Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1877, p. 6

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dowBns COPIES SOLO, othe Author l Augocla... 4.18 .1 3ODY ýViolbne and Ceuuoortiiasj. »Cw ýsotniQ ek or st allyboud tg Ifaohiùèti 8110y dcpar1 ru ~jgo ad, 44~ljt51 ~ Vases' 1 1y iflk il ordaera or En lshand Aimerio"an Poziodjoala and owil'a position osp1 net'k o ,,pohot ithI price, and wo' (ccl tuiait lie au give good satie»o. iln, pr Il4 dleo s1{tepro. . r, 1, piiraao aue rormi.Mi!$~ a , 4 - ' L ' i j l c r u e P r î i e . .Te<s 11 eaî~a, noie VIAC lu ify r , t ibov ,naigiesi a<idOthai. ti1vafc"rau ttin,.the plino ae ioPcublnhes doTHS GOp WOMAN ANqD A. Pti'c'îe, 32, The r th. liad outant, i~ ~~ ~tit vie-îoî<~Iac~ orpl4 lux litaiL i-XI;twill rl<ii IO4 gr ain Lanal hial sil sauet ri, 0 la 1>yoius 0f 81,e reabd ie. o,41lfj, Street YDo.. Ji 'f fl 1.ioyoild au i>rî 'Ir<Iitmry 'yack un p1hy.Iol f4 Ur iorWIgp4aliew, ftiec G '<owr,,pîîtliiied <adIei ir tliartt 5caiitue, w8 c if-Piez.p& th1e mIidie lfu lrtisa.«<. îmly îî,dio o . c ,nifurreil 1 I1Oll lIti1f ;il, a1i la tIn tbim ciîucîry, nea < - L:4 La,îtI, Lta uthorofthmuwokl ,17*r,h ; .r171, ilgi r p iseitatili<wu e ttiee- thil ýfk air 1v of aiitm Iil j 1<hu lo ton Wtui Iaiia' csiunaolst aU8lecat 8h, 8<Ã"Iiict wItrTflUtim e Ltou la he ri-Il (if 1(it 41,lai l d m1exa , t iI «iiI di., rieTi. i Tiachn! îcne,.blr, caudal .rver ,trtick 1i r ,, nrou <loi. atr«y îI)a-poNuc<.Wlit,vir. t la -'a.t'l- sîu n of ue.wii'Mc <'58<1 a«r u <ai«s< 6'aqî lit <f i l 'ifor A1 ilîtîn,ý NC-l~A<5> iia',a .<, lAth1,(»)Y P. I ilim 1î3cito> u< Iiîiilicti 8Mt., Bas. i 'l i;îî a, .'êitRey nid ,îa'a~e iî luiuy iVOrtlzieoee td <~elg ts. izne"5i:s. td3. il ciei ADy n ti'> atI<'î<riiiî tacec n 'înata cairel c.aai8r. ulIrcia ~J.I *4 IaNbi' eCxë). 1 W4atc ginuc-t. hOtau Mc a liai f1<.Ihir-otri dois 1ick on SY U Il miîe Ali)'uîtuJaî'<s, Ialyptib. Ttîlîa',nu'Ttai the imefiiuc fi itlitit 'vk i OI'ia il iui «1" i'loi L aiti.iuly Lcurial îy ia thrcenioîntîîus'uîiiiicg ioat ,F ) ui'>liîg telu lulii'ia. le flc ,I'-aud tt nc1ui ialy Spruc e îi'fnu; <'dutls Sîîîîluin ao cieian 1111! Ofîii i t huo ii lIta nIia ,1i'ilu'ýI-td-a i4fuîiîithe tl-d U. I' M . di'îi'itrv,.11: tiius pro. * au itiotl t uî'i' tinauît, tuime' Il, tub, t l~Diii tîtli 111i t' ira autiu * ~ ~ j 1 J 1 1 1 piiî r.tîi u I Xl o l s miGra'JIOTS ~~;&c., i wcu'kns ltte a I îJiuîr Oiiîc ii Cuttirf, atenl 24ilIialiy .. i'e<'ian............I li O <1prou>! ol vtisau .....'...... 1)1<o Ic<iag ukIi(M d i<eiais gcc)bu rel ptîil1»linla- ..ciii1 11 tltndIng Jiiaclie a n siTnnîarýy mill, cion cîoanitîatllin ai prni. anlit hiutgcd wilthici-in, loi' (.11b llay noceoaenly euiplcyecl i une orsifmuire a'cic, Wheu nut tageurettanfu aneI1 ou 7.D.d.Whon enigage,mare thont fotte hours.- .. ................ 0 ti. .Atteaidig Asixes or saosiliî, c buidt .... .......1 5 9.'Mllag nîvelegteattend As. 0 o,se Seslono, or belons Jiiîtîaeo (Wheu Publie ctalve y suCe eau bu t oi mi>r~oa. je allburse. lu. su tmo)ule Jm ur for ouena' nant ail ervi 1 t " e4rtBmmo4ed ........... 200< 11. '4&5 g ,aoh p4joinîeit' thrqtiflrt ieugaged <»d 18< D(.td;Ifegaga nore ' tiie la, Servli utmovelor supo nt ( oroue (aubjot 14 i as sa qqne... .... 010 15, Siuiiî ly flbrcrotvor!o' *Qmpýt £8 I,.............00 - 17. r IL 'ré$warranit, antiré.. Il< a ig liuder (1daîreOOwar. 19, Tro.o8ûng tô mils dhtrec,'Or te ofqei ' forgonds' ta 5züaé '«dis- trga 1e n 1g<im an init.. 01l0ý oprm>îre qnai; whlier h une 14 t Ca4oÉu ikésad cmmission AULaolyé7 of#doo, e 1, I ghe0,oùnepr lneciËc 5s ateuanumo walýn".. o, Wl" (:1.i J..A..8, ~J WVhitby, Du". l8th,, j876.LWS L1~ WllitbY, flou. 5th, 1876. LIT F ATICTONEesý Liese orSUth ]3Biding of Ontario, Norýt4z' Rîcing "ot C EA P 4U?A I Ontario, au(!spraeMui e, iî tolatter. ,)nThoa ner.... a1o Scott....... .D.Iia i87 j Forî. our iarlor Th)a WliaI,. Tornt..........North lTfdlng ......18.Stsgot Tiomi.1ouha, akhm,,,, South IUding Ja...... ,1877. St ot 171 Ptteron .... su- dt41877.î ILODonll tog..llerl ........ Mrsc............M; . F i106. )Ohnilol.........M ton l..........rook ..............M'. lthl, 187 Eliaso Brv rck.. ...... àA o -1&7 Fo-~r your 3dj Illho & M... ....... Se qlg Julv î 1877. IoÃ"nTuriliture and to fùuru. GOrg (Aialhes lciv........Rach .. ............Octr 8rl 1877. M.G.Sullaa Bfrech, Nra 8lîg Oct'r 4th, 1877. Edwarda Mjr Ge Mao.. NohRdig Octi. Ith, 1877. B. . Ciweron,. leaverton,....r.. i.............Nov. 7th, 1877. Joui L atl Port Parry . .. Norh ding ... Nov-181a, 1877. Fo r G TUE 0, NTAIO.t1 orni( LI~T F PELERJSFOR ug in overy Style, do flot for Pehît Giignca .. 2hormes, Couzty... 158h Dac. -18765. '2 hîo , Criiaity.. 158h Dec. 1876. DuffetI Bro .....Oshawia.......... .t c1 e Couaty.. 20th Jan. 1877. 1N ÈRTARJNG uffett Brose...... Comnty......l.t...ar,1877. leo, Bnrtnu. No.lc-gidjeut , io.. 21Lit Aprilf-j$I77.0i 0vi Hfiing... temdeit....... 1 5thApil 187. Roew od and Wabalut'0 1 WIM. LAING, Co. ireasurer. Caskets; a.11 kba:ds of Làdie"; "*Apiil 4lî, 187t,. 1 PD Hj I L ~D Whîitby, Atigaitt 2901h,1876. i. R. 1. .~CARIAGES t-ltsjustt îoceî t famg uu oo,,, CARRIAGE -WHIPS, STOCKS & LASHEo. Alaio at lua'ge anid ô<dlutbnsortîiui'tt of ]3rii4lîostu±d Ci'î'yconibto. A gond. itsîortrnoîit of Ijadictè' auîd Gcntus' Tri'îtc, Vijiss, Satchals, Slîuî,wl stl'aps<, sc'lîo] 1 t ke ., al 'hoult at low iti co Doitl~Sitîît, &o',, îa]waiîou ]îid. 'WIîi&by, lcsveaiîlcr lOtît, 1876, BUGG Brook Street, Whitby. 481 1E For fSale1cat very. 11Ca4olIable 1>ïices, suvoî'al 0)0.11 l3tiîggiiK %itlî elilt's sent, Lady's Openx PliuuUôus lutet st SYI..nI-ldvc.ry liglit, Covercd PhLetoîas 'with JRolilig Scat, aitiiighit Top urnd Opon Buîggies of Stuper- lor StIylo utnd Finish. ditl iade of -the besà7iftcii WVlitby, ,iîîly itlu. 187<6. 'WVIL LIA M CABINET FACTO RY and1( - Viitby, Oitti-lo. TuSIL 'S AND FURNITURE -WAREROOMS !TL 821j Pr a -ou4~ aLi T îsfh ý TiL .ces 'ge't fau rle lTAND Mo3 OST THÊ ÉLABUi*.r Ca rrages, SI6igh d 1Dra wingIoo L L & JOHNSON. ou o luseoiuotôe on 's &JOHNSON. ïýPicture Fraru hile Place-the aigu of t ick §reý EPARlTMEI] ý W'alnutý and Rosewo< id Gents', Robes. . Also 3rsie. 1 -& JOHNSON. 06-1 BUGGIES! IRPLETE STOCK 0OF over tuaii- losuebit artt ema litbB4oYal ten or ifta« Ptw 10 bréus st 10- ýýtn 1 , 181 *nt -r. il 1* tMlthehO M o8n the11 fa autoMatt agSU ngénniel s th.y arn h i1iir Broken iisaep~n? fiusn a 61jte North oeuI part futaiace 'Thtoilsr North-West isn tearPartS Ss nuirred lu Sang City aus, lon art 0,an xtere plart ehOtrecrd',of p '=gf,the lurealaage or PérIN]3 EI'tOu1dhkeroa»,s ncw Put of s8 éturýeÈà and déàleru, we are Dot a=r. i <>jN i hbo oerestmaied.. ,ý,ý Süh %r nmcins, nô fautni e W1oul Nort pu andi soit tv the eyes. It bas Pond i, to tny cancles, iuy equist& Wet ut iup'dby Citygau Conpanls.Sonit:-;it s. aéke.cr odourY e fsvlnS 1s at 'snegmy worthy of umetica .The '4.'AIM B Ider » if ooker n ap ,S l~~' h<,y -s'%ae5ryn '»dtalioý 11epiu uc hicb euxr Machine s, oonstneotOsi ansi Pt'Ni u 8 81<»: 88s 1v Boule in an atvertiieedît, net la t as eroisîlt PI.N 18 8 <», D tc theaverag.ininerib.j-Suffient to kni*, that by#ta use, *lth-#erylltie carse t '-;G MoDonaisi; small O*ef nal etîflb anrl , et» o. Pt 8 8 8Simpo. St mnch mnage.The' mantsctho doci las for ,e clffii e ïldaùeigmei8e u tNonlibal licu, n m»,'ga woks ere receilPart o orth-a1: T'-*rYs l l n i n M, atc scie s h 'luencfi ntre dtllbn'Pu~t of Ea5tb-la - yulsrar ehusetheCm oret 01t.,inui a echri, lho uildnsftr a 94Wott sie re ,peated in re --thdle nl 81 lou'nJrbe PV ibt an k emanage a'ubbleasl Trobe c. Aquar ntfycf calè ae Prtec Nrh- abjectlabo, anqi The, aboufoacure osflor àarling om la avery serios tScotb.wth-qtr imiis exht udte ek ta 1c; sOlftn 6 eoluo, f b a uenineaslu tbe S:Part fE4-I neers Pefet uonthe pi irelai ! < t8 jiri rkndeande thi8e l ro lare vcnailutheciie.' , 8,fi i he Souh ar objctonincumlâ« aou tb Wrkr1Pheoder yaoItm hm ua ea e os outh-west r Thici 7 Cass itcwlnelf5l nl(ntio0 Ga zn;ý.qurè ohis ancscbcare pNortS cr Mie forh, fllowng ruon lit. 'Thor M.. . * a eJT xidnsea pre nie htup 1v IraeS-ofc it s lencra.8 loruîaimtijl c brn i in ha ifm&, th" -Ml tue--eeergnponndt as â*lýýý laneýouf cf 5'qbt. outh-wesrtqt laqurg e Igorkn the asc e'ô#cor as n obdftluy mauhesun.par 'Th luseNofdeur ias f1 n. e eiuuacSre lonla, Sounythte nfrt 811 urah àiiae u achineasiaysnalyfrus. " gci c~Pr 1h1. anc-vsi rpar e t feéy aip eutgre i Ormiahe e ou WiU.rcPart8 Mcr .11~~~~co thignonteel muh es. n fcrmcie eue~ol'h i Pr iTor1e ual... *o.ft.uuall ow', are lu 111h Ti"ayI11oeonligbed t P Mura-t tLo o expns IanIfasii ndviûi ocuathe r Id, outnci ,rat-. I n.al 1es e ot-ei t cfr icn, aiora'ah aciatnarma 1a 7 us eft ia, argenl on wmail gs he.uushes; oirad t 0 An revMgotien e 1e itn 0 hl11Min az<n 1)c"ii rfotsfe'n at ilat ' math. Xetrm ondegrsnalien, we would csa, teItâfe, l esitamc é OM? Jti'~, Dt EsigarOJ. ahine aroedaTorotTh he inalayho uensi frins.it Phearii <Jsi~~ t1~I 'a numercflmpa, ccuveying 111e gaz rn eqfureuraheines ar dole i sc v. lunhee neievsi romhiemacinebabaOn e u machgns io lIli t ti 11htif a -b ~ ar fSoI. of. Pwun. i k art o No12e 1» ntndacng arg inohiesans lilîtirgtheewih anum r f' ui. es -tLopN.i tho Uniei Stlcu ati ci~ pàctca unchnce wear cofi ent àa aiu n au i n g Pr Sut 11,hait . Sl ha-ca~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l aîae manchipnemns omic 1cmst «dnlibe e-,toyina- r.P.ltAiaeai 8. chineOro lae, co w uervsn, h gsorfran hn a e àîsci g di PartNanthhau emoed romthemacineho ai n eualy go a'tPart ci ont-a » furhet i t o nsreretth Part o Nih-o Frac osaablasd'&o., teithe distanoceoofPaatiai mileh-raT.f t cieudroron umer 1en, ntarr antpîuîyt iv satisaction.Part cfNrth-half Il 50 i 800(paNrthbi 1 n 70o bar'o C reai0oo 'it. PatSouth-hal 7 2e 2 f 0 1 9 <' 7 00. Nolthbhallf1 Il3,50 . 810 00, Northt hall 14 5,. et 1W06. -1W0d.Boe2 Il 7, "l 42W il 00 0 0.Socuth hal( 7i Largor uîîacfiis madie, iflt'equh'cld Nortlî.wîît qtr 24 TO PARTIES WIIO ARE BUILDING. 'North bal 6 Nontt balf 6 W, suggest the proprloty of puatting in pipes Iar gas, aven tlîauginual iniîdiaitely Nortif. 7 routtcuiplainug purchasiîtg o gas machinc, oas8the exe'nse of puttiîg iti pipes, if done at Noil h haA2 the praper time, in tiif.ig- If lefa.until alter 8the building is campletefi, ihey eau yet lie Noth1~ iutt-duced, but th e expen so i. cn iderably gr ate , an al the oc uanta f 8the onne are N o th hall 1 t mnore or legs. nconveitienced. Ondinany pipes, tnehase are usdinSeth1e introduction cf S'ut'haelqtr 1 ccci gos are needoci. ' E or. cf N i 10.2 We invite corespontience trai au y une wha ialbuilding ansi coutempiating the mIro. (94 Bridge St Pt si tiucticai cf gas. W, sah 11 e gîrd*to admise With such s8v tehasot maniier of puttiug ini Northt hait 12W pipesc, ansi othier datail.. Wo bave ccmpeteut wonke incu u ur empiey, wnvbcm wkeate South hall 12 amy part ofth81e country tv pipe buildinge, set machines, &oe. We solicît au cPportuniy Part 21 ta ettmate îuponeai1entine nvcnk cf piping, turnlishiug machine, gaz fixtunnetc {r., cern. part 21 eIleto, reay tacightupOuer arrangemente are such, chat wecacn coimpoe i hl any do- part of Nortb hall 2-2 1ng fiet.cWlaiola.Lere we ceunact for th1e entire job, partiee <an alwsi beaasurei part cf North hall 22 of, 811d boulpossi lWrecuits main pun machiuiee, 1cr in 8111e case thène la an undiruied re. part . 29 sponeiblilty resfini c» us. luIi -o,"i n'zn>au7. othen kinds of business, cuccee dependa Brokeai S E pI 30 langely upon a ihcncugh uudensiaudiug ansi fatllîlul executicot ofietaila. 1 When bouse, are uiroaaty pipesi fon ceai gaz, wc eau attacli cur machines witbeut -Part West hall 12 cbanging seb piping. Part West hall 12 North hall 14 GASOLINE.- South-eact part 16 s IfotellS g 10 19 22 14 14 18 18 11J~ 1- 7 7 9 18 7 thE, Ure' m.hi We solil dors Ion Gusoline. Our arrangements are suîb that wv au ainl iiontiers pnomptly. Wo t ernlsh 1t1e bout quality of fiuiaI market rates. We manufocture Irn or (loppen Tanks te order fon îfcnfng Gacoline. TESTI MON IALS. I have have-lid on.eof Joseph Phillipe & Ca'a. Air Gai Machines S»nie at My place li Rosedale for sibout elghteen monihs. Fnem my expeniaicce, I arn catisfleti wSl the principle et 1t1e Machine. The ges le of a aiperien quaiy, anti eccucunical. E»O±aB J. JoAVIS. Toronte, April il, 1870. 50 Light Machine. Oshawa, Marcb 27t1t, 1876. Mrgei5e. JoOSt'isPIIILLIPB & CO. GiîraruaEiN,-I haVe veny greot pîcazure it reccmmeeding youn Air Gas Machine put ie c ur Caleoge, ase il bac given perfect eatielaction.-Youra, duc. A. B. DEUILL. 150 Ligl Machine. Mzss .Puai-Lps <eCe., Toonto. >101» c aâ -Lbv*'nv'c'bèen u uing yvur Canadien Air- Gaz Machines fer about six monthidunicg whiih'f li e lauwered iii thýepurpese I anlicipated, aund which ycu warranteti belon. intncalncing Il mbt my dweling. Il naquines veu'ylilttle attention, anal Se neaduly managefi. Tlshé 151 lagecal, anti lrom 1the uheplicity cf tbe construction cof1the Machtne, anti consequant cheapeesoe henit come into genenal use. - Tacs. N. Giaeo. 75 Light Machine. du PnLu-nn.Wbitby, Nov. 22ud, 1Q76. Mass. Scc'r'l;n ILIP. Orela .-YeUr air gsB new intreduced l m mystars it WMby gives ccmplets matis- faction. The nuachne works t0ea chann, as!and 1 m ed a lange ainocut eT labour. and expenee, hosides the dv'aniagei of cleanlinces au,! a veny aupenlor ligbI ÂiUCvuînULTUInALANaSTSABeoex.truc, TooieroN, 1874. Paaar Ex.TOA Poti. Claac 52. Section 86. Na. 59, Artile-Canadien Air Gai Machine. Bxibib'to-Jos. Phillipe. Reidence-Tvooto. SCQT.T &PHILLIPS, SOLE OPFATEE8 FTE CANJ)IN AIR "GAS MACHINE, PLUMBERS, GAS AN]) STEAM FJTTERS, r5B YORK STREET, TORONTO.- B a t h , W a te r C lo se t8 , P a om F a d r a o n o a, R î b r H o e x c - locra, iaBrouta ouil Cryoal, etc.. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR LIGHTINO ,4N]> HEATINO RUlDIpikos. ~'-Toronto, Noyembêr 22nds 1$7e*' Gora Nol-th part South boit North bal Broean -Part 121 1 14 5 b8 14 828 1410 '.5 .7 7 7 4 5 , 6 547 k J 0 1 62 i1822 S 817. 1 5 9 62 12 84 1 57 14 41 18 89 171 2010 lof 13708 1 68 18,71 1708 1 68 -1871 188 288 4748 2 42 7 2 1 4ty 2 25 6 87 1fi 4 87 1l18 64 4 1a8 1819 1688 O 7 97 1,27 9 , 82 1i2& 9 10 20-08 1 -5 14 8 128 1 28 14 42 .71 1 42 14 24 2 82 1 82 34 50 788 8 22, 804 11 ,91 20 21 82 88 8025 6f 1285 I 9,70 k 1891 j' 1950 25. 846 56 5 860, 9 162- BEACH. 4 2 191 100 82 25 100 45837 200 70 10 92 ,21569 101 4 as S 1 91 8 283 82 1 60 589 19 PICKERING. 182 1852 208 88,88 147 -101il 201 82-26 256 14 91' 188 471 149, 1119 174 21 24 185 '521 189 70OÙ 184 480 197 1 8a 1 27, 188 1 47 1007 129 281 1;88 6-47 1.à5 184 8 49 84.13 47 76 7810 28 88 5 '71 821 684 B.Fy., 12/5 of é. 2 Cf 2 8/1d1 2 2/6oci a 10) 8 50 9 .10 100 17 483 108 100; 10' 195 100' 10(' 10) 170 10 100 100 100 160 ~1001 40 9 100 100 8 Frntn Front Front Front Xmcut Frout 1 Treaeurer'. Office, Whitbe WU. LAING, Connty Trasanrer, Ont. JIJST T-H-E- P L AG E-« 2 71 2x 61 1-74 . 88 0 895 266 8 78 NARA'. 12 83 19 69 8; il 2 98 8< 87 6 22 19 78 .2 60 86 59 245 9 49. le Obe 21i S& 53 26 37 19' 14 21 5 MS 14.45- 2 14 140 1452 104 08 25 84 28 13 411 40 41 411 5 74 9 7Lt 3 97 30 81 80 81 3 85 37 1 32 5,18 18sa 14-76 46 09 21 fil 2 89 4 76 16 61 RADIA,. 1s81 146 1 46 n4 60 59 43 44 60 12 24 7 95 28 95 2 99 34 68 le 29 283129 17 9.5 6 07 la 29 12 84 17 89 52 23 21 17 14 25 4 49 15 51 10 118 Il81 O10 1 94 0 055 22 93 .: 82' 12, 112 129- 1 27 185 1 82 1 47 289< 181i 156 1 74 2 18 1 82 146 1 41 1 75 1 81 '1749 1 49 1 65 88 218 13<8 161 18 129- ~29ý 2329 1 89, 1 49 1ý85 202 1-26 1 2$ 1 88 129 1 62, 290, 17M 1 81 1 87 1 67 -l 80 129 1 29- 2 87 2 74 2 87 192 1'88 2 12 1 66 2J09 1 70 1 40 166 S6 206 1 78 1 61 1 86 1 64 1 52 1 u<S 1 38 1 80 1 48 1 82 178 Pateutcsi~ 4 12 21 S OS' 10),28; 47'92 la8«8à si da 87 24. 480 0 bS 7 68 21 58 8 91 69.61 8 76 17 74 27 28 82 47 5584 89 87 15 8-2 2 72 107 98-1 27 74- 24 96:i de 69; 5 89w 82 83 82-83 1-6a 260 8656, 1688 4899 6 12- 18<28, 8 il 2 75 2,75 40 97 62 17' 46 97 1451l 940 28 87 4 82 86 80 17'95 25 48 19',65' 7,47, '17 95 13 90 190O8 8429 22 95 1086, 5 17 15 12 10 824. 10 58 Patenasi' Paloenteti Pgtonted' 'palenbeal uPaenea pateatei ritentea- Patont.e, p]Ateetid flualeteal' Patinteal Unpatenled nPaentea Pat.nted Psàtented Patenteal Patenlesi patenteal Pateulcal ffleuted Patenea Patoble.i pâtented, Patente" patente,! patanteal patented ! "patenteal pateiitcd -. patentedi p"te<ed atett pateuiel Pa tee' patentei patenta Pate4 patente,! patenteal patente,! patente,! 'patente,! patentet! pâeate,!. -patente,! paten-ted ..patented patente,! paientesi paeanteti paten2tea * patentel 'Unpatented Patent,! UPatente Uepatenteà lUnpatentea Upatte, patentâd -patente, pllîne,! BOOT AND )SHOEMAKE18, BËdOOKST., WHITBYi 'AS now on banda alarge anal vanice toc;of Bootse a4 hm.Uceaiso LLmakes te enfer everyai,pine ais'Gnlmn u aohlrneWe y_:el Repa=- lng tie on Ina sherteet ne8Scoj,,êWiait roasonable i<ts. A. cau la hxvited M «exéi="eIhe n'Io*so. FA4SHIONA.BL9J T4-TLÃ"1itN Go where you eau get a Weil-fitting Garment :.-To thé Tailorin4g-Establialiment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. WILLIÂX" ~UKNs, SUPEÉIOR -CUTTING SHA A Large, Stock of Fine Clotho; best1 TweIz. ý Excellent, Overcostiisgs goed fit Gna'ritéed - APES THE W( The FOR Cheapest and l3est I-4 oiYse in Whitby, FRUITS, CON FECIO4ERY, GRO(- CERIES, OYSTERS,< &. A Fcisl.irUni a' (ocods b inn-ct the vante oI'tteici lhih, b suit the Tiimes-and Thîcianr.'ue iidevuigiu'l Nvil«cl l'ait thie Ch iiol t ofTeite 20to 25ct8., oen lbI., Clîiappr thon ett'wlere, for Cashi.IlIts biiiîec io 'sdoute exprealy con Carsh pnéniples. Seaiiug off-A Uttaice Lot oif Itaucy Uoadis of Cntîfea'tionery et Coît Prlce-i, te make ooun luui ut marc exteliiiae Stocli cif Groueiic, &c. Tlrýiking his, patrone for paiet supporat, ani ruetiaig hy prompt attention to hlsiiiîas, vd e ei.Tapingitoue hbit the bei;t<las. of d«cl, t» clerçe a ahanre ofILbu jýtroagea7. Cliairert ai Curnfectiaie.ry maoin th1e bnîtI hùîiî-c lu Clinîtta. Choice, ut a oîîc'y frctn nla n.îd. Doot blînîi of Cigirr. Tobac 11 Thon Trade citpplied with Con- Joinonr',Stl, 1,477.. lui J. Arnîoli Old Stand, Whitby. THIEOLO STAND, BROOK ST/?EET, VIH/TBY4B 0 01T SAN IJi SH1E S (-( where% you caîtiiot filil to bc pleasitd in a i - feIcions of gooul furniture. Splendid Parlour, Dî'awing liooin and, Bedî'ooi t , New Dosigaîs voll woitthyof nI ispecti, lit ailuirig low îunici. in. < iiig-i-oom Extensiouin ab10«..8very superior' article'. (jilt (Com~ices, Piettite l'<t'itinut vi-y atyu. sortie fille clnîiîiins ani Egigatîviîîgs for sale: T T 1D - UTZA II 1TG, Ili al its branches ;1'ltueY.nl'i lîILy cupuiinA ustock oIcli gauT ake ts. Coffiui nlwatys on lînlii, trinîîniadod suitt Ci toîtcis, <cxiia n'14011 sîiphuiutc Iloarso oouuîuîntly ii reaiitlT' WM. TILL. Wltitby, Naiveuiler 24L1<, 187-5; DOMIIINION, WAliJSloollis.l LoWes &Powell1 Are' rcceiving Fail Goods whiel I hatve béien boutigi at Bottor-n Irices, anîd iili bc sofd to suit tlic tines.A (00d ,stock (of Millituery on hand. MILL IIVEPiY, DRESSMA K/Ne A ND TA/IL OB/N - fONl< TO ORD)EiI. Withy, Salpt. î'jtli, 1876. LVI &POWELL. John ston's 8e/f - Bakingq Reaper, AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto. in 1870 We offer to our customers for the coîning tiarvest, two dis- tinct Machines,- which in style~ and construction, enibrace the latest and inost. useful improvements of the day. -PEoï wvintew wear. . 'Sp)lendid Stoeok at JOHIN SAJJNiiDERi8SS -at redluccd p&-ices! NEAT FITS FOR THE LADIES. WARM OVERSHOES AND FýUBBERS IN GREAT VARIETY. 'Wo m)k îade to o'ruor, and î'ep4ýrs executed 'with des- pati.JOII:K 1SAUNDERS,' 1 Brock Street, Whitby. GENT'S CLPTHJ-NG AND 1 For Superioi' C1othiýng suitable for Surniner wear tryý tho Clothinig Sýore and Merchant Tail- orbng establisuniecit of DUNIDAS STIREET , WHITBY. A GOOl) FIT AIID STYLISII 'UT WARRANTED!1 Gent'sFnlrnishing Goods of al kinds, including Shirts, fl!at5i »ilut 'aip3, Umuîeugae, &o., ,Whilby, Jaily 27thi, 1675. .tf-8Si CHOICE.'WINE8 cf P IRE LIQUORS at WHOLE SALE and RE~ TAIL to suit the JOI!NSTON'S SINGLE SELF-RAKING REA EIIII O L I.D -A Y, D 4E M, A N D THE es RING -07 REAPERS." The uni ersal success Qf this Machine, both ini closely contest- ed triais andi in thc banda cf 1he formera, warrant uis ins aying that, as a Solf.Rlak-' ing Roaping hMachine, It bai rmore gooti points and i 10)8defarotsarnd hbs imet with' more succoso anti les. bailt. thon herclofore oltereai 10 the puablic. CAYUGA JUNIOR- MOWER I we'were awarded the First Prizo an4Diplonia, atthePrc.vin. ni4l Exhibition, belti in Toronto, 1870,1n compet w vitb ail lesiga~n wganufbctùre4 in the1 0Prcvlppc, afi, rth o t i 'iigiy challenge io'ý.zitfàn ni - etft nobe acnv. fTwilo Wà 4ýOo'tbe best EIowerjý11 UNUSUALTJY LOW PI4CES. TRY JJRBDERICK WEALE'S,1 I SIMCOE .STIBET,j A-IXT FOR DAVIF O SH AW A. S&BIRO.'s orter., M.o0- ONolV A Ns CARRIAGE FACTORY MCoIX , Wfr1Y VERY ÇIAP JL ý ~É1J Patates Palanteal vatPnted: ?"te&f pAtemteal 'Patenlesi 'Pateuitesi Palenteal Pabentea Patented Pbeiled Patented Patenteti 1<t'éted Pabetedas Pateutteal Patentea Patente<l. Patente& Ar, G.n B Boau eo a tick flce-B Wicltb3 R04. T Wm. m 0118e Ga traction o C, Teeth.ext local auai £A1's ne'w i Ning 8tr TE BULMD] lim IA~ GE lage quant Eatiay on 1 Clerk Dî Commission Atboniy- * Plîysca, f cuier for the d'oîdwater S' Augunt 241h, lyntby 1 LUI 1 -ý dx£lk"lj.L Whifby. Deceiýber, 1875. . ý i 1

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