Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1877, p. 2

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7ý ua" T'unir enat 1 Why 11o$ géek ta pré. il crw Mouàm. ýQPefttftg ôf tbo pongfilon p a reports Gold. vent the growth argil viotagn of the 0 ÙA»àýr VoLim. X B WM i'té 'VIT a 1 Id-iw truc Lis "d Th of Peý ýn«&riOs--àad on" Whom the Grodg ý*ou1d daitxoy they, thit ci or 91MOX __ .1 ý 4 e - Department grape, flio dowing of t1je hur1vv, and Il . »e 'ntedý* linon, the ioli.l(liljg of flit) 'Applo troe AU04 lieilà -GorInsla inacréciatie ",the Tïmë and TWýY'-i rý0XTIM Ti coïe. î1 igitor Ll'it. %vll!V ilIt lry 0:)Llolusioue eh w ào Uý»Y se" South Wellington) ruov- - bel- ý_À» seon!; tbï,,ory for DUuknlo bid BÜL 8til * Ili - ' , le Pen of, Mr., Wm, 13M liber déeply iàtereeùu'g th-rie "ou" with Lire -1tu.1 f0ri, ;ci of t pý won't To-ds thée 'Iý Ild &U 1 eau l', ne Oli' te,ý they- iiiiiii k, 11àý, xM an gýe nos t,%ken ùp, the resder Will', lency- Gov inemi .*4101lt ft lii-1, wil give e toits ai, ROI viâÜng mmiug jüdîc1àÜÏýhtiua - b6i&M toi quit the book wieil lieýýfal- lu a 'bois. To the doom of bac Stâtq ta th= - in n la 0' id tfist muttoll choirà as woli J44 fflir beur and thé eartlà saine tîwe alter the a u3ber,, *4 j -b,-e- 1 - =s- auder - . _1ý ýý 1 m -1 _a- - ' move gay am. Front blander te bl tbey ra notthe leu"-rektiraing "th 1 1 - ai' lier jchoolý,dýýp -witb Auoe Cu 43 ràé'ýabaiï et -feu ks, wore. amended sa thât tbey Lfke the moutting doclaimers " Ingh àtaý," eéàmd, toi With thst reâtesgnogs and contetupt' Wýah mittin5r at nolon in the abadow of i bad, Bill. t be 1ound ta agrée in tha itâ"&M"UO g veatüèo' sud' iiifîhâpr, joliyèr thafollo?4pg oh - ý at'-,Ik was not adviâable Io IL of facto, go characbelâtie of the Tem. a - fig-treo looking veýy disco don't lika the way in which people 9à bu? 1 lm tu-IC te: é foiwam 'Îll the works ta compte. whgle.be&rW -dWntero"ed love-4t, stateme" th perance advomtb, theso men segt inqüfiïd ý thé -ëàÜîèý, of bis druuk, a the accentric, but «Id guoor, thst -&Il pauppiom aàd crime coul& bc grief- Noalkropiied tliatthe 1100 op Do. Igy qr II a degrada#on to -,whioh nien have Druiptigond, an'dýbèt là,.Slid âff"ng _1 eDeCo d TiiojapRon direOt1yýt" d ta drutikouneu. 18 huata woré 0,jý;ê"l an thàëhd *« ýwýo bay "d glightly -,!le liquor wM swW, the,, 0 Enmon u ý0 méat for tt!e deanstob jýtered their prqit&emos Soist the dqjý%yý jj&v. there _no -ee y nd -ima, ý;jugtbi:gg, thé -kindly, bait BIU The characiter of gojut1e9.ýi' dý4oUhf, obtiveni. Thà,ý"*so1titiýn was aMý,ëdej,' sud &Unkenneim in unkua" P -le Ibérie 'idNgtiliý,g ta drink ?" sala file augel, Il te dWuu h r 61106 a ors. an add 6rtéd spil ordored:, Mioi Warrener, who, with ýtbe_»» ce" Wis 03 bcd 61106 , ni rose wu' ré "MM" nous la lundostan, wheio tho people 14Look rroundl Do net $110 rains f9ll, Now thls 'a the question we ras uring the reo@ULI visitedithe Pro. ta lie prosented. .1 4' - alobn who kick up go logligh a bogtofmotiveo=d pu t affiotionfor >, " k zgothins but water? No -mir. P'and tllô ý,,river6 lun ; sud, 10, thora net a both thé jo V' ors, «, ' M ara the ýha ppiness of vinoe of British -Columbia, aligil, haà Natice- was _- given-1thât theý Hanse der, no robbery,'io crimes of tree,ýhý-- Aprhig,ý'èf wat.or'babblliü UP. ilt 'illy, can a manwho eau ý purobsige the'îjtuff, Kt îfoui tirs Wou b' ' dv bath, is powe matio. , Thons Ming aeq là 0 ni ed into Committea of ory or violence, say, la Turkey, oiîc cottà-o'àoo"r 1v s11sweîOd'ý 139 ga"e sober- Iby steffing him, Om glasa who. have *àt yet roïd the bocký1gaVw ïç whole" that intereiting, 'su glyon Monday. cidnitt or in' iddwiCoý 'Noah, Fil4it.,Ug bis brea6ty 11that, Lhere, of aie ? ' part of the and with the ê Rouge thon adjourlied. Any. 0 thé, Bç At treat, in store. olimâtë ââd roïouroeiof thèlr-Province. XQùammýXk0 00unwes of A#j»j wLjýe is of water in which thy lu thé rjàutang up taverne sud hiudrance, 01 gre tra4e, GSdi letter- soo good ý paper, and The surveys of the Paac Railway Monday Feby. 12th. servant (,-An bathe - but, alita 1 *bon I Tue Way in which drtýùlýitât A" fiéber mon strolig bindin ohsmtgriotic of tbe bave boeia prdsccuted with the utmost Mr. Barthé, ý miember for ltiàheliéu,' §770 W'ne '0 forbladon by a law strOW -k of thé inultitudc 01 strOug Mon, vaade'?- a a 0, ta tbanimythàt,<Ooüld!be énatteil bythe thLn etùpofallt;toibandsoxue new booliý vigor'and ab a largerocat during tbe t to-ifay's Most, 'If tu(>" oftcautiflll Wengen, and of innocent- Ta stop selling, by glas#, At.O of thers,' For sale by Do, Biao 01 thé ast thàà in sny provionsyesr, but it abolish the lusolve Bolforil Bro nay swi a' mononie' na, chiliritil, and tire cotintloori libits of WbIlc whaie crowde îertIet, George Yule, Whitby, and all booksoli- as net been found possible es yst té settled -siter a Mont protiâoted '2* estià obutting 4 -of'ýal1 Our, ý,hOwW a' ut thé cibler, A"magg fer )Ompleto the location of the! 1 sien only two yeurs ers. À ine, and I ago. ý, The,ý4ùà bien' .»Qnàl liquor, atores, and thé ýýdoê1sra4ioný1y sllnimalm thst wero drowno(l tu thé Diay stand truat liavi canon quiende been obHg'a te, poot- will cause songé lively disolusidn. nÇisl, tige ý taw that those, in 4110 Flood, the !des of Watcr beeVýos dis- Te preveut the punir man tu bey, boer with DETECTIVE AND BoxuàMJ3ULIOT-By AI- peine Ibo ôrdering of tenderd for its don. Beverst other motioni bavick been liquor triera . 0 wore publie enomies tu bc taistortil, ana my lipa »refutie ta a live cents, lin, Plukerton. Toronto Bolfoid 'stmetion:,oà the terme indicateil by thé diop6eed of, Mr. John Macdonald, MI Wj1ilùý tho rich mont With monol sud Brothers. of 1876. 1' A furtber. correspondance, P. foi Centre Toronto, moved bii rasa-, glugm deàlt %vitil accorilingiy, couid abQIýh is rognon, in' wlwt thon say- hounets aud rents This, the latent $tory 01 the vétéran _ýon the subjéots- et issue between my, 1ution in laver of proyers beiug read at, poverty, vtooand crime, and make4u& ost, replié-J Clin ancel, and, éiljÏoading Clu b'y by LT, dozon ol bottles and glaosess a tective la Oleverly cela ; it le fûIL of Government anà British Colùmbie; willt 'thé opening of'the Irouso. The Rouse - TeraperAncu lent that ail OthOu sur- s1tlirrig scènes sud -ineidenta, ân4 lit- a ta- ýdûcw1jthl 911 rlob, comfortable and posoeable' 06 hid k ý8ý he gow up ta bc laid before you. ioénie&,Iitt1w, "a' me 0 thât murder, robbèiy, and brqacijý Of swift gâs a lightniug.tlaah, sud Phews the dangers détectives 1àivý ÏÏ -' Duringtho récent suspension of the, question, althçugh invited ta do sa; The blioýitc" osyprelté;ls-ltio their buiiiti"00 encounter in thoir bunt aitai &tort Oxtijaâiitou arrangements, "-'wltlîz the' and siter Mr. Macke avy- one uf the ton comraaiidmeuW wjjjic flic eyea of iNoith wore otilldaz-- to (la it-m- criminals. The Rtory of "Ton NuaD. U - nzie audgir John sbould no more bd krio*u, Ille courg- zled by the brightnose of his présence (Altl'Ough m'O exPect that hernater thoy'l' aited Staies, I book eue thst thé im-ý A. Uàodouëll had both çoken brieffy, 1 nie it') EBEB AND TUE POÏTUNE TELTER la bound 'Portanca to Canadaof a Apeedy re- pointing ont' the practical difficulties 1 tries to whiali va have just allii4éd- raturneil with somo otocksýOf the vin0o Tliat damnatiou in sure ior eue dram &IL the up in the 81111130 'Volume, For sale by aumptioli of th se, arrang me abould exporienced in desling with snob a sub- 4 bould be perfect yët w '0114-110'tau,ýht thé gratefal l:atriarclx bar, George Ynle, Whithy,- agg4 all bookse4., 0 è uts Mille tweiity, SI home, damnation May Rot- majoity,'i- Pâriis. ject, it was agreed ta adjoura the de. :tr4ogýe te tfin, Po-O"P*li, total ab- Ilowtoplantand tond'andy wlien'ýýhe ors. ment. whose attention bai beau -furtber liste, a oommittea bèing appointed ta -4t&inerg, se thoyýýdre, ýare thé Most fruit was ripe, how ta proseintowine. Ilow luit this A NAD; WORLD AND ITO INUànrràb[Tg. inviizd toi tbil expèàeùiy, ..agoertain the festin» of mombers of ïC Il proliibitionisis tread 1 the azfetilli, Âhaeg of re1igk"ý opin" sa, ta the Ox. id et. w»tched on the fous -of thé' etitth. This, says Lits saurr, wits the source of pat - BY a1ý Amateur Loustic (Juin$ bendin#2 the -prýà à and Italy are roularkable for mil bila botte ficient sud bonavolout Leyllaustillg ul Patience and rousing Cjmmbe pénale Ta Detroit; Boltord Bro. trestY- IsInfladtO'b8ý311 18 ta state ney ofthe, proposition. theïr wrath-, - thers, thât white the ýcpergtioîg ýof tfieý.'treàty The naît subject ai interest balcon -op ged ta thefr toblýoty-âro they' froe from Muks %;Licli tho Worid Owes ta the. wauting laws te enfoice thoir views on Tlie'resder will Ond mijols to interaot han bee'n- tosùMedjý ndgôtlàtibi2o'àrein was the motionof Mr. G. W. Rosa t'or pauperiom and crime P And (1060 suy grae. Ait tu thair noighbour, hy Il Whou Iiim in'thio implùo narrative. It je à progrou for -a convention more libéral -a Càmmittie ta consider the question ou& bolievo,---nuy one but t4oretical what ha shall think?-W > , 'd - ree.,. in le' ý ffr. Iléos re. bc shall labour ? deaorip«on ofthe elogular expia M'nos -and bitter'euito t6 the etroumotances -of rtî Il debate's. nou enthuelasto-thai thora w ' lie 'loge 'The Pftoidential Contest. gainait by Mr. -Chambon là 1872, wlien ýOf the Iwo ocuntriio. ferrait briely ta thoý,, exporience of the , Pl Or, whon lis shall "p,,e&4,or swallow- hiât witb tlw &id qi là Owný ' The attention ý of ý my Goverament lootýýtwo sessions,, and, ýdetai1ed the, m ýd«&. crime and paupeylotù-t or *fewer of "thé The Etcotoral Côtamignion by a. vote Plu ; il. clever icting ce the part, ho gâlnedýad- 'baving beau diricti'd ta soma - sinom' causes of the. report ý 01 the last coin. 910 to which fle8Iîý là boir," or a (Emin- Or liow lie ohall pray, or exercisé bis ski , t of 8 to 7 fias rej)ui-ttsd the Ploricla vote Or do, or perforai one act of lits will, mission te au seylum et New York,', 'ailes - lu thé Royal Comniiogion and. mitteee hâving -through. After 1 opté, for 11ay(114. 1'116 report hein bée accept- Net coutited a crime, by Dunkin'o bad Bill? gnd olt&red the 'uoual treatment se- BOyý'à1L instructions ta the Governor. a disouqsioù th tien was finally ution ci the ain$ Io whieb mankind la cordai te, patients now in vogue at t Général, particularly with regard'to the aggreed tac, -111,_ prone, by the of thio Dunkin bat î cd by the Sujiate but rojected lu the Would Tout erance pretouden mind thoir institation. For sale by George Yale, exeroise of the> prorogative of ý pardon, Mr- Mackenzie tken made the pro- E er&-, by--Iàw la the ocýntity of Qàtarlo ? No flouse. ArgnuientA arc now boing Gwu agairs, oteps haqie beau taken towards the am- Miseil Ministerial étplanations 'as ta thau- Men Of, 00nimon sonne eau.,IiorloâtLy And cemelio torment us and givé thommalves Whiiby, and ali bookoeuers. beard lu tho Louisillua cage in Which it and t of'thése Instruments. Papers the récent Cabinet chang«, on which thé believe, Any 4noli al»utility,, »rWking iý4 expeeted ýtjlat sir AN ILUSTaàtTzD Ristàay or Taz Dcý 10 mansubjiat, en; will se on thst of the the firot roal lively discussion of the c a deciiion will bc Thu woZ wouM bc botter, sud grow botter 1 n-thé still- misioN, 1586-1876, Parts 1 and ýeztrajition question, will lie laid before sesson took place. Tho Honqe thon e tbey will cortairily flot be proventeil, se Ive ache(l hy safuraay. A strong sus- ivitllout the agitators fur »nukiu'o bad Il. By Charl« B. Tuttle. Mont;- Yeu. paid think wo have oloarly oliewn in Our '-c 1 rosi, : LoveIlPrintiug sud llublisb, picion exista that thé Democrats do not Di 1. The gréïst public works connecteil inca rem>grke of lAët. wook. As, was àigo ing Com Ailly, 1876. with the St. Ilawrence navigation, and Ontario 'Legislature. ineail to allow thil confit ta bc corn" Tire Act Respecting Ditching -and Thé three frît parts of this claborate thé cangle ioquired to complote the 21,01, thon remarUd,, and as ta geuerauy ud- illeted if tlir fittdd aboula be [,'[Yeu to à hava reaclied us from the yt orge mitw, thé vidé of lntotuporance has Water-Courses. wor .blisli system, hâve beau prooocuted witli suc. Wednesday, Feby. 71li. Irayes. era. The machanical and artutie dis- ,con. gradually dillifuislied within tha lait cens during thé past yeux. Nearly al, The expoctud discussion, on the Orange "Again 1 play in illustrations ana letter-progiq the works ou thé, Welland and La, Billig came UP, on a motiou of Mr. c Oliat quaèter of a contury. Tliat happy ré- Dýrat up A cage of much intorest te Owuerti Of are very croditable. The . paper la chine canais have been placed under MejTidk te send- back thé report of the 1 cou. suit - lia# net ýOcu accowpliolit,.(l bY land and fonco-viewers was hesyd lately heavy sud type large sud cloar, while contract, on terme favorable te the con. que$ Aet ai parlisment. lit 1134 hdon 'rhera lias béen anothar burst up of beforo Ilis Ronor Judge Dartnell. Ji..,s from à literary point of view the work try. The active prosecution of these standing comm'ttee on I)r'vate bills uod. biouglit allant by the gooJ sonse aufl that "iltit4fortunate aliaet," known as thé his décision in of vaine in enabligig dis- cannot fail tu add ta the réputation of with instructions to déclare tire Pham- t works duriuff the last three yearo has ble proven. a long, discussion ensued the author se au Ilistorical writer. neeeo«rily ineressed the public débit, i, which aU the old arguments, pro F Clt,. growitiL, futelligonce of thé pouplu , Ly "Whitby Gazette.,, Mr. Watson found putants and lence-viewers under this FLPORD'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE for and though expéctations arc entertain- and cou, were gorge aven Finally on v tbat botter talote in tire iiiiprovii(l uaages -of thrce montlis' trial ciiotgli te tire him act Io ferai seine notion of thoir zights *bruary etubraces a full and interest. ed thst the outlay may ultimlltely bè the cailing of the vote, the niotiou was 0 ýefjt »Ociaty, 41141 tire aproaIl or of thé concerti, and i;o we havé his, net and duties, we give thoindepuent entire. ing variety of interesting reading mat- irepaid ta tire country, it may bc cou- lost on the following divàiou. r a lu sud, we will net deriy lit, 04o wlioicootnU unexpectoil, valedictory lafit week.- Ridacil - voi. mcKay. This was au ter. The continueil stories of-"Wliat sidérait advioablo net ta prose aIl the intluett-ce sud Apreail, of téiaper(lýire, Thé) Wliitt,,, or fille 0 appeal by Riddell, fmi the award of it Cost Her," and IlNicholas Minturn" we Yena-Appley, Baker, Barr, Botliune, b rko contemplateil in the earlier yesra 'Boulter, Broder, Brown, Cameron Orld WO lune file Word atlvigedly', prilieiples. awa Anys the oflico ia to thé feuce-viewera of thé towasliip of grow in interest. An article front thé of Confederation ta coinpletion ait pré- Codir, Creighton, Deacol, Fleslier bl Thorah, whicli directed hitu ta make pen of Ron. Wgu. McDougail, C. B., sont. Grange, Harcraft, Xean, Lauder, Mc' in. Let thesc good infltioucai; contjittb,, làpt ruiiiiiug Loujporarily by flic Toute aud Illaintain about five roda of ditch. entitied, "Tempérance by au Act of I am happy ta state that the Inter. Dug ,bon withont interferirig with. thé trou will perance, people (luring the Dankin by- ing, ard ordered him ta pay the coets et Parlisment," and treating of the -Go- colonial B il al, (Middlesex) 3ýlacclougul, (silo- P ai way was 0 )ened for traffic eue), Mecowan, MeRae, Nlei-olith, Il lieu of arlybody or diaturblug' the, veste(] LIw callipaigil. thé awarél, whieli purortocl ta bc ninde thenburg Syntem" le a timely liaper throughont its entire ?eugfh early in Marrick, Miller, Monk, Mostvn, Pros- ti or ri-ghto of citizens, mnuy of whong bave tiulier thé Act respecting Ditelring and white thé subject of Prohibition is sa the summer with ai; for 'Vorable résulte ,a ton, Richardson, Robinson, Èorevear, Water-courees, (88 Vie., Ob. 2q Rid. much dist-iissed. For sale by George could have beau expected. One of the Scot, Touley, Wigle.-84. u toc- ouck tiroir 'ail lu t'ho I)UsinesA, Awl dell is thé owgâer of lot 4 agit) Mexav of Yule, Whitby, and aIl bookoellers. immediate allvautages of thé comple. Noya-Ballantyne, Barber, Bialiop, t] -tàey wili bc etronger,,.sud far.4more fourth aunaul repcrt of lot 5 in the 5th concession of Tho;ah. tion of the railwa was the dolivery B r4 aftionoloup in producing, thé de-ired this prosp£rotis inititutiou will bc found Througli the land -of the formêr a IL onfield, Cliioliolra, Clarké (Norfolk), Our Washington Letter. and réception of British mails at Clarke (Wellington), Craoks, cutrie, a Moult bilan, '811 -the legal enaotinents lu otilet coluiltua. l'lie op,.-rationo of ravine or creek rune lu a southerly Halifax after the closing of thé Sb. Derodhe, FerrisFinl ayson P4 raser, Gib- wu invented- ta ' ver and forment a the ta ment with con- direction, and on the land of MeKay in WapIjýugtou, D. C., Feb. 8, 1877. Lawrence, and I am happy ta say that son' Graham, Grant, Hardy, Harkin, o P ooplo. tintieil sttcc(,i," a swampy or mirey pieco of ground. At lapt flic gréait court bas got firmlv up ta the presout time mailg and pas. Hodgins. Hunter, Ligne, Lyon, ýfeGra. t( r- d- Lire caroful inanage Evidouce was conflictiug as tu whother down te bard work, and, white one week songera have been guecooofully carried Dey"e1OMaàOný 1%fansie, Mowat, O'Drn- W ho i ý1 Wý repeat , -etir . asièrtion Of4ut ment of Ille Yenr rcsulting in - net earn. thé natural drainage of this pièce flow- aga thé eutire natiab was foverigh with Over the lino without, suy iuterruption-. oicliue, O'Sù1liýaiiý Éýrdeè, Patterson Il Je Wook, that in writing as we do, we are iugs ta ýtljn nmontit of $12,497-72. Th, ed tu thé West, or easterly, towards the excitement and anxiety, it now awaits Thé exhibition of Canadiau product,, (Ef3sex)ý patte ola (York), Paxton, encrý,fLi;-ý cf ia tho Sitviilgs De cre,-k. MoKay eut a drain eastward tu with a quiet mind thé dAcision of this manufactures, and works Of art 8t tire Rons, rs "e na net Opposing, totigPerance Irain the swamp, but ta roach t'le tribunal. The coutit may continue for SpringAr, Striker, Watt ' United States National Exposition et erworth, Widdi- We are fer from denying t1litt flic tige' 'rcrttntlut liikvc risen frnui$i03,ý345,3lp (raviné bila ta cross about five roda of weeks, or it may bc ended before this Philadelphia was eminently iiuccesi3fuL field, Williams, Wilson, Wood-44. 91 Dy, of ardent spirits, except in. extreuge to 3182,51a.74, thé year-the, -Riddel l'a land- It was in respect of lettfir roaches yf ur readers. They are ""cl proclairaed ta thé worlel tbat - Cou- tr best pronf of it4elf uf the thurotigi, con. this 5 roda of ditelling that the award 8tli, Modération, le an ovil. Às rogardq 1 now work-iur, on Florida. Wliat thoir ada has slready taken a high plue as a Thursday, Feby. in The évidence aise àliowed farming, manufacturing, and mining TI e queetiou of the augoutit ta bc ai gg teetotallers and prohibitionista wé have fldcl ef the public in the Ontario was judgment upon that atigte will be Catinat It la gratifying ta bd able ta aidlmeugbers as ititiomaity theirser ù Loau atiti Saviiigs Coinpauy. Vie- that iý,leKay could have drained ta thé be foraecri, but ahould it bd given ta flic couutry. expenditure was e P rer no quarrel with thom for flic Atrictne i3 ri West or &outil witliout crossing Riddell,@L doniocratm, there will be no dispute over state that thé k' pt vice3 oc-,upiati the licuse. 01 au of thoir own practices. Our contention directors, %ve arý3 pleased te, f1uýI, ex- land;. and it was shewn bilait thé drain WA11 Witbin the estimate. It in but just 1 The Treautirer wovedto rcduce thé ai any other etate, as Tilden needs but bat thé eue- atter. that I should acknowiedge t $800 tu $600. 'ý,fr. liardy til lie là for liberty against despotieni, aud Pres4 "tlieii- Rpproval of tire uian- was of no boncfit ta the 1 luis- one electoral vote in addition ta the 184 cens achieved by the enterprise of unir 1 "e ng for the riglit of private ju-lIiueub nc-r il whicli tijo E;ccrttary-tr,,a5rirer" 1 think thé fonce viewers have conc#ý,ded to him. Provided Lo ý=,,T1r02n ýmeiiflment to Ftrike out the th peuplé was largely aided by the energ.y 1 Illich %vas voteil down. in ýat against dogmatio assertieu. Our layd 'vea tle ')bv'ous 1118su'uic of the is dispiited lit will tindoubtedly lose ils Ite ""0 w 71lu-11111au, Act, l that tliey had no juril3dietiou Put for r--liiction was loît ai -oboratê and Wigdom: of thé Commission WILO le troc for ail whings, aud for ail cil -ý1"-ýfi11rtIld has dis- rit all iu the promises. Tite ca"08 Pr douce shows that. Wells of tlié% returiiing Sou T. 11. ""* lian charge of the arrangements. by a vole of 85 1. 3S- th. inem ber for ,01 ets that do flot ontracre ptiblic (1pceticy vb1I*ý L',1 £he oiiuroiis diitîrm ýlev(;Ivinu vidud fur undur Section arc : fi.) The 1 hfivo considored it advisable, in tho ith Offtitria voting witli thé minority PC a c Tire board of that State, was in the inai-h-et intprný;t of the country, ta make ar- for thé roduction. ve, ýal or contraývene thé law. IL is, aly making of a diteh or drain. (2.) ùffering fer sale tho Presidency of the an million raugenients for exhibiting Canadk Pridav, ai det-p(,,tiiitg ai- -wi(ltrn4'tty a diteh or drain United States. One dollars was Feh. !)tir, 1877. loi -a. whon probibitioniats and ý 1.)unkinite.,i. alraady litratie in a natural w2ter-course, )lis price, and Iiie first citer was made proclilets at thé Exhibition ta he hpld Tho principal por»tion or thé rocces in ýys net contented with pérfect frendoul 1or il-le ni lit 01 '.rite inakiny, deepcning, or unde- te tfif, Jetuocratie party. They %vould at Sydney, New South Wales, for thé Hwige te flity was talien iip in ilis- is ill'r tholusolves, would coorce oflit! a ditell or diain for the purpobe Dot tragip , výhich yoil will bc asked ta mah-o pra- W( *Clltil,:Il, Whitby, 11;LS IlttOly ljf;(ln lit- and file vote of tire 8tAtý vie-iou. o ciàqsion grawing ont of tbo estimwes. Iu mioviug tho.ilmin respecting E ilu- n.] thiuk difrt-reggtly, tixièt 'wV raidu Our of takiug off su lus watcr from iswamps went eli;cwliere. The question in: lIoçv ductod Iltii iiiijài.-it('t of St. JlwL,-ý; elitireli, or luw iuiry lari Tho Sectiýu apr)liee Notwitlia.tandiiiÉr tire lors of rovnnllp- 61-1 voieil. Thorn ava vi.,iil .., . . m . lauli into its pattirai water conrý., but il[ULU RIL Our OlAier pallergi ana lias Mountaius. -The -iiïe am au annuai ioss as is oftoii supposed. "'I' the--'Iôw,' zelH of tl1ntý uditure ineurred thif likefy drive t proved itself a ouccessful venture in the After several speeehes,,)ro and Bay I do not thiuk the act in question gi by the Indiau treaties is undoubtedly had been made, tire Committec c()ýe' 1001 motrollo itiaujo re and portail. rose re te spriug TC' CUURCII Iiiin that llrivilege, or conte a H theless the chespeet Ultimately, if we vsý fieidofmearte mie W*aeahrinnagltisomu.ChSrionnoie large, but the canodian policy in nevér- lause of the Crodit Valley Ilailway wit groggeries, whioh ara su' rs on th it was compare the resuits ývitlI those of other Mr. Bell's amendaient La the second asy lip wheu the respectable hutels are. coneprt gi%ý(ýII ilj aitl of th, fôr fonc.-viewers the powor of awarding ,I,, . arlantg -Old shoot, bas deparW te cloqeZ against them, and the * own- -biiillling a nov, gallery in the it. that bonnie from wlience no well-regu- couotries, and it is above bill a humane, c li church, 1 mah-C ILL] Ortler setting abide the lated'Ipap"everreturnii. WlionTildo, just and Christian Policy. Notwith- bill, ta flic effect that the nutuber of wot 1, ors and routera of lictel property on 1111nesday evoninq last, was a grant award with costs ta bc paid by the comes in the Union will bc the court petitioners should be incremed in cities 'd' Illtll be7p, so crovaea t1j, the standing the deplorable war waged bat- from 50 ta 300, and that the Railway wol rnîned, becanse of the shoutin- or a qet the United suffi- at respondent ta tilti appellaut. N - I" - journal. ween the Indien tribes in Pater -çitar forappellant ; C 0. Maddox, W vernwent ýOMpany should dgposit a su -sou, soli AO gave under Cath mil tire ries and tire Go t of faiiatjes who liavA îet ni), alla gqIlli 1jually Ilal 1lýtrjlly si.anding X.1ler for rompoudent. information given above regarding the States territo ment ta cover tile expeuse, of takin.g Ile au to deify a touiperance idol ta wilioli PfirffiritlýLIIC(j %V119, tLLkûn a1togrther (Illit of that country during the lest Yser, no vote, was carried, after some disc e 0 a le- Louigians frauda, lias of course been difficulty lias arisen with the Canadian us8ion. jisl, they want all tueu ta bov the kuce, fi treat, tenl very cretlî Il War Bodings in the East. proruptly diornisseil from his Position tribes living in the immodiate vicinity Committee ta the Licenie bill. cou] itable tothe Sorne amendruents werc ruade in (lifft ' [We bavo'ne leiàlire jiii;t; 110W. ta aill gentkillien who leinflly l'Olilliteorpil 1 - as a speciai ngout of thn Troastiry De- of the silane ofilostilities. bandy words witli those who assail un upoil th.) Occit5lon. The Latest intelligeuce is ta the effect partment. His crime lay in telling You wili bc asked ta consîder tire ex. ta fi with rersonal vitilperalioii ; they niust lerocrudk; ittnotitit(,,il ti) civor 1 1w). that there à grest unessiness on the what ha knew, and net in knowiug it* pediency of making siieli changes in Monday, Feb. 12th. it c London 8tock Exchange and the Parin It now looks as; fliaugh Ulicle SI, the Joint Stocic Companieg as May Ch- Vie House mpontinost of th disensi; ýhi8 question tipou itbi lueritt; ta ctýin ov lutter, Bourse, duc te rumors that Itassia will might, after mil, get back his $1,500,000, viate for the filture the passage of spee- noort and evpuing 8 after- prel I clalin any attention. i in ativàtrjeiti,-, ùuop. Well frotil former reAi.À'iý1It of jl- prcoil)itate a eonfliet The news froin eoutributed ta the stock of the Centeu- ial Acts or Parliament for the incorpor- posed moasur r' tiironç,'ll a(lelitenai -ehoý Constantinople direct is,' however, ta a nial Exhibition. Yeu will remember tafresan(l in (leisens you: fcii-rti-z liçi that limny ileathR l'avP more pacifie chararter, mua points of a that the snit ta recover ation of tire varions classes of coin- s Committe.û. Tho Crvdit 1 sa this amourit %ing 9tlic-r measnres 1 Members, Indetnnity. merce, includiug sach corporations as 111 ed in thm contity of Bruce troin dipli. epeedy solution of the difficulty be- wao decided ageinst the RoveiUUàent in seek ta engage in the borrowing and pret At; wili bc scen froui the report DIPf - tlieria. One afflictell father, Who hua tween Turkov on the one hand and Philadelphis, but it haçi now been re- anenarut Rail'vay 1-'ill, after an atteuipt: at $or% in and Üontenegro on tire other. ferred ta. the United States Supra lending Of --movey, by providing for out by Mr. masoire, wa8 r(!acl a or a 1where, bfrê Brown votoil for redncing fliren children ill with the diseaget (one me their organization by letters patent. t, A report which comas by way of Berlin Court for a final docision. third tirue and passed. Tho I*Ideeople's acti( tho pay Oý iýim4;8 of the' Local of whome diful) Lad bepyr shewn Dr. If the Thé élesirâbi aly of affording. addition- Gao Company Bill wais lm ll in fail. Io- RaYR that disturtiéïnces are fcare-d at intent of the law is taken intoooia,3pidlseirn- iug 0 7 0" ords tilOr lature, from #890 ta $6()0. Ile hua Eastwoed*ï3 letter on the subject. 1-le Constantinople, sud in consequence the ation a decision will now bc given in ai security to polioy-bolders of Life As- Committee by strik lit the w surance Companies bas engaged tho requiring the con t of the City Conn- net. boeu blâmed for v'otin g for the encremse tririd the lire.qcr)ption, antf, iltljou,(Yli troops are confined ta their barraoke favor of the government. attention- of My 0overtiment, and I cil to the openingeenup of new stieets. thO last -session. - île han now flanc ait in the Joctor in attendance Lad é,iveri and a atimber of membersof the Young If you are intending to conte on to trust that the messure ýwbicli will bc After gom aniendmonts liail beon initde gros hie po*wer tô remody 'Whmt" *as ilien filera up, thA two children Who 'under- Turkiali party have beau arrested. Tilden'o inauguration, in the language submitted will accomplieh the desired in Committee, ta the Bill férAie dbeou-, im W -hy many cri,, of Josh Billings, commence ta make ragement of Agrieult the tro,-.!,tno;tt object. lie it, a] considered, a false stek- "Our 1 your preparations now. . tire and Arts t the conotittlèiitî. A measure will-,be submitted ta you Soli mperial Parliament. Oqlý.eil1 was talien Ope and a number ministor," ' adfis the con-esponcleut, GURDGE. for the purpose of eitending toý naviga-- of its clauses agreed ta in Committee. pul)l tharilieil the writer publiely from the OPENED BY HER MAJESTY. tien of the great inIsA The proposai ta change the nnwher ana -Pe à waters, rights latte Anti-Dunkin--ýleetings- pulpit last Suuday." A FATHEU STARVES RIS CHILD TO and remedigio' M pre6ont-ýcOnfàned to lengthofthe Publie School vacations London, Feb. 8.-Tire session of tire DEATH.-Ls Crosse, Wio., Feb. 9- waters within "thiý- ëîiýU of-tho gave rise ta Borne discussion, but wae welli J. J'. nawkins, of Brantforti, will BilooKLi.,i GuiNGE.-At ýthC reeD Britiol, Pgrliatbent fon,1877 wps open- About four yAars ago Cari Wailand and courts Of the 4deli4ýW,ý tiltimately anopfed. Thé proposed're. mort ràddreoo meetings in North s'nd Sonth installatiotl Of Officers of by Her Majesty in persan to.d hie wife settled on -the ridge two miles ý Yeu wîll be sokéà fà'-'âmO .ýd-and con duction of the maxiinuin unmber of the Ic Broclilin realot't Bneki;gh;m Palace eholril; from Chesoburg. DuAng the'firO'tyegtr- solidate the ý laws relatiu4 to Cus'tomr*. $choc],% entrustell ta a single inapector fsl 4ti 0",b( Ontario, next week and the following Grange, the followin'y ored it aàvi"le to pro- waa negativod. The clause granting Officers %Vers îu. after one in the Royal state catriage, of their residence, when hais wifewas I have consid wlook, onthe subject of the, Dunkin by- stalled for the yenr :- attended by brilliant suite. The royal aboitt ta ha C012fili0d, W lsnà drO b vo vide for the permanent prosecution of -additional protection ta teachors in the ont lir. Thè.firot *'Aëk' *ill bc 1 'given ta John Burns ................ Was cOmPosed Of a dotacliment of the ber ftomthe lieuse, and the child was the geological survey w ich han bars. South Ontario --- household troups. motter of saldry for the va letions wal; the 1 -7 Y FCâLOSdAY 4't, lVhiib'ý, L. 11. Mathewson "borh in,4he straw staok. ghe then tofore beau -carried on under tempor. etirried - sitar some discussion. After more ............ Oversoer. The Prince and Princast of Wales went into the house, with the child, in a enactaients, e.nd ta rajake this a Sinnon the st &p. M.', 04h&wa,' on TJàuýîJay, WD]. Nichols ................. Lecturer. ry trâcements from tire Ipader f the at - were presont, with a brilliant aminion hy Aspecting be il the "&ma; kiur, Dutàns * C. Coakwell ................... Steward. assem- bar arme, but was refused a distinct branch, of the Civil Service. Opposition and tire premivr r Oreek audl blagé including 'J'oreign 'Ministers, the-hu'oband. Site went grainery, Tour attention will bë"nvited té ' if Gao. Rosi, ............. Asst. Steward, Chinè'se and Japanese Embaosies, etc. sud a twin'b;other ý tboorhue 'l a Bill the elections in Frontenac and South e'Broughami OU leriday aftercoon *nd ' W was Duricg for the purpo9eý Wate rloo the Honse adjotirned. liai; t . Afauliel .......... ... Gite Keeper. The Eari or Beauonstield carried the', this neglect ý,ëieuf09, and Columbus _. and Brooklin J. Cr'oxail ..................... Chaplain. one of the bab and the Mesatires *ill be submitted sain for Tncoday, Fab. 18th. ]y. Pull iiword of State hefore the Queau. mother died. Wailand scou married the amendmeîît of the W-oights and toro 1 partidulars an. U. MOýr8 ...... ....... Tieasurer. - After lier Majoety lied taken ber &gain, sud hils wifs bocame a mother t, t lete on in th 2ùitùý ý&, Il 1 1 The bill conferring thre francli, lie Excise laws, ý and QýPqoters. Tempérance mon John BrR leY., ............. Secretàry. PIA03 on the Throce, the Lord 11igh about a Incoth ago. 1 sono of formera was allowod a secônd fllo, Mes Maw tither Aêtè,ýýné[ a'lso* &-Bill Zielatibg to invited to attoïd. Chancelor read the Royal Speech. mailing on the that f it. Mies.'Robinson ................. pornona. The surviving child of,.the firat wife ShiPPing Mrs, Tlioibiîo'û, dieil of starvation; Gentlemen qfthe Houed e"çonemon4: jactions wotild bi admissabli wi -'SÙCI ne action on a cet a sub- DexÈni 9etz, ra Route Pirthé Dunkin Men at Good- léonaay last, and âcllaecretly . -sequent otage., The Etitication bill w4o baldlý US last ' > ' . - . ý . ýým .- - 1 - wpod. eyetif îeili lié ad qQ.ýDîa_ B Tjt A. ste The ic Uîîtï-àrtÉýýpÀ' , - vauceâ -à stage. The Rousà divided thoge ia ta r Oï ti we ci vo ic o4n- laid hefore,ýyou. ýTýhe,-'OWnlatësf of the on the Propoial in appoint a a*hoit-hand venu, ýkin bill, hala A tnOeti4g in, the V-Elty sicu-surli is lreqllelltly fila burying ground. The ncw made grave next finénaîal year *fil ý&1so bel eûbmitt- writer for the Colinty Court of 'York. lows Hall, hors, for 84. cxpres . Fiion 0 leebruary 18th, 1877. excited the suspici no' ai îhe voiglibors ed, and will, I trust, bc foun' the purýOso of ý, . f pedllle sufforitig SoIlle C a to be Carned, 46 ta 24. vooating the morits of the Th üUlca thoy tikink it in flic Jivtýr, l'O lite Jjiililorof the whilby chronirle. tDwgrtls WailAU4, and Ou b9ing inter- fravaed with a view ta mêlet the existing Othar ait, -i' M, ý1fI:. EDITOrl, rogated lie acknowleged that the ehiléi circurnstances of the countr Moetit1J wa-q a largo onp"ttlè' hall bc., nnothar thinks it ýis ifin all hall -ilied and had beau buried by him. - y, while at ËN BrponTl,'ItS Haw t Tliere wnq et large I)ru- tho saine ýtim.àé providing fW carrying ing prollability'! r;el£ ' The body was oxhumed, sud a GALLERY ; HOUSIe Oy', Cobi f.,4110 audi- i1011-er. The activu on the' adiiiiistration of affaire with once Wu, ho of all ýDiscî&$îjs q i4 moctl'ng hcld in GoOdwOOd last Coironer's jury sumiiioned which, on wever, composed >of --stiveor- night; Iwo si-tdiL glins-:,camq 4own meeti -day w0illeu ph ng ta . of t4ý Gauery, of which Mc sud- the statement of the ysician, brouglit jr.,'»s Pre , sidaùt,,'ý W -and c boys. Mr. fýcm ý'Uxfirîdgoi 0 if Ronorablo Se)tate: T. White,-G.,Y, 't' 'in a verdi this Par- t-a)iavo 'XpecIng 0 âwýop ýict that the child atarvedto liament, C. H. ont it was appointea chairInan théni in' crelor te pi.evout 1 wood at one ébot. thjr'ea or Ge-itilemen'o Mackintosh of the ý«, B 4fath. - - 4. - - - - > ý - f the Hou ' lier li runton'e Digestive 17111id, is old farmers stoodtheir 11re, ý'anc1 i. Xe of rom"n'01&8; Citizen was elactedVice,ýProsident, and ênýt tbe bWt, imaj;y, épw them -badly. Finding, they Wlio on tire evils wire 1 place full reliance in your prudence Carroll Ryan of tire lirce pre88 'Secre. livered hy the 1Hpý;,VU M'ra.l laite if.--4fri Calvin la and ability, and your -devotio to comnifitee apointéd cou- ýo no raore they Co n , the tary. ' The Tb, Char»ere, J1Jtbýyý.& ndý _f W ang work of legis1ationý which ,,Itruse sist8 of B. B noi4bu, 'iyitàrio ; J. in thý of h Il may'b8 'ýai*d on and On in orm, Quebee, and E. Brenne, a h; , -. le . ne )nel one A, wa ým to ministêr ta the ros- rince Edward Tal4nd, The moinbera Oý tèèe of the press hqre p.,r onel telp-try Md UË4 e Opus Vulnè "P-W. J. EU ailv c Oc"o Loac à PER -ANNU ly, and okipping iiùolik the low, busbes,; and, a , solitary haro now and - &gain peeps ont' at you, wonderiugly. Axoand and cloge to the road yon seo the -40g"es, mnd cottages- with thatelied r0éfil with'boste of pigs,- and noisy, happy, -loQking children aroand tlïem, il- -12-1 --ý - --- . .. . . ... £FULL& lUV bUtUU. JZ0 9WOO gkwâjr f« the Hght, sud aisix o'elock puied wemd tbe stêamer-alroady one- rom of flames, Authe boat,@ were gomw anil. no one could be Beau on board, Prostick concluded that the 'ahipi The Dunkin By.law and lis 4dvoi ~Prohibition Opposed tô Peil Liberty-.A [allure In its naïf siocial and moral aspects. .1314wo Uut lienveu for inanon tulodu Noe wit'li'tlàeories-no Sad 1).ý,am the liswoi of Cental Nature Bud, buoi&udb thy hosrt I*bad.11 1 I&YO, thô'y haVt sodjà, o nos; Sinall ai; gmrins-11U germa te sprin& titere were à soil te fééd on And a gun)tlilllo ripeniv Dat, Klan for thnrn 1 thoy.!ve falieu ULL bitr»n moujad, .Tiiiifled Ily duc-11 utiltivation Au but roto théirn in the grou ad.00 titition of tllickfug men,-o»t the co im boc()iuing more soriondy aro» tho fwport4nooof the faitié placad l'ori thom by the - Dànkin by. 'Pliatw&s the nbjqot 01 the Cugow ];,Mt weak. An intolligent consid ittiot ' 1 nt tlie queýtlo'n le : gal thid IL41itill. Lot the Tomporanoo pec Illuti n'id WorConé boys and girl Templars, Loaguoes, rtfid eli»adeý licar anotlwr veralon et the abory il tlistt (linuett' loto, thoir ears ab hy Ivallt3il, Who 11eliave t a I*uàlnàtuu," Sud hy the 1 '410etlirr'ru" 'yho trailô fil (ettiperd priijoiplcm, 'rllt)ma people wagio m valitable lime in hfinging 'a la arrkby of indimpiltable factë and inc 0 1JA"ily floili ég) < the . #vils Of eg, 'ilwy May iltitilitig Of Imme 111Rjorit'y who no 1 winoand boer vu sud apil iru1ý tompori 1,110Y itfltilleu no fact» Jt) Bilow t v/iý1eq augl beor, alld w a lilà;oor 0ttE tilFrititulin uot, If tqlce'n illodorationt ilaý wholehonto and nu ai; breail 01, boer. Ail tlle,'Wc ti4nits. 01AL exacafi in ilrinkiug in pirious. Blit tll*mo hdwli'ng dervifil spo lint ýone foria.) of the vice wls 'Tijoy never Admit, ail evonts tiover Sygue, that 1 intiell piO and pudding may bc equa ' itiltl tl;at a' gluttoutady quitc its finuloral au(l djl;g1f#ýiig as #1rillikard. WO )lave ;een allil knov M-(ýiliti of those gentry exprows abha vilen nt ti - in bottle, yot cratu down tl efJ, tbloq at the table iluiii they Lûaý 1)ua,ý,tu of tllemmelves 1, At theee are, we know, Who, whi Imid iri thnir dentiticiatlons of wÉlake: 411di tllë elgar and the' pipe. with and fonduein far surpassir tijý,ýt of tiie most lnvoterbte toper ii 11!.F4 innrilitiýg (1ram. They acte tipa tjw lýoisoiýt.tliùy fuhaloaud lutte tl Ar1utIiùrý wau imbilies-makin ying that 110nentan'o vaai i,ý [t11,ýtlwr inaws poison." The Dai 14ri ilinil 8(wl; tdýwake their sweet wi (;Itl l'Lw, Lkyd QýPMQ thoir individuc ilidgiuoiit, ýn foruier, un jrbitrary prc hi1)i1oiýy Ulcasil re upon the count3 ývf(i11Kt t1int Gr ait gýlitiqtllty affid a' oulierieueu. Againet the opiri thèl Vefbl of ln-day, we have t1w gonnest be 1w: oi, Élio mont civilizeil liationn of th, Winlil for tlioligariglo of years, tlla Nvng oite of the noblest girls o in Vin humait racô-a gift, liki otjjurs, tu bc tetupnratoly 'OUJOYOI gf-fttll'iilly acknovlotl4,ffil. Thý J'iitiis or, tuiiii tlint lived in southort t.ýiiiiilbtt§i4, wilicit prodiicod the grape il ablindance albil excelleueg for convornion Into wine, drank thi ;;owd liqno ' r witii nobriety and thank fillilohéi, and wilill un more ide& 0 than thoy liatl when eat i iig tlitîr claily bread, $a they continni bLdo iii? to the proment day. And thi the people ln tho wini oolititrion la a lait that, le &loue wortl, ail 016 argilmento agititint the une o: wilu, %vllipil t ho têtuperance Intoleranti liave eVer yet brotigrit.[,orwaril. Iii tliifi northora and goldAr country, leai [Mvoyablo for the growtli of the grape, wv almô lime bêeeý ailit 'ftloohntin '(li-inki millier inessure of ReneràI prohîbl. Lion. ý 7.nfortunat-ely, inost nn,* Justly, they are, vermitied, to: Maki (lle'r "OrPer'nout" and OsrrY.ýtiskough thoir agitation, net ab,' "Pente, Hke Other"ýpeopl 1 0 In at th (Ff thumO Who 'differ trôtu opinion, and whora thOY'mék to ooorce and i re. They might bé pormit'w Io rlàýt4ir own hobby to, ;'46&th"or the-to a wam Sra«,,ýitq wUIý,ýt4Y"' ais long as Lhey paM loi, the ýI m-ôunt - but to oomp < . 9 el ta _- $W. u * LUI, a performance that'ghdû,t4ý Tilose people, wj6e in f own co: tlàkinq-qharge,.pt -the Orothers Who- »fuse , t impt t6 0 ao. M89, gniant. TW ývrtnjn.ei.I..to #top, thO liquor traffle, au-d jjIaýO tio àll P -liaýbent. al 0y n'loge tuat the ;jjýiüMY -cf uieil mrc finâ ý-fQQlO: anà ýIItýAS to the lapp ýtl* , &es, axe allowed to take a littl@ ciirtain to tske too m1IcjIý , thUPý riam Ocd crime. Az(L si, Pe ort. hted'. infattiated mort efieially clail ýù a loag.tdMd Bhiît pany muet be near, and ho ý stgOd 9Uý. i he childrau, riot the pigî,) If yýü keeping a bright- lookout from the m4m. kappen to -ýhooèe a,, Saturday to go to bead. town, yoti'don't weary by the wav for The wind was acoompani. ýw&M of amuýso'ment, 'for' that is the ed with a drizzlin rain. At 10 olejock great day for the ýëgi0e8 to #0 ta Mar- the firot boat," in charge of Thoo. Bate. ket ; sud & lively, :happy mous they man, lotoecer, was pioked up, The Proserit. 'For the, whole- nine miles situation of affaire was at once under- ýyOu ' eau sec, thém along thè rond, otood by'Ca t. Prostick, and ho put bis sornotiméê in: groupa of -foùr'orfivýe,_ barque on Z î course again. Throe sometimeà ia, a,"orowd of twerîty, or, Other boaits were $cou found, and at thirty, -and theii loads of garden prôý four iYolock the last two bo3tb, inclaci- duce ou thoir boa&, in hampers, sud ing the CaptMn's,'wMeh contained a oarried"bi tè.k.ëd- 'ai! donkeys. But; lady-and three childrefi, wore found go donkeys or keys, every one car- miles frons the wreck, whHe a severe ries a load, on hi@ ai ber bead no 0 Do th-east; gale was blowing. Throe of oaru haebüibel" basket, fÜll Of - - 611 - the boitsýwere boisted-on board of the tbhîgiL-wýAms, swîeVý potat0es,' barque in view of pDssible cônUng- ýânnto saëdy- ýwiI«1 eùcieli. oucumbers, cabLagoo,. 'ro& ' poppers, g cars, oraniei,'and &Il sorts of :huit$,, Mara Couneil. - ottlf-s, starch, (made by themulves ofteuï- basideg, they wili h va chickène 'roWnUall, Feb. 10th, 1877. chuckod under esch aým,ý W may-bà Connaît met; membera ait presont, a cache mau will attract your atten- 'the Ro'eve-în the oh&W; minutes of lut tion in the crewd, wearing nothing' conneil rend sud confirmed. but his napkin, eike a baby,) with --à ý -A communication from Peter Murray, pole acrosshis ohoqlder ands youüg' "of the Beogit6r, proying for a part of kid tieil by 1he legs, sud banni! on the municipal'pmting, Wâd laid on thé esoli ý'end-poor Ettle crestures, omng ýt&ble; the,à"tdu, M. G. SulUvanand ,= Iy like lyoung lamboi D.* ODoüÙeU,,Zoq., banded in thoir re. of people are chiolly women, pari, of, munkdpal ýaécounto_,&o, Wall as -a OocassLonally you sec mon driving load. separate. account of B. B. Debenture ed carte. These womèn are sa oddly ýmatters in abstract and detail, which dressed. They all ýwc&rtr&ins, but. was rend bý the,> clerk and on motion when they are travelling, the tie thoir adopted. skirta up over tboir hips wiZ brightly Aby-law paeoed through its ý@ever&1 colored handkerchiefs, (a good deal as. stages appointing municipal 40ers we in Canada used te loop up Our Ûy the mlarv of same. The clerk dresses in winter) with strong ro was tructed ta notify the Trusteoi of clastic, They wear about, .0 Ion the several ichool sections to inform white L)Otticoato, starched ab _ w «a himprevionstoAuguet lot ail ta th@ alone ' with their.dresses tied up, ive amourits they would. require te, levy te thpra a-moBt cunous appearance, and the end that they ma be pla6ed oi;*ihe, all the Slors under the sun are com. collector'o roll sud :rlected at ihe lame prised in waking their dresses. Soma time as the -,municipaiýtaxest some -in- wcar bine shirts with red jacketoi couventenôo",being beratofore,.folt u te others only trim their jackets with the untimely. return of the non-iesident, red ; others agaïa wear green, , purple, School Rate bills, ». The Tý»tees of' black, wnite, and, net infreqùentiy, you Sébool Section No. 5 applied ta thez-- will see thoir white muelins 'profusely couneil ta raise for thora the aura of flotinced. Theu, they ail wear * ht $700 under the proviiibns of the school. liaudkorchieit- tied around their bonds, net for the . purposes - of purchsaing a perched upon which they wéar a man"s site and erecting a school houes- thereý hat, felt or straw, as their- tastep aie- on. The clerk was instructed te, pre- tate. Sometimes they carry tboir pare the necessary By-laws. Mr. A.Iexý- loads above the bat, and often the hat Mcl(tnuon was appointed byther aonn:- upon the load. Againi the diveroity of ci[ ta hala- the firet- meeting in nevr their Ioadsýbesides what 1 have'alý section No. 10 for appointment of ready mentioned, they carry, barrels, tees. boards loge of wood, bandles of fire The following cheques weie granted. wood, large trays of bread, tranks, Ta John %Valsh, Mrs.Fyke. Mrs. Bate- tablés, chairs, or whatever they bave man, Mrs. Brown, 3frè. Lee, Mrs.-Fair ta sell or bave bought in town in the. and Donald Campbell, indigents, the way of house farniabings ; ik is _- all cri- sura of $5 esch ; to M.*Gý SuMvan'and their-haade it is carried. At ever few D. ODonnell, for their seivioés se miles along the rosa, you wid sec auditors, $8 each; to George Homer .9mall shops ail well stocked with rum for work on llth coi., nt Lot 15, $14 and beer, and a small assortment of ta Trustees of achoý et sections as fojloývq general commodiflés. The people -9chool Sectî&n No. 1, for noü-resident travel alon.-, laughing, talking, smok- taies, $14 ;'Ne.- 8, $8.11 ; Ne. 4, 017 ; ing,,.puneliing cach other in the ribs, No. & $4.91 ; No. 6, $24.8 ; go. 7 and and ail this, tac, with a small, stick in 9, 018.45 ; Ný.' 8, 841.42. Ta 0 * E. t1wir moutit.q, which they keep vigor- Hewett, iervices as Colle ' eter, $65. onsly chewitig, calied the chew-stick, Mr. Hewett's taxes were remitted. and ivbicli is said ta ho the cause of The clerkwas instructed to èâneel their beautifui pearly tecth ; or sise the arrears of taxes - appearirfg against thoy are chewin- at sugar cane. Once Lot 20 in the 6th cou., for, 1875. in a while, yàu'Il sec somebody tight, On motion of Mr. Séager, seconded. and mitking great sport for the rest. Mr. O'Leary, Mr. MoPhes was instruet- \Vell enougil about the negroes, I sup- ed ta inspeot the deviation on the 18th poýe you are tired of them. We are ail con. road at Lot 18,complaiiïëd ýof by very well, and I think (without being Mr. Owen Morris, and ta report thereon attributed ta vanity) 1 may Rail are at next meeting. lookitig very well. The westher nere Councit adjourned -te bOCOhd SaW- i ver baimy day in April next. y lovely, beautiful sunny, weather. 1 eanuot realize that ta- Lnorrow will bc Christmas 1 Lumber Whitby Township Council. ýnwi%,e) ià very costly bers, because licy have ne way of produeing it but Brocklin, Éob. 5th, lf377, )y sawing the tree into boards where Counoil met puranant to adjourniment. t is fellecel, by liand, thon carried fer Mr. J.- L. Smith having deposited bis niler4 ou the noiroes' heads ta a mgrket declarations of office and qualification, )lace, Rua shiuglea the sanie way, and took bis seat at the board as couneillor. iLbour is sa costly and slow. All the mombers prerient; reévé in the chair.: Minate-à of the la8t meetiài read and approved The reeve rosa l'o Ilte Editor o the lVitiiby Chroiticle. and lait] upon the't;ble & letter from, )ZArt, James M-ason, manager of tèe Toronto 84vings Bank--jýdemanding interest on Being encouraged by the overdue debentures, the petilion of Geo. mblication of'--ruy last production, I NeGillivray and'eleven others praying iow once more tako hold of the goose. toi relief for Widow, Anstey, an ins., [nill ta express the substance of My gent, Of Thoa., Clegj, for the office of usty brain. - , 1 assener, aloo theýirtifléate of the fu. 1 bave no doubt but that Cabbageý- spector, of-births, marriagez anci dèsths, ýead aud ail those of vegetable matter in refèrence ta the nÙmber of registra. iill bu exerting their influence among tiens in the Township of-Whitby for the lie undecided withregard to the Dun- year 1876. 1ý. in A-et, from a flnancial as well as a The following accéunts were ordered aoral standpoint. 1 ta be paid :-Wrn. Ringdom, indigent Ir It will bu perhaps sornething new tg relief-, be; Charles Burot, sawing wood our enligliteneil readers ta know that for Hafl, $8 ; Cyrus Rokarth, wýio,1 for ýiere arc no loss than thirty million Hall $14 ; H. Bickle, flour and wood ollars ($30,000',000) deýived -from the for kro. Cooper, indigent, $22 ; James quor traffic in Canada, whicli wë, in Mason, luterest on overdue debentùïéô, iis young country, arc net able ta 81.84; ýohn Rudson, cutting wood for ffle. Perhaps the Dunkinites will Hall, #1', James TiUs, board, for Jacob 'Y that if whisliey was dons- away Topp, indigent, $4.50; Wk. Bowles, 'itli tliere would bc no necil of 13risons. PaA.- ---- - - ý - )ecj:'IIY sclycols and colleges, tlýe à of Mr. MeTaggart, -seecud. ter dOiný" more towards - the Ca ky J. Burns, the couneil adjourned Haro of iwin both fiuancially and until the second Monday in March, at trally than the une of liquor is doiùg two ro'clocIt P. m. ý opposite. Think of the great bons. derived frilin a great portion of tbat - A fumier lamenting in au advertise.; ),000,000 spent on railroada througli. _ment the triéks played upon the publie our land, alinost enough, te build by unprincipled men in his own trade, Pacifie. Railroad, whieli wonld bû Ilearnestly rèquests ladies to.brîuu hini re lieneficial te this country than their own Pkius and bavé thetn made trafEc of liquor foý two years would into rnuffs," :f the liqnoi: traffic of this connt An Enuiijihman, lately, imprisonea ý7 for beating bis wife, eaid, as lie wag te bc sýùpped lot it be dents gra lu aDyh '1 1- lockêd up. "I've one comfort, CW Lpt ministers and temperauce orar and that is, that I'm - net sent te jail ,4 ot, ont of their beds a little _ýO"IiI- for doing a mean thing." tho iuorliing:Fàn(l go among thoir owitiëiinail toaéli theui the evils Florence, Bome and Naples -eacli have neïr1y 480,OWQCO-of Municipal Vbeil -canada'm firkt state8men hame in * debicdnëss. dly siitionnoed to the country-that ýý-Theofûcial orgau of the Germ&U eau ubt do without the whiskey re. Empire publisbes- the. , pcýnlation. of tue ]et us rest c'ontented and turn Germany as now 42,727,620. deaf car te Cabbage-heads and, . Milac, Italy (275',000 inhabÎtsn£B), or rimall fry. "i»tains twenty-two -theatres, -811 of which -more than pay expenses. milton, Feb. 10, 1877. A New Yçrk hotel pioprietor adver- élonsieur reads the paper'to Madame tised for a bür-keeper rocentlys sud Iad cries . IlAnother crime-à'woman-ý over 2,000 answers.. This scemB te cor- iëëèt; V' Madame (qÙiekly)-bYý roborate the report that huutIreds of Yale graduates are out of employment- hup.band ? Monsieur C1nnocentIy)-ý- C else (Io von SUI)DOse It is rumoi iota in the Co land on the bury,% missio,, etated thai 1 position by 9: cd into the hi Lord Beseoi iother hand, i was, alone t mombers of IVIII ýsubmit a the duty of 1 Turkey-the ' aý viidons fur th tiom in thé CE As the 3.'40 froin Toronto Siturdayltbe' in cousequenc open, but -forl jured. - IDJMD Imon -Win. Potter on Thuraday-1: coroners inqui was ýef weak _c( week back he food. The vei Wm. Potter 0 attempting to from illness a£ iahment." place ô pi persuasive re curate MaMed ý, dmI, by permù cbliviétp great Ormonde, - fto ,'Yet dia not tE Joseph, but for, zimmerman, Went froup Rat the-Great in Iii the King'said t presurne, air, h &tî-the &ttejý rýpjýworld ýfer t gave in return i of truth and fl& your Majçstyý, r te myself." CONECTICUT'S' tbere was Ior probably the st in Connecticut'. Walter S. Belde ihat weighed bi ounces. It is jt New bills of t Aoating ý about. n a well exei aident of the Bel To avoid a- b, venue of the U riation'for thb reduced by somi A company>of ed into Bagle Pa the herses, -cows, in mange È)r companions. - An Ohio beliel blue glasa theorj room made, lu wJ daughteis tkree 1 is a poor man, bi mental and phy the giils will incri matrimonial mir sate him. OUT 011 Wolà mon are said to b in Albany, and a t4e city and the aid to their famili THz - ltzxr>pn States Governiiiel ÎDÏ-Pbrtatîou of m from . Genuany,- lance of rindëYpeai MEE-riNd üÉ 1 "TunE.-The No meets on Thursd' to be electe& aspirants for the ship, -vacant by i Power to the Sew Stratford Toivn te loweîthe licei from $2w,(a"xë The Napanee 8, à great, fleal of ongendered - by ý i men being called 1 trials. 'Mr. John- Stinsc laF;t year, ofrfive _i LaYý and $100 wor au average of SýI Stin-ion- real;zes-fri 4-- __ - jutz oupputlu r here am about 70,000 bee keepe 1 m he United States, sud the8e send to rket abont i5iO00,000 pounds of 1 The butcher ý bircTs are killing the alaÉLrrown in ]Rnçafnn- LhA PÂLv ànLhbritian

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