Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1877, p. 3

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A4 lui A.Resto«er Of Intrinao w orth and One thit Pleà -s U Wood'a IM.Prov.d Hair Reetoratîve I la unlikeoy tiy r, anrd basnesaiTh SIEIOWS --MIS CIOUTAvry large -st-ocký, cheaet t6Cqny ~' F R O M $' 2 T o s . 0 E w r konirea -NE ADVRI8F afRmonds and Preolous Ã"l1<onj- ý !PYTHI, ANI) AiL 14, RING-BT WEST, . .TO "pMay 22nd, 17. MONEY LOST 1 On Tuestdcyth6. 8h lest., ln the, norey %vas rnadt up of oie1#20 rnihnder In #4'aed ,5's. Tii, fin bc OUitablY rewardsd by leavlng il ai TUE CHEONICLE O1 Whitby, MnY 14, 1877. CLOCK 1CLC The. Coaua Clock Compny haVi iedd te close their, business here, w oefer the. ollo legVaable Stock of antmanefat11. e9 priàcs. T4srefore tien wlshlug tegSet&a FIBST-BRATE CLOi at a Vry low pricc, wilU for a short bave a vorY gond epportanly. The. moveints, whloh are of the dlasi, a boeo importea from the v States, And Put into cases ef Whitby ]k facture, wiilch for style and i ni supedr e oany lentth. country. Tih. Stock comprises; riii ay and 80 honi Octagon.j Jpi)ing Strla Cloc EiltDay and-80-hour Cottage BSj Eight Day Clendar SPrleg Striko CI Elght Day Oalsndirp (large.) Hrallsani Duiug Boomà Clocks, We Otrika. Begulator 8day Clocks. ALL WARIRANTFD TO eareTiMe Exactly Thors wW ll isebc offereti a quantlty WORIC AND KNIPE IBOXES, (veneer 'IOTU1IE lMe S ]glù(venseredj CABINET MARE 'S BENc~ QtYANTITY 0F VENIE Cl and A numbr frticlesî lnthe way lokTiîigo a d Tools. CANADA. LOCR FACTOBT May 22n0, 1877 Brock Street, Whltý SOUTH O 'TAl'O TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION Th6 -next meeting etitthe South'OeLta Teocheo' Aooocl,,îon Winl b. h4el lnthe 111811 School JuligWhith- Thie session WlU lait twe titys 8Frl1>4Y,* SA 11.51>4y, 25as 2<i tîi, * Tho ProgramM@ ilU asfollws : FIIIDAY-..b.so a- =- COUslderatlon of ti costtuion -0tA. Association. 2 P'M-ýÀ PPeron Tosoblugg ululerj 4P- M.-The. Unltary Mtlîod,-Mj &P.imi.Inaugeaj Addrss-Tii. Pr - Ro M. . Bbinson, ù. A ro SàruiDA-9:8 a-m., A Pýaper on En tracôse Fxamlnatjo2s te HîiSchoolo L yb(r. Tamblyn, M.A. IU- 0.-GeneralDusiuiesa of the. Asse Thse proeedlngs are es te the. generai Public, an fcodal invitations la extended bY th@ officers-of the Assocation te ail par lics Intoeseoi l u cation. NEw YORIK MAèHIN ES. 000- OU WAKT TO DUT E tyNi ]M-ý; --an 1il 1 1 i 1 1 ý1. 1. ý 1 --yvar..naSb f An ; NENT0E -NS. 'i't, rt tétsy ýý ý, ýr_!ý ç% arge ssJUSTn TO à J-1 h la i ;:ç - bte "o ,tý ia é_ 1géà 'ba " - of JignyN nepf~ , C~ U T E J~ t w, ne t, pr uyst î i~ l rg ~ ~ so "~ i a11 iim~'ros 0 ui tif aie6 Soutinô tnCeOe thor s a l a rros. . a ut itig 2Z nth e fi a loC ic e ?tIheR b er A f p .24ffia, ~B s Ba l , c ç & c ~ '~~ 1877. ot Pr7a t e Plin e aiipa a te - he em-pr BETRII (, & i ties t tisi de Apalt .. D .p w a r dE u. h sudtbibtýUe Yper' ows, relï créaed, y eL AT tTHEd àüdP er 'Weio44 tnn. Tons, c aesgt. aid an ass a l e ro ni ---. - y p erh 187.Q un price ES2RBIo drON v -MO it sat oreraîldb ,ten.C Ar 2t Coffeesfr9omez,2an N 0 tt Sore, ronkst. TROtb, -SO .ECTH 1 Tw of Ottawa lway stany y rnt lngbMdgh acti tii. Of t l o usanc o odo i ar e D e sec t res --- ----Y P E ýJU T rcCI V D AS g so:f e . f ai l d, 8 l4bcn s . 1f o u h t u a o 1 . C O H S L 2. ~ha ai Corporation ahall M88t, f l s >a&o,' rom KI,7g tret, T rnto, S L I I I S O T v E . 4 "A I i s ot e to lQc a iltr cre,0 i e 2 4 li-i causie Debeeterea of thei. salai Corpora-UAC eRDIMORENO tine hbendete et a t in all ~o H LNUY U RR A D _z p i P E D DG o o d V a len cia B a ** F nir, ~ i ntri cln. eLhuDbnu6t,0H 'D R E N TMENT , for no Jus e ' S C R:R drtnyctofour- ionte a ati teFa ant alsso ~ alt ..or- Teiet AND edCOOLERS, fOr r&ie anse -c henee D troll os Bti ooelarpRgrqOt l o sOonaNMAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PE GA L N .Iebsibbgslvet.otf 1 For,.enwaeheeeogere shall dylCoeices, Hardwvaro, Ceai the face ti sere i. aIen7o v Bc i led-Ct5.5 luinGreat Vaxlety; Can4les, eGcd en 85 ais kn iedsP - RE C fo eae tir eoo.t sah delao n 11 Sev.,Olti Bowe n , 0L api, kngids an. ,FrEN jI J I ÏVD O J B L 1Z VD S > Rouse a nld Gard on F lower. Plants. G e n V gta es'cni-,t thels pei F thtiR aid -Debenteres shah bearPr BUTCHER SHanOPrs01al n h, Ias'. BE H TO A OE dAte 011 he day hraîbilanteteo! te'U. Tbwu eflsWhityby anei forth. cm igl et oe !Ii anizeheal aits etbyopeseay tde ul assortment Of China, CGlass E reer ae elY dtoutsdyhrea1r a ptpoint ~ i.LretSoko oieFsnasnsl h iy utheTirnes - at Tes. Dinuer, and Tosiet Sets Onl mmd and for saleeep dotk p ar- antisaâ b. isi eetinior WHOLE8A.LE AND RETAIL. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __lis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ A l k in d s O f F ie ld a n d G a rd e n S e e d , C o e r n d T o - 8 0 Y ' S O R A D d a S t tdaete tGhoraao. rns5 e 0cet prbuhl.Wsee .q -i ep eststl7n sn 0K 81860 00, in cne y ar iro n ti ah, o- te deo.re. 1.4 A kOE B E EFds di ec lim i14 n&, t v year rn te date th JAr..7 hI1IYIL. China Tea Store. LAMBoto80. be t # 1628 10, in th e Yflir ea r t z s h o da t.8G O F L O W e G , , O P S T E T B E P O S T O F F I C E .) ,A * W M]kI B O ~ . S ilanu. 61619 80 lu fosue yeir, tram the, date tiser,-ePES& HLSL RETAIL DEALERS IN ~--:eo.. WANTE D.-y fGodBte, gsanVEL h are 1 Of *-- io: $1716 o7j F eath ers, for w ich th e Z gest Cash p ice w i b e p idM T T N Priz, 00; le s vx ye ars fro n tedtei. cir. L A MP S Pa n ng a d G i i g .at e dMH'j #lm 20 inW.aoJ.YoGIBom h, dat l> ]aintinitnd. 02011 9ô, i l svenYeari fronlthtei.dte Ch iineysBurner , iks flhande ed to with the usulputai-r1 ~~P À 67-g 8 0 $ in*nisyearn 1tro e sdate ' J i.L c~- u~.± C .11-,My15h 87.8 tei-Soe Burniing ~WibMyiib 87 F- (1 RockINU el 818M770-m' letsseyear frte de thra by toves, 177 $2485 65, lu eleven year f rom the dat, iW o e a e 81h* $2 9 70, i l e year fro ti e d ate Cr. A N N E D( - O O J a e r c i e a t o h i p î g T R N O & O T W thereof; EC $2780 60, thirte e ysrs ram tise dat, a e rep t in tweve i-ues frnt li dat. ert'su a rriimportation ô r 87710~ n in a few dy ilso h C h di ç f s, $29oe.1k&)ens. orn15ce ts rn st to k of ry OÃ" S t eye-vr mpttheSp cilaAIe W Y A ~ ae CLOTHES-W RINGERS, AND GC E ALCherries -....1 5 cents. Corne..O..ster.......15 cents. at ni nt h f SlkD es T dsue i.poeeye ilgts tii n i ot h eO Jd aFt e I s H N G s .r e s i f e p l e . & c , c - 1 e t s p P t..: . 1 et e ý 8 hzo;Jeu6, urats eahsAplsStaere 0:asb tentiGons Siwsving 'ttJa ck fs anles lvs oiraý~O5ets5te2hsisat $85490, in soveteen yars troustho date j u- - ech s ppe, -d S a l Veutaa YeUs rOm th date c.-15 ents pr pot. Ribbois, 1 Tiningfs, Lcs otn, $821120, ins ixteen yeara ironstise, dateE tains, Dainasks, Linons, Sheetings, Bla k L srs-n .9Alré lédnel euseia 81YhÉeeritw oot anilae D£Fluy Mvourning Goods. 8819,i neenen i-ersfomihi date N m tie asbjct lTeOgeON TimOtneste ls 61 YOî48,.iin, two do rs /'ro KJngm OheNTdaM ar m alae21D9td e,1877B lk. We also invite the attention o h e te e o o i ssp yOdr therestant, ahn7losclPikonp.fst. su d ~ ~ r su-siS b nt re s ah be V y le a 1 5 1 - c e n ts . (1 0 d e p n T e a , 2 5 c e n ts , fo rm er ses so n A . eo a C h o ice L o t o f a ts a n d C a p , T o , B w , n i e - t T . 1 o the Agse ofthe Dominion Bank, 2 e t.pxl Vriesa viigv aif tint th prc sr, nd' ueaseey al V OOV OO Loiveer2oolnts. P unes,7 cents. vrity Of other Fancy &Artioleo WhliCh they rÈre prpei teoera suh Mi ts,17.2 rie 4. Thsit hsiiDbnee hh1877 , M A YX 1877. Agents for a er Do en MOSOU as.k' orth, ver.Lvpol are.c ts e 'LA G & - annese, tise date thoeoat sasF R T S M Q TGod M l am y, 1. Ope Glon )Y luhere *llb payable 'early on tiseLA N thrypFRTI ONHG- atndBe $.0prGlo.Whitby, MardcOi,17.* Ti uCS o ant every caretthe A eci- Of tic hecnubor y1l7pa il ca 'lti et, Dominiennïwasheti wOol ah Laveet, an I>osel u rs ha L h ake ta nti J ers(a ChokC oliniluTbroo, ~ ho sc ion. tsthara-tW . <J' F{I C KI E & Go. leSeeda len Bslk, TneiCrenti MangloedsLwrssHAMiILT Vegetve-oo akeMi-17 5.~n the;:: s : : : : :i ; W i o f rS eed s, rFa tu r ti n S e dc s. fer sale eisea 7$db ereby created by equlanniual gUOfreffat bargains, for Cash, in Spring Dress Goods, 5 PEB' CENT- OFF FOR CASH -ON ALL GOODS 1 ùusal spe eal rate e! ans m iii anti Fil. R eady -m ade in e o stu m es , ash m e Tt/Mau n i, ,~ , 4 ~P i ~ i T O~A i L N /i H A i 0 M f S f i i . ' Z . o ten.undredths et a ml, On i lc lth M ls hthend Br*n t tns, Whit bM ylt,17.N - inelanBlacnksquîoan.e Ct mes , H . S 0 V~, 1 /LVS tcb-Jg; &ei, , dollar isalin leAddihions te a11aIlier W ieadB o nC tos 0,~~~~~~~~~~~l lnsriu eaa yerduig h sfiuac 0 rte , ILLNE S/ m 15ets pe yar ; low21 the debentures, or cci o'thos, upon P~ n.-iITT rns r m 5os e a d Gl- ; os EA A S H1108oosra~ src al the rateale r l t i t e said l 01, Tieo rs ols È om 50 ts. v- A as hca MruniegRî bO ossal i is o Pick. tiaee do.TeRi bou jl cpayable in- CARRIAC IRE . such Debetures. , Gents' Furnishings, a full spply in Rats, as is S . 50 lise. 7 . T h e D e b e n t u r e s t e b i s s n c s a n , c r a l v s n i S o e l s a u n t e. -* Z b W e g i a sti saild neilierti y e aTreeset A Splendid Stock of Boys, Youths',vandeM*inathevCounty, t H T R &] 0. ,A L LU E N E WS TLies fe a< vlg f- aplpointei, or teb eappitdpreatmde"'ti.sit uieplti ot, rste esB- toh an , anl ise s m of l s, - p o-u i e . tnt d B er a d E gs f r T a d e s e a y Ate ise A h t in c o rp r a ti o n t is a de sl o s s n g o n h a n d . » ~. - A l o a F r e s k S t e c k 'c k r o c e r i e s j u t r e -ti u a u d p e e i e u i a x l Trooftor tai enahetiyy tseMnicNaD - Trsttees delivesisti te tse silt Co.Ce clo!tiVlag etUbd iale cccii theof ei e tse RaidiBae salti bePascotitci tlie. WaJ.e iKL peot any ri~lme e h o i stio.nsao Jit sai-: Commetn1877tise.SnDIR E C Tmit 22 DIRECT FandRneMoENGLAND: d-22Mo8t Fashionable Stye.iduldteoigit before syroftose oxheenderesshaan enclose iisposed o or c nverte inho soney, or tiru nt vet elvore te thoia ct o npa ni-a il e fA R P I A IT -E A N D 'B' J G I E S a- aw an u Joi l se d 1 r 7 D 7 ci u m at tU -etiin terest coupon s t ere he a - CJ ..u( f . jù t e Lencinns a rctlchet ia e t îe T i isure f te sani -- -- 0--- --o...... Oy. >'Paimters and those lhaving paimtissg to do wfl l piaso moto ýtho abc C 3-~r, ôbesg i r.T e t a dî r bnt o o t h e e s re r e i ls a lT R E L A R G E S T A N D M O S T C O M P L E i E p , S T O K 0opii a l t - n e e r a s therenfectionbc elloverg thersha h b dliertor pati by ~[ ,J , s---e - -. , , , na Aare v ian niftsx Imr nt se s i s P re te e s j o e l e R a id i C o m p a n y 'cF a . 4S a d ç pS hi al rl s ,t li f a , s i i It!8/ ei l t n m os, Anentis, sixteethd cèash, ptidnction ai Baand ti Oiwing, that la te sa;- D. ý 1 oaIslsiCnd eni lms lx? enteres. or tse roei i erce, ta - Ces nd A UIsortot> tet pac e OM CING ON MONDAY. Mayi 7î 14BAVE PORT HOPE M~r Llndsay, P*ter. bore'. Laketieti, asif ingermedte points, At 5,80 ua-n, e, ansd4 musheuft, and 6ais pns aund frose tth.GeorgieBay, Beanbau- &hana, -andi lnterme<ilaejona 6.55 p. points, S Cgedo, We 4 SSajs 11, ÂY.B- "A ~It? JUST.LA ana ano ewaee the maso la« n esi no oferot for saa._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ilae0 estatgsse&nit wheïet lise nter the ai Townip on tho a&terl- EE E SL A&U FDRYÃŽCV Oý-:2T S D L E Y A D H AN-. Phu .~ -v L ,eIsu or Nortlsorly-boundar-. asisi15I - BI O S H0 a A W A. Tbe c ostruction aie t Lia. propagla D Nu pTrsanS tresr tebeisantm uattis Rad shilbe bacflf(k co JMobedon in U eprosct4d accrdng ta T A X E PLKQTICB & or beforethe eti tisez1Vlllsgow et _ om $150 upwards l«Tip top vulue. W h î s 0 ndW L A M T O PN- oberets iryfIdy tDecose. For Termu aaiCondiions ei Salietf da a " hnatIvebuâs sae%'àW L I M H M S ber, One Ti-husan i ght uvtiresianti lande, appiy eiee'iporsnia yor by ler l sat ise veen t 'isesu a.. IEglaVee» S e v a n t y ig t , a n tc o s p l te ti r m th te tis e o veor - l0 y 6 & i , i ,s p e o o e eH (exeept ~~~~~th ssaucspraLt'dwM S AR E V S mena l»p7a Ojt isia g nlorntd eap aùleofD edretatnio te is lrge and superir stok, c mren ve- -'sl 1 gu,1~~ - MÀRT~~~~oe SEcutifmayubrsgay.«V it osTtae vsiirne sn iit iNiagara, Onlasrla, ew eOds, andv ibt te r -.Poi U Wfor wiss ,anl Saratogfa mis e lie aiti be uit hras- scb,,zor1 a aw h ta~ -- . U ea of Ib ath l e a nît vi er f f o r t E - - I U U I5th eItiZ1n Z Mb "È = ý ~ r e - C . 5 P ~ . * . - # L .~-~ A ~k f l T I E5y ;21 àid A LA L 0 T ]ELS. ILT

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