judge Burnilas, pnosiding. E. Doo- liméÂrc-dloeseo! enans,. Tie itltîe, Esq., J. P. sud Samuel Beau, Esq. J. 11. ocoupied seata on thele lei. uAblegalo Se bis nrepîy expmesett- hlio Amonget lie gentlemen o! tilt long gratilfeatie vils bise wvaboereceiv- robe proeont mare J. E. Fiartvdll t1 ù(]. Ititroductions -ta parties -pissent Conîy Cravu Attorney, Jas. Rutledge, telleoSo.]P'atliôv 3feCanutisonakeS W. Ji. Bilings, D. Ormisten, L. Eng Ifbîselu frintfi Abegao fr lm- isI, G. Y. Smiths, M. Hlovoîl, A. G. à blssig frin rio blcatc or im-Mc3illen, J. K, Oea-Sou, G. G. Kelleny soU sn u eegion, whicIsaflor hc. E. O. CampbllI. issg givon bis, teia maved o, ~The anel o! grand jurons hL%îng 'rmeviilo!1.Aosci ] bloe Leicall.over tho follovlng genîlo- la~~~ ~~~ te sil I ifruopltcfd men asaed to tbier naines sud othervwhla, wbieh fiave aise ) ho J. .e Dott0Igiti EScJ., Foneman. 1istrliomtassa-,. George BagîIsaw. GCharles Sîînoule. ~ Donald hiuce M..F ritz. TisaCONEMPATE»ODDELLWs'R. Movliay Jr., Wmn. O'Brien. 6 Tp Gq£PATi D)FL S John HoltLy, Win Baller. 64 Exouuster over th, NVLtby & Port Josi. Wand, Tios. Kennedy. ilerry 'y to Lindsay, ou Domninb Day Chas;. Patcof- LChas. Camplill. 65 lisu,va regret toLave ho annoutice, Rlobent Mine,, Tisas. Gestes. 66 fallen Lireugi for thé-present. Tise J D Hwe. W . mîh. 6 Rsilwsty Conspauy, whleh Ibough flIsic ]a benon addrelsaoda a w brie! e. 6 inanaglng dineator, 'Mr. Hoîien, lad mark-s ta lie grand jury S inewhitho 619 aLtaSville50 lunch lihenallby, £uS liai in!orned tile in t Itise calendar vas 7 Lhe selS etwltoutlssumnug Isevery liglit, bIsera being onuy tirse- or 71 nial et ubjohlu Ihenseves four cmeasues amaiting trial. The effences 78 ris ofsubeotng hemelvo t th weeail cf one chaaetr-larceny.. 7 pains sud peaies efaerismilual PrOô. Mcmt Of hem muet Le fasuiiar viti 7 o eenlion, permit trains Le rMn aver tis.îLe usages before lise grandijur as eo lin. betore bile bîsucil ho Lindsay is lie hoaeina of vitnespes anSdb Le finS. 7 appeve li li Goaininut nspcte. ng cf a tino bll, asatise évidenuce ne. 70 apprveld bytlieGormment l9 iequi.red ;-£ho av noquire.] Chah Iwvvo 77 Aiaug ei , lios bheca aIl Laid toi o! uil.grand jury simuld agie. -ta a Linditay tlle weeRc, asu the'.contîaétonm flnaing. Allilise charges sippeared ta vihi Lave lb, ronS- ini neainensefor i e befresu tLe country, bilé parias Lebu, exouridoo, LRioaccsari' aWIsplenosi ""Mmite" 'y tlîe saniema sgistiahe. '78 wil nt hvebee rnced oi baàdngTha ltuesi cf thé calsudar vas '1 mil nt hvebas rsebd er ssdln dubtlese vig ta Ile excellent lav 80 it pyp b>' Lthe Getractors Who have nov lun force for tho snmrnary trial o! U- I. JJWnr-Fita of JM GuUardicaa. and BvesngeUcal Win G. C. L Workman, B. A,, E4#ors4aeigan. L. w. LWithrow, M. Â.-Edtoy of Magazine a 2. Toaoirr ECOD..(ihod tet-Gog la .Young. a# . ToacNo o lmi>... (Blin Street)-Jobui Pottqa et (Sheburn.eS.)-ThomasW.Jiffe,. -James Uathsonh, JobuýDou»e, Wem.. [y P>niçe, Suporannustead; JohnN. Lake~ Suapernumerary. * .Touso FOUatT... .(Béik"ley Btree)-Wm. ro iH. Poole. * .Tusoirro rm ...Qiaen-Stra.$)-S. J. Hnn., tar, L Toveli; W=. Button, Super- anuated., niO. ToOrROÛ BUTE... (Spadin aÂveuno)-. H. M. Wallace, B. D. g . Tb]RoNre Sr.vrn<...4DOIS ont> .Lance- ford ; 3. Caronl D. D., Snp'd.- B apernumirs ;D. A. Johuabon. e-9. YonrviLas Ncars .W..m. L. BuLledga who. shail change regmuriy wlt L .Bn. parintendent cf Torkvilla; G. Bey. non, Superannnatad. 10. DÀvscrx.oaT ...JXno. B. Evans, O. Trver, D_ - Jenulugi, Superausuatad. 11. BErON ...John MicCrroll 12. ScAnacRo'..James P. Moloalte, Chas. W. Watoh; Wm. Coleman, Superannuat- e.. 18. YoxNG STEET SOUTE ..(Wilowdaie)-jobn Hunt, J. F. Ockloy. 14. YoNwEs STEST CENTE ...ThoruLil)- Michael 'Fawcetl. 15, YolEs STREET NoaR1... (Richmond BJ.l)-4. H. Starr, J. W. Ainis, B. A. rfinaicirtl Becrelary. I. BAMPTON DISTRICT. 16. BAUaPTNc...John Laaroyd, Chas. B. Mcmn. lYre; J. Scott, W. MoFadden, Super- annuated. 17. WnSTNôx... George Browne, J. M. Harrison. 18. STBEETMVLLE . W.... . Bnrnî, Samuel Salton. 19, CooKSoviLLa...T. S. Kogi, NW. H. Jamieson, 20. CuzsouÂcëoucy....Thomaf W. Giovor. M1. OR&,NoEvILE .... Andrew Cdnniugham. 22. ALTON..................aace Gold. 28. Aa.uîox WesT ....James A. McCinng. 54. ALuioe EAsT.........Peter Campbell. 25. Kx.xurasac...John Smiley, M. A., G. W. Hewitt, B. A. 26. A.AsRANT1........On.ehoelie sent. Clueirman. F in. S&cretary. III. WHITBY DISTRICT. 27. WHIT13Ys... WM. H. Laird. Joseph E. Sander. sou, M. A., who shall give speelal attention to Port Whitby ; C. Van. duson, Superannuahed. Ontario Ladies' College. Joseph E. Sanderson, M. A., Governor. Johin J. Haro, B. A., Principal. 28. OeinÂwà .... Jno. S. Clarke; Aý. B. Deanil, Supernumierary. 20. BOWîIÂNVILLE ....John G. Laird. 80. NEWCASTLE..Jacob E. Howell, M. A., E&. ward Hill. 81. NEWTONVILLE ......George Leech. 82. BRoolI ...JohnC.Wilson ; Robert Dar- linglon, Stipernumerary. 88. DAuLINOToN ...Edward Barrats, Wm. H. Maddeu. 84. PcxEniNco. .. Webster W. Leecli (Greenwoodj E. Dewart Lewis, (Claremont). 85. DuFrîNs' CNii£,. --John Pickering. 86. 3MinS&.u...Alex. R. Campbell, Wm. H. Emaley 87. STOUEFVILTac.. . Henry. Wilkinson, (§tophen A. Ai-kels.) 88. Ux]iI<IÃ"E ........Arhur Browning. 89, PRINrCE ALBiERT, AND PORT PanarLY..Egerton B. Young, T. Dunlop; S. C. Philp, Superannuated. 40. Seciou .. ..David B. Madden, Superaunuated. 41. REACIS....George T. Richardson (Prince Albert). 42. CARTWRIGHT ..JaMeS C. Seymour; James Seymour, Snperannuated. 48. SUNDERILAND ... Newton HMl, George Coffoy. Chairman. Fin. Secret ary. IV. COBOURG ]DISTRICT. 44. Comouu ..Charles Fishi; Richard Jones, Vincent B3. Howsrfl, John EDgîish, SupqranuaItiîcge Samuel S. NoUles, D. D., L L. D-Prej8dent. Alfred M. I4oypar, Mi. A.-Profesor of Mod- elin Langîuages and Literatsre. Nallianiel Burwash, S. T. D.-Deun, Profes. sor of Biblipland Syaternatie The- ology. Undergraduates in Arts. Undcrgraduatcs in Theology. Conference Class. 4.POiRT HOPE..John Shaw; Alex T. Green, Superannuahcd. 46. CANTON ... Dldmu2ud S. Rupert, M. A., S. C. Ed. mundae, 13._A. 47. BALTIRE o -tEphram L.» Koyîe. 48. PLAIN-VILLE ....]idWard F. Goff. 49. GIAPTON..m. MCullIough, Wm. Steer, Superannualed. 50. Coa.ONoîuo..Joaeph H. Locke ; Jas. Hughes, _.- George Cari ,Snpe!anusted." 8 13,NNONVILL..JOIin 33. Wass,»M. A. gTHomi.sBTRG ... Joseph Kilgour. '0 TWEED ....William SosieS. 'BainuEwÂ&TrE...William J. Hiewitt. 2FLI4TON AND ADDINGTON Roaai... Henry Leith. 8MAuec...Henry Keunner. 4BANNOCKI(uaa... Thomas McKee ; Pbulip j. Rabie, Supernamerar.y. 5VENNACUÂR ... P. W. Davieg. 6MÂAY40oTH AND YÛix K Rîvs... Thomas GUndy. 7BRUDENELL ARN)B.enoon..-.Charlei Smuith. Fin. Seeretary. VI. PIOTON DISTRICT. 3PIC'ON ... Joseph W. MoCallum. CONSiccoN...W«illiam hRichardson. WELLINGTON. ~Charles A.Hae, Austin . Potter. LAaicausuuxsu...Jobn C. Ash (Rodnerile>, Malhhew Robi8on. ZBLOOMRFL» AND CucM-*y VALEaY... Charles V. Lake, Foaber MeAmosid, B. A. 5MILFCÉD ... Wilhiam J. Yong. 1CaassY ... John Tozelalid. DDEoasTOnLs .iAeND ORTIPOaT ... James E. Pearin, B. A., Samuel UCAulsy. Chairman. VII-. Becretary. VII.PETBI3QQ~E DISTRICT. PFTrnnî.tostou .ol . ILWllougLby, -M. A., Coverdale Wastson ; John Sandenscu, SnpsrDnnuated. Mu.I-na0oo.Wilim L. Scott, J. W. Witcber; Wl- B . Barker, SisM<lNAcuàN.. Wm.M & nM..,>. 1 .Ro b t GMe hn .A NOIlWOOD4a --'.'.- 209 WaiTE Fîssu LAxF... Henry Seinhiaur Counoil nomumeS. 210 SLAVE LARE .. ne Wsnted. TORONTO AND OTTAWA RAILWVAy. 211 MORLEYVILLE, Bt>W RIVE, ANDO BLACEFIiET Mr. Wrightl obtaine.] bave ho minro. INDIS ... John McDongal. Suce tise Ly.Iaw, grantlng o90,000 L 212 FORT MCLEOD-.One WunteS. area, the gnonp. 4 Chairman.On motion for thé second reading Pe. ISTeCrTor. anS ho nefor tht bill la committes of ts XVII. BRITISH COLUMB DSRC. wile, whici Me. Wright profaced by a 21à VICTORIA~..Amos E. Rusa, M. A. !ew Word.- 214 CneEsE ARD INDIAN Missîo's ... One lobe sent. Mr. Biokoli reminded gentlemen 215 Mepi.n BAY...(J. J. Martin.) lîow, by the position tbey ha.] laken 216 NAtrAîso AND WELLINOTON ... CornolUs Brysult. yesterday fu sdopting thé raport on tho 217 NNw WESTMISTE ... WiUliaM Pollanti petitions prosented, lLey.wone commitit. 218 MAPLE RIDoz AN LANGLEY ... W. V. SeXatnihh. ing the councoil 10 Itie by.law. Befone 219 BUnitoniIILET. .Thomas Derrick. any snobl by. lsw waa passeS there *220 =usANDARO OHLLwnACx... Joseph Hall. should be some neasonablo expiaushion 221 DN TFîis . .. C. M. Tta, unden Super- given the concil. He ulofelt dispos. IntenSent of Snmas. oS td oppose thse by-law for the rosson 222 CMemoo ..Christ opher L. Thomp son, tIsaI the natoptyers cf Piecering Only 228 NICIROLA VÂLLET sud KàiooPs ... Jas. Turner. jnst recently Sefested a similar by.aw 224 Foar SnsAsoN ...Thomas Crosby.~ subsuitted la them, anS ýsaiS tIsera 225 NAm ..A . D, Green, unden -Bnperintondont wonîd have Leen - a lange vote casht cf Fort Simpson. againat it i ltat hownshrip, but that Chairait. thosa opposeS ha il knew lilene was no XVII. APN DST inT Secretary. chanoco! capryiug 1h ana diS mot humu X V I I I J A P A D I S T I C T .o n t. -I r w a s a v e sry e a s y m a lte r t o g e t 2211 Tosxo .......George Cochrane, Charles S. siRnera bo a petition. And tbe reeve of Eby, M. A. Pickering mighit ssy lilat til was a 227 SRiizuox ....Dn idson MeDonald, M. D. mstcr hat diS ual conceru stho nepra. 228 NumADzA ...George M. Meacilsm, M. A. etatives cf oflher mniipaliîios. tIsat OlCss'msm7n. IL. nepresenîstivos cf Pîkering were Fini.BScret r. reeponsiô ho ihehir coushtituents 'anS Samuel Down, Wm. R. Barkon, John Hoa 'y ne how le proleott heir inleresî- ,r m en 2 to t eC ontenance, t 6 recei lea a t t io W "tl s .i . .~ . - t.us@uI J555UU, -- e, Josepil Walte, Jno. M. WiI- nJam~s E. Allen. Geonre nimilar case occurod in *hieh ho (Mr. BickeU) vas personaU ii nsted a line of ilway, rnning lirou-gi Lis - -ai h ovnlblp, Le Lsd cahlaS t. g of thé r&S eyras. 11 aascm..Toza . agucu, Lewis W. M. eA ,«dfàt ý UIILbem mxad4 ta im ý'oh 116 Nawxemxzr... Osboreambîy, M. A. tietor. the ratura, of - lb 117 AsoRA ....Daniel F. Ose, Joe e l; Jl.e. tancIt was under, thp imp Shuttlewerth. .*r -, hat it'was only for one yeaa -bui 118 Bei» Hasz...Yohn W. Tottan, Jau. . E.Alen. tound that the bylaw waslW ope 110 LLoyi>rcwir..Rloband <Clarke, Jas. W. Btawant. untl ea1ed ;- ýi 1 120 Gaoowr.hma Jmbel e. Wslker ; Mn. Wright, suoexeplainedp az Jacob Poole., superanuaed. 1,the ouly difficloity ln fha.cse 121 Innuzm- ....Henry S. Maltbe*e, John A. wbethar the nigLIa oftan y parties Stwrt obc pa.icad whê bLd 122 ALLISTON ..Robert IH. Smith, Thomas Man. as if they b;t! tb unudar I ning, B. A. tension' for taklug' shaps as to 128 MouNT r ALET ... George J, Bishop. a"SeamauilAftan , a féw wonds 124 Bossxovy .David Catltanucb;William F. ciban mambers-thebhl wassnead. Wilmotl.1 N 125 Moxo....David Williams, Oa b b. senl. OXUIAX 1260SàA' o...Wllilam 3. newton. Tha Wardon laid belon. the o 127 gurToc...Davld Ferry. a ommniàealfcnralating tLe b 128 SNAK ~ E D .GiunrA IaKeYobe suppliod lion of agnTichllural slaflsitis fnom Sutton. Seelsry cf Iba',Agniciltuna1 G4c Ohairman. Guelpb. 1 - 1-ï Fnn. Iceir; NfCORPORATION oQ curuNNI oî X. BARRIE DISTRICT. 129 BAEEI...Jo1iU Bre<in. Mn. Amay'o by.i aw -on. tbis ýsi 140 ALAyDAL...Rlbsrd iii..and the peition a iuaiincro 181 Aa<ns ..Shem Blanchard.* and the report of the special comm 182 VnaPuA..James Maefarlane. bronght in by Mi,.Bickeil racomr 188 HI1LL55ALE AND P aarT Nu o n zEaeN... Thomas ig It lb.the rayer of the latrp J« Snowdon, Gao. S. Reynolds. e grated rogt cul ousi 184 RnaY ..William Taylor. Siseussion'. 185 OunLu.... Wesley Cassou.'* Mr. Gillespie slrauuousiy couLi 186 CoDwwATa ... Andnow W. Bss agaluat the council takingactlono 187 tAMA ..Thomas Wocloey, (Oillia). ground Ihal the snajonity of tL. si, 188 Moaaxasoa... Jobn Popper, B. A., (Severn,) for crorationlia4 reverseS Enois Langford, (Gravenhunit). d oo nlvrohf inoorporatic 189 BRAVE13RMG>I AND -BATSVILLE. .George M. appeared by Ibeir signatures Ic Brown, One oibe sent. *lattei. polition, sud Ibal Ihese a 140Poa Caaîzn..Gocge dwadaF. . Kanibcing witbdrswn, Ihere wonld net 1410 PoaTsvnLE ...ReGeorg e d s, Pm . M aisil e the roiuisite num ber of neg i4l IEuNTvmLc .. Bnbn TyeWin Mashalfreeholders ana bonsehoîdero on Oua wanued; R. W. H1ill, Super- dral potition ta comply withtIî nos 142 ....CEThomas W. Hal, John Power. moTset iol bjew. sgn 158 ROSSEAÂ.... Tc Le supplieS. Tew~l ujo s oac Chairman. oommittee of the whole-Mr. -Hc Fin. Socretary. lu the ohai.- VI. COLLINGWOOD DISTRICT. Mn. BickLll supporte.] Mr. Gilles 144 COLLN.WOOD.. .Edwin Clement; Edward Sal. views. iows, Superannualed. Mn. Amey and Mr. Cnnniuî 145 TacOmButy .Joh-Mahian. One to Le sent. supporbeS tIse bill for incorpora 156 MEAI'ED .....John B. Armstrong. sud wene backed up by Mn. Whito, 147 ST' VINCENT ... John C, Willmo0t, M. A., Wright sud other members. (Moatord.) Mn. Brandon and Mn. Hawkei 148 MAXWELL ......Andew Armstrong. heard in support cf incorporation 149 HOiiNINGs MILLS ... James WoedfiwOrtli, (E. Dr. Gillespie on tIhe othen side. Battel-) Fieaily, on motion fonsdopion- 150 AVENIO Thomas B. Reid, Fred. Dnscaas. Gillespie, coconded by Mnr. Bic 151 STAYNEER......John Webster. moveil to rednbo Is eot 152 PA&RT SOUND... Wulisu Smylhe. cominitc of the whoie with inlât 158 PAREIY ISLAND SI!AWAN&A &ND ~FRENC11 lions te strike ont the final clanl IVERi., .Nalive Assistant. ' hua kilfiig the bllI. 14MCKNYLLAit.J..s.p..lJ R. Gibson ; James Onuthe vote thens appeared for Crawford,O Snpeniwrny aIt. dmflow, Fin.. sccrct(sry. toi,, Green, BickeIl, Gillespie an.] XII. OWEN SOUND DISTRICT. Rae.-î1 150 OWEN SOUND ..David C. McDowel; James Nays.-Messr,. MeDoruiott, Su Scott, Superannuated. Holilay, Bruce, James, Parl 157 WATFORD .... aac Baker. Wrighst, Feasby, Wite Mackay, H. 158 WALTnns'S rdAL... Andrew Clarke ; John Me. er, Lick, Mothersill, Amey sud., Cu g Guir, Supernnm e nry. ing liSi- 15.1 159 CiEATSWORTII..Sidney F. Dopew, Thomas Repent adopteS on the samne divis Legato, and the bill passeS. 160 MAEDALE.....joseph Gsl]oway; William Council adjouned. Irwin, Snperannnated. 161 FLESHERToN ..William Jeilsiton. FOURTH DAY. 162 DuNDAL,.....Cavin Shaw. 163 1?RICEVILLE..Thomas Hadden. -Fridsy, Jute 8t1 164 SiisÀxy.u....Richard Strachan, (Owen SInE LIRES. Sound.) 165 WL&RTON..... Jmbs Lasierville; T. M. Msr. Smith, sectondod Ly -Mn. Who] Jefferis, Snponannunîcd. inove.] that the Wanen be insInuei 168 HNPWOivaT.... Aain Glazeir. btebtain thhewritten opinion of IH 167 A.LLENFORD ......hales Penny, R. G. Jauaes. Eilwarsl Blakce lu regard te lines1 168 CAPE CORort.. enry hiawtiulîeimoer. tween lots an.] linos Letween lotsa Chtairmtain. higbwaye, afler Ion years' pesesi Fin. Secretary. and] that the elenk fonward a copy XIII. WA.LKERTON DISTUICT. snob opinion L tis eoeksoffo! îe so 169 WVALKEItTON.. .Wiliim Tindal, William T. ai municipalities inuthe eonnty. Hicks, who shah ireeltle at Mildmsy. At the suggestion of niotuberst 170 HANovEII..Josias Gnoen, one hote eSent; motion wss amonde. Ly sbatituhi John H. Holmeis, Supsrnnmenany. the Damne o!flion. Attornsy-Genoi 171 DuRJtu ..Robent Godfrtcy, One.Who lietu; Muwat for tliat cf bMn. Blake, and ad John Hodgsee. iug the mms of Messrs. Whsite, Bie 17-2 CHEBLEY ..William 13. Danardl. el], andi the moyen as a special coi 178 INVEiimAy.. .Nathaniel S. I3urwaeli, mitlc le pparc lb equestions ripi 174 AREN-IGEHT... .David D. Rolston, Josephi Etge; 'wlihsc one opinion was asies., ai Henry H-lil, Supornumnerany. the motion carnieSlib tis. liapsi by 175 PAISLFY ...James Anderson. vote o! 20 to S. The division was- 176 EDEN GnovE ... Almou P. Lyons. Yoas.-Motssn. Amoy, Blow, Brus 177 'TivERTO . . .Alexander TLibadleau. Christie, Featby, Graham, fluS 178 PoUt ELIN . . . Noi A. McDiarmid. Hloover, James, Lick, MoDerinoît, M1 179 SAUGEEN ..George JaCqUes. Ras, Mothensili, Mowbray, Parks Choi-mon. Proeton, Rowland, Soager, Smith a: Fin. Srcrctaî-y. Wheler.-20 XlV. ALGOMA DISTRICT. Nays.-Messrg. Canieron, Cunnini 180 SAULi S ry. MAREn...Phiineas D. il; E. S. hi. Ewoe, Gillespie, Green, Maeka, Curry, Snperaunîîatcd. Stopheonansd Wnilgt.-S. 181 KostAR..One wantcd. IMAGISTRATECS ELANES. 182 LITTLE CORRENT ... .Williani Tikon. 3r.;%Wlielen bneught np theo nope 188 MANITOwAIING ...Willism Hall, on Ibis aubjeot, stting forth the actio 184 PRtOVIDENCE BAY ... One wanted. token by thse committes in hiaving Ilj 185 BRUCE MIRES ..Robent Jolicston. blaffis printed. Repont udopte.. 186 Sn. JOSEPnII SLAXDo...George H. Konnsiy. ICKERING D5Y-LAW. 187 GARDENR RnEn ... Tholnas Willhim. 188 MICRIPICOTON ANAD Pic... .To Le supplie.] by On motion o!' nr. Hoover, by-lsw t Native Agent. confirmi by.law 407 cf Pickenug, wa 189 PRINCE ARTRJURLs LioiNc...'sWilliam Hicks, advanetd a stage. who will vii tS:lven lalet. EQIJALIZATION OF ASSESSMAINT RtOLL 190 SRE5SANDOWAN ... One wanted. --Mn. Wlîite bronghh lu the noponts t e insu fro su places on e 1in o urther EPORT 0P STANDING COU M TM E ON E n sund 1 eass..llie building o! te Toronto & UCATION. thon. O tta va R ail va y mV on d have til t ffoc î <'e the Coucil ojIthss C eipo -aiin j the B 3 o! changing tila sate of bing. Tie C anty ofOntaior. . .q REPOI people o! Pickerng had -nver thus far Tilt standing comitte on uesctin col dinehly assisteS any rail ay rejet, a erepent : nS e boleved- hat lu tila %hey scISsat as eemmniation nceived from tIse is ely lu h u s h s ud i ug th e in aes ann es P Ed ca i en D ip a nîniet, sh ow s tiat it w îî T là 2, ba e esssry te levy for adascationai -pur- ty ] mlisprojeot 1k. tile preseul. wLieL poses, by assessmenh, for tie present year, brou@ vould Leof180 inueh service vas lire. as followa :-Brook, $768,; Mars anS sonsa, as fol ente S efore thies. 1%1r. W ithe next >#31 1; iickernio, 1088 ; Beach, 67 34 ct, e t nfetr d a Ilse p R ositirn fti e hp reev e .. 09 , -S se g sla u , 180 , T h ora L' & 290 - e t o ! U x b i d g e , s a y i ug h o 5 1 5 D o l k o v Jb r l g e l 4 1s t W i l y 1 0 3 ; ' -hl t : 8y 47,5, ait $5417, t h vh five jer cent Th vhy tIsaI gentleman sîsoni.]Opposethe Lasa nei 1beau aSIleS, te cever ny e-y .PerhY hy-îaw unies i1h vis fros the dread tslcatioîi. 1neport tàiaIthait fn ae otaiS bs is rad , -T e communication of W m. Joh sto , t. but thie vole surounding setiîon Esq., Presidnt ef the t Oario shool of-IL. Gi AgrIul e, rquestilsg that tLe reeves et ment yvoulS Le benoitéS. Réfenning agn he diferen municipailita uintisacsounî ptrezni ho thse depaly a'eeve o! th. toma cf ailould senil hlm tilt naines cf frein s deisuy 2nd. Whitby, h. pÉointeS ,oui mhal Whbtli asascore o! tise. Lest tuners ,Sunthein re- supplt did. in giving $80,000 a a railvay, itil spective muncpalis, lsving beeil cous. sud Ce ts assess usot o ! 900,000, viil o P i oie- ee d, your c aniuitteo*e n o med ha I a main e n g , mi lh i s a ssom s me n t oi fo u r m i sllo n s , h ii s equest b e- o supied it i. - o u l .] cf dllar, ony poposd lagive~ 0 Il sîu appeazla tom he ceminunicatlo n W of dllas'ýn1Yproosei aRiv $5'. i Le saine gl4Je ,tilu t ibis couecil Lavra 000. Ho Ilisugit Il miglîl Le juept as La he ight al'norniàatung une Snly quali- 11v moU la let lIsepeophe e! Picliting look fieS ecanidate "se s pîpil ho salieiîn tienStew, after thein ava affaira- sud there beig ue application fon any sue $622,21' - 1 candidate before y er cm iintte, tiey -are IS éevrî Mn.. Bha-It appears 'they can't.lilerefore unable ho receinsend snypinson. 5299.0î mithoni osllnq lu lie assigtance -o! AUl ef miic i hropoehlly subinithed. caos oth r m nia pa ili s. - M ALCOLM GILLESPIE, $0 -b~ 1fr..White vas proucl h'o uay that the <Iomîieho, Chainasu. Sut peopocf Pickering alwîàys felcapable Jp.rt1il, 1é7. corail of àttefsdiiÏ"'fg thdte ' d wha54ireir Rpetad4eSW Iey ateS il moitiS esi for s moie - . - î1AN065iu5.bel m oera l lntereste d assistance thon U Beviwand b ough î lu l.th o l w. pris onl f r o m , t h e d e p t y - r e e v e o f l b . t o w m . S g r e p o t f o i h , o i l i é o r t héS a M zuk the lUglUrglOw!tm se obi luniile doeo tua tn twnship. -IL ias 050aVelT hort. ,SU was-made. *t, sijbîohw poliey, isesmùlià thie. ailwaY Mr. Wright conteuSeS bisaI when an a t~awould renden land a in . the li mua- ndértaking IwaS givén Ihat _lb. clark - m o r e v a lu a b le , io ld e v lo p a t h e h o u l d t a k e n o t p h wcd u l e h c -i m n ewa en pow erof t e 1 o a lby of!he by.law, It tougil t h b Lon- anS es)ualize.the asseasment, thuina ouieieut Thae gentlemen' who oppos. e,: ls igblieutzg h e burden ofttaxation i n he ed thée zsune Sil n t confiua théin. aagtd outh. selves tho ltsopposition. Thle a.e. Mr. Holiday diS çot want. tesiroceed- pèople of Pieorin noi tilat the by- h o 'X ' f u r l i e u â i l h e e p o i t a s i n a t e l a w a s , t e a v e b o s s s u b mi h l e d a n S tram defray expes. -- ley di4,flot move la lb. mahlpr. - Mn. GillespiéeSpolie toLth. saine Broçk irculd La grestly benefitad eey affect, anS. contancleci Lil lb.e by.isw thenoad, it wouid- aScI t value of tbat should not be forceS upon Pickening hownahip, sd b. expresseS bimelf a- enneil wirbee .people baS alneady dcIstaeS hoiobho tefinSt oppsiionfroin Ibat eolleo. aajual il quarter. H qatind wbether4êthe Mn the Mn. Ewars- saiS lb.e by-Iaw need itot motion li amenSdmenî ias in onder nI ellaïge, he fenher ,procoeded- withIbhau thi ail. Second resdiug nutil thia eposi t' Wai Mi. R6waiancI ck bile: grenShat il' y. made.tb Sefray expense. ,nder lIais was s, quostic on lb.the ownsbips speci- abject by.isiw Pickenlng kironh- Lé aiked10 alIl'iuterested, and se long as thé eap. ratian, a thlnis betore. Tii. Wbilby & rosenh-atives of hhose municipalitias iree ailîteaolige Le sBinity Company irere lu favor ci thé schamne, ho diS not Sse inu. D96I- ObmtbY.laWs mors than Ibat il waa the .uty- o!fcifers te inter- tition once inorser le Le aucoossful. Il wae. fea,.At the :sam: ime, ifs mÃŽajor.ity israle helutY- 1 ecuâ'sb h -from themui. viie ers dpposeS endeS reartSelIt,> i wouid bc tbe Suty oftihe coun. ýead Mn. Blow reg o hgouPluq ili, in liI sta. teprotecl lbem. pu the sYStOi S wroug ; heo asops 86e la Mn. Holiday roiteratodlthe arguments ig oracéring tlis a y-Isw on the people of iu tavor cf Sepoatiog the oxponoe u SPickerng, vho baSl already Secloredpaecthe expeusea cf lb. opeciSalssin, uasagainsltise railw:y. ILtwus natter of which wculd Le necossaryifl.bla 2aais gent ratePayers et Pickerng aionld bLeont, be voulSgo for the il I:wy and tuow placeS lunlbe husnillating position O! would net oppose il ah ail iliokeiu aident hiaving other m cipalities'manag'D ing h ta.l ready votod-if th. Seposil L ho hir affairs, Ho baS come ho thé con- were maSo. The by.law coulS Lec agalu o= - lu ian that Ibis grouplug veuld Le a snu nitîecl lu Piske ing aI tLe auS cf preuh wrnn ho Pickering, considering six mentbs. ,on lu thé laie vote in that township againat Mn. Green telS gentlemen t'bey ueSd Oaver bile by.iaw, and that the couinait ongil have Do sympiathy for Pickering, it vas ucî ho counteace thé pnoceeding. gratuitiona. TIse represeulahives e! spie'a Mn. Matîksy aspoved o! the senti- Pickoring wce reatiy te face their con- monts of the epty eeve o! thé owu stituente sd aceant -t horauxfr their gbam cf WIitby, sundmoved in ameudmnent, acta ; al lb.h coneern o! outsiders for )'t U second by Mn. Blow, bilaithe couneil that township vas thrawu away. Thse iMn. carry eut the provisions of tie 84 [thal anbnaission o! the Ly.law vas- Ly no ne bil shall reoive more than eue stolon maroil upan îLe people o! Pick. were rcatiing ou tIse sanio Sayj as fan as re- erlug ; tiloy kuey aIl thaï; was going sud lates ho Ihis by.la v. an, anS ho kniew o! Lut oue on Ivo peo- Mn. White vas surpriseS ta f nS con- pie via came Sawn ta oppose lb. Ho -Mr. tain gentlemen hakiug tise position tLey toit satisfied bilai if bile by-law vert ckell, diS lu til mattr ; hhah surpriae sud aubmitted again the maorty of the tht not exhond te the Sepnly reeveofo the Pickering wonld vote for il. Hoea truc- -town o! Wilitby, wlîene îLe'impression spoken la many vile laidlim liaI iff ise- appeaned ta prevail wilh acmé copie hhey had inavu what tiley 515 ncwi thaltIshe railwuy vonid net boneihh they venuS have voteS for thle by-law ;y th. town, as naucil 51 il wonld portioiîs cf thly sad been influenceS by fiy sheehsa other localitis. Tisai vs su errnt- sud faIne informaion.1 bnria. oe impression, tht nosti mnet bonefit Mn. Maekay saiS thathlIe ree andiS 'roc- lie lawn o! Whiltby visicil vould have other depnly reeves cf Pickerng mustaI Dr. eonnectiou wytl il sud faeiities o! ship, have goh theur information fro= culer ment by it, sud perbapo il vasaiS Le sources ILan those vithin is know. t îith, found that, wilereas, lhey vore Sisap. iedge; the measuna vwas the Most un-u rken, pointeS in'tLe great Lenefits they aI populan o! auy ever snimitted ho tht ov. int oxpected freinhe WLihby & Port tonship; he-people o! Picierin.g ver. nu - Pe ny R ai w ay, th y o nd e asica no v prospero ns sd co tentelt an S ,rneabiy disappointeil lu the olhen iLheS ho Le lot alono sud not disturis.9 sion exîreme on flnding iLow mucil Ihey e.] vitil raiivay sciiemes.Tioba ivoulS Le enofite., instead f being ah te Grand Tr n , they ils. given 1 ,- ao ail iejured, by tise building o! tIse Tor- 000 hoeIthe harbon, sud baS good gravel ente sud Ottawa Itailway. Railwayss ronds ta tise front. croenomn sources of industry, sud Mr. Blow explaineS tIst a owss not fi in Wbiliy, witIs its edvanaugeous situ- opposeS hoetIse building O! tIse rnd, but ni allen, Lhesa vouid arise, anS ultimately ealy taetIse coonoien cf Picksnirngie S ~. th cnnctou-fr iG connecîenth gronp.il wouid folsv-'-provo invalualo periaps Mn. Fsasby vas willng ta lot tise Ly. w Ier, in giving Whiby abigifl onward. Ont law passa n S allow hoPe ho have th 3ted thing vas certain !arsning lands aloug railwas who were willintg ta psy fan [o. he lino wonld Le danced frosu flîteen tssu. t Le. le twenty-flveper cent, in value by the Mr. Wheion rend tho' clause o! the cs and building> o! the roat. Pickering sond Act elai.g ta tIsé subslsion -o tIe ion, fel vey mucis obliec, however, 10 th t y-la m an S saiS it demandeS the d pa- in of0 gentlemen frein Brock and Umbridg, .,oit o!ftte epeusas before -proceediug Ill or- for thIbmfatberly cané sund the interest wihit by the couincit. Ho replieS he oi lIý aken by ILesu ou Lehal! of that town- lie rem2aria o! Mn. Whito, anSsaiS bs hésip, As te Brock, ho (Mn. White) tuiat the propen course mac b sSubmit W4 ing wo ld b l e tla las hw tIa I the ailway the by-law ag in te Pickering ao u, as ?rai would ho as great a bonefit t h hile'iad blic ouent uScott aud other muni- ed d. people o! Bro de as ta thosé aloîg any cilalitieo asieS for bonuses 'ta othen mi ek. part o! lia lino. IL vould aise, as a55go, ee. - reaWCfei s- ÃŽlir enugis lino, îprovo of vast lenefit ho Aft e o in;o e-fu t ir r wk ro )on the people o! UxLnidde, suS ha was Messrs. Wr-ight, White aund Bickeli, th ln ýn propane.] 10 show, lu fact, o! mono inter- vole outhe amendsuent vas takon. hr a est ta thon tisu the Nipissing ta whicb YEAs, Messrs. Blow, Meilso, Sougor, col tliey had givon $50,000. W. lived iu Proctor, Wieîer, McKay, Biekeli, Liclc, >e, au cge o! nailways. No place coul.] Mteall my Cnigssu0 i.l y, no v affodthobcLe tn Tiles distant frein espie, Holiday-12. las [c. a nnilway anS keep pace wiitlt h uses. NATs, Messrs. Christie, Ewens, Green,- or, As regards the laIe vote on tLe by-law SuulîL, Rowland, MeDermot, Bruce, PIE nd lu Pickering, haoalec.] propaned tu Mowbray, James, Parker, Wright, Hi aset tit a mjority o! the people Freasby, White, Hoover, Stephenson, )g- vol-c in favor o! lit. Ont o! upwands o! Camenon anS Ese-IS. nel ýy, 900 Volera ou the assessment roll thon. TIse cosusihtea thon arco suad ré- psl vere ouly 800 altogehsr cast againsî porteS tilt ly-iam.1 the liy-lav. Causes operated te bring Mn. Wiight movod tiat the report ces nIt a b o u t th t d o e not a it h e i m oe , w i h i l e n o v r e c e iv e d , s d th t ly -la v r o s S-a th s vn as u wne cesa y te enter u on hLm.]ti e. 50( heBut ad il to ho trieS over again, ha. M. Mackie 2nd by M. Blow, moved 1 10feit confident il mould nov Le carnieS iu ainndsuent that lb. Ly.law Le nul Ea le P ickering.. - T h o b nefit a t o h a o nyri . ee iv oti but hat i Le referr d ac i tl a a ç e.] fromthetu construction of liais rail. tLe eomsuilheo with instructions toetsîike sol te way t h t owuship o! Pickering coul.] cul lb. vorssTownship o! Pickering j tas not ho esîlmated. fItvas nueoxpori- an.] ail parts of saiS Ly-hav psrhainlng th ment. Taie te railways lu every ho saiS ownshsip. 1 direetion tilrough tht country, andses Tîse yoaàs anS usys ou thie aiend. Lias of hiow hey iad on fted th i l oca iies m net %voire thon ca led sd stood as yen tirougil whist they passeS. Vas tietfollows :- put eue mnnieipaiîy tisat ilad giron a YrAs-Messrs. Blow, 3îacie, Son- i bonus te s ailway that regretteS i ? ger, Proctr, HoIhiaýy, Bicell, Lic. so ri Wa tser. e e4IaIv.1- -c op is---esi, ohesl, WLln, sdyc 761A . jioatqet port-vas t imcii tlbeufal r. Grahamn, FIFTR- Satn nail met aI ad appravo YLIMENT Ta 1 hai, -secous liaIatiseé venden bu et ge cf Iis afi mn, sud liai exleuded b OEs anner. thair SeUle MS ru GAOL )ncf Mr. F ce, the Ibar rosanteS h o las Gordon Ling anS Mis Abe gaoL >ING TECcl am, seconds thal cas o Iail commit fli.Xu onsnittec bave an accouai hepstyear, wsje mo tyaurtnÉd cet coru end, db. IIst he verk fer h iil is nincludin M.Doucntract onutl aiS bridge, fon miiihoas 1rosy ees i f. ,8L.Tour cmmte-racosunadpây- Mont e h f IGlownsecouais :-Reuban StimI, canaisiceýr Seng endj, Ç20M~ msie impson, careair =17 bMiénige, Ceansreron, 200. To lhe reeve of Scott, serviies Su'n olion wilh the Black river, helveen Scoit &4 Geogina, $8. 9t1. Tour conmülte b ave baS laid lie. foe bhin comnuiai>)jfrein Snrveyor- Gnerals depantinent, - eqneting informa, tion as.tosa certain, snnvepto b. uaS. isahe lwapetMars As ii.proposeS isurve le for blepurpouo f planting drle certain lots, 1h wlil lue uiecesary fortheo municipal council eofRana ho gi-v. informa. tien required- - 1Otis. Your cemrnihtee ciao rseouimenil that by-lava ho passeS la oconfim Ly-laws No. 94of the- ùs 0otfonPenny ; b- No. 758c et N a etuxbrldg; hylaw Ne. 470 of tictoasp Oet Picrng- Ail Of vhiel Sa respechtuhly subusitted. Cilaitnn. Council mont minla committe, cf he vhele, Mn. Msckoy la ilie ohair. Thé fixst tour cimises of lb.-report wer. aSopleS. - On motion'cf thé e âoplion cý f -ILe fifh clause- Mr. Gillospie asieS i( il; vas really aesiesssny lise bridge sscross Head] River sisouid Le linilt aI rsat I l a Possiblehoilo atai icshe malter laid Oven nbiltheé fin1uaialcondition cf the county had lmpro 'éS. Mr. RomlanS ielpiod a petition for the bridge lhait boën'bandeS Sn uat Jan- îary sud tise maîber fbad hiLen ibId uver ainco thon.- Tbe malter mas Sm. ptrative. Mn. Âmoy cdateS the bridge vàs greatiy needed pud 1wculd save parties nila vished to cross the river, geoing 'igIsI miles out oftheir may. Tile clause mas idoptàS. Mr. -Grahain took, objection la tht âti clause of the 'nepcrt saS ouïd îove ILai bile Reevea- of Bosch -sud cungog be empoeoed te have five hundred feel of the bridge fIlIeS up. It ras only %Vtjig nmoney te Patchl up i. bridge. i Mn. Rowrland coauidered filling np- lu bridge too expeni4je a vonk ton IL. îny te lake up-lsSeyear. Mn. Gliloespie wuas- favor cf bar- ng the briiLde meni&S. -Il mould lien, s fbubla on fo ,Ur or- five yasrs uger, Le mLé hpd le conny vuld le rn -a Letton hposition ho go on u th le vofe. Mn. Grnahamu tated liaI if they art. cla t fx up bile bridge - it mould cost as aucil Ra fllllg. Thé wbvol- bridge roulS have te le plankod, over mlIL m lcli elank 16 fart vidé. Thé plana ivw on tLe bridge v as. rethen, sud lie rige ltself vas 1M a very unsafé cou. onsition. Mfr. Parker-uSenloWd Ihal Ly pIaule. ithe centre cf lie - bridge Il mouS et for years., Mn. WriglhtconsideradIt lite laleing cf the LniSé wumas Irotten. sa vas lu favar>cf-RMliugpart np. Mr. Graham ioped tLe coucilmwoultd et. aqudér lie rnoney atyn atch up IL. bridge., i rn t Mn. Stephenson estimahail vaulél iSb froua 01,(00t 1:;61,00 ta neplaule Le vlcle lbridge, as mlici as #luing tle ) feet aske.] for Mn. Gillespie:diS net hik injilplea. ah for muuicl]Rslitiesli tat Serived no esuntage froua Scugog bridge ho speud inuel moetycui. Mtr. Grahsam saiS il wrouid net increase luntaes o cuentu. tIr. NIsh.lr stated, hat about 42,000, Ië bieau expeuded on thse bridige ]st mnr. Ho thongilia sraisI]m ruid Lhe bridge ina spassable condition. Mossers. Emers, SiSI, sud Blow oke in favon o! lie rtpoât. A. motion ho amend lie rapartla suit 13Viema O! Mn.'Grhain was defatd.. The renaaining clauses cf the report 'eO adopteS vltlout furtiler opposi., '7li côcîuittee tien anose, reporteSl reisont, unStie report vas adopt-eS lise ceuncil. CONF=Ii5iiteBY-LAva. %r. WrightI seonde] liy Mn. TMcm- ty movts, liaI lsy-laav Na - ho cou - s Ly.lay No 94' uthe village cf It Ferr b.nnoos.]ai a third Cime passe.], anS liai lite varden aigu saine su2d affix tise seal of tha conr- tiah thenoto. -GantAe. 3y-lawv read sud algueS. nr. ýVisheersecondeS isy Mn. Green Ve.] tilat liy-law No - ho confiu savrNo 75 cf bt village o! Uxbridga ,v rend a41.i*d_ ime, udpasseS 5 Voîniaees, R Ectaji. psuteS froc un tbis q a douenn 'on hanse bad Leen i -Tie ai ala -Viewl 1875, w, erage nus '; foir 181j fr ràec i iée UZ55dt5,ii -kenl -eie Sele kepl bacle; ho ho. Slfficnlty Siduothecou 'ke Wofor th, seondeSýj LaI tuta couy aons fillpar kthe toi 1h ai eesse e aurnS.tae L o MrsO SesengeMr f5in g li of Mr,. RoIC- the eodin i thedgover H 5i Volunteers

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