Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1877, p. 3

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ett1hr and.z r -A L f. verj whet JZIDý Yoaod.er............. q ......... . . . 3 d,10re squarter... leepsklià........... umcks pe pr...........4 urkoy, par lb ..... 1 fl6,ns....... ....... lusPt ............. eplefs, Per bual ... ....s.............. jThe Tlalbeng« veoill, ad passen ro ood h b 4 85wr e ivedfa. , compered . sial. vhlch lipoed oier propoe. U id ,715.82 ithe previ us year. Tof. posn s, o 'obye a Ar 9 numcber The, deaposita lunîthe SvngsDépr.s otu 9B to uhkn e o!psos hclud~qeered the ment durlng ithe pour vere 0188,518.74 of hi sagvz Le actors lu this incident, as coopared viti 0108,845.81 forthie oprations ai digestion Il lu ruopourdhbeL isagee * l. revlous year, kb1ovng a n a n u ra acareini applicationu0 t e n ita ne h lhê vOla,.,,.,. anksa inEng- 880,148.78 lin te ggregate, or a net pop vds of el-seecteticocosMB laud an 4e ,qesin fLodB US. cres. of J'as .à. ýý0vded aro ekai e 1i2 buys tfso Constantinop le. It ta , Tii. ccounta cf itie yeàr have been dla Uyfvrtbevakast lch'ma siate4 îlot d n afais. oerefully £4td Ud1.souffs savon sy eavy doctora bhl.10 î position hy Sir H. G. Eulott Wovaîy. volucd. tIalctus i aie s i4. cd inttithe bande cf Générenal icif Thé, Diecore désire ta express ei Ipahanf 1nia ton:lu9ha' e-.ull7buit Lord' l3eaconsfiel'o friande', on the entime spprovauiftininier iniC lioh eue due,' undroda ofoubtlimala. otior Iband, asseri thaït Lard Salisbury thé, SeOretary.Treeurebas aloî'erdide$ are Ilasting aronuti u *ady te atttack vr i ierever thora la'a veak t. W. May wasàloo,'o,,lam. To! ibeal heobeousdigieidovolvîg upanbîm. ecapemaul a fatal shaf t ¶y keeplng aur. 0 embers oai-the Houas of!-Cammona Ail cf viio .roapeotfullu nnlttl evsoatie ii uelooisd îlli submili a motion doolsring ITUOAS GbuS, properly nonrlsliedfrie...eî rve P oniet. Gast. 'Sld ouiy lu Pakets, labellet,- théii dnty O! Englond ta enforce ipan Pei "James Es a & Ca., llamooeaptlcCleni. Tnrkey the adoption of uoesaa ri. Oshawva, Feb. 711, 1877. lo, 4 duoleSrst v:ion§ for tirs aCurity of lthe Clris. BXCEIPTS . AND 1DISBUIISEMENTS. PlecadiâyL170,n tin uthe dlturbed pirovinces.Laau ACWDIýEI<T ON VIS NOIITIIERNIB. B.- l7. RCf'S There is No Article Lice ]Et to As the 1.40 p. i. aomodation train Jeu. lot, To-a eeuonu lnd.$ ,7 8 lasoadRotr, tra Toant vo enorig IalTe pi " " "IinOt. Bak, Wood's Im roved Hair Restarative Saturdsay, the englîis rau off the. track Oshawa ...l.........t...s...n.. eqalTh in consequence cf eavitol i b obgeft Jan. loot1To Cash lu Ont. lBank, 2,03 p63 n uzle new egertabueouaisrTpe. oobut fortdnatolz.nebody waa In. D ~...............,OU8278 te~ra~. i j00ed. ,, ,,0aC"ail stock,...2,881 tcs esers ery l'air tesa glaasy, ueîuiral NOU1ISKSNT M'si 1 eJm0010r; 8 alsrestrofded dry, haan sd liii- I>niv~~Mr ANT F * Dc 81., a eaîs hc ii!hais; restore aressea, givos vigar t -Win. Pttrdil auddoniy iu Toi-ota s 0DfliisIelveti.18518 74 besoia; remnoves dand;ýruIem~srat ai 0ou Tluraday lest.'Tue. evîdence a et hret.....,4 8)e ftiai. rrmtahin.. sud BlsPayable Dia fion; eoves irritation, coroners bnquet slsowed thai deeeesed counned.........,o00o00"nehy drynoas. 'No article praduces suah was f wak cnsttuton ad tat fr aDoc ois, t anderful effeota. Try fi, oeIl for Waod's ve asc ek onttuio eut lima fre e. istaSey a. comssIon. 278 0 ImProved Haïr Re.tatlve, sund dos't 8e weekbacklisenifret rei vau etput o h a ohart/ ifl.. Salti by aul food. The verdict vas "lTîsi the. asii 88,é'1drgta , place sud dealers every. WVm. Potter cae Ile heth i ramDISBUIRSEMENTS. wbré. Tripte&a auacuea fae inge wsudvaut f pre ýr ec 187. , on nMr.prices byv C. A. -coog & Ca., Chicago, Soie froirleosendwan of De. MtsBy otu onMor. Aent fo th iutoa Statasi, sd Canada, proper nou..gs..................... ; 84,431 60 anti by - f.hmaut."' D0, lot By Depasils vzthdr'u. 140,451 ~L fI( LAK&C. pulpt Iteragi pali ...492a8 orlece cf acouirioltv vas the os "Dividende 4N7os.Matral .11=uslvrenuuder presenet byea and?7................. 0,669 16 -RAND.8 NEW YORK (IITY i~IRBC- curate nawé4 Joseph, ai Dublin Out-he. Dec, Olsi, By Expeuse &ccoua;i, TORY.-This atetteo anbewr tirai, ly pon oflauaiSvift, beforoan 'nlcîdln SFte nVl-f l il a aubowr antofCarnreralsreferene,, nsu issosi by abliviau gresi in, Butler, Duke of ....... , ......... 4,618,87 Walter Hieagh & Ci, Pinters and Publilh. (Immonde, r<in the igilon lx ia. 881P,1, Dy Furniture Acot.., 42 25 ors, ai 14 Park Place, New York. ht cou- Ormone) 6gnîfoantq " "fi "- Bille payable, e- tainsa efull andi comploe t f o/clthe "Yet dfd »oith~e aol-Butlor memüber tfre4......... ..... . coOc 00 Tmprnters, Jobbotu andi Manufaciurert do. Joseph, bit'forgoot hura.' Duc. st, By.Cash an bond.10#02 71 iog busineslu the gi-est metropolis aiSsoi. . t b lul f nOui. Bank, doti and airaugsa by Tralles sud âccupe. Zlminomnau, the Court physicien, 0ha...v...... 0.......... 2,9 19 1 tia, ana gvi% theur treet sud number weuî frôa, Henover to attend Fredria Dec'. Siat, By Osel'iluOui. Bank, address. t inssu invalu.sbie work for il'. the Grein s leIst-silees. One day Whitby.................. 492 49 counutry Merchent. It talla hi where ta th. King sit unia hlm, "Yau hava, -- abtalu auyiliingfrna ed taatm presuru., ir, heiped mauy a min m s0823.418 91 ones i rat r02econ ieadeTe stea c alir ont".Ti. as rather a ASSETS AND LIÂlIIITIES. bseoneIssenTt vr nt»b r oor r. ut ie osehisTS.dies,'postsge pi-epai ,u Tonte receipt ai ttepl1 hedco. u he(o0the prics,Çwhieh in as iailws - Clats, fful gava e nrotumu vas a judiciona mixture Cash on bands.............. 0 10,602 71 bount Editlan, por capy, Oua D ollar; flexi- cf tul and flattai-y. "'Not se mauy as *Cash lu Ontario Bank, Whitby.. 492.49 ble clath bounut, Sevetyfive Cents. yotur Majcsiy, uer viti se ninclh ouai- Cash lu Onto Bank Osawsa, -'2,943'19 WLE EG O ulse ho inyaeif." ~ ~ M-tgsos, proseui ale 28,147 < 'ATE0EG6&CPblees COECTICrxuT'SMsuS.p-This moulu NEW ADVE TS M N S theevas bora in Vermout viat la '0248,956 45VERI IITNS pmbably tue semalleat baby over-bora - LL'sBILITIES. INOSÉMUAIAB R- lnuOauneôtfout. Ta the femily of Mr. ilsat Account ............... # 8,882 82 B ENTOANDDESMTIEABSOR. Waltr B. leilen vas attot a tiuy boy Capital Stock................ 119,406o E ADlIeSIV L 0D tha vlgetbu ta outaeu s Deposlitaro ................. 102,M8839 ths weghd bt fo nuns ad 'I' BilsPayable ............... 17,00 OU 700 doz. sold since April last. ounces. Itin. living, sud lilely te hive. Bal, ai Aseets avor Liabîitie... 1,828 50 -Nov bille of the Standard Bank are ' 89b 5 Thse Riseumatie Absorbent wiil posi- flaelagabot. TieyIte as h. ig.- $28.99 ~ tivaîy cura ail pains fi-rn Rhoumatiom or nettei gabi ou d lkeer cs the Pi-e.- T. H. MOMILLAZi, other înflamatory Svellinga.elu 12 Haurs. ,mete wel eecued ikees f te Po-Secy.-Treas. The Digestive Flild sas nover faili ideni of th.e]Bank, Hou. T, N. Gibbs. hrb certify tiai lie ebovo ta :cure Dyspoeie ; relief ie feit lu a iew *Ta avoid a iioavy defloit lu tie-ra- stiteinents coniain a Correct r'pmseni. aura. 'Tne mont abstinate cases os D ye- veueofte niedSatsth pr- at o te faie f h Scit, Pau slacupdilu sweek. A Lady vrites. Venu OaiuOuliidi .~..es .4-O-..ssiOi osse afair os ue ccus>' se*;~hava beau savsd frai ilfe-lingerlur -prisifon, for thuafiscal year have beaunBlosenb y the. bolks et Decciber '81it, Paits. I hai Branclitis,' Catarrh, ang reduced by soins #88,000,000. 1876. W.' have exataineti vouabems3 Dyspepse, sud vas curet'inl a iaw day. by- A fon ay !mountoîl robbors dasi. aud futd the saine correct. ita use." Saisi by Druggisis. lPrion SOta. e A Combgp ieTs naany0Tail G .GR SNAsice for particular cases Ireso.Addreae, tîso lors,,cas asdoaind aie pl JG . I G I Anr-cie.W. Y. Brunton, Landau, Ont. 41 in nevengoforthoelsanglng o! tîiî ThoCl ie t e aopio te W ~ T IE .AULD. SCOTCH SANG5 CpAn Olînblis rluQ. Pe o raporen~.d in a tintspeech reviewet bieAsshiobeoliaI s d aun, usthaprogrestii& Comp~any bat mate. Oddfollowg' Hall, Wbitby, ani blueglas tecr ba bo a lueglose lesaisi th. oompany led oui>' beaui lu DY FRRAB .th 87 e roont ruade, Ilu vidailie keepo i liesix apeaîlen for about tireeuandà l uuai!d..4 l erUwl aarY leoft/jh177se dI tangue r h.hurs evory ' day. Ha ara, uringwvidai lime t1 harei'- Returuansi arewei persue h suc ina opoor ma, but le laucdes iaIa;teCiderahlad regularl y roceivedthoierceIeSatetia Rste,, S meontal eud plysicai improvemnt o! afyerydividende ofve par cout., MISS AMROESOMN, tie girl, viii lucreas..their valu. ini the * a-t rateof onpheu en arM hi r. a MSotiE LUaiMSen. matrimonial mai-kei, ae nseompe-n. aunuin. l adtin, 'ctistent.opr sae hum. lied beau eble ta place ta the. oredit cf MISS JESSIE LUMSDEN, Accampanisi. ho't Our or Woin.-Tvcnty thousaut the Reserve Accaunt the very resect. Admission 25 Cents; Comîeuciug at 81 mon are sai t .la le oui of empioyment aile ium o! ovor $10,000. -The resuit,' "Dinna farget Monday niclit." Or- ini Abany, ansi an appoal is made -0ta -(Çhalrrnan sait, could not ba but 'Fcbruary 13th, 1877. 8 the Ciiy ondthîe Statu e Lglsltura for grsiifying lanlthe higlîel doe. la toal aid to t1.1: familles. - ' coucernuotinluthe prosperit> of the l~? ~ Company. The Cliiima , oevvr, J""J"I i Tut BRPaiu.E:.-The Uiteid reminded the Shireioldei-s talt tey 'TaCtao Workang Ciass.-We ara uow States Gevernmeni bus prohibitedthte muei ual le disappointed if In the prepsred ta iurnish ail classes vith con. imupôrtatilonof meat, catIl, eutdlbites, future their divdents ver. resinootas atout omployment nt home, tha vIole ai To froni Germany, owing ta tic proe. 7 ie blievodt he poliay cfthie, Board Business new, light anti profitable. Per. lance 6f inderpest lun<lhe latter counnt-y. voula b. torea-se theîle Rsi AccOnIt. sous ai eltiier sex eaisily' earu frai 50 cents t MEETIîNGOFaiNOvA SCoTrA LÉors- The adoption cf 1h. Report- vas unu- tu $5 per evening, flii( a proporlional smi LaTsRE-Thie Nove Scolie Loeglîlaturo anicnouaiy oariid. ly .dsvotiisg their viiole time ta the busi- montéii u Thui-sday. A nev sp44lcer la Mm. Camuli8, socondet by Mr. Beat- ns.Dr r ils a naî sm Colt to ho eleaiet. Tiareaai-e a uunïi>ofo *in, movedthtltheii.um of sixty dol- s'mn. hhat a.1l wh ..eo tis naticb nmay Ct sendti ui- adl-cs, sud test the business aspianis for ithe Asitant SccretsMvlae.be paidthîe aurlilome, Mosi-s. Gi-m.vs iakc thit usparalleleti afîi- :To ssuuad slip, vacant by tua elevation cf bMr. son eutdlHairis, for theur services dur.-aM are niot weli aatisfied ive will senti ana sans i'oor10tii Snae.iig the pasi yoam, sut tiett he y bcore. dollar ta psy fur the trouble ai witiug. afiC Powr O he entc 'F 11 ?,ai-iciriars, iasnples warth several dol- anti appintot auditons forthIe curmsnt.yearl. laesoLacommence work on aud e copy' ai188M4 Sti-stford Town Counoil lias agmeeat Cerried.. Home ansi Fireside anc o? the large st and Po ta laver thelilcensetee for liotels, &c., Ur- Brookg, mconded by, Mm. -Ieat- les;t Ililusîratet Publications, ail sent ires tram $200 (a§s:axe iasat year) ta $125. vin, niavedat;a a vote cf tîasule by mail. Boudter, il you vaut permaînsut, The Naano. tandad remi-k la d sulallreby tendored te lhe 1'orosi- profiable vai-k, atidrese, Gzouon SmINesOi,R. Th «el Naae tafen a smolimea tdent, vice-Prealdeni Aut Dimectou's for 1,Co.,'Portlaud, Mainie.B.J angenderet by, rosa o!ofrespectable îley ve stistctry mau&iao f heci Y TO LOAN1 wnubing calot s vituoses lu liguaio ie'laecudcMdts aforf!lie}àOE trials,.-Comipany turing the pent yeem, ansiaid 55i ucsfui> seing, 'Ibis prOViêtento trifoiù th ensuing yeam t Han. T. N. PR ER&IDA disoavemeel remet>'. Thas. wluo v i bbs01,< W. H. Gibbs, M. P..,W. F. 1H W Y ta aval lieU2seîve, cf île hanafi ta ce ,<oWen, Ea, .B. Hemla, Esq., W.. Tovui liii. thseover>' vitheuIt coul, eau do pai. Uin, pfs.o .S a-kEqW lsy retumur mail, b>' asiressiug vitl T. Dingie, Esq., J. A. Gibsai2 Esq., Notiée to Builders. 'ssmaps nsmîuig PpOi oant W. H. Tbemae, Es4, De. LE P . MAURSHALL, A. vote o! thenka ves lieu tenteretd [. 88 iaM reb e C airm au sd le m eât ' sead- Tenders yul e rec lved u 1ta SA. TUR A , a u l 88 N a a a Street, theu24 u da- olse aBY a e E auc- t ds jeu- - ttien ai Staton Buldings on %orathe bath daus, Bluffalo, N. Y. Ai a subsequeut meeting of tie Di-- vey fet SZaaxva'i, MÀILeu.x., anti OÀxvOan. nai taE Two acquaintsuces ineeting ons et ectore Heu. T. N. Gibbs vps -unanin. Sqpar.te Tendes ili be receiveti faresola e fy4 s One greete ethe ele:tod n.side t, 81)à W . F4. lSt ti -.or for th ol' e H %$ t f u r & , tiste y ) _ ' E o e t c i t, i : l e C io ! t , q., v i0 y a r d s o ! P as de h t oe i r e a d #~on s a n oe c -a r',.lon GOOD, USEFUL FIA which comblindthe. learness af toiýc he eautyofai du fthe mioit eleb, m û.a, vi t a mod e rto p l It b. aaked heW Il la osýet a Good iano for about 'la th. màÙlng orsale ai thon-fln nints;ue.s 30 ma nlare ovroq or no exp e. raveuhtfnittN PULTBBe.'N ieOnTsAre'11eea a UNWOEM STÂONDpfàe PUL ERI< O BASS' -CARYED LEGS< ROBEWOOD CASES. An extra DISCOUNT -0F za ýPER CENT. 'iii b. eileved Schaois andi Couvents, elsa ta Clergyman far the use ai thair familles. W. ADAMS, WbltbY, Febmuusry, 1811, 1877. 1#8 SIMODN & KELLEY, CIGAR MANUFÀOTbRY, ,NO ,ta c IGARSinanufactra firn lesut Hsvs 1 Tobacca. The celebrataIl S. CigMe Hatel-keepers anti Dealerse fiud 7tto er atiatage ta give tIen Wusltby, Fol. 7th, 1877'- LIQUOBS 0F THE BEST BRAN' WHOLEBALE and RETAIL AT WHITB' Fresh Family Groceries an -Pro-visions, always of the Best. FRESH FISH, HADDI91S, CODF18H1, HERRINOS. 9AT'MFAL, CORNVMEAr,, IL-liR LEI', BUCKWVHEAT, SPLIT PEA S, FALL ANYD .MIX- ED FLOUJI. A. 5 PEU CENT OFF FORL CASH. itI>', Pcb. 7t1, 1877. - 7ALUABLE BUILDING ýLOT FOR SALE BT AUCTION 1 That superlai- Bclding Loi coutelniug ne haîf acre, bain gTavui Lots M. anti N., rassi-va Blaek, WethoaiBrook street. rie ebove f. s corner Lat, vehi feuceti i ns ai hleiest Bilig. ot u.h vun; 1h la an lhe appsite camer te the idouca of Leviluone, Eaqurs. re a veoLai viii no80d b nblic sotian et 1 RASHOon HI rimeda, e17t/a ebruary, 1877, 4phtva a 'cbc, P. M. Tnsm-at Sale. For particuloe appl>' the Auctianeer. Acins- )CRTAKING 1 GOODSM RE OWN! anas K." ly-7 DS i I L.t FAO39TO IRBNS E s 111oUutblr n lav od teet nodrt la h B pnn-g. MILLINERY ANDMA Bsrrister,ko.1 gy A First-class Stock of Gioccries on baud. Farmers -MA bbur.M . 1877. w td-7 produce..taken fi exhango. M NMU of înost'all kimds to cheer the' proldbit thwe ; eof Intoxdcating Gi/more c0 o., Attoî'neys at Làw,*l S m OJi E i, S* .iqiwrs and thej8sitof License8 W ity, Nov. 2n, 1876. therefor in thea Coitnty of Ontario. (Successrs ta Chipman, oorer & Co.,)W hib2n he Council of the Corporation of the 2FStet WabntD.C unyofOtai eats:AXERICÂN- AND FOlEIGN PATNTS.-Pat. XXo 111VC agaDkin to eau your attenîtion 8- VT # That the. sale of into aigi osente procured iu ail couiltrieos. No fes in the Issue af liseuses thereon bc ault advance. No charge uniess the patent is to the flîinîerotîu IMITATIONS né i herebyirohibited withiu the Gounty granted. No fees for making. the prelinsin- Onarounde te qvsino uthorlty ary exsininations. No- additioual fets for otu Have just openled eniorceme T emnpérance Act of obtaiuing and condoielug arehessioig. Spe- ciel attention givau ta Interierence Casuse lasdJsury2t,17.efr the- Patent Oflice. Extenision before A IA j8igned,> ~Cangres, Inirinqement Suits in dlffcreîît u'~ ~r GEORgBeWHJLENB, (L.S.) States, antd ail l tigation aIpertgning ta obcIn-F'.& y(1 't * MACDONELL , ventions or Patents. Smt 8umpfor pam- - -- 0 0 County Zl:ork, phletof sixty pages. TE TM LICE~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V IE STAtTesEoSe ea re~ u ' T M capyai NOTC.Late prov is trucle-Clafiooecue nthe SuiraneCourt -i r cpofaBLa-ôpobtthsa e ntleCot f- s Court O0 r,,Stock is1-c ntoxioatlng lquors- and the. issue oaif Cnn s LCaourti ai llsims *- uses for the;same in the County. f S auntherai ..... -8. ad Oeap. e0'isin n onl ain vut.8c dYDearh'n àrý sd: h uiiaýCgelclasses fwrclaimi beforo the Xxecsstive LIUS kuusry, 1877., Âud slso tae notice that IMR OF AND I)tiiyOlier N GILT LETTERS. BGF SË, eetipln ofth Mnii ntaletr i oe-h Saldiersand Saiari af the latewar,aor thefr BRAOKETS, FANCY. yofth Mn ip lotar ies icip t in the Côunt *Uheirs, are in Imancse niedt iny IoncthptgoleGliii. 13 SFO EWLY eld at tfe nndermentioned places in the. from the .aes ent wictey ae o'ta(eLi?. iuJSFOumvc±i, oeral Mumocipalleles iun Sid Couuty, 0On no kuowledge. Write full hîstory of service BRLAR PIPES, ýVDA Y, the FIFTH DA Y of sud state aount ai py a.d bounty reciev- Hmie"n H )7 4.2m BUSTS, PARIAI', ed. E aereplyae.CR AP;PÀL A(RUUex exanination, wiîî bo 9 ven you fre. CARD CASES,PTARTA. le ho=x ci T o__>& _ "ioe_' se purpose ol'tsiùg a Pal ta ýdecide Sioswuc, 50K CEo lj*e u i À~ tier or not thé, B Law hereinbear ot er owvr lghl, a atina . rëi. w1 sI sn1u ne ou red d ithe salt i uai- z,*uln, a ici1119 iu r Mla ydraa1IenGi CIGAR ODRS hecto b us Temer. ;etled, taan Increàc,sIf'Sen amrp snd pair Siseva Buttous,> 1 setCGA HO RS BlcI rsà provl h Tmer information i ll be iurniehed ire.Shirt gtuds I'Collar Button; OXGARBXS B sacxT ow nH aS TATESnderlaud U arrxx> O FFICE.G_7r1 si. LÀ NB O T L ! ahip of B wj, Twu E, un cland ntseftedL'and Cas,Private Landi *e davYndpin. î z rpcOLGEPACe aslip aiof a Towalnse e.K.Miuing Pre-emptian and Homnestead CasesCOLD #100.jýý#l0000 stok zstDRJHT slipai Potrao, Twm Hllprasecuted bofore the. General Land Oiffice besola. Ilmnstr'tedcataogueDRSIGC E, a p o P l G T o n 1 a, D o p arti en t a f te In teria r. a i jew ellery , w atch es, . mobpofEu.&ffl, Tawn Hall, Mauihe«te. 0oBoRANDr A1WT...hels e en iI vrylt Sle F2E IOY .14 ai oorr, Twn Hal'Repart of the Cammissioner ai the <Général J8el,1ýrywreth; good time-keeper, #4. GLOVE AND HNKýCHE a o e n T o n X L L a u ti O ffic e sh o w s .8 9 7 , M a dro e t a i Ba u n ty W ic i re o :t a ua e n s . o 11TonHallBeevartan.'Land iWArnik1t5oUtt5iding. Thesoe s MOTREÂL'No BJLTY Ca. Calndseortc. mhip 0 LI Town' alGo' *. issueti uuer soto1856 sndprorct .w,>lp»* g X xm s-,Q C l ,a d e u S ok s i cash, onilCanbr for tlèemBad y egieedlo. Mars.nPQ W h r ain ob are iperfect e .-8 lo1f> ai Ylxrrsv, Town Hall, Broolflta. g-t nsrcinstpreott ' nklcn-Eeeutom' fi e,- To 1 Uby, Doc, 13h, 1876. 1hlp cI o,Ba"sv Wx±, Town Hafl1% Esol dpazriienpiooer businesszcýn olnmabug.ductein 'up sep bures; uicder té$1.edtos g Qi-OS&wÀ, Town Hall, Charge ai o rienoatIgiwyon sà( Creditor' > joi Pas: Pazyi, Town HaIl. y rosson-,aif eror or frutmanI!y at;r. H. . ÂC O1 Et ays arn susend d froci preotico bon heA e " o fe l g a la ga nst us a rn t fiers eaoh yesr" esaeaite se CF AznD m Co Ct lark, Outao. lai5Oatg am e s ae eotus ?tlel!A S r44 L ~ OV]ER, 12o , 'mk o for SrnImporta Mions, we>will offar for OÈE MONI' ourwhïole tok f Winceys& and Flaniiels, tosiery andGlv,- mantlc,%saiîd Clothinlg. *~At Spcll'eu(4Pus.. STOVES ANI)TJWRE Copper Ware, 0f every descrpto ili stock' c c e.. Dr macde to order. Special induceients to purchases of Stoves for balance, of season. wi GTROSS NEW SPRJNG Is no-w showing the- Best Assortment, and tl u~Furtheré alteration of- preii to 'meedt the additional requirenàent of cur trade, O Our quarterly password: B yourWu. Ppor J.n Pape WOBERTdSON',o DOMINION WZ4REROOMS. Are selling the, balance. of their Wintfer Stock at greatly Reduced Pricas, coMBiffing of general D-R Y UOODS, PURS,9 CLOTHîNG, i MILLINER Y, 'go. GROÇRJ E-S, VRYCH'EAP. eust what the people waut these hard. tîme 0S. Good goodS at loweàt prices. Cail anýd get aw sup- ply. Extra; induceéments to cash'custo*mers. LOWE$ &l- POWELL. PF-I NCIL E' S Merchant Tailorintg Bstablishment, WHICH THEY WILL MARE UP CHEAFP, FOE- CASHI. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, 3' Brock Street, Whitby.' L A1N G & STEWART.. In anticipation of real stormy weather about Christmas,- have bought Several Articles which it miglit be well for those people taken with the Cold and Hard Times'to inspect. The goods referred to are in such a shape that they cannot altogether-prevent,I but will materially assist in keepinga out the cold, and dniv- ing away duil care. For in a storniy day, what is betterJ than a good. Fur Cap on the head -,a&fine warm 0-vercoat on your back, girth about with a sash or, muier, such as NITLE8, F8S- AND FU RS. Ladies, a't UAING & STEWART'S. & ocj48 ge, well asso>rted, INIK STANDS, - 'INK BOTTLES, MUSIC' ROLJsr PEBPUMEIRY, PAPIERTERIEs, SPAB ORNAMENTS. SMELLING BOTTLES, TOJ3ACCO POIJOfES, VASES, BOHEMIÂN GLASS. WÂTOH STANDS.,- WALLETS, WRITING DESKS, -- WOBIKBOXES, CASÉ$, &C., &C". &C',O GO 0 DS V.J.HIOKIE & White Cottons, Factory Cottons, Fancy1 Priiits'; Table Linens, -Huck Towels., Pillow CottonIs, Sheetings, &c.- The above goods wcîrc 'bought ;ît bottoni prices, and will be sol at a slight advance ou cost. W. J. H. & Co., wiLl continue for oîîo xnonth longer to ltlesn aulia AWtb adme ; oi- itan ibel aleases td I Osenemn' M>iJnM. D NOW OPEN. Sn.ao PER-DAY. Free omnibus t asd fraui l train.. T'a. le sud appolumt lst icas. THOMAS SCITLILBy. 5-y Laie aoaCutlîslingEoHali, 5-1>'Manager. A COPRAIi? w t l nevi' reott, Paintoti sudpapereti througl'out. - L. FAIRBANKsX. Whiliy, Jan. ai, 1977.,is- s TORE AND DWELLING TO LETI!1 A Liverpool Ma;i-kt, e New Store eut Dveilng, vol Itteti up sud wvus everv ne.cesser>'aCeOniodaton. Apple' te- S-ALT! SALT!!1 500 BARRELS GODECRIOH, Jusi raceived anti faorsae b>' T. LAWLER & CO. Whity, Nov. 2iai, 1876. ' tf-48 MONEY T-O' LOAN! 80,000 ta investinluaunaasu it baio-i-v ars. 8 per cent. No ommrision. Apyt-W. H, BILLINGS, - Solicitar. Wluilby, Janluar>' 24t1, 1877. & MACNACIITAN, 1.1 i 1 1 in 1 Jaiiuafý Clst, 1877 Lowes. : (Coi T V S:M-&SoITAIBIJMI c>oo--osl ALWAYS ON HAND AT JUST AR CIVE D AT r 1 r. r 1-I 1 thoir stock of 1 1 'HAMILTON Powe-il 1 Tl'il, Ware,

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