Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1877, p. 5

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the do d'T stove rout u sana4ofl 05 XVEN 1NG, the wt U av Doore openAt 780. Amsl~* JtnuarY 11,1877. TEBEY. O~AI~LS: -ýOLAT alouinaInihe has HARLL, OSHÂ'WâAon clvmg thie pW.,tor tepupge0 a lnd atie ohJOn", 3. tle . ntng office of a Pals 5noepap. 2!USDÂY, DBEStcB é2?d lection e ffomerforthe current ymar. h(I itwnyfn OOposft»No one shoild By orSh'.;L, VSu ndtha houh r tbOuhand lot ADMI. il tehBMur1h freat orator. L.' PAMIS N~, 8 da, udtatai and mc e 0 er$aDMS1O.ny,25 Cents. Emorvéd J »53yii, ~ Soe~y btY, Jany. BIh, 1877. witi e01l etteo-n nsJn~ e b8maest, 50Cents. ___________________187%__ t hiillvIiélocturOon Wknal -h-'. ][NSOLVENT ACT 0F 1875.E ý1 OrYagtthocsand, feqt drSo0thlM oa0fl5leanighi 1875 nerytn ilo@ a .5 ay, a 0eouno - hote h tu o;OR iierly4e ud » he r. CIrke t&&ar~Y qutis.Indl&e JMatir o ONL1'L, T kt ôOiý U-G H -B pRl crs s ear, emOiUdiUg Sundays, The rtiorar JOHN. ablil Whcb is travelo fulIlb.ditaa ui lu hs of IflOy.eyg di N o w Y o r k .~ ~ ~d i t u c fr Ã"m p a s t Ut n h e u i i e il r 0&e 1' .i R I ) E C biqûally folos"Male '.*T NTCEj oTtaeb*iru uWhy a-- wilh ?Isur-àado ONhTomi iý 3 uýo07" i "f v'5 052112'> Â5eflf Ca Soutra-oud oAdoo1h1z 0-Mr. larke.,,and w8 e oïol . n li eseinime asu me0cfluwcld SheeC uadaco,.iêd yeMune d athe jutIce Wbch WO aiherimyw&nutýea~ bve Ineolventî's ouata, I ah or twW heyH puIsi t h er day. a: language faileto expr exact în ý'or Sale by' Public Auction 'aiEAy'S Pige, uc., &CI e h c.auge, Or eaur o hH OTEL, in ibe TOWN OF WHITBY, bav nwsloh '70» fmedsir.eI haveouTUESDAY, tii. Treenh Day of The uneimeahanrecelvd nt n:vmd Iltroaugh m, ir -ha.March, nont, 1877, ai eue o'clock, P. M., bl L OETMLEJi Invîsîou u h. por afo cL&ÃŽ 7th, 1877. - însal itheright, title and interest cf th. otthle asiate ef iniainluh h.--p--an---aldaInsoîvent, Sud cf myselt as such JOHRN LITTL»> au Insolv Assgne., in ant! ta AUl and Singular, thaî ment, bUt in in., o owhr RMU & YÀJIWOOD MARI). certsainparcel or tract of Land bei the - uioa i ar a nited." 1 UN CMP ANY~, (Zir4ua.>South quarter af Lot Number E g Te in j.b Puinh 7ioncen sson oet 1 ' ;%t in Lo o nth 7hbocesonofp 1lAITqUAîIoe heavy elh L - the SevetI Concession cf thé Township cf go Occued n Sâurdy frty-ivomius Notice la horeby gion that thé Genérsi PlckFering, counjijn« fift> acres, more or pollOliea st atnrDiCaiforn~Aoile Annual Meeting eofItmetlharmiolders ofthelb.e" * and ThrRi fle Acrése cf iho South ENiAJaur 7 f aout..at a Sn DegaCaîfo~a, above Cmpa»>' will e held aI l.thie '.<art of iet Number Sven, - n thé e DE A, aury1/ lad snta01emt tahfeb.Organ 1factaryinuthe Town <,e gala énth Concession ai thé Township the tollowing Valuablé Proporty,ýL 1ýi1uneaae ntte,41 antsave anS except. Tweniy percezsl.a off- oios Iuake him emile." The beasî of.au Wedneaday, Blet Januaq,, 1877, maW~~re is~aLtNm one.MrScr il olt the Sou thést oadiLot ChumbrCrni et. s er ldi olt edîtorvontursto epress u opiio Biet, tethe Epiecopai Metws hrh tha sh woid ayesuceecod ad hnt lSavon. a'clock,-p. m. bhorse lea large and commeojusBrick 1 Mareilu bal to Heurt aofOOak. tht bcý oud av accodd adoheDweWlng House, and a àa Pae Barnu 6 ycars old. show lm 1h. poomn. 1IPRD. MUD suad 6hods, and a Livig armm fWater I Mare. agefi. Manager. andi a goodrch adonu0sa rem~ises. TflOBOUoU.nn1IL CATLE. Tc Cousuimptive.. Wlitby, Jan. 17, 1877. 2i.4 The aG lealclear bt about Six 1 Bull, 8 yesrs ai. Acres, and i a goo 9site ci cultivtilon2 Cows, neri>' calved. The. acverlser, a retired hyiip and WeU ilé. 12Béier, 2 years old. havn 4rovdenialy tscvard, hll -TERMS Libérai, ana made kiiown Dg eitler, 1 year old. Wvviýr vdnilydsoeewiethé day cf Sale. riBl af I 4 al erysipeveablen ruteedy JFor Fuuihér Farticulars apply ta Robert 1 Rélier CaW. Aorgis eey aimpermoanlentreeai Miller, Eeq., thé Assignes, Pickering P. O.,GRD ITX fo tespad ndpemnet ue rOr te G. Young Smith, Esq., Solicitor of thé OIIADE in eau. (Jopoumption, Asthme, Bronchitîs, C o u n Ity of' Ontario. Estate, Whitby. 1 Farrow 00W. Catarnh, aud ail ibroat sand iung Ïafeut. ROBERIT MILLER, 1i Cow, lu earsl. e"uî urdia poc lige.2Steere, 1 year aid. lic far Narvouu Debilit ,Peaure £-X Réevés of the various Munici a ie>nJaur'6,17.m82Cav. Décui , and ail Ntorvouî ôomplainîs, afu onyo Otrowi ohiniuthé - XPORTED COTSWoLD SELLa.1 IPels itbis d uty temaka lSt lmown to Council Chamber, Court Rouge, lu thée F 0OB 8SA -L E 1I1Ram, i1 'éar old. hie suffsrlng fllowsi. WFdbyi4s OW 0 W IT y rg R£wos. la ilwb dsired il, Ih TON ON TB )AT TRE W *The Tboraugb.bréilCatlléaree Motive, ho wili choeirfully oud (tré. cfp celpe f r e-a»g,an full directions TUESDAY, JANUARy r,~ LN MAJOR MILLS. ed latyear froza the fiooks>Of celébr 1>'ush~, raidnl. aS 'coc l te ttRnoo, 23rder 877e Ebrceders, Joseph Waikér, North Loael4i fo acesful ue!!, hs rvieni it cl.kinte ftrooi i odr eothée. wr discovered remody. Tiiose who wish torm 6h Councîl of thé Corporation ef the An>' Quantity ef Good Lumber. 4 Store Pi'e to aveu Ithemnelve, i; 1 h. bonefits ci aforesaid cent 0>os'.f1iy thie d1,oovery wthout ceci, eu do goail. J. MACDONELL 20W Corde Hardwood ai $2.00, for CASH. 1 Siaek cf Straw. by ireturn mail, by addresuing wîi Clark, Caty Ontario. 2001 Corde ai Pise Sialis ai Sots par A lot ot Claver Seed i Strsw. taimpiq umiiug pape: I."Ail acceunts -againut the Ca jt Cord. IMPLEXENTS. ueuîme iarondered lu duplcata ta E. MAJOR. 1 Waggon, 1 Cuita:, i Soet Bob-lé$g Dii,011ABLE P. MARSHALL, Che eélerk neuotlaie: thauMonday, 21th inst. Jenuary 8h, 1877. 8-1M 1 Johnston iléaper, 1 Ball's Ohio M w S88 Niagara Street, Co. Ciérk's Orle., 2 Gang Ploughu, 2 Singie Pleughn, i85t Buffalo, N.Y. Wiitby, HJaNn.Y L Nt>' S1877.ttéiT4nlfi, i ____________________Jn it,17. i-on Harrews, I Seed Drill, nearly a taoNoéce#a.: cf Biriksi Marijgea, JHN8.M.WILCXF SA ESeales, 2,SUlbo. Iorse 4 ci Dea S. M. eréclijoqFORa caEh Drlt1iorm cltrlFra8 and -aaeh chaged-5-ceno cah. 1N Reserve. Salé at z c'clock p WRifTBY M4.ÃŽKETS. OFFIOIAUL ASSIGNEE, The well knowui sire "Henry Cia>"' le now olleréd for salé. To bc seau et thé Ha. rémoved bis office from the. Railway stables of Rayes Britirh Aimeriean Botel, TERMS OF' SALE-Ml sume eut& ClmuaxaaCuriezu, Jen. i7th, 1877. Station ta théeofficeofetD7vOrmistou Esq. Whitby, where ail particulars, iucludiug under Ten Dollars, cash; ove: that amno T. H. McMdillan's Block, Brock-St., Wbitby. pedigree, ma>' b.e btainad. î J~oint Noescréiet h riehinmai ialWo........... 1 10(08 1 80 Wht AJa. L E187 8- sale if not paiS wlién due. Elght par d Barng '................0185 0 70 ----#1---22(DR iE5DI T S LEpar ennumle lîowed off for cash. Pas.y,.................e #040 àOD80OW70OSTàHOWi, L. FAIRBANKS,, lilacle>.............c70@iH OC WLST OWR.CUTTERS, CARRIACIES, BUGI- Auction f UlAo Sed ......... 6 $ Jusi published, a now édition OIES, SLIIIGHS, &c. j Pickering, Dec. 28th. 1876. Clotr SeS..........* ~ 5 - of Da. Cu.LvEEwzLL'5Clobrat- Oato .................. 400 (450 éd essay on thé radcalj cure TOMIS & NEWPORT - - Ray ................ 0908@ 10 Witbautulédlciie)oillpermatorrhoeoS A I>vt ,< PolaIrls.............*I55eluntai-y leminal LogaseWill s811 byrublic Auction eut their Cerrn. VW, U, IIIJI cL, 1.'G Egga,.,,,,.,,,,~,Impoténa>', Mental sud Physical Incapac ty, age Siop; Dunda Street, hitby, on. ute...I............0c0 Impedimenta te Marri aea on Buter............ 20 0220 Senciton, Eplmpean ts lducedlu*SATÃŽIDAr A,20h 87 Pi~o b>'~~1~A Y dAN 2Oh. 177, are offering r ceaI, par ton ........... 7 @o$8s0 Bell-In.dulgence a: sexoal extravIlace, e Tc. %hl ftrStc fNwadSc Wood . ............ ... 800 @800 Lu eina lsseS envelope, oui>' 6 cents. Te on hi Sokc éwadSc Th eortdauthor, h iisaSmirallo0od-band Cutters, Sléigho, Buggies, &C.0 Wool.................e0 0800. lissa>', clarly Semonsirates, fromam tblrt>'-ne iollowe: (9If EJA.. > U NEJ7 Boef, hunS quarter....15 50 a #6 30 years' eufessiul practia, ibat ibm alarnuîng ô New Patent Front Cuitera, Bleet, fore quarter,...0 4-OC00500OC QuSequonceésai sell.abuse may bic radieally 2 New Sraght Front Cunters, childe sat Shoookin ........ $05o # g5 eured wlthout thé daugérous unsé o internal, 1 New tolling.Seat, withhpolo sud ahatts. Rides................or50the Za sa polnilo'n'of thé knufe; 2 New Portland Cutters, O .... ........... 8 5 # 5 pinin ota m ofurt oc impe,1Second-hanS two-soatéd Démneret, 0 h , ckg par Pr:........... c 0 lic certain anS offetuai, b enso hch i Second-baud Box-Sléigh, Turkéyu, par lb ....... 0 ever>' suflérér, ne matter what bie condtion 2 Second.band Cutters, el X) Me>' li, may cure biniséli cheaply, private. 2 New Sets c1 Singi le b.Sleighe, Onioa.............3 1 C î' 1 New ollcsatCarriage vith top. /i'ESS GOODS Tarnipe ............... .. 1 e Lâ Tus Leture shauid be lu thé hanSe 1 New open P hon, wilh CLild'ascsat* Aple,,per bàshel.40- ofc a every yeuth and evor>' man in thé land. i New Lî>l ison ...... 11lic @ 18c. sent, undér seal, hlu a plain envelope, te 1 New RollinsatBgyLA IS E , CarrIe.............G c O20e n> addreos, on reosîpî ai six cents, or tva 2 New LAIYIE SBugTIeS, Caros .............0i0 00-, postageoslam i-es.,1lNew TroynBugg CLOTH GLOVES. Pok prrevL. ,. 1 06 0.. 0 0387 0,ddr i '17NewRound-bac Buggy ChÃŽekene ............... 85 @ 40o por pair THE CULVETIAL MEDICAL C0., i Secend-band ETp Phuato.ogy I G O E -42 41 Anu St, Rew York; P. O. Box 4586. l Second-hend Open Buggy. AT 75 CENTS. TORONTO MARKPTS. ___-Ail thé aboyé work l iuialg-lase, Eiid war. TeOO, Jauni-y i7th, 1877. rOnehd ; sud rmust hé 001 wilhonh rasai-vaGNe ilal l eft ..............1,00@ $1.48 Established z865, lu order to maké room for Spring work. ' E tS I ýSC F, tlpring Wbcaït........... .2@$.80 a5 GImTEums éoySic r-Tc, monthe' credit îy II... .. ...65 77 a uei oJAtr neys ai!Law, furniahing epproved Endorsed'Notes. SILEi HANK'FS. GOL ]oi..i'..........75 75ci 78o iliglît par cent. par eunum ellawed off for S A F ........ l.4...e4o 47e Succesoors tu ChipmiiWBeHsmr &Co.j .Oaih. SHIIRT STUDS, GOLD Pr........... ..........54 09 Sre1, Wehiotn, D. 0. Sale et One o'clock, p. mn., Sharp. ....:- L.IFAIRANKCS, CUFF BUTTONS, .190@220 - Appls............ 20 cO25e Aurîic.uc AND PoRiON atPITENxrS.-pat- hAuctJn.ione187.ér.H GL VE 3pls ... 1.25 @ 31.785ule procuréS lu allIceunh-las. No fesé i Wn ty e, tb 87.8 C OI STOCKSaulvancé. Na chargec un lésé thc patant lu N ID GLOVES STCK.gnauleS. Noféesiour luîkingthé pralimin. ISSOLUTION 0OF.'I'ARTNERSIP. ai-y éxaminahions. No addftional fées for 1 SELLes. st'v.itt.<baiig anS conductlngarehearing. Speé TARE NOTICE taté artuaréhin and MITTS.- atr....,,,.. ....cil, attention givan te Intorferéucé Cases heretainrc existing bgtwjen 1J011N MITC115 L'ornto..........7 7 714 betore thé Patent Office, Extension beforo ELL aeî,d (HARLES IL.GIRUEEN, w Torntro .... .........17-072 Cngus Iid ntSiteîin a Tonéhip jeu li I.1 be olda SL Ontarioa.a.ont.'.uits..u1d2ff1024ut Millers, in theTc hi)of Pickering, la ahat..................................Sate , su Ultg0Jnaptaiing ta Iiu-thia day dissolvéd b>' Mutuel chusent. advance on cost, and i (Jnsldeél........... 01 03 ventions oi-Patentsi. Soac umIp for parn. AU parties having claires agahist thc Commrercé ...........1 120 1cJdet of sizty page.saiS ésîste viii Vraduca the arnaeéte John odrt aea laue Ilii n.... ......... ...5 0 - UNITEDnSTAT>ze CORT ÀD ZAUpÂIa for Raorde to nake olearan lonto .......'... 993 98 -lli reeldl or ioei o utxuwoeoe~bfi on CiispoeueInteSu>nremo auh'bedl ocaiolsdet"eal ét Euhcii sepalmllof etour business lu con. à- -tocboose from, cofsisting of The Menst end B»Wt Rtor.r Suctec inluà.separator bureau, unS.: ibe Cameite the prermisoi oi the sxàscriber New FutNwRiis chag i anS cerks Lot Ro. 12,SOi eaou, 0f, ibe Township c e 0kats eo il 1oin4 [n i~g.f. B>' emecuai .~ i- fOran terk. Pickering, a Reiter risiug 8 y.au oid. NwOurtsLeo - ~ ~ e eIl Of frror o ira<u lmano ibePartiess haing lost ibm samo vili requin o 1 ?eOa "M ugededtro Prct ymalrs- rovhuePc'xpeuses, liafore reOag el fis unlike an>' chié:, andbas PO eulThe Clalmanle vho. loeehv be hPt'hg i nmlaa' osettreyuale, ,s atc.hiaiml wyCitron Peel, Ienproved bas lie v vegtabi tnIe propor. au& énded viiiliab gratuiteoi>'y furuiohad WILIAM LEE. îles ; restoree gré>' bal: 10 aeles>', tîtural witliifulilio ation andS roeren nPickernJ.u. S5ho1877.8n 0of0e, clo:; reulores faSesddry. tare and S l a pplcation ta us. asve charaernoeen exg luig bel:; restoréuA esset, gv ha p o e 0fréturu postagejTu-w /ia, M/a Alié hir; i O opréscs n tores air ves vigtuor bl se SaccPeu aarragemets, OOKGENT V TED1 bse aoves dnr ,,hmr, olàm.oeviti nttenel alclasses of hue!-Tes lr 'inus; removes, irritation;, itcln u es.ASes- To Take Ordans tor thé magnificeni uév an edF iu, c Hielldryneus. No artice praduces such and Fut c vQndr ul dflTatuTry 1, eau for Wood'&> GLMORII &Co., ILLsueTÂr DeErecoox ENCYCLePPDuA OF L.7roved Hair itastorativé, anS doi bo P. 0. Box 44. 'Weshi»glon, 1D. C. UNIuVERALe BsTRu &N Usnrou îev untl céer r/fle, elSb>'X EoZ, ion ge mucb anl 0:5e: CARIe. Agents Farm'Ils ]Sroduce takein dru plsiéhsuS dtaiararH evér BONIbtakelWashington, D. ClNov. 24, 1876. eau maint 010 a dày. A magnificouîvork, eXeline i>tÉ. àr pilda auecuee lsueprénared expeayfrt Èa oie tke l aue epremsslg m _ résuIppbushed for Canadi= en sdérs, ang r(e- cnfien c Cte. and f'OiH 4 i n tn dlaii>tlvCanada. Don't 411 te ,,d o IK 0trmo-RXew Bo4lAI 'qE *Plan. n r ~T~42iOLAB& GO,- ~ GEORGE H. B HT, 28 H. e. 1GNEy sxai B.--.--- (oies, ta#,soer National -Moreopoltagant.). li NEW D ecoied afier the- t-t 55 Bona Fide Cheap Sale of IREAýDY»MADE CLOTHING FOR TWO WEEXS' ONLY, L B& SPEEDY CLEARANCE. relIts, Teachers, Truistees: your kind attention. SOHOOL RE-OPENS .NDAY, A M~ t,1877. ,o ol and College Text ]3ooks, Siates, Pens,\,Pencfls, 1oolsoaps, Letter Papers, Drawing 0, Paints, Crayons; in sehool material of every kind to be found at ROBERTSON'S Best 8tocked Book Store in the County. GI To Teachers, Trustees, and Clergymen, we offer 1 inducements. d for 'oui' liew catalogue of Miscellaneous Books, -free >' )lication. h d for our Offi 'ce Calendar for 1877, the best publish- -ee on application. J. -S. ROBERTSON, qu Navadealer, Bookséliér, Statlone:, Brock.st., Whitby. Dr ALWAys 0N HANI) AT C P R I NIG L E1s '-chant Tailorinyu Establishmen,tI - NE' THEY WILL MARE UP CHEAF, FOR CASH. MCMILLAN'S BLOOX, Brook Street, Whitby. .Par iMO« Sch( Inks, Papers Thej specia] Seni on appl Send e;fre S:E £ resu voysters a,,, Haddies receive( Daily. In aticf of~ tPETER SMITH Ie-ath noticpation o real sormy N.:B.-Cash aid for ]Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Apples weahe abutChristmas, have bought Several Articles Whitby, Dc. OUi 187 w h i ch i t m i g l t b e w e l l f o r t hl o s e p e o p l e t a k e n w i t h t h e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __18 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cold and Hard Times to inspect. The goodis referred to are in sucLI a shape that they Cannot altogether prevent, D OM]INI ON JV4R EBRO0111 but W1iI materially assist in keeping out the cold, and driv- ing away dul care. For '11 a storrnY daY, what is better ____ than a good Fur Cap on the head ; a fine warm Overcoat- on your bak, girth about with a sash or nuffler, such as L v e & o vl Laing & SteWart seil. -L w S P w l Are receivi 9g Fali- Goods 'which hav MILLNERYANDMANTESbeen bought at Bottolii Prices, MINK MUFFS AND FURS .0 w1.be olto uith o! îos ai ldind to clier the L adies, ai LAING & STEWAIRT'S. times. A ood stock 'of Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1876. 48 Millinery on hantd. COMPOUJND DIo»nFLm. ML THENEWfNEOF' DIESA O ND TILORN - HY'>OPHOS'>~»5 700 doz. sold silice April last. O E TO RD R Mee LAIC De . Bavé ýalwaYs On baudsa ibigieirine, and hope te the vats of ibeir ýt conhinuancé ai tha paIn 3utlery. ---tendeS tOe I Pocket Cter.Specil atteoutio p Electro Plated Ware. h ]ERodgers' Table ( - Eodgers' > kate -s.p . OTT MN5, UNs Russian Gong'Sleigh ]IelIs. CS,&C.,&o.~ GIIOSS & MACNA CHTVAN. ad udpuJAS. lu.thA hast& CO W iiitb y, D o c cinl ér 2 0 1 h 1 8 7 6. arch 8th , 1876 . . S M C IM7LAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. -I M E - TA B LE.. WANTED AT U Tli Bsvronn5j GolNg orth from Pori HlopatLo iSsa>', Léavé Port Hapé-- WHITBýT CHIINA lTEA STORE, etroo':aefca $1»0 oIN EXCIIANGE pt'o Mi.2 6 m . J 1Mail..1~40 p.n.- Comng South f#om OriI3ate Lindsay, CIIOICE! FA MIL 'GRO-n(CERI1-EJS, f M-aâ -..7 IZ80 noon. Ar P lp . .i China, ilGlass and Crockery, of every id.............outh m akIL.& e p if ye latt e t from thé largest, cheapést'sud bout etoci of Gissuvare anS trýomTaronto aidin - - @Ites tiens; nul Crooker>', go 10o w. J. GIBISON'Sst aiilhbrook for Poterboro and 0 iti u with Grand T"'kai Paor m ebotb monu' For-the liost eud eheapest ohoice Tees, Gaffées, Sugare, sud goueral famifiy ing anS evoulng viii trainses anS-We8t, raceries of ail kinda,ý go ta W. J. GIBSON*S. sud Sir. Nonssnun sai9 a.=. for Rechéater. Yen eau gel earmaleood Tos for s5U Cents per lb. nt W. J. GIBSON'S. K. G.fTLOR, For thé béat anS chasot Cauué,l Peas, Cmnn-Tomeo, Poes, anS Peaciieo, -- ----. iTre~ ou eau gat a ali. eaul cf choie Peacbés for 80 cents, at W. J. GIBSON'S, _______ _______ And if Sauta Clans wants au>' choiao MixéS Ganidies for good childreu, ho anu4 sve ail lhe vante fer 20 cents per lb, et - ~ 4 WM. J. GIBSON 'z7 ~ Wanted-andý the HiÃŽghest Market Price paid for any ~ ~ ~ ' eantity of good DresseS Poulîr>', Butter, Patates, Resus, Peau, MWntan sd & . %,~ reese Rog, de/vere at J1JST ARRIVED AT THSE )DD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS EW RAISINS, FANe GOODS 0F ALL KINDS, CANDIES, (the beat-in town), A LARGE ASS0ETME NT. NE w FIGS, -- ORANGE PEEL', - LEMON PEEL, ,CITRO] - PEEL, SPICES (aill kinds,) CREESE, U1HSCA' EEY HAMS, BBCON, LARD, &-c., &. XV'BEN yen arenii anSdan't knew boy cI, ýDR.-BIR NBAU1MS Rlheumatiffrn-and «out flemedy To the effieaet owic th1 phyii215 havé -certiflmd for thé couré of B. » UM PISI 1XEUG&0y ~O STIFFIiE5S DOi U-ZfLGU Gs, MPAINS, PIROST, -BITEq CRU_. BLAINSBUIE&LOU8, IÏIMNS, It bas cureS saveral af thesélyiin aud thofus f eters iCan ,and is- 40W COnsldered ati isCoantinent as well da in Euroe,,ibe oui>' relflblo remed>' for ai -Tis fa alMiile slknaturms cf 16 laing physielaa1aiMeuireai are au mach bottle as a guarantée o f fiese>'c. - Fer salé b>'811 Sruj iis5sISO emkuand 01 per bottlé.. Cortffioa« ofpbyiclausarM ou each bottlé, sud.can be baS aIse b>' s'. pliig toMAT, Montrez], Sole Agent for GansSa anS Ui. S. tiOYcureaI1 paiuns froni Bheum-Atiani o w i a:et.lt It rntors tothe u=nothor Infemtr>. Selllngs. li 12Hours5 h rétere tethé Zm 6 trae éThe Digeeve PluS bhas-nover talleS Pheslpharia or Animsiing Elemeuts of ta cure Dysppia. reliefl i feu in a iov Lita. For Genérai DebliltStomaob, Heurs. emu aesc Ds Cheil anS Ehaumacopt. 0s btnste'Ibsfelof Dy- N 1Pu mi'rcie e çicur6d in avaek. 4 Lady wzites - JAMES ETR , s» WasDre -a Ilge = 2 -- Dispensing Cbemlst its> gîIb>' Dxüisa pfv WhiïýY- Advice for aroluar mire.. Adres STORE AND DWEILING B, O Q TO LET 1 1 LLNE A LlvérpcolMsrk., a New Store andAT1 E EX E waihg, WeU f*tted-up and viti eveiM ecessar>' acamdaticu. A p p i> ' t a - V B O L L N O D R J. . MScLLLÀR. LIERPOLLbNONDERY Dacu. 5th, 1876.- tf-si GLASGO'W,GoreYl h Stationery snd' fBOL VENT MiCT 0F 1876. 0OH EAP F'AR ES I of the bestquaity, - C bin, from h Âtb - . #9, 79 , ffl desriptin, (opy E accodingto uo=ohioI.puices. ie -aitero~f JOHN LIT2LB, uInermedte ~ ~ An Imoifn. tra&u o i b iU. j The Vaui nokSooi hty hr ttor~ fail4il 2One ohe Ibm Te jtsnlals u oi.Dzf eMOaim eiei 1btUe driu aab. utrn - ve>'muc f t telatie erei Rlb euati% dia not eu and te LduS myseli w ANDl KS T R ,88AN.)MONTREAL TEL. DEFIOE, BROOK-ST bes to amnnounce that lielias re-op)ened Warer--0011]i,,- to ffie' ink W 0 R ro ut )ri ID -y- -MI AL v V -C-IL Juk -L . 1 i 1

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