the namfniu~nE Trj~utg als ¶ L staifén. 7 ýF N lkr paM1oulanply WU»fr kM.4m D"nh8, SOUél$or l =eé DiM at Wlégbam, this 12th day of SY, tln.21 - Wlngham P. O. as POTATOEB CeA? I. A OAR-LOAD! per Rolî W16itby, gay 10, 18n. WOOL WANTED. Â NY QUAlnTTY OW lLLWABED SWoo,wanléd for whatezh l'e,î prIco IN CASE, WILIb. PAi4 T. b. d.liy- ored ln Whitby. Whllby, May 10, 1877. 2.iLONG,1 81r. IOtIN A, MACDONALD, South Ontario Book, Uioe, NETIIOU8A N/ IMM1E TADESALE7 AT ACTION,' - ' F JOHN ROBERTSON, SON &00., . - (Who oif'ered at auction a quarter million dollar's wort~o 0Fý NEW DRY GOODS PURCHABED PROM H-on. T. N. GIBBS, lI» E AD AT B9T GALLERY, 'O-8HA~WA, Opened Out, MJ or sent by Dun11te 1aoyonon recelpt ci the 50O CNTS rEB oopY. ACTLJ WZUTDY -PEOPLE Çs Shonlnet fa4j.te e icm fM work onut]hbiion lt sus Tylr liernard's win4oly, JOHN "ST MBY151, 177.Oiiawa W.hitby, May 9th, 1877 M N Y L ST 1dollr halt 'bn addition te au 1rate e eassMlevled mdac on Tngsuday, the <1h tust.,, In th.Town eti tlu aeh year thce oQItua Whitby, a £uni et monsy tn a gureé. The. hiedebentures, Or Any ef the=, mon»ws mdoupof ne$2 bil ndthe a&U the rateab e, ro]ryi remmner n #4'à and Ob'. The finder will Muololpallîy O e wnhp0 T18OFFICE 6 Tho sald bonus shall l. payal Whltbyi May 14, 1877. lun1-*21 such Debentures. -7. The Debectures te b. ilsned asi .B Y -L A W N o.- tlhe udhhollveredbi y the ibi te the A. is fîncorain h Al .l-awtoallil fto hoi- 1cMunicipa. Conap an d thé camie, or the ï(y o/te Toiwns/tip cf Piokor- coeds theoreof chlli b. by the -in, f ac ad acsit Uc Tc-. Trustees dcllvered te the galad and 0f fidawa aiiwathe Torn- paciy, train lime te liite as 1he dw ad.otawa ailiay oin- Compny myhécoms entitied t pau ugran fing ftors te, by ci ûte a under the cenditio wtt» of eonne, Illeto m of PFy» thi. Dy-law, andi net otherwlé. Thougand Dollqns, and Io issue beforo Lofetsnch DeBent4res sÉa Ds'snfresf/ec-corant taau- diîcesed etior eenverled into mono Dibters i Yîco antel au- dolivéred to- 1h. said Company, a]l il /ac yeld»o aseia ae matured, lnterest coupons théretc for ftoepaymcfttoerco.tached chali hedetaehed therefrom ý0f-.ruturnefi te lth. TreasUelrrof th. Muuieipnlily. Wlceroas, the. Tnrento and Ottawa Raiiway 8. Tii. nid Dbenînres, et tie pro conpagylias appllod te thé Cqrpera. thereof shall bé delivsred or pstd tien etithé Tewnship etfI'ickerlrcg for, thejaiâ Trustes te the. sild Coca aid by way et bonus téwarde the ceon- il the times; ced subjeet te the eo troctlon ci thé Teronto and OttaiWa tiens tollowlug'q that le te say; Ilallway, taelthe anieunt ef the siua of bentures, Urte proeoda tiere 1?lftt(Tlousand Dollars; sud lit la ex.' theimount.of Fory Thousand Do] ei n egattesns o théd. when the pooe roafi shah aitios herinaitr namd. >heaugrade d n.rbldged,frtran Aud whereas, for sbei purpoce, It lo necésé. Easterly lUmit of ah. sald Towug ayfrthé said Corporation etitth. North et the concession hUéebetw Touhpear eelgt igéDle. thé ixtlii sud seventh concession, turcs eoftthe said Corporationté thi <o i.Nrhel iil tt abnonit fthé, aiS sOum et ltty TJ',u' 7Powniiîp,East 01 lot nuanher dve sand Dollars, fyT - thé sî;d .ownship, bte theWesi4 limit ef thé naid Township, pissing Aid whereas It wil require thé sum cf tween thé illages ai Broughamj Four Thoueéud Threé Ilundred and Greenwood' and within on.ecmie of Sit l iliarz> te hé, raliaS annuaiiy by village of Whitévaie, and the. reca spée ai raté on thé whoi, rateable ro. Iug portions 04 sueh Debpqntures, oz Verty et thé saiS Township etf okr' pioceéd. thhreot, wben thé saîd r bng for paying thé sald Omofiaiflty eh ail have héén compieted tram Thousand Dolîrîe sud-interest aon the City et Tarantele thé City et Otta Debenturés to bé isitued thérefor, lu lcXe"pt as te suci pertions et thé eînai annualinlstalménts et principal tane pas te which rcnning nr-ghts aud interest withhn Twenty years. as havée bou cecuréd over etherRi herelitter mentionned. ways. ALd wlîcreas, tlié amoiunt ct thic wiole 0 htpraetfegi n aa rateahie preporty et the said Town4hilp 9. thlation tdanébenti l o utas et ierintg, irrepective et any foclure saf io ated ala ihémtineonml inereamé et tic. came, accordictg tote u aSp<lecl Ifod ih n i iaét rnéos ci sessinnl roll etité saiS lice villagéetfWhîtévale, anoîhér1 T(%nbl bigthat for thé ypar One tweou thé Village.setfhBrougham a c usi icIlucdrdand Stivenîy iireewood, unîd within hait a mile Si)I h c ua e Tre iiuI lt the concesion lin, belweu thé 111h a: IIccrdaSit cuteeMThtlclion d st ixtitconcessions et thée ahd Townsl! Rudelght ndie ollrte,. umn ad and anoticerbétween thée aid lastnarn Eighy Nnc ollrs.Station anSd'tvlcré thé calS Roud ic Accu whereini, thé amoucitclei teé oxistlng enter lie saiS Township on the Efuie de>t o et Iésald Corporation et thé or Nertherly honndmry. -Tewnshlic ef Picericg c, for principal, 1.Técutulo fli adpoo lice éum ef Six Theusand Dlare, andS 0 h.cntuto fteoi rps ticeré i. nothinîr due for icteret, and Ë1oad shah be bouc fldse ommencedi icopJart et such utéréat or principal ornbefore the thlrty-flrst day of etDcei 'utoncys lé in arrear. ber, One Thousand Eigbt cîndred i Aul.i wlreasIl, tor palnltg tie principal anS l cter. l t hedb ereby creted, by équai annai instalments, It will ré- S quirs an equi annual spécial rataet ()us MilmuSdFliten.huudrodlics etf a cili, aunithe dollar, in additioun ta al alterrates-ta e h.levied ici ccc4t ycar ti lh iél idniaiepallty. Bi Ilthccnfor enaéted hy lthe Corporation ofe lié Tbwnshep et Pickerng l inte County-at Ontario as tollawu: -.Tiot il 4hall anSdniayheItnfoti Cnorrtion of0 ie ownsiip ct Pic- kening ta aid an assisl lhé Toronto anS Ottawa Rieliway Company h ygranhing licrelo by'way ef bonus the snm oet ote a éiS Corporation,luDhnas 2. Thot, ton thé papops, atorcéccitIc, Ieuce 0ethle Baia Corporation uhal canse. Dolinhures alliéheid Corpora- tionhoahéunmode ta lie anounut in cli e tice suaief FiftYly Tusaud Dollars, ceci Dohéntarcite lie for net léms than thésurni eu Humdred Dollars, ta lia eciled wiîh thé seal oethle saiS Cor- Poinîclon anS signéS y hey lie éveanS l'aanorerliéeréot, and siail déclaré on tic fiee tiéréaithle autiorily ou wlcicic lice recue was lééned. J. That thie saiS Dentures sial liet- data On lié day hereinatter appuoinc-d fo tonhc e camii u nlor1ce 1-et usIly- law, aid 1shahli e issueS for lice c' t(ýIlitsand ayal ihŽin thie tinies 806l0 00, ici ane 3-car from ltce date tioe- e1441 (60, ia two ycane troni thé Sale lucre. W128 10,ficithii'ce 7car tram thé Sala lîecref; Whhu 19)in faut- ycaratroni thce tiate titane- of; el$1 71 7, i ivciyvare tram lIce date tiiercaf; 61820 l00, in six Ycusr thranidlte al Ire- et; S1021fL20, ici seven yeara fiera thé Sale thercof; 82044 05, lu cigicî yeat ru tnhie date tîcercof; 62i167 12, lu ciné 'yeancé troua lié Saté thanéat;. $2297 70, lu ton ycéré tram thé Sale thcore. e248 55, leven years fi-oua lhe'date . tiieroot; 8817,in welvé yemrs trainlice date $2786,(10, thirteen years tram tic date $2810,80, lunorteen. yéane trom lie date #3079i80, In iltéén ycrs tram tie Salé 14' théraof; 629 8, ila siteén Ysettfnuthé Salé tiereéf; $44 9, la seventeeu yeenî front tie Sale $882 20 n e'tee - ysans tram thie date tereot; - ý sa881i9, i )à téteuyears froanithé daté tiereat ;ý I4n448 ltwenly yeans front thé da1, cnS sueh l>hénnure phall hepayabié aI tie Agptccenai lhe Deaiiieon Ianie, Liverpool Msnlet.1 4. Thotthle setS d éenhres' shallbera laturvâat aithe ratée ftisix Per cent, per itt aupn~i ' 1 tni>caithé'date liéreef, andS cciMu Intee-esc shaolib. ýcyable yeanly ozi tie ie tIryfinit day o e Ueenier lu eaecui nj 11 yler s-en> -a, At thié Agéc 01 et licdatf Docminon Bank, Liverpeail Market, auS Tii sitei Do ébentures sbi il ave altachéd andt tiereto couons !er thme tntorest tien.- Mu, Th~t fan thée purpse of'paylog thé dehI' ieraby ocated b qualaoii on lta hntiinsa mrelfi an eql an- flui c,.Ia,'a. 5 ,Il e..11aci Il s N iew Dry Goods,), irked, and'ready frSale at R etai i où Paie ibl. eeve4 mtel ho gai CI, c i to r ;ai a t]l to a id b endî -De. fta bae éhij' 5, or re in er!y and the aWa, dis- iii thé le et lic. and c et and uip ced May ony em- nS tie lier lsy ur caOf ret ets mid lid aI ne )e- e ie, le - - __ e -td -a- ."u .evn eg, andcém-pletéd tnnrn i Cityex Toronte c e iCtyaiofta, Çexcept as te suci partions et aIlt CAds ata whlch rnnning riglls nm h.s abtainédl as aloreeaid) within fo yeara tiereater, lu de mîlt "wheri micii0 et lé aid Dehentunea as mmy: Main lu thé hauds et thé saiS Truste shell be returned tethe Treasurer thé snid Muntetpality. 11. Tis B-law shah coae mb tercé a: také elJéet on tie Tlnlryflirot cay Décembér, One Thonsand Eigil lHu: dreS and Sévéruly.ieven. 12. Tho votes of thé Elecloaofethle sa: éuatiiripalitc-shall hé takén on this B3 law, ou SAÃ1URDAY, thé TWENT' SIXTII De y et MAT, Oue Tionsax 'igkt hund reS mnl,,sévénty.seveu,1 thé follOclig Places, aud by anS bêeo the touloio"ig teteirning Oficéré, rc cpoetively, liaI is le Bay - Fou DcvcscortNcuocera Ocz. aI Austin Scuceel Houée-Angui Moray, Beln irîg Officén. l1on DcVcscoN u-dnucci Two, aI Il Tonipenancé Hall.lngsal-Dénjacal Mèeu, tetunng Officer. FitnDcvcsiou N-Urcen TuAtc, aut th Orange Hall, iiîti Ceneescion-Ebi nerer llirnell, uetuning Officier. Iitu Dii'csoc NumBEexa Faucu-at tIc Pullic Shool Rance, Daiffinés Creék- James Linten, I!eturilin Officon. Feu Dîvîscua NuuEn' iv cvut ahe Town Hall, Drcuigacn-Willlani unI bard, Réturntng Oficér. FOR DiVesoT81Etrai,,.rit Six, at 1h( Pubtlic ill, Clareuuont-Thomai Duan Btlnning Officén. Feu Drvceres Numcicu Srvme, et tic Tempenincé Hall, Dunbarton-Davia Gilciriél, itéturuiug Ofileer. Faon Dn-1.ýrosNc;îriia L'uour, aItlthe -MusicH llî- hiealei-joun, Wesley Wanci, Betumnag Oflicon. And Fan Dcvesio Ncsîcsma NNut, athc School Hacasé, Alloua, AhrahimI !eeer, Rcturning Otler.: AnS the POlU shah hé apenêd at Nine e'clock lathe menning, and close aI Fiveoe'cloek in thé aflernean. S. TueE[day, thé Twenty-ninth dmy et May next, ai ch. Ton Hall, ini the Village eftDrougiant at Ton e'cioek in the tonénoon, is Lerehy appointeS ai; thé lime and place fer the sumning up ly tlc Cenk ai thé Mntipmlty et'the umbér et vates givén tor n7 gd n the. gis 4. Saturday thé NineteénhSa y0etMay next, ua hce Town Hall, lai ti. Village et Droc4gham, at Ten e'cloek lu thé trnnla heréby appointeSl as lie ýimre 'IanS place tan thé appeolment by lie Itueve of lia saiS Municipality at pereons te attendaIté aios 7.lii places anS aI the ualsumming up ef lii. volés ou beialt et lie penons inerested Iu muS pracaeling or appasing the Dy- ]aw, reepectively. c Take unotice tlis heaicve ih a truecocpy à pr-opoeadj3Dy.i-aw whici wtill hétaken eo cc*siderati6cn iythe Conricil ci thé ulctipality (efl ts 'Z1ownship ai Pinesng, cr anc mardi tram lie fmIr puablication thé WscîTInv Caaoccaéaiéewspkper,the st et wich flret pnuication woaa c îreday, the. 21h ay et Apnil, A'D. 1877. Atiat lie votes ai % lphsçl-tonsoet the. sat nicipaitly wtll be lakeu tiereon ut tbe liag place, on lie dy a at tthe tme, 9hy anS hetoea theIi. Rttrntng OReers brein Umntd. i ?ETO E4,TO Best value DIRECT FROM EN GLANDo tPainterss'adthose havng painf4ig t6 do wi l icse iote the b e. I WHOLSALE'PRICES O-d Fe. -R S,s 1al 20 ~ '~mc.,5.iCéj t1 MTC &BIL. h/iéPéUt Line of Napkins tho be fecand ila ToWn OD I ___FLAN NELS AND' AHRIN %D, Hrt, EC1DH N W A VE T~ EM NT . Harvest, Tools, Garden Tools, Cai-pentérs' and'Blacksmithsc 85cent AIl wolFlann.Ifer 2à cents. Wi~ tToole. Head quarter- HATCH& BnO. NE F-% 0R H OS 1 E R Y, 25-cent Menn;' Bro Haif Houe fer 20 cents. SINGER SEWIGMAHN C A N N E D G O OD S 1' 20-cent Mens', Bro Haîf, Hose for 15 cente. AGENCY I HTY ~ E~cYTJ' 25-cent Mens' ]3ro HaIf Hcseé. for 10 cents. IT 15, C50 IýC. AX Tomtoe.1h- ens. orn15cens.25-cent P'ulBalbriggaai Hose for 20 cent.. Coré and Se. them 1 FIEA2D'-W 10B To ao s.... 2 et . c r ..... ....1 et .Ladiei Hasel, hemvy weight, for 10, 12, & 15 et. roc]e-St-, Wibty,Oe eleO 0loa al Cheries15 ents Cove ystes.1 cets. From $1.50 upwards Tip top vuluc. Wholesale atnd The, Best Assortment of Iieady- Thé Doit FmlSwn ahn ao Jellies, Cürrants, Peaches, Apples, Strawberries, Raspber- ]3ctail. Ke' Romenaber noted Clanîc Houée ofmdeOobg ries, Pine Apples,-&c., &c.-15 cents per Pot. . 'nandTown.n made ClophrchinaTown -Anoôther Case of Feit Rats. Latest -Renlice TEW YOIiK Marmalade, Dundee,, in., Bulk.' HATON & BRO'., Styles. 'SINGER below: Englis Pickes, 1~ cens. A God Jaan Te, 25 ents.Nobby lot of SUI Handkercliiefs, Scarfs & Ties for gents. DEÂX S Whtb1 érei 41h i77 E g sl i k e ,,5 ce t . A G o a a e , 2 ce t . Iinportca-s of E nglish aînd Ainariecan Hlardw ar , B rode-S ., W hitby. in y o In nt îio w Tek S g r Coffee, 25 cents. Prunes, 7 cents. ln y0i acw e ocr0ot, ok MaQt,187 :roceries-Sto.ek Fresh arnd Good. Sewing achine Ihle l t1lIbv Agents for Carlinf's Ale, $1.25 per Dozen, Molson's Ale, Farmers' Produce taken in Exchange. 01entyyemrsian -90 conts e r ozen. flamand Whiak.y, a fine Brand. in y muS ng ialileaIpeci G o d al a d R y , 1 . 0 e Q ll n .t ' W e offér harg idn s i n ev éry depai-Im en t Ibis cic n h. C a i an S eo u s. o h r hIndie tof S w in a h n s o 8 E JE J D S - W. J ~ flÇj<~ u% Ço tha is bmeéntie, is£cln E S 0 Nntiastading thi e stint ttn bleS adahoieBlleci, urap, aa-o sMal se edu, Lawn Grass In announcing the continnance of the WibArilt,17.1 otmciétim hp aeSeedi u, TonlvulCaneed, aduaionSeod.bsnslaycridon by TILLass JOHNRSN, asAgentlNePiYorkLS To L.rFairbank, Mcab, aleW1ly Seds PE ET OFF ORvl SH FsurtON SALL GOODS IlaelyL. FÀd o byTILL&iJONSOEssj B. H J M s N.Cabinet Makeréq and Untder-takers, M0 - 1 , i8 '~ Agent New okSigr Whatby, May 101h, 1877. L .iAI'JN G & S T W A8i- Ttes:-d hav at~cesr c di 21by himself, begs to solicit also'a con- W. mente of t aNkiie iw ______________tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore betwduolus o2 e!o NEWADVERTIBEMENTS. GRNb CELEBRATION 1 heHavrm. p ivea part of thLeir S n h anéor a prie th ir.Importations for 1877,- and ini a few days wil11-show the i havé baS, during iI ié 0 T I C BE1A grand celebration wlihbe heldeon etiieuac inuuuse tnuettc, Notie is eneh givn liI th QUEN'S IRTHpAyFinest Stock of Dry Goods tbey ever imported. Speci*al eau comparé with th NwartSne N - He las now o baud anExcellent attention inie oth tc fSilks, Velvets, Dress for ucetiluocé andn ay Thnrsday, MAT 241h, 1877, anth Stock, comprising Sideboards, Centre Tables, Whatnots, Goods, Shawls, Sprng Jackets, -Mantles, Gloves, Elosiery, M. ODNvn COURT 0F REVISION, MARKET. GROUND, WHITBY, Hall Stands, Sofas,. Parlor aned Bcdroom Suits, ail. ofiRibbons, Trimmings, Laces, Cottons, Pijta, Lace Cur. 'Ma reh-21tb1877 Niltianéeît fon thé Muuicipelity et thé Undér lie auspices of lie 1. O. O. F., B. S B. oka'elc' 'tu vr es aea. ~ . Q- OWSI0F HIBCoueisting ofaes ani varions other Sueir o ianshi, and of h eybs aeil tains, .Damasks, Linens, Sheungs, Black Lustres, andTeL q. __ ver'v Mourning Goods. yéar, wall he heid lunlice A PROMENADE CONOED1 We ,.± also invite the attention of the Gentlemen to -oui- chine whieiî 1 gelt roi ynwrsmr TownsipWellThé néwn, uSingerageplewizons ill- In tii. Drill Shed lu 1h. Eveninq oroders executed Wwi Dpropitfue anid despatçh. opecilsSrai ck fTedwihwYin c etrvletan on, any ahi>.ILgives (-om éést e cin'a< To w n hip H all Br oki u, f rti r p ntic han ce sma aîuis. atten tion to th e up hiolstering branch . M r A hand eom e form e'r se son Also a Choice Lot of ]Ha s and Caps, Ties, fows, and a le c"' th ée lates t f t.i~ a chn. ittéhere enaic l u ornoGOD SAVE THE -QUEENi l leli lyhne ice au the i'ux.o MATHISON.k iSthe trenoy. well appointed Hearse-Funerais fully. supplied. variety of other Fcuncy Articles which tlaey are prepared ho offer ait sucll illade iîy Me£cccaiywnyyaug. oniscJil tri ccîcreary yy i , ic th drtpca ,rices as will givo satisfaction bo the purchlacer, and mnuie a speedy étale' Tani- R. T. 28 h dyoAYSO, LMER1LU8E77W.ty My7t 17.E. J. JOHN SON. for the vondor. R.ODA, T.f dy f AIO UE LME1877. ,Ma t, 87.2 AIG&STE WAR~T.2th 1* W hil n a th 8 7 i .1 ( 1 O N 8 0 NM tb y , M a r il th , 1 8 7 7 . ie - îr D O N T i-A IL T k L Machines te litre ant w aés Sod B U T C H E R s o P L U M B E R M E R C H A N T U S T ~ B Yb a n d M a c l u e s C h e p . M c i e e a r S PlWBTRRBO UBE ECAT UTRCI 7"u-r c' Néedies, Twist, Ohl,Atlcmns,&. i The. su u ariber e ga ave te notiy th i. W H I T B Y ,r r ,~'L ' I D N S vielnity, liaI h. bas opened a Barn Lumben Boards, and all noces T. JJ. L E~ ' IE?. laA'14 ieAettctéCot- 3~ UpOH E R s H o Bailding LumLer. P ei , na ins cbey Largerders for. ong DIB intûea tromam ii, short notiae. FRESH SSUS ~RSB'8STRE Dndl-t, Sache.sudsaiS lnda clwmys on F R ES HStErEeDSi 'IR SB 'SSTO EDu7da9.,t ilD' M L L I E R S O W O/to r de .S sdosiu te ôatc (MORSTE RAÂ'c HoTELr,) Whitîy, May 7th. 1877. ly-20 I iohCoeA eia ed M LLIE H O M I n . i m o h y C l v e A m ri l aU .e e i i 1 11 et, u / - a r o a e V ere b.e wlI kep ensataly n bad a Oshawa Viidicator please luet one Woo sodasrmn ,f- Corn, Canadlian Seed Corn, Amer- WILL 13E OPE N IN A FEW DAYS WITH Golotnr f hlc//i/ LAMB, WAIP's I I tAI1%1aican Fe C rwi/ bcoccuictnj trs VpOSO toke anti Icoatinue MUTTON, The subseier wiIIpîy CASH for gsaiy GassTares, L .a- A .aL T 1H-E N E 'W *E STthe sameIote toScadvlag o &c., &c., &c. qunuity at alean wached woaita Livoeol j-s A eaUl is solicitl Market. ±vangola, uarrot,pulchgta. A. PII7GLE,, Jr. PLASTER anS BLACK8m'-a' COAL ru'foele tence httly, May 151h, 1877. 21 for sale ehecp. T- MCCLEL.L-ND- heni eof theilldanSepeé cfwdi J l.MCELA.saiS Baccoinstrectlibe,adth cmét STBAMER Liverpoel Market, thMtay 1877. [ eSecalTrm Cuuty er sanigllatMilsleetand ich ate FITS EPILEPSY, chnslo e ia oot.MotFsinbe-Sye.énd include the folilaids iI at onch n s . L w e t a T r nt .c m énciicg tnone Louamner T sty oli vét ytué dITY 0F TORONTO FALLING SICKNESS LY0F FAM L GR ER E té t eot Wei ,vsfoofYnge-st., Tennte, dmy aI t int's uage f Dr. Go la lecuheatageetndLt .a., reaches Niagara at 9.80 a n. , mS uJ-I oýbro en t nd B S Iténnisd tMIICek iné( wilnaI1e n.D M.,onncin ns hi hs.wId a .elimfr ' NhTOWN - iatdé ofIS nerti r the FeUls, Bluffalo. Cleveland, Roehestér, them, w e will senS them by malset a*e2S ( . ~ '1- 3w Tank, Bloston, &ce paiS, a free Trial box. As Dr. Geuad s Wbitby. April 251h, 1877. 4in-18 od'fresvnyl 1ikets'and ahi iiforimatio nta 8 Front-st. the. enly physiean liaI lbm ever madie tii ___ ipofi sah eik. L u oie- eti ocnt id )ce- ne. ind be or ie ,cd id bT' âi Le. ve or id ie »'Will offer durmng the q t1 00ed Futi Uolored Printsatai60. 70 - c- an Plaer COtton At Se. 70. 8.0. o. ,Iffd White(lotion ant 5c. 80. poc Iole. and 120. DOe Ru lpc,SrigS (3-,20OCus;wrh6cns Feyar,88ocswde euhders' Hardware, coiiiprisig iipr: orLcsjT BLE LINENS, TOWELS, CRASi-ERS.- ou-cent Looni Dico 'Table Clotho for' U5cents sD. enate.steY sea r nue man, and as --i - J>.MILOT, kuowledge t ua5ésh. beauen as Agent.enliy careS hy tic nse ai lies, FSdens, d XaY l14th, 1877. 20 W. WW iguamtee a permnainiet c n A J- AGE S AND BIG ES! 6 ~ ~~~every eue, or retond yeci anmlimney ex. BJT;E - 'THOs. pEpÂAT E'1 pende. Allseig shoiild, give these ' EOWÀHIIL b.rsuatie eûr..W ndb ovido Pwer curatrii ndb vied THE LABGEST AND) MOST COMPLEESTC CLOTHES CLANED) AND IF FADED rice, fr large box, $3.00, or 4 boxes for EESOKO Femîhers, RiS Gleves, &c., eleaned sud States or Canida on recolpt ai prie, or be any claur. AUl ardens left with W. P. express, C. O. D, Addresa, C ri es 816 h q iirelyCngtierheioturb cln -.1oo eth mt I n ate nlS~ îiigs lih d C tes iheo ,Cofettne, hby, or sent hy ÂSH & ROBBIN5, rail, wW lb. prempliy attende te. 121-by 860 Fulten Street, Breaiebin, N.Y.t PUBLIC MEETINGS CONSUMPTION PO0e8 IVE LYCXRD M. O'DONOVAN' S Milsuifferrson met his as. uethtare anxlons te b. cure-shuld try Dr. Riss- CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST-, WHITBY. uer'. Celehratea Cenmnmptiv, iPewdera. TodoiThese Pevwa arc lie oniy preparation - VR CH P.CL &BE Tosdt~ h.oproprietyoetAdngtho known thât viiiure consum VRpllon anS ailETHs .ý TORONTO& OTTAWA7t~ IL Acovince o en liaI ha7are n' --mbg, va pai"a iras _ y uferer, b aipost S R NG ~ o . wzwe aowl.dcnw vnt yeur monay anti yeu n' reIW m BEL» T.As FOLLOW5: duit.iode ft hein utYewj 'At Clareniont, eù Mgndayp May 21et ut, laVém orti avingdn t Y~ 1877, & aI7eck, p. ni. gi,.g lasPowdm aa- triaiy AI Brougian,-i, OnTcesayday, A7280,n , 8, sn'l n A atx' -cT I2 olclocir,'- a1r ai * tuelab.dStrIeaor Cam HbyA ~ ÂN vOME LOT 0F A t W itev a e, eo n T ce da , M a y 2 2 0 , mî a me9 ep t p rio e. A d d<bne.soc o k - .A ? tr R B 3 N , .COH N W P 1 ' At Greenvooii, an Wednesday, May Gn20 860W mFulon SIreet, Broekiyn, N.Ty. 5,ND-j at 2 e'eiock, p. m. ' :1 At Duffins' Cr.ek, an Wudnesdiy, May s TR&W &zwn PELT BT-1AT T,ýýN 28rd, aI?7 e'loeir, p. cm. HT TJT-OHN) aIS2 oebocie, p. m.'LADES' ANDa 3% s- At Dabarto, onFrlday, lie 25th Lu- Ùat s - z P .TLE-MEN'SHATS guitabîe for Syn ~ A arg'tteaidacce Io requsiiose CLEAKDDand d BMAn lice aca etl I repat Ipotance te F.>D ad RMAB Tewnhlýx' nh .u"-dLt tà m ur B c [Le leT Ti ~Ea "Garden Rakes, - Garden'Roes, NalPaints and Oils, .Paint 'Cut tocn a re f -t lehle wécst hiniÎïl à asa7'Street ; Ihancé ISenth, sixiéen égrées eà st, foliewig thé Iprodcuction oi sais vest limit o a séim S trécItle-o chamais and fltty-str links, more ior lésé, tth, e sîithlimil t fal. lot num- -dégrées, eutî long sil South bintaity and ene-IaaltMies an forty ete, t place ai biglnntng, conlaining' fourteen oee-un- drétha a an acre -Ocro or less, and eqm- of the 1 e (-fag ot 68atI49 l na 'l direction folle links, nie r 1 GIROSeer des-&MAN in Stocka GhtyArOSS & MACN1C7TA SADDLEIRY WILLIA Begs to direct attention ta bý "g nei ND H, )O- lis.- ,IU, ha.c anVarneliBrshs,&c rv uni n IMPORTATION$ the couilty, 'Raw and Boile-cl Line Gela uine, moi, ;f or Latchýes, , Butts, Ringes, Scriew Best Out and other Naflg, Gjass, utt3ýl ý - Treuùrer. -, Whitby, Apzfl 24,1& kti.- kA .4- D la ki --000- Spades and Shovels, everý de'.Séription