Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jan 1877, p. 2

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tiê9coo uyais-olin~io %c. To u l.ervr.,x, i l, ~ a a,* atiuigt ltet îo.îleêv u I Cler'îoir ljiso N *$eclorkc, to'îk hie Chair 1einMy~fe w Tendrs f Immer.o'obok. The feiltwilig gentlemen took Tpenders for Stone. hi0elt. 1i Notio-Jco . Gl%-aan ilepie, Amoy -Tise Wiusluor IHouuu-Tliomâae UomIoy, sAA. sué,ad Meurs. Cam. Manage . cran andSt8ephienson. Stomp o f Grole-Mis, Drpe. - PxOkîuxaaxooer.Wh, re, Notice lo Credif .r-Fieenttor6 Mr. C. okeastHovr Droer.POUT Pitaiyd-MIr. Wright. lŽ'r ile-ohnDrudei uth. AMA. -XMîlMoD etteî. l'tilloNatice-Teowusl(p cf W Il th Christieu Myrtie Navy-Tuckett & Biliuge. m- ili ns o No-t' Anuelbsst 5ilUa. '1sU -t-I --Sith m-B <Jiaesoery Sale -4uc. -Hoskto, soir. * suo<.-q<. Graa M4ouey te Loau-W. B. Blin ag, sir. Tcuox.-.. Grahamoe sd ru. Veasor', Aluaac-J. 8. BoIrrtoo Tos-omPolradgaa Ieitval anti concert-. Uxuxare-Messr. Feasby, Parker, Miltou Golfd Joweltory- oniýreaî No. - sme VeltyUXeWai»VxuLAG.....r. Whaee. vsbty Ce.Wxwry.-Umwe .Biokol aud Moli.' ,if'w î'n Eati.-Meears. Lieus- aud WHITUY Tows.-Meauîe. Gibaosi aud - ----- Blo . ON.LY St 5o PER ANNUM. Thseeik cosliitfie cocu noil te aider * * - .*..sud aeoked for nominations, lsting fixai WlîIby, hursay, an. ~, 177. o wder put fthe nominatious lunfixe Miftb, 'rilrsaY, an. 5, 177. sud rin wbcýhxtiey woee eceived. MILOTIONOP V ARUE. The-> areîsUr.M. Wriglh, secondlei by Ur. Biok. ail, nominstei Jamies Grxlsam, Esq.,1 ~îxo reeve cf -Scugog. '£le lcice h&14 (allen ou Mr. Yeomuan Mr. Blotr, secauslid hy Mr. Smilth,j 1fibiont renve ofo!theitown -cf Whitby, nomlnatcd$YeomnuGibsoic Esq., 'ieeve aîitwe blievrs if viii bo founi fixatinla tW sn cf Wblfby. lhu a ii munsiipalr oeeuîfîe f M.Whbite, ïeeonded iiy Ur. Parker,1 f li ouictyhav oxide o umfualei J. B. ?essby, Ee q., reox'e of tiixui lu e ae r nGbo niworthxy uzbridige. ulloce n c eotug ?r. ib teijupre. The yeas sud Duss aviug been de. uiiug oftbio, if i13sus ionour tisai WC mandai tileuappeareti-for Mr. Oie. are 'furu lie fuliY appreclatas, sud 1l'am. thîugl hiux ixe-, f bse ovucf Yes.-Meaurs. Gibson, Smith, BoW. Llirughhit th Pepleof he ownofband, MOBU, (oupoie, 8eageî, Christie, %'Vlfby, Ilidi usoloes, andi vauld b. Piocoa, Wright, Biokelh Amey, Gun-n itîitrafhful te deuy, unoftrvitbuig .aIl inghAi aux, Gameronsd BStepiuOn-- M - raa,,l1txt h.o olîary, tixaf 14- tes Mv Nayes-Meser. Blow, wr, o-a v olies bai ta do wiilahieh*resuit. -brayo Witle, Hoover# Oresîs, Maokie, i Evsry filfOri vote, vitix tho excePtion lPariker, Feasby, James, Liais, Motler. il of tisaI cf b. dèpuîy neyve cf the tovu @i, Holiday, MoDermebî, Bruce, Dr. m of Wlitby, wau polied Igait Mx. BasWieeî-1.Lout. ti Glbsoü. Ur. Yîsasby, rôe aof Ux. Foi, Mr. ibuos.- - bridge, &gain thîst iml ixiu forward-so Ye -Mee ioChitiSuili oandiiiab, at&ixug fixe postition cu fixe rainot WMolafe b5:agr,Stpenon, strongtla ofh lb11 mnvols@iin theCoUnu.Amoy, lepis, (Green, Cunnîinghsam M cil.,Voiticaly fixe votéetaooti aveu- and amern.-16. 4itAnj ixteen-tio cauting vote îest. ay.-o Ilv Eeru, Movbray, ing iththâ eev ofPiekrtu- WiteHooerMacisie,FPiaie, Jampo, c iug ibl fb revo iakriu. Ou F eaeby, Lîek, Mofixarsil, Hobiday, Me- ts-ut party vola fhiaora 1ù he Causerv'. Dermeit, Bruce, Wheier, sud Dr. Rie. lhivo candidlatseuh is hve ha.» de. -15. mctioncauni. foatet. * Ta Ur. Iiows ceditlehaosai Tixe Werdeu elect vas thea led ta the Pl y- chair by hie inovar and secondai sud sldo paty praieotioeu and maie the lacis fie usueal o olofica before ftxe lionor tifitisa towu e! Wiuby)lit fireeva o! Pickerug. tuasxutldralila luibsdiseharge cf bile wAuDFNli DDgyë. îhîty. Mi. Fossby, sifixongixan oeh The Waideu îeturuing tisauku saul 18101114W, of ths Cosolis aveîy lnfsrjis t the lx osrvas vlly unexioot.ed te usatis,iîuîîlis lucouveuleaut cliins, ounutibuh: art. Tuai for thes last ts.eea h t ui i ti f l o n a g servie. sud pariy bei, sud w&3 onfi jOu abe to move t u'.îi, hava iai ouiy uae ffeet, lué fer, about. Ou Ibat accounuf hey voulu t lus fîuotgaflug the chanees cf btter mon excusaeiim-fram aoy afîempt aitmais. "<uthie fio ! tse Hus., au a sigHo aggatix ankissi fiem '0 saa, fouioeepyig flourigtfsl o ho vuxen is edupon ilm,fîust. - au oi raats lu vhixait, ver si ig tbit we faibadinluabiity ta ficu à' clî mntatu hat wes Prtydisohlaîge fixe didsho i l. vn bava tiei0 lîclitieu ozsobssxid, i, gbt lkeby bu con. assistancesof bila Ceunoili. Reyingsi clti b to tu iraduxitfil abiliy. How ao tasiefanas ihufuît euooursg. hiiuig vii lac ci.hne @ testailihthat uring tise present plut cesr.eiwu bu discusseti caliby sani nil -- ~ - ~, lm artial1y sud fies nio ail prajuulice, th! de - Ni ti u. Citezurasesact N'I 81. ang for fixe basf intereste o! the couuby. mi C-M r lîsfsxplier Wotlelsux.Coibeccor - FRLECT COMITTE. a O!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O mJtfîu iOuydiia ia uuotian o! Mr. Vrlgixb1sece Dei n 111e- -110 aîhieixy bai.D60oeud by Mr. Proctor, a comwiuîbes o! suvenIra u aIde14oflcar of fis. Govrnuieni, vers baliolai foi le stxike fixe tandingtI liiîvhxg I.uben einpioyei in thse Poil committees. Mesura. Witie sud Bioli. vi eh vwers appoinfaîl saru tiners. Oiie MDpaîtaîeut prçviouis te hie Th, ballot resuadinlufevor of Masurs. tor ttofir - l tfix Customs in 1858.Ila Biceal, Mlae, Smxithx, Viite, Dr. cal Ww, l ualsiii Oxava lu 4. 3Mr. EBa, eauiby sud Gillespie. of WalKblix w-<72 yargof age, wati Ou moion o! Mr. Biealitie Wsrinc a abefItfixe chair for fiflet-» minutas, inunia ii îeiCthollie asll îoîb ICili. airder ta gia-o tue eomrnlfîee an oppar. cle 1< bt rx ý, vo sxxîsî-ied. tilnity'to=repaît. Wrie -- - Coîsici ci e tsa ariuin tIsa IFAl oe:--r a'MR. Jaux C. NMuMýue.six. chair. the 'Iol olflt-fîsl M-tIhasdied nt lIi. eaaby froin tisa select cons-i. h (11lis Ingsireelac, agîi Ils. b-te vas a uilfea repos-ted tiesa tandling coin. su> ucîî-iî ilsxiîurej [frialîulnsuandl aipaa ~v:iic<iSsi~off ws'ixiilu n coaleu-lî- homC om>îehi Whie,-Wigiîî, aud Grahami. regret., EIIUCA'ro.-Dr. Ri,,. Mcx.u-. Hall>.ilsth X5~~ux5s AluSf:.-W. arie sitist. cxi lisJ. S, hlubetuc, haekieshi,-,fon s xuqxy eT fllis vony u'ahubrsutat putiucafian. Mfr. Veuner lias -jtiy esina lishe is. VliiîaiSsï a! arelalbe voabixenpuopixuf; ilmahxtuanac ihan alueady isn tlîrasgli tisu-,ec Litiauuu. 801141 fus lebenleoouxu (Jssx-îî Ucoitvons hîsat!>Tisxî<.-At thsar.Loves; & Poweill' Dominion wvsrc,-eesns, vlier tise balsance of! liel a-ilat itubckis luseiiing ah reduocid TPaseWrwson Resuss, carncer of Kiug uni Yorn' ifs. -lias basa nsvhyî littefou p eut isoovateel sud contsirist 1Iritmboissu ajueassîatuiou, nt $2 pou day. Il lu noiv Futides- fixananagement ot Scullsy, lais o! lhe Cenebleliug isotl,e iiay, Maseise, Seager, àloabray, Gilles- pie ansd Stephenson. EeÂuxs AND BiiIi>oS.-Masi. 1ev- land,1Cnnuingis, Parker, Procfor, Evens, MoDaeî ssiaid McIRae. GouNiv Pacs'PsrY.-les;s-. Fcasby, LitS, Blowv, Bruice, Carneron, Ilover and Asnoy. PsîwrxseC.-blessns. Wiseheu, Chrnistie, 'Jareu, Orson nd oi olemill. On mion a!Ms-. Whxite, secanilau by b n. Biskeil, tise repent -urus îioptei. NOTICES. Mr. Whsier gavs notice 'thai use voauieon to-moiroiv iscore for leave te lintrauluco a by-lav te appoint counly ioon. Mr. MRse - That ixe vani, an Thbnrsday, meve for leive la introince s by.buv exlenig fixe lima fou takieg ihe aseasmeut lu tIse manicipalitins o! Muara, Bua, Tixeh nîbmilock, lu ascîs yean. PsETITION O! Wma. Brook sud 58 ethaer ratapýy. era cf Port Peinys pîaying for a pro. sibitory linsun, lai.-... osrits..i. - n intIon of Mn. Biceal, counicil Tise Eastem Question. k sjoarneil ait iva minutas :pîut 4 p. in. Tlisa Amixaisaucis ut Gonsantinople SECOND DAY. hsave vltIisiuiwc. Tise question of aà usonr(11elo polît>' tovaan i luePorte,-ou Weinosisy, Jauy 241hi. bisa part o!flise Powpris la asybeing The Wsuieu fiais the chair eiortly tlisollîsuai. Milltary préparaions go atrtnOcok 0aimes,- PifTITION5 O! ýertâin iubabitasîofci Mra, piay. The PregideneiliMuidia. iug fora e novsrvey of punt o! Stil cou. ---Mr. MeRs. 'l'fie -lrutl;flimudulira neis O! Wapfloronoudmiears, 'praying iuuuiiisxti as ai-si. TIse Compromise fan un appropriation ta repais bridige 13M 1toesuttla the qîuesiis n eets, ow a5o~Isthe laok 'iver.-Mn. Rovland. cicr wlis iety gueri apoal f ergeSmbtil sud etiers, praying uver wfli pett gwîrâlapl*gla. fo tWincorporation* a! hue villaga o! Caaniugton.-Mn. Amosy. lAxuLu N.Vato,..Mr, Fnseli Ofcastain lahabibautu o! Uxbiga, 11114o11, uev aged 885, hlda emtly r. îraying fox' fie PSosaga o! a ixy-laa- in uions ai -hie rumsiences Bobosivibie, Jarsnony witfr tise Temperauee Acf a! uIàklissa, an the l2thIi m. Tiser. '64, oony huova as the Dnisin woopeci 2o aiyo blrn Act.-Mr. Parker vouepîssas 42e! !eibycf bilien By Mi. Christie, of 274 i-habibale IC Rausid îao dhireas, sud aseuay bc of Beachiantilà-of Brook, le filssainie cpbsiaveuy'plesani lime wvuen. ~effel. jusyithBy Mr.- Seiger, o! Malcolmx Mont. gomeuy anS aihare, toe lesaie effeet. - bTOisAfE Or -QasIs, oontiîxuîs uas ne. By Mr. White, o! certain inixabitanîs tissu at h. nieyaieî, Pouf Whitby. of Plckeiw, tafixe saine effeci, pics B Mu, G resu, o! certain lubabilants A ETIVAL AltO Goxcuar viii i e e! Pickering, ho lila sainiseffeet. pi-eu lualise -Wovsx Habl, Whitby, on By Mr. Muelsie, o! certain lulishi. 1 ' taule o! Pickering, to tise saine affect. 'l'iusîday oveuing, Fobxry lut, lu ulîl By 'Mi. Blov, et Wm. Caldwell and affithe nopit tend 1OfSt. John's Chorcs. otlirs ofthîe tevu e! Whitby, la fixe Taloeispeifo mers vibu be ongagei, sanie6eff6ot. - ssii everynlbane - niai famake athe By Mr. Iteover, of eertaini inixebi- - tinte of P' kei' g, tote xuaime effeet. veantali euîsuojyable As possible. By Mu. LieSo! eauin loilabitunts Tes eeorved ai six o'cioeis p. à. Tickets o!fEBut Whibby ho fixe saine effeel. euiy 25 clé. e«ch, for bath festval and AuLsI-us RPORT. coueent. Th îe Wardon baidi bsfare the couacil thu auditons report vitix ultameat o! TiUsE BraCx4L BELIoîOUsB xxvîoFS ecipte uni expouditure îrom lut Jane wvilalihave laboly béez: 50 iucceuituliy 1<> 81 Decu. '76. The auditors reportai oartic3d on by fisc Preusytenmn,Gongro. fixe treasnrei'e Looks anti scoonufs ta bu gatiax, -Metbodit,- sud Bapthît pastoru kept iu a veîy ceoitsble unS orieîly and abinrces oftWhtUy are la Le con. munuer. tintied for ..sotbrweal. ADTos - Mî.-Wixebon, soudesi bv Mr. Smithx, TisisDuxrx rAo bas ben carridinla btalned- leuve te Intreeuce a by.lav liuant andt Oxford, whie Prince Edwaral feur-tie appiclament*tof auditoru. By. hav reuti a second tlme, and on mehian le agltatlasg fori ts4. B5 _ tIi. concoil vont inla comuittea O! thea MÀfI&À eoiùLrdUAusSOCîITY.- vola thereon - Mr. Amoay infile is tQllowing arî#4138 offléicrsO!tise ler':.Viseir prepossi Mn. Gierson. AgroVt~I1InuI Soaly ton- 1877 :-Pîes. Mn. Evers ancved Mr. S. il. ment Ws., Boc1faux; vice Pieuldenl, Christian. Pof$e-T~o~aô~; reanuor Chs. j, M. lckol .meveti Mr. Iluuisoa. 1 gewltt ; uctilons-David Mamis nBiokeoU*-7frW$ re vitIxIai And Wm, Whliney84hereta17, Arhur Smithx, Sfp. HolIdY$-"~ Bo,.DloIo.s.oa éluln hii n vegagna sss seasuru. -By Mr. Gisaoam, tisat he would or to.meirrow move fothi ie appeifuieni ef tva andtlas teaudit the sconsuui oriminal justice, By Mr. Evar fixat lie. vould on -ho' moîîav mo c-fur leave tb amaoud nis 19 offilsheuornib. Tho. clark raa àcommunication finm the cheik of Oslxovae ënooig osîtitied oopy o! reuuiox passeSby Ou0have ocsil, aokiig filai A. P. Camersu, tiret, deoptty-ruuvu, be ap*poînted, high sohool Irushee. .-' Thea Tîeassier'a bond vas laid an the table. Mu. Monll peoîtad fhe report ci bile commiesiesuer o! Naricve. bidge. on motione! TAti. White, seoonded ý y Mr. Massiie, Iafe.,rs. Evers,-Green, Rsae, Feassy, Whlee, Smxithl anS fil maver, were appointasil a speciail ceux- Mittea fa report on fixu patitions lu laver of a proixibitory iquor 1ev. Tisa heur o! 12 iluving ariived, ftse Warlen le!t fixa chair., Conueil resumesi, thes.Wardsn lnfiea chasir. Mr. Bickisan sd Dr. Use pîaaantad patifions !rom htisurasopeliva musicip. ahities lu favor e! proiiion. Mi, White, aeconied by Mr. Feuby, mnovud tfe xa uncil mie ocomnitua cof thxe vixha ofor -tle purpose -of hearing, isiegate's on behaif f ex petltienere forsà priajitory by.lav. Mr. Wrigilf sud tfixa. as an issfueu. ital dupubation corniug fresu fil. noîtx on fixaenlijeef ant siei if fixay vonli bave the osema privilegu. Mi. White repliei in fixe affirmlative, an sud s eb brought up thxe matter 00W as tisera vas net mneh before fixe cousieil lunfixe way of business. Tixe gentlemen presunt asdeiiatas liai taken a gooi tisi o! trouble, hud coma be-fore thxe ooucoii lu thes siens b lige fihe eaims o!flthepetlflonors, i it vas uothlng iuere fîxan courbeons f give hi un auoppeitunuty o! elatin isir case;-. Mr ish xtlxlaino cobjection rovidai be sîwse prsviega vas affordedthe norbixeru teligates. Cauncil vent into cemmitiso o!fisce vbxabe, Mr. Bioeli litechair. Mr. John Ro~ieiffvau cillail upon by Mr.Cameron,*sand aidreused ;the ommibiae. ?Jr. Finel foîboveil, anti Mr. S. K. Brown after bim. [Council lu coixitbeeus %va go to ises-pecohes lu next issue,] Ontario Legislature. Dr. Claika iuiroducaed s bill fa ex. mid tisamnîic-ipal fruanchisuelate nue», nil Mi. Garnie oee b rivo nixîîlxiou iffrage lun1'srliarucntary oloctiais. Mion.,3Mr. Cara» onmuvai for a ro- si»n of ail licarses for tisa#sale cf liquzr lug tise pasi year, for thxa purposiecf s7iwpftrison vifli a simailar refusixi for Mi. I'sttoucmoyeu for a relus-n re* isting Sppointtnls oanti racouxuoîx- ano!ofappoiufsuouts tb Cosussuis- anars;O o! fls ea. HIou. Mr. Mowaf, lu sgrociug lu the bture, and lu acseur to s complaint adal by fixa move-, said thaf iu Essex haro ixat beau quite a nuuber o! agistratea appoinfetil iibin tho bast 5V years. lia mia vwas bo appoint iu sy cages viaxaif si>pearei fixat actls ba exitlxi fa niition fa tishetgs ricy, sud ixe v/lii appdy this raobe b e iJour.ty of Esinix, if gooi ni-ason reic slxown for il. Mi. Jiathune dii coltilaubftîxoe Ai- uey-Gensxiui exorcisai il.Ilpoasible ir lu rcamieniugappointinenîs f Magiafintes, but the systeux wau ano ta abuse, sudi the' propsiefy of ýkiug soma change vas wurlhy of bis is3e attlention o!fixae Govennuxoîxi, Dr. Clua r fenleatise MagiutracY- Ms-r. Hardy f ois oxceiptiors h oluocf 1criticiama pasa-ilupon flic local îgiefracy by îxrcvionx -sspeakers. Ife ë lsigîf výrang woîîiîbLhadonc hy seop. sswsmy lise I-resent IMuugîsiuscy, vilo bisao %ixole vora puinstaking cand îci %veul inikrmeil uxeis. n àls-. Ferrie enterad isuepi-cfest agsinef- i e-weepissg censure by soma mtctcbcx-s itise betal Magistîsîcy. Luîwyei< die ucixtakas as webi as otixîr people-, Mr. Cui-le could uay tisat for fanc ire paqt, in liicountry net a single oii bai beau bigated4qu couscqluenca s Magisenal bhusser. Dr. MarMîhlosi spois n lu s allar P use. fi oen c ys clai lemr sif f liqil tht Hot vai the Cou out fend lur Ir cols tion Gais Ti bainE uaw alîjoi Thursduy, Jany. 18. The Commuiffcc oni stauding Orderis having reporfod thxt fixe orders respecting advertisiuig liad net beau taiiplii wifix by ftle proioîters of tile B3ill to auiend fils Toronto Street hou-l WAY Act f cf bt sesion, Mr. Caweroti, en bolhaîf of fixe cify with) Mr. li movod tiio tieBill3i1 hosenf bock ftlîte Commuttes wif h instrîsticuls fe ro- consider fia ater, wlxici wau doue. On fixe Orders-of.the.Day being ciali. ail, Hou. Mr. Mowaf ade an ex. plainatiori witb refereuce toa n article in fthe Mail of yesferday respacfing the. fthe tcot cdaimn. The Houa. thon weut iuîo (Commuit- tee ounfixa Bill res.pefiug ]Lseiîeaf a sud Forféitures ud luinths course ai tixe discussiou the Mereer ase carno up iucidenLaliy, Mr. Laiader sfrongly espoueîug the cause a! tha bate clainx. out to tfexeast te- Tii. Coummites roue sud reparpid. lu Gommitieee cf lSnpply Mr. Mer. rick ±noved tb etrike out fthe Oum of *1W,0001 psu lO theJudges. Hon. Mr. Catuerori defeuded the vote, whialx pausai. The eduatiou estimnatas were dis. cussea ahei eveuiug sxfbiug. The polie> of lthe Governineut ini re- gard ta INormal Seloolo," powers of Counfy Iospect.kw, sud fixa Journalî of Edgcation vers ueverajly referei ho. Several membar. urgeil tixaf County Iuspeotoru ver.euinoved vitx toc .rb.tary atioriby, sud tuat the prid. cipel 0f popul&r govarument vas mare or su jeopardiued by thxoir interven. tion. Hlou. Mr. Crooku eptikux srongly ini favor of decentralizatioù. - Th lupeçorafouni a warmx de- fénarin ff.Ilatersn exuber for folp qseMç.iq àlseraonfavorably of fie turWal 0/ 12Cdeçation, as niso diai Dr. ClaH4e, Mr, Crooke u nd ofliers. We. oxedith nrged thaeafsablislx. uxeént o! à Normal kic!ool At London. kaî Ça p ia fireothr baud o01oe- ed rit,uiw,-O,,Pd the txtension o lthe- 90a st home. 7 d uceis te enable the Synoa oet fie'Dio aa7se cf Torontoe b couit nqysli underoufb, fo incorpoiate UioPpI Gas Go., fa iuco9rpoiSte ul'Up Canaiuan Bible Society, te ameuti ti *Act lucrpenatiLn<-lte Toronto 5. T Ce0, &a. 'Mi. 1latf slihe appo t mont of gcveireofs ai s by theaG erumeuf vas ,under econsiJeratiof Rut ures relating tothe fiaUtvriy Toronto, beaning ou the subjeaf of istlug llafsicof etmalesalsell viftixte Univursity vers p oune alIs a ratturaeof atuaiteelaiiiê 1colouizution rons ins goma ýietue A. motion for a salefcte0 uttea t ee qtiirelabo ]oisses sustabineb l x. la Jcain O'Girroll,Bellueville, L ther beilion o! 1887-8, vas lest on a-dîviaia ý A rafuru vie promisaîl uileing ,-Io, lus cames o e iloyveral lioensoas 2sf The number o! soies iuspoceiely ilel by-sai lioxusceus; aB, Thea aniunt1 lisens(uas nov lun, ser xby'0sal Ilienaues, if auy ; 4til, AU allier dues o féeas nov lun sueur ou icoolnt o! timbe ariAaw loge or oflier materials tskis froeinsidlancis by caci o! - sai lican osees, aici suhoviug fie aeontra respeiuively due ounfixa 81sf cf Docoux -bon, 1875 ; Sbi, The amnounfs repebt ively paidliluon seconuaI efssii hillensi ailues,* &o., during the yeiw 1176 ; lifi Tha nature aud sesuunt o!fixhe se=uitý talion for dues, &o., or arrearages, si auy. ThiiBll ioapsctlng refarancete tixe Supreme Conif vas reaad a thiri uni filat rsspeoiiug Doulistny, a second finie, au vera alec tise Bills respecfiu tle Roman Caf hle Ep'ipl Corpor. allen o! tise Dioceme e Hamilton, aud respeeting paymentuho unuorgauluai, ftes ire under 1h. Municipal Loin Foui soiîsme. lu Commitfe cof Supp. lytheo folivic items pasmi Toronto Auyium, 887,048 ; Landau Aîyhum $80,800 ; Kingston Asyum, $52,195 ; Ham~ilton Asyluni for thié Insane $885,. 474 ; Oiila dltto.. $22,618 ; Rulormab- tory, Penetangaisboe, $23,190 ; Cenat. rab Prison, $47,690 . Belleville Dual snd Dumil Asyiumn, 885,689; BriuI- ford Institubiou for the Blini, $25,995 ; Scel <of Agriculture, $17,860. Mr. lifcwat efaatdfixat fIhe wviiifor a .nev oleotion la Frontenac hai bleau sait iown. The lIane aijournet nt 10: 10 p. us. à - Monslsuy, Jany. 22uéi. Abrila! saxsian Ibis u!iarsxoon-thse Ilcusa rising aI 8.45. Baverai paillions vers piesantei, ansd Hou. Mr. mevat moi-cil tfixa ajourani to!, lhs Hanse as; su okenofo respect for Mn. John Flasng hate nimeuxr for Sauftb Water. loo, viioe deai-aIs oI pisteaist (Jaif a1s tissuay. 'uJ'xuay, Janî. 28. lon. bMr. erovkis lutroduced hie bill to aumeui tlîa Ediîaatin Acf. The Hoins veutto b oixxutt.oe cf suppiy snd discuseidae-voralfcingeîaUp ta ite OSHaAW-A, Jîîn*y 22nd, 1877. Vo lh/tiiloUr of the Whilsy Ghrousiclc. <EAu Ssl 1 bava bae gat iutenelst in alxy andsii hicormnaflon-tiai I have beu able te obiain ierpectiug fixa SnovwdonIî on bMine, locatai nean the bina o! the Victoria Rsibvay. Nov Lixat tle WhiIhy uni Port Peiry B. E. sl bcbng couxplafed te Lindsay, Wlîiby Isss a golxdeu oppnrfunily offereul te il o! baing fixe tiret te devalepe fixa manu. fatef i !ou lu Ouftaie. Aiau eariy doy a-c muet manufacture in Ihiq cocun- s-y eus- evuiheu fnom aur evuoner. 'Tie comsuunily wviili taises fli ebasi in mukiug fixa neesa-y axperimanî, uni sa ireu satures fixe neqsîisife knov- eiga te smanufacture lion, eau ulwaya seuld fio fremosi position in tIie future. It liss beau anggestoil Ihuat tixe ere bu- tsoclItil neas- tixe mine. Tila ille vuiy waîl for chssucoal pig mrs, brt s fica demanîl fer it is limitai lunCouiso, if preaeus, fssonild Srggesl thsiat fixt, s-c je rmesteaxîst, aVbifby. l'xire hisxoesforo e au impor-tanf alu- nuent ts infiirdcfiexicfironos-a. Thsa cln îailiy ix. btaicesi ai Kirugalosi o! supîrior qusubily. Tha tuaI o! coke.a-li necessaiily s-orna tronm f l, 'Stafxs, ut preseni, as-sifînsu WIxilby the mon eau ae sîsipîlcitefaialparts o! Ontario by ii os-aaes-. If Whîtby ii; nisbsixl fa proisîce . a geoil !ouutls-y pig ien, if o!f. us sintuements fanrefiser masnufea- iran. f0 iccate tIsane, vîsicîx noeohex- ýou in Canadla clin. Iunsaddition ta à. reinctien cf fixe oie isera, lai-go cuanlities cao uoiouixtaiiy ibc xperf ail » thxe United Stattes Oaa-ega, Ontario, has-lofla, ]Buffalo, and Cleveland us-e' ov tsuing msueros Canîdian ores. bhis fs-ada vasilàafforti ibnsiness tfothfi silway aoila-ber-ubi o!f ihicx euhl insiirely ixendfit yosîr tovia. Lot me ail tixat fixeIron yeus s )sego, Ontario, aci Charlotte abtain 1 sini limsone freux Kinaifon Thare 8ne rliason wlxy vC sicuildi tps-aine pig irn as clseap ci cixasper fhîsusthel1 suonieasun. Tlxey ofian convuey fhisc-m -aus long distances, vixereas, lu tixisj are, are o! unsurpasci qsalify il near thanil.1 If le for thise ufresi o! the vixole1 ounfy fixai flue hrancsofaiiustny,1 so aftisamosi impcist a! ofnationali ilusaiis, shîouli ho esiabhisisil lu oui lidsf. I uhoahld ouly b. faocglai late-. aerabe ln any wvyin my pewer vithix ai cifizens a! Wlifby tesecurxthe - saufcnfrusra o! pig iron, ait Whitixy ;t ftaruI, thxe minufacbune of bar ion f id seel wovenunaîurally fobiow. Iis j nopparbunity *tisai lix.cifizons o! vliifly sisonli net fail ta imps-ve. 1 A few yeaî rince,ftia manuîfacture r fhIou vas luegun, 10 a eniahl aay,sut J ping 11111, Nova Sella. TIs aeupital i lisie cemnpany lias; rince boon mce-as- fi tocau-anul-a-lislf nmillions o! dollars, i nd lhcy sacnov uaryng ou tia mas-d fac a!ofcar Ua-cassteel axies', ixar s 'u, bar steel, asoielafaci nlq. Ulîre c Sne rasacu hy s fraie aqually nasi npariant could ual ba estaihel c nre, ausbflic cnsuîupfion a!fusas i 1 ticies le gisfa bers flac in tfea t] istcr paît affixe Dominion. ti Iam, yaans faifhifuily, fi F. W. OLEN. k Specissi Caîneepandence. M ATTERS IN MANITOBA. WINNIP.EG, Jan. obli, 1877. Aftixhis tuae, .wben the Prairie Pra. vieco e eooopying so muh Satetioninl ail parts cf Gaunada, anti especiaiîy la Ontario, a fev vorda froux Manitoba uxay nof La uiceresting ho thé readeus O! h Il oHILGNaorC-ns. Andtihie finît, uni pobably inoat interesbiiîg fopia ho honoli opon i ix e vealier. Tmua, if js acola eneugil haro, bat owiag te fhe dry. nase e! the atuxosphuere, fixe Suunness je net uesîly go muel felI au 1h voahbe, vitixý auqal dagrea o! temperature, in Ontarlo. For instanAe, net îauy days ugo, a lay visa le nef unaisovu in Whkftby, viix lieu fhmc.ysor ou yonng. star, peu aà viaif fa a friend a mile disantu freux fie cify, the tixaîmomuter ut thbis- Li iaiigthis-ty dogmees hclow rare i woid any ouesat hoe ;-o! ceunie hlieol the large majoriily o! rcaiiunts, je Ontai-vculd auy oe ut home, I amis, venure out e» such a daSy lu easiouln Cancaa? Il misai nol ha imugiocul. fhxugil, tfilahinf eroury ahn;ays k6epa ut sncb a 1ev figure as fhirty ; if freqnemtiy isos aboie zero, oui viien as-oued hat point, the veatx. or le liighly ojoyabie. Tixere sre etoruxe, taoo,-"blizzarda," wevaosli 'esu -ixaI voulti asiea- <éhIaev ii dao on lie hini 1egi ani iow,l*t', !orfun. 4tely they "are net ver>' freqifehif, 'But w of lini ir! it li a ea ,h a Republiosu leaders métis O st iatxughs quiet, proparations i e sforce fthe expeafai -decsseon oethtie en te. Thorae ve riill.ooms aill 6 ve the oily auibesides the organ. Jý xcid millitia e!fbe Distiict, filaumaude b, )f rueil sud freshiy dillei ollizens ,l ixave beau culleS ont at ahritIE 011 e te oceupy thes pubio builings. T ha en or niera fleusautset ofavero- ai n smpioyeasuund depsudeuts make sc T rg tereanti are always vihin osil. bu la mach cf tiesanime preparation 19 lov. I de nof nenfien if beuse o!f Ln ar o! violence, ton I do net doubt sh on esi viii peae!uhiy uettle fise lren v question, -B ut tisa niugo f ase rulur f roopu lhere, the arrange. A osnh fer large parties freux ebreai 1 id ais local organization soi piepari, as tia are ail factos. Witliu a fev deys pl in immense laîch.higxi pnocession o! pi ;ovekmout eniployes yul bu asinouno- v I fo~ nexf vei, tla h neur fils ans-FE oaes 'o! tle varions Stabe Rupublieun V -gaz zations. us Ail fixe appioprhiMian bille vill bc D ai3 fan report to fixe Houai by thoIl' ' sd o this müuafix. Thero viii bu re- B sotioe generaily, evan frouxat yeur's va dc appopiations. Tix esanac -R [n@ae . eot iuvariabiy so maie as ni otI toripple fila service. I notait bai ai ne tanae ila whieb sefual lnjryy lis M -ea ne, nd tiui i hronciou1 su ci n Ouar l o 1 pl J, s txio Every or r daiyuby teI m actio,- e ort-o have0- ,ig ef trtil, in sny 1 aniy - Monday, 15th Jaui 4w7. s--Tie-finut meeting etfis, nov counelt oM Picisering vas heu lasnlthe Tovsip.i hall, Brougham, puniunuf tatauie< ,- Presuut--T. P. White, Bssve;S.3 cGreeu,' 18t Depufy.Bteevo, ; & 1ék;- f2nd D)epnty.Rlseve; ]P . BHoover, fSnd Depaty.Beete, Aud Josepis Monioqe,, G nalaind mai. sud xsubscibed the. dacliretuon etofqnelifi cationsud 'af -office ; thé Bea8ve ,bois filechair, anti esiled tIhe meeting ta ansi. Minutes of lait meeting teïdand - aprvd.- Mr, Hooversssovou thAt Mess.Green, Mo who d eSthéo moyen h. as taasd. log omilttou pefiflossudansceouai snd Maxikbosis b.e àutanding commît. teheo a sisstcuieep by doge Mr. <fremintrodoeda by.iuvlvhbi vuai osi hhe sevunai Unius anad pais. ei, --appeintiog an Asseinorand soi Asiditosi. - Tle folioving acceutu voeri rerai 10h.c pali, vis. :-Ali.x. Muie, tor ne. piiig aubvert, #2.50 ; Jams Linoai tor services au rotsurnin o ocer, ue of hall, L&a., 67 ; Davidixhie, for sur. vices ai rehnrnlug officer, use cf bail, &o., #7 ; Wmn. Hubixari, for seices au ruturulng efficer, #4 ; Isaac Pnokerig, for graveI pureliassi for road, #10 ; Tixce., Mosskioui., for aid fa Auirev llerha, 110. The standing cammifice on petitîcue uni aoconnt. recommendedthfixagreub- ing cf aid te Indigenf parions, so mucli per veehi, tram lut auuus te the lut o! Joe next. Wiiov Jobuelan, 75 cents per vaeis, John Parleur, comumis. alenen ; Wilov 4'ampbeih, 76 cents per veehu, John Parker, cnux. ; John Guirus, 75 cents par iweeis, M. Wood, eau.; P. Lyone, $1 par vuek, Tixcu. Tripeu. Wiiov Young, 81 par veele, . anS D ' Macniab, ceux.; Aloi, Me an sd vif., $1.- pesu veai, J. anal D, UMea.cem.; Wiiev MoKitiricis, 75 cent. pur week, Wux. McI(itfridk, eem. ; Stoner tussihy, si, Jno. Oidio, eoux.; M. Losie, $1, B. Wrighst, eaux. ; S. ýwigmoiu, $1, 8. Bayces,eaux.; Aluin fsnxiiy, $1, P. Ai. Hloover, cain,; Foxudlicg, $1, James Courtuy, ceu.; Slarc, 76 ouate, P. R. Hoover, eeni Tixe cemmittea on, paiions sud ne- cousifs, recommeuisi fixe puyiseu f o the uon.reoilieu baud tux for fils year 1876, o! Seinolh4ection No. 6, 68.18; anxh $1,50 la Union Scixcol-goetion Na. 7, frani Cleigy Resue fend. Mn. Maeisey introduced a by.isv re- gulafiug fixe maicte labeur, vxicix vas neail liii.. evenel limes oui passi. Mn. Orson moveil Ihat teIleoaisba iuiitructed te iequeil file-atteniance cfi J. Miller, iate Beeve le fixe cenneil aI - its nait meeting vitix regard ta Tebia8 bMieiel's daim for grsysi. Mr. Hoover niaved thsaftlb couneil - de nov aijouru tiliiSetndey file l7til of Fabuuary next. Whihby Township Ceauchl. -ia ai lu.~ n.esv555. -Tue rospet Of l arge imMigratbeu in the upo ugbas ru - cid onufideneamengot buulsea mo; 4un,~d large orduroflï.i t sted, li b. forvariedftoi ipriug stocke. Inuli 1 night passes, butsomufehing le au ti rtapis. If May becta concert, bail, as s- embiy, uxesqueraile, siîse, .publicI meeting. or tisen, <for vs beau of m 111h. thatra hans :that excsemuuy ci ýjgrealor pîcteusione inu cher plaees,) * vîibe nesrly every evuuiusg theru art dlances luntlifeérept, parie cf the oîlyý Wbooixothe ouey ouea from te puy fixu pier le6a pre m pnet aaly au- avareel, but if t csae. E'eiy oce und a vhlej Içe, tilete ais oiariiy ceu. cent. ini aid cffixhe general isaspitansd a retient baar by fixe goci Siatursof Gbunity lu aid o! du.ir iospital reallz,-] file maguidecent aun of $1,200. TIsane eo n& fhiLg ta bu suid cf lh. pea le of fMtis young clfy-iiley are veny o uit. a abie. Auyihing te aid auy voublsy lu. stituftion le alvays vamxsy anupas.ei ; and fixe fart tilaf lie sump reahzed unre iovsriably large spesisu volumes for tixe kini ilaas-lednuuoffixe people of Winx. nipug. d, Ciarihy, yeun uc,o ers a multituda o! aine. Il May bu re* nîsîhues, <n passant, tilut "tise brethien e!fhixe myttflae," le hoara nnoxerlaahly -stieug lis lxis western province, are about la maku a $9esisi celletion ameugut tle enaft fanoixe benefit c!filae genorail ospifil - Tixe orop fils paut soason vans es- acolount, andxies sue quofed as felieva: Wheat, 75 ta 82 cents ; cati, 40 cents ; bssnley, 49 conte ; butter bîings 80 oeufs; eggu are soies ah 85 la 40 centa; poftetes are 40 coula ; and pouitry le plautiful ai 18 ta 22 cenie par ponni. Thxe puice affixe cereale, ovlng te the praliflo proiuction o! ClioaosiI,niaises thesu moeoprofitable tate xgrever thau if venuldlad one noquaufeil withsuecountry tc imagine ant tiret sigii. At pissent, for grain, buI ane- tîxirdinl pahsl in cash, sud twc-tiinil i bs-aile;bu this mode o! payaient viii disaiiiîai s soosi as a ragalar markset je autablisieîi. lu coucuiiing this hîaty-eh iftean liaislly ha caieul.a letton-il miglîf nof hcon ofo place ta Bay ta fixlhe Whitby boys arc holing tfiin - ouf vesf." 0c lu aver sucessfai farmai (suol. witisfaauiig Ibaf enope have ual favon- ai fixe agniciturahiat for soie m re ill last yeux) ; anohbsor lenfte proprielan o! n 450,000 steamgriat miih, a large foui. Iteiîy huihdiug c! four run o! uloixe sud ,vifixau enginse!of250) hnrse-paver; anoîher a sucasesuful mendiant taller ; acether cc-prepuleter of the Most ex- tesea saiibal~ sid boaokesiablisb- Ment in fixe Norfix-west 4,ofiiter a succesaful dmoyen; sud utihi acotafiex ciîy ailier cf s daiiy nevapaper ; whlsi oflierte-you see my modlefty slrikissg onf-have maie tisair mnark lu flua laund fowanis the aeifing sun. Net a single ounei lunjail. SAt anolixer tisas, vibliyeux permis. sicn, yeur reaiars unay huiai o! seina- bsing snos-e readahilo andiinferesbiug- Srom youise f îly. - Spex;ial Cortespondence. iOUR> WASHINGTON LETTEI. WVa.îliigon S). C. Jasi. 19, 1877. luth fliafa (Ilfîs) a bill v;îs infro- n esxfeixg for favo yesne tisa $ousise-inn aîtûii counmission. Thise 4omisinC pass-il ons daims o! Unionx u~s inli.' oiîîsfor îîrouîsrfy taise» 1~ di theeb fx Nonthersi army. The ill ibill puis. Tilere wasalcio iiscus- sou os-stlaxo Silver question in hotu ocuste sud Hous, but a isposition as sîxowu ta avait ths report o!f te nimissice nov inquirnicurinto ftse ,;ub.ject unien autsorily -of Gongresu. 1 oiutics sudl the Presiiency oeoaluni. el t l oniy iecîdeefly. In the Seate t. lIis) thiere vas discussion on a vaiuy of7 suîjees, butb on noue o! genensi lu-. ti (resf. lu tisa House DaviS gDudiey IJlciil o! New York tbol bis seat fer LI 4e firat i te. Ha vasveillrecaivai o: Il ait sidxa. Mr.* FielS voteul for1 1 ays boftlias ne donhtt hat Mr. Tiuîeu %ç s inly elocteil. Varions piaposi- ti4xus su te couticg teîle ictonai vote wýro snhmitteîi by niembers. The Eýrsln, ,uni Dip llomatie appropriation sel n'spasi alietise Miifany Ac- îqm aîpiedprialion bih. There vas xs etcadicussion. oe ai e Gm tehave ne iubf daoided toliusilit upon thea paver o! ths Houa.s tolpieeuftishe ceunt a!fIxahe lectorai VAeeL, Aptu a.1.plan are iscehtia i Of BWi suMar agi, F gel 60 1- !ssaol. - 29- 'UOJLLN 5j- Suù5lidýy3, Ja.. 21t, 187, Eeàzore vife of iMr. Biiibard' * WHT.BYMARKETSP. "IrCLBeat log 00@1-17 .. ......... l Io àil so Black Eye Pea..... >j> Cloe r ed,.8 ......d 7 o oats ... .... - 450 fuy ..i.... _P oio1 potafoes. ** ....... io@50c Butter .........200. 224., Col4per -ton ...... 08800 Beaf, hlnd ena.ur .... 50 @ 86 59 Befiore qurter .... 00 00O ........... #0 5 @el 25 Ri de,, .......... , 6008660 Ducke par Pr.... 40c0@0SWC Turkeys, per % ..... 19e olons *...........$1 00 Turnipe.. ........ . e Appuio, per buehel.... 40a @fWC Ohee........1...... lc à 15. aro............. ..... 0 Pork, perow.....8I0 170 Ohickens .......... @40o per pal Opprifu Ctceus.-Gaefs4l ,usd Con. lors sug.-I"By a therouglàkuovîedge cf the.naUrsllave vhc4ý gavera tha - eperatiaus oi digestion snd utrifion, sud iv a carsisil auplicafio ofaitisa flne propertiai ai vsll-seiectad c:Ca, M. Eppa bem providei oui breakufast ialaivlth-a delieateiy fhavoeaibeverage vixicil may sans ne mamxyhiesvy docfois' bhllis. If in 9 bthe judialonsusec o! enc articles of diat ataconstitutioni May hac ' uaiIy miii up ntal stong enoul 10 tesemt .,vmy ten.; dancy fadiege. Hfuireda 4itfaa- dies are fioeting arosund us rujsiy teattaci Iivher r iis a eIr p'4xf.W&- May esc .apo msuy a fatal osiuff7ykeepng ans- sebve valfortiIaIil puru bload 1usd a prapeîly nonnished frama.»-1iti!seriesu Oazette. Sold ouly in Pasc)efslabelled,- "James EppI i&Ce., Hausioa hie Chcm- its, 48, Tilisaduesile Bts-att sud 170, Pcaduy London. T0 Oldest and Bcst 1Rostorer fa 76und in uiutg it. Wacd's tý « '.ât gelIRsaforative inunikea ny olleettsél u iTI., Improvea i cixs u e getasixoe tane proper. fias; reoste h a a ea . %ey, nafural celai resera ad' : ~-~ha h ansd fail- in in;restaes9, Oàssiui, >jvesg-iges-te biahean restes bainr ta e raifaneîy baia lasl removes adrin utt--srsly ara pfions ; ram eas lniafian acl ni scaiy irynese..- No as-ileo ~dscel; ..h wouiarfui affecte. Try if, caýl for WaOWB< [uxpravet ir a-Rasterafive, aud daus'tbeu put of wits auy othcs-artficle. 1Sali hy aili duiggints in this place sud dcalers avery- abers. Traie suppliedai ah nuufactuiers' prices b y C. A. Coor, &- Ce., Chicago, Sale Agentsin fo-saeUnieul Stataul (ixidCanada, ani by LYMAN, CLARK &x CO., NEW ADVERTISEM~ENTS. Executors' Notice To C re'dit ors., nsholding claims againbt the j~Lxrofe lt nbi1 RP tft e Twnof Wfitbesf. uiere DioiAFlea to "eToin pai Wais texxreae uotifle tay san ipaiclr i the a o tooMre.t by, ou or baera the a eay:1 ,Coimeinxg af-lue iSouth naas aupa ofth aid sl oh nuxmher 22, sud, runnxng thence North 16 dagreas, Wet 80 chaïus, moer olesi-f o the SouihEseat ang0lacI- ]and ovnedlsy Alexanider Kifces, thaenal -Ueûfix 74 degraesaWest 10 eliains, mare or leos, ta thae îÈoitixa saiS lot, tuxence Norfi-M'deaWet-20 ebsilis, incisai lCeB., foi e. -eedf ir 0"ltise saiS concession; thénce SBoisfi. 74ý degrees, West 10 eSsains, sailtfiae' Soutix 15dugrasi Raif 50 chelsis f fie SasuuiWesf hngxe o? fthe saiS lot,; tbenta Nçn-sh 74' degrce, Biset 20 claie, more or-lots,ete dia place o! begin- nng; anl ef vixci-e tearsd. Ther are ereaufed'on fuis juarèel a geai frame dwalling hanse, a fetuxo barn, eav stable, ixorsae stable, aniS open seds. If la situaf e about anae ila South Basf-o! the Village of Birps- sud about foui. miles froneinfIaTavnat-Whltby. P  s e e s u s u 2 .- V i l ag e , L o h n nm b e u E e v a lu the. Villags of! Paît Ferry, - (fonineeîy Ber- oUia) se shewe on a plan maie by John SIxier, Esquire, Provincial Land Sunvpyar, cf part of Lot numbar 17 lixahe6îh Cancas- sieon aofixhe Township aiReschin thfie saiS Caunfv viitiplan i le ed-iu fixe Eegiuti7 O&I antba-,Couufy cif Ohtaria, gavesud-,axceph that part cf ia sRaiS Vil- lge LoI nusuber eloyen cauveyed b y ana A P.Jaohnsonita ana Charles T. Youg' l , etang dte he Sh day cf JuIy, A. D., 1870, the saiS parcel o!- land iaraby fe ha ,old; being 8feaf lu vidfii' fronflug o Smos-Street in fhe saiS Vilage,-anS uxtendlng Westerly tdia whoîa leugtb-Of sai bot number aiaveu. Tii. ssid Lot coni- laina ans quarter oai an acre, ha dia sania mare or«less, on vbicix fiene araeas-actaSaa gaad fiame dwelliug ibouse ani fime, stable. There aie aIeoa sgead -aeU of wafe ansdsanumber of frait frees. As ta Parcal usumbar 2, fixe vendor shalli ne ual ho bani t produce or fuxulsh any fus-fier or otises- cvidenca ai titis, or any Seais as- topies of dacie other thon e deai cf the sai parcel of land, made, te ana Surah Jane Helixay by William Ratfeubus-y, dataS&fthe x4fh day o! Novembar, A. D., 1874, uni a EgairiAbefse a! oTitI., con -copy. Bath paicel vilu ha effanai suhjerf to a rasas-vo bld fixeS b y Ixa Master; sud, purcai numbar oee yul-be saiS subjaci tesa ]cuse iornineuysars, mais 'ho fia Lt. Jite- sounIiilidsy te William Kerr sud Jobp Kerr, dataS file î7til cf Octobes-, 1871, viles-eyhyfie rent payable is $30 nnsialiy, wih lasse wiii expire on .17th Ociobar, 188, sîsd farilir panficulare o! viici ia?- -lia arccntaiuod ut fIxaOailceofattsa Vinions The pssrebaseii shaîl at th. fima a! Sale pay dowia-thficVanuor'e-Sliijtor a do- pasi, f 10 d p5er inI, affixe a u o f o!their respective piirchase maîseye, andti flic us mnisudinmu Court, wiflLanf intelest. -aith- in ana intli fran fixe day af sale; or af file aoptien cffile punchasai af pas-ri euoe, ttar s o!fixhe pureixasa ixoney thareof con remain on inrrgage, payable lut 7- equs aniual instalmeuts, vifl injtes-ast af 7 per cent., payable Yeuil In u aller respects conditions a! dia Court csf CIxaxiery., NOTE.-Tziquaas in vritiig for file sai ppoperis iaeli aIea ha ieceyed by file saiS Master ulî ta Ncon of Tuesday, tis ixtix ewy oftFebru&ry, 1877. -Pei' fu-tiser pattctcîiaîs appîy fa Joixn ixoskilc, Vensilos's Soilicria- or fa Messis. Mo~ ~ ~ ~& :-t dLels Jiovey, cilas G. IL. ]AIITNELL, . Master at, Wlslby. Jissanî ilîhi, 1t877. 31n-5 WOOD WANTED T ELNDER itt ol lue racseiîi:y theuxxder. i. serisgued lnîî to M3 I)IJY, MIEI 51I.SYAV' for suppil ng 110 cods liard DsT Wiol Ssii Cisos8 aud dihivereat th îe torpoation ys id is the Towns of Whifby, fortixa-ifh. JOHN BLOW, -ôeLth S', fircs-uuasu, (.. I.) 1877.1 ~ - TIsa sai parfieniars fa lacluisi nacaassury datsansd mtems, sud to give fxiu Christian names sud Suinemes aifIxhe chapuauts ansd diair Post Office addras. Thie Notice being givan nu4an Section 28, Clip. 28, a0129 Vic. AnS aIl persoa indebted te fila saiS estat. ae r nuasted ta satlo f iir indebted- nas fortwil. DAVID FISHER,. Exacutons. JANE M. D.#APER, Witiby, Jeu. 28i5, 1877. 4in-5 STORAGE of GRAIN. T HE Breculomosa!fithe sto CuaSTERs Da"x.saesstili prpaea o aloi-oeuy qaulity o! Graiu Saliverai at thfixas-Steam Bluvator, Part Wiiitby. DAVID FIýHER, JANE M. D4AeMBY Wlxltby, Jan. 25s-d, 1877. 4in45 PUBLIC NOTICE 1 la Ixaîay givan thbat tise Municipal Gouncil oi file Corporation ai thle Tioa-usliio! WVhutby, intende af Ie neif meeting, te ba Ftirsi MONDA Y of 2i1JlC41 Ne,i, At fthe Towuship Hall, BROORLIN, ta paso a 13y-Law ta close up ea p rtiou of fthe originui sllowsnce fur road, betwccu Lots Nu.ubered 122 snd 28, in the flux Con. cession of the Townshxip c! Wlxitby, sud ta veut thxe sameiu Lester Hubxeli snd te establiix in lieu tiiereof a road on a payt of fthe aloretsid Lot 28-inth tix fuxCocessioij nf tile aforessid Towuphip ai WlîiýIy. Rl. T. HIARISON, Clark cf Townshxip! %Whitby. Srookliu, Jan. 18, 1877. 1 f d-5 W TANTED-For ftha use cf fthe G$rsger's V LomdainuBrougham, s gooý second. hianS STOVE, ta 0sf nof mare thon $1,00. Âuy persan coufribuflng one, sud1 wiUl de. liver if At hie Iodge.rram(Beutley's aid FiU Sb p) in Brougham, will be 1 uifnbiy rewar= ~with a good uupply aof]lentleya celebrateilPlles. JAMES GEDDES 6 . STIEPHENSON', Cattuxitfeec GBO. PUILLIPS,) Blrougham, Jeu. 2Oflx, 1877. 11u.5 F O R BA L E . s d s t . a . S No. 18 iu the Township of Pickering, are offered for saise fiher eparafaly or tbgether. Tenders viii aIea be rsceived up ta Feb. 10th, 1877, far feuciug the new Scixol Foall in lu8. S. No. 13,-Tawuship o 1Pick. ig. Fgr furfiier particulars spp1ytf- JNO. iIEANVER. - Saretery, IBals xP. 0. Salan, Jan. 2M, 1877.5 MIONEY TO LOANI1 66,000 ta invéeefinlumneta suif borraw. en. 8 par cent. lu cammission. Appiy fa- W. H.ý BILLINGS, Salxcitor. Wblhhy, Jauuary 241h, 1877. 1 T BACEBB WANTED. Wà&uted et onîce for iit 9 clioal-Secfiau No. 8 sud 7 lu Townships of Pickcerin.g sud Whlfby, a facher wifh Sud or 8rS clàes car- Sa.. ARTRTJ GALLAGH, Seo'y & Trote., laiîi P. 0. isleam, Jan. 28rd, 1877. u. [lNDSERS .-Tentierswl eruëýe-u r .thFebruary, 1877, for about 70,000 et o il souu n umher, for Corp rafiau OCantlln% 1Iluinbourde, sud £ sud inch pln, obel set 6g.Ani xdtei inch,.. THE WINIDSOR. (Cor. Kxing usi Yoniusts.) NOW OPEN. $2ie0 PER DAY. Fnac amnniba te asidfs-m sOifsa*ýiie. Ta- bic uni appaitiîmani finef-cies. THOMAS SCULLEY. Latai Cauchicixg Holel, ts-ly lianages-. Eslabiisilcé z865, Qi/more d CGo., Attorneys at Lawl f629F Stroe-t, \VutxhingtoI, AP. G aîifs procnr n li c cîssrie. No faes in uidxaixc. N'o alias-, iinileisuthue patents is gîssied. No fees fuir-umuoiimig 5-5e prelini ary -xaiiriaîssioi?. No iluilionisi fats for Ciai aftenftios giV.u ta Interierenca Caies lu-foiee icPuti-sît lcie, Exut.eniiuuci bix-finu soge, ti)fsiigasnenu Suifs inu differcit tase ,, ,dal litigatioa plhinitig ta lui- ventions or Patents. dccxl Sfnsnpfos-pa-s. Pliitt of siîf-Y pages. UsuxN IDSAESCoUIxufi.îynDsxs'nRxas<-Ia. -Chaime prasacufauil siese ujieme Cousit- atilima UnuitedStae, Cous-I ai Claima, Cosurt et Counmieaionera cf AlbbaaClairni, SoutileinClaiua Commission" sud al classes o! vanclaima befere fixe Exacive Depastments.- AnaseAiu ai' PAT AND Dou.srr.-Oficcîs;, Sol lima, and Sales-s afthe.life osar, os- thas- bais-s, as-o ini mouy rases enfifled ta uwuay maoin tise 4Goverument f, a viicil fIey have ne lnovledga. Write full history ai service aund ulule amausîlof aipy sud bauniv rcciav- cd. Enclose stamp,'sud a iul naýiy, alter axaminssiien, wîlh ui gven yen fiee. '0 imsxs-AlOcars, Soldieis, anS Suihaus wvuimdai, ruleîfus-eli au juiedinflia bute or, Iscaeves- slighsîi', cois obtusin a pension, mînuy nowreeuivluxg pnsiuns Si-e eniîlîcitoauanInocse. SBlan S iansd informafion viii ha furnîsîsci fiée.. UurfinT4î.îs Gzwsîn.ii, NOizx'urs.- Castestail LanS Casas, Privafe LanS Clusims, Minixxg Proemp5sgs suàd HaucesteadCaics, praseoutai Isefora thie Geues-ai LidOfice and Depas-fmenf affixeé Iutasiom. Om.n BouNTY LArD )WxBUsn.a--n.-Tho last Repartîuf tixe Commissioe of cihex.Ganeus -Land Offic shows 2.897,500ases o!fIleunty Land Warrants oufsaadimg. Tilese vaon iesad uider actfl 155 anipriaruts. lIe poy cash for tuea. Send -sy reiagsles-d lot- fer. Wilcre aagmants are imperieof -va giva instînctIons t.4erfect fIxi. Bachl ispaifuxeuf cf aur business l isu- idceS lia sepanate bureau, unies the charge cf exîuerieu ced Iavyurs sudi clenks.- By reason of errer on- trouS many atfen- uisys ais suepeuici frein pisîtice befors fils Pension oui o lilas- officers cadi yer.- Claimautas si-iattornf eruys hbavebeau flua suspendu -ai libcgiafnifouiîy iumnishud vi lu fulinformation oui sunapes- papesaon apirtion fa lus. Au va chus-g. iso fao un- - as sasfusl, esimsfor reluira postage aliauli lie sent us. Libers-s anigame»fs maie vifli atorneys in al classesaoet-basi- - IMMORB A Co., P. O. Box 44.* WeaasTigioit, D. C. Washingtou, D. C., Nov. 24, 1875. I take piessune lun expreusing ny 0salre confdnl fldüeile rsunifipaSldl ýy,1' Is on es.ch Piug ofthei Haxx-sliois, JUi. 17fb, 1877. Wedneaday, 31st Januaey, 1877, ai sevasi 'o'eakj P. m . -- - F1É». MME - wi u ~ ,Jan il1, 187 . LIn-4 MANr!OODx OW LOSTHOW RE- Baga, medic iaintl sud effectuât, hy -mes may e, usey cura nimissix eaaapsyy rtrt lyund ealty. i 9-er Tlus Lecture shassid bcin the. bande of evey yonth-aui oveiy nan iu tise land. Saut, under- suaI, lu a plain exivelopu, to any aidresu, on rscaipt fcixlacenbs, or tva postage shampe. TH CUIVERAI MEDICAL CO., 42 41 An St., New York; P.O.Bo 4r>W. 'ANULMETING OF TISE ONTÂRIO.FÀRMUS' Mutuni -Insurauce Company. The Ann uel .m eeting o! thi. meinhere ai the 'Ontario Famria'lttial Xnsurgxce Company; vi bo Ield ah fIxe TovwnHal, Tovu a i xubyi on Tue8day, February 6tiiY1877, at 2 o'elock, p. mn., ion thé puipoose ai re- cîsiviug fixe Diiectoa' Repart, sud for dis eletiol s o! OffIcers ici the cuirautyssr. By ordar, L. FIBNS Secrefery. 3OLVENT ACT OF 1875. In lit Magier'f JOHN, LITTLE An mivueeu. oi the pow-ers vueâ l mne s Aauicnee of - the abov noleteesae Iaaioffer for Sale h7 Publie" Auction, St R&Y'S ROTE L, in the. TOWN OF WBITBY , on TUESDAY fthe Thirteenth Dauy of Marcx, next, 1877, atone o'clock, P. IL, aUl the rihft 'goanid- intereat of he saiS xelet xS tmsi see Assigne, M udt-À1 sSinguler, fiat certinpdrcel or0rctofLand hein gthe South quartro ot Ninbpr BE in i the Seveuth Concession'of tthe Township af Fickerli', containing lf ctes more or -e; nThfirt N Ars fe oth West part of Lot >Number Boyau in the sidf Savenfh Concession o!f the T'wnhp of Pickering, in tii. <ounty Onitario;- save and expept, Twenty éetuusl f the South-Vfeot corneret si aid Lot Num ber Eigxf, f0 the Epiecopsi Methodiat Church. Iberà îe a large aud commadiono"Brick lxwolling Houe, and a large Frîme- Baon aud Sheda, sud a Living Stream of~ Watur. andia good Orchard on said peue. The ,Iandilesa&l cléareil blt about'g Acres,;sudanasgood stafe of cutivvtiox anS w&,l fenced. TERMS Liberal, sud made kuown on ,the day of Sea. For 9, urthler Fartonlars apply te Robert Miller, Qs1sq., dis signse, Pickering P. 0., or G.'Xug S mifh, Esq., Solicitor of thé ROBERT mmrEE -- L sin. SALE l- ATvieie -LS Auy Quautity at Good Lumber. 200 Corda Hsrdwoo dat #2.0,. for CASH. 20'> cordr off Pas.Slaseet GOcte per CorS.v AJ. January ilti, 1577. -u fiH E NRY GLA Y FOR SAL Tixe well kuowu _sires'Henry -a %yYla now offered for sale. Tc, bha-sean & th stables of EysBritish Amer-c. HL,l Whitby, viiere aulparticulau, inciUdf Pedigree, nmaylha obtained. t- IVERPOOL MABKZT f CASH FOR GRAINP, To hc deliveredah Frenchman's Ba-y.. PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL. FOR SALE. Oms Rieal Eate, af Loy Rates o! Intarest. J. 1H. MrCLBLLAN. Juruary 111h, 1877. 1. ~EWEE ASTR1U. GaminIt tIse priussoa!thb.subseruber, -Lot No. 12, --8&h cou, o! fixa Towuexp o! Picering, a alifer usaing 8 yeers olh. Parties haviag lest dia sanie vii requis te prove prapeity aud psy expenses, bafoue tia'zlg fixe animnai avsy. WILLIAM LB. Pickering, Jas. u, 1877. -S- To TaS. osirs for file ussiifieçul nuor ILLUSyiArn Dastox EuueveuCYCopzstCF Uusuv£BSuu. IsioB Xi Âxn UsxiusaKcovu.. nuos, îar se mach an onici C.si. Agents eau mule,61ica day. A- maigulfent verk, prepuied expresay ior, Canscia readere sn ud pishî3io nCanada. Don't taiifo seaS fo eeriptls'. circuluan d pivasto terms-llv Roo-Nev wPlatn. Ai- HEL B. :BIGNEY & BRO. 28 S& 80St. Francels Xavier- Stieeo, montusaL ~~THE NpEW C O M P OFM HYPOPOSPÈlTs. It -»Storss ta tse hum=a ta h*e--i Pbaeplioo r rAnimmting - leunts a1 Lufe. Fer Ganeral Debiit, Sos Cixettsud lh umatic CCampaffs.8t fi:t»F-as snppiy raceivai by JAMES BYRNEy - Dispenslng Cixasa s TORlE AND-DWELLING TO LET 1 ~e JohxsG0 d Jacob BI d Jaoh P. do AJon Du ChieaiOn J. B. FM do. -anriel I James Te Arthur. M Patrick John Orqoh John Moi .~ dot îe J John MTis --George P Cathseine (Io Torance 3 do do do -Wm. Orai -Adamx Car :Elizabeth -John livl -John Bari ,Mielxoul.C -John-Guri T.'MeDien - James Dw SamunelH Steartni Gaie Pro- John Allai Angus Cas -Donald-bMc John Os-as LieusuIl do. A. J. Bars Josapix Wl JauiHeur Wilfliam M, he Qiweait -T. B. Frai Chie! Ceais iliam M R, Brailfor do. Sunecu J. Licansa Iu AuguMe] I - Office of parez MION Schoc hlis, Pf The B& special il - Snél1 M fa - et -f 1 - Time final mLeeting O!fixae Couneil Of tIse Corpos-ation o! the Tovnship o! WViiLby, for file ysar 1877. Tisa feloiavig gintlemsa huving de- posited tlîeir iecturatioas a!of fice andl qualification vibix fie Clark, lacis tixir suais af lthe Gifuail Board as folboo, viz J. B, Bicissîf, Reave ; Daniel Holiay, jr.. Deputy Reeve ; Malcolmi MclTaggarl ici John Bains;, Coanicillons. Tixe Reeve preseutai anS neai file failoving eemniaions-fîaux, John Boss,- secnefun.y e!fixa W. & P. P. E. I. Co., aceeplisîg the conditions o! the. iy. lua- pnovilung fer file nemoval cf tIse Breoilustation te lixe rear e!ffile tift concession ; James Mson, Manager o! tise Tos-ecto Savinge Bank, iu raferene te fixe puymeut o! certain Debenluns baud by lixe said Savnge Bank ; John Siir, iaspeefing file payaient fan he rssalion cf file faisls pîoperty lu cartai» U. S.S. ; Mis. Janet, indigent, requasting to have bier relief psu te liei lu meney ; William Griffun, applying for csompensation foi verk donesion Mrs. Januet, indigent ; aisethe peliliens o! Chsarles Payne anti James Baifour, si. ugý t le happeintedta th ie office ai uesssor. Oc motion cf D. HoIfiigy, secondai by M r. MeTaggart, resclvei, thut the Ckerk hcauni is iloy requirud fa re. as-» Mi. Meîixsvsou's aucanf la W. Mu. Cochrane, draving iseattention te ixilesîge au secouint, aIa la tchange fan atîendane on triai Sept. 19ài, 61.25 pen day, ashting if this le cornect. on mofion e! Mn. MoTaggart, sac- 'oei by J. Bane, a by-lav vus infra- ducei sni pasa, appointing anditors for file prs-uenf yean. Thx lloaiug accoaIs veru ordurai t e ue psta Wni. Pearson, sixasp iii ei b7 doge98, $4.88 ; W. G. Dev, services of iufuiniag officAi, do , at municipal islecions, $18 ; Oco. Roberts, Do. 6185; Jamas Balfour, Do. 612 ; Johnu Wieu, lumben, $88.68 ; Mattxea- rawfand, ;eoils furuisixet Kinglou, indigent, $7.05 ; Jas. Cultehi, piinfing, 610.00 ; Adami Dnff, graval, 68.00 ; Ed. Major, plseS, 818.90 ; W. Hail, gois furcisil- id Gee. Paitoruon, lindigentl, 66.00; Vux. Matixeason, napairing bridge in 3s-ookiin, $8.14 ; Jas. Sisl, boas-ding Jacobx Topp. indigent, 69.00 ; John O'- Day, liauisg lumbar 61.25;- Chaule Btiruf, eutticg vood, ana tanilaeon 11&11, $2.25 ; ulse tuseioders o!filae beuve, on the Traensuai, o'n fuser R. )irington, aay ai ticaunrer, $80 ; Geo. Fiser, building sidu.valse lu &oburu, 825.00; Ge. Fiankiush, voci for lixe Tovnship Hall, #4.00, woue sanfimed. On motion cf Mr. Mciaggail, sec. ondeS by J. Basins, resouvei, Thoat lhe lueove anS J. L. limiti bu uni are sraixy appointid a committea ta ex- minne inla helix.crennetane e! Mis. suneli, indigent, anidaoai tisey tiio et in fixe matter. Ou metion of J. Buins, secondei y D. Heiiiday, reseivoi, Thot Mr. Me. raggurt be and is herehy appoloted u immisioner te puchasoe coer for Vovnsblp purpômue Ou motion, the Goueil atljouined, fa neut ut oee 'e'bock p. m., on fila lirai fenduy iu Fsiliuary neut, alibie Tuwn. ip Hall, Bioeislin. Dosmc iax Enîrcue U x»RisosTzs' ýssocràTzc.-Tliu mombers a! lb. No.. B-racof o! Iis Association lhedflair manuai ranion ou Saturdayanid usseul à veiy ihappy, priabi. sud deasaul evening. After dioner, et bldc Mn. Riobartian prauitiai, Mn.i E . Horton diseilarglng thse duties i Fio-Charnman, some exeublunt-peeeis- f vera Maie, notably fIxat of Mi. )&vin, la response teafixe tast ci 'lia Leund Professions." - Mi. 1 loyi, in proposiug "Thxe Pru," vas ,oy ha spy lu his allusions, aud Mn. Ioyle. in raply ta ' *'The Piuteis," aie a. feeling aud claquent acisuovi-I dgauxaut. Among file gueste vero - eosais. O'Douogbne,., Dr. O'eublivan, r aid Croigixton, M. P. P.'u, anS several rominenh eltlizens. Ou suparfaxg. i ne and ait aimittadtihat thdy badi ~ ieier speuf a pieu suber ci lippier e unzing, s roslit vhicis vas Sue su a est 44gio a Vuiy elegani i.. tpsprovidO Im5isehaujit r L a -'l ý (:ýLEN 1

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