Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1877, p. 1

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a4vestbea~. ~TOL K~KI. . wuat b. 4er*$e'4j~e~g,'11, advorNnmmits Ln wrLUng, IJIHE WALKEE HOUSE, 17B~,*cTc rn# ~ 8~s/n~s~ Dire~,topv M:GAW, TAîJéftfl4 L *~Îé A » __ tc~>bJow~ O our fa i' W. B. PBQp.pr~Tdp~ é~oINe ANO SINOJNê CLASSES NB flOt WI*h ex~enLve, Phnt.~,1aea Aeeou~. S~#'~4~ MUTJIM 01< TARIO DANE, ~ ~ W~!TBY ERANOH, Oho~~~ ~ E~AD OPPIOIr E K ~WHJrn. atotbe~ W~P~fiQ5> ~ THOMAS DOW, ~ fqr '~i~ ooinpan, P ~uUd~nga, ~ ~-" ________ ~bilnjj ~o~r *bÃ"Ie 4iaùê ~ e Walker Écus. _____ ~.< ~ DUT MANAGES, ____ 'uwyOh~hu, ~ fa. t~o~r~j ~WU~ ~ - TIW ~ t condor~ wliicha boJ oaa ~ .9. ~ Tbe~~.n. kn~~-- 'j OFB~*y ~ DOMTNXON EÂNK. - Iuruluh. ~ pbw u~uu~uucena~g M ~ s ~ Port Perrylept. StIi, 1876. Tar 1w» L 5WKI ~ 8a "~ ST E Lu ~enh4 Solo '<"~~< -arakdji tIt~b'-' ____ -&'Iao Sub-Agency at Liverpool J HOU$E, 3a~ ~ W1LT~IS etc., ___ WHITBY ÂGE NOX. xuj~!.$~OuOettS. aaêo< wong i~oreea ~c~nawi6h - Whltby, lnly 156h, ISTL B. EIQKEu~ ~ - *~V4ce.P4Tafd~Z1t are apeedfly cu~ed. For sale by th~t~a4o. cita of 51 upwarrJIa. c ~8 S~. o. BRoWN, - siveafa ô! lier ohfldhood...,sb uid Markgt. SAUT MASKET SQIIAEI, TOaoMTo. OR SALE, ~I~'O T~rg L ~m>~i<, a8ahif~oe inctiintiy' proff,,~a by Whltby, Sept. lStb, 1878. fherwlather, th~ w-.- lavingu Department. la conneotlon with F "~ baob.i~ ail ex.major o!. both offices, whare taLerait Le pall ou depo W. G. 3OHNSÃ"N, - - PROPEIETOE. AT ~ ed*noj ebuge. ~ t ~. ?a~* O B H KW A, ~ '~ " ' ~..,, who, alLer <mass H. B. TAYLOR, GLEN MAJOR MILLS J c~n be ma4e~orealaa&~, WhLLIy, Apru ITLii, i~Ç. Il * Surgeon, s ~ to je in a tat __________________ ~. ~,, ~ ___________________ Veterinary 1~eturn~ 1~ei±d bIs da. Agent. ?uzxa, 51.00 par Day. StabIjag hi con. it $h@ daio Whlt ________________________ ~Wriia~er0dl4~ Dma agncaa~ ~urnhh- 1~w ~ ~ ' tbf 89 0Mb. Prince Albez$, andat the Bt onde,! ~ A1WEIo~ WlIibo et Armatrông'p I~ota1, Whftby, aver>' ri4?,~ck to oa4~ hènda~' - ~iectfoa. ~ 000,000 fpet Pine Luniber, weD seaaoaa& Office, Port Perry. B Tuocda>,, froin i b 4 o'clock, ~ yVéflf ~ronira~' s' Ecoqat~icin aUbI~iiablta EL ~. MACD~>NEI4L, AMERIOÂ& HOTEL, InokB~arija, WILLOOX, W.M. rMttingla Lo~ioeshw~agoo~rjn~ Ar.. /Company, April 25, 18 the aouth ia~Loan4. J~ldM* 111e o! are~ aeIdo~ riait JaDe AIbarI, Sept.146h,1878. ~ A~ur~n~e O~ÂN0flYkOolvE~No~G TIRITISH Au&~lv~q~ R A y'*, ~WW~WiO1i5pl0 T14JO4g11 beMe~d.d~0j, Caniavon,. Q.O., and Dr. Molflchaeî, ~. (LATI 501105 Toues.) ~ PI<iik, 01WDRj&TE'.~ ~ 5011 In ~ DOIoe!ON ~LO~R h~STORH. __ MACHIN~E WBr TE ~, Q2<2'4BIO. lOOAOOfee*o104 CIIARL~B. PEI<N'YLEGIOH W ORKS. £1*db4liOated lier aiitile fllmaed tI±. de~4' 7ater1.handeornay.~,q mccl PARBWBLL ~ astow ~l4O1,876o4. npow IiIra~.i~ts daath. ntstl A1~ZUSTBR, ATTORNETS, SOL!- tbroughout, as ordqr for lisp!. for aslem~t quais7 Bega to ao~Ify hie f4ends an Public, and Oonvey. hereo~ptlouog acta. , - ABSETS, lko~erthe~e~n. ~I~lrabir cf his proPertY.. hidi Hotal. *b~y. 80U113 @f tii. Royal leToomu _15,0O0I~ ~ ~ PI.~ ~ A. 8TREE'T, WHI2'By. the~dpatobeya, ~deO~red hie intentiou~ beato at *he loveat llvlitg prlcai. iudl<e, ~'Y~ PeOn Lb. air HOTEL, ~1i~e~W ~ Octi, - ~51ar~e~ Ontting. ~eUow blao~.hurtV,, votcaxa chrili; wiIl, Whioh liii Bolicitor and clufide lAMEs EUTLEDGE, ~. A. 0NTÂRIO o. oîms~, Wa~oua, 1~41ie~be<?art ~ Mine; ~~tp uiut~on houai on~rus ~ Liai jervant bo&h averred Lob lu e~ J. E. FAREWELL, L. L. 13 WEZTEY, ONTARI' ~ tzttoa, ho., at rniort. Qat.. pr'ag~ln~I~ or a~i4o1iy fixe. liozec.Qb ~îî ai uuavaihing. Baba, Th ~O5 60 altpre4 inhjp .tute,, lad wnea, Pear, eut Wliltb>' Nec Yokat, f Trou arrowa. ehôld t1i~ rôck~ boiro d their figliti 0000, pr Worse ~tIi, Ooiru Orown E~op ~1b6~fngdoiia'aAi~... Lu LIe ma~ta1l. ~ ..ji iearnai. lie ~ .',.,, :~ z~uaIU, oved Superlor eocomodatloei. Tabla, ~ E. MJ4rOR, ~ ~ ~. ~ p~,. ~ Whitby, April l7th, 1877.. 17 ~e»ng o! ail klnds The lmitat~ 0W day. before JAMEs EL ITIT GORI>QN, wlth basi hi seusca. Genuine Ii~org.~ ~ litit, i~. At the Donilafon Plourand Pead Store, 4 1111 ______________________ s naa~as~and elecut.d wlth .,uceuifl fafl' -- hunaolj tL~>iaij &eapatch pleroing bail. OWfl~roonI~au4,.aa~With STE1I h ATTORNEY.AT.LÂW, b~da. ~ îott OrOsbj's Block, ~ast dooj, Dundas Street, Thore fsalcê a-PlackamItha'.gbo~ ~u con- ~he ~~uar coite )i.oka do lie, Of.spproacblng diasolutioui, d bei ho. 0~ .Oonv~jranoaz~ ,~~boet Whltb>'. nd~ n'ging bis pape Roomy _______________________________ '~ lino czécutcd wlth no4neû anS dospatelu. -Iii dury red the îiixi rire,. ajtrae finie. tor Lii Chance cnd shedu. 4041 '-" THOMAS MOCANN. Then Wedostliroiigh cloudato mutthe aliies ~ arra ra;' o! 'eh i necticu with Lb, ab~ve and a iii that' os hoed the.trav'li d for ieveral hanrt lu sortlu ~asaung b>'; jijo Cirera, NEWS POR TEE LADIES. 1076. ' ______________________ G.OOD ~ 13k Sfrt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ had got Lhrough'a very large pile.. Public, KELLEIE, GEA~ TBU1qK RAILWAY HOTEL, A. NEW BEVELATIO~ Whitby, AprIl C~A$. PENNYLEGION. Na bay: bren among -tboae 80 c ~ store, Brook Struet, Whltby, Ont. - Wbitby, AprIl 806h, 1877. ly.19 workln flelda to-morrotv. a.uilenary ~cUme, CHABLES c, AT WEITBY fTÂ4,rox. Sc R. WIOKETT, ~k. ~ The Blac1~amfth of Hlb deetroyod? end, if so, fro whi WM. O'NEILL - .. PRO~>RIETOB. SCIENCE 0F DBE8S.MÂ~Jj~ Importer, Ma~se1seturer caS Wholeaele . ON TAR I O E A N R. - us>'. *ve?~twaatrn~ti~t !nls*la PartIes Lekfug tha train auisloavluj1hioraes Dealer la Etc. I&SU#ANÇ ~ i DIVIDENID No: 40. oomplaiued cf Artbur'i ~ LVJIAN ENGLISU, L L. B,, ~~~~tliem welltakon . COBNWALL.~ OELF.kITTDiG Leathers, Bhoe-flndlnga, COMPANY ~. couîd repî~ to o! tho Rnrprisod but tlio camp - WAIST h SHOTJLDER CHAR?. ~o1e Agent for Onterlo 0f 3. H. Moouoy's OTICE Is harebyglven, that n dlvjdcnd Jiefore eltiier trio executo Iaiiit as as UOLICITOR~ elone celebrated C, ~ ~* ~ UPO ha~~a~jt~l aliglit step ru~ersui?1~ont, tlic~~ heard mlalli'eS with a aot cf diamo~sîn~ Dreeaee fitted froni olored anS Fency Leatheru. Stock af thia înstit$ion. bai y un apidly rip th~ httie coe Streat, Oshawa. ru~ri~ QUEEN'8 HOTEL, wlthaut changeai a COLEORNE iflb hi ttlie ~Bank sud flic upu girl, Ethchund ta whoao' pro'fracted ~been~ (LATE OaXioeacun,) Par ~ ~, Na. ~a STREET, the sema W a a e, a Lhreohold oarod a youngA ,ou and a iesting allusion to t atm dacisred for tii, eu~enîhsEyear and that ; iii', bLeu waa lifted, an ~ tii, yonng nions emor~ lnstructfoiis Toaoi<~o i~s '~"" ~ ~"' tii G. TOUNO SMJTR, Lb. B., nEocK-a~EST wmrnx, MIS 8 l~ T ',qy', y~ , ONT. Oii --., --- ---- a opera.cloak ha Chance euS Iniolvene>', TAYLOR h M ~ s a E O p ~ p aso. T~,~flgferB k will be cbosed froni 1111 lifl Ofient movomoat but bal! Publie ho çco . tii, l7th ta the 81sL-'-May, bath Soya lu- * or gIistcn~g budîdreas ans] mas, ara go cas. Branchea, a» alLer Fr1 whlcî ohe baclr on eCou'l~inontal tour ho chcso to ni NoL5~y ~tre~ Wlrnby, Onleuto. The Under.igned dacir, te unforin thoir 55MAIING 50055, WHITTT. Depacît wlth DomInion Govanumeni $60 cî~ .lewelcd arma and throat. TIio min ~ ~ ~ pn~bllothui~tl~oy hava taken f ~&~eutsWanted. Liberal laducomeuta t., FOR SALE CEEA? i 0O0~ExperIeucd Agonta throughont ihe ~ , is elao g!veuî tlîat Lii, AnnualGen dielîoveled' 11fr long faIm hair, and an~ daim to tho inicritaiico I~o lia which thoy AB~'-"~' Centre , dera, amant tribuLo lie A. O. MCMILLAN, hava newly Stted up sud renovetedend ut "' Riales wretten a wiilc toars on the __________________________________ oral Meeting iiad doeply flusiad horde!' cx- hotu Langlît Lo oxpeet, Arthnr hdd becu ~'Whltb7 LheTo~o*~¶e ~ tins icato obiiged to (baLe Greeuwuod h McMillan.) Juta the boit of order for tue accommo , Aug. 18~ C. NOURSE, day ~>f Juno, lashea axid fillad Lie soft bine e>-es Grant aspect. Lion of guocte. TheBar, Whlch la Lb. hanS. I appi>. ~ Lb>'. For ~ ~ ~* ire £ Adeqisate Rotes. illectlon of Diractori for Lb, nieke way for tho air-at ARRISTEn, ATTORNET, SOLIC. cemeat the Cou le e'ell supplIeS wlth Saddler. Whltby, April l7th, . h'ostiisiiad~ wit ' Agent, ~ oiaek, large iung îaw, and'to vipw life under a vo dlii MB. WM. THOMPSON, ho iiald Wiich-dazzlod e coniing Hua niotier alwnys deliont onL IL or, N Public, Couve encor. ci. the Suait brande a ~'laes liquore '* The chaux ta ha taken at 12 o'clock, noon, Inta tii. ight-'-siie T 1877. 17 nXt b" uîîdd South ai ~oaL office gari. le eucl::ed ebed~ roani ,~udgoo~lJG. T OUN~3 ~ MI'TM, Whitby, Feby. 2Oth, 1878. St. anS Charhng Crase, precisel>'. Gouarol Mîuagcr. God t Ethelundl" no fortune, Whltby, Ontarle. ta , ctailg, ho. Detîched reonîa ' flHoeN~x PIRE INSURÂNCE co. 13>' order cf the Boand. and becamo y 111 for cemmerclaj travallera. ISSUER iqr bond as aho gezed around. nervons, souk haneati Luis rev ran o' - ~ D. FISHER But Artinr's creflmmation, "'Gond and ber son, alaruued for hiniso , ansi ______________________________ ___ dangerous ______________________________ Lombard bondon. ' aooner mot her aaiored ~y a pîlysician tint s a oic Jeta ai Torouto. McCAKN -~ Jc<Ji~.kiJI E5TA5LI5~» nc 1782. Ontonia flauk, Toronto, April 20, 1877. ~ l'or word, end waa cry aie *50* h KENT J. P. TAYLOR, PHILI? fj c~w~ eor, thon WiLi j4ad Mprang ninrie conld afford lier relief, tua kfnlIy Du~~ài, & MAR1~TAP..t' LIP~'Mc~'c s -- to accepteci (Lava BO~,uBON.) -'~~'1u.s~ ~ f ' bis bosoni; looking Up for O InOlIlent Sîîsaex onoot, procureci for hlm il rough iuialantly cîasped clerkshlp ta Lie Lown n lie UA5RIiTBUU.AT'LîW, DOY*ilj ~ il. W. TYRE, LUMBER liidung lier bluohes and Leari, O gain 'tue intervention o! a frionci; tiare, IIOTEL, wiliieamn ~ Agents for Canada tornngan Groce, anci cuanfuil atlflin bis owu aoî'ro s Le WfflTEy, ONTARIo. ~. aa?~io GILLESPIE, MOFFÂT & CO.. LUMBER aria round 4 ATTORNRYS, SOZI7fl'ORS, w RIT ~ ~ - Icetsîanlcocd. ~ c. ~ o-tm N -, flefore Annie could ially lier beiuiild. >' g obsonnit ONVRY4NCERS' dc., pZ~op~~ZI<>~ DAVADa@ &vN~y~Leu Manager, Moutroal cred faculLies Etholjnd roised herseif, the tome n ~ O N Couar STREET, Toaowro, Lu ihe towu; bai large esiaple roomi for NEY TO PRINGLE ESTABLISIIED Di CANA nted, OFFIOB-Prcviucicî Assurance BuzLZlaga Tho largoît euS moat ccmma~j,~~g ~ MO LE N D DA lui 1804. Unlimited liabllity perusal o! the faces beudmg so teudariy wioae utter iad csanly AGENOT ~ LUMBER MEIRCEIANT, onci after an eornest anS sorrowfnl woi'~î,a umunniriring patience tii, endeovoreci to aine luto ~it1i - and largo Roaarv r _______ yEOMAn- GIBSON, ail tii, Stockholdars e ara deif-abuegation brave.spiri J. G. Rosissait, s. a Hsssxav A.E. KENT. commercial trevaliera. Table wail plieS on Paria sud Town Property, et FrinS',. of promîmu. - I W t oaci ____ Moderate rst~a with Lb, hast ta leason. Bestbranda nora C. NOUIISE H- i i ~ 'ted race, hor, exciai~uèd, reproaelifnuly. hlm Into o show o! reaigna.. -- ___________________ anS cl~ers. Enqloiod yard anS ahedrooin a vomrnl&gon svnîtby e on îand a orge snpply cf ail kîncis of dîci you not irrite te me~? Have lIt~U. haci oic±îost suoceedeci iu posaessi~ug IL, tsuuea. arges ta suit th~ L 0W R A T E ~ TOOMAS ettontiva hoatleni. Ch ucflei~aI.£>'~ Merchant Agent Lnînber. Feucuug, Sawu Timben * coriapireci Lo kee B~7~I~ON, WiilLby, April î7th, 1877. - 17 Lumber Boarda,. anS ail iiOcOaaS.îy too p mo in Ignorance irlien tii, uppeorouce o! tii, bongJ oveci ~ N. fl.-Livery attacheS. 27 ai Intereet. aI7(I Produce Dealer. ~Ofl anci doep "Cruel &rtiur Cruel Groce ion; in Oasuniing Lie virtito lue Agent lîsusorar. anS Coinssa<~, Us- INSURANCE COM Lbrge ancien, ton Long 13111 BLuff, fiiled led to believe mo oa indifferopt ' ly-i'egreted Efbcund lied sud uScautling, o larga qasutlt>' ou baud' o! your miaforînnes? or have ~on hart notice. reot o! Lia world? But 'no,"' aie c e arousaci bis dormant affection lu ail pROVINCIAL - fromMmsats Ofl. ILs former iî HOtTSE, For lurtiier pertieulara for ~ 0F CANADA. Doons, Sasiies sud Blinda flwaya ou tinued, impetnoualy, "yon cauld 'npt resîrajuts 1~ B. GUNN, M. -- ARMSTRONG - Appi>' ta- cas Pire lucurance Campanles. FIllE ~ MARINE INSU1U~og hanS. doubtme I Indeed, îndced, tiîey have t~, doligit o! firidiri" ber as fond ond rdon. Flingirig off ai tii, URGE9NTo'THE COt7NTY GAOL, WHITBy, ONTARIO. 2L0'W i - Wiilthy, Ms>' 7Lî. 1877. îy.20 sedriously couceaied iL ail ~ fsitîît~aî os mon p ut yrou Street, Whltby.' JOHN FAIIQUHA1I8C>N, BATES OP - anci wien I auci foires ' t~y Dr. 1V. .7. UURNS. E. ARMSTRONG - PROPBIETOR. Anguat lOti, 1876. Whitb>'. Alco Agent forth, bolmoN anS Caxanux HeaS Office - Teronto.8î, Toronto, Ont. boa, aie» Aaxuror Coîsparor. Mou . sucea effoctoci at roasonabla rates N E W -Y OR K wondered Ouiap e>' bsn y OOtf enci decoived WO hope thot an __________________________________ your not unootin 10533 ~ ai' a vontrimin ta ~ aS on reel atete1 payable frôrn TWO t O on deaerlptiouc cf pco~orLy. Falrneaa SINGER 5 9~LuO i luoti weuld Sud enificiant can~o lion TWelva yeeriaud n eus artuec. ta aettieiaent sud su equtta le conetructlon na et P~rJi ai Ou"a~cca-Next Soor Lo Ciesoîrîcas Office. TBY HOUSE. BROTHERS, If- niieglvinge as Lo tii. their nuntriol altaci eut Intereat 10W euS no coîumlsalon ai hnanrance contracta, ana tii, invariable AGENCY IN WHITBY. that prirposo. We oui>' reociioci 'ho or for tIi, trials and shifta o! povont>'; or, LWRealdence, et Mn. Lewla Houek's. 1,~,7'HI ]~ING EWINa MACHINE, lest ~Iie tala, basaly concocteti nnpromissirig __________ ciergeS. Mortgegec bongbt. mnlos ai Lb, Campari>'. oveulng Woc.McERh3yç MD. - - '~ DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. WHITRy, ONTARIO- Office et, onci an houx ago, wh <WEOT ~, POIT 077105.) ' Importone, Deaiens oud Mannfactnrera of W. J. GIBSON, ARTHUR HAR VRY, - Manager. OFFICE AN» SHOW .1100MB: dncsauug for a hoU, at Whieh lie7 lied ciôaely, cd upon his conscience ton liroek-St., Wl.utby, Opposite Ocl<iieriowa' ititil. allowed me ta îrippoao I ahould me et ailaying sncb gioomy fears GU~ HOSPITAI, LONDONENG, TOS.RPH A. BANDEL, PROPRIETOR. ~u~s ai China Store, April 171h, ~* NOURSE~IIILI>Y. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~L Wtli tliat Pauncea fer ail, our vontiifnl Tins honce hec been rocentl>' bafit ~ LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Whitb>', M~h îsth, 1~»Soe Wbitb>. Whlii»', 1877 17 ~t'lio fleat Fainliy Scwlug Mocil irigi>' confesseci Lie tmulli, end-andî otiier mlîl rincxpecLeuhiy Lnnn rip, stume' m larg hast Y fiLLeS ,~ _______________ nc bld that or W. ADAMu, Oandroomaud up lu flrat~e~ecs ' - - "STADACONA" l~IRF h USE Cou ezici examine Ion outeiRnoma....DnnS05 Stroat, eci yard; attontîve omalen.. en. Leether itretched. - ~ -~ fsctnred. ber iîow I IcatecZ ber for lier ati ta riche before ils Cash HIdes, URÂNua COMPANT. Pnitiiistrig. f g g>' M r. Jamaaou~s' Store. NItrons ~ ]3eer. ssmg 4d 1'MBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON ~ o , yoareelvee before ~ci my rincia-' open troacier>' I Eow dareti sie-how dam. ou lu e aa anci yieid bu Lie exquis- DENTI~T~~7'<SUC~CES; i bagar ' lues quors ~~îgari; , palS .or Bars, euS Leotiar. $ ~ h O "Y t jucigo your guardians mn malter-o!.! t and Ilîs ________________________ r; lirici hati mac Han paeaionete omotinu ciaecked lia ite bilas of repoying Lie sacrifice Eue. admLnLsterad for Lb, paluiea~ ex* ÇOMMERCIAL HOTEL, - SHORT NOTICE. Ilead Contiuicates as ta tho NEW TOUR auci Arthrir gravoly spok'e le for ils sake, by ~esLor. T O L O A. ~ HEAD OFFICE, - QIJEBEC. SINGER below - ' î~îî, Lias ~ muai ne Grace, ne ae iug bar Lohor position in socicty. ______________________________________ Whlthy, Moiti hansil>', Etielinci. Tiey WO> san'ninc nom c lideci b Aunia lien Mo>', 1872. 22 ~ PIRST.CLÂSS Subacnihed Capiîal..........2100,000 DEAfl Suc have amneci lu uni aciîrig more coudici nw~'cire~ci tiiot Il tir stria îrinpmc- Il PaiS rip Capital.............220,095 lu answcr ta yaun note, aek- Iy miti yen; bai I cou uni cw~,ilmftî aincaci taxeci-morîlci ~iitî Fine Pranuluni Revenue, 1875..... ~ îrig iny npîiîcon ai the Ram Tank Singer tiîeir wlodom in seporoting ~ n *~ sevorel>' C, N. YAKS, b. D.I. OAOTWncoisT, ONT. "ONET TO i A Pire Proîninîn Revenu,, 1876.201,000 Sewtng machine, I beg ta stote tii -new hiiot Ibaci o! overi if Lie p PROPItIETOR. .~.VI. Loîsea iS78..........~ 248,000 îa rip' aliap ion npwancia evor atîhave thcyl. LEND F R M LA N D S caîli "on mina Tour unclo , clifficaît>' Bnp pont an acldutional hrirs~eu; ~ oftie ont, Gooci eceonimadeliori tf-il ~ ta leuci et loir lu lama of 5280 sud apirencis, et 8 per Govanirne~ Deposit..........117,000 lu canetani ~ Singer Sewing ia~ lue rig lest aIl iope atiena, antI pbiiosopiuy o! ~ ~ inserteti on ail Lie JAMES DEWÀRT - ai tirent>' ~ sud that it ~ O~ prescrit poai~d ta ~î~>' horion, onci î voîanîa~f lia ititierto ~ mina, Lie _________________________ GolS enS Silver. aele loverai Tomu lots, two Prame cent. Payable Half-yearly. Tho exceptioriol hoar>' Lasaca anateiried lu good rrinîug onder. I have md sevoxai promiseci not te sée yoa ogoin." of gond TeeLh~extractoS'~tiiant iad rameau lier iri iaxriry~ and wlao mci ~ b>' tuila Campa»>' dunlng uhe pasi ycar ha-vo othen kincie ai Semlng Machlucs cri use Teans nom streoineci clown Lbe cia adoption hy ut ciuîdlesa anrit uind macle local anuatiecle. ~ Houaaa, enS o berge Brick Heuse. Fan Appi>' ta-. beau promptl>' liquidataci, anS notmith- durlzag that Lime, for short peaieda. but, qucat fantrires raiseci ta bis. unoduaine M ONET TO LEND. greet leri~th an's nair hlock, aven Atklasou'e Drng Store, - ternie, eppi>' ta tii mess deprassianriotWîthstsndlng - _________________________________ Salicitor, a~c leaSing ta a ne notion lu I lues cernled, the Lie Singer has eau aseti, IL us nom tha coulci do tk~ nover hefomo kriown iviat iL w e>' ta baud apo~ p~ anomnPrrt G. YOUNG 8~H. GRO. S. HALLEN etsridhug the ariersi hua nnnlueli>' Loir Rotes o ores h ai Lime "Te os Lo~he Klng Street, oehc'wa. - 85 Tii uaudoralgned bac en~, emount ai Mon~ h. Gth 1874. Ourse. cresiod b>' 518,000. Tonna' inn!>', Had pou tien ceaîad to love me ?~' sanmisas auci douhts ware porined into O ______________________________ Prenuirim Revenue fan 1876 hes beau lu' beat machine lu my amp. enS irîtiont aceîug or cousuluing nue ~ pmoveci to ho ail IL pmonuiseci; -but hem TROUAS DE'I~ERILL, boana cari b, ripaIS lu anias ~o mît ~ -~ cuetein ite ne' utatlori mmung ilutt bar. Apnil î7Lh, 1877. 17 Thî5~8TA'DACONAas iieretaîana min J. R. PISINOLE, Ho overtoci iftt heaci in silence. She hoodiosa eors. '1 Arîhur .&ylmor, îîwu~taci lu a wlsh, homoven miii- -___________ ' mente. - Ta L. Fairbanks, Mrcbt. Talion, lie; iands, anS aobhed passion. WiLlî tiîrabhing temples anci itani BUILI>ER AND CONTRAOTOB, ro~ers.~ hniproved Parmi anS WilS banda Doga La ennouijîce tiet îe ALLANsLDIE ailiaitid. A i~aro aI publia patronage La Agent Nom Tork Sln~'~ eteîy. icasi>' listeneS t<~ Lie long recita~J cf __________________________________ Manager. ,,v. 'Dont fou me Litai, Artlînr ~ mcning Longue Aunie, mo baS breuitui- ~ DUNDAS UT., WmUTIiT. for cale chee~. ee EAST Ring St., e fer 50~reiaaved GEO. J. PYKE, - - Gen. L. P~ricn~i<s, bear but tiat. IL oant iL A-"' A' n d us Inveotments iaeSa~rmMkettaî Stocka. T FFICE, ' Agent Nom Tarit cent ho true ~ ' .5~.ur y~nlens 0W 13 AU erdara prempti>' executod tares, Barik, anS 0~itaMunîcî~'al Db 0F THE ~os o c~. NOURSE on>' tiin~ miafartuna, __________ Agent, ~hitb>'.? SungenlSsming Maehiuc, Whitby. Uriabbo te reoist Lie ~iLeons appasi ~ lamiti atrango persiaLon~-c. iii 101KM RLI'DîN8Ã"N'~ For further partlcalaru eppi>' to opposite buke'i ahaav.roanic irbene mIl ha Wbitby, l7Lb, 1877. tset a1~î~U~?ring e as La youug sutidenu turneci tremblaci aak. ns fond i flue itock ai sllk eu'd fait haLa for LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERET, - Apnil 17 Lie mou y antI maso questian ahi, haugoti yt ~ JAMES HOLDEN, ledJea sud gentlemen, ai bIs au menu. (JLASGOW - - i~Y to J{AIRDIIEBSING AND SHAVING Off cîsI Aisignea, Broker, ha. fatîtiui. ~ LOAN AN» INVEST. lue Machin,, bavlng baS une lu ouatant "Le ELile? as life i Love au mari, eccanînie bat bis name, ______________________________ marItal tho Nom Tank BIng cirer h "A Sut ~-I have iusddirig Whltb>'. ~ 9Lh, 1572. ~ Strer betc coloreS anS eltared >' ni,] or hem. er beok ta bis hosoin. ___________ C H 'E A P F A R E S I 'MENT COMPANY. usa for o penjod of lifteori yaana, sud yen? ah i Lea woll ta azeko jon tic, diS yori 50>' ils neme ?" J mojor-yoa îay ho mec a major; iL~ 15 aboya. whicb S riow lu perfect arder. panner n ajon JOhN WOLFENDEIy, - Oshew~, Jniy 6Lh, 1878. I T A b, $600,ooo. aCier machinea cri na,, but nana tuf Lbaia e part, my dear. Miles Welryn." WILLIAI,1 --- ~ _________ Cablu, iraiaWiltîy - - *oo, *~ 589, CA P Il GENT FOR TEE CELEBBATED COOPER, eccordlng La eaaOmiaodetkri con 1 have baS, durlug thet LIme, loverai nana i bepeiesa poverîy as "oh yes-I Liluk so-Wolmy A Scottlsb Granite. At 1~arbla Workc BLA CKSMTTH - - BRO U4~HAM f usefuinea S Sbîh flîU8£ ineat But ' " <3 is oun fate t _________________________________ compare wiLb Lie Nair Tank Singer est; iL la uaelcsa etruggiing' egeunat' iL; "AnS ils abodo mes-?" irS otJaneLhan WolfndenDuudaa St., Whitby. Iliaponlal BuildIngs, -' irO ut o' race (Succosear to Thomoa MîciSougi,) ' hntanmedlete - - - - 546. HeaS Office, GEORGE CORIîsACEL, Hanse shoolng sud ail kirida 'ai germai Steerege-as lOir as an>' athor lina. brouta. On O su rira t>'. e 'r mark. i>'.52 Prepaid pasarge o.~.u~osteî Leard t ' Tanna' trnl>', liero fils nigit i Te gain. '.eeci Hem voîce WaS 10 îeant Lb et forovar libesi my darlung 'for eoming guoised mono thon heard tlie lu ah CARI4ENTER _________________________ Cusposca DEPARTMEET ont irLenda. mieiung ta anS Jouer, Greeri Street, WhItby. A UMBER MERCIZANT, -~__________________________ louait retea ta para bnlrig HON. ALEX, CAMPBELL ROYAL CANACiAN BANK. March 24th, 1877Whltb>' Carrla~e Factor>'. hava beau feitlifni, mIl ciéar-.Taka M. O'Doîuovaîr icnew that yen "lu Cheahani Place1 __________________________ k langa quientit>' ai ail kindi ai lumber cari- TO LOAN. Ottoma, Nov. 8Lh, 1876 For tlokati anS iurtben hulanmetiari appi>' lOLîdiToS -G. D'Arc>' flaultori. lier, Grace: oh i my ~lsLer, Lske i,~ ~. "Tîsi la," Grace cautunuoti, "up- ~ 'te- otontl>' ou baud. -~.L - UTHOR1ZED DISCOUNT ON GRO. YULR. MONET TO LOAN an Impravad Panna, PLan Mn. Foin erle ~uia uaw ~tnger Seing Ma- unctoapecl Lie arma trmneti orourd ~ uab'e~ ai muiosa rioiaO iS is o ciiorice JAMEU' ~, BEALL, The National Investment Com~ Lice, ~ per cen~' invoieos rintil f unibar no. Exp. anS Tel. Office, et Loir Rates ai lutereat. Âpply ta- ~ honks As Graco adrauced macaina. Anti,,,,. were B~eI~tluenobscure conntr>' v I. cd To L. Fairbanks, Eaq., IL la moî~ thon I con bear ~ Lie insL fer yeama o! bIs lifa mii i '~ J. JOHNSON, Wbltby, Aagust ilLi 1876. tf.84 >'~ C. oo 'rut lebliyu;.n ~, &~'e~s froni l'an marka suinuir- neek, anti steggercci tomard fie door pou iiove aven heanti. Eu r Ori WhuLb>'. NOURSEAnv~s.lsar, china minci I got cisiden e O achinea "Do poil know," mia feltereci, "Liai ~ Tia poulo'etnickeîi héanar souk ha k ~' E H KERTLAIW, Mariegar, Torouta. useS lu my ianse~1~ ~ sud but Etheliriti iras tiore befone bu. ' ras collaS Oakaiad, Morion." CLERE (Esai Wlîitb>j, pt2fly cf Canada. ~ COmmIseloner of Ouatons. mc amortie finaL purcia~se arn bomeleas? tiet. unlese pou offonci onla:r pillo'w, but companloia, ' cii: CONVEYANCING AND GENE)). lb») Off TEE DIVISIoN COURTS ~ * SAJJT ! ! GOOD MOIITGÂGES BOUGET. Tarira >'oons Lie siielter e! >'our mon!, knom.uot percalva Lie emotcon aie baci ovoke ; Lenci Moue>' ou Reel Estate. " T.IST ~AT.~U I rasuectialu ]i~[MAIijGGINS miiere. ta funu my stcps? Ton look anti afier sitting for samo Lime lasL n emu AL INSU~2ANOE AGENT. Purchea, Exîatlug Monegagea or ~ , AprIl lSth, 1877. 17 lTiltb>', Aicnil 25th, 1877. . incrodulous, but IL la ihe trubi. b!>' a noverie, aucideni>' reaumeci miti ~, foL dît Tho Clark mil ho lu lais affiuaa iii Lia Borramora min SuiS uhe Canipany's - tenus COUNTY U E E N hi1"~ DONT FAIL TO CALL. yen thls'uigbt my foet ahoalci neror "I bava soiS hILtIe ebaut myseif, f r liOt ~ ~aîi Calîîmbnî an Mondsys sud tuioderate, miii 0F ONTARJO, 500 BAUS LIVERPOOL, Q ltrldaya, fer Tarnabîp bueîneas. Office oS their launa. FOR TEE TRAIt 1877. __________________________________ MachInca ta une at bar Rates. Second- agoin cross hie iluresliolci; Liai ho I kuair Liai iL sooma solfiai ta dire heurs, tu a, ni. ta ~ ~. ~. ' _______________________________ 500 BARRELS , INSURANcj~ CO'M PAN ~7 Needies, Tmlet, 011 Attochmeut, hc., ai- anS-I coma." À Soopen cninisou Lions; but î, îoa, nie>' 7fa5anau1u~ su rati - . unela solamul>' vawed liai if I Songit feint enfile anS a stragghug sigi: nos ______________ ____________ i Marsi 27Lh, 1877. 14 W. H. lIILLING8, AgeciL, GODERIOH hanS. 1E. O'DRLL, 3,ôa0 cf prlaate ~ ~,, ~ ~,, k .~ ,., .~ ~ 'O I~ I~ Juet raceived anS fan sale b>' ~ (nuE axis Lira) b. FAIRBANKS dyed her eieahc, ber lips quivereci, anti pana mysail a laser b>' Lie major a su îaLc Sailcitar, hc., W~.iitby, j I i ~ LIVERPOOL & bONDON. Bale Agent forth, Coî~ut>'. aie loakd feanfuul>' anS questionungi>' den oleceasa; Ion, irluen quite a cil lias lionS Machinas Cieap. Machinas nepaireti. monusl renaunca nie front Liot moment; apon one's ou Siseppouteti expoot - HI. - - ~ if i u <~î,i nnnnan -- III i T. LAWLER h CO. ~ - front lie brotbefto t~ie mater, inuîmmur. I liaS mon ils laver b>' yieltiuug Up, Iuovaat le Mortgage Farte Seoeri£y. 44 WhlLb .. ~j if ~ ~ îj ~ 1 i CAPITAL, - - ~POU SJUUL/U, ~AAb lng, "Mos i have I doue mnong? Tau ils carnesi uolicitation, a favorite rose PortPenn>' I 51 6! 91211251 I sj e 12127 ____________________________ saaxraa: Manceau, ADTi5E5: s tiInk me hold-nnmomnanly...'. trea; anti tiîis'act o! geuicrosit>', irlulo 81 g Wbltby, Nov. 21et, 1876. 'tf-to LJ EPILEPSY ~o,, Athonly', Coamut>' Ontarla. CARR~GE S. ~ 7 ~ 27 6 9 18 21 VERPOOL MARRET i MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYN ~ "',~ F on ' Tiay boti' lorrard ta cm- coat I I i i TT --- e spraimg .. me aome teana o! nagrat, b Clerk DirI8Ion Court, Tp. Cîerk, BROUGHAM i I Es, s~c N E broca more, r, ansI Aune >'euw .mig A tt - - - i 7u10 88 me' G'oîumfoeoelonar Lu B. R., bond Agent, he., . W E B B Beara 'a '12 128 RaS Off i - I\ nipatorieusi>' mli _____________ iroald ______________________________________ sunssul us I 1 8 CASH FOR GRAIN, James Struet, Mautreel. Parnîsuontl>' CarcS~.no ucnbnc..J.î>' ~ne h aie go on mut. 50 issu If - Pub I Je thot ha bas purchaced Lie Rîgit for AthanI>'... I l s 2 9 1 i i ~ e ~ 191 h 198 ~ ALLING reasariro bie soft- seclu, sud Athenly Sspt. 2n5, 1872. 68 Eeg otinli>' Informe bis Peinons anS tie GRO. H. DARTNELI, PORBES MUDGE a - nuage Dn4asmlanci'aî rateS hp opaneci t o cloor sud oint bol! eut rneau auythung C ARD. - Plckertag, t o Manufacture Whtth>' Dec 87Lh 1876 Junior Jaciga. Fr e ~ To ha Seliva~e~, ai R. H. LAWDER, , ~enLs. mautb's Fit Vowdans. To canrinca a ~ rie bot s joating ap h ~3~f a. of h lien umnaticeci tic 'aaeb ; but Lie olti valet, miuo _________________ Agent, Whltb>'. ens LiaI tIus- s irbil cia ail me ciel afen. uta tha tiorkness, roochung ber iodging lied beau imbu lau for man>' yeons de-i lu Il i--n a n s Bay - Anguit 0tb, 875. ly-88 thenu, lVe ml!l os-nul thoip b>' rna~ la rirerd, dranolu: ~esy clones ibot lii. motter baS a ca'nve~bog A ni for long oSe Senti iti t'h>'lletan, Burgspn, Aecoaeier, ha., ho, - S. TrIal b abeleci, "Tie fruit e! Burtiue's lloae, o on Du. DOGART, Conboy's Patent Seat STORE AND DWELLING - PLASTER, UAL?, AND COAL NORTE BRITISE h MERCANTILE 515 5iiS as ~ aur gia5b of kuouing liarae~once more a faint, dear Anuie 2 thougîtiece creatu lied paît ~le bu elaivering e oui>' physlasis tsluot bas avar mae~e ~hsc in~ muS thon the ove oirerhng au- tree,"iui muai lie fneqnoatl>'-Ané i-bn. SuIv Wlultb>', Sept. 80Lb, 1874. 40 , fer h:~-IS~ ;~eclalJtuS>'. BUGGIES, CUTTERS ~ TO L~T I FOR SALE. antI>' curaS b>' tiie ubare~be;n oestewey, mlii no oaa to lovo bar, no fiat I an î ni>' alil>' ciattening bea i ~èlup anS Cuttans, before glring heIn ordanu e- neceisar>' fiLLeS up anS mi eror>' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY / me *ill guarautea a permanent cur' obe ta support sud coneoieier la Lbe matie pou morue t,' "~ 1~e OBT. RAMSÂy, M. D, b. M EDIN. Ah partIes mli do mail ta see aur A~ blverpool lierbet, a lieu euS MO au . AU suif ilaould gire' Liese Bug~les Dwelhug, rail S~re N EY T erste~wam~t e ~ lutter stru 5JreduuîLa~3 Canada; Unlrenslt>' ai irbara. aecommadatloa. O LOAN Scia, anS raliablcciarga~îîc~,j ~ '~ b~ar liaS onLaieti upon ~ ~ asuurana, fiat aie Lbroi ~'soase, or nef an S 700 aU mone>' ex. r>' o! Lie lest 'Groanung anti ahlrerung, Lie uniappy sbo'r rltb ~ ~ 1876. 13'r40 Appi>' te,-. ~ Ou Rosi Ectete, et Loir Rates of Intcrest. lettiemeut ai clame. ~ suS b, convtaced ai heart. ' ber *inking g _____________________________ r <dosa.; sud, oftqr efLea UnIr, ai P~napylvsnta se e Coliege oî Merci 9861, 1577. ~ J. H. McCbEIb5n-. GRO. YULE, Agent. for Ieap or 4 boxes ~eeen5 honora) ai tha Picliadai bIs Brougha M0CI~ELLAN. Jann~r~ ~ti, 1877. ~ Whitby', Jane 2,878. -' b>' niàii ~o?.~psntoyUnhteS Thoee dapa BaseS ho airay be~<~n~ Lie mietresa o! Lia houae id ha Peunsybvanle euS bbeauttete ef Mierofle>' JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, £'1 E O I c~ E _____________________________ Statea an Canada onrdrelPt eril>' aStI tive Grace 11k - bax for Iv.-a i)I5COVEay~ vainly proffening alinple remetifea, anS epes onen for Lie Oouutr ai ôutanlo. Office- '.,~ e.--- ralneientby af-Lia Lv. ai Edinburg ScotlanL Cor- 860 Pultoa'osneer1 n-T hier expresa, C. O.P. A0 su, - r b>' anti trial>' coin o ~ Uoldreter5St.,Orliilo. - OFFICIAI ASSIG~E, ' SIMON & KELLEY JOHN b. WATXIS, "ÂSH1h'ROBBWS inhariaoati, a ' ,... ~- , cEuni' ~ngus5 cacp, 1875. >'r Hec remared bIs ôffioa froni tha Relire>' Brooldln. "'. ' as oIe muid 50 ~istrecLed e~ Acîblo oli~niher buttie ~ Wbs, sieli aLLen t to trace tie rork. anS I TEE BE ST Btstiantatbaafflse ai D.OnnIsto~Esq,, A - 0164E M4NUF4CTOR~F, AUCTIONEER, &o., &o, '""5 fulioir ~ lu,, Lie front Bbock~Bscak.5L,, P L E T R E E S, ~ E1 I T ~ y - BAUSII SUD DIVISION COURT, OONSUMPTIÃ"N ' ~ ?aabOaofiiè~.î.ngtj~e~ 'Thorlay'ul Ail fie unniarctoti au«0r~ ~ 1O77~ On-t fatiors rn ot>ier HORSE MEDICINES, Cî~'~~m~stHarana Geniral Oo~aIon Agent, Port POSITrYELY CUILBD, ~ ma oe1L17' 530V T 40,000, are ~aOr uiek anti soutab~' friand, Graoe Arihurto "~, ~ Ail aaffan&?s fr jugea,, t~et WitI~ the naistekeniSea ?feuliremuiîmg <ha. lei'unabbe te aiinnlse. To 'permi Iloalen. mIl 5TAGE lie, ivroageti au>' longer mas Ne BETWEEN analous ta ~ cureS shoulS tri' ~ lier sierl sud BLelti te> t~l~ ôut o!Lhe~qu~o4on; but lior procura era~ei H O M E NU R S E R y fiu~ditto adrantage te sIre Lui e ~ o. pepera AIl dasc~~pbton. ai Lie beat H6rae MeSI. -y-OUNG.S KOTEL, These PauSera eue Lie' oui>' stureparatlon 'ovor ,,e en.~. ...~, ocoapleS ber ~s» n~itntîan o~.. e ~ Ah airas ha t anstantb>' an bandeud fors aie et aroueca oea», DALTON, O8I-IAWA miii cura Consumptlan dreainhng'wbat nango m~îich centaineS ner's Calabrated Canaummptîre PairS t" er'- wi.i..m. ~L ~ g~ ho Wit~hy Lire,>' atables. ROBT. K. TOUNG,' PROPEIETOR. Lie hast ~etlos WhItbyFeb. 7th, 1877. 1>'.? WH IT8Y & kuamutiat anS-ail' ininti, littIe Pba~ LII. maasm~ ibrer off TOOn, N - R À * Rallabla Information r~garSing Lhe cana- TWICE A DAY irlil? aseuretil>' _______ SETE O. A diseasea of Lie Thrast LuS Lung.-.JnSa.d, inflicted irben dilathng on tlialinei's an s-euS aie ataiteS ap lu ot Lie ORNo change fer adrico. t~, etc., innuisiacito parties raqulnlugît WILSON, DESIRABLE EQUSES ~ beevos Ohair.st 8.80 e, ~., anS ~ 'fonce. ~ o~.e'. fortute:. mas ub. ' ____ RW SO atnang la aur faiLli lac thon nuS sua te beout>', bar Seroteduesa anS Lie cgr. dibmay-Lliey mer. no longer na ez'ta- ______ con n tha __ tbeyareucoLnînîng, _______________ i;; __ ample scoammodettoa fan Huntena eac~ bot No. 8, 2n5 Cou. Plckanlng, an Kingeton AIE OR TO BENT. Leaves Wliliby at ~O.SÃ", e. ni., and ~.suo; pal 'e Irse '~ - ~-' p4i~a -' be 'TIIINDERS WANTEI> i Sportsmen, cf liquore anS vianda 'al~ust ha rosaIreS fan 186 rîtîtheha The ber anS larder sup~Jed RoiS, ut Office, Wiltb>'. -p, ~. - -- ~, euS tlieiewele-.»os-' ~on. founti lu Ume conu , Noue but oh - Town an d Park Lots Pare 28 cents e~eii '-<' a. 16, lu tha OrS con. enS attentIve sarrau s . Cemni Oas 1l~ ~ ~ O relucred ' F O R B A Le ~I, tl~ ' - ai Ranis itixe PIxeL of îui>', nqxt. stabhng anci pronipt iîostlera alircys Ada R. Br>'en $m Lq re 'v JAMES' 'COLTART, ROBERT K. YOUNG, Ipîsous le tbe~sPlanofort.so~ e* EitPITOMt,,i '~ 'aU4uaec- ~ recldeafe, oraL harfe1ki~' ~ OR0'~N~A~4 i'crIs tton S~te~on, P. O.~ Ont. s ' ' s Prs~jsI.toa~ yren8LseeL. T8~M~i'MO - - J~*lL@ii,10tbApr if 75, S W pA1ug~,-~ r - --so - To paos4hus i'-~a~ 558g0j to~ match tiîsa~ U~~na5a1a~$ shie orept by~L ~iaoq Jeu PQ~aeaaor ofthaiovsst lcls-siuee"Aie ta. ~uiaed-lai4$py p~Dg~ oua Oa~ea~ay dIlUer 'olslec ~ ber ctbttr~«e net edalL'~fthi 'ie1uni~ fie elease aliethveaSe~ the~ db tuz ' mai iî~eacret terro~41ae~aj iad2~ pasrai~co o! ~1agîie~ tr~uu, anti at 1~a ire ~ti'fi~e~pruc~,'0 relief, fouîi& 'hahiso aoNy~ ~. 'paaiL~S et tue bondon teribi jar' nus, 'peouhlea., bat buoyio~5 up5 hie [îeg meelceneci ipij±e reilli iopas Uiat~ dL- ~,reaterx~e$eOco< ~oniOri 'natu; ouia~uis~.~ to'lse' va ~ ut- IL irs. nar eveniug, sud Lic roui ha 'Eolaby fueL niglit, antI ou foot, ~ie w- impossible; s» alLers long in~avd de ils bote meutiati bar way toirâit lIa 'lier ennt'a, expeethng L~ra~t lesat,' te ha' meet wlti'a -cordial' receptien.- 'Ihuta 0,. aiakenung' dlaaPpointmen&' atténdey te.. lier Comang: Lia~kiudly ,bo~om Iatv su wlueh iba baS cL iast dotennilaoul flu lg ponr5the mole 'o! ii~r anuiotias, tbs uie~ u~tnigit mInci froni whici aire 'ubluici ut hava~ob±aine& goodeonudil lîther tutu- ,~ 'euiiigs, iras closeS egoluat lien forevor~ Tus second' nieuther ta lier intsricv me iras deeti, anti' - t~ie 'mon~èrlu4 o! ti. noighluora -at 'bar ignorance at ofan ereu~t o! 'muai lier fether 'linS iy be~n msdQ coguizeu~t renderet Lire simoelc douabîy pslnfai. InduS ho~r st Sîsînesa bacame 50 oVerporeriùg, fiat y agoad-noturas maman led herinto ber ua' aun hiezual>' domicile, unsiating apan' e kaopung ber thora nutil Lb, marning; -' onu Annie, r,'iose ameil inodienîn o! la ~trengbh baS beau lorel>' taxeS b>' tua ~, axeitenieut anti iomrow o! the lest l'air g dutys, mas auly ton bbaukfîal'ta oompiy. a V.-THs,; OETUEN TO ROLSBT. ~ie firaa lu thé smliiy aL Hssisby mera gîaamirig tbrough tha tiick niisb~- anti iliuglug Liair reps liane anti Liiore cuto Lie gaLlianlng dankuasa of a miutry Lmiligit; tiamen ou hem ira>' homo r from field-uork panseS ta hasks uhîla an Lb, iuvutiug maninti, anci te jest anti gouisip miii Lie bramu>' amltlia os Lhey ~ gauheneul round Lb, anvil ta moIS tue tires o! sanie linge ma~ou-mlîseie, mliau r a weorp-boakîng. anti muid.hoapattare-i omole canuiailsi>' peereci lu, anti ofier. some minutes sudoeuied lu 'catchinu bbc epe cf "Olci 13111," irbo, uttenlug mue or Imo rougi exclamations o! sur- prise, lefL ils emplojment anti Liieci hobbieci eut. - "'Vi>', 'laluL yen, le IL' 2 tIser saisi yenS gons abroaci 1" - "Wbero are Lliey 2" c-uic-ci Aiiuïu- - "my latber-Jnhu~tiere lira straug. ors in ibo 'bous, I micro are liu,,'v gene 2" '"Eh? pore? mieL, tient yo knout; Licen? rhy, micro lia' y, heen liii long mille 2" "Wiera ara Lb'ey ? oh, do Lau clip, p~'~y tel me i' "Wliy, up the faîm, sure, aId Joui. rings î~arm. Didri't ye krinw tiey',l snld lia longe, auu4 tooken bic L~otber t~ Tic>' diS not ohov& liai! lika beavinu~ b' ouI pista mien iL oacne t' lasi, I cari LelI 'ao." "Wbere lui buIs l'aria i-ou speak o! 2" "Whaat, don'i 'ea icuair mena Jeu- ninga famm is? Bîckley fanin o' blîs silo o' Ma~ HiIi.' Ta kueir irbore Me>' 11111 la sunal~/ I Wbo'd liii: Lluoaglst master's pouakets mare 80 miii mati i It muri o Lakar a Liglul lut o' moue>' Lo bu>' tha~ place eut an' eut uuss lie ina. An' irbere ha' je heen tsi alLer ail, au' mii>' cucuL je came Lcs 1' maddlug 2" JoUta shos înarried, ihatti "Toîl me.iom for IL la Lo tItIs l'orna, criS minci ira>' I unnet go ?" aie rings-si, gnorlng bsn qrituslions. ~Viti mucli circrimiocution Llua gir- riions elci man aL lengtit supplieul lus-r o'ith ilia necessar>' uliractioLs, eridishi' lin fancroîl, Amie moîkeci uni. s! bue vilage-mieme aie droadati fui'. lier roco~nibion-as hnislcly as ber met lruiias anS achin' hua pcrmittad; nul BilI rosumed ~Ta place ai tie bol- ire, te Lau ils curions mates Lia pin. - ioulons cf tue intarvlar, anS te go ver miti tiem for Lb, brindreulLiu rua, tua strarige cincnanstutuces o! Lie 'imorloja bocouning niai nian an sud. cal>'; expatiating Lie mille on flueir icreasing grecS antI nigordiluasa. Tie tram farii~.lions, on Lia bit.sjuia 'iii iLs mue malle anS"~xLenglve ont- aildings, mas visibla lu Lie pote meon. gît long bofore Aune xaauihoti lin cmly-paiuied gaies; anS the 'viair o! s rural opulence,' Lie iemung o! Lie 'auy noms, Lie hleatung o! Lie cars- l'y faldeti aieop, sorinda anS oiglits ai huai initier other dircamstauiîoea aie culS have rejoicd~ nom flUeS hon liii ludignation; anS IL mas ulti s -ni stap anti aimoat JaSant Ioak tiat e steppeS into uho ueil-furuisicd ait- îg.naom, anti andileni>' praienteti bar- t! te Liio satonisieci party cozily sont- ai Lia tee tabla. ~as tue r usai an percarra lier trance. Bila chair llrama close ta s fine, bis boudg ou bis bribes, Lie peononce o!iiaai bout fan anS Lbase izzled Incita LoucheS Lia liesrt of bi& ilci wlLi o feelirig o! pli>'; anS au- culing blua "WIuaL ukloga pou haro?" John, elie meut ta LIe aide e! ber lier, anS pntting ber ariarrounti hia uit, 'besarigit lais te blesa anS mol- ne ion. '(ne ne CONTINus».) ipacluneus ef Western orator>' arcs ber ont o! date, but ber, la a bIt ra- id by o trueimortia>' antlianity, midi uaL been lu 'paint hefore: Whaai~ hînopa mitli Amenas? Noirlien i ty ccli England Lie cuistresa o! Lie bat mieL mokas Lie saa'~ Tha sisaippi river makc~. iL. Anti aIl me gat to do la Le tam Lie Miss. into Lie Mernm~ti cave, anS h.uglisb n-ar>" miii hie lloonticning i~ anuS. '- t s fana noar Cliattaiioûge, Taon., ople oirsW recontlyiatteniptad tes e a heu freni a lot o! provender ah. soroteabeti up, irlien sue gave e l~-Liet caUeti~tlie rooaterto ~uem aId. came on goiheaili-, anS th~e. rats, nicmg fiMit lié' titov& bis- spoTs sgliSrstouto,-anti'tbert Lie other, 'mileli flic hen~icke4 ont their s- s ie'nem style M'spring' bonnat loaks a, gorgeons- Inaect - cla<jsipg Lie n o! e mozneu's heed i!ltlimts clama, lrylng Le crawl formard '~a& Lai» o t'a~touse,~'!iÃŽldiuo1tiha.ryer,'~!or -' Lêtêcuimé id iné:'to LLlX~bauL a; ~'Xhcm ~~re juiL <lia to4~540 otheTs to abontani." - iklecè~ catupose~ èntltely>'~,ffio~v- 'e Lie Iatutquovehtles for Lie luIt- raye Lakearope luto pour roon s-iaoLel. - IL nue>' anable you. tO~ ,ut'eranMtiereis~o ~ge Aisi~ huI1iejo~taeW&iisA con~g~- iêofçusttop~ u Lo~e-'bi~ ~' ITUR LE & RFOT 1~~ ~u~'..A1bert j 89 Yon~e illtheni mn poil La Lii, ioaista5 c ) L ~ W O R ~1C zut [ANs, - OY VJiÂIIlS, t~MflEEQUINs, CORNICES, &o,, & ~'PETS min tri Lie bt ît~3 TAS. E. SAMO h CO~ B ERG PIAN( ~O.OO. - -:0:------ s flhia a meut long faIt- at nia EFUL PIANO ~ <tioarlueai of toue <ni cf <lie nmeet eaiah>ratsd naSe ER C s, l877.~

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