Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1877, p. 2

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t la Vaýe1Ieaea Md bâ»-fOotid 1,6 OOM15xet 1 a., ratopay the côtuityIt t'a ta tmclet'tlië flrý of _"Oiý1d Pé OKLY Oz jo plea ANNU1W. AUVU" tô th* 0 bolders w ho, Maître. Bickelý Blow, «Bruc em"MU the Pnomer- PriÏbuu w-oum' net anew t:14h, eughtt it boit net ta - a , élect & sut;_ iq#âli tO look under the ètmjý in là ject remote fro In.àheý,r, inespaatyt, te"4 4 ces, Coui a - , a , ýu r will la Whitby, Tkmüy, 111 - rOn, Cunningham, Graham, Green, lu our,èvery- ay,ý_Hfà iDî a Pté et b AM. ý0:àMtCýf ters, eractioâ Of a th-ire, hail in 1 ïï of M, 7ý 1877. Hoover, Hon"y, portion of the- connty. Waggon and- 0 gaverning a "hoc], bave Ààa Mackay,,MoD«mott, 0 Pama On f0wards OnOinvhiOhwemighti 1 ni nmug UPTI116 n ruled the paper sont , Cderea thé jj1joi ýsj rk4f éducation., an,, asmýkpdit, baït ý%uth0riti8 KcRaet Mother4ill, Proctor, Ras, BOW., Warde Severa Bridge. But,ý Bigwood after 'intereek .1 èbàu rp. - .4&bited,, , 0 Jui ftio moubn.n - fiuding Out the narne land, Ste heuoo of the wrong. Offering Ocme oboervations that nataràl,ý est& fi' b' ej pý ýàa( The CQusùy Councù. n' Smitbj e9ager, A «voioe---It wis not intended doer, invoired the aid Of Civilization te ly mour tq me, upon the resusojt&tjàný IL, the* public ýee Whit#' W7ÃŽL AucthOr Voice-Buük= 1 a redreu for enVery Owtolaârà, auï Oîtei' theue oeb The mêmwrs ý ' ou", Am Chrisme, The motion fol, tilioue amothez b, Re of à tac long Parantly defunet associ. 'at a foarful p 60=09 1,14, burked. made 001bi tliàt'akill in,,cà q2pýjý, of thé omnty OrrOwed a bat and thon )21 - -.will pouby ed ,hý1 oacbing profession and e laces 4ý.! % for the atiol' ý ta be fa Owed by some refera aatingkrîoçiýj-a b'b in et* vas el aréallinthbit pluba à$ téJýgnàh office tc y "0 mesns ý the w'e writé 22 cents in, duoationý 00» thât thé, art of, ' M ikw , be [TU y park»rwQiler, =Jtant ,I: thi» second dbY .191 »odon.' arrivad hJý' thi GRANT Tu TRE v0LU"XzRS.ý lfghtning, asking the te - as they appear !uý their pusent transi. tesching iotechajý.âj, like, sny-other'art- -ai te, 1 Pet Pèr117 train'immo&lately Aftoi the Mr. Bicken brought up arest. the'prfwner at Severn tien etate. and lm * in and devalopraont, iî of the.8peaisi Co this sub. W M ahortly after. Tescheral a .,&" by rigidly- soient 0 a' « ýý 't '0 1)]ýsout to' look UPOU OOMB Of OJJOMMMJOnt ci the eouneiL] mmittee, Ion - no M principles., As, > ,Èe c'a famniar Iseo@ and exchinia On a. foundation for his teohnjc&l a pýràhena j6ct, recommending W B, but * fonnil ýthéý mau uneaught mqmu of recent oriffin, evew in this skill there kindly greetingt WM Som. of the pro à da to each mua 16 gr&utof 25 ýéntî and no one. winjug, ta catch 111111. Ils, Province. ý The Provincial A 3t bc aptitude em,'to 13 trie -Old M Mr. laugmuir, Inopector et inKze, alarmai, dWL ad olleer attend. retumed agnin ta Goanty, of Ontatié, bu' now for men SoOciatioï mu, . ta teach-a gift of display n, yeurs had au: âert., Reaven-without Which au -attempts Thun, on WC hâvedone for upw" Prisons se tg the imProvemente in, the Baverai BUÙeatio withont hà prisoner ana without . hà endet And thi-lotj good report and of twenty years At -their Illoresrather. guel- and 994-7ard; givin né werO:-OffOred as india rabb eyü te develcPe a teàchër ont ci th ;LP"«OuU» to wheth Orb, bu continuait te exorcise no _1cruit may, without -noh quèutjOný be fession, aw or payment ho Madato the soný ers- Fimffly Squire MoPher- reii 0 raw re- fug" lu Whitby. iÂlig of -the work rb4hired for Oafe cas. mon direct, or to the Captaià for bad thé Prmner àliested. The filight influence -,np='ý, th noue Wfflý Peak 'W hcPe' têdY Of prisoners. i them, évidence boing oleu and a 0 ourrën-t of coûîÏdered "iliO'uArY. 'l do net for one ful anticipation 0 1 and as ta atidae adneational thoughL Its usefulnes in MOméntà"k-tô-' il th do I1Ot,ý Ca f the fine promise of the limiting the amou t te beavy «Opo. Th From es crown Lande Departmant M r -la -John and bis wifeb" .PrOved ttooZ bringing togother t lm y at suocelsa eau- branch in '90noffl report' Io- la reforenco to garvey rgquîred beiwéèn y& pay. #Adhéra from the Mot, POSSibljf atténî -untrained labour. tbè; moot reputable and reUblé Iiidim- remotest parts of the Province for an meastire 01 a Young that the cropi never looked botter at 5th and Oth concessions of report was. conddered j'; coin. bis honor Judge Buimbam gave a Of" reaulte If Ile,ýPSBu Marat and miftee of the whole Md fia interchange of idess'upon questions in- from aptitude this oeacon of the Y011r. Thora JO' Affkîngthàt.thýpâr& of the lino to be go am@lld#dý,hmitingps 1ýâânýàd 0 verdict Of ta the wàrk b t C yt &g&'Uot the Prisonor, tlmst'@IY COnnectid 'ivith the profï8sion cident,; buti thé, Oddé .,.' 'or' o- ouPsisin culneu boyond the &urveyed aboula ho sPeoified béfore ht OZVý8 fienténaing ÃŽwb menthe in Coula. admits of no doubt, favor of Sefn entýgely in ad, if ho dg merout AnY Etcl» could ho tairen by thé Do. therBM,,bOiuë Ze a y =am- ty Jail. W. H While their attitude Profondonal 'labour se fession, ta routine ta, le trgnauted-tho report partMopt. OPQké diréotly againot the dant; Jno. E. ' ' Billinge for deren. or united expressi f » « , -I rejOice exceed. finance Farewell, Couaty CrOwa once to vexed en 0 opinion in: refer. well as in the arts. the ordeal the grahi. Att ti has aRnwedly ingly"therefore, thaît, 00 From t sot, quGs on -the accru ofthô. boing lu ho Ontario col of Apient. MORE BUNXUX. Orney, for the cro*î. doue much ta ligIÈ-thegaultblorities ta a profession-*Él àbçrtly bc Classa td an leifiteste, of t] face tâà Principal Itera of the oeoeo. tare, Guelph, "kil4-for statitues solution of them. While, therefore, the me Say The remainder of, th - lating to, agriculture. wlight fflin made hie motion, Brougham Corregpondence. 1bat Cannpeýattent their claimeto enter. for 0 -We k Win, Éreviàuily docland out Of Ozder, with Provincial Amo!4on bas many un I woulà équall a boldo] hdwever, bc Ukoly 1 put in, Aise, as tO the admission of studeutà questionabl' * iditantages for thi pro. fitted b y re a ýany at are ta prepare ààlpe not unprofit&blý. And par. the addition of- a referanc MR. EDITOR white ý çn9a Fro'm Col. Wallace asking for A cial OOMMtte . tiD a ý te, à ope. fession in gencrâl, lit wifi bc resdily wôrk à ould e 1ý It lei a pity gAnt ta gupplement the PRY of COnSIS Ck Of Owl. and abc ta g mesure. The,, correspondent et conceded that fre t one edge, aùdýtheréf0 ho IC 0' fes tc lugh thaï; Barnum'a show aboula bc held voltmteers of the 84th. fa t2 White, Gillespie, Ewers. 1FOL Y, and bills place of th re et, the 4 thcoë of yôt r axill th et ourimity of a about teachers within âmaLler areu wW, frein fëssiàn, but at Oohawa înotead of WhitbY during year. the mover, te report during tille preSont Jrinted in your town, it - MA Snob a bon * ency je v etP The Wardon made session. - y net be S vâTiOtY Of of romans, ho productive of impr6blable. I bave nauc faith in er ing. It r the we explanationq 1in nown to yotL je a vinage morgy ta 'à ek of the seèsion'ýkr Mr. Graham objected, for want of no. wha, never mi schoolmaster much additibnal. gpod. CàPâoityofýeven aÏ average mind te Whard' . day tfie # of cours&, roferéucO tO thé latter of Mr, Long. tics. sans an ogpcrtunjbý In the Provincial association, main. Win knowledge;ifý6nly the prion- etaid gentlemen Of the count'y muirt.aloo atating thât g:ttilg , labour of barn May net beconne pergonsUy Re. -be pâld ana I a question Mr. Blow, into trouble Wit hie noigh. résume the're are but î COrPOrAtiOn would never thiuk of de uty réava Of the tOwn, would ho motion, allowed ta stand as a notice ura. RW maddlesome Propensity qu ta goonne . do no , Witt abri t for tomorrom. aintûd with eaeh other, in the local, teaobers thst travelling four'MIIOB eftst ta Ose the 8 0 give farther expianations as gets him into au aorte Of Scrapes, and they cannot fail ta a to employer@,, afilits no etità« to the 0118MOter of the work. on motion Mr. Wright 0 go; in the former, gramble thât a high selves. 1 1 à usina' TORONTO AND OTTAWA nàmwAy. couneil ad. ÃŽt la thus we ftd him, retaning hie Ouly a few wil, Lake pu, in the deliber- je ýeXcted of' ally, done Wý the Ïroat ahowmaula annotincemento. tittle4attie alanders lu 0, Bliaut which ations, in the latter, many; in the thora. ý 1 Yoit aza there le no barai in (l'agraO68 itsalf bY Printing bis Praline. one there, le the que pro ession He service, 1 Mr* Wright presented a pétition Town Council. tiens, Re rat estion of long jour. Hitherto the of teaching for the te soyitig frOm foveral ratepyexs of port perry, urned from Toronto a né Re ite domo Of them are just as fou t , - ys and large exp usée, in the other lias- been rather ill.deûnèl. It bas paisible the a of a asking the COULICI, ta page a by-law, few daYs ago and fonnil hie effigy la Cotmoil Chambers, Whitby, banging from the facl'ty of accuse and trifliug 000t ; i beau Open 1 ta every One that could 101290ro and frOlie Ilow as ýthey wore la more ta ho submitted undmthe grouting telograph wire, and the Provincial there la general, interest, muster up enough learning to pans :the, part - or ý th juvouile daye. M012daY El v'g., June 4th. '77. although pretending ta bc a grest 'ad. in the local there ought ta ho special required examination, and And Why should tbey clause of the Act, io the towns ips The rogular meeting of the town vocate of the Dunkin Bill wý ta ranks before begi net of Pickering, Resoh, and Sougog and as unable internat. The object thon in reauscitat- have received large accessions from NaY the tenA their holiday 2 connoil Look place thio evening. Mann. ta attend school for ad ' . 9 thiO association la ta endeavour ta the rejected or uns the 'V'l'âge of port Perry, fOi 090,000 bers prenant wore,' Ma Worship ýjàe 00unt of hie disaipatio t ays on se- In ta assi a city. If bring together ail the monibers UCCOSoful of ail other ad by a don cronto and 'Ottawa Railway. et the Toronto and Ottawa Mayor (in th@ were ta tell yott.>how of the Professionst or frona those Who lancina thon in teac Railway. chair), the Beeve, Ibo. %w e la ridieuled Profession in South Dntario, for the they Mr. White prepentea puty-Boeve and Mesure. Pergulibn, undjeerea nt, ana the low estimation interchange of views Sawin it 'a refuge from Matinal a second-ele a PetitiOn . Long, lie -in which ho la hala by bis nul on matters that labour, or were tompted by the sais, bis leisure Tle lntlnicil)alitieB of lioaeh, Pick. [rom certain ratepayers Of Pickering MoMillan) kinst Rannam, Deverill, ghbours Concern us locally, as well as ta cul. 8A11g1ý seugog and port r for a like purpose. leil4son and Wicks. 88 a "Whiskey Informerl' yý though small r6turn of cash payment ground of hi etry have, Minutes Of the Spécial meetihg au net give much oredit ta bis u on would tivat9 the sentiment that in common for decent and reputealy essy employ- ta the stru thruugil thoir représentatives M. Graham presented a petitjou, last regular Meeting réali and appro a No one hors dose. Re h tterancea. with our brethren everywhere, thst we ment, And what bas been bc Issu au as insulted t ta bc working with saine Well- evil, its ra, present, from certain rAtePaYers 01 Sougog for cd. v- digested plar ad petitions, ta the CounLy -Couneil a like purpose. and Peandalized the whole comm dèlfigned purpose, and an untirin nks have boen depleted by comprehousig On motion ynity g activ. mýny, lüred by the prospect of jarger ta bc groupe fol' th. ý purp..o of Of Mr. White, 'seconaed COMMUNICATIONS. 00 much tbat lie date net make bis itY in the parsuit of it, Cu But whate, - ýsarance in the villa r abject, gains, IeOS WOZTY and prompted byi tained as ta grailting A bouus of #9(),()Oo ta by Mr- Wr'ght' the SeVeral petitiODS go after davr'X. thon, la one of mutual bensfit. Every_ more were reforma ta a ope FrOln Wm. Blair asking that the ambitions longings ta eng the construation. of tho Toronto agG in ing a second ou would net advocate a cent of tar thing that eau exalt Our Profession in other Purouits. Thora bas beau; In cial commîttee road between lots 24 and 25 in the lut and féathers, but that and' a ride hither. £ni * pý%1e Ottawa Itailway. A C Ou a t'IO cYcs- Of su intelligent publie, that te, I am constrained ta sa and cOnsisting of Messrs. Graham, Wright, On. ho plit in a passable états. Roferr. sharp rail Win, if an I bear bc true, lie eau rOnder us as unsni'nous as possible the love of it, littl, ta oni. Rael Ewers and the mover. Y, apart from stimulate ý hE grocial 0 ad te cOmmittee on etreets. Witten lias beau appointed ta report ' the demonstration that awaits him on upon the questigns that are conti nally rernaIn In the profession, and muali ta known that Il PETITIONs, ILEPORTS &C. PAINTING ACCOUST. tempt one to, obtain this UË011 tht) potitions, and tilore iu no >- bis dePartur8 frOm this locality. Re challengincy the attention of the ednea. doubt that a bY Mr- Scager preeented the pétition On motion of Mr. 11annain, bas lost ail central of the Scholars 0 hýPelj L'm te abandon it. IL might decided ta 0 -law will be recoin. of Jôhn Lawrence and othe en. t that eau give bath statue and obJected that no one except ta ail candi4 rg praying ad by Mr. Wicket the commUcation trusted ta bis charge asvrell, as the ro- stabilitY te Our chosen employaient, him WIIO lias a love of it should engage pasàing the a 111ended an(J pauRed in the termo Rok.. for aid on the town lino between of Chas., Taylor asking payaient of an spect of the parents, and bis leave tak. that eau, above afl, enabIe ad for, tu bg submitted ta the rate. Mara and Carden. account for advertising Wag referred ta us tje better in teaching, but the answer je ta band cial cortifical ayors, IL je expocted that this unit. the Printing committee. ing from amOn-st the Community lie ta discharge, the important trusts we that no one is in a position ta say ho state how LI Mr PrOctOr Prosented the report hl, dieturbed b; bis vicionstiens Win ho have undertakeri, must bc regarded ne Cirbrt Will bc mars successfal than 1 soon and may bc sualien 0 lever it utitit lie bas tried it. IL ought. with the sat of the caretaker of the Talbot bridge. TOWN PROPERTY. and sum. prominent subjects for Our considera- uot ta ho foraotten that one may grow requiring a,] PORT PiritRy loy-LAW No. 94. Mr. Blow brought up th,3 M a ry. tion. IL is not the ý t'le late APPual malle ta Pickering Mr. Wright report of nstrnetion of the ta like it, fo called the attentio "N'. il. publie 11POI1 matters pertinent ta the r work odious in itself to for a second aient), and wo belies. Ut will. U Of the standing COMMitte Yours &o., the 00uu(3il tg the proceedings on this a on Town pro- BrOughamý June 4tli, '77, overy human bein4y at first, May throu^ah teacher in, atti Party, ot&t*iug that tenders bad beau Profession, thOuail I have un doubt that habit, become a sourp tu«ýluy subjects ', a Of ploasure. even more the by-law On the last day of January received for painting the hall tower and Tan 0 will coule up for consi-1- Leaving, thon, the "-Ga--ette " Logic. session. OU the second other woodwork around the DI)PELLOWS tion in whicil the general ethical tinestions of bc a student, readj»g it town hall, A Pllbl'e "'Il "110 sbOuld engage in tefichiug, its joys, a Wâs referred ta the coralmittee on as referred ba Thuroday evening jast, the band fro- take a lively aad pleasurable interest, it its sorrows, its hopes, jet Il Wlien lie ce c rouas aria bri ek, from. S. J. Palmer, 8 Conty atu- cesse ta teaCý The CHILONICLE advocates protec. from dgest and lit appeared 875 ; H. B. Wells, 869, and the balcony over Allin's Sagr th, reading of the minutes that they race. bookstore, 11, not for the 'utroduct'on of conceits ]Rte Ourgelvés that the tus of viEit his tiOn tu 1foine indu mend the acceptance a"iid crotchots either for the arme stries. The CHRoN, it wag-not of H- B- Well's Playedin a Pleaging and Most exce surprise or the teacliûr bas lately beau improved. lie always tll only sa reforred, but waa tender. l' worrY of membera, it je not for liramot. 11igliéýr standards and technical skilI He ought ta 10,L1 conilLanned Mr. Cartwrightla a,. defeübed. on the tliird reading cf -tfi, The Coruff lent mannelr, Baverai Choies airs. de the C, idates, and fower creaec Cf duty of two cents upon tea bill- Re Would lik, ta know how the of the acoonnt fo yment À ing the success of rival 'ýchools or theo- ineans fower cana ilftee recommend pa number of people were attracted on the ries, or in aty ývay ta bc mr shad trees %ndidates mJans l'je work, and. Wardon ruled in the Inatter. of Arthur Ellîs-O botter pay, and bettei7 which propte Therdfore, Arcording ta the Gitzeti r "' tin #20 paid. on 0 and' from. lejugine of any person or an PaY uieans botter worko more work, "A steed -a etc Mr. Bfokeil, Mr. Rowland, and Dr. f OP70,"1,,,g Street, ta enjoy the Muni Ut y party, log""Mus, the CHRONICIÉ je juCunels. Ras gave eXplanatlons RecOunt, and $15 roservea, accord I wculd luost devontly hope, more Professional success. ta their afflarance were ail bighly pleas. for ItIpy A swor'd of Let] t 1 as ta thoir in averything that Cali lie ectisidered rë-oolle' cOntrnat, for the replacement On I ad with the entert imMent provided by for M else to nob etion of what took ua Let us hOPe, too, that we Shall soca 1uill(ýrfî of Pickering are amouge tu the committee on Place, And as trace 'lot 1'v'129 At the end of two years. the band. The Crowd gathered ta tilc mut'711 bonýfitof toachera in ,, the exit of that ineubus upon the AU else on e ronde and bridg s Calmait Went iletc, COMmittee of the - South Ontario. IL je eminant-I having left for haine WlIen the Matte the luost outerprising and - or WhOle, Mr. Watson in the chair Profefs'oz], the willinglY cheap teacher, ta teach shonj, intelligent was brought forward. gc'ther-tO eDJOY the sweet strains of Here, 1 verturo Io Lopt,, tbat in à 11, bas beau everywhere elbowing time bave thai ing verY sbort time gentlemen ýÎu t'lut 'WG31tl'Y township. The Wardon rtiled that Aller question' bY Mr. Loýg and that whieli bas a charm, ',which dwells this aslociation will LtLer Mien out of place, underbiddin, thé by.law Mr, ]'RvQ'e]2rollf)(1 as mambors avery -riluir intorosia and the Interests et was SUR before the committee on Whiob the trocs lisa corti- the lu&- oL worth and spirit., haw - frequent conta, f Fergu@on, BO ta the Manner in in every soul"-gave the streets of the ficateil teaclier in the Riding. IL je hie ClIcap wares up an ki (ha" fartuarir Pro rail. roadji and bridges. been lanted and tjwn a lively aria a City like'air. possible, nay probable, tliat a down the h ng the ebilffen ci the kiad of trocs, replîedp fi-nui igh- taucht l'-, Mr. %ite-roerotted that the reports Blow, the Chairmsu of to by Mr* We think it would bc a plensure ap wn us- way &l1rough ýPlCkc1iug, Àffording ad Ys, and by ways button-holing tr vftrictY of ciroumstances, may stand tees too Often ready minàS flOIX8 th djitionai fjLipping ers net before the council .90 as that the Coin. lacilities ta -taillera, mitteeto the SatisAiction of the rociabed by the People of the towu, if aloof, and wijile for the most pRrt wish. wpyt in eve ta Most hitu half 90ti.0 current of M a bc proceeded : with the report was aclopted withont amend. the band would give anteriainments of Dg Us suecops, May refusa--lo givo Ils C,0 r and bringing the cause oscite a VIýcrol Would ônable thez ta pay the bnnefit of their co-operation. To t üý8 ryway outraging e8l)ril.ci thosc prico for whoai ta the farmer. tter w'thout (lolay, an(l as there was noth- neBn of ed-ica. winau 0, 'n this order, once or ýeice a week. They snob 1 desire ta say tbat wliatever immy diffie11ltý Jeopardy and contempt. It je witli them. The tnJ "ettdy m0ved the adjourriment as spEcIAL C031l',IITTEE's REPORT ON THE play on Saturday evening agaiu, w, bc their motive or abpelace of motive ta bc hl in while the maju CelltOt-POr bushol, -or no, 0 bpBt WAv to forwarci the business. DRAIN NUISANCE. decti, to Say Who is Inore go into the pockats-Of the wbeat Coulicil aàiourned. are pleased to lca*rn. for isOlatiOll, il ()"gbt intipea to be cd amed foi a low standard of no grcat bardai Mr-Blow brought in the report of aention, the elleap teacher or the growers, Bat, accOrdiug tO the cul weigIllty to counwrbaltýccc the alivan. prcsènt theme tght- SE COýD DAY. the spécial committee appointed nt the IIOUSE AND BA" tage which an association such as this trIlstee, Who Win have noue oued writer 01 the qa special meeting Of the COUILCil, stating ay pefurloula Cortificates, that --ette, the millers bu a el" p toacher. But if the supply 81040 Woula bc hanafite(], and, millers Woduesday, June objj. hall insiected the nuisance coin. lut the dwelling and Bar, of Mr. lias ta ofier. Let i-neli coriider weil thon Of are, and not o 'bay Clarry, rear of the loth cou. Markha the benofits te be deri'ved from ruera bc eut o cbO2P mediocrity or inferiority thik thaf A p plained Of; tbat-the principal cause of m, acqnaintanceship, the formation of new ff, it follows boing in faveur of the ràilwsY aboula. beCotlue" mog ai' ton O'clOck- Mem- the nuisance was the drain from ing opposite the renia f that eaucation boingas a Cousequence, whollY unnecesi Ilot have scats at the Council board 1 rri all,,presoué,. E ence 0 Compulsory, the 1 Minutas read and Col. Button, friendships destinell perhaps to bc of publie iviii perforce offer large indues- work ta ho donc. prove ]Uroo'o taneq ; that thé COmmittee had w8rO burned down. The fire je said Powlrful assistance in life, the inter- The impertinent' soribblers go farther, at firet tbOught lit ýWonId bc hast t the mint nients for thoronglily qualified teach net a third-elass 1 COMIEUNICATIONS. o sink change of thoufflit fresh from - 11,8 as well Asa sud insuitingly MId- a large tank in whi ta have originated ftora a defective ers ta reinain in the profession. I am Ch the Water might of active brains, the practical knowledge ani tilai is ail y The Wardon laid bAfore the oouneil be filtered, but on further consideration. gainefi from the labours of advancea Ji,ýtl8 of the "Snob soit-interested Publie non the report of the aliditors and canut. BiOve-PiPe in the kitchen. Amougst Persuaded noue the less that not a cade, R13 Shakos] aboula bc allowed ta y and Alter conversation with shrink back juta, treasurer's report. the engi- the contente in the barn was a Dow worküre in 3peCiRI PUbjeCtS, the eXpoSi. grumbling that we are lienry VI., 91E tilt' iusignificanco and obscurity from, Latter frotn sur, Mr. shier, they bad Concluded cutter. Thora was [La insuranco tion and solution of saine of the wODt ta hear in refèrence to education, whioli thèy Sprung.- 1 11 Major Gray ta Col. this planwinti for a many the Minister of I Wallace, intiniatiag that the a net c'n'y ho exPensive aman amonnt. difficulties that beeet the toucher a' mftttOra, je Owin.11 te, the fact that 'Toronto but Would cent ajarge runi in hit; Most traitoro 110ro,* insolence towards mon Who Field Battery woul Io ka the LlualitY Of much of the work turne le p yearly ta cvery-day work, the words of wisilorn youth of the a ho présent at but t pot UP. The committee coula Boa that out je> poor ; and that it je pour, la ds -,Pttv(J ârOwn gray in flglltibg the bat. Whitby durig the W 13BANTFORD fali from the If grammar-Schoc a Annual drill ana waYs of abating the ui,,n CITY.-The inaugural Fl of matured ex- owing partly ta the lack of shilied Que ofthe tow luggesting that the county Couneil ho -eith or remove the r, PerielIce, iii a word ail that strength labour "fore, Our foref whip nghiP of Pickering tannery or build'ae colobrat'on Of the citY Of ' Brantford on and varicty eau offer in prefèrence to I believe the groat bairier ta " books but the from aoked ta make & graut Of 8100 ta de. large , sewer ras the lake-The t-Y was a grand weakness and sameness. Talion Per-on. pliera of a few towa wednesday, 818t jus edacation je irregular !A weeke re. fraY exPeuses. attendance at " thon hast cause Aidencé J'a the 00unty. The f.dazette,, Ccuncil went intO Committee of the affair. Thora was a monster proces eve' sobool ; but as I aiso believe th&t MITIONS. sien in its 10vrest sonsn the association py teaellerg are fully hlive ta thi evIý a d and contrary tc le growing fi W11010, Mr. Wicks in the chair. of fire become a powerfui aici to the attain 8 11 ýum bad ta wolise. From freeholjers of Be&eh Mr. Blow. read the report of the 6 fa", trad@s unions? voiutiteere, - as my remarks are in refèrence ouly and dignityp th the latest importation asking gineer, which Bat fOrth thst lie had a n' *o. Thora were, it je estimated, about ment of aveu material advantages.- ta the profession as £6 nrofession, I that . thon 01 journalistie the COUZIcil to submit a by.law for x Aparti howeller, froin direct advantages mil] It will quackery il o hast 090tooo to aid the Toronto a it. er the question. as OÃœIY served ta p . lace the amined the drain carefully and that 20,000 visitOrv te the CitY. the teacher bas, of ail professional dunot stop ta consid usually talk or was bis opinion, if the dito, It je but a 1 Wila ÏhA A-A f-A- _1- ruera truism ta savthst !n Ln 01 d«ent and süpýn, cÏ1 r a or POU , .. k,_ý In species? gola, 0 gqMi nor -!tôrèg et Norw ls state, nor culture can bestow 1 r- But", alone, when first bis active band ý0- Iml'hnts th6 icciet bias f th ý soul. r» RO,,n'Utyparelltl Wise and stinau as Lhe vital breeze Or lig te li,"e Et cf neaven h ais the charma of .t",. ffwain Uk thý, h Who journeys honaeward day's IMM a Butanier Long labour, w And due repos ils >f The suiloblie 'M 'a Vl a clouds ÃŽ6 Alie amber y O'eràUthoweaterueky? pull Ma rude e Boen-I weé it y xpression &nd untutored Bats ; 9 .110yond the ower of language, wffi unfold The form ofuaitty 8111ilin a , heart. iro'WlOvelYlbowcomn:Lan g Buttho Reaven - - -gît In -every breast hath go, Ulou e!krly seeùB Of love and admiration, yet in va= WithOlit loir culture's kiùd)jrarelitpl Md, F Withontenlivenffi Sme, anIL98nial showels, And shelter:trora tife blastý ùï - Y!Lý Wè hope 3 The tender pUnt ohould rear ià bloomjîg head, Or Yiell Qié harv-M promised in -the Materials are to baud to do obraething according to tfie ides& of the Pest. It is Weil known that the Nor. 1 mil school at ý Toronto Possesses a valuable Axt COU00tiOni PrOeUred, with È Vlew tu a School ofje., These jaCi]i. ties for the Cultivation of ý the teste q wOuld Wish ta ose utilized in Put !ýr' the benefit of Our . profession. while StUdéntg are attending, the Normal School in Proppration for the Provincial Cerfifioates a Pértion of theâ týme might 1 1 think,, be éPéut tO Ùéat , -advantage in the galleries and musëunjý, not jaly and aimlessly, but with the ïame deep - inquinug study-, as - they give tÃ" the printed pîge. Lectùres could be given bY BOnÏe connoisuer or art amateur u on thD varions echo - ols Of pâi]2tiUg as tfere represented aud-jeferenci made-' to the wOrks Of the groAi înasters, and in a short time a thorou b - * . 9 Moight might be gained into the principlis upon 'hich theïr art jibagd. Th, teachers .VVOuld thug becomte familiar with the -- names and worki of the ý celobrated Painters '* names oeënrring constantly in the iext-books'-from-ïýhich he is te: in_ struet others, but what . is. of infulîtely more consequence he would ýhàve de- veloped the love of, the beautifui im. . Planted within him, and *O-ùl(l have his mind adgrned with one of the love. liest graces that- lend ý au adaitional charm. ta learniý2,-. A short Unie, tua glent under the same quickening M-Z fluence Smong the Casts of famous pieces of sculpture- could noý fafl te rouge admiration for theîlorious mani- festations a enius as foun in their orie- al" 8 spez-ng marble and the breathing brý'.t'.1 What lessons in mythology, history, science, may net bu learneci front a ýmere. WCU throuoib. a ga - Ilery of even plaster casta l' t 18 0 k aro'n"d. Who is that colin majestie being with a form almost moié than hunian ? It is- the OlyMpla7n JOVe. And Who was lie,? W*ho made tke original ? were there men like that ta copy fwni in his day ? - Do yen ses that face sud form ci sukerlative beauty ? Io that the Ilamihng gofidess of Iýryx, aronna whom haver mirth aud love"? la there an,,r !neaning in beauty ? Why were we e in- the image :)fGod? WhathasbecomeofthePàgmlùxn A loug a!;o ? What 1148 taken its place? wotild yen, like EM eror Julian renoünce ýour Christianity Kr Goda as these? ýook? is not that John Bunyan 9 and see ! iear that crouching manacled slave, is ffilberforce?. Look ý1pwho are these long anks with broad brows and cahn, noble acea ? They are England's hercesun #q a ma field, in Wôrkshop and in mine. ou not feel yeux lieart beat faster as yDu )ex around P Tell-me, leUow-worker roula Yeu not think Yeu had lived: tu soiýý Urp()00 iie in the course 01 your ý1ý, you ad &ed one youth ta emulate thee virtues E hose heroes, or ta celebrate their lon*es pon the canvas or in the stone 2] iR think that the advantages ta which 1 d6r should be secured for the teachers ci Iblie schools glane. I mrould have thèm 7ought within the reach of those of us [gagea in Rigli Schapl work as weU, w1w = the advinced nature of their work kye even more use for this pectiliar speries culture. ýhopeI may net be consiàered utterly ixotic in my views if I state m that facilifles ýeUljt ta b. J.r'd'ed*it'o Dse in the higgher alks of the profession visit saine of the great schools of the iited States or of the Old World, the 'Bellma sud gaUerieg-founded and main- ned for the purposes ta which I refer ; ta e on saine of the memorable spots upon icli-zyranny has repeived its death-blow where liberty was born, ta ses wheré, where genius blazed, or ence fia iný a word, ta becuine aýWhat familiarizeil with those seul- M129 Objects fýwhich are the priéelese ver of the c1tildren of the Old World, but ich are go paininUy laaking týD those%,Oi New. Mat au impulse mieht-.be given ta the ,her.o-f classics if la were but ta sée se rÀmghty parents 01 litérature Athens Rome, ta gaze upun the Acro;ýù. «ov 1 with raina though it be, ta look 1.11on- ritable Parnassuzi "net in the freniy drea!ý2er1s. e e, _but soaxin&,ý snow.;ëlatl - y v ___ .- _. - -." 1 Gru t y. D m no vyLJLJZ& lueLN PND BOOKS, wiuorrow rnove for jeavo to inïi- --- 1 0 M.7 btiod 1 a ' 4à 1 't - 1 n by-law t ' tolu trr(u,.jsoîeode, atos athsochoblaaurdathoaft ttlhle Oim- ... ý - âd uce avo ta set again, to- BMFUL.-On Sunday evening last et bleïr emma naYy Wb eO unnot nies, st ol i eh hinads edivince Orcli Of' educatiOn will 110 10 9- 1plubeitic eInscdbsOOthlereh bY William Ulithowo, L, incorporate the village Of scorindrels destroyed a number homau? ; hg may have ta listent in blind ; as a citizen, that a t e the Cannington and tu appoint a return. b. me -put out this spring-in, 0 d a od rePOrted PrOgT86 00 sa t -L. D., ci yast publie at L the expeuse of de Author of "Gatting out in lng officor 1 of Young trees pite o bis betterjudgment ta the die- interest will net be sacrificeil or en- other sýbjects than SEWER ON BROCK STREET. tation of ignorance and concoit, the dangored by noglect or incapacity ; no inupt, in theue enli Norld-Il Toronto . Boit-ord Bras. front of the rçoidenco of Mr. Goa. Rop- eue inap- a eschor, that dur profession wili Tige ceive SOMO This ncwý book 01-Dr. ý1Rthew COUSTY TUMAMURER'H REPORT. Ur. Deverill gave notice that la of- fault-f2ndinjr of hopelessly call t attentio 8 in at the kinsandUr.Thompsoii. Areward clation, the ji nextMoetiugofthe couricil ho would pro bes even of tnanual la fliguity and material prosperity froin eaucation. The Very ontertaloing roading. It la full The county treasurer'o' report was fored in the by-law provèling for the pro- labor, and ho will assuredly h i introduce a 2-law, te huila a main ave te a proper il soharge of the work it bas of the children ruad', from whicli it appeared that the sewer on Broo etreet. tection of ellade trees of 810 forthe fight every day-and all daylougthe undertalien ta perform. Ta under- vines le tc, a very g, of Wall told and juaieloixaly chOdLu cetimateil expenditu . ru was 086,958, Couneil adjourned. conviction of the guilty parties ; ta this Titan brood of ignorance, dulness, stand Low thescrdeairable-objects are bande of the publi, anecdotes, desla la -A genial mauner legs amount'of recelpte, $8,515, leav. , e to be attained, it *will ba- neccesary for andqvith them it Nç witli nàany-interesting ouldeo l ta, and lis ing $28.448 ta be 1-ilded ta meef Mr. Hopkins lias offered ta ada $20 waywardnesa and opposition te th the WRITING À TiiURATIZNING LETTER.- ompson $10. The Chief light, and ho certainly need8 &Il the for ut; ta consider for a few moments a very small percer altogother a book-tg COMMend i expenses of the colinty for thu cueent and Mr. Th help ho eau grit ta kfep bis cons Lielf ta year. William Griffin was indicted for writ- cieuce the doop significance of our systein of ever enter the big Constable, we understand là on the void of offence toward God and te all graded certificates. The fundamental thdee that do euter popular favor. 16 if go-t up in excel. On motion of Ur. White the #ar. ing a threatening letter te Messrs. Tay- track of the offendûrs. ýve sincerly mankind. It is therefore highly noces- ides, is progrens, and nota fittle pro- but a more percenti lent 'tyle by the etiterprieing Canadien den loft the chair until two O'clock. lor & MoCann, of the 'Queen's hotel, sary that tauliers should meet together gress upon the part of thoao thaï de. ceed the length. of publiabors. trust they will be brouglit ta justice for social as well as for professional' sire ta romain in the profession. In Speakink bodily, thei Couricil resume& Whitby, demandiug $40, and thât if and receîve the sevvrest penalty which purposes. Examplesderivedfromother the first place, the la-w requires that licachooli;wë are to 1 -It fa cortainly au DUSKIS BY-LAW ACCOUSTS. ho did net get the Money ha would eau be inflicted for the perpetration of professions are net wanting, thst "nuitv every suc4 holder of a third-elass cer- cation Of flic iriassi advantage W eau fili approciate ta lodge a ce plaint with the License le strength." Even the fur the -On motion of Mr. Wholer, second- go wanton an outrage. Most conservative of all workera prolessional knowiedge, and seconaly While s ' m - mors, - tificate should study ta increue bis What hould that have'otà Daily ýpa'pera laid down nt ed bY lèr- FefièbY, the treasurer was Inspecter that prosecutors' liait sold UNrVERSITY RONOItS.-Ûr. W. .. H. rocently turned tl û4tructod ta pay the gaverai acconute liquorin violationof the License Act. leir attention 'Il have it should be Our Own home or ofnoo,.Promptly each of the recves and Clerke, in cOnneo- The case came boléro J bons ta the tbat after a stated time lie muet possible in the greaý InOrulug, J, 8- Bobertoont bookseller, tien with the pa udge Burnbara Huston, Who was up ut the examina- fits of co-operation, and now the establish the fdet tbat lie lias := Engligh education, it oeing QI the Dunkin Oro , held - a r-aruifications of thoir orgauizations inerEased bis knowledge. Th some of the areat ac] ttunoundeî thât ho à liov prepared ta by'law. On Monday lut, sud the évidence tion of the T « rite University bave penotrated a large portion of this tien of the proinoters of the acheme human inteIiýct. E dolivor the Delly Globe and Mail reg. TORONTO à; OTTAWA RAILWAy. hearld. Hie honor deforred hie verdict. short lime 490, bas sacceeded in page- continent. The Legal profession as well which now obtaine lu Ontario was, uüdertakes the odui uI"ly ta subscribers in goy part of the Ur. Wright reported fram the spèci- Ur.,Ormiaton appeared for the prison- ing hie first year's examination with as the médical le a close corporation lowest round of the professi6,uaj enn, SI ýôOMMittee ta whom the . titiono or and Mr. Farewell, County Çrown honora in English and Frenob.' Mr. and bas long enjayoil through coin- that noùe but those who, hav phenomena of natu oents @Ach per wookahui on thio, subject were -referre The Atiorney, for the Crown. asseil the unities. It le 8 # aboula 1 town àèt lâj at the cfed stops , undoistood ; and ladder had made Boule deci ing be < ellould be able te exl =àking no charge for ýdèIiV&ry. 1300 imrative unity, manyalyptrhiveirleefgoralittle in advance eliguld remain'ý in the pro- nont exemples ta giv report exproomed the opinion that it Chu. MoGillivray alfa p 'Ir &me examinstion. teae hie adverUoem@ni Mâtivé te New Yoik WSO Just and expédient that the Pnson Fzaii."Mr. E. IleM now ta the credit of bers; that the pro- fession, and the expectation Wu that of what science isdoir Ledger, Young, tà&eo xournal, sud- ?raîer of the petitioneis be granted. the higher grades would be speedily racà ;'shoüld be able 1 feedon whielà May justly bis regarded otber-Englàb sud, Amgricau a"" recOMMended thst a, by-law be day-to Whitby, with the finest 'of turned from hiA winter trip te California, à, makeil regular wiekly visite-on Tues. Psitso»AL.-Mr. er. V. liam bas re- s the found&tion of all other profeB- recruited from those that had succeng- rente -of superstition in introducod and passeil nt the prenant - ions and from which they draw their fülly passed the period of th'Air proba. tural pheriornena whiël icau. sessioli. Roport adoptoa. fresh floh-salmon trout and white fish we are glad ta find, in improveil bealth. very life and'breath should exist in au- tion. 1 bave no data ta énable me the hurnan heart, and Mr. Wright gave notice thât ho -frùm, Georgian Bay. incoherent mus of atc-ns often in cxterit tliése upon Society even at RUNÀW,ýY.-Last Tuésas éveil woula on ta I14FA14TZCIDE AT BA arE.-À male lively etate of repuision, I trust, th a te predicate te what ' * ppre- vastly ýuýder-rated y . 4, 'Marrant Move for lê-ave R en' schemes bave succeeded, but a borne of à1ro., Rowe, Wu bains ta introduce a by-law. ý FOGGY WRATRER.-per a fow even- child was found with a atone tied that there will be amongst the teaehers bond 1 am net fer astray in -supposing by seuonable excuxst drivau towards XQUALIZING Assicux"T XOLLS. ings paot, loge arising from the lake &round itq neck in Rempenfeldt bay. of South Ontario no apathy in the mat- that matters have been tomding ouly Mains of knowleilge, hollup by a yotmg lad, On Fridav evening au laquent wu held ter of establiphing upon a solid and per- very gradually ta the defiireà.end. it range of his* school-boi whéd u"r the Mèrket groundf the bolta On motion of Mr. White, Meure. bave nettled over thie locality. Fortu. aucl the jury returned the following -manent baille. this local association, but is well- knowu -th t the education of glance of what lie$ bâtilint UP the obafte leu-but, the latter Ewers, Gille et MoRai, Smiths iCately it fa too early ta do much data. verdict :-11Tbat the said male infant, that every ton îperwho8e naine le now the majority 0 a Wright4 BiokaT and the Mover were f the ellildrený in tbie fire bis mind with ard *lii PU the bordes kofla.> The IMAÏ go 40 the cropu, -1 according ta the évidence, was féloni- or may be hereafter upon our roll of' Province attendil2g 80110oi la in the' the pursuit Of knoWle appointed a Spécial committea ta 014uil- A - bande of ne d therefore inexperi- sake. In every subje lie the assecoment roils for 1878. onoly Murdered b its ip will contribute, by hie tal w' au MATC9 là0h AfirdIti oue -4e Mo ORienT i ta bis iudustry, by bis timé, to, ënoéd teschers, and that large puni- far boyond the beot oJ bùt was stopped bolore t nt Mr. WW4 profestaiôh only ta , secure ý that lNùqt wu d ' ý14Jýa , « " 1 , , ' , ' ý aile the Z8Y7ýý4 boy t e&1 playe Wd t the dûty 1 boon OMI$W :twom t trial, èýt panent of unqueâtion; bers of theie soon leave, 'the' Ils té-be suoceded byý Othprsas inexperl- vouth delighte ta feel:is ,At ti euw, As théinulves Yrom a vaÏiety ;ut eho tw baving Mm, but g4bü7 ktwad, 4 0 that tfaé:, in ù"ý a of ývonm the efflo fat4à, 'ng thug glauccd at the legal require- and aosthetie possibilities of Ille pro. I shall bring those Observations t Nvith words 01 devout 9 . le tatus ci the p thanwulness rofession je àpidjy 71ng and ir, ke ýing puce witlïIhe al les e 't a the country. NO 0 ine co 1 ive adoquate expres- the 0 li Rlio a which we, in com. vit LLII ether ritl-zens, GWO to the in e'luefttio , who bore the buraen at of ý 13 ay-, a d before whose triais 0. ItAS onr troubles sink iota in- ance. AU 120nour ta them and lot 1 thera that romain Illd -arich re- the tributeg of a gratejul country like ta ses them-on a par with the' M soldier whome t*euty-years à entitleu hini te a wellýje»rVed lance inhisdecliùingýyears. Some- decilhasbeen doue in this t net ,itou h,, On this, tao j-ýllajl rge, Oli uýl 1 (les tbéreüreaLundant 'l"Provement, tind letus ho thanliftù. [ý9 forward, I pleutre ýto ruyself the In this happy-und-a landrich, if Dary inemoriais of tTie in past, if mot treasures of art, ant, stupebdeus of immun genius-rieb, in liberty, sPiration, rich in the elements of ealth-J pii,-ture him holding commensurate-wîth hie Iligh greatresponsibilities. I-j5eehùn a- Ound and varied knowiedge, a mana thought, il master, el lu* art not o %vin boueur front it, but.. te e add lui grue te it, a man bleised wi 'al support ci th . ýh 8 communaity in dvelle, the trus ose- friend of yonth,-because t1je truù, 1 of age, experiencing in hio Ille Overty nor riches, wing old-tu ývej ochaol, bebol mg hig pupils lun with Sound eaucatious, good Id high aspiratio $,-se them lp ta mauhooCIý d' w God gthe truth of e le nýP îiZ to inculcate, baving the supreme )n of seeing under their,*ÙÏffuence a blesaings of education, réaêliing deeper, able te look forwarý to ýthOUt alarm, "d ta enjoy litera- ,ho laRt da =i"ylftf."bOi,,aRîleh; il, et hoPeý'th ý Cyg ýja -on, t- swa man quarrolea with bis ýetea table about some but- threw a piste in làO face, And ed him for lu#. warlikeï op NEC Ihe Po 40 on th neýclociatiGr they wm-a Whitby 7 The Com Ehip of -Wh AU the mi the chair. The na-in Robert Jair Fredezick 1 Wiegmanný son JÃŽ., -T, Moore, and cd te be 1 na-es of Jà Stevenson, White, - 'w Mucer, and ordered to b assesament g ed frein $la er was redUýý as t9co ; - 0, James Ahno The appeah Edwin Bals WiHiani Lia appeals agaù Sleep, CharlÉ Intosfi, Robe 'Samuel Ham 'William Rotr the MeXt IMee Court adjour Bi The couneï M members chair ; The resd and ý appi The fo]Uowi to be Païd, D. suce on ind Printing, 87-ài board of Jaco] John Pherril ColdwiI4 -eac. Whitia'bridge on said job si, destr O'yed by Dawes and An -ed Co--i--àsion tàamh mail -au On motion ( by D. IloUîda5 law No. 48f-: ed. On motion ci by J. - L. Smi clerk îs requE Rogers. pathmi 29, to bave all suëb partîr of th -mot toïnterfere joining said, pit, OnmotiQnýo£3 by J. Burns, a 1 No. 881, was in, Couneil sajou day in June. A.conspiracy 1 the idand of St. -Guinea, for the e froni Porturggal. Two vessels g squadron bave, e. ished a Peruvian acte; ef piricy e 8ubjects The h rendereà t' le l The Town ci waa vieited by 1 a -wliieh Rixteeli'r rnany fatally inju buildings destroy &mes threatcneý place. The Rin- of D fine of five hundr ci], and theblock-i been raiseil. !' Peraviafi-syrtip It bas been a Inedical profeesioi ation of Mon less ( of thoae no* in t c'ire unfavorable terP, eàéoholIc Raids. in many eues valeàcenoe-frora ýè is-indicated, winé, have been recoti are of very dG-nb ýhe least. Alcoho 18 ranked among t and à incapable a C Iýt Crentes general I ement auti dert Culation, irrit&ting preventing the Ul, carbon. Agoin, h býtai4 an article ai l'le 01141r ahortly, The Warden informed the c aie clerk's illuen and of hii bi able to attend, but that, -with Outt 01 the catýnc!4 Mr. . Jol wotad diwwgo The daussi )A took the clerk's plu# ý&nd eà rou, whe»the io

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