Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1877, p. 4

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-W. J. GIBSON'8 Whitby dhin*T>. Store. ýEW STATIONERY cm tun mnore Ihaun fy ho aanaD!and dOthar w slmore than the prie. ie opublilbea IlTHE OP WQMAN AND ES.' Price, $a. Thé -iot coll~ Ç~i tbe, -Pieroly0. -ps1ysou lotrp-rst f-te-t bue it wben in. ulomin hA fuly 1jof .îrtlî lie ira$ 'On$ Book frYoungesud Miidleagsd mon 110heiltubufoit-d. 93 areh A . ____ la euc et 0£Li, or soit Ulale urbit wihot Accet;and the Euroe in excca lt olt4 andI-satu the 6000im.télop ruîuct.stly arrivesi et à Cli. COoncing- Physicien 0 e a b d UÏ6iPa p fter lit.%slsaoaraoe, boy. "!Ho Science e tIolabayond aIl somperi. SV~,l.~a in habeoil imW in uLon. aou *e Mesmatreordlar>' work ou Phygielo. s. six eer puliolhed."-iiesrox Nanan mb,1 boCi« tll ltîm i lone, for, gt> th e "oesnesled fl itue boétteai etPanders's ~*d9~rfut (ev~ eu, ls st4yd ~boy wlnga cuew, gaince Il (nleBir dtelmn f1oeVaineble werka, publlabed Cite stsblo 5&t(üllll by lte bg matlff 1,>the Pesbedy Memusai Instituts whlch are ,f7om -iit. ý Thi8 great 1brute bal ne iesobins iheuesuda bow tu aveld iào maladiela 5a u rivedth tanlie flew ai ths New swia ei u lsa e loWPu.ta. fouliillsd (109ewbeolied se baiy trat. _X 2uliebred Ilthse Yung, he iddle dd lulé litls terrier el, niaseeezcelre éblitomt ensiesl, wljiclî tlis ittlî irrlex upon au y Medicai Min t l h country, osas biieHf, ýtf la a b oi dsiuo recognition et akill sud prefesalenal services, dsicwea preaated toe m uthogo e thame werka. uuJwJi li e utuinost digÙeul>' sud Marcue lot>1870. Theo presaision wa ctlc- stliaf-tutioù. Thoe t'ealt of lbe battis sd thbstlleetf(ta occursuce by the Boston wsatut lb îiustlTcume t? ho ou.Proeansd theleeeuig jeurus mtL!eughout the Want1itt tw riui;ily4nieoffthe c ecuntry. Tils magneent Moalacsleaild tu4oror, tui gve hm tepo anssre. aod, net lth more tissu oue bundred mdt inendoiîtbrafthig. Wc i alqui ta dbrllaCOu t.rl Bttiija d hji,1»vIf rs te thme renuit, Ibis usas et tamatertls a sd aise. ihis ledaeldad. re' v îsîur tn» lý;it acarcCti>'waii. Iythe meut znotLaeabia Modaiaver stiuclîî t1 u nrlv iln ucgotltife]lis welWorth the lu InetNo- Uslomainti. I m 01o ', h: l liîu±î «iii tir ituirueci- was fariyWousanworthiîiy be9towad."ý-MAS- ciily <ii t~tlî~s iiTival l,î~îut onc sÂcu i'.rpPuoeiiAa, Juie Sud, 1870. înli,i vn Cw (lIa ailîo liiilit oe 1,'uCatalogue sont on racelpi t 10cents for #f% i 'i iti-t' coupn ed ilr ofthetoabovo works moiti by mail on Iiii' wlII foi wi f ilt* i~ ocîîsîdrucolt n4t,tpice ltdrems PI'A1I0DY'MEDI. ltbtt, ~~ niii'tt.,to mIft. HoeiCAL IN 8TTEj, (or NV. 3I.PARKER, IM. D., 1 .w ditry l; »warl, lluiwavor, tii. g n 'ueltiiig i'hyelc-lanY, No. 4 Banlneh5t,, BoIn- titusu rv'tiv'îla Jît. fu'îa aut 1te.toit, maus,, epuallc-levcre lise. "sé N. B. Thi e utr ciealie conoulted on the Wuî i iiouetry, làuifuisg him etfibqvue d dilsesm.as Wei aaiU dises tits tiill't aptsu'nce ef tiieterrier 'rcquiing ekili, secret>' snd eaperfllice. OffIce il< iiîi is éiàs sldêen disappe 1rs ueheurs. QÇA. M. tocay. sf, r , :i lii itlti 1,s usaaitlff ;-'aud esut.------ L11,11 oromenaineIla y Ai 'Wwu iial v ift,sîl uurng wlta u hay 0 1 i) iifor 1,1,0,o but bcd BMQiD bolinu'l le a gusiti. It t41u, uîç colin, liciirIi'ljizio lear th tIt' ut îu~g liîisg lliiulfunble ta ' forthe u re ets.'efuiebt ligiî'ii0(t towIî II,1y, liai ilonglit ef "Mer- ioft mi% booau l; lig lîuîîimu-tii.country,* li >[m navolied oVb.r (hi)o suy imilo lesloitdVob U dV.e6aesSrti. ltrot il t, i ordor te gain lis Itssîtaneu, sud lietd .*ooautea tegJin is li1gtiivisuau; il Wasýpiaiv, a10e, that (O D U) PAX.Y (kst@u n lue notitiff laeae te ecoins sud etwsteOOrrin 'Mnand %woin lu eccl ,Iwa lui i fr'iand, lied trsvslied couin AdresurJ LATRIAN & Co,, 4 19 f iai i»tu Lonîdon, tiiii, lîviog fnl. Waahtu t.t Bouton, Manas. am sligl'itlit 1lu filluw Iraesfrein ana- vynu]asbrdo Ili Grays the swasderful affecta ai Ilse Sprucesansd Plues in casas %VI!,lîtravelt4 wiilssuzuag ofLung isse. The Rev. îhiiruty, r iqsii'îîth inintîtue s breach mu'.Murray lu hlm book on mIl, . $Crufi woilldrediriru fotir. SYiUUP lie Alrondackslaiely pub. vuyt itr;tvsl Irotitl, fie $Un Lu the inhedl, relaies ithe case e& 'iii j bitil ,, tsW:50censimptive eung mn iiîs il' Vuiiil W aeplosien ai OF whwi entiiely oured bysa l<tiuiiteou yarililîrce mouiha campying eut Cuil, se écit ur il. But' if ve aughpîinei. J n Franase '111 1 111woa ' odof iratu fteinî uicourthl t ~~aughe tgidan* [] ib uu anîd thson 1itrihto ._4 withu a Bndeud& oîrînuitptive pli. 1L11ile ln o e nd the. Sound %wOuîsi ticuis te the piuiewoada, sud order thent te drink a tee null il, tuipoeia a l bout cevemn M~ radefei he ts prut.. tops. 11Btt porlinpije tI. ut ain. ru liiilitratiou eft1he' sun's distance Gniî's Svitup la e selen- LiM dr1-t)uwufroma lte liumuau ecouory. tiir comblintlon et ihe.gai Haîtil o uuk a certainUtie> te trsvei G U M- wlcSprue fre ntin s re- titi, nerve cénireil, sud if vo coulîl partition tise gui n ever ne- agiuao e liontiant infilui with au amui parâtea, and aIl ils aut. 1) Ùtio11911 te il'001te 'the Sla t , î.sdoMark ,apaiodic expetorant, ion- tl 1 laInao. hiîidieCd sud flrî yeralaned balaiicprepertion (hi. ctnu to reaIshein lfter Bgses.are presiervea. f~uinget ;in otiter words liFP or Ceuglis, Coldes, ulxh f~d fngee lc Hareeneas, Thrnat Âffac. 1111 b' 9d Scclfrul ycere bofore the &ons k., it werks 1k. a lt us ol by soakiutg snch coin. t11-1î Viit o couilltorm an>' idot et 1 etsnlllL7N AT DrNxt-cî-Cancernlug crions suIIPersetion about thirbeen .uei, w. liatie Juil geins acres ini,"ltur litistlu a recout Eng. bnick. Son. yeâs ,nr. po (li.urejted t masupestition l rkable inann i Icuseif o h ef startilngfeq Chine,,lis entsr.ý 1 Ivalvo fîiends Who wrs bodiad 0 truel oucunuter thé, périla as mltr'OtfIhers or Se jounaul. )porflug lIc iollenta of Lhe con. Dorsiing il lu thlii.hliet debgree pibia Otle'iy voula iteet agniin iigid gitii'i hmenr4teYhbad utnll luit'lIa cu. cf danger, rlvauesi uitlenotai ur 0itoa w iscarle, und iaiîgbsd about 'ths vîshohi sanie oufiluein oulul et ) euueointeriluIe few moenlie. j4aly vtuih, al Iveolve returucd flic -var n ltpurfoct hesithu, sud (1 agailu tt istable tof thilmeeu vibl 1uorouis lucbunea,-j rigner. flouai 1usd&ut-c.eslyeastabi. ilie spotst lL isisApbo wrsc vos t te baptise, sd'rtn it Set luathe grypt jof tise sabter. n bpol $gner. Am huaiIls Ii lci d ce ipliering an Inscription ,h ouceira thé une et st. Peter, bldhwol v en aeam te lc oou the. provieno onlsln eiu esa tiauneetieu vitiathetagdtaan Dimba. poleuis abird (liaI prvie lyfrisYouug, sud, itmue b. ldas, exceediugly' unS liai fer lbé 1girl Whso didn't g et. e.k 3 hswmabei tu geabout iusportiug Qe fallier iflu't deaceadstl front a n yo u go te a book Suction, den't an OI Grsek work just beoauae lng deg eh@aP, A.Gu'esk book, sun Who jlces't underotaaid . be, la oe as m ause as a neer. n pipe and ip pecket ?sll a01aamok. uleco la Le a ysllow d0"g. MÉRY AT OiAv,.lerouu of WIbop, oete b. Zeut IOUes, isorüd eunlrisay nightmI&gst and enu dulard wves aoléen ri Of bis ponta' À& ooupl. ofboxop ira *re stoleiaIro h. sbar thé -iht , ,u ~l0iz BuuBv liimN0-A Il -law usa fbean lu- 06fi iy etorbera' Towm Coun. 0_4forth takhumg of thei.s 1. p~~7, and telo. yèmbetwëeri 4h5 lisday et nd Qtb4Ya ý eptebebr usat _ __0 roilPPal iayb T ABIF-P PERS TO BE TAKEN BYCONEkTLBLES. (tUndsn Order la Councîl, daied 241h day of Jul>', 1874.) 2. Ares ofe ch ciilividual upoef warrant ...................1 50 2. Sei-vig enameoi or sbusnstVa,... O025 i. Mileege ta serve suainien, OUt)- jSor a an ast ............ 010 4.MIeage vison service cano(ttblc iu1un prouf oaidaseIilligenco.... ()O1( oxI~ imofibssrosettetz ce. eumniil>' saîendleu l ibir COn- voyance .............0l 0. AitsndngJuti:.............O 1 tieoron esailonalon et pni. soeschasrged vIlS crime, fan gacis day neceanlly employed la neoar mure caes, wisen auîi engagea mare than tour heure.. 1 6 7. Do. do. vsea sengageal murs Iluaui tour heurs................. 5 8- Aitondluig Aosaizca orSeso, eaccida fi 1* 11 11 *...*1.......... 1 a rave 9 u5te attend As- iii es, osions, on beture Jugiicea evo public couve ysuce eau be tae oui n1ruoasablo dishurse. men ula e lelowed.) .o...... o 10. UM J foCooes luquesi, sud alservi es o. puct therdof, ithe1 an gasmedy as Jury suaiaoeed...... 0O il. Attsnding eh djamun thersoi, i not OURaeelmore Mari'houri ................... 1 00 12. Do. do. il engaged more ihan tour lueurs ................. 1 0 15. Uenlg suinona or aubpa tu aited bitore Coroner (aubjeet UNlb..)..... ........... 025 14 "g same..........01e 15. Exhuùùnu"uy unde r ovnr' va&ati .00........ ......... f4o0 8.V- m.... ....00 17 t.ttiiuIre~mus nd. îa=..lt ime... - ............ 1,0 18, Aeo*.. URsug uer diatreme war- rant..................I 150 -19. Tra&velling te makin dietrema an orta seareis fon goa idm4ke due. treis vhen ne geodm are fend.. O 0 20 pprs;aetâenta, whheîur b y oas or morei ceZ"n t li.dollar, OS1. Ctoosaesud 'commission th1uso.on i pouc cigooa. 2Elaoutfngsoiucwarmt ....... Sa: Serving notices ou conalabka,15 -wh;COuny srved.......l060O Pub hai.lb AordOMU.T. B 0 O K -S T R0- AT THB EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. ORFIOE, BOOK-5!. Gere ue te sto, amnnounce that lie hasroop IL ie oetaunery tend Boova moro in. WmzDy, wuisre slal&vne-y-et 'l --inda of, the boat quality, wM - ba kept on hmad; ais e choe1, goeka cf eyery 'description, OopYBOoka, SIAtos, Peneilopa, &a., ,&c., aI the Iewsst iprIcea. The Daily, and Weely PaperS always on hand. Sub- acriptions Solicited. Musical Instruments, in ludinga',ie somnto Violins. Ordersi are taken for Pericdieals. Magazine. and Mac GEO YULE. Witby, Dec. 131h, 1876.,5 JUST ARIIIVED AT THE ODD FELLOWS', BUILDINGS I -FO R TT E NEW RAISINS, FANCY---GOODS 0FP ALI; KINDS, CANDI (the boît i town), A LARGE ASSORMMENT. NEW FIGS, ORANGE PEE L, LEMON FEtL, CITRON P1EEL, SPICES, (ail hkindi.) CHEESE, Hms, BBCON, aLARD, &c., &o. Ail of whicli will be -eold Che3ap FOR CASH. Fresh Oysters and IHaddies:receiVE PETER SMITHI N.B.-Cash paid fpx Butter, Eggs, Poultry andi App], Whitby, Dec. bth, 1876 J. _R.PHL P fas jPst received his fail stock of CARRIAGE WHI[PS, STOCKS & LASHE Alto a largo and excellent assortment of J3ruslbes ýand Curry'combs. A poil assortmeut of Ladies* and Gents' Trunks, Valises, Sate Shawl *Straps, Sohool Bags, &c., ail bouglht at close prices. IT'y usual etock of Cariage and Team Harfess, Collars. Halte: I3ults, Snaps, &c., always on baud. 'Whitby, Novocuber 15thu, 1876. BUGG Brook Streot Whitl For Sale at very iReasonable Priceç, Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady Phoetons latest style and very liglit, Cov4 Pha2tons with R5olling Seat-, aiso Light Top and Open Buggies of Super- ior Style and Finish. T5s Opt 7ered dl 'inade of the be8t -2katerial ani' PTarranted. Whllsy, Jul>' Stlî, 1876. TOMS & NEWPORT, whitby, Onieiý THE LARGEST AND) MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0OP Carrage sl 3eighs and cutters, m.0 D'ONOVAN'S ICARRIAGE. FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY:, VEIRY CHEA?. CÀLL & SEE TREM. ýTheChe et-an,'. Bes 1-' u "'n -lài FOR FRUITS0, ONItEctiONERYI' 0RO- CE.RL[E,)-OYSTE:RS, O A Full Lins af Gooda te meet (lie vauts of thie Publie, te suit tho Tiaress udi Purdamr. The landeraeud vil sell yeu tbe Cholceat of Tees 20 'b SMoto., per lb., Chepr hnlserfr Csa* .'- abusiness la -doue e preaSly on Camis principes. fez a inoreBxténivs Stck ofetGrocerles,dkv., Thaniug bis, patron. for pami aupportý-nd 'irnaiing b' riniattention te hi. business, sud kecpiugueie t(.bet cdaas et Gouda, toiderve "hiar» et pblIe patronage. Choices t onf ofcionsry frein the betthousea lu Canada. Chaics Lot"et oe>' frein England, Seat'brcud et Cigars. Tebaccea. Thoe Trade.suppllsd vils Con- Iectioaery. Reraember tha place- W. P. WILLCOCK, Dundais.St. 'Tanner>', 9th, 1l7. lu J. AruashaOid Stand, Whîby. BOOT'S AND S HOE 8 les. "S. Pl': No ,by.- 48 Bn Su ori 28 RHat Lice Dan.1 ZThr.. WILLIAM TILL'S CABIET FACTO Y AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS T/HE OLO STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Go. where you cannot fait to b( pleased ini making selections of good furniture. Splendid I'arlour, Drawing iRoom and Bedroom Sets, New ]Pesigns well worthy of inspection, at aetoniabing low prices. Dia- lllg-roùm Extension Tables-e very superior article. Gilt -Comices, Pictu-re Frsuiîug, in eveq uýtyle. Some fine Chromos aind Engrtvings for sale. 1- n flEmbRTÂX-T ivNG2, Iu. all iLs branches ; funerals fally supphied, A stock of elegant coakets. Coffins al(rays 0o1 hand, trimnied to sait Customers, and a well appointe< Hearse constantly in reaa±uess. Whitby, Norsuiber 24tb, 1875. NE-W SPRI-NG JIJST ARRIVED AT w., JHICKIE & CONSI..TING 0OF Wl.TI.L. GOODS Co S.3i White Cottons, Factory Cottons, Fane' Prbits, Table Linlens, Huck- Towe1s, Pillow Cottons, 'The-above goods were bought at bottprpio, idwl be soid at a slight advance5on cosit. W. J.- H. , Co., Vsijl Ontinue for one rnonth Iongqr té, seUl pùs and-He avy. Goods aGot 11odru lear tiem ré ,o~eprig. >. . - A Sp1i JOHN S,2 at redi NSEAT FITS FOR OVERE HOES GREAI Work mnade to order, )atch.ý loveiuber 28tlà, 1870. AND) 'UIRNISHING GOODS For Superior Clothinig suitable for ummer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- ing establisnment of i.~rier u.'eot . r T eï . la osîsmach isse. ____________ tom m. mes; ost-buildiugsare reqnired. The tenk te cenitis te gas geners- tor isa imal axtherouind, eut of sight. 8.AUl the labeur sud troublaetiielcing gas la saved, The car. oui- machine. r.- quire la 80 trifling sa te be sarcs e rnis> ofmention. 4ih. No odour ezuses frin i he manuifactune, uer l there au>'iter an dri. endci toc ~St. Our machbinesamar autenutie ; tise gem la alwayu, ready for ne.. ofCc _rool h. B arear repaira et an>' kird requirsd.. Our machins aae eqnaily good, sud, b nuliciuadeacfhe.dcsteabce diatanc rinecsterA opaidlig ath , enes tisruof echluvtdu g ocuat 6r teha au apparatu, e a-iItte ceI TH A IS A M Oest IgmMvr acth- c nue ehveh-- -o e e iupya u> o ia uce. pice !evilsue e tse istnetiaiibis tgiseu sn iedgiisoun sudfrn aisterlait>t freinlcende4,siion, ve wma dialateMtisaive, lf1187,eoE d a insci..net Mn IErdga J arg ae a, Tenandgtimachne h umbe iding leua A N D R U B E R S I N nt s m b et- 1 lu h e sineet, lah n tern e a i en tra n c e g a ie, p es x te n g lgarn, itatles, i'. ., te th. distance et bellea mile or more. r' VA R 1 ETY, Havi had expenleace lu tise asutlre efthtie machines tan s aumber etyef el tise Uni States, sud bel.; precticai niecbisan, we are confident usai aur machie r and opais oxcute wit des uet t noue <un tise Ceainent, W. de net cant il an inventionoetOunr ovu, but vs and rep i rs exe ute wi h d s - avem ade several im preveai st te m û. ti s aies as d neUiabe. W e test e r>' m a- chine under aur lowu supervissoa, snd warranît tem te give satisfaction. JOHN SAUNDE RS, PEtON LIST OF TUE CA %1DIA-N GAS MACHINE, COMPLETE, t 'Brook Street, Whitby. lireeon ou armd of Car8 at Toronto. a 49 Number i, raied ta aupppliv i5 Bannera, 0210 00. 66 2, dg 30 d 250 00. :6 , 1 50 8310000. 4, #9 75 8750W 3, " 100 4040 c. C L T J ~150 ooo00.9 Warerooms- 3uildings, i18 (an betfound. Zibes -von., uUy> equiel to - -çxaa, ou ummesrequiro ja scarceilT wortnY o1 mention.- -The gao nerator of au apparatnq f ordllnary aime dosnet requrze filling oftner than from to te fouir lim«a. rar .t- n at nter. Aude froin lii.the only attention demsnded in the elevatlng o enane igt lu the cellerras eten a4 it rui down, once or twlce a wsek, acordlg te hw raplly gaz la burna. À modorate aled machine suitble fôr a dwell ing, wil relly require aie carste kep it ln prfet order than iii'ee kerosene amp: ton ,or faitteen Mteen Minutes a e a afflint. oe e pll lerly andin d etil th e nan up n which ur M achine la con trnetà, and how it oeratea, la a ma#ter of some. dittculty. il unadvertisemoent, nor la thia important te, te average inquirer. uffcient to know, tht by ita use, with> very Etle car, ai amal seipsuiso, and C1rfct aiety, héeau rely on getting an abuindaut Ulit et ail tinis. 1Previena to -ths utreduction of air gus zuachîne a msemel as worka were ereted- ivariona parts ef the country, la whIch gaz wasa eithrough destructive distillation by fire and reterta trou, ceal or oil. !Thoeswerka are expansive: the euta for sultÀble builig for agas holdler, &c., la necessarily great. They elao require couaiderable cpre andaBkiutouiaas The manufacture of g4a for a single dwellilag demanda nearly s much labour, andi quit. aa mch akil as la required te mû.e a supply ufficent te furnueh a exuail village. The proceau la ineoensee utonitic ; se oten se the volume eft scotined in the holder la exhauiated, the retorta muet b. rccharged, th. irea rekindledand he labeur ef manufacturiug anter enpply rseatcd. Makinggalthia way la - agreeableansd troifleome. A quanl#-y of ca, sales andi ruibbls cuizuâltea about the werks;, ibeodeur ariaing trem them a a very serions ebjecti.n, iii inu ycsseo, t hir introducion.' Gae mutectred on thia plan la siso quit. expaneive, if, l in ddton te ihe fini ceet of the matenlale, Ibe taen lotococouni the labeur of manuittituire sud the expense cf repaira upen the aparatua-ef itsecit niÃ"saisi item. It muet cao h. berne in mind! that inaunali gem woik av.piiauceî of meniac tursarenevrjo pe qrt eeyield vi gaa prepertionall>' ah great, a sa btaiued at the DUNDAS STREET, WHJTBY. GOOD FIT AND STYLISE CUT WARIRANTED 1 Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kiudls, including Shirts, ata and Caps, Umbrellas, &c., Whitby, July -27th, 1l875. t-1 HO/E WINE8 &'PURE LIQUOR8 h iave have hadaonc of JoaSpis Phiips k Co's, Air Gao Machines ilusne t y plse O0 L 7I1 J) A Y J) E M ~~ A N D. , prtuciple af tise Machine. The gas le ef a superion qualîl>', sud econemical. 7, 24)0 c 9. " 2.0 ' TO ARIE WO"REBULDNG 700 00. 8w000. 9000. W. uigsi tieproprit>' e pttinlg *la2pi p efor ga, veuishougis net miediutuiy ceinipsîagpncbsig g nacimna iexa.enOOf Petting lu Pipes, ýf dons nti tise proper lime, le tniduiiig. I laleqntil etter ,tise building le cempieted, ibcY-esn yeî b. lutraduced, but tise expeuse la conffiderabi>' poster, sud tise accupaentaat tse baume are marQrles saIncuveaenced. Ordian>' pipes, sues -as are ned lu the introduction of W. invitec'carrespandeue tram aeu anc itii)uilding uana couicusîsinirt ilira- dueileat ofg am. W e shall b. glad ta suvis. vils sncb as tuatthe beat ma nn ro uti f i pipes, sud atiser deteils. We have campeteut ivanlunea lu aur caspie>, wisoam .v sentf te au>' pari of tise ceunir>' ta pipe buildings,;st machines, kc. Ws solirit ais eîporiunhty plete, red algs p u neet n uitsiw'a ampete wvus au>'do- atiei thpuil-reut ri t.ar mue-'s-Pir; ltha a fibe reis an .,lcdivddne. loa e upn hrui nertnigsu attuleeuu tdtiu Wben bumsaresadýy piped tn1 ea. gswî.cenatcsarmcsnawtsu W. aolicii orders for Gasuline. Our arraneeeineo are sucis thet ire esu 811li orders peal.. rfumuishtise beau qualit>'ofi 5usd at aarke raes. W.manufacture Imou on C pe n Tanks te order for ztorig GasoU e. RBEDERICK NEALE'S, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA.ý AGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S elebrated XXX Cream Aie &.Porter. iwDoc. 14. 1875. 15 LIST 0F ATTCTIONEEIRS ensed for South Riding of. Ontarjo, North R',.iding of Ontario, and separate Muuicipalities in 1lhe latter. naa Tacker.... nas Pouchar,. ,patterson.. id pois... Boya .. §oùi Brown...: L. Wak..... LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THIE 00. -0NTR'O lemkdle...Scott.......... .... Dec. 2ud, 1876. Tenonte,.........orth Bicding.....Dec. 151h, 1876. M&anicis.. .enSots lid,........Jan. 24th, 1877, Eiooaigten ... Senthis Ring .... Jeu. 251h,1877. Whltb>'.... .... Soth Ontario... Feis'> 2ud, 1877. Athani>'.........arst....... ......rch Suis, 1t77. Beaverton....eak.............. ar. lOt, 1877. Manilleý......... Bro4k ............. ar. lot,-167n. Villai rge e UbzWp ......."2rSI t, 1077. Epmew'. Beach ........ 'Ocî r Sud, 1877. Erechin..vr(hBiulu . ctr 4tis, 1877. Glen Major..o rths Ridiug . .. ct'r uis, 1877. Beaventen....eras..... Nov. 7tis,,1877. Biflwi. It Pros. Nen-Reident.... do. do. 0ahavci isorse, CeunIy. herses, (Jount'.. horse. Countv.. M sUsas.JOEPH PIue PrrS kC. 'Ohawa, Mrai27ui, 187o. GEisNaezs,îbiavo vsi7y grnat pisseurs lu rscemaieadîng your Air Gas Macbinu( put lie our Cellege, as ih bas glven perfect satisfacion.-Yaurs, &o. Mssu. J. Prrruaps & Ca., Toronto. - Utuaav, resh are, 1876. DrAsaStuus,-I bave noir been uaing yenn Canadien Air (las Machines fer sbeat Six moulu, durn5 whis ltime il is s wéed als. po* I1 .icp. d, u iii a warraned befre ltrodacng it lto my dweliug. eu mresver' hatteandtin, ud eadil> incuged. Th i Ugis agad, sdrain tie simplicit>' ut he constructionuOuthtis Machine, sud cenusequent cheapuesa, sheuild ceme into genera use. A. B. DOc»L -.- Mrasa Scor k Prrtii'a. WtutbY, Nov. 22na, 1876. GaleTi .-Youir air gas nov introduced itta m$ store et Wisitby gives comulete satis- faction. Tise machine wcrke te a charnu, sud 1 ain avsd e lang. ameunai oflaiseur and expen se, baides tise adi-anteges et clesulinessansd a ver>' super light. R..Jtsa. AeareUavUUss aAN aAS ASCIATON, TeOROtTo, 1874. FrasT rRa -aPausa. Clama 52. Section 85. Nu. 59. Article-Csadan Air 'Gam Machine. Radence--Tononto. s SOLE MÂNUFACTURERS O? 'THIE CA'NýAD-jIAN AIR AS ACH NE PLUMBMRS G-AS AND STEAM FITTEÉS,. Ball,, Watts' Cllots, .paxps, Garde» Founi,, RibberHe, Gas Fise ires, in Bronze and COmstaa, etc. ESTMAT98 GIVEN FOR LIGHiINQ 42gW,&jrTNdý BUILf>lNGua Special attention peUt -NEEDLE OTTOMANS, - FANCY CHAIRS, LAMBRE QUINS, te ihe makhxg et w 0 R K ride and put clown in tise beal ati'.. -JAS. H. SAMO k0C NMarch 8tu, 1876. i TH E -R E A T ENGLISH REMEDY 1 DPErTaCIn. MEr ICINE Cures aillNicisios mhsno uTuixcona, Dram_- I-r. Psoi-nAnnua, etc., witjcb, l insu>' caes, are predueed b>' aver nulgence iluth. upeof tobaceand aleoheie spiritse- but the Speciiie Meiieai.more e5pciui recounmeed asl an unaliug cure uor zuAt IVZWÀaloem, fviPEcRMAOnWAi, Iupoyueansd anl dlsae ibsi teleW as s 'sequCncee a-SOIf Abuse, as Losop iinmx, UNruvasunL Âsszvùro,, PAlx isuTri àcx, Dmsesop %'zSruu.PaS- 3ni.¶nsaOra Aor, sud miny otherdiseses "tsa lacito IuAs.cTor anCocxanfproc andn PREMaxTUn GiRAY£,.M at vof ic. s, a rue, are Si-st cavted ib>'devistiug troin the pais of nature sudaven indulgence. mhe Siîeelfie Medicine Is tse reut of s life sudndmany veare -et caperence laitiest- ingihee eecli dseses.Fuuipsrtculs inl ounirmphlet, wlch WB edesfire to entiadfree b>' Tise Sp cr180 Mediclun e iseld by aU-Drug. glis ai eipaccage, or six packages fan $5, on wuii1b. sent by mati ansreceipt ut the moue>', b>' ddrcsslug WILLIAM -GRAY & Co., WlusrOt ?qIDLA2ND RAILWAY 0F CANADA. TIME-TABfLE. Gaing Northi frein Port Hope te Lindesay, Beaverton sud Orillia. Leave Port Hope- Mail....i0 10 a. ta. IMIxed .... 0-45 p Going North -ta Pe terbora' & Lakeflcld. Leave Miilbrook - Mail ..:2d p.m. 1 Maili. .11.40 p.m. Comiug South tram Oriluta Llndasay, Peterboro' sud Port Hope. Lest'. Orilli- Mai.. 12:380 noon. Ar Pt Hope.(:20 p.m. Couning Southi tram Laield. Mail...:80 . m. mil...3:00 P. m. Connecta with the Niplasing. Railw'sy te and froni Taranto and iuxirnediate stations ai Miilbrook for Peterbaro' sud Orfflie, sauf wîih Grand Trunk ai Port Ho pe beth unorni- ing sd evening with trains East and West, sud Sir. Norseinuea 9 s.m. for Rochester'. 2 H. G. TAYLOR, 2 Suipi. ef Train. L IST OF THE DIVISIoN COURT8 Or 'Tuc. COUNT 0F NT~mil , ioiP rn 6 21 25 t5i 8227 Plar' n 61 10'22126 182 127 '-182 GRO. H. DARtTNELL, Wbitby, Dec. Q7uii, 1876. flic Maler Oif JOHN--LITTLR,, fui NOTICE lu bereby> given fiat bv vi of thso paera vlested ilu-mrasseAgiiine tise shove IameIvsni'a eiate, 1I8sha1h fer Sale -b>' Publie Anctien, st- IRA TIOTEL. in -tue TOWN OF. wHI: oo TUESDAY, lise Tiiteentis De Marais, next-, i877. et one ickp. ail tise nigisi, huje and- interefst et said lasolvent, sud- of myseif as Asuluaco, in sud ta AIl anud Shugula.t certain luercel or tract'cfLand beluig Seuils quarter-,et Lot Numis,'r Eigis tise SeveatisCcseéeîPcuu et thé Tis-nai Plekening, conutiig ftit>' iqs, mare Is ar udTiin>' ne AcreseMli WeISpar t-ak NixuicnSeven, in said tanh Concession ot the Tomru Ot Pîckiuýinl ib Cotinty ot Culsz sar. sud eOXIeept, Twenty perches sol& tbê e Sautis-«Vfeet carner (; said Lot Hum }light, ta thé JIdpi8eopsi Melisodist Chmre Tisane 19 falarge sud cammoulous Bx Dveiig Ïleus3e, a i lrge F rame ]R sud Siesdansd a Living St-sain et Wa and a 90sid Orcisard oa said promises. Teln sail -cleersd bai about1 uirIne end i TEI tihe d * wwNhB frein 9 te: UR SUrG>'- -BUILDE] B)L A A GENT %oScttiï et Jonathan 1 large quantit saenti>' on i Clerk Dlvi IJamunasiener &o., Athcnly; WiLses'ept. R OBT. RA3 Graduiai. (Witt "Qusen'ii colle *Uaiv. et Medie U[uiv.-of Penne tfhetniv.ot eenfor tise C coldvaw teSt, Auguat atis, JE W. (sucCE -- .1 1 1 1- 1 1 - 1 e ore Ta!emz, wli b U. 1 --ET- 0 IL'i --D -& -m- s MI «& s IN ý-1 1 After Taking Dr. William cray ?S. r -1-1 1114T :F MI -EPIJ G- T-T S 0 IIINT GÀSOLINE. BI)GAn JARVIS, Toronto, Aprü 11, 1876. 50 Liglit Machine. UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. TRY, FOR TRE TEAR 1877. A. B. DtmllýL. 150 Light machilw. T.Uos. àiBj3,ý 75 Light 2wacaine. , - For w 1. TESTI MON IALS. tW- THE TRADE SUPPIEb jo

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