Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1877, p. 4

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'Ofl TIE F LIFEl MILLION COPIE8- SOLO. warded tu thse Author sel Medicaif socIa-* larcis pot, 18 5.,ýl Il oootsoi leotatl i bt o f tenes- tiv Phqîol0Y'ill lbytdlogy cf marriage. àirlo, o li t re4 it md frtual cout- sol, lisyoisai lit lruully, 11ucauseosmacure, llIotlti ebetwevee iluiu herseProefi of the }faîxlanloll cfVice, tise UMiecles cof Iupru. doiuce, Anciott norance sud Ss-,rors, Meausr o!f Cure, Curs cf ldy and MincI. True Prin. Alu llc reatusen1t Addrasi te Patients% and inlicil ituads(d ilYhoeAuthoe rinciples. 1,1oren of tIsa 2kbeau15ocsy 'l00. T114s book aiseo cuin us ors tisse Flfty l'rocseilloum feg fr tise nbove, iallied and otiser tlés8elci onu10woth Moo, tssutise Prine c ftise0licoks. Tise Iusillutealopublim5bis -THE PH1YSIOLOGY 0F WOMAN AND l{ISR D1SEASliS,~- lrlce, Si. Tise beit 110okof te klnd citunt.. Atom ietttie-r 4lilfIgiec ,ire'if.os os-k troat. lîu o~ltfilel 'I.',ta's er us eaDiuceins Isuîrslitit SIryeioctaveoi-go, twcuty ie- vanut cgeîsfbo1tî flni e Ibtilal nunin. !PI-1eýiv1Ity 2. itisss-ly esseegîs to psy fer priâlt. -l'uli oo fefr yeîunv AtICIl ifidlie agcd ltits t-.ie Juat nje luv', i l tiuit>lg!dIo ,i ite, or self "etsss Tlolieu itor lai raieiîul fs-ont o~rrî xetillult ,lseltli,, ui Ie stalu cthe ,lo Coosccultlig fllyseli1,csof tihe esIudy McielIultlNe. 4 ;ittitoîilts-ct, lies., "' ne8lo i , fi*1emoyislitil al oW paèri. sies t4l .gmnientsracrt'isiary woslc oli t 'hysol5- 'lqpl fjliifi1lstus bît.timiîîof ut isdos-a'm ieî, rcti 141114î.1î41'îl î~'-'vîîî 514W, Rince li y 1w Pslriîf)lv îimllotl IlîuLttto, . vIllcIi ar tL'.wlitiig 00,itOt.ikis.beflios- lu ituli(l lie oaladies fIt atiiiilbd -ii h lio ieyouiii, thiddlSSe agro'. t ud 'l i-îslîu-)1L-,wYiiiic Tcoîiuaa. Tihe lOrsi ulsmily 'uleilisîi ver core-d! iltipolisv I!ii]h',îiMail ft lit 111coluullry, am a ie.-o'gii.ii i uif iamîi îîrivienoiioual uen-riens, so l-4ui4i1,l.itrite itisus- eftise.os-k, -1 4 rl lt, 1879l. 'fille ' oIîîtiuu at uctile. i loie i s Iîfttcs 'iusu4lby tise Bostn l'i'us',iil teI 114 lIfl'llf4iiritiistetlireiiglioiitlise fiUli 5114Itiis141144 lsas lle litîsiiî'i-el luia Ilîîîîîît4 if ' 'I'ui5 vi iî - h Viil "1 i. t lt , ii II , i'îsioîeiiîlifi i sl i s.1 fils 4-441414 'y iol I4 lu44 4W)IZtal.Vois. tin îof"i'sfiii4t);IOtiiîl !Nu îiîiaf t L-'" I 41-4vLI- oi'îîl aieii 'lot (If il ccuisiS fer r,.r iiiut i'l i i- s iit l'iti MIII'U CA15 fr-- î'u" '-. lir ",' IL Pl'At1i, M. 1D., Lr->fliifi,,4)f'i~'.'lih ie.441.1 Ji '1ilI-fs i t 4., 1lOIs- !-mî.>s, 1 elle j1 44) ) 41. W -yvr"i4 ltitint,. h1, i it4'1) us. .î4 1-il l i. 'eîîsr ill oit 10 fi G001) k oeisfr is 44sil.AJufo 1. ÀA1IIIAN & CO., 419 oti î- Mt., Botont41, Mass. SM î,',~- lvsrr 111unLis lIscî-l cf Gly> tise so'o-deu'fui affects e! tlise npseSuît Pisses iu cases etLigDis-ase Tfise 1ev. i t' Miîiy, 'lluiiuuubok an S 'V'IL t.JP itseAls-iî atelypais. - ' ' 4 ~ioieds, relateï hotise 1o1 f a I '4ullutl4youst man lt' whbu 'oi c ciiiy o ensui uy a thvî.s- s'uo),s u'4npittg out a ntlise i-uses. lu Frantcs tli 1) pisicwia4i ar es-ILti lrc! tiiuuîs- s-e Pal- tients;,teoth iscu onf, n 001.4 -hum45te drik-a tua Sprulo e ail fro ein iupruce tope. (ltilAy'sle ei4ILcien- i 11eeu>inulliatluis tf tise guss wme i Wu M su imels usnseled SLltfi-e. Ilit luis ps-- -401,uîl tu glifs isever Fu- î4îtLWi, uit il II li i- uriatllediîixpectora-nt, ton- 1fu"î?, .iîu' lu aîi i45tet~l41SlIu14t4s-tlul -' 1! s- tu.ougs I CLus rIlICE 25 T$. Zl:"i 01154550 TI4lth1 V FEES tlTO 1BE'IAItN .a.,,- .... 1 rio "14 su'Ir arrsant .... .... ..... 10 I. MiL.egt iviseti Rsut-vues tatuisci isi)j 11îopenpsot f adieilgune o 10 -. MUtsetaileg' riuencu"rs teugsIa, uairli>' eilticiedf in iiusir relu. aleuyaî-.......... ........... 0 vifs-- -M c itrîoïlwlth i m sile, for sîscîs a t1eeeii-iyenployeri ia n ueos- ioeocasIse, 050 st t- - ugag»e-oetisais fotîs heur.. i 00 7,. De,(. lluristrssgsged fMoaso tuaitL fots- hes...,. . . ~AttoneIio Atms- n esios ,o"li4s.s;1..............l0r .. .aunps.a5x'l Ifte ta tteul As. nsleSesins, c, es oe-smticem ( Whu puic 00 uveyctne cen lis onsb aâishus-e U in )tes. peî tbt of, If eboesissune-day u1 Â i&n c- ' e R~ dJOUnnmenî 0 tiserof,'il uaiengstged tmas-o foiu5110 ........ j.......10 Do. o3 . cil f ugcgd lacs-e tha tuu2f u orn > 1 51 0 o. 10)......vi Ram............ 0 25 ni ryutiae............ 00 ...liO"e............... sa 18. sA - i (1s-ctisns war. 19. Travell ei* ttalko 'jdiren 0 t BA uam-ei fer geedei te malso (dis trues-Whu DonegooS sre muS - O 10 2 0, Appralalunente wnee-b os-mos-e, 2cotil» tMesfiu f Wsërý o ode,ô .éî, '160 As aêc5500u5tblS1 NEW.ItAIfTSISFÀN(,Y GOODS OP ALL KINDS, ÇÂ!9)flS, (tll'besl iù towvn), 'À ABaZi ASSOMTMENT. NE)ý, Hèâ ORlANGE.' PEUL, LEMON PEEL, CITRON- ?ErSPICEs (dl kindo,) OHEESEl Ail of which wiil bo sold-Clieap FOIR CASH.I Fresh'Oysters and Haddies received: -Dai1y. N.I~-Co~h - PETERSM 11H N.B.Cashpaid for Butter, Eggs, ?oultry'aud Apples., ,Jhitby, Dec. 5ts, 187(3 50 DOMINION WAREROOM>S. Lowes &' Powell Ate receiv*ing FaIl Goods whielh have bend oglit at Bottom- Prices, anwill -bc so14 to suit the times-. A good stock o0f Millinery on hand.. MILLINERY, DRESSMA K/NG AND TAILOII'INÇ DONE TO OItDE1R. JLOWES &POWELL. Whitb3', Sept. î3tli, 1876. LIST 0F AITCTI0ON1iiERS Licensed for Sonth Ridiug of Ontario, North iRicliing o .Ontario, and separate Muricipalities in thue latter. Thousr. Dan. Wluale. Thomnas Ptce- J. M. Pssttes-men.. L. Fi-ais. Il. B. Ofieli,.. Dousal ilRoe .i'olsîîutco, Itrowis.. - Diliop g& MCKay. - M. 0i. tlla. lu. B. Cîînus'ueu .... Jolis L. Wstkis... Li-îîotdal .. Tes-tinta,... Mas-ihans ... lteaverton. Villisgc Uxisidge Oolsuswa ... Gleuu Majo-.... ]Beàvertou .. Pont Pers-y.. Muueîcs-11i'TY's. Licu'.xt3s-E rsiis. Scot............ Nots Ridiug. SouthsRdsg Sonth Ridinq. Sentis Ontario. Mas-a.......... Bs-oslt...........: Bisock ......... llxhiiipte .... 9euls ltiding.. licacli .. ..... -.... North s Iiding ... Nor-th iusiuug ... qisesais ......... NorthisItidiuug. Dec. 2nd, 1876. les-. 151h, 1876. Jsu. 241h, 1877. Ian. 26t1u, 1877. Feb'y 2iîd, 1877. M'rch 8tlu, 1877. Mas-.1lOtis, 1877. Mas-. Otit, 1877: Mss-. 21s1, 1877. Jsly 1115 h1877. Gets- rîl,"'1877. Oel's- 415, 1877. Ocis- 6th, 1877. Nov. ,7thu, 1877. Nov. lStis, 1877. LIST 0F PEDLBRS FOR THE CO. ONTARIO. Volits MuGaves-n.. - John Giligan.. Duffet Bs-os... lîniletf lis-o. Oso. Butioni.. Alvin Hastingm. - - o........ Oshawa...... Reuent. 1 luenss, CeunI y.... 2 hoes,.Conuty. .. 2 herses, t-eunty... 2 hersesi, County... 1 lues,Couuty.... 1 horse, Çoîuty.... 2 ho-ces .... 1 Ilovose..... 9tb Dre. 18761. 14th les-. 1878. l5th Dec. 1876. liSu Déec. 1876. 201h Jan. 1877. lulmI Mar-. 1877. lai Apnil, 1877. 25th April, l1877. WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer. Whitby;, April 4tli, 18%7. 1 JR. 'PHJLP Has just reccived bis fail stock of CARRIAGE WHIPS, STOCKS & LASH ES. Also ft largo and excecllit assortnient of Briishics nt Curu'ycombs. A good assortineuit of Ladies,' aiiud Gents' 'iiuks, Valises, &Sateboels, Shawl straps, 8Chool ilags, &c., all bongkt nt close prices. My usuatl stock- of Curriago aud Teain IIlarness, Collars, Hlaltcrs, Boits,-Hbsuaps, &ce., alway.9 on hiand. 1Wlsitby, Novexaber 15t1h, 18716. BUGG JR. PHILP, llrock Strect, NViitby. 48 lES FJor' Sale at very Re(lasoiîu'tble Prices. ,Seveî-al Openîî Buggies ith ehil(t's ent, LaüyXs Open I>hetonls intest Stylo aduirîlv-y lighit, Coverod iPheetons witlî Rolling Seat, also Lighit -Top niuiîlOpeil Buggies of Stuper- ior 'Style anD IFiinish. - Ai )c(de of/ lite best 3Maliril nfarrafllC(l. WilitbY, Jilly btl, 1876. WVILLIAM and TOMS & NEWPOR~T, Whitby. Ontario. TILL 'S CABINET FACTO-RY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Go where you cannot fail to be pleased ini naking solections o! good furniture. . Splendid Parloux, Drawing Boom ud Bedrooîn Sets, liev flsi wllwo'tynf ilnioetion, unt astonishing low lisic-s. Pin»- issg.noonî Exteaiesion Tfabe-a vors-urjor as-tild. Gilt-Cornices, Pictuso Frstmiuig in ovory slyle. S3oine fine chromos and Engravinga for sale. In all its branches ;,fiîîsoîîîlsi fîîlly ssipplied, A stools of ûlegans-cle kts. Colline always 0on hand, trusnpîd od biit (ui.tomoîs aundla well aj pounted Iiearse eoistdiitli 'inreadsuess WM. TILL. 1Wlilby, Noembei.)41h., 1875. Gô t té lODSIaP'Sitl' Go to GOLDSrMITHE'S HA Go to'GOLD SMITH' S Hi Vases, Chromos, o&.. *Thse 'Goodé hl i ng ee CSduring the put~ theree moud~ BD ARTICLES nilbesold ntstý G ni purclhagers: *-s J. 8.J Whitby, Dec. 5Cth, 1876. 'OHEAP .'FURNI7 For youm Parlor a: For ypur Bed-ré Room' Furniture and to fàrnsi For 'Gill ýýCornicc ing lu- every Style, do flotý forge ."BIG' ROOXING CHAIR," '1 4L for iideo1ro-plaitedvW WLL foF Desks, Workbc: is -Èurhàa0'.largely4 ]'. 2,fo very lo.- prioe, WÂBB, 'ei profit, gtvinîîe Besttae. U'RE ý HObàEI --041-- n d DÉra wi ng RQom JILL &JOHNSON.: >Ofi StsDin.Ing, i your, hotiso comnplotegotQ, ILL & JONSONm ~s, Picture Frarn- et the place-the sigu or tho Broék StrÈeet, Whitby. IJNDERTAKING. DIEPARTMEN'Tc ltosewood and Walnut Ci Casketsý; a.U kinder of Ladiei 1.teau Wlîitby, Aiiglsst 29tli, 1878. uis, Walnut uadRosewood4 and Gents' Robes. Ailso a ILL"& JOHNSON. CARIIIAGES AND BUIGGIES!1 TIIEf LAROEST AND MOS[LCtOMPLEIE STOCK 0F Cardiages, Sleighs and Cutters, M. O'DO4 0VANýs CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK - T., WHITBY. VERy CHEAP. Ch$LL. & SEE THEM. The Cheapest and Býst House i Whitby FOR FRUITS, ýCON ECTIONERY, CERIES, OYSTERS, &0. GRO-1 A Full Lino aLLGootis ta mcl t e wanie of tise Publie, to susitt ise Tihjus s su Pus-eiaser..TIsa itudcrsigtsesi xviii suiS yoti tisaChoisalof l'en-i20 te 25cts.,ps-r lb., Clieeliîer tlaîu lsen-here, fer Casih. 1lin tikiuco esgisduuiîu 1Xpr1esenouCali pîiluciples. Ss,-iusg off-A Cisoieo Luit of Pancy Gsuîds of CeufsoOtionérty ai Ceat P-ic,.o .ake menu fois a mos-e exîtîsiive Stock of Grocesc, A-c. Tluanking bis patrons lfor pst-t suîpport, sud irusting by promýP/attention bo bic businiess, id kns-piug 150144 bat lise b-ýtcl"s of etG.uodn, to dese-îve a ahane cf îpublic patronage. Choiseset Cotsfect-isnery fs-uîti us- bessl houtissn ansada. Choie Lot of 'lon1cy fs-oui 1l1.îîglul. lIcol hraîîl c>! Cigat-t.1 Tobuccois. TisaTrasie suppliod witis Cois- !s-'tiouery. Rfms-raIss-s-theirpiano- Jaunuary, Oi. 1877. '. WILOa . DtiuaLncia-Sî. In J. As-uala Old Stand, Whitby. BOOTS AlýD SH-O1ES For w inier wear. A f3îleudi4 stock at JOII1N SATINDERSYS, at reducid prices! NEAT FIT$ FOR T It E LADIES. WARM OVERP HOES A N D *RtBBERS IN GREAT 1,fARIETY. Work Paîtch. muade to order, andi repairs exeoutod witlî des- JOHN SAJNDERS, Brook Street, Whitby. 11NoVesuber '28t1h, 1876. GENT'S LOTrrHJ1N G AN{D For Superior Cl ýtting,,PbiotabJ.e fQýr Summer wear try tho C1othix4g Store '&n4 'Qe'chan ail- oring esitiblisx4ment of 1J0-& I l, mi CF T SO(D1, 'DTNDAS' STRýET-- WflMTBY.- -- --A GOOD FIT AND STYLJIÈ' dohntonS8e/f - faking Boa per, AWARDED THE FIRST Pý1ZE IL the Provincial ýxhibition, Toronto. in.1870 eofle' to our Custoniers for the eomini H arv6q~t,Ajwo dis- tinc~t Machines, which ii stylv, and 'constructiorn, embrace the latcst and mn.s useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE SELF-IIÂ1KING REA >PERI THE RING OF REÂPERS," 'The universal success of this Maichine, both in closely--con test.. ciltriali sud lu tise stnels cf tise larmes-s, warrant us in sayiug that, as a Slf-Bak- ing Reapifig Puaciiie, it bug'moto geod péints aud 1cos defeets, and bits t WIîh more. autesa and legs failure, thum ieretofone oSfe-eh 10 tise public. CAYUGA JUNIR MOWER ie -were a.warded the FistPý-j ril Exhibition, hein Toronto, 1870,11us( msnufitued ln tise Panujce u and wish -a na, at the ý Gent's Fumishing Goods Hats'and Caps, Umbî'ellas, &0., CH Q/CE W1NE&S at WHOLESALE, anc UNUSU,vLL'Y L 0 BIIE-,D E R ICI1 CUT WARRANTED .I rail kinds, 'inolîîding, Shirts, iPURELNiU&,R8 BETAIL to suit tho D E M v PitR]UI. T SNEALE'S,' SIMCOE STBE'PET, OSHAWA. ÀG1~N'FDR4 VIES &BRZO,'S tw înio isnq b -hthi e leof oeIajà'go« qu -clinshpàebloemoclsje cwu5of altreme gls tdbUOcusis 34gu.uemt0r, contailng eVaPcràtisikchemisers, The-ài puurn wz ansit auses .esd cedrua ±Sé eýdng sncb-. a disa theh bib.4 iis nsumnt ..st teuen gmehuit g lus bnaa4'ly =1 ts wust yaeeiu 'ln fthe and in gpis Macthne, e mati eneiscuidrdas en"'mi r Au geaze,71 alàbeaUdcpte. AVU isegusoi=e= la an lw a u~te anly4# ronal insnro"#s 1h. buid l e dltùOMMTs= lOnas cmutie i ~~~uo inflmma~5 matele~u ~e bouse, exceptlug the gas' containod in tie dis- Th o;qcd dté: hîn point a s iouurred u in iel4y, gis, 19'9 .The.gm5aleoesenal*th$e pie 'fRflde,* iQer ghpemanut Pl è iXturs ovez tihalfuiang kerm Ront suslneLSace m ase, wihut record cf -los ln -cery', "-a f«er lu a ffe f, qgaueê4by dre zlutn Itatbreakaige or explosion c=Zkerôse p; eu enwe cons4er tise e~ite ili eoesl 'Irsi4l!eutly adis l 8tW -'thé dlhià4Seeêj<oýls sfcuse n .lrwé are Dot sur prlaed et-snob Issajt'he lak cf nslnif itcmiýi ,l1y beçorim nEegadlg- lthe squgty .1 lb.gsrsele, me-ousfmacii, nelanlt eau b6 Iouusd. Til lla hneoni tog.ednobut ialso Mlieauiotote esfthnvo Pl tisaipec uliaa sd gaxç etus4 obo esq hurtù nofl au.s. n pssess a it'ruîlsgeo Offront antae ~'etysia19e, fuiay egnl ta cas& gaz, and Kioulsqititldtwer htiss dr tisiyu ,lied bycoiygis, coMpanleq. It a emakaly ur ga,'cotalu no sulphnr ' Campe-- eor impuritiensa aii d; wlthiDoperhnr-er, -combustIon le , witloup imokeor odour. is generator an l apparatus qi ordlnary ase dooa uet require fZlling Miner ihan froma two ta tour tima ya, trifilig matier. Asldqomthte ouiatilcuemuS la the aeltUsgtoltis-e witlnthe5eae sdIt jep t 15 in lo oce eért*ice a woe5s, hng.wIflrealr.reqaider tsa e;2eeue kp 1*1, e lsm51- ton or filteen 9 ten nuinutea a weela t sufficint. o.rtsuileekrsesap To explain olearly and in dota#i theplans up nwscsexmacnel ostcedsu how It opurtdé, l s'maierc mre difficnlty. lu an mdveriiement, nor in tais important to tise average lnqulrer.., Sufficient ta kncw, that by its tise, wiih very little care, at amani expenis,antd euféctsafety,' ho eau rely on getting su AbuudAnt ligs t ail tinss, ti Previens 4e9tisa inlsoduoiiou of air gas machines, menyýs mall gesworks were erected ivarions perts cf tise country, lu whicis gas wss made hongi strcie distillation fiy re ani4 rotente frorn coal or cil. T1hese works tre expasive: tise. otlay for snitaisle buildings for a gi ' holder, A&c., us neceusarljy great. They filornire couieasec sud .1<5i thmanage. Tise' manufacture of'gas for asinlgle:dwellsug demande u early as mucis labour, and. qnite asmuc i 1<11ase areqnirod ta mùe a eupply sl~ci nt.iolurusshi Tise procesa le lu neoes automatic ; as oftýn as tise volume cf gas coutained ln the boISer is exhauste, tise reots mnst hc recisagc, tise Ores rekindled, audtise labour 91 mnfcrnganoieV pprepatd.fetU M. It Ment t tma a yery lbour _f _maunfcoe an ieex es f earbpe.ts a p rts4bisifn m i te . Iln uns ae ha bo ne lu tIl a t m a l am w k th a pl a ce cf m s f n - large ~ ~ y', di-selis cbls pfablurts.oln e asunochro h ie emld li.si r iret c - lam cis lois.colasle hbnd. N xien a. .sldusare retuirea. Tiea-uk exuain lo a eysgerins tob h f a1mî cdcepP4iineuahtegos u -on git. i ln aas lîtir o c i thauoe scrcemetis fu4uiu 4t. N d>~ l~ios s'auita M b, u drla teeaylter oedn-' ? n . . ut o lt0i -tie islaml9 y rsy ,eru e tsuII' holgcta4r8 . si'c pr. O a o-u m c ie a useS e gi o a nbercf bings te ners era ct oiirathe istancf sro eio, oth e ags - odwineCI oatb 'apuaThni&lsci os la hoin a la~ptrge e isu a p ssdbyoracin ee-safmthe ot prfceal fa'orks. efch cg ionsemahaeheuoethspyigcyfrwstga l te. T or -4'ý8tl uc e@ Au - ofideneo tidistncets are ibi d. Tsuho cerrticcti -theont euhic- tes-a ay frolu condensatiPo0n, e&to l ute tisi l h84 eSnmc5ict n Edgr J Js-vs,,f,,Ieal, To-uo.The acin h uedluIhtuxahis ese sd unsssr c llutspslabour unugtisue ofas sem us ladred fe um lig;l ielî-l fuihei n ove fr s talicsc achiewozhof msentil on. lgt sl is n eaett i h. Npto ucu a g tmachi nes d tgssis'g ti era wtoras u subte co budi ngs S sn p t may e re p aghsireci, wiih lantierus ,0. ai ourae are pipesyetcsudindte ba-f r tbe.,u. t iedsac fhl ieo ae ch indenof wthueritane, hsud arrn t luc ehgie satisfatio sufri ParvICE L 1iSdToroo.THE hAiAs machi NE, C ObisPue and Pr9..flanicueeotbs-ccfCrcfTrt. furtest emoyd Nmbes- ,machie hohtan uppply g Ilighaseintheone ear00.t it. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Initod c10lre "Cies n lgt25000.t n m e o uldn@ Iil osto~ ~ ~~i ma e1mtup1àqh"sret i30aten000.ra -atpie xtldigt eantals4, 75l teditac o8hl7amieormoe Ha lid xprinc i té nn1acu, o1te00 " 450ara00. erofyersl 8, 55 8000 theit1 taei,'ad elngprr7ialmeha, s w2ar1cnfdet"ha700 mahiesar Num 30 , raedt 400pply15Bu 1000, 2W00. Lares-n, ahi 50a<a3eif 0qu 0. in ~treels, tits-4xtse i eadnbly.gr a u nth, cu0 tsc ielinea- coal.ga are sîcodtsda-.e t Wt in e tcon fes ndefrin 1n 0an iisaie n 19ig s d nînPlatlsug islu1.tr. dus-han' of gus. We sisal be glaS ta advise witlu ouci s tisetheat maiuuer of putiuglu pipes, and otises-dat-alla. W. have competessi weskmen in eus- employj 'hoi wesemod te aii> partq tihe cenut->' b pipe buildings, set macines, &fC. We solici an- oppas-tunit>' ta estimaémipon tis, antis-e vos-kcf piplug, iiniishlnPh machine, gam fixînref, &c., casu- plots. reaelyte igis up& Our arrangemuentsa ap suth, thaI ve eau compote with an>' do- aug fsnst-cslaus vomis. here vo centraci for tisa mtinsîobparties cen aiways bho sureS 91 tise best poimsiblelwtfrm u1t r m a nichines, ies- lu iNa case tbqre su u ndiviSeS ns- peiblt'restiaue ts. Iuthis, am lu mcny r e-kiads cf business, succese Sopends lgesy upeon-itbes-oduae s tsrtaning and faital ores-alln cf details. Wbhu Snes.are aIread>' pipeS forer ruitgag, ve tan stîsis hous- machins-s wilhaut elsanging antis pipisg GASOLINE. NVe ollil es-rdes for Gazoline. 0cr arrangetments are mucis tiat we enu 811 aU es-dors prompti>.'. W. Inruigitise bemi qnellty of fliami met r-ates. We mamufacture Iran or Cepper Tanks t0o-des- for atorng (seoine. -0 TESTI MON IALS. - I bave have had oneof iJosephs Piiipe u& Co's. Air Gai Machines ilusca aimy olac lu Eceedale lo', about elgisteen mouIse. From my exponionce, 1 am atis lied -vtistise printiple ef the Machine. Tise pr i ola supenlon qnaliîy, sud ecanosuicai. Torooto, J. Ji11,-r876. - 5.0 Lighf lMachines. Masss. ,onur-n Pinuia & iij~tietava, Mîsrcls 27tis, 1876. Gs-N.Irk~ssA,-I hv very grtuat llagli-e in s-cuioatîsndiuîg. yor Ais- Cas MîcbIsno put ineu<lga4 i', &' 1 A. B. i ma stL 87.' Pr 1 50LihfMachine. 4-- S0- Oushava, 21h Mas-chTor7o.to. Jlxas. ow beanu isiug yens- Canadiais Air- (IsMachines ion about six monthi, dnning visis-i Mme i isaanseeSail tIseîpse I aniiepated, sud sehicis yo warranteS iseforeio iucineug it luto my Swelling. It requis-es ver>' Uttle attention, sud le = ;Fil managS.Tise ighis good, snd frosu tieseimplicit> aI tise construction of tise Maoluus5>s~1gpss~snt çu ~ q4poWsu11d came tiL o ngu a l s . - -ç-- BJitkli~or. -29 Ese* pat;:- : 85 5 -BsPar., 85 ,B8ouih-eesl part. 22 5 N Wp4or Pt Wj 10 7- ?arWetpst' 10 7 Cludarella St 99 Vindsrqlla. St W t- 10,1 .Ciuïderella8tY 1, 1093. QuenSt' 8 ~no8SISed's Utel Brokcen 9 1 .PartkNW à 10 2 ~orth e4st part 19 2 lqothwcs j 22 2 PartS84 14 4 -sW Pto01W 14 4 Part '18 9 Zstpart 1 West hall 9 PartW 1 1 10 -part-Nej 7'Il4 'Part NEB 7 14 -Pértof S 9 14 -South jof Nj 18343- eortlxpsrt 7 7 Sibnth.-weut part 85 1 1iortWseaet part 6 11 South part ofS9& 5 1 SE cor., 'Mill Site,'. 86 1 NorthPt of 8 j 0 1 Basî part of Centre 8 1 South ptof North 1 12 4 N S Sim. St'ID Boss' 18 5 Pt N ji19 N Sim. St 14 5 INi12-8 S Sim. St 14 6 Ptr-N 4j8S SSim D, G. mcDoeua,' *j14 r, Pt S '8SSimcec st 14 6 Part sfNerth-half 6 8. Part of North-half 6 8 Part-of Nortis-iaif 6 8 Part.cf North.isalf 088 T'art of Soûis-hàlf 1 9* tartôf Sduts-half 1' 9 Partof East.issll *1 10 Part of East-half 1 10 Soutli.-coet qtr 'Ncnth-?half! -Norths -part Sonuth pas-t Plarts Wcon. Sontlz-wept qtr Pas-t '23 Pas-t :3 Part as Pas-t Lot No 2 14 Pirt lai Ne. 2' 14 Part 161 part 12 Part 12 Pt. lot No. 11, Duf. Ck 141 Pt. hitNe. 11, DuL CIk 15 Pas-of Soutis-hif 2 Part cf Seuls-bal 23 l'as-t of Nosti-haif 1 SO, 201 -77 18, 31e 23 186 UXBRIDGB. S 74 9 '~47 I~ORT '1tEJURY. S42go 185 555 - 2118 4748 159 688 k 4 cf 14060 1 60- 16'22 -8 17 1415 9 62' .-12 84 1657 "14 41 1889 1 7) 20,10, 1708 - 1 G& '18'71 '17,08 1 68'1871' 1M5 24,16 42 -7-92 250 --6087' 50 4--8 87 i1383 -15 l1819 7 -'97 2 32 100 208- 8 614 8 128' 42 6-71 24 262 50 7M68 8271'100 .518a Tfi ORù îUI .180 11 97 gi1 82 305 12 ,85 8.88' 9 70 18 91 19 50 86 - 61- - 56 8 ' 60 4 190 I 32 25 i 45'87 I 70 10 21 69 i 485 i 1.01 J2 1 1 - '0, 539 1139 1678 i-utl .1 8 6 06 1 58 14'77 1 27 - ig'24 1 --1 -8 îS 21 83 1 45 '7 59- l 128 2 56 1 42 -a81 1892 8-94' 822 -81-0 16 180 256 l1as 1 74- 1 89 1 89 1 27 1 27 1 47 1' 29 1-88 15 18-14 1882 W02 8226 14 01 .171 21 24.- 6 21 700 188 10 07 2 81 0 »47 18 45 84 ai 47 761 73'10 238b râuteeS 'PatenteS P"esteel, patenteS Pateuied PatenteS Patentes' Uipatetd -Pitented - - PtenteS - -Piltenbded Patented Eateusled Pàt-enteS *Pateted Paimei Ai mita of Whlitb Camser FA] Hotel, J.B. F -c 'ten, Bs- -ecOOStre Notas-y j Bilock, E fice-By WhIlby, PatentaS PatenteS PatenteS PatenteiS PatenteS PatenteS .Ptede Patentes PatenteS- PatenteSt Paktentedli Paientea d patented-, Patented, PatenteS) Pstented4 PatenteS PitenteS, 1 2/ of: 1 , -2 49/100 c 2 51/100 2 ,3/&Sel 2 2,15 cf I l o-1 à5 50 9 10 Nus-th lit B3roklen P'as-t Nuus-iia]f l'art Nos-tîs-haif lPart 'l'art Peu-t of Nos-li-hall Part of No'ths-liael Nos-l ishl .Broken Broken SoulshSuai! Nos-ish ait Soutls balf Nos-lishall Nost-hwe6t qîs- Nos-lishall Northjhalf l'art North lsa! .Nos-h lisSîf Nantis hait Sent-h hall 8outýh-s-est lqtr NE-.ar. etN a 94 BrIdge St Pi Nos-tlhbai Seuths issu Part Pet Part cul Nos-lishall -Part of Nantis Salf Pas-t Biroken S E Pi Pas-t Wesl liai! Nantis hait Sanîh-esst part Southis a Soucis ba'l Nos-tiihall Bro-kesn l'as-t ViTbyasl. . G22 ,186 1 7à Light Jfchcit. Mus-seas. SCTTr & PEUIaaus. G aES..-Your sir gai now inî-oducod i n y -st WhtINIitby gives conpiet9 PaUSiii fac~i. (llein&Tlutlwrkis te-a chsà&znsud 1 às0evàeýa fange aiouiexniqf blour and; expiIe/l~mltts ise~vatt~i Mcleanlin-i odaoyuia-lgs , AemuoLrsaAL w» a Ass aac-a'nupî, TcOONTO, 1874. , - Fusas exssa1Pu, t4 Glass 52. Section 85. Ne. 89. s Arile.1-Canadiauu Air OS Machine. S OLE MANÙFACTUBERS 0F TEE P5LUMBERSe GAiS AND STEAM FITTERS, U8YORK B--TREET., TORONTO.- Ballus, Walcr Clogeis, .Psmps, Gard.e» Faulaiss, Iitbbes- te,e4Gos Z"ds- -arce, 4M1Bron.c antd Crystal, etc, BB'II24Tê GIVEN 'FÃ"R L1ÎýXYrN0 A s- ZAfTI$Q BUIL)INîâ%. Wsen-1n,. 1876. =--- i -- 4 ' 1 Frant 5 Front 8 Fs-ont 83 Front 84 Front -37 Fs-ont 20 I 24 1 st 18 2- la 4- if 18 4 19 A 6 B 6 c 7 C 1611 17 1E 4 -G 17 G, 17 1G 17 G Ts-t-asuren's Office, Whitby, - October Sîsti, 1676.1 2 80 2 74 1 &2 8 06 if j 90 & 2o6 12 33 19 69 35 il 6 22 -19 78 2 60 66 59 2 45 9 40 9 57 16 09 25 i85 79 24 -37 19, 14 21 5 28 14 45 il14 8 98 1 43 14 52 lo018 Q5 84 41 40 6 74 'O 73 8 97 30 81 30 81 8531 87 5 18, 1 133 14 76 46 09 21 61 'S f9 4 75 16 61 18L 146 44 160 ff 4)3 12014 7 95 2 99 ti68 16 20 23 89 17 951 6 07 16 29 12 34 .17 19' 21 17 14 2-4 10 f18 1 94 9 os 22 Q3i 1832 f852 .132 -1-27 12S7 15 1 56 1 74 2 18 1 82 146 1 41 1 75 I 81 1 81 1 49 1 49 1 65 188 258 2 18 1 61 1'38 1 61 130 l 48 -1 29 3f85 '90 1-88 2 29 2 29, 1'SV 1 49 1 85 202 2 02 ,188 1 26 128 188 l128 1 62 290 1 79 1 si 1837 1 67 1o, 1-29 2 37 2 74 É, 87 1 57 145 102 2 12 1 66 2 09 1 70 1 40 1 69 2 06 1 78 18 -1 64 j 525 1 30 1 48 1 82 4 12 406 2 91 2 17 - 98 10 28 la 89 21 49 8724 9 88 21 58 a 91 69 51 8 78 10 98 1l106 17-74 -27 28 82 47 .65 84 15 82 16 06 844 1046 2 72 16 18 -107 P13 -27 74 24,O6 43 69 43 60 7 13- Il 22 82 8288, e 60 6'56 2161 .3 80 6'12 18 28 2 76 2 75 461 97 W1 17 46 97 14 61 9 40 26 87 4 U2 86 -&Y' 17,95 25 48 19 65 7 47 17 O5 1l3 90, 19 Os' U4 29 22 95 155-86 17 15 .10 824 1053 24 76 patenteci ,patented patenteS r patenteS patenteS tlnpatented npatente PiateSe Patinted, PatenteS -Pteuateil Patented PatenteS Upatetd PatenteS Upatented Patented patenteS Patented patenhteS pateteS patenied patented patented patentea patenteS patenteS pastented paUtee patenteS patenteS 'patented -patenteS. patenteS patenteS patenteS. patentaS patente patented patÉnted patenteS patenteS patenteS. Patete patente 'Upatente pateisted patenteS Upatetd patente 'Upatetd pastene Uptented -PatenteS PatenteS Upateted unpatnteol Couuty Treasuren, Onit. JIJST ]PIýIE PA CE BOOT, AND SOriMAKER, BUORK-Sw~ TTAS usow on hand a laric anti varied-stock of Boots and Shocs, Ho also, LLiaketî to ordor every description of Ladies' Gentlemen' sud Ohilreus' weax. KI91 Ropairing clone on tne shrtest notice, and at reasoisable rates. -À call is ýinvitecd tq examine the nev- stock. ~Vhsby.De]3r64 St5 ~ree Wj ty PAS STINÂIVE A LOjijING Go.wliere you eau get -a Wol-fitng G -Tailoring 'Estâblis hmenit EO RG E UUR-LE SLarge Stock TÈweeds. a*- B il 4/ i fi . -ATi J. G. Roi "romn 9 te Wm. >1 Onide Gu, c' as cheasu boit. 'Te Teots cnt lcal amis ail'a niew K ing Sie Ti sal .A GEN1 -c"X Scal o f J0natisa GI tantiy on Cferk-p &rAthes-v -IAs-R1 RPOBT. i tlraduate (ç Univ. of Fe efthlie Umiv oner folch, .Coldwater ! Auguot 241h % V TBRI Tu ail tes - Carier'. Dr , Whitby. 'Jc Auldesoci tinha ke$ o Ie Wbuiby ment :-To the -i --- i 1 [E

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