Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1877, p. 4

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.au Moîy ;s-ausaosm for Ahaors ta lie guocithlung, but a Na. 4 BLILFINCHBSt., BOBTON, ut-. tis wes il bel OPOIEIEVil4110138E.> Day, bt aira TIIE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, e wlioelnelo quas- Or SELF-P 1REBERVATIOU'. kde atn asslgnnaO- labhiltl e sepleed MORE TItAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. alectu re estimat- Gold Medel .Awarded ta the ,Author MaUisons Bank, Of by the.&#National Medcil Associa- gint - ini for lion," Mardi 318t, 1876., Jut aublisheci by the PEAI3ODX MeDIIIA INSTITUTE a ew edltioiz aof11 aca aoknt utlte S CIENCE OF ri ;or, «LI-PiIEiiIVÀTION" Iltrogtta upUan e- )On ho ,haw tait, how ri'cîLed snd haw l)erpt. tiateti; causa and cure ut Fbsanstad ttalty, IVM,.J5F.Imteocy, Premature Dallnq lu îuan, Sler- ITOMi ) larrtcae, or 8otnial Lassas (notuîrnal iuis- geoig umwh pturmat) Nervotan id Pitnalal bl itîtl -Hy- ap o-remttwnlu rlocMîan. 1'rebodinge, Mon ail De. lest 0 dbitamaed,5'ma me, CLounsof herlp', igrd Counten.- ILn e s lsasorImpure state af the Blton,ansd ail <Uast., huim.oiFAreu ale tamc-or i'Yonth or thea indiscît'. 1 Fass lt> ..tions or excesseof ai neo it'ra. It telle rau [aU about tse blt-ais oftitillera- i ePlrolugy, lte i'hysltlogy aofIdarrtago, ofvWed ek and oring tlug ysical (Contraste, 'srus Moraliy, F.nîplrielaîn, Ilerverstoi of Vl ~ ,~u marrta'e, Conbjgdl1'recelYt end lfrbautly caun. aiege so hysleatlutllrie t tiscauses alld cure, lielations botwvoantihe Sexew,.Proots ai thea % Epansion o! Vice, eXsd lemais, Msaiie S dence. Auient Ignolrae andE roi ban of ur, Creof od an sudbnd. 'Crue 1Pria. Ilnvalld ltcecero, fise Aîîtlici"sPrbnsiples. Ir ieoti okil oniy i.00. 4J~~5~ * me book aiseso centaineo mai-etitan FYul7 a4~ .~"t Prescriptions for the abave lieîiied sud lliehr -4. dissses., osai. one Worth imare tita tte pnics of, i 1took. /a<,~I~J The. Institute alsa puiblisheej10TE Sb PHYSIOLOOY 0F? WOMAN AND RER DIBEASES.' Price, Si. The fA k -beut book of he klnd 'extant. 'ldn. g exctuaivcty 'Menttal ari. Net-ions DiOsse;; . ÀcP4'e marc titan »11 royal otsva pagea, twenty aie- r 2ant suarsalugs. bouud Lu substantiel menit. % 6tv ires ont>'12. liar>oteistgli to psy fort- t-I 16 liBok for young cutij utîtilalted giMou ta roend luat aw1 Ote t ScnceetfLie, or Roll! . 'P s ervaton. -Ihsoatt ior has iotteratd troua z'/. 11eceln ,<altl andtue gisth chieCole1, ng has4ustlit et theOs siaboilit '0 M'M dical baîtilutoe, No. 4 liiltîiehStrauit, Bone- n Ms"lEpatAiJOCUINAL. - ctance.of Lie e i tcclaylot inattaolc - o îematctreorullîary wark on Pthymitolo- Hop le tod intltubattent u an ',i,~' - LLE by hisuPoitoiîetvlulqçoilis, publillîd by th Peaody Iodict stîtute, witich ore tFAOTORY, teaalîiug titausanda bew vta avotil tie ,naladtoes ltai sap ltecitueta Ii.-'tcf i.tiit ____ - "l aiauli ha raad b lie itii' ng, the tuitdie -. a en sd oeonthie oli.-Niiw Vn anIiitJi. ThëIall,-itandionly madai oer aonterred d freia bout Hevaîta upan an y Modicl bleu n t1ilts coutlr-, asna lîclralS ~'S. .'~recognition ef sil ant i lroiessJilîservicesi eutd Dalere Wau ~prexaîs ta th e uetior ai those î7ort.s, tad gielthan lfa rIn11581, 18741. The proenstatten e wîg uctco- 40 tegivethowa ed ttos eotiteoccuranceb y tie Bloston Pi-nacsd tUs loadit uî.q utni ii-oogiaut tua -ly.7 aountlny. Titis tassut cent' 'a or tattictd go t, sot wth marc titan anaeituucred tudia - - - - .~.. lamancstearie trilttîocy. O "Âttogetlîat'.in ltexoeuttettud tih, rteh' 1<1 P'I A NO neo citn i tuerials, andi site, tUb ilmtlactdad- lte itnt otittcî i iiiî'tUtci-ar sttitck lu tiis ottt7 yfor auy IîIIr)j.,,atttver. Itlet wttl wîrttîli thîe eoofa Ntiot fiitatftlti - was fataly wott and wortilty t5titt"-I JU' ~ NCIUYT 3tus-r 'tnttt',.it rd, 1873. Catlogtue sent an Yrt-dult of111conte for PoAîttge. Iliter aiftoe tbove wnî-ks0Petitl'y teai on recolpt tof prioin. Addresm i-ivAltOi lEf I-P 'I wçatt flttg frît- CAL JNITITTI ,(ai' WIf.l'ARKERl, DI, D., Cosltn Pyica .,1n. 4 lollincli St., Boa- N.B3. Vieolior can Ite coîîlîltéc on tle UJfi jPIANO aetve usoiei iuîetso,, wiet ait -titdietîscm raqttritîiaki. sici- tttt expwiatitce. Office ti ai.fnl heurs, ittA. i. lta r.fi, ,x lIte boauty ni lulainai l Ut mcdlelicatt' matt', st-tithmtlo retat,,ilt'i If IO lie alei mw i epossible tiîtttpply a ail 'dplant) loi'aaolot 1I4AL F HE PRICE gobneu-sîty clîctgatl, Vite tilsWrt lin [lu lie niekliig or saie ni hse Outit- 2monts, ltera are tua lat-gaeluaroara tai heep IpjI, neg randisla hii<illsi ta nenalut,, Or hIQ eixleelva tavelinhtg egentis ta Payý. i'Tcsme litiîuuwelitoara aIt ronde ai a- LJNIPÃ"IIM STÂIADÀl, PULLi SItVZN OCTAVE SOTI) ID RON -PRAMII., (VERBTBUNG BASS, lAURvED LBEGS .'lJOltTi'4MOULDi'GS tlO8IWOOD CASES. £'I8COUNT 0 'F 10 PER CENT, -wiOt be atiowsd Scitoobu sand Couventsl, aluno li, Clergyouen taortthe use afliait- familles. - - W. A-DAMS: Whlltlus-, FPsitety, 111h, 177. * 8 Every auto0itas hoat-clo -~ teuwouderiul affects oftle lp-aeuSPinos lu casas id oLuuîg Dlesm» Thbei'e. Ms- Murs-es lu hie boditevn S Y RU [ lte Adls-ouuaeks, latelyptl eousumpliveYounograma ttr4e. menoanîl irng ont R Fi 1) rcuogtho Pues. lu Prince tsplusioianq- regulsnly ce o ten nouuplIve pu. - ~th Ie ineoods, an Sprqoe made fronhtheis prnuglu lape. GRuAY'" sratu- im a ucien. Ofitu couibinstiou ai the gain U-.rM.e mnvhhexudus fsain the li SSpZC re te. i t his pt-e. paaln tus guetnovar se. aUafîMre-pasaIes, sud. sîl ils mnît. au pgueered. Pas0-rcou gos Coldo, - Hcana.s eT tot Afico- lices, he-, il marks li.a M O,- HO ~W LOST, HOW LtE. J0tPlbMeh9.,& ,Bnelwaditisu of ÇDs.OvvsbWaL'a Cluit-at. @acsw 1cu te acl cre eaknhu, on oeau. m e, W gglng;tde b OF FEUS TOGlDE TAKEN TABY CUNSTA-BLiI S. (Undet Ot-der lu CouneOl, dateS 24tli tiss af Juls-, 1874.) 2. Art-est of oseti inivOinal upon a warrant ...................... l D 2. Batviuîg sununuons or attbpoea.., O 8. Mllù« la serve surronus nt- poeus or M-atrelut..... ........ lu 4. Mileage mien serviteccinuoh La upenut-oi lue dilll«enec. . ) 10 0. Milesge taIing drisei o ul eesarils expencleO lunlteoir ri -vayance ..................< 6. Alouilig- Jusitices an eumîoat-y tals, or uexauinstionof ai bt- sonars chargea mihcrimne, for tiacit day* ooasserily mdyt lu eue or marc casas, wehn, iot engiagcu ni'e titan four hotte., t 7. Do. ti. moeuiglged nmorsttai, fabout-sue .......... .......1 .50 8. AIIondiug Assies or Samuiaiti euchday................... 150 9. Miboage traveling touatîtend As. sies, Sesions, or before Justice@ (Mion publia canvelaieesctln lie laitnon nly rassanable uiitirot,. monts tlbhoe llowed.). o ... 10 lu. Bumtnning 'Jury for Croners'l Inquesal, nuinug attendio« et nquut, asdaIt services -an res- pect Iboeof, lif haISn au suteday as jury suamonea ....... ... 20 il. Altendlng ascii djaunameat hereot fsot 'alengagea sucra tour haut-s.........;..i.....1 0 12i. Do. do. f engagea rare Itîtt I tour heure ................. 1 0 18. Servtng carmons or nbait ' shtnd behoûoreo-nar (subjeft No. 10> .....................025 14.Moaeri sne............ 010 ~:ExIukOngb yv'ndes Coraner's 17aBrinS arant,... anti.... ne....2Ù n mlrre sue:............. 200 " t£rnng ........1 50 le. Advertug nîtier distreosa r- rant.... *...-'............1 50 19.- Tcavailiug taumlte distrems, or-ta sesa-h for g«oalSte d is. t-sas, mien n10«code are tunti.. uo. e0 Ptmies- , hr y. Appraisam2,entsnhlit un tlie-Value of goads -- al. Caiagne, sale waSccnlMttsion a .0idivs - f gaodîs, 6S1e. in lte08, au-n e teodne(gooda. 22,UZOuthnueass ra ntitmet--eut Ca, Serving notices an' coutafablei, à rhoeilrsonall7 set-ied... ) Os-dOs-o r - - - r 20'e ing -nj ta the lcnmprovemsnt.a; that îustice tae ouruaivesandui patrons requis-e of nu ta state that breavé modifisd It in Almt u* r euentIal part, and Kr d~rengOli sud tlnrability, quality ofi-cuts in every kiud anS conditi on of grain ; ligitnesof drftan aof muasienkt-the "JohMuton," as nanufaottired by uu-ndandu ýIr.emýëjýy JJ&a' il'éterreepers. Ià proof of Ibispoatlon we have only ta point ta thie many Firut Prizs awarded us-at the laut Provincial trial of On- 'teno , snd 'onany county, trials 'irhloli hovè talion places al over canada, irithin the lest fsw yearu. OU R, TRIUMPH OOMBINED'MACHINE w.iith laite improvemnenti, is"all that can b. desired Oina&Ocinhineti Machine, sud cannot faittae uset alt thé requiremuntu i purcheseru. Our Improved Cayuga Ohief Jr., and Our Young- canada MowerB are bath firet-clus machines'- Oatituteil almoat whoUy af Iran and tIeui. The Cay ugs Jr. lias a rear ont, and the Yôuüg Canada a front Ot ; bath urang, dur- ae machinas, and, ual excelletii b'y any machines in the marlietfor quality af tint, dnrability, ligitnesof draft,. adaptabiOty, and ceeao managèetien± OUR: NEW' "WHITBY HARVESTER."y ~A~the country heu becor'me botter adapted tea maobîugry, ancl M#ny afi0aur farin- er have becoine akilled Oin the use af machines, a grawing demaid lieu uprung np for a Lighe, Durable, Firat.Class Éeoper. 4Mire ta the. roqIirements af the day, ire bave uucceeded Ou Oventing a ma. chine with e Wrought Iran Franc, witb the toast passible gearng-with largo,, broed'faoed drive whe,,-end san cons4ructed thet thi. frame andI table tilt et the saine - ine, thiarehy keaping thie pitý,en elwayu On lins iritlà tic kalife. The raites are- driven directly framéfi» h. mlislaft-there being nô perceptible ulde draft, audl no weight upaai the herses neciku. We are confident that w. hav'e r.uccecded On inventiug t-lie mont perteot fleaper, taking it- in o11 itu'pariu, Oliat heu ever been praduceci. We lie a pplied for lattera patent, and uliall halL aur inventioni for aur own eelusive manufature, and w. respectfully suggotta ln- tauding purcliasers, that tbey sbonîtI se Ibis machine bWfore.gtviig "è oirasders. for the caming lîervest. Tho "Whitby Haresteowigu llad00pun, btît being made princîpally aof<lie best quiity af iran andI teel. and frami lin!la goujnansd compact catiitructioa, il combines the strengolaend durability of the hibaviear machines. AIl of eur machines are fnlly wairrstad. With tbis 10.1 of machinea,5we feel confident thal w. eamet every re. quireinent, and ire respootfully soiait a trial oi aar machines, believing that ire çau furnish e botter machine laflichemoney titan enu bc obtaincd elehere. Respectfully Yonrs, B3ROWN & PATTERS-QN MF'G. CO. Wbitby, Onîtario, i'cbriary, 1877. JUST AI{RIVED AT THE YY31- ji- ;i'FJD~JUN 'b. Wauted-anl the Highest Market Price .paid for an oVr.é1 4uâAti ..fgood Dreuad Poult$, Butte', Potàtoes, Beans, Peau, Wheat an'd epo W. J. GIBSON'S 'Whitby CLOuaTes Stère. pD TnhèJ CHEA FWNITUÃŽIE HOLI8'" E It o o For your Parlor !and Dr&,awing TILL &* ;JOHN SON.ý ots lgo to For1 your Bed-roo m Sets, Dining Room Furniture and to furnish poôUr house co0mplete go to TILL & JOHNSON. For Gilt Cornices, Picture Fram- ùtg in every Style, do not forget thp place- ;the 'ighf of the "BIG IROCKING CIIlî"ý Brook Street, Whitby. IJNDEITAKING DEPARTMENT. Rosewood anadWoln-ut Coffins, WalInut and Rosewood- Casktg; ail ]4l#ds of. Ladies' and Gents' Rbès.' Aso à first-class Hearse. 1Whitby, Auguot 251h, 1876. TILL &JOHNISON.1 80-ly GENT'S CLOTHING A ND ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS-.1IFUIRNISHING G-OOXDS FOR THE 11-0Ln1AI7 -Y- Sm]E&SOv!l NEW liAISINS, FANCY GOODS 0P ALL RKINDS, OANýDI.F8 (te best ini towri), A LARGtE ASSORTMENT. NEW FIGS, ORANCR PEEL, LEMON PEIEL, CITRON PEEL, SPICES (ail kindas,) CHEESE, HAMS, ]3BCON, LARD, &c., &c. AUl of which will be sold Clieap FOR CASH. Fresli Oysteirs and Haddies received IDaily. PETER SMITH N.B.----Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Apples. Whitbyi Dec. O)tlt, 1876 50 N EW S T.A T I O N E R Y B O TORE AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTRJEAL -TEL. QEFICE, BROOK-ST. George Yule begs to annnounce that ie lias re-opened hlis Stetionery anîd Book Store in Whitby, wliere statiouery of ail kinds, of lte besd quaity, will ho kept on hend ; cita School Books of «et-y (leScriptiati, Copy BookoF, Shates, Poncils, Inks, &C'., &'., et the Iowe'st The' Daily tand Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- scriptioiîs Solicited. Musical Instruments, including a fine assortmeiit of Violiîîs. Ordaers ara taken for Potiodicaîs, Magazines anaI Music, ForSuperior Clothing suitablefor Suininer wear try the Clothing Store and Mierohant Tail-, oring establisument of J0ET1IN- Ti miJ F G -USO0ISr, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND STYLISII(JUT WARRANTED! Gent's Furnishing Goods of au ikuîls, irîeluîding Shirts, HaIs and Caps, Utubrallas, &o., ýWhitby, July 27th, 1876. tf-8i CH Q/CE -WlNE8 LfPUPE L1QUOJi> at WHOLFJSALE and RETAIL to suit the HOLIDAY DEMAND1 UNUSUALLY LOW PIIICES. TRY !IF-REDE-RI1(K NEA LE'Sl SIMCOE STIIEET, OSH¶AWA. - AGIENT FOR IJAVIES & BiRO.'S Celebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. tTHE -TRADE fleha, .Dac. 14. 1875. BUG«G SUPPLIED 1 * - 15 1E GEO. YLJLE.lIFor Sale at very Reasonable Prices. whitby, Dot,. iith, 1876.J, - J.R. PHILP 1las just î'eceived Lis fail stock of Several Open -Buggies with ehild's seat, Lady's Open Pheetonle latest stylo and very liglît, Covered Phaitons with Illiug Seat, also Liglit Top.and Open Buggies of Stiper- j or Style and Finish. CARRIAGE WHIPS, STOCKS-& LASHES.14 made of Alto ut lag uitg îd excellenit issortîuîeut of Brushes aùd Currycombej. A good assaa'tuont af i Lîti' and Gents' Truuks, Valises, Satahels, Sliawl Straîis, Scliool Bags, &e., a'Il bouglit et close pricea. Mýy usuel stock ai Carriagc and Team Harnetos, Collas-s, Halters, Belts,, Suaput, &C., alirsys on haea, Whitby, Navember lOtit, 1876. BraokiSrest, Whltby. WILLIAM TILL'S CABINET FAGTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS 1 THE -OLI»6TA ND, BROCK 8T11EET, WHITLYO Ga where -you cannot filt. be' pleas-ed 1.1 making seleotionsof good furiture. Spléndid Parlour, Drawing Boom aud Bedroom Sets, irýl Desigus wel lhy of insp ecion, at astouiahing low r pieea. Din- in-oo xtens3i0n Ta.bles-o> vcry superior artiole. Gilt Cor4cc,ès,- Pioe t sar iu.gg in every style. ýomfuie ine Xoms an&l Engravings for s'ale. U *E,- D UIRTEVA TcÈ: - VG Wbitby, July 5th. 1876. the best .Material Warranted. and1 TOMS & NEWPORT, -Whitby, Ontario. 28 LIST 0F ATTCTIONEEIRS Lioensed for,-South Ridin'g of Ontario, - North Riding oi Ontario, and septarate Muni.iÉalities in ihe latter. Nasa. Bxsmritez. Mueîcwanxrr. Laaxs«a Expiaxu. Northit Rdiug..... Dc. 151,1876, SouthtROting .... Jaun 24th, 187. Soutli ROinq ... Jana. 261h, 1877. SouthtOntario. FeI9y Sid1877. Mers ............ MrlastI,ýle,17. Bt-oct.. ........... 11711l , 18m:. Brook .............. . , '1877. N*brli dg.... . . lhti2t4bh1877. Nantit Rldiug. Olt'? 11h,187.- Tocthsi.n........Na . tIi, 1877e Net l ing .No-r;. 11h, 1877. Tiomes Tucker. - - Leaukdale.. Dom. Wiaie. ..Trnto,.. Thoras Pencher,.. Martita.n..: J,-K, eruon..... Bloaminglon.,. H.. ODs -Atherlys.-. DonsadRosa-....Beetto... Elisa Bores-M.n..le ~ yjlla~xb4ig Edwad Majo.. Glen Major.. . E, H. Camrnou.Beverton,. 3cmL. attis.. Pr e-y .. LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE 00 c. ONTARIO. la MaGaenu., -do .- aGOllien .- -do. ot Broc-- i .......... 1 horse, Ceunis....' 2 herses, Cianuts-. . 2 liorgs, Caunts-.. - 2. horse", Caunts-.. - 1 limre, Canai=t>'.. - 2>uas-ueu-.. ing, w ii w ý&u ,eqSos .se w .atýeep'1t inu.perzssn anuter tsanwnc one setasss cp teon ce it.nten ëuminutes s ýWoek ha suffiolant To explsin cleanly anS On dtal the plan upon which aur Machine is coustructed, end bawi t operates, la a matter bi saie, diffleulty. Ouin n aertlasment; nor inOs imnportant taý t,ýe aves-agc -inquisar. -Suflcient. ta tnoir, tliaI bils usé, mih veiý 10011e r, £1 omaàU epens~udenati égt aee, liec eu rly ou getting su abuaiiiat Iight at ail tiras. Preïious ta the. trodotiaxof airingas nmsehines. insu y mmil asworkm ire eerecled lu varions: parts <if lie coulitny, Onu i gas was macle tbrough destructive Sistllation h1 fise abS ratta.froan coal or oïl. Thes auwrks mne- ezpoudve-ran tIùs>tfor siOitàble bufldings for o gas holdes-, &c., lu necesarily ïgmt. Thayma o'o re considerable cave auS skil1 toa nsge,. The mianufacture of gags for a slngle dmeIIang'dpntands nearly sa munit labour, and quite as much sil as la requirad ta malte s suàilyiÛMclent la furnish a %moul village.- Tha praees Iu iuno suse automagtie ; as aften as the volume o a, u amineS in lie holder ie exhausted, the retorta muat be rechargeS, tha fit-as rekindledd,dlIe labour ai manuiacpcingau f%:riup l eebe muS traublasoxue. A quantity ai coal, aaies 'sud rubbisYi îOxnlate abutthe-îÏoks ; hie Odour erising irar lter te 1a vecy mrions objection, lu man' cases, ta thoir introduction. Gai mmuuimctured -on tuas plan laecao quite axponsive, -, iu adcition ta tholfiret coat cf 1h. m4atas-tt, h talten into mcountt he labour oauacture sud the expenseofairepairasiupon'hsà;apectu-aiiteell no ar*aîl item. It muai also b. banne On mind that in sinaligas iwrt-tu he .appliarcea of maigufas ture arc norver o perfect, nor the yielS ai gas propoclýiauflyDreat, as Os ob5an.eclat.»e large workIs l u he citie . -- 1 , 1 prefes-ble for 1h.foltowiî 9 aon lut., Iiir Al u t îla mci bas. 2ud. No expniva ont-buildings arc requit-ad. Vie tank ta contain the ga& gonera- tar la a ali and cheap affair, underneetit the «round, ont ai igil. 8ra. AU tb. labour anS trouble cf oidg gai la saveti, The. cane aur machines t- quire iu ab triging as ta bc seat-ce twacshy aimention. 4t1e. No adoun garbues tram Ohe manufactnre, nar la thore any lilter or clint. Stb.- Ont-' hinaare autofftttlo ; h. geuir Iasst-aSy fornous. (11h. *tare r- repaire ai muy kia'd requiied. Ont- machinas aie equally good sud, au thinga u, Ebered. muait chaper. Ous of our machines le useil ta llght a nunr er ai b07 iusdt céda Ã"isidrale ltac ro7 euch other.Ago p ai dwellings in lte aun eth-,o-i.bsnaspr iaiat aam n s'ybelhted. et muai lesei oxpeauaslie scb Odlidulocupant iar t inymu ppraus a oehalithe coat aicoal ga1 mark. Euch causumeIr n"ay bve bsmtt Oupyn only fot rbat gae Au vitenc ailb.disanc liaI iti kind 0et a c o as-t-ed 's'ithont sueTiug EMa torii> rm condensation, .ire ionîi a t t t ot we, n 174% solS e mach ne ta Mr- Etiga J.0e-ieno osetae, Toronto. Titis machine heoeS in ùghting bis housend a numbe ailampa, couveyOug lie «as saute tour bundradfi eet On au Saing ; in ticalaur.p it hout removed.ftra leiamachine ho lies an equally godi ligit us On the -anc neareat ta In itraduciug large machines, suaid I-libirg thet-awith a numubet- ai buildings lsmp pet sy bc et paogh te hlantern a e otrance «ste, pipes extsndÏng to bar, sablr,- - tothetutance f-hlia mile or more.. H nhdexeineint au aict ftemachines fat-a. numbar ai yaars in lie Unite gSse. u as practicci mecitanca, me ana canfident tintcar machines anc second ta tnone on Oie Continent. We da nat.cantit Oan invention ai aur amu, but me have maola several irprovemonts te mak lt a tie s anS reliabte. -We test ei-e ma- chine under our arn supervýissen, sud warrant ther ta «tva satisfaction. PRICE LIST OF TEII uANAflIAlN OAS SSÂCRINE, COMPLETE, Frac on boarîd of -ar8a t Toronuto. N 'nubei' 1, ratedti t suppply 15 Buruors, " i2, " 180 t 8, " rio 4, 'i 75 di 6, 64 150 " 6w000' di 7, ci 2()() 700 00. id 8, di 20 "di 80000. - if . 4" 300 di 900 W. - t 10, " 4W0 id 10wo00. Larger machinas matis, if roqnircd TO PARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING. rre nrls incnaneceti. rdipuarypipes, nbs t- s iOUieitadcOna co n «a are U neeedm su s-t a i -. a -yt appbuligstmciec. esoctan pp-niy plte riy a Oite urep.Ont snne rants re scb, tinatnd aucomte mliny d nto. îýug lt! çsont0 a . W hl ee e o ansr tfoite sutiras johepartie cuae o asrtii a to f li e untrpole esbuilarmines, tmchinetts caWse ctia s s tu n i ty .sPoniii sa tir u.luIbsa inguman ahrindsmaibine, s xureccs Seend 1argels -upon a Ihorougb dor-standOng sd ifa nlecuyo tcllia Winhass r .iacypie ft ca as, iron yt e u t ao ur m ae ihn of a b t a-dr0 lt-G sain .Our ara g uicuts arescbO ase au Ai8aI eatdor or Cophýernsta a3 nt-Sos-frst u aslu ao. hrk fb b250 00. 50 où0. 375 00 TEST IMON IA LS. I have bave hiad aeeaifJoseph Pitillipa & C'. Air Gas Machines On une aet ms -place On Rosadale for about aigittean mantht. Pt-arry experi2cc a m as atisfiet wit lic principle oaltia Machine. Tite «as t oie a upariar qualits-, sud conomical. EDGAR J. JnRIvS. Toronto, April 11, 1876. 50 Liglit Machinae. Ilsae. Jcxu Pnus- & a. 1 Oshemea, Mareit 2701î, 1876. GEuNTL.Xacx,-I have vers -roal pleure On racommending. s-aur Air Gas Manitiu- plt into ans- Caîlege, asi Ilbha given pet-OacI aatibtaclioî.-laurs, &c. 160 Light Afechima. OsîtAra, 251h Mat-ci, 1876. iLs-cas. lý Pseuua.mus & Ca., Toronto. Drns xSua,-! have nitirbeanunuing s-ont-Canadiau Airt Gaz Machines tor about six moothus, du ring mîtOci-lime il bas ensmarad cll Ibe? pose I anîlc!uated, sud mhichs-t. warrantgd befare iniraduciug il inta uml dmelin«.It t-e quit-os vers -utile attention, andi te t-eadily manageti. The ligit is «oeil, sud tram ltae smplicily of the conshrncîan ai tic Msciîna uc cousaqueul chaapness, should coma inoagoecal use. 75 ;ight Mclit. Tauas, . 11. GBs. Wbitby, Nov. 22ud, 1876. MEUS. SCOTm&PTuua GENtT$ .-Yur air «as nom inîracluced nta ms- stars aI Wily gi-vos Complota satis. faction. The machine marks toa acharin, anSh arn saved a a rge aMounuloailaient-sud, expense, beaides lte advautagea ai atesolines sud a vers- supenrtonligit. - - Aescuu.raou .xN Aura AssaalTià=Oc, Ta~o, 1874, Pucar Exr£. PRxmE. Claie 52. Section 85. No. 69. Articie-Cauadiau Air Gas Machine. Exhibitat--Jas. Pli<illipu.- - Re"lOnco-Toato SCOTTI 7 &PHI LLIPSe, SOLE MANUFACTURBR5OF THEý CANADIAN AIR. GAS MAWHINE9 PLtUMBERS, OGAS AN» STEAM PITTERS,- . 158 YOR]K STi ET, TORONTO. RttWtrClosets, P«ampa, Ga'dèýn P -- tue8a, in Bronzeandmi 9 ins q Special attention PRA dta the mûskg of N E EDLE WORK FIRE SCREENS, s OTTOMANS,. FAN(JY-CHAIRS;f LAMBREQUINS, CORNICES, &c., &c. mde and -put clown ini the. bestt tyIe'.. JÂS.-H. SAMO-& C O Marcl?8th, 1870.-* il Ëstablishcd f865, Gilmore &t coi, A ttoa/en8a t La w;, (Successors ta Chipn, Hosmer.l&Co.,) 629 F Street' WashinëtQn, P>. C.. MIR A xncît naFoalr îPàÂrmLS,-Pat.- ents procure Oin aul countries. -fies ein advance.- No char ge unlés thW ýtântis granted. No tees for making the jprlimiu-. ary examinatlons .No additOorSt "'fqaior- obtaiuing and conduo ing a -rehea#nh'. Bpe- ciel attention givantaltfreze.su before the Patent Office, ExtenuOoi'be.fore' Congres, Infriugement Putts iu diffe reut,. States, sund ail litigation apper4ining ta In- ventions or Patents. SondSt'umpforaim. Phu' ofsir-tyPage.- 1 UNITED STÂTES COURTS A7IIDYPÂIITMENTS. - Ciaima proseouted in the Suzpreme Court ai the Unitodl States, Court of CIaime, Court ai Commissloners ai Alabsina hums Southern Claima Commission, and ail classes aofirar cisaius bofore tthe Executive A&ULAES OF P4 ANDnBooxâry.-Oflceru, Solilero, ana Sara is fthe late,war, or their- hcirs, are in many cases entitled te motiay from the Gôvarumont, aifirbicih hey Ïhave .noaknowledge. Write foulhistary ofiservice sund atate amount of psy sud bouuty rociev- ed. Enclose sti.mp, sud ne mU reply, mter ,eaeiinatiou,wilbe ven yaufree. Pzxýiolie.-Al O cors, Soldiers sand Sai.lors wounded, ruptured, or iajured in the lato irer, hairevar slightly, eau obtain a pension, msuy now receivinmg pnmiuns are entitlad toansuIsscrease. Ser! tamp u- information 'will be fminrnitiree. Unrri> STATES GENERAuLÂN OFFIEr.-- Contesteil jd-é Cases, Private Land Claims, Miuing Pre-emption sud Hoasît ead Ci)mes, prosacntad before the Generai Landi Office_ sud Department ai the-Interior. OL'D BouxTv LNDnWÀmcnis.-The lat Roport ai the Cammussioner af the Generai Land Offce shows-.897,500-acres of Bonnty Land Warrants attsding, Theme were issneaunler act ai i8>6adprioracts. We psy cash for tbem. Bond.by regiaesd letr- ter. -Where assiguments are, imperfeot ire give instructions taýperfQot the=. Each department ai aur business ta COU- dnucted On a sepérate, bureat uzèuner the. charge af eXPeriencedlawÏyers anSd cents. 1 BY reason af errar or fraud mny, attor. neya are uuspended from practice before the Pension sud* ather -officers eaoh year.- Claimants whase attorneya bave beau thua suspended will be gretuitouly fnrnied 'a witk fu informatian anti proper paperz on applicatio tas. Ais we charge no foc nu- baýs Iucsll stanips far returu postmge should bo sent us. 'Liberai arrangem-enta madle witb attorneys iualil classes ai bas!- ness. .A.drass- GIOIECo0., P. O. tom 44. 'Washzingtona, D. C7. Washington, D. C., Nov. 24,1876» Ijtake pleasure in expressing myentire [confidnce in te rpo>Wblî, sud Mlity af the Law, Patent-andj Collectian zBro f- Guxioaz &Co..of this city. GEORGE H. B. WITR (Caahtier Nationail fetropolitan Banke.> XETBT AND PORT PEEE-Y X- TUIlE TABLE ýNo. 1 Takes affect an Saturday,~ Jan'y 6tb, 1877. Trains ru by Toronto time, w1cic jelatiran- tY-tcru Minutes alairar than G.T.R.1 time. TIÂLAINSGaINa !<OiTS. Wednesdays sud. WhitbyJun...da1ît 19.5Oa.M. 7.26 p.m.. Wbhitb .......... 1100 7.8W Ilrookla..1--...11.20 " 7.48 xfyrtje .... .......11.8le 8.08 E" «bnmmit..... 1.50 Et 818 I '4Ianchêuetr ... 2.,00noon ;8.25 Prince Albert...1.10p.M. -S.." Port Porry... .Irtiv&,12.15 6l .40 fi mAIr e 00I140SOUTEl. Noa. 2 ictri. ia. 4r»muzau. Wednesda%-s antd Detly. saturédaye. Port Perry .dept. 6.()0 a., 8 00 p,.m. PrneAlbrt....ý.. 9 8.07 %faincheater ......6.20 8.15 ésunnnit . 6.80 " 8.25 - y!rtle..... .6.42 4 8.5I Iiiooklin ......... 7.00 3 .47 ' Whithy..- { MLBIvZ7.20 40 * EPAItT7.85 Whltby Jun.- -arrive 7.40 "4.15" 'Ple.torm sfttionis. Trains stop on sig- Coaierv or ou isOi Priuuu, Oy couny f 0.On TOWN E'OWN CLEEX Wby. Offis m9 ta1 a'Cdack. -IMGO R- J. -Dr. W. Jamna-Next Soot -residenco, at MnT 'un. MBI 13:UILDE~RAND - UNDIii. . --o-AU ordera p-omi JOHN Roi flÂTIR1 DBSSINEF - aL oon, Bt-ock St, - JOEIN WOL ~AGENT FOR TRI * -GEORGE et stautl on aumd. HaE. O!DELL, - -fJerk Divislan Ca -coarnanumsbiier in B. R. .&0., Atiiers-, Cont- On Pslà,Surgeou, Act WtbSept. 301h. 18741 P B BAILBâY, M. -'QensColteqe, Caa -Unir. t ofMedicnne sud I8 th,-1875. 0F Ilubber Hose, Gas I« etc.- SIMON& IJIU.411 IfANUJ -' Tchtcouo. The ce ftr l ut.coe Ir lit aIt ThoO, JNF 1 0-1.

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